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Created June 20, 2019 13:01
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// The JSON comments are somewhat brittle. Don't try anything too fancy.
// Default HTTP(S) address:port to listen on for websocket and long polling clients. Either a
// numeric or a canonical name, e.g. ":80" or ":https". Could include a host name, e.g.
// "localhost:80".
// Could be blank: if TLS is not configured, will use ":80", otherwise ":443".
// Can be overridden from the command line, see option --listen.
"listen": ":18080",
// Cach-Control header for static content. 11 hours.
"cache_control": 39600,
// URL path for mounting the directory with static files.
"static_mount": "/",
// Address:port to listen for gRPC clients. Leave blank to disable gRPC support.
// Could be overridden from the command line with --grpc_listen.
"grpc_listen": ":16061",
// Salt for signing API key. 32 random bytes base64-encoded. Use 'keygen' to generate
// the API key and the salt.
"api_key_salt": "T713/rYYgW7g4m3vG6zGRh7+FM1t0T8j13koXScOAj4=",
// Maximum message size allowed from client in bytes (262144 = 256KB).
// Intended to prevent malicious clients from sending very large messages inband (does
// not affect out-of-band large files).
"max_message_size": 262144,
// Maximum number of subscribers per group topic.
"max_subscriber_count": 128,
// Maximum number of indexable tags per topic or user.
"max_tag_count": 16,
// URL path for exposing runtime stats. Disabled if the path is blank.
// Could be overriden from the command line with --expvar.
"expvar": "/debug/vars",
// Large media/blob handlers.
"media": {
// Media handler to use
"use_handler": "fs",
// Maximum size of uploaded file (8MB here for testing, maybe increase to 100MB = 104857600 in prod)
"max_size": 8388608,
// Garbage collection periodicity in seconds
"gc_period": 60,
// Number of unused entries to delete in one pass
"gc_block_size": 100,
// Configurations for various handlers.
"handlers": {
// File system storage.
"fs": {
// File system location to store uploaded files. In case of a cluster it
// must be accessible by all cluster members, i.e. a network drive.
"upload_dir": "uploads"
// Amazon AWS S3 storage.
// Use AWS console to get Access Key ID and Secret Access Key.
"access_key_id": "your_s3_access_key_id",
"secret_access_key": "your_s3_secret_access_key",
// Region where the bucket is hosted.
"region": "s3 region, like us-east-2",
// Name of the S3 bucket.
"bucket": "your_s3_bucket_name",
// Origin URLs allowed to download files. See
"cors_origins": ["*"]
// TLS (httpS) configuration. Applies to both web and gRPC interfaces.
"tls": {
// Enable TLS.
"enabled": false,
// Listen for connections on this port and redirect them to HTTPS port.
"http_redirect": ":80",
// Add Strict-Transport-Security to headers, the value signifies age.
// Zero or negative value turns it off.
"strict_max_age": 604800,
// Letsencrypt configuration
"autocert": {
// Location of certificates.
"cache": "/etc/letsencrypt/live/",
// Contact address for this installation. LetsEncrypt will send
// messages to this address in case of problems. Replace with your
// own address or remove this line.
"email": "",
// Domains served. Replace with your own domain name.
"domains": [""]
// If "autocert" config is not defined, read static certificates from
// these locations. Ignored if "autocert" is defined.
"cert_file": "/etc/httpd/conf/your.domain.crt",
"key_file": "/etc/httpd/conf/your.domain.key"
// Authentication configuration.
"auth_config": {
// Optional mapping of externally-visible authenticator names to internal names.
// For example use ["login-password:basic", "basic:"] to rename "basic" authenticator to
// "login-password" and make it unaccessible by the old name.
// Default is identity mapping.
"logical_names": [],
// Basic (login + password) authentication.
"basic": {
// Add 'auth-name:username' to tags making user discoverable by username.
"add_to_tags": true,
// The minimum length of a login in unicode runes, i.e. "登录" is length 2, not 6.
// The maximum length is 32 and it cannot be changed.
"min_login_length": 4,
// The minimum length of a password in unicode runes, "пароль" is length 6, not 12.
// There is no maximum length.
"min_password_length": 6
// Token authentication
"token": {
// Lifetime of a security token in seconds. 1209600 = 2 weeks.
"expire_in": 1209600,
// Serial number of the token. Can be used to invalidate all issued tokens at once.
"serial_num": 1,
// Secret key (HMAC salt) for signing the tokens. Generate your own then keep it secret.
// 32 random bytes base64 encioded.
"key": "wfaY2RgF2S1OQI/ZlK+LSrp1KB2jwAdGAIHQ7JZn+Kc="
// Database configuration
"store_config": {
// XTEA encryption key for user IDs and topic names. 16 random bytes base64-encoded.
// Generate your own and keep it secret.
"uid_key": "la6YsO+bNX/+XIkOqc5Svw==",
// Maximum number of results fetched in one DB call.
"max_results": 1024,
// Configurations of individual adapters.
"adapters": {
// MySQL configuration. See
// for other possible options.
