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Last active March 16, 2017 03:39
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Aggregate correlations
void Main()
var events = new Event[]
new ItemAddedToCart(lead:"1", cart:"2", product:"44", title:"products/44/title/iphone-6s", when:DateTimeOffset.Now),
new ItemAddedToCart(lead:"1", cart:"2", product:"4", title:"products/4/title/iphone-5-SE", when:DateTimeOffset.Now),
new ItemRemovedFromCart(lead:"1", cart:"2", product:"44", when:DateTimeOffset.Now),
new OrderPlaced(customer:"1", order:"2", when:DateTimeOffset.Now.AddSeconds(123)),
new ItemShipped(order:"2", sku:"4", trackingid:"orders/2/skus/4/track/12", when:DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMinutes(33)),
new ItemAddedToCart(lead:"12", cart:"22", product:"42", title:"products/42/title/iphone-6s-plus", when:DateTimeOffset.Now.AddSeconds(12)),
new OrderPlaced(customer:"12", order:"22", when:DateTimeOffset.Now.AddSeconds(123)),
new ItemShipped(order:"22", sku:"42", trackingid:"orders/22/skus/42/track/32", when:DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMinutes(3))
var states = FoldEventsToStates<ItemShippedEmailState, ItemShippedEmailState.Identity>(
() => new ItemShippedEmailState());
struct EventContract : IEqualityComparer<EventContract>
public static EventContract From<T>() where T : Event
return new EventContract(typeof(T));
public static EventContract From(Event e)
return new EventContract(e.GetType());
private readonly string typeFullName;
private EventContract(Type o)
typeFullName = o.FullName;
public static implicit operator string(EventContract contract)
return contract.typeFullName;
public override bool Equals(object other)
if(other == null) return false;
if(ReferenceEquals(other, this)) return true;
if(!(other is EventContract)) return false;
return Equals(this, (EventContract)other);
public int GetHashCode(EventContract a)
return typeFullName.GetHashCode();
public bool Equals(EventContract a, EventContract b)
return a.typeFullName.Equals(b.typeFullName);
public override int GetHashCode()
return GetHashCode(this);
interface Event {}
delegate TState Transition<TState>(Event @event, TState state);
static IEnumerable<TState> FoldEventsToStates<TState, TIdentity>(
Event[] events,
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<EventContract, Transition<TState>>> mappers,
Func<TState, TIdentity> stateIdentity,
Func<TIdentity[], IDictionary<TIdentity, TState>> loadStatesByIdentities,
Func<TState> newState)
=> FoldEventsToStates(
mappers.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value),
static IEnumerable<TState> FoldEventsToStates<TState, TIdentity>(
Event[] events,
IDictionary<EventContract, Transition<TState>> mappers,
Func<TState, TIdentity> stateIdentity,
Func<TIdentity[], IDictionary<TIdentity, TState>> loadStatesByIdentities,
Func<TState> newState)
=> MapEventToState(events, mappers, newState)
.GroupBy(e_s_kvp => stateIdentity(e_s_kvp.Value))
.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, e => e.Select(e_s_kvp => e_s_kvp.Key))
.Select(s_es_kvp => FoldEventsToState(
() => s_es_kvp.Key));
static class Ex
public static IDictionary<TState, IEnumerable<Event>> MapIdentityToState<TState, TIdentity>(
this IDictionary<TIdentity, IEnumerable<Event>> eventsByIdentity,
Func<TIdentity[], IDictionary<TIdentity, TState>> statesByIdentities)
return statesByIdentities(eventsByIdentity.Keys.ToArray())
.Where(r => eventsByIdentity.ContainsKey(r.Key))
.Select(r => new { State = r.Value, Events = eventsByIdentity[r.Key] })
.ToDictionary(r => r.State, r => r.Events);
static IDictionary<TIdentity, TState> StatebyIDentity<TState, TIdentity>(
TIdentity[] identities,
TState[] states,
Func<TState, TIdentity> stateIdentity)
return states.Select(s => new {State = s, Identity = stateIdentity(s)}).ToDictionary(s => s.Identity, s => s.State);
