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Created June 6, 2017 08:09
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package wallet
import (
// SignatureVersion represents the version of the transaction
// signature hashing algorithm.
type SignatureVersion int
const (
// SigV0 is the legacy signature hashing algorithm
SigV0 SignatureVersion = 0
// SigV1 is the signature hashing algorithm specified
// in BIP143, and used in segwit scripts.
SigV1 SignatureVersion = 1
// allowedP2sh represents the list of script types
// we are prepared to accept if the script is P2SH.
var allowedP2sh = map[txscript.ScriptClass]bool{
txscript.WitnessPubKeyHashTy: true,
txscript.WitnessScriptHashTy: true,
txscript.PubKeyHashTy: true,
txscript.PubKeyTy: true,
txscript.MultiSigTy: true,
// canSign is the list of scriptTypes we can directly
// sign
var canSign = map[txscript.ScriptClass]bool{
txscript.PubKeyHashTy: true,
txscript.PubKeyTy: true,
txscript.MultiSigTy: true,
// IsAllowedP2shType returns whether the provided
// script type is a valid P2SH redeem script.
func IsAllowedP2shType(sc txscript.ScriptClass) bool {
_, ok := allowedP2sh[sc]
return ok
// CanSignType returns whether the provided script
// type can be directly signed.
func CanSignType(sc txscript.ScriptClass) bool {
_, ok := canSign[sc]
return ok
// InputSignData is the data required to verify/sign a
// transaction.
type InputSignData struct {
Path *bip32util.Path
TxOut *wire.TxOut
RedeemScript []byte
WitnessScript []byte
SigVersion SignatureVersion
func (data *InputSignData) Init(txOut *wire.TxOut, rs *[]byte, ws *[]byte) error {
isP2SH, isP2WSH, sigVersion, err := CheckScriptDetails(txOut.PkScript, rs, ws)
if err != nil {
return err
if isP2SH {
data.RedeemScript = *rs
if isP2WSH {
data.WitnessScript = *ws
data.TxOut = txOut
data.SigVersion = sigVersion
return nil
func CheckScriptDetails(spk []byte, rs *[]byte, ws *[]byte) (bool, bool, SignatureVersion, error) {
spkType := txscript.GetScriptClass(spk)
if spkType != txscript.ScriptHashTy && !CanSignType(spkType) {
return false, false, SigV0, errors.New("Unsupported scriptPubKey type")
p2sh := false
p2wsh := false
sigVersion := SigV0
signType := spkType
if signType == txscript.ScriptHashTy {
if nil == rs {
return false, false, SigV0, errors.New("Redeem script required by scriptPubKey")
rsType := txscript.GetScriptClass(*rs)
if !IsAllowedP2shType(rsType) {
return false, false, SigV0, errors.New("Unsupported redeemScript type")
p2sh = true
signType = rsType
if signType == txscript.WitnessPubKeyHashTy {
sigVersion = SigV1
signType = txscript.PubKeyHashTy
} else if signType == txscript.WitnessScriptHashTy {
if nil == ws {
return false, false, SigV0, errors.New("Witness script required but not provided")
p2wsh = true
return p2sh, p2wsh, sigVersion, nil
func ParseScript(pkScript []byte, chainParams *chaincfg.Params) (txscript.ScriptClass, [][]byte, []btcutil.Address, int, error) {
scriptType, vAddr, nReqSigs, err := txscript.ExtractPkScriptAddrs(pkScript, chainParams)
if err != nil {
return txscript.NonStandardTy, nil, nil, 0, err
nAddr := len(vAddr)
var vSol [][]byte
switch scriptType {
case txscript.ScriptHashTy, txscript.WitnessScriptHashTy, txscript.WitnessPubKeyHashTy, txscript.PubKeyTy, txscript.PubKeyHashTy:
if nAddr != 1 {
if scriptType == txscript.PubKeyTy {
return txscript.NonStandardTy, nil, nil, 0, errors.Errorf("Parsed script was %s but had an invalid public key", txscript.PubKeyTy)
} else {
return txscript.NonStandardTy, nil, nil, 0, errors.Errorf("Parsed script was %s but was invalid", scriptType)
vSol = make([][]byte, 1)
vSol[0] = vAddr[0].ScriptAddress()
case txscript.MultiSigTy:
