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Created December 3, 2015 15:37
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Save afgane/8abe8565f64bba382913 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Galaxy tool popularity WIP
root = h.url_for( "/" )
app_root = root + "plugins/visualizations/popularity/static/"
title = "Tool popularity derived from dataset '" + + "'"
## creating_job =
creating_job = )
creating_job_id =
tool1 = hda.creating_job.tool_id
# optionally bootstrap data from dprov
##data = list( hda.datatype.dataset_column_dataprovider( hda, limit=10000 ) )
# Use root for resource loading.
root = h.url_for( '/' )
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
${h.css( 'base' )}
## ${h.stylesheet_link( root + 'plugins/visualizations/scatterplot/static/scatterplot.css' )}
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
${h.js( 'libs/jquery/jquery',
## 'libs/jquery/jquery.migrate',
## 'libs/jquery/jquery-ui',
## 'libs/bootstrap',
'libs/backbone/backbone' )}
## 'libs/d3',
## 'libs/handlebars.runtime',
## 'ui/peek-column-selector',
## 'ui/pagination',
## 'mvc/visualization/visualization-model' )}
${h.javascript_link( app_root + 'app.js' )}
<script type="text/javascript">
* Get a list of popular tools that based on the inputs to the selected dataset.
function getToolList(){
job1Info = jQuery.ajax( '/api/jobs/${creating_job}' );
toolIds = [ '${tool1}' ]
job1Info.done( function( response ) {
inputs = response.inputs;
// Look for ID(s) of job(s) preceeding this dataset's job
jobsInfo = []
jQuery.each(inputs, function( k, v ) {
jQuery.ajax( '/api/jobs/' + )
.done( function( jobn ) {
toolIds.push( jobn.tool_id );
// A list of tool IDs that are ignorred
ignoreTools = [ 'upload1', '__SET_METADATA__' ];
// Wait for all the requests to return and filter tool IDs
jQuery.when.apply($, jobsInfo)
.done(function() {
for( i=0; i<ignoreTools.length; i++ ) {
if ( toolIds.indexOf( ignoreTools[i] ) > -1 ) {
// window.console.log("Removing tool on the ignore list: " + ignoreTools[i]);
toolIds.splice( toolIds.indexOf( ignoreTools[i] ), 1 );
key = toolIds.join( [ ',' ] );
window.console.log("key: " + key);
// Given the chain key, get the popular tools
popular = jQuery.ajax( '/api/tools/popular?tool_chain=' + key );
popular.done( function( response ) {
// window.console.log( response );
* Parse the tools list and display it.
function showTools(toolsInfo) {
tp = toolsInfo.popular;
tools = "<table><tr><th>Tool ID</th><th>Relevance</th></tr>";
for ( i=0; i<tp.length; i++ ) {
tools += "<tr><td>" + tp[i].tool_id + "</td><td>" + (tp[i].relevance*100).toFixed(2) + "%</td</tr>";
tools += "</table";
$('#tools-container').html( tools );
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<div class="chart-header">
<div id="tools-container">
Please wait - computing tool popularity...
<script type="text/javascript">
// get configuration
// var config = {
// root : '${root}',
// app_root : '${app_root}'
// };
// // link galaxy
// var Galaxy = Galaxy || parent.Galaxy;
// // console protection
// window.console = window.console || {
// log : function(){},
// debug : function(){},
// info : function(){},
// warn : function(){},
// error : function(){},
// assert : function(){}
// };
// // configure require
// require.config({
// baseUrl: config.root + "static/scripts/",
// paths: {
// "plugin" : "${app_root}",
// // "d3" : "libs/d3"
// },
// shim: {
// "libs/underscore": { exports: "_" },
// "libs/backbone/backbone": { exports: "Backbone" }
// // "d3": { exports: "d3"}
// }
// });
// // application
// var app = null;
// $(function() {
// // request application script
// require(['plugin/app'], function(App) {
// // load options
// var options = {
// id : ${h.dumps( visualization_id )} || undefined,
// config : ${h.dumps( config )}
// }
// // create application
// app = new App(options);
// // add to body
// $('body').append(app.$el);
// });
// });
// get configuration
// var config = {
// root : '${root}',
// app_root : '${app_root}'
// };
// // configure require
// require.config({
// baseUrl: config.root + "static/scripts/",
// // paths: {
// // "plugin" : "${app_root}"
// // },
// // shim: {
// // "libs/underscore": { exports: "_" },
// // "libs/backbone/backbone": { exports: "Backbone" }
// // }
// });
// // var app = new PopularityVis();
// // // application
// var app = null;
// $(function() {
// // request application script
// require(['libs/backbone/backbone'], function( POPULARITY ) {
// $(function(){
// // create application
// app = new POPULARITY.PopularityVis();
// // add to body
// $('body').append(app.$el);
// });
// });
// });
// $('#tools-container').text( popular.responseText );
// window.console.log('title: ' + model.get( 'creating_job' ));
// $(function(){
// var model = getModel(),
// hdaJSON = getHDAJSON(),
// editor = new ScatterplotConfigEditor({
// el : $( '.scatterplot-editor' ).attr( 'id', 'scatterplot-editor-hda-' + ),
// model : getModel(),
// dataset : hdaJSON
// }).render();
// window.editor = editor;
// $( '.chart-header h2' ).click( function(){
// var returned = prompt( 'Enter a new title:' );
// if( returned ){
// model.set( 'title', returned );
// }
// });
// model.on( 'change:title', function(){
// $( '.chart-header h2' ).text( model.get( 'title' ) );
// document.title = model.get( 'title' ) + ' | ' + '${visualization_display_name}';
// })
// });
def popular( self, trans, **kwd ):
* GET /api/tools/popular
Return information about popular tools to use based on provided tools.
The popularity is based on sequences of supplied tools
as used on Galaxy Main from years 2006 to 2015.
:type tool_chain: str
:param tool_chain: a comma-separated list of tool ID's
# Not (yet) implemented
:type filter: list
:param filter: a list of strings by which to filter the results
:rtype: dict
:returns: two keys are included in the returned dict:
- ``tool_chain``: a string of supplied tool ID's;
- ``popular``: a list of dictionaries containing
popular tools. Each dict further contains keys
``tool_id`` (str), ``relevance`` (str).
rval = {}
chains = {} # Global historic chains (TODO: supply this)
chains = {'join1,Remove beginning1': [{'tool_id': 'T1', 'relevance': '0.43'},
{'tool_id': 'T2', 'relevance': '0.57'}]}
fp = 'tool-data/total_triplets.json'
with open( fp, 'r') as f:
chains = load(f)
popular = [] # A list of popular tools to return
tool_chain = kwd.get( 'tool_chain', '' )
if tool_chain:
chain = chains.get( tool_chain, {} )
for tool_id, relevance in chain.iteritems():
popular.append( { 'tool_id': tool_id,
'relevance': relevance } )
rval[ 'tool_chain' ] = tool_chain
rval[ 'popular' ] = popular
return rval
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