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Godot 3.x Generate Collision Polygons from tilemap
extends Node
var walls_layer := 2
func post_import(level: Node2D) -> Node2D:
for child in level.get_children():
if child is TileMap:
handle_walls(child as TileMap)
return level
# Ignore all tilemaps not named walls
func handle_walls(tile_map: TileMap) -> void:
if != "Walls":
# This static body will have all the polygons
# genereted as childs
var node :=
node.collision_layer = walls_layer
node.collision_mask = 0
var polygons := []
var used_cells := tile_map.get_used_cells()
# Create edges
for cell in used_cells:
var polygon = get_tile_polygon(get_points(cell, Vector2(8, 8)))
# Polygons to remove will hold the actual polygons
var polygons_to_remove := []
# Index to remove is a dictionary so that searching is faster
var index_to_remove := {}
while true:
# Clear the polygons to remove
polygons_to_remove = []
index_to_remove = {}
# Start looping
for i in polygons.size():
# Skip if the polygon is due to remove
if index_to_remove.get(i, false) == true:
var a = polygons[i]
# Loop from the start of the array to
# the current polygon
for j in i:
# Skip if the polygon is due to remove
if index_to_remove.get(j, false) == true:
var b = polygons[j]
var merged_polygons = Geometry.merge_polygons_2d(a, b)
# The polygons dind't merge so skip to the next loop
if merged_polygons.size() != 1:
# Replace the polygon with the merged one
polygons[j] = merged_polygons[0]
# Mark to remove the already merged polygon
index_to_remove[i] = true
# There is no polygon to remove so we finished
if polygons_to_remove.size() == 0:
# Remove the polygons marked to be removed
for polygon in polygons_to_remove:
var index = polygons.find(polygon)
# Create all the polygon shapes from the result
# and add them to the static body
for polygon in polygons:
var polygon_shape =
polygon_shape.polygon = polygon
# Generate all the points in a tile
func get_points(position: Vector2, cell_size: Vector2) -> Array:
var x = position.x
var y = position.y
#1 2
#0 3
return [
Vector2(x * cell_size.x, y * cell_size.y + cell_size.y), # 0
Vector2(x * cell_size.x, y * cell_size.y), # 1
Vector2(x * cell_size.x + cell_size.x, y * cell_size.y), # 2
Vector2(x * cell_size.x + cell_size.x, y * cell_size.y + cell_size.y) # 3
# Generate the edges/polygon from a tile points
func get_tile_polygon(points) -> Array:
return [points[0], points[1], points[1], points[2], points[2], points[3], points[3], points[0]]
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