nPubkey, _, err := txscript.CalcMultiSigStats(pkScript)
if err != nil {
return txscript.NonStandardTy, nil, nil, 0, err
if nAddr != nPubkey {
return txscript.NonStandardTy, nil, nil, 0, errors.Errorf("An invalid public key was found in the multisig script")
vSol = make([][]byte, nPubkey)
for i := 0; i < nPubkey; i++ {
vSol[i] = vAddr[i].ScriptAddress()
panic(errors.New("not sure whats going on"))
return scriptType, vSol, vAddr, nReqSigs, nil
type ScriptData struct {
Type txscript.ScriptClass
NumSigs int
Script []byte
Solution [][]byte
Addresses []btcutil.Address
func (sd *ScriptData) CanSign() bool {
return CanSignType(sd.Type)
func (sd *ScriptData) IsAllowedP2SH() bool {
return IsAllowedP2shType(sd.Type)
func (sd *ScriptData) Parse(pkScript []byte, params *chaincfg.Params) error {
scriptType, vSol, vAddr, nSigs, err := ParseScript(pkScript, params)
if err != nil {
return err
sd.Type = scriptType
sd.Script = pkScript
sd.Solution = vSol
sd.NumSigs = nSigs
sd.Addresses = vAddr
return nil
type TxSigner struct {
params *chaincfg.Params
vSigner map[int]*InputSigner
tx *wire.MsgTx
sigHashes *txscript.TxSigHashes
func (signer *TxSigner) Init(params *chaincfg.Params, tx *wire.MsgTx) error {
defer signer.Unlock()
signer.params = params
signer.tx = tx
signer.vSigner = make(map[int]*InputSigner, len(tx.TxIn))
return nil
func (signer *TxSigner) Build() (*wire.MsgTx, error) {
defer signer.RUnlock()
txCopy := *signer.tx
for i := 0; i < len(txCopy.TxIn); i++ {
if input, exists := signer.vSigner[i]; exists {
sig, wit, err := input.SerializeSigs()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("Fatal error - unable to serialize signatures")
txCopy.TxIn[i].SignatureScript = sig
txCopy.TxIn[i].Witness = wit
return &txCopy, nil
func (signer *TxSigner) GetSigHashes() *txscript.TxSigHashes {
if nil == signer.sigHashes {
signer.sigHashes = txscript.NewTxSigHashes(signer.tx)
return signer.sigHashes
func (signer *TxSigner) Input(nInput int, signData *InputSignData, lookupKey txscript.KeyClosure) (*InputSigner, error) {
defer signer.Unlock()
if inputSigner, exists := signer.vSigner[nInput]; exists {
return inputSigner, nil
} else {
numInputs := len(signer.tx.TxIn)
if nInput < 0 || nInput > numInputs {
return nil, errors.Errorf("Requested out of range input %d, but transaction has %d", nInput, numInputs)
inputSigner := &InputSigner{}
var sigHashes *txscript.TxSigHashes
if signData.SigVersion == 1 {
sigHashes = signer.GetSigHashes()
err := inputSigner.Init(signer.params, sigHashes, signer.tx, nInput, signData, lookupKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
signer.vSigner[nInput] = inputSigner
return inputSigner, nil
type InputSigner struct {
tx *wire.MsgTx
nInput int
params *chaincfg.Params
ScriptPubKey *ScriptData
RedeemScript *ScriptData
WitnessScript *ScriptData
sigHashes *txscript.TxSigHashes
signData *InputSignData
sigVersion SignatureVersion
signScript *ScriptData
keyClosure txscript.KeyClosure
requiredSigs int
sigs map[int]*txscript.SignatureInfo
keys map[int]*txscript.PublicKeyInfo
func (input *InputSigner) Init(params *chaincfg.Params, sigHashes *txscript.TxSigHashes,
tx *wire.MsgTx, nInput int, inputData *InputSignData, lookupKey txscript.KeyClosure) error {
defer input.Unlock()
if nInput < 0 || nInput > len(tx.TxIn) {
return errors.Errorf("Input %d does not exist in transaction", nInput)
txin := tx.TxIn[nInput]
var sigVer SignatureVersion
var signScript *ScriptData
var spk, rs, ws *ScriptData
var err error
var redeemScript []byte
if inputData.RedeemScript != nil {
redeemScript = inputData.RedeemScript
var witnessScript []byte
if inputData.RedeemScript != nil {
witnessScript = inputData.WitnessScript
