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Last active October 22, 2020 20:54
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addressing general tree
/ | \
1 2 3
/ \ / | \
4 5 6 7 8
address(0) = [] // root
address(1) = [0] // root.children[0]
address(2) = [1] // etc
address(3) = [2]
address(4) = [0,0] // root.children[0].children[0]
address(5) = [0,1] // etc
address(6) = [2,0]
address(7) = [2,1]
address(8) = [2,2] // root.children[2].children[2]
import std.stdio, std.algorithm.searching;
import std.typecons;
struct Node {
Node* parent;
Node*[] children;
void addChild(Node* c){
c.parent = &this;
children ~= c;
long[] addressForNode(Node* node) {
if (!node.parent) return null;
auto parent = node.parent;
auto siblings = parent.children;
auto index = countUntil(siblings, node);
return addressForNode(parent) ~ [index];
Tuple!(Node*, long[]) _nodeWithAddress(Node* tree, long[] address) {
if (address == null)
return tuple(tree, address);
auto last = address[address.length-1];
address = address[0..address.length-1];
auto childIndex = last;
auto childNode = tree.children[childIndex];
return _nodeWithAddress(childNode, address);
Node* nodeWithAddress(Node* tree, long[] address){
return _nodeWithAddress(tree, address)[0];
void main() {
Node root = Node();
auto n1 = Node();
auto n2 = Node();
auto n3 = Node();
auto n4 = Node();
auto n5 = Node();
auto n6 = Node();
auto n7 = Node();
auto n8 = Node();
assert(addressForNode(&n8) == [2, 2]);
assert(nodeWithAddress(&root, [2, 2]) == &n8);
assert(addressForNode(&n5) == [0, 1]);
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