"mysql": {
// DSN, passed unchanged to MySQL driver. The 'parseTime=true' is required.
// The 'collation=utf8mb4_unicode_ci' is optional but highly recommended for
// emoji and certain CJK characters.
// See for syntax.
"dsn": "root@tcp(localhost)/tinode?parseTime=true&collation=utf8mb4_unicode_ci",
// Name of the main database.
"database": "tinode"
// RethinkDB configuration.
// for other possible options.
"rethinkdb": {
"addresses": "rethinkdb-debug-rethinkdb-debug-proxy.staging.svc.cluster.local",
"database": "test",
"username": "admin",
"password": "***"
// Account validators (email or SMS or captcha)
"acc_validation": {
// Email validator config.
"email": {
// Restrict use of "email" namespace.
"add_to_tags": true,
// List of authentication levels which require this validation method.
// Remove this line to disable email validation.
"required": ["auth"],
// Configuration passed to the validator unchanged.
"config": {
// Address of the host where the Tinode server is running. This will be used
// in URLs in the email.
"host_url": "http://localhost:6060/",
// Address of the SMPT server to use.
"smtp_server": "",
// SMTP port to use. "25" for basic email RFC 5321 (2821, 821), "587" for RFC 3207 (TLS).
"smtp_port": "25",
// Address to use for authentication and to show in From:
"sender": "",
// Password of the sender.
"sender_password": "your-password-here",
// Message body template for credential validation. Uses http/template syntax.
"validation_body_templ": "./templ/email-validation-body.templ",
// Subject line for validation requests.
"validation_subject": "Tinode registration: confirm email",
// Message body template for password reset. Uses http/template syntax.
"reset_body_templ": "./templ/email-password-reset.templ",
// Subject line for password reset requests.
"reset_subject": "Reset Tinode password",
// Additional message headers (currently unused).
"headers": [],
// Allow this many confirmation attempts before blocking the credential.
"max_retries": 4,
// List of allowed email domains. Missing or empty list means any email domain is accepted.
"domains": [],
// Dummy response to accept. Remove the line in production.
"debug_response": "123456"
// Dummy placeholder validator for SMS and voice validation. Disabled by default.
// Use something like in production.
"tel": {
"add_to_tags": true,
"config": {
"template": "./templ/sms-validation.templ",
"max_retries": 4,
"debug_response": "123456"
// Configuration of push notifications.
"push": [
// Notificator which writes to STDOUT. Useful for debugging.
"config": {
// Disabled.
"enabled": false
// Google FCM notificator.
"config": {
// Disabled. Won't work without the server key anyway. See below.
"enabled": false,
// Number of notifications to keep before they start to be dropped.
"buffer": 1024,
// Firebase project ID.
"project_id": "your-project-id",
// Service account credentials as json.
// See instructions how to download the service account credentials file:
// Then insert the file contents here. Yes, this is convoluted, but that's Google's fault.
"credentials": {
"type": "service_account",
"project_id": "your-project-id",
"private_key_id": "some-random-looking-hex-number",
"private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- base64-encoded bits of your private key \n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
"client_email": "",
"client_id": "1234567890123456789",
"auth_uri": "",
"token_uri": "",
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
"client_x509_cert_url": ""
// An alternative way to provide Firebase service account credentials.
"credentials_file": "/path/to/service-account-file-with-credentials.json",
// Time in seconds before notification is discarded if undelivered (by Google).
"time_to_live": 3600,
// Include Android Notification. Set to false to push a data-only message.
"include_android_notification": false,
// Android resource ID to use as a notification icon. Used only if include_android_notification=true.
"icon": "ic_logo_push",
// Notification color (Android). Used only if include_android_notification=true.
"icon_color": "#3949AB"
// Cluster-mode configuration.
"cluster_config": {
// Name of this node. Can be assigned from the command line.
// Empty string disables clustering.
"self": "",
// List of available nodes.
"nodes": [
// Name and TCP address of every node in the cluster. The ports 12001..12003
// are cluster communication ports. They don't need to be exposed to clients.
{"name": "one", "addr":"localhost:12001"},
{"name": "two", "addr":"localhost:12002"},
{"name": "three", "addr":"localhost:12003"}
// Failover config.
"failover": {
// Failover is enabled.
"enabled": true,
// Time in milliseconds between heartbeats.
"heartbeat": 100,
// Initiate leader election when the leader is not available for this many heartbeats.
"vote_after": 8,
// Consider node failed when it missed this many heartbeats.
"node_fail_after": 16
// Configuration of plugins
"plugins": [
// Enable or disable this plugin.
"enabled": false,
// Name of the plugin, must be unique.
"name": "python_chat_bot",
// Timeout in microseconds.
"timeout": 20000,
// Events to send to the plugin.
"filters": {
// Account creation events.
"account": "C"
// Error code to use in case flugin has failed.
"failure_code": 0,
// Text of an error message to report in case of plugin falure.
"failure_text": null,
// Address of the plugin.
"service_addr": "tcp://localhost:40051"
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