sigVer, _, spk, rs, ws, signScript, err = Solve(params,
inputData.TxOut.PkScript, txin.SignatureScript, &txin.Witness,
&redeemScript, &witnessScript)
if err != nil {
return err
flags := txscript.StandardVerifyFlags
engine, err := txscript.NewEngine(spk.Script, tx, nInput, flags, nil, nil, inputData.TxOut.Value)
if err != nil {
requiredSigs, sigs, keys, err := ExtractSignatures(signScript, engine)
if err != nil {
return err
input.tx = tx
input.params = params
input.nInput = nInput
input.signScript = signScript
input.ScriptPubKey = spk
input.RedeemScript = rs
input.WitnessScript = ws
input.signData = inputData
input.sigVersion = sigVer
input.requiredSigs = requiredSigs
input.sigHashes = sigHashes
input.sigs = sigs
input.keys = keys
input.keyClosure = lookupKey
fmt.Printf("init input %d with %d signatures\n", nInput, len(sigs))
return nil
func (input *InputSigner) Sign(sigHash txscript.SigHashType) ([]*txscript.SignatureInfo, error) {
signed := 0
defer input.Unlock()
sigs := make([]*txscript.SignatureInfo, 0, len(input.signScript.Addresses))
for i, solution := range input.signScript.Addresses {
if input.sigs[i] != nil {
if signed < input.signScript.NumSigs {
key, _, err := input.keyClosure.GetKey(solution)
if err != nil {
sigBytes, err := Sign(input.tx, input.nInput, input.signScript.Script, input.signData.TxOut.Value,
sigHash, input.sigVersion, key, input.sigHashes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
signature, err := btcec.ParseDERSignature(sigBytes, btcec.S256())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
input.sigs[i] = &txscript.SignatureInfo{
HashType: sigHash,
Signature: signature,
sigs = append(sigs, input.sigs[i])
if signed == 0 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("Unable to sign input %d", input.nInput)
fmt.Printf("Signing input %d (got %d)\n", input.nInput, signed)
return sigs, nil
func (input *InputSigner) SerializeSigs() ([]byte, [][]byte, error) {
defer input.RUnlock()
return SerializeSignature(input.ScriptPubKey, input.RedeemScript, input.WitnessScript, input.sigs, input.keys)
// Takes the sigChunks to extract from, plus the *ScriptData and sigVersion
// to extract and verify signatures
func ExtractSignatures(data *ScriptData, engine *txscript.Engine) (
int, map[int]*txscript.SignatureInfo, map[int]*txscript.PublicKeyInfo, error) {
// maybe required sigs is already known by this point. NB for later.
// requiredSigs, signatures, publicKeys
var requiredSigs int
var sigs map[int]*txscript.SignatureInfo
var keys map[int]*txscript.PublicKeyInfo
idx := 0
ops, err := engine.ExecuteSignOp(true)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, err
path, pos, err := ops.IsComplete(idx)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, err
complete := path && pos
switch data.Type {
case txscript.PubKeyHashTy:
requiredSigs = 1
if complete {
opKeys, opSigs, err := ops.GetSignOps(idx)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, err
// validate script here
sigs = make(map[int]*txscript.SignatureInfo, 1)
sigs[0] = opSigs[0]
keys = make(map[int]*txscript.PublicKeyInfo, 1)
keys[0] = opKeys[0]
case txscript.PubKeyTy:
requiredSigs = 1
if complete {
opKeys, opSigs, err := ops.GetSignOps(idx)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, err
// validate script here
sigs = make(map[int]*txscript.SignatureInfo, 1)
sigs[0] = opSigs[0]
keys = make(map[int]*txscript.PublicKeyInfo, 1)
keys[0] = opKeys[0]
case txscript.MultiSigTy:
var err error
var nKeys int
nKeys, requiredSigs, err = txscript.CalcMultiSigStats(data.Script)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, err
var opKeys map[int]*txscript.PublicKeyInfo
