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Created August 18, 2012 13:12
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COSCUP 2012 Day1 irc log
--- Log opened Fri Aug 17 01:22:02 2012
01:22 -!- chph_ [] has joined #coscup
01:22 -!- Irssi: #coscup: Total of 44 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 44 normal]
01:22 -!- Irssi: Join to #coscup was synced in 2 secs
01:22 -!- You're now known as chph
01:24 -!- test [3b7fcc66@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
01:27 -!- Yuhsien [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
01:29 -!- FourDollars [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
01:29 -!- webbertsai_ [722fde03@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
01:31 -!- webbertsai [722fde03@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
01:47 -!- webbertsai_ [722fde03@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
02:39 -!- ChAndrew [~chatzilla@wikipedia/ChAndrew] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 15.0/20120726140917]]
03:04 -!- icman [~icman@] has quit [Quit: 明天天氣晴]
03:50 -!- cyen [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
03:51 -!- cyen [] has joined #coscup
08:02 -!- Irvin [] has quit [Quit: Irvin]
08:39 -!- chwong [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
08:39 -!- chwong_ [] has joined #coscup
08:52 -!- LHD [] has joined #coscup
09:13 -!- timdream_ [~timdream@] has joined #coscup
09:14 -!- AceLan [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
09:16 -!- timdream [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
09:16 -!- timdream_ is now known as timdream
09:32 -!- AceLan [] has joined #coscup
09:50 -!- timdream [~timdream@] has quit [Quit: timdream]
09:52 -!- FourDollars [] has joined #coscup
09:55 -!- timdream [~timdream@] has joined #coscup
10:06 -!- timdream [~timdream@] has quit [Quit: timdream]
10:10 -!- thschee [] has joined #coscup
10:22 -!- orinx_ [~orinx@] has joined #coscup
10:23 -!- htchien [~Ted_Chien@] has joined #coscup
10:23 -!- timdream [] has joined #coscup
10:26 -!- htchien [~Ted_Chien@] has quit [Client Quit]
10:30 -!- htchien [~Ted_Chien@] has joined #coscup
10:32 -!- htchien [~Ted_Chien@] has left #coscup []
10:37 < darkx> 要開始了 ^q^
10:37 < darkx> 顯示為超級期待~
10:57 -!- DennyHuang [~denny@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
11:03 -!- DennyHuang [~denny@] has joined #coscup
11:03 -!- chwong_ is now known as chwong
11:05 -!- FourDollars [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
11:11 -!- FourDollars [] has joined #coscup
11:19 -!- kennyluck [~kennyluck@] has joined #coscup
11:23 -!- ikepanhc [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
12:17 -!- ccn [] has joined #coscup
12:17 -!- timdream_ [~timdream@nat/mozilla/x-emsarubzszfgaxnt] has joined #coscup
12:21 -!- timdream [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
12:21 -!- timdream_ is now known as timdream
12:25 -!- Irvin [] has joined #coscup
12:31 -!- yurenju [] has joined #coscup
12:34 -!- htchien [~Ted_Chien@] has joined #coscup
12:54 -!- timdream [~timdream@nat/mozilla/x-emsarubzszfgaxnt] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
12:54 -!- timdream_ [] has joined #coscup
13:06 -!- htchien [~Ted_Chien@] has left #coscup []
13:08 -!- ccn [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
13:13 -!- chengda [] has joined #coscup
13:15 < BARNEYB3>
13:15 -!- BARNEYB3 [] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia]
13:16 -!- barneybook [] has joined #coscup
13:16 < barneybook>
13:32 -!- SamWu [7a741502@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:33 -!- Irvin [] has quit [Quit: Irvin]
13:34 -!- SamWu [7a741502@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
13:40 -!- timdream_ [] has quit [Quit: timdream_]
13:42 -!- timdream [] has joined #coscup
13:46 -!- ikepanhc [~Ike_Panhc@] has joined #coscup
13:47 -!- timdream [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
13:47 -!- timdream [] has joined #coscup
13:53 -!- cyen [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
13:54 -!- linpc [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
14:09 -!- thschee [] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
14:09 -!- Haraguroicha [~Haraguroi@2001:f10:7002:62::2] has joined #coscup
14:19 -!- Haraguroicha [~Haraguroi@2001:f10:7002:62::2] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
14:50 -!- Kiki_ [6ff910a5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:51 -!- Kiki_ [6ff910a5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #coscup []
14:57 -!- kiki_ [] has joined #coscup
14:58 -!- kiki_ [] has left #coscup []
15:11 < yurenju> bepo
15:14 < yurenju> 明天這邊人暴增嗎 XD
15:14 -!- orange_ [] has joined #coscup
15:14 < orange_> test5
15:15 < orange_> 中文
15:15 < yurenju> orange_: look good!
15:16 -!- cyen [] has joined #coscup
15:27 -!- icman [~icman@] has joined #coscup
15:30 -!- binw [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
15:39 -!- orange_ [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
15:40 -!- timdream [] has quit [Quit: timdream]
15:45 -!- linpc [] has joined #coscup
15:52 -!- timdream [] has joined #coscup
16:21 -!- chusiang- [] has joined #coscup
16:21 < chusiang-> 開始掛 coscup irc (rock)
16:31 -!- Haraguroicha [~Haraguroi@2001:c08:1:164:9896:4a19:afc9:565b] has joined #coscup
16:35 -!- Haraguroicha [~Haraguroi@2001:c08:1:164:9896:4a19:afc9:565b] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:40 -!- kennyluck [~kennyluck@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
16:40 -!- Irvin [] has joined #coscup
16:41 -!- kennyluck [~kennyluck@] has joined #coscup
16:48 -!- Irvin [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
16:55 -!- Irvin [~Irvin_@] has joined #coscup
17:25 -!- binw [] has joined #coscup
17:36 -!- chengda [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
17:42 -!- FourDollars [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
17:57 -!- ikepanhc [~Ike_Panhc@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
18:08 -!- bobchao [~bobchao@] has joined #coscup
18:08 -!- mode/#coscup [+o bobchao] by ChanServ
18:23 -!- icman [~icman@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
18:32 -!- thschee [] has joined #coscup
19:05 -!- Irvin [~Irvin_@] has quit [Quit: Irvin]
19:19 -!- bobchao [~bobchao@] has quit [Quit: bobchao]
19:38 -!- kennyluck [~kennyluck@] has quit [Quit: kennyluck]
19:45 -!- timdream [] has quit [Quit: timdream]
19:46 -!- Irvin [] has joined #coscup
20:07 -!- jserv-- [] has joined #coscup
20:31 -!- timdream [] has joined #coscup
20:51 -!- ikepanhc [] has joined #coscup
20:55 -!- webbertsai [dc87262b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
20:56 < webbertsai> .
21:10 -!- kiki_ [~kiki@2001:c08:740:0:7447:c878:4d5:dbd6] has joined #coscup
21:12 -!- kiki_ [~kiki@2001:c08:740:0:7447:c878:4d5:dbd6] has quit [Client Quit]
21:12 -!- kiki_ [~kiki@2001:c08:740:0:7447:c878:4d5:dbd6] has joined #coscup
21:12 -!- kiki_ [~kiki@2001:c08:740:0:7447:c878:4d5:dbd6] has quit [Client Quit]
21:13 -!- Kiki_ [8c6daf97@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
21:13 -!- Kiki_ [8c6daf97@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
21:24 -!- Alisha_ [01aa3e84@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
21:38 -!- u10313335 [af624430@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
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21:40 -!- timdream_ [] has joined #coscup
21:43 -!- timdream [] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
21:43 -!- timdream_ is now known as timdream
21:47 -!- Sol [~u10313335@] has joined #coscup
21:48 -!- Sol is now known as Guest29794
21:48 -!- Guest29794 [~u10313335@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
21:49 -!- Irvin [] has quit [Quit: Irvin]
21:50 -!- Irvin [] has joined #coscup
21:50 -!- Irvin [] has quit [Client Quit]
21:56 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: cclien
21:57 -!- Netsplit over, joins: cclien
21:59 -!- hlb [] has joined #coscup
22:03 -!- ChAndrew [~chatzilla@wikipedia/ChAndrew] has joined #coscup
22:10 -!- rail02000 [] has joined #coscup
22:10 -!- pwchen [] has joined #coscup
22:11 -!- AndChat-70356 [] has joined #coscup
22:12 -!- rail02000 [] has left #coscup []
22:13 -!- pwchen is now known as tsuki
22:14 -!- AndChat-70356 [] has quit [Client Quit]
22:14 -!- carrl [] has joined #coscup
22:21 < syJheng> 人愈來愈多啦~
22:21 -!- bobchao [] has joined #coscup
22:21 -!- mode/#coscup [+o bobchao] by ChanServ
22:22 -!- cibs [~cibs@] has joined #coscup
22:24 -!- Kin_Lo [] has joined #coscup
22:30 -!- FourDollars [] has joined #coscup
22:33 -!- kin_ [] has joined #coscup
22:36 -!- clkao [] has joined #coscup
22:37 -!- Alisha_ [01aa3e84@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
22:38 -!- cibs [~cibs@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
22:42 -!- cibs [] has joined #coscup
22:43 -!- df1 [] has joined #coscup
22:46 -!- Irvin [] has joined #coscup
22:46 -!- super25025 [] has joined #coscup
22:48 -!- Kin_Lo [] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )]
22:48 -!- kin_ is now known as kinabcd
23:13 -!- thschee [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
23:21 -!- thschee [] has joined #coscup
23:27 -!- thschee [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
23:36 -!- jasonyang [~ooo@] has joined #coscup
23:43 -!- Takeshi [7bc08d56@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
23:44 < Takeshi> 好多人@@
23:45 -!- Takeshi [7bc08d56@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
23:55 <@bobchao> 5 分鐘後!
23:55 -!- jasonyang [~ooo@] has quit [Quit: Bye]
23:55 -!- yichiuan [~ooo@] has joined #coscup
23:56 < tsuki> 030
23:58 -!- yichiuan [~ooo@] has quit [Client Quit]
--- Day changed Sat Aug 18 2012
00:01 < DennyHuang> bobchao: 你要宣告開始狂歡嘛XD
00:01 <@bobchao> DennyHuang: yeah!!!
00:03 < DennyHuang> 搶到COSCUP Day 1 頭香~ (dance)
00:08 < hlb> !
00:19 -!- DennyHuang [~denny@] has left #coscup []
00:19 -!- DennyHuang [~denny@] has joined #coscup
00:21 -!- Haraguroicha1 [~Haraguroi@2001:f10:7002:62::2] has joined #coscup
00:22 -!- Haraguroicha1 [~Haraguroi@2001:f10:7002:62::2] has left #coscup []
00:22 -!- webbertsai [dc87262b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
00:26 < clkao> !
00:26 -!- macjack [~macjack@] has joined #coscup
00:33 -!- super25025 [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
01:03 -!- FourDollars [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
01:17 -!- shiami [732b79ca@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
01:18 -!- shiami [732b79ca@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
01:28 < locy69> 測試!
01:29 < locy69> COSCUP Google+ Events
01:30 -!- df1 [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
01:37 -!- ChAndrew [~chatzilla@wikipedia/ChAndrew] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 15.0/20120814163434]]
01:37 -!- eudjs [713d87ee@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
01:38 -!- eudjs [713d87ee@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
01:47 -!- macjack [~macjack@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
01:51 -!- ryan_ [~ryan@2001:c08:3700:ffff::52d] has joined #coscup
01:53 -!- macjack [~macjack@] has joined #coscup
01:54 -!- Denir [~denir@] has joined #coscup
01:55 -!- ryan_ [~ryan@2001:c08:3700:ffff::52d] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
02:10 < barneybook> (COSCUP 2012 懶人包 PS:歡迎各位充實內容)
02:16 -!- barneybook [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
02:17 -!- barneybook [] has joined #coscup
02:35 -!- Irvin [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
02:41 -!- Haraguroicha [~Haraguroi@2001:f10:7002:62::2] has joined #coscup
02:46 -!- Irvin [] has joined #coscup
02:47 -!- Haraguroicha [~Haraguroi@2001:f10:7002:62::2] has left #coscup []
02:49 -!- irvin_ [] has joined #coscup
02:51 -!- superbil__ [] has joined #coscup
02:54 -!- irvin_ [] has quit [Quit: irvin_]
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02:56 -!- Irvin [] has quit [Quit: Irvin]
02:56 -!- Irvin [] has joined #coscup
03:00 -!- irvin_ [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
03:00 -!- Irvin is now known as Irvin_
03:00 -!- Irvin_ [] has left #coscup []
03:00 -!- Irvin [] has joined #coscup
03:00 -!- Andox [] has joined #coscup
03:01 -!- Irvin_ [] has joined #coscup
03:05 -!- Irvin [] has quit [Quit: Irvin]
03:06 -!- Irvin [] has joined #coscup
03:06 -!- Irvin_ [] has quit [Quit: Irvin_]
03:06 -!- Irvin is now known as irvin_
03:06 -!- irvin_ [] has quit [Client Quit]
03:07 -!- irvin_ [] has joined #coscup
03:11 -!- dunhill [] has joined #coscup
03:17 -!- irvin_ [] has quit [Quit: irvin_]
03:54 -!- shtzeng [] has joined #coscup
04:58 -!- allenown [] has joined #coscup
04:58 -!- macjack [~macjack@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
05:10 -!- rsghost [72297881@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
05:20 -!- rsghost [72297881@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
05:36 -!- kinabcd [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
05:40 -!- kinabcd [] has joined #coscup
05:49 < darkx> 大家早安 OAO/
05:50 < kinabcd> 早安0A0/
06:01 -!- bobchao [] has quit [Quit: bobchao]
06:12 -!- billy3321 [] has joined #coscup
06:21 -!- Alisha [72263b2d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
06:36 -!- windslash [] has joined #coscup
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06:49 -!- ofy [] has joined #coscup
07:01 -!- Guest6147 [~anonymous@] has joined #coscup
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07:05 -!- Sc0tt_ [8c707cc4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
07:07 -!- ofy [] has left #coscup ["Leaving"]
07:10 -!- ofy [] has joined #coscup
07:12 -!- ofy [] has quit [Client Quit]
07:15 -!- KPXX [] has joined #coscup
07:21 -!- ofy [] has joined #coscup
07:21 -!- ofy [] has quit [Client Quit]
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07:28 -!- jserv-- [] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
07:40 -!- qq_ [] has joined #coscup
07:41 -!- ikepanhc [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
07:42 -!- submarqq [] has joined #coscup
07:46 -!- ca_ [] has joined #coscup
07:47 < superbil__> 大家早!
07:47 -!- opop [] has joined #coscup
07:47 -!- superbil__ [] has quit [Quit: superbil__]
08:06 -!- Tiger0319 [~tiger@] has joined #coscup
08:06 -!- Tiger0319 is now known as TigerHuang
08:20 -!- timdream [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
08:24 -!- sig255 [~anonymous@] has joined #coscup
08:24 -!- chengda [~Adium@] has joined #coscup
08:26 < Andox> 大家早~
08:27 -!- XDOrz [~XDOrz@] has joined #coscup
08:27 < XDOrz> 科科...
08:28 -!- tC_ [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
08:29 -!- mabinogi80503 [~MaLar@] has joined #coscup
08:29 -!- Haraguroicha [~Haraguroi@2001:f10:7002:62::2] has joined #coscup
08:29 -!- XDD [~XDDDD@] has joined #coscup
08:30 < XDOrz> 有人嘛?
08:30 < kinabcd> hello
08:30 < orinx_> o\~/
08:30 < XDOrz> hi ^^
08:30 < Andox> 早安
08:30 < XDOrz> 好想睡覺QQ"
08:31 < Andox> 好餓 我想吃點心QQ
08:31 -!- webbertsai [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
08:31 < XDOrz> 想吃點心++;
08:32 -!- thschee [] has joined #coscup
08:32 -!- ecilA [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
08:33 -!- bobchao [~bobchao@2001:c08:1:164:259a:6e30:a769:2fc8] has joined #coscup
08:33 -!- mode/#coscup [+o bobchao] by ChanServ
08:35 -!- jason250_ [~jason2506@] has joined #coscup
08:36 -!- MaLar [~MaLar@] has joined #coscup
08:36 -!- kuyuhisepa126 [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
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08:38 -!- sig255 [~anonymous@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
08:40 -!- jeremy5189 [~jeremy518@] has joined #coscup
08:40 < jeremy5189> hello
08:41 < kuyuhisepa126> hello :)
08:41 -!- rail02000 [~quassel@] has joined #coscup
08:41 -!- choer [] has joined #coscup
08:41 -!- privism [] has joined #coscup
08:42 -!- Mai7855 [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup
08:42 < darkgerm> hello
08:42 < privism> morning
08:42 < Mai7855> mornig
08:42 -!- cos_ [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
08:42 -!- defend0827 [~defend082@] has joined #coscup
08:43 -!- csk [~csk@] has joined #coscup
08:43 -!- orinx_ [~orinx@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
08:44 < TigerHuang> Morning
08:44 -!- csk is now known as Guest88276
08:44 -!- kiki_ [~kiki@] has joined #coscup
08:45 -!- superbil__ [~i7@] has joined #coscup
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08:45 < webbertsai> hello
08:45 -!- defend0827_ [~defend082@] has quit [Client Quit]
08:46 < XDOrz> hell~
08:46 < XDOrz> o
08:46 < kuyuhisepa126> hello:)
08:47 -!- ecilA [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
08:47 -!- JoeyWu [~defend082@] has joined #coscup
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08:47 -!- JoeyWu [~defend082@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
08:47 -!- defend0827 [~defend082@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
08:47 -!- Edward_ [5bd40c44@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
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08:48 -!- pellaeon1 [~pellaeon@] has joined #coscup
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08:48 -!- JoeyWu [~defend082@] has joined #coscup
08:49 -!- jswirl_ [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
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08:53 -!- Dai [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
08:53 -!- MaLar [~MaLar@] has left #coscup ["Leaving"]
08:54 -!- jswirl_ [~androirc@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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08:54 -!- iblis17 [] has joined #coscup
08:54 -!- nicorepo is now known as thustow
08:54 -!- i7 [~user@] has joined #coscup
08:54 -!- changlp [] has joined #coscup
08:55 -!- i7 is now known as superbil`
08:55 -!- ChAndrew [~chatzilla@wikipedia/ChAndrew] has joined #coscup
08:55 -!- carlcarl [~carlcarl@] has joined #coscup
08:55 -!- Takeshi [df8be4e0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
08:56 -!- Alen [~Alen@] has joined #coscup
08:56 -!- TaiZai [] has joined #coscup
08:57 -!- kuyuhisepa126 [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
08:57 -!- michael520 [~michael@] has joined #coscup
08:57 < michael520> hello all
08:57 -!- tka [] has joined #coscup
08:57 < Takeshi> Hello world!
08:58 -!- Mai7855_ [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup
08:58 < privism> �z���F
08:58 < superbil`> echo "hi"
08:58 < ChAndrew> Today is COSCUP day1 !! 今天是COSCUP第一日!
08:58 -!- dannvix [~dannvix@] has joined #coscup
08:58 < michael520> 中文顯示測試看看
08:58 < dannvix> 大家早安 :P
08:58 < michael520> 有看到我的中文嗎?
08:58 -!- liic [] has joined #coscup
08:58 < privism> �����٬O���Ϊ�
08:58 -!- jswirl_ [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
08:58 < Takeshi> 中文
08:58 < XDOrz> 有
08:58 -!- tC__ [4c491286@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
08:58 < ChAndrew> Good morning!! :D
08:59 -!- superbil` is now known as superbil_
08:59 < michael520> 哈哈 ~ 謝啦
08:59 < cos_> rock on COSCUP
08:59 < Mai7855_> 有有~
08:59 < ChAndrew> 各位早安
08:59 -!- tC_ [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
08:59 < choer> 有
08:59 < Alen> 看到了看到了..各位早安
08:59 -!- UncleHandsome [] has joined #coscup
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08:59 -!- rmx [~coldsleep@] has joined #coscup
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08:59 -!- tC__ [4c491286@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
08:59 < XDOrz> 想睡覺XD
08:59 < adaam> Moring. 人越來越多了
08:59 < michael520> 各位早安 ~ 一年見一次面 XD
08:59 -!- AlanWu [~alan@] has joined #coscup
08:59 < Dai> 早安~~~~~
08:59 -!- Custom [] has joined #coscup
09:00 -!- rmx is now known as Guest25619
09:00 -!- kchen126 [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:00 < kinabcd> 無線網路變慢了www
09:00 -!- tC_ [4c491286@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:00 < Dai> 人變多了@@
09:00 < privism> irc �j�j�٬O����
09:00 < Takeshi> 用3G就不會慢了ww
09:00 < kchen126> 問,聽說網路線可拿OAO?
09:00 < Dai> 喔!?
09:00 -!- Mai7855 [~chatzilla@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
09:00 < Mai7855_> 好像是有個攤位可以拿??
09:00 < privism> �٬O���H�ۤv�} hotspot
09:00 < tsuki> O_o
09:01 -!- Guest4651 [~someone@] has joined #coscup
09:01 -!- Mai7855_ is now known as Mai7855
09:01 < Dai> 有攤位可以拿??
09:01 -!- ming1053 [~milnex@] has quit [Client Quit]
09:01 < kinabcd> O_o
09:01 < darkgerm> 真的嗎?我需要網路線@@
09:01 < kchen126> 聽說好像有w
09:01 -!- dreamcwli [~dreamcwli@] has joined #coscup
09:01 < michael520> 這次痞客邦不知道有沒有
09:01 < Dai> +1
09:01 < darkgerm> <--- 只帶了轉接頭沒帶網路線的人
09:01 -!- StarNight [~zack@] has joined #coscup
09:01 < michael520> 有沒有送網路線
09:01 < Edward_> 組隊去拿網路線啦 X
09:01 < Edward_> XD
09:01 < Guest4651> me2
09:01 < Dai> XDDD
09:01 -!- ming1053 [] has joined #coscup
09:01 < Edward_> 蠢報了,我真的忘了帶網路線...
09:01 < jeremy5189> Eee Pc seashell 好像不能連Wi-Fi
09:01 < carlcarl> test~
09:01 < XDD> 誰叫我?
09:02 < StarNight> 早安!!!
09:02 < Dai> 送網路線比送衣服還要有吸引力XDD
09:02 < Andox> Edward_: 快去pixnet攤位搶一條XD
09:02 -!- ericsk [ericsk@] has joined #coscup
09:02 < superbil_> coscup 無線很穩應該不用吧 XD
09:02 < Edward_> @Andox : OK! Thanks
09:02 < adaam> 哪邊有網路線@@
09:02 < kchen126> XXXD
09:02 < Andox> 無線很穩...@@?
09:03 -!- wenpei [] has joined #coscup
09:03 -!- wenpei is now known as Sars
09:03 -!- Zhusee [] has joined #coscup
09:03 < AlanWu> /msg NickServ help
09:03 -!- KiraYao [~elegant_p@] has joined #coscup
09:03 -!- Zhusee [] has quit [Client Quit]
09:03 < KiraYao> 開始了!
09:03 -!- milnex [~milnex@] has joined #coscup
09:03 < Andox> D3 installing.... //flee
09:03 < u10313335> 有線網路反而有點糟糕?
09:03 < ericsk> kick off!
09:03 -!- abev66 [~quassel@] has joined #coscup
09:03 -!- ming1053 [] has left #coscup []
09:03 -!- carlcarl_ [~carlcarl@] has joined #coscup
09:04 < privism> 啊剛剛忘了改 utf-8 sorry
09:04 < XDOrz> 無線很順阿...
09:04 -!- UncleHandsome [] has quit [Client Quit]
09:04 -!- jswirl_ [~androirc@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
09:04 < XDOrz> 可是怕網路髒... 所以我VPN回家XD
09:04 -!- kikiqqp [0122406b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:04 < KiraYao> 快,拿箭射他(?)
09:04 -!- lunastorm [] has joined #coscup
09:04 -!- liyw [] has joined #coscup
09:04 -!- RickZhang [~AndChat61@] has joined #coscup
09:04 -!- pellaeon_ [] has joined #coscup
09:04 < michael520> 總召最近被操的瘦了 XD
09:04 < iblis17> KiraYao: (Y)
09:04 < darkx> XDDD
09:04 < kikiqqp> 箭靶!
09:04 < darkgerm> 我也趕快 vpn 一下好了ww
09:04 -!- albb0920 [~albb0920@] has joined #coscup
09:04 < KiraYao> 今年太認真了吧XD
09:04 < carlcarl_> mba 轉接線是不是接右邊的usb孔會比較順啊@@a
09:04 -!- astro^ [] has joined #coscup
09:05 < darkgerm> 有差?
09:05 -!- milnex [~milnex@] has left #coscup []
09:05 -!- ryan_ [~ryan@] has joined #coscup
09:05 < XDOrz> 駭客年會的陰影… 到這個場地就會怕怕的~
09:05 -!- ming1053 [~milnex@] has joined #coscup
09:05 < michael520> 希望大家不要太養 XD
09:05 < carlcarl_> 我不知道 新手>"<
09:05 -!- Zhusee [] has joined #coscup
09:05 < liyw> ���
09:05 < Haraguroicha> 用Thunderbolt to Ethernet更穩xD
09:05 < KiraYao> 明年能不能到南港展覽館(?!)
09:05 -!- liyw is now known as UncleHandsome
09:05 < abev66> 這樣比較方便嗎 XD
09:05 -!- jswirl_ [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
09:05 -!- Guest25619 is now known as coldsleep
09:05 < XDOrz> 1200+ cup� XD
09:05 < Dai> 南港展覽館準備好了@@?
09:06 < kikiqqp> 只有網頁的IRC連的上 orz
09:06 < KiraYao> 今年,兩分鐘掛點
09:06 < KiraYao> 我用IRC Client可以上阿
09:06 < KiraYao> 雖然是Opera....XD
09:06 < KiraYao> wwwwww
09:06 < Andox> wwwww
09:06 < ryan_> wwwww
09:06 < ericsk> wwww
09:06 -!- carlcarl1 [~carlcarl@] has joined #coscup
09:06 < Andox> 售票處被打趴了
09:06 < yurenju> 整個售票處都沒了 XD
09:07 < Mai7855> wwwwww
09:07 < darkx> XD
09:07 < KiraYao> 被暴民炸掉了www
09:07 < tC_> 售票處表示:
09:07 < Zhusee> 售票處 (wave)
09:07 < Haraguroicha> 可憐的售票處...
09:07 < rail02000> 下次可以考慮找人來擺攤賣網路線(誤
09:07 < adaam> 卡住回來就沒了...
09:07 < Alen> 還好我在售票處炸掉前有搶到
09:07 < KiraYao> +1
09:07 < KiraYao> 抖得要死XD
09:07 -!- MaLar is now known as mabinogi80503
09:07 < Alen> 8:01分竟然已經300號了
09:07 < kikiqqp> 明年寫BOT = =+
09:07 < Andox> 還好我的手速夠 搶在打掛前送出 XD
09:08 < Zhusee> 不是 Never Live Demo 嗎
09:08 < KiraYao> 逼人吐槽阿www
09:08 < XDOrz> meet girls~
09:08 < StarNight> XDDD
09:08 < Andox> Meet girl!!
09:08 < mabinogi80503> XDD
09:08 < hlb> 售票處表示...
09:08 * astro^ 今年有座位表嗎? XD
09:08 -!- sntc06 [~sntc06@] has joined #coscup
09:08 < XDD> 誰又叫我惹?
09:08 < KiraYao> 一直都沒有吧XD
09:08 < yurenju> hlb: 售票處老闆出現了
09:08 < darkgerm> XDD != XD XD
09:09 < Dai> XDD
09:09 < KiraYao> 宿舍嗎XD
09:09 < XDOrz> XDD出來面對
09:09 < KiraYao> XDD踹共!
09:09 -!- irischen [8c8354d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:09 < Alen> 好期待 unconference
09:09 < XDD> 蛤?
09:09 < Alen> 今年會有掛嗎
09:09 < hlb> 售票處表示, 哪位老闆可以拿幾百萬來改建裝潢, 就不會被轟炸了
09:09 -!- ryan_ [~ryan@] has quit [Client Quit]
09:09 < jeremy5189> whois linroex
09:09 -!- mobomoga [~mobomoga@] has joined #coscup
09:10 < darkgerm> 原來那是投票用的啊...
09:10 < ericsk> hlb: 放上 Windows Azure 吧,我們來談合作
09:10 < superbil_> 今年的贊助沒有 0xlab耶
09:10 < UncleHandsome> �ڤw�g��K�ȶK��q���W�FT^T
09:10 -!- dreamcwli [~dreamcwli@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
09:10 -!- ryan__ [~ryan@] has joined #coscup
09:10 < adaam> 好懷念的台大背景
09:10 < Sc0tt_> WPA handshake failed with STA 1c:b0:94:77:ca:cb likely due to bad password from client
09:10 -!- ccchiu [~ccchiu@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
09:10 -!- ryan__ is now known as ryanho
09:10 -!- in2 [] has joined #coscup
09:10 -!- dreamcwli_ [~dreamcwli@] has joined #coscup
09:10 < hlb> ericsk: 不是不能跑 ruby
09:10 -!- paulliu_gd [~paulliu@] has joined #coscup
09:10 < KiraYao> 媽,我在這!
09:10 < ericsk> hlb: 誰說不能跑?
09:10 -!- elvis_ [~elvis@] has joined #coscup
09:10 < in2> hlb: 布丁!
09:11 < kikiqqp> 爸!!我在這!
09:11 < hlb> ericsk: 你上次跟我說的 O_O
09:11 -!- ckm_ [~ckm@] has joined #coscup
09:11 < kikiqqp> 人家要哭哭票!!!!
09:11 -!- elvis_ [~elvis@] has quit [Client Quit]
09:11 < KiraYao> 議程,不要死阿! 不能死阿!
09:11 < mabinogi80503> I told you ~
09:11 -!- elvis_ [~elvis@] has joined #coscup
09:11 -!- elvis_ [~elvis@] has quit [Client Quit]
09:11 -!- sntc06 [~sntc06@] has quit [Client Quit]
09:11 < KiraYao> Aseigo怎麼拉?
09:11 -!- HenryYang [8c701830@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:11 -!- elvis_ [~elvis@] has joined #coscup
09:11 < KiraYao> 買一送一wwww
09:11 < orinx> 買一送一XXD
09:11 < XDOrz> XDD
09:11 < hlb> in2: 兔子!
09:11 < Takeshi> 買一送一?
09:12 < Alen> 後面的配音是怎麼一回事.
09:12 < hlb> # 在家裡陪女兒
09:12 < privism> 多一個人
09:12 -!- imKojima [] has joined #coscup
09:12 -!- sntc06 [~sntc06@] has joined #coscup
09:12 < darkx> imKojima: 大大!
09:12 -!- bobchao [~bobchao@2001:c08:1:164:259a:6e30:a769:2fc8] has quit [Quit: bobchao]
09:12 < KiraYao> 是硬兔!
09:12 -!- Aotoki [caa9ad42@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:12 -!- Kylin_ [01aa9ac5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:12 < KiraYao> 兔過要拔毛!(逃)
09:12 < imKojima> darkx: 大大!
09:12 -!- max_ [8c6d10c1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:12 -!- dreamcwli_ is now known as dreamcwli
09:12 < LHD> ericsk: 要上臺了XD
09:12 -!- dca_ [] has joined #coscup
09:12 < Andox> A9 XD
09:12 -!- swind_ [] has joined #coscup
09:13 -!- YSC [~YSC@] has joined #coscup
09:13 -!- itswindtw [] has joined #coscup
09:13 < privism> hlb: 剛剛看到一個人和你好像,後來主持人說你殘念才知道原來不是你 XD
09:13 < KiraYao> 他用的是蘋果?!
09:13 < paulliu_gd> ☛_☚
09:13 < in2> 裡面是灌 win8 嗎?
09:13 < HenryYang> 台灣微軟用MAC !?
09:13 -!- tinda [caa9a4da@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:13 < XDOrz> 有沒有台灣微軟用蘋果電腦的八卦?
09:13 < u10313335> OS X
09:13 < hlb> 主...主持人說我殘念...
09:13 < imKojima> Office for mac 2011
09:13 < KiraYao> Windows表示:不能忍
09:13 < JoeyWu> ...
09:13 < TigerHuang> [線路組公告] 親愛的會眾1c:b0:94:77:ca:cb , 請不要在try我們Staff Only的AP唷 >.o
09:13 < Zhusee> XDDD
09:13 < JoeyWu> 有卦爆
09:13 -!- Lws [df8a2962@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:13 < hlb> privism: 明天就會去, 有 workshop 唷 ;p
09:13 < kikiqqp> 不好的慣例是,大家都很討厭廠商
09:13 < Andox> XDDD
09:13 < Mai7855> 是Apple XDDD
09:13 -!- mobomoga [~mobomoga@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
09:13 < mabinogi80503> www
09:13 < KiraYao> 迫砲wwww
09:13 < kikiqqp> 偏偏廠商才會給錢
09:13 < Zhusee> MSFT ♥ MacBook Air
09:13 < Andox> wwww
09:13 < darkx> www
09:13 < privism> hlb: 他把你的 twitter 貼出來
09:13 * hlb 廠商
09:13 -!- yanagiis [~yanagiis@] has joined #coscup
09:13 < hlb> privism: T_T
09:14 -!- yan [~yan@] has joined #coscup
09:14 < hlb> 所以我紅了,誰要找我簽名嗎 T_T
09:14 * in2 廠商而且只有手寫名牌 Q_Q
09:14 < KiraYao> 會重演去年hXc被炮下來的傳統嗎?
09:14 -!- zigo [] has joined #coscup
09:14 < in2> hlb: 我要!
09:14 -!- mosu101 [~mosu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
09:14 -!- CindyLinz [] has joined #coscup
09:14 < Andox> in2: 這麼杯具@@?
