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Last active March 8, 2016 18:14
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import Function.const
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.SortedMap
object Palindrome {
case class Palindrome(s: String, startIdx: Int)
case class PalKey(index: Int, length: Int)
type PalIndex = SortedMap[PalKey, Int]
object Palindrome {
def apply(s: String, palKey: PalKey): Palindrome = {
val evenOffset = if (palKey.length % 2 == 0) 1 else 0
val start = palKey.index - palKey.length / 2 + evenOffset
val end = palKey.index + palKey.length / 2
Palindrome(s.substring(start, end + 1), start)
implicit val PalKeyOrdering = new Ordering[PalKey] {
override def compare(x: PalKey, y: PalKey) =
if (x.length == y.length)
def countMatchingChars(s: String)(aI: Int, bI: Int): Int = {
def inBound(i: Int) = i >= 0 && i < s.length
if (!inBound(aI) || !inBound(bI)) {
else if (s.substring(aI, aI + 1) == s.substring(bI, bI + 1)) {
2 + countMatchingChars(s)(aI - 1, bI + 1)
} else {
def longestPalindromes(s: String, n: Int): List[Palindrome] = {
val f = countMatchingChars(s) _
val index = Vector.range(0, s.length).foldLeft(SortedMap.empty[PalKey, Int]) { case (m, i) =>
if (i + 1 < s.length && s.charAt(i) == s.charAt(i + 1)) {
val palCount = 2 + f(i - 1, i + 2)
m + (PalKey(i, palCount) -> i)
} else {
val palCount = 1 + f(i - 1, i + 1)
m + (PalKey(i, palCount) -> i)
index.take(n) { palKey =>
Palindrome(s, palKey)
def naive(p: String => Boolean = const(true))(s: String): Vector[Palindrome] = {
val endI = s.length
def f(i: Int, acc: Vector[Palindrome]): Vector[Palindrome] = {
val xs = Vector.range(i, endI)
val newAcc = xs.foldLeft(acc) { case (pals, j) =>
val subS = s.substring(i, j + 1)
if (p(subS)) pals :+ Palindrome(subS, i) else pals
if (i == endI) newAcc else f(i + 1, newAcc)
f(0, Vector.empty)
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import scala.util.Random
class PalindromeSpec extends FreeSpec {
import Palindrome._
"Palindromes" - {
"countMatchingChars" in {
assertResult(2)(countMatchingChars("**ovo_*")(2, 4))
assertResult(6)(countMatchingChars("**ovo**")(2, 4))
assertResult(4)(countMatchingChars("hiballab")(3, 6))
"Can find palindromes of even length" in {
val s = "*abuttubax-amanaplanacanalpanama-atoyotasatoyota*"
assertResult(List("-amanaplanacanalpanama-","atoyotasatoyota", "abuttuba"))(
longestPalindromes(s, 3).map(_.s))
"can find palindromes in a long string" in {
val s = Random.alphanumeric.take(500000).mkString("")
assert(longestPalindromes(s, 3).exists(_.s.length > 1))
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