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Created March 27, 2016 14:21
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infixr 2 _⟨_⟩_
_⟨_⟩_ : forall {a : Set} -> (x : a) -> {y z : a} -> x == y -> y == z -> x == z
x ⟨ p ⟩ q = trans p q
infixr 3 _∎
_∎ : {a : Set} -> (x : a) -> x == x
x ∎ = Refl
-- Visible reduction steps make the proof more explicit
definition : {a : Set} -> {x : a} -> x == x
definition = Refl
infixr 2 _`trans`_
_`trans`_ : forall {a : Set} -> {x y z : a} -> x == y -> y == z -> x == z
p `trans` q = trans p q
plusZero : (n : Nat) -> (n + 0) == n
plusZero Zero = Refl
plusZero (Succ n) = cong Succ (plusZero n)
plusSucc : (n m : Nat) -> Succ (n + m) == (n + Succ m)
plusSucc Zero _ = Refl
plusSucc (Succ n) m = cong Succ (plusSucc n m)
plusCommutes : (n m : Nat) -> (n + m) == (m + n)
plusCommutes Zero Zero = Refl
plusCommutes Zero (Succ m) = cong Succ (plusCommutes Zero m)
plusCommutes (Succ n) Zero = cong Succ (plusCommutes n Zero)
plusCommutes (Succ n) (Succ m) =
Succ n + Succ m
⟨ definition ⟩
Succ (n + Succ m)
⟨ cong Succ (
n + Succ m ⟨ sym (plusSucc n m) ⟩
Succ (n + m) ⟨ plusCommutes (Succ n) m ⟩
m + Succ n ∎ )
Succ (m + Succ n)
⟨ definition ⟩
Succ m + Succ n
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