09:15 < YChao_> hlb: 簽名!
09:15 < CindyLinz> 剛剛真是非常驚訝 XD
09:15 < privism> 白銀級的贊助商耶!
09:15 < hlb> 今天在想要不要帶著小玥去,後來想說那麼宅的地方......
09:15 < u10313335> 友商
09:15 < in2> Andox: 是啊, 明年要好好考慮要不要贊助了 orz
09:15 -!- freedom [650d328d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:15 < tinda> cool
09:15 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@] has joined #coscup
09:16 < hlb> in2: 明年贊助神來也點數?
09:16 -!- ijliao [] has joined #coscup
09:16 < Andox> in2: 說不定手寫名牌是小綠綠親手寫的 (Y)
09:16 < StarNight> 手寫好!!!
09:16 -!- ReticenceSu [~Reticence@] has joined #coscup
09:17 < CindyLinz> 可是手寫等太久了, 位子都沒了.....
09:17 -!- windslash [] has joined #coscup
09:17 < CindyLinz> (泣)
09:17 < imKojima> 哈哈
09:17 < mabinogi80503> XDDDDDD
09:17 < in2> Andox: 是男生寫的 XD
09:17 < KiraYao> XDDD
09:17 < Kylin_> XD
09:17 < Andox> XDDDDDDDDDDDD
09:17 -!- Noni [df88c9ad@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:17 < StarNight> livedemo ~
09:17 < yanagiis> help
09:17 -!- tsuhsiang [~jalen@] has joined #coscup
09:17 < dca_> livedemo!!
09:17 -!- realpiyo_ [] has joined #coscup
09:18 < u10313335> 居然live dwmo成功了?!
09:18 -!- mtchang [~mtchang@] has joined #coscup
09:18 < KiraYao> Live Demo, Cool!
09:18 < in2> 這次 demo 會按照微軟的傳統嗎? *光速逃*
09:18 < KiraYao> 沒有阿
09:18 < KiraYao> 還在跑
09:18 < StarNight> 感覺還蠻順的
09:18 * Andox 期待BSoD
09:18 < ryanho> BSOD!
09:18 < KiraYao> 藍藍路~
09:18 < darkx> www
09:18 < Noni> Hi, everybody
09:18 -!- infax [~androirc@2001:c08:1:164:393f:d811:6f3e:8029] has joined #coscup
09:18 < privism> in2: 弄個 open 神來也吧
09:18 < ijliao> 他可能只是在台上裝忙, 其實是預錄的... # never live demo
09:19 -!- lzy [] has joined #coscup
09:19 < Zhusee> 預錄XDDDD
09:19 < lzy> 中文測試 ._.a
09:19 < Andox> ijliao++
09:19 < KiraYao> 不,現場掛掉才有趣阿XD
09:19 -!- rascov [] has joined #coscup
09:19 -!- chang [d2c84018@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:19 < michael520> 哈哈
09:19 < yurenju> Google+ 上面蒐集 COSCUP 照片的地方
09:19 -!- rich1iu [] has joined #coscup
09:19 -!- sntc06 [~sntc06@] has left #coscup []
09:19 < lzy> Andox: 開座位表 :P
09:19 < infax> android irc app test
09:19 < StarNight> 挺不錯的想法
09:19 -!- sntc06 [~sntc06@] has joined #coscup
09:19 -!- sptw [~root@] has joined #coscup
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09:19 < Andox> lzy: orz....我忘了買了 T__T
09:19 < yurenju> 這次好像有懶人包
09:19 < michael520> 今年有座位表嗎?
09:20 < KiraYao> 懶人包?
09:20 < lzy> Andox: 沒關係,我不意外 *哼哼哼*
09:20 < YChao_> 用VM跑,當機才不會太尷尬... XD
09:20 < Andox> lzy: 都說要提醒一下了 (攤)
09:20 < elvis_> 國際會議室可以吃東西嗎?我好餓 >.<
09:20 -!- janyeh [~janyeh@] has joined #coscup
09:20 * ijliao <- using androirc
09:20 -!- Guest4651 is now known as vincent
09:20 -!- kcwu [] has joined #coscup
09:20 < yurenju>
09:20 < Takeshi> android 是哪一個irc軟體?
09:20 < Andox> elvis_: no
09:20 < lzy> 沒早餐,真悶 :(
09:20 < yurenju> elvis_: 不能吃東西喔 ^^
09:20 < infax> 這不能吃東西
09:20 < elvis_> 嗚嗚~~
09:20 < elvis_> ok~
09:20 < Custom> elvis_: 撐一下, 等一下就有很多東西可以吃了
09:20 -!- sntc06 [~sntc06@] has joined #coscup
09:20 < XDOrz> 快餓死惹....
09:20 -!- vincent is now known as Guest35324
09:20 -!- gh [] has joined #coscup
09:21 -!- gh is now known as Guest96561
09:21 < rich1iu> Custom: 拜見吳大
09:21 < Alen> R1 中間的畫面掛了嗎?
09:21 < Andox> lzy: 等點心吧!
09:21 -!- lunastor1 [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
09:21 < Custom> rich1iu: 這次太晚到, 只能做第一排... :~
09:21 < ijliao> 吳大 !!
09:21 < tC_> Takeshi: 可以用Andchat
09:21 < lzy> 今年早上取消點心 ...
09:21 < elvis_> haha
09:21 < CindyLinz> Alen: 是經典藍畫面啦~~
09:21 < michael520> 咦?
09:21 < superbil_> lzy: 沒有點心?
09:21 < windslash> android 我用yaaic
09:21 < Custom> lzy: 蝦米? 早上沒有吃的?!!
09:21 < darkgerm> 早上沒點心@?!
09:21 < KiraYao> 還好有吃早餐....
09:21 < lzy> 有 tea time, 但沒點心 ...
09:22 < michael520> 真的嗎 XD
09:22 -!- Lws [df8a2962@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
09:22 -!- Ed_ [8c6d7ff4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:22 < darkx> QAQ
09:22 < StarNight> 真是令人桑心的消息
09:22 -!- carlcarl [~carlcarl@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
09:22 -!- carlcarl_ [~carlcarl@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
09:22 < michael520> 囧rz
09:22 < KiraYao> COSCUP也被歐債危機了嗎XD
09:22 < StarNight> T^T
09:22 < infax> android 可以用androIRC
09:22 < Andox> 囧...沒吃早餐 T_T
09:22 -!- coldsleep [~coldsleep@] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
09:22 < darkgerm> 杯具...
09:22 < Custom> 完了... 我特地要來吃點心的啊 XD
09:22 < kikiqqp> 早上的點心取消了呦 啾咪
09:22 -!- hamisme [~hamisme@] has joined #coscup
09:22 < u10313335> 還好有吃早餐(逃
09:22 < ijliao> 太傷心... 要大力 low light 會務組 !! XD
09:22 -!- killtw [caa9ad53@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:22 < imKojima> 太早出門沒吃早餐Orz
09:22 < in2> privism: 嘿嘿
09:22 < Mai7855> 因為點心吃太多 所以中餐吃不下也是有的.....
09:22 < StarNight> 說好的點心呢(掩面 哭
09:22 < darkgerm> android 可以裝 ssh 軟體再連到工作站上用 irssi XD
09:22 < kchen126> 拿到網路線w~痞客幫在發喔wwww
09:22 < kikiqqp> 因為大家都是壞孩子,吃了點心就不愛吃飯!
09:22 < superbil_> 會場有沒有賣早餐阿? *工商服務*
09:22 < lzy> ijliao: 理由是 ... 怕中午便當剩太多,所以取消早上點新 ...
09:23 -!- RuinlandIxa [~RuinlandI@] has joined #coscup
09:23 < lzy> s/點新/點心/g
09:23 < kcwu> 沒點心..
09:23 < DennyHuang> 怕大家都吃點心 中午便當都吃不下啦
09:23 < Andox> 中餐吃不下可以給s3p解決呀 QQ
09:23 < Noni> 我覺得今年人數超越去年了, 多了好多小朋友丫~~~
09:23 < imKojima> 這次餐卷也限量啦XD
09:23 < darkgerm> 希望中場休息還能拿到網路線 0.0
09:23 < kchen126> OAO....沒點心喔....
09:23 < in2> 剛才去 pixnet 發現都是生面孔 XD
09:23 < Custom> lzy: 嗚嗚, 那下次可以提供早餐嗎? XD (限量發送是可以的)
09:23 < darkx> darkgerm: lol
09:23 -!- chang [d2c84018@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
09:23 < michael520> 喔....那剛好可以減個肥.....囧rz
09:23 < StarNight> 每年都會期待點心 T^T
09:23 < lzy> ijliao: 真是本末倒置,當初 coscup 先提供點心,後來我才說要提供便當,現在卻取消點心,留下便當 ...
09:23 < ijliao> noni: 1200 是比 1000 多沒錯~
09:23 < Andox> lzy: 幫我買早餐 我可以寄給你 XDD
09:24 < Alen> Live Demo
09:24 < u10313335> demo
09:24 -!- linroex [] has joined #coscup
09:24 < Takeshi> 又有demo了!
09:24 < lzy> Live Demo 買早餐?
09:24 < carlcarl1> 還好有吃個早餐=.=
09:24 * lzy flee
09:24 < StarNight> ASUS
09:24 < YChao_> 還好有先吃早餐
09:24 -!- kikiqqp [0122406b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
09:24 < Zhusee> 堅若磐石XDDD
09:24 < Andox> 看到堅若磐石...
09:24 < linroex> test
09:24 < Takeshi> free?
09:24 -!- lunastor1 [] has joined #coscup
09:24 < ijliao> lzy: XD
09:24 < tsuki> 堅若磐石,讓我想到ASUS
09:24 < windslash> XD
09:24 < infax> 我沒拿餐卷
09:24 -!- kikiqqp [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup
09:24 < zigo> If you guys want to talk about *really* open sourced cloud platform, I'm the maintainer of both XCP and Openstack in Debian, so you can come and chat with me.
09:24 -!- Rocfatcat [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
09:24 < darkx> 煎肉磐石
09:24 < lzy> ijliao: 好久沒看到大大了,等等來跟長輩問安 <(_ _)>
09:25 < zigo> I'm easy to find, there's not so many white guys here ... :)
09:25 < jeremy5189> freenode 進不去?
09:25 -!- lunastor1 [] has quit [Client Quit]
09:25 < janyeh> test
09:25 -!- ryanho [~ryan@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
09:25 < linroex> 可以啊
09:25 * elvis_ 一年一度的上 irc 活動 XD
09:25 < kikiqqp> 不要用ircs
09:25 < RuinlandIxa> 煎肉磐石 XDDD
09:25 < KiraYao> 我現在就在freenode上面阿
09:25 < Takeshi> demo
09:25 < tinda> 沒有義務
09:25 < kikiqqp> 改用irc://
09:25 -!- shadowcrow [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
09:25 < linroex> 葉大ㄏ
09:25 < ijliao> zigo++
09:25 -!- chiangph [] has joined #coscup
09:25 < KiraYao> Opera Rocks!
09:25 < Sc0tt_> 不開發票可以省5%?
09:25 -!- sptw [~root@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
09:25 < RuinlandIxa> OPera TALKS!!!
09:25 -!- sherlock [~conan@] has joined #coscup
09:25 -!- sherlock is now known as Guest44085
09:25 < cyt93cs_> swind_: hello!
09:25 < Alen> 90天的 free try..來衝一個看看
09:25 < Andox> 有平行輸入的嗎? XD
09:25 -!- tsuhsiang is now known as JalenLin
09:25 < in2> 不開發票可以省5%!
09:26 < cyt93cs_> AceLan: hello!
09:26 < linroex> hi
09:26 < elvis_> AceLan: 色
09:26 < swind_> hi XD
09:26 < Noni> hi hi AceLan
09:26 < kikiqqp> 出去玩 :D
09:26 < darkx> www
09:26 < Noni> 哇係 Mask的朋友
09:26 < janyeh> 開發票這個有在地化... XDD
09:26 < Andox> 看來只好飲料喝到飽了._.
09:26 < YChao_> 喔喔信用卡...
09:27 -!- SimplePlan [~root@] has joined #coscup
09:27 < Alen> 又要用信用卡哦...
09:27 * SimplePlan
09:27 < lzy> AceLan: 色
09:27 -!- loyo [] has joined #coscup
09:27 < KiraYao> Heroku比較大方?
09:27 < kikiqqp> 是中文沒錯,只是......
09:27 < janyeh> 用信用卡才能固定幫你扣款...
09:27 < Alen> 這年頭信用卡很危險啊....
09:27 < paulliu_gd> 用信用卡號產生器看看....
09:27 < ijliao> 可以打 ericsk 的電話嗎... # 技術支援
09:27 -!- UncleHandsome [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
09:27 -!- lunastor1 [] has joined #coscup
09:27 < KiraYao> iCloud表示:
09:27 < janyeh> 可以~ 專人服務喔~
09:27 < billy3321> @_@
09:27 < Alen> Paulliu_gd : 這個好..
09:28 < Andox> 用沒錢的VISA金融卡可以過嗎?
09:28 < lzy> 90 天試用太久,不小心一忘,就開始自動信用卡扣款 ... # 是這樣嗎 XD
09:28 -!- UncleHandsome [] has joined #coscup
09:28 < janyeh> 沒錯~
09:28 < elvis_> 跟 xbox 一樣嗎 XD
09:28 < KiraYao> 邪惡的網路遊戲模式?
09:28 < billy3321> 這個議程應該去HIT介紹啊,然後鼓勵大家現場刷卡使用......
09:28 < janyeh> Linode就這樣賺了我不少錢~
09:28 < Alen> 夷...Demo 勒?
09:28 < in2> ijliao: *抓抓*
09:28 < linroex> 自動扣款QQ
09:28 < KiraYao> 這年頭連用的Cloud都要小心自動扣款了XD
09:28 < Noni> 第一 中畫面又中藍畫面了
09:28 < lzy> Andox: 去擺個早餐攤,賺外快吧
09:29 < YChao_> 小心自動扣款...
09:29 -!- pioneerlike [~pioneerli@] has joined #coscup
09:29 < in2> 來使用剩一個月就到期的信用卡註冊 XD
09:29 < lzy> 座位表呢 *敲卡*
09:29 < michael520> 買基金之前要先看投資說明書唷!啾咪 ^.<
09:29 < Alen> R1 中間的螢幕真的是杯具了...
09:29 < janyeh> 對啊~其實沒有供餐或點心,也可以弄個攤位來賣早餐跟點心... 服務大家一下!
09:29 < Andox> lzy: 生一個
09:29 < lzy> in2: 快開新網路服務!!!
09:29 < lzy> in2: 有 10 分鐘電郵,也來個十分鐘信用卡吧 XD
09:29 -!- JalenLin is now known as tsuhsiang
09:30 -!- ryanho [~ryan@2001:c08:3700:ffff::1189] has joined #coscup
09:30 < ijliao> janyeh: 你明天可以來擺~
09:30 < Andox> 早上走二高過來...還沒8點不知道在塞什麼鬼的QQ
09:30 -!- Ed_ [8c6d7ff4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #coscup []
09:30 < janyeh> 有人家裡開便利商店的嗎?
09:30 < privism> 其實我覺得還是要講一下和競爭對手比有什麼優點耶
09:30 -!- Ed__ [~ed@] has joined #coscup
09:30 < KiraYao> 不是傳銷大會阿www
09:30 < lzy> Andox: 還好我叫司機從建國高架接環東 ...
09:30 -!- yan is now known as yanyiyi
09:31 -!- Lawe [8c75a825@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:31 < Andox> lzy: 有司機<(_ _)>
09:31 < Noni> 為什麼沒有JavaEE
09:31 < jeffhung> 當機就說是 Apple 的問題好了... :-p # 09:20 < YChao_> 用VM跑,當機才不會太尷尬... XD
09:31 < ijliao> privism: 沒有講就是... 無 ?!
09:31 < privism> 不然我們要用還是要自己去比較評估啊
09:31 < lzy> Andox: 四人克難共乘 ...
09:31 * ijliao flee
09:31 < YChao_> m(__)m
09:31 < lzy> ijliao: ++
09:31 < Alen> 其實,只要 port 有開,基本上應該都能用吧.
09:31 -!- freak_ [~freak@] has joined #coscup
09:31 < YChao_> jeffhung: 厲害!
09:31 < janyeh> 二高塞在雪隧啦~ 我覺得那個地方很奇怪,明明南深路出口匝道先到,但是一堆車就是擠在那邊要等雪隧
09:31 < KiraYao> 這都是Jobs的陰謀!
09:31 < rich1iu> Andox: 二高一定要避開的
09:31 -!- Ed__ is now known as Ed_
09:31 < rich1iu> 因為國道五號會塞車
09:32 -!- Guest35324 is now known as shadom
09:32 < Alen> 會不能用,通都是因為安全性的問題才被擋吧
09:32 < rich1iu> 今年我就乖乖的走市民接環東過來了
09:32 < Andox> rich1iu: 雪隧以往經驗是8點後才塞的...今年超塞QQ
09:32 < Dai> Jobs躺著也中槍XDDD
09:32 -!- kchen126 [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
09:32 < Andox> rich1iu: 明天從木柵下從深坑過來 XD
09:32 < carlcarl1> 我的wordpress是架在openshift@@
09:32 -!- nemu [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:32 < billy3321> openshit?
09:33 < KiraYao> live demo, incoming!
09:33 * billy3321 遮臉
09:33 < privism> 有VM應該要用都可以用啊
09:33 -!- mtchang [~mtchang@] has left #coscup []
09:33 -!- cos_ [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
09:33 < carlcarl1> 不是齁XD
09:33 < janyeh> 開了兩次,訣竅就是在南深路匝道前幾公里就要靠左,尤其進隧道前一定要切左線,開到匝道出口前五百公尺,切進去排隊車道,走路肩直接進南深路匝道
09:33 < billy3321> carlcarl1: lol
09:33 < Alen> R1 的前門是不是應該要關一下啊..
09:33 -!- coldsleep [~coldsleep@] has joined #coscup
09:33 < privism> 只是微軟有沒有 support
09:33 < u10313335> Azure 也「windows 8 使用者介面」化了嗎XD
09:33 -!- mtchang [~mtchang@] has joined #coscup
09:33 -!- Beata_ [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:33 < KiraYao> 藍澤光:我不想死阿!
09:33 < Andox> Metro正夯
09:34 < Alen> 外面的聲音已經都被蓋掉講者的聲音了
09:34 < YChao_> 重構萬歲~~
09:34 < Zhusee> Windows Azure 的 website…
09:34 < darkgerm> 都用 HTML5 不知道 IE 會不會不支援XD
09:34 -!- penk [~penk@] has joined #coscup
09:34 < KiraYao> 話說搞不好不叫Metro了XS
09:34 < Mai7855> MetroStyle XDD
09:34 < Andox> 小光不能死XD
09:34 < lzy> 奇怪了,我連不上 plurk ...
09:34 -!- aitjcize [] has joined #coscup
09:34 < Edward_> 現在不是改叫 Modern UI 了嗎 XD
09:34 < YChao_> lzy: plurk一直掛
09:34 < imKojima> plurk連得上 但很慢...
09:34 < kinabcd> 我也不能上plurk
09:34 < Edward_> Plurk很慢 +1
09:34 < privism> 太慢了
09:35 < yurenju> Alen: 是後面來的聲音嗎?
09:35 < billy3321> 糟糕!Google 瀏覽器無法連線至
09:35 < privism> irc 勉強用
09:35 -!- roliroli [] has joined #coscup
09:35 < Andox> plurk被打爆@@?
09:35 < roliroli> Hi
09:35 -!- user123456 [~user@] has joined #coscup
09:35 < rail02000> 我用自己學校的VPN連Plurk很順@@
09:35 < lzy> Andox: 我要座位表
09:35 -!- YSC [~YSC@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
09:35 < Alen> yurenju : 前門
09:35 < ming1053> 手機連的到 但這裡連不到plurk
09:35 -!- shadowcrow [~androirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
09:35 < Noni> ASUS 是Azure的愛好者?
09:35 < yanyiyi> 正常
09:35 -!- chiehyou [] has joined #coscup
09:35 < yurenju> Alen: 左邊?
09:35 -!- shaolin_tw [] has joined #coscup
09:35 -!- BardicheZ [] has joined #coscup
09:35 < Alen> yurenju : 正解
09:35 < billy3321> 該過牆了其實(?)
09:35 < carlcarl1> 我之前來中研院也是噗浪都不能連 現在勉強
09:35 < roliroli> 無線網路有點慢…
09:35 < darkgerm> 剛剛一瞬間好像看到 irc
09:35 < darkx> tunnel 囉XD
09:35 < Andox> lzy: 自己生
09:35 < Takeshi> terminal demo出來了!?
09:35 < rich1iu> 有線都可以用...
09:35 < Andox> 有線很快呀@@
09:35 < Noni> R1 L門會聽到外面的聲音
09:35 < Noni> 走道
09:36 < michael520> 賽create
09:36 < michael520> web賽
09:36 < lzy> Andox: 我也是走有線,但是 plurk 還是連不上 ..
09:36 < michael520> 賽啦! XD
09:36 < billy3321> 過牆以後好順 @_@
09:36 < Andox> lzy: plurk我連很快呀@@
09:36 < carlcarl1> 我之前是用網路線 不過不能連 詭異
09:36 -!- YSC [~YSC@] has joined #coscup
09:36 -!- FourDollars [~sylee@] has joined #coscup
09:36 < StarNight> 翻牆~~~
09:36 -!- FourDollars [~sylee@] has quit [Client Quit]
09:36 < Noni> 有人看不下去了
09:36 -!- freedom [650d328d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
09:36 -!- YSC [~YSC@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
09:36 < Noni> 跳出來關L門了
09:36 < Alen> 感謝可愛的 R1 妹妹幫忙關門...
09:36 < carlcarl1> 我現在是無線連不了FB
09:36 < Noni> 可愛的小蘿莉
09:37 -!- FourDollars [~sylee@] has joined #coscup
09:37 < Andox> Alen: 妹妹的照片呢?
09:37 < billy3321> live demo time
09:37 < janyeh> 照片+1
09:37 < darkgerm> 哪裡有可愛的小蘿莉??
09:37 * billy3321 期待(?)
09:37 < imKojima> 每年都會提到這個 XD
09:37 -!- linroex [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
09:37 < penk> (發現關鍵字
09:37 < StarNight> PO文不付圖,此風不可長
09:37 -!- user123456 [~user@] has quit [Client Quit]
09:37 < Takeshi> 什麼妹妹@@?
09:37 < yanyiyi> fail
09:37 < KiraYao> Live Demo又死了XD
09:37 < yurenju> !!!
09:37 < elvis_> 小妹妹!
09:37 < Alen> Andox : 來 R1 可以直接坐妹妹旁邊哦..
09:37 < darkx> fail
09:37 < Sars> 要爆炸了嘛
09:37 < JoeyWu> 有趣了
09:37 < lzy> penk: 提示燈亮了嗎 XD
09:37 < Edward_> FAIL
09:37 < KiraYao> Failed!(Stamp)
09:37 < FourDollars> 哪裡有妹妹?
09:37 < janyeh> contact support... 趕快扣Eric... XDD
09:37 < astro^> FAIL
09:38 < darkgerm> fail
09:38 < Alen> Live Demo 掛了...這是傳統
09:38 -!- JalenLin [~jalen@] has joined #coscup
09:38 < ming1053> XD
09:38 < shadom> 就剛才去關門的妹妹
09:38 < Edward_> Epic F**l
09:38 < Andox> Never Live Demo!
09:38 < yanyiyi> 比較多人用網路xd
09:38 < Noni> 藉口....
09:38 < itswindtw> Never...
09:38 < StarNight> live demo終於失敗了XD
09:38 -!- carl_tw [] has joined #coscup
09:38 < penk> lzy: 對阿我有射^H設 filter
09:38 < Zhusee> NeverLiveDemo#
09:38 < Sc0tt_> 誰說的
09:38 < michael520> 哈哈
09:38 -!- user123456 [~user@] has joined #coscup
09:38 -!- Lws [df8a2962@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:38 < Sc0tt_> 網路很順阿
09:38 < Andox> 等等就BSoD了?
09:38 < KiraYao> 應該說Live Demo回歸正常程序XD
09:38 < Edward_> 4國語言吧
09:38 < Alen> 他是用 無線的啊.
09:38 < Takeshi> 他忘記用影片demo了
09:38 < Noni> 這是傳統 ~哈哈哈
09:38 -!- david50407 [~david5040@] has joined #coscup
09:38 < Edward_> 他用的不是Windows 啊 XD
09:38 < yurenju> 好像沒有結束 ?>
09:38 -!- pioneerlike [~pioneerli@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
09:38 -!- user123456 [~user@] has quit [Client Quit]
09:38 < janyeh> 「比較多人用網路」,講師藉口Top 10
09:38 -!- linroex [] has joined #coscup
09:38 < KiraYao> 不會BSoD吧? 他用Ubuntu的VM
09:38 < Zhusee> OS X 開 VM 跑 WIndows 再開 VM 跑 OS X
09:38 < Zhusee> 就可以看到 BSoD (?)
09:38 -!- ccc [] has joined #coscup
09:38 < michael520> 科科
09:38 < yanyiyi> 他需要時間~
09:38 < KiraYao> VM in VM in VM
09:38 -!- nemu [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #coscup []
09:38 < Alen> Cloud Server 本來就是完全靠網路,網路不穩,準掛
09:39 < YChao_> 淚目了嗎?
09:39 < penk> janyeh++
09:39 < Andox> Zhusee: 進到最深層嗎?
09:39 < Noni> 時間 時間 M$ 的傳統
09:39 -!- rocfatcat_NB [~lenny@] has joined #coscup
09:39 < janyeh> 「昨天晚上(剛剛上課前)測都OK」... 也是Top10
09:39 < FourDollars> 杯具
09:39 -!- ccchiu [~ccchiu@] has joined #coscup
09:39 < RuinlandIxa> never livedemo wwwwwww
09:39 < KiraYao> 在我這邊運作得很好啊(?!)
09:39 < allenown> 結果as_public超穩的
09:39 < darkx> Never Live Demo~
09:39 < michael520> 好 ~ 看來它杯具了
09:39 < Lws> Never livedemo wwwww
09:39 < Noni> 看來 他須要點時間...
09:39 < carlcarl1> 錄影片比較穩XD
09:39 < chitsaou> 微 live demo fail
09:39 -!- choer [] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )]
09:39 < KiraYao> 活了?
09:39 < Alen> 工程師名言之一"在我的機器上是好的啊"
09:39 < Edward_> Never live demo
09:39 * billy3321 FourDollars hihi
09:39 < billy3321> @@
09:39 -!- Rocfatcat [~androirc@] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )]
09:40 < janyeh> 「應該來整理講師的版本」 XDD
09:40 -!- lab304 [] has joined #coscup
09:40 < Alen> 工程師名言之二"一定是你們的問題"
09:40 < Andox> # 昨天看到的 XD
09:40 < shadom> 一旦demo就會出事...
09:40 < YChao_> 看來哭哭了...
09:40 -!- choer [] has joined #coscup
09:40 < lunastor1> gg
09:40 < darkx> it works on my machine!
09:40 < Noni> 轉開話題了~
09:40 < adaam> 魔咒出現了...
09:40 < Noni> GG
09:40 -!- abev66_ [~quassel@] has joined #coscup
09:40 < RuinlandIxa> the very excues of Programmers: It works on my machine
09:40 -!- lab304 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
09:40 < privism> Alen: 我都沒改
09:40 < Noni> skip
09:40 < lunastor1> 跳過xd
09:40 < shadom> 殘念了
09:40 < KiraYao> It must be your Fault, it works here!
09:40 < Alen> skip++
09:40 < hlb> XD
09:40 < in2> It works on my Cloud *誤*
09:40 < webbertsai> 跳了
09:41 -!- abev66 [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
09:41 < darkgerm> XD
09:41 < KiraYao> skip++
09:41 < Andox> 昨天在家測vpn也是好好的...今天也掛了 QQ
09:41 < yanyiyi> 補足~
09:41 < carl_tw> Windows A9
09:41 < Andox> skip+
09:41 < YChao_> never live demo...
09:41 -!- BeataLin [~BeataLin@] has joined #coscup
09:41 < rocfatcat_NB> skip++
09:41 < Alen> A9 要11:00 才開..
09:41 < Noni> ASUS真的有導Azure歐? 有沒有這類的八掛?
09:41 < KiraYao> 話說有人跟我一樣,覺得Metro太濫用了嗎XD
09:41 < Noni> A9 哈哈
09:41 -!- anfa [] has joined #coscup
09:41 -!- kchen126 [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:41 < carl_tw> 現在不能叫 Metro 了
09:41 < lzy> 為什麼有列 SuSE 沒有列 Debian ...
09:41 -!- lab304 [] has joined #coscup
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09:41 -!- dca_ [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
09:41 -!- AndChat662025 [] has joined #coscup
09:41 < sntc06> Windows 8 UI
09:42 < billy3321> carl_tw: 最近沒跟到這個八卦@@
09:42 < kchen126> 網路好LAG......
09:42 < Sars> Asus Cloud ?
09:42 -!- Beata_ [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
09:42 -!- peterlee [2a497b68@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:42 < Alen> Live Demo 失敗,對講者的信心通常打擊很大...
09:42 < KiraYao> 經銷商表示:你這樣侵犯我的商標
09:42 < Andox> 前陣子在VM灌Win8後...完全不會用QQ
09:42 < carl_tw> Win8 RTM 也已經出了
09:42 < darkx> QAQ
09:42 -!- carlcarl [~carlcarl@] has joined #coscup
09:42 -!- nemu [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:42 -!- abev66_ [~quassel@] has quit [Client Quit]
09:42 -!- brucehsu [] has joined #coscup
09:42 < carl_tw> 可是 VBox 支援還是不太好
09:42 -!- BeataLin is now known as Beata_
09:42 -!- rocfatcat [2a4728e0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:42 < Andox> 找control panel找半天T_T
09:42 < KiraYao> 我們要相信那個相信Live Demo不會Fail的講者的相信阿!
09:42 -!- rocfatcat [2a4728e0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
09:42 -!- kiang [] has joined #coscup
09:42 < JalenLin> VM玩Windows 8不好用
09:42 -!- user123456 [~user@] has joined #coscup
09:43 -!- dca_ [] has joined #coscup
09:43 < JalenLin> 要用全螢幕才抓地到邊界
09:43 < albb0920> 這太酷了....
09:43 -!- snowman2 [] has joined #coscup
09:43 < carl_tw> 之前在實機裝過 Win8RP,一直當機
09:43 < Sars> Win8 裝在一般筆電上比較沒必要...
09:43 -!- ccc [] has quit [Client Quit]
09:43 < Alen> KiraYao : 這句好複雜..
09:43 < in2> Andox: 找 control panel 還好吧, 我之前試在那邊想他開完機了沒 XD 怎麼沒讓我選 user 打密碼 XD
09:43 < adaam> 最近asus雲端教育訓練好像都是教M$ windows Server
09:43 < Andox> in2++
09:43 -!- user123456 [~user@] has quit [Client Quit]
09:43 < Zhusee> @adaam 真假
09:43 < YChao_> JalenLin: 小細節很重要啊~
09:43 < KiraYao> 標準的跳跳中二台詞XD
09:43 < StarNight> 擺個好東西上去,那他的cluster不就可以做有趣的事XDDDDD
09:43 < ijliao> Alen: 不會... live demo fail 是常態, 通常也是 presentation 的高潮 ... :p
09:43 < Noni> VBox真的會發生一些網路的怪問題
09:43 < in2> Andox: 接下來就是找不到哪裡關機, 再來就 deinstall 了
09:43 < Andox> VM灌win8...還跑出新板BSoD XD
09:43 -!- bobchao [~bobchao@2001:c08:1:164:2177:8670:79a9:3f11] has joined #coscup
09:43 -!- mode/#coscup [+o bobchao] by ChanServ
09:43 < Zhusee> 互相買貴你的VM
09:43 < adaam> Zhusee: 嗯嗯,我本來要去,結果問道居然是Win我就直接放棄了
09:44 < Takeshi> demo time again
09:44 < Andox> in2: 跟我一樣 XD
09:44 < Zhusee> @adaam XD
09:44 < lzy> 太久沒上 irc, 連基本的查看 user 都忘了怎麼弄了 Orz
09:44 < in2> Andox: //hand
09:44 < kiang> 第一會議室的網路感覺比較好 ;)
09:44 < barneybook> 遠端回家網路還比較快
09:44 < lunastor1> MS在IT界的勢力很強大啊
09:44 -!- aar0ntw [] has joined #coscup
09:44 < carlcarl> 我vbox沒遇過網路的問題@@
09:44 -!- pioneerlike [~root@] has joined #coscup
09:44 < Andox> in2: //hand
09:44 < Mai7855> Windows 8 UI 所以強調的是 Windows 8?
09:44 < nemu> xdite : 本人到coscup的現場了嗎 ((驚
09:44 < JalenLin> vmware 7會掛掉
09:44 -!- lab304 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
09:44 < KiraYao> MS真的花很多時間在讓開發者很舒服阿
09:44 -!- hugojay [] has joined #coscup
09:44 < KiraYao> 當然在IT界有影響力
09:44 < adaam> JalenLin: Jalen耶!!
09:44 < FourDollars> 真的
09:44 < albb0920> "為何不是 RDP" XDDDD
09:44 < ijliao> lzy: 還好我還記得 /j /c /me
09:44 < rocfatcat_NB> 舒服++
09:44 < JalenLin> adaam: adaam耶!!