var opSigs map[int]*txscript.SignatureInfo
if complete {
opKeys, opSigs, err = ops.GetSignOps(idx)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, err
} else {
opKeys, opSigs, err = ops.GetIncompleteOps(idx)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, nil, err
sigs = make(map[int]*txscript.SignatureInfo, requiredSigs)
keys = make(map[int]*txscript.PublicKeyInfo, nKeys)
for i := 0; i < nKeys; i++ {
if sig, ok := opSigs[i]; ok {
sigs[i] = sig
keys[i] = opKeys[i]
return 0, nil, nil, errors.New("Unsupported script type")
return requiredSigs, sigs, keys, nil
func serializeSolution(scriptType txscript.ScriptClass, sigs map[int]*txscript.SignatureInfo, pubkeys map[int]*txscript.PublicKeyInfo) ([][]byte, error) {
var data [][]byte
nKeys := len(pubkeys)
nSigs := len(sigs)
switch scriptType {
case txscript.PubKeyTy:
if len(sigs) == 1 {
data = make([][]byte, 1)
data = append(data, sigs[0].Serialize())
case txscript.PubKeyHashTy:
if len(sigs) == 1 && nKeys == 1 {
pubKey, _ := pubkeys[0].Serialize()
data = make([][]byte, 2)
data = append(data, [][]byte{sigs[0].Serialize(), pubKey}...)
data = make([][]byte, 1+nSigs)
case txscript.MultiSigTy:
data = append(data, []byte{})
for i := 0; i < nKeys; i++ {
if sigs[i] != nil {
data = append(data, sigs[i].Serialize())
return nil, errors.New("Unsupported script type used in serializeSolution")
return data, nil
// Errors from this function should be considered a bug if it does not
// work with scripts that were successfully Solve()'d.
func SerializeSignature(spk *ScriptData, rs *ScriptData, ws *ScriptData, sigs map[int]*txscript.SignatureInfo, pubkeys map[int]*txscript.PublicKeyInfo) ([]byte, wire.TxWitness, error) {
p2sh := false
var sigData [][]byte = nil
var witnessData [][]byte = nil
var err error
solution := spk
if solution.CanSign() {
sigData, err = serializeSolution(spk.Type, sigs, pubkeys)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if solution.Type == txscript.ScriptHashTy {
p2sh = true
if rs.CanSign() {
sigData, err = serializeSolution(rs.Type, sigs, pubkeys)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
solution = rs
if solution.Type == txscript.WitnessPubKeyHashTy {
witnessData, err = serializeSolution(txscript.PubKeyHashTy, sigs, pubkeys)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
} else if solution.Type == txscript.WitnessScriptHashTy {
if ws.CanSign() {
witnessData, err = serializeSolution(txscript.PubKeyHashTy, sigs, pubkeys)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
witnessData = append(witnessData, ws.Script)
solution = ws
if p2sh {
sigData = append(sigData, rs.Script)
script, err := PushDataToScript(sigData)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return script, wire.TxWitness(witnessData), nil
func PushDataToScript(pushDatas [][]byte) ([]byte, error) {
builder := txscript.NewScriptBuilder()
for i, l := 0, len(pushDatas); i < l; i++ {
return builder.Script()
func Sign(tx *wire.MsgTx, nIn int, subScript []byte, amount int64, sigHashType txscript.SigHashType,
sigVer SignatureVersion, key *btcec.PrivateKey, sigHashes *txscript.TxSigHashes) ([]byte, error) {
if sigVer == SigV0 {
return txscript.RawTxInSignature(tx, nIn, subScript, sigHashType, key)
} else {
return txscript.RawTxInWitnessSignature(tx, sigHashes, nIn, amount, subScript, sigHashType, key)
// Solve takes a pkScript, a sigScript (possibly empty), a witness (possibly
// empty), and a InputSignData struct, and returns the sigVersion, the chunks
// of data containing signatures (from scriptSig or witness), the *ScriptData
// for the scriptPubKey, redeemScript, and witnessScript, and also the 'sign
// script' which is directly signed in the signature hash.
