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Created November 7, 2020 13:02
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import java.nio.file.{ Files, Path }
import cats.Applicative
import cats.implicits._
import cats.effect.{ IO, Resource }
import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils
abstract sealed case class TemporaryLocalFile(path: Path) {
def writeFrom[A](s3Object: S3Object): IO[Unit] =
IO(FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(s3Object.getObjectContent, path.toFile))
object TemporaryLocalFile {
def createResource(
tempDirectory: String,
prefix: Option[Prefix],
suffix: Option[Suffix]
): Resource[IO, TemporaryLocalFile] =
Resource.make(mk(tempDirectory, prefix, suffix))(_.delete.void)
def mk(tempDirectory: String, prefix: Option[Prefix], suffix: Option[Suffix]): IO[TemporaryLocalFile] = {
val getOrEmpty: Option[Either[Prefix, Suffix]] => String =
s =>, _.value).merge).foldMap(identity)
for {
tempDir <- IO(Files.createTempDirectory(tempDirectory)) flatTap (path => IO(path.toFile.deleteOnExit()) as path)
tempPath <- IO(
Files.createTempFile(tempDir, getOrEmpty(, getOrEmpty(
) flatTap (
path => IO(path.toFile.deleteOnExit())
} yield new TemporaryLocalFile(tempPath) {}
// Prefix or suffix that always makes sure its appended or prepended with dots
abstract sealed case class Prefix(value: String)
object Prefix {
def mk(s: String): Prefix =
if (s.endsWith(".")) {
new Prefix(s) {}
} else
new Prefix(s"${s}.") {}
abstract sealed case class Suffix(value: String)
object Suffix {
def mk(s: String): Suffix =
if (s.startsWith(".")) {
new Suffix(s) {}
} else new Suffix(s".${s}") {}
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