09:45 < Andox> vmware 8設錯開機會一直BSoD 然後叫你重灌
09:45 < KiraYao> RDP..wwwwwww
09:45 < Edward_> 賈蘭棒棒
09:45 < adaam> JalenLin: 學我...沒創意
09:45 < Edward_> XDD
09:45 -!- kikiqqp_No2 [~AndChat40@] has joined #coscup
09:45 < lzy> ijliao: 還以為你都只用 kick ... *flee*
09:45 < JalenLin> 這樣很智障耶
09:45 < kchen126> 望SSH~用ubuntu..
09:45 < Edward_> Adaam你現在在哪咧?
09:45 < darkx> 沒有 BSD 嗎QAQ
09:45 < carl_tw> 我現在就是 SSH 用 irssi
09:45 < Edward_> 我被困在國際會議廳QQ
09:45 < JalenLin> irssi +1
09:45 < darkx> irssi +1
09:45 < KiraYao> 沒有BSD....XD
09:45 < carl_tw> 因為我筆電都不能用,說是 hostname 抓不到
09:45 -!- abc123 [] has joined #coscup
09:45 < darkgerm> irssi+1
09:45 < aitjcize> irssi +1
09:45 < Andox> irssi +1
09:45 -!- abc123 is now known as Guest60026
09:45 < barneybook> 在國際會議廳2F
09:45 < carlcarl> irssi+1
09:45 < KiraYao> \Opera/ \Opera/
09:45 -!- petertc [] has joined #coscup
09:45 < Alen> win 上可以用 iceChat9
09:45 -!- bobchaoo [~bobchao@] has joined #coscup
09:45 < KiraYao> (怪胎)
09:45 < adaam> Edward_: 國際會議廳
09:46 < lzy> irssi +1
09:46 < FourDollars> Azure 也有支援 Ubuntu 的樣子
09:46 < Edward_> OK
09:46 < privism> azure 放 blog 成本不曉得高不高
09:46 < iblis17> irssi+1
09:46 < orinx> irssi ++
09:46 -!- infax [~androirc@2001:c08:1:164:393f:d811:6f3e:8029] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
09:46 < carl_tw> Ubuntu 超不穩
09:46 < carlcarl> opera要把irc拿掉了@@
09:46 < michael520> rssi me 2
09:46 < ijliao> lzy: 幾百年沒 kick / kline 了... 都忘了怎麼用 orz
09:46 < privism> irssi +1
09:46 < carl_tw> orinx 我的玉璽咧?XD
09:46 -!- lab304 [] has joined #coscup
09:46 < StarNight> 都給你了,你要怎麼用 隨便你
09:46 < KiraYao> 不知道耶
09:46 -!- kikiqqp_No2 [~AndChat40@] has quit [Client Quit]
09:46 < kchen126> 依照他們網站價格.......裝blog好像蠻高的.
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09:46 -!- pioneerlike [~root@] has quit [Client Quit]
09:46 < lunastor1> irssi++
09:46 < barneybook>
09:46 < lzy> ijliao: 大大別 kick 我 Q_Q
09:46 < KiraYao> 12.5要拿掉?
09:46 < carl_tw> irssi++
09:46 -!- Beata_ [~BeataLin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
09:46 < Noni> Mac...
09:46 < orinx> carl_tw: 等休息給你XXD
09:46 < Alen> 反正該擋的也都擋了..隨你怎麼玩.
09:46 < FourDollars> 上官大大…可以喔
09:46 < dca_> irssi++
09:47 < Noni> M$的人用Mac
09:47 < barneybook> 有座位表了嗎?????
09:47 < kchen126> 還是用虛機就好了(攤
09:47 < janyeh> 我剛剛抓了LimeChat for Mac 的irc client上來的,加vpn
09:47 -!- webbertsai [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
09:47 < KiraYao> 53u.3
09:47 < janyeh> MAC跑Windows VM超穩的啊
09:47 -!- webbertsai [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:47 < KiraYao> 只有MAC版拿掉阿
09:47 < carl_tw> 我都架 phpVirtualBox
09:47 < KiraYao> 其他版本還是有
09:47 < elvis_> Mac 我用 Colloquy …去年 coscup 裝的 XD
09:47 < carl_tw> 瀏覽器可以直接開 guest,還可以全螢幕
09:47 < superbil_> hmm
09:47 -!- chiangph [] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
09:48 -!- root_ [~root@] has joined #coscup
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09:48 -!- root_ is now known as pioneerlike
09:48 < Zhusee> Adium 其實也可以開 IRC 啦...
09:48 < JalenLin> 原來Opera有IRC!?
09:48 < Edward_> 有啊
09:48 -!- chiangph [] has joined #coscup
09:48 < KiraYao> Opera可以做到很多想像不到的事情
09:48 < kiang> barneybook ++
09:48 < Edward_> 以前有IRC跟Mail Client還有RSS
09:48 < Dai> 忘了帶糖果~血糖開始降低~頭暈了~
09:48 < darkgerm> 基本上 freenode 有網頁版...
09:48 < Haraguroicha> 我是用Adium開irc的@@
09:48 < Edward_> 之後不知道會怎樣就是了
09:48 < dannvix> <del>Opera 也是另一個作業系統</del>
09:48 < roliroli> 用vm跑mac
09:48 < Edward_> XDDDDDDDDDD
09:48 < darkgerm> opera 好像還可以抓 bt
09:48 < JalenLin> 大驚!!!
09:48 * dannvix 望向 emacs
09:48 < Andox> lzy: 好餓....我要吃早餐T____________T
09:48 < darkx> 作業系統!
09:49 < carlcarl> 不過沒用過opera的irc XD
09:49 < JalenLin> 可以抓BT這知道
09:49 < Edward_> 原來甲蘭不知道?!
09:49 < Dai> 好餓+!
09:49 < KiraYao> 好用阿
09:49 < JalenLin> 沒用過~
09:49 < Edward_> BT XDD
09:49 < janyeh> @Dai, 去外面喝可樂,補充糖分!!!!!
09:49 < rocfatcat_NB> 網頁登不上阿
09:49 < Edward_> 可是不愛用
09:49 < Alen> 剛剛成功ssh 上 VM ,講者信心度提升不少
09:49 < kiang> @Dai, 外面有柳橙汁
09:49 < Edward_> 還是用Vuze好了
09:49 < carlcarl> BT以前有用過A_A
09:49 < KiraYao> BT....沒加密
09:49 -!- descent [] has joined #coscup
09:49 < KiraYao> 不好用
09:49 < privism> 所以還是只有在微軟上班才能用 azure 放 blog
09:49 -!- pioneerlike [~root@] has quit [Client Quit]
09:49 < carlcarl> 不過沒說很好用
09:49 < carlcarl> 嗯嗯
09:49 -!- helloworld [~helloworl@] has joined #coscup
09:49 < privism> 不然就要很有錢
09:49 < Noni> 那BT是走80port嗎?
09:49 -!- sammyfung [] has joined #coscup
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09:49 -!- kuoe0 [caa9a6d7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:49 -!- BrianLian [650f43e6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:49 < carl_tw> 成功 ssh 上 vm 有啥好開心
09:50 < carlcarl> blog一堆其他免費的可以選吧
09:50 < KiraYao> 不是,自己的port
09:50 < carlcarl> paas
09:50 < sammyfung> 成功 ssh 上 irc 才開心! LOL
09:50 < Alen> carl_tw : Live demo 成功一半
09:50 -!- seaturtle [] has joined #coscup
09:50 < KiraYao> Opera還可以架網站哩
09:50 < Noni> soga, Thanks!
09:50 < KiraYao> (現在不行了T_T)
09:50 -!- Guest60026 [] has left #coscup []
09:50 -!- Takeshi [df8be4e0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
09:50 < Alen> sammyfung : 中肯
09:50 -!- king1223 [~king1223@] has joined #coscup
09:50 < carlcarl> 不過opera只能靜態網站而已
09:50 < darkgerm> 架網路!?
09:50 < KiraYao> OperaUnite.
09:50 < carl_tw> 不知道有多少人在聽
09:50 < helloworld> 成功用Opera上IRC了耶....真是驚訝
09:50 < KiraYao> 要拿掉了Q____Q
09:51 < helloworld> 沒想到原來Opera可以這樣用....
09:51 < bobchaoo> Unite 關了不是?
09:51 < JalenLin> OperaUnite這個已經被拿掉了
09:51 -!- root_ [~root@] has quit [Client Quit]
09:51 < nemu> 尋覓 ubuntu 擺攤 ..
09:51 < RuinlandIxa> Presto 要不要來開源一下= =??
09:51 < JalenLin> 悲劇的功能
09:51 < sammyfung> 會場直接連上 freenode又一次已經 too many connection 了
09:51 < Haraguroicha> 感覺好像是推銷給企業用的....個人用的感覺沒啥實用性...
09:51 < darkgerm> opera 真是太神密了...
09:51 < KiraYao> 目前還沒,下一版會拿掉
09:51 < kchen126> 來裝Opera
09:51 < king1223> Ubuntu再三樓
09:51 -!- AndroUser [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
09:51 < darkx> darkgerm: 也是個作業系統
09:51 < KiraYao> 開源.....不太可能吧
09:51 < rocfatcat_NB> 用會議室網路要怎麼連上irc阿...( 朋友沒有3G
09:51 < kchen126> ubuntu 攤位在三樓會議廳右邊
09:51 < janyeh> 會場很容易就滿線了,要用VPN從外面連就沒問題
09:51 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
09:51 < RuinlandIxa> 來玩Arch(招手)~~
09:51 < JalenLin> OperaUnite不是在12就消失了?
09:51 < king1223> 正在攤位上
09:51 < KiraYao> 如果你是升級上去的,還有
09:51 < dannvix> COSCUP Live
09:51 < KiraYao> 而且,現在是把他藏起來,不是沒有歐
09:52 < carl_tw> Arch Linux rocks!
09:52 < JalenLin> 原來如此
09:52 < Zhusee> @dannvix: cool
09:52 -!- coscup [] has joined #coscup
09:52 < carlcarl> 推一下chakra
09:52 < KiraYao> opera:config#UserPrefs|EnableUnite
09:52 < Sc0tt_> WPA handshake failed with STA f0:a2:25:26:be:a2 likely due to bad password from client
09:52 < Alen> dannvix : cool
09:52 < carl_tw> 我桌機和學校都換 Arch 了
09:52 < coscup> adiunOK了
09:52 < yurenju> 不過我覺得以微軟來說,已經比以前開放很多了
09:52 < penk> dannvix++
09:52 < darkgerm> 沒 ruby 哈
09:52 < kiang> 大家都跑去噗浪河了嗎?
09:52 < KiraYao> 不過之後要拿掉了 用的人真的太少
09:52 -!- JoeyWu [~defend082@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
09:52 < Andox> hum.... 沒有 cobol...QQ
09:52 < KiraYao> 又是Live Demo!
09:52 < Noni> 這個會比較快一點....
09:52 -!- jos [] has joined #coscup
09:53 < darkx> python!
09:53 < AndroUser> Chakra都出現了
09:53 -!- bu [] has joined #coscup
09:53 < tC_> akb48 www
09:53 -!- Beata_ [~BeataLin@] has joined #coscup
09:53 < KiraYao> 大家來用 Mageia...
09:53 < barneybook> 今天IRC好多人唷
09:53 < rascov> container name: akb48 (thinking)
09:53 -!- vic [] has joined #coscup
09:53 < Andox> abb48!!?
09:53 < carlcarl> chakra不錯用啊XD
09:53 < nemu> king1223: thx :) 北側嗎
09:53 -!- pioneerlike [~root@] has joined #coscup
09:53 -!- ZzZZZzz [] has joined #coscup
09:53 < KiraYao> Mandrake魂!
09:53 < jos> Woo
09:53 -!- dainese [~dainese@] has joined #coscup
09:54 < darkgerm> 微軟傳教竟然不用 .net XD
09:54 < Andox> 啊醬!
09:54 < KiraYao> (不知道有多少人還記得這名字)
09:54 < RuinlandIxa> KDE很肥但是很漂亮~~~
09:54 < carl_tw> 微軟傳教用 SSH… ˊ_>ˋ
09:54 < JalenLin> 用.net就沒人要用他的PAAS了
09:54 < Noni> python 比較open~XD
09:54 < BrianLian> 大家好,剛剛才進來
09:54 < king1223> @nemu 三樓出來右轉
09:54 -!- ZzZZZzz [] has left #coscup []
09:54 < Noni> hihi
09:54 -!- AndroUser is now known as maplc
09:54 -!- Jlnshen [~Jlnshen@] has joined #coscup
09:54 < roliroli> Hi
09:54 < privism> opera 那些功能好像也沒有很特別吧
09:54 < maplc> Hi
09:54 < windslash> kojiharu.jpg
09:55 < janyeh> 微軟換開放策略了~ 這樣才可以吸引其他平台的user換跑道啊
09:55 < privism> 以前 Netscape 也都有
09:55 < superbil_> hihi python
09:55 < privism> 除了 BT?
09:55 < darkx> www
09:55 -!- Swl [] has joined #coscup
09:55 < Alen> cool
09:55 -!- Zhusee [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
09:55 < carl_tw> 千萬別被微軟騙惹
09:55 < kchen126> 那JPG(望w
09:55 < Mai7855> 陽菜wwww
09:55 < superbil_> 強照要求圖檔要停久一點
09:55 < Andox> www
09:55 < KiraYao> 通通做在一起,還能跑很快
09:55 < KiraYao> 這才是Opera厲害的地方啊
09:55 < KiraYao> FX掛這堆東西上去會喘
09:55 < roliroli> 被那張圖騙去用微軟了
09:55 < JalenLin> Netscape(遠目)
09:55 -!- mtchang [~mtchang@] has joined #coscup
09:56 < janyeh> 應該趁所有人都在的時候,來弄一場各家Cloud PK
09:56 < Andox> 總長www
09:56 < darkgerm> opera 手勢不知道很哪版開始變得很難用...
09:56 < Sc0tt_> 外面好吵
09:56 < KiraYao> 據說拉
09:56 -!- pioneerlike [~root@] has quit [Client Quit]
09:56 < penk> 外面是案怎
09:56 < carlcarl> 不知道啥聲音
09:56 < darkx> @@
09:56 < KiraYao> 八卦是因為那個code年久失修,現在是重寫的
09:56 < michael520> 外面在幹嘛?
09:56 -!- ChAndrew [~chatzilla@wikipedia/ChAndrew] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
09:56 < kchen126> 外面事在做啥w''
09:56 -!- jereme [] has joined #coscup
09:56 < sntc06> 聽起來像是攤位的宣傳
09:56 < darkgerm> 對
09:56 < KiraYao> 我覺得還好耶,只是常常會誤判orz
09:56 < orinx> 好奇外面怎麼了
09:56 < StarNight> never live demo !!!!
09:56 < Noni> 我覺得 主持人心虛了...
09:56 -!- david50407 [~david5040@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
09:56 -!- jereme [] has quit [Client Quit]
09:56 < Andox> Live Demo超好玩的呀www
09:56 < Alen> Noni : 中肯
09:56 < coscup> 有人可以去外面看看嘛?
09:56 < Noni> 演講者 才對
09:56 -!- Haraguroicha1 [~Haraguroi@] has joined #coscup
09:56 < janyeh> 哈哈哈~ 預告失敗囉
09:56 < carlcarl> GG
09:56 -!- lab304 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
09:56 < YChao_> 打預防針中...
09:56 -!- Haraguroicha1 [~Haraguroi@] has left #coscup []
09:56 < KiraYao> ericsk不能認輸阿!
09:56 < adaam> DEMO失敗的話XDDD
09:56 < lzy> 為啥會有大聲公鬼叫?連第一排都聽到了 ...
09:56 < swind_> XDDDDD 先打預防針
09:56 < ming1053> demo失敗www
09:56 < darkx> 死亡 flag 立起
09:56 < itswindtw> 如果我等下demo失敗的話..
09:57 -!- pioneerlike [~root@] has joined #coscup
09:57 < webbertsai> 心虛= =
09:57 < mtchang> live demo 失敗好像是傳統.
09:57 < StarNight> 我好好奇外面阿
09:57 < lunastor1> demo GG
09:57 < yanyiyi> 真。demo 轉生
09:57 -!- UncleHandsome [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
09:57 < Noni> 拍拍~ 這是傳統 !!!!
09:57 < elvis_> 不知道哪個攤位,沒聽清楚
09:57 -!- coscup [] has left #coscup []
09:57 < darkgerm> 沒有 mercurial QQ
09:57 < Alen> 傳統傳統...(拍拍
09:57 < FourDollars> 杯具了
09:57 < privism> 休息時間應該可以 demo 成功
09:57 < janyeh> Ericsk加油啊! 要撐著!微軟靠你了!!
09:57 < Mai7855> Live Demo GG
09:57 < KiraYao> 哪個人快去把死亡Flag拆掉阿!
09:57 < Andox> 先插旗www
09:57 < darkx> 掰掰~
09:57 < roliroli> Demo.
09:57 < ming1053> XDDDD
09:57 < elvis_> 又開始了
09:57 < Noni> 上官先生 在我心中你還是最接近神的男人!
09:57 < pioneerlike> exit
09:57 < bobchaoo> "如果我失敗",XD
09:57 -!- pioneerlike [~root@] has quit [Client Quit]
09:57 -!- Haraguroicha [~Haraguroi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
09:57 < KiraYao> 微軟跑去用github?
09:57 -!- hugojay [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
09:57 < barneybook> 可以解散了!!!! 散
09:57 < carl_tw> git 在 Windows 上也不是原生
09:57 -!- Haraguroicha1 [~Haraguroi@2001:f10:7002:62::2] has joined #coscup
09:57 < carl_tw> XDD
09:57 -!- Takeshi [] has joined #coscup
09:57 * lzy 好餓 ...
09:57 -!- pioneerlike [~root@] has joined #coscup
09:57 < carl_tw> 幹麻折騰用 Windows 架 server
09:57 -!- nemu [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
09:57 < janyeh> @Noni, 我看成「上官先生,在我心中你還是最接近男人的人!
09:57 < maplc> Xd
09:58 < darkx> XDD
09:58 < mtchang> 其實只要插上有線網路就應ˇ該可以解決這問題.
09:58 -!- jereme [] has joined #coscup
09:58 < Andox> XDDDD
09:58 < KiraYao> 插一根更強大的FLAG吧!
09:58 < darkgerm> git 在 windows 還要藉用 cygwin 或類似的才能運作= =
09:58 -!- AndroUser [~androirc@2001:c08:1:164:393f:d811:6f3e:8029] has joined #coscup
09:58 -!- jereme is now known as Jereme
09:58 < Noni> 中肯!!! <carl_tw>
09:58 < janyeh> 要QA嘛?
09:58 < Takeshi> 可以讓我試試看用Azure來建立一個Sn的表嗎?
09:58 < Andox> ericsk: 看過最不微軟的微軟員工 XD
09:58 < Noni> 哈哈哈
09:58 < FourDollars> Andox++
09:58 -!- happybean [dc883510@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:58 < janyeh> irc要怎麼下help指令啊?
09:58 < maplc> 哈
09:58 -!- freak__ [~freak@] has joined #coscup
09:58 < Noni> 技術出身的M$還是有差
09:58 -!- kaoyuan [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:58 < tsuki> msdn =w=+++
09:59 < happybean> YES 近來IRC了~
09:59 -!- Haraguroicha1 [~Haraguroi@2001:f10:7002:62::2] has quit [Client Quit]
09:59 < darkgerm> janyeh: /
09:59 < carl_tw> 說不定架好的 server 還會給你強制更新 + 重新開機
09:59 < Andox> msdn wwww 當教科書很好用
09:59 < Noni> 不像業務都很嘴炮M$多好
09:59 < adaam> 這次沒有座位表喔?
09:59 < KiraYao> MSDN是還不錯
09:59 -!- Haraguroicha [~Haraguroi@] has joined #coscup
09:59 < Andox> carl_tw: 要把自動更新關掉呀@@
09:59 < janyeh> MVP... (Y)
09:59 < Takeshi> 座位表是什麼?
09:59 < sammyfung> 我沒見過用 MacBook Air 的微軟員工 :X
09:59 < kchen126> 售價!w 可以問不可以便宜點(燦笑
09:59 < Noni> MSDN很清楚++
09:59 < KiraYao> 台上有一個XDXDXD
09:59 < barneybook> STACKOVERFLOW都被搬出來
09:59 < carl_tw> 印象中偶爾還是會強制更新
09:59 < XDOrz> 傳教士= =
09:59 < barneybook> 那GITHUB哩???
09:59 -!- aitjcize [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
09:59 < Noni> 可能上官先生也是文青 (文青 愛用Mac
09:59 < darkgerm> carl_tw: 我都關自動更新... 自從有一次不小心點到重開後orz
10:00 < syJheng> 文青XDD
10:00 < darkx> 文青不是用裝 Win7 的 Mac 嗎XD
10:00 -!- freak_ [~freak@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
10:00 -!- SimplePlan [~root@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
10:00 < JalenLin> 微軟內不少人拿macBook阿
10:00 < rocfatcat_NB> 會場有特價或是QA送一年方案嗎?
10:00 < Andox> darkx++
10:00 < Alen> 那個 stack overflow 的圖,愈看愈覺的和 ubuntu 有關係..哈哈
10:00 * lzy 好餓好餓好餓 ...
10:00 -!- choer [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
10:00 < JalenLin> 看單位主管~很多人不CARE
10:00 < YChao_> 上海跟印度啊...
10:00 < XDOrz> 餓死惹
10:00 < Noni> lzy 你要不要叫外賣?
10:00 -!- choer [] has joined #coscup
10:00 < Noni> 我也要點餐 ~哈
10:00 < Andox> lzy: 叫麥當勞!
10:00 < carl_tw> 好餓+1
10:00 < barneybook> 恩~~ 團購
10:00 < darkgerm> 那是廁所的圖嗎...
10:00 < lzy> 麥當當大食團
10:00 < imKojima> 優惠
10:00 < KiraYao> 應該說沒限制MAC 但是要用Win?
10:00 < Andox> 我要漢飽神偷 XD
10:00 < Takeshi> 男廁@@?
10:00 -!- kulokase [~kulokase@] has joined #coscup
10:00 -!- BrianLian [650f43e6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:00 < Noni> 1 大麥克
10:01 < privism> 我也餓了
10:01 < carl_tw> 現在好像出新的漢堡
10:01 < KiraYao> 十點沒有大麥克拉
10:01 < Sc0tt_> 有誠意現在立刻優惠現場觀眾?
10:01 < penk> lzy: 小娘娘外賣
10:01 < KiraYao> 那個不好吃....
10:01 < maplc> 好餓+1
10:01 < Noni> 新台幣計價是優勢a
10:01 < lzy> penk: 原來你早餐都吃那個 ...
10:01 -!- Beata_ [~BeataLin@] has left #coscup []
10:01 < YChao_> 預防針x2
10:01 < Andox> lzy: 小娘娘達人安安
10:01 < barneybook> 今年有點心可以吃嗎?????
10:01 < Noni> 還有發票a~~~
10:01 < KiraYao> 新台幣計價XD
10:01 < XDOrz> 隱藏行程嘛?
10:01 < carl_tw> 好像直銷 XD
10:01 < albb0920> preview 有特價嗎
10:01 < lzy> Andox: 那是萎董
10:01 -!- beata__ [~beata@] has joined #coscup
10:01 < ijliao> 發票才是優勢...
10:01 -!- david50407 [~david5040@] has joined #coscup
10:01 < janyeh> 發票+1
10:02 < billy3321> 發票+1
10:02 -!- chitsaou [~chitsaou@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
10:02 < Edward_> 聽說剛剛議程有改嗎? 開幕式時不在,沒聽到
10:02 < janyeh> 上網看最準~
10:02 < carl_tw> 有改
10:02 -!- mkfsn [] has joined #coscup
10:02 < Takeshi> 有改
10:02 < Andox> 看來可以用3個月內到期的 XD
10:02 < imKojima> 公司和學校報帳方便啊...
10:02 -!- helloworld [~helloworl@] has left #coscup []
10:02 < Noni> 發票 可以中千萬嗎 @"@
10:02 < Sc0tt_> 會不會發生意外 洩漏卡片資訊?
10:02 < bobchaoo> Check
10:02 < YChao_> Edward_: 直接上網看
10:02 < barneybook> 原來今年的梗是發票+新台幣?
10:02 -!- SimplePlan [~root@] has joined #coscup
10:02 < billy3321> 聽起來好像是windows azure廣告大會 @_@
10:02 -!- jackycute [~User@] has joined #coscup
10:02 < carl_tw>
10:02 < KiraYao> iCloud又中槍了
10:02 < Noni> 國外收據 不能報嗎?
10:02 < carl_tw> A9 每年都來
10:02 < KiraYao> 就是廣告大會阿XD
10:02 -!- user123456 [~user@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
10:02 < jackycute> Hello
10:02 < janyeh> 不行報
10:02 -!- peterlee [2a497b68@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
10:02 < Edward_> @YChao_ : Thanks!
10:02 < darkx> 廣告大會無誤阿
10:02 -!- XDOrz [~XDOrz@] has quit [Quit: 暫離]
10:02 < KiraYao> 不行嗎@@
10:02 < elvis_> keynote 就是這樣啊
10:02 -!- kiang [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
10:02 < lzy> coscup 的行前通知,應該要通知沒早餐吃才對 ...
10:03 < janyeh> Keynote就是贊助商的廣告大會啊~
10:03 < carl_tw> github 非常好,那 codeplex 呢?!
10:03 < billy3321> 其實我比較想聽微軟的自由軟體路線....
10:03 < jackycute> kk
10:03 < webbertsai> 才發現跑錯會議廳 ...
10:03 < itswindtw> 平台做大之後就開始失去其他的支援了(誤
10:03 < YChao_> darkx: 不然贊助哪裡來?
10:03 < elvis_> 除非像去年的 0xlab XD
10:03 < jackycute> 好多人
10:03 < janyeh> 新創公司,開雞排攤算嗎?
10:03 < Alen> 老實說,M$ 的文件做的不錯..
10:03 < carl_tw> itswindtw++
10:03 < Noni> 新創 Blog
10:03 < Noni> Fre
10:03 < RuinlandIxa> 打廣告野啊太兄......
10:03 < Noni> Free
10:03 < superbil_> 你只要花點錢 你就可以上keynote
10:03 -!- peterlee [2a497b68@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:03 < darkx> XD
10:03 < YChao_> keynote 本來就是給廠商的
10:03 < Andox> XD
10:03 < RuinlandIxa> Customer Locking......
10:03 < ijliao> keynote 一向是贊助商廣告啊, 這次算有技術含量了 :p
10:03 < Custom> Keynote 本來就是讓人家隨便講的
10:03 < imKojima> XD
10:03 < Takeshi> 開雞排攤應該可以算吧
10:03 < carl_tw> 怎沒想過把自己的 codeplex 做好
10:03 < carl_tw> 都講別人家的
10:03 < maplc> XD
10:04 < happybean> 新台幣計價~
10:04 < Custom> 只要錢付的夠多, 上去演李宗瑞也行
10:04 < sammyfung> 是不是上噗浪也要經 ssh ? 不佔為何能上facebook, 噗浪卻不能
10:04 < kordan> 好像一直強調新台幣計價、發票...=.=a
10:04 < Andox> Custom++
10:04 < Noni> 伸手要圖
10:04 < janyeh> 對啊!今年OSDC三星上台拿投影片照搞念還被打臉...
10:04 < billy3321> 以後賺了大錢乾脆來報keynote,然後放音樂讓大家補眠
10:04 < StarNight> Custom中肯
10:04 < JalenLin> 9+1..
10:04 < Noni> 今天不是有新播 再見了
10:04 < privism> sammyfung: tunnel?
10:04 < ijliao> 演應該是不行... XD
10:04 < Noni> ==============================下課===============================
10:04 < Noni> ==============================下課===============================
10:04 < Noni> ==============================下課===============================
10:04 < Andox> 還有13sec...:P
10:04 < darkx> XDDDDDDDDD
10:04 < Takeshi> 下課XD
10:04 < JalenLin> 棒棒
10:04 < KiraYao> 說到三星
10:04 -!- max_ [8c6d10c1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:04 < YChao_> billy3321: m(_._)m
10:04 < KiraYao> 今年他們沒有要上台吧
10:04 < itswindtw> 哇嗚 Q&A
10:04 -!- pioneerlike [~root@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
10:04 < carl_tw> 為您介紹最新一代的 Windows A10!
10:04 < darkgerm> 仔細想想,a9 好像和開源沒關系..
10:04 < Takeshi> 誰舉手跟他要個圖
10:04 < JalenLin> 就是個PaaS
10:04 < billy3321> darkgerm: (Y)
10:04 < AndroUser> 佈道來著的
10:04 -!- AndroUser is now known as infax
10:04 < janyeh> Azure跟開源有關係啊
10:05 < kchen126> 有沒有人要問 可不可以算便宜一點的w?
10:05 < janyeh> 「這問題很好」講師Top 10
10:05 < lunastor1> sdk
10:05 < hlb> kordan: 這真的是重點沒錯 # 新台幣/發票 :p
10:05 < Noni> A9 己經是 M$ 最Open的情況了~~~~
10:05 < privism> 不是因為付費模式的問題嗎
10:05 -!- beata__ [~beata@] has left #coscup []
10:05 < YChao_> m$這個已經比爽爽爽好很多了
10:05 < Alen> 講者標準回答第一句"這個問題很好"
10:05 < sammyfung> privism: 沒有在 chromrium 用 tunnel
10:05 < lunastor1> 有開發票
10:05 < jackycute> ㄎㄎ
10:05 < Noni> 哈哈
10:05 < Noni> 對!!!!! 這問題很好
10:05 < carl_tw> 我有問題!
10:05 < happybean> 這個問題很好
10:05 < janyeh> 這兩天來整理講者Top10吧~ XDD
10:05 < carl_tw> 有沒有茶點?
10:05 < KiraYao> XDDDDDDDDDDD
10:05 < Edward_> 有人吐槽囉XD
10:05 < JalenLin> XDDD
10:05 < Noni> 通常 演者(OS 這什麼爛問題
10:05 < Andox> XDDDDDDDDDDD
10:05 < itswindtw> XDDDDDDDD
10:05 < rocfatcat_NB> 打臉時間...:P
10:05 < YChao_> XDD
10:05 < KiraYao> 打臉時間wwwww
10:05 < darkx> www
10:05 < coldsleep> XDDDD
10:05 < syJheng> XDDDDDDD
10:05 < kchen126> XXXXD
10:05 < StarNight> 打臉
10:05 < Noni> 打臉
10:05 < Alen> 來了..來了..
10:05 < carlcarl> XD
10:05 < Andox> 打臉了wwwww
10:05 < mabinogi80503> XDDD
10:05 -!- QwQ [] has joined #coscup
10:05 < michael520> 冷氣好冷....我剛好坐在冷氣孔下....囧
10:05 < Noni> 好慘
10:05 < Mai7855> wwwwwww
10:06 < KiraYao> 說好不准打臉的!
10:06 < kchen126> 吐槽了!!
10:06 < YChao_> 不要打太兇啊!
10:06 < Noni> 殺手
10:06 -!- AndChat|355284 [~Denir@] has joined #coscup
10:06 < maplc> 哈哈哈
10:06 < privism> 這就是我想聽的部份啊
10:06 < Takeshi> 說服阿楞來使用?
10:06 < Noni> 上畫面了
10:06 < happybean> 打臉時間開始
10:06 < Edward_> 果然他有備而來啊
10:06 < Edward_> 反駁影片都準備好了 顆顆
10:06 < carl_tw> 這些案例好像沒有 Windows 也能用耶
10:06 < Noni> Wow 從Amazon跳
10:06 < Noni> 我不信
10:06 < pellaeon1> HTC 表示:
10:06 < Noni> 不信
10:06 < carl_tw> 今天時間有限!
10:06 < penk> 看來講者要自己佈暗樁 XD
10:06 < superbil_> 影片上看起來有點像 華人 ?!
10:06 < Alen> 時間有限
10:06 < mtchang> 哈
10:06 < YChao_> 研究經費提供者?
10:06 < sammyfung> 說好不准打臉的! +1 XD
10:06 < Noni> mm 誤會
10:06 < Noni> 中肯
10:06 < astro^> 閃掉了 XD
10:06 -!- BeataLin [~BeataLin@2001:c08:1:164:a564:e76d:3494:c42] has joined #coscup
10:06 < Kylin_> 有了這隻影片....
10:06 < Andox> ericsk表示: 我不是第一天講keynote 這種事當然有準備www
10:06 -!- maxwux [7a752e4e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:06 < imKojima> XD
10:06 < janyeh> htc要表示啥?
10:06 < darkx> XD
10:06 < YChao_> Andox: ++
10:06 < Noni> 不要花太多時間~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
10:06 < Alen> 怕講不清,造成彼此的誤會..我們私下聊..
10:06 < carl_tw> 對
10:06 -!- pioneerlike [~root@] has joined #coscup
10:06 < carlcarl> 啥鬼XD
10:06 < sammyfung> Andox: XDDD
10:06 < KiraYao> HTC.....周CEO自己快下來吧XD
10:06 < Noni> 時間有限~~~~~~
10:06 < ming1053> www
10:06 < maxwux> 終於連上來了
10:07 < Edward_> Andox: XD
10:07 < darkgerm> XDD
10:07 < kchen126> 售價可不可以便宜XD(問?
10:07 < Noni> Last!
10:07 -!- lab304 [] has joined #coscup
10:07 < Sc0tt_> 感覺好像不敢正面回答
10:07 < carl_tw> 這麼快,最後一個問題
10:07 < darkx> 結果媒人XD
10:07 < happybean> 我們私下聊~ ww
10:07 < maplc> 私下爐灶
10:07 -!- ccchiu [~ccchiu@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
10:07 < Noni> 噗
10:07 < imKojima> 比HTC被釘好多了XD
10:07 < Noni> ==============================下課===============================
10:07 < YChao_> 謝謝!