func Solve(params *chaincfg.Params, pkScript []byte, sigScript []byte, witness *wire.TxWitness, rsScript *[]byte, wsScript *[]byte) (
SignatureVersion, [][]byte, *ScriptData, *ScriptData, *ScriptData, *ScriptData, error) {
sigVersion := SigV0
var sigChunks [][]byte
var scriptPubKey *ScriptData
var redeemScript *ScriptData
var witnessScript *ScriptData
var solution *ScriptData = &ScriptData{}
err := solution.Parse(pkScript, params)
if err != nil {
return SigV0, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, err
// Check supported 1: must be P2SH, P2WSH, P2WPKH, or a normal script
if solution.Type != txscript.ScriptHashTy && !solution.IsAllowedP2SH() {
return SigV0, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, errors.Errorf("ScriptPubKey not supported, was type %s", solution.Type)
scriptPubKey = solution
if solution.CanSign() {
sigChunks, err = txscript.PushedData(sigScript)
if err != nil {
return SigV0, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, err
if solution.Type == txscript.ScriptHashTy {
// Take all data pushed, redeemScript might be at the end.
chunks, err := txscript.PushedData(sigScript)
if err != nil {
return SigV0, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, err
// Look for the redeemScript in signData or the input script.
rs, err := findScriptAndCheck(chunks, rsScript)
if err != nil {
return SigV0, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, err
// Qualify the redeemScript against the scriptPubKey
redeemScriptHash := btcutil.Hash160(rs)
if !bytes.Equal(redeemScriptHash, solution.Solution[0]) {
return SigV0, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, errors.Errorf("The scriptPubKey indicates that our redeemScript is wrong.")
// Parse the redeemScript
redeemScript = &ScriptData{}
err = redeemScript.Parse(rs, params)
if err != nil {
return SigV0, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, err
// Check supported 2: P2SH scripts must pass this
if !redeemScript.IsAllowedP2SH() {
return SigV0, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, errors.Errorf("RedeemScript not supported, was type %s", solution.Type)
// Set sigChunks (chunks, but drop the last item)
sigChunks = removeLast(chunks)
// Finally, update solution
solution = redeemScript
if solution.Type == txscript.WitnessPubKeyHashTy {
sigVersion = SigV1
situAddr, err := btcutil.NewAddressPubKeyHash(solution.Solution[0], params)
situScript, err := txscript.PayToAddrScript(situAddr)
if err != nil {
return SigV0, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, err
witnessKeyHash := &ScriptData{}
err = witnessKeyHash.Parse(situScript, params)
if err != nil {
return SigV0, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, err
solution = witnessKeyHash
} else if solution.Type == txscript.WitnessScriptHashTy {
sigVersion = SigV1
chunks := [][]byte(*witness)
// Look for the redeemScript in signData or the input script.
ws, err := findScriptAndCheck(chunks, wsScript)
if err != nil {
return SigV0, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, err
// Qualify the redeemScript against the scriptPubKey
witnessScriptHash := fastsha256.Sum256(ws)
if &witnessScriptHash[0] != &solution.Solution[0][0] {
return SigV0, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, errors.Errorf("Based on previous information, the witnessScript seems incorrect.")
// Parse the redeemScript
witnessScript = &ScriptData{}
err = witnessScript.Parse(ws, params)
if err != nil {
return SigV0, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, err
// Set sigChunks (chunks, but drop the last item)
sigChunks = removeLast(chunks)
solution = redeemScript
return sigVersion, sigChunks, scriptPubKey, redeemScript, witnessScript, solution, nil
// This function makes it convenient to take the redeemScript/witnessScript
// from either a decompiled scriptSig/witness or if provided as the commitedScript.
// If the committed script is provided and the scriptData non-empty, they are
// compared for consistency.
func findScriptAndCheck(scriptData [][]byte, committedScript *[]byte) ([]byte, error) {
size := len(scriptData)
if size > 0 {
elem := scriptData[size-1]
if committedScript != nil {
if !bytes.Equal(elem, *committedScript) {
return nil, errors.Errorf("The last element of scriptData was not the expected committed script.")
return elem, nil
} else {
if committedScript == nil {
return nil, errors.Errorf("No committed script was provided, and scriptData was empty.")
return *committedScript, nil
// removes last []byte from a [][]byte
func removeLast(chunks [][]byte) [][]byte {
length := len(chunks)
if length > 0 {
return chunks[:length-1]
} else {
return make([][]byte, 0, 0)
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