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Created August 26, 2022 19:49
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Unminified source code of delta math
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(window.webpackJsonp = window.webpackJsonp || []).push([
[2], {
"+auO": function(t, e, n) {
var i = n("XKFU"),
r = n("lvtm");
i(i.S, "Math", {
cbrt: function(t) {
return r(t = +t) * Math.pow(Math.abs(t), 1 / 3)
"+gEr": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return s
})), n.d(e, "b", (function() {
return a
var i = n("mrSG"),
r = n("MGBS"),
o = n("zotm"),
s = {
leading: !0,
trailing: !1
function a(t, e) {
return void 0 === e && (e = s),
function(n) {
return n.lift(new c(t, e.leading, e.trailing))
var c = function() {
function t(t, e, n) {
this.durationSelector = t, this.leading = e, this.trailing = n
return = function(t, e) {
return e.subscribe(new l(t, this.durationSelector, this.leading, this.trailing))
}, t
l = function(t) {
function e(e, n, i, r) {
var o =, e) || this;
return o.destination = e, o.durationSelector = n, o._leading = i, o._trailing = r, o._hasValue = !1, o
return i.c(e, t), e.prototype._next = function(t) {
this._hasValue = !0, this._sendValue = t, this._throttled || (this._leading ? this.send() : this.throttle(t))
}, e.prototype.send = function() {
var t = this._sendValue;
this._hasValue && (, this.throttle(t)), this._hasValue = !1, this._sendValue = null
}, e.prototype.throttle = function(t) {
var e = this.tryDurationSelector(t);
e && this.add(this._throttled = Object(o.a)(this, e))
}, e.prototype.tryDurationSelector = function(t) {
try {
return this.durationSelector(t)
} catch (e) {
return this.destination.error(e), null
}, e.prototype.throttlingDone = function() {
var t = this._throttled,
e = this._trailing;
t && t.unsubscribe(), this._throttled = null, e && this.send()
}, e.prototype.notifyNext = function(t, e, n, i, r) {
}, e.prototype.notifyComplete = function() {
}, e
"+lvF": function(t, e, n) {
t.exports = n("VTer")("native-function-to-string", Function.toString)
"+oPb": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n("OGtf")("blink", (function(t) {
return function() {
return t(this, "blink", "", "")
"+rLv": function(t, e, n) {
var i = n("dyZX").document;
t.exports = i && i.documentElement
"+tJ4": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return i
var i = function(t) {
return function(e) {
for (var n = 0, i = t.length; n < i && !e.closed; n++)[n]);
"+umK": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
function i() {}
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return i
"+yeE": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "b", (function() {
return l
})), n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return d
})), n.d(e, "c", (function() {
return u
var i = n("QaPV"),
r = n("TYT/"),
o = n("6blF"),
s = n("K9Ia"),
a = n("Gi3i"),
c = function() {
function t() {}
return t.prototype.create = function(t) {
return "undefined" == typeof MutationObserver ? null : new MutationObserver(t)
}, t.ngInjectableDef = Object(r.Zb)({
factory: function() {
return new t
token: t,
providedIn: "root"
}), t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)
}, t.\u0275prov = r.Zb({
token: t,
factory: function(e) {
return t.\u0275fac(e)
providedIn: "root"
}), t
l = function() {
function t(t) {
this._mutationObserverFactory = t, this._observedElements = new Map
return t.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function() {
var t = this;
this._observedElements.forEach((function(e, n) {
return t._cleanupObserver(n)
}, t.prototype.observe = function(t) {
var e = this,
n = Object(i.d)(t);
return new o.a((function(t) {
var i = e._observeElement(n).subscribe(t);
return function() {
i.unsubscribe(), e._unobserveElement(n)
}, t.prototype._observeElement = function(t) {
if (this._observedElements.has(t)) this._observedElements.get(t).count++;
else {
var e = new s.b,
n = this._mutationObserverFactory.create((function(t) {
n && n.observe(t, {
characterData: !0,
childList: !0,
subtree: !0
}), this._observedElements.set(t, {
observer: n,
stream: e,
count: 1
return this._observedElements.get(t).stream
}, t.prototype._unobserveElement = function(t) {
this._observedElements.has(t) && (this._observedElements.get(t).count--, this._observedElements.get(t).count || this._cleanupObserver(t))
}, t.prototype._cleanupObserver = function(t) {
if (this._observedElements.has(t)) {
var e = this._observedElements.get(t),
n =,
i =;
n && n.disconnect(), i.complete(), this._observedElements.delete(t)
}, t.ngInjectableDef = Object(r.Zb)({
factory: function() {
return new t(Object(
token: t,
providedIn: "root"
}), t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)(
}, t.\u0275prov = r.Zb({
token: t,
factory: function(e) {
return t.\u0275fac(e)
providedIn: "root"
}), t
d = function() {
function t(t, e, n) {
this._contentObserver = t, this._elementRef = e, this._ngZone = n, this.event = new r.r, this._disabled = !1, this._currentSubscription = null
return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "disabled", {
get: function() {
return this._disabled
set: function(t) {
this._disabled = Object(i.b)(t), this._disabled ? this._unsubscribe() : this._subscribe()
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "debounce", {
get: function() {
return this._debounce
set: function(t) {
this._debounce = Object(i.e)(t), this._subscribe()
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), t.prototype.ngAfterContentInit = function() {
this._currentSubscription || this.disabled || this._subscribe()
}, t.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function() {
}, t.prototype._subscribe = function() {
var t = this;
var e = this._contentObserver.observe(this._elementRef);
this._ngZone.runOutsideAngular((function() {
t._currentSubscription = (t.debounce ? e.pipe(Object(a.a)(t.debounce)) : e).subscribe(t.event)
}, t.prototype._unsubscribe = function() {
this._currentSubscription && this._currentSubscription.unsubscribe()
}, t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)(r.dc(l), r.dc(r.p), r.dc(r.J))
}, t.\u0275dir = r.Yb({
type: t,
selectors: [
["", "cdkObserveContent", ""]
inputs: {
disabled: ["cdkObserveContentDisabled", "disabled"],
debounce: "debounce"
outputs: {
event: "cdkObserveContent"
exportAs: ["cdkObserveContent"]
}), t
u = function() {
function t() {}
return t.\u0275mod = r.bc({
type: t
}), t.\u0275inj ={
factory: function(e) {
return new(e || t)
providers: [c]
}), t
"/21U": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return r
var i = n("isby");
function r(t) {
return !Object(i.a)(t) && t - parseFloat(t) + 1 >= 0
"/34E": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return r
})), n("T7iU"), n("26FU"), n("6blF"), n("VnD/"), n("P6uZ"), n("15JJ");
var i = n("TYT/"),
r = function() {
function t() {}
return t.\u0275mod = i.bc({
type: t
}), t.\u0275inj ={
factory: function(e) {
return new(e || t)
}), t
"/KAi": function(t, e, n) {
var i = n("XKFU"),
r = n("dyZX").isFinite;
i(i.S, "Number", {
isFinite: function(t) {
return "number" == typeof t && r(t)
"/PH2": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return s
var i = n("mrSG"),
r = n("MGBS"),
o = n("zotm");
function s() {
for (var t = [], e = 0; e < arguments.length; e++) t[e] = arguments[e];
return function(e) {
var n;
return "function" == typeof t[t.length - 1] && (n = t.pop()), e.lift(new a(t, n))
var a = function() {
function t(t, e) {
this.observables = t, this.project = e
return = function(t, e) {
return e.subscribe(new c(t, this.observables, this.project))
}, t
c = function(t) {
function e(e, n, i) {
var r =, e) || this;
r.observables = n, r.project = i, r.toRespond = [];
var s = n.length;
r.values = new Array(s);
for (var a = 0; a < s; a++) r.toRespond.push(a);
for (a = 0; a < s; a++) {
var c = n[a];
r.add(Object(o.a)(r, c, c, a))
return r
return i.c(e, t), e.prototype.notifyNext = function(t, e, n, i, r) {
this.values[n] = e;
var o = this.toRespond;
if (o.length > 0) {
var s = o.indexOf(n); - 1 !== s && o.splice(s, 1)
}, e.prototype.notifyComplete = function() {}, e.prototype._next = function(t) {
if (0 === this.toRespond.length) {
var e = [t].concat(this.values);
this.project ? this._tryProject(e) :
}, e.prototype._tryProject = function(t) {
var e;
try {
e = this.project.apply(this, t)
} catch (n) {
return void this.destination.error(n)
}, e
"/SS/": function(t, e, n) {
var i = n("XKFU");
i(i.S, "Object", {
setPrototypeOf: n("i5dc").set
"/WYv": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
function i(t) {
return !!t && "function" != typeof t.subscribe && "function" == typeof t.then
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return i
"/e88": function(t, e) {
t.exports = "\t\n\v\f\r \xa0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029\ufeff"
"/ojb": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return s
var i = n("mrSG"),
r = n("FFOo"),
o = n("T1DM");
function s(t, e) {
return void 0 === e && (e = o.a),
function(n) {
return n.lift(new a(t, e))
var a = function() {
function t(t, e) {
this.period = t, this.scheduler = e
return = function(t, e) {
return e.subscribe(new c(t, this.period, this.scheduler))
}, t
c = function(t) {
function e(e, n, i) {
var r =, e) || this;
return r.period = n, r.scheduler = i, r.hasValue = !1, r.add(i.schedule(l, n, {
subscriber: r,
period: n
})), r
return i.c(e, t), e.prototype._next = function(t) {
this.lastValue = t, this.hasValue = !0
}, e.prototype.notifyNext = function() {
this.hasValue && (this.hasValue = !1,
}, e
function l(t) {
var e = t.period;
t.subscriber.notifyNext(), this.schedule(t, e)
0: function(t, e, n) {
t.exports = n("zUnb")
"0/R4": function(t, e) {
t.exports = function(t) {
return "object" == typeof t ? null !== t : "function" == typeof t
"0/uQ": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return u
var i = n("6blF"),
r = n("Fxb1"),
o = n("pugT"),
s = n("xTla"),
a = n("JF+6"),
c = n("En8+"),
l = n("/WYv"),
d = n("2ePl");
function u(t, e) {
return e ? function(t, e) {
if (null != t) {
if (function(t) {
return t && "function" == typeof t[s.a]
}(t)) return function(t, e) {
return new i.a((function(n) {
var i = new o.a;
return i.add(e.schedule((function() {
var r = t[s.a]();
next: function(t) {
i.add(e.schedule((function() {
error: function(t) {
i.add(e.schedule((function() {
return n.error(t)
complete: function() {
i.add(e.schedule((function() {
return n.complete()
}))), i
}(t, e);
if (Object(l.a)(t)) return function(t, e) {
return new i.a((function(n) {
var i = new o.a;
return i.add(e.schedule((function() {
return t.then((function(t) {
i.add(e.schedule((function() {, i.add(e.schedule((function() {
return n.complete()
}), (function(t) {
i.add(e.schedule((function() {
return n.error(t)
}))), i
}(t, e);
if (Object(d.a)(t)) return Object(a.a)(t, e);
if (function(t) {
return t && "function" == typeof t[c.a]
}(t) || "string" == typeof t) return function(t, e) {
if (!t) throw new Error("Iterable cannot be null");
return new i.a((function(n) {
var i, r = new o.a;
return r.add((function() {
i && "function" == typeof i.return && i.return()
})), r.add(e.schedule((function() {
i = t[c.a](), r.add(e.schedule((function() {
if (!n.closed) {
var t, e;
try {
var r =;
t = r.value, e = r.done
} catch (o) {
return void n.error(o)
e ? n.complete() : (, this.schedule())
}))), r
}(t, e)
throw new TypeError((null !== t && typeof t || t) + " is not observable")
}(t, e) : t instanceof i.a ? t : new i.a(Object(r.a)(t))
"0E+W": function(t, e, n) {
"0FX9": function(t, e, n) {
var i = n("Z92M"),
r = n("qmMu"),
o = n("QUaw"),
s = n("QAZZ");
function a(t, e, n, o, s) {
var a = [], 1),
c = a.length,
l = "function" == typeof a[c - 1];
if (!l && !i()) throw new Error("Callback required as last argument");
if (!l) {
if (c < 1) throw new Error("Too few arguments provided");
return 1 === c ? (n = e, e = o = void 0) : 2 !== c || e.getContext || (o = n, n = e, e = void 0), new Promise((function(i, s) {
try {
var a = r.create(n, o);
i(t(a, e, o))
} catch (c) {
if (c < 2) throw new Error("Too few arguments provided");
2 === c ? (s = n, n = e, e = o = void 0) : 3 === c && (e.getContext && void 0 === s ? (s = o, o = void 0) : (s = o, o = n, n = e, e = void 0));
try {
var d = r.create(n, o);
s(null, t(d, e, o))
} catch (u) {
e.create = r.create, e.toCanvas = a.bind(null, o.render), e.toDataURL = a.bind(null, o.renderToDataURL), e.toString = a.bind(null, (function(t, e, n) {
return s.render(t, n)
"0GsU": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return a
var i = n("mrSG"),
r = n("MGBS"),
o = n("rPjj"),
s = n("zotm");
function a(t) {
return function(e) {
return e.lift(new c(t))
var c = function() {
function t(t) {
this.notifier = t
return = function(t, e) {
return e.subscribe(new l(t, this.notifier))
}, t
l = function(t) {
function e(e, n) {
var i =, e) || this;
i.hasValue = !1;
var r = new o.a(i, void 0, void 0);
i.add(r), i.innerSubscription = r;
var a = Object(s.a)(i, n, void 0, void 0, r);
return a !== r && (i.add(a), i.innerSubscription = a), i
return i.c(e, t), e.prototype._next = function(e) {
this.hasValue &&, e)
}, e.prototype.notifyNext = function(t, e, n, i, r) {
this.hasValue = !0, this.innerSubscription && this.innerSubscription.unsubscribe()
}, e.prototype.notifyComplete = function() {}, e
"0LDn": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n("OGtf")("italics", (function(t) {
return function() {
return t(this, "i", "", "")
"0TWp": function(t, e, n) {
var i, r;
void 0 === (r = "function" == typeof(i = function() {
"use strict";
! function(t) {
var e = t.performance;
function n(t) {
e && e.mark && e.mark(t)
function i(t, n) {
e && e.measure && e.measure(t, n)
var r = t.__Zone_symbol_prefix || "__zone_symbol__";
function o(t) {
return r + t
var s = !0 === t[o("forceDuplicateZoneCheck")];
if (t.Zone) {
if (s || "function" != typeof t.Zone.__symbol__) throw new Error("Zone already loaded.");
return t.Zone
var a = function() {
function e(t, e) {
this._parent = t, this._name = e ? || "unnamed" : "<root>", this._properties = e && || {}, this._zoneDelegate = new d(this, this._parent && this._parent._zoneDelegate, e)
return e.assertZonePatched = function() {
if (t.Promise !== M.ZoneAwarePromise) throw new Error("Zone.js has detected that ZoneAwarePromise `(window|global).Promise` has been overwritten.\nMost likely cause is that a Promise polyfill has been loaded after Zone.js (Polyfilling Promise api is not necessary when zone.js is loaded. If you must load one, do so before loading zone.js.)")
}, Object.defineProperty(e, "root", {
get: function() {
for (var t = e.current; t.parent;) t = t.parent;
return t
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(e, "current", {
get: function() {
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(e, "currentTask", {
get: function() {
return T
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), e.__load_patch = function(r, o) {
if (M.hasOwnProperty(r)) {
if (s) throw Error("Already loaded patch: " + r)
} else if (!t["__Zone_disable_" + r]) {
var a = "Zone:" + r;
n(a), M[r] = o(t, e, j), i(a, a)
}, Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "parent", {
get: function() {
return this._parent
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "name", {
get: function() {
return this._name
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), e.prototype.get = function(t) {
var e = this.getZoneWith(t);
if (e) return e._properties[t]
}, e.prototype.getZoneWith = function(t) {
for (var e = this; e;) {
if (e._properties.hasOwnProperty(t)) return e;
e = e._parent
return null
}, e.prototype.fork = function(t) {
if (!t) throw new Error("ZoneSpec required!");
return this._zoneDelegate.fork(this, t)
}, e.prototype.wrap = function(t, e) {
if ("function" != typeof t) throw new Error("Expecting function got: " + t);
var n = this._zoneDelegate.intercept(this, t, e),
i = this;
return function() {
return i.runGuarded(n, this, arguments, e)
}, = function(t, e, n, i) {
S = {
parent: S,
zone: this
try {
return this._zoneDelegate.invoke(this, t, e, n, i)
} finally {
S = S.parent
}, e.prototype.runGuarded = function(t, e, n, i) {
void 0 === e && (e = null), S = {
parent: S,
zone: this
try {
try {
return this._zoneDelegate.invoke(this, t, e, n, i)
} catch (r) {
if (this._zoneDelegate.handleError(this, r)) throw r
} finally {
S = S.parent
}, e.prototype.runTask = function(t, e, n) {
if ( != this) throw new Error("A task can only be run in the zone of creation! (Creation: " + ( || v).name + "; Execution: " + + ")");
if (t.state !== y || t.type !== D && t.type !== x) {
var i = t.state != O;
i && t._transitionTo(O, C), t.runCount++;
var r = T;
T = t, S = {
parent: S,
zone: this
try {
t.type == x && && ! && (t.cancelFn = void 0);
try {
return this._zoneDelegate.invokeTask(this, t, e, n)
} catch (o) {
if (this._zoneDelegate.handleError(this, o)) throw o
} finally {
t.state !== y && t.state !== E && (t.type == D || && ? i && t._transitionTo(C, O) : (t.runCount = 0, this._updateTaskCount(t, -1), i && t._transitionTo(y, O, y))), S = S.parent, T = r
}, e.prototype.scheduleTask = function(t) {
if ( && !== this)
for (var e = this; e;) {
if (e === throw Error("can not reschedule task to " + + " which is descendants of the original zone " +;
e = e.parent
t._transitionTo(w, y);
var n = [];
t._zoneDelegates = n, t._zone = this;
try {
t = this._zoneDelegate.scheduleTask(this, t)
} catch (i) {
throw t._transitionTo(E, w, y), this._zoneDelegate.handleError(this, i), i
return t._zoneDelegates === n && this._updateTaskCount(t, 1), t.state == w && t._transitionTo(C, w), t
}, e.prototype.scheduleMicroTask = function(t, e, n, i) {
return this.scheduleTask(new u(P, t, e, n, i, void 0))
}, e.prototype.scheduleMacroTask = function(t, e, n, i, r) {
return this.scheduleTask(new u(x, t, e, n, i, r))
}, e.prototype.scheduleEventTask = function(t, e, n, i, r) {
return this.scheduleTask(new u(D, t, e, n, i, r))
}, e.prototype.cancelTask = function(t) {
if ( != this) throw new Error("A task can only be cancelled in the zone of creation! (Creation: " + ( || v).name + "; Execution: " + + ")");
t._transitionTo(k, C, O);
try {
this._zoneDelegate.cancelTask(this, t)
} catch (e) {
throw t._transitionTo(E, k), this._zoneDelegate.handleError(this, e), e
return this._updateTaskCount(t, -1), t._transitionTo(y, k), t.runCount = 0, t
}, e.prototype._updateTaskCount = function(t, e) {
var n = t._zoneDelegates; - 1 == e && (t._zoneDelegates = null);
for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) n[i]._updateTaskCount(t.type, e)
}, e
a.__symbol__ = o;
var c, l = {
name: "",
onHasTask: function(t, e, n, i) {
return t.hasTask(n, i)
onScheduleTask: function(t, e, n, i) {
return t.scheduleTask(n, i)
onInvokeTask: function(t, e, n, i, r, o) {
return t.invokeTask(n, i, r, o)
onCancelTask: function(t, e, n, i) {
return t.cancelTask(n, i)
d = function() {
function t(t, e, n) {
this._taskCounts = {
microTask: 0,
macroTask: 0,
eventTask: 0
}, = t, this._parentDelegate = e, this._forkZS = n && (n && n.onFork ? n : e._forkZS), this._forkDlgt = n && (n.onFork ? e : e._forkDlgt), this._forkCurrZone = n && (n.onFork ? : e._forkCurrZone), this._interceptZS = n && (n.onIntercept ? n : e._interceptZS), this._interceptDlgt = n && (n.onIntercept ? e : e._interceptDlgt), this._interceptCurrZone = n && (n.onIntercept ? : e._interceptCurrZone), this._invokeZS = n && (n.onInvoke ? n : e._invokeZS), this._invokeDlgt = n && (n.onInvoke ? e : e._invokeDlgt), this._invokeCurrZone = n && (n.onInvoke ? : e._invokeCurrZone), this._handleErrorZS = n && (n.onHandleError ? n : e._handleErrorZS), this._handleErrorDlgt = n && (n.onHandleError ? e : e._handleErrorDlgt), this._handleErrorCurrZone = n && (n.onHandleError ? : e._handleErrorCurrZone), this._scheduleTaskZS = n && (n.onScheduleTask ? n : e._scheduleTaskZS), this._scheduleTaskDlgt = n && (n.onScheduleTask ? e : e._scheduleTaskDlgt), this._scheduleTaskCurrZone = n && (n.onScheduleTask ? : e._scheduleTaskCurrZone), this._invokeTaskZS = n && (n.onInvokeTask ? n : e._invokeTaskZS), this._invokeTaskDlgt = n && (n.onInvokeTask ? e : e._invokeTaskDlgt), this._invokeTaskCurrZone = n && (n.onInvokeTask ? : e._invokeTaskCurrZone), this._cancelTaskZS = n && (n.onCancelTask ? n : e._cancelTaskZS), this._cancelTaskDlgt = n && (n.onCancelTask ? e : e._cancelTaskDlgt), this._cancelTaskCurrZone = n && (n.onCancelTask ? : e._cancelTaskCurrZone), this._hasTaskZS = null, this._hasTaskDlgt = null, this._hasTaskDlgtOwner = null, this._hasTaskCurrZone = null;
var i = n && n.onHasTask;
(i || e && e._hasTaskZS) && (this._hasTaskZS = i ? n : l, this._hasTaskDlgt = e, this._hasTaskDlgtOwner = this, this._hasTaskCurrZone = t, n.onScheduleTask || (this._scheduleTaskZS = l, this._scheduleTaskDlgt = e, this._scheduleTaskCurrZone =, n.onInvokeTask || (this._invokeTaskZS = l, this._invokeTaskDlgt = e, this._invokeTaskCurrZone =, n.onCancelTask || (this._cancelTaskZS = l, this._cancelTaskDlgt = e, this._cancelTaskCurrZone =
return t.prototype.fork = function(t, e) {
return this._forkZS ? this._forkZS.onFork(this._forkDlgt,, t, e) : new a(t, e)
}, t.prototype.intercept = function(t, e, n) {
return this._interceptZS ? this._interceptZS.onIntercept(this._interceptDlgt, this._interceptCurrZone, t, e, n) : e
}, t.prototype.invoke = function(t, e, n, i, r) {
return this._invokeZS ? this._invokeZS.onInvoke(this._invokeDlgt, this._invokeCurrZone, t, e, n, i, r) : e.apply(n, i)
}, t.prototype.handleError = function(t, e) {
return !this._handleErrorZS || this._handleErrorZS.onHandleError(this._handleErrorDlgt, this._handleErrorCurrZone, t, e)
}, t.prototype.scheduleTask = function(t, e) {
var n = e;
if (this._scheduleTaskZS) this._hasTaskZS && n._zoneDelegates.push(this._hasTaskDlgtOwner), (n = this._scheduleTaskZS.onScheduleTask(this._scheduleTaskDlgt, this._scheduleTaskCurrZone, t, e)) || (n = e);
else if (e.scheduleFn) e.scheduleFn(e);
else {
if (e.type != P) throw new Error("Task is missing scheduleFn.");
return n
}, t.prototype.invokeTask = function(t, e, n, i) {
return this._invokeTaskZS ? this._invokeTaskZS.onInvokeTask(this._invokeTaskDlgt, this._invokeTaskCurrZone, t, e, n, i) : e.callback.apply(n, i)
}, t.prototype.cancelTask = function(t, e) {
var n;
if (this._cancelTaskZS) n = this._cancelTaskZS.onCancelTask(this._cancelTaskDlgt, this._cancelTaskCurrZone, t, e);
else {
if (!e.cancelFn) throw Error("Task is not cancelable");
n = e.cancelFn(e)
return n
}, t.prototype.hasTask = function(t, e) {
try {
this._hasTaskZS && this._hasTaskZS.onHasTask(this._hasTaskDlgt, this._hasTaskCurrZone, t, e)
} catch (n) {
this.handleError(t, n)
}, t.prototype._updateTaskCount = function(t, e) {
var n = this._taskCounts,
i = n[t],
r = n[t] = i + e;
if (r < 0) throw new Error("More tasks executed then were scheduled.");
0 != i && 0 != r || this.hasTask(, {
microTask: n.microTask > 0,
macroTask: n.macroTask > 0,
eventTask: n.eventTask > 0,
change: t
}, t
u = function() {
function e(n, i, r, o, s, a) {
if (this._zone = null, this.runCount = 0, this._zoneDelegates = null, this._state = "notScheduled", this.type = n, this.source = i, = o, this.scheduleFn = s, this.cancelFn = a, !r) throw new Error("callback is not defined");
this.callback = r;
var c = this;
this.invoke = n === D && o && o.useG ? e.invokeTask : function() {
return, c, this, arguments)
return e.invokeTask = function(t, e, n) {
t || (t = this), A++;
try {
return t.runCount++,, e, n)
} finally {
1 == A && b(), A--
}, Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "zone", {
get: function() {
return this._zone
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "state", {
get: function() {
return this._state
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), e.prototype.cancelScheduleRequest = function() {
this._transitionTo(y, w)
}, e.prototype._transitionTo = function(t, e, n) {
if (this._state !== e && this._state !== n) throw new Error(this.type + " '" + this.source + "': can not transition to '" + t + "', expecting state '" + e + "'" + (n ? " or '" + n + "'" : "") + ", was '" + this._state + "'.");
this._state = t, t == y && (this._zoneDelegates = null)
}, e.prototype.toString = function() {
return && void 0 !== ? :
}, e.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return {
type: this.type,
state: this.state,
source: this.source,
runCount: this.runCount
}, e
h = o("setTimeout"),
p = o("Promise"),
f = o("then"),
m = [],
g = !1;
function _(e) {
if (0 === A && 0 === m.length)
if (c || t[p] && (c = t[p].resolve(0)), c) {
var n = c[f];
n || (n = c.then),, b)
} else t[h](b, 0);
e && m.push(e)
function b() {
if (!g) {
for (g = !0; m.length;) {
var t = m;
m = [];
for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
var n = t[e];
try {, null, null)
} catch (i) {
j.microtaskDrainDone(), g = !1
var v = {
name: "NO ZONE"
y = "notScheduled",
w = "scheduling",
C = "scheduled",
O = "running",
k = "canceling",
E = "unknown",
P = "microTask",
x = "macroTask",
D = "eventTask",
M = {},
j = {
symbol: o,
currentZoneFrame: function() {
return S
onUnhandledError: I,
microtaskDrainDone: I,
scheduleMicroTask: _,
showUncaughtError: function() {
return !a[o("ignoreConsoleErrorUncaughtError")]
patchEventTarget: function() {
return []
patchOnProperties: I,
patchMethod: function() {
return I
bindArguments: function() {
return []
patchThen: function() {
return I
patchMacroTask: function() {
return I
setNativePromise: function(t) {
t && "function" == typeof t.resolve && (c = t.resolve(0))
patchEventPrototype: function() {
return I
isIEOrEdge: function() {
return !1
getGlobalObjects: function() {},
ObjectDefineProperty: function() {
return I
ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor: function() {},
ObjectCreate: function() {},
ArraySlice: function() {
return []
patchClass: function() {
return I
wrapWithCurrentZone: function() {
return I
filterProperties: function() {
return []
attachOriginToPatched: function() {
return I
_redefineProperty: function() {
return I
patchCallbacks: function() {
return I
S = {
parent: null,
zone: new a(null, null)
T = null,
A = 0;
function I() {}
i("Zone", "Zone"), t.Zone = a
}("undefined" != typeof window && window || "undefined" != typeof self && self || global), Zone.__load_patch("ZoneAwarePromise", (function(t, e, n) {
var i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
r = Object.defineProperty,
o = n.symbol,
s = [],
c = o("Promise"),
l = o("then");
n.onUnhandledError = function(t) {
if (n.showUncaughtError()) {
var e = t && t.rejection;
e ? console.error("Unhandled Promise rejection:", e instanceof Error ? e.message : e, "; Zone:",, "; Task:", t.task && t.task.source, "; Value:", e, e instanceof Error ? e.stack : void 0) : console.error(t)
}, n.microtaskDrainDone = function() {
for (var t = function() {
var t = s.shift();
try { {
throw t
} catch (i) {
! function(t) {
try {
var i = e[d];
"function" == typeof i &&, t)
} catch (r) {}
}; s.length;) t()
var d = o("unhandledPromiseRejectionHandler");
function u(t) {
return t && t.then
function h(t) {
return t
function p(t) {
return P.reject(t)
var f = o("state"),
m = o("value"),
g = o("finally"),
_ = o("parentPromiseValue"),
b = o("parentPromiseState");
function v(t, e) {
return function(n) {
try {
w(t, e, n)
} catch (i) {
w(t, !1, i)
var y = o("currentTaskTrace");
function w(t, i, o) {
var c, l, d = (c = !1, function(t) {
return function() {
c || (c = !0, t.apply(null, arguments))
if (t === o) throw new TypeError("Promise resolved with itself");
if (null === t[f]) {
var u = null;
try {
"object" != typeof o && "function" != typeof o || (u = o && o.then)
} catch (x) {
return d((function() {
w(t, !1, x)
}))(), t
if (!1 !== i && o instanceof P && o.hasOwnProperty(f) && o.hasOwnProperty(m) && null !== o[f]) O(o), w(t, o[f], o[m]);
else if (!1 !== i && "function" == typeof u) try {, d(v(t, i)), d(v(t, !1)))
} catch (x) {
d((function() {
w(t, !1, x)
} else {
t[f] = i;
var h = t[m];
if (t[m] = o, t[g] === g && !0 === i && (t[f] = t[b], t[m] = t[_]), !1 === i && o instanceof Error) {
var p = e.currentTask && &&;
p && r(o, y, {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !1,
writable: !0,
value: p
for (var C = 0; C < h.length;) k(t, h[C++], h[C++], h[C++], h[C++]);
if (0 == h.length && 0 == i) {
t[f] = 0;
var E = o;
if (!a) try {
throw new Error("Uncaught (in promise): " + ((l = o) && l.toString === Object.prototype.toString ? (l.constructor && || "") + ": " + JSON.stringify(l) : l ? l.toString() : + (o && o.stack ? "\n" + o.stack : ""))
} catch (x) {
E = x
E.rejection = o, E.promise = t, = e.current, E.task = e.currentTask, s.push(E), n.scheduleMicroTask()
return t
var C = o("rejectionHandledHandler");
function O(t) {
if (0 === t[f]) {
try {
var n = e[C];
n && "function" == typeof n &&, {
rejection: t[m],
promise: t
} catch (r) {}
t[f] = !1;
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) t === s[i].promise && s.splice(i, 1)
function k(t, e, n, i, r) {
var o = t[f],
s = o ? "function" == typeof i ? i : h : "function" == typeof r ? r : p;
e.scheduleMicroTask("Promise.then", (function() {
try {
var i = t[m],
r = !!n && g === n[g];
r && (n[_] = i, n[b] = o);
var a =, void 0, r && s !== p && s !== h ? [] : [i]);
w(n, !0, a)
} catch (c) {
w(n, !1, c)
}), n)
var E = function() {},
P = function() {
function t(e) {
if (!(this instanceof t)) throw new Error("Must be an instanceof Promise.");
this[f] = null, this[m] = [];
try {
e && e(v(this, !0), v(this, !1))
} catch (n) {
w(this, !1, n)
return t.toString = function() {
return "function ZoneAwarePromise() { [native code] }"
}, t.resolve = function(t) {
return w(new this(null), !0, t)
}, t.reject = function(t) {
return w(new this(null), !1, t)
}, t.race = function(t) {
var e, n, i = new this((function(t, i) {
e = t, n = i
function r(t) {
function o(t) {
for (var s = 0, a = t; s < a.length; s++) {
var c = a[s];
u(c) || (c = this.resolve(c)), c.then(r, o)
return i
}, t.all = function(e) {
return t.allWithCallback(e)
}, t.allSettled = function(e) {
return (this && this.prototype instanceof t ? this : t).allWithCallback(e, {
thenCallback: function(t) {
return {
status: "fulfilled",
value: t
errorCallback: function(t) {
return {
status: "rejected",
reason: t
}, t.allWithCallback = function(t, e) {
for (var n, i, r = new this((function(t, e) {
n = t, i = e
})), o = 2, s = 0, a = [], c = function(t) {
u(t) || (t = l.resolve(t));
var r = s;
try {
t.then((function(t) {
a[r] = e ? e.thenCallback(t) : t, 0 == --o && n(a)
}), (function(t) {
e ? (a[r] = e.errorCallback(t), 0 == --o && n(a)) : i(t)
} catch (c) {
o++, s++
}, l = this, d = 0, h = t; d < h.length; d++) c(h[d]);
return 0 == (o -= 2) && n(a), r
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, Symbol.toStringTag, {
get: function() {
return "Promise"
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, Symbol.species, {
get: function() {
return t
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), t.prototype.then = function(n, i) {
var r = this.constructor[Symbol.species];
r && "function" == typeof r || (r = this.constructor || t);
var o = new r(E),
s = e.current;
return null == this[f] ? this[m].push(s, o, n, i) : k(this, s, o, n, i), o
}, t.prototype.catch = function(t) {
return this.then(null, t)
}, t.prototype.finally = function(n) {
var i = this.constructor[Symbol.species];
i && "function" == typeof i || (i = t);
var r = new i(E);
r[g] = g;
var o = e.current;
return null == this[f] ? this[m].push(o, r, n, n) : k(this, o, r, n, n), r
}, t
P.resolve = P.resolve, P.reject = P.reject, P.race = P.race, P.all = P.all;
var x = t[c] = t.Promise,
D = e.__symbol__("ZoneAwarePromise"),
M = i(t, "Promise");
M && !M.configurable || (M && delete M.writable, M && delete M.value, M || (M = {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0
}), M.get = function() {
return t[D] ? t[D] : t[c]
}, M.set = function(e) {
e === P ? t[D] = e : (t[c] = e, e.prototype[l] || T(e), n.setNativePromise(e))
}, r(t, "Promise", M)), t.Promise = P;
var j, S = o("thenPatched");
function T(t) {
var e = t.prototype,
n = i(e, "then");
if (!n || !1 !== n.writable && n.configurable) {
var r = e.then;
e[l] = r, t.prototype.then = function(t, e) {
var n = this;
return new P((function(t, e) {, t, e)
})).then(t, e)
}, t[S] = !0
if (n.patchThen = T, x) {
var A = t.fetch;
"function" == typeof A && (t[n.symbol("fetch")] = A, t.fetch = (j = A, function() {
var t = j.apply(this, arguments);
if (t instanceof P) return t;
var e = t.constructor;
return e[S] || T(e), t
return Promise[e.__symbol__("uncaughtPromiseErrors")] = s, P
var t = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor,
e = Object.defineProperty,
n = Object.getPrototypeOf,
i = Object.create,
r = Array.prototype.slice,
o = Zone.__symbol__("addEventListener"),
s = Zone.__symbol__("removeEventListener"),
a = Zone.__symbol__("");
function c(t, e) {
return Zone.current.wrap(t, e)
function l(t, e, n, i, r) {
return Zone.current.scheduleMacroTask(t, e, n, i, r)
var d = Zone.__symbol__,
u = "undefined" != typeof window,
h = u ? window : void 0,
p = u && h || "object" == typeof self && self || global,
f = [null];
function m(t, e) {
for (var n = t.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) "function" == typeof t[n] && (t[n] = c(t[n], e + "_" + n));
return t
function g(t) {
return !t || !1 !== t.writable && !("function" == typeof t.get && void 0 === t.set)
var _ = "undefined" != typeof WorkerGlobalScope && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope,
b = !("nw" in p) && void 0 !== p.process && "[object process]" === {},
v = !b && !_ && !(!u || !h.HTMLElement),
y = void 0 !== p.process && "[object process]" === {} && !_ && !(!u || !h.HTMLElement),
w = {},
C = function(t) {
if (t = t || p.event) {
var e = w[t.type];
e || (e = w[t.type] = d("ON_PROPERTY" + t.type));
var n, i = this || || p,
r = i[e];
if (v && i === h && "error" === t.type) {
var o = t;
!0 === (n = r &&, o.message, o.filename, o.lineno, o.colno, o.error)) && t.preventDefault()
} else null == (n = r && r.apply(this, arguments)) || n || t.preventDefault();
return n
function O(n, i, r) {
var o = t(n, i);
if (!o && r && t(r, i) && (o = {
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), o && o.configurable) {
var s = d("on" + i + "patched");
if (!n.hasOwnProperty(s) || !n[s]) {
delete o.writable, delete o.value;
var a = o.get,
c = o.set,
l = i.substr(2),
u = w[l];
u || (u = w[l] = d("ON_PROPERTY" + l)), o.set = function(t) {
var e = this;
e || n !== p || (e = p), e && (e[u] && e.removeEventListener(l, C), c && c.apply(e, f), "function" == typeof t ? (e[u] = t, e.addEventListener(l, C, !1)) : e[u] = null)
}, o.get = function() {
var t = this;
if (t || n !== p || (t = p), !t) return null;
var e = t[u];
if (e) return e;
if (a) {
var r = a &&;
if (r) return, r), "function" == typeof t.removeAttribute && t.removeAttribute(i), r
return null
}, e(n, i, o), n[s] = !0
function k(t, e, n) {
if (e)
for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) O(t, "on" + e[i], n);
else {
var r = [];
for (var o in t) "on" == o.substr(0, 2) && r.push(o);
for (var s = 0; s < r.length; s++) O(t, r[s], n)
var E = d("originalInstance");
function P(t) {
var n = p[t];
if (n) {
p[d(t)] = n, p[t] = function() {
var e = m(arguments, t);
switch (e.length) {
case 0:
this[E] = new n;
case 1:
this[E] = new n(e[0]);
case 2:
this[E] = new n(e[0], e[1]);
case 3:
this[E] = new n(e[0], e[1], e[2]);
case 4:
this[E] = new n(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3]);
throw new Error("Arg list too long.")
}, M(p[t], n);
var i, r = new n((function() {}));
for (i in r) "XMLHttpRequest" === t && "responseBlob" === i || function(n) {
"function" == typeof r[n] ? p[t].prototype[n] = function() {
return this[E][n].apply(this[E], arguments)
} : e(p[t].prototype, n, {
set: function(e) {
"function" == typeof e ? (this[E][n] = c(e, t + "." + n), M(this[E][n], e)) : this[E][n] = e
get: function() {
return this[E][n]
for (i in n) "prototype" !== i && n.hasOwnProperty(i) && (p[t][i] = n[i])
function x(e, i, r) {
for (var o = e; o && !o.hasOwnProperty(i);) o = n(o);
!o && e[i] && (o = e);
var s = d(i),
a = null;
if (o && !(a = o[s]) && (a = o[s] = o[i], g(o && t(o, i)))) {
var c = r(a, s, i);
o[i] = function() {
return c(this, arguments)
}, M(o[i], a)
return a
function D(t, e, n) {
var i = null;
function r(t) {
var e =;
return e.args[e.cbIdx] = function() {
t.invoke.apply(this, arguments)
}, i.apply(, e.args), t
i = x(t, e, (function(t) {
return function(e, i) {
var o = n(e, i);
return o.cbIdx >= 0 && "function" == typeof i[o.cbIdx] ? l(, i[o.cbIdx], o, r) : t.apply(e, i)
function M(t, e) {
t[d("OriginalDelegate")] = e
var j = !1,
S = !1;
function T() {
try {
var t = h.navigator.userAgent;
if (-1 !== t.indexOf("MSIE ") || -1 !== t.indexOf("Trident/")) return !0
} catch (e) {}
return !1
function A() {
if (j) return S;
j = !0;
try {
var t = h.navigator.userAgent; - 1 === t.indexOf("MSIE ") && -1 === t.indexOf("Trident/") && -1 === t.indexOf("Edge/") || (S = !0)
} catch (e) {}
return S
Zone.__load_patch("toString", (function(t) {
var e = Function.prototype.toString,
n = d("OriginalDelegate"),
i = d("Promise"),
r = d("Error"),
o = function() {
if ("function" == typeof this) {
var o = this[n];
if (o) return "function" == typeof o ? :;
if (this === Promise) {
var s = t[i];
if (s) return
if (this === Error) {
var a = t[r];
if (a) return
o[n] = e, Function.prototype.toString = o;
var s = Object.prototype.toString;
Object.prototype.toString = function() {
return this instanceof Promise ? "[object Promise]" :
var I = !1;
if ("undefined" != typeof window) try {
var R = Object.defineProperty({}, "passive", {
get: function() {
I = !0
window.addEventListener("test", R, R), window.removeEventListener("test", R, R)
} catch (yt) {
I = !1
var L = {
useG: !0
B = {},
F = {},
U = new RegExp("^" + a + "(\\w+)(true|false)$"),
N = d("propagationStopped");
function W(t, e) {
var n = (e ? e(t) : t) + "false",
i = (e ? e(t) : t) + "true",
r = a + n,
o = a + i;
B[t] = {}, B[t].false = r, B[t].true = o
function Q(t, e, i) {
var r = i && i.add || "addEventListener",
o = i && i.rm || "removeEventListener",
s = i && i.listeners || "eventListeners",
c = i && i.rmAll || "removeAllListeners",
l = d(r),
u = "." + r + ":",
h = function(t, e, n) {
if (!t.isRemoved) {
var i = t.callback;
"object" == typeof i && i.handleEvent && (t.callback = function(t) {
return i.handleEvent(t)
}, t.originalDelegate = i), t.invoke(t, e, [n]);
var r = t.options;
r && "object" == typeof r && r.once && e[o].call(e, n.type, t.originalDelegate ? t.originalDelegate : t.callback, r)
p = function(e) {
if (e = e || t.event) {
var n = this || || t,
i = n[B[e.type].false];
if (i)
if (1 === i.length) h(i[0], n, e);
for (var r = i.slice(), o = 0; o < r.length && (!e || !0 !== e[N]); o++) h(r[o], n, e)
f = function(e) {
if (e = e || t.event) {
var n = this || || t,
i = n[B[e.type].true];
if (i)
if (1 === i.length) h(i[0], n, e);
for (var r = i.slice(), o = 0; o < r.length && (!e || !0 !== e[N]); o++) h(r[o], n, e)
function m(e, i) {
if (!e) return !1;
var h = !0;
i && void 0 !== i.useG && (h = i.useG);
var m = i && i.vh,
g = !0;
i && void 0 !== i.chkDup && (g = i.chkDup);
var _ = !1;
i && void 0 !== i.rt && (_ = i.rt);
for (var v = e; v && !v.hasOwnProperty(r);) v = n(v);
if (!v && e[r] && (v = e), !v) return !1;
if (v[l]) return !1;
var y, w = i && i.eventNameToString,
C = {},
O = v[l] = v[r],
k = v[d(o)] = v[o],
E = v[d(s)] = v[s],
P = v[d(c)] = v[c];
function x(t, e) {
return !I && "object" == typeof t && t ? !!t.capture : I && e ? "boolean" == typeof t ? {
capture: t,
passive: !0
} : t ? "object" == typeof t && !1 !== t.passive ? Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), {
passive: !0
}) : t : {
passive: !0
} : t
i && i.prepend && (y = v[d(i.prepend)] = v[i.prepend]);
var D = h ? function(t) {
if (!C.isExisting) return, C.eventName, C.capture ? f : p, C.options)
} : function(t) {
return, C.eventName, t.invoke, C.options)
j = h ? function(t) {
if (!t.isRemoved) {
var e = B[t.eventName],
n = void 0;
e && (n = e[t.capture ? "true" : "false"]);
var i = n &&[n];
if (i)
for (var r = 0; r < i.length; r++)
if (i[r] === t) {
i.splice(r, 1), t.isRemoved = !0, 0 === i.length && (t.allRemoved = !0,[n] = null);
if (t.allRemoved) return, t.eventName, t.capture ? f : p, t.options)
} : function(t) {
return, t.eventName, t.invoke, t.options)
S = i && i.diff ? i.diff : function(t, e) {
var n = typeof e;
return "function" === n && t.callback === e || "object" === n && t.originalDelegate === e
R = function(e, n, r, o, s, a) {
return void 0 === s && (s = !1), void 0 === a && (a = !1),
function() {
var c = this || t,
l = arguments[0];
i && i.transferEventName && (l = i.transferEventName(l));
var d = arguments[1];
if (!d) return e.apply(this, arguments);
if (b && "uncaughtException" === l) return e.apply(this, arguments);
var u = !1;
if ("function" != typeof d) {
if (!d.handleEvent) return e.apply(this, arguments);
u = !0
if (!m || m(e, d, c, arguments)) {
var p = I && !!A && -1 !== A.indexOf(l),
f = x(arguments[2], p);
if (T)
for (var _ = 0; _ < T.length; _++)
if (l === T[_]) return p ?, l, d, f) : e.apply(this, arguments);
var v = !!f && ("boolean" == typeof f || f.capture),
y = !(!f || "object" != typeof f) && f.once,
O = Zone.current,
k = B[l];
k || (W(l, w), k = B[l]);
var E, P = k[v ? "true" : "false"],
D = c[P],
M = !1;
if (D) {
if (M = !0, g)
for (_ = 0; _ < D.length; _++)
if (S(D[_], d)) return
} else D = c[P] = [];
var j =,
R = F[j];
R && (E = R[l]), E || (E = j + n + (w ? w(l) : l)), C.options = f, y && (C.options.once = !1), = c, C.capture = v, C.eventName = l, C.isExisting = M;
var U = h ? L : void 0;
U && (U.taskData = C);
var N = O.scheduleEventTask(E, d, U, r, o);
return = null, U && (U.taskData = null), y && (f.once = !0), (I || "boolean" != typeof N.options) && (N.options = f), = c, N.capture = v, N.eventName = l, u && (N.originalDelegate = d), a ? D.unshift(N) : D.push(N), s ? c : void 0
return v[r] = R(O, u, D, j, _), y && (v.prependListener = R(y, ".prependListener:", (function(t) {
return, C.eventName, t.invoke, C.options)
}), j, _, !0)), v[o] = function() {
var e = this || t,
n = arguments[0];
i && i.transferEventName && (n = i.transferEventName(n));
var r = arguments[2],
o = !!r && ("boolean" == typeof r || r.capture),
s = arguments[1];
if (!s) return k.apply(this, arguments);
if (!m || m(k, s, e, arguments)) {
var c, l = B[n];
l && (c = l[o ? "true" : "false"]);
var d = c && e[c];
if (d)
for (var u = 0; u < d.length; u++) {
var h = d[u];
if (S(h, s)) {
if (d.splice(u, 1), h.isRemoved = !0, 0 === d.length && (h.allRemoved = !0, e[c] = null, "string" == typeof n)) {
var p = a + "ON_PROPERTY" + n;
e[p] = null
return, _ ? e : void 0
return k.apply(this, arguments)
}, v[s] = function() {
var e = this || t,
n = arguments[0];
i && i.transferEventName && (n = i.transferEventName(n));
for (var r = [], o = q(e, w ? w(n) : n), s = 0; s < o.length; s++) {
var a = o[s],
c = a.originalDelegate ? a.originalDelegate : a.callback;
return r
}, v[c] = function() {
var e = this || t,
n = arguments[0];
if (n) {
i && i.transferEventName && (n = i.transferEventName(n));
var r = B[n];
if (r) {
var s = r.false,
a = r.true,
l = e[s],
d = e[a];
if (l) {
var u = l.slice();
for (f = 0; f < u.length; f++) this[o].call(this, n, (h = u[f]).originalDelegate ? h.originalDelegate : h.callback, h.options)
if (d)
for (u = d.slice(), f = 0; f < u.length; f++) {
var h;
this[o].call(this, n, (h = u[f]).originalDelegate ? h.originalDelegate : h.callback, h.options)
} else {
for (var p = Object.keys(e), f = 0; f < p.length; f++) {
var m = p[f],
g = U.exec(m),
b = g && g[1];
b && "removeListener" !== b && this[c].call(this, b)
this[c].call(this, "removeListener")
if (_) return this
}, M(v[r], O), M(v[o], k), P && M(v[c], P), E && M(v[s], E), !0
for (var g = [], _ = 0; _ < e.length; _++) g[_] = m(e[_], i);
return g
function q(t, e) {
if (!e) {
var n = [];
for (var i in t) {
var r = U.exec(i),
o = r && r[1];
if (o && (!e || o === e)) {
var s = t[i];
if (s)
for (var a = 0; a < s.length; a++) n.push(s[a])
return n
var c = B[e];
c || (W(e), c = B[e]);
var l = t[c.false],
d = t[c.true];
return l ? d ? l.concat(d) : l.slice() : d ? d.slice() : []
function K(t, e) {
var n = t.Event;
n && n.prototype && e.patchMethod(n.prototype, "stopImmediatePropagation", (function(t) {
return function(e, n) {
e[N] = !0, t && t.apply(e, n)
function V(t, e, n, i, r) {
var o = Zone.__symbol__(i);
if (!e[o]) {
var s = e[o] = e[i];
e[i] = function(o, a, c) {
return a && a.prototype && r.forEach((function(e) {
var r = n + "." + i + "::" + e,
o = a.prototype;
if (o.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
var s = t.ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, e);
s && s.value ? (s.value = t.wrapWithCurrentZone(s.value, r), t._redefineProperty(a.prototype, e, s)) : o[e] && (o[e] = t.wrapWithCurrentZone(o[e], r))
} else o[e] && (o[e] = t.wrapWithCurrentZone(o[e], r))
})),, o, a, c)
}, t.attachOriginToPatched(e[i], s)
var H, z, G, Y, $, Z = ["absolutedeviceorientation", "afterinput", "afterprint", "appinstalled", "beforeinstallprompt", "beforeprint", "beforeunload", "devicelight", "devicemotion", "deviceorientation", "deviceorientationabsolute", "deviceproximity", "hashchange", "languagechange", "message", "mozbeforepaint", "offline", "online", "paint", "pageshow", "pagehide", "popstate", "rejectionhandled", "storage", "unhandledrejection", "unload", "userproximity", "vrdisplayconnected", "vrdisplaydisconnected", "vrdisplaypresentchange"],
X = ["encrypted", "waitingforkey", "msneedkey", "mozinterruptbegin", "mozinterruptend"],
J = ["load"],
tt = ["blur", "error", "focus", "load", "resize", "scroll", "messageerror"],
et = ["bounce", "finish", "start"],
nt = ["loadstart", "progress", "abort", "error", "load", "progress", "timeout", "loadend", "readystatechange"],
it = ["upgradeneeded", "complete", "abort", "success", "error", "blocked", "versionchange", "close"],
rt = ["close", "error", "open", "message"],
ot = ["error", "message"],
st = ["abort", "animationcancel", "animationend", "animationiteration", "auxclick", "beforeinput", "blur", "cancel", "canplay", "canplaythrough", "change", "compositionstart", "compositionupdate", "compositionend", "cuechange", "click", "close", "contextmenu", "curechange", "dblclick", "drag", "dragend", "dragenter", "dragexit", "dragleave", "dragover", "drop", "durationchange", "emptied", "ended", "error", "focus", "focusin", "focusout", "gotpointercapture", "input", "invalid", "keydown", "keypress", "keyup", "load", "loadstart", "loadeddata", "loadedmetadata", "lostpointercapture", "mousedown", "mouseenter", "mouseleave", "mousemove", "mouseout", "mouseover", "mouseup", "mousewheel", "orientationchange", "pause", "play", "playing", "pointercancel", "pointerdown", "pointerenter", "pointerleave", "pointerlockchange", "mozpointerlockchange", "webkitpointerlockerchange", "pointerlockerror", "mozpointerlockerror", "webkitpointerlockerror", "pointermove", "pointout", "pointerover", "pointerup", "progress", "ratechange", "reset", "resize", "scroll", "seeked", "seeking", "select", "selectionchange", "selectstart", "show", "sort", "stalled", "submit", "suspend", "timeupdate", "volumechange", "touchcancel", "touchmove", "touchstart", "touchend", "transitioncancel", "transitionend", "waiting", "wheel"].concat(["webglcontextrestored", "webglcontextlost", "webglcontextcreationerror"], ["autocomplete", "autocompleteerror"], ["toggle"], ["afterscriptexecute", "beforescriptexecute", "DOMContentLoaded", "freeze", "fullscreenchange", "mozfullscreenchange", "webkitfullscreenchange", "msfullscreenchange", "fullscreenerror", "mozfullscreenerror", "webkitfullscreenerror", "msfullscreenerror", "readystatechange", "visibilitychange", "resume"], Z, ["beforecopy", "beforecut", "beforepaste", "copy", "cut", "paste", "dragstart", "loadend", "animationstart", "search", "transitionrun", "transitionstart", "webkitanimationend", "webkitanimationiteration", "webkitanimationstart", "webkittransitionend"], ["activate", "afterupdate", "ariarequest", "beforeactivate", "beforedeactivate", "beforeeditfocus", "beforeupdate", "cellchange", "controlselect", "dataavailable", "datasetchanged", "datasetcomplete", "errorupdate", "filterchange", "layoutcomplete", "losecapture", "move", "moveend", "movestart", "propertychange", "resizeend", "resizestart", "rowenter", "rowexit", "rowsdelete", "rowsinserted", "command", "compassneedscalibration", "deactivate", "help", "mscontentzoom", "msmanipulationstatechanged", "msgesturechange", "msgesturedoubletap", "msgestureend", "msgesturehold", "msgesturestart", "msgesturetap", "msgotpointercapture", "msinertiastart", "mslostpointercapture", "mspointercancel", "mspointerdown", "mspointerenter", "mspointerhover", "mspointerleave", "mspointermove", "mspointerout", "mspointerover", "mspointerup", "pointerout", "mssitemodejumplistitemremoved", "msthumbnailclick", "stop", "storagecommit"]);
function at(t, e, n) {
if (!n || 0 === n.length) return e;
var i = n.filter((function(e) {
return === t
if (!i || 0 === i.length) return e;
var r = i[0].ignoreProperties;
return e.filter((function(t) {
return -1 === r.indexOf(t)
function ct(t, e, n, i) {
t && k(t, at(t, e, n), i)
function lt(t, e) {
if ((!b || y) && !Zone[t.symbol("patchEvents")]) {
var i = "undefined" != typeof WebSocket,
r = e.__Zone_ignore_on_properties;
if (v) {
var o = window,
s = T ? [{
target: o,
ignoreProperties: ["error"]
}] : [];
ct(o, st.concat(["messageerror"]), r ? r.concat(s) : r, n(o)), ct(Document.prototype, st, r), void 0 !== o.SVGElement && ct(o.SVGElement.prototype, st, r), ct(Element.prototype, st, r), ct(HTMLElement.prototype, st, r), ct(HTMLMediaElement.prototype, X, r), ct(HTMLFrameSetElement.prototype, Z.concat(tt), r), ct(HTMLBodyElement.prototype, Z.concat(tt), r), ct(HTMLFrameElement.prototype, J, r), ct(HTMLIFrameElement.prototype, J, r);
var a = o.HTMLMarqueeElement;
a && ct(a.prototype, et, r);
var c = o.Worker;
c && ct(c.prototype, ot, r)
var l = e.XMLHttpRequest;
l && ct(l.prototype, nt, r);
var d = e.XMLHttpRequestEventTarget;
d && ct(d && d.prototype, nt, r), "undefined" != typeof IDBIndex && (ct(IDBIndex.prototype, it, r), ct(IDBRequest.prototype, it, r), ct(IDBOpenDBRequest.prototype, it, r), ct(IDBDatabase.prototype, it, r), ct(IDBTransaction.prototype, it, r), ct(IDBCursor.prototype, it, r)), i && ct(WebSocket.prototype, rt, r)
function dt() {
H = Zone.__symbol__, z = Object[H("defineProperty")] = Object.defineProperty, G = Object[H("getOwnPropertyDescriptor")] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, Y = Object.create, $ = H("unconfigurables"), Object.defineProperty = function(t, e, n) {
if (ht(t, e)) throw new TypeError("Cannot assign to read only property '" + e + "' of " + t);
var i = n.configurable;
return "prototype" !== e && (n = pt(t, e, n)), ft(t, e, n, i)
}, Object.defineProperties = function(t, e) {
return Object.keys(e).forEach((function(n) {
Object.defineProperty(t, n, e[n])
})), t
}, Object.create = function(t, e) {
return "object" != typeof e || Object.isFrozen(e) || Object.keys(e).forEach((function(n) {
e[n] = pt(t, n, e[n])
})), Y(t, e)
}, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor = function(t, e) {
var n = G(t, e);
return n && ht(t, e) && (n.configurable = !1), n
function ut(t, e, n) {
var i = n.configurable;
return ft(t, e, n = pt(t, e, n), i)
function ht(t, e) {
return t && t[$] && t[$][e]
function pt(t, e, n) {
return Object.isFrozen(n) || (n.configurable = !0), n.configurable || (t[$] || Object.isFrozen(t) || z(t, $, {
writable: !0,
value: {}
}), t[$] && (t[$][e] = !0)), n
function ft(t, e, n, i) {
try {
return z(t, e, n)
} catch (o) {
if (!n.configurable) throw o;
void 0 === i ? delete n.configurable : n.configurable = i;
try {
return z(t, e, n)
} catch (o) {
var r = null;
try {
r = JSON.stringify(n)
} catch (o) {
r = n.toString()
console.log("Attempting to configure '" + e + "' with descriptor '" + r + "' on object '" + t + "' and got error, giving up: " + o)
function mt(t, e) {
var n = e.getGlobalObjects(),
i = n.eventNames,
r = n.globalSources,
o = n.zoneSymbolEventNames,
s = n.TRUE_STR,
a = n.FALSE_STR,
l = "ApplicationCache,EventSource,FileReader,InputMethodContext,MediaController,MessagePort,Node,Performance,SVGElementInstance,SharedWorker,TextTrack,TextTrackCue,TextTrackList,WebKitNamedFlow,Window,Worker,WorkerGlobalScope,XMLHttpRequest,XMLHttpRequestEventTarget,XMLHttpRequestUpload,IDBRequest,IDBOpenDBRequest,IDBDatabase,IDBTransaction,IDBCursor,DBIndex,WebSocket".split(","),
d = [],
u =,
h = "Anchor,Area,Audio,BR,Base,BaseFont,Body,Button,Canvas,Content,DList,Directory,Div,Embed,FieldSet,Font,Form,Frame,FrameSet,HR,Head,Heading,Html,IFrame,Image,Input,Keygen,LI,Label,Legend,Link,Map,Marquee,Media,Menu,Meta,Meter,Mod,OList,Object,OptGroup,Option,Output,Paragraph,Pre,Progress,Quote,Script,Select,Source,Span,Style,TableCaption,TableCell,TableCol,Table,TableRow,TableSection,TextArea,Title,Track,UList,Unknown,Video".split(",");
u ? d = {
return "HTML" + t + "Element"
})).concat(l) : t.EventTarget ? d.push("EventTarget") : d = l;
for (var p = t.__Zone_disable_IE_check || !1, f = t.__Zone_enable_cross_context_check || !1, m = e.isIEOrEdge(), g = "function __BROWSERTOOLS_CONSOLE_SAFEFUNC() { [native code] }", _ = {
MSPointerCancel: "pointercancel",
MSPointerDown: "pointerdown",
MSPointerEnter: "pointerenter",
MSPointerHover: "pointerhover",
MSPointerLeave: "pointerleave",
MSPointerMove: "pointermove",
MSPointerOut: "pointerout",
MSPointerOver: "pointerover",
MSPointerUp: "pointerup"
}, b = 0; b < i.length; b++) {
var v = c + ((k = i[b]) + a),
y = c + (k + s);
o[k] = {}, o[k][a] = v, o[k][s] = y
for (b = 0; b < h.length; b++)
for (var w = h[b], C = r[w] = {}, O = 0; O < i.length; O++) {
var k;
C[k = i[O]] = w + ".addEventListener:" + k
var E = [];
for (b = 0; b < d.length; b++) {
var P = t[d[b]];
E.push(P && P.prototype)
return e.patchEventTarget(t, E, {
vh: function(t, e, n, i) {
if (!p && m) {
if (f) try {
var r;
if ("[object FunctionWrapper]" === (r = e.toString()) || r == g) return t.apply(n, i), !1
} catch (o) {
return t.apply(n, i), !1
} else if ("[object FunctionWrapper]" === (r = e.toString()) || r == g) return t.apply(n, i), !1
} else if (f) try {
} catch (o) {
return t.apply(n, i), !1
return !0
transferEventName: function(t) {
return _[t] || t
}), Zone[e.symbol("patchEventTarget")] = !!t.EventTarget, !0
function gt(t, e) {
var n = t.getGlobalObjects();
if ((!n.isNode || n.isMix) && ! function(t, e) {
var n = t.getGlobalObjects();
if ((n.isBrowser || n.isMix) && !t.ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLElement.prototype, "onclick") && "undefined" != typeof Element) {
var i = t.ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(Element.prototype, "onclick");
if (i && !i.configurable) return !1;
if (i) {
t.ObjectDefineProperty(Element.prototype, "onclick", {
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
get: function() {
return !0
var r = !!document.createElement("div").onclick;
return t.ObjectDefineProperty(Element.prototype, "onclick", i), r
var o = e.XMLHttpRequest;
if (!o) return !1;
var s = o.prototype,
a = t.ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, "onreadystatechange");
if (a) return t.ObjectDefineProperty(s, "onreadystatechange", {
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
get: function() {
return !0
}), r = !!(l = new o).onreadystatechange, t.ObjectDefineProperty(s, "onreadystatechange", a || {}), r;
var c = t.symbol("fake");
t.ObjectDefineProperty(s, "onreadystatechange", {
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0,
get: function() {
return this[c]
set: function(t) {
this[c] = t
var l = new o,
d = function() {};
return l.onreadystatechange = d, r = l[c] === d, l.onreadystatechange = null, r
}(t, e)) {
var i = "undefined" != typeof WebSocket;
! function(t) {
for (var e = t.getGlobalObjects().eventNames, n = t.symbol("unbound"), i = function(i) {
var r = e[i],
o = "on" + r;
self.addEventListener(r, (function(e) {
var i, r, s =;
for (r = s ? + "." + o : "unknown." + o; s;) s[o] && !s[o][n] && ((i = t.wrapWithCurrentZone(s[o], r))[n] = s[o], s[o] = i), s = s.parentElement
}), !0)
}, r = 0; r < e.length; r++) i(r)
}(t), t.patchClass("XMLHttpRequest"), i && function(t, e) {
var n = t.getGlobalObjects(),
o = e.WebSocket;
e.EventTarget || t.patchEventTarget(e, [o.prototype]), e.WebSocket = function(e, n) {
var s, a, c = arguments.length > 1 ? new o(e, n) : new o(e),
l = t.ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(c, "onmessage");
return l && !1 === l.configurable ? (s = t.ObjectCreate(c), a = c, [i, r, "send", "close"].forEach((function(e) {
s[e] = function() {
var n =;
if (e === i || e === r) {
var o = n.length > 0 ? n[0] : void 0;
if (o) {
var a = Zone.__symbol__("ON_PROPERTY" + o);
c[a] = s[a]
return c[e].apply(c, n)
}))) : s = c, t.patchOnProperties(s, ["close", "error", "message", "open"], a), s
var s = e.WebSocket;
for (var a in o) s[a] = o[a]
}(t, e), Zone[t.symbol("patchEvents")] = !0
Zone.__load_patch("util", (function(n, o, s) {
s.patchOnProperties = k, s.patchMethod = x, s.bindArguments = m, s.patchMacroTask = D;
var l = o.__symbol__("BLACK_LISTED_EVENTS"),
d = o.__symbol__("UNPATCHED_EVENTS");
n[d] && (n[l] = n[d]), n[l] && (o[l] = o[d] = n[l]), s.patchEventPrototype = K, s.patchEventTarget = Q, s.isIEOrEdge = A, s.ObjectDefineProperty = e, s.ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor = t, s.ObjectCreate = i, s.ArraySlice = r, s.patchClass = P, s.wrapWithCurrentZone = c, s.filterProperties = at, s.attachOriginToPatched = M, s._redefineProperty = Object.defineProperty, s.patchCallbacks = V, s.getGlobalObjects = function() {
return {
globalSources: F,
zoneSymbolEventNames: B,
eventNames: st,
isBrowser: v,
isMix: y,
isNode: b,
TRUE_STR: "true",
FALSE_STR: "false",
ADD_EVENT_LISTENER_STR: "addEventListener",
REMOVE_EVENT_LISTENER_STR: "removeEventListener"
function(t) {
t[(t.__Zone_symbol_prefix || "__zone_symbol__") + "legacyPatch"] = function() {
var e = t.Zone;
e.__load_patch("defineProperty", (function(t, e, n) {
n._redefineProperty = ut, dt()
})), e.__load_patch("registerElement", (function(t, e, n) {
! function(t, e) {
var n = e.getGlobalObjects();
(n.isBrowser || n.isMix) && "registerElement" in t.document && e.patchCallbacks(e, document, "Document", "registerElement", ["createdCallback", "attachedCallback", "detachedCallback", "attributeChangedCallback"])
}(t, n)
})), e.__load_patch("EventTargetLegacy", (function(t, e, n) {
mt(t, n), gt(n, t)
}("undefined" != typeof window ? window : "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : {});
var _t = d("zoneTask");
function bt(t, e, n, i) {
var r = null,
o = null;
n += i;
var s = {};
function a(e) {
var n =;
return n.args[0] = function() {
try {
e.invoke.apply(this, arguments)
} finally { && || ("number" == typeof n.handleId ? delete s[n.handleId] : n.handleId && (n.handleId[_t] = null))
}, n.handleId = r.apply(t, n.args), e
function c(t) {
return o(
r = x(t, e += i, (function(n) {
return function(r, o) {
if ("function" == typeof o[0]) {
var d = l(e, o[0], {
isPeriodic: "Interval" === i,
delay: "Timeout" === i || "Interval" === i ? o[1] || 0 : void 0,
args: o
}, a, c);
if (!d) return d;
var u =;
return "number" == typeof u ? s[u] = d : u && (u[_t] = d), u && u.ref && u.unref && "function" == typeof u.ref && "function" == typeof u.unref && (d.ref = u.ref.bind(u), d.unref = u.unref.bind(u)), "number" == typeof u || u ? u : d
return n.apply(t, o)
})), o = x(t, n, (function(e) {
return function(n, i) {
var r, o = i[0];
"number" == typeof o ? r = s[o] : (r = o && o[_t]) || (r = o), r && "string" == typeof r.type ? "notScheduled" !== r.state && (r.cancelFn && || 0 === r.runCount) && ("number" == typeof o ? delete s[o] : o && (o[_t] = null), : e.apply(t, i)
function vt(t, e) {
if (!Zone[e.symbol("patchEventTarget")]) {
for (var n = e.getGlobalObjects(), i = n.eventNames, r = n.zoneSymbolEventNames, o = n.TRUE_STR, s = n.FALSE_STR, a = n.ZONE_SYMBOL_PREFIX, c = 0; c < i.length; c++) {
var l = i[c],
d = a + (l + s),
u = a + (l + o);
r[l] = {}, r[l][s] = d, r[l][o] = u
var h = t.EventTarget;
if (h && h.prototype) return e.patchEventTarget(t, [h && h.prototype]), !0
Zone.__load_patch("legacy", (function(t) {
var e = t[Zone.__symbol__("legacyPatch")];
e && e()
})), Zone.__load_patch("timers", (function(t) {
bt(t, "set", "clear", "Timeout"), bt(t, "set", "clear", "Interval"), bt(t, "set", "clear", "Immediate")
})), Zone.__load_patch("requestAnimationFrame", (function(t) {
bt(t, "request", "cancel", "AnimationFrame"), bt(t, "mozRequest", "mozCancel", "AnimationFrame"), bt(t, "webkitRequest", "webkitCancel", "AnimationFrame")
})), Zone.__load_patch("blocking", (function(t, e) {
for (var n = ["alert", "prompt", "confirm"], i = 0; i < n.length; i++) x(t, n[i], (function(n, i, r) {
return function(i, o) {
return, t, o, r)
})), Zone.__load_patch("EventTarget", (function(t, e, n) {
! function(t, e) {
e.patchEventPrototype(t, e)
}(t, n), vt(t, n);
var i = t.XMLHttpRequestEventTarget;
i && i.prototype && n.patchEventTarget(t, [i.prototype]), P("MutationObserver"), P("WebKitMutationObserver"), P("IntersectionObserver"), P("FileReader")
})), Zone.__load_patch("on_property", (function(t, e, n) {
lt(n, t)
})), Zone.__load_patch("customElements", (function(t, e, n) {
! function(t, e) {
var n = e.getGlobalObjects();
(n.isBrowser || n.isMix) && t.customElements && "customElements" in t && e.patchCallbacks(e, t.customElements, "customElements", "define", ["connectedCallback", "disconnectedCallback", "adoptedCallback", "attributeChangedCallback"])
}(t, n)
})), Zone.__load_patch("XHR", (function(t, e) {
! function(t) {
var h = t.XMLHttpRequest;
if (h) {
var p = h.prototype,
f = p[o],
m = p[s];
if (!f) {
var g = t.XMLHttpRequestEventTarget;
if (g) {
var _ = g.prototype;
f = _[o], m = _[s]
var b = x(p, "open", (function() {
return function(t, e) {
return t[i] = 0 == e[2], t[c] = e[1], b.apply(t, e)
v = d("fetchTaskAborting"),
y = d("fetchTaskScheduling"),
w = x(p, "send", (function() {
return function(t, n) {
if (!0 === e.current[y]) return w.apply(t, n);
if (t[i]) return w.apply(t, n);
var r = {
target: t,
url: t[c],
isPeriodic: !1,
args: n,
aborted: !1
o = l("XMLHttpRequest.send", k, r, O, E);
t && !0 === t[u] && !r.aborted && "scheduled" === o.state && o.invoke()
C = x(p, "abort", (function() {
return function(t, i) {
var r = t[n];
if (r && "string" == typeof r.type) {
if (null == r.cancelFn || && return;
} else if (!0 === e.current[v]) return C.apply(t, i)
function O(t) {
var i =,
c =;
c[a] = !1, c[u] = !1;
var l = c[r];
f || (f = c[o], m = c[s]), l &&, "readystatechange", l);
var d = c[r] = function() {
if (c.readyState === c.DONE)
if (!i.aborted && c[a] && "scheduled" === t.state) {
var n = c[e.__symbol__("loadfalse")];
if (n && n.length > 0) {
var r = t.invoke;
t.invoke = function() {
for (var n = c[e.__symbol__("loadfalse")], o = 0; o < n.length; o++) n[o] === t && n.splice(o, 1);
i.aborted || "scheduled" !== t.state ||
}, n.push(t)
} else t.invoke()
} else i.aborted || !1 !== c[a] || (c[u] = !0)
return, "readystatechange", d), c[n] || (c[n] = t), w.apply(c, i.args), c[a] = !0, t
function k() {}
function E(t) {
var e =;
return e.aborted = !0, C.apply(, e.args)
var n = d("xhrTask"),
i = d("xhrSync"),
r = d("xhrListener"),
a = d("xhrScheduled"),
c = d("xhrURL"),
u = d("xhrErrorBeforeScheduled")
})), Zone.__load_patch("geolocation", (function(e) {
e.navigator && e.navigator.geolocation && function(e, n) {
for (var i =, r = function(r) {
var o = n[r],
s = e[o];
if (s) {
if (!g(t(e, o))) return "continue";
e[o] = function(t) {
var e = function() {
return t.apply(this, m(arguments, i + "." + o))
return M(e, t), e
}, o = 0; o < n.length; o++) r(o)
}(e.navigator.geolocation, ["getCurrentPosition", "watchPosition"])
})), Zone.__load_patch("PromiseRejectionEvent", (function(t, e) {
function n(e) {
return function(n) {
q(t, e).forEach((function(i) {
var r = t.PromiseRejectionEvent;
if (r) {
var o = new r(e, {
promise: n.promise,
reason: n.rejection
t.PromiseRejectionEvent && (e[d("unhandledPromiseRejectionHandler")] = n("unhandledrejection"), e[d("rejectionHandledHandler")] = n("rejectionhandled"))
}) ?, n, e, t) : i) || (t.exports = r)
"0YWM": function(t, e, n) {
var i = n("EemH"),
r = n("OP3Y"),
o = n("aagx"),
s = n("XKFU"),
a = n("0/R4"),
c = n("y3w9");
s(s.S, "Reflect", {
get: function t(e, n) {
var s, l, d = arguments.length < 3 ? e : arguments[2];
return c(e) === d ? e[n] : (s = i.f(e, n)) ? o(s, "value") ? s.value : void 0 !== s.get ? : void 0 : a(l = r(e)) ? t(l, n, d) : void 0
"0l/t": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
var i = n("XKFU"),
r = n("CkkT")(2);
i(i.P + i.F * !n("LyE8")([].filter, !0), "Array", {
filter: function(t) {
return r(this, t, arguments[1])
"0mN4": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n("OGtf")("fixed", (function(t) {
return function() {
return t(this, "tt", "", "")
"0mNj": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return o
var i = n("mrSG"),
r = n("FFOo");
function o(t) {
return function(e) {
return e.lift(new s(t))
var s = function() {
function t(t) { = t
return = function(t, e) {
return e.subscribe(new a(t,
}, t
a = function(t) {
function e(e, n) {
var i =, e) || this;
return = n, i.count = 0, i
return i.c(e, t), e.prototype._next = function(t) {
++this.count > &&
}, e
"0sh+": function(t, e, n) {
var i = n("quPj"),
r = n("vhPU");
t.exports = function(t, e, n) {
if (i(e)) throw TypeError("String#" + n + " doesn't accept regex!");
return String(r(t))
"0zd0": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return a
var i = n("T1DM"),
r = n("3U0i"),
o = n("ceCD"),
s = n("XlPw");
function a(t, e) {
return void 0 === e && (e = i.a), Object(o.a)(t, Object(s.a)(new r.a), e)
"11IZ": function(t, e, n) {
var i = n("dyZX").parseFloat,
r = n("qncB").trim;
t.exports = 1 / i(n("/e88") + "-0") != -1 / 0 ? function(t) {
var e = r(String(t), 3),
n = i(e);
return 0 === n && "-" == e.charAt(0) ? -0 : n
} : i
"14Nl": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return s
var i = n("mrSG"),
r = n("FFOo"),
o = n("b7mW");
function s(t) {
return function(e) {
return e.lift(new a(t))
var a = function() {
function t(t) {
if (this._skipCount = t, this._skipCount < 0) throw new o.a
return = function(t, e) {
return e.subscribe(0 === this._skipCount ? new r.a(t) : new c(t, this._skipCount))
}, t
c = function(t) {
function e(e, n) {
var i =, e) || this;
return i._skipCount = n, i._count = 0, i._ring = new Array(n), i
return i.c(e, t), e.prototype._next = function(t) {
var e = this._skipCount,
n = this._count++;
if (n < e) this._ring[n] = t;
else {
var i = n % e,
r = this._ring,
o = r[i];
r[i] = t,
}, e
"15JJ": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return l
var i = n("mrSG"),
r = n("MGBS"),
o = n("rPjj"),
s = n("zotm"),
a = n("67Y/"),
c = n("0/uQ");
function l(t, e) {
return "function" == typeof e ? function(n) {
return n.pipe(l((function(n, i) {
return Object(c.a)(t(n, i)).pipe(Object(a.a)((function(t, r) {
return e(n, t, i, r)
} : function(e) {
return e.lift(new d(t))
var d = function() {
function t(t) {
this.project = t
return = function(t, e) {
return e.subscribe(new u(t, this.project))
}, t
u = function(t) {
function e(e, n) {
var i =, e) || this;
return i.project = n, i.index = 0, i
return i.c(e, t), e.prototype._next = function(t) {
var e, n = this.index++;
try {
e = this.project(t, n)
} catch (i) {
return void this.destination.error(i)
this._innerSub(e, t, n)
}, e.prototype._innerSub = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this.innerSubscription;
i && i.unsubscribe();
var r = new o.a(this, e, n),
a = this.destination;
a.add(r), this.innerSubscription = Object(s.a)(this, t, void 0, void 0, r), this.innerSubscription !== r && a.add(this.innerSubscription)
}, e.prototype._complete = function() {
var e = this.innerSubscription;
e && !e.closed ||, this.unsubscribe()
}, e.prototype._unsubscribe = function() {
this.innerSubscription = null
}, e.prototype.notifyComplete = function(e) {
this.destination.remove(e), this.innerSubscription = null, this.isStopped &&
}, e.prototype.notifyNext = function(t, e, n, i, r) {
}, e
"1MBn": function(t, e, n) {
var i = n("DVgA"),
r = n("JiEa"),
o = n("UqcF");
t.exports = function(t) {
var e = i(t),
n = r.f;
if (n)
for (var s, a = n(t), c = o.f, l = 0; a.length > l;), s = a[l++]) && e.push(s);
return e
"1TsA": function(t, e) {
t.exports = function(t, e) {
return {
value: e,
done: !!t
"1cYQ": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return d
var i = n("F/XL"),
r = n("67Y/"),
o = n("XNvx"),
s = n("ph+x"),
a = n("TYT/"),
c = n("cUzu"),
l = function() {
return (l = Object.assign || function(t) {
for (var e, n = 1, i = arguments.length; n < i; n++)
for (var r in e = arguments[n]), r) && (t[r] = e[r]);
return t
}).apply(this, arguments)
d = function() {
function t(t, e, n) {
this.authHttp = t, this.auth = e, this.spinner = n, this.problemDataSave = {}, this.moduleDataSave = {}, this.teacherDataSave = {}
return t.prototype.teacherData = function(t) {
return void 0 === t && (t = !1), alertDialog("This is no longer supported. Use the manager instead.")