10:07 < Alen> 害羞??
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10:07 < yanyiyi> 嗯嗯
10:07 < maplc> 聊
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10:07 < kchen126> 沒點心啦www
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10:07 < KiraYao> 掰...轉移陣地
10:07 -!- dainese [~dainese@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
10:07 < astro^> 餓
10:07 < janyeh> 話說去年打臉HTC的那位,也加入HTC了
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10:07 < carl_tw> 有飲料沒茶點?
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10:08 < sammyfung> janyeh: oh....!!! XD
10:08 -!- MerckHung [~merck@] has joined #coscup
10:08 < lzy> 只有茶,沒有點 ...
10:08 < jackycute> ㄎㄎ
10:08 < dylandy> 終於上線了
10:08 < maplc> 噗
10:08 < MerckHung> Yuren 主持人耶
10:08 < MerckHung> 好熟悉的聲音.
10:08 -!- yan [~yan@] has joined #coscup
10:09 < janyeh> 去年會後就跟他聊過了... 好人才不能放過啊!
10:09 < janyeh> 誰說台灣沒人才的... XDD
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10:09 < sammyfung> 即是剛才打臉的想加入M$ XD
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10:10 < kchen126> =w=
10:10 < SammyLin> 會議室的mic 沒關..在Hangout 都聽的到有人講話.....
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10:11 < Kylin_> ....
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10:12 < happybean> 廳的道人講話 +1
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10:12 < Kylin_> ++
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10:12 < jos> ++
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10:12 < rich1iu> janyeh: 所以 HTC 的股價才一直掉嗎 (誤 # < janyeh> 話說去年打臉HTC的那位,也加入HTC了
10:12 -!- Haraguroicha [~Haraguroi@2001:f10:7002:62::2] has joined #coscup
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10:12 < Sc0tt_> WPA handshake failed with STA 00:1e:64:25:42:96 likely due to bad password from client
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10:12 < Sc0tt_> WPA handshake failed with STA 00:1e:64:25:42:96 likely due to bad password from client
10:13 < Sc0tt_> WPA handshake failed with STA 00:1e:64:25:42:96 likely due to bad password from client
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10:13 < Sc0tt_> 哈 想嘗試密碼?
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10:14 < hlb> 有 handout?
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10:16 < hlb> cool.
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10:17 < SammyLin_>
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10:18 < KiraYao> Back.
10:19 < KiraYao> (考慮用無線取代有線)
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10:19 < KiraYao> 話說今年無線網路的SSID沒有統一對吧?
10:19 <@bobchao_> KiraYao: yup
10:20 <@bobchao_> 各會議室不同
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10:20 < maxwux> 有線挺慢的
10:21 < maxwux> 無線更慢
10:21 < Alen> 今年的有線網路似乎有點 lag ..
10:21 -!- _JoeAngel [8c6d7ff5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
10:21 < Alen> 不過,還算順暢
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10:21 < barneybook> 有線真的比較慢一點點
10:21 -!- Amo [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
10:21 < barneybook> 剛剛有無線也差不多
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10:22 < barneybook> 雖然無線也不穩
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10:22 < TigerHuang> 請問哪邊的網路慢? 我需要 位置/SSID
10:22 < maxwux> 我剛剛打了vpn回家裡連中華電信,快多了
10:23 -!- maplc [~androirc@] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )]
10:23 < barneybook> maxwux: 我也遠端回家用
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10:23 < barneybook> TigerHuang: 看看有沒有用無線的人上線吧
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10:23 < TigerHuang> [線路組公告] 親愛的會眾1c:b0:94:77:ca:cb , 請不要在try我們Staff Only的AP唷 >.o
10:24 < maxwux> TigerHuang: 剛剛連coscup 2012 int2挺慢的
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10:24 <@bobchao> lzy: 提供便當主要是因為中研院地理位置的問題 說本末倒置就太過了
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10:24 <@bobchao> 如果現在還在台大並不會提供便當喔
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10:25 < Custom> bobchao: 便當讚 :)
10:25 < coldturnip> 記得還在台大的時候,便當是限量販售的
10:25 < Custom> bobchao: 其實只是以為會跟過去一樣有早點 XD
10:25 <@bobchao> Custom: yup 沒通知是疏失 抱歉
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10:26 < carl_tw> 可是本來就沒有一定要提供早點啊
10:26 < maxwux> OPENSUSE有提供KDE講者的T-Shirt
10:26 < Custom> carl_tw: 主要是 "跟過去不一樣", 並沒有說一定要提供啊 :)
10:26 < carl_tw> 剛剛沒拿到 Ubuntu 限量包
10:27 <@bobchao> Custom: 對 跟慣例不同還是應該通知一下的
10:27 < carl_tw> 那包包好漂亮
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10:28 < Custom> bobchao: yeap, 行前通知就可以多加註 "會場早上沒有提供點心, 請記得吃早餐, 免得聽到一半血糖過低..."
10:28 -!- infate [] has joined #coscup
10:28 < carl_tw> 不過這次有計程車共乘站還不錯
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10:29 < hlb> Custom: 長輩今年要爆料?
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10:29 < barneybook> 國際會議廳:
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10:29 < TigerHuang> maxwux: 可以試著使用INT1 or COSCUP-Airport
10:30 < barneybook> 國際會議廳: 座位表 請大家更新正妹位置唷
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10:30 < lzy> Mos 真是我們的好朋友 ...
10:30 < Custom> hlb: 今年這時候最夯的只能爆 XX 照了 XD
10:30 < KiraYao> R2開始了
10:30 -!- jeremy5189 [~jeremy518@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
10:30 < roliroli> 有人統計女性參加人數嗎?
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10:30 < Andox> lzy: Mos會爆炸wwww
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10:31 < Custom> hlb: 不過今年沒計畫爆料啦... 低調過生活比較好 XD
10:31 < lzy> Andox: 我吃完回來了 XD
10:31 -!- kylin__ [] has joined #coscup
10:31 <@bobchao> roliroli: 會後看看 今年來分享一些統計數據給其他研討會參考....
10:31 < barneybook> (COSCUP 2012 懶人包 PS:歡迎各位充實內容)
10:31 < Andox> lzy: 我的份勒?
10:31 < Alen> 沒搶到 ubuntu 限量包,只拿到一條帶子...
10:31 < sephXD> 剛剛有貓耳朵的姊姊走過去了 ... :)
10:31 < penk> 猩猩的 OS~
10:31 < dca_> 女生怎麼一年比一年多
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10:31 < Mai7855> 貓耳朵姐姐>//////<
10:31 < in2> 剛剛有貓耳朵的小妹妹走過去了 :p
10:31 < KiraYao> ubuntu限量包?
10:31 < Alen> dac_ : 真的耶,今天女生比去年多.
10:31 < Andox> ._./ 今年的報到招待是小綠綠嗎:P
10:31 < KiraYao> 今年有貓耳女僕出沒嗎XD
10:31 < in2> Andox: 不是
10:32 < Andox> in2: Orz
10:32 < lzy> in2: 貓耳女僕?
10:32 -!- XDOrz [~XDOrz@] has joined #coscup
10:32 < barneybook> 圖哩!??
10:32 < lzy> oh, 看錯行 *flee*
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10:32 < hlb> Custom: 那明天找長輩聊天 :p # 今天在家照顧小蘿莉
10:32 < sephXD> 比較想看到女生用Linux ... 請受我一拜
10:32 < hlb> 貓耳朵!
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10:32 < Andox> sephXD: 還滿多的吧
10:32 < Andox> in2: 應該是狐狸耳朵?
10:32 * in2 左邊的女生用 linux
10:32 < dca_> 我看到貓耳朵了
10:33 < cyt93cs_> pixnet 的攤位也是在 4F 嗎?
10:33 < Custom> hlb: no problems :)
10:33 < orinx> 狐狸耳朵啦XD
10:33 < darkgerm> hlb: 我也可以跟你一起照顧嗎>///<
10:33 < in2> Andox: 咦, 好像是 XD 所以是 pixnet 的人嗎? XD
10:33 < sephXD> Andox, 附近只有window小姐
10:33 -!- Amo [] has joined #coscup
10:33 < watsontsai> 有人要參加workshop嗎?
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10:33 < Andox> in2: firefox :P
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10:33 < Kylin_> *_*
10:33 < in2> Andox: 喔喔 *_*
10:33 < Andox> pixnet有SG來@@
10:33 < adaam> 喔!四樓也有攤位喔
10:33 < petercpg> 等等,是貓耳朵還是我們家的狐狸耳朵 XD
10:34 -!- AndroUser [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
10:34 < sephXD> SG!
10:34 < KiraYao> 話說晚上的BOF 報名的文件在哪阿?
10:34 < RuinlandIxa> 想請問簡報現在有得抓嗎???
10:34 < Mai7855> 還好我有拿到ubuntu限量包XDD
10:34 < adaam> 簡報應該要會後吧
10:34 <@bobchao> cyt93cs_: 應該是,我記得三樓的贊助商攤位只有數位無限軟體、書展
10:34 < KiraYao> 還是今年....要提前報名orz
10:34 < adaam> 限量包是啥@@?
10:34 < darkgerm> ubuntu限量包 +1 ^^
10:34 -!- jackycute [~User@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
10:34 -!- Guest44085 [~conan@] has joined #coscup
10:34 < carlcarl> 沒拿到QQ
10:34 -!- jeremy5189 [] has joined #coscup
10:34 < dca_> pixnet有缺掃地的嗎 XD
10:34 < ijliao> 好像該趁此機會買本 jedi 大師的書並請大師簽名... :o
10:34 < sammyfung> 由於香港的 Ben 睡不足,而明天lightning talk也full了,雖然他已做好了題目,今年沒有他了。 XD
10:34 <@bobchao> KiraYao: check
10:34 < KiraYao> 沒去拿QQ
10:34 < cyt93cs_> Google+ 的照片 pixnet 有 showgirl >////<
10:34 -!- pioneerlike [~pioneerli@] has joined #coscup
10:34 < RuinlandIxa> !?!?!??!
10:34 < KiraYao> @bobchao 謝謝
10:34 < hlb> darkgerm: 原本有想說要不要帶去的... 可是怪叔叔太多了吧 :p
10:35 <@bobchao> sammyfung: 快幫他報 unconference!!! XD 怎麼可以少了他
10:35 < RuinlandIxa> Ben不講光速講了QAQ
10:35 < darkgerm> 這次議程好多 js 相關的
10:35 -!- Swl [~fntsrlike@] has joined #coscup
10:35 < sammyfung> 你快快找他 XD
10:35 -!- Sorry [] has joined #coscup
10:35 < penk> hlb: 這邊挺正派的 (挺
10:35 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has joined #coscup
10:35 < darkgerm> 有 {} 的 python XD
10:35 < ijliao> unconf 我一定投 ben 叔一票!
10:35 <@bobchao> sammyfung: 主題只要寫「Ben 要爆料」
10:35 -!- MerckHung [~merck@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
10:35 -!- chejen_ [~chejen@] has joined #coscup
10:35 < KiraYao> Google sucks......
10:35 < StarNight> ker ker
10:35 < RuinlandIxa> 沒走Ben我就不想餐加COScup了QAQ
10:35 -!- pellaeon1 [~pellaeon@] has joined #coscup
10:35 -!- enid_chen [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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10:35 < KiraYao> 又開始Opera不耐症了
10:35 < RuinlandIxa> Google Plus((Troll face
10:36 < hlb> penk: 帶去講 lightning talk 可以不要打臉嗎 >///<
10:36 < barneybook> 座位表
10:36 -!- QwQ__ [] has left #coscup []
10:36 < watsontsai> 有人參加workshop?
10:36 < penk> hlb: 親臉不打臉 >///<
10:36 < sephXD> pellaeon_, 搞不好是你們家的狐狸耳朵
10:36 < KiraYao> 你這是逼我回去用IE阿(逃)
10:36 < adaam> 超屌!
10:36 < darkgerm> XD
10:36 < StarNight> XD
10:36 < itswindtw> 退學宣言XDDD
10:36 < carl_tw> Fred rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10:37 < coldsleep> XD
10:37 < barneybook> 退學好
10:37 <@bobchao> 「我是第一個於國際舞台發表退學宣言的!」
10:37 < Andox> (Y)
10:37 < carl_tw> 讚!
10:37 < ericpi_> (y)
10:37 < KiraYao> 退學?!
10:37 < hlb> penk: 會殺了你喔 秋咪 A_Ay
10:37 < hlb> 退學好++
10:37 -!- ecilA [~IceChat9@] has joined #coscup
10:37 -!- MerckHung [] has joined #coscup
10:37 < sammyfung> 剛發手機短訊給Ben, 看看他報不報unconference 了 XD
10:37 < YChao_> m(_._)m
10:37 < abev66> 退學宣言 XD
10:37 < YChao_> sammyfung: 期待中
10:37 -!- mobomoga [] has joined #coscup
10:37 < carl_tw> 神人都高深莫測
10:38 -!- jserv-- [] has joined #coscup
10:38 < dca_> a-z
10:38 < mabinogi80503> A-Z開頭
10:38 * jserv-- at R1
10:38 < barneybook> A~Z出現了
10:38 < sephXD> petercpg, 搞不好是你們家的狐狸耳朵
10:38 < YChao_> A-Z
10:38 -!- petertc [] has joined #coscup
10:38 < Andox> jserv--: 大神來了 <(_ _)>
10:38 -!- Mai7855 [~chatzilla@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:38 -!- enid_chen [~enid_chen@2001:c08:1:164:edd5:b877:c3:2cab] has joined #coscup
10:38 < StarNight> 有梗
10:38 < Kylin_> 高橋流簡報!?
10:38 < darkx> <(_ _)>
10:38 < mabinogi80503> 你已經死惹 (?
10:38 < jserv--> 清大的 KVM/QEMU-ARM 研究很不錯
10:38 < rich1iu> 中肯
10:38 -!- stevennick [~stevennic@2001:c08:1:164:b1a5:7553:864a:297b] has joined #coscup
10:38 -!- jeremy5189 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
10:38 < watsontsai> workshop是在作神麼??
10:38 * dannvix 覺得 R0 冷氣好冷 Orz
10:38 < barneybook> 好多梗
10:38 -!- mosu001 [~mosu@] has joined #coscup
10:38 < adaam> 我傷得很重....
10:38 < Noni> 研究生 真的很可年
10:39 < Andox> D3梗好多
10:39 < Noni> 為了畢業
10:39 < coldturnip> 暑假產能比較高 ++
10:39 < darkx> 超級學界 style
10:39 -!- ccc-larc [~ccc-larc@] has joined #coscup
10:39 < Andox> 害我想玩D3了 XD
10:39 < Noni> 要夾住
10:39 < petercpg> sephXD: 正面檸檬黃裏面是白色的毛嗎,那就是了XD
10:39 < barneybook> 國際會議室好多梗
10:39 < Alen> jserv : 中肯
10:39 < ReticenceSu> 現在冷氣幾度啊...(好冷喔)
10:39 < jserv--> 可惜就算清大作得效能比較好,但 upstream 還是接納比較差的哥倫比亞版本
10:39 < BardicheZ_> 幸好有帶外套XD
10:39 < dca_> 你已經死了
10:39 < Alen> ARMvisro 的開發時程非常的學界,都在暑假有新功能
10:39 -!- superbil__ [~i7@] has joined #coscup
10:39 < jserv--> 因為 public developed
10:39 < BardicheZ_> 你的英勇將長存人心
10:39 -!- jeremy5189 [] has joined #coscup
10:40 < Andox> 還好不是 你的英勇長存人心 XD
10:40 < KiraYao> 話說很久很久沒有用google doc了
10:40 -!- DonaldIsFreak [8c7d54b2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:40 < rich1iu> ARM11 那一塊要價 12 萬....
10:40 < hlb> 好奇號厲害的是要 remote 刷韌體...
10:40 -!- killtw [caa9ad53@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:40 < KiraYao> 現在直接編輯完就好了嗎?
10:40 -!- superbil__ [~i7@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
10:40 <@bobchao> medicalwei: 該不會又是你的手機吧 ^^;
10:40 < KiraYao> 不用按存檔?
10:40 < dylandy> remote 火星刷硬體也太扯
10:40 -!- superbil__ [~i7@] has joined #coscup
10:40 < hlb> 火星人先生,我刷韌體失敗,可以幫我按那個 power button 嗎
10:40 -!- Takeshi [~Takeshi@] has joined #coscup
10:40 < sephXD> petercpg, 看不出來耶,不過因為姊姊,我分心了OAO
10:40 < jserv--> Linaro !
10:41 -!- jnlin_tfn [] has joined #coscup
10:41 < Alen> jserv : 可以想辦法再先 ARMvisor 推到極限,讓他們不得不用
10:41 < hlb> dylandy: nasa 常幹這種事
10:41 < jnlin_tfn> 終於上來了
10:41 < jserv--> 台灣的學術界真的要 release often 才有機會啊
10:41 < Takeshi> 美女圖當背景?
10:41 < jnlin_tfn> wifi 好糟
10:41 < ReticenceSu> 美女圖是哪招阿...
10:41 < barneybook> (COSCUP 2012 懶人包 PS:歡迎各位充實內容)
10:41 < Alen> jserv : 這樣才能有更多人進來幫忙..
10:41 < barneybook> KiraYao: 直接編輯就好
10:41 < KiraYao> R2好悶.....
10:41 < in2> jnlin_tfn: 好久不見 :p
10:41 < Andox> 美女圖當背景很重要呀!!!
10:42 < vrootic> hi
10:42 < dylandy> 火星人表示:按鍵太多了
10:42 < in2> hlb: 布丁你今天有來嗎? :p
10:42 < Andox> 不然會沒精神寫code QQ
10:42 < barneybook> KiraYao: 看國際廳的直播吧
10:42 < medicalwei> OAQ
10:42 < carl_tw> 系統資訊顯示: nmon
10:42 < Haraguroicha> @TigerHuang: I2好像沒有服務?
10:42 < medicalwei> bobchao: 是的 OAQ
10:42 < jserv--> 用 LXDE 作驗證環境 :)
10:42 -!- Negaihoshi [~e222et@] has joined #coscup
10:42 < carl_tw> 最近我也開始用 lxde,真的不錯
10:42 < barneybook> 國際廳直播
10:42 < hlb> in2: 明天才會去辦 workshop
10:42 * medicalwei 靜音掉了...orz
10:42 <@bobchao> medicalwei: 進會議室記得關震動喔 你好像三四次了 ^^;
10:42 < carl_tw> 原先只用 lxdm
10:42 -!- df1 [~df1@2001:c08:1:164:f038:7ab5:8571:7fde] has joined #coscup
10:43 < KiraYao> 今年有申請youtube職播阿
10:43 -!- XDD [~XDDDD@] has joined #coscup
10:43 -!- Steveice [8c80850c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:43 < darkx> XDDDD
10:43 < medicalwei> 只顧著進去找位置就全忘了
10:43 < KiraYao> 太有梗了wwww
10:43 < Alen> 怎麼學術界都那麼窮啊.
10:43 < jserv--> 停電!
10:43 < Noni> 清大的問題 也是傳統
10:43 < watsontsai> 用hangout~~
10:43 -!- Sorry [] has left #coscup []
10:43 < darkx> 好可憐QQ
10:43 < medicalwei> 清大今天停電的樣子
10:43 < rich1iu> 電力檢修....
10:43 -!- jswirl_ [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
10:43 < medicalwei> 是的
10:43 < Alen> 連停電都來打live demo
10:43 < hlb> 這美女圖...
10:43 < rich1iu> 學校很常見
10:43 < Steveice> 其實清大真的很愛停電))無誤
10:43 < Andox> Live Demo@@
10:44 < dylandy> live demo 來了
10:44 < barneybook> (COSCUP 2012 懶人包 找東西或放梗請丟這)
10:44 < coldturnip> 以前拼畢業的時候,資電館常跳電 orz
10:44 -!- EdwardYC [~Edward234@] has joined #coscup
10:44 < StarNight> R0的想法很好XD
10:44 < jserv--> 學校沒有買最新的硬體,也是遺憾
10:44 < yan> livedemo
10:44 < Noni> 台清交成己經是資源最多了...其它學校更可年~XD
10:44 < KiraYao> 再次感謝Opera偉大的MDI.....
10:44 -!- poying [~poying@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
10:44 -!- Sorry [] has joined #coscup
10:44 < hlb> polygon 美女圖 ~_~
10:44 * jserv-- <- 兩年前就拿到 ARM 送的 Pandaboard 第一板硬體,可惜不會作研究
10:44 < Haraguroicha> 是說...冷氣好冷....囧rz
10:44 < carl_tw> 沒注意看,他現在 demo 的是 lxde 嗎?
10:44 < sntc06> 糟糕圖...
10:44 < darkx> root@linaro
10:45 < KiraYao> 糟糕圖www
10:45 < Andox> 沒有圖wwww
10:45 < Noni> R1演者表示 問題都跟他沒關 (以後適合從政!!!
10:45 < Swl> 圖呢?(敲碗
10:45 < darkgerm> 沒圖沒真相
10:45 < KiraYao> LXDE可以用javascript嗎?
10:45 < AndroUser> 開源硬體以經很便宜了
10:45 < carl_tw> lxde 開 juice?
10:45 < jserv--> carl_tw: 展示 virtualized Linux
10:45 < Haraguroicha> 糟糕,圖 咧?
10:45 < RickZhang> R0好冷
10:45 < KiraYao> KDE?
10:45 < ReticenceSu> 真糟糕啊
10:45 < Alen> 只開一顆 CPU ?
10:45 < AndroUser> 萬惡的長高
10:45 < KiraYao> 沒圖沒真相阿!
10:45 < KiraYao> Live Demo wwwwww
10:46 < KiraYao> Metacity....GNOME
10:46 < carl_tw> wm 用 wmii 也不錯
10:46 -!- littlew [] has joined #coscup
10:46 < darkx> NFS XD
10:46 -!- janyeh [~janyeh@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
10:46 < jserv--> 原來開機也可以很有趣
10:46 -!- abev66 [~quassel@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
10:46 -!- hamisme [~hamisme@] has joined #coscup
10:46 < hlb> jserv--!
10:47 < Noni> Jserv大 安一個
10:47 < watsontsai> workshop人有點少~~
10:47 < kchen126> mm位子有點對不到OAO .
10:47 < dylandy> 他是兩個桌面環境同時使用?
10:47 < jserv--> 安哪裡? :P
10:47 < carl_tw> 兩個
10:47 < carl_tw> 一個主要的
10:47 < carl_tw> 一個 demo 他的成品
10:47 -!- rocfatcat_NB [~lenny@] has joined #coscup
10:47 < Alen> 我看成 jser 大親一個
10:47 < carl_tw> 剛剛分心,應該沒猜錯
10:47 < Takeshi> xd
10:47 < cyt93cs_> 感覺冷氣越來越冷....:~~~~
10:47 < rocfatcat_NB> XD
10:47 < KiraYao> 親一個XD
10:47 < jserv--> [R1] technique: trap-and-emulation
10:47 < tC_> 下午的workshop需要登紀嗎?
10:47 -!- kakashi [~kakashi@] has joined #coscup
10:48 < jserv--> [R1] 幫講者補充 ->
10:48 < yan> 舉手問明天的workshop 在哪登記?
10:48 < KiraYao> R2: SUSE推廣中..............
10:48 < hlb> 明天下午的 workshop 因為有人取消報名,所以多了兩個名額
10:48 < in2> Custom: 那有爆料會後會嗎?
10:48 < darkx> 會 move 到奇怪得地方XD
10:48 < hlb> 有人要來玩嗎 :p
10:48 < jserv--> [R1] 提到虛擬化技術最饒舌的部份
10:48 < hlb> in2: (Y)
10:48 < ijliao> cyt93cs_: 你心寒了嗎...
10:48 < twolights> hlb: 我....同事 :P
10:48 < carlcarl> r2在解說 kernel feature
10:49 < jserv--> [R1] virtualizable ISA/CPU
10:49 < Alen> 真的很饒舌...
10:49 < carlcarl> 有點硬
10:49 < Custom> in2: orz... 我覺得 ben 的比較有趣啦... :p
10:49 < watsontsai> workshop在哪裡?
10:49 < in2> XD
10:49 * jserv-- 跟講者一起硬起來了
10:49 < KiraYao> 也不是硬
10:49 < barneybook> Fred的github
10:49 < KiraYao> 就是....很無趣
10:49 < Custom> in2: 而且我現在咳的很厲害, 也沒辦法講話
10:49 < killtw> workshop在哪報名?
10:49 -!- QwQ__ [] has joined #coscup
10:49 < darkx> jserv-- 石更了
10:49 < RuinlandIxa> Ben we need you :-(
10:50 < jserv--> [R1] S390 是 virtualizable ISA
10:50 < KiraYao> jserv硬了A___A
10:50 < ijliao> r0 的子實在太小了...我懷疑連第一排都看不到
10:50 < SammyLin> 立馬後補報 XDD
10:50 < hlb> twolights: 限會眾報名喔
10:50 < jserv--> [R1] critical instructions
10:50 < rocfatcat_NB> Jserv++
10:50 < carlcarl> XD
10:50 < watsontsai> workshop直接現場報名~~
10:50 < cyt93cs_> ijliao: 需要看點火辣的 XDD
10:50 < hlb> 也可以現場來看看,據說可以塞 40 人
10:50 < elvis_> R1 投影片的圓怎很怪 XDXD
10:50 < darkx> 這個圖好有趣
10:50 < SammyLin> 我不是會眾 可以報fire.app嗎 >_<
10:50 -!- ckm_ [] has joined #coscup
10:50 < hlb> 還沒去場地看狀況
10:51 -!- choer [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
10:51 < hlb> SammyLin: 不行不行不準來掰掰掰掰掰掰掰
10:51 -!- choer [] has joined #coscup
10:51 < QwQ__> recode_autodetect_utf8 = "yes"; #自動偵測頻道是不是utf8 recode_transliterate = "yes"; #直接轉換 recode_fallback = "Big5"; #設定轉換為Big5 recode_out_default_charset = "UTF-8"; #輸出uft8/wc
10:51 -!- Amo [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
10:51 < medicalwei> (!?)
10:51 < Andox> f@@~
10:51 < SammyLin> 好小氣 = =
10:51 < KiraYao> 沒用處的功能wwwww
10:52 < hlb> SammyLin: 工作人員明明很忙
10:52 -!- bobchao changed the topic of #coscup to: COSCUP 開源人年會 | UTF-8 | 2012 懶人包
10:52 -!- choer [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
10:52 < jserv--> [R1] 利用 ARM 軟體中斷 (instruction: SWI) 來讓 hypervisor 作轉譯的動作
10:52 -!- bobchao changed the topic of #coscup to: COSCUP 開源人年會 | UTF-8 | 2012 懶人包
10:52 -!- choer [] has joined #coscup
10:52 < SammyLin> hlb 在忙也是要陪你喝咖啡...
10:52 * medicalwei [R0] 然後就放著了(指著 jsdx-ofono)
10:52 -!- choer [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
10:52 -!- choer [] has joined #coscup
10:53 < hlb> SammyLin: ...我有兩個小孩了
10:53 < StarNight> 我很好奇,node js要怎麼呼叫到系統底層
10:53 -!- Toby [8c6d7ff8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:53 < penk> StarNight: server side 內
10:53 < jserv--> [R1] 透過 shadow page table 來處理 memory virtualization
10:53 < darkx> 好饒舌XD
10:53 < jeremy5189> 哪裡可以拿網路線?
10:53 -!- Toby is now known as Guest93152
10:53 * jserv-- 更硬了 XD
10:53 < medicalwei> StarNight: extension 裡面可以做 native
10:53 < Andox> jeremy5189: 應該被拿光了吧
10:53 < orinx> pixnet的攤位 ?
10:53 < Swl> 需要網路線++ QAQ
10:53 -!- phtseng [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:2021:551b:c84b:4f0] has joined #coscup
10:53 < Alen> hypervisor 的用語都很饒舌
10:53 -!- choer [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
10:53 < penk> StarNight: child process 就可以叫了
10:53 < michael520> R0 冷氣.....(發抖中
10:53 -!- choer [] has joined #coscup
10:54 -!- cychao [] has joined #coscup
10:54 < yurenju> 大量 Diablo 3 的梗 XD
10:54 < medicalwei> (不過當時拿 javascript 打電話是透過 node-dbus 走 dbus)
10:54 -!- hugojay [] has joined #coscup
10:54 < rocfatcat_NB> R[1] 硬梆梆...
10:54 -!- Zhusee [] has joined #coscup
10:54 -!- AndChat60249 [~AndChat60@] has joined #coscup
10:54 < Andox> 溶火 褻瀆 漩渦 火鍊?
10:54 < kchen126> 網路線是pixnet攤位
10:54 -!- choer [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
10:54 < penk> medicalwei: dbus-launch 就可以動了對不 XD
10:54 -!- choer [] has joined #coscup
10:54 < carl_tw>
10:54 < medicalwei> penk: 對w
10:54 < Noni> R1的講者好強 連續說明不用換氣!
10:54 -!- thustow [~nicorepo@] has quit []
10:54 < jserv--> [R1] irq_chip in kernel: 注意 context switch 成本
10:54 -!- jackymaxj [~User@] has joined #coscup
10:55 < cyt93cs_> 我剛剛聽到 unity 很難用嗎? XD
10:55 < jackymaxj> 我上了
10:55 < jackymaxj> 打
10:55 < medicalwei> cyt93cs_: =w=;
10:55 < Swl> 餐券是不是發完了?@@
10:55 < Andox> R0: 想把win8的桌面改成那樣 :P
10:55 -!- ckm_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
10:55 < jserv--> [R1] 預計支援 ARM Virtualization Extension
10:55 < ijliao> [r0] 快去打臉 !!
10:55 < Dai> Noni: XDDD
10:55 < carl_tw>
10:55 < Noni> 2014....丟給學弟
10:55 < Noni> 哈合
10:56 < Noni> 沒有open source
10:56 -!- AndChat60249 [~AndChat60@] has quit [Client Quit]
10:56 < darkx> open XD
10:56 < jserv--> [R1] Open Source?
10:56 < Noni> 來亂的
10:56 -!- kiang [] has joined #coscup
10:56 < Alen> R1 大推,我們要做 open source
10:56 < rocfatcat_NB> We need's open source
10:56 -!- AndChat60249 [~AndChat60@] has joined #coscup
10:56 < Noni> 夠大 夠完整 只給Open Source 看
10:56 < ijliao> 沒有open 是來亂的嗎... 快去打臉 !
10:56 < jserv--> [R1] 本月底以 GPLv2 釋出!
10:56 < Guest93152> 不在場的人以在 Google+ 找到 COSCUP 的 Hangout 轉播喔,但是只有 R0 的。
10:56 < darkx> cool!
10:56 -!- mhs1n [] has joined #coscup
10:57 < jserv--> 不是因為清大停電嗎? :P
10:57 < darkx> QR XDDDD
10:57 < hlb> 話說 Chrome 現在有內建 sass compiler 了
10:57 -!- mhsin_bsd [] has joined #coscup
10:57 < rocfatcat_NB> 社群幫你寫DOC
10:57 < Noni> = =
10:57 -!- AndChat60249 [~AndChat60@] has quit [Client Quit]
10:57 < medicalwei> hlb: CSS4?
10:57 < Noni> 打臉了~
10:57 < twolights> ...內建 SASS compiler o_O
10:57 -!- max_ [8c6d10c1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:57 < jserv--> [R1] 現在提問的人是中研院 QEMU 專家
10:57 -!- seatt [~AndChat60@] has joined #coscup
10:57 -!- nemu_ [8c6d7fd9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:57 < Zhusee> 所以可以直接 lin .scss 的意思嗎
10:57 < Alen> R1 kvm for arm vs ARMvisor
10:58 < carlcarl> sass compiler 好威
10:58 < jserv--> [R1] Google 搜尋:陳葦任 QEMU
10:58 < AlanWu> quit
10:58 -!- seatt [~AndChat60@] has quit [Client Quit]
10:58 -!- AlanWu [~alan@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
10:58 -!- nemu [8c6d7fd9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:58 < in2> 我 google 陳葦任 QEMU 出現 not found 耶 @@"
10:58 < hlb> twolights: > Sass support in Chrome Canary: Go to about:flags, enabled dev tool experiments, open dev tools, go to settings, enable sass support
10:59 < in2> 喔, 是 陳韋任 XD
10:59 < hlb> 我還沒試過 :p
10:59 < jserv--> 陳韋任 qemu
10:59 < jserv--> 打錯字 :(
10:59 < jserv--> [R1] Google:// 陳韋任 qemu
10:59 -!- kikiqqp_No2 [~AndChat40@] has joined #coscup
10:59 < hlb> 非常噁心 :p
10:59 < Noni> 好有磁性的聲音 -> 陳
10:59 < Alen>
10:59 < Steveice> 感覺他被打臉了@@
10:59 < darkx>
10:59 < kikiqqp_No2> 外面好熱
10:59 -!- IronGG [~nightmare@] has joined #coscup
10:59 -!- ych [] has joined #coscup
10:59 < Noni> R1講者沒耐心了
10:59 < jserv--> [R1]
10:59 -!- Blade [01aa9ac5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:59 -!- smailc [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup
10:59 -!- seatt [~seatt@] has joined #coscup
10:59 -!- nemu_ [8c6d7fd9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
11:00 -!- Guest93152 is now known as TobyOoO
11:00 < jserv--> [R1] Q: 可是沒辦法被 upstream 接納,還是沒辦法持續啊?
