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Created April 7, 2019 06:07
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import os
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import Popen
import boto3
import zipfile
# This script downloads all files from `download_bucket` to the ec2 instance (specified temp dir),
# unzips them on the instance
# creates the output bucket,
# uploads the unzipped file to the new bucket
download_bucket = ...
upload_bucket = ...
FIPS = '11'
TMPDIR = Path("/data/tempdata")
if not TMPDIR.exists():
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
# For listing and finding contents of a bucket
# keys = []
# for k in s3.list_objects(Bucket=download_bucket, Prefix='20180107').get('Contents'):
# if '.zip' in k['Key']:
# keys.append(k['Key'])
FipsFile = FIPS + '.zip'
Key = '20180107/' + FipsFile
Filename = str(TMPDIR / FipsFile)
# download zip file from s3 to ec2
# unzip using commandline
# (to unstall unzip -- `sudo apt-get install zip unzip` on command-line)
p = Popen(["unzip", "-d", str(TMPDIR / FIPS), Filename])
# Create the s3 bucket to upload to.
# be sure the region is the same as the ec2 instance!
CreateBucketConfiguration={'LocationConstraint': 'us-west-2'}
# iterate through newly unzipped files and
# upload each to s3.
basepath = TMPDIR / FIPS
for fp in basepath.rglob('*.txt'):
keyname = str(fp.relative_to(basepath))
s3.upload_file(str(fp), upload_bucket, keyname)
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