}, t.prototype.moduleData = function() {
var t = this,
e = this.auth.getRequestAndPath("stats", {
type: "module-stats"
n = e.requestPath,
i = e.request;
return this.spinner.start(),, i).pipe(Object(r.a)((function(e) {
return t.spinner.stop(), e
}, t.prototype.updateStandardsToConcepts = function(t) {
var e = this.auth.getRequestAndPath("update_concept_selection", t);
return, e.request).toPromise()
}, t.prototype.problemData = function(t, e) {
var n = this;
if (!0 !== e && this.problemDataSave.skillcode == t) return Object(i.a)("saved").toPromise();
var o = this.auth.getRequestAndPath("stats", {
type: "problem-stats",
skillcode: t
s = o.requestPath,
a = o.request;
return this.spinner.start(),, a).pipe(Object(r.a)((function(t) {
return n.spinner.stop(), t
}, t.prototype.skillcodeData = function(t) {
var e = this;
if (void 0 === t && (t = !1), this.skillcodeDataSave && !t) return Object(i.a)(this.skillcodeDataSave).toPromise();
var n = this.auth.getRequestAndPath("update_categories", {
type: "get-skillcodes"
return, n.request).pipe(Object(r.a)((function(t) {
return e.spinner.stop(), e.skillcodeDataSave = t, e.skillcodeDataSave
}, t.prototype.updateSkill = function(t, e) {
var n = this;
var i = this.auth.getRequestAndPath("update_categories", {
type: "update-skillcode",
sk: t,
skillcode: e
return, i.request).pipe(Object(r.a)((function(t) {
return n.spinner.stop(), t
}, t.prototype.updateTags = function(t) {
var e = this;
var n = this.auth.getRequestAndPath("update_categories", {
type: "update-tags",
tags: t
return, n.request).pipe(Object(r.a)((function(t) {
return e.spinner.stop(), t
}, t.prototype.updateYears = function(t) {
var e = this;
var n = this.auth.getRequestAndPath("update_categories", l({
type: "update-years"
}, t));
return, n.request).pipe(Object(r.a)((function(t) {
return e.spinner.stop(), t
}, t.prototype.updateCategories = function(t) {
var e = this;
var n = this.auth.getRequestAndPath("update_categories", {
type: "update-categories",
category_changes: t
return, n.request).pipe(Object(r.a)((function(t) {
return e.spinner.stop(), t
}, t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)(,,
}, t.\u0275prov = a.Zb({
token: t,
factory: t.\u0275fac
}), t
"1fDf": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return r
var i = n("FFOo");
function r(t) {
for (; t;) {
var e = t.destination;
if (t.closed || t.isStopped) return !1;
t = e && e instanceof i.a ? e : null
return !0
"1sBl": function(t, e, n) {
var i = n("e/Dd").getSymbolSize;
e.getRowColCoords = function(t) {
if (1 === t) return [];
for (var e = Math.floor(t / 7) + 2, n = i(t), r = 145 === n ? 26 : 2 * Math.ceil((n - 13) / (2 * e - 2)), o = [n - 7], s = 1; s < e - 1; s++) o[s] = o[s - 1] - r;
return o.push(6), o.reverse()
}, e.getPositions = function(t) {
for (var n = [], i = e.getRowColCoords(t), r = i.length, o = 0; o < r; o++)
for (var s = 0; s < r; s++) 0 === o && 0 === s || 0 === o && s === r - 1 || o === r - 1 && 0 === s || n.push([i[o], i[s]]);
return n
"1sa7": function(t, e) {
t.exports = Math.log1p || function(t) {
return (t = +t) > -1e-8 && t < 1e-8 ? t - t * t / 2 : Math.log(1 + t)
"25dN": function(t, e, n) {
var i = n("XKFU");
i(i.S, "Object", {
is: n("g6HL")
"26FU": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return s
var i = n("mrSG"),
r = n("K9Ia"),
o = n("8g8A"),
s = function(t) {
function e(e) {
var n = || this;
return n._value = e, n
return i.c(e, t), Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "value", {
get: function() {
return this.getValue()
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), e.prototype._subscribe = function(e) {
var n =, e);
return n && !n.closed &&, n
}, e.prototype.getValue = function() {
if (this.hasError) throw this.thrownError;
if (this.closed) throw new o.a;
return this._value
}, = function(e) {, this._value = e)
}, e
"2Bdj": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
function i(t) {
return "function" == typeof t
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return i
"2F76": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return y
})), n.d(e, "b", (function() {
return C
var i, r = n("TYT/"),
o = n("zpL3"),
s = n("K9Ia"),
a = n("dzgT"),
c = n("dEwP"),
l = n("6blF"),
d = n("t9fZ"),
u = n("0mNj"),
h = n("Gi3i"),
p = n("67Y/"),
f = n("p0Sj"),
m = n("ny24"),
g = n("QaPV"),
_ = new Set,
b = function() {
function t(t) {
this._platform = t, this._matchMedia = this._platform.isBrowser && window.matchMedia ? window.matchMedia.bind(window) : v
return t.prototype.matchMedia = function(t) {
return this._platform.WEBKIT && function(t) {
if (!_.has(t)) try {
i || ((i = document.createElement("style")).setAttribute("type", "text/css"), document.head.appendChild(i)), i.sheet && (i.sheet.insertRule("@media " + t + " {.fx-query-test{ }}", 0), _.add(t))
} catch (e) {
}(t), this._matchMedia(t)
}, t.ngInjectableDef = Object(r.Zb)({
factory: function() {
return new t(Object(
token: t,
providedIn: "root"
}), t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)(
}, t.\u0275prov = r.Zb({
token: t,
factory: function(e) {
return t.\u0275fac(e)
providedIn: "root"
}), t
function v(t) {
return {
matches: "all" === t || "" === t,
media: t,
addListener: function() {},
removeListener: function() {}
var y = function() {
function t(t, e) {
this._mediaMatcher = t, this._zone = e, this._queries = new Map, this._destroySubject = new s.b
return t.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function() {, this._destroySubject.complete()
}, t.prototype.isMatched = function(t) {
var e = this;
return w(Object(g.a)(t)).some((function(t) {
return e._registerQuery(t).mql.matches
}, t.prototype.observe = function(t) {
var e = this,
n = w(Object(g.a)(t)).map((function(t) {
return e._registerQuery(t).observable
i = Object(a.b)(n);
return (i = Object(c.a)(i.pipe(Object(d.a)(1)), i.pipe(Object(u.a)(1), Object(h.a)(0)))).pipe(Object(p.a)((function(t) {
var e = {
matches: !1,
breakpoints: {}
return t.forEach((function(t) {
e.matches = e.matches || t.matches, e.breakpoints[t.query] = t.matches
})), e
}, t.prototype._registerQuery = function(t) {
var e = this;
if (this._queries.has(t)) return this._queries.get(t);
var n = this._mediaMatcher.matchMedia(t),
i = {
observable: new l.a((function(t) {
var i = function(n) {
return {
return n.addListener(i),
function() {
})).pipe(Object(f.a)(n), Object(p.a)((function(e) {
return {
query: t,
matches: e.matches
})), Object(m.a)(this._destroySubject)),
mql: n
return this._queries.set(t, i), i
}, t.ngInjectableDef = Object(r.Zb)({
factory: function() {
return new t(Object(, Object(
token: t,
providedIn: "root"
}), t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)(,
}, t.\u0275prov = r.Zb({
token: t,
factory: function(e) {
return t.\u0275fac(e)
providedIn: "root"
}), t
function w(t) {
return {
return t.split(",")
})).reduce((function(t, e) {
return t.concat(e)
})).map((function(t) {
return t.trim()
var C = {
XSmall: "(max-width: 599.99px)",
Small: "(min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 959.99px)",
Medium: "(min-width: 960px) and (max-width: 1279.99px)",
Large: "(min-width: 1280px) and (max-width: 1919.99px)",
XLarge: "(min-width: 1920px)",
Handset: "(max-width: 599.99px) and (orientation: portrait), (max-width: 959.99px) and (orientation: landscape)",
Tablet: "(min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 839.99px) and (orientation: portrait), (min-width: 960px) and (max-width: 1279.99px) and (orientation: landscape)",
Web: "(min-width: 840px) and (orientation: portrait), (min-width: 1280px) and (orientation: landscape)",
HandsetPortrait: "(max-width: 599.99px) and (orientation: portrait)",
TabletPortrait: "(min-width: 600px) and (max-width: 839.99px) and (orientation: portrait)",
WebPortrait: "(min-width: 840px) and (orientation: portrait)",
HandsetLandscape: "(max-width: 959.99px) and (orientation: landscape)",
TabletLandscape: "(min-width: 960px) and (max-width: 1279.99px) and (orientation: landscape)",
WebLandscape: "(min-width: 1280px) and (orientation: landscape)"
"2OiF": function(t, e) {
t.exports = function(t) {
if ("function" != typeof t) throw TypeError(t + " is not a function!");
return t
"2Spj": function(t, e, n) {
var i = n("XKFU");
i(i.P, "Function", {
bind: n("8MEG")
"2WDa": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return o
})), n.d(e, "b", (function() {
return i
})), n.d(e, "c", (function() {
return r
})), n.d(e, "d", (function() {
return _
})), n.d(e, "e", (function() {
return a
})), n.d(e, "f", (function() {
return f
})), n.d(e, "g", (function() {
return c
})), n.d(e, "h", (function() {
return h
})), n.d(e, "i", (function() {
return m
})), n.d(e, "j", (function() {
return l
})), n.d(e, "k", (function() {
return u
})), n.d(e, "l", (function() {
return d
})), n.d(e, "m", (function() {
return p
})), n.d(e, "n", (function() {
return s
})), n.d(e, "o", (function() {
return b
})), n.d(e, "p", (function() {
return v
var i = function() {
return function() {}
r = function() {
return function() {}
o = "*";
function s(t, e) {
return {
type: 7,
name: t,
definitions: e,
options: {}
function a(t, e) {
return void 0 === e && (e = null), {
type: 4,
styles: e,
timings: t
function c(t, e) {
return void 0 === e && (e = null), {
type: 3,
steps: t,
options: e
function l(t, e) {
return void 0 === e && (e = null), {
type: 2,
steps: t,
options: e
function d(t) {
return {
type: 6,
styles: t,
offset: null
function u(t, e, n) {
return {
type: 0,
name: t,
styles: e,
options: n
function h(t) {
return {
type: 5,
steps: t
function p(t, e, n) {
return void 0 === n && (n = null), {
type: 1,
expr: t,
animation: e,
options: n
function f(t) {
return void 0 === t && (t = null), {
type: 9,
options: t
function m(t, e, n) {
return void 0 === n && (n = null), {
type: 11,
selector: t,
animation: e,
options: n
function g(t) {
var _ = function() {
function t(t, e) {
void 0 === t && (t = 0), void 0 === e && (e = 0), this._onDoneFns = [], this._onStartFns = [], this._onDestroyFns = [], this._started = !1, this._destroyed = !1, this._finished = !1, this.parentPlayer = null, this.totalTime = t + e
return t.prototype._onFinish = function() {
this._finished || (this._finished = !0, this._onDoneFns.forEach((function(t) {
return t()
})), this._onDoneFns = [])
}, t.prototype.onStart = function(t) {
}, t.prototype.onDone = function(t) {
}, t.prototype.onDestroy = function(t) {
}, t.prototype.hasStarted = function() {
return this._started
}, t.prototype.init = function() {}, = function() {
this.hasStarted() || (this._onStart(), this.triggerMicrotask()), this._started = !0
}, t.prototype.triggerMicrotask = function() {
var t = this;
g((function() {
return t._onFinish()
}, t.prototype._onStart = function() {
this._onStartFns.forEach((function(t) {
return t()
})), this._onStartFns = []
}, t.prototype.pause = function() {}, t.prototype.restart = function() {}, t.prototype.finish = function() {
}, t.prototype.destroy = function() {
this._destroyed || (this._destroyed = !0, this.hasStarted() || this._onStart(), this.finish(), this._onDestroyFns.forEach((function(t) {
return t()
})), this._onDestroyFns = [])
}, t.prototype.reset = function() {}, t.prototype.setPosition = function(t) {}, t.prototype.getPosition = function() {
return 0
}, t.prototype.triggerCallback = function(t) {
var e = "start" == t ? this._onStartFns : this._onDoneFns;
e.forEach((function(t) {
return t()
})), e.length = 0
}, t
b = function() {
function t(t) {
var e = this;
this._onDoneFns = [], this._onStartFns = [], this._finished = !1, this._started = !1, this._destroyed = !1, this._onDestroyFns = [], this.parentPlayer = null, this.totalTime = 0, this.players = t;
var n = 0,
i = 0,
r = 0,
o = this.players.length;
0 == o ? g((function() {
return e._onFinish()
})) : this.players.forEach((function(t) {
t.onDone((function() {
++n == o && e._onFinish()
})), t.onDestroy((function() {
++i == o && e._onDestroy()
})), t.onStart((function() {
++r == o && e._onStart()
})), this.totalTime = this.players.reduce((function(t, e) {
return Math.max(t, e.totalTime)
}), 0)
return t.prototype._onFinish = function() {
this._finished || (this._finished = !0, this._onDoneFns.forEach((function(t) {
return t()
})), this._onDoneFns = [])
}, t.prototype.init = function() {
this.players.forEach((function(t) {
return t.init()
}, t.prototype.onStart = function(t) {
}, t.prototype._onStart = function() {
this.hasStarted() || (this._started = !0, this._onStartFns.forEach((function(t) {
return t()
})), this._onStartFns = [])
}, t.prototype.onDone = function(t) {
}, t.prototype.onDestroy = function(t) {
}, t.prototype.hasStarted = function() {
return this._started
}, = function() {
this.parentPlayer || this.init(), this._onStart(), this.players.forEach((function(t) {
}, t.prototype.pause = function() {
this.players.forEach((function(t) {
return t.pause()
}, t.prototype.restart = function() {
this.players.forEach((function(t) {
return t.restart()
}, t.prototype.finish = function() {
this._onFinish(), this.players.forEach((function(t) {
return t.finish()
}, t.prototype.destroy = function() {
}, t.prototype._onDestroy = function() {
this._destroyed || (this._destroyed = !0, this._onFinish(), this.players.forEach((function(t) {
return t.destroy()
})), this._onDestroyFns.forEach((function(t) {
return t()
})), this._onDestroyFns = [])
}, t.prototype.reset = function() {
this.players.forEach((function(t) {
return t.reset()
})), this._destroyed = !1, this._finished = !1, this._started = !1
}, t.prototype.setPosition = function(t) {
var e = t * this.totalTime;
this.players.forEach((function(t) {
var n = t.totalTime ? Math.min(1, e / t.totalTime) : 1;
}, t.prototype.getPosition = function() {
var t = 0;
return this.players.forEach((function(e) {
var n = e.getPosition();
t = Math.min(n, t)
})), t
}, t.prototype.beforeDestroy = function() {
this.players.forEach((function(t) {
t.beforeDestroy && t.beforeDestroy()
}, t.prototype.triggerCallback = function(t) {
var e = "start" == t ? this._onStartFns : this._onDoneFns;
e.forEach((function(t) {
return t()
})), e.length = 0
}, t
v = "!"
"2WpN": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return s
var i = n("mrSG"),
r = n("FFOo"),
o = n("pugT");
function s(t) {
return function(e) {
return e.lift(new a(t))
var a = function() {
function t(t) {
this.callback = t
return = function(t, e) {
return e.subscribe(new c(t, this.callback))
}, t
c = function(t) {
function e(e, n) {
var i =, e) || this;
return i.add(new o.a(n)), i
return i.c(e, t), e
"2atp": function(t, e, n) {
var i = n("XKFU"),
r = Math.atanh;
i(i.S + i.F * !(r && 1 / r(-0) < 0), "Math", {
atanh: function(t) {
return 0 == (t = +t) ? t : Math.log((1 + t) / (1 - t)) / 2
"2ePl": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return i
var i = function(t) {
return t && "number" == typeof t.length && "function" != typeof t
"2mMm": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "c", (function() {
return m
})), n.d(e, "b", (function() {
return p
})), n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return f
var i = n("mrSG"),
r = n("S8bm"),
o = n("ED2X"),
s = n("Valr"),
a = n("TYT/"),
c = n("t5BC"),
l = ["mat-button", ""],
d = ["*"],
u = ["mat-button", "mat-flat-button", "mat-icon-button", "mat-raised-button", "mat-stroked-button", "mat-mini-fab", "mat-fab"],
h = function() {
return function(t) {
this._elementRef = t
p = function(t) {
function e(e, n, i) {
var r =, e) || this;
r._focusMonitor = n, r._animationMode = i, r.isRoundButton = r._hasHostAttributes("mat-fab", "mat-mini-fab"), r.isIconButton = r._hasHostAttributes("mat-icon-button");
for (var o = 0, s = u; o < s.length; o++) {
var a = s[o];
r._hasHostAttributes(a) && r._getHostElement().classList.add(a)
return e.nativeElement.classList.add("mat-button-base"), r._focusMonitor.monitor(r._elementRef, !0), r.isRoundButton && (r.color = "accent"), r
return Object(i.c)(e, t), e.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function() {
}, e.prototype.focus = function(t, e) {
void 0 === t && (t = "program"), this._focusMonitor.focusVia(this._getHostElement(), t, e)
}, e.prototype._getHostElement = function() {
return this._elementRef.nativeElement
}, e.prototype._isRippleDisabled = function() {
return this.disableRipple || this.disabled
}, e.prototype._hasHostAttributes = function() {
for (var t = this, e = [], n = 0; n < arguments.length; n++) e[n] = arguments[n];
return e.some((function(e) {
return t._getHostElement().hasAttribute(e)
}, e.\u0275fac = function(t) {
return new(t || e)(a.dc(a.p), a.dc(c.e), a.dc(o.a, 8))
}, e.\u0275cmp = a.Xb({
type: e,
selectors: [
["button", "mat-button", ""],
["button", "mat-raised-button", ""],
["button", "mat-icon-button", ""],
["button", "mat-fab", ""],
["button", "mat-mini-fab", ""],
["button", "mat-stroked-button", ""],
["button", "mat-flat-button", ""]
viewQuery: function(t, e) {
var n;
1 & t && a.kd(r.n, !0), 2 & t && a.Mc(n = && (e.ripple = n.first)
hostVars: 3,
hostBindings: function(t, e) {
2 & t && (a.Rb("disabled", e.disabled || null), a.Ub("_mat-animation-noopable", "NoopAnimations" === e._animationMode))
inputs: {
disabled: "disabled",
disableRipple: "disableRipple",
color: "color"
exportAs: ["matButton"],
features: [a.Nb],
attrs: l,
ngContentSelectors: d,
decls: 4,
vars: 5,
consts: [
[1, "mat-button-wrapper"],
["matRipple", "", 1, "mat-button-ripple", 3, "matRippleDisabled", "matRippleCentered", "matRippleTrigger"],
[1, "mat-button-focus-overlay"]
template: function(t, e) {
1 & t && (a.Bc(), a.jc(0, "span", 0), a.Ac(1), a.ic(),, "div", 1),, "div", 2)), 2 & t && (a.Qb(2), a.Ub("mat-button-ripple-round", e.isRoundButton || e.isIconButton), a.Cc("matRippleDisabled", e._isRippleDisabled())("matRippleCentered", e.isIconButton)("matRippleTrigger", e._getHostElement()))
directives: [r.n],
styles: [".mat-button .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-icon-button .mat-button-focus-overlay{opacity:0}.mat-button:hover .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-stroked-button:hover .mat-button-focus-overlay{opacity:.04}@media (hover:none){.mat-button:hover .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-stroked-button:hover .mat-button-focus-overlay{opacity:0}}.mat-button,.mat-flat-button,.mat-icon-button,.mat-stroked-button{box-sizing:border-box;position:relative;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none;cursor:pointer;outline:0;border:none;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;display:inline-block;white-space:nowrap;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:baseline;text-align:center;margin:0;min-width:64px;line-height:36px;padding:0 16px;border-radius:4px;overflow:visible}.mat-button::-moz-focus-inner,.mat-flat-button::-moz-focus-inner,.mat-icon-button::-moz-focus-inner,.mat-stroked-button::-moz-focus-inner{border:0}.mat-button[disabled],.mat-flat-button[disabled],.mat-icon-button[disabled],.mat-stroked-button[disabled]{cursor:default}.mat-button.cdk-keyboard-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-button.cdk-program-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-flat-button.cdk-keyboard-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-flat-button.cdk-program-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-icon-button.cdk-keyboard-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-icon-button.cdk-program-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-stroked-button.cdk-keyboard-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-stroked-button.cdk-program-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay{opacity:.12}.mat-button::-moz-focus-inner,.mat-flat-button::-moz-focus-inner,.mat-icon-button::-moz-focus-inner,.mat-stroked-button::-moz-focus-inner{border:0}.mat-raised-button{box-sizing:border-box;position:relative;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none;cursor:pointer;outline:0;border:none;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;display:inline-block;white-space:nowrap;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:baseline;text-align:center;margin:0;min-width:64px;line-height:36px;padding:0 16px;border-radius:4px;overflow:visible;transform:translate3d(0,0,0);transition:background .4s cubic-bezier(.25,.8,.25,1),box-shadow 280ms cubic-bezier(.4,0,.2,1)}.mat-raised-button::-moz-focus-inner{border:0}.mat-raised-button[disabled]{cursor:default}.mat-raised-button.cdk-keyboard-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-raised-button.cdk-program-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay{opacity:.12}.mat-raised-button::-moz-focus-inner{border:0}._mat-animation-noopable.mat-raised-button{transition:none;animation:none}.mat-stroked-button{border:1px solid currentColor;padding:0 15px;line-height:34px}.mat-stroked-button .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-stroked-button .mat-button-ripple.mat-ripple{top:-1px;left:-1px;right:-1px;bottom:-1px}.mat-fab{box-sizing:border-box;position:relative;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none;cursor:pointer;outline:0;border:none;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;display:inline-block;white-space:nowrap;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:baseline;text-align:center;margin:0;min-width:64px;line-height:36px;padding:0 16px;border-radius:4px;overflow:visible;transform:translate3d(0,0,0);transition:background .4s cubic-bezier(.25,.8,.25,1),box-shadow 280ms cubic-bezier(.4,0,.2,1);min-width:0;border-radius:50%;width:56px;height:56px;padding:0;flex-shrink:0}.mat-fab::-moz-focus-inner{border:0}.mat-fab[disabled]{cursor:default}.mat-fab.cdk-keyboard-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-fab.cdk-program-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay{opacity:.12}.mat-fab::-moz-focus-inner{border:0}._mat-animation-noopable.mat-fab{transition:none;animation:none}.mat-fab .mat-button-wrapper{padding:16px 0;display:inline-block;line-height:24px}.mat-mini-fab{box-sizing:border-box;position:relative;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none;cursor:pointer;outline:0;border:none;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;display:inline-block;white-space:nowrap;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:baseline;text-align:center;margin:0;min-width:64px;line-height:36px;padding:0 16px;border-radius:4px;overflow:visible;transform:translate3d(0,0,0);transition:background .4s cubic-bezier(.25,.8,.25,1),box-shadow 280ms cubic-bezier(.4,0,.2,1);min-width:0;border-radius:50%;width:40px;height:40px;padding:0;flex-shrink:0}.mat-mini-fab::-moz-focus-inner{border:0}.mat-mini-fab[disabled]{cursor:default}.mat-mini-fab.cdk-keyboard-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-mini-fab.cdk-program-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay{opacity:.12}.mat-mini-fab::-moz-focus-inner{border:0}._mat-animation-noopable.mat-mini-fab{transition:none;animation:none}.mat-mini-fab .mat-button-wrapper{padding:8px 0;display:inline-block;line-height:24px}.mat-icon-button{padding:0;min-width:0;width:40px;height:40px;flex-shrink:0;line-height:40px;border-radius:50%}.mat-icon-button .mat-icon,.mat-icon-button i{line-height:24px}.mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-button-ripple.mat-ripple{top:0;left:0;right:0;bottom:0;position:absolute;pointer-events:none;border-radius:inherit}.mat-button-ripple.mat-ripple:not(:empty){transform:translateZ(0)}.mat-button-focus-overlay{opacity:0;transition:opacity .2s cubic-bezier(.35,0,.25,1),background-color .2s cubic-bezier(.35,0,.25,1)}._mat-animation-noopable .mat-button-focus-overlay{transition:none}@media (-ms-high-contrast:active){.mat-button-focus-overlay{background-color:#fff}}@media (-ms-high-contrast:black-on-white){.mat-button-focus-overlay{background-color:#000}}.mat-button-ripple-round{border-radius:50%;z-index:1}.mat-button .mat-button-wrapper>*,.mat-fab .mat-button-wrapper>*,.mat-flat-button .mat-button-wrapper>*,.mat-icon-button .mat-button-wrapper>*,.mat-mini-fab .mat-button-wrapper>*,.mat-raised-button .mat-button-wrapper>*,.mat-stroked-button .mat-button-wrapper>*{vertical-align:middle}.mat-form-field:not(.mat-form-field-appearance-legacy) .mat-form-field-prefix .mat-icon-button,.mat-form-field:not(.mat-form-field-appearance-legacy) .mat-form-field-suffix .mat-icon-button{display:block;font-size:inherit;width:2.5em;height:2.5em}@media (-ms-high-contrast:active){.mat-button,.mat-fab,.mat-flat-button,.mat-icon-button,.mat-mini-fab,.mat-raised-button{outline:solid 1px}}"],
encapsulation: 2,
changeDetection: 0
}), e
f = function(t) {
function e(e, n, i) {
return, n, e, i) || this
return Object(i.c)(e, t), e.prototype._haltDisabledEvents = function(t) {
this.disabled && (t.preventDefault(), t.stopImmediatePropagation())
}, e.\u0275fac = function(t) {
return new(t || e)(a.dc(c.e), a.dc(a.p), a.dc(o.a, 8))
}, e.\u0275cmp = a.Xb({
type: e,
selectors: [
["a", "mat-button", ""],
["a", "mat-raised-button", ""],
["a", "mat-icon-button", ""],
["a", "mat-fab", ""],
["a", "mat-mini-fab", ""],
["a", "mat-stroked-button", ""],
["a", "mat-flat-button", ""]
hostVars: 5,
hostBindings: function(t, e) {
1 & t && a.rc("click", (function(t) {
return e._haltDisabledEvents(t)
})), 2 & t && (a.Rb("tabindex", e.disabled ? -1 : e.tabIndex || 0)("disabled", e.disabled || null)("aria-disabled", e.disabled.toString()), a.Ub("_mat-animation-noopable", "NoopAnimations" === e._animationMode))
inputs: {
disabled: "disabled",
disableRipple: "disableRipple",
color: "color",
tabIndex: "tabIndex"
exportAs: ["matButton", "matAnchor"],
features: [a.Nb],
attrs: l,
ngContentSelectors: d,
decls: 4,
vars: 5,
consts: [
[1, "mat-button-wrapper"],
["matRipple", "", 1, "mat-button-ripple", 3, "matRippleDisabled", "matRippleCentered", "matRippleTrigger"],
[1, "mat-button-focus-overlay"]
template: function(t, e) {
1 & t && (a.Bc(), a.jc(0, "span", 0), a.Ac(1), a.ic(),, "div", 1),, "div", 2)), 2 & t && (a.Qb(2), a.Ub("mat-button-ripple-round", e.isRoundButton || e.isIconButton), a.Cc("matRippleDisabled", e._isRippleDisabled())("matRippleCentered", e.isIconButton)("matRippleTrigger", e._getHostElement()))
directives: [r.n],
styles: [".mat-button .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-icon-button .mat-button-focus-overlay{opacity:0}.mat-button:hover .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-stroked-button:hover .mat-button-focus-overlay{opacity:.04}@media (hover:none){.mat-button:hover .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-stroked-button:hover .mat-button-focus-overlay{opacity:0}}.mat-button,.mat-flat-button,.mat-icon-button,.mat-stroked-button{box-sizing:border-box;position:relative;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none;cursor:pointer;outline:0;border:none;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;display:inline-block;white-space:nowrap;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:baseline;text-align:center;margin:0;min-width:64px;line-height:36px;padding:0 16px;border-radius:4px;overflow:visible}.mat-button::-moz-focus-inner,.mat-flat-button::-moz-focus-inner,.mat-icon-button::-moz-focus-inner,.mat-stroked-button::-moz-focus-inner{border:0}.mat-button[disabled],.mat-flat-button[disabled],.mat-icon-button[disabled],.mat-stroked-button[disabled]{cursor:default}.mat-button.cdk-keyboard-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-button.cdk-program-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-flat-button.cdk-keyboard-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-flat-button.cdk-program-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-icon-button.cdk-keyboard-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-icon-button.cdk-program-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-stroked-button.cdk-keyboard-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-stroked-button.cdk-program-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay{opacity:.12}.mat-button::-moz-focus-inner,.mat-flat-button::-moz-focus-inner,.mat-icon-button::-moz-focus-inner,.mat-stroked-button::-moz-focus-inner{border:0}.mat-raised-button{box-sizing:border-box;position:relative;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none;cursor:pointer;outline:0;border:none;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;display:inline-block;white-space:nowrap;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:baseline;text-align:center;margin:0;min-width:64px;line-height:36px;padding:0 16px;border-radius:4px;overflow:visible;transform:translate3d(0,0,0);transition:background .4s cubic-bezier(.25,.8,.25,1),box-shadow 280ms cubic-bezier(.4,0,.2,1)}.mat-raised-button::-moz-focus-inner{border:0}.mat-raised-button[disabled]{cursor:default}.mat-raised-button.cdk-keyboard-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-raised-button.cdk-program-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay{opacity:.12}.mat-raised-button::-moz-focus-inner{border:0}._mat-animation-noopable.mat-raised-button{transition:none;animation:none}.mat-stroked-button{border:1px solid currentColor;padding:0 15px;line-height:34px}.mat-stroked-button .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-stroked-button .mat-button-ripple.mat-ripple{top:-1px;left:-1px;right:-1px;bottom:-1px}.mat-fab{box-sizing:border-box;position:relative;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none;cursor:pointer;outline:0;border:none;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;display:inline-block;white-space:nowrap;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:baseline;text-align:center;margin:0;min-width:64px;line-height:36px;padding:0 16px;border-radius:4px;overflow:visible;transform:translate3d(0,0,0);transition:background .4s cubic-bezier(.25,.8,.25,1),box-shadow 280ms cubic-bezier(.4,0,.2,1);min-width:0;border-radius:50%;width:56px;height:56px;padding:0;flex-shrink:0}.mat-fab::-moz-focus-inner{border:0}.mat-fab[disabled]{cursor:default}.mat-fab.cdk-keyboard-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-fab.cdk-program-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay{opacity:.12}.mat-fab::-moz-focus-inner{border:0}._mat-animation-noopable.mat-fab{transition:none;animation:none}.mat-fab .mat-button-wrapper{padding:16px 0;display:inline-block;line-height:24px}.mat-mini-fab{box-sizing:border-box;position:relative;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none;cursor:pointer;outline:0;border:none;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:transparent;display:inline-block;white-space:nowrap;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:baseline;text-align:center;margin:0;min-width:64px;line-height:36px;padding:0 16px;border-radius:4px;overflow:visible;transform:translate3d(0,0,0);transition:background .4s cubic-bezier(.25,.8,.25,1),box-shadow 280ms cubic-bezier(.4,0,.2,1);min-width:0;border-radius:50%;width:40px;height:40px;padding:0;flex-shrink:0}.mat-mini-fab::-moz-focus-inner{border:0}.mat-mini-fab[disabled]{cursor:default}.mat-mini-fab.cdk-keyboard-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-mini-fab.cdk-program-focused .mat-button-focus-overlay{opacity:.12}.mat-mini-fab::-moz-focus-inner{border:0}._mat-animation-noopable.mat-mini-fab{transition:none;animation:none}.mat-mini-fab .mat-button-wrapper{padding:8px 0;display:inline-block;line-height:24px}.mat-icon-button{padding:0;min-width:0;width:40px;height:40px;flex-shrink:0;line-height:40px;border-radius:50%}.mat-icon-button .mat-icon,.mat-icon-button i{line-height:24px}.mat-button-focus-overlay,.mat-button-ripple.mat-ripple{top:0;left:0;right:0;bottom:0;position:absolute;pointer-events:none;border-radius:inherit}.mat-button-ripple.mat-ripple:not(:empty){transform:translateZ(0)}.mat-button-focus-overlay{opacity:0;transition:opacity .2s cubic-bezier(.35,0,.25,1),background-color .2s cubic-bezier(.35,0,.25,1)}._mat-animation-noopable .mat-button-focus-overlay{transition:none}@media (-ms-high-contrast:active){.mat-button-focus-overlay{background-color:#fff}}@media (-ms-high-contrast:black-on-white){.mat-button-focus-overlay{background-color:#000}}.mat-button-ripple-round{border-radius:50%;z-index:1}.mat-button .mat-button-wrapper>*,.mat-fab .mat-button-wrapper>*,.mat-flat-button .mat-button-wrapper>*,.mat-icon-button .mat-button-wrapper>*,.mat-mini-fab .mat-button-wrapper>*,.mat-raised-button .mat-button-wrapper>*,.mat-stroked-button .mat-button-wrapper>*{vertical-align:middle}.mat-form-field:not(.mat-form-field-appearance-legacy) .mat-form-field-prefix .mat-icon-button,.mat-form-field:not(.mat-form-field-appearance-legacy) .mat-form-field-suffix .mat-icon-button{display:block;font-size:inherit;width:2.5em;height:2.5em}@media (-ms-high-contrast:active){.mat-button,.mat-fab,.mat-flat-button,.mat-icon-button,.mat-mini-fab,.mat-raised-button{outline:solid 1px}}"],
encapsulation: 2,
changeDetection: 0
}), e
m = function() {
function t() {}
return t.\u0275mod = a.bc({
type: t
}), t.\u0275inj ={
factory: function(e) {
return new(e || t)
imports: [
[s.c, r.o, r.f], r.f
}), t
"2yk9": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return c
var i = n("XNvx"),
r = n("M0ag"),
o = n("TYT/"),
s = n("cUzu"),
a = function() {
return (a = Object.assign || function(t) {
for (var e, n = 1, i = arguments.length; n < i; n++)
for (var r in e = arguments[n]), r) && (t[r] = e[r]);
return t
}).apply(this, arguments)
c = function() {
function t(t, e, n) {
this.authHttp = t, this.assignmentData = e, this.auth = n
return t.prototype.getCourseStructure = function() {
var t = this.auth.getRequestAndPath("get_course_structure", {});
return, t.request).toPromise()
}, t.prototype.addNewCourse = function(t) {
var e = this.auth.getRequestAndPath("add_course", t);
return, e.request).toPromise()
}, t.prototype.editCourseTitle = function(t, e) {
var n = this.auth.getRequestAndPath("edit_course_title", {
course_id: t,
new_title: e
return, n.request).toPromise()
}, t.prototype.editCourseOrder = function(t) {
var e = this.auth.getRequestAndPath("edit_course_order", {
new_course_order: t
return, e.request).toPromise()
}, t.prototype.addNewUnit = function(t) {
var e = this.auth.getRequestAndPath("add_course_unit", t);
return, e.request).toPromise()
}, t.prototype.editUnitTitle = function(t) {
var e = this.auth.getRequestAndPath("edit_course_unit_title", t);
return, e.request).toPromise()
}, t.prototype.editUnitOrder = function(t) {
var e = this.auth.getRequestAndPath("edit_course_unit_order", t);
return, e.request).toPromise()
}, t.prototype.addNewSubunit = function(t) {
var e = this.auth.getRequestAndPath("add_course_subunit", t);
return, e.request).toPromise()
}, t.prototype.editSubunitTitle = function(t) {
var e = this.auth.getRequestAndPath("edit_course_subunit_title", t);
return, e.request).toPromise()
}, t.prototype.editSubunitOrder = function(t) {
var e = this.auth.getRequestAndPath("edit_course_subunit_order", t);
return, e.request).toPromise()
}, t.prototype.defineContentItem = function(t, e, n) {
if (e) this.assignmentData.setAssignmentToEdit(e);
else {
var i = this.assignmentData.getBlankAssignment("test" === t ? "test" : "correction" === t ? "correction" : "standard"); = a({
type: t += "_id"
}, n), i.individuals_or_groups = !0, = JSON.stringify(a({
type: t
}, n)), i.sectionList = ["Individuals or Groups"], i.studentList = [], i.sectionListIds = [], i.sectionListNames = [], i.schedule.push({
section: "Individuals or Groups",
credit: [100],
due: [6e9]
}), i.notes = 0, i.hide_delta_videos = 0, i.hide_show_sample = 1, i.student_feedback = "done", i.restrict_other_assignments = 0, i.allow_resubmit = 1, i.show_solutions = "always", i.allowed_to_copy_courses_assignment = !0, this.assignmentData.setAssignmentToEdit("copy", i)
}, t.prototype.setContentAssignmentId = function(t, e) {
here: 1,
depth: t,
toSet: e
var n = this.auth.getRequestAndPath("set_content_assignment_id", {
depth: t,
toSet: e
return, n.request).toPromise()
}, t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)(,,
}, t.\u0275prov = o.Zb({
token: t,
factory: t.\u0275fac
}), t
"31qQ": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return s
var i = n("mrSG"),
r = n("MGBS"),
o = n("zotm");
function s() {
return function(t) {
return t.lift(new a)
var a = function() {
function t() {}
return = function(t, e) {
return e.subscribe(new c(t))
}, t
c = function(t) {
function e(e) {
var n =, e) || this;
return n.hasCompleted = !1, n.hasSubscription = !1, n
return i.c(e, t), e.prototype._next = function(t) {
this.hasSubscription || (this.hasSubscription = !0, this.add(Object(o.a)(this, t)))
}, e.prototype._complete = function() {
this.hasCompleted = !0, this.hasSubscription || this.destination.complete()
}, e.prototype.notifyComplete = function(t) {
this.remove(t), this.hasSubscription = !1, this.hasCompleted && this.destination.complete()
}, e
"3J/R": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return o
var i = n("26FU"),
r = n("xlPZ");
function o(t) {
return function(e) {
return Object(r.a)(new i.a(t))(e)
"3Lyj": function(t, e, n) {
var i = n("KroJ");
t.exports = function(t, e, n) {
for (var r in e) i(t, r, e[r], n);
return t
"3U0i": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return i
var i = function() {
function t() {
return, this.message = "Timeout has occurred", = "TimeoutError", this
return t.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype), t
"3X7Y": function(t, e, n) {
var i = n("u/Db");
function r(t) {
this.mode = i.NUMERIC, = t.toString()
r.getBitsLength = function(t) {
return 10 * Math.floor(t / 3) + (t % 3 ? t % 3 * 3 + 1 : 0)
}, r.prototype.getLength = function() {
}, r.prototype.getBitsLength = function() {
return r.getBitsLength(
}, r.prototype.write = function(t) {
var e, n, i;
for (e = 0; e + 3 <=; e += 3) n =, 3), i = parseInt(n, 10), t.put(i, 10);
var r = - e;
r > 0 && (n =, i = parseInt(n, 10), t.put(i, 3 * r + 1))
}, t.exports = r
"3fWJ": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return i
var i = function() {
function t() {
return, this.message = "no elements in sequence", = "EmptyError", this
return t.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype), t
"3xty": function(t, e, n) {
var i = n("XKFU"),
r = n("2OiF"),
o = n("y3w9"),
s = (n("dyZX").Reflect || {}).apply,
a = Function.apply;
i(i.S + i.F * !n("eeVq")((function() {
s((function() {}))
})), "Reflect", {
apply: function(t, e, n) {
var i = r(t),
c = o(n);
return s ? s(i, e, c) :, e, c)
"4+hN": function(t, e, n) {
"use strict";
n.d(e, "a", (function() {
return Bh
var i = n("PCNd"),
r = n("LJyd"),
o = n("DUip"),
s = n("v/3w"),
a = n("M0ag"),
c = n("XNvx"),
l = n("TYT/"),
d = n("ph+x"),
u = n("n1Nw"),
h = n("LvDl"),
p = n("cUzu"),
f = n("Valr"),
m = n("qaSM"),
g = n("xtZt"),
b = n("yD1i"),
v = n("OZfm"),
y = n("QJY3"),
w = n("t1w2"),
C = n("eajB"),
O = ["newpop"];
function k(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "ul", 52), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "li", 53), l.jc(3, "a", 54), l.dd(4, "Graphing Calculator"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(5, "\n "), l.jc(6, "li", 53), l.jc(7, "a", 55), l.dd(8, "Statistics Calculator"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.ic())
var E = function() {
return ["/teacher/data/logs"]
function P(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "li"), l.jc(1, "a", 59), l.dd(2, "Problem Logs"), l.ic(), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.ic()), 2 & t && (l.Qb(1), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Fc(1, E)))
var x = function() {
return ["/teacher/data/last-action"]
function D(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "ul", 56), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "li"), l.jc(3, "a", 57), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"view")
})), l.dd(4, "View Assignments"), l.ic(), l.dd(5, "\n "), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(7, "\n "),, "li", 58), l.dd(9, "\n "),, P, 4, 2, "li", 43), l.dd(11, "\n "), l.jc(12, "li"), l.jc(13, "a", 59), l.dd(14, "Student Last Action"), l.ic(), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(16, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(10), l.Cc("ngIf", i.currentTerm), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Fc(2, x))
function M(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li"), l.jc(1, "a", 57), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"standard")
})), l.dd(2, "Create Standard Assignment"), l.ic(), l.ic()
function j(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li"), l.jc(1, "a", 57), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"test")
})), l.dd(2, "Create Test"), l.ic(), l.ic()
function S(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li"), l.jc(1, "a", 57), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"correction")
})), l.dd(2, "Create Test Correction"), l.ic(), l.ic()
function T(t, e) {
1 & t &&, "li", 58)
function A(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "ul", 56), l.dd(1, "\n "),, M, 3, 0, "li", 43), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.dd(4, "\n "),, j, 3, 0, "li", 43), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.dd(7, "\n "),, S, 3, 0, "li", 43), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.dd(10, "\n "),, T, 1, 0, "li", 61), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.jc(13, "li"), l.jc(14, "a", 57), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"edit")
})), l.dd(15, "Edit Assignment"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(16, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.currentTerm), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", i.currentTerm && i.deltamathPlus), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", i.currentTerm), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", i.currentTerm)
function I(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "li", 16), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "a", 24), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.jc(4, "div", 18),, "i", 60), l.dd(6, " "),, "b", 12), l.ic(), l.dd(8, "\n "), l.jc(9, "div", 20), l.dd(10, "Create / Edit "),, "b", 12), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "),, A, 17, 4, "ul", 22), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.ic())
var R = function() {
return ["/teacher/info"]
function L(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "li"), l.jc(1, "a", 59), l.dd(2, "Login / School Information"), l.ic(), l.ic()), 2 & t && (l.Qb(1), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Fc(1, R)))
var B = function() {
return ["/teacher/terms"]
function F(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "li"), l.jc(1, "a", 59), l.dd(2, "View Past Terms"), l.ic(), l.ic()), 2 & t && (l.Qb(1), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Fc(1, B)))
var U = function() {
return ["/admin"]
function N(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "li"), l.jc(1, "a", 59), l.dd(2, "Admin Portal"), l.ic(), l.ic()), 2 & t && (l.Qb(1), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Fc(1, U)))
var W = function() {
return ["/admin/profile"]
function Q(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "li"), l.jc(1, "a", 59), l.dd(2, "Admin Portal"), l.ic(), l.ic()), 2 & t && (l.Qb(1), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Fc(1, W)))
function q(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li"), l.jc(1, "a", 57), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(2, "Sample Student Page"), l.ic(), l.ic()
function K(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "li"), l.jc(1, "a", 62), l.dd(2, "Student Help Video"), l.ic(), l.ic())
var V = function() {
return ["/teacher/ip-analyzer"]
function H(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "li"), l.jc(1, "a", 59), l.dd(2, "IP Address Analyzer"), l.ic(), l.ic()), 2 & t && (l.Qb(1), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Fc(1, V)))
function z(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li"), l.jc(1, "a", 57), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"copy")
})), l.dd(2, "Copy Assignments"), l.ic(), l.ic()
var G = function() {
return ["/teacher/plus/graph-creator"]
function Y(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "li"), l.jc(1, "a", 59), l.dd(2, "Custom Graph Creator"), l.ic(), l.ic()), 2 & t && (l.Qb(1), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Fc(1, G)))
function Z(t, e) {
1 & t &&, "li", 58)
var X = function() {
return ["/teacher/code"]
function J(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li"), l.jc(1, "a", 63), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =;
return t.spinner.start(), t.setProgrammerServiceVariable()
})), l.dd(2, "Code Modules"), l.ic(), l.ic()
2 & t && (l.Qb(1), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Fc(1, X)))
var tt = function() {
return ["/teacher/courses/select"]
function et(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "li"), l.jc(1, "a", 59), l.dd(2, "Create Courses"), l.ic(), l.ic()), 2 & t && (l.Qb(1), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Fc(1, tt)))
function nt(t, e) {
1 & t &&, "li", 58)
var it = function() {
return ["/teacher/stats/teacher-stats"]
function rt(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "li"), l.jc(1, "a", 59), l.dd(2, "Teacher Stats"), l.ic(), l.ic()), 2 & t && (l.Qb(1), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Fc(1, it)))
var ot = function() {
return ["/teacher/stats/module-stats"]
function st(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "li"), l.jc(1, "a", 59), l.dd(2, "Module Stats"), l.ic(), l.ic()), 2 & t && (l.Qb(1), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Fc(1, ot)))
var at = function() {
return ["/teacher/stats/skillcodes"]
function ct(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "li"), l.jc(1, "a", 59), l.dd(2, "Define Skillcodes"), l.ic(), l.ic()), 2 & t && (l.Qb(1), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Fc(1, at)))
var lt = function() {
return ["/teacher/manage"]
dt = function() {
return ["/teacher/email"]
ut = function() {
return ["/teacher/caller"]
function ht(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "ul", 56), l.dd(1, "\n \t \n "), l.jc(2, "li"), l.jc(3, "a", 59), l.dd(4, "Manage Students and Classes"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(5, "\n "),, L, 3, 2, "li", 43), l.dd(7, "\n "),, F, 3, 2, "li", 43), l.dd(9, "\n "),, N, 3, 2, "li", 43), l.dd(11, "\n "),, Q, 3, 2, "li", 43), l.dd(13, "\n "),, "li", 58), l.dd(15, "\n "),, q, 3, 0, "li", 43), l.dd(17, "\n "),, K, 3, 0, "li", 43), l.dd(19, "\n "), l.dd(20, "\n "),, H, 3, 2, "li", 43), l.dd(22, "\n "),, z, 3, 0, "li", 43), l.dd(24, "\n "),, Y, 3, 2, "li", 43), l.dd(26, "\n "), l.jc(27, "li", 40), l.jc(28, "a", 59), l.dd(29, "Email Formatter"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(30, "\n "), l.jc(31, "li", 40), l.jc(32, "a", 59), l.dd(33, "Random Student Caller"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(34, "\n "), l.dd(35, "\n "), l.dd(36, "\n "), l.dd(37, "\n "), l.dd(38, "\n "), l.dd(39, "\n "), l.dd(40, "\n "),, Z, 1, 0, "li", 61), l.dd(42, "\n "), l.dd(43, "\n "),, J, 3, 2, "li", 43), l.dd(45, " \n "),, et, 3, 2, "li", 43), l.dd(47, " \n "),, nt, 1, 0, "li", 61), l.dd(49, "\n "),, rt, 3, 2, "li", 43), l.dd(51, "\n "),, st, 3, 2, "li", 43), l.dd(53, "\n "),, ct, 3, 2, "li", 43), l.dd(55, "\n "), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(3), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Fc(21, lt)), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", n.currentTerm), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", !n.isLtiResourceLaunch), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", n.showAdmin && !n.linkToAdminProfile && !n.isLtiResourceLaunch), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", n.showAdmin && n.linkToAdminProfile && !n.isLtiResourceLaunch), l.Qb(4), l.Cc("ngIf", n.currentTerm && !n.isLtiResourceLaunch), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", n.currentTerm), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", n.currentTerm), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", n.currentTerm && !n.isLtiResourceLaunch), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", n.deltamathPlus), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", n.user.course_activation_code), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Fc(22, dt)), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("hidden", n.user.course_activation_code), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Fc(23, ut)), l.Qb(9), l.Cc("ngIf", n.user.programmer_name), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", n.user.programmer_name), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "zkorzyk" === n.user.programmer_name || "lbodner" === n.user.programmer_name || "bpeled" === n.user.programmer_name), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "zkorzyk" === n.user.programmer_name), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "zkorzyk" === n.user.programmer_name), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "zkorzyk" === n.user.programmer_name || "bpeled" === n.user.programmer_name || 478664 == n.user.teachercode || 631870 == n.user.teachercode || 836536 === n.user.teachercode), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "zkorzyk" === n.user.programmer_name || "bpeled" === n.user.programmer_name || 769479 == n.user.teachercode || 836536 === n.user.teachercode || 478664 === n.user.teachercode)
function pt(t, e) {
1 & t && l.dd(0, "New prorated price!")
var ft = function() {
return ["/teacher/faq"]
mt = function() {
return ["/teacher/help"]
function gt(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "ul", 64), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "li"), l.jc(3, "a", 59), l.dd(4, "Frequently Asked Questions"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(5, "\n "), l.jc(6, "li"), l.jc(7, "a", 59), l.dd(8, "Help Explanations and Videos"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.dd(10, "\n "),, "li", 65), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.jc(13, "li"), l.jc(14, "a", 66), l.dd(15, "Facebook Community"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(16, "\n "), l.jc(17, "li"), l.jc(18, "a", 57), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"support")
})), l.dd(19, "General Question / Support"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(20, "\n "), l.jc(21, "li"), l.jc(22, "a", 57), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"bug")
})), l.dd(23, "Submit a Bug Report"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(24, "\n "), l.jc(25, "li"), l.jc(26, "a", 57), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"skill_request")
})), l.dd(27, "Skill Request"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(28, "\n "), l.jc(29, "li"), l.jc(30, "a", 57), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"feature_request")
})), l.dd(31, "Feature Request / Suggestion"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(32, "\n\n "), l.ic()
2 & t && (l.Qb(3), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Fc(2, ft)), l.Qb(4), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Fc(3, mt)))
function _t(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "ul", 52), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "li", 53), l.jc(3, "a", 54), l.dd(4, "Graphing Calculator"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(5, "\n "), l.jc(6, "li", 53), l.jc(7, "a", 55), l.dd(8, "Statistics Calculator"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.ic())
function bt(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "li"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "a", 67), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.jc(4, "span", 37), l.dd(5, "Open in new tab"), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "span", 68),, "i", 69), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(10, "\n "), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("href", n.router.url, l.Vc), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("tooltip", "Open in new window")("tooltipPopupDelay", 300)
function vt(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "span", 70), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n), = ""
})), l.ic()
function yt(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "span"), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(1), l.fd("Viewing as: ", n.impersonatingTeacherName, "")
function wt(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "p", 71), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "a", 72), l.dd(3, "\u25c2 Return to Admin"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "),, yt, 2, 1, "span", 43), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngIf", n.impersonatingTeacherName)
var Ct = function(t) {
return [t]
Ot = function(t) {
return {
"logo-plus-or-integral": t
kt = function() {
return ["/teacher/plus-features"]
Et = function() {
function t(t, e, n, i, r, o, s, a, c, l, d) {
this.auth = t, this.studentData = e, this.assignmentData = n, this.keyboardService = i, this.spinner = r, this.router = o, this.modal = s, this.authHttp = a, this.changeDetector = c, this.programmerJSService = l, this.skillcodesService = d, this.searchField = "", this.mixedList = [], this.isCollapsed = !1, this.showAdmin = !1, this.inIframe = !1
return t.prototype.onClick = function() {
}, t.prototype.typeaheadOnSelect = function(t) {
this.router.navigate(0 == t.item.type ? ["/teacher/data/student/",] : ["/teacher/data/assignment/", - 1e8])
}, t.prototype.updateUser = function() {
this.user = this.auth.getUser(), this.user.deltamath_plus_active && (this.deltamathPlus = !0), this.user.deltamath_integral_active && (this.deltamathIntegral = !0)
}, t.prototype.ngOnChanges = function() {
}, t.prototype.ngOnInit = function() {
var t = this;
if (this.user = this.auth.getUser(), this.teachercode = this.user.teachercode, this.user.admin && Object.keys(this.user.admin).length > 0 && (this.showAdmin = !0), "teacher" === localStorage.getItem("impersonate")) {
this.impersonatingTeacher = !0;
var e = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("user"));
e && (this.impersonatingTeacherName = e.first + " " + e.last)
} else this.impersonatingTeacher = !1, this.impersonatingTeacherName = "";
this.recalculateTypeahead(), this.assignmentData.copyData = void 0, this.isLtiResourceLaunch = this.assignmentData.ltiContext && this.assignmentData.ltiContext.resource_link_id && this.assignmentData.ltiContext.isLtiResourceLaunch, this.inIframe = inIframeTest(), setTimeout((function() {
}), 5e3)
}, t.prototype.hidePop = function() {
}, t.prototype.recalculateTypeahead = function() {
var t = this;
this.currentTerm = "current" === this.auth.currentTerm, this.mixedList = [], this.studentData.getStudentList().subscribe((function(e) {
for (var n in t.studentList = e, e) {
var i = e[n];
id: i._id,
type: 0,
name: i.first + " " + i.last
}), (function(t) {
return console.error(t)
})), this.assignmentData.getTeacherAssignments().subscribe((function(e) {
for (var n in t.assignmentList = e, e) {
var i = e[n];
id: i._id + 1e8,
type: 1,
}), (function(t) {
return console.error(t)
}, t.prototype.logoutCleanup = function() {
this.skillcodesService.skillCodesFetched = !1, -1 !== window.location.href.indexOf("/app") ? (this.auth.logout(), window.location.href = window.location.href.substr(0, window.location.href.indexOf("/app"))) : this.router.navigate(["/"])
}, t.prototype.calculatorControlClick = function() {
}, t.prototype.gotoViewAssignments = function(t) {
this.assignmentData.assignmentPagePrefs || (this.assignmentData.assignmentPagePrefs = this.auth.tempPreferences("assignmentPagePrefs") || {}), this.assignmentData.assignmentPagePrefs && ("copy" !== t &&"anything"), this.assignmentData.assignmentPagePrefs.copyMode = "copy" === t), "table" === this.auth.tempPreferences("viewAssignmentDefaultPage") && "view" === t ? this.router.navigate(["/teacher/data"]) : this.router.navigate(["/teacher/assignments"])
}, t.prototype.bugReport = function(t) {
var e, n, i, r = this,
o = '<textarea style="width: 100%;height: 100px; margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom:10px;" id="problem-bug-message"></textarea><b>Note:</b> Please check the FAQs (in the ? menu) before submitting.';
"bug" === t ? (e = "Bug Report", n = "Send Report", i = '<div style="margin-bottom: 10px; font-style: italic;">If this bug is in regards to specific student and/or a specific assignment, please give the name of the student and assignment. </div><b>Explain the bug:</b>' + o) : "skill_request" === t ? (e = "Skill Request", n = "Send", i = '<label for="grade-select">Grade level or course: </label><select style="margin-left: 10px;" name="grade-select" id="grade-select">' + Object(h.reduce)(["6th Grade", "7th Grade", "8th Grade", "Algebra 1", "Geometry", "Algebra 2", "Pre-Calculus", "Calculus", "Computer Science", "Other"], (function(t, e) {
return t + '<option value="' + e + '">' + e + "</option>"
}), '<option value="" disabled selected>--</option>') + '</select><br><b>Skill description:</b><textarea style="width: 100%;height: 100px; margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom:10px;" id="request-description"></textarea><b>Example:</b><textarea style="width: 100%;height: 100px; margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom:10px;" id="request-example"></textarea><div style="font-style: italic;">Please submit one skill suggestion at a time.</div>') : "support" === t ? (e = "General Question or Support", n = "Send", i = "<b>Ask your question here:</b>" + o) : "feature_request" === t && (e = "Feature Request / Suggestion", n = "Send", i = '<b>Feature description:</b><textarea style="width: 100%;height: 100px; margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom:10px;" id="request-description"></textarea><b>Example or use case:</b><textarea style="width: 100%;height: 100px; margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom:10px;" id="request-example"></textarea><div style="font-style: italic;">Please submit one feature request at a time.</div>');
var s = {};
window.problem && (s = window.problem), this.modal.showModal(i, e, "Cancel", n).result.then((function() {
var e = $("#problem-bug-message").val(),
n = $("#request-description").val(),
i = $("#request-example").val(),
o = $("#grade-select option:selected").text(),
a = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("user")) || {},
c = r.auth.getRequestAndPath("record_error", {
info: {
name: a.first + " " + a.last,
email: || a.login,
type: t,
problem_id: s._id,
skillcode: s.skillcode,
questionTitle: s.questionTitle,
message: e,
description: n,
example: i,
grade: o,
url: r.router.url
});, c.request).toPromise().then((function(t) {
t.message && alertDialog(t.message)
}), (function() {}))
}, t.prototype.sampleStudent = function() {
var t, e = "";
for (this.user = this.auth.getUser(), t = 0; t < this.user.sections.sections.length; t++) e += '<li section="' + this.user.sections.sections[t] + '">' + this.user.sections.sections[t] + "</li>";
e = '<ul class="assignment-list-dialog">' + e + "</ul>", alertDialog(e, "Select Section", "Cancel");
var n = this,
i = this.assignmentData.ltiContext;
setTimeout((function() {
$(".assignment-list-dialog li").click((function() {
var t = $(this).attr("section");
$(this).closest("modal-content").find(".modal-footer").find("button").eq(1).click(), n.assignmentData.editingAssignment = !1, n.assignmentData.managingSkills = !1, n.assignmentData.addingVideos = !1, n.auth.login({
isLtiLaunch: !!i,
email: n.user.teachercode + t,
password: "",
token: n.auth.getToken()
}, t.prototype.donateButtonClicked = function() {
}, t.prototype.setProgrammerServiceVariable = function() {
this.programmerJSService.editingCoursesQuestion && (this.programmerJSService.currentModule = "", localStorage.setItem("programmerCurrentModule", "")), this.programmerJSService.editingCoursesQuestion = !1, this.programmerJSService.coursesQuestion = {}
}, t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)(l.dc(c.a), l.dc(a.n), l.dc(a.c), l.dc(a.e), l.dc(d.a), l.dc(o.b), l.dc(a.g), l.dc(p.b), l.dc(l.i), l.dc(u.a), l.dc(a.l))
}, t.\u0275cmp = l.Xb({
type: t,
selectors: [
viewQuery: function(t, e) {
var n;
1 & t && l.kd(O, !0), 2 & t && l.Mc(n = && (e.newpop = n.first)
hostBindings: function(t, e) {
1 & t && l.rc("click", (function() {
return e.onClick()
inputs: {
schoolPlus: "schoolPlus"
features: [l.Ob],
decls: 193,
vars: 21,
consts: [
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["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-remove-circle searchclear", 3, "click", 4, "ngIf"],
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["id", "recalculateTypeahead", 2, "position", "absolute", "top", "-100000px", 3, "click"],
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[3, "click"],
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template: function(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "nav", 0), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "div", 1), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.jc(4, "button", 2), l.rc("click", (function() {
return e.isCollapsed = !e.isCollapsed
})), l.dd(5, "\n "), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "span", 3), l.dd(8, "Toggle navigation"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "),, "span", 4), l.dd(11, "\n "),, "span", 4), l.dd(13, "\n "),, "span", 4), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(16, "\n "), l.jc(17, "span", 5), l.dd(18, "\n "), l.dd(19, "\n "),, "img", 6), l.dd(21, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(22, "\n \n "), l.jc(23, "span", 7), l.dd(24, "\n "), l.jc(25, "button", 8), l.rc("click", (function() {
return e.calculatorControlClick()
})), l.dd(26, "\n "), l.jc(27, "a", 9), l.dd(28, "\n "),, "i", 10), l.dd(30, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(31, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(32, "\n "), l.jc(33, "button", 11), l.dd(34, "\n "),, "span", 12), l.dd(36, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(37, "\n "),, k, 10, 0, "ul", 13), l.dd(39, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(40, "\n "), l.dd(41, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(42, "\n "), l.dd(43, "\n "), l.jc(44, "div", 14), l.dd(45, "\n "), l.jc(46, "ul", 15), l.dd(47, "\n \n "), l.jc(48, "li", 16), l.dd(49, "\n "), l.dd(50, "\n "), l.jc(51, "a", 17), l.dd(52, "\n "), l.jc(53, "div", 18),, "i", 19), l.dd(55, " "),, "b", 12), l.ic(), l.dd(57, "\n "), l.jc(58, "div", 20), l.jc(59, "span", 21), l.dd(60, "Student "), l.ic(), l.dd(61, "Data "),, "b", 12), l.ic(), l.dd(63, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(64, "\n "),, D, 17, 3, "ul", 22), l.dd(66, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(67, "\n\n "),, I, 16, 0, "li", 23), l.dd(69, "\n \n "), l.jc(70, "li", 16), l.dd(71, "\n "), l.jc(72, "a", 24), l.dd(73, "\n "), l.jc(74, "div", 18),, "i", 25), l.dd(76, " "),, "b", 12), l.ic(), l.dd(78, "\n "), l.jc(79, "div", 20), l.dd(80, "Tools "),, "b", 12), l.ic(), l.dd(82, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(83, "\n "),, ht, 56, 24, "ul", 22), l.dd(85, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(86, "\n "), l.jc(87, "li", 26), l.dd(88, "\n \n "), l.jc(89, "a", 27, 28), l.rc("click", (function() {
return e.hidePop()
})), l.dd(91, "\n "), l.jc(92, "div", 29), l.dd(93, "DM+"), l.ic(), l.dd(94, "\n "), l.jc(95, "div", 30), l.dd(96, "Plus / Integral"), l.ic(), l.dd(97, "\n "), l.jc(98, "div", 31), l.dd(99, "DeltaMath+"), l.ic(), l.dd(100, "\n "), l.jc(101, "div", 32), l.dd(102, "DM+"), l.ic(), l.dd(103, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(104, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(105, "\n "),, pt, 1, 0, "ng-template", null, 33,, l.dd(108, "\n\n "), l.dd(109, "\n \n "), l.dd(110, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(111, "\n "), l.jc(112, "ul", 34), l.dd(113, "\n "), l.jc(114, "li", 16), l.dd(115, "\n "), l.jc(116, "a", 24), l.dd(117, "\n "), l.jc(118, "div", 35),, "i", 36), l.dd(120, " "),, "b", 12), l.ic(), l.dd(122, " \n "), l.jc(123, "div", 37), l.dd(124, "Help "),, "b", 12), l.ic(), l.dd(126, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(127, "\n "),, gt, 33, 4, "ul", 38), l.dd(129, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(130, "\n "), l.jc(131, "li", 35), l.dd(132, "\n "), l.dd(133, "\n\n\n "), l.jc(134, "span", 39), l.dd(135, "\n "), l.jc(136, "button", 8), l.rc("click", (function() {
return e.calculatorControlClick()
})), l.dd(137, "\n "), l.jc(138, "a", 9), l.dd(139, "\n "),, "i", 10), l.dd(141, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(142, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(143, "\n "), l.jc(144, "button", 11), l.dd(145, "\n "),, "span", 12), l.dd(147, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(148, "\n "),, _t, 10, 0, "ul", 13), l.dd(150, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(151, "\n\n\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(152, "\n "), l.jc(153, "li", 40), l.dd(154, "\n "), l.jc(155, "a", 41), l.rc("click", (function() {
return e.logoutCleanup()
})), l.dd(156, "\n "), l.jc(157, "span", 37), l.dd(158, "Logout"), l.ic(), l.dd(159, "\n "), l.jc(160, "span", 35),, "i", 42), l.ic(), l.dd(162, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(163, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(164, "\n "),, bt, 11, 3, "li", 43), l.dd(166, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(167, "\n "), l.jc(168, "ul", 44), l.dd(169, "\n "), l.jc(170, "li"), l.dd(171, "\n "), l.jc(172, "div", 45), l.dd(173, "\n "), l.jc(174, "span", 46), l.dd(175, "\n "), l.jc(176, "form", 47), l.dd(177, "\n "), l.jc(178, "input", 48), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return e.searchField = t
}))("typeaheadOnSelect", (function(t) {
return e.typeaheadOnSelect(t)
}))("click", (function(t) {
})), l.ic(), l.dd(179, "\n "),, vt, 1, 0, "span", 49), l.dd(181, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(182, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(183, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(184, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(185, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(186, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(187, "\n\n "),, wt, 7, 1, "p", 50), l.dd(189, "\n"), l.ic(), l.dd(190, "\n"), l.jc(191, "button", 51), l.rc("click", (function() {
return e.recalculateTypeahead()
})), l.ic(), l.dd(192, "\n")), 2 & t) {
var n = l.Nc(107);
l.Qb(17), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Gc(16, Ct, e.user.course_activation_code ? "/teacher/data" : "/teacher"))("ngClass", l.Gc(18, Ot, e.deltamathPlus)), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("src", "../../images/DeltaMath-Logo_" + (e.deltamathIntegral ? "Integral" : e.deltamathPlus ? "Plus" : "Regular") + ".png", l.Vc), l.Qb(24), l.Cc("collapse", !e.isCollapsed), l.Qb(24), l.Cc("ngIf", !e.isLtiResourceLaunch), l.Qb(21), l.Cc("hidden", e.user.course_activation_code)("routerLink", l.Fc(20, kt))("popover", n), l.Qb(64), l.Cc("hidden", e.inIframe), l.Qb(12), l.Cc("ngIf", e.inIframe), l.Qb(13), l.Cc("ngModel", e.searchField)("typeahead", e.mixedList)("typeaheadOptionField", "name")("typeaheadOptionsLimit", 10), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.searchField), l.Qb(8), l.Cc("ngIf", e.impersonatingTeacher)
directives: [o.c, f.q, m.a, g.a, g.d, g.b, b.a, f.t, o.e, v.a, y.F, y.q, y.r, y.c, y.p, y.s, w.b, C.a],
styles: ["#navbarSearchBox{margin:8px -15px -8px}@media(max-width:767px){#navbarSearchBox{padding-bottom:35px}#navbarSearchBox *{width:100%}#navbarSearchBox .searchclear{width:auto}.padding-small-screen{padding:15px}}@media(min-width:831px){#navbarSearchBox{float:right}#navbarSearchBox input{width:270px}}@media only screen and (min-width:768px) and (max-width:830px){#navbarSearchBox input{width:220px}#navbarSearchBox{float:right}}@media only screen and (min-width:992px) and (max-width:1030px){.hide-for-992-to-1030{display:none}}@media(min-width:992px){#navbarSearchBox input{width:300px}}.searchclear{position:absolute;right:8px;top:0;bottom:0;height:14px;margin:auto;font-size:14px;cursor:pointer;color:#ccc}.searchclear-moreright{right:22px}"],
encapsulation: 2
}), t
Pt = n("4BKv"),
xt = n("eMej"),
Dt = n("BBvm"),
Mt = n("mbe7"),
jt = n("G1oj"),
St = n("lTVp"),
Tt = n("YAQW"),
At = n("ajgm"),
It = n("ARl4"),
Rt = n("fHIT"),
Lt = n("usZ5"),
Bt = ["newFolderInput"];
function Ft(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 3), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "button", 4), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"standard")
})), l.dd(3, "Create new standard assignment"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "button", 4), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"test")
})), l.dd(6, "Create new test"), l.ic(), l.dd(7, "\n "), l.jc(8, "button", 4), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"correction")
})), l.dd(9, "Create new test correction"), l.ic(), l.dd(10, "\n "), l.jc(11, "button", 4), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"link")
})), l.dd(12, "Link to existing assignment"), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "), l.jc(14, "button", 5), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"copy")
})), l.dd(15, "Copy assignment"), l.ic(), l.dd(16, "\n"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Cc("hidden", !i.showLtiMenu)
function Ut(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "i", 10), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.ic()
2 & t && l.Cc("tooltip", "Go to print settings")
function Nt(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "h2"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "u"), l.dd(3), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "),, Ut, 1, 1, "i", 9), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(3),"", n.assignment._id ? "Edit" : "Create", " ", n.assignment.is_test ? "Test" : "standard" == n.assignment.type ? "Assignment" : "Test Correction", ""), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", n.hasIntegral && n.assignment.order.length > 0)
function Wt(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "i", 10), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.ic()
2 & t && l.Cc("tooltip", "Go to print settings")
function Qt(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "h2"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "u"), l.dd(3, "Assignment Settings"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "),, Wt, 1, 1, "i", 9), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngIf", n.hasIntegral && n.assignment.order.length > 0)
function qt(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "alert", 11), l.jc(1, "b"), l.dd(2, "Note:"), l.ic(), l.dd(3, " Because this test has a linked correction, the questions cannot be edited (except teacher created problems). To make changes you will have to edit that correction, unlink this test, press save, then come back to edit this test."), l.ic())
function Kt(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "alert", 62), l.rc("onClosed", (function() {
return l.Rc(n), = !1
})), l.dd(1, "Warning: This was previously linked to an assignment which no longer exists in your current term. You can relink to a new test, or have the students manually enter their test points."), l.ic()
var Vt = function(t) {
return ["/teacher/data/assignment/", t]
function Ht(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "span"), l.dd(1, "Linked To: "), l.jc(2, "b"), l.jc(3, "a", 66), l.dd(4), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(5, " ("), l.jc(6, "a", 67), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(7, "change"), l.ic(), l.dd(8, ", "), l.jc(9, "a", 67), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(10, "unlink"), l.ic(), l.dd(11, ")"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(3), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Gc(2, Vt, i.assignment.linkedTest)), l.Qb(1), l.ed(i.assignment.linkedTestName)
function zt(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "a", 67), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =;
return t.assignment.order.length ? t.changeLinkedTest(2) : t.automaticCorrectionInit()
})), l.dd(1, "Link to a DeltaMath Test Automatically"), l.ic()
function Gt(t, e) {
if (1 & t &&, "i", 68), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", n.tipDelay)
function Yt(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 63), l.dd(1, "\n "),, Ht, 12, 4, "span", 7), l.dd(3, "\n "),, zt, 2, 0, "a", 64), l.dd(5, "\n "),, Gt, 1, 2, "i", 65), l.dd(7, "\n "), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", n.assignment.linkedTest), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", !n.assignment.linkedTest), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", !n.assignment.linkedTest)
function $t(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "alert", 69), l.rc("onClosed", (function() {
return l.Rc(n), = !1
})), l.dd(1), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(1), l.fd("Note: list of ", "Individuals or Groups" === i.assignment.sectionList[0] ? "students" : i.groupedby.toLowerCase(), " assigned has been copied.")