11:00 < RickZhang> R0裡面好冷 XD
11:00 < Noni> HP快歸零了....R1勇 者
11:00 < Alen> 聽說 ARM 有出 A15 的 EVB
11:00 < hlb> 用 node 作 os 真有趣
11:00 -!- dar [] has joined #coscup
11:00 < kiang> 頭洗一半了啊 @r1
11:00 -!- nemu [8c6d7fd9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:00 < coldturnip> R1 ++
11:01 < darkx> R1 結束
11:01 < kikiqqp_No2> 但用ARM的ip都很貴
11:01 < barneybook> 求IPAD上IRC的APP
11:01 < smailc> node.js 做OS真有趣耶~
11:01 < jserv--> [R1] 換另一個硬主題
11:01 < adaam> R0 over
11:01 < TobyOoO> R0 結束啦~超酷
11:01 -!- momizi [] has joined #coscup
11:01 -!- ccc-larc [~ccc-larc@] has quit [Quit: ccc-larc]
11:01 < kakashi> Irc999
11:01 < jserv--> 這幾次參加 COSCUP,還是第一次讓我硬了好久 XD
11:01 -!- deghost [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:01 -!- faulfish [~faulfish@] has joined #coscup
11:01 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
11:01 -!- ming1053 [~milnex@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
11:01 < momizi> 好多人
11:01 < coldturnip> kikiqqp_No2: hihi
11:01 -!- u1031333_ [~u10313335@] has joined #coscup
11:01 -!- Jlnshen [~Jlnshen@] has joined #coscup
11:02 < Noni> R1 清大連發~
11:02 -!- hosco [] has joined #coscup
11:02 < penk> gooooooooo
11:02 < carlcarl> r2很空虛的結束了
11:02 -!- enid_chen [~enid_chen@2001:c08:1:164:edd5:b877:c3:2cab] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:02 < maxwux> @carlcarl 在會議室2嗎
11:02 < watsontsai> workshop微微空虛
11:02 < Noni> 慚愧 太硬 聽無......
11:03 < maxwux> carlcarl: 在會議室2嗎
11:03 < carlcarl> 對啊~~
11:03 -!- stevennick [~stevennic@2001:c08:1:164:b1a5:7553:864a:297b] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:03 < hlb> penk!
11:03 < jeremy5189> Wi-Fi連SSH反應好慢= =
11:03 < hlb> penk 超厲害
11:03 -!- phtseng [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:2021:551b:c84b:4f0] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
11:03 < maxwux> carlcarl: 我也是耶!我在最前面第1排,在兩個妹左邊
11:03 < carlcarl> 喔喔 看到了xd
11:03 < kikiqqp_No2> 種花3g連irc都中斷
11:04 < cyt93cs_> 第一張就露背了 讚!
11:04 < TaiZai> carlcarl: 嘖
11:04 -!- KPXX_3g [] has joined #coscup
11:04 -!- Beata_ [~BeataLin@] has joined #coscup
11:04 -!- aitjcize [] has joined #coscup
11:04 < kiang> r1 連種花還 ok
11:04 < chejen> 轉移陣地
11:04 -!- sephXD [~sephiorth@2001:c08:1:164:3950:e9fb:ffc0:3c12] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:04 -!- choer [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:04 < kiang> 不過明天真的要早點來,阿不然都沒位置...
11:04 -!- u103133__ [~u10313335@] has joined #coscup
11:05 -!- choer [] has joined #coscup
11:05 < rich1iu> ARM 有出 x64 archeticture ..
11:05 -!- LittleQNCCU_ [~littleqnc@] has joined #coscup
11:05 < in2> 原來今年是沒有 intel 的贊助所以沒有點心 *誤*
11:05 < ca_> 四張100!
11:05 < darkx> jserv--: 發現w
11:05 -!- FourDollars [~sylee@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:05 < rich1iu> 不過看起來沒有實品
11:05 < hlb> 演講要引用 CEO 說的話的時候,選這種不會換人的真對 :p
11:05 < Zhusee> 為什麼表了一下 htc XD
11:05 -!- wens [] has joined #coscup
11:05 < hlb> # 選個 Y! 的話一年要改好多次照片
11:05 -!- choer [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:05 -!- choer [] has joined #coscup
11:05 < rich1iu> 照我聽到的, 這個放在 ARM 64 比較有搞頭 :p
11:05 -!- smailc [~chatzilla@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
11:05 -!- QwQ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
11:05 < jnlin_tfn> XDDDD # 選個 Y! 的話一年要改好多次照片
11:05 < cyt93cs_> 富爸爸!
11:05 -!- SmallSea [] has joined #coscup
11:05 < Andox> XDDDD
11:05 < Takeshi> 國際會議廳的還不錯聽XD
11:05 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
11:05 < Andox> hlb++
11:06 -!- u1031333_ [~u10313335@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
11:06 -!- mobomoga [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
11:06 < kiang> arm x64 不是還沒出現實際產品?
11:06 < hlb> jnlin_tfn: 或是要改成 "前 4 任的 CEO 說過..."
11:06 -!- ABen [~Adium@] has joined #coscup
11:06 < Alen> R1 開工..
11:06 < dar> 時尚軟體業
11:06 < adaam> 國際會議廳連2樓都好多人
11:06 -!- joycc [2a479939@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:06 < kikiqqp_No2> 技術宣示咩,ARM有作不代表要拿出來 XD
11:06 -!- penk [~penk@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
11:06 < Andox> 等等瑞凡會不會又上班了?
11:06 -!- kchen126 [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:06 < KiraYao> R2: Repo&Maintain Model...............
11:06 < KiraYao> 我跪了...............
11:06 < TigerHuang> [線路組公告] 使用手機連接3G網路,請使用有線USB分享至電腦。請勿自行私設AP Thanks.
11:07 < jserv--> [R1] PQEMU 與 ARMvisor 來自 MTK 嵌入式系統技術研究人才培育計畫
11:07 < rich1iu> 沒有技術宣示哦, archeticture 都在賣了
11:07 -!- FourDollars [~sylee@] has joined #coscup
11:07 -!- kenobilyh [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:07 < jserv--> [R1] 講者是高手
11:07 -!- mobomoga [] has joined #coscup
11:07 -!- smailc [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
11:08 -!- jos [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
11:08 < darkx> 還沒有公佈的 opensource 網址w
11:08 < jserv--> [R1] 流行低調做事 :P
11:08 -!- jos [] has joined #coscup
11:08 -!- jswirl [~jswirl@] has joined #coscup
11:08 < kikiqqp_No2> 是MTK不是NXP 望
11:08 -!- b00902106 [] has joined #coscup
11:08 -!- Freedom [650d328d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:08 < albb0920> l
11:08 -!- Lws [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
11:09 < kikiqqp_No2> 歐歐歐 我上去查查
11:09 -!- chengda [~Adium@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
11:09 < jserv--> [R1] 台灣另一個團隊:中正?
11:09 -!- chejen [~chejen@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
11:09 -!- seatt [~seatt@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
11:09 -!- Taiten987 [] has joined #coscup
11:09 -!- chejen_ [~chejen@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
11:09 -!- young [] has joined #coscup
11:09 < jserv--> (抱怨一下,大家都喜歡搞神秘,號稱效能改進一大堆,又不敢拿出來)
11:09 -!- jeremy51810 [~jeremy518@] has joined #coscup
11:10 < Alen> jserv 這在台灣很正常啊..
11:10 -!- jeremy5189 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
11:10 < darkx> 好慘...
11:10 < maxwux> r2這邊都一直講crash耶
11:10 -!- Noni_ [df88c9ad@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:10 < jserv--> [R1] VCPU 執行模式
11:10 < kikiqqp_No2> 不可說不可測不可玩
11:10 -!- coldturnip [~coldturni@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
11:10 -!- choer [] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
11:10 < adaam> R0 大家好像都不大笑,只有我覺得很有趣嗎
11:10 -!- joycc [2a479939@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:10 < Zhusee> LCARS
11:10 < dar> [R0] ui show
11:10 < yan> 好吵
11:10 < kiang> r1 苦主
11:10 < ReticenceSu> 真的有點吵XD
11:11 < adaam> XD
11:11 -!- BardicheZ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
11:11 < jserv--> [R1] QEMU 的 modeling 是 single thread sequential execution
11:11 -!- littlebtc [] has joined #coscup
11:11 -!- Noni [df88c9ad@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:11 -!- KiraYao [~elegant_p@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:11 < sammyfung> [R0] 好吵 +1 XD
11:11 * littlebtc 無線網路連不上 Freenode,只好開 VPS
11:11 -!- joycc [2a479939@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:11 -!- mp607 [d24689d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:11 -!- seatt [~seatt@] has joined #coscup
11:11 < darkgerm> mp607: hello XD
11:11 -!- s884812 [3d75ad63@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:11 < jserv--> [R1] 簡報風格感覺有點像童話書?很可愛
11:11 < maxwux> 冷氣好冷,我開始發抖了
11:12 < YChao_> 嘔吐物... XD
11:12 < Andox> 配色非常像嘔吐物 XD
11:12 < sammyfung> 還以為是誰的手機在響
11:12 < wens> littlebtc: 大手筆
11:12 < ecilA> 嘔吐物!XDD
11:12 < mabinogi80503> +1
11:12 < Noni_> R1講者 好穩!
11:12 -!- safe [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:12 < jserv--> [R1] 在 ISA 裡面的 atomics 需要特別處理,尤其用於 locks
11:12 < YChao_> 聽說這個是有版權的 XD
11:12 -!- QwQ_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
11:12 < darkgerm> freenode 好像達連線上限,不用網頁版連不上了= =
11:12 -!- watsontsai [] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
11:12 -!- safe is now known as Guest56865
11:12 -!- shengpo [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:13 < littlebtc> mibbit 連線好像也爆了
11:13 < darkx> darkgerm: 我用 irssi 蠻穩的阿@@
11:13 < mp607> 網頁版才連上+1
11:13 < Taiten987> 換手機網路就連上了
11:13 < Andox> iOS6那種半調子貼圖++
11:13 * jserv-- 接著繼續硬下去,要 modeling 週邊了啊啊啊啊~
11:13 < TobyOoO> [紀錄組公告] R0 轉播在 供無法到場的開源人收看轉播
11:13 < u103133__> vpn安定
11:13 < Haraguroicha> 我用IPv6沒這連線問題...xD
11:13 < darkgerm> darkx: 你可以斷線重連試試 ^^
11:13 -!- linroex [] has joined #coscup
11:13 < maxwux> 我也是用VPN
11:13 < RuinlandIxa> @dark 用學校連
11:13 -!- Watsontsai [~ashaneba@] has joined #coscup
11:13 < jserv--> [R1] 首先要克服 racing 的議題
11:13 < darkx> (抖抖)
11:13 < carl_tw> 用家裡網路連
11:13 < lunastor1> 山寨平板來了XD
11:13 < darkgerm> 和 vpn 沒關… 是 freenode 機器的問題
11:13 -!- stevenni_ [~stevennic@2001:c08:1:164:f825:3188:e833:59b7] has joined #coscup
11:13 < locy69> freenode 有限制單一IP數量限制
11:13 -!- mkfsn [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:13 < legendmtg> 連回家裡連+1
11:13 < jackymaxj> VPN
11:13 -!- BarneyC [~barneyboo@] has joined #coscup
11:14 < Haraguroicha> IPv6連線+1...
11:14 < locy69> 所以還是自己主機用 irssi 吧~~
11:14 < darkgerm> 因為我朋友遠端回去連不上 0.0
11:14 -!- joycc_ [2a479939@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:14 < in2> 原來真的有人做 @@
11:14 < linroex> 終於連上IRC了
11:14 < locy69> 不然就是要用 VPN 跳了
11:14 < jnlin_tfn> 今年的咖啡好甜 :Q
11:14 < jackymaxj> 對
11:14 < deghost> VPN跳進來的路過- -
11:14 < jackymaxj> 超甜
11:14 -!- ymli [] has joined #coscup
11:14 < carl_tw> 喜歡喝 espresso
11:14 -!- Watsontsai [~ashaneba@] has left #coscup []
11:14 < YChao_> in2: nook color!
11:14 < StarNight> Fuck apps
11:14 -!- yan is now known as yanyiyi
11:14 < barneybook> darkgerm: 我也連回家再上IRC耶
11:14 < wens> jnlin_tfn: 痞客狐娃娃有沒有賣啊?
11:14 < jserv--> [R1] QEMU 祕笈示意圖
11:14 < killtw> 果汁也好甜
11:14 -!- Watsontsai [~ashaneba@] has joined #coscup
11:14 < jackymaxj> 好冷阿
11:14 -!- coldturnip [~coldturni@] has joined #coscup
11:14 < Haraguroicha> 咖啡甜....柳橙汁感覺像養樂多.......囧rz
11:15 -!- raphanus [~coldturni@] has joined #coscup
11:15 < AceLan> cyt93cs_: yooooooooooooooooo
11:15 -!- infaxxxx [~androirc@2001:c08:1:164:393f:d811:6f3e:8029] has joined #coscup
11:15 < ymli> darkgerm: 換帳號衝進來了XD
11:15 < AceLan> elvis_: yoooooooooooo
11:15 < AceLan> lzy: yooooooooooooooo
11:15 < darkgerm> 喔不對... 是他的問題... 因為我遠端還連得上
11:15 -!- raphanus [~coldturni@] has left #coscup []
11:15 < jackymaxj> 冷氣好強
11:15 -!- ymli [] has left #coscup []
11:15 < darkgerm> 那當我沒說話 orz
11:15 < carlcarl> whois TaiZai
11:15 < barneybook> 還是有線跟無線的差異????
11:15 < wens> jackymaxj: 冷氣強很重要 :p
11:15 -!- snake_ [] has joined #coscup
11:15 -!- LittleQNCCU_ [~littleqnc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
11:15 < dylandy> Qt 和 Gtk 相比有比較穩定嗎?
11:15 -!- ming1053 [] has joined #coscup
11:15 -!- buganini [] has joined #coscup
11:15 < darkx> R1 冷氣有點不夠 @@
11:15 -!- joycc [2a479939@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:15 < dylandy> 我記得psp vita是用Gtk
11:15 < jackymaxj> ㄎㄎ
11:16 -!- webbertsai [78774d1d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:16 < jackymaxj> 我在發兜了
11:16 -!- snake_ is now known as serpent
11:16 < jserv--> darkx: 是講者太熱血吧?
11:16 -!- LittleQNCCU_ [~littleqnc@] has joined #coscup
11:16 < cyt93cs_> AceLan: 你在那一間啊?
11:16 * AceLan 貪婪地舔了舔 jserv-- 的臉。
11:16 < jserv--> AceLan: >_<
11:16 -!- villerhsiao [~villerhsi@] has joined #coscup
11:16 < buganini> 請問大會手冊沒了嗎?
11:16 -!- LittleQNCCU_ [~littleqnc@] has quit [Client Quit]
11:16 < AceLan> cyt93cs_: KDE 萬歲!!!!!!
11:16 < carlcarl> XDDDD
11:16 < darkx> rock
11:16 * AceLan 貪婪地舔了舔 carlcarl 的臉。
11:16 < cyt93cs_> AceLan: 哈哈!!!
11:16 < superbil__> ping self
11:16 < kiang> r1 後面冷氣涼啊,我可以跟你換位置 xd
11:16 < rocfatcat_NB> R0 真的要很有愛才做得下去阿..
11:16 < TaiZai> carlcarl: 你爸
11:16 < YChao_> live demo!
11:16 < adaam> Live DEMO !!
11:16 < Zhusee> [R0] Demo!!!
11:16 < sammyfung> bobchao 在 看 irc 嗎 ? XD
11:16 < carlcarl> =.=""
11:16 < lunastor1> demodemo
11:16 < carl_tw> demo 時間!
11:16 < jackymaxj> 後面冷前面熱
11:16 < Andox> 開心的DEMO時間 XDD
11:16 < syJheng> [r0] live demo!!
11:16 < jserv--> [R1] DBT (Dynamic Binary Translation)
11:16 < darkx> 我坐在最後一排 @@
11:16 < jackymaxj> 魔術嗎?
11:16 < webbertsai> demo
11:17 -!- fracting_ [~fracting@] has joined #coscup
11:17 < lzy> Qt 當然相對穩定阿 ... # 因為開發者都快跑光了 (光速逃
11:17 < adaam> 實心的XDD
11:17 < jackymaxj> ㄎㄎ
11:17 < in2> 實心的
11:17 -!- Yuhsien [] has joined #coscup
11:17 < rail02000> R0冷氣好冷,我要拿筆電去暖XD
11:17 < lunastor1> 實心的
11:17 < Zhusee> [R0 購物台]
11:17 < darkgerm> [R1] 我在第三排
11:17 < mabinogi80503> 實心的XDD
11:17 -!- smailc [~androirc@] has quit [Quit: smailc]
11:17 < ReticenceSu> 哈哈
11:17 < dylandy> 實心的XD
11:17 < TobyOoO> 石新的 XDD
11:17 < elvis_> 程度太差聽不懂,只好用幫拍照到 G+
11:17 < dannvix> 品客魔術秀
11:17 < ecilA> 魔術無誤
11:17 < killtw> 要變魔術了嗎XD
11:17 < barneybook> 要變魔術????
11:17 < iblis17> buganini: ㄉㄉ
11:17 < jackymaxj> 嘿變透明的
11:17 < carl_tw> 跑光還要介紹 Qt5 是怎樣
11:17 < YChao_> 請前排觀眾檢查...
11:17 < kinabcd> 魔術XD
11:17 < adaam> R) 要開始變魔術了
11:17 * AceLan 狠狠的咬了 lzy 一口,把他咬的哇哇大叫...真爽 真爽
11:17 < syJheng> [r0] 要用android平版變魔術了XD
11:17 < kikiqqp_No2> QT和GTK呦,嗯要看你會不會回到MS WINDOWS
11:17 < Sorry> 我們請前排觀眾檢查一下
11:17 < YChao_> ICS
11:17 < elvis_> iPhone 用 wifi 上傳一直卡住 … 用 3g 一下子就好了 = =
11:17 < Sorry> 袖子裡也沒有什麼東西
11:17 < jserv--> [R1] IRQ 一類的例外會使得 code cache 處理被打斷,效能會折損
11:17 < jackymaxj> 有問題!
11:17 -!- infaxxxx [~androirc@2001:c08:1:164:393f:d811:6f3e:8029] has quit [Read error: No route to host]
11:17 < dylandy> 回到ms widows?
11:17 < Zhusee> [R0] 拿 PhotoBooth 當做實物投影機XDD
11:17 < Andox> 等等一定會變臉 XD
11:17 < RickZhang> R0大約24C, 從R0拉一條風管過去R1應該可以解決
11:17 < jackymaxj> = =
11:17 -!- carlcarl [~carlcarl@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
11:17 < cyt93cs_> 自拍好強!
11:18 < Swl> 人正真好
11:18 < Edward_> 強 XD
11:18 < carl_tw> 有創意
11:18 < webbertsai> 人帥真好@@
11:18 < jackymaxj> 屌
11:18 -!- carlcarl [~carlcarl@] has joined #coscup
11:18 < carl_tw> 整個 zoom in
11:18 -!- smailc [] has joined #coscup
11:18 < darkx> 好霸氣的作法XXD
11:18 < Swl> 霸氣DEMO
11:18 < jserv--> [R1] 考慮到 code flush 效應,這是效能折損的問題來源
11:18 < cyt93cs_> 人帥真好無誤!!
11:18 < dar> Cute terminal
11:18 -!- young [] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )]
11:18 < Zhusee> 貨真價實的腳本
11:18 < jserv--> [R1] 原始 QEMU 傾向採用最簡單的處理方式
11:18 -!- choer [] has joined #coscup
11:18 < Swl> 也是實心的嗎ww
11:19 < smailc> 連上來了
11:19 < jackymaxj> 恭喜來上IRC的人們
11:19 < carl_tw> 來不及看耶
11:19 < AceLan> 第二會議室很空 想聽 Qt5 的可以先來佔位子~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
11:19 < carl_tw> 可以再讓我看一下 script 嗎
11:19 < jackymaxj> ERROR
11:19 < ca_> 37
11:19 < b00902106> 有一個error 不過這是正常情況XD
11:19 < Andox> 這是正常的情況 XDDD
11:19 < littlebtc> "有 Error 沒關係,這是正常的情況"
11:19 < mabinogi80503> 有一個error 這是正常的 (?
11:19 < Zhusee> 有 Eorro~ 不過沒關係、這是很正常的情況
11:19 < imKojima> "有error 但這是正常的情況"
11:19 < jackymaxj> 果然是魔術
11:19 < jserv--> 12:00 時,現在 R1 講者還會講一場,探討完全不同的領域:AppUniverz
11:19 < YChao_> 緊張緊張~~
11:19 < Zhusee> 「我才沒有很緊張呢 <3」
11:19 < barneybook> 有ERROR是正常的情況
11:19 < Swl> wwwww
11:19 < kinabcd> 正常
11:19 < adaam> 我才沒有很緊張呢
11:19 < coldsleep> 『才沒有很緊張捏』
11:19 < ecilA> error是自然現象
11:19 < darkgerm> 等等好像很多人要聽 Qt5 ... 等等要快一點了
11:19 < Sorry> 「我才沒有很緊張呢」(傲嬌)
11:19 < carlcarl> XDD
11:19 < TobyOoO> 好傲驕 XDD
11:19 < bu> XDDD
11:20 < StarNight> live demo 有 error是正常情況XD
11:20 < EdwardYC> WWWWWW
11:20 < Andox> 剛剛都還可以動呀 XDDDD
11:20 < lunastor1> 剛剛都還可以動啊~~~
11:20 < Swl> 才沒有緊張呢!!!
11:20 < ReticenceSu> 明明就很緊張XD
11:20 < Dai> ㄎㄎ
11:20 < dylandy> never live demo
11:20 -!- hrs_ [~hrs@] has joined #coscup
11:20 < barneybook> 傳說中的傲嬌
11:20 < dar> Live....
11:20 < lunastor1> killall
11:20 < mabinogi80503> kill !!!
11:20 < jackymaxj> 唉呦緊張了(憲哥
11:20 < darkgerm> R0 好像很有趣XD
11:20 < elvis_> AceLan: 我要繼續聽 SNES emu in JS XD
11:20 <@bobchao> sammyfung: 我回來了 有事?
11:20 < jserv--> [R1] Global Shared Resources
11:20 < dylandy> yes
11:20 < dca_> yes!!
11:20 < ecilA> YES!
11:20 < Zhusee> [R0] YES!!
11:20 < ReticenceSu> yes是哪招
11:20 < mabinogi80503> yes!!
11:20 < Swl> 好可愛的講者XDDD
11:20 < jserv--> [R1] 歸納出若干 shared resource 的相依資源
11:20 < kiang> r1 連美眉都坐地板了 [右後方]
11:20 < barneybook> Live Demo 看不到
11:20 <@bobchao> penk 好有梗
11:21 < jeremy51810> 建議他把鏡頭關掉一下= =
11:21 < carl_tw> 換場次好累,不太想換
11:21 < Haraguroicha> 咽死!
11:21 < jserv--> [R1] 繼續分析為 UCC 與 SCC 兩種模式
11:21 < carl_tw> 我要聽 Gaia
11:21 < dca_> r1圖呢
11:21 < Noni_> R1那麼硬 有美眉丫
11:21 < jserv--> [R1] UCC= Unified Code Cache; SCC=Separated Code Cache
11:21 < barneybook> 用大螢幕下指令好累
11:21 < lunastor1> live debug
11:21 -!- linroex [] has quit [Quit: linroex]
11:21 < allenown> 如果有雙投影比較適合demo
11:21 < BardicheZ_> 是拔掉線才想起來不能拔嗎XD
11:21 < elvis_> QT5 原來是連兩節,哇勒
11:21 -!- linroex [] has joined #coscup
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11:21 -!- poao [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:21 -!- fracting_ [~fracting@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:21 < Swl> Never Live Demo wwwwwwwwww
11:21 < carl_tw> 所以這時候就需要 window tiling!
11:21 -!- AndChat-407721 [~AndChat40@] has joined #coscup
11:21 < chusiang-> allenown: 看到大大,先拜一下 <(_ _)>
11:22 < AceLan> elvis_: 對啊 來了可以坐到中午吃飯
11:22 < Andox> allenown++
11:22 < darkgerm> Qt5 是連續的嗎?
11:22 < allenown> chusiang-: ?! <(_ _)>
11:22 -!- linroex [] has joined #coscup
11:22 < elvis_> 好,我等等轉檯 XD
11:22 -!- stevenni_ is now known as stevennick
11:22 < imKojima> 自我放棄w
11:22 < dylandy> 可以跑就對了XD
11:22 < Haraguroicha> 傲嬌了xDDDD
11:22 * AceLan 輕輕地拍著 elvis_ 的頭。
11:22 < Andox> 反正它可以跑就對啦www
11:22 < JalenLin> 烙狠話了
11:22 < mabinogi80503> 看不到沒關係啦 :3
11:22 < ReticenceSu> 哈
11:22 < Zhusee> [R0] 啊看不到沒關係啦,反正他可以跑就對了啦~~~
11:22 < itswindtw> 自暴自棄中XD
11:22 < carl_tw> 其實 OS X 也可以裝 tiling window manager
11:22 < yanyiyi> 反正他可以跑就對了
11:22 < ericpi_> R0 講者自暴自棄了
11:22 < webbertsai> 看不到沒關系
11:22 < Swl> 自暴自棄www
11:22 < YChao_> 自我放棄==
11:22 < barneybook> 傳說中的超級傲嬌
11:22 -!- ming [] has joined #coscup
11:22 < darkgerm> R0 好熱鬧
11:22 < jserv--> [R1] UCC lock: 克服三種項目,立即提昇效能
11:23 < jackymaxj> = =
11:23 < lzy> 還以微要打「出」 ...
11:23 -!- ming is now known as Guest17717
11:23 -!- aeil [8c7b28ae@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:23 < Haraguroicha> R0字太醜....?
11:23 < jserv--> [R1] SCC: 要注意 SMC (self-modifying code) 的效應,否則會執行到錯誤的 code
11:23 < YChao_> 再自暴自棄~~
11:23 < adaam> R0 通常這時後會有點掌聲
11:23 < littlebtc> 還以為要打wwwwwwwww
11:23 < YChao_> tekaki 手寫engine
11:23 < barneybook> 通常這時候會有點掌聲
11:23 < Zhusee> [R0]「這個我其實超傲嬌的啊」(?)
11:23 -!- Guest17717 [] has quit [Client Quit]
11:23 < jserv--> [R1] SCC Lock: 主要是 read-write lock
11:23 -!- kikiqqp_No2 [~AndChat40@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
11:23 < Haraguroicha> R0 不要再偷偷想比ya了喔~
11:23 < AceLan> R2 好悶 orz
11:23 < jserv--> [R1] SMC 一般發生於 Linux boot, Java virtual machine (JIT mode)
11:24 < cyt93cs_> R0 好歡樂~~~
11:24 -!- narahuang2 [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
11:24 -!- kikiqqp_No2 [] has joined #coscup
11:24 < yanyiyi> 懷疑r0 講者有自拍慾
11:24 < jserv--> [R1] Interrupt handling!!!
11:24 < dar> R0...demo end
11:24 < maxwux> R2 真的挺悶的
11:24 < Noni_> 謝謝Jserv的補充 == ==
11:24 -!- ccc-larc [] has joined #coscup
11:24 < carlcarl> r2就專心看前面的兩個妹這樣
11:24 < jserv--> R1 的圖超棒!
11:24 < Noni_> 圖超棒++
11:24 -!- Lichain [] has joined #coscup
11:24 < barneybook> 求妹圖
11:24 < Swl> 自拍慾XD
11:24 < elvis_> 真的!
11:24 < Haraguroicha> R0 嚴重的有自拍慾.....他的Photo Booth裡面有自拍照xDDD
11:24 -!- ming1053 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
11:24 < TobyOoO> 一不小心 XDDD
11:24 < Swl> 求R1圖!!!!
11:24 < ReticenceSu> 真不小心阿
11:24 -!- Peter__ [8c6d7ff4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:24 < AceLan> R2 要結束了!!!!
11:24 < Alen> 看的出來 R1 的講者做的苦工很多....
11:24 < YChao_>
11:25 -!- peterlee [2a497b68@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:25 -!- KPXX_3g [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:25 < Noni_> R1講者很認真!!!!
11:25 < rich1iu> Alen: 中肯
11:25 < legendmtg> R2終於要換Qt5了...
11:25 < rich1iu> 這是很苦功的東西
11:25 < cyt93cs_> R0 的美國選手照片是誰啊?
11:25 < jserv--> [R1] 直接上結論,guest OS 本身也會有 lock,整個 spinlock 與 I/O 的處理
11:25 < RuinlandIxa> 我要聽細節!!
11:25 < Alen> R1 的投影片在精簡中透露出無限的苦工
11:25 -!- QwQ__ [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
11:25 < jnlin_tfn> wens: 請聯絡 :)
11:25 < YChao_>
11:25 -!- hrs_ [~hrs@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
11:25 -!- u103133__ [~u10313335@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:25 < Haraguroicha> R0: 這是今天早上才生效的 ......xD
11:25 -!- Lichain [] has quit [Client Quit]
11:25 < jackymaxj> 打!
11:25 < rocfatcat_NB> [R1] 我想知道在i3 底下表現怎麼樣
11:26 < XDOrz> R1好石更...
11:26 -!- Lichain [] has joined #coscup
11:26 < bu> r0: xdddd
11:26 < syJheng> [R0] Spock XD
11:26 -!- AndChat-407721 [~AndChat40@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
11:26 < carl_tw> 沒有準備
11:26 < Andox> XDDDD
11:26 -!- Lichain [] has quit [Client Quit]
11:26 < jackymaxj> = =
11:26 < YChao_> 好心虛...
11:26 < carl_tw> 泄泄大家
11:26 -!- Guest56865 [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
11:26 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Quit: BardicheZ_]
11:26 < barneybook> R0結束
11:26 < mabinogi80503> [R0] END
11:26 < jserv--> [R1] UCC lock 多,而 SCC lock 少
11:27 -!- ccc-larc [] has quit [Client Quit]
11:27 < darkx> R1 需要一些背景知識
11:27 < barneybook> 今年IRC上線的人好像比較多
11:27 < jserv--> [R1] 依據實驗結果,UCC 與 SCC modeling 差異不大
11:27 * dannvix R0 好冷喔~~
11:27 < carlcarl> r1感覺很恐怖=.=a
11:27 < Haraguroicha> 有比較多嗎? 252個目前.....
11:27 < cyt93cs_> R0 好冷+1
11:27 < rich1iu> ARM11MPCore 太悲劇了
11:27 -!- thschee [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:27 < Haraguroicha> R0爆冷的
11:27 < syJheng> [R0] 一堆人走了
11:27 < jserv--> [R1] 實際差異在於記憶體消耗
11:27 < AceLan> R2 要爆滿了 快點過來搶位子啊~~
11:27 < TobyOoO> [R0] Gaia 要來了欸~
11:27 * AceLan 其實還很空 orz
11:27 -!- killtw [caa9ad53@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:27 < elvis_> >.<
11:28 -!- hrs [~hrs@] has joined #coscup
11:28 < jackymaxj> B2G!!
11:28 < darkgerm> R1 end R2 go!
11:28 < michael520> R0 ~ 的冷氣冷到快降雪了 ~~ 囧
11:28 < RickZhang> R0 很冷 XD
11:28 < carlcarl> XDD
11:28 -!- yanyiyi [~yan@] has quit [Quit: yanyiyi]
11:28 < Zhusee> B2G
11:28 < in2> firefox 它不是一個純 javascript 的 os , 它是一個有 javascript+html 的 os
11:28 -!- elvis_ [~elvis@] has quit [Quit: elvis_]
11:28 < jserv--> R1 讓人很舒服!
11:28 < in2> 這啥(?)
11:28 < jackymaxj> R0 COLDDDDDDD
11:28 < AceLan> elvis_: 我幫你佔了 快來
11:28 < jackymaxj> B2G!!
11:28 -!- stevennick [~stevennic@2001:c08:1:164:f825:3188:e833:59b7] has quit []
11:28 * pellaeon1 抖抖
11:28 < Alen> 話說,R1 有投影片 release 嗎
11:28 < jackymaxj> 讓我去尿尿拉
11:28 -!- Blade [01aa9ac5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:28 -!- evenrain [~evenrain@] has joined #coscup
11:29 -!- Aotoki [caa9ad42@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:29 < jserv--> [R1] NIC emulation 主要跟 guest OS 有關,但 vcpu 也要考慮到 lock 議題
11:29 <@bobchao> R! 大爆滿
11:29 < Haraguroicha> R0還有插播哪招xDD
11:29 -!- irvin_ [~irvin@] has joined #coscup
11:29 < jos> 求妹圖 xd
11:29 < cyt93cs_> Gaia++
11:29 -!- Noni_ [df88c9ad@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:29 -!- tC_ [4c491286@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:29 -!- hrs [~hrs@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
11:29 < darkgerm> 包
11:29 -!- mobomoga [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
11:29 -!- Takeshi [~Takeshi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
11:29 < jos> R0太小聲…
11:29 -!- bobchao [~bobchao@2001:c08:1:164:410:1009:186f:b80e] has quit [Quit: bobchao]
11:30 -!- hrs [~hrs@] has joined #coscup
11:30 -!- shengpo [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:30 < carl_tw> Gaia++
11:30 < AceLan> R2 開始了
11:30 < carl_tw> 之前在 Windows 沒跑起來
11:30 -!- IronGG [~nightmare@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
11:30 -!- ming1053 [~milnex@] has joined #coscup
11:30 < legendmtg> Qt5那麼少人想聽喔...
11:30 < darkgerm> 結果R2 人沒很多啊,害我剛剛超緊里k
11:30 < Alen> R1 爆炸了
11:30 < darkgerm> 張
11:30 -!- Ruby [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:30 < ming1053> R2人好少...
