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Forked from dadhi/FreeIOMonad.cs
Created June 14, 2018 13:32
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Example of Free IO monad in pure C# with separated re-usable monad implementation
Modified from the original
- removed dependency on [language-ext](
- separated monadic boilerplate, so you may concentrate on describing the operations and interpretation of the program
- removed `IO<A>.Faulted` to simplify the examples. It can be added back in straightforward manner.
Useful links:
- [John DeGoes: Beyond Free Monads - λC Winter Retreat 2017](
- [Free and tagless compared - how not to commit to a monad too early](
Requires C# 7.2
For `LiveRunner` to work you need "d:/some_text_file.txt" with couple of lines of text
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace FreeIOMonadExample
using static Unit;
using static NumberLinesOperations;
static class Program
public static async Task Main()
// Describe program without running it
var program = NumberLines("d:/some_text_file.txt");
// Run program by interpreting its operations
MockRunner.Run(program, skipLogging: true);
await LiveRunnerAsync.Run(program);
// Program description
private static IO<Unit> NumberLines(string path) =>
from lines in ReadAllLines(path)
from _1 in Log($"There are {lines.Count()} lines")
from _2 in Log("Prepending line numbers")
let newLines = Enumerable.Range(1, int.MaxValue).Zip(lines, (i, line) => $"{i}: {line}")
let newFile = path + ".prefixed"
from _3 in WriteAllLines(newFile, newLines)
from _4 in Log($"Lines prepended and file saved successfully to \"{newFile}\"")
select unit;
public readonly struct WriteAllLines
public readonly string Path;
public readonly IEnumerable<string> Lines;
public WriteAllLines(string path, IEnumerable<string> lines) => (Path, Lines) = (path, lines);
public readonly struct ReadAllLines
public readonly string Path;
public ReadAllLines(string path) => Path = path;
public readonly struct Log
public readonly string Message;
public Log(string message) => Message = message;
public static class NumberLinesOperations
public static IO<Unit> WriteAllLines(string path, IEnumerable<string> lines) =>
new WriteAllLines(path, lines).ToIO();
public static IO<IEnumerable<string>> ReadAllLines(string path) =>
new ReadAllLines(path).ToIO<ReadAllLines, IEnumerable<string>>();
public static IO<Unit> Log(string message) =>
new Log(message).ToIO();
public static class LiveRunner
public static A Run<A>(IO<A> p)
switch (p)
case Return<A> r:
return r.Result;
case IO<ReadAllLines, IEnumerable<string>, A> x:
return Run(x.As(i => File.ReadAllLines(i.Path)));
case IO<WriteAllLines, Unit, A> x:
return Run(x.As(i => File.WriteAllLines(i.Path, i.Lines)));
case IO<Log, Unit, A> x:
return Run(x.As(i => Console.WriteLine(i.Message)));
default: throw new NotSupportedException($"Not supported operation {p}");
public static class LiveRunnerAsync
public static async Task<A> Run<A>(IO<A> p)
switch (p)
case Return<A> r:
return r.Result;
case IO<ReadAllLines, IEnumerable<string>, A> x:
return await Run(x.Next(await File.ReadAllLinesAsync(x.Input.Path)));
case IO<WriteAllLines, Unit, A> x:
return await Run(x.As(async i => await File.WriteAllLinesAsync(i.Path, i.Lines)));
case IO<Log, Unit, A> x:
return await Run(x.As(i => Console.WriteLine(i.Message)));
default: throw new NotSupportedException($"Not supported operation {p}");
public static class MockRunner
// Example of non-recursive (stack-safe) interpreter
public static A Run<A>(IO<A> p, bool skipLogging = false)
while (true)
switch (p)
case Return<A> x:
return x.Result;
case IO<ReadAllLines, IEnumerable<string>, A> x:
p = x.Next(MockReadAllLines(x.Input.Path));
case IO<WriteAllLines, Unit, A> x:
p = x.Ignore();
case IO<Log, Unit, A> x:
p = skipLogging ? x.Ignore() : x.As(i => Console.WriteLine(i.Message));
default: throw new NotSupportedException($"Not supported operation {p}");
static IEnumerable<string> MockReadAllLines(string path) =>
new[] { "Hello", "World", path };
// Monadic IO implementation, can be reused, published to NuGet, etc.
public interface IO<A>
IO<B> Bind<B>(Func<A, IO<B>> f);
public sealed class Return<A> : IO<A>
public readonly A Result;
public Return(A a) => Result = a;
public IO<B> Bind<B>(Func<A, IO<B>> f) => f(Result);
public class IO<I, O, A> : IO<A>
public readonly I Input;
public readonly Func<O, IO<A>> Next;
public IO(I input, Func<O, IO<A>> next) => (Input, Next) = (input, next);
public IO<B> Bind<B>(Func<A, IO<B>> f) => new IO<I, O, B>(Input, r => Next(r).Bind(f));
public static class IOMonad
public static IO<A> Lift<A>(this A a) =>
new Return<A>(a);
public static IO<B> Select<A, B>(this IO<A> m, Func<A, B> f) =>
m.Bind(a => f(a).Lift());
public static IO<C> SelectMany<A, B, C>(this IO<A> m, Func<A, IO<B>> f, Func<A, B, C> project) =>
m.Bind(a => f(a).Bind(b => project(a, b).Lift()));
public static class IOMonadSugar
public static IO<R> ToIO<I, R>(this I input) => new IO<I, R, R>(input, IOMonad.Lift);
public static IO<Unit> ToIO<I>(this I input) => input.ToIO<I, Unit>();
public static IO<A> Ignore<I, A>(this IO<I, Unit, A> x) => x.Next(unit);
public static IO<A> As<I, O, A>(this IO<I, O, A> x, Func<I, O> process) => x.Next(process(x.Input));
public static IO<A> As<I, A>(this IO<I, Unit, A> x, Action<I> process)
return x.Ignore();
public struct Unit
public static readonly Unit unit = new Unit();
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