function Zt(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "alert", 70), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Cc("hidden", "correction" === n.assignment.type && !n.assignment.linkedTest), l.Qb(1), l.fd("Warning: classes / students are out of sync with linked ", "correction" === n.assignment.type ? "test" : "correction", ".")
function Xt(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "p", 72), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n = e.$implicit;
l.Qb(1), l.ed(n)
function Jt(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b"), l.dd(3, "Sections:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "),, Xt, 2, 1, "p", 71), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngForOf", n.sectionNamesArr)
var te = function() {
return ["/teacher/choose-students"]
function ee(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 24), l.dd(1), l.jc(2, "a", 66), l.dd(3, "choose students"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, ")\n "), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(1), l.fd("\n ", 1 == n.assignment.studentList.length ? "1 student has" : n.assignment.studentList.length + " students have", " been selected\n ("), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Fc(2, te))
function ne(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 24), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b"), l.dd(3, "Credit Back:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "input", 73), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.jc(6, "span", 74), l.dd(7, "%"), l.ic(), l.dd(8, " \n "),, "i", 75), l.dd(10, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngModel", i.assignment.creditBack), l.Qb(4), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay)
function ie(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "option", 76), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(1), l.fd("Staggered by ", n.user.sections.groupedby, "")
var re = function() {
return {
containerClass: "due-date-panel-picker theme-dark-blue",
showWeekNumbers: !1
function oe(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 80), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "div", 81), l.dd(3), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "input", 82), l.rc("bsValueChange", (function(t) {
var e =;
return, "staggered", e)
})), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "timepicker", 83), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =;
return, "staggered", e)
})), l.ic(), l.dd(8, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(3), l.fd("", r.user.sections.groupedby + " " + i.section, ":"), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngModel", i.when)("bsConfig", l.Fc(6, re)), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("showSpinners", !1)("showMeridian", r.timepickerMeridianShows)("ngModel", i.when)
function se(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.hc(0), l.dd(1, "\n "),, oe, 9, 7, "div", 79), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.gc()), 2 & t) {
var n = e.$implicit,
i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.showStaggerTime(n))
function ae(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 77), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.dd(2, "\n "),, se, 4, 1, "ng-container", 78), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngForOf", n.assignment.staggered)
function ce(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 77), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "input", 84), l.rc("bsValueChange", (function(t) {
var e =;
return e.dateChange(t, e.assignment.start_time, -1)
})), l.ic(), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.jc(4, "timepicker", 83), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =;
return e.dateChange(t, e.assignment.start_time, -1)
})), l.ic(), l.dd(5, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("bsValue", i.assignment.start_time)("bsConfig", l.Fc(5, re)), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("showSpinners", !1)("showMeridian", i.timepickerMeridianShows)("ngModel", i.assignment.start_time)
function le(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 85), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "a", 37), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(3),, "i", 38), l.ic(), l.dd(5, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(3), l.fd("", i.showGoogleClassroomSettings ? "hide google classroom settings" : "show google classroom settings", " "), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngClass", i.showGoogleClassroomSettings ? "fa-angle-double-up" : "fa-angle-double-down")
function de(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "option", 105), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n = e.$implicit;
l.Cc("value", n), l.Qb(1), l.ed(n)
function ue(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "option", 106), l.dd(1, 'At "Results Shown" Time'), l.ic())
function he(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 92), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b", 99), l.dd(3, "Corrections:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, " \n "), l.jc(5, "select", 25), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "option", 107), l.dd(8, 'Pass back "Grade"'), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.jc(10, "option", 108), l.dd(11, 'Pass back "New Test"'), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "),, "i", 30), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngModel", i.assignment.corrections_passback), l.Qb(9), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay)
function pe(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 86), l.dd(1, "\n "),, "img", 87), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.jc(4, "div"), l.dd(5, "\n "), l.jc(6, "b"), l.dd(7, "Assignment Description:"), l.ic(), l.dd(8, "\n "), l.jc(9, "textarea", 88), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(10, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(11, "\n "), l.jc(12, "div", 89), l.dd(13, "\n "), l.jc(14, "b", 90), l.dd(15, "Points:"), l.ic(), l.dd(16, "\n "), l.jc(17, "input", 91), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(18, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(19, "\n "), l.jc(20, "div", 92), l.dd(21, "\n "), l.jc(22, "b", 93), l.dd(23, "Topic:"), l.ic(), l.dd(24, " \n "), l.jc(25, "select", 25), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(26, "\n "), l.jc(27, "option", 94), l.dd(28, "No topic"), l.ic(), l.dd(29, "\n "),, de, 2, 2, "option", 95), l.dd(31, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(32, "\n "), l.jc(33, "span", 96), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(34, "("),, "i", 97), l.dd(36, " "), l.jc(37, "a", 98), l.dd(38, "refresh list"), l.ic(), l.dd(39, ")"), l.ic(), l.dd(40, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(41, "\n "), l.jc(42, "div", 92), l.dd(43, "\n "), l.jc(44, "b", 99), l.dd(45, "Grade Passback Time:"), l.ic(), l.dd(46, " \n "), l.jc(47, "select", 25), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(48, "\n "), l.jc(49, "option", 100), l.dd(50, "At Due Date"), l.ic(), l.dd(51, "\n "), l.jc(52, "option", 101), l.dd(53, "After 15 Minutes"), l.ic(), l.dd(54, "\n "), l.jc(55, "option", 102), l.dd(56, "Manual Passback Only"), l.ic(), l.dd(57, "\n "),, ue, 2, 0, "option", 103), l.dd(59, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(60, "\n "),, "i", 30), l.dd(62, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(63, "\n "),, he, 16, 3, "div", 104), l.dd(65, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Cc("hidden", !i.showGoogleClassroomSettings), l.Qb(9), l.Cc("ngModel", i.assignment.google_classroom.description), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.assignment.google_classroom.max_points), l.Qb(8), l.Cc("ngModel", i.assignment.google_classroom.topic_string), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngForOf", i.googleClassroomTopicList), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(14), l.Cc("ngModel", i.assignment.passback_time), l.Qb(11), l.Cc("ngIf", i.assignment.is_test), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", "correction" === i.assignment.type)
function fe(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "option", 111), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n = e.$implicit;
l.Cc("value", n)("disabled", !n || "Other folders:" === n || "Pre-existing Folder:" === n), l.Qb(1), l.ed(n)
function me(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "input", 112, 113), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Cc("ngModel", i.newFolderName)
function ge(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 24), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b"), l.dd(3, "Folder:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "select", 25), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
}))("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(6, "\n "),, fe, 2, 3, "option", 109), l.dd(8, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "),, me, 2, 1, "input", 110), l.dd(11, " \n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngModel", i.newFolderModel), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngForOf", i.viableFolders), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", "New Folder" === i.newFolderModel)
var _e = function() {
return ["/teacher/extra-time"]
function be(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "span", 117), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "button", 118), l.dd(3, "Manage extra time"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.ic()), 2 & t && (l.Qb(2), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Fc(1, _e)))
function ve(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 24), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b"), l.dd(3, "Time Limit: "), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "select", 25), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "option", 114), l.dd(8, "No limit"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.jc(10, "option", 115), l.dd(11, "Limited"), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n \n "), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "),, be, 5, 2, "span", 116), l.dd(15, "\n "),, "i", 30), l.dd(17, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngModel", i.assignment.time_limit), l.Qb(9), l.Cc("ngIf", "limit" === i.assignment.time_limit), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay)
function ye(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "option", 105), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n = e.$implicit;
l.Cc("value", n), l.Qb(1), l.ed(n)
function we(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "option", 105), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n = e.$implicit;
l.Cc("value", n), l.Qb(1), l.ed(n)
function Ce(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 119), l.dd(1, "\n Time Limit: "), l.jc(2, "select", 120), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})),, ye, 2, 2, "option", 95), l.ic(), l.dd(4), l.jc(5, "select", 120), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})),, we, 2, 2, "option", 95), l.ic(), l.dd(7), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngModel", i.assignment.time_limit_hours), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngForOf", i.hours_array), l.Qb(1), l.fd(" hour", 1 == i.assignment.time_limit_hours ? "" : "s", " and "), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngModel", i.assignment.time_limit_minutes), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngForOf", i.minutes_array), l.Qb(1), l.fd(" minute", 1 == i.assignment.time_limit_minute ? "" : "s", "\n ")
function Oe(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "option", 105), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n = e.$implicit;
l.Cc("value", n.value), l.Qb(1), l.ed(n.text)
function ke(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 24), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b"), l.dd(3, "Results Shown:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "select", 25), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(6, "\n "),, Oe, 2, 2, "option", 95), l.dd(8, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "),, "i", 30), l.dd(11, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngModel", i.assignment.student_feedback), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngForOf", i.student_feedback_options), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay)
function Ee(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "span"), l.dd(1, " (with results only)"), l.ic())
function Pe(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 24), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b"), l.dd(3, "Solutions Shown:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "select", 25), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "option", 121), l.dd(8, "Yes"),, Ee, 2, 0, "span", 7), l.ic(), l.dd(10, "\n "), l.jc(11, "option", 122), l.dd(12, "On incorrect only"), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "), l.jc(14, "option", 123), l.dd(15, "On correct only"), l.ic(), l.dd(16, "\n "), l.jc(17, "option", 124), l.dd(18, "No"), l.ic(), l.dd(19, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(20, "\n "),, "i", 30), l.dd(22, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngModel", i.assignment.show_solutions), l.Qb(4), l.Cc("ngIf", i.assignment.is_test), l.Qb(12), l.Cc("tooltip", i.assignment.is_test ? :"tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay)
function xe(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 24), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b"), l.dd(3, "Unique ID:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "select", 25), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
}))("ngModelChange", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "option", 125), l.dd(8, "On"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.jc(10, "option", 126), l.dd(11, "Off"), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "),, "i", 127), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngModel", i.assignment.notes), l.Qb(9), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay)
function De(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 24), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b"), l.dd(3, "Student Work Upload:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "select", 25), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
}))("ngModelChange", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "option", 128), l.dd(8, "On"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.jc(10, "option", 126), l.dd(11, "Off"), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "),, "i", 127), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngModel", i.assignment.notes), l.Qb(9), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay)
function Me(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 24), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b"), l.dd(3, "DeltaMath Videos:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "select", 25), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "option", 126), l.dd(8, "Visible"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.jc(10, "option", 125), l.dd(11, "Hidden"), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "),, "i", 30), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngModel", i.assignment.hide_delta_videos), l.Qb(9), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay)
function je(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 24), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b"), l.dd(3, "Show Example Button:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "select", 25), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "option", 126), l.dd(8, "Visible"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.jc(10, "option", 125), l.dd(11, "Hidden"), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "),, "i", 30), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngModel", i.assignment.hide_show_example), l.Qb(9), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay)
function Se(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 24), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b"), l.dd(3, "Hide Assignment After Due: "), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "select", 25), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "option", 126), l.dd(8, "No"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.jc(10, "option", 125), l.dd(11, "Yes"), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "),, "i", 30), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngModel", i.assignment.remove_after_due), l.Qb(9), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay)
function Te(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 24), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b"), l.dd(3, "Restrict Other Assignments:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, " \n "), l.jc(5, "select", 25), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "option", 125), l.dd(8, "Yes"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, " \n "), l.jc(10, "option", 126), l.dd(11, "No"), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "),, "i", 30), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngModel", i.assignment.restrict_other_assignments), l.Qb(9), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay)
function Ae(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 24), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b"), l.dd(3, "Allow Students to Change Answers:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "select", 25), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "option", 125), l.dd(8, "Yes"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.jc(10, "option", 126), l.dd(11, "No"), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "),, "i", 30), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngModel", i.assignment.allow_resubmit), l.Qb(9), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay)
function Ie(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 24), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b"), l.dd(3, "Points Lost / Earned:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "select", 25), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "option", 129), l.dd(8, "Lost"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.jc(10, "option", 130), l.dd(11, "Earned"), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "),, "i", 30), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngModel", i.assignment.correction_points_lost_or_earned), l.Qb(9), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay)
function Re(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 24), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b"), l.dd(3, "Corrections:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, " \n "), l.jc(5, "select", 25), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "option", 107), l.dd(8, 'Pass back "Grade"'), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.jc(10, "option", 108), l.dd(11, 'Pass back "New Test"'), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "),, "i", 30), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngModel", i.assignment.corrections_passback), l.Qb(9), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay)
function Le(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "option", 106), l.dd(1, 'At "Results Shown" Time'), l.ic())
function Be(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 131), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b", 99), l.dd(3, "Grade Passback Time:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, " \n "), l.jc(5, "select", 25), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "option", 100), l.dd(8, "At Due Date"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.jc(10, "option", 101), l.dd(11, "After 15 Minutes"), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.jc(13, "option", 102), l.dd(14, "Manual Passback Only"), l.ic(), l.dd(15, "\n "),, Le, 2, 0, "option", 103), l.dd(17, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(18, "\n "),, "i", 30), l.dd(20, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngModel", i.assignment.passback_time), l.Qb(11), l.Cc("ngIf", i.assignment.is_test), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay)
function Fe(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 132), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "button", 133), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(3, "DELETE ASSIGNMENT"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", !i.currentTerm)
function Ue(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.dd(0, "Q"), l.jc(1, "span", 140), l.dd(2, "uestion"), l.ic(), l.dd(3, "s"))
function Ne(t, e) {
1 & t &&, "b", 147)
function We(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "b", 148), l.rc("click", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return, t, !0)
})), l.ic()
function Qe(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "span", 152), l.dd(1), l.jc(2, "span", 153), l.dd(3), l.ic(), l.dd(4, ")"), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =$implicit,
i =;
l.Qb(1), l.fd("(", i.assignment.questions[n].skills.length, " linked"), l.Qb(2), l.fd(" item", 1 === i.assignment.questions[n].skills.length ? "" : "s", "")
function qe(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "span"), l.dd(1, "Question \n "), l.jc(2, "input", 149), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
}))("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].name = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(3, "\n Points: "), l.jc(4, "input", 150), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].points = t
}))("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.ic(), l.dd(5, "\n "),, Qe, 5, 2, "span", 151), l.dd(7, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.questions[i].name), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.questions[i].points), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", r.assignment.questions[i].skills)
function Ke(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "span", 152), l.dd(1), l.jc(2, "span", 153), l.dd(3), l.ic(), l.dd(4, ")"), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =$implicit,
i =;
l.Qb(1), l.fd("(", i.assignment.questions[n].skills.length, " linked"), l.Qb(2), l.fd(" item", 1 === i.assignment.questions[n].skills.length ? "" : "s", "")
function Ve(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "span", 154), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "span", 155), l.dd(3), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "span", 156), l.dd(6), l.ic(), l.dd(7, "\n "),, Ke, 5, 2, "span", 151), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =$implicit,
i =;
l.Qb(3), l.fd("Question ", i.assignment.questions[n].name, ""), l.Qb(3), l.fd("Points: ", i.assignment.questions[n].points, " "), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.assignment.questions[n].skills)
function He(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li", 141), l.rc("click", (function(t) {
var i = e.$implicit;
return, t)
})), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "div", 142), l.dd(3, "\n "),, Ne, 1, 0, "b", 143), l.dd(5, "\n "),, We, 1, 0, "b", 144), l.dd(7, "\n\n\n "), l.jc(8, "div", 145), l.dd(9, " \n "), l.dd(10, "\n "),, qe, 8, 3, "span", 7), l.dd(12, "\n\n "),, Ve, 10, 3, "span", 146), l.dd(14, "\n \n "), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(16, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(17, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.$implicit,
r =;
l.Rb("sk", i), l.Qb(4), l.Cc("ngIf", !r.assignment.linkedTest), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", !r.assignment.linkedTest), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngIf", !r.assignment.linkedTest), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", r.assignment.linkedTest)
function ze(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "span"), l.dd(1, "Extra Points: "), l.jc(2, "input", 157), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngModel", i.assignment.extraPoints)
function Ge(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "tab", 134), l.rc("selectTab", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"link")
})), l.dd(1, "\n "),, Ue, 4, 0, "ng-template", 135), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.jc(4, "ul", 136), l.rc("dragulaModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(5, "\n "),, He, 18, 5, "li", 137), l.dd(7, "\n "), l.jc(8, "li", 138), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.jc(10, "span", 139), l.dd(11), l.ic(),, ze, 3, 1, "span", 7), l.dd(13, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(14, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Cc("active", "link" ===, l.Qb(4), l.Cc("dragula", "questions-bag")("dragulaModel", i.assignment.questionOrder), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngForOf", i.assignment.questionOrder), l.Qb(5), l.fd("Total Points: ", i.assignment.totalPoints, ""), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngIf", !i.assignment.linkedTest)
function Ye(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "ss-multiselect-dropdown", 175), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e] = t
}))("ngModelChange", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skillToQuestions[i])("options", r.questionOptions)("settings", r.mySettingsLink)
function $e(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 172), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b", 173), l.dd(3, "Linked To:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, " "),, Ye, 1, 3, "ss-multiselect-dropdown", 174), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", n.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", n.questionLinkListShowing)
function Ze(t, e) {
1 & t &&, "i", 176)
function Xe(t, e) {
1 & t &&, "i", 177)
function Je(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "i", 178), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
})), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay)
function tn(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "span"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b", 203), l.dd(3, "Add: "), l.ic(), l.jc(4, "input", 181), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].add = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(5, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].add)
function en(t, e) {
1 & t &&, "div", 204)
function nn(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "span", 205), l.dd(1, "No Penalty"), l.ic())
function rn(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li"), l.dd(1, " \n "), l.jc(2, "a", 67), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t = e.$implicit;
})), l.dd(3), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "span", 210), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "input", 211), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), e.$implicit.freq = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(8, " "), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.jc(10, "i", 212), l.rc("click", (function(t) {
var i = e.$implicit,
r =$implicit;
return, t, r)
})), l.ic(), l.dd(11, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(3), l.ed(r.skillcodesService.getName(, l.Qb(4), l.Cc("ngModel", i.freq)
function on(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 206), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "button", 207), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
})), l.dd(3), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "div", 208), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "ul"), l.dd(8, "\n "),, rn, 13, 2, "li", 78), l.dd(10, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(11, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.jc(13, "div", 209), l.dd(14, "The numbers are ratios of frequency from 1 to 9"), l.ic(), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngClass", r.assignmentData.managingSkills === i ? "btn-danger" : "btn-default"), l.Qb(1), l.ed(i === r.assignmentData.managingSkills ? "Finished" : "Add to Mix"), l.Qb(6), l.Cc("ngForOf", r.assignment.skills[i].frequencies)
function sn(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li", 216), l.dd(1, " \n "), l.jc(2, "label"), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.jc(4, "input", 217), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var i = e.$implicit,
r =$implicit;
return[r].typesSelected[i.key] = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(5), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.$implicit,
r =$implicit,
o =;
l.Qb(4), l.Dc("name", "option" + i.key), l.Cc("ngModel", o.assignment.skills[r].typesSelected[i.key]), l.Qb(1), l.fd(" ", i.value, "\n ")
function an(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 206), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "button", 213), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit,
e =;
return e.skillcodesService.skillClicked(e.assignment.skills[t].skillcode)
})), l.dd(3, "Go to problem"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "div", 208), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "ul", 214), l.dd(8, "\n "),, sn, 7, 3, "li", 215), l.wc(10, "keyvalue"), l.dd(11, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", r.assignment.is_test), l.Qb(7), l.Cc("ngForOf", l.xc(10, 2, r.skillcodesService.moduleData[r.assignment.skills[i].skillcode].typeDescription))
function cn(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "option", 105), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n = e.$implicit;
l.Cc("value", n), l.Qb(1), l.fd("", n, " problems")
function ln(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 131), l.jc(1, "b", 218), l.dd(2, "Max Problems: "), l.ic(), l.dd(3, " "), l.jc(4, "select", 120), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].max_problems = t
})), l.jc(5, "option", 114), l.dd(6, "No limit"), l.ic(), l.jc(7, "option", 219), l.dd(8, "Equal to required"), l.ic(), l.jc(9, "option", 220), l.dd(10, "1.25 times required"), l.ic(), l.jc(11, "option", 221), l.dd(12, "1.5 times required"), l.ic(), l.jc(13, "option", 222), l.dd(14, "2 times required"), l.ic(), l.jc(15, "option", 223), l.dd(16, "2.5 times required"), l.ic(), l.jc(17, "option", 224), l.dd(18, "3 times required"), l.ic(), l.jc(19, "option", 225), l.dd(20, "4 times required"), l.ic(), l.jc(21, "option", 226), l.dd(22, "5 times required"), l.ic(), l.jc(23, "option", 227), l.dd(24, "10 times required"), l.ic(), l.jc(25, "option", 125), l.dd(26, "1 problem"), l.ic(),, cn, 2, 2, "option", 95), l.ic(), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(1), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].max_problems), l.Qb(23), l.Cc("ngForOf", r.limitNumbers)
function dn(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b", 90), l.dd(3, "Required: "), l.ic(), l.dd(4, " "), l.jc(5, "input", 181), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].required = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n \n "),, tn, 6, 3, "span", 7), l.dd(8, " \n "),, en, 1, 0, "div", 182), l.dd(10, "\n\n "), l.jc(11, "b", 90), l.dd(12, "Penalty: "), l.ic(), l.dd(13, " \n \n\n\n "), l.jc(14, "select", 183), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].penalty = t
})), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.jc(16, "option", 126), l.dd(17, "No Penalty"), l.ic(), l.dd(18, "\n "), l.jc(19, "option", 184), l.dd(20, "0.25 off"), l.ic(), l.dd(21, "\n "), l.jc(22, "option", 185), l.dd(23, "0.5 off"), l.ic(), l.dd(24, "\n "), l.jc(25, "option", 186), l.dd(26, "0.75 off"), l.ic(), l.dd(27, "\n "), l.jc(28, "option", 125), l.dd(29, "1 off"), l.ic(), l.dd(30, "\n "), l.jc(31, "option", 128), l.dd(32, "2 off"), l.ic(), l.dd(33, "\n "), l.jc(34, "option", 187), l.dd(35, "3 off"), l.ic(), l.dd(36, "\n "), l.jc(37, "option", 188), l.dd(38, "4 off"), l.ic(), l.dd(39, "\n "), l.jc(40, "option", 189), l.dd(41, "5 off"), l.ic(), l.dd(42, "\n "), l.jc(43, "option", 190), l.dd(44, "Back to Zero"), l.ic(), l.dd(45, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(46, "\n "),, nn, 2, 0, "span", 191), l.dd(48, "\n "), l.jc(49, "span", 192), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
return[t] = !0
})), l.jc(50, "a", 193), l.dd(51, "more "),, "i", 194), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(53, "\n "), l.jc(54, "span", 192), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
return[t] = !1
})), l.jc(55, "a", 193), l.dd(56, "less "),, "i", 195), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(58, "\n \n "), l.dd(59, "\n "),, on, 16, 3, "div", 196), l.dd(61, "\n\n "), l.dd(62, "\n "),, an, 14, 4, "div", 196), l.dd(64, "\n \n "), l.jc(65, "div", 197), l.dd(66, "\n "), l.jc(67, "div", 131), l.jc(68, "b", 198), l.dd(69, "Show Example: "), l.ic(), l.dd(70, " "), l.jc(71, "select", 199), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].show_example = t
})), l.jc(72, "option", 126), l.dd(73, "No"), l.ic(), l.jc(74, "option", 125), l.dd(75, "Yes"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(76, "\n "), l.jc(77, "b", 90), l.dd(78, "Weight: "), l.ic(), l.dd(79, " "), l.jc(80, "input", 200), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].weight = t
})), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(81, "\n "), l.jc(82, "div", 131), l.dd(83, "\n "), l.jc(84, "b", 90), l.dd(85, "Attempts: "), l.ic(), l.dd(86, " "), l.jc(87, "input", 201), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].attempts = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(88, "\n "), l.jc(89, "b", 90), l.dd(90, "M.C. Attempts: "), l.ic(), l.dd(91, " "), l.jc(92, "input", 202), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].mc_attempts = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(93, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(94, "\n "),, ln, 28, 4, "div", 35), l.dd(96, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(97, "\n\n\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].required), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "correction" === r.assignment.type && (null == r.assignment.skillToQuestions[i] ? null : r.assignment.skillToQuestions[i].length) > 1), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "correction" === r.assignment.type && (null == r.assignment.skillToQuestions[i] ? null : r.assignment.skillToQuestions[i].length) > 1), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("hidden", "times1" === r.assignment.skills[i].max_problems || r.assignment.skills[i].max_problems <= r.assignment.skills[i].required)("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].penalty), l.Qb(33), l.Cc("ngIf", "times1" === r.assignment.skills[i].max_problems || r.assignment.skills[i].max_problems <= r.assignment.skills[i].required), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", r.detailsShowing[i]), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("hidden", !r.detailsShowing[i]), l.Qb(6), l.Cc("ngIf", !0 !== r.assignment.skills[i].type_selected && !r.assignment.is_test), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", !0 === r.assignment.skills[i].type_selected && r.skillcodesService.moduleData), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", !r.detailsShowing[i]), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].show_example), l.Qb(6), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].weight), l.Qb(4), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].attempts), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].mc_attempts), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", r.deltamathPlus)
var un = function(t) {
return [t]
function hn(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "button", 231), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit,
e =;
return e.deleteNotEdited(e.assignment.skills[t])
})), l.dd(3, "create / edit problem"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Gc(1, un, "/teacher/plus/create-question/" + r.assignment.skills[i].problem_id))
function pn(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "span"), l.jc(1, "b", 198), l.dd(2, "Show Example: "), l.ic(), l.dd(3, " "), l.jc(4, "select", 199), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].show_example = t
})), l.jc(5, "option", 126), l.dd(6, "No"), l.ic(), l.jc(7, "option", 125), l.dd(8, "Yes"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(1), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].show_example)
function fn(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 228), l.dd(1, "\n "),, hn, 5, 3, "div", 7), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.jc(4, "div", 131), l.dd(5, "\n "), l.jc(6, "b", 229), l.jc(7, "a", 66), l.dd(8, "See problem"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "),, pn, 9, 3, "span", 7), l.dd(11, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.jc(13, "div", 131), l.dd(14, "\n "), l.jc(15, "b", 90), l.dd(16, "Weight: "), l.ic(), l.dd(17, " "), l.jc(18, "input", 230), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].weight = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(19, "\n "), l.jc(20, "span", 21), l.jc(21, "b", 90), l.dd(22, "Attempts: "), l.ic(), l.dd(23, " "), l.jc(24, "input", 202), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].attempts = t
})), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(25, "\n "), l.jc(26, "span", 21), l.jc(27, "b", 90), l.dd(28, "M.C. Attempts: "), l.ic(), l.dd(29, " "), l.jc(30, "input", 202), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].mc_attempts = t
})), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(31, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(32, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", !0 === r.assignment.skills[i].create_own_problem && -1 != r.assignment.skills[i].problem_id), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Gc(14, un, "/teacher/solve/" + r.assignment.skills[i].problem_id)), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", !0 !== r.assignment.skills[i].create_own_problem), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].weight), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", null == r.skillcodesService.skillcodes.skills[r.assignment.skills[i].skillcode] ? null : r.skillcodesService.skillcodes.skills[r.assignment.skills[i].skillcode].mc), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].attempts), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", !(null != r.skillcodesService.skillcodes.skills[r.assignment.skills[i].skillcode] && r.skillcodesService.skillcodes.skills[r.assignment.skills[i].skillcode].mc)), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].mc_attempts)
function mn(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "span", 235), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b", 236), l.dd(3, "YouTube Video ID: "), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "input", 237), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].video = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].video)
function gn(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "span", 238), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b"), l.dd(3), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =$implicit,
i =;
l.Qb(3), l.fd("Video Length: ", i.secondsToMinutes(null == i.skillcodesService.skillcodes.skills[i.assignment.skills[n].skill] ? null : i.skillcodesService.skillcodes.skills[i.assignment.skills[n].skill].video_seconds), "")
function _n(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 228), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "div", 131), l.dd(3, "\n "),, mn, 7, 3, "span", 232), l.dd(5, "\n "),, gn, 5, 1, "span", 233), l.dd(7, "\n "), l.jc(8, "span", 234), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.jc(10, "b", 90), l.dd(11, "Weight: "), l.ic(), l.dd(12, " \n "), l.jc(13, "input", 230), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].weight = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(14, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(16, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(4), l.Cc("ngIf", !0 !== r.assignment.skills[i].delta_video), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", !0 === r.assignment.skills[i].delta_video), l.Qb(4), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].weight)
function bn(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 179), l.dd(1, "\n "),, dn, 98, 28, "div", 7), l.dd(3, "\n \n "),, fn, 33, 16, "div", 180), l.dd(5, "\n "),, _n, 17, 5, "div", 180), l.dd(7, "\n "), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =$implicit,
i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", !0 !== i.assignment.skills[n].single_problem && !0 !== i.assignment.skills[n].is_video), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", !0 === i.assignment.skills[n].single_problem), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", !0 === i.assignment.skills[n].is_video)
function vn(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 179), l.dd(1, "\n "),, bn, 8, 3, "div", 170), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =$implicit,
i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", !i.assignment.skills[n].timed)
function yn(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li"), l.dd(1, " \n "), l.jc(2, "a", 67), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t = e.$implicit;
})), l.dd(3), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "span", 210), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.dd(7, " "), l.dd(8, "\n "), l.jc(9, "i", 212), l.rc("click", (function(t) {
var i = e.$implicit,
r =$implicit;
return, t, r)
})), l.ic(), l.dd(10, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(11, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(3), l.ed(r.skillcodesService.getName(i))
function wn(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "tr"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "td"), l.jc(3, "input", 248), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var i = e.index,
r =$implicit;
return[r].seconds[i] = t
})), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "td"), l.jc(6, "input", 249), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var i = e.index,
r =$implicit;
return[r].credit[i] = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(7, "%"), l.ic(), l.dd(8, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.index,
r =$implicit,
o =;
l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", o.assignment.skills[r].seconds[i]), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("disabled", 0 == i)("ngModel", o.assignment.skills[r].credit[i])
function Cn(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 179), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b", 90), l.dd(3, "Required: "), l.ic(), l.dd(4, " "), l.jc(5, "input", 181), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].required = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "span", 21), l.jc(8, "b", 90), l.dd(9, "Seconds: "), l.ic(), l.dd(10, " "), l.jc(11, "input", 239), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].seconds[0] = t
})), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.jc(13, "span", 21), l.jc(14, "b", 90), l.dd(15, "Weight: "), l.ic(), l.dd(16, " "), l.jc(17, "input", 230), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].weight = t
})), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(18, "\n \n "), l.jc(19, "span", 240), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
return[t] = !0
})), l.jc(20, "a", 193), l.dd(21, "more "),, "i", 194), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(23, "\n "), l.jc(24, "span", 240), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
return[t] = !1
})), l.jc(25, "a", 193), l.dd(26, "less "),, "i", 195), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(28, "\n \n "), l.jc(29, "div", 206), l.dd(30, "\n "), l.jc(31, "button", 207), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
})), l.dd(32), l.ic(), l.dd(33, "\n "), l.jc(34, "div", 208), l.dd(35, "\n "), l.jc(36, "ul"), l.dd(37, "\n "),, yn, 12, 1, "li", 78), l.dd(39, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(40, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(41, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(42, "\n\n "), l.jc(43, "div", 241), l.dd(44, "\n "), l.jc(45, "table", 242), l.dd(46, "\n "), l.jc(47, "tr"), l.jc(48, "th"), l.dd(49, "Seconds"), l.ic(), l.jc(50, "th"), l.dd(51, "Credit"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(52, "\n "),, wn, 9, 3, "tr", 243), l.dd(54, "\n "), l.jc(55, "tr"), l.jc(56, "td", 244), l.jc(57, "button", 245), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
})), l.dd(58, "add row"), l.ic(), l.dd(59, " "), l.jc(60, "button", 246), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
})), l.dd(61, "remove row"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(62, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(63, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(64, "\n "), l.jc(65, "div", 247), l.dd(66, "\n Note: setting "), l.jc(67, "b"), l.dd(68, "seconds"), l.ic(), l.dd(69, ' to "0" will turn off the timer.\n '), l.ic(), l.dd(70, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].required), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", r.detailsShowing[i] || r.assignment.skills[i].seconds[1]), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].seconds[0]), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", !r.detailsShowing[i] && !r.assignment.skills[i].seconds[1]), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].weight), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", r.detailsShowing[i] || r.assignment.skills[i].seconds[1]), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("hidden", !r.detailsShowing[i] || r.assignment.skills[i].seconds[1]), l.Qb(7), l.Cc("ngClass", r.assignmentData.managingSkills === i ? "btn-danger" : "btn-default"), l.Qb(1), l.ed(i === r.assignmentData.managingSkills ? "Finished" : "Add to Mix"), l.Qb(6), l.Cc("ngForOf", r.assignment.skills[i].skills), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("hidden", !r.detailsShowing[i] && !r.assignment.skills[i].seconds[1]), l.Qb(10), l.Cc("ngForOf", r.assignment.skills[i].seconds)("ngForTrackBy", r.trackByIndex), l.Qb(7), l.Cc("disabled", r.assignment.skills[i].seconds.length <= 1), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("hidden", r.detailsShowing[i] || r.assignment.skills[i].seconds[1])
function On(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 250), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "span"), l.dd(3, "\n YouTube Video ID: \n "), l.jc(4, "input", 237), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].video = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(5, "\n "),, "i", 127), l.dd(7, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(8, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(4), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].video), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay)
function kn(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 142), l.dd(1, "\n "),, "b", 147), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.jc(4, "b", 148), l.rc("click", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return, t, !0)
})), l.ic(), l.dd(5, "\n "), l.dd(6, "\n \n "), l.jc(7, "div", 145), l.dd(8, " \n \n "), l.jc(9, "div", 162), l.dd(10, "\n "),, $e, 7, 3, "div", 163), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.jc(13, "div", 164), l.dd(14, " \n "), l.jc(15, "a", 165),, Ze, 1, 0, "i", 166), l.dd(17),, Xe, 1, 0, "i", 167), l.ic(), l.dd(19, "\n "), l.jc(20, "input", 168), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].name = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(21, "\n "),, Je, 1, 2, "i", 169), l.dd(23, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(24, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(25, "\n\n\n "), l.dd(26, "\n "),, vn, 4, 1, "div", 170), l.dd(28, "\n\n "), l.dd(29, "\n "),, Cn, 71, 21, "div", 170), l.dd(31, "\n\n "), l.dd(32, "\n "),, On, 9, 3, "div", 171), l.dd(34, "\n\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(35, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =,
r = i.$implicit,
o = i.index,
s =;
l.Qb(9), l.Cc("ngClass", "correction" === s.assignment.type ? "linked-to-div-active" : "linked-to-div-inactive"), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "correction" === s.assignment.type), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngIf", s.assignment.skills[r].is_video), l.Qb(1),"", s.assignment.is_test ? "Question " + (o + 1) : s.assignment.skills[r].name, " ", s.assignment.skills[r].single_problem ? s.assignment.skills[r].create_own_problem ? "(custom)" : "(single)" : s.assignment.skills[r].is_video || s.assignment.skills[r].type_selected || s.assignment.is_test ? "" : "(mix)", ""), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngIf", s.assignment.skills[r].timed), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngModel", s.assignment.skills[r].name), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", s.assignment.skills[r].create_own_problem && -1 != s.assignment.skills[r].problem_id), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngIf", !s.assignment.skills[r].timed), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", s.assignment.skills[r].timed), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", "skill" === s.assignment.videos || "assignment_skill" === s.assignment.videos)
function En(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "ss-multiselect-dropdown", 175), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e] = t
}))("ngModelChange", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skillToQuestions[i])("options", r.questionOptions)("settings", r.mySettingsLink)
function Pn(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 172), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b", 173), l.dd(3, "Linked To:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, " "),, En, 1, 3, "ss-multiselect-dropdown", 174), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", n.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", n.questionLinkListShowing)
function xn(t, e) {
1 & t &&, "i", 177)
function Dn(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 252), l.dd(1, "\n This is a special module type that is not graded. Teachers may be able to see student data only by clicking into the skill itself. \n "), l.ic())
function Mn(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "span"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b", 203), l.dd(3, "Add: "), l.ic(), l.jc(4, "input", 181), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].add = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(5, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].add)
function jn(t, e) {
1 & t &&, "div", 204)
function Sn(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "span", 205), l.dd(1, "No Penalty"), l.ic())
function Tn(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "option", 105), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n = e.$implicit;
l.Cc("value", n), l.Qb(1), l.fd("", n, " problems")
function An(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 131), l.jc(1, "b", 218), l.dd(2, "Max Problems: "), l.ic(), l.dd(3, " "), l.jc(4, "select", 120), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].max_problems = t
})), l.jc(5, "option", 114), l.dd(6, "No limit"), l.ic(), l.jc(7, "option", 219), l.dd(8, "Equal to required"), l.ic(), l.jc(9, "option", 220), l.dd(10, "1.25 times required"), l.ic(), l.jc(11, "option", 221), l.dd(12, "1.5 times required"), l.ic(), l.jc(13, "option", 222), l.dd(14, "2 times required"), l.ic(), l.jc(15, "option", 223), l.dd(16, "2.5 times required"), l.ic(), l.jc(17, "option", 224), l.dd(18, "3 times required"), l.ic(), l.jc(19, "option", 225), l.dd(20, "4 times required"), l.ic(), l.jc(21, "option", 226), l.dd(22, "5 times required"), l.ic(), l.jc(23, "option", 227), l.dd(24, "10 times required"), l.ic(), l.jc(25, "option", 125), l.dd(26, "1 problem"), l.ic(),, Tn, 2, 2, "option", 95), l.ic(), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(1), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].max_problems), l.Qb(23), l.Cc("ngForOf", r.limitNumbers)
function In(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 179), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b", 90), l.dd(3, "Required: "), l.ic(), l.dd(4, " "), l.jc(5, "input", 181), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].required = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n "),, Mn, 6, 3, "span", 7), l.dd(8, " \n "),, jn, 1, 0, "div", 182), l.dd(10, "\n\n "), l.jc(11, "b", 90), l.dd(12, "Penalty: "), l.ic(), l.dd(13, " \n "), l.jc(14, "select", 253), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].penalty = t
})), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.jc(16, "option", 126), l.dd(17, "No Penalty"), l.ic(), l.dd(18, "\n "), l.jc(19, "option", 184), l.dd(20, "0.25 off"), l.ic(), l.dd(21, "\n "), l.jc(22, "option", 185), l.dd(23, "0.5 off"), l.ic(), l.dd(24, "\n "), l.jc(25, "option", 186), l.dd(26, "0.75 off"), l.ic(), l.dd(27, "\n "), l.jc(28, "option", 125), l.dd(29, "1 off"), l.ic(), l.dd(30, "\n "), l.jc(31, "option", 128), l.dd(32, "2 off"), l.ic(), l.dd(33, "\n "), l.jc(34, "option", 187), l.dd(35, "3 off"), l.ic(), l.dd(36, "\n "), l.jc(37, "option", 188), l.dd(38, "4 off"), l.ic(), l.dd(39, "\n "), l.jc(40, "option", 189), l.dd(41, "5 off"), l.ic(), l.dd(42, "\n "), l.jc(43, "option", 190), l.dd(44, "Back to Zero"), l.ic(), l.dd(45, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(46, "\n "),, Sn, 2, 0, "span", 191), l.dd(48, "\n\n "), l.jc(49, "span", 240), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
return[t] = !0
})), l.jc(50, "a", 193), l.dd(51, "more "),, "i", 194), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(53, "\n "), l.jc(54, "span", 240), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
return[t] = !1
})), l.jc(55, "a", 193), l.dd(56, "less "),, "i", 195), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(58, "\n "), l.jc(59, "div", 197), l.dd(60, "\n "), l.jc(61, "div", 131), l.jc(62, "b", 218), l.dd(63, "Show Example: "), l.ic(), l.dd(64, " "), l.jc(65, "select", 120), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].show_example = t
})), l.jc(66, "option", 126), l.dd(67, "No"), l.ic(), l.jc(68, "option", 125), l.dd(69, "Yes"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(70, "\n "), l.jc(71, "div", 131), l.dd(72, "\n "), l.jc(73, "b", 90), l.dd(74, "Weight: "), l.ic(), l.dd(75, " "), l.jc(76, "input", 230), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].weight = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(77, "\n "), l.jc(78, "span", 21), l.jc(79, "b", 90), l.dd(80, "Attempts: "), l.ic(), l.dd(81, " "), l.jc(82, "input", 202), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].attempts = t
})), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(83, "\n "), l.jc(84, "span", 21), l.jc(85, "b", 90), l.dd(86, "M.C. Attempts: "), l.ic(), l.dd(87, " "), l.jc(88, "input", 202), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].mc_attempts = t
})), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(89, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(90, "\n "),, An, 28, 4, "div", 35), l.dd(92, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(93, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].required), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "correction" === r.assignment.type && (null == r.assignment.skillToQuestions[i] ? null : r.assignment.skillToQuestions[i].length) > 1), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "correction" === r.assignment.type && (null == r.assignment.skillToQuestions[i] ? null : r.assignment.skillToQuestions[i].length) > 1), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("hidden", "times1" === r.assignment.skills[i].max_problems || r.assignment.skills[i].max_problems <= r.assignment.skills[i].required)("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].penalty)("ngClass", "correction" === r.assignment.type && (null == r.assignment.skillToQuestions[i] ? null : r.assignment.skillToQuestions[i].length) > 1 ? "penaly-margin-add" : ""), l.Qb(33), l.Cc("ngIf", "times1" === r.assignment.skills[i].max_problems || r.assignment.skills[i].max_problems <= r.assignment.skills[i].required), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", r.detailsShowing[i]), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("hidden", !r.detailsShowing[i]), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("hidden", !r.detailsShowing[i]), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].show_example), l.Qb(8), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].weight), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", null == r.skillcodesService.skillcodes.skills[i] ? null : r.skillcodesService.skillcodes.skills[i].mc), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].attempts), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", !(null != r.skillcodesService.skillcodes.skills[i] && r.skillcodesService.skillcodes.skills[i].mc)), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].mc_attempts), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", r.deltamathPlus)
function Rn(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "tr"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "td"), l.jc(3, "input", 248), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var i = e.index,
r =$implicit;
return[r].seconds[i] = t
})), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "td"), l.jc(6, "input", 249), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var i = e.index,
r =$implicit;
return[r].credit[i] = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(7, "%"), l.ic(), l.dd(8, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.index,
r =$implicit,
o =;
l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", o.assignment.skills[r].seconds[i]), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("disabled", 0 == i)("ngModel", o.assignment.skills[r].credit[i])
function Ln(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 179), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b", 90), l.dd(3, "Required: "), l.ic(), l.dd(4, " "), l.jc(5, "input", 181), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].required = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "span", 21), l.jc(8, "b", 90), l.dd(9, "Seconds: "), l.ic(), l.dd(10, " "), l.jc(11, "input", 239), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].seconds[0] = t
})), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.jc(13, "span", 21), l.jc(14, "b", 90), l.dd(15, "Weight: "), l.ic(), l.dd(16, " "), l.jc(17, "input", 230), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].weight = t
})), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(18, "\n \n "), l.jc(19, "span", 240), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
return[t] = !0
})), l.jc(20, "a", 193), l.dd(21, "more "),, "i", 194), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(23, "\n "), l.jc(24, "span", 240), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
return[t] = !1
})), l.jc(25, "a", 193), l.dd(26, "less "),, "i", 195), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(28, "\n "), l.jc(29, "div", 241), l.dd(30, "\n "), l.jc(31, "table", 242), l.dd(32, "\n "), l.jc(33, "tr"), l.jc(34, "th"), l.dd(35, "Seconds"), l.ic(), l.jc(36, "th"), l.dd(37, "Credit"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(38, "\n "),, Rn, 9, 3, "tr", 243), l.dd(40, "\n "), l.jc(41, "tr"), l.jc(42, "td", 244), l.jc(43, "button", 245), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
})), l.dd(44, "add row"), l.ic(), l.dd(45, " "), l.jc(46, "button", 246), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
})), l.dd(47, "remove row"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(48, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(49, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(50, "\n "), l.jc(51, "div", 247), l.dd(52, "\n Note: setting "), l.jc(53, "b"), l.dd(54, "seconds"), l.ic(), l.dd(55, ' to "0" will turn off the timer.\n '), l.ic(), l.dd(56, "\n\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].required), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", r.detailsShowing[i] || r.assignment.skills[i].seconds[1]), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].seconds[0]), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", !r.detailsShowing[i] && !r.assignment.skills[i].seconds[1]), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].weight), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", r.detailsShowing[i] || r.assignment.skills[i].seconds[1]), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("hidden", !r.detailsShowing[i] || r.assignment.skills[i].seconds[1]), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("hidden", !r.detailsShowing[i] && !r.assignment.skills[i].seconds[1]), l.Qb(10), l.Cc("ngForOf", r.assignment.skills[i].seconds)("ngForTrackBy", r.trackByIndex), l.Qb(7), l.Cc("disabled", r.assignment.skills[i].seconds.length <= 1), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("hidden", r.detailsShowing[i] || r.assignment.skills[i].seconds[1])
function Bn(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 250), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "span"), l.dd(3, "\n YouTube Video ID: \n "), l.jc(4, "input", 237), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].video = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(5, "\n "),, "i", 127), l.dd(7, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(8, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(4), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].video), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay)
function Fn(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 142), l.dd(1, "\n "),, "b", 147), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.jc(4, "b", 148), l.rc("click", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return, t, !0)
})), l.ic(), l.dd(5, "\n "), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "div", 145), l.dd(8, " \n \n\n "), l.jc(9, "div", 162), l.dd(10, "\n "),, Pn, 7, 3, "div", 163), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.jc(13, "div", 164), l.dd(14, " \n "), l.jc(15, "a", 67), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
})), l.dd(16),, xn, 1, 0, "i", 167), l.ic(), l.dd(18, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(19, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(20, "\n\n "),, Dn, 2, 0, "div", 251), l.dd(22, " \n\n "), l.dd(23, "\n "),, In, 94, 29, "div", 170), l.dd(25, "\n\n "), l.dd(26, "\n "),, Ln, 57, 18, "div", 170), l.dd(28, "\n\n "), l.dd(29, "\n "), l.dd(30, "\n "),, Bn, 9, 3, "div", 171), l.dd(32, "\n\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(33, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(9), l.Cc("ngClass", "correction" === r.assignment.type ? "linked-to-div-active" : "linked-to-div-inactive"), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "correction" === r.assignment.type), l.Qb(5), l.ed(r.skillcodesService.getName(i, r.assignment)), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngIf", r.assignment.skills[i].timed), l.Qb(4), l.Cc("ngIf", r.assignment.skills[i].special), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", !r.assignment.skills[i].timed && !r.assignment.skills[i].special), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", r.assignment.skills[i].timed), l.Qb(4), l.Cc("ngIf", "skill" === r.assignment.videos || "assignment_skill" === r.assignment.videos)
function Un(t, e) {
1 & t &&, "b", 147)
function Nn(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "b", 148), l.rc("click", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return, t, !0)
})), l.ic()
function Wn(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "a", 67), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit,
e =;
return e.testItemGoToProblem(e.assignment.skills[t])
})), l.dd(1), l.jc(2, "span", 259), l.dd(3), l.ic(), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =,
r = i.index,
o = i.$implicit,
s =;
l.Qb(1), l.fd("", "Question " + (r + 1), " "), l.Qb(2), l.ed(" - " + s.assignment.skills[o].name)
function Qn(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "i", 178), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
})), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay)
function qn(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 260), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "button", 231), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit,
e =;
return e.deleteNotEdited(e.assignment.skills[t])
})), l.dd(3, "create / edit problem"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Gc(1, un, "/teacher/plus/create-question/" + r.assignment.skills[i].problem_id))
function Kn(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li", 216), l.dd(1, " \n "), l.jc(2, "label"), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.jc(4, "input", 261), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var i = e.$implicit,
r =$implicit;
return[r].typesSelected[i.key] = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(5), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.$implicit,
r =$implicit,
o =;
l.Qb(4), l.Dc("name", "option" + i.key), l.Cc("disabled", o.testHasLinkedCorrection)("ngModel", o.assignment.skills[r].typesSelected[i.key]), l.Qb(1), l.fd(" ", i.value, "\n ")
function Vn(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 206), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "div", 208), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.jc(4, "ul", 214), l.dd(5, "\n "),, Kn, 7, 4, "li", 215), l.wc(7, "keyvalue"), l.dd(8, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(10, "\n "), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =$implicit,
i =;
l.Qb(6), l.Cc("ngForOf", l.xc(7, 1, i.skillcodesService.moduleData[i.assignment.skills[n].skillcode].typeDescription))
var Hn = function(t) {
return {
"padding-left": t
function zn(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 142), l.dd(1, "\n "),, Un, 1, 0, "b", 143), l.dd(3, "\n "),, Nn, 1, 0, "b", 144), l.dd(5, "\n "), l.dd(6, "\n \n "), l.jc(7, "div", 254), l.dd(8, " \n "),, Wn, 4, 2, "a", 64), l.dd(10, "\n "),, Qn, 1, 2, "i", 169), l.dd(12, "\n \n \n "), l.jc(13, "div", 179), l.dd(14, "\n "), l.jc(15, "div", 179), l.dd(16, "\n \n\n "), l.jc(17, "div", 228), l.dd(18, "\n "), l.jc(19, "div", 131), l.dd(20, "\n "), l.jc(21, "b", 90), l.dd(22, "Points: "), l.ic(), l.dd(23, " "), l.jc(24, "input", 255), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].weight = t
}))("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.ic(), l.dd(25, "\n "), l.jc(26, "span", 21), l.jc(27, "b", 90), l.dd(28, "Attempts: "), l.ic(), l.dd(29, " "), l.jc(30, "input", 202), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].attempts = t
})), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(31, "\n "), l.jc(32, "span", 21), l.jc(33, "b", 90), l.dd(34, "M.C. Attempts: "), l.ic(), l.dd(35, " "), l.jc(36, "input", 202), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[e].mc_attempts = t
})), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(37, "\n "), l.jc(38, "span", 21), l.jc(39, "b", 256), l.dd(40, "Attempts: 1"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(41, "\n \n "), l.jc(42, "span", 234), l.dd(43, "Students will all get "), l.jc(44, "span", 257), l.dd(45), l.ic(), l.dd(46), l.ic(), l.dd(47, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(48, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(49, "\n \n "),, qn, 5, 3, "div", 258), l.dd(51, "\n\n "), l.dd(52, "\n "),, Vn, 11, 3, "div", 196), l.dd(54, "\n \n "), l.ic(), l.dd(55, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(56, "\n\n\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(57, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", !r.testHasLinkedCorrection), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", !r.testHasLinkedCorrection), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngStyle", l.Gc(24, Hn, r.testHasLinkedCorrection ? "10px" : null)), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", r.assignment.is_test), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", r.assignment.skills[i].create_own_problem && -1 != r.assignment.skills[i].problem_id && !r.testHasLinkedCorrection), l.Qb(10), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("disabled", r.testHasLinkedCorrection)("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].weight), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", (null == r.skillcodesService.skillcodes.skills[i] ? null : r.skillcodesService.skillcodes.skills[i].mc) || "immediately" !== r.assignment.student_feedback), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].attempts), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", !(null != r.skillcodesService.skillcodes.skills[i] && r.skillcodesService.skillcodes.skills[i].mc) || "immediately" !== r.assignment.student_feedback), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.assignment.skills[i].mc_attempts), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", "immediately" === r.assignment.student_feedback), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", r.tipDelay), l.Qb(6), l.ed(r.assignment.skills[i].single_problem ? "the same" : "different"), l.Qb(1), l.fd(" problem", r.assignment.skills[i].single_problem ? "" : "s", "."), l.Qb(4), l.Cc("ngIf", r.assignment.skills[i].create_own_problem), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", !0 === r.assignment.skills[i].type_selected)
function Gn(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li", 141), l.rc("click", (function(t) {
var i = e.$implicit;
return, t)
})), l.dd(1, "\n\n\n\n "), l.dd(2, "\n "),, kn, 36, 11, "div", 161), l.dd(4, "\n\n "), l.dd(5, "\n "),, Fn, 34, 8, "div", 161), l.dd(7, "\n\n\n\n "), l.dd(8, "\n "),, zn, 58, 26, "div", 161), l.dd(10, "\n "), l.dd(11, "\n\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.$implicit,
r =;
l.Rb("sk", i), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", r.assignment.skills[i].mixed && !r.assignment.is_test), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", !r.assignment.skills[i].mixed), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", r.assignment.is_test)
function Yn(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "span", 264), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", n.tipDelay), l.Qb(1), l.fd("Time Estimate: ", n.timeEstimate + n.getTimeEstimate(n.assignment), "")
function $n(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "li", 138), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "span", 262), l.dd(3), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "),, Yn, 2, 3, "span", 263), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(3), l.fd("Total Points: ", n.assignment.totalPoints, ""), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", n.deltamathPlus && n.skillcodesService.moduleData)
function Zn(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "span", 266), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", n.tipDelay), l.Qb(1), l.fd("Time Estimate: ", n.timeEstimate + n.getTimeEstimate(n.assignment), "")
function Xn(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "li", 138), l.dd(1, "\n "),, Zn, 2, 3, "span", 265), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", n.skillcodesService.moduleData)
var Jn = function(t, e) {
return {
"hide-minus": t,
"show-notes": e
function ti(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "tab", 158), l.rc("selectTab", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"skills")
})), l.dd(1, "\n \n\n "), l.jc(2, "ul", 159), l.rc("dragulaModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(3, "\n "),, Gn, 12, 4, "li", 137), l.dd(5, "\n "),, $n, 7, 2, "li", 160), l.dd(7, "\n "),, Xn, 4, 1, "li", 160), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(10, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Cc("active", "skills" ===, l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngClass", l.Hc(7, Jn, "correction_old" === i.assignment.type, i.assignment.notes))("dragula", "skill-bag")("dragulaModel", i.assignment.order), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngForOf", i.assignment.order), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.assignment.is_test), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", !i.assignment.is_test && "standard" === i.assignment.type && i.deltamathPlus)
function ei(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "i", 278), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =;
})), l.ic()
function ni(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "ss-multiselect-dropdown", 279), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =;
return, e)
}))("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n),$implicit.sectionIds = t
})), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Cc("texts", r.myTexts)("ngModel", i.sectionIds)("options", r.options2)("settings", r.mySettings)
function ii(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 280), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "div", 281), l.jc(3, "i", 282), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t = e.index,
i =$implicit;
return i.due.splice(t + 1, 1), + 1, 1)
})), l.ic(), l.dd(4), l.jc(5, "input", 283), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var i = e.index;
return$[i + 1] = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "% credit:"), l.ic(), l.dd(7, "\n "), l.jc(8, "div", 284), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.dd(10, "\n "), l.jc(11, "input", 82), l.rc("bsValueChange", (function(t) {
var i = e.index,
r =$implicit;
return, r, i + 1)
})), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n\n "), l.dd(13, "\n "), l.jc(14, "timepicker", 83), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var i = e.index,
r =$implicit;
return, r, i + 1)
})), l.ic(), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(16, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.index,
r =$implicit,
o =;
l.Qb(4), l.fd("Late Date #", i + 1, " for "), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngModel",[i + 1]), l.Qb(6), l.Cc("ngModel", r.due[i + 1])("bsConfig", l.Fc(7, re)), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("showSpinners", !1)("showMeridian", o.timepickerMeridianShows)("ngModel", r.due[i + 1])
var ri = function(t) {
return {
"margin-left": t
function oi(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 269), l.dd(1, "\n "),, ei, 1, 0, "i", 270), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.jc(4, "div", 271), l.dd(5),, ni, 1, 4, "ss-multiselect-dropdown", 272), l.dd(7, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(8, "\n \n "), l.jc(9, "div", 273), l.dd(10, "\n "), l.jc(11, "b", 274), l.dd(12, "Due:"), l.ic(), l.dd(13, " "), l.dd(14, "\n "), l.jc(15, "input", 82), l.rc("bsValueChange", (function(t) {
var i = e.$implicit;
return, i, 0)
})), l.ic(), l.dd(16, "\n "), l.dd(17, "\n "), l.jc(18, "timepicker", 83), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var i = e.$implicit;
return, i, 0)
})), l.ic(), l.dd(19, " "), l.dd(20, " \n "), l.ic(), l.dd(21, "\n "),, ii, 17, 8, "div", 275), l.wc(23, "slice"), l.dd(24, "\n "), l.jc(25, "div", 24), l.dd(26, "\n "), l.jc(27, "button", 276), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t = e.index;
})), l.dd(28, "Add late date "), l.ic(), l.dd(29, " "),, "i", 277), l.dd(31, "\n \n "), l.ic(), l.dd(32, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.$implicit,
r = e.index,
o =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", r > 0), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", o.assignment.uniqueSchedules.length < 2), l.Qb(1), l.fd("\n ", o.groupedby, ":\n "), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngIf", !o.options2MultiselectHidden), l.Qb(9), l.Cc("ngModel", i.due[0])("bsConfig", l.Fc(16, re)), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("showSpinners", !1)("showMeridian", o.timepickerMeridianShows)("ngModel", i.due[0]), l.Qb(4), l.Cc("ngForOf", l.yc(23, 13, i.due, 1)), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngStyle", l.Gc(17, ri, i.due.length < 2 ? "35px" : "10px")), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", o.tipDelay)
function si(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "tab", 267), l.rc("selectTab", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"due")
})), l.dd(1, "\n \n "),, oi, 33, 19, "div", 268), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Cc("heading", "correction" === i.assignment.type ? "Due" : "Due Dates")("active", "due" ===, l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngForOf", i.assignment.uniqueSchedules)
function ai(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "button", 285), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(1, "Staggered Due Dates"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay)
function ci(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 286), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "button", 287), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(3, "Assign YouTube Video"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "button", 287), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n), = !0
})), l.dd(6, "Assign DeltaMath Video"), l.ic(), l.dd(7, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Cc("hidden", i.assignment.is_test), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip", "Add any YouTube video to this assignment.")("tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("tooltip", "These are the videos made by DeltaMath. Click here then click on the video icon on the skill whose video you want to assign.")("tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay)
function li(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "button", 46), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(1, "Defaults"), l.ic()
var di = function(t) {
return {
"margin-top": t
ui = function() {
return ["/teacher/assignments/copy-questions"]
function hi(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 288), l.dd(1, "\n "),, li, 2, 0, "button", 289), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.jc(4, "div", 290), l.dd(5, "\n "), l.jc(6, "button", 46), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(7, "Create Your Own Problem"), l.ic(), l.dd(8, "\n "), l.jc(9, "button", 291),, "i", 292), l.ic(), l.dd(11, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Cc("ngStyle", l.Gc(5, di, i.assignment.is_test ? "0" : "-10px")), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.assignment.is_test), l.Qb(7), l.Cc("tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay)("tooltip","routerLink", l.Fc(7, ui))
function pi(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 293), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "alert", 69), l.rc("onClosed", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(3, "Click on the "),, "b", 294), l.dd(5, " icon next to the "),, "b", 295), l.dd(7, " to assign the video."),, "br"), l.dd(9, "Hover over the "),, "b", 294), l.dd(11, " icon to see the length of the video."),, "br"),, "br"), l.jc(14, "b"), l.dd(15, "Note:"), l.ic(), l.dd(16, " Some videos may be longer than is needed for "), l.jc(17, "i"), l.dd(18, "all"), l.ic(), l.dd(19, " students. They were designed as a resource for students so they could watch as much of the video until they felt comfortable with the concepts. "), l.ic(), l.dd(20, "\n "), l.ic()
function fi(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 296), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "div", 297), l.dd(3, "Default Time:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "timepicker", 83), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n),, 0, -2)
})), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "div", 298), l.dd(8, "\n "), l.jc(9, "button", 299), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n), = !1
})), l.dd(10, "Cancel"), l.ic(), l.dd(11, "\n "), l.jc(12, "button", 299), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),!0)
})), l.dd(13, "Save"), l.ic(), l.dd(14, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(5), l.Cc("showSpinners", !1)("showMeridian", i.timepickerMeridianShows)("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.time)
function mi(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b", 90), l.dd(3, "Correction Required:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, " "), l.jc(5, "input", 302), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "b", 90), l.dd(8, "Add:"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, " "), l.jc(10, "input", 302), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(11, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.correction_required), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.correction_additional)
function gi(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b", 90), l.dd(3, "Corrections Points Lost / Earned:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, " "), l.jc(5, "select", 120), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.jc(6, "option", 129), l.dd(7, "Lost"), l.ic(), l.jc(8, "option", 130), l.dd(9, "Earned"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(10, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.correction_points_lost_or_earned)
function _i(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b", 90), l.dd(3, "Max Problems:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, " "), l.jc(5, "select", 120), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.jc(6, "option", 114), l.dd(7, "No limit"), l.ic(), l.jc(8, "option", 219), l.dd(9, "Equal to required"), l.ic(), l.jc(10, "option", 220), l.dd(11, "1.25 times required"), l.ic(), l.jc(12, "option", 221), l.dd(13, "1.5 times required"), l.ic(), l.jc(14, "option", 222), l.dd(15, "2 times required"), l.ic(), l.jc(16, "option", 223), l.dd(17, "2.5 times required"), l.ic(), l.jc(18, "option", 224), l.dd(19, "3 times required"), l.ic(), l.jc(20, "option", 225), l.dd(21, "4 times required"), l.ic(), l.jc(22, "option", 226), l.dd(23, "5 times required"), l.ic(), l.jc(24, "option", 227), l.dd(25, "10 times required"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(26, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.max_problems)
function bi(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b", 90), l.dd(3, "Video Weight:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, " "), l.jc(5, "input", 307), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.video_weight)
function vi(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b", 173), l.dd(3, "Solutions Shown:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, " \n "), l.jc(5, "select", 120), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "option", 121), l.dd(8, "Yes"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.jc(10, "option", 122), l.dd(11, "On incorrect only"), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.jc(13, "option", 123), l.dd(14, "On correct only"), l.ic(), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.jc(16, "option", 124), l.dd(17, "No"), l.ic(), l.dd(18, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(19, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.standard_show_solutions)
function yi(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b", 173), l.dd(3, "Unique ID:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "select", 120), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "option", 125), l.dd(8, "On"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.jc(10, "option", 126), l.dd(11, "Off"), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.standard_notes)
function wi(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b", 173), l.dd(3, "Student Work Upload:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "select", 120), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "option", 128), l.dd(8, "On"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.jc(10, "option", 126), l.dd(11, "Off"), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.standard_notes)
function Ci(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b", 173), l.dd(3, "DeltaMath Videos:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, " \n "), l.jc(5, "select", 120), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "option", 126), l.dd(8, "Visible"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.jc(10, "option", 125), l.dd(11, "Hidden"), l.ic(), l.dd(12, " \n "), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.hide_delta_videos)
function Oi(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b", 173), l.dd(3, "Hide Assignment After Due:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, " \n "), l.jc(5, "select", 120), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "option", 126), l.dd(8, "No"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.jc(10, "option", 125), l.dd(11, "Yes"), l.ic(), l.dd(12, " \n "), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.remove_after_due)
function ki(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b", 173), l.dd(3, "Restrict Other Assignments:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, " \n "), l.jc(5, "select", 120), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "option", 125), l.dd(8, "Yes"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, " \n "), l.jc(10, "option", 126), l.dd(11, "No"), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.restrict_other_assignments)
function Ei(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b"), l.dd(3, "Google Classroom Points:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, " \n "), l.jc(5, "input", 91), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.google_classroom_max_points)
function Pi(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b", 173), l.dd(3, "Corrections:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, " \n "), l.jc(5, "select", 25), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "option", 107), l.dd(8, 'Pass back "Grade"'), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.jc(10, "option", 108), l.dd(11, 'Pass back "New Test"'), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip", i.googleClassroomInterfaceShowing ? :"tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.corrections_passback)
function xi(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b", 173), l.dd(3, "Grade Passback Time:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, " \n "), l.jc(5, "select", 310), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "option", 100), l.dd(8, "At Due Date"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.jc(10, "option", 101), l.dd(11, "After 15 Minutes"), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.jc(13, "option", 102), l.dd(14, "Manual Passback Only"), l.ic(), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.dd(16, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(17, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.passback_time)
function Di(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 300), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "ul"), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.jc(4, "li", 301), l.dd(5, "Defaults Settings for Assignments"), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n "),, mi, 12, 6, "li", 7), l.dd(8, "\n "),, gi, 11, 3, "li", 7), l.dd(10, "\n "), l.jc(11, "li"), l.jc(12, "b", 90), l.dd(13, "Required:"), l.ic(), l.dd(14, " "), l.jc(15, "input", 302), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.jc(16, "b", 90), l.dd(17, "Penalty:"), l.ic(), l.dd(18, " "), l.jc(19, "select", 120), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(20, "\n "), l.jc(21, "option", 126), l.dd(22, "No Penalty"), l.ic(), l.dd(23, "\n "), l.jc(24, "option", 184), l.dd(25, "0.25 off"), l.ic(), l.dd(26, "\n "), l.jc(27, "option", 185), l.dd(28, "0.5 off"), l.ic(), l.dd(29, "\n "), l.jc(30, "option", 186), l.dd(31, "0.75 off"), l.ic(), l.dd(32, "\n "), l.jc(33, "option", 125), l.dd(34, "1 off"), l.ic(), l.dd(35, "\n "), l.jc(36, "option", 128), l.dd(37, "2 off"), l.ic(), l.dd(38, "\n "), l.jc(39, "option", 187), l.dd(40, "3 off"), l.ic(), l.dd(41, "\n "), l.jc(42, "option", 188), l.dd(43, "4 off"), l.ic(), l.dd(44, "\n "), l.jc(45, "option", 189), l.dd(46, "5 off"), l.ic(), l.dd(47, "\n "), l.jc(48, "option", 190), l.dd(49, "Back to Zero"), l.ic(), l.dd(50, "\n "), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(51, "\n "), l.jc(52, "li"), l.dd(53, "\n "), l.jc(54, "b", 90), l.dd(55, "Timed Required:"), l.ic(), l.dd(56, " "), l.jc(57, "input", 302), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(58, "\n "), l.jc(59, "b", 90), l.dd(60, "Seconds:"), l.ic(), l.dd(61, " "), l.jc(62, "input", 303), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(63, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(64, "\n \n "), l.jc(65, "li"), l.dd(66, "\n "), l.jc(67, "b", 90), l.dd(68, "Show Example:"), l.ic(), l.dd(69, " "), l.jc(70, "select", 120), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.jc(71, "option", 304), l.dd(72, "On all problems"), l.ic(), l.jc(73, "option", 305), l.dd(74, "All but mixed"), l.ic(), l.jc(75, "option", 306), l.dd(76, "Do not show"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(77, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(78, "\n "), l.jc(79, "li"), l.dd(80, "\n "), l.jc(81, "b", 90), l.dd(82, "Attempts:"), l.ic(), l.dd(83, " "), l.jc(84, "input", 302), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(85, "\n "), l.jc(86, "b", 90), l.dd(87, "M.C. Attempts:"), l.ic(), l.dd(88, " "), l.jc(89, "input", 307), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(90, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(91, "\n "),, _i, 27, 3, "li", 7), l.dd(93, "\n "),, bi, 7, 3, "li", 7), l.dd(95, "\n \n "),, vi, 20, 3, "li", 7), l.dd(97, "\n\n "),, yi, 14, 3, "li", 7), l.dd(99, "\n "),, wi, 14, 3, "li", 7), l.dd(101, "\n\n "),, Ci, 14, 3, "li", 7), l.dd(103, "\n\n\n "),, Oi, 14, 3, "li", 7), l.dd(105, "\n\n "),, ki, 14, 3, "li", 7), l.dd(107, "\n\n "),, Ei, 7, 1, "li", 7), l.dd(109, "\n\n "),, Pi, 14, 3, "li", 7), l.dd(111, "\n "),, xi, 18, 3, "li", 7), l.dd(113, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(114, "\n "), l.jc(115, "div", 308), l.dd(116, "\n "), l.jc(117, "button", 245), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n), = !1
})), l.dd(118, "Cancel"), l.ic(), l.dd(119, "\n "), l.jc(120, "button", 309), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),!1)
})), l.dd(121, "Save Temporarily"), l.ic(), l.dd(122, "\n "), l.jc(123, "button", 309), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),!0)
})), l.dd(124, "Save Permanently"), l.ic(), l.dd(125, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(126, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(7), l.Cc("ngIf", "correction" === i.assignment.type), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "correction" === i.assignment.type), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.required), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.penalty), l.Qb(35), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.timed_required), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.timed_seconds), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.show_example), l.Qb(11), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.attempts), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.mc_attempts), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", i.deltamathPlus), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.deltamathPlus), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.deltamathPlus), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.student_notes && !i.hasIntegral), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.student_notes && i.hasIntegral), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.deltamathPlus), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.deltamathPlus), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.deltamathPlus), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.deltamathPlus && i.googleClassroomInterfaceShowing), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.deltamathPlus && "correction" === i.assignment.type && (i.isLtiResourceAssignment || i.googleClassroomInterfaceShowing)), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.deltamathPlus && (i.isLtiResourceAssignment || i.googleClassroomInterfaceShowing)), l.Qb(8), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay)
function Mi(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "option", 105), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n = e.$implicit;
l.Cc("value", n.value), l.Qb(1), l.ed(n.text)
function ji(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b", 173), l.dd(3, "Unique ID:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "select", 120), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "option", 125), l.dd(8, "On"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.jc(10, "option", 126), l.dd(11, "Off"), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.test_notes)
function Si(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b", 173), l.dd(3, "Student Work Upload:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "select", 120), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "option", 128), l.dd(8, "On"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.jc(10, "option", 126), l.dd(11, "Off"), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.test_notes)
function Ti(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "b", 173), l.dd(3, "DeltaMath Videos:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, " \n "), l.jc(5, "select", 120), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "option", 126), l.dd(8, "Visible"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.jc(10, "option", 125), l.dd(11, "Hidden"), l.ic(), l.dd(12, " \n "), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.test_hide_delta_videos)
function Ai(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 300), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "ul"), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.jc(4, "li", 301), l.dd(5, "Defaults Settings for Tests"), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "li"), l.dd(8, "\n "), l.jc(9, "b", 173), l.dd(10, "Points per Question:"), l.ic(), l.dd(11, " \n "), l.jc(12, "input", 302), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(14, "\n \n "), l.jc(15, "li"), l.dd(16, "\n "), l.jc(17, "b", 173), l.dd(18, "Attempts:"), l.ic(), l.dd(19, " "), l.jc(20, "input", 302), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(21, "\n "), l.jc(22, "b", 173), l.dd(23, "M.C. Attempts:"), l.ic(), l.dd(24, " "), l.jc(25, "input", 307), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(26, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(27, "\n\n "), l.jc(28, "li"), l.dd(29, "\n "), l.jc(30, "b", 173), l.dd(31, "Results Shown:"), l.ic(), l.dd(32, " \n "), l.jc(33, "select", 120), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(34, "\n "),, Mi, 2, 2, "option", 95), l.dd(36, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(37, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(38, "\n\n "), l.jc(39, "li"), l.dd(40, "\n "), l.jc(41, "b", 173), l.dd(42, "Solutions Shown:"), l.ic(), l.dd(43, " \n "), l.jc(44, "select", 120), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(45, "\n "), l.jc(46, "option", 121), l.dd(47, "Yes (with results only)"), l.ic(), l.dd(48, "\n "), l.jc(49, "option", 122), l.dd(50, "On incorrect only"), l.ic(), l.dd(51, "\n "), l.jc(52, "option", 123), l.dd(53, "On correct only"), l.ic(), l.dd(54, "\n "), l.jc(55, "option", 124), l.dd(56, "No"), l.ic(), l.dd(57, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(58, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(59, "\n\n "),, ji, 14, 3, "li", 7), l.dd(61, "\n\n "),, Si, 14, 3, "li", 7), l.dd(63, "\n\n "),, Ti, 14, 3, "li", 7), l.dd(65, "\n\n "), l.jc(66, "li"), l.dd(67, "\n "), l.jc(68, "b", 173), l.dd(69, "Show Example Button:"), l.ic(), l.dd(70, " \n "), l.jc(71, "select", 120), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(72, "\n "), l.jc(73, "option", 126), l.dd(74, "Visible"), l.ic(), l.dd(75, "\n "), l.jc(76, "option", 125), l.dd(77, "Hidden"), l.ic(), l.dd(78, " \n "), l.ic(), l.dd(79, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(80, "\n\n "), l.jc(81, "li"), l.dd(82, "\n "), l.jc(83, "b", 173), l.dd(84, "Hide Assignment After Due:"), l.ic(), l.dd(85, " \n "), l.jc(86, "select", 120), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(87, "\n "), l.jc(88, "option", 126), l.dd(89, "No"), l.ic(), l.dd(90, "\n "), l.jc(91, "option", 125), l.dd(92, "Yes"), l.ic(), l.dd(93, " \n "), l.ic(), l.dd(94, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(95, "\n\n "), l.jc(96, "li"), l.dd(97, "\n "), l.jc(98, "b", 173), l.dd(99, "Restrict Other Assignments:"), l.ic(), l.dd(100, " \n "), l.jc(101, "select", 120), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(102, "\n "), l.jc(103, "option", 125), l.dd(104, "Yes"), l.ic(), l.dd(105, " \n "), l.jc(106, "option", 126), l.dd(107, "No"), l.ic(), l.dd(108, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(109, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(110, "\n\n "), l.jc(111, "li"), l.dd(112, "\n "), l.jc(113, "b", 173), l.dd(114, "Students able to Change Answer:"), l.ic(), l.dd(115, " \n "), l.jc(116, "select", 120), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(117, "\n "), l.jc(118, "option", 125), l.dd(119, "Yes"), l.ic(), l.dd(120, " \n "), l.jc(121, "option", 126), l.dd(122, "No"), l.ic(), l.dd(123, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(124, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(125, "\n \n\n \n "), l.ic(), l.dd(126, "\n "), l.jc(127, "div", 308), l.dd(128, "\n "), l.jc(129, "button", 245), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n), = !1
})), l.dd(130, "Cancel"), l.ic(), l.dd(131, "\n "), l.jc(132, "button", 309), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),!1)
})), l.dd(133, "Save Temporarily"), l.ic(), l.dd(134, "\n "), l.jc(135, "button", 309), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),!0)
})), l.dd(136, "Save Permanently"), l.ic(), l.dd(137, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(138, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(9), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.test_points), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("tooltip", +"tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.test_attempts), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip", +"tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.test_mc_attempts), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.test_student_feedback), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngForOf", i.student_feedback_options), l.Qb(6), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.test_show_solutions), l.Qb(16), l.Cc("ngIf", i.student_notes && !i.hasIntegral), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.student_notes && i.hasIntegral), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.deltamathPlus), l.Qb(4), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.test_hide_show_example), l.Qb(12), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.test_remove_after_due), l.Qb(12), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.restrict_other_assignments), l.Qb(12), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.tempDefaults.allow_resubmit), l.Qb(16), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay)
function Ii(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "alert", 311), l.dd(1, "This assignment contains DeltaMath Plus features, but your DeltaMath Plus subscription has expired. The grace period for making edits to this assignment has passed, therefore you are not able to make changes to this assignment."), l.ic())
function Ri(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "button", 312), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(1),, "i", 313), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(1), l.fd("Cancel", i.assignment._id ? " Edit" : "", " ")
function Li(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "button", 312), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(1, "Change Assignment Link"),, "i", 313), l.ic()
function Bi(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "button", 318), l.dd(1, "\n "),, "span", 319), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Cc("disabled", !n.currentTerm || n.assignment.order.length > 150)
function Fi(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "ul", 320), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "li", 321), l.jc(3, "a", 322), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),!0)
})), l.dd(4, "Save progress"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(5, "\n "), l.ic()
function Ui(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 314), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "button", 315), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =;
return t.saveAssignment(t.isLtiResourceLaunch)
})), l.dd(3), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "),, Bi, 4, 1, "button", 316), l.dd(6, " \n "),, Fi, 6, 0, "ul", 317), l.dd(8, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("disabled", !i.currentTerm || i.assignment.order.length > 150), l.Qb(1), l.ed(i.assignment._id ? "Complete Edit" : "Create Assignment"), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.currentTerm && !i.isLtiResourceLaunch)
function Ni(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "button", 323), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),!0)
})), l.dd(1), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Cc("disabled", !i.unsavedChanges), l.Qb(1), l.ed(i.unsavedChanges ? "Save Assignment" : "Assignment Saved")
function Wi(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "alert", 324),, "span", 325), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(1), l.Cc("innerHTML", n.showSchoologyLinkedSectionWarning, l.Sc)
function Qi(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "alert", 326), l.dd(1, "Because this assignment is assigned to classes that you do not teach, you cannot make edits. The teacher who created this assignment is the only person who can edit it."), l.ic())
function qi(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "alert", 327), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(1), l.fd("Assignments with over 150 items are too large to save to the DeltaMath server. You currently have ", n.assignment.order.length, " items. You must remove some in order to save.")