11:30 < Alen> R1 在找講者
11:30 -!- caasiHuang [] has joined #coscup
11:30 < carl_tw> Qt5 掰掰 XDD
11:30 < darkx> 有人有講者電話嗎XD
11:30 < carlcarl> r2前面的妹走了QQ
11:30 < JalenLin> R1是要講模擬器
11:30 -!- ccc-larc [] has joined #coscup
11:30 -!- coldsleep [~coldsleep@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:30 < Alen> R1 講者出現了.
11:31 < AceLan> carlcarl: 你坐在哪?
11:31 -!- ccc-larc [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:31 -!- stevennick [~stevennic@] has joined #coscup
11:31 < hlb> R1 有轉播嗎 XD
11:31 -!- ccc-larc [~ccc-larc@] has joined #coscup
11:31 < jserv--> [R1] 今年大家口味都很重,都聽硬的!
11:31 < BarneyC> R1超暴滿
11:31 < dca_> 站票
11:31 < darkx> XDDDDD
11:31 < ijliao> r1 爆炸中
11:31 < jackymaxj> R0催眠
11:31 < jserv--> [R1] 講者是 Linux 早期中文化的前輩
11:31 -!- enid_chen [~enid_chen@2001:c08:1:164:cc08:2741:5a59:66d3] has joined #coscup
11:31 < carl_tw> 下一隻手機我想買 Firefox 手機!
11:31 -!- FredC [~fred@] has joined #coscup
11:31 < imKojima> 搞不好跟R0空調太冷有關XDDDDD
11:31 < jserv--> [R1] 講者十幾年前的作品是 xcin anywhere
11:32 < shadom> R1 人好多
11:32 -!- villerhsiao [~villerhsi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
11:32 -!- chiangph [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
11:32 -!- poao [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:32 < AceLan> carlcarl: 妹回來了 回神啊
11:32 < roliroli> R1剛才講的好
11:32 -!- csk [~csk@] has joined #coscup
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11:32 < irvin_>
11:32 < darkx> 真的,不過需要一些 qemu 的知識比較聽的懂
11:32 < FredC> 好不容易連進 irc...
11:32 < FredC> orz
11:32 < jserv--> [R1] 用 JS 模擬超任!
11:32 -!- elvis_ [~elvis@] has joined #coscup
11:32 -!- csk is now known as Guest86872
11:32 < dylandy> 記得B2G 底層有人說是android
11:32 < Alen> R1 真的爆炸了..人超多
11:32 * ijliao 是來 r1 朝聖的
11:32 < kiang> r1 落跑的席地美眉
11:32 < TobyOoO> R1匯後會有錄影釋出
11:32 < StarNight> 好多想聽的場次在同時段
11:32 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has joined #coscup
11:32 < carlcarl> AceLan 第二排最右邊@@
11:32 < lunastor1> R1在pycon用python寫ps模擬器很有梗
11:32 < carl_tw> 似乎是 Android
11:32 < roliroli> 等R1好久了
11:32 < LHD> R1 好擠...
11:32 < jserv--> [R1] 講者簡介:Hacker+++
11:32 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
11:32 < TobyOoO> R1 會後會有錄影釋出
11:32 -!- seatt [~seatt@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
11:32 < jserv--> 幹,好屌
11:33 < JalenLin> 說真的還蠻期待FirefoxOS的
11:33 < dylandy> android 的話,那就沒辦法自己裝了吧
11:33 < AceLan> carlcarl: 哈哈 我在你左後
11:33 < dylandy> 驅動問題
11:33 < shadom> 不重要, 讚
11:33 < carl_tw> 聽說已經有電信廠商要合作了
11:33 < ca_> R1 現在議題是什麼?
11:33 < jackymaxj> !
11:33 < JalenLin> FirefoxOS只是目前在Anndroid上因為驅動吧
11:33 < darkgerm> carlcarl: 你在 R2?
11:33 < nemu> 在 Android 上 遊玩 神奇寶貝黃版 回味一下
11:33 < maxwux> Qt好硬
11:33 -!- coldsleep [~coldsleep@] has joined #coscup
11:33 < Alen> R1 講者的投影片控制器是...搖控器!!!!
11:33 < jackymaxj> B2G其實看起來很有希望說
11:33 < swind_> R1 的講者手上的播放器好帥
11:33 < jserv--> [R1] 相關專案:JSSpeccy, JSC64, JSNES, JSLinux, JavaScript-65816
11:33 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Client Quit]
11:33 < FourDollars> JS 超任模擬器
11:33 < darkx> controller
11:33 -!- kikiqqp_No2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
11:33 < dylandy> 現在看起來他們都是用S2
11:33 < ryan__> 期待PySide for Qt5
11:33 < Peter__> 據朋友之前裝B2G的經驗,是Linux配B2G就好了,不過B2G現況常crash(sad)
11:33 -!- sammyfung [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:33 < yurenju> R1: 是寫任天堂模擬器嗎
11:33 < shadom> 360 手把
11:34 < BarneyC> 求r1 slide
11:34 < dylandy> 不知道離開S2有沒有驅動
11:34 < chusiang-> JS 超任模擬器!!?
11:34 -!- fracting_ [~fracting@] has joined #coscup
11:34 < jserv--> yurenju: 是 SNES
11:34 < carl_tw> 所以 FirefoxOS 可以配自己喜歡的 kernel 嗎?
11:34 < kiang> 看樣子 r1 要爆炸了
11:34 < yurenju> 少了 S XD
11:34 < shadom> R1 講者拿xbox 360 手把
11:34 -!- Noni [df88c9ad@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:34 -!- smailc_ [~chatzilla@2001:c08:1:164:e872:8819:78c8:32a9] has joined #coscup
11:34 < darkx> @@
11:34 < FourDollars> R1: JavaScript 超任模擬器
11:34 < yurenju> carl_tw: 應該可以打自己喜歡的 patch 進去吧
11:34 < nemu> R1 表示: ((轟~!!
11:34 < carlcarl> darkgerm: 對啊~~
11:34 < FredC> 我要衝去 R1 看看.... orz
11:35 -!- HenryYang [8c701830@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:35 < yurenju> FredC: 竟然溜了
11:35 < coldturnip> JS!
11:35 < Swl> R1爆滿
11:35 < jserv--> [R1] 其他人可以做出第三個 SNES 模擬器,因為前兩者我都做出來了
11:35 -!- lenny__ [~lenny@] has joined #coscup
11:35 < Peter__> jserv的夫姓XD
11:35 < brucehsu> Jserv的夫姓XD
11:35 < Alen> jserv的夫產
11:35 < hrs> jserv的夫姓XD
11:35 < dar> Js夫性
11:35 -!- bobchao [~bobchao@] has joined #coscup
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11:35 -!- mode/#coscup [+o bobchao] by ChanServ
11:35 -!- rocfatcat_NB [~lenny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
11:35 < Taiten987> jserv 表示:
11:35 < darkx> jserv 好閃 >///<
11:35 < smailc_> XD
11:35 < jserv--> ...
11:35 -!- phtseng [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:7d11:5598:202f:5b75] has joined #coscup
11:35 < jserv--> [R1] 硬體考古
11:35 < Swl> js姓氏正夯
11:35 < Taiten987> 躺著也中槍
11:36 < darkx> 1Mhz ...
11:36 <@bobchao> R1 炸開了
11:36 -!- enid_chen [~enid_chen@2001:c08:1:164:cc08:2741:5a59:66d3] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:36 < jserv--> [R1] SNES 時代: 1990, 16-bit, 3.58 MHz
11:36 < yurenju> R1 大略有多少人阿?
11:36 < jos> R0 有點悶…
11:36 -!- dainese [~dainese@] has joined #coscup
11:36 * jserv-- 連續硬三場 >_<
11:36 -!- s884812 [3d75ad63@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:36 * jserv-- 持久過度,怕後續無力
11:36 -!- freak_ [~freak@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
11:36 < in2> 這隻和 firefox 那隻也差太多了吧 @@
11:36 < darkx> www
11:36 < Alen> R1 中間螢幕前有還有三個位置..快搶
11:37 < adaam> R1 好像很有趣
11:37 -!- dwchiang [] has joined #coscup
11:37 -!- smailc__ [~chatzilla@2001:c08:1:164:9878:9dcf:3bb8:e25c] has joined #coscup
11:37 < dca_> r1走道都滿了
11:37 -!- Guest44085 [~conan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
11:37 < cyt93cs_> R0 講者講話聲音有點糊, 聽得有點累 >"<
11:37 < jserv--> [R1] SNES 的解析度: 256x224 (512x478)
11:37 < BarneyC> 等等來上通訊錄
11:37 < elvis_> R2 好冷 >.< # 人太少
11:37 -!- smailc [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
11:37 -!- janyeh [~janyeh@] has joined #coscup
11:37 < carl_tw> [r0] 我比較想知道這輸入法架構能不能自製表格
11:37 < jserv--> [R1] SNES 具有聲音處理
11:37 -!- smailc__ is now known as smailc
11:37 < Peter__> R1講的cpu都在我出生前出的(sad)
11:37 -!- dwchiang [] has quit [Client Quit]
11:37 -!- salagadoola [628bf843@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:37 < darkx> cool!
11:37 < carlcarl> R2 "宏"是啥=.=
11:37 < jserv--> cool !
11:37 < ming1053> macro
11:37 < jos> 想投奔r1了…
11:37 * AceLan 狠狠的咬了 elvis_ 一口,把他咬的哇哇大叫...真爽 真爽
11:37 < elvis_> AceLan: 我後悔了,我應該聽 SNES 的 Orz
11:37 < jserv--> [R1] Live demo!
11:37 < Alen> R1 live demo
11:38 < u10313335> [R1] live demo
11:38 < hrs> live demo
11:38 < AceLan> elvis_: 乖
11:38 < lenny__> Live Demo
11:38 < coldturnip> R1 live demo!
11:38 < jserv--> [R1] 講者故意帶了很慢的電腦來展示
11:38 < cyt93cs_> elvis_: 快來吧, 招手~~
11:38 < carlcarl> 喔喔囧
11:38 < Peter__> r1本日第一live demo!
11:38 < Alen> R1 講者: 希望 LIVE DEMO 能夠成功
11:38 < kiang> live demo 魔咒即將在 r1 上演
11:38 -!- king1223 [~king1223@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
11:38 < jserv--> [R1] JSNES 展示開始
11:38 < maxwux> 宏=巨集,這是什麼奇怪的翻譯?
11:38 < Alen> R1 Mario demo
11:38 < carl_tw> 對岸用語
11:38 < LHD> 3代!
11:38 < salagadoola> [r1] 現在demo別人做的紅白機模擬器
11:38 < elvis_> R1 多拍一點照上 G+ 啊 XD
11:38 < jserv--> [R1] JSNES 的 frame rate 約 30 fps
11:39 -!- ernest_ [~ernest@] has joined #coscup
11:39 < darkx> 還有聲音耶!
11:39 < darkgerm> Qt SIGNAL 不會檢查字有沒有打錯讓我有點頭痛..
11:39 < dar>
11:39 < Alen> R1 開打 Mario
11:39 < salagadoola> [r1] super mario 3 live demo, 有聲音
11:39 < Noni> 看來從R1跑去R0是失策....
11:39 < jserv--> [R1] 一般期望的 frame rate 應該要到 60 fps
11:39 * yurenju 跪求 R1 G+ 照片
11:39 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@2001:c08:1:164:2cb5:6855:e87c:1369] has joined #coscup
11:39 < hrs> 馬力歐XD
11:39 < dar>
11:39 -!- narahuang [] has joined #coscup
11:39 < lenny__> 下面的亂碼是因為吹金手指嗎?
11:39 < jos> R1求圖
11:39 < darkx> XDDDDDD
11:39 < david50407> XDD
11:39 < dca_> 香菇get
11:39 -!- kkw [] has joined #coscup
11:39 < salagadoola> [r1] 這我們不要看太多 因為這不是我寫的 沒有什麼用
11:40 < dar>
11:40 -!- Sorry [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:40 < smailc> 有R1的圖嗎?
11:40 < jserv--> [R1] 使用到 HTML5 的 file API,可讀取本地端檔案
11:40 -!- ddio [] has joined #coscup
11:40 -!- linroex [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:40 < RickZhang> 404
11:40 < jserv--> [R1] 模擬器效能太好,快到玩不了
11:40 < Swl> XDDDDDDD
11:40 < Alen> R1 講者: 這麼快好像有點誤會..
11:40 < hrs> XDDDD
11:40 < yurenju>
11:40 -!- Sorry [] has joined #coscup
11:40 < nemu> XD
11:40 -!- smailc_ [~chatzilla@2001:c08:1:164:e872:8819:78c8:32a9] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
11:40 < jserv--> [R1] 鋸齒邊處理
11:40 < irvin_> carl_tw:
11:41 < kcwu> 剛偷偷 skipframe+1 ..?
11:41 < shadom> 開AA
11:41 < irvin_> 表格看裡面json
11:41 < descent> 模擬器好酷
11:41 < salagadoola> [r1] 大家可以看到有鋸齒狀, 我們把quality設好一點好了..... 還是有鋸齒狀xd
11:41 < Alen> R1 我們來玩一下 Mario
11:41 < jserv--> 以後計算機組織應該叫學生自幹模擬器啊
11:42 < chusiang-> quality 調太高會不會害 borwser 炸掉?! XDDD
11:42 < elvis_> 真的!
11:42 < Swl> 真的!
11:42 < Noni> 那學生應該不會招不到!!!
11:42 < darkx> 太酷了!!!!!!
11:42 < salagadoola> [r1] (mario掛了) 這代表沒有bug, 有bug的話應該不會死掉
11:42 < kiang> 會死,所以沒有 bug @r1
11:42 < coldsleep> 真順~
11:42 < carl_tw> irvin_: 感謝
11:42 < Swl> 我一定修課不缺席www
11:42 < darkgerm> [R2] Qt5 的 SIGNAL-SLOT 新語法真棒
11:42 -!- king1223 [~king1223@] has joined #coscup
11:42 < Alen> jserv 開個模擬器自幹課程..一定爆
11:43 < jserv--> [R1] 展示 1994 年的遊戲
11:43 < carlcarl> [R2] 這個不錯~
11:43 < legendmtg> R2內容不錯 不過還是好冷清...
11:43 < DennyHuang> 我要修!!!
11:43 < chusiang-> 今年光資管類組就少了 6xxx 位學生報考了...
11:43 -!- superbil__ [~i7@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
11:43 < YChao_> 破圖了...
11:43 < coldsleep> 清大之前專題有給學生作過NES和GBA... 不過是幾年前了
11:43 < jserv--> 1994 年的遊戲比太多 2012 年的遊戲好玩太多了
11:43 -!- irvin_ [~irvin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:43 < maxwux> R2 QT我都聽不懂,囧
11:43 < jserv--> coldsleep: cool! 有課程網頁嗎?
11:43 < YChao_> snes9x
11:44 < salagadoola> [r1] 現在要demo第二個模擬器
11:44 < darkgerm> R2 講者到底哪裡人啊?剛剛自介沒仔細聽
11:44 < coldsleep> 因為是專題所以沒有耶
11:44 < chusiang-> maxwux: 連您都聽不懂.. XDD
11:44 < DennyHuang> 為什麼irc上都沒r0的訊息呢(thinking)
11:44 < darkgerm> C++11 lambda !
11:44 < AceLan> darkgerm: 住澳洲的大陸人吧
11:44 < carlcarl> QT以前寫過一點點而已 勉強聽得懂一些XD
11:44 < yurenju> 用 Google+ 上傳照片可以開 party mode, 傳照片很方便。
11:44 < jserv--> coldsleep: pity... 我下個月要在成大講課,就是希望學生自幹一個電子產品,不過模擬器似乎比較有趣 :P
11:44 < JalenLin> 因為沒有甚麼爆點吧
11:44 < legendmtg> Qt5在講C++11耶!!
11:44 -!- cyrandy [8c73321b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:44 < maxwux> darkgerm: 大陸人,住澳洲,在NOKIA工作
11:44 < carl_tw> R0 太正經了
11:44 < coldturnip>
11:45 -!- nfsnfs [caa9a366@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:45 < kiang>
11:45 < jserv--> [R1] <-- 自己去體驗
11:45 < BarneyC>
11:45 < legnaleurc> 好像就是把 boost.signals 弄進來
11:45 < chusiang-> 原來是 NKOIA 來的
11:45 < AceLan> [R2] signal/slot 大改 以前寫的 code 要重寫了
11:45 < darkgerm> 喔喔~ 難怪都大陸用語
11:45 < jos> R0快睡著了…
11:45 < webbertsai> R0 聲音要仔細聽
11:45 < mabinogi80503> [R0]要睡著了其實..
11:45 < carl_tw> Nokia 不是把整個團隊解僱了嗎?
11:45 < Noni> R0 很冷....
11:45 -!- irvin_ [~irvin@] has joined #coscup
11:45 -!- david50407 is now known as freetsubasawhsh
11:45 < ming1053> R1好像很有趣...
11:45 < Swl> R0 GG @@
11:45 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
11:45 < Zhusee> R0超級冷...
11:45 < jserv--> [R1] 平板電腦也能跑
11:46 < maxwux> Qt是被別家公司買走了
11:46 < dar> R1 Video demo
11:46 < Noni> R0 GG ++
11:46 < legnaleurc> carl_tw: 給 digia 了
11:46 < darkgerm> Qt 現在好像脫離 nokia 了?
11:46 < maxwux> 包含團隊
11:46 < AceLan> maxwux: 還有沒有在 nokia 工作就很難說了 :p
11:46 < darkx> lol
11:46 < ryan__> PyQt/PySide用戶表示毫無壓力
11:46 < carl_tw> 原來如此
11:46 < DennyHuang> 看r1那麼精彩 我都想跑了(被打
11:46 < jos> R0 gg了…
11:46 < legnaleurc> [R2] JSON ... 終於
11:46 < maxwux> AceLan: 確實,現在不曉得他在哪工作
11:46 < salagadoola> [r1] 超頻以後chrome分頁當掉了
11:46 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Client Quit]
11:46 < chusiang-> n900 user 表示無耐
11:46 < coldturnip> PySX XDDD
11:46 < chusiang-> s/耐/奈/
11:46 < u10313335> [R1] iPhone safari 的js效能非常爛
11:46 < legnaleurc> [R2] Qt 快要什麼都有了 ...
11:47 < jserv--> [R1] 首次發表於 PyCon.TW 的 PS 模擬器,需要一分鐘才能開機 (原本要 5s)
11:47 < jserv--> [R1] 已經用 PyPy
11:47 < legnaleurc> 有 json 要不要來個 yaml?
11:47 * AceLan 貪婪地舔了舔 legnaleurc 的臉。
11:47 < Noni> R1好先進丫
11:47 < jserv--> [R1] 因為效能問題,改作 SNES 模擬器
11:47 -!- chy168 [] has joined #coscup
11:47 < YChao_> 不然要十分鐘
11:47 < darkx> 已經用了 PyPy XDDD
11:47 < dainese> 傷當無奈[N900 user]
11:47 < maxwux> [R2] 聽得懂的幫忙提問一兩個問題吧,我完全不知道該問什麼
11:47 <@bobchao> 「如果你有 iPhone、iPad 的話... 可以收起來, JavaScript 太慢了,沒有用!」
11:47 -!- TobyOoO [8c6d7ff8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:47 < janyeh> /what?//
11:47 < dar> Day 1 rom reader...
11:47 < DennyHuang> 可以提早舉牌嗎 (被打爆
11:47 * legnaleurc 逃離戰場
11:47 < jserv--> [R1] Day1: 就幹出 rom reader
11:47 < chusiang-> 「如果你有 iPhone、iPad 的話... 可以收起來, JavaScript 太慢了,沒有用!」 ==
11:47 -!- ethan_ [] has joined #coscup
11:47 < chusiang-> 「如果你有 iPhone、iPad 的話... 可以收起來, JavaScript 太慢了,沒有用!」 ++
11:47 < AceLan> maxwux: 問他現在還在 nokia 嗎 :p
11:48 < legnaleurc> AceLan: +1
11:48 < jserv--> [R1] Day2: CPU 模式很複雜,而且圖形模擬器不好作
11:48 < elvis_> R2 的問題是,冷爆了....我要冷死了
11:48 < Noni> 噗~~~ Maxwux真殺!
11:48 -!- shieowmay [8c808517@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:48 < maxwux> AceLan: 這個好
11:48 < YChao_> LLVM啊
11:48 < dar> Day2 snem emscripten
11:48 -!- hugojay [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
11:48 < Peter__> LLVM(大心)
11:48 < jserv--> [R1] Day2: 改採用 C-based emulator 來作 Emscipten
11:48 < legnaleurc> 要是他是被 Nokia 裁到的話會很尷尬啊
11:49 < AceLan> legnaleurc: XDDDDDD
11:49 < legnaleurc> [R2] QtQuick 語法看不懂啊 ...
11:49 < chusiang-> 發現 pct 大大了!
11:49 -!- kylin__ [~kylin@] has joined #coscup
11:49 -!- AndChat|65844 [~AndChat65@] has joined #coscup
11:49 < jserv--> 15 分鐘的編譯很... 快阿
11:49 < AceLan> [r2] choupi!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11:49 < legnaleurc> 還有 wayland support
11:49 < Sorry> 今年冷氣開好冷,然後沒有東西可以補充熱量,ていうか「雪上加霜」?
11:49 < darkx> 都想兩分鐘可以不要先 compile XD
11:49 < jserv--> 被 Android 操慣了
11:49 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
11:49 < AceLan> choupi 來了又跑了
11:50 < Zhusee> 雪上加霜++
11:50 -!- AndChat|65844 [~AndChat65@] has quit [Client Quit]
11:50 < jserv--> [R1] 中肯評語:寫得很爛 :P
11:50 <@bobchao> 「多想兩分鐘,你可以先不用 compile」
11:50 < cyt93cs_> [r0] 為了快速開發, 只能先參考 Android 的作法
11:50 < Peter__> ARMvisor Code_refine以前的code也長這樣(淚)
11:50 < Swl> xy被痊癒變數用走了wwww
11:50 < Sorry> WDAD: What does Android do?
11:50 -!- freak_ [~freak@] has joined #coscup
11:51 < legnaleurc> freak_: !
11:51 < jserv--> 「痊癒變數」++
11:51 < YChao_> xy xx yy
11:51 < darkx> xxyy
11:51 < YChao_> yyy x2
11:51 < Swl> abcd
11:51 < darkx> y xx yy xxx yyy x2
11:51 < Alen> R1 講者: SNES.H 你把 a,b,c,d..都當成全域變數了,那我要用什麼????
11:51 < salagadoola> [r1] 沒有把電腦硬體的東西和超任硬體的東西分開來 這是很不好的設計
11:51 < freetsubasawhsh> xxyy abcd XDDD
11:51 < shieowmay> XDDDD
11:51 < cyt93cs_> [r0] 出現 emscripten!
11:51 -!- irvin_ [~irvin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:52 < Noni> [R0]無痛轉換!
11:52 -!- kakashi [~kakashi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
11:52 < dreamcwli> [R2] Caca 好炫
11:52 < darkx> 這縮排wwww
11:52 < janyeh> 痊癒變數+++
11:52 < nfsnfs> Qt/Caca 好好玩 XD
11:52 < darkgerm> 「唯一的限制是你的想像力!」
11:52 < AceLan> [r2] caca 好神
11:52 < Peter__> [r1] 這switch case傷不起啊
11:52 -!- brucehsu [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
11:52 < Swl> 重點是 OPEN SOURCE XD
11:52 < webbertsai> R0 demo
11:52 < salagadoola> [r1] 程式碼或許很亂 但他是open source
11:52 < cyt93cs_> [r0] demo time
11:52 < stevennick> 優點:他是Open source!
11:52 < janyeh> r0要demo了~
11:52 < legnaleurc> [r2] 沒聽清楚, 這是 x forwarding ?
11:53 < carl_tw> 快 demo!
11:53 < Noni> Demo的傳統 [R0]
11:53 < carlcarl> wow
11:53 < jserv--> [R1] 65c816 -> C -> LLVM -> JavaScript -> bytecode/IR -> x86/ARM
11:53 < dreamcwli> 所以以後可以用 Qt 做 Console GUI 了嗎
11:53 < AceLan> legnaleurc: 不是 是可以在 console 上跑的
11:53 < legnaleurc> Digia wwww
11:53 < AceLan> legnaleurc: 任何需要 X 的東西都可以直接在 console 上畫出來
11:53 < jserv--> [R1] Day4: 成功改成 SDL, 用 Emscripten 將原本的模擬器轉成 JS
11:53 -!- Freedom [650d328d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:53 < legnaleurc> AceLan: 你之前是不是也給我看過類似的 project?
11:53 < darkx> ansi 模擬器D
11:53 < salagadoola> [r1] demo: 文字版的超任模擬器!
11:53 < jserv--> [R1] 文字版本 SNES 模擬器
11:53 < Swl> 文字版超任模擬器www
11:54 < coldturnip> 文字超任模擬器,這超酷!
11:54 < AceLan> legnaleurc: 我忘了 @_@
11:54 < freetsubasawhsh> 文...文字版!!
11:54 < legnaleurc> K
11:54 < AceLan> [r2] Qt on Android, iOS, Windows 8!!!!!!!!!!
11:54 < darkgerm> [R2] 投影片底下的網址是 digia 的XD
11:54 < freak_> ?
11:54 < coldturnip> 用 PCman 可以看 XDDDD
11:54 < Noni> 文字 超任????? 有圖嗎?
11:54 -!- jeremy51810 [~jeremy518@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
11:54 < darkx> 用 pcman 也可以看www
11:54 < Swl> 黑白文字版超任模擬器→彩色文字版超任模擬器!!!!
11:54 < dca_> 可以用ssh進去玩嗎
11:54 < elvis_> R1 圖片詳細希望
11:54 < Alen> R1 文字版的超任
11:54 < wens> 話說, 是我眼殘, 還是coscup首頁真的有重複內容兩次?
11:54 < carl_tw> 有重複的樣子
11:55 < salagadoola> [r1] 1) 16色ansi版,用pcman也能看 2) 256色的ansi版 3) kde console的全彩ansi版
11:55 -!- nemu [8c6d7fd9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:55 < AceLan> kde console!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11:55 -!- king1223 [~king1223@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
11:55 < happybean> 重複兩次+1
11:56 < sntc06> ssh remote gaming
11:56 < StarNight> native code有絕對的優勢
11:56 < dylandy> 30倍
11:56 < imKojima> 3,4倍->30倍
11:56 -!- Beata_ [~BeataLin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:56 < jos> 演講果然要有趣才行…
11:57 -!- hamisme [~hamisme@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:57 < jserv--> [R1] Day6: 加入 File API, web workers, 發現 alignment 問題在 emscripten
11:57 < Noni> R0 代表 希望下次還有機會(完全弱氣!
11:57 < salagadoola> 原來今天還只是開發第6天?!
11:57 < adaam> 所有code都放在github上,想要的就去吧
11:58 -!- Yanyiyi [~nobody@] has joined #coscup
11:58 -!- smailc_ [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup
11:58 < jos> R0 謝謝…
11:58 < webbertsai> [R0] Q&A
11:58 -!- pellaeon1 [~pellaeon@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
11:58 < StarNight> 一直好奇,如果是要長久使用的程式。最終是不是都從script like的語言轉到native code比較好
11:58 -!- faulfish [~faulfish@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:58 -!- kito [~kito@] has joined #coscup
11:58 < jserv--> [R1] 今天早上才 compile 好的版本,立刻拿來展示
11:58 < Swl> R0 乙www
11:58 < ReticenceSu> 都沒人問阿...
11:58 < adaam> R0 over !!!!
11:58 < Steveice> r1 livedemo~!!!
11:58 < salagadoola> [r1] 早上剛compile好的東西 如果成功的話聲音應該會跑出來
11:58 < b00902106> R0 end
11:58 < jserv--> [R1] 已經做出音效模擬的 SNES 模擬
11:58 < darkx> 希望有聲音
11:58 < mabinogi80503> [R0] end
11:58 < webbertsai> [R0] END
11:58 < imKojima> wwwww
11:58 -!- smailc [~chatzilla@2001:c08:1:164:9878:9dcf:3bb8:e25c] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
11:58 < AceLan> 快來 R2 吧 還有位子喔 :p
11:58 < Steveice> Success......!?
11:58 < lunastor1> 用餐時間lol
11:58 -!- smailc_ is now known as smailc
11:58 < dannvix> R0 主持人想吃飯了...XD
11:58 < adaam> R0要先用餐了嗎XD
11:59 < kinabcd> 用餐XD
11:59 < janyeh> 用餐時間+1
11:59 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Quit: BardicheZ_]
11:59 < sntc06> R0 冷到想吃飯了...
11:59 < jos> R0 結束~ 用餐xd
11:59 < smailc> 用餐?
11:59 < Swl> 餓惹
11:59 -!- Jeely [] has joined #coscup
11:59 -!- kylin__ [~kylin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:59 < darkx> 餓惹QAQ
11:59 < webbertsai> R0 可以先吃飯嗎
11:59 < janyeh> 餓了餓了
11:59 < elvis_> Jeely: hi
11:59 < darkgerm> 快來 R2 ^^
11:59 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@2001:c08:1:164:2cb5:6855:e87c:1369] has quit [Quit: sonyu]
11:59 < Swl> 午餐不是1230嗎@@
11:59 < darkgerm> 1230 開往 不知道
11:59 -!- AndChat|662025 [~AndChat66@] has joined #coscup
11:59 -!- Watsontsai [~ashaneba@] has left #coscup []
11:59 < webbertsai> Code: 改變未來的力量 是不是換場地?
11:59 < Jeely> elvis_: hi
12:00 < yurenju> 好糗 XDDD
12:00 < dylandy> R0大家開始移動XD
12:00 < Swl> 是手冊上的才改吧,網站上的應該無誤?
12:00 < darkgerm> 網站到 1230 啊
12:00 -!- Guest86872 [~csk@] has quit [Quit: Guest86872]
12:00 < yurenju> 我今天一直出包 XDD
12:00 < Dai> 沒有點心QAQ
12:00 <@bobchao> 網站無誤喔
12:00 < darkx> 換到那邊?
12:00 < jserv--> 今天早上很爽 !!!
12:00 < sntc06> 下午有點心嗎?
12:00 -!- gnux123 [~gnux123@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
12:00 < ecilA> 下午茶是不是只有茶?
12:00 -!- jason2506 [~jason2506@] has joined #coscup
12:00 < Alen> jserv : 中肯
12:01 < Swl> 11:53 < darkgerm> 「唯一的限制是你的想像力!」
12:01 < Swl> 11:53 < darkgerm> 「唯一的限制是你的想像力!」
12:01 < Noni> R0 開始~
12:01 < jeffhung> 香蕉!!
12:01 -!- AndChat-662025 [] has joined #coscup
12:01 < jos> R0 又想睡…
12:01 < darkx> darkgerm: <(_ _)>
12:01 < DonaldIsFreak> [R0]學校研究丟垃圾筒~~中肯
12:01 -!- freedom [650d328d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
12:01 -!- AndChat662025 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
12:01 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@2001:c08:1:164:544:87a:5760:53d2] has joined #coscup
12:02 -!- stevennick [~stevennic@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
12:02 -!- enid_chen [~enid_chen@2001:c08:1:164:e18e:e5ba:1108:1160] has joined #coscup
12:02 -!- joycc_ [2a479939@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
12:03 < AceLan> r0 是 wycc 大大耶
12:03 < ccc-larc> [R2] 原來 QML 跟 QtQuick 是不一樣的...
12:03 -!- rail02000 [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
12:03 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
12:03 -!- mfs [~michruo@] has joined #coscup
12:03 < smailc> R0的人又變多了
12:03 -!- jaceju [~jaceju@] has joined #coscup
12:03 -!- Beata_ [~BeataLin@] has joined #coscup
12:03 < Swl> R1開始了,準備燃
12:03 -!- aitjcize [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
12:03 -!- narahuang [] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
12:03 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
12:03 -!- AndChat-662025 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
12:03 -!- Yanyiyi [~nobody@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
12:03 < Alen> R1 開工..
12:03 -!- df1 [~df1@2001:c08:1:164:f038:7ab5:8571:7fde] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
12:03 -!- AndChat662025 [] has joined #coscup
12:03 -!- yanyiyi [~yan@] has joined #coscup
12:03 -!- kylin__ [~kylin@2001:c08:1:164:e93e:ad5c:66d7:1329] has joined #coscup
12:04 -!- tboydar [~tboydar@2001:c08:1:164:dcca:a2a0:5bfc:b9b6] has joined #coscup
12:04 < Noni> R0 : 自己要的應用程式 自己來寫!
12:04 < dylandy> 用python 開燈!
12:04 -!- AndChat|662025 [~AndChat66@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
12:04 -!- lenny__ [~lenny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
12:04 -!- bobchao [~bobchao@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
12:05 -!- salagadoola [628bf843@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
12:05 < Noni> @"@ R0是換題目了嗎?
12:05 -!- elvis_ [~elvis@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
12:05 < carl_tw> 換了
12:05 < DennyHuang>
12:05 < Alen> R1 這場走感性風.
12:05 < maxwux> R2好冷....
12:05 < Noni> Orz...忘了update
12:05 < janyeh> [R0];
12:05 -!- linroex [] has joined #coscup
12:05 < darkx> 感性封XD
12:05 < maxwux> 我一直發抖
12:05 < StarNight> Arduino再現
12:05 < Noni> R1有多感性丫?
