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Created December 10, 2020 16:49
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Get a GEO series matrix file describing an experiment and parse it into project level and sample level data.
#!/usr/bin/env python
Get a GEO series matrix file describing an experiment and
parse it into project level and sample level data.
import os
from typing import Tuple, Union
import tempfile
from collections import Counter
import urllib.request as request
from contextlib import closing
import gzip
import click
import pandas as pd
DataFrame = Union[pd.DataFrame]
help="FTP URL of gziped txt file with GEO series matrix.",
"-p", "--prefix", default=None, help="Prefix path to write files to."
def series_matrix2csv(
matrix_url: str, prefix: str = None
) -> Tuple[DataFrame, DataFrame]:
Get a GEO series matrix file describing an experiment and
parse it into project level and sample level data.
matrix_url: str
FTP URL of gziped txt file with GEO series matrix.
prefix: str
Prefix path to write files to.
with closing(request.urlopen(matrix_url)) as r:
content = gzip.decompress(
lines = content.decode("utf-8").strip().split("\n")
# separate lines with only one field (project-related)
# from lines with >2 fields (sample-related)
# # if the same key appears more than once, keep all but rename
# # them with a suffix
prj_lines = dict()
sample_lines = dict()
idx_counts: Counter = Counter()
col_counts: Counter = Counter()
for line in lines:
cols = line.strip().split("\t")
key = cols[0].replace('"', "")
if len(cols) == 2:
if key in idx_counts:
key = f"{key}_{idx_counts[key] + 1}"
idx_counts[key] += 1
prj_lines[key] = cols[1].replace('"', "")
elif len(cols) > 2:
if key in col_counts:
key = f"{key}_{col_counts[key] + 1}"
col_counts[key] += 1
sample_lines[key] = [x.replace('"', "") for x in cols[1:]]
prj = pd.Series(prj_lines)
prj.index = prj.index.str.replace("!Series_", "")
samples = pd.DataFrame(sample_lines)
samples.columns = samples.columns.str.replace("!Sample_", "")
if prefix is not None:
prj.to_csv(os.path.join(prefix + ".project_annotation.csv"), index=True)
os.path.join(prefix + ".sample_annotation.csv"), index=False
return prj, samples
if __name__ == "__main__":
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