function Ki(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div"), l.dd(1, " "), l.dd(2, " \n "), l.jc(3, "div", 12), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "tabset"), l.dd(6, " "), l.dd(7, "\n\n "), l.dd(8, "\n "), l.jc(9, "tab", 13), l.rc("selectTab", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"sections")
})), l.dd(10, "\n \n "), l.dd(11, "\n "), l.jc(12, "div", 14), l.dd(13, "\n "), l.jc(14, "label", 15), l.dd(15, "Assignment Name:"), l.ic(), l.dd(16, "\n "), l.jc(17, "input", 16), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(18, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(19, "\n "),, Kt, 2, 0, "alert", 17), l.dd(21, "\n "),, Yt, 8, 3, "div", 18), l.dd(23, "\n \n "),, $t, 2, 1, "alert", 19), l.dd(25, "\n "),, Zt, 2, 2, "alert", 20), l.dd(27, " "), l.dd(28, "\n "), l.dd(29, "\n "), l.jc(30, "div", 21), l.dd(31, "\n "), l.jc(32, "b"), l.dd(33), l.ic(), l.dd(34, "\n "), l.jc(35, "ss-multiselect-dropdown", 22), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =;
return e.optionsUpdated(t, e.assignment.sectionList)
}))("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(36, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(37, "\n "),, Jt, 7, 1, "div", 7), l.dd(39, "\n "), l.dd(40, " \n "),, ee, 5, 3, "div", 23), l.dd(42, "\n\n\n "), l.dd(43, "\n "),, ne, 11, 3, "div", 23), l.dd(45, "\n\n\n "), l.dd(46, "\n "), l.jc(47, "div", 24), l.dd(48, "\n "), l.jc(49, "b"), l.dd(50, "Post Assignment: "), l.ic(), l.dd(51, "\n "), l.jc(52, "select", 25), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(53, "\n "), l.jc(54, "option", 26), l.dd(55, "Immediately"), l.ic(), l.dd(56, "\n "), l.jc(57, "option", 27), l.dd(58), l.ic(), l.dd(59, "\n "), l.jc(60, "option", 28), l.dd(61, "Specific Time"), l.ic(), l.dd(62, "\n "),, ie, 2, 1, "option", 29), l.dd(64, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(65, "\n "),, "i", 30), l.dd(67, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(68, "\n "), l.dd(69, "\n "),, ae, 5, 1, "div", 31), l.dd(71, "\n "), l.dd(72, "\n "),, ce, 6, 6, "div", 31), l.dd(74, "\n\n "), l.dd(75, "\n "),, le, 6, 2, "div", 32), l.dd(77, "\n "),, pe, 66, 14, "div", 33), l.dd(79, "\n \n "), l.dd(80, "\n "),, ge, 12, 3, "div", 23), l.dd(82, "\n\n "), l.dd(83, "\n "),, ve, 18, 4, "div", 23), l.dd(85, "\n "),, Ce, 8, 6, "div", 34), l.dd(87, "\n \n\n\n "), l.dd(88, "\n "),, ke, 12, 4, "div", 23), l.dd(90, "\n\n \n\n "), l.dd(91, "\n "), l.jc(92, "div", 21), l.dd(93, "\n\n "), l.dd(94, "\n "),, Pe, 23, 4, "div", 23), l.dd(96, "\n\n\n "), l.dd(97, "\n "),, xe, 16, 3, "div", 23), l.dd(99, "\n\n "),, De, 16, 3, "div", 23), l.dd(101, "\n\n\n "), l.dd(102, "\n "),, Me, 16, 3, "div", 23), l.dd(104, "\n\n\n "), l.dd(105, "\n "),, je, 16, 3, "div", 23), l.dd(107, "\n\n\n "), l.dd(108, "\n "),, Se, 16, 3, "div", 23), l.dd(110, "\n\n\n "), l.dd(111, "\n "),, Te, 16, 3, "div", 23), l.dd(113, "\n\n\n "), l.dd(114, "\n "),, Ae, 16, 3, "div", 23), l.dd(116, "\n\n\n "),, Ie, 16, 3, "div", 23), l.dd(118, "\n\n "),, Re, 16, 3, "div", 23), l.dd(120, "\n\n "),, Be, 21, 4, "div", 35), l.dd(122, "\n\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(123, " "), l.dd(124, "\n \n\n "), l.dd(125, "\n "), l.jc(126, "div", 36), l.dd(127, "\n "), l.jc(128, "a", 37), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(129),, "i", 38), l.ic(), l.dd(131, "\n "), l.jc(132, "a", 39), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(133, "change defaults"), l.ic(), l.dd(134, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(135, "\n\n "), l.dd(136, "\n "), l.dd(137, "\n \n\n "), l.dd(138, "\n "),, Fe, 5, 1, "div", 40), l.dd(140, "\n \n "), l.ic(), l.dd(141, "\n\n\n\n "), l.dd(142, "\n "),, Ge, 16, 6, "tab", 41), l.dd(144, "\n\n\n\n "), l.dd(145, "\n "),, ti, 11, 10, "tab", 42), l.dd(147, "\n\n\n\n "), l.dd(148, "\n "), l.dd(149, "\n "),, si, 4, 3, "tab", 43), l.dd(151, "\n\n\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(152, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(153, "\n \n "), l.jc(154, "div", 44), l.dd(155, "\n "), l.jc(156, "div", 45), l.dd(157, " \n "), l.jc(158, "button", 46), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"question")
})), l.dd(159, "Add Question"), l.ic(), l.dd(160, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(161, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(162, "\n "), l.jc(163, "div", 44), l.dd(164, "\n "), l.jc(165, "div", 45), l.dd(166, " \n "), l.jc(167, "button", 46), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(168, "Default Time"), l.ic(), l.dd(169, "\n "),, ai, 2, 2, "button", 47), l.dd(171, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(172, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(173, "\n\n "), l.jc(174, "div", 44), l.dd(175, "\n "), l.jc(176, "div", 48), l.dd(177, "\n "), l.jc(178, "button", 46), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(179, "Defaults"), l.ic(), l.dd(180, "\n "), l.jc(181, "button", 46), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"standard")
})), l.dd(182, "Mixed Problem"), l.ic(), l.dd(183, "\n "), l.jc(184, "button", 46), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"timed")
})), l.dd(185, "Mixed Timed"), l.ic(), l.dd(186, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(187, "\n "),, ci, 8, 5, "div", 49), l.dd(189, "\n "),, hi, 13, 8, "div", 50), l.dd(191, "\n\n "),, pi, 21, 0, "div", 51), l.dd(193, "\n \n "), l.ic(), l.dd(194, "\n\n "),, fi, 16, 3, "div", 52), l.dd(196, "\n\n "), l.dd(197, "\n "),, Di, 127, 38, "div", 53), l.dd(199, "\n\n "), l.dd(200, "\n "),, Ai, 139, 35, "div", 53), l.dd(202, "\n\n\n "), l.dd(203, "\n\n "), l.jc(204, "div", 54), l.dd(205, "\n "),, Ii, 2, 0, "alert", 55), l.dd(207, "\n "),, Ri, 3, 1, "button", 56), l.dd(209, "\n "),, Li, 3, 0, "button", 56), l.dd(211, "\n "), l.dd(212, "\n \n "),, Ui, 9, 3, "div", 57), l.dd(214, "\n "),, Ni, 2, 2, "button", 58), l.dd(216, "\n "),, Wi, 2, 1, "alert", 59), l.dd(218, "\n "),, Qi, 2, 0, "alert", 60), l.dd(220, "\n "),, qi, 2, 1, "alert", 61), l.dd(222, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(223, "\n \n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(9), l.Cc("active", "sections" ===, l.Qb(8), l.Cc("ngModel",, l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", i.assignment.linkedTestRemovedWarning && !i.assignment.linkedTest), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "correction" === i.assignment.type && i.deltamathPlus), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.assignment.sectionListCopiedInfo && !i.assignmentData.sectionsOutOfSync), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.assignmentData.sectionsOutOfSync && !i.isLtiResourceLaunch), l.Qb(4), l.Cc("hidden", i.isLtiResourceAssignment), l.Qb(3), l.fd("Select ", i.groupedby, ":"), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngModel", i.studentSections)("options", i.options)("settings", i.mySettings), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", i.isLtiResourceAssignment), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", i.studentSections && "delta_individuals" == i.studentSections[0]), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", "correction" === i.assignment.type), l.Qb(8), l.Cc("ngModel", i.assignment.start), l.Qb(6), l.ed(i.hasIntegral ? "Not Now or PDF Only" : "Not Right Now"), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngIf", i.deltamathPlus || "staggered" === i.assignment.start), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("tooltip","tooltipPopupDelay", i.tipDelay), l.Qb(4), l.Cc("ngIf", "staggered" === i.assignment.start), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", "time" === i.assignment.start), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", i.googleClassroomInterfaceShowing), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.googleClassroomInterfaceShowing), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", i.deltamathPlus && (i.showAdditionalOverviewSettings || i.showFoldersAnyway)), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", i.deltamathPlus && (i.showAdditionalOverviewSettings || i.assignment.is_test)), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "limit" === i.assignment.time_limit && (i.showAdditionalOverviewSettings || i.assignment.is_test)), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", i.deltamathPlus && i.assignment.is_test), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("hidden", !i.showAdditionalOverviewSettings), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", i.deltamathPlus), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", i.student_notes && !i.hasIntegral), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.student_notes && i.hasIntegral), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", i.deltamathPlus), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", i.deltamathPlus && i.assignment.is_test), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", i.deltamathPlus), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", "limit" === i.assignment.time_limit), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", i.deltamathPlus && i.assignment.is_test && "immediately" !== i.assignment.student_feedback), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "correction" === i.assignment.type), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "correction" === i.assignment.type && i.isLtiResourceAssignment), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.isLtiResourceAssignment), l.Qb(8), l.fd("", i.showAdditionalOverviewSettings ? "hide additional settings" : "show additional settings", " "), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngClass", i.showAdditionalOverviewSettings ? "fa-angle-double-up" : "fa-angle-double-down"), l.Qb(9), l.Cc("ngIf", i.assignment._id && !i.assignmentData.editLtiContext), l.Qb(4), l.Cc("ngIf", i.showLink), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", i.showOthers), l.Qb(4), l.Cc("ngIf", i.showOthers), l.Qb(4), l.Cc("hidden", "link" != || i.assignment.linkedTest), l.Qb(9), l.Cc("hidden", "due" !=, l.Qb(7), l.Cc("ngIf", i.studentSections && i.studentSections.length > 1), l.Qb(4), l.Cc("hidden", "skills" !=, l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", i.assignment.is_test), l.Qb(12), l.Cc("ngIf", i.deltamathPlus), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.deltamathPlus && i.currentTerm), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.assignmentData.addingVideos && i.addVideosMessage), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", i.editingDefaults2), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", i.editingDefaults && !i.assignment.is_test), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", i.editingDefaults && i.assignment.is_test), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngIf", i.deltamathPlusEditOnly), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", !i.assignmentData.editLtiContext), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.assignmentData.editLtiContext), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", !i.assignment.coteacher_cannot_edit && !i.assignmentData.editLtiContext && !i.deltamathPlusEditOnly), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.assignmentData.editLtiContext), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.showSchoologyLinkedSectionWarning), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.assignment.coteacher_cannot_edit), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.assignment.order.length > 150 && !i.assignment.coteacher_cannot_edit)
function Vi(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 6), l.dd(1, "\n "),, Nt, 7, 3, "h2", 7), l.dd(3, " "), l.dd(4, "\n "),, Qt, 7, 1, "h2", 7), l.dd(6, " "), l.dd(7, "\n "),, qt, 4, 0, "alert", 8), l.dd(9, "\n "),, Ki, 224, 64, "div", 7), l.dd(11, "\n"), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Cc("hidden", !n.assignmentData.editingAssignment || n.showLtiMenu), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", !n.isLtiResourceLaunch), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", n.isLtiResourceLaunch), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", n.testHasLinkedCorrection && "skills" ===, l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", n.showingTabs)
var Hi = function() {
function t(t, e, n, i, r, o, s, a, c) {
var l = this;
this.assignmentData = t, this.problemData = e, this.skillcodesService = n, this.dragulaService = i, this.auth = r, this.studentData = o, this.modal = s, this.router = a, this.spinner = c, this.assignment = {
order: []
}, = "sections", this.editingDefaults = !1, this.editingDefaults2 = !1, this.defaults = {}, this.tempDefaults = {}, this.detailsShowing = {}, this.showLink = !1, this.showOthers = !0, this.defaultDateUsed = !1, this.datePickerHasBeenInitialized = !1, this.lastRemoveWarning = 0, this.showingTabs = !0, this.student_notes = !1, this.newCorrectionFeaturesMessage = !1, this.videoPromotion = !1, this.timepickerMeridianShows = !0, this.timeEstimate = "", this.showLtiMenu = null, this.hasIntegral = !1, this.mySettings = {
buttonClasses: "btn-default",
showCheckAll: !0,
showUncheckAll: !0,
checkedStyle: "glyphicon",
closeOnSelect: !1,
dynamicTitleMaxItems: 1,
maxStringLength: 30
}, this.mySettingsLink = {
buttonClasses: "btn-default question-link-button",
showCheckAll: !1,
showUncheckAll: !1,
checkedStyle: "glyphicon",
closeOnSelect: !1,
dynamicTitleMaxItems: 4,
maxStringLength: 10
}, this.questionOptions = [], this.questionLinkListShowing = !0, this.datePickerOptions = {
icon: !1,
container: ".assignment-sidebar",
todayHighlight: !0,
autoclose: !0
}, = {
weight: "Any non-negative real number. The relative weight of determining the student's completion percentage. By default each skill has weight 1 regardless of how many problems are required on each. ",
attempts: "Any positive whole number. If attempts is greater than 1, then the student will have multiple tries on the same problem before a penalty is subtracted from their score. ",
mc_attempts: "Any positive whole number. This is for multiple choice questions. Perhaps a student should have fewer attempts on a multiple choice question than a free response question.",
show_example: 'Whether the "Show Example" button is available to students. There are 15 available examples for each problem type. When a student clicks "Show Example" on a mixed problem, the example is for the particular problem type they currently have. ',
required: "The number of problems the student has to solve correctly. ",
penalty: "The amount subtracted from a student's score when they get a question wrong. The student's score can never go below zero. ",
correction_required: "The number of problems required for corrections by default. ",
correction_additional: "The number of extra problems that will be required for each additional question (linked to this skill) that the student gets wrong. ",
save_temp: "Will save only for this assignment",
save_perm: "Will save for this assignment and future assignments",
time_required: "How many problems the student must solve consecutively in a given amount of time.",
seconds: "How long the student will have to solve the required number of problems. If they solve it quicker they will get 100% on the skill. They must keep trying until they beat this time. ",
add_late: "To set a late time where partial credit is given. The student can always bring their completion percentage to 100% but their grade will be reduced for all problems solved after the due date and before the late date. ",
due_schedule: "Click here if you want the assignment due at different times for different sections.",
post_assignment: 'When the students will be able to see the asssignment. If you select "later" then you will have to edit the assignment later to make it live. You can also set a specific time when the students will be able to see the assignment.',
credit_back: 'For test corrections only. The students can raise their test score by earning a percentage of their points lost back. For example if "credit back" was set to 50%, the student could gradually improve their test score from 60 to 80 as they completed the assignment (half way to 100). ',
notes_assignment: 'When "on", students will be provided a unique ID for each problem to write next to their work. This work should be turned into the teacher in person, and the teacher will see the same unique ID number when looking at student logs. Upgrade to INTEGRAL to allow students to upload their work directly in DeltaMath.',
notes_assignment_upload: 'When "on", students will be prompted to upload their work for the assignment. The teacher can download student work on the assignment details page.',
notes_skill: "Enable / Disable student notes for this particular skill",
video_assignment: "Embed videos from YouTube for each test question a student got wrong.",
video_assignment2: "Embed videos from YouTube and track percentage of video student watched.",
youtube_id: "The 11 character YouTube ID (after the v= in the URL) something like NV5-1xZ9_ss",
max_problems: 'The maximum number of total problems a student will be able to attempt. If they do not reach the "required" amount before reaching this maximum then they will not be able to earn a 100% on their assignment. ',
video_weight: "Whether the percentage of the video watched should count towards the percentage of the assignment that is complete. If weight is equal to 0, it has no effect on the assignment grade. The default weight for regular problems is 1.",
hide_videos: "Whether students will have access to the DeltaMath Plus videos for this assignment.",
hide_examples: 'Whether students can press "Show Example" on this test to see a similar example worked out.',
points: "Number of points this question is worth. Points do not have to add up to 100.",
student_feedback: 'Set the desired time when students will see which questions they got wrong and right and their final grade. By default, student will also see full solutions for each question at this time, but this can be changed in "additional settings". Saying "not for now" will hide the solutions and results from students until you edit the assignment and change that option. ',
test_attempts_note: "Note: Only applies for immediate feedback. When feedback is delayed attempts must be one. ",
test_attempts: "Any positive whole number. If attempts is greater than 1, then the student will have multiple tries on the same problem before getting it wrong. ",
test_mc_attempts: "Any positive whole number. This is for multiple choice questions. Perhaps a student should have fewer attempts on a multiple choice question than a free response question.",
time_limit: "The amount of time a student a student is given to complete an assignment. The timer starts when they start their first problem. No work can be submitted after the time limit.",
time_estimate: "Using the DeltaMath average for each problem type, this is the amount of time it would take a student to get a 100% on this assignment, assuming they got ALL of the questions correct. Student errors and penalties could dramatically increase this estimate. ",
time_estimate_test: "Using the DeltaMath average for each problem type, this is the amount of time it would take a student to complete all questions on this test. 5 minutes is used for teacher created questions, since we have no data on that.",
attempts_must_be_one: 'Attempts are automatically set to 1 for tests unless "Results Shown" is set to "After each question" on the Overview tab. Otherwise the attempts themselves can give away whether an answer is correct. ',
remove_after_due: 'By default, students have access to assignments after the due date, even though they cannot improve their grade. Set to "yes" to hide assignment after the last due / late date for their section.',
copy_create_your_own: "Copy one or more teacher created questions from a previously created assignment.",
copy_single_problem: "Make a copy of this problem added to this assignment.",
restrict_other_assignments: 'This only applies to assignments with a time limit set. When set to "yes", students will only be able to work on the timed assignment while time remains. Access to videos, examples or problems from other assignments will not be available. Students will be able to end their time early if they are finished and want to work on other assignments. ',
allow_resubmit: 'Sometimes students enter an answer for a question and would later like to change it (which is always possible on a paper and pencil test). Setting this to "yes" will allow students to resubmit different answers if they change their mind during the testing window.',
test_show_solutions: "When results are shown, whether to also show the solutions. Some teachers may wish to withhold the solutions from the students for purposes of test corrections, or to have students submit their own work without copying DeltaMath solutions (even if you want students to know their results sooner). ",
standard_show_solutions: 'By default, DeltaMath always shows students a full solution on every problem submitted regardless of whether the student got the question right or wrong. Teachers can set this to "no" to hide the solutions, even though students will still be able to see whether they got the question right or wrong. ',
linked_to: "Link one or more questions to this assignment item. If students get any questions on this list wrong, they will have to solve this assignment item.",
correction_points_lost_or_earned: "When students set up their test correction, should they list how many points they LOST on each question or how many points they EARNED on each question? This mainly depends on how you grade your in class tests. This setting is not relevant for automatic corrections linked to a DeltaMath test.",
link_correction_to_test: "Automatically create a test correction based on a DeltaMath online test. Questions and/or skills are added to this assignment automatically and students would not have to manually type in their points earned or lost. ",
refresh_google_classroom_topics: 'Syncs "topics" you have created in Google Classroom for any of the selected sections above.',
passback_grade_or_newtest_google: "DeltaMath can only pass back one score to Google Classroom for this assignment. You can decide whether you want it to pass back the 'new test' score or the 'grade'. Note: it is not possible to change the grade on the original test.",
passback_grade_or_newtest_other: "DeltaMath can only pass back one score to your LMS for this assignment. You can decide whether you want it to pass back the 'new test' score or the 'grade'. Note: it is not possible to change the grade on the original test.",
google_classroom_negative_one: 'Note: If you set "Points" equal to -1, this assignment will NOT post to Google Classroom. ',
grade_passback_time: 'You can choose when you want the grades to pass back. The first two options require no action by the teacher. Updated grades will always resync in these cases. You can also choose "Manual Passback Only," meaning no grades will be passed back until you manually click the cloud icon on the assignment data page.'
}, this.tipDelay = 300, this.myTexts = {
defaultTitle: "None selected"
}, this.deltamathPlus = !1, this.deltamathPlusEditOnly = !1, this.limitNumbers = [], this.student_feedback_options = [], this.assignmentVideosOriginal = "", this.options2MultiselectHidden = !1, this.showSchoologyLinkedSectionWarning = "", this.isLtiResourceLaunch = !1, this.isLtiResourceAssignment = !1, this.onInitLogicRunOnce = !1, this.googleClassroomInterfaceShowing = !1, this.googleClassroomTopicList = [], this.viableFolders = [], this.newFolderModel = "", this.newFolderName = "", this.showFoldersAnyway = !1, this.wasNewAssignment = !1, this.lastCheckForNameChange = 0, this.assignmentChangedText = "", this.dragulaService.drop().subscribe((function(t) {
return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "unsavedChanges", {
get: function() {
if (this.isLtiResourceLaunch && this.originalAssignment && this.assignment) return this.originalAssignment !== JSON.stringify(this.assignment)
enumerable: !0,
configurable: !0
}), t.prototype.ngOnInit = function() {
this.onInitLogicRunOnce || this.onInitLogic()
}, t.prototype.hasPlusFeaturesEditStripSomeFeatures = function(t) {
if ("limit" === t.time_limit || t.is_test || t.individuals_or_groups || "correction" === t.type && t.linkedTest) return !0;
for (var e = 0; e < t.order.length; e++) {
var n = t.skills[t.order[e]];
if (n.max_problems && "no_limit" !== n.max_problems && (n.max_problems = "no_limit"), n.is_video || n.single_problem || n.type_selected) return !0
return !1
}, t.prototype.onInitLogic = function() {
this.onInitLogicRunOnce = !0, this.skills = this.skillcodesService.skillcodes.skills, this.user = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("user")), this.hasIntegral = this.user.deltamath_integral_active, this.groupedby = plural(this.user.sections.groupedby), this.user.deltamath_plus_active && (this.deltamathPlus = !0), this.limitNumbers = Array(999).fill(1).map((function(t, e) {
return e + 2
})), this.minutes_array = Array(60).fill(1).map((function(t, e) {
return e
})), this.hours_array = Array(72).fill(1).map((function(t, e) {
return e
})), this.showAdditionalOverviewSettings = this.auth.preferences("showAdditionalOverviewSettings") || !1, this.showGoogleClassroomSettings = this.auth.preferences("showGoogleClassroomSettings") || !0, this.student_feedback_options = [{
value: "due",
text: "After due date"
}, {
value: "done",
text: "At test completion"
}, {
value: "immediately",
text: "After each question"
}, {
value: "never",
text: "Not for now"
}, {
value: "due2",
text: "2 hours after due"
}, {
value: "due6",
text: "6 hours after due"
}, {
value: "due12",
text: "12 hours after due"
}, {
value: "due24",
text: "1 day after due"
}, {
value: "due48",
text: "2 days after due"
}, {
value: "due72",
text: "3 days after due"
}, {
value: "due168",
text: "1 week after due"
}], this.alreadyWarned = -1 === navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Trident"), this.assignmentData.addingVideos = !1;
var t = this;
$(".assignment-sidebar").unbind("click").click((function(e) {
"H2" !== && "DIV" !== && "UL" !== || $(".button-area") || (t.detailsShowing = {}, $(".assignment-skill-list .assignment-skill-item").removeClass("selected"), "correction2" === t.assignment.type && (t.assignmentData.managingSkills = !1, t.assignmentData.addingVideos = !1))
try {
this.dragulaService.createGroup("skill-bag", {
moves: function(t, e, n) {
return -1 !== (n.className + "").indexOf("skill-handle")
} catch (e) {}
try {
this.dragulaService.createGroup("questions-bag", {
moves: function(t, e, n) {
return -1 !== (n.className + "").indexOf("skill-handle")
} catch (e) {}
}, t.prototype.ngOnChanges = function() {
var t = this;
if (this.isLtiResourceLaunch = this.assignmentData.ltiContext && this.assignmentData.ltiContext.isLtiResourceLaunch, this.isLtiResourceAssignment = this.isLtiResourceLaunch || this.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit && this.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit.resource_link_ids && this.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit.resource_link_ids.length, this.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit != this.assignment || (this.assignment.is_test && this.pointsChanged(), this.isLtiResourceLaunch)) {
var e, n, i;
this.assignmentData.editLtiContext && !this.assignmentData.editingAssignment && localStorage.getItem("lti_assignment_payload") && (this.assignmentData.editingAssignment = !0);
var r = function() {
e || (e = $(".assignment-sidebar"), n = 0, i = document.getElementById("lti-menu-id")), i || (i = document.getElementById("lti-menu-id"));
var t = $(window).scrollTop(),
r = Math.min(60, Math.max(0, 60 - t));
n != r && (n = r, e.css("top", r), i && i.setAttribute("style", "top: " + r + "px"))
if (this.isLtiResourceLaunch) {
if ((Object(h.isNull)(this.showLtiMenu) || this.isLtiLinkSelection) && (this.showLtiMenu = !this.isLtiLinkSelection && !this.assignmentData.editLtiContext, this.isLtiLinkSelection = !1), this.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit && this.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit.doNotShowLtiMenu && (this.showLtiMenu = !1, delete this.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit.doNotShowLtiMenu), this.assignmentData.editLtiContext && (this.sectionNamesArr = this.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit.sectionList),"scroll.sidebar", r), setTimeout((function() {
}), 0), this.assignment == this.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit) return
} else this.isLtiResourceAssignment && (this.sectionNamesArr = this.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit.sectionList);
if (this.options = [], this.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit && !this.onInitLogicRunOnce && this.onInitLogic(), void 0 !== this.user) {
if (this.user = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("user")), this.groupedby = plural(this.user.sections.groupedby), this.deltamathPlus = !!this.user.deltamath_plus_active, this.hasIntegral = !!this.user.deltamath_integral_active, !this.deltamathPlus && this.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit._id && this.hasPlusFeaturesEditStripSomeFeatures(this.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit) ? (this.deltamathPlus = !0, this.deltamathPlusEditOnly = !0) : this.deltamathPlusEditOnly = !1, this.auth.refreshTimezoneOffset(), this.defaultDateUsed = !1, this.datePickerHasBeenInitialized = !1, this.assignmentData.renamedSectionMap = {}, this.alreadyWarned || (this.alreadyWarned = !0, alertDialog("Creating assignments is not currently compatible with Internet Explorer. Please try Chrome, Firefox or Safari. ")), this.student_notes = this.hasIntegral || "always" === this.auth.preferences("notes"), this.currentTerm = "current" === this.auth.currentTerm, = "sections", this.addVideosMessage = !0 !== this.auth.preferences("addVideosMessageDismissed"), this.user = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("user")), this.groupedby = plural(this.user.sections.groupedby), this.newCorrectionFeaturesMessage = !0 !== this.auth.preferences("newCorrectionFeaturesMessageDismissed"), this.defaults = this.auth.preferences("assignment_defaults"), void 0 !== this.defaults && this.defaults.required || (this.defaults = {
required: 5,
penalty: 1,
timed_required: 10,
timed_seconds: 100,
correction_required: 3,
correction_additional: 2,
show_example: "all",
max_problems: "no_limit",
attempts: 2,
mc_attempts: 1,
time: (new Date).setHours(8 - this.auth.setTimezoneOffset(), 0, 0, 0)
}), void 0 === this.defaults.max_problems && (this.defaults.max_problems = "no_limit"), void 0 === this.defaults.video_weight && (this.defaults.video_weight = 1), void 0 === this.defaults.test_attempts && (this.defaults.test_attempts = 1), void 0 === this.defaults.test_mc_attempts && (this.defaults.test_mc_attempts = 1), void 0 === this.defaults.test_points && (this.defaults.test_points = 10), void 0 === this.defaults.test_student_feedback && (this.defaults.test_student_feedback = "due"), void 0 === this.defaults.test_show_solutions && (this.defaults.test_show_solutions = "always"), void 0 === this.defaults.standard_show_solutions && (this.defaults.standard_show_solutions = "always"), void 0 === this.defaults.test_hide_delta_videos && (this.defaults.test_hide_delta_videos = 1), void 0 === this.defaults.hide_delta_videos && (this.defaults.hide_delta_videos = 0), void 0 === this.defaults.test_hide_show_example && (this.defaults.test_hide_show_example = 1), void 0 === this.defaults.remove_after_due && (this.defaults.remove_after_due = 0), void 0 === this.defaults.test_remove_after_due && (this.defaults.test_remove_after_due = this.defaults.remove_after_due), void 0 === this.defaults.restrict_other_assignments && (this.defaults.restrict_other_assignments = 1), void 0 === this.defaults.allow_resubmit && (this.defaults.allow_resubmit = 1), void 0 === this.defaults.test_notes && (this.defaults.test_notes = 1), void 0 === this.defaults.standard_notes && (this.defaults.standard_notes = 1), void 0 === this.defaults.correction_points_lost_or_earned && (this.defaults.correction_points_lost_or_earned = "lost"), void 0 === this.defaults.google_classroom_max_points && (this.defaults.google_classroom_max_points = 100), void 0 === this.defaults.corrections_passback && (this.defaults.corrections_passback = "grade"), void 0 === this.defaults.passback_time && (this.defaults.passback_time = "due"), this.deltamathPlus || (this.defaults.restrict_other_assignments = 0, this.defaults.standard_show_solutions = "always", this.defaults.max_problems = "no_limit"), this.editingDefaults = !1, this.assignmentData.setAssignmentDefaults(this.defaults), this.detailsShowing = {},"scroll.sidebar", r), setTimeout((function() {
}), 0), this.assignment = this.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit, this.assignmentVideosOriginal = this.assignment.videos, this.currentTerm || this.assignmentData.removeDeprecated(this.assignment), this.hasIntegral && 1 == this.defaults.test_notes && (this.defaults.test_notes = 0), this.hasIntegral && 1 == this.defaults.standard_notes && (this.defaults.standard_notes = 0), this.hasIntegral || 2 != this.defaults.test_notes || (this.defaults.test_notes = 1), this.hasIntegral || 2 != this.defaults.standard_notes || (this.defaults.standard_notes = 1), this.student_notes && void 0 === this.assignment.notes)
for (var o in this.assignment.notes = this.assignment._id ? "0" : this.assignment.is_test ? this.defaults.test_notes : this.defaults.standard_notes, this.assignment.skills) this.assignment.skills[o].notes = !0;
void 0 === this.assignment.videos && (this.assignment.videos = "none"), void 0 === this.assignment.remove_after_due && (this.assignment.remove_after_due = this.assignment.is_test ? this.defaults.test_remove_after_due : this.defaults.remove_after_due), void 0 === this.assignment.restrict_other_assignments && (this.assignment.restrict_other_assignments = this.assignment._id ? 0 : this.defaults.restrict_other_assignments), void 0 === this.assignment.corrections_passback && "correction" === this.assignment.type && (this.assignment.corrections_passback = this.defaults.corrections_passback), void 0 === this.assignment.passback_time && (this.assignment.passback_time = this.defaults.passback_time), void 0 === this.assignment.allow_resubmit && this.assignment.is_test && (this.assignment.allow_resubmit = this.assignment._id ? 0 : this.defaults.allow_resubmit), void 0 === this.assignment.hide_delta_videos && (this.assignment.hide_delta_videos = this.assignment.is_test ? this.defaults.test_hide_delta_videos : this.defaults.hide_delta_videos), void 0 === this.assignment.hide_show_example && (this.assignment.hide_show_example = this.assignment.is_test ? this.defaults.test_hide_show_example : 0), void 0 === this.assignment.student_feedback && this.assignment.is_test && (this.assignment.student_feedback = this.defaults.test_student_feedback), void 0 === this.assignment.show_solutions && (this.assignment.show_solutions = this.assignment.is_test ? this.defaults.test_show_solutions : this.defaults.standard_show_solutions), void 0 === this.assignment.time_limit && (this.assignment.time_limit = "no_limit", this.assignment.time_limit_hours = 1, this.assignment.time_limit_minutes = 0), this.assignmentData.disableTimed = !!this.assignment.is_test, "correction" === this.assignment.type && void 0 === this.assignment.correction_points_lost_or_earned && (this.assignment.correction_points_lost_or_earned = this.defaults.correction_points_lost_or_earned), void 0 === this.assignment._id && this.assignment.order.length > 0 && this.tabClicked("skills"), this.assignmentData.gotoDueTabAfterEdit && (console.log("in here now!!"), this.assignmentData.gotoDueTabAfterEdit = !1, this.tabClicked("due")), window.assignment = this.assignment, _.isArray(this.assignment.skills) && (this.assignment.skills = {}), this.showSchoologyLinkedSectionWarning = "";
var s, a = this.assignmentData.ltiContext ? this.assignmentData.ltiContext.context_title : null;
for (a && this.isLtiResourceLaunch && (Object(h.includes)(this.assignment.sectionList, a) || (this.assignment.sectionList.push(a), this.assignmentData.addScheduleForLtiSection(this.assignment, a)), this.sectionNamesArr = this.assignment.sectionList, this.checkSchoologyLinkedClassWarning()), this.idToSection = {}, this.sectionToId = {}, this.studentSections = [], null == this.assignment.staggered && (this.assignment.staggered = []), this.options = [], s = 0; s < this.user.sections.sections.length; s++) {
id: s,
name: this.user.sections.sections[s]
}), this.idToSection[s] = this.user.sections.sections[s], this.sectionToId[this.user.sections.sections[s]] = s;
var c = _.find(this.assignment.staggered, (function(e) {
return e.section == t.user.sections.sections[s]
c ? c.when = c.when ? this.convertTimes(c.when, 1) : this.defaultDate() : this.assignment.staggered.push({
section: this.user.sections.sections[s],
when: this.defaultDate()
}), -1 !== this.assignment.sectionList.indexOf(this.user.sections.sections[s]) && this.studentSections.push(s)
if (this.idToSection.delta_individuals = "Individuals or Groups", this.deltamathPlus && (this.options.push({
id: "delta_individuals",
name: "Individuals or Groups"
}), -1 != this.assignment.sectionList.indexOf("Individuals or Groups") && this.studentSections.push("delta_individuals")), this.testHasLinkedCorrection = !1, this.assignment.is_test && this.assignmentData.teacherAssignments && this.assignment._id)
for (var l in this.assignmentData.teacherAssignments) {
var d = this.assignmentData.teacherAssignments[l];
if ("correction" === d.type && d.linkedTest == this.assignment._id) {
this.testHasLinkedCorrection = !0;
this.assignmentData.sectionsOutOfSync = !1, this.assignment.linkedTest && this.assignmentData.checkLinkedCorrectionSync(), this.showFoldersAnyway = !1, this.setViableFolders(), this.newFolderModel = this.assignment.folder ? this.assignment.folder : "None";
var u = this;
for (s in"keydown", (function() {
var t = d3.event;
if (38 == t.which) {
if (0 == (e = $(".assignment-skill-list .assignment-skill-item.selected:visible")).length) return;
t.preventDefault(),":first-child") || u.listItemClicked(e.prev().attr("sk"))
} else if (40 == t.which) {
var e;
if (0 == (e = $(".assignment-skill-list .assignment-skill-item.selected:visible")).length) return;
t.preventDefault(),":last-child") || u.listItemClicked("sk"))
})), Array.isArray(this.assignment.order) && (this.assignment.order = _.uniq(this.assignment.order)), this.skills) this.skills[s].plus = !0;
for (s in this.assignment.skills)
if (this.skills[s] && (this.skills[s].plus = !1), this.assignment.skills[s].mixed && !this.assignment.skills[s].timed) {
var p, f = {};
for (p = 0; p < this.assignment.skills[s].skillarray.length; p++) void 0 === f[this.assignment.skills[s].skillarray[p]] ? f[this.assignment.skills[s].skillarray[p]] = 1 : f[this.assignment.skills[s].skillarray[p]]++;
var m = [];
for (p in f) m.push({
freq: f[p],
sk: p
this.assignment.skills[s].frequencies = m
} if ("correction" === this.assignment.type && (_.isArray(this.assignment.questions) && (this.assignment.questions = {}), void 0 === this.assignment.extraPoints && (this.assignment.extraPoints = 0), void 0 === this.assignment.creditBack && (this.assignment.creditBack = ""), void 0 === this.assignment.skillToQuestions && (this.assignment.skillToQuestions = {}), this.populateSkillToQuestions(), this.remakeCorrectionLinkOptions(), "question" === this.assignment.videos)) {
if (this.deltamathPlus)
for (var g = 0, b = 0, v = this.assignment.questionOrder; b < v.length; b++) {
var y = v[b],
w = this.assignment.questions[y].video;
if (w) {
var C = this.assignmentData.addItem("video", {
appendToSk: "_" + g
this.assignment.order.splice(this.assignment.order.indexOf(C), 1), this.assignment.order.splice(g, 0, C), this.assignment.skills[C].video = w, this.assignment.skills[C].name = "Video for Question " + this.assignment.questions[y].name, this.assignment.skillToQuestions[C] = [y], g++
this.assignment.videos = "none"
}("correction" == this.assignment.type || this.assignment.is_test) && void 0 === this.assignment.totalPoints && (this.assignment.totalPoints = 0);
var O = [],
k = function() {
var t = !1,
e = E.assignment.schedule[s].due,
n = E.assignment.schedule[s].credit,
i = E.assignment.schedule[s].section,
r = _.find(E.options, (function(t) {
return === i
if (!r) return "continue";
for (r =, p = 0; p < O.length; p++)
if (_.isEqual(O[p].due, e) && _.isEqual(O[p].credit, n)) {
O[p].sectionIds.push(r), t = !0;
} t || O.push({
due: e,
credit: n,
sectionIds: [r]
E = this;
for (s = 0; s < this.assignment.schedule.length; s++) k();
for (this.options2 = [], s = 0; s < this.options.length; s++) - 1 !== this.assignment.sectionList.indexOf(this.options[s].name) && this.options2.push({
id: this.options[s].id,
name: this.options[s].name
for (-1 != this.assignment.sectionList.indexOf("delta_individuals") && this.options2.push({
id: "delta_individuals",
name: "Individuals or Groups"
}), s = 0; s < O.length; s++) {
var P = this.convertTimes(O[s].due, 1);
O[s].due = P
if (0 === O.length) {
this.defaultDateUsed = !0;
var x = void 0;
if (this.assignmentData.ltiContext && this.assignmentData.ltiContext.context_title) {
var D = this.assignmentData.ltiContext.context_title,
M = _.find(this.options, (function(t) {
return === D
M && (x =
var j = x || 0 === x ? [x] : [];
due: [this.defaultDate()],
credit: [100],
sectionIds: j
} else this.defaultDateUsed = !1, this.datePickerHasBeenInitialized = !1;
if (this.assignment.uniqueSchedules = O, this.saveDueData(), this.assignment.start || (this.assignment.start = "now"), this.assignment.start_time = this.assignment.start_time ? this.convertTimes(this.assignment.start_time, 1) : this.defaultDate(), this.isLtiResourceLaunch) {
var S = this.router.url; {
e.url && ("/teacher/manage" === S && t.checkForNameChange(), S = e.url)
} else {
var T; {
e.url && !== T && ("Individuals or Groups" === t.assignment.sectionList[0] && t.checkIfGoogleClassroom(), T =
var A = "correction" === this.assignment.type;
this.showLink !== A && (this.showLink = A, this.showingTabs = !1, setTimeout((function() {
t.showingTabs = !0
}), 0)), this.checkIfGoogleClassroom(), this.wasNewAssignment = !this.assignment._id, this.assignment.wasJustCopied && (this.wasNewAssignment = !1, delete this.assignment.wasJustCopied), _.get(this.assignment, "courses.course_id") && this.tabClicked("skills"), this.originalAssignment || (this.originalAssignment = JSON.stringify(this.assignment))
}, t.prototype.saveDueData = function() {
this.uniqueSchedulesCopy = _.cloneDeep(this.assignment.uniqueSchedules), this.sectionListCopy = _.cloneDeep(this.assignment.sectionList), this.studentSectionsCopy = _.cloneDeep(this.studentSections)
}, t.prototype.defaultDate = function() {
var t = new Date;
return this.assignmentData.setDefaultTime(t, this.defaults.time)
}, t.prototype.showStaggerTime = function(t) {
return !!t.when.getTime && (this.isLtiResourceAssignment ? this.assignment.sectionList.indexOf(t.section) > -1 : -1 != this.studentSections.indexOf(this.sectionToId[t.section]))
}, t.prototype.optionsUpdated = function(t, e) {
var n;
if ("delta_individuals" == t[t.length - 1] && t.length > e.length + 1 && t.pop(), "delta_individuals" == t[t.length - 1]) {
for (; this.studentSections.length;) this.studentSections.pop();
this.studentSections.push("delta_individuals"), t = ["delta_individuals"], this.assignment.studentList || (this.assignment.studentList = [])
} else if (-1 !== t.indexOf("delta_individuals")) {
for (t = [t[t.length - 1]]; this.studentSections.length;) this.studentSections.pop();
for (; e.length;) e.pop();
for (n = 0; n < this.options.length; n++) - 1 !== t.indexOf(this.options[n].id) && e.push(this.options[n].name);
for (this.options2 = [], n = 0; n < this.options.length; n++) - 1 !== this.assignment.sectionList.indexOf(this.options[n].name) && this.options2.push({
id: this.options[n].id,
name: this.options[n].name
}); - 1 != this.assignment.sectionList.indexOf("delta_individuals") && this.options2.push({
id: "delta_individuals",
name: "Individuals or Groups"
var i = _.differenceBy(this.options, this.options2, "id");
for (n = 0; n < this.assignment.uniqueSchedules.length; n++)
for (var r = this.assignment.uniqueSchedules[n].sectionIds, o = 0; o < i.length; o++) _.remove(r, (function(t) {
return t == i[o].id
for (n = 0; n < this.options2.length; n++) {
var s = this.options2[n].id,
a = !1;
for (o = 0; o < this.assignment.uniqueSchedules.length; o++)
if (-1 !== (r = this.assignment.uniqueSchedules[o].sectionIds).indexOf(s)) {
a = !0;
} a || this.assignment.uniqueSchedules[0].sectionIds.push(s)
this.assignmentData.checkLinkedCorrectionSync(), this.checkIfGoogleClassroom(), this.setViableFolders()
}, t.prototype.optionsUpdated2 = function(t, e) {
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
for (var i = t[n], r = 0; r < this.assignment.uniqueSchedules.length; r++)
if (r != e) {
var o = this.assignment.uniqueSchedules[r],
s = o.sectionIds.indexOf(i); - 1 !== s && o.sectionIds.splice(s, 1)
}, t.prototype.setViableFolders = function() {
var t = this.assignmentData.getViableFolders("Individuals or Groups" === this.assignment.sectionList[0] ? [] : this.assignment.sectionList, this.studentData.studentList),
e = t.showFoldersAnyway;
this.viableFolders = t.viableFolders, this.assignment.folder || this.assignment.preexisting_folder ? (this.assignment.preexisting_folder || -1 === this.viableFolders.indexOf(this.assignment.folder) && "None" !== this.assignment.folder) && (this.viableFolders.splice(2, 0, "Pre-existing Folder:", this.assignment.preexisting_folder || this.assignment.folder, ""), this.assignment.preexisting_folder || (this.assignment.preexisting_folder = this.assignment.folder, this.assignment.folder = "None")) : this.assignment.folder = "None", this.showFoldersAnyway = e || this.showFoldersAnyway || this.assignment.folder && "None" !== this.assignment.folder
}, t.prototype.folderSelectChange = function(t) {
var e = this;
"New Folder" !== t || setTimeout((function() {
}, t.prototype.getSectionIdsFromStudentList = function() {
for (var t = this.studentData.studentList, e = {}, n = 0, i = this.assignment.studentList; n < i.length; n++) {
var r = i[n];
t[r] && t[r].currentClasses.forEach((function(t) {
e[] = 1
return Object.keys(e)
}, t.prototype.checkIfGoogleClassroom = function() {
var t = this.auth.getUser().currentClasses;
this.googleClassroomInterfaceShowing = !1;
var e = "Individuals or Groups" === this.assignment.sectionList[0] ? this.getSectionIdsFromStudentList() : this.assignment.sectionList,
n = t.filter((function(t) {
return t.google_classroom && && e.indexOf( > -1
if (0 != n.length) {
this.googleClassroomInterfaceShowing = !0, this.assignment.google_classroom || (this.assignment.google_classroom = {
id_map: {},
topic_string: "",
topic_map: {},
description: "",
max_points: this.defaults.google_classroom_max_points
}), this.googleClassroomTopicList = [];
for (var i = function(t) {
r.googleClassroomTopicList = _.union(r.googleClassroomTopicList, Object.keys(t.google_classroom.topics).map((function(e) {
return t.google_classroom.topics[e]
var e = _.get(r.assignment.google_classroom.topic_map, t._id);
e && !r.assignment.google_classroom.topic_string && (r.assignment.google_classroom.topic_string = t.google_classroom.topics[e] || "")
}, r = this, o = 0, s = n; o < s.length; o++) i(s[o]);
this.assignment.google_classroom.topic_string || (this.assignment.google_classroom.topic_string = ""), this.googleClassroomTopicList.sort()
}, t.prototype.refreshTopicList = function() {
var t = this;
this.assignmentData.refreshGoogleClassroomTopicList().then((function(e) {
if (t.spinner.stop(), e.message) return alertDialog(e.message);
t.user = t.auth.getUser();
for (var n = t.user.currentClasses, i = function(t) {
var e = _.find(n, (function(e) {
return e._id == t._id
e && (e.google_classroom.topics = t.google_classroom.topics)
}, r = 0, o = e; r < o.length; r++) i(o[r]);
t.auth.updateUser(t.user), t.checkIfGoogleClassroom()
}), (function(e) {
t.spinner.stop(), alertDialog("There was an error with your request.")
}, t.prototype.removeSkill = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this;
var r = (new Date).getTime();
this.lastRemoveWarning < r - 3e4 ? this.modal.showModal("Are you sure you want to remove the skill?", "Warning", "No", "Yes").result.then((function() {
i.removeForReal(t, n)
}), (function() {})) : this.removeForReal(t, n), this.lastRemoveWarning = r
}, t.prototype.removeForReal = function(t, e) {
this.assignment.skills[t] && this.assignment.skills[t].mixed && this.assignmentData.managingSkills === t && (this.assignmentData.managingSkills = !0, this.updateDisabled()), this.assignmentData.removeItem(t, e), "correction" === this.assignment.type && this.remakeCorrectionLinkOptions(), ("correction" === this.assignment.type || this.assignment.is_test) && this.pointsChanged()
}, t.prototype.skillClicked = function(t) {
"timed" === t.substr(0, 5) && "timedVertexForm" !== t && (t = this.assignment.skills[t].skills[0]), this.skillcodesService.skillClicked(t)
}, t.prototype.listItemClicked = function(t, e) {
var n;
if (e) {
e.stopPropagation(), n = $(e.currentTarget);
var i = $(e.srcElement).closest(".question-link-button");
if (i.addClass("do-not-close-me"), $(".question-link-button:not(.do-not-close-me) .dropdown-menu").prev("button").click(), i.removeClass("do-not-close-me"),".selected")) return
} else {
if ($(".assignment-skill-list .assignment-skill-item.selected").attr("sk") === t || void 0 === t) return;
n = $('.assignment-skill-list .assignment-skill-item[sk="' + t + '"]')
"skills" === && !0 !== this.assignmentData.managingSkills && (this.testHasLinkedCorrection || (this.assignmentData.managingSkills = !0), this.updateDisabled()), this.detailsShowing = {}, $(".assignment-skill-list .assignment-skill-item").removeClass("selected"), n.addClass("selected").find("input").eq(0).focus()
}, t.prototype.checkForNameChange = function() {
var t = this;
if (this.isLtiResourceLaunch && 0 !== Object.keys(this.assignmentData.renamedSectionMap).length && !((new Date).getTime() - this.lastCheckForNameChange < 1e3)) {
this.lastCheckForNameChange = (new Date).getTime();
for (var e = 0, n = this.options2; e < n.length; e++) this.assignmentData.renamedSectionMap[(o = n[e]).name] && ( = this.assignmentData.renamedSectionMap[]);
for (var i = 0, r = this.options; i < r.length; i++) {
var o;
this.assignmentData.renamedSectionMap[(o = r[i]).name] && ( = this.assignmentData.renamedSectionMap[])
for (var s in this.idToSection) this.assignmentData.renamedSectionMap[this.idToSection[s]] && (this.idToSection[s] = this.assignmentData.renamedSectionMap[this.idToSection[s]]);
for (var a in this.sectionToId) this.assignmentData.renamedSectionMap[a] && (this.sectionToId[this.assignmentData.renamedSectionMap[a]] = this.sectionToId[a], delete this.sectionToId[a]);
this.checkSchoologyLinkedClassWarning(), this.options2MultiselectHidden = !0, setTimeout((function() {
t.options2MultiselectHidden = !1
}), 0)
}, t.prototype.checkSchoologyLinkedClassWarning = function() {
if (this.showSchoologyLinkedSectionWarning = "", 1 == this.sectionNamesArr.length) try {
if ("schoology" === JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("lti_data_meta")).req.body.tool_consumer_info_product_family_code) {
var t = this.sectionNamesArr[0],
e = t.split(":");
e.length > 1 && e[e.length - 1].indexOf(",") > -1 && (this.showSchoologyLinkedSectionWarning = 'It appears you are launching from a Schoology linked class. In order to assign this assignment to <b>all</b> of the linked classes, you will have to launch from each one using the dropdown menu above this DeltaMath window (if in the iFrame view). It is also recommended you go to TOOLS then "Manage Classes and Students" to change the name of each class after you launch from all of them because Schoology just tells us they are all called <b>"' + t + '"</b>. You will then have the freedom to make different due dates and/or requirements for each section and have the grades pass back to the same Schoology assignment.')