12:05 < Swl> OAQQQ
12:05 < kito> 聲音很感性XD
12:05 < janyeh> [r0] 講物聯網
12:05 < Noni> A_A~Y
12:05 < tboydar> [r0] internet of thins:
12:05 < tboydar> a new computing environment.programming your environments.many computers around you.need new program paradigm.write applications for yourself
12:05 < carl_tw> 期待明天 Emacs
12:05 < janyeh> internet of things (IOT)
12:05 -!- poao [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
12:05 < Noni> 謝謝janyeh
12:05 < Swl> 期待EMACS++
12:06 -!- linroex [] has quit [Client Quit]
12:06 < Alen> Noni : 會把你心中那個熱火鉤起的感性..
12:06 < janyeh> @Noni, 顏色怎麼弄啊?
12:06 < carlcarl> 根據之前的經驗 我都會帶外套過來@@
12:06 < Noni> > //// < 我也不會
12:06 < darkx> 作業系統!
12:06 < yanyiyi> R1 好感人
12:06 < imKojima> 穿長袖了還是很冷Orz
12:06 < darkx> T^T
12:06 -!- linroex [] has joined #coscup
12:06 < Noni> Alen 好有想像力歐 A_A~Y
12:06 < maxwux> 晚上來zara買外套好了,還有網路線
12:06 < kiang> r1 有點像傳教 XD
12:06 -!- fracting_ [~fracting@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
12:07 < allenown> 我覺得好像快下雪了
12:07 < tboydar> [r0]目的,簡化無限感測器網路的設計、安裝及使用 提供一個新的系統規劃方式讓下列三者可以很容易的一起工作, user installer developer
12:07 < cyt93cs_> 上個廁所回來發現 R0 換題目了 ...
12:07 < ca_> r1 現在是講什麼? 手冊/網站/單張的議程表 要相信哪一個-__-
12:07 < Noni> 去 zara買外套送網路線!?
12:07 < Swl> 網站吧?
12:07 < darkgerm> 網站
12:07 < jackymaxj> ?
12:07 < janyeh> 五月天
12:07 < carl_tw> 網站資訊最新
12:07 < janyeh> 五月天 表示:要相信音樂
12:07 < janyeh> 網站應該最準吧?
12:08 < Noni> 智慧家電連網 講好久了, 但device成本一直下不來~
12:08 -!- stevennick [~stevennic@2001:c08:1:164:85ac:8b3b:778d:d60e] has joined #coscup
12:08 -!- kylin__ [~kylin@2001:c08:1:164:e93e:ad5c:66d7:1329] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
12:08 < dannvix> allenown++
12:08 < carl_tw> [R0] 這個 programming console 可以調這裡的冷氣嗎?XD
12:08 < Noni> 不然我也想改造自己的房間
12:08 -!- hugojay [] has joined #coscup
12:08 -!- tC_ [4c4903da@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
12:08 < dannvix> 應該要批幾件外套來賣
12:08 < dylandy> live demo 調冷氣溫動
12:08 < Noni> 冷氣調整的demo ~~~cool
12:08 < dylandy> 度
12:08 < imKojima> 每年HIT/Coscup 都有新東西要批來賣
12:08 < janyeh> 批食物、衣物來賣+1
12:08 < StarNight> 應該是因為客製化程度高
12:08 < allenown> 去便利商店買雨衣來穿好了...
12:08 < carl_tw> (rock)
12:08 -!- weijr5 [8c6d7ff4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
12:08 < carl_tw> 其實這裡冷氣是故意調冷的
12:09 -!- HenryYang [8c70184e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
12:09 < carl_tw> 他要用 Java 來調
12:09 < RickZhang> AC.R0.target_temp.up
12:09 < Alen> jserv 又出現了
12:09 < darkx> jserv--++
12:09 -!- ABen [~Adium@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
12:09 < Swl> jserv!!!
12:09 < tboydar> 個人推薦. 推薦去年的not 網路票選 網站:
12:09 < Noni> Jserv上台了!?!?!!??!?!?!
12:09 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has joined #coscup
12:09 -!- jeremy51810 [~jeremy518@] has joined #coscup
12:09 < janyeh> test
12:10 < Alen> Noni 見名如見人...快拜
12:10 < BarneyC> R1引言
12:10 -!- phtseng [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:7d11:5598:202f:5b75] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
12:10 < allenown> air conditioner
12:10 < allenown> kill -9
12:10 < locy69> COSCUP Google+ Events
12:10 -!- amiboshi [caa9a395@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
12:11 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
12:11 < Swl> R1真的頗感性風@ @ ,原本以為是走熱血燃燒的說XD
12:11 -!- shengpo [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
12:11 -!- SammyLin_ [~sammylin@] has joined #coscup
12:11 < carl_tw> [R0] 這些節點可以點餐嗎?
12:11 < DennyHuang> allenown: 下錯地方了嗎
12:11 -!- Negaihoshi [~e222et@] has left #coscup []
12:11 < Noni> 拜請 jserr 讓我中 樂透!!!
12:11 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
12:11 < dylandy> 整個聽起來好像NXT
12:11 < dca_> r1前言好久
12:11 < JalenLin> 樂高?
12:11 < Alen> Swl 雖然外表很感性,但我覺的內在有股熱火
12:12 -!- joycc [2a479939@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
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12:12 -!- ming1053 [~milnex@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
12:12 -!- darkland [~darkland@] has joined #coscup
12:12 < Swl> @Alen 那就從每年寫一套OS做起吧!! :D
12:12 < nfsnfs> [R2] 投影片裡面圖的線太細,悲劇 XD
12:12 < Swl> @dca 你確定他現在還在前言?wwwwwwww
12:12 < Alen> swl : 好...(握拳
12:12 < Noni> 噗~ 一年一套OS
12:12 -!- ddioi [] has joined #coscup
12:13 < carl_tw> 一年一套 distro 可不可以?
12:13 < Noni> Alen 明年換你了!!!!
12:13 -!- weijr5 [8c6d7ff4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
12:13 < deghost> 沒有拿到餐卷的會眾請注意 現在有多出一些餐卷 可以至領餐卷處領取 by MouseMs
12:13 < Swl> 沒有拿到餐卷的會眾請注意 現在有多出一些餐卷 可以至領餐卷處領取 by MouseMs
12:13 < Alen> jserv有教過,完全自幹OS ...
12:13 < tboydar> [r0] 節點概念ppt
12:13 < yurenju> 主持人等一下要宣布在哪邊領便當嗎
12:13 < carl_tw> 可以一個人領好幾份便當嗎?
12:13 -!- ming1053 [~milnex@] has joined #coscup
12:14 < janyeh> =======沒有拿到餐卷的會眾請注意 現在有多出一些餐卷 可以至領餐卷處領取 by MouseMs======== <-- SESSION可以不聽,這個一定要知道!
12:14 -!- shadom [~someone@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
12:14 -!- SammyLi__ [~sammylin@] has joined #coscup
12:14 < Alen> Noni 明年上去 Live demo OS...反正一定不會動,就怪到 live demo 上就行了.
12:14 -!- keitheis [~keitheis@] has joined #coscup
12:14 -!- phtseng [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:b5dd:b497:6627:fdd] has joined #coscup
12:14 < Noni> [R0] Event Driver~~~
12:14 -!- bobchao_ [~bobchao_@] has joined #coscup
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12:14 -!- coldturnip [~coldturni@] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
12:14 * dannvix 試著跑 while loop 讓 MBA 變暖爐...
12:14 < carlcarl> 有點睏了zzz
12:14 < ijliao> r0 看到一個妹, 手持 kindle (touch 的樣子)
12:14 < darkx> www
12:14 < Noni> 哈哈~ 完全不是Alen的問題 都是傳統 ! 這叫宿命~
12:15 < XDOrz> 餓惹
12:15 < AceLan> ijliao: [x]
12:15 < Noni> ijliao 圖!!!!
12:15 < Alen> Noni 正解
12:15 < itswindtw> dannvix: 你開個flash網頁就行了
12:15 < Swl> 圖呢?
12:15 -!- smailc [~chatzilla@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
12:15 < Noni> ijliao 回報絕對位置!!!
12:15 < evenrain> 剛剛才發現我終於連進 IRC 了 (擦汗)
12:15 -!- kylin_ [~kylin@2001:c08:1:164:d15d:69de:4b86:c42c] has joined #coscup
12:15 -!- shengpo [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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12:15 < janyeh> r0 左邊第四排最右邊做了兩個妹,誰幫我拍照啊~ XDD
12:15 < darkx> 辛苦
12:15 < carl_tw> WuKong / NanoKong
12:15 -!- allstarschh [~allstars@] has joined #coscup
12:15 -!- Steveice [8c80850c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
12:15 < Swl> 環境真的滿重要的
12:15 -!- s884812 [3d75ad63@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
12:15 -!- Peter__ [8c6d7ff4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
12:15 < Zhusee> @itswindtw 開 Flash 取暖實在太中肯了
12:16 < ijliao> janyeh 剛講的就是我說的 kindle 妹
12:16 -!- brucehsu [] has joined #coscup
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12:16 < hrs> dannvix: XDD
12:16 < Noni> janyeh 你可以請她們往後轉嗎?
12:16 < evenrain> 柏強不是在左側第一排嗎,快拍照
12:16 -!- poao [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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12:16 -!- Swl is now known as Swl[R1]
12:16 < kkw> 伸圖!
12:16 < janyeh> 哪一個是Kindle妹?
12:16 < yurenju> 主持人跪求發便當地點~
12:16 -!- AndChat662025 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
12:16 < janyeh> 左邊右邊?我就是坐在她們隔壁的黑衣男... XDD
12:16 -!- AndChat662025 [] has joined #coscup
12:16 < ijliao> 右, 但他收起來了...
12:16 < linroex> kindle妹哪招
12:16 < maxwux> 在手冊尚有地圖
12:17 < Noni> 今年 真的好開心歐~ 好多正妹!!! 從報到處開始就 好陽光~~~
12:17 -!- ccc-larc [~ccc-larc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
12:17 -!- adaam_phone [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
12:17 < janyeh> 請求相機以火力支援啊~
12:17 < DennyHuang> 三樓兩側 或交誼廳
12:17 -!- Ed_ [~ed@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
12:17 < carlcarl> 肚子在叫QQ
12:17 -!- yanyiyi [~yan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
12:17 < kkw> 妹妹妹~~~~
12:17 < maxwux> 場地資訊上有吃飯地點
12:17 -!- TobyOoO [8c6d7ff8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
12:17 < Swl[R1]> 「考古題只有女生拿的到,男生都拿不到」
12:17 < carlcarl> 妹很多++
12:17 -!- SammyLin_ [~sammylin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
12:17 -!- coldsleep [~coldsleep@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
12:17 < DennyHuang> 1230才開始發放
12:17 * AceLan 的肚子咕嚕咕嚕地叫的好大聲。
12:17 < Noni> R0 未 更新防毒
12:17 < linroex> 餓了QQ
12:17 < carl_tw> 我還以為是 Skype
12:17 < carl_tw> 原來是防毒
12:17 -!- hrs is now known as hrs_R2
12:18 < amiboshi> 目前還有約20張餐券,還沒領到餐券的會眾搶快喔:)
12:18 < Swl[R1]> 好難過,沒有我的科系QQ
12:18 < ijliao> janyeh 旁邊的妹還不錯正 (Y)
12:18 -!- bobchao_ [~bobchao_@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
12:18 < janyeh> 兩個都不錯啊~
12:18 < dylandy> skype 有人上線了
12:18 < Noni> janyeh的位置是故意挑的!!! 嚴選
12:18 < ReticenceSu> 我肚子餓了(頭開始暈了)
12:18 < janyeh> 等下跟她們認識一下
12:18 -!- adaam- [~AndChat59@] has joined #coscup
12:18 < linroex> 遞名片
12:18 < janyeh> 我一早就先坐下來的,她們後來才來~
12:19 -!- SammyLi__ [~sammylin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
12:19 < dca_> janyeh: 合照
12:19 < linroex> 為啥不開一個正妹BOF(誤
12:19 -!- KE_ [01aa9ac5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
12:19 -!- aitjcize [~aitjcize@] has joined #coscup
12:19 < wens> 會不會看到我同學呢
12:19 < jos> 求圖><
12:19 < Noni> 所以是她們想認識 janyeh >////<
12:19 < janyeh> 我的名片已經上膛了~
12:19 < AceLan> linroex: 然後會都是男的參加 XDD
12:19 < Noni> wens 表示 : 正妹我同學 !?
12:19 -!- XDOrz [~XDOrz@] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
12:20 < yurenju> 知道地點了!
12:20 -!- b00902106 [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
12:20 < wens> Noni: 我不在現場 不要問我啊
12:20 < jackymaxj> 囚徒
12:20 < locy69> 有個女子 BOF
12:20 < nfsnfs> 只好請 wens 介紹了!
12:20 -!- jason2506 [~jason2506@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
12:20 < Noni> 噗~~ wens 事後也可以求證~哈
12:20 < cibs> 報 wens 的名字會有妹自動貼上來嗎?
12:20 -!- coldsleep [~coldsleep@] has joined #coscup
12:20 < janyeh> 男生去女子BOF... 可能就EOL (End of life)了~
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12:20 -!- phtseng [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:b5dd:b497:6627:fdd] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
12:20 < Noni> 驚! wens 大 可以認識一下嗎?
12:21 -!- dell [~dell@] has joined #coscup
12:21 < privism> janyeh: 不用吧
12:21 < privism> janyeh: 剪掉就好了
12:21 < freak_> Wens 大大...
12:21 < locy69> COSCUP 2012 BoF
12:21 < Noni> janyeh 會不會連GG都沒了~
12:21 -!- Beata_ [~BeataLin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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12:21 -!- kylin_ [~kylin@2001:c08:1:164:d15d:69de:4b86:c42c] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
12:21 < ijliao> 男生去女子 bof, 就... 變不是男生了 (?)
12:21 -!- ernest_ [~ernest@] has quit [Quit: ernest_]
12:21 < janyeh> 哈哈.... 免費處理~
12:21 -!- adaam- [~AndChat59@] has quit [Client Quit]
12:21 < yurenju> 我看到 janyeh 旁邊那兩個妹了,不過好遠!
12:21 < evenrain> R0一直進螢幕保護程式 XD
12:21 < janyeh> 靠近一點看啊~
12:21 -!- adaam- [~AndChat59@] has joined #coscup
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12:21 * AceLan 聽說女子bof 的主持人不是女的耶
12:21 < janyeh> 真的都很可愛喔~
12:21 < wens> freak_: 我想你今天沒去應該很難過 XD
12:21 -!- kiang [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
12:22 < carl_tw> 依瑪貓嗎?
12:22 < carl_tw> 是女的
12:22 < freak_> 超難過的 QQ
12:22 -!- swind_ [] has quit [Quit: swind_]
12:22 < jackymaxj> 囚徒啦!
12:22 < Noni> 應該是吧!? 依瑪貓!?
12:22 -!- joycc [2a479939@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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12:22 -!- mode/#coscup [+o bobchao] by ChanServ
12:22 * allenown 決定跑D3取暖
12:22 < AceLan> carl_tw: 是啊依瑪貓應該不會說他是女的吧 @_@
12:22 < jackymaxj> ㄎㄎ
12:22 < nfsnfs> allenown: ... 真的會很熱
12:23 -!- enid_chen [~enid_chen@2001:c08:1:164:e18e:e5ba:1108:1160] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
12:23 -!- fcrh [] has joined #coscup
12:23 < evenrain> 忘了帶滑鼠,不然中午可以玩 D3...(誤
12:23 < wens> cibs: 報你的名字比較容易吧... 我只是個宅宅
12:23 -!- max_ [8c6d10c1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
12:23 < AceLan> [r2] QML Demo!!!!!!!!!1
12:23 -!- yanyiyi [~yan@2001:c08:1:164:d9a2:8004:9305:f41d] has joined #coscup
12:23 <@bobchao> allenown: 你在 R2 嗎?是否冷氣太冷?
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12:23 < allenown> bobchao: 我在R0 寒冬中XD
12:23 < cibs> wens: 你好我是它它
12:23 -!- Guest44085 [~conan@] has joined #coscup
12:23 < yurenju> 冷颼颼
12:23 -!- ccc-larc [] has joined #coscup
12:23 < AceLan> runtime rendering!
12:23 < evenrain> allenown: R0 會很冷嗎?我覺得還好啊
12:23 < michael520> 哈庫啦馬它它
12:23 < carl_tw> 我也覺得還好
12:23 < dreamcwli> R2 也很冷
12:24 < Haraguroicha> R0後面爆冷....快結冰了....
12:24 < realpiyo_> R0 好冷 Orz
12:24 < jos> 可以吃飯了嗎?
12:24 -!- Steveice [8c80850c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
12:24 -!- mp607 [d24689d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
12:24 -!- winnieyang [caa9acf9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
12:24 < allenown> 大概有分區 我在右邊那區大概都縮在一起
12:24 < webbertsai> 剛換場到 R0 馬上穿上外套
12:24 -!- XDD [~XDDDD@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
12:24 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has joined #coscup
12:24 < KE_> 後面很冷
12:24 -!- ddio [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
12:24 < tsuki> 我冷到縮了><
12:24 -!- fracting_ [~fracting@] has joined #coscup
12:24 < jos> R0 好冷
12:24 < carl_tw> 我在第九列的中間
12:24 < evenrain> 我在 R0 右邊第四排,溫度我是覺得剛好
12:24 < nfsnfs> R2 前面我覺得沒有很冷 XD
12:24 -!- yanagiis [~yanagiis@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
12:24 < carlcarl> 鼻子過敏>"<
12:24 < carl_tw> 可能比較不冷吧
12:24 < KE_> 風超強
12:24 -!- mfs [~michruo@] has quit [Quit: mfs]
12:24 -!- kito [~kito@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
12:24 < maxwux> qt5 beautiful
12:24 < cibs> R0 超冷..
12:24 -!- FreedomKnight [~FreedomKn@] has joined #coscup
12:24 < sntc06> R0 右邊倒數第四很冷..
12:25 -!- shieowmay [8c808517@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
12:25 -!- IronGG [~nightmare@] has joined #coscup
12:25 -!- Takeshi [~Takeshi@] has joined #coscup
12:25 < amiboshi> 目前餐券領取處還有約10幾張餐券可供尚未領取到餐券的會眾領取喔:)
12:25 < jeffhung> r0 應該算 cloud track 吧?XD
12:25 < locy69> 部分出風口比較冷吧~~
12:25 -!- s884812 [3d75ad63@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
12:25 -!- happybean [dc883510@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
12:25 < lunastor1> r0 中間右邊靠走道還OK
12:25 < evenrain> amiboshi: 要請主持人跟大家宣布一下嗎,可能很多人都以為沒有了
12:25 < AceLan> [r2] QtQuck2 超強!!!
12:25 < wens> Noni: 我只是看到有同學打卡而已
12:25 < lunastor1> 我記得旁邊有幾個出風口蠻冷的
12:25 < AceLan> s/QtQuck2/QtQuick2/
12:26 < Noni> 期待[R0]不用寫程式來控制家電
12:26 < StarNight> R0的想法可以降低使用門檻很多!!!
12:26 < privism> 大家 personal hotspot 關掉之後順夕了
12:26 < tboydar> 那用什麼控制家電?
12:26 < amiboshi> evenrain: 可以請大家告訴大家囉XD
12:26 < jos> R0中間 右邊一直有冷風…
12:26 < descent> rich1iu: ping
12:26 < DennyHuang> 指令控表示:
12:26 < wens> 發正念嗎?
12:26 < winnieyang> hungry
12:26 < Noni> tboydar 控制冷氣....
12:26 < sntc06> 寫腳本?
12:26 -!- lh132 [] has joined #coscup
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12:27 < carl_tw> hungry
12:27 -!- mfs [~michruo@] has joined #coscup
12:27 < amiboshi> 煩請各位會眾不要把便當帶進會議室裡<(_ _)>
12:27 < evenrain> 我感受到 R0 右側吹來的冷風了...
12:27 < locy69> 注意!!!!!! 便當食物 飲料 不可帶進會議廳 飲食喔!!!
12:27 -!- ABen [~Adium@] has joined #coscup
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12:27 -!- IronGG [~nightmare@] has quit [Client Quit]
12:27 < carl_tw> 會議廳禁止飲食
12:27 < StarNight> R0 但是和機器設備的溝通,還是逃不掉客製化
12:27 < janyeh> [r0] 要demo了?
12:27 -!- hrj [~hrj@] has joined #coscup
12:27 < DennyHuang> 喔喔喔喔喔 r0 demo
12:27 < carl_tw> [R0] WuKong 來了!
12:27 < Noni> [R0]Demo
12:27 < allenown> evenrain: 真的 漂過來的時候很可怕
12:27 < sntc06> new 一個家電
12:27 < amiboshi> 目前餐券只剩下素食的兩張
12:27 -!- loyo [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
12:27 -!- enid_chen [~enid_chen@2001:c08:1:164:4927:e80d:f8b7:38d1] has joined #coscup
12:28 < webbertsai> 素食便當要到特定地點拿嗎
12:28 < dell> [R0]想到labview?
12:28 < carl_tw> 阿災,有人知道嗎?
12:28 < nfsnfs> QML 真不錯 0.0
12:28 < jos> R0要結束沒? 好冷…
12:28 < carl_tw> 我也是吃素餐
12:28 < ccc-larc> [R2] 即時渲染!
12:28 -!- BardicheZ__ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
12:28 < carl_tw> 素食*
12:28 < tboydar> [r0] 類似ifttt 圖形化
12:28 < AceLan> [r2] QtQuick 也太強大了吧!!!!!!!!!
12:28 < fcrh> R0 的界面很視覺
12:28 < carlcarl> wow
12:28 -!- yanyiyi_ [~yan@] has joined #coscup
12:28 < locy69> 餐卷請到 領餐卷處詢問!!!
12:28 < tboydar> [R0] 想到 puredata
12:28 < maxwux> r2 即時渲染超讚的
12:28 < StarNight> R0 嗯 感覺參考labview很多
12:28 < locy69> 依券換便當!!
12:29 < dreamcwli> [R2] 好強大的即時運算
12:29 < Noni> R0的demo 我好有fu (我論文也是做類似的
12:29 < RuinlandIxa> Clap,clap~(Lights on)
12:29 -!- loyo [] has joined #coscup
12:29 < jackymaxj> GOOD
12:29 < carl_tw> [R0] 真歡樂
12:29 -!- kordan [~kordan@] has quit [Quit: kordan]
12:29 < Sorry> (舉手)freenode 會擋同一 IP 的過多連線嗎?
12:29 -!- Swl[R1] [~fntsrlike@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
12:29 < carl_tw> 快 demo 冷氣溫控!
12:29 -!- aitjcize [~aitjcize@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
12:29 < RuinlandIxa> 會
12:29 < amiboshi> 素食便當也是在領餐處領喔,桌上有一個小牌子或是可詢問工作人員
12:29 -!- dainese [~dainese@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
12:29 -!- BardicheZ___ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
12:29 < locy69> freenode 會擋同一 IP 的過多連線嗎? 會~~~~
12:29 < jeffhung> r0 是自己刻拖拉界面嗎?
12:29 -!- Wildchild [caa9ad4b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
12:29 < Wildchild> Finally
12:29 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@] has joined #coscup
12:29 -!- ethan_ [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
12:29 < carl_tw> 應該是
12:29 < carl_tw> 吧
12:29 < evenrain> Sorry: 會
12:30 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
12:30 < tboydar> r0 是自己拖拉
12:30 -!- BardicheZ___ is now known as BardicheZ_
12:30 -!- chy168 [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
12:30 < Sorry> 所以得先找跳板了
12:30 < carl_tw> WuKong
12:30 < Sorry> (謝謝)
12:30 < carl_tw> Java 程式
12:30 < Wildchild> 怪哉剛剛一直連不上
12:30 < maxwux> [r2] 真的被裁掉了
12:30 < hrs_R2> 自己提了QQ
12:30 -!- nfsnfs [caa9a366@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
12:30 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Client Quit]
12:30 < FreedomKnight> 餓了
12:30 < evenrain> Qt 現在是什麼狀況?我還在用 Pyside 啊 Q.Q
12:30 < sntc06> 放飯!
12:30 < carl_tw> 吃飯!!
12:30 < dell> 吃飯~ \._./
12:30 -!- lafi [~lafi@] has joined #coscup
12:31 < Noni> [R0] ===============下課==========
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12:31 < darkgerm> 不懂為什麼 nokia 要砍 Qt... 砍完他還剩什麼
12:31 < tboydar> r0 end
12:31 -!- Jeely [] has quit [Quit: Jeely]
12:31 < webbertsai> R0 end
12:31 < carl_tw> 剩下空虛
12:31 * cibs 快冷死了 @R0
12:31 < evenrain> 喔耶 R0 放飯
12:31 < michael520> 甲奔
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12:31 < dannvix> 吃飯!!!!!!
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12:31 < evenrain> 希望我下午還進的來 orz
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12:31 < jeffhung> 又饑又渴
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12:31 < carlcarl> 又睏zz
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12:31 < jackymaxj> = =
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12:32 < dell> 喪屍即將出沒? (只想朝食物前進...)
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12:34 < amiboshi> 素食便當只有三樓才有喔
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12:34 < darkgerm> irc quit 潮
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12:35 < wens> quit 洗版潮...
12:35 < locy69> R2 還沒結束@@!
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12:35 < darkgerm> R2 還在 Q&A
12:35 < locy69> 外面已經在大戰@@!!
12:35 < AceLan> R2 還在 QA
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12:37 < AceLan> legnaleurc: 在發問!!!!!!!!
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12:41 < darkgerm> R2 end!!
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12:42 < locy69> R2 放人~~~
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12:58 < dar> 便當好吃,還有可樂!
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13:02 < kiang> 被便當的排骨戳傷 XD
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13:02 < privism> @@
13:02 -!- darkland [~darkland@] has joined #coscup
13:03 < orinx> @@..
13:03 < privism> 便當有多
13:04 < privism> 聽說的
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13:05 < hlb> day 2 lightning talk 報完了?
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13:06 < hashman_> 如果有會眾需要午餐請至北側用餐區領取 謝謝!!
13:07 -!- KE_ [01aa9ac5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:07 < kiang> 兩天的閃電秀都滿了吧
13:08 < kiang> 只剩下 Unconference
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13:16 < michael520> nobudy ??
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13:16 < michael520> help
13:16 < michael520> \help
13:16 < michael520> -help
13:16 < michael520> 囧
13:17 < KE_> 0.0
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13:18 < janyeh_> 進來睡午覺了~ 希望不要著涼啊~
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13:19 < FreedomKnight> 飯跟菜分開來 份量看起來好像有比較多唷
13:19 < hlb> 那就... 不用被釘在台上了 O_O/
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13:21 < michael520> 拿到麥克風開始rap
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13:22 < roliroli> 吃飽了
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13:25 < janyeh_> yo~yo~
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13:28 < dell> te
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13:28 < hashman_> test
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13:28 < amiboshi> 報到處這裡有人掉了的皮夾,請失主來認領
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13:28 < janyeh_> 經過去年被打臉之後,轉眼已經過了一年... @_@
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13:28 < barneybook> 分享一下噗浪
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13:30 < privism> 呼
13:30 -!- willyliu is now known as Fate
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13:30 < barneybook> 宣傳一下晚上有煙火可以看唷
13:30 < barneybook>
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13:31 < AceLan> Aaron Seigo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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13:31 -!- Fate is now known as Fate_Testarossa
13:31 < privism> 網路又要開始慢了 XD
13:31 -!- yuming [] has quit [Client Quit]
13:32 < hashman_> 有人分享懶人包耶 :)
13:32 < fcrh> 已經有變慢的趨勢 XD
13:32 < hashman_> 哪邊的網路變慢了?
13:32 < fcrh> 不知道是不是我遠端的問題. @第一會議室
13:32 * littlebtc 覺得明年應該來做 IRC Readonly mirror
13:32 -!- smailc [] has joined #coscup
13:33 < hashman_> 是無線網路還是有線網路??
13:33 < wens> barneybook: 擠爆吧?
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13:33 < fcrh> 無線
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13:34 -!- irvin_ [~irvin@] has joined #coscup
13:34 < Fate_Testarossa> 我在會議廳1 我好慢
13:34 < hashman_> 宣導一下 在會議廳裡面 只能看到瓶裝(有加蓋)的水 其他的都不可以帶入會議廳 謝謝
13:35 < darkgerm> R1++
13:35 < darkgerm> R1 還是好多人喔
13:35 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
13:35 -!- caasiHuang [] has joined #coscup
13:35 < hashman_> R1的網路已經請人處理了 請稍後
13:36 < privism> 我把飲料標包裝撕掉好了XD
13:36 < privism> 免得裝水也被以為是飲料
13:36 -!- legnaleurc [] has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.]
13:36 < kiang> R0看樣子沒有很滿
13:36 -!- legnaleurc [] has joined #coscup
13:36 < privism> 人陸續來了
13:36 -!- jereme [] has joined #coscup
13:36 < privism> 但還有一點點空位
13:37 -!- BardicheZ [] has joined #coscup
13:38 -!- jack_ [] has joined #coscup
13:38 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
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13:38 < jack_> hallo howie
13:38 -!- pioneerlike [~pioneerli@] has joined #coscup
13:38 < Howie> hi~:P
13:38 -!- poao [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
13:38 < barneybook> 可能都先去站別的會議室的位置了
13:38 -!- TobyOoO [8c6d7ff8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:38 < yurenju> 開始了!
13:38 < mabinogi80503> [R0]Start ~
13:39 -!- Fate_Testarossa [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
13:39 < TobyOoO> R0 轉播開始囉!
13:39 -!- Elsvent [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:39 -!- Lw [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
13:39 < barneybook> wens: 就去找個可以看到煙火的位置就好
13:39 -!- ming1053 [] has joined #coscup
13:40 < Howie> 第一會議室
13:40 -!- yuming [] has joined #coscup
13:40 < AndChat662025> 一堆位子都只放包包orz
13:40 < yurenju> R0 二樓也滿了
13:40 < StarNight> 剛地震阿
13:40 -!- deghost [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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13:40 < jack_> what's R0??
13:41 -!- Guest44085 [~conan@] has joined #coscup
13:41 < yurenju> 國際會議廳
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13:41 < jack_> thx~
13:41 < janyeh_> 經過我早上的調查顯示,今年增加的妹,大多是來自於參加者的女友/老婆... XDD
13:41 < tnth_> 放包包還算好的 一堆只放大會發的袋子
13:42 < fcrh> 其他會議室會把畫面轉過來嗎?
13:42 -!- lw [] has joined #coscup
13:42 -!- Fate_Testarossa [] has joined #coscup
13:42 < amiboshi> 就沒有單身正妹來嗎QQ?
13:42 < Fate_Testarossa> 我正妹阿
13:42 < hashman_> 會唷~~~
13:42 < dell> 所以競爭者只有一人(?
13:42 < janyeh_> @amiboshi: 你要大聲問啊~
13:42 < AndChat662025> 還有放電源線的
13:42 < janyeh_> @dell: good point!
13:43 < Fate_Testarossa> 你在
13:43 -!- Peter__ [caa9a64d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:43 -!- choer_ [] has joined #coscup
13:43 < Fate_Testarossa> 你在大聲啥啦
13:43 < XDD> Xd
13:43 -!- itswindtw [] has joined #coscup
13:43 < janyeh_> 其實是要認識正妹的姐姐妹妹啦~ XDD
13:43 -!- tboydar [~tboydar@] has joined #coscup
13:43 < yuming> [B[B[B[B/[B[B
13:43 < wens> janyeh_: 你剛剛的咧?
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13:43 < hrs_R2> @@
13:44 < barneybook> tnth_: 怎麼調查?
13:44 < janyeh_> 我有給名片喔~
13:44 -!- hrs_R2 is now known as hrs_R0
13:44 < elvis_> R0 二樓其實還蠻多空位的,在面對講台的左邊
13:44 -!- Lawe [8c75a825@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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13:44 < XDD> 有點兒冷
13:44 < darkgerm> keynote 不是 1330 嗎
13:44 -!- TOBYOOO_ [8c6d7ff8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
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13:44 < hashman_> 哪裡會冷??
13:44 < dell> 一樓中間有點熱 ...orz
13:44 -!- b00902104 [] has joined #coscup
13:45 < Elsvent> 二樓的冷氣口下方會有點冷
13:45 -!- SammyLin [] has joined #coscup
13:45 < XDD> R2
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13:45 < janyeh_> @wens: 靠走道的是walkingice(from 0xlab)的老婆~ 我旁邊的是KanRu( from Mozilla)的??
13:45 < AndroUser> /nickname lenny
13:45 < Fate_Testarossa> b00902108 誰
13:45 -!- shieowmay [8c808517@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:46 < fcrh> poao你忘了/nick (z
13:46 -!- jeremy5189 [~jeremy518@] has joined #coscup
13:46 < AceLan> kanru_: 你有女朋友!!?
13:46 -!- VoidChen [~VoidChen@] has quit [Quit: Bye]
13:46 < wens> 記得最近有噗說mozilla有新進正妹
13:46 -!- coldsleep [~coldsleep@2001:c08:1:164:43d:afd:f546:1e03] has joined #coscup
13:46 -!- b00902104 is now known as wandering
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13:47 < janyeh_> @wens: 這是業界消息嗎?
13:47 -!- b00902108 is now known as qqpie
13:47 < wens> janyeh_: 好像是在mozilla的朋友說的 @_@
13:47 -!- timdream [] has quit [Quit: timdream]
13:47 < hrs_R0> 好多 b00
13:47 -!- rocfatcat_NB [~lenny@] has joined #coscup
13:48 -!- XDOrz [~XDOrz@] has joined #coscup
13:48 < wens> hrs_R0: 老了...
13:48 < XDD>
13:48 < janyeh_> what is b00?
13:48 < yanyiyi> r1這邊默默響起了r0的聲音~
13:48 < barneybook> b00???
13:48 < ming1053> b00
13:48 < wandering> b00??
