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Last active April 27, 2023 14:29
AWS Cognito JWT Verification Algorithm | TypeScript
import jwkToPem from 'jwk-to-pem';
import jwt, {JwtPayload, VerifyCallback, VerifyOptions} from 'jsonwebtoken';
import {AppConfig} from '../AppConfig';
import JsonWebTokenException from '../../exception/JsonWebTokenException';
export class CognitoJWTVerifier {
This is application config object having all cognito params.
protected config: AppConfig;
public getTokenOrThrowError(token: string): JwtPayload {
let decoded: any;
try {
decoded = jwt.decode(token);
if (!decoded) {
throw new JsonWebTokenException('Unable to decode the token.');
// this check only applicable for AccessTokens
if (decoded.client_id !== this.config.cognito.clientId) {
throw new JsonWebTokenException('App clientId is invalid.');
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof TokenExpiredError) {
throw new AuthenticationExpiryException();
throw new JsonWebTokenException('Token is invalid.');
return decoded;
private verifyToken(token: string): void {
const claims: VerifyOptions = {
issuer: `${}/${}`,
algorithms: ['RS256'],
audience claim is only applicable in case of IDToken verification but if you
are using AccessToken for verification then, you have to berify 'client_id'
claim of the token separately.
const pem = this.getPublicKey(token);
STEP 3: Verify the JWT using known JWK and additional claims based on type of
token(ID or Access) you want to verify.
jwt.verify(token, pem, claims, (err, decodedToken) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
if (!decodedToken) {
throw new JsonWebTokenException('JWTPayload not found.');
if (!['id', 'access'].includes((decodedToken as IAccessTokenPayload).token_use)) {
throw new JsonWebTokenException('token_use claim is invalid.');
private getPublicKey(token: string): string {
try {
STEP 1: Verify structure of the JWT and return the header part of the JWT.
const [headerEncoded] = token.split('.');
const buff = Buffer.from(headerEncoded, 'base64');
const text = buff.toString('ascii');
const header = JSON.parse(text);
STEP 2: Find out JWK for the public-id that will be used to verify the JWT.
Since AWS Cognito Userpool has 2 RSA key pairs and one of them is used to
signt th JWT.
for (const jwk of {
if (jwk.kid === header.kid) {
return jwkToPem(jwk as any);
} catch (error) {
throw new JsonWebTokenException('Fails reading key.');
throw new JsonWebTokenException('Fails reading key.');
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