} catch (n) {
}, t.prototype.tabClicked = function(t) {
var e = this;
if (_.get(this.assignment, "courses.course_id") && ("sections" === t || "due" === t)) return alertDialog("Do not click these tabs when developing courses."), this.tabClicked("skills"), this.showingTabs = !1, void setTimeout((function() {
e.showingTabs = !0
}), 0); !== t && ( = t, "skills" === t ? (this.assignmentData.managingSkills = !0, this.testHasLinkedCorrection && (this.assignmentData.managingSkills = !1)) : (this.assignmentData.managingSkills = !1, this.assignmentData.addingVideos = !1, this.editingDefaults = !1), "due" === ? this.dueActivated() : this.editingDefaults2 = !1)
}, t.prototype.dueActivated = function() {
var t = this;
setTimeout((function() {
$("#due-date-panel .due-selection timepicker input.form-control").css("width", 38), t.defaultDateUsed && $("#due-date-panel").attr("hiddenVal", $("#due-date-panel").val()).val("").click((function() {
$(this).val() || $(this).val($(this).attr("hiddenVal"))
}, t.prototype.cancelClicked = function() {
if (this.isLtiResourceLaunch) this.showLtiMenu = !0, this.originalAssignment = null;
else {
if (this.assignment._id) {
if (!_.isEqual(this.assignment.skills, this.assignmentData.teacherAssignments[this.assignment._id].skills) || !_.isEqual(this.assignment.order, this.assignmentData.teacherAssignments[this.assignment._id].order)) return this.verifyCancel()
} else if (this.assignment.order && this.assignment.order.length > 0) return this.verifyCancel();
}, t.prototype.cancelLtiLinkClicked = function() {
var t = this;
this.modal.showModal("Are you sure you want to remove the link between this assignment and your LMS? You will need to create and save a new assignment or select an existing assignment in order to fully remove this link.", "Warning", "No", "Yes").result.then((function() {
t.assignmentData.unlinkLtiAssignment(), t.isLtiLinkSelection = !0, t.showLtiMenu = !0, t.originalAssignment = null
}), (function() {}))
}, t.prototype.verifyCancel = function() {
var t = this;
this.modal.showModal("Are you sure you want to cancel editing the assignment? All changes will be lost.", "Warning", "No", "Yes").result.then((function() {
}), (function() {}))
}, t.prototype.actuallyCancel = function() {
if ("scroll.sidebar", null), this.editingDefaults = !1, this.editingDefaults2 = !1, !!this.isLtiResourceLaunch || (this.assignmentData.editingAssignment = !1, this.originalAssignment = null), this.assignmentData.managingSkills = !1, this.assignmentData.addingVideos = !1, _.get(this.assignment, "courses.course_id")) {
var t =,
e = "/teacher/courses/" + t.course_id;
t.unit_id && (e += "/" + t.unit_id), t.subunit_id && (e += "/" + t.subunit_id), this.router.navigate([e], {
queryParams: {
type: t.type,
id: this.assignment._id
} else this.wasNewAssignment || this.router.navigate(["/teacher/assignments"])
}, t.prototype.defaultClicked = function() {
this.editingDefaults = !0, this.tempDefaults = _.clone(this.defaults)
}, t.prototype.defaultTimeClicked = function() {
this.editingDefaults2 = !0, this.tempDefaults = _.clone(this.defaults), this.tempDefaults.time = new Date(this.defaults.time + 60 * this.auth.setTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1e3)
}, t.prototype.saveDefaults = function(t) {
return isNaN(parseInt(this.tempDefaults.required)) || parseInt(this.tempDefaults.required) <= 0 ? alertDialog("Required must be a positive whole number.") : isNaN(parseInt(this.tempDefaults.timed_required)) || parseInt(this.tempDefaults.timed_required) <= 0 ? alertDialog("Timed required must be a positive whole number.") : isNaN(parseInt(this.tempDefaults.timed_seconds)) || parseInt(this.tempDefaults.timed_seconds) < 0 ? alertDialog("Timed seconds must be a positive whole number.") : isNaN(parseInt(this.tempDefaults.attempts)) || parseInt(this.tempDefaults.attempts) <= 0 ? alertDialog("Attempts must be a positive whole number.") : isNaN(parseInt(this.tempDefaults.mc_attempts)) || parseInt(this.tempDefaults.mc_attempts) <= 0 ? alertDialog("M.C attempts must be a positive whole number.") : isNaN(parseFloat(this.tempDefaults.video_weight)) || parseFloat(this.tempDefaults.videoWeight) < 0 ? alertDialog("Video weight must be a non-negative real number.") : this.googleClassroomInterfaceShowing && isNaN(parseFloat(this.tempDefaults.google_classroom_max_points)) || parseFloat(this.tempDefaults.google_classroom_max_points) < 0 && -1 !== parseFloat(this.tempDefaults.google_classroom_max_points) ? alertDialog('Google Classroom "Points" must be a non-negative number.') : (this.tempDefaults.time && (this.tempDefaults.time = this.tempDefaults.time - 60 * this.auth.setTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1e3), this.defaults = _.clone(this.tempDefaults), this.assignmentData.setAssignmentDefaults(this.defaults), this.editingDefaults = !1, this.editingDefaults2 = !1, void(t && this.auth.preferences("assignment_defaults", this.defaults)))
}, t.prototype.addTimedRow = function(t) {
this.assignment.skills[t].seconds.push(""), this.assignment.skills[t].credit.push("")
}, t.prototype.removeTimedRow = function(t) {
this.assignment.skills[t].seconds.splice(this.assignment.skills[t].seconds.length - 1, 1), this.assignment.skills[t].credit.splice(this.assignment.skills[t].credit.length - 1, 1)
}, t.prototype.timedValid = function(t) {
for (var e = [], n = 0; n < this.assignment.skills[t].seconds.length; n++) {
var i = parseFloat(this.assignment.skills[t].seconds[n]),
r = parseFloat(this.assignment.skills[t].credit[n]);
if ("" !== this.assignment.skills[t].seconds[n] || "" !== this.assignment.skills[t].credit[n]) {
if (isNaN(i) || isNaN(r)) return alertDialog("You must enter a valid number in each box for the timed credit."), !1;
if (i < 0 || this.assignment.skills[t].seconds.length > 1 && 0 == i) return alertDialog("Seconds must be a valid positive number."), !1;
if (r > 100) return alertDialog("Credit may not be greater than 100."), !1;
if (r <= 0) return alertDialog("Credit may not be less than or equal to zero."), !1;
seconds: i,
credit: r
} else this.assignment.skills[t].seconds.splice(n, 1), this.assignment.skills[t].credit.splice(n, 1), n -= 1
for (e.sort((function(t, e) {
return t.seconds - e.seconds
})), n = 1; n < e.length; n++)
if (e[n].credit > e[n - 1].credit) return alertDialog("Credit must decrease as seconds increases."), !1;
return !0
}, t.prototype.trackByIndex = function(t, e) {
return t
}, t.prototype.addToMix = function(t) {
this.assignmentData.managingSkills = this.assignmentData.managingSkills === t || t, this.updateDisabled()
}, t.prototype.addMixed = function(t) {
var e = this.assignmentData.addItem(t);
"question" === t ? this.remakeCorrectionLinkOptions() : (this.assignmentData.managingSkills = !0, this.addToMix(e)), setTimeout((function() {
$(".assignment-skill-list .assignment-skill-item.selected").find("input").eq(0).focus()
}, t.prototype.questionNameChanged = function() {
var t = this;
this.questionLinkListShowing = !1, setTimeout((function() {
t.questionLinkListShowing = !0, t.remakeCorrectionLinkOptions()
}, t.prototype.remakeCorrectionLinkOptions = function() {
for (var t = [], e = 0; e < this.assignment.questionOrder.length; e++) this.assignment.questions[this.assignment.questionOrder[e]].name && "" !== this.assignment.questions[this.assignment.questionOrder[e]].name.trim() && t.push({
id: this.assignment.questionOrder[e],
name: this.assignment.questions[this.assignment.questionOrder[e]].name
0 == t.length && t.push({
id: "blank",
name: "You must add questions first"
}), this.questionOptions = t
}, t.prototype.videoClicked = function() {
}, t.prototype.studentNotesChanged = function(t) {
if (this.assignment.notes = 1 * this.assignment.notes, this.assignment.notes)
for (var e in this.assignment.skills) this.assignment.skills[e].notes = !0
}, t.prototype.updateDisabled = function() {
var t, e;
for (t in this.skills) this.skills[t].plus = !0;
if (this.assignment.is_test) this.assignmentData.disableStandard = !1, this.assignmentData.disableTimed = !0, this.assignmentData.disableSpecial = !0;
else if ("correction" === this.assignment.type && this.assignment.questions[this.assignmentData.managingSkills]) {
if (this.assignmentData.disableStandard = !1, this.assignmentData.disableTimed = !1, this.assignmentData.disableSpecial = !0, !0 === this.assignmentData.managingSkills) return;
if (!this.assignment.questions[this.assignmentData.managingSkills]) return console.error("This caused an error before:"), console.log(this.assignment.questions), void console.log(this.assignmentData.managingSkills);
for (e in this.assignment.questions[this.assignmentData.managingSkills].skills) this.skills[n = this.assignment.questions[this.assignmentData.managingSkills].skills[e]] && (this.skills[n].plus = !1)
} else if ("boolean" == typeof this.assignmentData.managingSkills)
for (e in this.assignmentData.disableStandard = !1, this.assignmentData.disableTimed = !1, this.assignmentData.disableSpecial = !1, this.assignment.skills) this.skills[e] && (this.skills[e].plus = !1);
else if (this.assignment.skills[this.assignmentData.managingSkills].timed)
for (e in this.assignmentData.disableStandard = !0, this.assignmentData.disableTimed = !1, this.assignmentData.disableSpecial = !0, this.assignment.skills[this.assignmentData.managingSkills].skills) this.skills[n = this.assignment.skills[this.assignmentData.managingSkills].skills[e]] && (this.skills[n].plus = !1);
for (e in this.assignmentData.disableStandard = !1, this.assignmentData.disableTimed = !0, this.assignmentData.disableSpecial = !0, this.assignment.skills[this.assignmentData.managingSkills].frequencies) {
var n;
this.skills[(n = this.assignment.skills[this.assignmentData.managingSkills].frequencies[e]).sk] && (this.skills[].plus = !1)
}, t.prototype.pointsChanged = function() {
var t = 0;
if (this.assignment.is_test)
for (var e = 0; e < this.assignment.order.length; e++) {
var n = parseFloat(this.assignment.skills[this.assignment.order[e]].weight);
isNaN(n) || (t += n)
} else
for (var e in this.assignment.questions) void 0 !== this.assignment.questions[e].name && (n = parseFloat(this.assignment.questions[e].points), isNaN(n) || (t += n));
this.assignment.totalPoints = Math.round(1e4 * t) / 1e4
}, t.prototype.addLateDate = function(t) {
this.assignment.uniqueSchedules[t].credit.push(""), this.assignment.uniqueSchedules[t].due.push(this.defaultDate()), setTimeout((function() {
setTimeout((function() {
var e = "#due-date-panel .due-schedule:eq(" + t + ")";
$(e).attr("hiddenVal", $(e).val()).val("").click((function() {
$(this).val() || $(this).val($(this).attr("hiddenVal"))
}), 30)
}, t.prototype.removeLateDate = function(t) {
this.assignment.uniqueSchedules[t].credit.pop(), this.assignment.uniqueSchedules[t].due.pop()
}, t.prototype.addDueSchedule = function() {
due: [this.assignment.uniqueSchedules[0].due[0]],
credit: [100],
sectionIds: []
}, t.prototype.removeUniqueSchedule = function(t) {
for (var e = this.assignment.uniqueSchedules.splice(t, 1), n = 0; n < e[0].sectionIds.length; n++) this.assignment.uniqueSchedules[0].sectionIds.push(e[0].sectionIds[n])
}, t.prototype.convertTimes = function(t, e) {
if (t.getMonth && "function" == typeof t.getMonth) return t;
var n, i = !1;
"object" != typeof t && (i = !0, t = [t]), n = 1 === e ? 1e3 : 1;
for (var r = this.auth.setTimezoneOffset(), o = 0; o < t.length; o++) {
var s = new Date(t[o] * n),
a = 1e3 === n && t[o] * n % 1e3 == 123;
1 === e ? (s.setHours(s.getHours() + r * e), t[o] = s) : t[o] = s.setHours(s.getHours() + r * e) / 1e3, a && (t[o] = this.assignmentData.setDefaultTime(t[o], this.defaults.time))
return i ? t[0] : t
}, t.prototype.deleteAssignment = function() {
var t = this;
this.modal.showModal("Are you sure you want to delete this assignment? This action cannot be undone.", "Warning", "No, don't delete it", "Yes, delete it").result.then((function() {
delete t.assignment.uniqueSchedules, t.assignmentData.deleteAssignment(t.assignment).then((function(e) {
var n = e;
delete t.assignmentData.teacherAssignments[n._id];
var i = t.auth.tempPreferences("assignmentOrder");
"object" == typeof i && -1 != i.indexOf(n._id) && (i.splice(i.indexOf(n._id), 1), t.auth.tempPreferences("assignmentOrder", i), "perm" == t.auth.preferences("orderOptionsDefault") && t.auth.preferences("assignmentOrder", i)), alertDialog("The assignment was successfully deleted."), t.actuallyCancel()
}), (function() {}))
}, t.prototype.saveAssignment = function(t) {
var e, n, i, r = this,
o = _.cloneDeep(this.assignment);
if (! return = "sections", alertDialog("You must create an assignment name to save.").result.then((function() {
if (!0 === this.defaultDateUsed && "later" !== o.start && o.sectionList.length > 0) return = "due", this.dueActivated(), alertDialog("You must set a due date.");
for (o.schedule = [], e = 0; e < o.uniqueSchedules.length; e++) {
var s = o.uniqueSchedules[e];
for (n = 0; n < s.due.length; n++) {
if (isNaN(s.due[n])) return = "due", alertDialog("You have not entered valid dates and times.");
var a = parseFloat([n]);
if ([n] = a, isNaN(a) || a <= 0 || a > 100) return = "due", alertDialog("Late credit must be a numerical value greater than zero and less than 100.");
if (0 != n) {
if (new Date(s.due[n]).getTime() <= new Date(s.due[n - 1]).getTime()) return = "due", alertDialog("Your late dates must be in chronological order.");
if (1 *[n] >= 1 *[n - 1] && (1 != n || 100 !=[1])) return = "due", alertDialog("The credit must <i>decrease</i> for each late date.")
for (n = 0; n < s.sectionIds.length; n++) {
var c = this.convertTimes(_.cloneDeep(s.due), -1);
if (o.schedule.push({
due: c,
credit: _.clone(,
section: this.idToSection[s.sectionIds[n]]
}), this.isLtiResourceLaunch && -1 == this.auth.getUser().sections.sections.indexOf(this.idToSection[s.sectionIds[n]])) return alertDialog("Unfortunately, due to several section name changes, an error has been encountered. The only way to resolve this error is to refresh your page. Your name changes will persist and the error should not occur again after the refresh.")
if (delete o.uniqueSchedules, "later" !== o.start && o.sectionList.length !== o.schedule.length) return = "due", alertDialog("You have not set a due date for every " + this.user.sections.groupedby.toLocaleLowerCase() + ".");
if ("limit" === o.time_limit && 0 == o.time_limit_hours && 0 == o.time_limit_minutes) return alertDialog("You cannot set a time limit of 0 hours and 0 minutes.");
if ("time" === o.start) {
if (!o.start_time || !o.start_time.getTime) return = "sections", alertDialog("Enter a valid time to post the assignment.");
o.start_time = this.convertTimes(o.start_time.getTime(), -1)
} else delete o.start_time;
if ("staggered" === o.start) {
if ("Individuals or Groups" === o.sectionList[0]) return alertDialog('You cannot use a "staggered" posting schedule when assigning to "Individuals or Groups".');
for (var l = 0; l < this.assignment.staggered.length; l++) this.assignment.staggered[l].when.getTime && (o.staggered[l].when = this.convertTimes(this.assignment.staggered[l].when.getTime(), -1))
} else delete o.staggered;
for (var d = 0, u = !1, h = 0; h < o.order.length; h++)
if (!o.skills[i = o.order[h]].special) {
if (o.skills[i].timed && !this.timedValid(i)) return this.failSkill(i, !1);
var p = parseFloat(o.skills[i].required),
f = parseFloat(o.skills[i].attempts),
m = parseFloat(o.skills[i].mc_attempts),
g = parseFloat(o.skills[i].weight),
b = o.skills[i].max_problems;
if (isNaN(p) || p <= 0 || p !== Math.round(p)) return alertDialog("The required field must be a positive whole number."), this.failSkill(i, !1);
if (!0 !== o.skills[i].timed && (isNaN(f) || f <= 0 || f !== Math.round(f))) return alertDialog("The attempts field must be a positive whole number. A student must have at least one attempt."), this.failSkill(i, !0);
if (!0 !== o.skills[i].timed && (isNaN(m) || m <= 0 || m !== Math.round(m))) return alertDialog("The M.C. attempts field must be a positive whole number. A student must have at least one attempt."), this.failSkill(i, !0);
if (isNaN(g) || g < 0) return alertDialog("The weight must be any non-negative real number. Decimals are okay."), this.failSkill(i, !0);
if (d += g, parseFloat(b) && parseFloat(b) < p) return alertDialog('You cannot set "max problems" to a number <i>less than</i> the "required" number of problems. '), this.failSkill(i, !0);
if ("times1" !== b && b != p || (o.skills[i].penalty = 0), !0 !== o.skills[i].timed && (o.skills[i].attempts = f, o.skills[i].mc_attempts = m, o.skills[i].create_own_problem && (o.skills[i].mc_attempts = f), o.is_test && "immediately" !== o.student_feedback && (o.skills[i].attempts = 1, o.skills[i].mc_attempts = 1)), o.skills[i].create_own_problem && o.skills[i].not_edited && !u && ("later" !== o.start && this.listItemClicked(i), u = !0), o.is_test && (o.skills[i].show_example = !(1 * o.hide_show_example)), o.skills[i].required = p, o.skills[i].weight = g, o.skills[i].is_video && !o.skills[i].delta_video && (!o.skills[i].video || 11 != o.skills[i].video.length)) return alertDialog("For every video attached, there must be an 11 character YouTube ID provided."), this.failSkill(i, !0);
if (o.skills[i].mixed && o.skills[i].timed && "later" !== o.start) {
if (0 == o.skills[i].skills.length) return alertDialog('You must add at least one timed skill to the timed mix. Click "Add to Mix" then select which timed skills you want.'), this.failSkill(i, !1);
if (!o.skills[i].name) return alertDialog("You must make a name for your mixed timed problem."), this.failSkill(i, !1)
if (o.skills[i].mixed && !0 !== o.skills[i].timed) {
if ("later" !== o.start) {
if (0 == o.skills[i].frequencies.length && !0 !== o.skills[i].is_video) return alertDialog("You must add at least one skill to the mixed problem."), this.failSkill(i, !1);
if (!o.skills[i].name) return o.skills[i].is_video ? alertDialog("You must make a title for your attached video.") : o.skills[i].single_problem || o.skills[i].type_selected ? alertDialog("You must make a name for your problem.") : alertDialog("You must make a name for your mixed problem."), this.failSkill(i, !1);
if (o.skills[i].type_selected) {
var v = !0;
for (var y in this.skillcodesService.moduleData[o.skills[i].skillcode].typeDescription) o.skills[i].typesSelected[y] && "unique" !== y && (v = !1);
if (v) return alertDialog("You must select at least one sub type."), this.failSkill(i, !1)
var w = [];
for (e = 0; e < o.skills[i].frequencies.length; e++) {
var C = o.skills[i].frequencies[e],
O = parseFloat(C.freq);
if (isNaN(O) || O <= 0 || O > 9 || O !== Math.round(O)) return alertDialog("The frequencies inside a mixed problem must be whole numbers between 1 and 9."), this.failSkill(i, !1);
for (n = 0; n < O; n++) w.push(
o.skills[i].skillarray = w
} if (this.deltamathPlus && (o.folder || "None" !== this.newFolderModel) && (o.folder = ("New Folder" === this.newFolderModel ? this.newFolderName : this.newFolderModel).trim()), "standard" === o.type && 0 == o.order.length && "later" !== o.start) return alertDialog("You must add at least one skill before going live with the assignment."), void this.tabClicked("skills");
if (o.allWeightsZero = 0 == d && "correction" !== o.type, void 0 !== o.allow_resubmit && o.is_test && o.allow_resubmit && "immediately" === o.student_feedback && (o.allow_resubmit = 0), void 0 !== o.allow_resubmit && (o.allow_resubmit = 1 * o.allow_resubmit), "correction" === o.type && 0 == o.questionOrder.length && "later" !== o.start) return alertDialog("You must add at least one question in the QUESTIONS tab before going live with the correction assignment."), void this.tabClicked("link");
if ("later" !== o.start && "correction" === o.type) {
for (e = 0; e < o.questionOrder.length; e++) {
var k = o.questions[o.questionOrder[e]];
if (! return this.listItemClicked(o.questionOrder[e]), this.tabClicked("link"), void alertDialog("Each question must be given a name.");
var E = parseFloat(k.points);
if (isNaN(E) || E < 0) return this.listItemClicked(o.questionOrder[e]), this.tabClicked("link"), void alertDialog("The points for each question must be a non-negative number.")
var P = parseFloat(o.creditBack);
if (isNaN(P) || P < 0 || P > 100) return = "sections", void alertDialog("Credit back must be a number between 0 and 100.");
var x = parseFloat(o.extraPoints);
if (isNaN(x) || x < 0) return this.tabClicked("link"), void alertDialog("Extra points must be a number greater than or equal to zero.");
o.creditBack = P, o.extraPoints = x
if ("correction" === o.type) {
var D = this.populateQuestionSkills(o);
if ("later" !== o.start && !D) return this.tabClicked("skills"), void alertDialog("Every skill on this tab must be linked to at least one question.");
delete o.linkedTestRemovedWarning, delete o.sectionListCopiedInfo
if (this.googleClassroomInterfaceShowing && (isNaN(parseFloat(o.google_classroom.max_points)) || parseFloat(o.google_classroom.max_points) < 0 && -1 !== parseFloat(o.google_classroom.max_points))) alertDialog('The Google Classroom "Points" setting is invalid.');
else {
for (var M = 0, j = ["hide_delta_videos", "hide_show_example", "remove_after_due", "restrict_other_assignments", "allow_resubmit", "notes"]; M < j.length; M++) {
var S = j[M];
void 0 !== o[S] && (o[S] = parseInt(o[S]))
if (this.assignment._id && (_.isEqual(this.assignment.order, this.assignmentData.teacherAssignments[this.assignment._id].order) || (o.changed = !0)), -1 == o.sectionList.indexOf("Individuals or Groups") && delete o.studentList, delete o.selectedSection, this.isLtiResourceLaunch) {
var T = this.assignmentData.ltiContext,
A = o.resource_link_ids || [],
I = T.lti_int_id + "_" + T.resource_link_id; - 1 == A.indexOf(I) && (o.resource_link_ids = function() {
for (var t = 0, e = 0, n = arguments.length; e < n; e++) t += arguments[e].length;
var i = Array(t),
r = 0;
for (e = 0; e < n; e++)
for (var o = arguments[e], s = 0, a = o.length; s < a; s++, r++) i[r] = o[s];
return i
}(A, [I]))
"later" !== o.start && 0 == o.sectionList.length ? this.modal.showModal("You have not chosen any " + this.groupedby.toLowerCase() + " to assign this assignment. You will have to edit this assignment later to make sure students can see it. ", "Warning", "Go back", "Save anyway").result.then((function() {
r.spinner.start(), r.assignmentData.saveAssignment(o).then(L, B)
}), (function() { = "sections"
})) : "later" !== o.start && u ? this.modal.showModal("At least one of your teacher created problems has not been edited, so students would see a blank question at this time. ", "Warning", "Go back", "Save anyway").result.then((function() {
r.spinner.start(), r.assignmentData.saveAssignment(o).then(L, B)
}), (function() {
})) : (this.spinner.start(), this.assignmentData.saveAssignment(o).then(L, B));
var R = this
function L(e) {
if (R.spinner.stop(), e.error) return R.assignment._id && -1 === e.error.indexOf("authorized") && !e.googleClassroom && (e.error += "<br><br>Your section list and due dates have been set back to their original values. ", R.assignment.uniqueSchedules = _.cloneDeep(R.uniqueSchedulesCopy), R.assignment.sectionList = _.cloneDeep(R.sectionListCopy), R.studentSections = _.cloneDeep(R.studentSectionsCopy)), alertDialog(e.error);
R.assignment._id || "perm" === R.auth.preferences("orderOptionsDefault") || R.auth.tempPreferences("assignmentOrder", !1);
var n = "The assignment was " + (void 0 === o._id ? "created" : t ? "saved" : "edited") + " successfully.";
e.notRecalculatedWarning && (n = "The assignment was " + (void 0 === o._id ? "created" : t ? "saved" : "edited") + ' successfully, <b>however if you changed "required" settings on the assignment, student grades were <i>not</i> recalculated because this assignment is due in the past. To recalculate student grades, edit the assignment and set the due date at some point in the future (like a few minutes from now).</b> '), alertDialog(n), R.assignment._id = e._id, o._id = e._id, R.assignmentData.teacherAssignments[e._id] = o, R.originalAssignment = JSON.stringify(R.assignment), R.isLtiResourceLaunch && (R.assignmentData.editLtiContext = !0), t ? R.saveDueData() : R.actuallyCancel()
function B(t) {
console.log(t), R.spinner.stop(), alertDialog("There was an error.")
}, t.prototype.timeChange = function(t) {
console.log("time change"), console.log(t)
}, t.prototype.dateChange = function(t, e, n) {
var i, r = this;
if ("staggered" === e ? "number" == typeof(i = this.assignment.staggered[n].when) && (i = new Date(i)) : i = -2 == n ? this.tempDefaults.time : -1 == n ? this.assignment.start_time : e.due[n], t && i && !isNaN(t) && !isNaN(i)) {
var o = i.getMinutes(),
s = i.getHours();
t.getMonth() != i.getMonth() && (t.setHours(s), t.setMinutes(o)), s < 12 && 12 == t.getHours() && (0 != s || o != t.getMinutes()) && (t.setHours(0), this.timepickerMeridianShows = !1, setTimeout((function() {
r.timepickerMeridianShows = !0
}), 0)), t && ("staggered" === e ? this.assignment.staggered[n].when = t : -2 == n ? this.tempDefaults.time = t : -1 == n ? this.assignment.start_time = t : e.due[n] = t), this.datePickerHasBeenInitialized || (this.datePickerHasBeenInitialized = !0), t.getTime() != this.defaultDate().getTime() && (this.defaultDateUsed = !1)
}, t.prototype.failSkill = function(t, e) {
this.listItemClicked(t), = "skills", this.detailsShowing[t] = e
}, t.prototype.secondsToMinutes = function(t) {
var e = Math.floor(t / 60);
return (t = Math.round(t - 60 * e)) < 10 && (t = "0" + t), e + " min " + t + " sec"
}, t.prototype.closeAssignVideoMessage = function() {
this.addVideosMessage = !1, this.auth.preferences("addVideosMessageDismissed", !0)
}, t.prototype.closeNewCorrectionFeaturesMessage = function() {
this.newCorrectionFeaturesMessage = !1, this.auth.preferences("newCorrectionFeaturesMessageDismissed", !0)
}, t.prototype.createOwnProblem = function() {
var t = this,
e = this.assignmentData.addItem("create_own");
this.assignmentData.getCreateOwnProblemID().then((function(n) {
if (n.message) return alertDialog(n.message);
t.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit.skills[e].problem_id = n._id, t.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit.skills[e].not_edited = !0, t.problemData.setProblem(n)
}, t.prototype.getTimeEstimate = function(t) {
var e = JSON.stringify(t);
if (this.assignmentChangedText === e) return "";
this.assignmentChangedText = e;
for (var n = this.skillcodesService.moduleData, i = 0, r = function(t) {
if (!t) return 300;
var e = t.indexOf("min");
return 60 * parseInt(t.substr(0, e)) + parseInt(t.substr(e + 4, t.length - (e + 4) - 3))
}, o = 0; o < t.order.length; o++) {
var s = t.skills[t.order[o]],
a = s.required ? s.required : 0;
if (s.is_video && s.delta_video) i += this.skillcodesService.skillcodes.skills[s.skill] ? this.skillcodesService.skillcodes.skills[s.skill].video_seconds : 0;
else {
if (s.is_video) continue;
if (s.timed) i += 300;
else if (s.create_own_problem) i += 300;
else if (n[t.order[o]]) i += r(n[t.order[o]].avg_time) * a;
else if (_.isArray(s.skillarray)) {
for (var c = 0, l = 0, d = 0; d < s.skillarray.length; d++) n[s.skillarray[d]].avg_time && (c += r(n[s.skillarray[d]].avg_time), l++);
i += (l ? Math.round(c / l) : 300) * a
return this.timeEstimate = this.calculateTimeEstimate(i), ""
}, t.prototype.calculateTimeEstimate = function(t) {
if (0 == t) return "0 minutes";
if (t < 30) return t + " seconds";
if (t < 6030) return (e = Math.round(t / 60)) + " minute" + (1 == e ? "" : "s");
var e = Math.round(t / 60),
n = Math.floor(e / 60);
return n + " hour" + (1 == n ? "" : "s") + " and " + (e %= 60) + " minute" + (1 == e ? "" : "s")
}, t.prototype.testItemGoToProblem = function(t) {
t.single_problem ? this.router.navigate(["/teacher/solve/" + t.problem_id]) : this.skillcodesService.skillClicked(t.skillcode)
}, t.prototype.copyIndividualCreateOwnProblem = function(t) {
var e = this;
sk: t,
id: this.assignment.skills[t].problem_id
}]).then((function(n) {
var i = e.assignmentData.addItem("create_own");
e.assignment.skills[i].problem_id = n[0].id, e.assignmentData.copySkillSettingsOnCustomProblemCopy(e.assignment.skills[t], e.assignment.skills[i])
}, t.prototype.changeShowAddtionalOverivewSettings = function() {
this.showAdditionalOverviewSettings = !this.showAdditionalOverviewSettings, this.auth.preferences("showAdditionalOverviewSettings", this.showAdditionalOverviewSettings)
}, t.prototype.changeShowGoogleClassroomSettings = function() {
this.showGoogleClassroomSettings = !this.showGoogleClassroomSettings, this.auth.preferences("showGoogleClassroomSettings", this.showGoogleClassroomSettings)
}, t.prototype.populateSkillToQuestions = function() {
this.assignment.skillToQuestions = {};
for (var t = 0; t < this.assignment.questionOrder.length; t++) {
var e = this.assignment.questions[this.assignment.questionOrder[t]];
e.skills = _.uniq(e.skills);
for (var n = 0, i = e.skills; n < i.length; n++) {
var r = i[n];
void 0 === this.assignment.skillToQuestions[r] && (this.assignment.skillToQuestions[r] = []), this.assignment.skillToQuestions[r].push(this.assignment.questionOrder[t])
}, t.prototype.populateQuestionSkills = function(t) {
for (var e = 0, n = t.questionOrder; e < n.length; e++) t.questions[n[e]].skills = [];
for (var i = !0, r = 0, o = t.order; r < o.length; r++) {
var s = o[r];
void 0 === t.skillToQuestions[s] && (t.skillToQuestions[s] = []);
for (var a = !1, c = 0, l = t.skillToQuestions[s]; c < l.length; c++) {
var d = l[c];
"blank" !== d ? (a = !0, t.questions[d].skills.push(s)) : i = !1
i = i && a
return i
}, t.prototype.questionLinkChange = function() {
var t = this;
setTimeout((function() {
}, t.prototype.unlinkCorrection = function() {
var t = this;
this.modal.showModal('Are you sure you want to unlink this test? If you do, students will be forced to type in their own points to initialize the corrections. The "Questions" and "Skills" tabs will remain as they are now, but the "Questions" tab will become editable. The test may be re-linked if you are making changes to the test, but any edits you made to this correction (such as custom questions) will be overwritten. ', "Warning", "Cancel", "UNLINK the Test").result.then((function(e) {
}), (function() {}))
}, t.prototype.changeLinkedTest = function(t) {
var e, n = this;
1 == t ? e = 'If you change the test or settings on the linked corrections, any manual changes you made to the "Skills" tab will be overwritten.' : 2 == t && (e = 'Warning: By linking a test, the current "Questions" and "Skills" tabs will be completely overwritten with information from that test.'), this.modal.showModal(e, "Warning", "Cancel", "I understand").result.then((function(t) {
}), (function() {}))
}, t.prototype.actuallyUnlink = function() {
delete this.assignment.linkedTest, alertDialog("The test has been unlinked. You must SAVE this assignment to finalize. ")
}, t.prototype.automaticCorrectionInit = function() {
var t = this,
e = "",
n = !1;
for (var i in this.assignmentData.teacherAssignments) this.assignmentData.teacherAssignments[i].is_test && (n = !0, e = "<option value=" + i + ">" + this.assignmentData.teacherAssignments[i].name + "</option>" + e);
if (e = "<option value=0>Select an assignment...</option>" + e, !n) return alertDialog("You have no DeltaMath tests in the current term to link.");
this.modal.showModal('\n\t\t<div class="form-group">\n <label for="correctionLinkAssignment">Test to Link:</label>\n <select class="form-control" id="correctionLinkAssignment">' + e + '</select>\n </div>\n <div id="link-warning-one" style="font-size:0.95em;">\n \t<span style="color:red; font-weight:bold;">Warning: </span> \n \tOnce a test correction is linked to a DeltaMath test, the questions and points on that DeltaMath test cannot be edited. So make sure your test is in its final form.\n </div>\n <div id="correctionLinkSettings" style="display:none;">\n\t <div class="form-group">\n\t <label for="whatToCopy">What to copy:</label>\n\t <select class="form-control" id="whatToCopy">\n\t \t<option value="question_and_skills">Question Points and Skills</option>\n\t \t<option value="questions_only">Question Points Only</option>\n\t \t</select>\n\t </div>\n\t <div id="questions-only-note" style="display:none;">\n\t \t<span style="font-weight:bold;">Note: </span>\n\t \tThis will only populate the "Questions" tab. You will have to add all of the skills yourself and link to the appropriate questions. \n\t </div>\n\t <div id="correctionLinkMoreSettings" style="display:none;">\n\t \t\n\t \t<div class="form-group">\n\t\t <label for="correctionsVideoAndOrSkills">Skills, Videos or Both:</label>\n\t\t <select class="form-control" id="correctionsVideoAndOrSkills">\n\t\t \t<option value="skills">Assign skills only</option>\n\t\t \t<option value="videos">Assign DeltaMath videos only</option>\n\t\t \t<option value="skills_and_videos">Assign skills and DeltaMath videos</option>\n\t\t \t</select>\n\t\t </div>\n\t \n\t\t <div id="correctionLinkMoreSettingsSkillsSelected" style="display:none; margin-top:10px;">\n\t\t \t<div class="form-group" id="correctionCreateYourOwnArea">\n\t\t\t <label for="correctionCreateYourOwn">For a "Create Your Own Problem":</label>\n\t\t\t <select class="form-control" id="correctionCreateYourOwn">\n\t\t\t \t<option value="copy">Create a copy of the problem to edit</option>\n\t\t\t \t<option value="blank">Create a blank placeholder to edit</option>\n\t\t\t \t<option value="none">Assign nothing to student</option>\n\t\t\t \t</select>\n\t\t\t </div>\n\t\t\t <div class="form-group" id="correctionAssignThisProblemArea">\n\t\t\t <label for="correctionAssignThisProblem">For an "Assign THIS Problem":</label>\n\t\t\t <select class="form-control" id="correctionAssignThisProblem">\n\t\t\t \t<option value="subtype">Assign randomly from same subtype</option>\n\t\t\t \t<option value="skill">Assign randomly from same skill</option>\n\t\t\t \t<option value="exact">Assign the exact same problem again</option>\n\t\t\t \t</select>\n\t\t\t </div>\n\t\t </div>\n\t\t </div>\n\t\t <div id="will-be-allowed-to-edit-skills-note" style="display:none;">\n\t \t<span style="font-weight:bold;">Note: </span>\n\t \tAfter linking, you will still be able to make edits or changes to the "Skills" tab.\n\t </div>\n\t </div>\n ', "Automatic Test Correction", "Cancel", "Link Test").result.then((function(e) {
}), (function() {})), setTimeout((function() {
var e = t;
$("#correctionLinkAssignment").change((function() {
$("#link-warning-one").hide(), $("#correctionLinkSettings").show(), $(this).find("option[value=0]").remove();
var t = e.assignmentData.teacherAssignments[$(this).val()];
$("#correctionCreateYourOwnArea").hide(), $("#correctionAssignThisProblemArea").hide();
for (var n = 0, i = t.order; n < i.length; n++) {
var r = t.skills[i[n]];
r.create_own_problem ? $("#correctionCreateYourOwnArea").show() : r.single_problem && $("#correctionAssignThisProblemArea").show()
var n = t.auth.preferences("corrections_link_what_to_copy") || "question_and_skills",
i = !1;
$("#whatToCopy").val(n).change((function() {
var t = $(this).val();
i && e.auth.preferences("corrections_link_what_to_copy", t), "question_and_skills" === t ? ($("#correctionLinkMoreSettings").show(), $("#questions-only-note").hide(), $("#will-be-allowed-to-edit-skills-note").show()) : ($("#correctionLinkMoreSettings").hide(), $("#questions-only-note").show(), $("#will-be-allowed-to-edit-skills-note").hide())
var r = t.auth.preferences("corrections_video_and_or_skills") || "skills";
$("#correctionsVideoAndOrSkills").val(r).change((function() {
-1 !== $(this).val().indexOf("skills") ? $("#correctionLinkMoreSettingsSkillsSelected").show() : $("#correctionLinkMoreSettingsSkillsSelected").hide(), i && e.auth.preferences("corrections_video_and_or_skills", $(this).val())
})).change(), i = !0;
var o = t.auth.preferences("corrections_create_your_own") || "copy";
$("#correctionCreateYourOwn").val(o).change((function() {
e.auth.preferences("corrections_create_your_own", $(this).val())
var s = t.auth.preferences("corrections_assign_this_problem") || "subtype";
$("#correctionAssignThisProblem").val(s).change((function() {
e.auth.preferences("corrections_assign_this_problem", $(this).val())
}, t.prototype.actuallyPopulateCorrection = function() {
return t = this, void 0, n = function() {
var t, e, n, i, r, o, s, a, c, l, d, u, h, p, f, m, g, b, v, y, w, C, O, k, E, P, x, D, M, j, S, T, A, I, R, L, B, F, U, N, W;
return function(t, e) {
var n, i, r, o, s = {
label: 0,
sent: function() {
if (1 & r[0]) throw r[1];
return r[1]
trys: [],
ops: []
return o = {
next: a(0),
throw: a(1),
return: a(2)
}, "function" == typeof Symbol && (o[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return this
}), o;
function a(o) {
return function(a) {
return function(o) {
if (n) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
for (; s;) try {
if (n = 1, i && (r = 2 & o[0] ? i.return : o[0] ? i.throw || ((r = i.return) &&, 0) : && !(r =, o[1])).done) return r;
switch (i = 0, r && (o = [2 & o[0], r.value]), o[0]) {
case 0:
case 1:
r = o;
case 4:
return s.label++, {
value: o[1],
done: !1
case 5:
s.label++, i = o[1], o = [0];
case 7:
o = s.ops.pop(), s.trys.pop();
if (!((r = (r = s.trys).length > 0 && r[r.length - 1]) || 6 !== o[0] && 2 !== o[0])) {
s = 0;
if (3 === o[0] && (!r || o[1] > r[0] && o[1] < r[3])) {
s.label = o[1];
if (6 === o[0] && s.label < r[1]) {
s.label = r[1], r = o;
if (r && s.label < r[2]) {
s.label = r[2], s.ops.push(o);
r[2] && s.ops.pop(), s.trys.pop();
o =, s)
} catch (a) {
o = [6, a], i = 0
} finally {
n = r = 0
if (5 & o[0]) throw o[1];
return {
value: o[0] ? o[1] : void 0,
done: !0
}([o, a])
}(this, (function(Q) {
switch (Q.label) {
case 0:
if (!(t = this.assignmentData.teacherAssignments[$("#correctionLinkAssignment").val()])) return alertDialog("You must select a DeltaMath test to link to this correction assignment."), [2];
if (this.isLtiResourceAssignment) {
if (!this.isLtiResourceLaunch) return [2, alertDialog("You can only edit the test linked to this correction by launching into this assignment from your LMS. ")];
if (!(e = this.assignmentData.ltiContext ? this.assignmentData.ltiContext.context_title : null)) return [2, alertDialog("There has been an error determining the section name of your current launch. ")];
if (-1 == t.sectionList.indexOf(e)) return [2, alertDialog('You have launched into an assignment for the section "' + e + '", but the test you have selected has not been assigned to that section.')]
if (n = !1, i = !1, this.assignment.linkedTest == t._id && (n = _.clone(this.assignment.questionOrder), i = _.cloneDeep(this.assignment.skills)), this.assignment.questionOrder = [], this.assignment.questions = {}, this.assignment.order = [], this.assignment.skills = {}, r = this.skillcodesService.moduleData, o = this.skillcodesService.skillcodes, s = $("#whatToCopy").val(), a = $("#correctionsVideoAndOrSkills").val(), c = $("#correctionCreateYourOwn").val(), l = $("#correctionAssignThisProblem").val(), d = 0, u = 0, h = {}, p = {}, "subtype" === l)
for (f = 0, m = t.order; f < m.length; f++)(O = t.skills[y = m[f]]).single_problem && !O.create_own_problem && r[O.skillcode].typeDescription && (p[O.problem_id] = {
skillcode: O.skillcode
return Object.keys(p).length ? [4, this.assignmentData.getTypeFromProblemID(p)] : [3, 2];
case 1:
p = Q.sent(), Q.label = 2;
case 2:
for (g = [], b = 0, v = t.order; b < v.length; b++)
if (y = v[b], w = this.assignmentData.addItem("question", {
appendToSk: "_q" + d
}), n && (C = this.assignment.questions[w], delete this.assignment.questions[w], this.assignment.questionOrder[d] = w = n[d], this.assignment.questions[w] = C), d++, this.assignment.questions[w].name = d + "", this.assignment.questions[w].linked_to = y, this.assignment.questions[w].points = (O = t.skills[y]).weight + "", "question_and_skills" === s) {
if (-1 !== a.indexOf("videos") && o.skills[O.skillcode].video_seconds)
if (h[O.skillcode]) {
for (k = 0, E = this.assignment.order; k < E.length; k++)
if (this.assignment.skills[I = E[k]].is_video && this.assignment.skills[I].skill === O.skillcode) {
} else h[O.skillcode] = 1, I = this.assignmentData.addItem("video_" + O.skillcode), u++, this.assignment.skillToQuestions[I] = [w];
if (-1 !== a.indexOf("skills")) {
if (P = function(t, e) {
return t.type_selected == e.type_selected && _.isEqual(t.typesSelected, e.typesSelected) && t.skillcode === e.skillcode && t.single_problem === e.single_problem
}, x = void 0, O.single_problem) {
if (O.create_own_problem) {
if ("none" === c) continue;
I = this.assignmentData.addItem("create_own", {
appendToSk: "_" + u
}), u++, this.assignment.skills[I].name = "Question " + (t.order.indexOf(y) + 1) + " Correction", this.assignment.skillToQuestions[I] = [w], "copy" === c ? g.push({
sk: I,
id: O.problem_id
}) : "blank" === c && g.push(I);
if ("exact" === l) {
I = this.assignmentData.addItem({
_id: O.problem_id,
skillcode: O.skillcode
}, {
appendToSk: "_" + u
}), u++, this.assignment.skillToQuestions[I] = [w];
if ("subtype" === l && r[O.skillcode].typeDescription) {
for (M in D = _.clone(r[O.skillcode].typeDescription)) D[M] = !1;
D[p[O.problem_id].typeKey] = !0, x = {
type_selected: !0,
typesSelected: D,
skillcode: O.skillcode
} else if (r[O.skillcode].typeDescription) {
for (M in D = _.clone(r[O.skillcode].typeDescription)) D[M] = !0;
x = {
type_selected: !0,
typesSelected: D,
skillcode: O.skillcode
} else x = {
type_selected: !1,
skillcode: O.skillcode
} else x = {
type_selected: O.type_selected,
typesSelected: O.typesSelected,
skillcode: O.skillcode
for (j = !1, S = 0, T = this.assignment.order; S < T.length; S++)
if (I = T[S], (A = _.clone(this.assignment.skills[I])).type_selected || (A.type_selected = !1), "custom" !== I.substr(0, 6) && (A.skillcode = I), P(A, x)) {
j = !0, this.assignment.skillToQuestions[I].push(w);
} if (!j) {
if (I = void 0, I = x.type_selected ? this.assignmentData.addItem({
typesSelected: x.typesSelected,
skillcode: x.skillcode
}, {
appendToSk: "_" + u
}) : this.assignmentData.addItem(x.skillcode, {
appendToSk: "_" + u,
addNormalSkill: !0
}), i)
for (R in i)
if (P(i[R], x)) {
this.assignment.order[this.assignment.order.length - 1] = R, this.assignment.skills[R] = this.assignment.skills[I], delete this.assignment.skills[I], I = R;
} this.assignment.skillToQuestions[I] = [w], u++
} return "copy" === c && g.length ? [4, this.assignmentData.copyCreateOwnProblems(g, t._id)] : [3, 4];
case 3:
if (L = Q.sent(), !Array.isArray(L) && L.message) return [2, alertDialog(L.message)];
for (B = 0, F = L; B < F.length; B++) this.assignment.skills[(U = F[B]).sk].problem_id =;
return [3, 6];
case 4:
return "blank" === c && g.length ? [4, this.assignmentData.getCreateOwnProblemIDMultiple(g.length)] : [3, 6];
case 5:
for (N = Q.sent(), W = 0; W < N.length; W++) this.problemData.setProblem(N[W]), this.assignment.skills[g[W]].problem_id = N[W]._id, this.assignment.skills[g[W]].not_edited = !0;
Q.label = 6;
case 6:
if (this.populateQuestionSkills(this.assignment), this.questionNameChanged(), this.pointsChanged(), this.assignment.linkedTest = t._id, this.assignment.linkedTestName =, !this.isLtiResourceLaunch) {
for (this.assignment.sectionList = _.clone(t.sectionList), this.assignment.studentList = _.clone(t.studentList), this.assignment.sectionListCopiedInfo = !0, this.studentSections = [], W = 0; W < this.user.sections.sections.length; W++) - 1 !== this.assignment.sectionList.indexOf(this.user.sections.sections[W]) && this.studentSections.push(W); - 1 != this.assignment.sectionList.indexOf("Individuals or Groups") && this.deltamathPlus && this.studentSections.push("delta_individuals"), this.optionsUpdated(this.studentSections, this.assignment.sectionList)
return [2]
}, new((e = void 0) || (e = Promise))((function(i, r) {
function o(t) {
try {
} catch (e) {
function s(t) {
try {
} catch (e) {
function a(t) {
var n;
t.done ? i(t.value) : (n = t.value, n instanceof e ? n : new e((function(t) {
}))).then(o, s)
a((n = n.apply(t, [])).next())
var t, e, n
}, t.prototype.deleteNotEdited = function(t) {
delete t.not_edited
}, t.prototype.ltiMenuSelection = function(t) {
var e = !1;
switch (t) {
case "standard":
case "test":
case "correction":
case "link":
this.isLtiLinkSelection = !0, e = !0, this.assignmentData.ltiLinkPageClickTime = (new Date).getTime(), this.router.navigate(["/teacher/assignments/lti-link"]);
case "copy":
e = !0, this.assignmentData.ltiCopyPageClickTime = (new Date).getTime(), this.router.navigate(["/teacher/assignments/lti-copy"])
this.showLtiMenu = e
}, t.prototype.checkAllFrequenciesForPrint = function(t) {
for (var e = 0, n = t.order; e < n.length; e++) {
var i = n[e];
if (t.skills[i].mixed && !0 !== t.skills[i].timed) {
for (var r = [], o = 0; o < t.skills[i].frequencies.length; o++) {
var s = t.skills[i].frequencies[o],
a = parseFloat(s.freq);
isNaN(a) || a <= 0 ? a = 1 : a > 9 ? a = 9 : a !== Math.round(a) && (a = Math.round(a));
for (var c = 0; c < a; c++) r.push(
t.skills[i].skillarray = r
}, t.prototype.initializePdf = function() {
this.checkAllFrequenciesForPrint(this.assignment), this.assignmentData.assignmentToPrint = this.assignment, this.router.navigate(["/teacher/print", this.assignment._id || 0])
}, t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)(l.dc(xt.a), l.dc(Dt.a), l.dc(Mt.a), l.dc(jt.c), l.dc(c.a), l.dc(a.n), l.dc(Pt.a), l.dc(o.b), l.dc(d.a))
}, t.\u0275cmp = l.Xb({
type: t,
selectors: [
viewQuery: function(t, e) {
var n;
1 & t && l.kd(Bt, !0), 2 & t && l.Mc(n = && (e.newFolderInputElement = n.first)
inputs: {
changeAssignment: "changeAssignment"
features: [l.Ob],
decls: 6,
vars: 2,
consts: [
[1, "col-md-4", "col-sm-6"],
["class", "col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 assignment-sidebar lti-menu", "id", "lti-menu-id", 3, "hidden", 4, "ngIf"],
["class", "col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12 assignment-sidebar", 3, "hidden", 4, "ngIf"],
["id", "lti-menu-id", 1, "col-md-4", "col-sm-6", "col-xs-12", "assignment-sidebar", "lti-menu", 3, "hidden"],
[1, "lti-menu-button", "btn", "btn-default", 3, "click"],
[1, "lti-menu-button", "btn", "btn-default", "final-lti-button", 3, "click"],
[1, "col-md-4", "col-sm-6", "col-xs-12", "assignment-sidebar", 3, "hidden"],
[4, "ngIf"],
["type", "warning", 4, "ngIf"],
["placement", "bottom", "container", "body", "class", "fa fa-print", "style", "margin-left:10px; cursor: pointer;", 3, "tooltip", "click", 4, "ngIf"],
["placement", "bottom", "container", "body", 1, "fa", "fa-print", 2, "margin-left", "10px", "cursor", "pointer", 3, "tooltip", "click"],
["type", "warning"],
[1, "create-assignment"],
["heading", "Overview", 1, "assignment-first-tab", 3, "active", "selectTab"],
[1, "form-group"],
["for", "assignmentName"],
["type", "text", "id", "assignmentName", "autocomplete", "off", 1, "form-control", 3, "ngModel", "ngModelChange"],
["dismissible", "true", "type", "warning", 3, "onClosed", 4, "ngIf"],
["style", "margin-bottom:15px; white-space: nowrap;", 4, "ngIf"],
["dismissible", "true", "type", "info", 3, "onClosed", 4, "ngIf"],
["type", "danger", 3, "hidden", 4, "ngIf"],
[3, "hidden"],
[3, "ngModel", "options", "settings", "ngModelChange"],
["style", "margin-top:20px;", 4, "ngIf"],
[2, "margin-top", "20px"],
[1, "form-control", 2, "display", "inline", "width", "auto", 3, "ngModel", "ngModelChange"],
["value", "now"],
["value", "later"],
["value", "time"],
["value", "staggered", 4, "ngIf"],
["placement", "top", "container", "body", 1, "fa", "fa-question-circle-o", 2, "margin-left", "5px", "opacity", "0.5", "color", "#777", 3, "tooltip", "tooltipPopupDelay"],
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directives: [f.t, C.a, St.a, Tt.e, Tt.b, y.c, y.p, y.s, At.a, y.B, y.u, y.E, f.q, m.a, o.e, f.s, It.e, It.b, Rt.a, o.c, Tt.c, jt.a, y.v, Lt.a, y.k, y.a, f.w, m.d, g.a, g.b, g.d],
pipes: [f.l, f.E],
styles: [".assignment-sidebar[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{border-right:1px dashed #777;background-color:#f2f2f2;position:fixed;top:0;left:0;padding:0 15px;height:100%;overflow-y:scroll;margin-bottom:-60px}.final-lti-button[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin-bottom:20px}.lti-menu[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{display:flex;flex-direction:column;position:fixed}.lti-menu-button[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{height:40px;width:80%;margin:20px auto 0}.section-name[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin-bottom:0}@media(max-width:767px){.lti-menu[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{width:100%;padding-bottom:20px}}@media(max-width:767px){create-assignment[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{display:block;margin:-21px -15px -15px}.assignment-sidebar[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{border-right:0 dashed #777;border-bottom:1px dashed #777;position:static;height:auto;margin-bottom:40px}}.margin-bottom-200-small[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin-bottom:40px}@media(min-width:768px){.margin-bottom-200-small[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin-bottom:200px}}.assignment-sidebar.fixed-position[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{position:fixed;top:0}h2[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin-bottom:15px;font-size:1.92em}ul.nav.nav-tabs[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{border-bottom:1px solid #777}.skill-edit-control[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin-left:-12px;margin-right:4px}.assignment-skill-item[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{background:transparent;padding:8px 7px;border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;margin:0 -2px}.skill-list-inner-div[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{padding-left:23px;padding-right:23px}.assignment-skill-item[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:last-child{border-bottom:none}.create-assignment[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .glyphicon-move[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{position:absolute;left:0;cursor:pointer;top:50%;transform:translateY(-50%);-webkit-transform:translateY(-50%);-ms-transform:translateY(-50%)}.gu-mirror[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .glyphicon-minus-sign[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{position:static;display:none}.gu-mirror[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .skill-list-inner-div[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{position:relative;top:-23px}.create-assignment[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .glyphicon-minus-sign[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{position:absolute;right:0;cursor:pointer;top:50%;transform:translateY(-50%);-webkit-transform:translateY(-50%);-ms-transform:translateY(-50%);color:#d41}.create-assignment[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .fa-edit[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{position:absolute;left:0;cursor:pointer;top:4px;color:inherit;display:none}.create-assignment[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .show-notes[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .assignment-skill-item.selected[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .fa-edit[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{display:inherit}.create-assignment[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .glyphicon-minus-sign[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:hover{opacity:.8}.skill-edit-control.glyphicon-minus-sign[_ngcontent-%COMP%], .skill-edit-control.glyphicon-plus-sign[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{cursor:pointer}.skill-edit-control.glyphicon-minus-sign[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:hover, .skill-edit-control.glyphicon-plus-sign[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:hover{opacity:.8}.assignment-skill-list[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{background:rgba(0,0,255,0);margin:-15px -13px;font-size:.85em}.assignment-skill-settings[_ngcontent-%COMP%] input[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{text-align:center}.assignment-skill-settings[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin-top:18px;display:none;margin-right:-20px}.assignment-skill-item.selected[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .assignment-skill-settings[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{display:block}.show-when-selected[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{display:none;width:89%}.assignment-skill-item.selected[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .show-when-selected[_ngcontent-%COMP%], .hide-when-selected[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{display:initial}.assignment-skill-item.selected[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .hide-when-selected[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{display:none}.assignment-skill-item.selected.selected[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{background-color:rgba(44,62,80,.05)}.gu-mirror[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .assignment-skill-item.selected[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .assignment-skill-settings[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{display:none}.default-well[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{border:1px solid #2c3e50;background-color:#ddd;font-size:.9em;text-align:center}.default-well[_ngcontent-%COMP%] li[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{padding:10px 5px}.default-well[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .button-area[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{position:relative;left:0;text-align:center;margin:10px -20px 0}.timed-settings[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin-left:10px}.timed-settings[_ngcontent-%COMP%] td[_ngcontent-%COMP%], .timed-settings[_ngcontent-%COMP%] th[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{padding:4px 10px;border:1px solid #000;text-align:center;background-color:#fafafa}.mixed-well[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{background-color:#fafafa;border:1px solid #777;padding:1px;margin-bottom:10px}.mixed-well[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .mixed-right-tools[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{position:absolute;right:5px;transform:translateY(-50%);-webkit-transform:translateY(-50%);-ms-transform:translateY(-50%);top:50%}.mixed-well[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .mixed-right-tools[_ngcontent-%COMP%] i[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{color:#d41;cursor:pointer}.mixed-well[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .mixed-right-tools[_ngcontent-%COMP%] i[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:hover{opacity:.7}.mixed-well[_ngcontent-%COMP%] li[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{border-bottom:1px solid #eee;position:relative;text-align:left;padding:5px 50px 5px 5px}.mixed-well[_ngcontent-%COMP%] li[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:last-child{border-bottom:0}.relative-frequency-description[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{font-size:.8em;margin-top:-7px;opacity:.8;white-space:nowrap}.points-count[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{text-align:center;background:rgba(44,62,80,.15);font-weight:700;font-size:1.2em}ul.hide-minus[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .glyphicon-minus-sign[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{display:none}.penaly-margin-add[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin:0 7px}.due-schedule[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{padding:15px;border-bottom:1px dashed #777;position:relative}.due-schedule[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .fa-times[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{opacity:.8;cursor:pointer;color:#444}.due-schedule[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .fa-times.fa-times-big[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{position:absolute;font-size:1.4em;top:10px;right:10px}.due-schedule[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .fa-times.fa-times-late-remove[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{position:relative;left:-7px}.due-schedule[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .fa-times[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:hover{opacity:.5}.due-schedule[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:last-child{border-bottom:0}.tab-pane.due-pane[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{padding:0}.linked-to-div-active[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{display:flex;align-items:center}.linked-to-div[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin-right:10px;white-space:nowrap}.linked-to-div-inactive[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .linked-to-div[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{display:none}.linked-to-div-neighbor[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{flex-grow:1}@media only screen and (max-width:1062px) and (min-width:990px){.rest-of-word-questions[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{display:none}}@media only screen and (max-width:354px){.rest-of-word-questions[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{display:none}}.correction-question-title[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{max-width:35px;text-align:center;margin-left:5px;margin-right:15px}.correction-linked-count[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{color:#999;margin-left:10px;white-space:nowrap}@media only screen and (max-width:1135px) and (min-width:990px){.correction-linked-count-word[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{display:none}.correction-question-title[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin-right:5px}}"]
}), t
zi = n("VCBd"),
Gi = n("SIv9");
function Yi(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "button", 8), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(1, "Back to Current Term"), l.ic()
function $i(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "alert", 9), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(1), l.ed(n.getBannerMessage())
var Zi = function() {
function t(t, e, n, i, r, o, s) {
this.router = t, this.route = e, this.spinner = n, this.assignmentService = i, this.auth = r, this.studentData = o, this.skillcodes = s
return t.prototype.ngOnInit = function() {
this.spinner.stop(), this.auth.currentTerm || this.auth.setTerm();
var t = this.auth.getUser();
this.plusActive = t.deltamath_plus_active, t.algnation_created && this.router.navigate(["/teacher/manage"]), $("#delta-twitter").show(), $("#footer-text-large-screen").css("top", -4), setTimeout((function() {
try {
} catch (t) {}
}), 0)
}, t.prototype.getBannerMessage = function() {
return this.skillcodes.bannerMessage
}, t.prototype.backToCurrent = function() {
var t = this.auth.getUser();
this.studentData.savedAssignmentGradesByTeacherID = {}, this.studentData.sectionShowing = "deltamathALL", this.assignmentService.teacherAssignments = t.saveTeacherAssignments, this.studentData.studentList = t.saveStudentList, t.sections = t.currentSections, delete t.saveTeacherAssignments, delete t.saveStudentList, delete t.currentSections, this.auth.updateUser(t), this.auth.setTerm("current"), $("#recalculateTypeahead").click(), this.router.navigate("/teacher/assignments" === this.router.url ? ["teacher"] : ["teacher/assignments"]), this.assignmentService.editingAssignment = !1
}, t.prototype.mainHidden = function() {
return "/teacher" !== this.router.url
}, t.prototype.whichContainerClass = function() {
var t = this.router.url,
e = !1;
"/teacher" !== t && -1 === t.indexOf("/teacher/programmer") && -1 === t.indexOf("/teacher/data") && -1 === t.indexOf("/teacher/assignments") && -1 === t.indexOf("/teacher/manage") && -1 === t.indexOf("/teacher/print") && -1 === t.indexOf("/teacher/programming") && -1 === t.indexOf("/teacher/stats") && -1 === t.indexOf("/teacher/classroom") && -1 === t.indexOf("/teacher/code") || (e = !0);
var n = !1;
return -1 !== t.indexOf("/teacher/data") && (n = !0), {
container: !e,
"container-fluid": e,
"special-container": n
}, t.prototype.whichMainClass = function() {
return this.assignmentService.editingAssignment ? "col-md-8 col-sm-6 col-xs-12" : "col-xs-12"
}, t.prototype.updatePlus = function() {
this.auth.getUser(), this.plusActive = Math.random()
}, t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)(l.dc(o.b), l.dc(o.a), l.dc(a.m), l.dc(a.c), l.dc(c.a), l.dc(a.n), l.dc(a.l))
}, t.\u0275cmp = l.Xb({
type: t,
selectors: [
decls: 25,
vars: 8,
consts: [
[3, "schoolPlus"],
["class", "btn btn-primary btn-sm return-to-current", 3, "click", 4, "ngIf"],
["class", "alert-negative-margin", "type", "danger", 4, "ngIf"],
[1, "container-fluid"],
[3, "changeAssignment", "hidden"],
[1, "main", "container-fluid", 3, "ngClass", "hidden"],
[3, "updatePlus"],
[1, "main", 3, "ngClass"],
[1, "btn", "btn-primary", "btn-sm", "return-to-current", 3, "click"],
["type", "danger", 1, "alert-negative-margin"]
template: function(t, e) {
1 & t && (, "teacher-navbar", 0), l.dd(1, "\n"),, Yi, 2, 0, "button", 1), l.dd(3, "\n"),, $i, 2, 1, "alert", 2), l.dd(5, "\n"), l.jc(6, "div", 3), l.dd(7, "\n\t\n\t"),, "create-assignment", 4), l.dd(9, " "), l.dd(10, "\n\n\t"), l.jc(11, "div", 5), l.dd(12, "\n\t\t"), l.jc(13, "teacher-main", 6), l.rc("updatePlus", (function() {
return e.updatePlus()
})), l.ic(), l.dd(14, "\n\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(15, "\n\n\t"), l.jc(16, "div", 7), l.dd(17, " "), l.dd(18, "\n\t\t"),, "router-outlet"), l.dd(20, "\n\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(21, "\n\n\t"), l.dd(22, "\n"), l.ic(), l.dd(23, "\n\n"),, "keyboard")), 2 & t && (l.Cc("schoolPlus", e.plusActive), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "current" !== e.auth.currentTerm), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.getBannerMessage()), l.Qb(4), l.Cc("changeAssignment", e.assignmentService.getCounter())("hidden", e.mainHidden() || !e.assignmentService.editingAssignment), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngClass", e.whichMainClass())("hidden", e.mainHidden()), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngClass", e.whichContainerClass()))
directives: [Et, f.t, Hi, f.q, m.a, zi.a, o.g, Gi.a, St.a],
encapsulation: 2
}), t
Xi = function() {
function t() {}
return t.prototype.ngOnInit = function() {}, t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)
}, t.\u0275cmp = l.Xb({
type: t,
selectors: [
decls: 1,
vars: 0,
template: function(t, e) {
1 & t &&, "router-outlet")
directives: [o.g],
styles: [".data-table td:nth-child(n+3),.data-table th:nth-child(n+3){text-align:center;min-width:60px}th.rotate{white-space:nowrap}.table-rotated-text td[colspan],th.rotate{height:220px}th.rotate>div{transform:translate(16px,-3px) rotate(315deg);-ms-transform:translate(16px,-3px) rotate(315deg);-webkit-transform:translate(16px,-3px) rotate(315deg);width:27px}th.rotate>div>span{border-bottom:0 solid #ccc;padding:4px 1px}.table-rotated-text table.table-striped{border:0}.table-responsive.table-rotated-text{border:0;position:relative;top:-65px;margin-left:-30px;padding-left:30px;width:105%}@media(max-width:767px){.table-responsive.table-rotated-text{width:108%}}@media(max-width:500px){.table-responsive.table-rotated-text{width:115%}}@media(max-width:400px){.table-responsive.table-rotated-text{width:118%}}@media(max-width:300px){.table-responsive.table-rotated-text{width:125%}}.table-rotated-text.table-responsive>.table-bordered>tbody>tr>td.border-left,.table-rotated-text.table-responsive>.table-bordered>thead>tr>th.border-left{border-left:1px solid #ecf0f1}.table-rotated-text.table-responsive>.table-bordered>tbody>tr>td.border-right,.table-rotated-text.table-responsive>.table-bordered>thead>tr>th.border-right{border-right:1px solid #ecf0f1}.table-rotated-text.table-responsive>.table-bordered>tbody>tr>td.border-bottom,.table-rotated-text.table-responsive>.table-bordered>tbody>tr>th.border-bottom{border-bottom:1px solid ##ecf0f1}.table-rotated-text tr.rotated-text td,.table-rotated-text tr.rotated-text th{border:0;vertical-align:bottom}.data-table td:nth-child(4){font-weight:700}.assignment-view-tools{position:relative;z-index:100;display:inline-block}.assignment-view-tools button.btn-primary{opacity:.6}h2.assignment-heading{margin-top:0;margin-bottom:25px}.container-fluid.special-container{padding-left:30px;padding-right:30px}.table-bordered>tbody>tr>td,.table-bordered>tbody>tr>th,.table-bordered>tfoot>tr>td,.table-bordered>tfoot>tr>th,.table-bordered>thead>tr>td,.table-bordered>thead>tr>th,table-bordered>tbody>tr>td,table-bordered>tbody>tr>th,table-bordered>tfoot>tr>td,table-bordered>tfoot>tr>th,table-bordered>thead>tr>td,table-bordered>thead>tr>th{border:1px solid #edd}table.table-responsive{margin-bottom:15px}table.table-responsive.margin-bottom-17{margin-bottom:17px}"],
encapsulation: 2
}), t
Ji = n("DQlY"),
tr = function() {
return ["select"]
er = function() {
return ["/teacher/assignments"]
function nr(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "span"), l.dd(1, "\n\t "), l.jc(2, "button", 21), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),!0)
})), l.dd(3, "\n\t "),, "b", 22), l.dd(5, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.jc(6, "button", 23), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),, l.Nc(14).show()
})), l.dd(7, "\n\t "),, "b", 24), l.dd(9, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.jc(10, "button", 25), l.dd(11, "\n\t "),, "b", 14), l.dd(13, " \t\n\t "), l.ic(), l.jc(14, "button", 26), l.dd(15, "\n\t\t\tAssignment List View "),, "b", 27), l.dd(17, "\n\t\t"), l.ic(), l.jc(18, "button", 28), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(19, "\n\t Show default assignments \t\n\t "), l.ic(), l.dd(20, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(10), l.Cc("hidden", i.user.course_activation_code)("routerLink", l.Fc(4, tr)), l.Qb(4), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Fc(5, er)), l.Qb(4), l.Cc("hidden", i.user.course_activation_code || !i.showDefaultAssignmentButton)
function ir(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "option"), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n = e.$implicit;
l.Rb("value", n), l.Qb(1), l.ed(n)
function rr(t, e) {
1 & t &&, "i", 46)
var or = function(t) {
return ["/teacher/data/assignment", t]
function sr(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "th", 43), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(2, "div"), l.jc(3, "span"),, rr, 1, 0, "i", 44), l.jc(5, "a", 45), l.dd(6), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(7, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n = e.$implicit;
l.Qb(4), l.Cc("ngIf", n.individuals_or_groups), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Gc(3, or,, l.Qb(1), l.ed(n.title)
function ar(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "th", 47), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t = e.$implicit;
})), l.dd(1), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.$implicit;
l.Qb(1), l.ed(i.title)
function cr(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "th", 47), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t = e.$implicit;
})), l.dd(1), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(1), l.ed(r.getAverage(r.sectionAverages[r.section || "deltamathALL"][], r.section,
function lr(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "th", 48), l.jc(1, "a", 49), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(2), l.ic(), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(2), l.ed(i.studentData.showAllBySection[i.section] ? "\xab show less" : "show all \xbb")
function dr(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "td"), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n = e.$implicit;
l.Qb(1), l.ed(n)
var ur = function(t) {
return {
"dm-link-hover": t
hr = function(t) {
return ["/teacher/data/student", t]
function pr(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "tr"), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(2, "td"), l.jc(3, "a", 50), l.rc("mouseover", (function() {
var t = e.$implicit;
return =
}))("mouseleave", (function() {
return l.Rc(n), = -1
})), l.dd(4), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(5, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(6, "td"), l.jc(7, "a", 50), l.rc("mouseover", (function() {
var t = e.$implicit;
return =
}))("mouseleave", (function() {
return l.Rc(n), = -1
})), l.dd(8), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, dr, 2, 1, "td", 37), l.dd(11, "\n\t\t\t"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngClass", l.Gc(7, ur, === r.hovering))("routerLink", l.Gc(9, hr,, l.Qb(1), l.ed(i.first), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngClass", l.Gc(11, ur, === r.hovering))("routerLink", l.Gc(13, hr,, l.Qb(1), l.ed(i.last), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngForOf", i.tds)
function fr(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 29), l.dd(1, "\n\t"), l.jc(2, "table", 30), l.dd(3, "\n\t\t"), l.jc(4, "thead"), l.dd(5, "\n\t\t\t"), l.jc(6, "tr", 31), l.dd(7, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(8, "td", 32), l.dd(9, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(10, "div", 33), l.dd(11, "\n "), l.jc(12, "label", 34), l.dd(13), l.ic(), l.dd(14, "\n "), l.jc(15, "select", 35), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n),
}))("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(16, " "), l.dd(17, "\n "), l.jc(18, "option", 36), l.dd(19, "All"), l.ic(), l.dd(20, "\n "),, ir, 2, 2, "option", 37), l.dd(22, "\n "), l.jc(23, "option", 38), l.dd(24, "Individuals or Groups"), l.ic(), l.dd(25, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(26, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(27, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(28, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, sr, 8, 5, "th", 39), l.wc(30, "slice"), l.dd(31, "\n\t\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(32, "\n\t\t\t"), l.jc(33, "tr", 40), l.dd(34, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, ar, 2, 1, "th", 41), l.dd(36, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, cr, 2, 1, "th", 41), l.wc(38, "slice"), l.dd(39, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, lr, 3, 1, "th", 42), l.dd(41, " "), l.dd(42, "\n\t\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(43, "\n\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(44, "\n\t\t"), l.jc(45, "tbody"), l.dd(46, "\n\t\t\t"), l.dd(47, "\n\t\t\t"),, pr, 12, 15, "tr", 37), l.dd(49, "\n\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(50, "\n\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(51, "\n"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(13), l.fd("", i.user.sections.groupedby, ": "), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngModel", i.section), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("hidden", i.user.course_activation_code), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngForOf", i.user.sections.sections), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", !i.hasIndivdualAssignments), l.Qb(6), l.Cc("ngForOf", l.yc(30, 10, i.columns, 4)), l.Qb(6), l.Cc("ngForOf", i.columns.slice(0, 4)), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngForOf", l.yc(38, 13, i.columns, 4)), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", i.studentData.limitReachedBySection[i.section] && !i.showDefaultAssignmentButton), l.Qb(8), l.Cc("ngForOf", i.rows)
function mr(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "h3"), l.dd(1, "You have not created any assignments."), l.ic())
var gr = function() {
function t(t, e, n, i, r, o, s) {
this.route = t, this.studentData = e, this.assignmentData = n, this.router = i, this.spinner = r, this.auth = o, this.modal = s, this.section = "", this.sortRecord = {}, this.sectionAverages = {}, this.has_assignments = !0, this.options = [], this.excelData = ["grade"], this.text = "heyyyy", this.videoPromotion = !1, this.videoPromotionDismisses = 0, this.dateFromServer = 0, this.freeTrialDays = !1, this.hasIndivdualAssignments = !1, this.allWeightsZero = {}, this.showDefaultAssignmentButton = !1, this.mySettings = {
buttonClasses: "btn-default",
showCheckAll: !1,
showUncheckAll: !1,
checkedStyle: "glyphicon",
closeOnSelect: !1,
dynamicTitleMaxItems: 1,
maxStringLength: 30
}, this.checkIfAllZeroGlitchRunOnce = !1
return t.prototype.ngOnInit = function() {
var t = this;
this.user = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("user")), this.auth.tempPreferences("viewAssignmentDefaultPage", "table"), !this.studentData.sectionShowing || -1 == this.user.sections.sections.indexOf(this.studentData.sectionShowing) && "Individuals or Groups" != this.studentData.sectionShowing ? (this.studentData.sectionShowing = "deltamathALL", this.section = "deltamathALL") : this.section = this.studentData.sectionShowing, {
t.studentAssignments = e.studentData, t.studentAssignments.studentList && (t.studentList = t.studentAssignments.studentList, t.studentData.studentList = t.studentList), t.dateFromServer = t.studentData.dateFromServer, delete t.studentAssignments.studentList
})), this.studentData.getStudentList().subscribe((function(e) {
return t.studentList = e
})), this.assignmentData.getTeacherAssignments().subscribe((function(e) {
for (var n in t.teacherAssignments = e, t.teacherAssignments) - 1 != t.teacherAssignments[n].sectionList.indexOf("Individuals or Groups") && (t.hasIndivdualAssignments = !0)
})), this.myChange()
}, t.prototype.myChange = function() {
this.spinner.stop(), (new Date).getTime();
var t, e, n, i = this.getAssignmentOrder();
if (this.ids = i, 0 == i.length) {
var r = this.auth.tempPreferences("assignmentOrder");
"object" == typeof r && r.length && (this.auth.tempPreferences("assignmentOrder", !1), (i = this.getAssignmentOrder()).length > 0 && this.refresh(!0))
this.has_assignments = i.length > 0 || Object.keys(this.teacherAssignments).length > 0 || "deltamathALL" != this.studentData.sectionShowing;
var o = [];
for (this.sectionAverages = {}, e = 0; e < this.user.sections.sections.length; e++) this.sectionAverages[this.user.sections.sections[e]] = {};
for (t in this.sectionAverages.deltamathALL = {}, this.sectionAverages["Individuals or Groups"] = {}, this.studentAssignments) {
for (o.push(t), e = 0; e < this.user.sections.sections.length; e++) this.sectionAverages[this.user.sections.sections[e]][t] = {
sum: 0,
count: 0,
average: 0
this.sectionAverages.deltamathALL[t] = {
sum: 0,
count: 0
}, this.sectionAverages["Individuals or Groups"][t] = {
sum: 0,
count: 0
for (t in this.columns = [{
title: "First",
id: "first"
}, {
title: "Last",
id: "last"
}, {
title: this.user.sections.groupedby,
id: "sectionStrCmp"
}, {
title: "Avg",
id: "avg"
}], this.allRows = [], this.studentList)
if (this.studentList[t].sections[this.user.teachercode]) {
first: this.studentList[t].first,
last: this.studentList[t].last,
id: t,
sections: this.studentList[t].sections[this.user.teachercode],
sectionStr: this.studentList[t].sections[this.user.teachercode].join(", "),
sectionStrCmp: this.studentList[t].sections[this.user.teachercode][0] || ""
var s, a = this.allRows.length - 1;
for (e = 0; e < o.length; e++)
if ("ids" !== o[e] && this.teacherAssignments[o[e]]) {
this.allRows[a][o[e]] = s = this.studentAssignments[o[e]][t];
var c = this.teacherAssignments[o[e]].studentList && -1 != this.teacherAssignments[o[e]].studentList.indexOf(this.studentList[t]._id);
if (c && (this.allRows[this.allRows.length - 1].individual = !0), 0 !== _.intersection(this.studentList[t].sections[this.user.teachercode], this.teacherAssignments[o[e]].sectionList).length || c) {
var l;
void 0 === s && (s = 0, this.allRows[a][o[e]] = 0);
try {
for (n = 0; n < this.studentList[t].sections[this.user.teachercode].length; n++) this.sectionAverages[this.studentList[t].sections[this.user.teachercode][n]] ? ((l = this.sectionAverages[this.studentList[t].sections[this.user.teachercode][n]][o[e]]).sum += s, l.count++) : (console.log("Student in a section that doesn't exist: "), console.log(this.studentList[t]))
} catch (d) {
console.log("Student in a section that doesn't exist: "), console.log(this.studentList[t]), console.log(d)
}(l = this.sectionAverages.deltamathALL[o[e]]).sum += s, l.count++
} else console.log("would have caused an error: "), console.log(t), console.log(this.studentList[t]), console.log(this.user);
this.allRows = "deltamathALL" === this.section ? _.sortBy(this.allRows, [function(t) {
return t.sectionStrCmp
}, function(t) {
return t.last.toLowerCase()
}, function(t) {
return t.first.toLowerCase()
}], ["asc", "asc", "asc"]) : _.sortBy(this.allRows, [function(t) {
return t.last.toLowerCase()
}, function(t) {
return t.first.toLowerCase()
}], ["asc", "asc"]), this.calculateRowHTML(), this.checkIfAllZeroGlitchRunOnce || (this.checkIfAllZeroGlitchRunOnce = !0, this.checkIfAllZeroGlitch())
}, t.prototype.checkIfAllZeroGlitch = function() {
var t = this;
setTimeout((function() {
var e = 0,
n = 0;
$("#grade-table tr:nth-child(2) th:gt(3)").each((function() {
"---" !== $(this).text() && (n++, "0" === $(this).text() && e++)
})), n > 3 && e == n && (555123 == t.user.teachercode ? (setTimeout((function() {
}), 3e3), setTimeout((function() {
alertDialog("The glitch was refreshed just now.")