static TState FoldEventsToState<TState>(
Event[] events,
IDictionary<EventContract, Transition<TState>> mappers,
Func<TState> getS)
var s = getS();
foreach (var e in events)
var contract = EventContract.From(e);
Transition<TState> transition;
if(mappers.TryGetValue(contract, out transition))
s = mappers[contract](e, s);
return s;
static IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<Event, TState>> MapEventToState<TState>(
Event[] events,
IDictionary<EventContract, Transition<TState>> mappers,
Func<TState> getS)
=> events
.Where(e => mappers.Any(m => m.Key == EventContract.From(e)))
.Select(e => new KeyValuePair<Event, TState>(
mappers[EventContract.From(e)](e, getS())));
static class F
public static KeyValuePair<EventContract, Transition<S>> Map<E, S>(Func<E, Action<S>> map) where E : Event
=> new KeyValuePair<EventContract, Transition<S>>(
(e, t) => { map((E)e)(t); return t; });
class ItemShippedEmailState
public struct Identity
public string OrderId { get; set; }
public string ProductId { get; set;}
public string OrderId;
public string ProductId;
public string ProductTitle;
public string ProductDescription;
public string TrackingId;
public DateTimeOffset? ShippedAt;
public static Identity IdentifiedBy(ItemShippedEmailState state)
=> new Identity { OrderId = state.OrderId, ProductId = state.ProductId };
public static IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<EventContract, Transition<ItemShippedEmailState>>> Mappers()
yield return F.Map<ItemAddedToCart, ItemShippedEmailState>(e => s =>
s.OrderId = e.CartId;
s.ProductId = e.ProductId;
s.ProductTitle = e.ProductTitle;
yield return F.Map<ItemShipped, ItemShippedEmailState>(e => s =>
s.OrderId = e.OrderId;
s.ProductId = e.Sku;
s.ShippedAt = e.When;
s.TrackingId = e.TrackingId;
//In a real scenario this would load the states from a database using the supplied identities
static IDictionary<ItemShippedEmailState.Identity, ItemShippedEmailState> LoadStates(ItemShippedEmailState.Identity[] identities)
return StatebyIDentity(
new []
new ItemShippedEmailState {OrderId="2", ProductId="4", ProductDescription = "products/4/desc/duh"},
new ItemShippedEmailState {OrderId="2", ProductId="44", ProductDescription = "products/44/desc/huh"},
new ItemShippedEmailState {OrderId="22", ProductId="42", ProductDescription = "products/42/desc/no"}
class OrderPlaced : Event
public OrderPlaced(string customer, string order, DateTimeOffset when)
CustomerId = customer;
OrderId = order;
When = when;
public readonly string CustomerId;
public readonly string OrderId;
public readonly DateTimeOffset When;
public string What => nameof(OrderPlaced);
class ItemAddedToCart : Event
public ItemAddedToCart(string lead, string cart, string product, string title, DateTimeOffset when)
LeadId = lead;
CartId = cart;
ProductId = product;
ProductTitle = title;
When = when;
public readonly string LeadId;
public readonly string CartId;
public readonly string ProductId;
public readonly string ProductTitle;
public readonly DateTimeOffset When;
public string What => nameof(ItemAddedToCart);
class ItemRemovedFromCart : Event
public ItemRemovedFromCart(string lead, string cart, string product, DateTimeOffset when)
LeadId = lead;
CartId = cart;
ProductId = product;
When = when;
public readonly string LeadId;
public readonly string CartId;
public readonly string ProductId;
public readonly DateTimeOffset When;
public string What => nameof(ItemRemovedFromCart);
class ItemShipped : Event
public ItemShipped(string order, string sku, string trackingid, DateTimeOffset when)
OrderId = order;
Sku = sku;
TrackingId = trackingid;
When = when;
public readonly string OrderId;
public readonly string Sku;
public readonly string TrackingId;
public readonly DateTimeOffset When;
public string What => nameof(ItemShipped);
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