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Last active April 1, 2019 10:50
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// Thanks to @adam_evans for this.. and cats documentation as well
// This can be a very simple open source... its far better than just about everything out there!
def fromCommandLineArguments(args: List[String]) = {
args.sliding(2, 2).flatMap(t => (
(t.headOption.flatMap(str => str.startsWith("--").option(str.replace("--", ""))) |@|
t.lift(1).flatMap(str => (!str.startsWith("--")).option(str))){(_, _)}).toList).toMap
import Types._
import scalaz.syntax.std.option._
import scalaz.ValidationNel
import scalaz.NonEmptyList
import scalaz.Reader
import scalaz.\/
import scalaz.Validation
import scalaz.Monad
final case class ConfigAction[A](run: EnvReader[ValidationNel[ConfigError, A]]) {
def map[B](f: A ⇒ B): ConfigAction[B] =
ConfigAction { { } }
def disjunctioned: EnvReader[NonEmptyList[ConfigError] \/ A] = { _.disjunction }
def flatMap[B](f: A => ConfigAction[B]): ConfigAction[B] =
ConfigAction(Reader(env => run(env).andThen(a => f(a).run(env))))
object ConfigAction extends ConfigActionInstances {
// Safely parse a environment variable to a given type
def read[A: Unmarshaller](key: String): ConfigAction[A] =
fromUnmarshaller(key) { Unmarshaller[A] }
def readWithDefault[A: Unmarshaller](key: String)(default: A): ConfigAction[A] =
fromUnmarshaller(key) {
Unmarshaller[A].recover { case Unmarshaller.Error.MissingEnvValue ⇒ default }
def fromUnmarshaller[A](key: String)(unmarshaller: Unmarshaller[A]): ConfigAction[A] =
ConfigAction {
Reader { (env: Env) ⇒
.read { env.get(key).toMaybe }
.leftMap(ConfigError(key, _))
trait ConfigActionInstances {
implicit val monad: Monad[ConfigAction] = new Monad[ConfigAction] {
override def point[A](a: => A): ConfigAction[A] =
ConfigAction(Reader((_: Env) ⇒ Validation.success[NonEmptyList[ConfigError], A](a)))
override def ap[A, B](c1: ⇒ ConfigAction[A])(c2: ⇒ ConfigAction[(A) ⇒ B]): ConfigAction[B] =
ConfigAction( ⇒
override def bind[A, B](fa: ConfigAction[A])(f: A => ConfigAction[B]): ConfigAction[B] =
import scalaz.Show
final case class ConfigError(key: String, value: Unmarshaller.Error)
object ConfigError {
implicit val configErrorShow: Show[ConfigError] = {
case ConfigError(key, Unmarshaller.Error.MissingEnvValue) ⇒ s"Config error, required environment variable ${key} is missing"
case ConfigError(key, Unmarshaller.Error.InvalidEnvValue(provided, expected)) ⇒ s"Config error, invalid ${key} environment variable. Expected ${expected}, got ${provided}"
import Unmarshaller.Error
import scalaz.syntax.either._
import scalaz.syntax.maybe._
import scalaz.{-\/, Maybe, NonEmptyList, \/, \/-}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
final case class Unmarshaller[A](run: Maybe[String] => Unmarshaller.Error \/ A) {
def read(s: Maybe[String]): Unmarshaller.Error \/ A =
def map[B](f: A => B): Unmarshaller[B] =
Unmarshaller { run(_).map(f) }
def mapError[B](f: A => Unmarshaller.Error \/ B): Unmarshaller[B] =
Unmarshaller { run(_).flatMap(f) }
def flatMap[B](f: A => Unmarshaller[B]): Unmarshaller[B] =
Unmarshaller { str => run(str).flatMap { f(_).run(str) }}
def recover(err: PartialFunction[Unmarshaller.Error, A]): Unmarshaller[A] =
Unmarshaller { run(_).recover(err) }
object Unmarshaller extends UnmarshallerInstances {
sealed trait Error
object Error {
case object MissingEnvValue extends Error
final case class InvalidEnvValue(provided: String, expected: String) extends Error
def apply[A: Unmarshaller]: Unmarshaller[A] =
trait UnmarshallerInstances {
implicit val stringValueUnmarshaller: Unmarshaller[String] =
Unmarshaller { _ \/> Error.MissingEnvValue }
implicit val boolValueUnmarshaller: Unmarshaller[Boolean] =
Unmarshaller[String].mapError { value ⇒ \/.fromTryCatchNonFatal(value.toBoolean).leftMap(_ => Error.InvalidEnvValue(value, "boolean"))}
implicit val intValueUnmarshaller: Unmarshaller[Int] =
Unmarshaller[String].mapError { value ⇒ \/.fromTryCatchNonFatal(value.toInt).leftMap(_ => Error.InvalidEnvValue(value, "integer")) }
implicit val longValueUnmarshaller: Unmarshaller[Long] =
Unmarshaller[String].mapError { value ⇒ \/.fromTryCatchNonFatal(value.toLong).leftMap(_ => Error.InvalidEnvValue(value, "long"))}
implicit def maybeValueUnmarshaller[A: Unmarshaller]: Unmarshaller[Maybe[A]] =
Unmarshaller {
Unmarshaller[A].read(_) match {
case -\/(Error.MissingEnvValue) ⇒ \/.right[Unmarshaller.Error, Maybe[A]](Maybe.empty)
case other ⇒
implicit def nonEmptyListValueUnmarshaller[A: Unmarshaller]: Unmarshaller[NonEmptyList[A]] =
Unmarshaller { value ⇒
val list = value.getOrElse("").split(",").map(_.trim).filter(_.nonEmpty).toList
list match {
case x :: xs ⇒
NonEmptyList(x, xs: _*).traverse1[Unmarshaller.Error \/ ?, A](_.just |> Unmarshaller[A].read)
case Nil ⇒
Unmarshaller.Error.InvalidEnvValue(value.getOrElse(""), "nonemptylist").left[NonEmptyList[A]]
implicit def listValueUnmarshaller[A: Unmarshaller]: Unmarshaller[List[A]] =
Unmarshaller { value =>
def loop(items: List[String], accum: List[A]): Unmarshaller.Error \/ List[A] =
items match {
case x :: xs =>
Unmarshaller[A].read(x.just) match {
case \/-(a) =>
loop(xs, a +: accum)
case -\/(_) =>
Unmarshaller.Error.InvalidEnvValue(value.getOrElse(""), "list").left[List[A]]
case Nil =>
val list = value.getOrElse("").split(",").map(_.trim).filter(_.nonEmpty).toList
loop(list, List.empty[A])
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👍 Looks familiar ;)

I have also been playing with the pattern although I aim to keep that purely environment variable based or anything which can be represented as a Map[String, String] as input with no intention of supporting HOCON other than someone parsing HOCON => Map[String, String].

One thing I've updated is to change the EnvReader stack to also have state type EnvReader[A] = Reader[Env, State[ConfigReport, A]] where ConfigReport is just a wrapper of Map[String, String] of raw successfully read values that can be used to generate a naive/simplistic config report for free and then printed to stdout.

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Added the library as a reference point.
I will be very happy to push on with the idealogies kept in the library. As far as I can say, if HOCON can be flattened this will be the best one existing.

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