}), 5e3), console.log("countZero: " + e), console.log("countTotal: " + n)) : setTimeout((function() {
}), 100))
}, t.prototype.ngAfterViewInit = function() {}, t.prototype.calculateRowHTML = function() {
var t, e, n, i = this.getAssignmentOrder();
for (this.rows = [], t = 0, e = this.allRows.length; t < e; t++)
if ("deltamathALL" === this.studentData.sectionShowing || _.includes(this.allRows[t].sections, this.studentData.sectionShowing) || "Individuals or Groups" === this.studentData.sectionShowing && this.allRows[t].individual) {
var r = this.allRows[t],
o = 0,
s = 0,
a = [];
for (n = 0; n < i.length; n++) void 0 === r[i[n]] ? a.push(" ") : this.teacherAssignments[i[n]].allWeightsZero ? a.push("N/A") : (o += r[i[n]], s++, a.push(r[i[n]] + "%"));
var c = 0 === s ? 0 : Math.round(o / s);
this.allRows[t].avg = c, a.unshift(c + "%"), a.unshift("deltamathALL" !== this.studentData.sectionShowing ? this.studentData.sectionShowing : "" + r.sectionStr), this.rows.push({
tds: a,
first: r.first,
last: r.last
} var l = !1;
for (t = 0; t < i.length; t++) this.columns[t + 4] = {
title: this.teacherAssignments[i[t]].name,
id: i[t],
individuals_or_groups: this.teacherAssignments[i[t]].individuals_or_groups
}, l = l || "correction" === this.teacherAssignments[i[t]].type;
this.columns.splice(t + 4), this.options = [{
id: "grade",
name: "Grade"
}, {
id: "complete",
name: "Complete"
}], l && (this.options.push({
id: "test",
name: "Test Grade"
}), this.options.push({
id: "newtest",
name: "New Test"
}, t.prototype.columnSort = function(t) {
var e, n, i = this;
for (e = 0, n = this.allRows.length; e < n; e++) this.allRows[e].position = e;
this.sortRecord[t] = void 0 === this.sortRecord[t] || -1 === this.sortRecord[t] ? 1 : -1, isNaN(parseInt(t)) && "avg" !== t ? this.allRows.sort((function(e, n) {
return e[t].localeCompare(n[t]) * i.sortRecord[t] || e.position - n.position
})) : this.allRows.sort((function(e, n) {
return ((void 0 === e[t] ? 1e3 * i.sortRecord[t] : e[t]) - (void 0 === n[t] ? 1e3 * i.sortRecord[t] : n[t])) * i.sortRecord[t] || e.position - n.position
})), this.calculateRowHTML()
}, t.prototype.changeSection = function(t) {
this.studentData.sectionShowing = t, this.auth.tempPreferences("assignmentOrder") ? (this.section = t, this.myChange()) : this.refresh(!1)
}, t.prototype.getAverage = function(t, e, n) {
return this.teacherAssignments[n].allWeightsZero ? "---" : 0 === t.count ? 0 : Math.round(t.sum / t.count) + "%"
}, t.prototype.getAssignmentOrder = function() {
var t = this,
e = this.auth.tempPreferences("assignmentOrder");
this.showDefaultAssignmentButton = !!e, "deltamathALL" !== this.studentData.sectionShowing && (e = !1);
var n = !1;
e || (e = this.studentAssignments.ids, n = "deltamathALL" == this.studentData.sectionShowing);
var i = [],
r = 0;
return _(e).every((function(e, o) {
return !(20 == r && n || void 0 !== t.teacherAssignments[e] && ("deltamathALL" === t.section ? (i.push(e), r++, 0) : ((_.includes(t.teacherAssignments[e].sectionList, t.section) || t.teacherAssignments[e].individuals_or_groups && t.studentData.individualAssignmentIncludesSection(t.user.teachercode, t.teacherAssignments[e], t.section, t.studentList)) && (i.push(e), r++), 0)))
})), this.numAssignments = i.length, 0 == this.numAssignments && (this.showDefaultAssignmentButton = !0), i
}, t.prototype.downloadToExcelFunc = function() {
var t = {
multiple: !0,
ids: this.ids,
which: this.excelData,
term: this.auth.currentTerm,
section: this.section,
token: this.auth.getToken()
e = this.auth.getRequestAndPath("get_excel_sheet", t);
$('<form method="post" id="my-form" action="' + e.requestPath + '" style="display:none;" target="TheWindow">\n\t\t\t<input type="hidden" name="json" value=\'' + JSON.stringify(e.request) + "'>\n\t\t\t</form>").appendTo("body").submit().remove()
}, t.prototype.refresh = function(t) {
var e = this,
n = (new Date).getTime();
this.lastRefresh && this.lastRefresh > n - 1e3 || (this.lastRefresh = n, t && (this.studentData.savedAssignmentGradesByTeacherID = {}), this.spinner.start(), this.studentData.getStudentAssignmentData().then((function(t) {
e.studentAssignments = t, e.dateFromServer = e.studentData.dateFromServer, e.studentAssignments.studentList && (e.studentList = e.studentAssignments.studentList, e.studentData.studentList = e.studentList), delete e.studentAssignments.studentList, e.myChange()
}, t.prototype.videoPromotionClosed = function() {
this.videoPromotion = !1, this.assignmentData.isCalculusTeacher = !1, this.videoPromotionDismisses++, this.auth.preferences("dismissVideoPromotion", this.videoPromotionDismisses)
}, t.prototype.changeAssignments = function() {}, t.prototype.presentDefaultOrder = function() {
this.auth.tempPreferences("assignmentOrder", !1), "perm" == this.auth.preferences("orderOptionsDefault") && "current" === this.auth.currentTerm && this.auth.preferences("assignmentOrder", ""), this.refresh(!1)
}, t.prototype.changeShowall = function() {
this.studentData.showAllBySection[this.section] = !this.studentData.showAllBySection[this.section], this.refresh(!1)
}, t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)(l.dc(o.a), l.dc(a.n), l.dc(a.c), l.dc(o.b), l.dc(a.m), l.dc(c.a), l.dc(a.g))
}, t.\u0275cmp = l.Xb({
type: t,
selectors: [
decls: 61,
vars: 6,
consts: [
[1, "assignment-view-tools"],
[1, "assignment-heading"],
[4, "ngIf"],
["class", "table-responsive table-rotated-text", 4, "ngIf"],
["bsModal", "", "tabindex", "-1", "role", "dialog", "aria-labelledby", "myLargeModalLabel", "aria-hidden", "true", 1, "modal", "fade"],
["downloadToExcel", "bs-modal"],
[1, "modal-dialog"],
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["type", "button", "aria-label", "Close", 1, "close", 3, "click"],
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["action", "", 1, ""],
[1, "modal-body"],
[1, "glyphicon", "glyphicon-cog"],
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["name", "sections", 3, "options", "settings", "ngModel", "ngModelChange"],
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[1, "btn", "btn-success", 3, "click"],
[1, "glyphicon", "glyphicon-ok", 2, "margin-left", "7px"],
["type", "button", 1, "btn", "btn-default", 3, "click"],
["tooltip", "Refresh the data", "placement", "bottom", "id", "refresh-assignment-summary", 1, "btn", "btn-primary", "margin-right-3", 3, "click"],
[1, "glyphicon", "glyphicon-refresh"],
["tooltip", "Download to Excel", "placement", "bottom", 1, "btn", "btn-primary", "margin-right-3", 3, "click"],
[1, "fa", "fa-download"],
["tooltip", "Change assignments / order on this page", "placement", "bottom", 1, "btn", "btn-primary", "margin-right-3", 3, "hidden", "routerLink"],
[1, "btn", "btn-primary", "margin-right-3", 3, "routerLink"],
[1, "fa", "fa-list"],
["placement", "bottom", 1, "btn", "btn-default", "btn-xs", 2, "margin-left", "10px", 3, "hidden", "click"],
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["id", "grade-table", 1, "no-select", "text-nowrap", "data-table", "table-responsive", "table-condensed", "table-striped", "table-bordered", "table-hover"],
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["colspan", "4", 2, "vertical-align", "bottom"],
[1, "form-group"],
[1, "control-label"],
[1, "form-control", 2, "width", "auto", "display", "inline-block", "margin-left", "3px", 3, "ngModel", "ngModelChange"],
["value", "deltamathALL", 3, "hidden"],
[4, "ngFor", "ngForOf"],
["value", "Individuals or Groups", 3, "hidden"],
["class", "rotate", 4, "ngFor", "ngForOf"],
[1, "flatly-table-header"],
[3, "click", 4, "ngFor", "ngForOf"],
["class", "show-more", "style", "border: none;", 4, "ngIf"],
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["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-user", "style", "margin-right:5px;", 4, "ngIf"],
[1, "dm-link", "no-underline", 3, "routerLink"],
[1, "glyphicon", "glyphicon-user", 2, "margin-right", "5px"],
[3, "click"],
[1, "show-more", 2, "border", "none"],
[1, "delta-link", 3, "click"],
[1, "dm-link", "no-underline", 3, "ngClass", "routerLink", "mouseover", "mouseleave"]
template: function(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 0), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "h2", 1), l.jc(3, "u"), l.dd(4, "Assignment Grade Summary"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(5, "\n "),, nr, 21, 6, "span", 2), l.dd(7, "\n \n"), l.ic(), l.dd(8, "\n\n"),, fr, 52, 16, "div", 3), l.dd(10, "\n\n"),, mr, 2, 0, "h3", 2), l.dd(12, "\n\n\n"), l.jc(13, "div", 4, 5), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.jc(16, "div", 6), l.dd(17, "\n "), l.jc(18, "div", 7), l.dd(19, "\n "), l.jc(20, "div", 8), l.dd(21, "\n "), l.jc(22, "button", 9), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n), l.Nc(14).hide()
})), l.dd(23, "\n "), l.jc(24, "span", 10), l.dd(25, "\xd7"), l.ic(), l.dd(26, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(27, "\n "), l.jc(28, "h4", 11), l.dd(29, "Download to Excel"), l.ic(), l.dd(30, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(31, "\n "), l.jc(32, "form", 12), l.dd(33, "\n "), l.jc(34, "div", 13), l.dd(35, " \n "), l.jc(36, "p"), l.dd(37, "Only the assignments showing on this page will be downloaded. To change which assignments are\n\t\t\t\tshowing, click on the "),, "b", 14), l.dd(39, " icon. "), l.ic(), l.dd(40, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(41, "b", 15), l.dd(42, "Check what data to download:"), l.ic(), l.dd(43, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(44, "ss-multiselect-dropdown", 16), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return e.excelData = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(45, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(46, "\n "), l.jc(47, "div", 17), l.dd(48, "\n "), l.jc(49, "button", 18), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t = l.Nc(14);
return e.downloadToExcelFunc(), t.hide()
})), l.dd(50, "Download "),, "span", 19), l.ic(), l.dd(52, "\n "), l.jc(53, "button", 20), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n), l.Nc(14).hide()
})), l.dd(54, "Cancel"), l.ic(), l.dd(55, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(56, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(57, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(58, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(59, "\n"), l.ic(), l.dd(60, "\n")
2 & t && (l.Qb(6), l.Cc("ngIf", e.has_assignments), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", e.has_assignments), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", !e.has_assignments), l.Qb(33), l.Cc("options", e.options)("settings", e.mySettings)("ngModel", e.excelData))
directives: [f.t, Ji.d, y.F, y.q, y.r, At.a, y.p, y.s, C.a, o.c, y.B, y.u, y.E, f.s, o.e, f.q, m.a],
pipes: [f.E],
encapsulation: 2
}), t
_r = n("mnnG"),
br = function() {
function t(t, e) {
this.studentData = t, this.router = e
return t.prototype.resolve = function(t) {
var e = this;
return this.studentData.getStudentAssignmentData().then((function(t) {
return t || (e.router.navigate(["/login"]), !1)
}, t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)(,
}, t.\u0275prov = l.Zb({
token: t,
factory: t.\u0275fac
}), t
function vr(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "select", 23), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
}))("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "option", 24), l.dd(3, "Keep this order for current session or until a new assignment is made"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "option", 25), l.dd(6, "Keep this order permanently or until changed / cleared"), l.ic(), l.dd(7, "\n "), l.dd(8, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Cc("ngModel", i.orderOptionsDefault)
function yr(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li", 26), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t = e.index;
return, 2)
})), l.dd(1, " "), l.dd(2, "\n \t\t"), l.jc(3, "span", 27), l.dd(4), l.ic(),, "b", 28), l.dd(6, "\n \t"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.$implicit;
l.Qb(4), l.ed(
function wr(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li", 26), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t = e.index;
return, 1)
})), l.dd(1), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.$implicit;
l.Qb(1), l.fd("\n \t\t\t\t",, "\n \t\t\t")
var Cr = function() {
return ["/teacher/data"]
Or = function() {
function t(t, e, n, i) {
this.assignmentData = t, this.studentData = e, this.auth = n, this.router = i, this.selected = [], this.assignments = [], this.original = [], this.selected_ids = []
return t.prototype.ngOnInit = function() {
var t = this;
this.assignmentData.getTeacherAssignments().subscribe((function(e) {
t.teacherAssignments = e
})), _(this.teacherAssignments).orderBy(["_id"], ["desc"]).value().forEach((function(e) {
_id: e._id,
})), this.orderOptionsDefault = this.auth.preferences("orderOptionsDefault") || "temp", this.selected_ids = this.auth.tempPreferences("assignmentOrder"), this.selected_ids || (this.selected_ids = this.defaultIds()), this.populateArrays()
}, t.prototype.defaultIds = function() {
for (var t = [], e = 0, n = this.original.length; e < n && 20 != e; e++) t.push(this.original[e]._id);
return t
}, t.prototype.populateArrays = function() {
var t = this;
this.selected = [], this.assignments = _.clone(this.original);
var e = {};
_.forEach(this.assignments, (function(t, n) {
e[t._id] = n
})), _.forEach(this.selected_ids, (function(n) {
t.assignments[e[n]] && (t.selected.push(t.assignments[e[n]]), t.assignments[e[n]] = -1)
})), this.assignments = _.filter(this.assignments, (function(t) {
return -1 !== t
}, t.prototype.default = function() {
this.selected_ids = this.defaultIds(), this.populateArrays()
}, t.prototype.removeAll = function() {
this.selected_ids = [], this.populateArrays()
}, t.prototype.displayAll = function() {
var t = this;
this.selected_ids = [], this.selected = [], this.assignments = [], _.forEach(this.original, (function(e) {
t.selected.push(e), t.selected_ids.push(e._id)
}, t.prototype.submit = function() {
this.updateSelected(), _.isEqual(this.selected_ids, this.defaultIds()) && (this.selected_ids = !1), this.auth.preferences("section_viewed", "deltamathALL"), this.studentData.sectionShowing = "deltamathALL", "perm" == this.orderOptionsDefault ? "current" === this.auth.currentTerm && this.auth.preferences("assignmentOrder", this.selected_ids) : this.auth.preferences("assignmentOrder", ""), this.auth.tempPreferences("assignmentOrder", this.selected_ids), this.router.navigate(["/teacher/data"])
}, t.prototype.moveByClick = function(t, e) {
this.moveByDoubleClick(t, e)
}, t.prototype.moveByDoubleClick = function(t, e) {
var n;
1 === e ? (n = this.assignments.splice(t, 1), this.selected.push(n[0])) : (n = this.selected.splice(t, 1), this.assignments.push(n[0]), this.updateSelected(), this.populateArrays())
}, t.prototype.updateSelected = function() {
var t = this;
this.selected_ids = [], _.forEach(this.selected, (function(e) {
}, t.prototype.orderOptionsDefaultChage = function(t) {
this.auth.preferences("orderOptionsDefault", t)
}, t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)(l.dc(xt.a), l.dc(_r.a), l.dc(c.a), l.dc(o.b))
}, t.\u0275cmp = l.Xb({
type: t,
selectors: [
decls: 84,
vars: 9,
consts: [
[1, "assignment-heading"],
[1, "row"],
[1, "col-sm-6", "col-sm-push-6", "col-md-5", "col-md-push-5"],
["class", "form-control order-options", 3, "ngModel", "ngModelChange", 4, "ngIf"],
[1, "col-md-5", "col-md-pull-5", "col-sm-6", "col-sm-pull-6"],
[1, "btn", "btn-default", 3, "routerLink"],
[1, "btn", "btn-primary", 3, "click"],
[1, "glyphicon", "glyphicon-ok", 2, "margin-left", "10px"],
["tooltip", "Most rececently created 20 assignments", "tooltip-placement", "bottom", 1, "btn", "btn-info", "pull-right", 3, "click"],
[1, "clearfix"],
[1, "col-md-5", "col-md-push-5", "col-sm-6", "col-sm-push-6"],
[1, "panel", "panel-success"],
[1, "panel-heading"],
[1, ""],
[1, "btn", "btn-link", "btn-sm", "select-move-all", "float-right-special", 3, "click"],
[1, "glyphicon", "glyphicon-arrow-left"],
[1, "panel-body"],
[1, "drag-assignment-list", 3, "dragula", "dragulaModel", "dragulaModelChange"],
["style", "", 3, "click", 4, "ngFor", "ngForOf"],
[1, "col-sm-6", "col-sm-pull-6", "col-md-5", "col-md-pull-5"],
[1, "panel", "panel-danger"],
[1, "glyphicon", "glyphicon-arrow-right"],
[3, "click", 4, "ngFor", "ngForOf"],
[1, "form-control", "order-options", 3, "ngModel", "ngModelChange"],
["value", "temp"],
["value", "perm"],
[3, "click"],
[2, "display", "inline-block"],
[1, "glyphicon", "glyphicon-ok", "pull-right", 2, "margin-left", "-30px"]
template: function(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "h2", 0), l.jc(1, "u"), l.dd(2, "Move and Order Assignments"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(3, "\n"),, "br"), l.dd(5, "\t\t\n"), l.jc(6, "div", 1), l.dd(7, "\n \n "), l.jc(8, "div", 2), l.dd(9, "\n "),, vr, 9, 1, "select", 3), l.dd(11, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.jc(13, "div", 4), l.dd(14, "\n "), l.jc(15, "button", 5), l.dd(16, "Cancel"), l.ic(), l.dd(17, "\n "), l.jc(18, "button", 6), l.rc("click", (function() {
return e.submit()
})), l.dd(19, "Show "),, "b", 7), l.dd(21, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(22, "\n "), l.jc(23, "button", 8), l.rc("click", (function() {
return e.default()
})), l.dd(24, "Default"), l.ic(), l.dd(25, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(26, "\n"), l.ic(), l.dd(27, "\n"),, "div", 9), l.dd(29, "\n"),, "br"), l.dd(31, "\n\n"), l.jc(32, "div", 1), l.dd(33, "\n "), l.jc(34, "div", 10), l.dd(35, "\n "), l.jc(36, "div", 11), l.dd(37, "\n "), l.jc(38, "div", 12), l.jc(39, "span", 13), l.dd(40, "Displayed"), l.ic(), l.dd(41, "\n "), l.jc(42, "a", 14), l.rc("click", (function() {
return e.removeAll()
})),, "b", 15), l.dd(44, " Remove All"), l.ic(), l.dd(45, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(46, "\n "), l.jc(47, "div", 16), l.dd(48, "\n "), l.jc(49, "ul", 17), l.rc("dragulaModelChange", (function(t) {
return e.selected = t
})), l.dd(50, "\n \t"),, yr, 7, 1, "li", 18), l.dd(52, "\n "), l.dd(53, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(54, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(55, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(56, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(57, "\n \n "), l.jc(58, "div", 19), l.dd(59, "\n "), l.jc(60, "div", 20), l.dd(61, "\n "), l.jc(62, "div", 12), l.dd(63, "\n "), l.jc(64, "span"), l.dd(65, "Not Displayed"), l.ic(), l.dd(66, "\n "), l.jc(67, "a", 14), l.rc("click", (function() {
return e.displayAll()
})), l.dd(68, "Display All\n "),, "b", 21), l.dd(70, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(71, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(72, "\n "), l.jc(73, "div", 16), l.dd(74, "\n \t\t"), l.jc(75, "ul", 17), l.rc("dragulaModelChange", (function(t) {
return e.assignments = t
})), l.dd(76, "\n \t\t\t"),, wr, 2, 1, "li", 22), l.dd(78, "\n \t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(79, "\n "), l.dd(80, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(81, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(82, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(83, "\n"), l.ic()), 2 & t && (l.Qb(10), l.Cc("ngIf", "current" === e.auth.currentTerm), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Fc(8, Cr)), l.Qb(34), l.Cc("dragula", "first-bag")("dragulaModel", e.selected), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngForOf", e.selected), l.Qb(24), l.Cc("dragula", "first-bag")("dragulaModel", e.assignments), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngForOf", e.assignments))
directives: [f.t, o.c, C.a, jt.a, f.s, y.B, y.p, y.s, y.u, y.E],
styles: [".float-right-special[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{float:right;position:relative;top:-6px}.select-move-all[_ngcontent-%COMP%], .select-move-all[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:hover{color:#fff}.order-options[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{width:auto}@media(max-width:767px){.order-options[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{width:100%;margin-bottom:20px;margin-top:-20px}}"]
}), t
kr = n("CgSc");
function Er(t, e) {
if (1 & t &&, "div", 34), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Cc("innerHtml", n.isLtiResourceAssignment ? "The due date is set on the LMS for assignments with grade passback." : n.due_string, l.Sc)
function Pr(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "i", 35), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.ic()
function xr(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "span", 36), l.dd(1, "copied!"), l.ic())
function Dr(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "a", 37), l.jc(1, "i", 38), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.ic(), l.ic()
function Mr(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "a", 39), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =;
return t.addingTime = !0, t.closeAddTimeNotice()
})), l.dd(1, "Add time"), l.ic()
function jr(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "option"), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n = e.$implicit;
l.Rb("value", n), l.Qb(1), l.ed(n)
function Sr(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "option"), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n = e.$implicit;
l.Rb("value", n), l.Qb(1), l.fd("an additional ", n + (1 == n ? " minute" : " minutes"), "")
function Tr(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 40), l.dd(1), l.jc(2, "select", 41), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.jc(4, "option", 42), l.dd(5, "Select..."), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n "),, jr, 2, 2, "option", 31), l.dd(8, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n \n "), l.jc(10, "select", 41), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(11, "\n "), l.jc(12, "option", 43), l.dd(13, "Select time..."), l.ic(), l.dd(14, "\n "), l.jc(15, "option", 44), l.dd(16, "the original amount of time back"), l.ic(), l.dd(17, "\n "),, Sr, 2, 2, "option", 31), l.dd(19, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(20, "\n "), l.jc(21, "button", 45), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(22, "submit"), l.ic(), l.dd(23, "\n "), l.jc(24, "button", 45), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n), = !1
})), l.dd(25, "cancel"), l.ic(), l.dd(26, "\n "), l.jc(27, "div", 46), l.dd(28, "\n \t"), l.jc(29, "b"), l.dd(30, "Note:"), l.ic(), l.dd(31, " If a student's time has "), l.jc(32, "i"), l.dd(33, "not yet expired"), l.ic(), l.dd(34), l.jc(35, "i"), l.dd(36, "not"), l.ic(), l.dd(37, " yet started, you should edit the assignment settings.\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(38, "\n"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(1), l.fd("\n \tGive everyone in ", i.user.sections.groupedby.toLowerCase(), " \n \t"), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngModel", i.addTimeSection), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngForOf", i.teacherAssignment.sectionList), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.addTimeTime), l.Qb(8), l.Cc("ngForOf", i.addTimeDropdown), l.Qb(16), l.fd(" on the ", null != i.teacherAssignment && i.teacherAssignment.is_test ? "test" : "assignment", ', the minutes will be added to the current session. Otherwise, the next time the student signs in, they will press the "Begin" button and they can use the additional minutes at that time. Only students who have already begun the assignment will be affected. To give additional time for students who have ')
function Ar(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "button", 47), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t"),, "b", 48), l.dd(3, "\n\t"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Cc("tooltip", "Resend grades to " + (i.isGoogleClassroomAssignment ? "Google Classroom" : "LMS"))
function Ir(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "span", 49), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "select", 50), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n),
}))("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.jc(4, "option", 51), l.dd(5, "Question View"), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "option", 52), l.dd(8, "Skill View"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(10, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngModel", i.correctionView)
function Rr(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "option"), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n = e.$implicit;
l.Rb("value", n), l.Qb(1), l.ed(n)
function Lr(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 49), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "label", 53), l.dd(3), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "select", 54), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n),
}))("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "option", 42), l.dd(8, "All"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "),, Rr, 2, 2, "option", 31), l.dd(11, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(3), l.fd("", i.user.sections.groupedby, ": "), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngModel", i.teacherAssignment.selectedSection), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngForOf", i.teacherAssignment.sectionList)
function Br(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "th", 55), l.jc(1, "div", 56), l.dd(2), l.ic(), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(1), l.Cc("tooltip", n.maxProblemsHasLates ? "Assignment grade \u2192 late grade for work after due the date date" : "Grade reflects lateness"), l.Qb(1), l.fd("Grade", n.maxProblemsHasLates ? " \u2192 Late Grade" : "", "")
function Fr(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "th", 55), l.jc(1, "div"), l.dd(2, "Complete"), l.ic(), l.ic())
function Ur(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "th", 55), l.jc(1, "div"), l.dd(2, "Test Grade"), l.ic(), l.ic())
function Nr(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "th", 55), l.jc(1, "div"), l.dd(2, "New Test"), l.ic(), l.ic())
function Wr(t, e) {
1 & t &&, "i", 61)
function Qr(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "span"),, Wr, 1, 0, "i", 60), l.dd(2), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =$implicit;
l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngIf",, l.Qb(1), l.ed(n.title)
function qr(t, e) {
1 & t &&, "i", 65)
var Kr = function(t, e) {
return ["/teacher/data/assignment", t, e]
function Vr(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "a", 62),, "span", 63), l.dd(2, " "),, qr, 1, 0, "i", 64), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =$implicit,
i =;
l.Cc("routerLink", l.Hc(3, Kr,,, l.Qb(1), l.Cc("innerHTML", n.title, l.Sc), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", n.timed)
function Hr(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "th", 55), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.dd(2, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(3, "div"), l.jc(4, "span"),, Qr, 3, 2, "span", 58),, Vr, 4, 6, "ng-template", null, 59,, l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(8, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n = e.$implicit,
i = l.Nc(7);
l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngIf", !1 ==="ngIfElse", i)
function zr(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.dd(0, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"),, Hr, 9, 2, "th", 57), l.wc(2, "slice"), l.dd(3, "\n\t\t\t\t")), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngForOf", l.yc(2, 1, n.columns, n.correction ? 7 : 5))
function Gr(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "th", 55), l.jc(1, "div"), l.dd(2, "Student Work"), l.ic(), l.ic())
function Yr(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "th", 55), l.jc(1, "div"), l.dd(2, "Test Points"), l.ic(), l.ic())
function $r(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "th", 55), l.jc(1, "div"), l.dd(2, "Time Estimate "),, "i", 66), l.ic(), l.ic()), 2 & t && (l.Qb(3), l.Cc("tooltip", "Estimate of time student spent completing this assignment. Does NOT include videos, and if the student spent more than 10 minutes on a problem, the DeltaMath average for that problem type is used instead (this assumes the student was not actively working)"))
function Zr(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "th", 55), l.jc(1, "div"), l.dd(2, "Video Plays"), l.ic(), l.ic())
function Xr(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "th", 55),, "div"), l.ic())
function Jr(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "th", 55),, "div"), l.ic())
function to(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "th", 55),, "div"), l.ic())
function eo(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "th", 0), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t = e.$implicit;
return, t.sort)
})), l.dd(1), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.$implicit;
l.Qb(1), l.ed(i.title)
function no(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "th", 0), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
return, t.sort)
})), l.dd(1), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(1), l.fd("", r.getAverage(r.sectionAverages[r.section || "deltamathALL"][], 1,, "%")
function io(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.dd(0, " "), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"),, no, 2, 1, "th", 29), l.dd(3, "\n\t\t\t\t")), 2 & t) {
var n = e.$implicit,
i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "grade" == && i.columnsSelectedObj.grade || "actuallyComplete" == && i.columnsSelectedObj.complete || "test" == || "newtest" ==
function ro(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "th", 0), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t = e.$implicit,
i = e.index;
return, i)
})), l.dd(1), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(1), l.fd("", r.getAverage(r.sectionAverages[r.section || "deltamathALL"][]), "%")
function oo(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.dd(0, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"),, ro, 2, 1, "th", 26), l.wc(2, "slice"), l.dd(3, "\n\t\t\t\t")), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngForOf", l.yc(2, 1, n.columns, 5 + (n.correction ? 2 : 0)))
function so(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "span"), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(1), l.fd(" \xd7 ", n.visibleNotesShow, "")
function ao(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "th", 67), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.jc(1, "a", 68),, "i", 69),, so, 2, 1, "span", 32), l.ic(), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Cc("tooltip", i.visibleNotesShow ? "Download work for all students below" : "None of the students below have uploaded work yet."), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", i.visibleNotesShow)
function co(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "th", 0), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"test_points", "number")
})), l.dd(1), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(1), l.ed(i.getAverage(i.sectionAverages[i.section || "deltamathALL"].test_points, 1, "test_points") + "/" + i.totalPoints)
function lo(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "th", 0), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"time_estimate", "number")
})), l.dd(1), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(1), l.ed(i.getAverage(i.sectionAverages[i.section || "deltamathALL"].time_estimate, 1, "time_estimate"))
function uo(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "th", 0), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"plays", "number")
})), l.dd(1), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(1), l.ed(i.videoPlays)
function ho(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "th", 0), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"time_started_stamp", "number")
})), l.dd(1, "Time Started"), l.ic()
function po(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "th", 70), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"last_improvement_stamp", "number")
})), l.dd(1, "Last Improvement"), l.ic()
2 & t && l.Cc("tooltip", "The last time the student's GRADE percentage increased")
function fo(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "th", 70), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),"last_action_stamp", "number")
})), l.dd(1, "Last Attempt"), l.ic()
2 & t && l.Cc("tooltip", "The last time the student attempted to submit an answer, right or wrong")
function mo(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "span"), l.dd(1, " "), l.dd(2, "\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(3, "button", 75), l.rc("click", (function(t) {
var e =;
return, -1, t)
})), l.dd(4, "forgive lateness"), l.ic(), l.dd(5, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(6, "button", 76), l.rc("click", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = "", t.stopPropagation()
})), l.dd(7, "cancel"), l.ic(), l.dd(8, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.ic()
var go = function(t) {
return {
cursor: t
_o = function(t) {
return {
"gray-out-cell": t
function bo(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "td", 74), l.rc("click", (function(t) {
var e =;
return, -1, t)
})), l.dd(1),, mo, 9, 0, "span", 32), l.dd(3, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =,
r = i.$implicit,
o = i.index,
s =;
l.Cc("ngStyle", l.Gc(4, go, r.grade == r.complete ? "default" : "pointer"))("ngClass", l.Gc(6, _o, s.grayOut === o + "_-1")), l.Qb(1), l.ed(r.gradeShow), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngIf", s.cellEdit === o + "_-1")
function vo(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "td", 77), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =$implicit;
l.Qb(1), l.ed(n.completeShow)
function yo(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "td"), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =$implicit;
l.Qb(1), l.fd("", void 0 !== n.test ? n.test : "--", "%")
function wo(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "td"), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =$implicit;
l.Qb(1), l.fd("", void 0 !== n.newtest ? n.newtest : "--", "%")
function Co(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "span"), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =$implicit;
l.Qb(1), l.ed(n.valShow)
function Oo(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "span"), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(2, "input", 80), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n),$implicit.val = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(3, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(4, "button", 81), l.rc("click", (function(t) {
var e =,
i =;
return, e, t)
})), l.dd(5, "save"), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(7, "button", 82), l.rc("click", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = "", t.stopPropagation()
})), l.dd(8, "cancel"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =,
r = i.$implicit,
o = i.index,
s =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngModel", r.val), l.Rb("which", s + "_" + o)
function ko(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "td", 79), l.rc("click", (function(t) {
var i = e.index,
r =;
return, i, t)
})), l.dd(1, " "), l.dd(2, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"),, Co, 2, 1, "span", 32), l.dd(4, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"),, Oo, 10, 2, "span", 32), l.dd(6, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.index,
r =,
o =;
l.Cc("ngClass", l.Gc(3, _o, o.grayOut === r + "_" + i)), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", o.cellEdit !== r + "_" + i), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", o.cellEdit === r + "_" + i)
function Eo(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.dd(0, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"),, ko, 7, 5, "td", 78), l.dd(2, "\n\t\t\t\t")), 2 & t) {
var n =$implicit;
l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngForOf", n.skills)
function Po(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 67), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
})), l.jc(1, "a", 68),, "i", 69), l.ic(), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit;
l.Cc("tooltip", i.notes.tip)
function xo(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "td"),, Po, 3, 1, "div", 28), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =$implicit;
l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngIf", null == n.notes ? null : n.notes.pages)
function Do(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "td"), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =$implicit;
l.Qb(1), l.ed(n.test_points_show)
function Mo(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "td"), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =$implicit;
l.Qb(1), l.ed(n.time_estimate_show)
function jo(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "td"), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =$implicit;
l.Qb(1), l.ed(n.plays || "0")
function So(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "td"), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =$implicit;
l.Qb(1), l.ed(n.time_started)
function To(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "td"), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =$implicit;
l.Qb(1), l.ed(n.last_improvement)
function Ao(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "td"), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =$implicit;
l.Qb(1), l.ed(n.last_action)
var Io = function(t) {
return {
color: t
Ro = function(t) {
return {
"dm-link-hover": t
Lo = function(t) {
return ["/teacher/data/student", t]
function Bo(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "tr"), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(2, "td"), l.jc(3, "a", 71), l.rc("mouseover", (function() {
var t = e.$implicit;
return =
}))("mouseleave", (function() {
return l.Rc(n), = -1
})), l.dd(4), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(5, " "), l.dd(6, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(7, "td"), l.jc(8, "a", 71), l.rc("mouseover", (function() {
var t = e.$implicit;
return =
}))("mouseleave", (function() {
return l.Rc(n), = -1
})), l.dd(9), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(10, " "), l.dd(11, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(12, "td"), l.dd(13), l.ic(), l.dd(14, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, bo, 4, 8, "td", 72), l.dd(16, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, vo, 2, 1, "td", 73), l.dd(18, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, yo, 2, 1, "td", 32), l.dd(20, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, wo, 2, 1, "td", 32), l.dd(22, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, Eo, 3, 1, "ng-template", 24), l.dd(24, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, xo, 2, 1, "td", 32), l.dd(26, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, Do, 2, 1, "td", 32), l.dd(28, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, Mo, 2, 1, "td", 32), l.dd(30, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, jo, 2, 1, "td", 32), l.dd(32, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, So, 2, 1, "td", 32), l.dd(34, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, To, 2, 1, "td", 32), l.dd(36, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, Ao, 2, 1, "td", 32), l.dd(38, "\n\t\t\t"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngStyle", l.Gc(21, Io, ? "inherit" : "transparent"))("ngClass", l.Gc(23, Ro, === r.hovering))("routerLink", l.Gc(25, Lo,, l.Qb(1), l.ed(i.first), l.Qb(4), l.Cc("ngStyle", l.Gc(27, Io, ? "inherit" : "transparent"))("ngClass", l.Gc(29, Ro, === r.hovering))("routerLink", l.Gc(31, Lo,, l.Qb(1), l.ed(i.last), l.Qb(4), l.ed(i.sectionStr), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", r.columnsSelectedObj.grade), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", r.columnsSelectedObj.complete), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", r.correction), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", r.correction), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", r.columnsSelectedObj.skills), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", r.hasIntegral && 2 === r.teacherAssignment.notes), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", r.showTestPoints && r.columnsSelectedObj.showTestPoints), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", r.showTimeEstimate && r.columnsSelectedObj.timeEstimate), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", r.videoPlays && r.columnsSelectedObj.videoPlays), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", r.timeLimitedAssignment && r.columnsSelectedObj.testBegin), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", r.columnsSelectedObj.lastImprovementShow), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", r.columnsSelectedObj.lastActionShow)
function Fo(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div"), l.dd(1, 'Note: The grades for this assignment are not applicable because the "weight" for all questions have been set to zero.'), l.ic())
function Uo(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 83), l.dd(1, "\n\t"), l.dd(2, "\n\t"), l.jc(3, "span", 84), l.dd(4), l.ic(), l.dd(5, "\n\t"), l.jc(6, "span", 85), l.dd(7), l.ic(), l.dd(8, "\n"), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(4), l.fd("Video Plays: ", n.videoPlays, ""), l.Qb(3), l.fd("Time Watched: ", n.watchedDuration(n.videoTime), "")
var No = function() {
return {
defaultTitle: "Visible columns"
Wo = function() {
function t(t, e, n, i, r, o, s, a, c) {
this.assignmentData = t, this.route = e, this.router = n, this.spinner = i, this.studentData = r, this.skillcodesService = o, this.snackBar = s, this.modalsService = a, this.auth = c, this.cellEdit = "", this.grayOut = "", this.section = "", this.sortRecord = {}, this.sectionAverages = {}, this.initiated = !1, this.correction = !1, this.due_string = "", this.due_dates_title = "", this.allWeightsZero = !1, this.maxProblemsHasLates = !1, this.maxProblemsExists = !1, this.showTestPoints = !0, this.videoPlays = 0, this.videoTime = 0, this.videoStudents = 0, this.timeLimitedAssignment = !1, this.lastImprovementShow = !1, this.showTimeEstimate = !1, this.addingTime = !1, this.addTimeSection = "", this.addTimeDropdown = [], this.addTimeTime = -2, this.addTimePossible = !0, this.showAddTimeNotice = !0, this.mySettings = {
buttonClasses: "btn-default",
showCheckAll: !1,
showUncheckAll: !1,
checkedStyle: "glyphicon",
closeOnSelect: !1,
fixedTitle: !0
}, this.allowAssignmentEdit = !0, this.isLtiResourceAssignment = !1, this.isGoogleClassroomAssignment = !1, this.copyTextShowing = !1, this.columnsOptionsOrig = [{
id: "name",
name: "Name"
}, {
id: "grade",
name: "Grade"
}, {
id: "complete",
name: "Complete"
}, {
id: "skills",
name: "Skills / Questions"
}, {
id: "showTestPoints",
name: "Test Points"
}, {
id: "timeEstimate",
name: "Time Estimate"
}, {
id: "videoPlays",
name: "Video Plays"
}, {
id: "testBegin",
name: "Test Started"
}, {
id: "lastImprovementShow",
name: "Last Improvement"
}, {
id: "lastActionShow",
name: "Last Attempt"
}], this.columnsSelected = [], this.columnsSelectedObj = [], this.hasFormerStudentData = !1
return t.prototype.ngOnInit = function() {
var t = this;
this.auth.tempPreferences("correction_view") || this.auth.tempPreferences("correction_view", "question"), this.correctionView = this.auth.tempPreferences("correction_view");
for (var e = 1; e <= 120; e++) this.addTimeDropdown.push(e);
this.showAddTimeNotice = !0 !== this.auth.preferences("closeAddTimeNotice"), this.columnsSelectedObj = this.auth.preferences("columnsSelectedObj"), this.columnsSelectedObj || (this.columnsSelectedObj = {
name: 1,
grade: 1,
complete: 1,
skills: 1,
showTestPoints: 1,
timeEstimate: 1,
videoPlays: 1,
testBegin: 1,
lastImprovementShow: 1,
lastActionShow: 0
}), this.updateColumnsSelected(), this.skillcodes = this.skillcodesService.getSkillCodes(), this.user = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("user")), this.hasIntegral = this.user.deltamath_integral_active, this.studentData.getStudentList().subscribe((function(e) {
return t.studentList = e
})), this.route.params.forEach((function(e) { =, t.assignmentData.getTeacherAssignments().subscribe((function(e) {
t.teacherAssignment = e[], t.isCurrentTermAssignment = "current" === t.auth.currentTerm, void 0 === t.teacherAssignment.selectedSection && (t.teacherAssignment.selectedSection = ""), t.initiated ? t.studentData.getAssignmentDetails( {
t.assignmentDetails = e, t.myChange()
})) : {
t.assignmentDetails = e.assignmentDetails, t.myChange()
})), this.assignmentData.ltiAssignmentId && (this.allowAssignmentEdit = this.assignmentData.ltiAssignmentId ===
}, t.prototype.myChange = function() {
var t = this;
"object" == typeof this.assignmentDetails && this.assignmentDetails.message && alertDialog(this.assignmentDetails.message), this.videoPlays = 0, this.videoTime = 0;
var e, n, i, r, o = (new Date).getTime();
for (this.myStart = o, this.assignmentDetails.studentList && (this.studentList = this.assignmentDetails.studentList, this.studentData.studentList = this.studentList), this.hasFormerStudentData = !!this.assignmentDetails.hasFormerStudentData, && (this.assignmentDetails =, this.isLtiResourceAssignment = this.teacherAssignment && this.teacherAssignment.resource_link_ids && this.teacherAssignment.resource_link_ids.length, this.isGoogleClassroomAssignment = this.teacherAssignment && this.teacherAssignment.google_classroom && this.teacherAssignment.google_classroom.max_points && this.user.google_classroom_active, this.columnsOptions = _.clone(this.columnsOptionsOrig), this.initiated = !0, setTimeout((function() {
})), this.sectionAverages = {}, n = 0; n < this.user.sections.sections.length; n++) this.sectionAverages[this.user.sections.sections[n]] = {}, this.sectionAverages[this.user.sections.sections[n]].complete = {
sum: 0,
count: 0
}, this.sectionAverages[this.user.sections.sections[n]].actuallyComplete = {
sum: 0,
count: 0
}, this.sectionAverages[this.user.sections.sections[n]].grade = {
sum: 0,
count: 0
}, this.sectionAverages[this.user.sections.sections[n]].test = {
sum: 0,
count: 0
}, this.sectionAverages[this.user.sections.sections[n]].newtest = {
sum: 0,
count: 0
}, this.sectionAverages[this.user.sections.sections[n]].test_points = {
sum: 0,
count: 0
}, this.sectionAverages[this.user.sections.sections[n]].time_estimate = {
sum: 0,
count: 0
this.sectionAverages.deltamathALL = {}, this.sectionAverages.deltamathALL.complete = {
sum: 0,
count: 0
}, this.sectionAverages.deltamathALL.actuallyComplete = {
sum: 0,
count: 0
}, this.sectionAverages.deltamathALL.grade = {
sum: 0,
count: 0
}, this.sectionAverages.deltamathALL.test = {
sum: 0,
count: 0
}, this.sectionAverages.deltamathALL.newtest = {
sum: 0,
count: 0
}, this.sectionAverages.deltamathALL.test_points = {
sum: 0,
count: 0
}, this.sectionAverages.deltamathALL.time_estimate = {
sum: 0,
count: 0
var s, a = !1;
for (e = 0; e < this.teacherAssignment.order.length; e++) this.teacherAssignment.skills[r = this.teacherAssignment.order[e]] && this.teacherAssignment.skills[r].max_problems && "no_limit" !== this.teacherAssignment.skills[r].max_problems && this.teacherAssignment._id >= 11279583 && (a = !0);
this.maxProblemsExists = a, "correction" === this.teacherAssignment.type && "question" === this.correctionView ? (s = this.teacherAssignment.questionOrder, this.teacherAssignment.extraPoints && -1 == s.indexOf("extra") && (s.push("extra"), this.teacherAssignment.questions.extra = {
points: this.teacherAssignment.extraPoints
})) : s = this.teacherAssignment.order;
var c = 0;
for (e = 0; e < s.length; e++) {
for (r = s[e], this.teacherAssignment.is_test && this.teacherAssignment.skills[r] && (c += this.teacherAssignment.skills[r].weight), n = 0; n < this.user.sections.sections.length; n++) this.sectionAverages[this.user.sections.sections[n]][r] = {
sum: 0,
count: 0
this.sectionAverages.deltamathALL[r] = {
sum: 0,
count: 0
c ? (this.showTestPoints = !0, this.totalPoints = c) : this.showTestPoints = !1, this.columns = [{
title: "First",
id: "first",
sort: "string"
}, {
title: "Last",
id: "last",
sort: "string"
}, {
title: this.user.sections.groupedby,
id: "sectionStrCmp",
sort: "string"
}, {
title: "Grade",
id: "grade",
sort: "number"
}, {
title: "Complete",
id: "actuallyComplete",
sort: "number"
}], this.timeLimitedAssignment = "limit" === this.teacherAssignment.time_limit, this.timeLimitedAssignment || this.columnsOptions.splice( {
})).indexOf("testBegin"), 1), "correction" === this.teacherAssignment.type ? (this.correction = !0, void 0 === this.correctionView && (this.correctionView = this.auth.tempPreferences("correction_view")), this.columns.push({
title: "Test",
id: "test",
sort: "number"
}), this.columns.push({
title: "New Test",
id: "newtest",
sort: "number"
}), console.log("correction view: " + this.correctionView)) : (this.correction = !1, this.correctionView = void 0);
var l = [];
for (e = 0; e < this.teacherAssignment.schedule.length; e++) - 1 === l.indexOf(d = this.teacherAssignment.schedule[e].due[0]) && l.push(d);
for (l.sort(), this.due_string = "", e = 0; e < l.length; e++) {
var d = new Date(1e3 * l[e]);
this.due_string += (e > 0 ? "<br>" : "") + '<span class="margin-bottom-5">' + d.formatOffset("l, F d, Y") + " at " + d.formatOffset("g:i a") + "</span>"
if (this.due_dates_title = "Due Date" + (l.length > 1 ? "s" : ""), "question" == this.correctionView)
for (e = 0; e < this.teacherAssignment.questionOrder.length; e++) {
var u = this.teacherAssignment.questionOrder[e];
title: "extra" === u ? "Extra Credit" : "Question " + this.teacherAssignment.questions[u].name,
id: u,
timed: !1,
link: !1
} else
for (e = 0; e < this.teacherAssignment.order.length; e++) {
var h = this.teacherAssignment.order[e];
title: (this.teacherAssignment.is_test ? "<b>Q" + (e + 1) + ':</b> <span class="diminish-opacity">' : "") + this.skillcodesService.getName(h, this.teacherAssignment) + (this.teacherAssignment.is_test ? "</span>" : ""),
id: h,
timed: !!this.teacherAssignment.skills[h].seconds,
video: this.teacherAssignment.skills[h].is_video,
link: !0 !== this.teacherAssignment.skills[h].is_video
this.allWeightsZero = this.teacherAssignment.allWeightsZero, this.allRows = [];
var p = {
grade: 0,
complete: 0
for (e in this.maxProblemsHasLates = !1, this.showTimeEstimate = !1, this.addTimePossible = !1, this.studentList) {
var f = this.teacherAssignment.studentList && -1 != this.teacherAssignment.studentList.indexOf(this.studentList[e]._id),
m = _.intersection(this.studentList[e].sections[this.user.teachercode], this.teacherAssignment.sectionList);
if (0 !== m.length || f) {
void 0 === this.assignmentDetails[e] && (this.assignmentDetails[e] = p), (void 0 === this.assignmentDetails[e].actuallyComplete || this.assignmentDetails[e].actuallyComplete < this.assignmentDetails[e].complete) && (this.assignmentDetails[e].actuallyComplete = this.assignmentDetails[e].complete), this.assignmentDetails[e].plays && (this.videoPlays += this.assignmentDetails[e].plays, this.videoTime += this.assignmentDetails[e].totalVideoTime);
var g = this.assignmentDetails[e].grade + "%",
b = this.assignmentDetails[e].complete + "%";
if (this.maxProblemsExists && (b !== g && (this.maxProblemsHasLates = !0, g = b + " \u2192 " + g), b = this.assignmentDetails[e].actuallyComplete + "%"), void 0 !== this.assignmentDetails[e].solveTime && (this.showTimeEstimate = !0), _.get(this.assignmentDetails[e].notes_uploaded_meta, "pages")) {
var v = this.assignmentDetails[e].notes_uploaded_meta.pages,
y = new Date(1e3 * this.assignmentDetails[e].notes_uploaded_meta.last_upload).formatOffset("M d, h:i a");
this.assignmentDetails[e].notes_uploaded_meta.tip = v + " page" + (v > 1 ? "s" : "") + " (" + y + ")"
first: this.studentList[e].first,
last: this.studentList[e].last,
id: e,
sections: this.studentList[e].sections[this.user.teachercode],
sectionStr: m.join(", "),
sectionStrCmp: m[0],
grade: this.assignmentDetails[e].grade,
complete: this.assignmentDetails[e].complete,
gradeShow: this.allWeightsZero ? "--" : g,
completeShow: this.allWeightsZero ? "--" : b,
actuallyComplete: this.assignmentDetails[e].actuallyComplete,
skills: [],
test: this.assignmentDetails[e].test,
newtest: this.assignmentDetails[e].newtest,
sid: this.assignmentDetails[e]._id,
plays: this.assignmentDetails[e].plays,
time_started_stamp: this.assignmentDetails[e].time_started,
time_started: this.assignmentDetails[e].time_started ? new Date(1e3 * this.assignmentDetails[e].time_started).formatOffset("M d, h:i a") : "not started",
last_improvement_stamp: this.assignmentDetails[e].last_improvement,
last_improvement: this.assignmentDetails[e].last_improvement ? new Date(1e3 * this.assignmentDetails[e].last_improvement).formatOffset("M d, h:i a") : "n/a",
last_action_stamp: this.assignmentDetails[e].last_action,
last_action: this.assignmentDetails[e].last_action ? new Date(1e3 * this.assignmentDetails[e].last_action).formatOffset("M d, h:i a") : "n/a",
time_estimate: this.assignmentDetails[e].solveTime,
time_estimate_show: this.assignmentDetails[e].solveTime ? Math.floor(this.assignmentDetails[e].solveTime / 3600) + " hr " + ("0" + Math.floor((this.assignmentDetails[e].solveTime - 3600 * Math.floor(this.assignmentDetails[e].solveTime / 3600)) / 60)).slice(-2) + " min" : "0 hr 00 min",
videoTime: this.assignmentDetails[e].totalVideoTime,
notes: this.assignmentDetails[e].notes_uploaded_meta
var w, C, O, k = this.allRows.length - 1;
this.assignmentDetails[e].time_started && (this.addTimePossible = !0);
var E, P = 0,
x = 0;
if ("question" === this.correctionView)
for (void 0 !== this.assignmentDetails[e].testdata && (this.assignmentDetails[e].testdata.extra = this.teacherAssignment.extraPoints - this.assignmentDetails[e].extra), n = 0; n < this.teacherAssignment.questionOrder.length; n++)
if (r = this.teacherAssignment.questionOrder[n], void 0 !== this.assignmentDetails[e].testdata) {
var D = this.teacherAssignment.questions[r].points,
M = D - this.assignmentDetails[e].testdata[r];
for (this.allRows[k].skills.push({
val: M,
valShow: M + "/" + D
}), C = M / D * 100, i = 0; i < this.studentList[e].sections[this.user.teachercode].length; i++)(E = this.sectionAverages[this.studentList[e].sections[this.user.teachercode][i]][r]).sum += C, E.count++;
(E = this.sectionAverages.deltamathALL[r]).sum += C, E.count++
} else this.allRows[k].skills.push({
val: "",
valShow: ""
for (n = 0; n < this.teacherAssignment.order.length; n++) {
if (this.teacherAssignment.skills[r = this.teacherAssignment.order[n]].is_video) w = _.get(this.assignmentDetails[e], 'video_data["' + r + '"].grade', 0), this.allRows[k].skills.push({
val: w,
valShow: w + "%"
}), C = w;
else {
if (this.teacherAssignment.skills[r].seconds ? (null === (w = _.get(this.assignmentDetails[e], 'data["' + r + '"].record', "--")) && (w = "--"), C = 1 * _.get(this.assignmentDetails[e], 'data["' + r + '"].score', 0), O = "correction" === this.teacherAssignment.type ? _.get(this.assignmentDetails[e], 'skills["' + r + '"].required', 0) : this.teacherAssignment.skills[r].seconds[0]) : (w = _.get(this.assignmentDetails[e], 'data["' + r + '"].record', 0), O = "correction" === this.teacherAssignment.type ? _.get(this.assignmentDetails[e], 'skills["' + r + '"].required', 0) : this.teacherAssignment.skills[r].required, this.teacherAssignment.is_test ? (P += w = Math.round(w * this.teacherAssignment.skills[r].weight * 1e3) / 1e3, x += O = Math.round(O * this.teacherAssignment.skills[r].weight * 1e3) / 1e3) : this.teacherAssignment.skills[r].teacher_graded && !_.get(this.assignmentDetails[e], 'data["' + r + '"].teacher_graded', !1) && (w = "- "), C = "number" != typeof w ? -1 : !!O && Math.min(w, O) / O * 100), 0 === O) {
val: "",
valShow: ""
val: "--" === w ? 1e5 : w,
valShow: w + "/" + O
if (-1 != C) {
for (i = 0; i < this.studentList[e].sections[this.user.teachercode].length; i++) this.sectionAverages[this.studentList[e].sections[this.user.teachercode][i]] && ((E = this.sectionAverages[this.studentList[e].sections[this.user.teachercode][i]][r]).sum += C, E.count++);
(E = this.sectionAverages.deltamathALL[r]).sum += C, E.count++
this.showTestPoints && (this.allRows[k].test_points = P, this.allRows[k].test_points_show = P + "/" + x);
var j = void 0 === this.assignmentDetails[e].solveTime ? 0 : this.assignmentDetails[e].solveTime;
for (i = 0; i < this.studentList[e].sections[this.user.teachercode].length; i++) this.sectionAverages[this.studentList[e].sections[this.user.teachercode][i]] && ((E = this.sectionAverages[this.studentList[e].sections[this.user.teachercode][i]].grade).sum += this.assignmentDetails[e].grade, E.count++, (E = this.sectionAverages[this.studentList[e].sections[this.user.teachercode][i]].complete).sum += this.assignmentDetails[e].complete, E.count++, (E = this.sectionAverages[this.studentList[e].sections[this.user.teachercode][i]].actuallyComplete).sum += this.assignmentDetails[e].actuallyComplete, E.count++, this.showTestPoints && ((E = this.sectionAverages[this.studentList[e].sections[this.user.teachercode][i]].test_points).sum += P, E.count++), this.showTimeEstimate && ((E = this.sectionAverages[this.studentList[e].sections[this.user.teachercode][i]].time_estimate).sum += j, E.count++), this.correction && void 0 !== this.assignmentDetails[e].test && ((E = this.sectionAverages[this.studentList[e].sections[this.user.teachercode][i]].test).sum += this.assignmentDetails[e].test, E.count++, (E = this.sectionAverages[this.studentList[e].sections[this.user.teachercode][i]].newtest).sum += this.assignmentDetails[e].newtest, E.count++));
(E = this.sectionAverages.deltamathALL.complete).sum += this.assignmentDetails[e].complete, E.count++, (E = this.sectionAverages.deltamathALL.actuallyComplete).sum += this.assignmentDetails[e].actuallyComplete, E.count++, (E = this.sectionAverages.deltamathALL.grade).sum += this.assignmentDetails[e].grade, E.count++, this.showTestPoints && ((E = this.sectionAverages.deltamathALL.test_points).sum += P, E.count++), this.showTimeEstimate && ((E = this.sectionAverages.deltamathALL.time_estimate).sum += j, E.count++), this.correction && void 0 !== this.assignmentDetails[e].test && ((E = this.sectionAverages.deltamathALL.test).sum += this.assignmentDetails[e].test, E.count++, (E = this.sectionAverages.deltamathALL.newtest).sum += this.assignmentDetails[e].newtest, E.count++)
this.showTimeEstimate || this.columnsOptions.splice( {
})).indexOf("timeEstimate"), 1), this.showTestPoints || this.columnsOptions.splice( {
})).indexOf("showTestPoints"), 1), 0 == this.videoPlays && this.columnsOptions.splice( {
})).indexOf("videoPlays"), 1), this.allRows = _.sortBy(this.allRows, [function(t) {
return t.sectionStrCmp
}, function(t) {
return t.last.toLowerCase()
}, function(t) {
return t.first.toLowerCase()
}], ["asc", "asc", "asc"]), this.calculateRowHTML()
}, t.prototype.calculateRowHTML = function() {
var t, e;
for (this.rows = [], this.visibleNotesShow = 0, t = 0, e = this.allRows.length; t < e; t++)("" === this.teacherAssignment.selectedSection || _.includes(this.allRows[t].sections, this.teacherAssignment.selectedSection)) && (this.rows.push(this.allRows[t]), this.allRows[t].notes && this.allRows[t].notes.pages && this.visibleNotesShow++)
}, t.prototype.columnSort = function(t, e) {
var n, i, r = this;
for (n = 0, i = this.allRows.length; n < i; n++) this.allRows[n].position = n;
"last_improvement_stamp" != t && "last_action_stamp" != t || void 0 !== this.sortRecord[t] || (this.sortRecord[t] = 1), this.sortRecord[t] = void 0 === this.sortRecord[t] || -1 === this.sortRecord[t] ? 1 : -1, this.allRows.sort("string" === e ? function(e, n) {
return e[t].localeCompare(n[t]) * r.sortRecord[t] || e.position - n.position
} : "number" === e ? function(e, n) {
return ((void 0 === e[t] ? 1e3 * r.sortRecord[t] : e[t]) - (void 0 === n[t] ? 1e3 * r.sortRecord[t] : n[t])) * r.sortRecord[t] || e.position - n.position
} : function(n, i) {
return (("" === n.skills[e].val ? 1e4 * r.sortRecord[t] : 1 * n.skills[e].val) - ("" === i.skills[e].val ? 1e4 * r.sortRecord[t] : 1 * i.skills[e].val)) * r.sortRecord[t] || n.position - i.position
}), this.calculateRowHTML()
}, t.prototype.changeSection = function(t) {
this.teacherAssignment.selectedSection = t, this.section = t, this.calculateRowHTML()
}, t.prototype.changeView = function(t) {
this.correctionView = t, this.auth.tempPreferences("correction_view", t), this.myChange()
}, t.prototype.getAverage = function(t, e, n) {
return !this.allWeightsZero || "grade" != n && "complete" != n && "actuallyComplete" != n ? void 0 === t ? 0 : "time_estimate" === n ? t.count > 0 ? Math.floor(t.sum / t.count / 3600) + " hr " + ("0" + Math.floor((t.sum / t.count - 3600 * Math.floor(t.sum / t.count / 3600)) / 60)).slice(-2) + " min" : "0 hr 00 min" : (void 0 === e && (e = 0), 0 === t.count ? "---" : Math.round(t.sum / t.count * Math.pow(10, e)) / Math.pow(10, e)) : "--"
}, t.prototype.beginEdit = function() {
this.assignmentData.ltiStudentAssignmentsStarted && (this.assignmentData.ltiStudentAssignmentsStarted = !1), this.assignmentData.setAssignmentToEdit(
}, t.prototype.changeGrade = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this;
if (!(e >= 0 && "" === this.rows[t].skills[e].valShow || this.teacherAssignment.skills[this.teacherAssignment.order[e]] && this.teacherAssignment.skills[this.teacherAssignment.order[e]].is_video)) return void 0 === this.rows[t].sid ? alertDialog("The assignment cannot be edited because the student has not begun the assignment yet.") : void(-1 == e && this.rows[t].grade == this.rows[t].complete || (n.stopPropagation(), this.cellEdit = t + "_" + e, this.grayOut = "", setTimeout((function() {
$('input[which="' + t + "_" + e + '"]').focus().select().unbind("keypress").keypress((function(n) {
13 == n.keyCode && i.saveEdit(t, e, n)
})), $(document).off("keyup.celledit").on("keyup.celledit", (function(t) {
27 === t.keyCode && (i.cellEdit = "")
}, t.prototype.saveEdit = function(t, e, n) {
var i, r, o = this;
var s = this.rows[t].sid,
a = 0;
if (-1 == e) i = "forgive", r = -1;
else {
if (i = this.teacherAssignment.order[e], r = 1 * $('input[which="' + t + "_" + e + '"]').val(), isNaN(r) || r < 0) return alertDialog("Enter a valid number.");
if (this.teacherAssignment.is_test) {
var c = parseInt(this.rows[t].skills[e].valShow);
a = r - c, r /= this.teacherAssignment.skills[i].weight
this.grayOut = this.cellEdit, this.cellEdit = "", this.studentData.changeStudentRecord(s, i, r).then((function(n) {
var s = n;
if (o.grayOut = "", s.message) return alertDialog(s.message);
if ("forgive" !== i) {
o.teacherAssignment.is_test && (r = Math.round(r * o.teacherAssignment.skills[i].weight * 1e3) / 1e3, o.rows[t].test_points += a, o.rows[t].test_points_show = o.rows[t].test_points + "/" + o.totalPoints), o.rows[t].skills[e].val = r;
var c = o.rows[t].skills[e].valShow.indexOf("/");
o.rows[t].skills[e].valShow = r + o.rows[t].skills[e].valShow.substr(c)
o.rows[t].grade = s.grade, o.rows[t].complete = s.complete;
var l = s.grade + "%",
d = s.complete + "%";
o.maxProblemsExists && (d !== l && (l = d + " \u2192 " + l), d = s.actuallyComplete + "%"), o.rows[t].gradeShow = l, o.rows[t].completeShow = d, o.rows[t].newtest = s.newtest
}, t.prototype.downloadToExcel = function() {
var t = {
term: this.auth.currentTerm,
section: this.section,
token: this.auth.getToken()
e = this.auth.getRequestAndPath("get_excel_sheet", t);
$('<form method="post" id="my-form" action="' + e.requestPath + '" style="display:none;" target="TheWindow">\n\t\t\t<input type="hidden" name="json" value=\'' + JSON.stringify(e.request) + "'>\n\t\t\t</form>").appendTo("body").submit().remove()
}, t.prototype.refresh = function() {
var t = this;
this.spinner.start(), this.studentData.getAssignmentDetails( {
t.assignmentDetails = e, t.myChange()
}, t.prototype.watchedDuration = function(t) {
var e = (t = Math.round(t)) % 60,
n = (t - e) / 60 % 60,
i = (t - e - 60 * n) / 3600;
return t < 60 ? t + " seconds" : t < 3600 ? n + " minute" + (1 === n ? "" : "s") + " and " + e + " second" + (1 === e ? "" : "s") : i + " hour" + (1 === i ? "" : "s") + " and " + n + " minute" + (1 === n ? "" : "s")
}, t.prototype.updateColumnsSelected = function() {
for (var t in this.columnsSelected = [], this.columnsSelectedObj) this.columnsSelectedObj[t] && this.columnsSelected.push(t)
}, t.prototype.columnsSelectedChange = function(t) {
for (var e = this, n = 0; n < this.columnsOptions.length; n++) {
var i = this.columnsOptions[n].id;
this.columnsSelectedObj[i] = -1 == t.indexOf(i) ? 0 : 1
this.updatePreferencesTimeout && (clearTimeout(this.updatePreferencesTimeout), this.updatePreferencesTimeout = void 0), this.updatePreferencesTimeout = setTimeout((function() {
e.auth.preferences("columnsSelectedObj", e.columnsSelectedObj), e.updatePreferencesTimeout = void 0
}), 1e4)
}, t.prototype.ngAfterViewInit = function() {}, t.prototype.addingTimeSubmit = function() {
var t = this;
return this.addTimeSection ? -2 == this.addTimeTime ? alertDialog("You must select a time for extending.") : void this.studentData.resetStudentTimeBySection(this.teacherAssignment._id, this.addTimeSection, this.addTimeTime, (function() {
t.addingTime = !1, t.addTimeSection = "", alertDialog("The time has been added successfully. Students should REFRESH their page to see the additional time if they are currently signed in.")
})) : alertDialog("You must select a " + this.user.sections.groupedby.toLowerCase() + ". ")
}, t.prototype.closeAddTimeNotice = function() {
this.showAddTimeNotice = !1, !0 !== this.auth.preferences("closeAddTimeNotice") && this.auth.preferences("closeAddTimeNotice", !0)
}, t.prototype.syncGradesWithLMS = function() {
var t = this;
this.spinner.start(), this.assignmentData.syncGradesByTeacherAssignmentId(this.teacherAssignment._id).then((function(e) {
var n = e.error,
i = e.successMessage,
r = e.entityNotFoundSections;
if (r) {
var o = Object(h.reduce)(r, (function(t, e) {
return t + "<em>" + e + "</em><br/>"
}), "");
t.modalsService.showModal("The grade passback failed for the following sections because the link between DeltaMath and Google Classroom has been lost. This can happen, for example, if the Google Classroom assignment has been deleted.<br/><br/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" + o + "<br/><br/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tYou can either transfer the grades manually, or take the following actions:<br/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(1) Delete the assignment in Google Classroom (if one exists).<br/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(2) Edit the assignment on DeltaMath and make a minor change to the title of the assignment (such as adding a space to the end of the assignment name).<br/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(3) Make sure the due date is in the future for all sections.<br/><br/>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tThis will create a new assignment in Google Classroom and pass the grades back properly.\n\t\t\t\t", "Grade Passback Failure", void 0, "Okay").result.then((function() {}), (function() {}))
} else {
var s = "There was an error when attempting to sync grades for this assignment. Please try again in a few minutes.";
n ? s = n : i && (s = i),, null, {
duration: 3e3,
verticalPosition: "top"
}, t.prototype.copyAssignmentLinkToClipboard = function() {
var t = this;
this.auth.copyTextToClipboard("" +, this.copyTextShowing = !0, setTimeout((function() {
t.copyTextShowing = !1
}), 1500)
}, t.prototype.downloadAllNotes = function() {
this.visibleNotesShow && this.studentData.downloadAllStudentNotes(this.teacherAssignment, this.rows.filter((function(t) {
return t.notes && t.notes.pages
})).map((function(t) {
return t.sid
}, t.prototype.downloadSingleNotes = function(t) {
}, t.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function() {
this.updatePreferencesTimeout && (clearTimeout(this.updatePreferencesTimeout), this.auth.preferences("columnsSelectedObj", this.columnsSelectedObj)), $(document).off("keyup.celledit")
}, t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)(l.dc(xt.a), l.dc(o.a), l.dc(o.b), l.dc(d.a), l.dc(_r.a), l.dc(Mt.a), l.dc(kr.a), l.dc(a.g), l.dc(c.a))
}, t.\u0275cmp = l.Xb({
type: t,
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["value", "skill"],
[1, "control-label"],
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[1, "grade-change-td", 2, "cursor", "pointer", 3, "ngClass", "click"],
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template: function(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 0), l.rc("click", (function() {
return e.cellEdit = ""
})), l.dd(1, "\n"), l.jc(2, "div", 1), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.jc(4, "h2", 2), l.jc(5, "u"), l.dd(6), l.ic(), l.dd(7, " \n "),, Er, 1, 1, "ng-template", null, 3,, l.dd(10, "\n "), l.jc(11, "a", 4),, "i", 5), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "), l.jc(14, "a", 6),, Pr, 1, 0, "i", 7),, xr, 2, 0, "span", 8), l.ic(), l.dd(17, "\n"),, Dr, 2, 0, "a", 9), l.dd(19, " \n\t"),, Mr, 2, 0, "a", 10), l.dd(21, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(22, "\n "),, Tr, 39, 6, "div", 11), l.dd(24, "\n "), l.jc(25, "button", 12), l.rc("click", (function() {
return e.refresh()
})), l.dd(26, "\n "),, "b", 13), l.dd(28, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(29, "\n "), l.jc(30, "button", 14), l.rc("click", (function() {
return e.downloadToExcel()
})), l.dd(31, "\n "),, "b", 15), l.dd(33, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(34, "\n\t"),, Ar, 4, 1, "button", 16), l.dd(36, "\n "), l.jc(37, "ss-multiselect-dropdown", 17), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return e.columnsSelected = t
}))("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return e.columnsSelectedChange(t)
})), l.ic(), l.dd(38, "\n "),, Ir, 11, 1, "span", 18), l.dd(40, "\n\t\n"), l.ic(), l.dd(41, "\n\n\n\n"), l.jc(42, "div", 19), l.dd(43, "\n\t"), l.jc(44, "table", 20), l.dd(45, "\n\t\t"), l.jc(46, "thead"), l.dd(47, "\n\t\t\t"), l.jc(48, "tr", 21), l.dd(49, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(50, "td", 22), l.dd(51, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"),, Lr, 13, 3, "div", 18), l.dd(53, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(54, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, Br, 3, 2, "th", 23), l.dd(56, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, Fr, 3, 0, "th", 23), l.dd(58, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, Ur, 3, 0, "th", 23), l.dd(60, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, Nr, 3, 0, "th", 23), l.dd(62, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, zr, 4, 4, "ng-template", 24), l.dd(64, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, Gr, 3, 0, "th", 23), l.dd(66, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, Yr, 3, 0, "th", 23), l.dd(68, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, $r, 4, 1, "th", 23), l.dd(70, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, Zr, 3, 0, "th", 23), l.dd(72, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, Xr, 2, 0, "th", 23), l.dd(74, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, Jr, 2, 0, "th", 23), l.dd(76, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, to, 2, 0, "th", 23), l.dd(78, "\n\t\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(79, "\n\t\t\t"), l.jc(80, "tr", 25), l.dd(81, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, eo, 2, 1, "th", 26), l.dd(83, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, io, 4, 1, "ng-template", 27), l.dd(85, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, oo, 4, 4, "ng-template", 24), l.dd(87, "\n\t\t\t"),, ao, 4, 2, "th", 28), l.dd(89, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, co, 2, 1, "th", 29), l.dd(91, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, lo, 2, 1, "th", 29), l.dd(93, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, uo, 2, 1, "th", 29), l.dd(95, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, ho, 2, 0, "th", 29), l.dd(97, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, po, 2, 1, "th", 30), l.dd(99, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, fo, 2, 1, "th", 30), l.dd(101, "\n\t\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(102, "\n\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(103, "\n\t\t"), l.jc(104, "tbody"), l.dd(105, "\n\t\t\t"),, Bo, 39, 33, "tr", 31), l.dd(107, "\n\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(108, "\n\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(109, "\n"), l.ic(), l.dd(110, "\n"),, Fo, 2, 0, "div", 32), l.dd(112, "\n\n"),, Uo, 9, 2, "div", 33), l.dd(114, "\n\n"), l.ic(), l.dd(115, "\n\n")), 2 & t) {
var n = l.Nc(9);
l.Qb(6), l.fd("Title: ", null == e.teacherAssignment ? null :, ""), l.Qb(6), l.Cc("popover", n)("popoverTitle", e.due_dates_title), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", !e.copyTextShowing), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngIf", e.copyTextShowing), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.allowAssignmentEdit), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "limit" === (null == e.teacherAssignment ? null : e.teacherAssignment.time_limit) && e.addTimePossible), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", e.addingTime), l.Qb(12), l.Cc("ngIf", (e.isLtiResourceAssignment || e.isGoogleClassroomAssignment) && e.isCurrentTermAssignment), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngModel", e.columnsSelected)("options", e.columnsOptions)("texts", l.Fc(40, No))("settings", e.mySettings), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.correction), l.Qb(13), l.Cc("ngIf", (null == e.teacherAssignment.sectionList ? null : e.teacherAssignment.sectionList.length) > 1), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", e.columnsSelectedObj.grade), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.columnsSelectedObj.complete), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.correction), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.correction), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.columnsSelectedObj.skills), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.hasIntegral && 2 === e.teacherAssignment.notes), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.showTestPoints && e.columnsSelectedObj.showTestPoints), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.showTimeEstimate && e.columnsSelectedObj.timeEstimate), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.videoPlays && e.columnsSelectedObj.videoPlays), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.timeLimitedAssignment && e.columnsSelectedObj.testBegin), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.columnsSelectedObj.lastImprovementShow), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.columnsSelectedObj.lastActionShow), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngForOf", e.columns.slice(0, 3)), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngForOf", e.columns.slice(3, 5 + (e.correction ? 2 : 0))), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.columnsSelectedObj.skills), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.hasIntegral && 2 === e.teacherAssignment.notes), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.showTestPoints && e.columnsSelectedObj.showTestPoints), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.showTimeEstimate && e.columnsSelectedObj.timeEstimate), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.videoPlays && e.columnsSelectedObj.videoPlays), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.timeLimitedAssignment && e.columnsSelectedObj.testBegin), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.columnsSelectedObj.lastImprovementShow), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.columnsSelectedObj.lastActionShow), l.Qb(6), l.Cc("ngForOf", e.rows), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngIf", e.allWeightsZero), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.videoTime)
directives: [v.a, f.t, C.a, At.a, y.p, y.s, f.s, y.B, y.u, y.E, o.e, f.w, m.d, f.q, m.a, y.c, Lt.a],
pipes: [f.E],
styles: [".grade-change-td[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{position:relative}.grade-change-td[_ngcontent-%COMP%] input[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{min-width:35px;text-align:center}.grade-change-td[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .btn-success[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{position:absolute;right:-27px;z-index:100;top:7px}.grade-change-td[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .btn-success.forgive[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{right:-100px;top:4px}.grade-change-td[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .btn-success.more-padding[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{right:-32px}.grade-change-td[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .btn-danger[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{position:absolute;right:-75px;z-index:100;top:7px}.grade-change-td[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .btn-danger.forgive[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{right:-148px;top:4px}.grade-change-td[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .btn-danger.more-padding[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{right:-80px}.gray-out-cell[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{opacity:.2}"]
}), t
Qo = function() {
function t(t, e) {
this.studentData = t, this.router = e
return t.prototype.resolve = function(t) {
var e = this;
return this.studentData.getAssignmentDetails( {
return t || (e.router.navigate(["/login"]), !1)
}, t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)(,
}, t.\u0275prov = l.Zb({
token: t,
factory: t.\u0275fac
}), t
qo = n("ikV3"),
Ko = n("VOLt"),
Vo = n("X/Pd"),
Ho = n("F/XL"),
zo = n("SVxA"),
Go = function() {
function t(t, e, n) {
this.studentData = t, this.router = e, this.reuseRoute = n
return t.prototype.resolve = function(t) {
var e = this;
return this.reuseRoute.backClicked && this.reuseRoute.saveSkillDetailRoute ? Object(Ho.a)({
reconstruct: !0
}).toPromise() : this.studentData.getSkillDetails(, t.params.skillcode).then((function(t) {
return t || (e.router.navigate(["/login"]), !1)
}, t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)(,,
}, t.\u0275prov = l.Zb({
token: t,
factory: t.\u0275fac
}), t
function Yo(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "button", 5), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(1, "\n "),, "b", 6), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.ic()
var $o = function(t) {
return ["/teacher/data/student", t]
function Zo(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "tr"), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(2, "td"), l.dd(3), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(5, "td"), l.jc(6, "a", 11), l.dd(7), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(8, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(9, "td"), l.dd(10), l.ic(), l.dd(11, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(12, "td"), l.dd(13), l.wc(14, "date"), l.ic(), l.dd(15, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(16, "td"), l.dd(17), l.wc(18, "date"), l.ic(), l.dd(19, "\n\t\t\t"), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n = e.$implicit;
l.Qb(3), l.ed(n.count), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Gc(12, $o,, l.Qb(1), l.ed(, l.Qb(3), l.ed(n.section), l.Qb(3), l.ed(n.time ? l.yc(14, 6, 1e3 * n.time, "MMM dd, hh:mm a") : "No Record"), l.Qb(4), l.ed(n.last_login ? l.yc(18, 9, 1e3 * n.last_login, "MMM dd, hh:mm a") : "No Record")
function Xo(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 7), l.dd(1, "\n\t"), l.jc(2, "table", 8), l.dd(3, "\n\t\t"), l.jc(4, "thead"), l.dd(5, "\n\t\t\t"), l.jc(6, "tr", 9), l.dd(7, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(8, "th"), l.dd(9, "#"), l.ic(), l.dd(10, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(11, "th"), l.dd(12, "Name"), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(14, "th"), l.dd(15), l.ic(), l.dd(16, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(17, "th"), l.dd(18, "Last Problem Solve"), l.ic(), l.dd(19, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(20, "th"), l.dd(21, "Last Action / Login"), l.ic(), l.dd(22, "\n\t\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(23, "\n\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(24, "\n\t\t"), l.jc(25, "tbody"), l.dd(26, "\n\t\t\t"),, Zo, 20, 14, "tr", 10), l.dd(28, "\n\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(29, "\n\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(30, "\n"), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(15), l.ed(n.user.sections.groupedby), l.Qb(12), l.Cc("ngForOf", n.rows)
function Jo(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "h3"), l.dd(1, "\n\tYou have no students.\n"), l.ic())
var ts = function() {
function t(t, e, n, i) {
this.studentData = t, this.route = e, this.router = n, this.spinner = i, this.has_students = !1
return t.prototype.ngOnInit = function() {
var t = this;
this.user = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("user")), this.studentData.getStudentList().subscribe((function(e) {
t.studentList = e
})), {
e.studentList && (t.studentData.studentList = e.studentList, t.studentList = e.studentList), e.lastAction.message && alertDialog(e.lastAction.message), t.lastAction =
})), this.myChange()
}, t.prototype.myChange = function() {
var t = this;
setTimeout((function() {
})), this.rows = [];
var e, n, i = 0,
r = {};
for (n = 0; n < this.lastAction.length; n++) void 0 !== this.studentList[this.lastAction[n].id] ? (r[e = this.lastAction[n].id] = !0, i++, this.rows.push({
section: this.studentList[e].sections[this.user.teachercode].join(", "),
count: i,
id: e,
name: this.studentList[e].first + " " + this.studentList[e].last,
time: this.lastAction[n].last_action,
last_login: this.lastAction[n].last_login
})) : console.log("Undefined student: " + this.lastAction[n].id);
var o = 0;
for (e in this.studentList) o++, void 0 === r[e] && (i++, this.rows.push({
section: this.studentList[e].sections[this.user.teachercode].join(", "),
count: i,
id: e,
name: this.studentList[e].first + " " + this.studentList[e].last,
time: 0
this.has_students = o > 0
}, t.prototype.refresh = function() {
var t = this;
this.studentData.getLastAction().then((function(e) {
var n = e;
n.message && alertDialog(n.message), n.studentList && (t.studentData.studentList = n.studentList, t.studentList = n.studentList), t.lastAction =, t.myChange()
}, t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)(l.dc(_r.a), l.dc(o.a), l.dc(o.b), l.dc(a.m))
}, t.\u0275cmp = l.Xb({
type: t,
selectors: [
decls: 13,
vars: 3,
consts: [
[1, "assignment-view-tools"],
[1, "assignment-heading"],
["class", "btn btn-primary margin-right-3", "tooltip", "Refresh the data", "placement", "bottom", 3, "click", 4, "ngIf"],
["class", "table-responsive", 4, "ngIf"],
[4, "ngIf"],
["tooltip", "Refresh the data", "placement", "bottom", 1, "btn", "btn-primary", "margin-right-3", 3, "click"],
[1, "glyphicon", "glyphicon-refresh"],
[1, "table-responsive"],
["id", "last-action-table", 1, "no-select", "text-nowrap", "table-responsive", "table-condensed", "table-striped", "table-bordered", "table-hover"],
["align", "", 1, "flatly-table-header"],
[4, "ngFor", "ngForOf"],
[1, "dm-link", "no-underline", 3, "routerLink"]
template: function(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 0), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "h2", 1), l.jc(3, "u"), l.dd(4, "Student Last Action"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(5, "\n "),, Yo, 4, 0, "button", 2), l.dd(7, "\n"), l.ic(), l.dd(8, "\n\n"),, Xo, 31, 2, "div", 3), l.dd(10, "\n\n"),, Jo, 2, 0, "h3", 4), l.dd(12, "\n\n")), 2 & t && (l.Qb(6), l.Cc("ngIf", e.has_students), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", e.has_students), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", !e.has_students))
directives: [f.t, C.a, f.s, o.e],
pipes: [f.f],
styles: ["table[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin-top:20px}table.table-condensed[_ngcontent-%COMP%] tbody[_ngcontent-%COMP%] td[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:first-child, table.table-condensed[_ngcontent-%COMP%] thead[_ngcontent-%COMP%] th[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:first-child{min-width:30px;text-align:center}table.table-condensed[_ngcontent-%COMP%] tbody[_ngcontent-%COMP%] td[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:nth-child(3), table.table-condensed[_ngcontent-%COMP%] tbody[_ngcontent-%COMP%] td[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:nth-child(4), table.table-condensed[_ngcontent-%COMP%] thead[_ngcontent-%COMP%] th[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:nth-child(3){text-align:center}table.table-condensed[_ngcontent-%COMP%] tbody[_ngcontent-%COMP%] td[_ngcontent-%COMP%], table.table-condensed[_ngcontent-%COMP%] tbody[_ngcontent-%COMP%] th[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{padding:6px 5px}"]
}), t
es = function() {
function t(t, e) {
this.studentData = t, this.router = e
return t.prototype.resolve = function(t) {
var e = this;
return this.studentData.getLastAction().then((function(t) {
return t || (e.router.navigate(["/login"]), !1)
}, t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)(,
}, t.\u0275prov = l.Zb({
token: t,
factory: t.\u0275fac
}), t
ns = n("dXze");
function is(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "span", 21), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =;
return t.studentSearch = "", t.settings.student = "", t.refresh()
})), l.ic()
function rs(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "span", 21), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =;
return t.skillSearch = "", t.settings.skill = "", t.refresh()
})), l.ic()
function os(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "span", 21), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =;
return t.assignmentSearch = "", t.settings.assignment = "", t.refresh()
})), l.ic()
function ss(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "span", 26), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =$implicit;
l.Qb(1), l.fd(" (", n.uniqueID, ")")
var as = function(t) {
return ["/teacher/data/student", t]
function cs(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "tr"), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(2, "td"), l.jc(3, "button", 22), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t = e.$implicit;
})), l.dd(4, "View"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(5, " \n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(6, "td"), l.dd(7), l.ic(), l.dd(8, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(9, "td"), l.jc(10, "a", 23), l.dd(11), l.ic(),, ss, 2, 1, "span", 24), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(14, "td"),, "i", 25), l.ic(), l.dd(16, "\n "), l.jc(17, "td"), l.dd(18), l.ic(), l.dd(19, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(20, "td"), l.dd(21), l.ic(), l.dd(22, "\t\n\t\t\t"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(3), l.Cc("disabled", !, l.Qb(4), l.ed(i.showTime), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Gc(8, as, i.sid)), l.Qb(1), l.ed(i.fullName), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngIf", r.showUniqueID && i.uniqueID), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngClass", i.class), l.Qb(3), l.ed(i.skill), l.Qb(3), l.ed(i.assignmentName)
var ls = function() {
function t(t, e, n, i, r, o, s, a) {
this.studentData = t, this.route = e, this.router = n, this.spinner = i, this.assignmentData = r, this.skillcodesService = o, this.auth = s, this.reuseRoute = a, this.rows = [], this.settings = {}, this.studentSearch = "", this.skillSearch = "", this.assignmentSearch = "", this.count = 0, this.currentPage = 1, this.itemsPerPage = 100, this.showUniqueID = !1, this.lastChange = 0
return t.prototype.ngOnInit = function() {
var t, e = this;
for (t in this.user = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("user")), this.skillcodes = this.skillcodesService.getSkillCodes(), this.settings = {
student: "",
assignment: "",
skill: ""
}, this.reuseRoute.backClicked && this.reuseRoute.saveLogRoute ? (this.reuseRoute.backClicked = !1, this.reuseRoute.saveLogRoute = !1, this.logRows = this.reuseRoute.allDataLogRoute.logRows, this.count = this.reuseRoute.allDataLogRoute.count, this.studentList = this.reuseRoute.allDataLogRoute.studentList, this.currentPage = this.reuseRoute.allDataLogRoute.currentPage, this.itemsPerPage = this.reuseRoute.allDataLogRoute.itemsPerPage, this.skillSearch = this.reuseRoute.allDataLogRoute.skillSearch, this.assignmentSearch = this.reuseRoute.allDataLogRoute.assignmentSearch, this.studentSearch = this.reuseRoute.allDataLogRoute.studentSearch, this.settings = this.reuseRoute.allDataLogRoute.settings, this.showUniqueID = this.reuseRoute.allDataLogRoute.showUniqueID, this.lastChange = (new Date).getTime(), setTimeout((function() {
}), 0)) : ( {
if (!t.logRows.reconstruct) {
var n = t.logRows;
e.logRows =, e.count = n.count, n.studentList && (e.studentList = n.studentList, e.studentData.studentList = n.studentList), n.message && alertDialog(n.message)
})), this.studentData.getStudentList().subscribe((function(t) {
return e.studentList = t
}))), this.assignmentData.getTeacherAssignments().subscribe((function(t) {
return e.teacherAssignments = t
})), this.studentTypeahead = [], this.studentList) this.studentTypeahead.push({
id: t,
name: this.studentList[t].first + " " + this.studentList[t].last,
type: "student"
for (t in this.skillTypeahead = [], this.skillcodes.skills) "string" == typeof this.skillcodes.skills[t].name && this.skillTypeahead.push({
id: t,
name: this.skillcodes.skills[t].name,
type: "skill"
for (t in this.assignmentTypeahead = [], this.teacherAssignments) this.assignmentTypeahead.push({
id: t,
name: this.teacherAssignments[t].name,
type: "assignment"
}, t.prototype.myChange = function() {
this.spinner.stop(), this.rows = [];
for (var t = 0, e = ((new Date).getTime(), 0); e < this.logRows.length; e++)
if (this.studentList[this.logRows[e].sid]) {
var n = void 0 === this.teacherAssignments[this.logRows[e].ta];
this.rows[t] = this.logRows[e], this.rows[t].skill = "userCreatedProblem" === this.logRows[e].sk ? this.assignmentData.getUserCreatedTitle(this.logRows[e]) : this.skillcodesService.getName(this.rows[t].sk, this.teacherAssignments[this.rows[t].ta]), this.rows[t].assignmentName = n ? "Deleted Assignment or Past Term" : this.teacherAssignments[this.rows[t].ta].name;
var i = new Date(1e3 * this.rows[t].time);
this.rows[t].showTime = i.formatOffset("M d, h:i a"), this.rows[t].fullName = this.studentList[this.rows[t].sid].first + " " + this.studentList[this.rows[t].sid].last, this.rows[t].class = 1 * this.rows[t].correct == -1 ? "fa-question" : 1 * this.rows[t].correct == 1 ? "fa-check" : "fa-times", t++
}, t.prototype.refresh = function() {
var t = this;
this.studentData.getLogRows(this.settings).then((function(e) {
var n = e;
n.message && alertDialog(n.message), t.logRows =, t.count = n.count, t.showUniqueID = t.settings.student.length > 4, n.studentList && (t.studentList = n.studentList, t.studentData.studentList = n.studentList), t.myChange()
}, t.prototype.potentialRefresh = function(t) {
"" === t && ("" === this.studentSearch && "" !== this.settings.student && (this.settings.student = "", this.currentPage = 1, this.refresh()), "" === this.assignmentSearch && "" !== this.settings.assignment && (this.settings.assignment = "", this.currentPage = 1, this.refresh()), "" === this.skillSearch && "" !== this.settings.skill && (this.settings.skill = "", this.currentPage = 1, this.refresh()))
}, t.prototype.typeaheadOnSelect = function(t) {
this.settings[t.item.type] =, this.currentPage = 1, this.refresh()
}, t.prototype.pageChanged = function(t) {
(new Date).getTime() - 100 < this.lastChange || (this.lastChange = (new Date).getTime(), this.settings.limit = 1 * t.itemsPerPage, this.settings.skip = ( - 1) * this.itemsPerPage, this.refresh())
}, t.prototype.changeItemsPerPage = function(t) {
(new Date).getTime() - 100 < this.lastChange || (this.currentPage = 1, this.settings.limit = 1 * t, this.settings.skip = 0, this.refresh())
}, t.prototype.viewLog = function(t) {
for (var e = [], n = 0; n < this.rows.length; n++) e.push(this.rows[n]._id);
this.auth.tempPreferences("studentLogsIds", _.reverse(e)), this.router.navigate(["/teacher/student-logs/", t]), this.reuseRoute.saveLogRoute = !0, this.reuseRoute.scrollLogRoute = $(window).scrollTop(), this.reuseRoute.allDataLogRoute = this
}, t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)(l.dc(_r.a), l.dc(o.a), l.dc(o.b), l.dc(a.m), l.dc(a.c), l.dc(a.l), l.dc(c.a), l.dc(zo.a))
}, t.\u0275cmp = l.Xb({
type: t,
selectors: [
decls: 86,
vars: 29,
consts: [
[1, "assignment-view-tools"],
[1, "assignment-heading", 2, "margin-bottom", "0"],
["tooltip", "Refresh the data", "placement", "bottom", 1, "btn", "btn-primary", "margin-right-3", 2, "float", "left", "margin-right", "20px", "margin-top", "25px", 3, "click"],
[1, "glyphicon", "glyphicon-refresh"],
[2, "display", "inline-block", "margin-right", "20px", "margin-top", "25px"],
[1, "form-control", 3, "ngModel", "ngModelChange"],
["value", "100"],
["value", "250"],
["value", "500"],
["value", "1000"],
["previousText", "\u2039", "nextText", "\u203a", "firstText", "\xab", "lastText", "\xbb", 2, "margin-top", "20px", 3, "totalItems", "itemsPerPage", "maxSize", "ngModel", "boundaryLinks", "directionLinks", "ngModelChange", "pageChanged"],
[1, "table-responsive"],
["id", "log-table", 1, "no-select", "text-nowrap", "table-condensed", "table-striped", "table-bordered", "table-hover"],
["align", "", 1, "flatly-table-header"],
[1, "btn-group"],
["type", "search", "name", "search-name", "placeholder", "Search students...", 1, "form-control", 3, "ngModel", "typeahead", "typeaheadOptionField", "typeaheadOptionsLimit", "ngModelChange", "typeaheadOnSelect", "click"],
["class", "glyphicon glyphicon-remove-circle searchclear", 3, "click", 4, "ngIf"],
["tooltip", "Correct or Incorrect", "placement", "top", 1, "fa", "fa-check", 2, "color", "white"],
["type", "search", "name", "search-skill", "placeholder", "Search skills...", 1, "form-control", 3, "ngModel", "typeahead", "typeaheadOptionField", "typeaheadOptionsLimit", "ngModelChange", "typeaheadOnSelect", "click"],
["type", "search", "name", "search-assignment", "placeholder", "Search assignments...", 1, "form-control", 3, "ngModel", "typeahead", "typeaheadOptionField", "typeaheadOptionsLimit", "ngModelChange", "typeaheadOnSelect", "click"],
[4, "ngFor", "ngForOf"],
[1, "glyphicon", "glyphicon-remove-circle", "searchclear", 3, "click"],
[1, "btn", "btn-default", "btn-xs", 3, "disabled", "click"],
[1, "dm-link", "no-underline", 3, "routerLink"],
["class", "unique-id-place", 4, "ngIf"],
[1, "fa", 3, "ngClass"],
[1, "unique-id-place"]
template: function(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 0), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "h2", 1), l.jc(3, "u"), l.dd(4, "Student Problem Logs"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(5, "\n "), l.jc(6, "button", 2), l.rc("click", (function() {
return e.refresh()
})), l.dd(7, "\n "),, "b", 3), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(10, " \n\n "), l.jc(11, "span", 4), l.dd(12, "\n "), l.jc(13, "select", 5), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return e.changeItemsPerPage(t)
}))("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return e.itemsPerPage = t
})), l.jc(14, "option", 6), l.dd(15, "100 per page"), l.ic(), l.jc(16, "option", 7), l.dd(17, "250 per page"), l.ic(), l.jc(18, "option", 8), l.dd(19, "500 per page"), l.ic(), l.jc(20, "option", 9), l.dd(21, "1000 per page"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(22, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(23, "\n\n "), l.jc(24, "pagination", 10), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return e.currentPage = t
}))("pageChanged", (function(t) {
return e.pageChanged(t)
})), l.ic(), l.dd(25, "\n\n \n\n "), l.dd(26, "\n"), l.ic(), l.dd(27, "\n\n"), l.jc(28, "div", 11), l.dd(29, "\n\t"), l.jc(30, "table", 12), l.dd(31, "\n\t\t"), l.jc(32, "thead"), l.dd(33, "\n\t\t\t"), l.jc(34, "tr", 13), l.dd(35, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(36, "th"), l.dd(37, "View"), l.ic(), l.dd(38, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(39, "th"), l.dd(40, "Time"), l.ic(), l.dd(41, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(42, "th"), l.dd(43, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(44, "form", 14), l.dd(45, "\n "), l.jc(46, "input", 15), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return e.studentSearch = t
}))("ngModelChange", (function() {
return e.potentialRefresh(e.studentSearch)
}))("typeaheadOnSelect", (function(t) {
return e.typeaheadOnSelect(t)
}))("click", (function(t) {
})), l.ic(), l.dd(47, " \n "),, is, 1, 0, "span", 16), l.dd(49, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(50, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(51, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(52, "th"),, "i", 17), l.ic(), l.dd(54, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(55, "th"), l.dd(56, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(57, "form", 14), l.dd(58, "\n "), l.jc(59, "input", 18), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return e.skillSearch = t
}))("ngModelChange", (function() {
return e.potentialRefresh(e.skillSearch)
}))("typeaheadOnSelect", (function(t) {
return e.typeaheadOnSelect(t)
}))("click", (function(t) {
})), l.ic(), l.dd(60, " \n "),, rs, 1, 0, "span", 16), l.dd(62, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(63, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(64, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(65, "th"), l.dd(66, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(67, "form", 14), l.dd(68, "\n "), l.jc(69, "input", 19), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return e.assignmentSearch = t
}))("ngModelChange", (function() {
return e.potentialRefresh(e.assignmentSearch)
}))("typeaheadOnSelect", (function(t) {
return e.typeaheadOnSelect(t)
}))("click", (function(t) {
})), l.ic(), l.dd(70, "\n "),, os, 1, 0, "span", 16), l.dd(72, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(73, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(74, "\n\t\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(75, "\n\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(76, "\n\t\t"), l.jc(77, "tbody"), l.dd(78, "\n\t\t\t"),, cs, 23, 10, "tr", 20), l.dd(80, "\n\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(81, "\n\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(82, "\n "), l.jc(83, "pagination", 10), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return e.currentPage = t
}))("pageChanged", (function(t) {
return e.pageChanged(t)
})), l.ic(), l.dd(84, "\n"), l.ic(), l.dd(85, "\n\n\n")), 2 & t && (l.Qb(13), l.Cc("ngModel", e.itemsPerPage), l.Qb(11), l.Cc("totalItems", e.count)("itemsPerPage", e.itemsPerPage)("maxSize", 5)("ngModel", e.currentPage)("boundaryLinks", !0)("directionLinks", !0), l.Qb(22), l.Cc("ngModel", e.studentSearch)("typeahead", e.studentTypeahead)("typeaheadOptionField", "name")("typeaheadOptionsLimit", 10), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.studentSearch), l.Qb(11), l.Cc("ngModel", e.skillSearch)("typeahead", e.skillTypeahead)("typeaheadOptionField", "name")("typeaheadOptionsLimit", 10), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.skillSearch), l.Qb(8), l.Cc("ngModel", e.assignmentSearch)("typeahead", e.assignmentTypeahead)("typeaheadOptionField", "name")("typeaheadOptionsLimit", 10), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.assignmentSearch), l.Qb(8), l.Cc("ngForOf", e.rows), l.Qb(4), l.Cc("totalItems", e.count)("itemsPerPage", e.itemsPerPage)("maxSize", 5)("ngModel", e.currentPage)("boundaryLinks", !0)("directionLinks", !0))
directives: [C.a, y.B, y.p, y.s, y.u, y.E, ns.b, y.F, y.q, y.r, y.c, w.b, f.t, f.s, o.e, f.q, m.a],
styles: ["#log-table[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin-top:20px}#log-table.table-condensed[_ngcontent-%COMP%] tbody[_ngcontent-%COMP%] td[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:first-child, #log-table.table-condensed[_ngcontent-%COMP%] thead[_ngcontent-%COMP%] th[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:first-child{text-align:center}#log-table.table-condensed[_ngcontent-%COMP%] tbody[_ngcontent-%COMP%] td[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:nth-child(2), #log-table.table-condensed[_ngcontent-%COMP%] tbody[_ngcontent-%COMP%] td[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:nth-child(4), #log-table.table-condensed[_ngcontent-%COMP%] thead[_ngcontent-%COMP%] th[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:nth-child(2), #log-table.table-condensed[_ngcontent-%COMP%] thead[_ngcontent-%COMP%] th[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:nth-child(4){text-align:center;padding:5px 10px}#log-table.table-condensed[_ngcontent-%COMP%] thead[_ngcontent-%COMP%] th[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:nth-child(3), #log-table.table-condensed[_ngcontent-%COMP%] thead[_ngcontent-%COMP%] th[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:nth-child(5), #log-table.table-condensed[_ngcontent-%COMP%] thead[_ngcontent-%COMP%] th[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:nth-child(6){min-width:125px}.table-responsive[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{min-height:350px}.form-control[_ngcontent-%COMP%] input[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{height:35px}form[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{width:100%}.fa-check[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{color:#080}.fa-times[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{color:#d41}"]
}), t
ds = function() {
function t(t, e, n) {
this.studentData = t, this.router = e, this.reuseRoute = n
return t.prototype.resolve = function(t) {
var e = this;
return this.reuseRoute.backClicked && this.reuseRoute.saveLogRoute ? Object(Ho.a)({
reconstruct: !0
}).toPromise() : this.studentData.getLogRows({}).then((function(t) {
return t || (e.router.navigate(["/login"]), !1)
}, t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)(,,
}, t.\u0275prov = l.Zb({
token: t,
factory: t.\u0275fac
}), t
us = n("SY88"),
hs = n("IZxe");
function ps(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "span", 8), l.rc("change", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(1, "\n Files on: "), l.jc(2, "select", 9), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.jc(3, "option", 10), l.dd(4, "DeltaMath Server"), l.ic(), l.jc(5, "option", 10), l.dd(6, "Localhost"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(7, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngModel", i.filesOnServer), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngValue", !0), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngValue", !1)
function fs(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "ul", 17), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "li", 18), l.jc(3, "a", 19), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
})), l.dd(4, "Go Live"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(5, "\n "), l.jc(6, "li", 18), l.jc(7, "a", 19), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
return, !1)
})), l.dd(8, "Create Problems"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "),, "li", 20), l.dd(11, "\n "), l.jc(12, "li", 18), l.jc(13, "a", 19), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
return, !0)
})), l.dd(14, "Create Problems and Clear Previous"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", !r.skills[i].timed), l.Qb(4), l.Cc("hidden", r.skills[i].timed), l.Qb(4), l.Cc("hidden", r.skills[i].timed), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", r.skills[i].timed)
function ms(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 13), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.dd(2, "\n "), l.jc(3, "button", 14), l.dd(4, "\n Action "),, "span", 15), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(7, "\n "),, fs, 16, 4, "ul", 16), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.ic())
function gs(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "td"), l.jc(1, "a", 21), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
})), l.dd(2), l.ic(), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit;
l.Qb(2), l.ed(i)
function _s(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "td"), l.jc(1, "a", 21), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
})),, "i", 22), l.dd(3), l.ic(), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit;
l.Qb(3), l.ed(i)
function bs(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "tr"), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "td"), l.dd(3, "\n "),, ms, 10, 0, "div", 11), l.dd(5, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n\n "),, gs, 3, 1, "td", 12), l.dd(8, "\n "),, _s, 4, 1, "td", 12), l.dd(10, "\n "), l.jc(11, "td"), l.dd(12), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "), l.jc(14, "td"), l.dd(15), l.wc(16, "date"), l.ic(), l.dd(17, "\n "), l.jc(18, "td"), l.dd(19), l.ic(), l.dd(20, "\n "), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n = e.$implicit,
i =;
l.Qb(4), l.Cc("ngIf", i.filesOnServer), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", !i.skills[n].timed), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.skills[n].timed), l.Qb(3), l.ed((null == i.skillcodes.skills[n] ? null : i.skillcodes.skills[n].name) || i.skills[n].questionTitle), l.Qb(3), l.ed(l.yc(16, 6, i.skills[n].time, "MMM dd, hh:mm:ss a")), l.Qb(4), l.ed(i.filesOnServer ? i.skills[n].problem_count || (i.skills[n].timed && i.skills[n].done ? "live" : "") : "")
var vs = function() {
function t(t, e, n, i, r, o) {
var s = this;
this.skillcodesService = t, this.programmerService = e, this.router = n, this.location = i, this.spinner = r, this.auth = o, this.arrayOfKeys = [], this.skillcodes = {}, this.skills = {}, this.filesOnServer = !0, this.onLocalhost = !1, this.refresh = function() {
s.spinner.start(), s.programmerService.getRefreshedData().subscribe((function(t) {
s.skills = t, s.arrayOfKeys = Object.keys(s.skills), s.spinner.stop()
}), (function(t) {
return console.log("ERROR: " + t)
return t.prototype.ngOnInit = function() {
this.user = this.auth.getUser(), -1 !== window.location.href.indexOf("localhost") && "zkorzyk" === this.user.programmer_name && ("false" === localStorage.getItem("filesOnServer") && (this.filesOnServer = !1), this.onLocalhost = !0), this.skillcodes = this.skillcodesService.getSkillCodes(), this.filesOnServerChange()
}, t.prototype.filesOnServerChange = function() {
var t = this;
localStorage.setItem("filesOnServer", this.filesOnServer + ""), this.programmerService.getSkillData(this.filesOnServer).subscribe((function(e) {
t.spinner.stop(), t.skills = e, t.arrayOfKeys = Object.keys(t.skills)
}), (function(t) {
return console.log("ERROR: " + t)
}, t.prototype.solveProblem = function(t) {
}, t.prototype.solveTimed = function(t) {
this.spinner.start(), this.skillcodes.skills[t] || (this.skillcodes.skills[t] = {
timed: "zkorzyk" !== this.user.programmer_name
}), this.router.navigate(["/teacher/solve", t, {
test: !0
}]), this.router.url.startsWith("/teacher/solve") && this.location.replaceState("/teacher/solve/" + t)
}, t.prototype.createProblems = function(t, e) {
this.programmerService.createProblems(t, e, this.refresh)
}, t.prototype.recreateAll = function() {
var t = this;
console.log("here1"), setInterval((function() {
for (var e in console.log("here2"), t.skills)
if (console.log(t.skills[e]), !((e + "").length <= 3 || t.skills[e].problem_count || t.skills[e].timed)) {
console.log("here3"), t.createProblems(e, !1);
}), 7e3)
}, t.prototype.goLive = function(t) {
var e = this;
this.spinner.start(), this.programmerService.goLive(t, (function(n) {
"notitle" === n ? alertDialog('You must set questionTitle in your timed problem script (do not write "var questionTitle").') : n ? (alertDialog("The problem has gone live."), e.skills[t].done = !0) : alertDialog("There was an error. (Check the console for specifics.)")
}, t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)(l.dc(a.l), l.dc(us.a), l.dc(o.b), l.dc(f.n), l.dc(a.m), l.dc(c.a))
}, t.\u0275cmp = l.Xb({
type: t,
selectors: [
decls: 45,
vars: 2,
consts: [
[1, "top-button-group"],
[1, "btn", "btn-sm", "btn-primary", 3, "click"],
[1, "glyphicon", "glyphicon-refresh"],
["style", "margin-left:7px; font-size:1.2em; display:inline-block; position: relative; top: 3px;", 3, "change", 4, "ngIf"],
[1, "table-responsive"],
[1, "table", "table-condensed", "table-bordered", "table-striped", "table-hover", "text-nowrap"],
[1, "flatly-table-header"],
[4, "ngFor", "ngForOf"],
[2, "margin-left", "7px", "font-size", "1.2em", "display", "inline-block", "position", "relative", "top", "3px", 3, "change"],
[3, "ngModel", "ngModelChange"],
[3, "ngValue"],
["class", "btn-group", "dropdown", "", "container", "body", 4, "ngIf"],
[4, "ngIf"],
["dropdown", "", "container", "body", 1, "btn-group"],
["type", "button", "dropdownToggle", "", 1, "btn", "btn-default", "btn-xs", "dropdown-toggle"],
[1, "caret"],
["class", "dropdown-menu", "role", "menu", 4, "dropdownMenu"],
["role", "menu", 1, "dropdown-menu"],
["role", "menuitem", 3, "hidden"],
[3, "click"],
[1, "divider", 3, "hidden"],
[1, "pointer", 3, "click"],
[1, "fa", "fa-clock-o", 2, "margin-right", "4px"]
template: function(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 0), l.dd(1, "\n "),, "back-button"), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.jc(4, "button", 1), l.rc("click", (function() {
return e.refresh()
})),, "b", 2), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n "),, ps, 8, 3, "span", 3), l.dd(8, "\n"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n"),, "br"), l.dd(11, "\n"), l.dd(12, "\n"), l.jc(13, "div", 4), l.dd(14, "\n "), l.jc(15, "table", 5), l.dd(16, "\n "), l.jc(17, "thead"), l.dd(18, "\n "), l.jc(19, "tr", 6), l.dd(20, "\n "), l.jc(21, "th"), l.dd(22, "Controls"), l.ic(), l.dd(23, "\n "), l.jc(24, "th"), l.dd(25, "Code"), l.ic(), l.dd(26, "\n "), l.jc(27, "th"), l.dd(28, "Title"), l.ic(), l.dd(29, "\n "), l.jc(30, "th"), l.dd(31, "Date Modified"), l.ic(), l.dd(32, "\n "), l.jc(33, "th"), l.dd(34, "Problems"), l.ic(), l.dd(35, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(36, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(37, "\n "), l.jc(38, "tbody"), l.dd(39, "\n "),, bs, 21, 9, "tr", 7), l.dd(41, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(42, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(43, "\n"), l.ic(), l.dd(44, "\n")), 2 & t && (l.Qb(7), l.Cc("ngIf", e.onLocalhost), l.Qb(33), l.Cc("ngForOf", e.arrayOfKeys))
directives: [hs.a, f.t, f.s, y.B, y.p, y.s, y.u, y.E, g.a, g.d, g.b],
pipes: [f.f],
styles: ["div.table-responsive[_ngcontent-%COMP%] table.table-condensed[_ngcontent-%COMP%] td[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{font-size:1em}div.table-responsive[_ngcontent-%COMP%],[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{margin:0 20px}"]
}), t
ys = n("qEWq"),
ws = function() {
function t(t, e) {
this.studentData = t, this.router = e
return t.prototype.resolve = function(t) {
return this.studentData.getStudentList()
}, t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)(,
}, t.\u0275prov = l.Zb({
token: t,
factory: t.\u0275fac
}), t
Cs = function() {
function t(t, e) {
this.assignmentData = t, this.router = e
return t.prototype.resolve = function(t) {
return this.assignmentData.getTeacherAssignments()
}, t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)(,
}, t.\u0275prov = l.Zb({
token: t,
factory: t.\u0275fac
}), t
Os = function() {
function t(t, e) {
this.skillcodesService = t, this.router = e
return t.prototype.resolve = function(t) {
return this.skillcodesService.fetchSkillcodes()
}, t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)(,
}, t.\u0275prov = l.Zb({
token: t,
factory: t.\u0275fac
}), t
function ks(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "th"),, "i", 25), l.ic()), 2 & t && (l.Qb(1), l.Cc("tooltip", "Whether to lock enrollment. If a class is locked, no new students will be allowed to enroll with the class code until the class is unlocked."))
function Es(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "th", 26), l.dd(1, "Class Code "),, "i", 27), l.ic())
function Ps(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "th"), l.dd(1, "Coteachers"), l.ic())
function xs(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "th"), l.dd(1, "Archive "),, "i", 28), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("tooltip", "When a " + n.user.sections.groupedby.toLowerCase() + " is archived, it will no longer appear on your default screen. You can still view student data from an archived class as well as copying its assignments for future classes.")
function Ds(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "th"),, "i", 29), l.ic()), 2 & t && (l.Qb(1), l.Cc("tooltip", "You may click the calculator icon for each class to toggle whether that class should have access to the DeltaMath calculator while doing assignments."))
function Ms(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "th", 23),, "i", 30), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Cc("hidden", !n.anySectionEmpty), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("tooltip", "You can only remove a " + n.user.sections.groupedby.toLowerCase() + " that has no students in it.")
function js(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "input", 38), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Cc("ngModel", i.new_section)
function Ss(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "span"), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"),, "img", 13), l.dd(3, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(4, "a", 39), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit,
e =;
return e.resyncGoogleClassroomRoster(e.currentClasses[t]
})), l.dd(5, "re-sync"),, "i", 40), l.ic(), l.dd(7, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.ic()
function Ts(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "span"), l.dd(1, "N/A (Rostered Class)"), l.ic())
function As(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "td"), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"),, Ss, 8, 0, "span", 7), l.dd(3, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"),, Ts, 2, 0, "span", 7), l.dd(5, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =$implicit,
i =;
l.Rb("colspan", 1 + (i.currentClasses[n].sourced_id ? 3 : 2) + (null != i.currentClasses[n].google_classroom && i.currentClasses[n] ? -1 : 0)), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", null == i.currentClasses[n].google_classroom ? null : i.currentClasses[n], l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", !(null != i.currentClasses[n].google_classroom && i.currentClasses[n]
var Is = function(t) {
return {
opacity: t
function Rs(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "td", 41), l.jc(1, "i", 42), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit,
e =;
return e.changeLockEnrollment(e.currentClasses[t])
})), l.ic(), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Cc("tooltip", r.currentClasses[i].locked ? "New enrollments are currently LOCKED. Click this icon to unlock and let new students enroll." : "New enrollments are currently UNRESTRICTED. Click this icon to lock enrollment."), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngClass", r.currentClasses[i].locked ? "fa-lock" : "fa-unlock")("ngStyle", l.Gc(3, Is, r.currentClasses[i].locked ? 1 : .5))
function Ls(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "td", 43),, "span", 44), l.dd(2, " "), l.jc(3, "i", 45), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit,
e =;
return e.copySectionToClipboard(e.currentClasses[t])
})), l.ic(), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(1), l.Cc("innerHTML", r.currentClasses[i].code, l.Sc)
function Bs(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "a", 47), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit,
e =;
return e.managingCoteacherSection = e.managingCoteacherSection === t ? "" : t
})), l.dd(1), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(1), l.ed(r.managingCoteacherSection === i ? "close" : "manage")
function Fs(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "td"),, Bs, 2, 1, "a", 46), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngIf", n.coteacher_info)
function Us(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "td"), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(2, "button", 48), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
})), l.dd(3, "archive"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.ic()
function Ns(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "td", 41), l.jc(1, "i", 49), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit,
e =;
return e.changeCalculatorAccess(e.currentClasses[t])
})), l.ic(), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Cc("tooltip", !1 === r.currentClasses[i].calculator ? "The calculator is currently DISABLED for this class. Click this icon to enable the calculator." : "The calculator is current ENABLED for this class. Click this icon to disable it."), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngStyle", l.Gc(2, Is, !1 === r.currentClasses[i].calculator ? .3 : 1))
function Ws(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "i", 51), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
})), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Cc("tooltip", "Delete this empty class.")("hidden", r.sectionCounts[i] > 0)
function Qs(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "td", 23), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"),, Ws, 1, 2, "i", 50), l.dd(3, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =$implicit,
i =;
l.Cc("hidden", !i.anySectionEmpty), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", !i.currentClasses[n].sourced_id)
function qs(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "span", 58), l.dd(1, "N/A"), l.ic())
function Ks(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "tr"), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(2, "td"), l.dd(3), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(5, "td"), l.dd(6), l.ic(), l.dd(7, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(8, "td"), l.jc(9, "button", 56), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t = e.$implicit,
i =$implicit,
r =;
return r.removeTeacherFromSection(t.teachercode, r.currentClasses[i]._id)
})), l.dd(10), l.ic(),, qs, 2, 0, "span", 57), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.$implicit,
r =$implicit,
o =;
l.Qb(3), l.ed(, l.Qb(3), l.ed(, l.Qb(3), l.Cc("hidden", 1 == o.coteacher_info.coteachers_by_section[o.currentClasses[r]._id].length), l.Qb(1), l.fd("remove", i.teachercode == o.user.teachercode ? " self" : "", ""), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngIf", 1 == o.coteacher_info.coteachers_by_section[o.currentClasses[r]._id].length)
function Vs(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "tr"), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(2, "td"), l.dd(3), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(5, "td"), l.dd(6), l.ic(), l.dd(7, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(8, "td"), l.jc(9, "button", 61), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t = e.$implicit,
i =$implicit,
r =;
return r.removeCoteacherInvite(t.teachercode, r.currentClasses[i]._id)
})), l.dd(10, "remove"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(11, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.$implicit;
l.Qb(3), l.ed(, l.Qb(3), l.ed(
function Hs(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "tr"), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(2, "td", 62), l.dd(3, "there are no outstanding coteacher invites"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.ic())
function zs(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.hc(0), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(2, "tr"), l.dd(3, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(4, "th"), l.dd(5, "Invited Coteachers"), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(7, "th"), l.dd(8, "Email"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(10, "th"), l.dd(11, "Action"), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"),, Vs, 12, 2, "tr", 54), l.dd(15, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"),, Hs, 5, 0, "tr", 7), l.dd(17, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(18, "tr"), l.dd(19, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(20, "td", 59), l.dd(21, "Invite new teacher:"), l.ic(), l.dd(22, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(23, "td"), l.jc(24, "input", 60), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(25, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(26, "td"), l.jc(27, "button", 48), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit,
e =;
return e.inviteCoteacher(e.currentClasses[t]._id, e.invitedTeacherEmail)
})), l.dd(28, "send invite"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(29, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(30, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.gc()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(14), l.Cc("ngForOf", r.coteacher_info.invited_coteachers_by_section[r.currentClasses[i]._id]), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", 0 == r.coteacher_info.invited_coteachers_by_section[r.currentClasses[i]._id].length), l.Qb(8), l.Cc("ngModel", r.invitedTeacherEmail)
function Gs(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "tr"), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(2, "td", 63), l.dd(3, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(4, "b"), l.dd(5, "Note:"), l.ic(), l.dd(6, " You cannot invite a co-teacher to a Google Classroom class through DeltaMath. The co-teacher must be an active teacher in your Google Classroom course, and then they must follow the same steps as you did to add the class to their DeltaMath teacher account. You would then see them listed here as a co-teacher to the same DeltaMath section.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(7, "\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.ic())
function Ys(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "tr"), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(2, "td", 52), l.dd(3, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.dd(4, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(5, "table", 53), l.dd(6, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(7, "tr"), l.dd(8, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(9, "th"), l.dd(10, "Current Teachers"), l.ic(), l.dd(11, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(12, "th"), l.dd(13, "Email"), l.ic(), l.dd(14, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(15, "th"), l.dd(16, "Action"), l.ic(), l.dd(17, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(18, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"),, Ks, 13, 5, "tr", 54), l.dd(20, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(21, "tr", 55), l.dd(22, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"),, "td"),, "td"),, "td"), l.dd(26, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(27, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"),, zs, 31, 3, "ng-container", 7), l.dd(29, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"),, Gs, 8, 0, "tr", 7), l.dd(31, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(32, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(33, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =$implicit,
i =;
l.Qb(19), l.Cc("ngForOf", i.coteacher_info.coteachers_by_section[i.currentClasses[n]._id]), l.Qb(9), l.Cc("ngIf", !(null != i.currentClasses[n].google_classroom && i.currentClasses[n], l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", null == i.currentClasses[n].google_classroom ? null : i.currentClasses[n]
var $s = function(t) {
return {
"background-color": t
function Zs(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.dd(0, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(1, "tr", 31), l.dd(2, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(3, "td"), l.dd(4, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(5, "span", 23), l.dd(6), l.ic(), l.dd(7, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"),, js, 1, 1, "input", 32), l.dd(9, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(10, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(11, "td", 23), l.dd(12, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(13, "i", 33), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t = e.$implicit,
i =;
return i.editingSection = t, i.new_section = t, i.makeGrow()
})), l.ic(), l.dd(14, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(15, "button", 34), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n), = ""
})), l.dd(16, "cancel"), l.ic(), l.dd(17, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(18, "button", 35), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t = e.$implicit,
i = e.index;
return, i)
})), l.dd(19, "save"), l.ic(), l.dd(20, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(21, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(22, "td"), l.dd(23), l.ic(), l.dd(24, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"),, As, 6, 3, "td", 7), l.dd(26, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"),, Rs, 2, 5, "td", 36), l.dd(28, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"),, Ls, 4, 1, "td", 37), l.dd(30, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"),, Fs, 2, 1, "td", 7), l.dd(32, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"),, Us, 5, 0, "td", 7), l.dd(34, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"),, Ns, 2, 4, "td", 36), l.dd(36, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"),, Qs, 4, 2, "td", 9), l.dd(38, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(39, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, Ys, 34, 3, "tr", 7), l.dd(41, "\n\t\t\t")
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngStyle", l.Gc(18, $s, r.managingCoteacherSection === i ? "rgb(255, 255, 215)" : null)), l.Qb(4), l.Cc("hidden", r.editingSection === i), l.Qb(1), l.ed(i), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", r.editingSection === i), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("hidden", !r.currentTerm || r.assignmentData.editingAssignment && !r.isLtiResourceLaunch), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", r.editingSection == i), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", r.editingSection !== i), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("hidden", r.editingSection !== i), l.Qb(5),"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t", r.sectionCounts[i], " student", 1 == r.sectionCounts[i] ? "" : "s", "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", r.currentTerm && !r.currentClasses[i].code), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", r.currentTerm && r.currentClasses[i].code), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", r.currentTerm && r.currentClasses[i].code), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", r.currentTerm && r.deltamathPlus && (r.currentClasses[i].code || (null == r.currentClasses[i].google_classroom ? null : r.currentClasses[i], l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", r.currentTerm && !r.currentClasses[i].sourced_id), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", r.currentTerm && r.calculatorColumnShowing), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", r.currentTerm), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", r.managingCoteacherSection === i && r.coteacher_info)
function Xs(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "tr"), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(2, "td"), l.dd(3), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(5, "td", 64), l.dd(6, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(7, "button", 65), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t = e.$implicit;
})), l.dd(8, "Accept Invite"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(10, "button", 61), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t = e.$implicit;
})), l.dd(11, "Decline"), l.ic(), l.dd(12), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.$implicit;
l.Qb(3), l.fd("", i.section_name, " (Invited)"), l.Qb(9),"\n\t\t\t\t\t\tTeacher", -1 == i.teacher_names_show.indexOf("/") ? "" : "s", ": ", i.teacher_names_show, "\n\t\t\t\t\t")
function Js(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.dd(0, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, Xs, 14, 3, "tr", 54), l.dd(2, "\n\t\t\t")), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngForOf", n.coteacher_info.my_invited_sections)
function ta(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "tr"), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(2, "td", 66), l.dd(3), l.jc(4, "input", 67), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(5, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(6, "button", 68), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(7, "confirm add"), l.ic(), l.dd(8, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(9, "button", 69), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n), = ""
})), l.dd(10, "cancel"), l.ic(), l.dd(11, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n\t\t\t"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(3), l.fd("\n\t\t\t\t\tNew ", i.user.sections.groupedby.toLowerCase(), " name: \n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngModel", i.new_section)
function ea(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "alert", 73), l.rc("onClosed", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(1, "\n\t\tIt appears your account has class sections from both "), l.jc(2, "b"), l.dd(3), l.ic(), l.dd(4), l.jc(5, "button", 69), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(6, "click here"), l.ic(), l.dd(7), l.jc(8, "b"), l.dd(9, "not"), l.ic(), l.dd(10), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(3), l.ed(i.rosteringSystem), l.Qb(1), l.fd(" and another LMS (such as Canvas, Schoology or Google Classroom). This often results in duplicate class sections. We recommend that each teacher only use ONE integration exclusively. If you wish to OPT OUT of ", i.rosteringSystem, ", "), l.Qb(3), l.fd(", and we will archive your current ", i.rosteringSystem, " classes and suspend nightly syncing. If you do this, instruct your students "), l.Qb(3), l.fd(" to use ", i.rosteringSystem, " to sign into DeltaMath anymore. \n\t")
function na(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 74), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t"), l.jc(2, "b"), l.dd(3, "Note:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4), l.jc(5, "a", 47), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(6, "Click here"), l.ic(), l.dd(7, " to opt back in.\n\t"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(4), l.fd(" You previously opted out of ", i.rosteringSystem, " syncing. ")
function ia(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 70), l.dd(1, "\n\t"),, ea, 11, 4, "alert", 71), l.dd(3, "\n\t"),, na, 8, 1, "div", 72), l.dd(5, "\n"), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "opt_out" === n.rosteringMessage), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "opt_in" === n.rosteringMessage)
var ra = function() {
return ["/teacher/help"]
function oa(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 75), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "alert", 76), l.dd(3, "\n \t"), l.jc(4, "div", 77), l.dd(5, "\n\t \tClick the button above to add a class, then share the link with your students in order to register, or have them go to "), l.jc(6, "a", 78), l.dd(7, ""), l.ic(), l.dd(8, " and type in the code. "), l.jc(9, "b"), l.dd(10, "Note:"), l.ic(), l.dd(11, " You must make one or more assignments for your classes before they register. \n\t \tCheck out the beginner "), l.jc(12, "a", 79), l.dd(13, "help videos"), l.ic(), l.dd(14, " for demonstrations on adding students and creating assignments.\n \t"), l.ic(), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(16, "\n"), l.ic()), 2 & t && (l.Qb(12), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Fc(1, ra)))
function sa(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "button", 69), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
})), l.dd(1, "edit"), l.ic()
function aa(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "tr"), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(2, "td"), l.dd(3), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(5, "td"), l.jc(6, "input", 82), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[].first = t
})), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(7, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(8, "td"), l.jc(9, "input", 83), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[].last = t
})), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(10, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(11, "td"), l.jc(12, "ss-multiselect-dropdown", 84), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
var e =$implicit;
return[].sectionIds = t
})), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(14, "td"), l.dd(15), l.ic(), l.dd(16, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(17, "td", 85), l.dd(18, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(19, "button", 69), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
return[] = !1
})), l.dd(20, "cancel"), l.ic(), l.dd(21, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(22, "button", 86), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
})), l.dd(23, "save"), l.ic(), l.dd(24, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(25, "button", 87), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
})), l.dd(26, "change password"), l.ic(), l.dd(27, "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(28, "button", 88), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =$implicit;
})), l.dd(29, "remove student"), l.ic(), l.dd(30, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(31, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(3), l.ed(i.count), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.editing[].first), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.editing[].last), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", r.editing[].sectionIds)("options", r.options)("settings", r.mySettings), l.Qb(3), l.ed(i.login), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", !1)
var ca = function(t) {
return ["/teacher/data/student", t]
la = function() {
return {
former: !0
da = function(t) {
return {
"dm-link-hover": t
function ua(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.dd(0, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(1, "tr", 23), l.dd(2, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(3, "td"), l.dd(4), l.ic(), l.dd(5, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(6, "td"), l.jc(7, "a", 80), l.rc("mouseover", (function() {
var t = e.$implicit;
return =
}))("mouseleave", (function() {
return l.Rc(n), = -1
})), l.dd(8), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(10, "td"), l.jc(11, "a", 80), l.rc("mouseover", (function() {
var t = e.$implicit;
return =
}))("mouseleave", (function() {
return l.Rc(n), = -1
})), l.dd(12), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"),, "td", 44), l.dd(15, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(16, "td"), l.dd(17), l.ic(), l.dd(18, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(19, "td", 23),, sa, 2, 0, "button", 81), l.ic(), l.dd(21, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(22, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, aa, 32, 8, "tr", 7), l.dd(24, "\n\t\t\t")
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.$implicit,
r =;
l.Qb(1), l.Cc("hidden", r.editing[]), l.Qb(3), l.ed(i.count), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Gc(15, ca,"queryParams", i.former ? l.Fc(17, la) : void 0)("ngClass", l.Gc(18, da, === r.hovering)), l.Qb(1), l.ed(i.first), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("routerLink", l.Gc(20, ca,"queryParams", i.former ? l.Fc(22, la) : void 0)("ngClass", l.Gc(23, da, === r.hovering)), l.Qb(1), l.ed(i.last), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("innerHTML", i.sectionStr, l.Sc), l.Qb(3), l.ed(i.login), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", !1), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngIf", !i.skip), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", r.editing[])
function ha(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 89), l.jc(1, "a", 90), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(2, "see students removed from these classes"), l.ic(), l.ic()
var pa = function() {
return ["/teacher/terms"]
fa = function() {
function t(t, e, n, i, r) {
this.studentData = t, this.spinner = e, this.modal = n, this.auth = i, this.assignmentData = r, this.rows = [], this.editing = {}, this.sectionCounts = {}, this.anySectionEmpty = !1, this.editingSection = "", this.new_section = "", this.userDirections = "", this.isLtiResourceLaunch = !1, this.calculatorColumnShowing = !1, this.mySettings = {
buttonClasses: "btn-default",
showCheckAll: !1,
showUncheckAll: !1,
checkedStyle: "glyphicon",
closeOnSelect: !1,
dynamicTitleMaxItems: 2
}, this.customer_service_token_exists = !1
return t.prototype.ngOnInit = function() {
var t = this;
this.studentData.getStudentList().subscribe((function(e) {
return t.studentList = e
})), this.isLtiResourceLaunch = this.assignmentData.ltiContext && this.assignmentData.ltiContext.isLtiResourceLaunch, this.currentTerm = "current" === this.auth.currentTerm, this.customer_service_token_exists = !!localStorage.getItem("customer_service_token"), this.sections = [], this.user = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("user")), this.currentClasses = {}, this.lock_enrollment = this.auth.preferences("lock_enrollment") || "no", this.userDirections = this.user.currentClasses && 0 == this.user.currentClasses.length && 0 == this.user.all_time_logs ? "beginner" : "existing", this.rosteringMessage = void 0, "dismiss" !== this.auth.preferences("dismissRosteringOptOut") && this.currentTerm && this.user.rostering_metadata && this.user.lti_ids && this.user.lti_ids.length && -1 === this.user.lti_ids[0].indexOf("60a6c15b4199b674a852b891") && (this.rosteringSystem = "one_roster" === this.user.rostering_metadata.type ? "ClassLink" : "Clever", this.user.rostering_metadata.opt_out ? this.rosteringMessage = "opt_in" : this.user.currentClasses && this.user.currentClasses.filter((function(t) {
return !!t.sourced_id
})).length && (this.user.currentClasses.filter((function(t) {
return !t.sourced_id && !!t.lms_id
})).length || this.user.currentClasses.filter((function(t) {
return !t.sourced_id && !(!t.google_classroom || !
})).length) && (this.rosteringMessage = "opt_out")), this.user.deltamath_plus_active && (this.deltamathPlus = !0), this.assignmentData.getTeacherAssignments().subscribe((function(e) {
t.teacherAssignments = e, t.studentData.getStudentList().subscribe((function(e) {
t.studentList = e, t.redoSections(), t.resortRows()
})), this.auth.getCoteacherInfo().then((function(e) {
t.coteacher_info = e
}, t.prototype.redoSections = function() {
var t;
for (this.user = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("user")), console.log(this.user), this.idToSection = {}, this.sectionToId = {}, this.options = [], this.sections = this.user.sections.sections, this.currentClasses = {}, t = 0; t < this.user.sections.sections.length; t++)
if (this.options.push({
id: t,
name: this.user.sections.sections[t]
}), this.idToSection[t] = this.user.sections.sections[t], this.sectionToId[this.user.sections.sections[t]] = t, this.currentTerm) {
var e = _.find(this.user.currentClasses, {
name: this.user.sections.sections[t]
this.currentClasses[this.user.sections.sections[t]] = e, e && !1 === e.calculator && (this.calculatorColumnShowing = !0)
} this.groupedby = plural(this.user.sections.groupedby)
}, t.prototype.resortRows = function() {
var t, e, n = _.sortBy(this.studentList, (function(t) {
return t.last.toLowerCase()
}), (function(t) {
return t.first.toLowerCase()
i = this.user.teachercode;
this.anySectionEmpty = !1, this.rows = [];
var r = this.user.sections.sections.concat(this.studentData.formerStudentListDownloaded ? ["REMOVED STUDENTS"] : []);
for (t = 0; t < r.length; t++) {
var o = r[t],
s = 0;
for (e = 0; e < n.length; e++)
if (n[e].sections[i] && -1 != n[e].sections[i].indexOf(o)) {
var a = _.clone(n[e].sections[i]);
if (a.length > 1) {
a.sort((function(t, e) {
return t && e ? t.localeCompare(e) : 0
var c = a.indexOf(o);
a[c] = a[0], a[0] = o
var l = /[0-9a-f]{24}_/.test(n[e].login);
count: s,
first: n[e].first,
last: n[e].last,
id: n[e]._id,
former: n[e].former,
sections: a,
sectionStr: o,
login: n[e].lms_email && l ? n[e].lms_email : l ? "Unknown" : n[e].login
} this.sectionCounts[o] = s, 0 == s && (this.anySectionEmpty = !0), t !== r.length - 1 && this.rows.push({
skip: !0
}), 0 == s && 0 !== t && this.rows.pop()
}, t.prototype.saveEdit = function(t) {
var e = this;
if (0 == this.editing[t].sectionIds.length) return alertDialog("You cannot save a student with no " + this.groupedby.toLowerCase() + ". You may remove the student from all classes using the red button.");
this.studentList[t].first = this.editing[t].first, this.studentList[t].last = this.editing[t].last;
for (var n = [], i = 0; i < this.editing[t].sectionIds.length; i++) n.push(this.idToSection[this.editing[t].sectionIds[i]]);
this.studentList[t].sections[this.user.teachercode] = n, this.studentData.updateStudentField(t, {
first: this.editing[t].first,
last: this.editing[t].last,
sections: n
}).then((function(n) {
if (e.spinner.stop(), n.message) return alertDialog(n.message);
e.studentData.updateStudent(n), e.editing[t] = !1, e.resortRows()
}, t.prototype.changePassword = function(t) {
var e = this;
this.studentData.changePassword(t, (function() {
e.spinner.stop(), e.editing[t] = !1
}, t.prototype.removeStudent = function(t) {
var e = this;
this.studentData.removeStudent(t, (function() {
e.editing[t] = !1, e.resortRows()
}, t.prototype.makeGrow = function() {
setTimeout((function() {
$("#section-table .form-control:visible").trigger("input").trigger("keydown")
}), 0)
}, t.prototype.clone = function(t) {
for (var e = _.cloneDeep(t), n = [], i = 0; i < e.sections.length; i++) n.push(this.sectionToId[e.sections[i]]);
return e.sectionIds = n, e
}, t.prototype.addNewSection = function() {
var t = this;
this.new_section = this.new_section.trim();
for (var e = 0; e < this.sections.length; e++)
if (this.sections[e].trim().toLowerCase() == this.new_section.toLowerCase()) return alertDialog("You are trying to add a new section with the same name as an existing section. Please give this section a unique name.");
operation: "add",
name: this.new_section
}, (function(e) {
e.coteacher_info && (t.coteacher_info = e.coteacher_info), t.editingSection = "", t.redoSections(), t.resortRows()
}, t.prototype.archiveSection = function(t) {
var e = this,
n = '\n\t\t\t<h3>Choose Term to Store Archived Class:</h3>\n\t\t\t<select class="form-control" id="past-term-select">\n\t\t\t\t\t<option value=-1>Choose a term...</option>\n\t\t\t\t\t<option value="new">Make new term to store class</option>\n\t\t',
i = _.reverse(_.clone(this.user.pastTerms));
i.length && (n += "<option disabled> </option><option disabled>Choose an existing term:");
for (var r = 0, o = i; r < o.length; r++) {
var s = o[r];
n += '<option value="' + + '">' + + "</option>"
n += "</select>", n += '<input class="form-control" style="display:none; margin-top:15px;" id="new-term-name" placeholder="Name of new term...">', n += '<p id="term-explanation-area" style="color:gray; font-style:italic; margin-top:10px; padding: 5px;">\n\t\t\tA term is just a name to group archived classes. A good name could be "Spring 2021" or "2020-2021 School Year". If you want to copy previously made assignments or view past student data, you will look them up by term name. \n\t\t</p>';
var a = "";
for (var c in this.teacherAssignments) - 1 != this.teacherAssignments[c].sectionList.indexOf(t) && (a = '<li class="checkbox" id=' + c + '><label><input type="checkbox"> ' + this.teacherAssignments[c].name + "</label></li>" + a);
var l, d = this.currentClasses[t];
d && !d.lms_id && (n += '\n\t\t\t<div class="checkbox">\n\t\t\t\t<label>\n\t\t\t\t<input type="checkbox" id="create-replacement-section"> Create a new class with the same students\n\t\t\t\t</label>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div id="if-create-replacement-checked" style="display:none;">\n\t\t\t\t<div class="checkbox" id="carry-over-checkbox-div">\n\t\t\t\t\t<label>\n\t\t\t\t\t<input type="checkbox" id="carry-over-checkbox"> Carry over some assignments to new class\n\t\t\t\t\t</label>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<div id="carry-over-assignment-list-message" style="display:none;">\n\t\t\t\t\tSelect assignments to carry over to new class:\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<ul\tid="carry-over-assignment-list" style="padding-left:30px; display:none;">\n\t\t\t\t\t' + a + "\n\t\t\t\t</ul>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t"), this.modal.showModal(n, "Archive Class", "Cancel", "Archive Now").result.then((function(n) {
var i = $("#past-term-select").val();
if (-1 == i) return alertDialog("You must select a term from the dropdown menu or create a new term name.");
if (!i) return alertDialog("You must write a name for the term or select an existing term.");
if ("current" === (i = i.trim())) return alertDialog('You cannot make a past term with the name "current".');
if ("new" === i) {
if ((i = $("#new-term-name").val()).length < 4) return alertDialog("Term name must be at least four characters.");
for (var r = 0, o = e.user.pastTerms; r < o.length; r++) {
var s = o[r];
if (i.toLowerCase() == return alertDialog("You already have a term by the name of " + i + ". To add this class to that past term, just choose it from the dropdown menu.")
var a, c = $("#create-replacement-section").is(":checked");
c && (a = [], $("#carry-over-checkbox").is(":checked") && $("#carry-over-assignment-list input:checked").closest("[id]").each((function() {
a.push(1 * $(this).attr("id"))
}))), e.auth.changeSectionInfo({
operation: "archive",
name: t,
term: i,
carry_over_assignments: a,
make_new_class: c
}, (function(t) {
t && alertDialog("Your class was archived successfully"), t && t.studentList && (e.studentData.studentList = t.studentList), t && t.teacherAssignments && (e.assignmentData.teacherAssignments = t.teacherAssignments), e.editingSection = "", e.redoSections(), e.resortRows()
})).catch((function(t) {})), $("#past-term-select").change((function() {
$(this).find("option[value=-1]").remove(), "new" === $(this).val() ? ($("#new-term-name").show(), $("#new-term-name").val() ? l.removeAttr("disabled") : l.attr("disabled", "disabled")) : ($("#new-term-name").hide(), l.removeAttr("disabled"))
})), $("#new-term-name").keyup((function() {
$(this).val() ? l.removeAttr("disabled") : l.attr("disabled", "disabled")
})), l = $("#past-term-select").closest(".modal-body").next().find(".btn-primary").attr("disabled", "disabled"), $("#create-replacement-section").change((function() {
this.checked ? $("#if-create-replacement-checked").show() : $("#if-create-replacement-checked").hide()
})), $("#carry-over-checkbox").change((function() {
this.checked ? $("#carry-over-assignment-list-message, #carry-over-assignment-list").show() : $("#carry-over-assignment-list-message, #carry-over-assignment-list").hide()
}, t.prototype.removeSection = function(t) {
var e = this;
operation: "remove",
name: t
}, (function() {
e.editingSection = "", e.redoSections(), e.resortRows()
}, t.prototype.renameSection = function(t, e) {
var n = this;
this.new_section = this.new_section.trim();
for (var i = 0; i < this.sections.length; i++)
if (this.sections[i].trim().toLowerCase() == this.new_section.toLowerCase() && i != e) return alertDialog("You are trying to rename this section to a name of another section that already exists. Please give this section a unique name.");
operation: "rename",
old_name: t,
name: this.new_section
}, (function() {
if (n.editingSection = "", n.studentData.changeSectionName(t, n.new_section), n.assignmentData.changeSectionName(t, n.new_section), n.isLtiResourceLaunch || (n.assignmentData.editingAssignment = !1), n.isLtiResourceLaunch && n.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit && n.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit.sectionList && n.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit.sectionList.length) {
var e = n.new_section;
for (var i in n.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit.sectionList.forEach((function(i, r) {
i == t && (n.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit.sectionList[r] = e)
})), n.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit.schedule.forEach((function(n) {
n.section == t && (n.section = e)
})), n.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit.staggered && n.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit.staggered.length && n.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit.staggered.forEach((function(n) {
n.section == t && (n.section = e)
})), n.assignmentData.renamedSectionMap) n.assignmentData.renamedSectionMap[i] == t && (n.assignmentData.renamedSectionMap[i] = e);
n.assignmentData.renamedSectionMap[t] = e;
var r = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("lti_assignment_payload"));
r && r.lti_context && r.lti_context.context_title === t && (r.lti_context.context_title = e, n.assignmentData.setLtiProps(r), localStorage.setItem("lti_assignment_payload", JSON.stringify(r)))
} else n.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit && n.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit._id && (n.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit = n.assignmentData.teacherAssignments[n.assignmentData.assignmentToEdit._id]);
n.redoSections(), n.resortRows()
}, t.prototype.updatePreference = function(t, e) {
this.auth.preferences(e, t)
}, t.prototype.changeCalculatorAccess = function(t) {
t.calculator = !1 === t.calculator, this.auth.changeSectionInfo({
operation: "change_calculator",
calculator: t.calculator
}, (function() {
}, t.prototype.changeLockEnrollment = function(t) {
t.locked = !t.locked, this.auth.changeSectionInfo({
operation: "lock_or_unlock",
locked: t.locked
}, (function() {
}, t.prototype.copySectionToClipboard = function(t) {
var e = t.code;
this.auth.copyTextToClipboard("" + e), t.code = "&nbsp;COPIED!&nbsp;", setTimeout((function() {
t.code = e
}), 1500)
}, t.prototype.addCoteacherTemp = function(t, e) {
console.log("coteacher: " + t), console.log("section _id: " + e), this.auth.addCoteacherTemp({
teachercode: t,
section_id: e
}).then((function() {
alertDialog("Teacher added successfully")
}, t.prototype.tempHideCoteacher = function() {
this.auth.tempHideCoteacherEllen = !0
}, t.prototype.acceptCoteacherInvite = function(t) {
var e = this;
this.spinner.start(), this.auth.acceptCoteacherInvitation(t.section_id).then((function(n) {
if (e.spinner.stop(), n.message) return alertDialog(n.message);
e.adjustSectionsAfterAddingOrRemovingSelfFromClass(n), e.coteacher_info.my_invited_sections = e.coteacher_info.my_invited_sections.filter((function(e) {
return e.section_id != t.section_id
})), n.new_coteacher_info && (e.coteacher_info = n.new_coteacher_info)
}), (function() {
e.spinner.stop(), alertDialog("There was an error. Please try again.")
}, t.prototype.declineCoteacherInvite = function(t) {
var e = this;
this.modal.showModal("\n\t\t\tAre you sure you want to decline your invitation to be a teacher in the class <b>" + t.section_name + "</b>?\n\t\t", "Decline Coteacher Invitation", "Cancel", "Yes, Decline").result.then((function(n) {
e.spinner.start(), e.auth.declineCoteacherInvitation(t.section_id).then((function(n) {
if (e.spinner.stop(), n.message) return alertDialog(n.message);
e.coteacher_info.my_invited_sections = e.coteacher_info.my_invited_sections.filter((function(e) {
return e.section_id != t.section_id
}), (function() {
e.spinner.stop(), alertDialog("There was an error. Please try again.")
})).catch((function(t) {}))
}, t.prototype.removeCoteacherInvite = function(t, e) {
var n = this;
this.spinner.start(), this.auth.removeCoteacher(e, t, "remove_invite").then((function(i) {
if (n.spinner.stop(), i.message) return alertDialog(i.message);
n.coteacher_info.invited_coteachers_by_section[e] = n.coteacher_info.invited_coteachers_by_section[e].filter((function(e) {
return e.teachercode != t
}), (function() {
n.spinner.stop(), alertDialog("There was an error. Please try again.")
}, t.prototype.removeTeacherFromSection = function(t, e) {
var n = this,
i = _.find(Object.keys(this.currentClasses).map((function(t) {
return n.currentClasses[t]
})), (function(t) {
return t._id == e
r = _.find(this.coteacher_info.coteachers_by_section[e], (function(e) {
return e.teachercode == t
this.modal.showModal("\n\t\t\tAre you sure you want to remove <b>" + (t == this.user.teachercode ? "yourself" : + "</b> from the class <b>" + i + "</b>?\n\t\t", "Remove Teacher From Class", "Cancel", "Remove Now").result.then((function(i) {
n.spinner.start(), n.auth.removeCoteacher(e, t, "remove_coteacher").then((function(i) {
if (n.spinner.stop(), i.message) return alertDialog(i.message);
n.coteacher_info.coteachers_by_section[e] = n.coteacher_info.coteachers_by_section[e].filter((function(e) {
return e.teachercode != t
})), alertDialog((t == n.user.teachercode ? "You have" : + " has") + " been successfully removed from this class."), t == n.user.teachercode && (n.adjustSectionsAfterAddingOrRemovingSelfFromClass(i), n.managingCoteacherSection = void 0)
}), (function() {
n.spinner.stop(), alertDialog("There was an error. Please try again.")
})).catch((function(t) {}))
}, t.prototype.adjustSectionsAfterAddingOrRemovingSelfFromClass = function(t) {
var e = this.auth.getUser();
t.sections && (window.sortSectionListSpecial(t.sections), e.sections.sections = t.sections), t.currentClasses && (e.currentClasses = t.currentClasses), localStorage.setItem("user", JSON.stringify(e)), this.user = e, t.studentList && (this.studentData.studentList = t.studentList, this.studentList = t.studentList), t.teacherAssignments && (this.assignmentData.teacherAssignments = t.teacherAssignments), t.studentList && (this.redoSections(), this.resortRows())
}, t.prototype.inviteCoteacher = function(t, e) {
var n = this;
if (!e || -1 === e.indexOf("@")) return alertDialog("You must enter a valid email address");
this.spinner.start(), this.auth.inviteCoteacher(t, e).then((function(e) {
if (n.spinner.stop(), e.message) return alertDialog(e.message);
n.invitedTeacherEmail = "", n.coteacher_info.invited_coteachers_by_section[t].push(e), alertDialog( + " has been invited to be a coteacher for this class. They need to go to this page on their account to accept the invitation. ")
})).catch((function() {
n.spinner.stop(), alertDialog("There was an error. Please try again.")
}, t.prototype.addGoogleClassroomSection = function() {
var t = this;
this.spinner.start(), this.auth.getGoogleClassroomSectionList().then((function(e) {
if (t.spinner.stop(), e.message) return alertDialog(e.message);
var n = '\n\t\t\t\tSelect the class to connect to DeltaMath:\n\t\t\t\t<select id="google-classroom-selected-class" class="form-control">\n\t\t\t\t\t<option value="blank">Select a class...</option>\n\t\t\t';
if (0 == e.sections.length) return alertDialog("No active Google Classroom course were found with you listed as a teacher.");
for (var i = t.auth.getUser().currentClasses, r = function(t) {
var e = !!_.find(i, (function(e) {
return e.google_classroom && ==
n += "<option " + (e ? ' disabled="disabled" ' : "") + ' value="' + + '">' + + "</option>"
}, o = 0, s = e.sections; o < s.length; o++) r(s[o]);
t.modal.showModal(n += "</select>", "Add a Section from Google Classroom", "Cancel", "Add Now").result.then((function() {
var n = $("#google-classroom-selected-class").val(),
i = _.find(e.sections, (function(t) {
return == n
if (!i) return alertDialog("There was an error with your selection.");
t.spinner.start(), t.auth.addGoogleClassroomSection( {
if (t.spinner.stop(), e.message) return alertDialog(e.message);
t.adjustSectionsAfterAddingOrRemovingSelfFromClass(e), e.teacher_account_conflict_message ? alertDialog(e.teacher_account_conflict_message) : alertDialog("Your Google Classroom class has been added successfully.")
}), (function() {
t.spinner.stop(), alertDialog("There was an error. Please try again.")
}), (function() {}));
var a = $("#google-classroom-selected-class").closest(".modal-content").find(".modal-footer button:nth-child(2)").attr("disabled", "disabled");
$("#google-classroom-selected-class").change((function() {
$(this).find('option[value="blank"]').remove(), a.removeAttr("disabled")
}), (function() {
t.spinner.stop(), alertDialog("There was an error. Please try again.")
}, t.prototype.resyncGoogleClassroomRoster = function(t) {
var e = this;
this.spinner.start(), this.auth.resyncGoogleClassroomRoster(t).then((function(t) {
if (e.spinner.stop(), t.message) return alertDialog(t.message);
t.teacher_account_conflict_message ? alertDialog(t.teacher_account_conflict_message) : alertDialog("Your rosters have synced successfully."), t.studentList && (e.studentData.studentList = t.studentList, e.studentList = t.studentList, e.redoSections(), e.resortRows())
}), (function() {
e.spinner.stop(), alertDialog("There was an error. Please try again.")
}, t.prototype.getFormerStudentData = function() {
var t = this,
e = this.user;
this.spinner.start(), this.studentData.getFormerStudentList().then((function(n) {
var i;
if (t.studentData.formerStudentListDownloaded = !0, t.spinner.stop(), 0 == n.length) return alertDialog("No former students have been found. This would only be for students who you have actively removed, or for automatically rostered classes where the rostering system showed the student was removed from all of your classes.");
for (var r = 0, o = n; r < o.length; r++) {
var s = o[r];
t.studentList[s._id] || (s.former = !0, s.sections = ((i = {})[e.teachercode] = ["REMOVED STUDENTS"], i), t.studentList[s._id] = s)
t.studentData.studentList = t.studentList, t.resortRows()
}, t.prototype.beginEditStudent = function(t) {
if ("REMOVED STUDENTS" === t.sectionStr) return alertDialog("You may not edit information about students who have been removed from your class. Please have your student re-enroll in your class. They can do this by going to TOOLS --\x3e LOGIN AND CLASS INFORMATION and adding your class code.");
this.editing[] = this.clone(t)
}, t.prototype.dismissRosteringOptOut = function() {
this.auth.preferences("dismissRosteringOptOut", "dismiss"), this.rosteringMessage = void 0
}, t.prototype.initiateRosteringOptIn = function() {
var t = this;
this.modal.showModal("\n\t\t\tAre you sure you want to opt back into " + this.rosteringSystem + " syncing? Remember, students should only access these classes by launching themselves from " + this.rosteringSystem + ".\n\t\t", this.rosteringSystem + " Opt In", "Cancel", "Yes, OPT IN").result.then((function(e) {
operation: "rostering_opt_in"
}, (function(e) {
e && alertDialog("The opt in was successful."), e && e.studentList && (t.studentData.studentList = e.studentList), e && e.teacherAssignments && (t.assignmentData.teacherAssignments = e.teacherAssignments), t.adjustSectionsAfterAddingOrRemovingSelfFromClass(e), t.editingSection = "", t.rosteringMessage = void 0, t.redoSections(), t.resortRows()
})).catch((function(t) {}))
}, t.prototype.initiateRosteringOptOut = function() {
var t = this;
this.modal.showModal("\n\t\t\tAre you sure you want to OPT OUT of " + this.rosteringSystem + "? If yes, please remember to tell your students not to use " + this.rosteringSystem + " anymore for your class.\n\t\t", this.rosteringSystem + " Opt Out", "Cancel", "Yes, OPT OUT").result.then((function(e) {
operation: "rostering_opt_out"
}, (function(e) {
e && alertDialog("The opt out was successful."), e && e.studentList && (t.studentData.studentList = e.studentList), e && e.teacherAssignments && (t.assignmentData.teacherAssignments = e.teacherAssignments), t.editingSection = "", t.rosteringMessage = void 0, t.redoSections(), t.resortRows()
})).catch((function(t) {}))
}, t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)(l.dc(_r.a), l.dc(d.a), l.dc(Pt.a), l.dc(c.a), l.dc(xt.a))
}, t.\u0275cmp = l.Xb({
type: t,
selectors: [
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["placement", "left", "tooltip", "The class code is used by a student to register for a particular class. This can be done by clicking the icon to copy and paste a link for the students, or by the students signing into an existing account and typing the code into the page reached from TOOLS then MANAGE LOGIN AND CLASSES.", 1, "fa", "fa-question-circle-o", 2, "opacity", "0.5"],
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template: function(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 0), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "h2", 1), l.jc(3, "u"), l.dd(4, "Manage Students and Classes"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(5, "\n"), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n\n"), l.jc(7, "h3"), l.dd(8), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n"), l.jc(10, "div", 2), l.dd(11, "\n\t"), l.jc(12, "table", 3), l.dd(13, "\n\t\t"), l.jc(14, "thead"), l.dd(15, "\n\t\t\t"), l.jc(16, "tr", 4), l.dd(17, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(18, "th"), l.dd(19), l.ic(), l.dd(20, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(21, "th", 5),, "i", 6), l.ic(), l.dd(23, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(24, "th"), l.dd(25, "# of Students"), l.ic(), l.dd(26, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, ks, 2, 1, "th", 7), l.dd(28, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, Es, 3, 0, "th", 8), l.dd(30, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, Ps, 2, 0, "th", 7), l.dd(32, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, xs, 3, 1, "th", 7), l.dd(34, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, Ds, 2, 1, "th", 7), l.dd(36, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, Ms, 2, 2, "th", 9), l.dd(38, "\t\t\t\n\t\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(39, "\n\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(40, "\n\t\t"), l.jc(41, "tbody"), l.dd(42, "\n\t\t\t"),, Zs, 42, 20, "ng-template", 10), l.dd(44, "\n\t\t\t"),, Js, 3, 1, "ng-template", 11), l.dd(46, "\n\t\t\t"),, ta, 13, 2, "tr", 7), l.dd(48, "\n\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(49, "\n\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(50, "\n"), l.ic(), l.dd(51, "\n"), l.jc(52, "button", 12), l.rc("click", (function() {
return e.addGoogleClassroomSection()
})),, "img", 13), l.dd(54, "Add Google Classroom Class "),, "i", 14), l.ic(), l.dd(56, "\n"), l.jc(57, "button", 12), l.rc("click", (function() {
return e.editingSection = "new-section-name", e.new_section = ""
})), l.dd(58),, "i", 14), l.ic(), l.dd(60, "\n"), l.jc(61, "button", 15), l.dd(62, "View Past Terms / Unarchive Classes"), l.ic(), l.dd(63, "\n"), l.jc(64, "button", 16), l.rc("click", (function() {
return e.calculatorColumnShowing = !0
})),, "i", 17), l.ic(), l.dd(66, "\n\n"),, ia, 6, 2, "div", 18), l.dd(68, "\n\n"),, oa, 17, 2, "div", 19), l.dd(70, "\n\n\n"), l.jc(71, "h3", 20), l.dd(72, "Students:"), l.ic(), l.dd(73, "\n"), l.jc(74, "div", 21), l.dd(75, "\n\t"), l.jc(76, "table", 22), l.dd(77, "\n\t\t"), l.jc(78, "thead"), l.dd(79, "\n\t\t\t"), l.jc(80, "tr", 4), l.dd(81, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(82, "th"), l.dd(83, "#"), l.ic(), l.dd(84, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(85, "th"), l.dd(86, "First"), l.ic(), l.dd(87, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(88, "th"), l.dd(89, "Last"), l.ic(), l.dd(90, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(91, "th"), l.dd(92), l.ic(), l.dd(93, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(94, "th"), l.dd(95, "Login"), l.ic(), l.dd(96, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(97, "th", 23), l.dd(98, "edit"), l.ic(), l.dd(99, "\n\t\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(100, "\n\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(101, "\n\t\t"), l.jc(102, "tbody"), l.dd(103, "\n\t\t\t"),, ua, 25, 25, "ng-template", 10), l.dd(105, "\n\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(106, "\n\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(107, "\n"), l.ic(), l.dd(108, "\n"),, ha, 3, 0, "div", 24), l.dd(110, "\n")), 2 & t && (l.Qb(8), l.fd("", e.groupedby, ":"), l.Qb(11), l.ed(e.user.sections.groupedby), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", !e.currentTerm || e.assignmentData.editingAssignment && !e.isLtiResourceLaunch)("tooltip", "Edit the class name"), l.Qb(6), l.Cc("ngIf", e.currentTerm), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.currentTerm), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.currentTerm && e.deltamathPlus), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.currentTerm), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.currentTerm && e.calculatorColumnShowing), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.currentTerm), l.Qb(6), l.Cc("ngForOf", e.sections), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.coteacher_info && e.currentTerm && e.deltamathPlus), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "new-section-name" === e.editingSection), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("hidden", !e.currentTerm || !e.user.google_classroom_active || !e.deltamathPlus), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("hidden", !e.currentTerm), l.Qb(1), l.fd("Add New ", e.user.sections.groupedby, " "), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("hidden", !e.currentTerm)("routerLink", l.Fc(26, pa)), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("hidden", !e.currentTerm || e.calculatorColumnShowing)("tooltip", "Click here for the ability to toggle DeltaMath calculator access on a class-by-class basis."), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", e.rosteringMessage), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", e.currentTerm && "beginner" === e.userDirections), l.Qb(23), l.ed(e.user.sections.groupedby), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("hidden", !1), l.Qb(7), l.Cc("ngForOf", e.rows), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngIf", e.currentTerm && !e.studentData.formerStudentListDownloaded))
directives: [C.a, f.t, f.s, o.c, f.w, m.d, y.c, Lt.a, y.p, y.s, f.q, m.a, St.a, o.e, At.a],
styles: ["#manage-table[_ngcontent-%COMP%] td[_ngcontent-%COMP%], #manage-table[_ngcontent-%COMP%] th[_ngcontent-%COMP%], #section-table[_ngcontent-%COMP%] td[_ngcontent-%COMP%], #section-table[_ngcontent-%COMP%] th[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{border:1px solid #bbb;height:20px}#section-table[_ngcontent-%COMP%] td[_ngcontent-%COMP%], #section-table[_ngcontent-%COMP%] th[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{text-align:center}#section-table[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .form-control[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{padding:7px;height:40px;min-width:70px;text-align:center}#manage-table[_ngcontent-%COMP%] td[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:first-child, #manage-table[_ngcontent-%COMP%] td[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:nth-child(4), #manage-table[_ngcontent-%COMP%] td[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:nth-child(6), #manage-table[_ngcontent-%COMP%] th[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:first-child, #manage-table[_ngcontent-%COMP%] th[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:nth-child(4), #manage-table[_ngcontent-%COMP%] th[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:nth-child(6){text-align:center}#manage-table[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .form-control[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{padding:7px;height:40px;width:125px}#manage-table[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .form-control.last-name[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{width:150px}button.btn.btn-danger.close-term-button[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{background-color:maroon;background-image:none}button.btn.btn-danger.close-term-button[_ngcontent-%COMP%]:hover{background-color:rgba(128,0,0,.8)}#manage-user-directions[_ngcontent-%COMP%], #rostering-opt-in-out[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{max-width:815px;margin-top:15px}#manage-user-directions[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .larger-size[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{font-size:15px}#section-table[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .coteacher-table[_ngcontent-%COMP%] th[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{background-color:#eff2f6;padding:5px}#section-table[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .coteacher-table[_ngcontent-%COMP%] td[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{padding:5px}#section-table[_ngcontent-%COMP%] .coteacher-table[_ngcontent-%COMP%] tr.coteacher-blank-cell[_ngcontent-%COMP%] td[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{padding:2px;border-left:none;border-right:none}"]
}), t
function ma(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "option", 12), l.dd(1, "Unarchive Class"), l.ic())
function ga(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 9), l.dd(1, "\n\tUse this to bring an old term that was closed accidentally back to being the current term. All assignments that were in that term will now be brought to the current term. If you released students with that term closing, then those students will also be put back into your current term under the same section as before.\n\t"),, "br"),, "br"), l.dd(4, "\n"), l.ic())
function _a(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "b"), l.dd(1, " to REVERT"), l.ic())
function ba(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "option", 16), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n = e.$implicit;
l.Cc("value", e.index), l.Qb(1), l.ed(
function va(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "button", 17), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(1, "View"), l.ic()
function ya(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "button", 17), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(1, "Rename"), l.ic()
function wa(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "button", 17), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(1, "REVERT"), l.ic()
function Ca(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div"), l.dd(1, "\n\tSelect Term"),, _a, 2, 0, "b", 6), l.dd(3, ": \n\t"), l.jc(4, "select", 13), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
}))("ngModelChange", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(5, "\n\t\t"),, ba, 2, 2, "option", 14), l.dd(7, "\n\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(8, "\n\t"),, va, 2, 0, "button", 15), l.dd(10, "\n\t"),, ya, 2, 0, "button", 15), l.dd(12, "\n\t"),, wa, 2, 0, "button", 15), l.dd(14, "\n\t\n"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "revert" === i.action), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngModel", i.term), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngForOf", i.pastTerms), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", "view" === i.action), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "view" === i.action), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "revert" === i.action)
function Oa(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "option", 16), l.dd(1), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n = e.$implicit;
l.Cc("value", n), l.Qb(1), l.ed(n)
function ka(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "button", 17), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(1, "UNARCHIVE"), l.ic()
function Ea(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 18), l.dd(1), l.jc(2, "select", 13), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(3, "\n\t\t"),, Oa, 2, 2, "option", 14), l.dd(5, "\n\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n\t"),, ka, 2, 0, "button", 15), l.dd(8, "\n"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(1), l.fd("\n\tSelect class to ", i.action, ": \n\t"), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngModel", i.sectionToRevert), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngForOf", i.pastTermSections), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", "unarchive" === i.action)
function Pa(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div"), l.dd(1, "\n\t"), l.jc(2, "h3", 19), l.dd(3), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n"), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(3), l.fd("There are no past terms ", "unarchive" === n.action ? "from which to unarchive a class" : "revert" === n.action ? "to revert" : "to view", ".")
function xa(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div"), l.dd(1, "\n\t"), l.jc(2, "b"), l.dd(3, "You cannot close the term and release students because you have no assignments and you have no students in the current term."), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n"), l.ic())
function Da(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 35), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t"), l.jc(2, "div", 36), l.dd(3, "\n\t\t\tYou have "), l.jc(4, "b"), l.dd(5), l.ic(), l.dd(6, " assigned to "), l.jc(7, "b"), l.dd(8, "no section"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, " ("), l.jc(10, "a", 37), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =;
return t.showingNoSectionAssignments = !t.showingNoSectionAssignments
})), l.dd(11), l.ic(), l.dd(12), l.jc(13, "select", 38), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(14, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(15, "option", 39), l.dd(16, "select one"), l.ic(), l.dd(17, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(18, "option", 40), l.dd(19, "be archived in past term"), l.ic(), l.dd(20, "\n\t\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(21, "option", 41), l.dd(22, "stay in current term"), l.ic(), l.dd(23, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(24, "\n\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(25, "\n\t"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(5),"", i.assignmentsWithNoSection.length, " assignment", 1 == i.assignmentsWithNoSection.length ? "" : "s", ""), l.Qb(6), l.ed(i.showingNoSectionAssignments ? "hide" : "show"), l.Qb(1), l.fd("). \n\t\t\t", 1 == i.assignmentsWithNoSection.length ? "This assignment" : "These assignments", " should: \n\t\t\t\t"), l.Qb(1), l.Cc("ngModel", i.noSectionAction)
function Ma(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 42), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t"), l.jc(2, "div", 36), l.dd(3, "\n\t\t\t"), l.jc(4, "b"), l.dd(5, "List:"), l.ic(), l.dd(6), l.ic(), l.dd(7, "\n\t"), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(6), l.fd(" ", n.assignmentsWithNoSection.join(", "), "\n\t\t")
function ja(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li", 43), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t = e.index;
return, 2)
})), l.dd(1, " "), l.dd(2, "\n\t \t\t"), l.jc(3, "span", 44), l.dd(4), l.ic(),, "b", 45), l.dd(6, "\n\t \t"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.$implicit;
l.Qb(4), l.ed(
function Sa(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li", 43), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t = e.index;
return, 1)
})), l.dd(1), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.$implicit;
l.Qb(1), l.fd("\n\t \t\t\t\t",, "\n\t \t\t\t")
function Ta(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div"), l.dd(1, "\n\t"), l.jc(2, "div", 9), l.dd(3, "Do this at the very end of the year. This will give you and your students a clean slate. All assignments will be archived and accessible but not from the main page. All students will be disassociated with your account and free to add their teacher for the following year/semester. "), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n\n\t"),, "br"), l.dd(6, "\n\t"), l.jc(7, "b"), l.dd(8, "Closing Term Title:"), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n\t"), l.jc(10, "input", 20), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(11, "\n\t"), l.jc(12, "button", 21), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),!0, !0)
})), l.dd(13, "Confirm Term Close and Release Students"), l.ic(), l.dd(14, "\n\t"),, "br"),, "br"), l.dd(17, "\n\t"), l.jc(18, "b"), l.dd(19, "Note: This closes the term and "), l.jc(20, "i"), l.dd(21, "removes"), l.ic(), l.dd(22, " all of your students from your active roster. The new set of students will have to register using your teacher code. You may optionally drag over certain sections to "), l.jc(23, "i"), l.dd(24, "keep"), l.ic(), l.dd(25, " in the current term, which will keep the students and assignments associated with those sections. "), l.ic(), l.dd(26, "\n\t"),, "br"),, "br"), l.dd(29, "\n\t"),, Da, 26, 5, "div", 22), l.dd(31, "\n\t"),, Ma, 8, 1, "div", 23), l.dd(33, "\n\t"), l.jc(34, "div", 24), l.dd(35, "\n\t "), l.jc(36, "div", 25), l.dd(37, "\n\t "), l.jc(38, "div", 26), l.dd(39, "\n\t "), l.jc(40, "div", 27), l.jc(41, "span", 28), l.dd(42, "Keep in Current Term"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(43, "\n\t "), l.jc(44, "div", 29), l.dd(45, "\n\t "), l.jc(46, "ul", 30), l.rc("dragulaModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(47, "\n\t \t"),, ja, 7, 1, "li", 31), l.dd(49, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.dd(50, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.dd(51, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.dd(52, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.dd(53, "\n\n\t "), l.jc(54, "div", 32), l.dd(55, "\n\t "), l.jc(56, "div", 33), l.dd(57, "\n\t "), l.jc(58, "div", 27), l.dd(59, "\n\t "), l.jc(60, "span"), l.dd(61), l.ic(), l.dd(62, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.dd(63, "\n\t "), l.jc(64, "div", 29), l.dd(65, "\n\t \t\t"), l.jc(66, "ul", 30), l.rc("dragulaModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(67, "\n\t \t\t\t"),, Sa, 2, 1, "li", 34), l.dd(69, "\n\t \t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(70, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.dd(71, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.dd(72, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.dd(73, "\n\t \n\t \n\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(74, "\n"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(10), l.Cc("ngModel",, l.Qb(2), l.Cc("disabled", !, l.Qb(18), l.Cc("ngIf", i.assignmentsWithNoSection.length > 0), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", i.showingNoSectionAssignments), l.Qb(14), l.Cc("dragula", "first-bag2")("dragulaModel", i.keepSections), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngForOf", i.keepSections), l.Qb(13), l.ed( ? "Archived in Term " + : "Archived in Closed Term"), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("dragula", "first-bag2")("dragulaModel", i.archiveSections), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngForOf", i.archiveSections)
function Aa(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div"), l.dd(1, "\n\t"), l.jc(2, "b"), l.dd(3, "You cannot close the term because you have no assignments remaining in the current term."), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n"), l.ic())
function Ia(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li", 43), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t = e.index;
return, 2)
})), l.dd(1, " "), l.dd(2, "\n\t \t\t"), l.jc(3, "span", 44), l.dd(4), l.ic(),, "b", 45), l.dd(6, "\n\t \t"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.$implicit;
l.Qb(4), l.ed(
function Ra(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "li", 43), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t = e.index;
return, 1)
})), l.dd(1), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i = e.$implicit;
l.Qb(1), l.fd("\n\t \t\t\t\t",, "\n\t \t\t\t")
function La(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div"), l.dd(1, "\n\t"), l.jc(2, "div", 9), l.dd(3, 'This will "clean up" the assignment view for you and your students at the end of a term. You and your students will have access to past assignments which will be referred to by this title.'), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n\t"),, "br"),, "br"), l.dd(7, "\n\n\t"), l.jc(8, "b"), l.dd(9, "Closing Term Title:"), l.ic(), l.dd(10, "\n\t"), l.jc(11, "input", 20), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n\t"), l.jc(13, "button", 21), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),!0, !1)
})), l.dd(14, "Confirm Term Close"), l.ic(), l.dd(15, "\n\t"),, "br"),, "br"), l.dd(18, "\n\t"), l.dd(19, "\n\t\n\t"), l.jc(20, "b", 46), l.dd(21, 'Note: All of your students will remain on your active roster. If you want the students to be removed from your current roster, you should select "Close Term and Release Students".'), l.ic(), l.dd(22, "\n\t"),, "br"),, "br"), l.dd(25, "\n\t"), l.jc(26, "div", 9), l.dd(27, "You may optionally decide to hold over certain assignments and keep them in the current term. These will be the only assignments seen on the students' main page immediately after closing the term. You may drag or click assignments to move them."), l.ic(), l.dd(28, "\n\t"),, "br"),, "br"), l.dd(31, "\n\t"), l.jc(32, "div", 24), l.dd(33, "\n\t "), l.jc(34, "div", 25), l.dd(35, "\n\t "), l.jc(36, "div", 26), l.dd(37, "\n\t "), l.jc(38, "div", 27), l.jc(39, "span", 28), l.dd(40, "Keep in Current Term"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(41, "\n\t "), l.jc(42, "div", 29), l.dd(43, "\n\t "), l.jc(44, "ul", 30), l.rc("dragulaModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(45, "\n\t \t"),, Ia, 7, 1, "li", 31), l.dd(47, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.dd(48, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.dd(49, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.dd(50, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.dd(51, "\n\n\t "), l.jc(52, "div", 32), l.dd(53, "\n\t "), l.jc(54, "div", 33), l.dd(55, "\n\t "), l.jc(56, "div", 27), l.dd(57, "\n\t "), l.jc(58, "span"), l.dd(59), l.ic(), l.dd(60, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.dd(61, "\n\t "), l.jc(62, "div", 29), l.dd(63, "\n\t \t\t"), l.jc(64, "ul", 30), l.rc("dragulaModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(65, "\n\t \t\t\t"),, Ra, 2, 1, "li", 34), l.dd(67, "\n\t \t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(68, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.dd(69, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.dd(70, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.dd(71, "\n\t \n\t \n\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(72, "\n\n"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(11), l.Cc("ngModel",, l.Qb(2), l.Cc("disabled", !, l.Qb(31), l.Cc("dragula", "first-bag")("dragulaModel", i.keep), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngForOf", i.keep), l.Qb(13), l.ed( ? "Archived in Term " + : "Archived in Closed Term"), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("dragula", "first-bag")("dragulaModel", i.archive), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngForOf", i.archive)
var Ba = function() {
function t(t, e, n, i, r, o) {
this.assignmentData = t, this.auth = e, this.spinner = n, this.studentData = i, this.router = r, this.modal = o, this.archive = [], this.keep = [], = "", this.korzyk = !1, this.archiveSections = [], this.keepSections = [], this.pastTermSections = [], this.sectionToRevert = "Revert All Sections", this.SELECT_A_CLASS_TEXT = "Select a Class...", this.assignmentsWithNoSection = [], this.noSectionAction = "", this.showingNoSectionAssignments = !1, this.close_term_video_showing = !1
return t.prototype.ngOnInit = function() {
var t = this;
this.user = this.auth.getUser(), this.currentTerm = "current" === this.auth.currentTerm, this.korzyk = !0, this.action = "view", this.sectionToRevert = this.SELECT_A_CLASS_TEXT, this.pastTerms = _.reverse(_.clone(this.user.pastTerms)), this.term = 0, this.assignmentData.getTeacherAssignments().subscribe((function(e) {
t.teacherAssignments = e, t.numberOfTeacherAssignments = Object.keys(t.teacherAssignments).length, t.populateArray()
})), this.populateArray2(), this.numberOfStudents = Object.keys(this.studentData.studentList).length, this.changeTermSelected()
}, t.prototype.populateArray = function() {
var t = this;
for (var e in this.archive = [], this.keep = [], _(this.teacherAssignments).orderBy(["_id"], ["desc"]).value().forEach((function(e) {
_id: e._id,
})), this.assignmentsWithNoSection = [], this.teacherAssignments) this.teacherAssignments[e].sectionList && 0 == this.teacherAssignments[e].sectionList.length && this.assignmentsWithNoSection.push(this.teacherAssignments[e].name)
}, t.prototype.moveByClick = function(t, e) {
if (1 === e) {
var n = this.archive.splice(t, 1);
} else n = this.keep.splice(t, 1), this.archive.push(n[0])
}, t.prototype.populateArray2 = function() {
this.archiveSections = [], this.keepSections = [];
for (var t = 0; t < this.user.sections.sections.length; t++) this.archiveSections.push({
name: this.user.sections.sections[t]
}, t.prototype.moveByClick2 = function(t, e) {
if (1 === e) {
var n = this.archiveSections.splice(t, 1);
} else n = this.keepSections.splice(t, 1), this.archiveSections.push(n[0])
}, t.prototype.viewTerm = function() {
var t = this;
this.studentData.sectionShowing = "deltamathALL", this.auth.setTerm(this.pastTerms[this.term].name);
var e = 0;
this.spinner.start(), this.user.saveTeacherAssignments = this.assignmentData.teacherAssignments, this.user.saveStudentList = this.studentData.studentList, this.assignmentData.getTeacherAssignments(!1).subscribe((function(n) {
2 == ++e && t.gotoTerm()
})), this.studentData.getStudentList(!1).subscribe((function(n) {
2 == ++e && t.gotoTerm()
}, t.prototype.gotoTerm = function() {
this.spinner.stop(), this.user.currentSections = this.user.sections, this.user.sections = this.pastTerms[this.term], window.sortSectionListSpecial(this.user.sections.sections), this.router.navigate(["teacher/assignments"]), this.auth.updateUser(this.user), $("#recalculateTypeahead").click()
}, t.prototype.closeTerm = function(t, e) {
var n = this,
i = [];
if (t && !e)
for (var r = 0; r < this.keep.length; r++) i.push(this.keep[r]._id);
var o = [];
if (t && e)
for (r = 0; r < this.keepSections.length; r++) o.push(this.keepSections[r].name);
var s = {
keep_ids: i,
keep_sections: o,
close_term: t,
release_students: e,
revert: !1
if (t && e && this.assignmentsWithNoSection.length > 0) {
if ("" == this.noSectionAction) return alertDialog("You <b>must choose</b> from the dropdown box what should be done with the assignments that are not assigned to any given section. ");
s.noSectionAction = this.noSectionAction
this.assignmentData.closeTerm(s).then((function(t) {
var i = t;
if (i.error) return alertDialog(i.error);
n.user.pastTerms = i.pastTerms, n.pastTerms = i.pastTerms, localStorage.setItem("user", JSON.stringify(n.user)), n.assignmentData.teacherAssignments = i.assignments, e && (n.studentData.studentList = i.students), n.action = "view", = "", $("#recalculateTypeahead").click(), n.ngOnInit(), alertDialog("The term has been closed successfully.")
}, t.prototype.revertTerm = function() {
var t = this,
e = {
name: this.pastTerms[this.term].name,
revert: !0
this.sectionToRevert !== this.pastTermSections[0] && (e.sectionToRevert = this.sectionToRevert, e.partialRevert = !0), this.assignmentData.closeTerm(e).then((function(e) {
var n = e;
if (n.error) return alertDialog(n.error);
t.user.pastTerms = n.pastTerms, t.pastTerms = n.pastTerms, localStorage.setItem("user", JSON.stringify(t.user)), t.action = "view", t.assignmentData.teacherAssignments = n.assignments, t.studentData.studentList = n.students, t.sectionToRevert = "Revert All Sections", $("#recalculateTypeahead").click(), t.ngOnInit(), alertDialog("The term has been reverted successfully. ")
}, t.prototype.renameTerm = function() {
var t = this;
this.modal.showModal("<h3>Old Term Name:</h3><h4>" + this.pastTerms[this.term].name + '</h4><h3>New Term Name:</h3><input class="form-control" id="new-term-name">', "Change Term Name", "Cancel", "Change Name").result.then((function(e) {
var n = $("#new-term-name").val();
name: n,
old_name: t.pastTerms[t.term].name,
operation: "rename_term"
}, (function() {
t.ngOnInit(), setTimeout((function() {
t.term = _.findIndex(t.pastTerms, {
name: n
})), alertDialog("The term has been renamed successfully.")
}), (function() {}))
}, t.prototype.unarchiveClass = function() {
var t = this;
if (this.sectionToRevert == this.SELECT_A_CLASS_TEXT) return alertDialog("You must select a class to unarchive.");
var e = this.pastTerms[this.term].name;
term: this.pastTerms[this.term].name,
name: this.sectionToRevert,
operation: "unarchive"
}, (function(n) {
n.studentList && (t.studentData.studentList = n.studentList), n.teacherAssignments && (t.assignmentData.teacherAssignments = n.teacherAssignments), t.ngOnInit(), setTimeout((function() {
var n = _.findIndex(t.pastTerms, {
name: e
termName: e,
termIndex: n
}), t.term = -1 == n ? 0 : n, t.action = "unarchive", t.changeTermSelected(), console.log(t.term)
})), alertDialog("The term has been unarchived successfully.")
}, t.prototype.changeTermSelected = function() {
if (this.pastTermSections = [this.SELECT_A_CLASS_TEXT], this.pastTerms && this.pastTerms[this.term])
for (var t = 0; t < this.pastTerms[this.term].sections.length; t++) this.pastTermSections.push(this.pastTerms[this.term].sections[t])
}, t.\u0275fac = function(e) {
return new(e || t)(l.dc(xt.a), l.dc(c.a), l.dc(d.a), l.dc(_r.a), l.dc(o.b), l.dc(Pt.a))
}, t.\u0275cmp = l.Xb({
type: t,
selectors: [
decls: 61,
vars: 12,
consts: [
[1, "page-heading"],
[1, "nowrap"],
[1, "form-control", "inline-form-control", 2, "margin-bottom", "20px", 3, "ngModel", "ngModelChange"],
["value", "view"],
["value", "unarchive", 4, "ngIf"],
["class", "terms-instructions", 4, "ngIf"],
[4, "ngIf"],
["style", "margin-top:10px;", 4, "ngIf"],
[2, "margin-top", "20px", 3, "hidden"],
[1, "terms-instructions"],
[2, "max-width", "700px", "margin-top", "25px"],
["type", "info"],
["value", "unarchive"],
[1, "inline-form-control", "form-control", 3, "ngModel", "ngModelChange"],
[3, "value", 4, "ngFor", "ngForOf"],
["class", "btn btn-default btn-sm", 3, "click", 4, "ngIf"],
[3, "value"],
[1, "btn", "btn-default", "btn-sm", 3, "click"],
[2, "margin-top", "10px"],
[2, "margin", "0"],
[1, "inline-form-control", "form-control", 2, "width", "250px", "margin", "5px 5px 10px 1px", 3, "ngModel", "ngModelChange"],
[1, "btn", "btn-primary", 2, "position", "relative", "top", "-2px", 3, "disabled", "click"],
["class", "row", "style", "font-size:1.3em; margin-bottom:15px;", 4, "ngIf"],
["class", "row", "style", "font-size:1.3em; margin-bottom:25px;", 4, "ngIf"],
[1, "row"],
[1, "col-md-5", "col-md-push-5", "col-sm-6", "col-sm-push-6"],
[1, "panel", "panel-success"],
[1, "panel-heading"],
[1, ""],
[1, "panel-body"],
[1, "drag-assignment-list", 3, "dragula", "dragulaModel", "dragulaModelChange"],
["style", "", 3, "click", 4, "ngFor", "ngForOf"],
[1, "col-sm-6", "col-sm-pull-6", "col-md-5", "col-md-pull-5"],
[1, "panel", "panel-danger"],
[3, "click", 4, "ngFor", "ngForOf"],
[1, "row", 2, "font-size", "1.3em", "margin-bottom", "15px"],
[1, "col-xs-12"],
[1, "delta-link", 3, "click"],
[1, "form-control", 2, "width", "auto", "display", "inline-block", 3, "ngModel", "ngModelChange"],
["value", ""],
["value", "archive"],
["value", "keep"],
[1, "row", 2, "font-size", "1.3em", "margin-bottom", "25px"],
[3, "click"],
[2, "display", "inline-block"],
[1, "glyphicon", "glyphicon-ok", "pull-right", 2, "margin-left", "-30px"],
[2, "max-width", "700px", "display", "inline-block"]
template: function(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "h2", 0), l.jc(1, "u"), l.dd(2, "View Past Terms / Unarchive Classes"), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(3, "\n\n\n\nAction:\n"), l.jc(4, "span", 1), l.dd(5, "\n"), l.jc(6, "select", 2), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return e.action = t
})), l.dd(7, "\n\t"), l.jc(8, "option", 3), l.dd(9, "View Past Terms"), l.ic(), l.dd(10, "\n\t"),, ma, 2, 0, "option", 4), l.dd(12, "\n"), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n"), l.dd(14, "\n"), l.ic(), l.dd(15, "\n\n"),, ga, 5, 0, "div", 5), l.dd(17, "\n\n"),, Ca, 15, 6, "div", 6), l.dd(19, "\n\n"),, Ea, 9, 4, "div", 7), l.dd(21, "\n\n"),, Pa, 5, 1, "div", 6), l.dd(23, "\n\n"),, xa, 5, 0, "div", 6), l.dd(25, "\n"),, Ta, 75, 11, "div", 6), l.dd(27, "\n\n"),, Aa, 5, 0, "div", 6), l.dd(29, "\n"),, La, 73, 9, "div", 6), l.dd(31, "\n\n"), l.jc(32, "div", 8), l.dd(33, "\n\t"), l.jc(34, "b"), l.jc(35, "u"), l.dd(36, "View Past Terms"), l.ic(), l.ic(),, "br"), l.dd(38, "\n\t"), l.jc(39, "div", 9), l.dd(40, "See data from assignments in past terms"), l.ic(), l.dd(41, "\n\t"),, "br"), l.dd(43, "\n\t"), l.dd(44, "\n\t"), l.jc(45, "b"), l.jc(46, "u"), l.dd(47), l.ic(), l.ic(),, "br"), l.dd(49, "\n\t"), l.jc(50, "div", 9), l.dd(51, "If you archived a class by mistake, you can bring it back to the current term."), l.ic(), l.dd(52, "\n\t"), l.dd(53, "\n\n\t"), l.jc(54, "div", 10), l.dd(55, "\n\t\t"), l.jc(56, "alert", 11), l.dd(57, 'Note: DeltaMath has a new system for archiving classes. It is no longer called "closing terms". Go to TOOLS then "Manage Classes and Students" to archive old classes and to read more information.'), l.ic(), l.dd(58, "\n\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(59, "\n"), l.ic(), l.dd(60, "\n\n")), 2 & t && (l.Qb(6), l.Cc("ngModel", e.action), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngIf", e.currentTerm), l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngIf", "revert" === e.action), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", ("view" === e.action || "revert" === e.action || "unarchive" === e.action) && e.pastTerms.length), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", ("revert" === e.action || "unarchive" === e.action) && e.pastTerms.length), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", 0 == e.pastTerms.length && ("view" === e.action || "revert" === e.action)), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "release" === e.action && 0 == e.numberOfTeacherAssignments && 0 == e.numberOfStudents), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "release" === e.action && (e.numberOfTeacherAssignments > 0 || e.numberOfStudents > 0)), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "close" === e.action && 0 === e.numberOfTeacherAssignments), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "close" === e.action && e.numberOfTeacherAssignments > 0), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("hidden", "view" !== e.action), l.Qb(15), l.fd("Unarchive Class", e.currentTerm ? "" : " (not possible while viewing past term)", ""))
directives: [y.B, y.p, y.s, y.u, y.E, f.t, St.a, f.s, y.c, jt.a],
styles: [".inline-form-control[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{display:inline;width:auto}.terms-instructions[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{max-width:700px}.new-year-checklist[_ngcontent-%COMP%] li[_ngcontent-%COMP%]{font-size:1.15em;list-style-type:disc;margin-left:50px;margin-bottom:3px}"]
}), t
Fa = n("GQQo"),
Ua = n("s0Cq"),
Na = n("AytR"),
Wa = n("VTZo"),
Qa = n("ULyV");
function qa(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "button", 22), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(1, "save"), l.ic()
function Ka(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "button", 23), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(1), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(1), l.fd("", i.passwordNone ? "set a" : "change", " password")
function Va(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 41), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "label", 42), l.dd(3, "Custom:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "input", 43), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngModel", i.customSalutation)
function Ha(t, e) {
1 & t &&, "div", 44)
function za(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 5), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "div", 24), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.jc(4, "label", 25), l.dd(5, "Salutation:"), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "select", 26), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(8, "\n "), l.jc(9, "option", 27), l.dd(10, "Mr."), l.ic(), l.dd(11, "\n "), l.jc(12, "option", 28), l.dd(13, "Mrs."), l.ic(), l.dd(14, "\n "), l.jc(15, "option", 29), l.dd(16, "Ms."), l.ic(), l.dd(17, "\n "), l.jc(18, "option", 30), l.dd(19, "Dr."), l.ic(), l.dd(20, "\n "), l.jc(21, "option", 31), l.dd(22, "First Name"), l.ic(), l.dd(23, "\n "), l.jc(24, "option", 32), l.dd(25, "Custom"), l.ic(), l.dd(26, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(27, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(28, "\n "),, Va, 7, 1, "div", 33), l.dd(30, "\n "),, Ha, 1, 0, "div", 34), l.dd(32, "\n "),, "div", 35), l.dd(34, "\n "), l.jc(35, "div", 36), l.dd(36, "\n "), l.jc(37, "label", 37), l.dd(38, "First Name:"), l.ic(), l.dd(39, "\n "), l.jc(40, "input", 38), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(41, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(42, "\n "), l.jc(43, "div", 36), l.dd(44, "\n "), l.jc(45, "label", 39), l.dd(46, "Last Name:"), l.ic(), l.dd(47, "\n "), l.jc(48, "input", 40), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(49, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(50, "\n\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(7), l.Cc("ngModel", i.salutation), l.Qb(22), l.Cc("ngIf", "custom" == i.salutation), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", "custom" == i.salutation), l.Qb(9), l.Cc("ngModel", i.first), l.Qb(8), l.Cc("ngModel", i.last)
function Ga(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "span"), l.dd(1, " Preview"), l.ic())
function Ya(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 5), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "h4", 6), l.dd(3, "Name"),, Ga, 2, 0, "span", 17), l.dd(5, ": "), l.jc(6, "strong"), l.dd(7), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(8, "\n "), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(4), l.Cc("ngIf", n.personalEdit), l.Qb(3), l.ed(("first" == n.salutation ? n.first : "custom" == n.salutation ? n.customSalutation : n.salutation) + " " + n.last)
function $a(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 5), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "div", 9), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.jc(4, "label", 45), l.dd(5, "Email Address (Username):"), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "input", 46), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(8, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(7), l.Cc("ngModel",
function Za(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 5), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "h4", 6), l.dd(3, "Login: "), l.jc(4, "strong"), l.dd(5), l.ic(), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(5), l.ed(
function Xa(t, e) {
1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 47), l.dd(1, "\n \t"), l.jc(2, "alert", 48), l.dd(3, "Algebra Nation: Your teacher code is only needed if students are registering directly from DeltaMath. If they sign in through Algebra Nation then the student will automatically be linked to your teacher account. "), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n\t"), l.ic())
function Ja(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "span", 52), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(2, "button", 53), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(3, "show credentials"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n\t\t\t"), l.ic()
function tc(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "span", 54), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, "br"), l.dd(3, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(4, "b", 55), l.dd(5, "Key: "), l.ic(), l.dd(6, " "), l.jc(7, "span", 56), l.dd(8), l.ic(), l.dd(9, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(10, "i", 57), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =;
return t.copyToClipboard(t.ltiIntegration.key)
})), l.ic(), l.dd(11, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, "br"), l.dd(13, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(14, "b", 55), l.dd(15, "Secret:"), l.ic(), l.dd(16, " "), l.jc(17, "span", 56), l.dd(18), l.ic(), l.dd(19, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(20, "i", 58), l.rc("click", (function() {
var t =;
return t.copyToClipboard(t.ltiIntegration.secret)
})), l.ic(), l.dd(21, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, "br"), l.dd(23, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(24, "a", 59), l.dd(25, "Canvas Configuration Guide"), l.ic(), l.dd(26, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, "br"), l.dd(28, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(29, "a", 60), l.dd(30, "Schoology Configuration Guide"), l.ic(), l.dd(31, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, "br"), l.dd(33, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(34, "button", 53), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n), = void 0
})), l.dd(35, "hide credentials"), l.ic(), l.dd(36, "\n\t\t\t"), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(8), l.ed(i.ltiIntegration.key), l.Qb(10), l.ed(i.ltiIntegration.secret)
function ec(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 5), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "div", 9), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.jc(4, "label", 49), l.dd(5, "LTI Integration Credentials:"), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n "),, Ja, 5, 0, "span", 50), l.dd(8, "\n\t\t\t"),, tc, 37, 2, "span", 51), l.dd(10, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(11, "\n "), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(4), l.Cc("tooltip", "For individual teacher INTEGRAL accounts, these credentials can setup Canvas or Schoology LTI. The credentials will only work for this one teacher account."), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngIf", !n.ltiIntegration), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", n.ltiIntegration)
function nc(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 5), l.dd(1, " "), l.dd(2, "\n "), l.jc(3, "div", 9), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "label", 61), l.dd(6, "Show Experimental Modules:"), l.ic(), l.dd(7, "\n "), l.jc(8, "select", 62), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
}))("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n),, "show_experimental")
})), l.dd(9, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(10, "option", 12), l.dd(11, "No"), l.ic(), l.jc(12, "option", 13), l.dd(13, "Yes"), l.ic(), l.dd(14, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(16, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(5), l.Cc("tooltip", "Whether you want to see experimental modules made by DeltaMath contributors."), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.show_experimental)
function ic(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "span"), l.dd(1, "\n \t"), l.jc(2, "input", 63), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(3, "\n \t"), l.jc(4, "button", 64), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(5, "Submit"), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngModel", i.deltaMath_plus_renew_code)
function rc(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "button", 64), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n), = !0
})), l.dd(1, "Enter Code"), l.ic()
function oc(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 5), l.dd(1, " \n "), l.jc(2, "div", 9), l.dd(3, "\n "), l.jc(4, "label", 65), l.dd(5, "Experimental Test Features:"), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.jc(7, "select", 66), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
}))("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n),, "experimental_test_features")
})), l.dd(8, "\n\t\t\t\t"), l.jc(9, "option", 12), l.dd(10, "Off"), l.ic(), l.jc(11, "option", 13), l.dd(12, "On"), l.ic(), l.dd(13, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(14, "\n "), l.ic(), l.dd(15, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(4), l.Cc("tooltip", "The new features are (1) blocking students from being able to view other assignments and videos while taking a timed test and (2) allowing students to resubmit their answers on a test if they change their mind. These settings will appear on the OVERVIEW tab for tests. Previously created tests will have these features off unless you edit them."), l.Qb(3), l.Cc("ngModel", i.experimental_test_features)
function sc(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "button", 71), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t\t\t"),, "img", 72), l.dd(3, "\n\t\t\t\tAuthorize Google Classroom\n\t\t\t"), l.ic()
function ac(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "button", 73), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(1, "\n\t\t\t\tUnauthorize Google Classroom\n\t\t\t"), l.ic()
function cc(t, e) {
if (1 & t && (l.jc(0, "div", 67), l.dd(1, " \n\t\t"), l.jc(2, "div", 68), l.dd(3, "\n\t\t\t"), l.jc(4, "label"), l.dd(5, "Google Classroom:"), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n\t\t\t"),, sc, 4, 0, "button", 69), l.dd(8, "\n\t\t\t"),, ac, 2, 0, "button", 70), l.dd(10, "\n\t\t"), l.dd(11, "\n\t\t"), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n\t"), l.ic()), 2 & t) {
var n =;
l.Qb(7), l.Cc("ngIf", !n.user.google_classroom_active), l.Qb(2), l.Cc("ngIf", n.user.google_classroom_active)
function lc(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "button", 22), l.rc("click", (function() {
return l.Rc(n),
})), l.dd(1, "save"), l.ic()
function dc(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div", 213), l.dd(1, "\n "), l.jc(2, "label", 220), l.dd(3, "Custom:"), l.ic(), l.dd(4, "\n "), l.jc(5, "input", 221), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(6, "\n "), l.ic()
if (2 & t) {
var i =;
l.Qb(5), l.Cc("ngModel", i.customGroupedBy)
function uc(t, e) {
if (1 & t) {
var n = l.kc();
l.jc(0, "div"), l.dd(1, "\n\t "), l.jc(2, "div", 5), l.dd(3, "\n\t "), l.jc(4, "div", 9), l.dd(5, "\n\t "), l.jc(6, "label", 74), l.dd(7, "School:"), l.ic(), l.dd(8, "\n\t "), l.jc(9, "input", 75), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(10, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.dd(11, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.dd(12, "\n\t "), l.dd(13, "\n\t "), l.jc(14, "div", 5), l.dd(15, "\n\t "), l.jc(16, "div", 36), l.dd(17, "\n\t "), l.jc(18, "label", 76), l.dd(19, "City:"), l.ic(), l.dd(20, "\n\t "), l.jc(21, "input", 77), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(22, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.dd(23, "\n\t "), l.jc(24, "div", 41), l.dd(25, "\n\t "), l.jc(26, "label", 78), l.dd(27, "State:"), l.ic(), l.dd(28, "\n\t "), l.jc(29, "input", 79), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(30, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.dd(31, "\n\t "), l.jc(32, "div", 80), l.dd(33, "\n\t "), l.jc(34, "label", 81), l.dd(35, "Zip Code:"), l.ic(), l.dd(36, "\n\t "), l.jc(37, "input", 82), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.ic(), l.dd(38, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.dd(39, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.dd(40, "\n\t "), l.jc(41, "div", 5), l.dd(42, "\n\t "), l.jc(43, "div", 9), l.dd(44, "\n\t "), l.jc(45, "label", 83), l.dd(46, "Time Zone:"), l.ic(), l.dd(47, "\n\t "), l.jc(48, "select", 84), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
return l.Rc(n), = t
})), l.dd(49, "\n\t "), l.jc(50, "option", 85), l.dd(51, "(GMT-10:00) Hawaii"), l.ic(), l.dd(52, "\n\t "), l.jc(53, "option", 86), l.dd(54, "(GMT-09:00) Alaska"), l.ic(), l.dd(55, "\n\t "), l.jc(56, "option", 87), l.dd(57, "(GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)"), l.ic(), l.dd(58, "\n\t "), l.jc(59, "option", 88), l.dd(60, "(GMT-07:00) Arizona"), l.ic(), l.dd(61, "\n\n\t "), l.jc(62, "option", 89), l.dd(63, "(GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)"), l.ic(), l.dd(64, "\n\t "), l.jc(65, "option", 90), l.dd(66, "(GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)"), l.ic(), l.dd(67, "\n\t "), l.jc(68, "option", 91), l.dd(69, "(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)"), l.ic(), l.dd(70, "\n\t "), l.jc(71, "option", 92), l.dd(72, "(GMT-05:00) Indiana (East)"), l.ic(), l.dd(73, "\n\n\t "), l.jc(74, "option", 93), l.dd(75, "\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2013"), l.ic(), l.dd(76, "\n\t "), l.jc(77, "option", 94), l.dd(78, "(GMT-12:00) International Date Line West"), l.ic(), l.dd(79, "\n\t "), l.jc(80, "option", 95), l.dd(81, "(GMT-11:00) Midway Island"), l.ic(), l.dd(82, "\n\t "), l.jc(83, "option", 96), l.dd(84, "(GMT-11:00) Samoa"), l.ic(), l.dd(85, "\n\t "), l.jc(86, "option", 85), l.dd(87, "(GMT-10:00) Hawaii"), l.ic(), l.dd(88, "\n\t "), l.jc(89, "option", 86), l.dd(90, "(GMT-09:00) Alaska"), l.ic(), l.dd(91, "\n\n\t "), l.jc(92, "option", 87), l.dd(93, "(GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)"), l.ic(), l.dd(94, "\n\t "), l.jc(95, "option", 97), l.dd(96, "(GMT-08:00) Tijuana, Baja California"), l.ic(), l.dd(97, "\n\t "), l.jc(98, "option", 89), l.dd(99, "(GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)"), l.ic(), l.dd(100, "\n\t "), l.jc(101, "option", 98), l.dd(102, "(GMT-07:00) Chihuahua"), l.ic(), l.dd(103, "\n\t "), l.jc(104, "option", 99), l.dd(105, "(GMT-07:00) Mazatlan"), l.ic(), l.dd(106, "\n\n\t "), l.jc(107, "option", 88), l.dd(108, "(GMT-07:00) Arizona"), l.ic(), l.dd(109, "\n\t "), l.jc(110, "option", 100), l.dd(111, "(GMT-06:00) Saskatchewan"), l.ic(), l.dd(112, "\n\t "), l.jc(113, "option", 101), l.dd(114, "(GMT-06:00) Central America"), l.ic(), l.dd(115, "\n\t "), l.jc(116, "option", 90), l.dd(117, "(GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)"), l.ic(), l.dd(118, "\n\t "), l.jc(119, "option", 102), l.dd(120, "(GMT-06:00) Mexico City"), l.ic(), l.dd(121, "\n\n\t "), l.jc(122, "option", 103), l.dd(123, "(GMT-06:00) Monterrey"), l.ic(), l.dd(124, "\n\t "), l.jc(125, "option", 104), l.dd(126, "(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)"), l.ic(), l.dd(127, "\n\t "), l.jc(128, "option", 105), l.dd(129, "(GMT-05:00) Bogota"), l.ic(), l.dd(130, "\n\t "), l.jc(131, "option", 106), l.dd(132, "(GMT-05:00) Lima"), l.ic(), l.dd(133, "\n\t "), l.jc(134, "option", 107), l.dd(135, "(GMT-05:00) Rio Branco"), l.ic(), l.dd(136, "\n\n\t "), l.jc(137, "option", 92), l.dd(138, "(GMT-05:00) Indiana (East)"), l.ic(), l.dd(139, "\n\t "), l.jc(140, "option", 108), l.dd(141, "(GMT-04:30) Caracas"), l.ic(), l.dd(142, "\n\t "), l.jc(143, "option", 109), l.dd(144, "(GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)"), l.ic(), l.dd(145, "\n\t "), l.jc(146, "option", 110), l.dd(147, "(GMT-04:00) Manaus"), l.ic(), l.dd(148, "\n\t "), l.jc(149, "option", 111), l.dd(150, "(GMT-04:00) Santiago"), l.ic(), l.dd(151, "\n\t "), l.jc(152, "option", 112), l.dd(153, "(GMT-04:00) La Paz"), l.ic(), l.dd(154, "\n\n\t "), l.jc(155, "option", 113), l.dd(156, "(GMT-03:30) Newfoundland"), l.ic(), l.dd(157, "\n\t "), l.jc(158, "option", 114), l.dd(159, "(GMT-03:00) Georgetown"), l.ic(), l.dd(160, "\n\t "), l.jc(161, "option", 115), l.dd(162, "(GMT-03:00) Brasilia"), l.ic(), l.dd(163, "\n\t "), l.jc(164, "option", 116), l.dd(165, "(GMT-03:00) Greenland"), l.ic(), l.dd(166, "\n\t "), l.jc(167, "option", 117), l.dd(168, "(GMT-03:00) Montevideo"), l.ic(), l.dd(169, "\n\t "), l.jc(170, "option", 118), l.dd(171, "(GMT-02:00) Mid-Atlantic"), l.ic(), l.dd(172, "\n\n\t "), l.jc(173, "option", 119), l.dd(174, "(GMT-01:00) Azores"), l.ic(), l.dd(175, "\n\t "), l.jc(176, "option", 120), l.dd(177, "(GMT-01:00) Cape Verde Is."), l.ic(), l.dd(178, "\n\t "), l.jc(179, "option", 121), l.dd(180, "(GMT) Dublin"), l.ic(), l.dd(181, "\n\t "), l.jc(182, "option", 122), l.dd(183, "(GMT) Lisbon"), l.ic(), l.dd(184, "\n\t "), l.jc(185, "option", 123), l.dd(186, "(GMT) London"), l.ic(), l.dd(187, "\n\t "), l.jc(188, "option", 124), l.dd(189, "(GMT) Monrovia"), l.ic(), l.dd(190, "\n\n\t "), l.jc(191, "option", 125), l.dd(192, "(GMT) Reykjavik"), l.ic(), l.dd(193, "\n\t "), l.jc(194, "option", 126), l.dd(195, "(GMT) Casablanca"), l.ic(), l.dd(196, "\n\t "), l.jc(197, "option", 127), l.dd(198, "(GMT+01:00) Belgrade"), l.ic(), l.dd(199, "\n\t "), l.jc(200, "option", 128), l.dd(201, "(GMT+01:00) Bratislava"), l.ic(), l.dd(202, "\n\t "), l.jc(203, "option", 129), l.dd(204, "(GMT+01:00) Budapest"), l.ic(), l.dd(205, "\n\t "), l.jc(206, "option", 130), l.dd(207, "(GMT+01:00) Ljubljana"), l.ic(), l.dd(208, "\n\n\t "), l.jc(209, "option", 131), l.dd(210, "(GMT+01:00) Prague"), l.ic(), l.dd(211, "\n\t "), l.jc(212, "option", 132), l.dd(213, "(GMT+01:00) Sarajevo"), l.ic(), l.dd(214, "\n\t "), l.jc(215, "option", 133), l.dd(216, "(GMT+01:00) Skopje"), l.ic(), l.dd(217, "\n\t "), l.jc(218, "option", 134), l.dd(219, "(GMT+01:00) Warsaw"), l.ic(), l.dd(220, "\n\t "), l.jc(221, "option", 135), l.dd(222, "(GMT+01:00) Zagreb"), l.ic(), l.dd(223, "\n\t "), l.jc(224, "option", 136), l.dd(225, "(GMT+01:00) Brussels"), l.ic(), l.dd(226, "\n\n\t "), l.jc(227, "option", 137), l.dd(228, "(GMT+01:00) Copenhagen"), l.ic(), l.dd(229, "\n\t "), l.jc(230, "option", 138), l.dd(231, "(GMT+01:00) Madrid"), l.ic(), l.dd(232, "\n\t "), l.jc(233, "option", 139), l.dd(234, "(GMT+01:00) Paris"), l.ic(), l.dd(235, "\n\t "), l.jc(236, "option", 140), l.dd(237, "(GMT+01:00) West Central Africa"), l.ic(), l.dd(238, "\n\t "), l.jc(239, "option", 141), l.dd(240, "(GMT+01:00) Amsterdam"), l.ic(), l.dd(241, "\n\t "), l.jc(242, "option", 142), l.dd(243, "(GMT+01:00) Berlin"), l.ic(), l.dd(244, "\n\n\t "), l.jc(245, "option", 143), l.dd(246, "(GMT+01:00) Rome"), l.ic(), l.dd(247, "\n\t "), l.jc(248, "option", 144), l.dd(249, "(GMT+01:00) Stockholm"), l.ic(), l.dd(250, "\n\t "), l.jc(251, "option", 145), l.dd(252, "(GMT+01:00) Vienna"), l.ic(), l.dd(253, "\n\t "), l.jc(254, "option", 146), l.dd(255, "(GMT+02:00) Minsk"), l.ic(), l.dd(256, "\n\t "), l.jc(257, "option", 147), l.dd(258, "(GMT+02:00) Cairo"), l.ic(), l.dd(259, "\n\t "), l.jc(260, "option", 148), l.dd(261, "(GMT+02:00) Helsinki"), l.ic(), l.dd(262, "\n\n\t "), l.jc(263, "option", 149), l.dd(264, "(GMT+02:00) Riga"), l.ic(), l.dd(265, "\n\t "), l.jc(266, "option", 150), l.dd(267, "(GMT+02:00) Sofia"), l.ic(), l.dd(268, "\n\t "), l.jc(269, "option", 151), l.dd(270, "(GMT+02:00) Tallinn"), l.ic(), l.dd(271, "\n\t "), l.jc(272, "option", 152), l.dd(273, "(GMT+02:00) Vilnius"), l.ic(), l.dd(274, "\n\t "), l.jc(275, "option", 153), l.dd(276, "(GMT+02:00) Athens"), l.ic(), l.dd(277, "\n\t "), l.jc(278, "option", 154), l.dd(279, "(GMT+02:00) Bucharest"), l.ic(), l.dd(280, "\n\n\t "), l.jc(281, "option", 155), l.dd(282, "(GMT+02:00) Istanbul"), l.ic(), l.dd(283, "\n\t "), l.jc(284, "option", 156), l.dd(285, "(GMT+02:00) Jerusalem"), l.ic(), l.dd(286, "\n\t "), l.jc(287, "option", 157), l.dd(288, "(GMT+02:00) Amman"), l.ic(), l.dd(289, "\n\t "), l.jc(290, "option", 158), l.dd(291, "(GMT+02:00) Beirut"), l.ic(), l.dd(292, "\n\t "), l.jc(293, "option", 159), l.dd(294, "(GMT+02:00) Windhoek"), l.ic(), l.dd(295, "\n\t "), l.jc(296, "option", 160), l.dd(297, "(GMT+02:00) Harare"), l.ic(), l.dd(298, "\n\n\t "), l.jc(299, "option", 161), l.dd(300, "(GMT+03:00) Kuwait"), l.ic(), l.dd(301, "\n\t "), l.jc(302, "option", 162), l.dd(303, "(GMT+03:00) Riyadh"), l.ic(), l.dd(304, "\n\t "), l.jc(305, "option", 163), l.dd(306, "(GMT+03:00) Baghdad"), l.ic(), l.dd(307, "\n\t "), l.jc(308, "option", 164), l.dd(309, "(GMT+03:00) Nairobi"), l.ic(), l.dd(310, "\n\t "), l.jc(311, "option", 165), l.dd(312, "(GMT+03:00) Tbilisi"), l.ic(), l.dd(313, "\n\t "), l.jc(314, "option", 166), l.dd(315, "(GMT+03:00) Moscow"), l.ic(), l.dd(316, "\n\n\t "), l.jc(317, "option", 167), l.dd(318, "(GMT+03:00) Volgograd"), l.ic(), l.dd(319, "\n\t "), l.jc(320, "option", 168), l.dd(321, "(GMT+03:30) Tehran"), l.ic(), l.dd(322, "\n\t "), l.jc(323, "option", 169), l.dd(324, "(GMT+04:00) Muscat"), l.ic(), l.dd(325, "\n\t "), l.jc(326, "option", 170), l.dd(327, "(GMT+04:00) Baku"), l.ic(), l.dd(328, "\n\t "), l.jc(329, "option", 171), l.dd(330, "(GMT+04:00) Yerevan"), l.ic(), l.dd(331, "\n\t "), l.jc(332, "option", 172), l.dd(333, "(GMT+05:00) Ekaterinburg"), l.ic(), l.dd(334, "\n\n\t "), l.jc(335, "option", 173), l.dd(336, "(GMT+05:00) Karachi"), l.ic(), l.dd(337, "\n\t "), l.jc(338, "option", 174), l.dd(339, "(GMT+05:00) Tashkent"), l.ic(), l.dd(340, "\n\t "), l.jc(341, "option", 175), l.dd(342, "(GMT+05:30) Calcutta"), l.ic(), l.dd(343, "\n\t "), l.jc(344, "option", 176), l.dd(345, "(GMT+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura"), l.ic(), l.dd(346, "\n\t "), l.jc(347, "option", 177), l.dd(348, "(GMT+05:45) Kathmandu"), l.ic(), l.dd(349, "\n\t "), l.jc(350, "option", 178), l.dd(351, "(GMT+06:00) Dhaka"), l.ic(), l.dd(352, "\n\n\t "), l.jc(353, "option", 179), l.dd(354, "(GMT+06:00) Almaty"), l.ic(), l.dd(355, "\n\t "), l.jc(356, "option", 180), l.dd(357, "(GMT+06:00) Novosibirsk"), l.ic(), l.dd(358, "\n\t "), l.jc(359, "option", 181), l.dd(360, "(GMT+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)"), l.ic(), l.dd(361, "\n\t "), l.jc(362, "option", 182), l.dd(363, "(GMT+07:00) Krasnoyarsk"), l.ic(), l.dd(364, "\n\t "), l.jc(365, "option", 183), l.dd(366, "(GMT+07:00) Bangkok"), l.ic(), l.dd(367, "\n\t "), l.jc(368, "option", 184), l.dd(369, "(GMT+07:00) Jakarta"), l.ic(), l.dd(370, "\n\n\t "), l.jc(371, "option", 185), l.dd(372, "(GMT+08:00) Beijing"), l.ic(), l.dd(373, "\n\t "), l.jc(374, "option", 186), l.dd(375, "(GMT+08:00) Chongqing"), l.ic(), l.dd(376, "\n\t "), l.jc(377, "option", 187), l.dd(378, "(GMT+08:00) Hong Kong"), l.ic(), l.dd(379, "\n\t "), l.jc(380, "option", 188), l.dd(381, "(GMT+08:00) Urumqi"), l.ic(), l.dd(382, "\n\t "), l.jc(383, "option", 189), l.dd(384, "(GMT+08:00) Irkutsk"), l.ic(), l.dd(385, "\n\t "), l.jc(386, "option", 190), l.dd(387, "(GMT+08:00) Ulaan Bataar"), l.ic(), l.dd(388, "\n\n\t "), l.jc(389, "option", 191), l.dd(390, "(GMT+08:00) Kuala Lumpur"), l.ic(), l.dd(391, "\n\t "), l.jc(392, "option", 192), l.dd(393, "(GMT+08:00) Singapore"), l.ic(), l.dd(394, "\n\t "), l.jc(395, "option", 193), l.dd(396, "(GMT+08:00) Taipei"), l.ic(), l.dd(397, "\n\t "), l.jc(398, "option", 194), l.dd(399, "(GMT+08:00) Perth"), l.ic(), l.dd(400, "\n\t "), l.jc(401, "option", 195), l.dd(402, "(GMT+09:00) Seoul"), l.ic(), l.dd(403, "\n\t "), l.jc(404, "option", 196), l.dd(405, "(GMT+09:00) Tokyo"), l.ic(), l.dd(406, "\n\n\t "), l.jc(407, "option", 197), l.dd(408, "(GMT+09:00) Yakutsk"), l.ic(), l.dd(409, "\n\t "), l.jc(410, "option", 198), l.dd(411, "(GMT+09:30) Darwin"), l.ic(), l.dd(412, "\n\t "), l.jc(413, "option", 199), l.dd(414, "(GMT+09:30) Adelaide"), l.ic(), l.dd(415, "\n\t "), l.jc(416, "option", 200), l.dd(417, "(GMT+10:00) Canberra"), l.ic(), l.dd(418, "\n\t "), l.jc(419, "option", 201), l.dd(420, "(GMT+10:00) Melbourne"), l.ic(), l.dd(421, "\n\t "), l.jc(422, "option", 202), l.dd(423, "(GMT+10:00) Sydney"), l.ic(), l.dd(424, "\n\n\t "), l.jc(425, "option", 203), l.dd(426, "(GMT+10:00) Brisbane"), l.ic(), l.dd(427, "\n\t "), l.jc(428, "option", 204), l.dd(429, "(GMT+10:00) Hobart"), l.ic(), l.dd(430, "\n\t "), l.jc(431, "option", 205), l.dd(432, "(GMT+10:00) Vladivostok"), l.ic(), l.dd(433, "\n\t "), l.jc(434, "option", 206), l.dd(435, "(GMT+10:00) Guam"), l.ic(), l.dd(436, "\n\t "), l.jc(437, "option", 207), l.dd(438, "(GMT+10:00) Port Moresby"), l.ic(), l.dd(439, "\n\t "), l.jc(440, "option", 208), l.dd(441, "(GMT+11:00) Magadan"), l.ic(), l.dd(442, "\n\n\t "), l.jc(443, "option", 209), l.dd(444, "(GMT+12:00) Fiji"), l.ic(), l.dd(445, "\n\t "), l.jc(446, "option", 210), l.dd(447, "(GMT+12:00) Kamchatka"), l.ic(), l.dd(448, "\n\t "), l.jc(449, "option", 211), l.dd(450, "(GMT+12:00) Auckland"), l.ic(), l.dd(451, "\n\t "), l.jc(452, "option", 212), l.dd(453, "(GMT+13:00) Nukualofa"), l.ic(), l.dd(454, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.dd(455, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.dd(456, "\n\t "), l.ic(), l.dd(457, "\n\t "), l.jc(458, "div", 5), l.dd(459, "\n "), l.jc(460, "div", 213), l.dd(461, "\n "), l.jc(462, "label", 214), l.dd(463, "Class Groupings:"), l.ic(), l.dd(464, "\n "), l.jc(465, "select", 215), l.rc("ngModelChange", (function(t) {
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