13:48 < hrs_R0> wens: 真的... QQ
13:48 -!- YSC [] has joined #coscup
13:48 < wens> janyeh_: 學號開頭... b00 => 100年入學
13:48 -!- Thomasy [~chatzilla@2001:c08:1:164:cd7f:82da:335f:c1d7] has joined #coscup
13:48 < janyeh_> 喔喔~ 新同學... XDD
13:48 < enid_chen> 沒圖沒真相
13:48 < barneybook> 喔!
13:49 -!- Law_ [8c75a825@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:49 < barneybook> 好年輕
13:49 < XDD> 一
13:49 < janyeh_> 推 學號上應該要加一碼判斷男生女生...
13:49 < littlebtc> ㄉㄅㄑ我是 B95 qq
13:49 < wens> janyeh_: 去查ID對照表就好了
13:49 < janyeh_> 對照表?
13:49 < barneybook> 現在是大學學號?
13:49 < wens> wandering, qqpie: 學弟好
13:50 -!- dainese [~dainese@] has joined #coscup
13:50 < ming1053> wens: 學長好
13:50 < wandering> �Q�{�X�ӤF�� OAO
13:50 < hrs_R0> wens: 學長好
13:50 < wandering> �Ǫ�n
13:50 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has joined #coscup
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13:50 < fcrh> wens: 學長好OAO
13:50 < barneybook> (還是不要透露學號開頭好了~)
13:50 < hrs_R0> linux13預設是big5...
13:50 < YChao_> wandering: please set encoding as UTF-8
13:50 < wens> 哪來這麼多學弟 ._.
13:50 < XDD> =0=
13:50 < Fate_Testarossa> 學長好
13:50 < ming1053> XDDD
13:51 -!- chayin [~quassel@] has joined #coscup
13:51 < wandering> I'm in linux 11
13:51 < darkgerm> 原來 R1 不會轉播 R0 QQ
13:51 < darkgerm> 剛剛跑回 R0 了
13:51 -!- qqpie [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
13:51 < fcrh> 有轉阿OAO
13:51 -!- YSC [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
13:51 < YChao_> linux13??
13:51 <@bobchao> darkgerm: 應該要有耶....
13:51 -!- dreamcwli [] has joined #coscup
13:52 < hashman_> R1轉播還有問題嘛??
13:52 -!- JoyCC2 [~AndChat62@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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13:52 < FreedomKnight> 所以沒有畫面嗎?
13:52 -!- gh is now known as Guest38877
13:52 -!- kcliu [~kcliu@] has joined #coscup
13:52 < hashman_> 我現在看畫面是有的
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13:52 < alan__> R1 ok
13:52 < yanyiyi> r1卡在 many tool to commanicate
13:52 < TOBYOOO_> R1 OK
13:52 < hashman_> 感謝:)
13:52 < hashman_> 什麼意思??
13:52 < darkgerm> 冏... 我離開前影象和聲音都沒有
13:52 <@bobchao> yanyiyi: 那… 不是卡 他一直是這樣
13:52 -!- Beata_ [~BeataLin@2001:c08:1:164:c05d:f884:6a0b:b64d] has joined #coscup
13:52 < hashman_> 嗯嗯ok
13:52 < tboydar> R0 也是 Many tools to communicate
13:52 < janyeh_> R0也是many tool to communicate
13:52 < yanyiyi> ok~
13:52 <@bobchao> 現在 R0 也在 many tool to communicate
13:53 <@bobchao> 嗯
13:53 < barneybook> yanyiyi: RO也是這畫面無誤
13:53 -!- peterlee [6f51be6f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:53 < yanyiyi> (了解了。)(掩面
13:53 <@bobchao> so… anyone from R2?
13:53 < YChao_> R0沒變!
13:53 < ming1053> 沒變
13:53 -!- ccc-larc [~ccc-larc@2001:c08:1:164:9ce:9859:dfa2:19e4] has joined #coscup
13:53 * littlebtc update some photos
13:53 < janyeh_> 裝防窺片上irc就不用擔心別人看到我打什麼了~ XDD
13:54 -!- gh__ [] has joined #coscup
13:54 <@bobchao> 變的時候再講好了 他這張不知道會用多久 XD
13:54 < FreedomKnight> 了解了 我想說應該要有人的畫面說
13:54 < janyeh_> 應該問,後面還有投影片嗎? XD
13:54 < barneybook> 看頻道裡面挺多大大的!~
13:54 <@bobchao> janyeh_: !!! 你突破盲點了
13:55 < Elsvent> R2是Many Tools To Communicate
13:55 < jeremy5189> 請問一下,R0的演講是什麼事後開始的? 12:30?
13:55 < ijliao> 原來不是 slides 卡彈...
13:55 -!- poao [] has joined #coscup
13:55 < barneybook> 切畫面了
13:55 < shieowmay> 換了@@!!
13:55 <@bobchao> jeremy5189: 13:30
13:55 < yanyiyi> 一次跳好多xd
13:55 < freetsubasawhsh> 換了!
13:55 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@2001:c08:1:164:31ec:dd52:3015:f18c] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
13:55 < hrs_R0> 換了
13:55 < Elsvent> 切了 XD
13:55 <@bobchao> now is planet KDE
13:55 < smailc> 切了
13:55 < YChao_> 好噁的字型...
13:55 < darkgerm> 中文耶XD
13:55 < ijliao> 字太細看不清楚 :(
13:55 -!- linroex [caa9acc3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:55 < kiang> 13:30
13:55 < janyeh_> @bobchao: 好像走錯session了~
13:55 < carl_tw> 他沒裝 wqy-zenhei
13:55 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@2001:c08:1:164:41b9:9dd8:2436:67c6] has joined #coscup
13:56 < barneybook> 又回去了!!!!
13:56 < jeremy5189> r1的同步有點慢開始
13:56 <@bobchao> back again XD
13:56 < yanyiyi> 又回到螺絲起子了
13:56 < rail02000> 又切回來了XDD
13:56 < YChao_> 某些字是wqy-zenhei
13:56 < darkx> XD
13:56 < hrs_R0> 回來了...
13:56 < windslash> XD
13:56 < freetsubasawhsh> 這張好像可以用很久(?
13:56 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
13:56 < janyeh_> 我就說只有這一張~ XDD
13:56 < yanyiyi> r1 講者跳出來了
13:56 -!- yuming [] has joined #coscup
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13:56 -!- yuming [] has quit [Client Quit]
13:56 < ijliao> r1 主螢幕右下角出現轉播了
13:56 < carlcarl> @@
13:56 -!- UncleHandsome [] has joined #coscup
13:56 < darkgerm> 他多喜歡縲絲起子啊
13:56 < smailc> R1 有講者 背景是螺絲起子
13:56 -!- helin [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
13:56 < janyeh_> many tools ---> 秀完tools就結束了,所以只要一張
13:56 < darkx> www
13:57 < freetsubasawhsh> XD
13:57 < hashman_> 所以目前R1的畫面正常嘛??
13:57 < EdwardYC> www
13:57 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@] has joined #coscup
13:57 < carl_tw> 三台都是 screwdriver 嗎?
13:57 < carlcarl> r1滿了 不然想去r1 QQ
13:57 < fcrh> 換了!
13:57 < privism> 那他應該要 show 一個 toolbox
13:57 < privism> 才有很多 tool
13:57 < YChao_> Formal Management Structures
13:57 < carl_tw> 我也想去 R1,可是很累懶得換
13:57 -!- mobomoga [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
13:57 < barneybook> 換圖了~
13:57 < fntsrlike> freetsubasawhsh ID也太長wwwwww
13:57 < carl_tw> 上當了,R0 在講 KDE
13:57 < ijliao> r1 很平靜, 休息的人蠻多的 :p
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13:57 -!- king1223 [~king1223@] has joined #coscup
13:58 < darkx> freetsubasawhsh: www
13:58 < smailc> R1很平靜阿~~
13:58 < carlcarl> 我是等下要去R1 現在待R2要多搬家一次orz
13:58 -!- freetsubasawhsh is now known as freetsubasa
13:58 < darkgerm> 我剛剛離開前 R1 很多人在睡覺0.0
13:58 < roliroli> 休息時間
13:58 < kiang> R0也有昏倒的
13:58 < privism> 有嗎
13:58 < hashman_> 吃完飯大家都想要睡覺> <
13:58 -!- mobomoga [] has joined #coscup
13:59 < privism> 難怪網路還會動
13:59 -!- UncleHandsome [] has quit [Client Quit]
13:59 < TOBYOOO_> 看不到的人可以看R0線上轉播 ->
13:59 < darkgerm> 我也想回去 R1 耶...怕等一下沒位
13:59 -!- KuoE0 [caa9a6d7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
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13:59 < darkx> >_<
13:59 -!- mabinogi80503 [~MaLar@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
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14:00 -!- kito [~kito@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:00 < janyeh_> 外面還有咖啡嗎?我需要一桶~
14:00 -!- UncleHandsome [] has joined #coscup
14:00 -!- lucky17 [] has quit [Client Quit]
14:00 < Fate_Testarossa> 這邊咖啡有點......
14:00 <@bobchao> janyeh_: 你會心悸而亡吧! XD
14:01 < Fate_Testarossa> 我第一次喝到和咖啡糖一樣
14:01 < poao> �`ı�o���Ƴ��b�D�Բ����
14:01 -!- Guest36489 [~csk@] has joined #coscup
14:01 < janyeh_> 不喝會留口水而亡... -___-|||
14:01 < df1> R1好小聲
14:01 -!- lucky17 [] has joined #coscup
14:01 < fcrh> 這個講者我聽不太清楚QQ
14:01 < kiang> 換上去這個比較緊張
14:01 < carl_tw> 這是買一送一嗎?
14:01 < YChao_> poao: Please set the encoding to UTF-8
14:01 < TOBYOOO_> 線上收看吧 ->
14:02 < FreedomKnight> kde 來的嗎
14:02 < Fate_Testarossa> 這個講者是否去年有講過?
14:02 < carl_tw> 阿災
14:02 < FreedomKnight> 他剛剛不是說他第一次來嗎
14:02 -!- HenryYang [8c70184e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:02 < carl_tw> 不過 Arch Linux 的 KDE 出奇地快
14:02 < YChao_> 前一位去年有來
14:02 -!- freedom [650d328d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:03 -!- AndChat|128225 [] has quit [Quit: Bye]
14:03 < Fate_Testarossa> 喔喔, 前一位了, 沒注意到講者換了
14:03 < yanyiyi> 聲音有改變
14:03 < roliroli> R2聲音變小了
14:03 -!- AndChat128225 [] has joined #coscup
14:03 < FreedomKnight> 沒注意到講者換 也太兇猛了 哈哈
14:03 < kiang> 大家睡醒了,網路開始不聽使喚
14:03 -!- AndChat128225 [] has quit [Client Quit]
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14:04 < FreedomKnight> 剛剛 痞客幫 那可以拿網路獻
14:04 -!- alicekey [2a4a5d01@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:04 < FreedomKnight> 網路線
14:04 < FreedomKnight> 會蠻順的說
14:04 < janyeh_> PIXNET還有正妹跟SG... 我有合照~
14:04 -!- jack_ [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
14:04 -!- XDOrz [~XDOrz@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
14:04 < kiang> 只能從Bob的螢幕畫面感受到我的訊息有發出
14:05 < ijliao> 我去的時候好像沒在發 :~
14:05 < roliroli> 現在還有線嗎?
14:05 < FreedomKnight> 那是活動
14:05 < FreedomKnight> 就要下載app
14:05 < narahuang> 我在R1用痞客幫的網路線偵測不到有線網路,有人可以嗎~
14:05 < janyeh_> 要下載7Headline裝起來才有送網路線
14:05 < TaiZai> carlcarl: yoyo
14:05 < ijliao> 不知道還有嗎 ? # 明明只帶了手機來 XD
14:05 < darkgerm> 痞客幫要裝一個 APP 才能拿
14:05 -!- amiboshi [amiboshi@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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14:06 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
14:06 -!- jack [] has joined #coscup
14:06 < janyeh_> 好想把眼睛閉起來,可是這樣就看不到講者 (OS: 其實是看不到電腦螢幕...)
14:06 -!- amiboshi [amiboshi@] has joined #coscup
14:06 < carl_tw> 網路線就是要自己做才 rock
14:06 -!- allstarschh [~allstars@] has joined #coscup
14:06 -!- linroex [caa9acc3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:06 < wens> carl_tw: 自己做衝不到1G的機率滿高的...
14:06 < FreedomKnight> 天呀 我們這裡看連線的 已經開始趴了
14:07 < michael520> ls
14:07 -!- nfsnfs [caa9a366@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:07 < michael520> cd
14:07 < michael520> sorry
14:07 < RuinlandIxa> 似乎物同物
14:07 < RuinlandIxa> 不同步?
14:07 < ijliao> 扁線不容易做...
14:07 < darkgerm> 話說他送的網路線竟然沒絞... 我以為網路線都要是雙絞線
14:07 -!- poao [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
14:07 -!- wandering [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
14:07 < darkgerm> 原來可以不是
14:07 -!- Peter__ [caa9a64d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
14:07 < janyeh_> 要做成扁的,就不會絞了吧?!
14:07 < king1223> r幾有活動?
14:07 < ijliao> 沒絞上不了 1G 吧... ?!
14:08 < darkgerm> 我買過 cat6 的扁線,有絞
14:08 < FreedomKnight> 現在已經開始了 網路線交流了
14:08 < janyeh_> 今天忘記帶的,可以湊和著用,明天自己帶
14:08 -!- Alen [~Alen@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:08 -!- Peter__ [8c72fd14@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:08 < carl_tw> 我帶了兩條可以用的網路線
14:08 < carl_tw> 粗的那種
14:08 < janyeh_> 明天又忘記的,再去攤位下載換一條... XDD
14:08 < smailc> 明天記得代線嚕
14:08 -!- kakashi [~kakashi@2001:c08:1:164:1433:94cf:ab50:b712] has joined #coscup
14:08 -!- itswindtw [] has joined #coscup
14:08 < Alen_> 體驗到前人說的 R0 冷氣好強 的感覺了.
14:09 < wens> darkgerm: 那應該不怎麼扁吧... cat6比較粗耶
14:09 < FreedomKnight> 這個講者是不是有點緊張呀
14:09 < michael520> ¡
14:09 < michael520> l
14:09 < kiang> 這個講師可能已經開始不知所云了 XD
14:09 < darkgerm> 有線比較穩嗎?我現在用無線沒感覺耶
14:09 -!- killtw [caa9ad53@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:09 < king1223> 扁的好像很容易壞?
14:09 -!- wandering [] has joined #coscup
14:09 < darkgerm> wens: 真的是扁線
14:09 < FreedomKnight> 會吧 我扁線買起來用爽爽呀
14:10 < nfsnfs> 之前用扁線很容易壞 Orz
14:10 < Alen_> 無線上網似乎還可以,不過 irc 擠不進去..
14:10 -!- YSC [] has joined #coscup
14:10 < FreedomKnight> 還夾在門下 壓來壓去的
14:10 < FreedomKnight> 都OK的說
14:10 < FreedomKnight> 不過也很貴
14:10 < carl_tw> 我家就用扁的,一直沒出過問題,速度很快
14:10 < lzy> 我現在這組扁線已經用三四年了 ._.a
14:10 -!- AndChat662025 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
14:10 < barneybook> Alen_: IRC很難進?
14:10 -!- AndChat662025 [] has joined #coscup
14:10 < kiang> 應該是來練習上台的 XD
14:10 < darkgerm> 類似這樣
14:10 < FreedomKnight> 原來是lxde
14:10 < nfsnfs> Will 感覺是比較容易緊張 XD
14:10 < darkgerm> ssh 回家用 irssi 沒問題XD
14:11 < michael520> 奇怪了我怎麼不能在irc下 who 跟?
14:11 -!- Watsontsai [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:6997:1b2c:6945:c5a6] has joined #coscup
14:11 < carl_tw> lxde 加油啊
14:11 < freetsubasa> R1螢幕剛剛有點酷
14:11 < ijliao> r1 主螢幕的投影機上緣狂抖
14:11 < nfsnfs> 等下 Will 也要講 lightweight KDE
14:11 -!- jos [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:11 < FreedomKnight> 聽說 debian 7要換桌面系統是換哪個呀
14:11 -!- SteveSu [caa9a620@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:11 < Watsontsai> 現在是??
14:11 < king1223> 三個聽都是一樣的議程?
14:11 -!- salagadoola [caae0405@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:11 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
14:12 < janyeh_> keynote啊~
14:12 -!- shieowmay [8c808517@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:12 < wens> FreedomKnight: XFCE?
14:12 < janyeh_> 不用擔心走錯session的session
14:12 < Alen_> barneybook : 我已經改用 手機 上網了.
14:12 -!- enid_chen [~enid_chen@2001:c08:1:164:8837:c926:c7cd:8f9c] has joined #coscup
14:12 -!- alicekey_ [] has joined #coscup
14:12 -!- wandering [] has quit [Client Quit]
14:12 < barneybook> 恩!
14:12 < fcrh> wheezy 有要換 ??
14:12 -!- howardsun [] has joined #coscup
14:12 < nfsnfs> 再生龍 0.0
14:13 * medicalwei 其實最近也沒在管 LXDE 的網站 OAQ
14:13 < FreedomKnight> 找到了 應該是 xfce
14:13 * medicalwei 放置貌
14:13 -!- Al_cho [8c6d7ff8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:14 -!- choer_ [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:14 < lzy> 有嗎?沒聽說耶 # 14:11 < FreedomKnight> 聽說 debian 7要換桌面系統是換哪個呀
14:14 -!- choer_ [] has joined #coscup
14:14 < barneybook> PCMAN出現了
14:14 < FreedomKnight> 就 debian 7 要換 xfce 了
14:14 < ijliao> pcman !
14:14 < medicalwei> XFCE 喔,貌似GNOME3 太大放不下一片 CD 的樣子
14:14 -!- elvis_ [~elvis@] has quit [Quit: elvis_]
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14:14 < darkx> !!
14:14 -!- darkland [~darkland@] has joined #coscup
14:14 -!- minecraft is now known as Quexint
14:14 < TOBYOOO_> medicalwei: (worship)
14:14 < Quexint> ls
14:14 < darkgerm> 甲
14:14 < darkgerm> 打錯= =
14:14 < medicalwei> TOBYOOO_: OAQQQ
14:14 < darkgerm> Quexint: hello
14:14 < Alen_> 話說,今年的 unconference 有沒有人要爆掛啊..
14:14 < alicekey_> 他看得懂嗎
14:15 < FreedomKnight> 水唷 pcmanx
14:15 -!- YSC [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
14:15 -!- jos [] has joined #coscup
14:15 < carl_tw> 我家桌機就是 xfce
14:15 -!- jimmytp [6f519e3b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:15 < YChao_> 卡卡..
14:15 < Watsontsai> ~~
14:15 < medicalwei> ( 最近在管的可能是協助某個 LXDE wiki 的管理者裝外掛吧 OAQQQQQ
14:15 < Quexint> darkgerm: hello
14:15 -!- BardicheZ__ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
14:15 < carl_tw> 個人認為 xfce 比 gnome 3 好用
14:15 -!- YSC [] has joined #coscup
14:15 -!- Thomasy [~chatzilla@2001:c08:1:164:cd7f:82da:335f:c1d7] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:15 < nfsnfs> xfce 蠻不錯
14:15 < medicalwei> 順帶一提, LXDE Wiki 有 25 國語言
14:15 -!- darkland [~darkland@] has quit [Client Quit]
14:16 < FreedomKnight> 我是個 gnome 粉 說
14:16 -!- mabinogi80503 [~MaLar@] has joined #coscup
14:16 < Watsontsai> 網頁~
14:16 < FreedomKnight> 這也太多
14:16 < Fate_Testarossa> 我比較喜歡Gnome2...
14:16 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
14:16 -!- BardicheZ__ is now known as BardicheZ_
14:16 < carl_tw> 喜歡 gnome 的可以用 MATE
14:16 < kiang> This page is not available
14:16 < darkgerm> 第三人在準備了@@
14:16 < darkgerm> 啊是第一人,沒看清楚
14:16 < carlcarl> gnome大家都各做各的@@
14:16 < lzy> MATE 沒有 deb repo ...
14:16 < barneybook> 接力賽????
14:16 < YChao_> 回去第一人
14:17 < smailc> 接力?
14:17 < FreedomKnight> 哈哈
14:17 < Negaihoshi> <3
14:17 < smailc> R1的投影片沒了
14:17 < TOBYOOO_> 我比較喜歡kde
14:17 < FreedomKnight> 就兩個換來換去呀
14:17 -!- Watsontsai [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:6997:1b2c:6945:c5a6] has left #coscup []
14:17 -!- hamisme [~hamisme@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:17 < carlcarl> kde++
14:17 -!- Watsontsai [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:6997:1b2c:6945:c5a6] has joined #coscup
14:17 < barneybook> 今年好像沒有日本講者!?
14:17 < carl_tw>
14:17 < nfsnfs> openSUSE 似乎也有人做 MATE porting
14:17 < SammyLin> 今年有日本講者喔..
14:17 < nfsnfs> 不過穩定性就未知 XD
14:18 < carl_tw> MATE 有 deb repo
14:18 < darkgerm> 哪一場?
14:18 < FreedomKnight> fedora 也有放呀
14:18 < sanyuan> Alen_: 你想聽啥掛?
14:18 < rail02000> R0下一場應該是日本講者?
14:18 -!- Watsontsai [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:6997:1b2c:6945:c5a6] has quit [Quit: Watsontsai]
14:18 < barneybook> (轉)請幫我準備武士刀,COSCUP 慶功宴的時候我要表演切腹。
14:18 < gh__> n
14:18 < gh__> \n
14:18 -!- SteveSu_ [8c701821@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:18 < darkgerm> thinker 不是啊
14:18 -!- AndroUser [~androirc@] has left #coscup ["退出消息"]
14:19 -!- Jeely [] has joined #coscup
14:19 < TOBYOOO_> THINKER 是 Mozilla Taiwan 公司的
14:19 < SammyLin>
14:19 -!- shieowmay [8c808517@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:19 < nfsnfs> R0 接著是 Hisao Munakata
14:20 -!- SteveSu [caa9a620@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:20 < Alen_> sanyuan : 產業掛,旺旺掛,宗端掛,督草掛
14:20 -!- Guest44085 [~conan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
14:20 -!- darkland [~darkland@] has joined #coscup
14:20 < darkgerm> 咦?我看錯了嗎?R0 下場不是thinker??
14:20 -!- ABen1 [~Adium@2001:c08:1:164:643e:6220:a96e:d89f] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
14:21 < TaiZai> 義大利?
14:21 < YChao_> 瑞士
14:21 < carl_tw> 我現在才發現剛剛是 keynote!
14:21 < nfsnfs> Thinker 是四點
14:21 -!- Quexint [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
14:22 -!- YSC [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:22 -!- superbil_ [] has joined #coscup
14:22 < carl_tw> 我要來聽 LTSI 的
14:22 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@2001:c08:1:164:8507:b4b3:c738:fa50] has joined #coscup
14:22 < darkgerm> 啊...真的看錯了
14:22 < FreedomKnight> 哈哈
14:22 < FreedomKnight> 樓上也太可愛
14:23 < YChao_> 村岡?
14:23 < Fate_Testarossa> 宗像?
14:23 < darkgerm> 村方
14:23 < Fate_Testarossa> 村?
14:24 -!- deghost [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:24 < darkgerm> 用日文輸入法打出來的 = =
14:24 -!- jackymaxj [~User@] has joined #coscup
14:24 < carl_tw> 休息時間到了嗎
14:24 < kiang> R0的冷氣有任何方式可以讓它弱一點嗎?冷到睡不著XD
14:24 < Fate_Testarossa> 村不是mura?
14:24 < YChao_> (LOL)
14:24 < carl_tw> WuKong (誤
14:24 < darkgerm> 宗像 打錯orz
14:24 -!- swaywang [~mac@] has joined #coscup
14:24 < Negaihoshi> ²�满�x�W�ݭn���}�o�̥[�J��s�A�L�̬O�ӱ�s���o��
14:24 < carl_tw> kiang: WuKong
14:24 -!- jack [] has quit [Quit: jack]
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14:25 -!- b97023 [] has joined #coscup
14:25 < RuinlandIxa> Unicode please......
14:25 -!- b97023 is now known as hrs
14:25 -!- choer_ [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:25 -!- choer_ [] has joined #coscup
14:26 < darkgerm> 幫問一下,ipad 怎麼上 irc??
14:26 -!- brucehsu [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
14:26 < alan__> test 測試
14:26 < fcrh> 可以用web版 吧 ?
14:26 -!- coldsleep [~coldsleep@2001:c08:1:164:43d:afd:f546:1e03] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
14:26 < darkgerm> web IP 限制連不上..
14:27 < FourDollars> pcman 大大
14:27 -!- alicekey [2a4a5d01@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:27 -!- alicekey_ is now known as alicekey
14:27 < superbil_> 現在 freenode 會檔中研院的 ip 了
14:27 < barneybook> darkgerm: irc999
14:27 < ijliao> 現在問的人是 pcman 嗎...
14:27 < lzy> y
14:27 < RuinlandIxa> <(_ _)>
14:27 -!- amiboshi [amiboshi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
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14:27 < dylandy> <(_ _)>
14:27 -!- TOBYOOO_ [8c6d7ff8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:27 < Taiten987> 有神緊拜
14:27 < darkgerm> barneybook: thanks
14:28 < Alen_> superbil_ 為什麼要擋啊?
14:28 -!- swind_ [~swind@2001:c08:1:164:1198:1714:fe2e:e074] has joined #coscup
14:28 -!- kiki_ [~kiki@2001:c08:1:164:adc1:aa6a:2:3176] has joined #coscup
14:28 < Beata_> <(_ _)>
14:28 -!- amiboshi [amiboshi@] has joined #coscup
14:28 < YChao_> m(_._)m
14:28 -!- KPXX_3g [] has joined #coscup
14:28 -!- ernest_ [~ernest@] has quit [Quit: ernest_]
14:28 < FreedomKnight> 是嗎
14:28 < FreedomKnight> 是pcman !!??
14:28 -!- XDOrz [~XDOrz@] has joined #coscup
14:28 < Alen_> m(_._)m
14:28 -!- hamisme [~hamisme@] has joined #coscup
14:28 < superbil_> Alen_: 就純粹連線數太多
14:28 < billy3321> @_@
14:28 < FreedomKnight> 快拜快拜快拜
14:28 < kinabcd> m(_ _)m
14:28 < fcrh> <(_ _)>
14:29 < EdwardYC> m(_ _)m
14:29 < barneybook> m(_ _)m
14:29 -!- AndChat662025 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
14:29 < hrs_R0> (worship)
14:29 -!- SammyLin [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:29 < ijliao> 一般 irc server 都會擋 flooding...
14:29 < darkgerm> m(_ _)m
14:29 -!- TigerHuang [~tiger@] has joined #coscup
14:29 < Alen_> superbil_ 了解...謝
14:29 < gnux123> <(_ _)>
14:29 < dell> m(_ _)m
14:29 -!- SammyLin [~sammylin@2001:c08:1:164:ed9f:8799:ded1:d300] has joined #coscup
14:29 < ijliao> 只能說這網段今天太多人連了
14:29 < darkgerm> 遠端回去安定
14:29 < carl_tw> 沒設 SSH 就進不來了
14:29 -!- YSC [] has left #coscup []
14:30 * AceLan 打了一個哈欠.
14:30 < ijliao> 有辦法的人就繞出去連進來吧
14:30 -!- YSC [] has joined #coscup
14:30 < StarNight> 翻牆
14:30 < Alen_> 換ip 連回來就行了.
14:30 < ijliao> 讓給繞不出去的人~
14:30 -!- hashman_ [8c6d7ff4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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14:30 < jackymaxj> HOTSPOT SHIELD
14:30 -!- kkw [] has joined #coscup
14:30 < tC_> VPNReactor
14:31 < YChao_> turn down their volume... :D
14:31 -!- yanyiyi [~yan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
14:31 < kkw> zzz
14:31 -!- yanyiyi_ is now known as yanyiyi
14:31 < barneybook> 果然要繞進來才會比較穩定
14:31 -!- TigerHuang [~tiger@] has quit [Client Quit]
14:31 < RuinlandIxa> 3淡定......
14:31 < kkw> you got it XD
14:31 < carl_tw> 早知剛剛是 keynote 就休息了
14:31 -!- jos [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:31 -!- KuoE0 [caa9a6d7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:31 < RuinlandIxa> *3G
14:31 -!- YSC [] has quit [Quit: quit]
14:32 -!- AndChat662025 [] has joined #coscup
14:32 < janyeh_> 剛醒過來... XDD
14:32 < Alen_> "Good Question" 果真是講者的專門回答用語.
14:32 -!- ccc-larc [~ccc-larc@2001:c08:1:164:9ce:9859:dfa2:19e4] has quit [Quit: ccc-larc]
14:32 -!- chengda [~Adium@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
14:32 < barneybook> R0 END
14:32 < yanyiyi> wake
14:32 -!- YSC [] has joined #coscup
14:32 -!- faulfish [~faulfish@] has joined #coscup
14:32 < Sc0tt_> 如果個空間 無線網路 無法正常使用 目前我們開放 COSCUP 2012 Backup
14:32 -!- freedom [650d328d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:32 < ijliao> 茶點時間 ?!
14:32 -!- alicekey [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
14:32 < AceLan> 他不是用 kde 的 calligra 耶
14:32 -!- Negaihoshi [~e222et@] has left #coscup []
14:32 < Sc0tt_> 如果個空間 無線網路 無法正常使用 目前我們開放 COSCUP 2012 Backup
14:32 -!- kito_ [~kito@] has joined #coscup
14:32 -!- kakashi [~kakashi@2001:c08:1:164:1433:94cf:ab50:b712] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:32 -!- XDOrz [~XDOrz@] has quit [Client Quit]
14:33 < ming1053> 下午有點心嗎
14:33 < medicalwei> Sc0tt_: 謝謝 OwO
14:33 < carl_tw> 下午有點心嗎?
14:33 -!- BarneyC [~barneyboo@] has joined #coscup
14:33 -!- Jeely [] has quit [Quit: Jeely]
14:33 < AceLan> R2 等等應該會出現 KDE 平板吧
14:33 < hrs_R0> . <3 <= 點 心
14:33 < Sc0tt_> 如果 無線網路 無法正常使用請嘗試 COSCUP 2012 Backup 這是新的AP 服務
14:34 < carl_tw> 按
14:34 < Sc0tt_> 如果 無線網路 無法正常使用請嘗試 COSCUP 2012 Backup 這是新的AP 服務
14:34 < amiboshi> 點心晚點就會上桌囉~~
14:34 < medicalwei> infate: ping OwO
14:34 < kiang> 有正妹上台@R0
14:34 < Sc0tt_> 如果 無線網路 無法正常使用請嘗試 COSCUP 2012 Backup 這是新的AP 服務
14:34 -!- nfsnfs [caa9a366@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:34 -!- SammyLin_ [~sammylin@] has joined #coscup
14:34 -!- lw [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
14:35 < medicalwei> infate: 包包包包 >w<
14:35 < tnth_> 看到穿著苦力怕外套的人晃過去
14:35 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@2001:c08:1:164:8507:b4b3:c738:fa50] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
14:35 < jimmytp> R1 speaker 說中文?!
14:35 -!- itswindtw [] has quit [Quit: itswindtw]
14:35 < medicalwei> jimmytp: 演講會用英文
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14:35 -!- Elsvent [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:35 < medicalwei> 他會說不會看
14:35 < ijliao> walingice (?) 帶兩個妹坐在 r1 搖區
14:35 < jimmytp> XD
14:35 -!- user [~user@] has joined #coscup
14:35 < ijliao> 搖滾區
14:35 < fcrh> creeper外套!??
14:36 < infate> medicalwei: what?
14:36 < king1223> 只有桌子沒點心qq
14:36 -!- Al_cho [8c6d7ff8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:36 -!- wanwan722_ [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:36 < freetsubasa> creeper外套 !
14:36 < medicalwei> infate: 你在哪 OAQ 我的包包包包包包包
14:36 -!- XDOrz [~XDOrz@] has joined #coscup
14:36 < dell> Creeper外套好像有兩個人穿
14:36 < hrs_R0> Ssssssssssss
14:36 -!- kiang [~yaaic@] has quit [Quit: Yaaic - Yet another Android IRC client -]
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14:36 -!- kkw [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
14:36 * medicalwei @ R1 後面
14:36 -!- dfasdfsf [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:36 -!- Guest44085 [~conan@] has joined #coscup
14:36 < infate> medicalwei: R0中間
14:36 < dell> 還好在廁所沒看到他們站在後面SSSSSSSsssssss...(?)
14:36 < user> a
14:36 -!- user [~user@] has quit [Client Quit]
14:36 < tnth_> R0右邊後面倒數第四排 要看外套的可以假裝晃過去看一下
14:36 * littlebtc 第四年開開梗全集串: 歡迎大家多加利用
14:36 -!- darkland [~darkland@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
14:36 -!- kkw [] has joined #coscup
14:37 < medicalwei> 喵…OAQ
14:37 -!- mfs [~michruo@] has joined #coscup
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14:37 -!- SammyLin [~sammylin@2001:c08:1:164:ed9f:8799:ded1:d300] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
14:37 < dfasdfsf> ???
14:37 -!- puyan [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:38 < roliroli> 汪
14:38 < kkw> ..
14:38 -!- brucehsu [] has joined #coscup
14:38 -!- shengpo [8c6d7ff4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:38 < kkw> 季衡
14:38 -!- SammyLin_ [~sammylin@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
14:38 < jeremy5189> 點心來了嗎?
14:38 -!- KE_ [01aa9ac5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:38 < king1223> boom(?
14:39 -!- YSC [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:39 < jimmytp> R2 人多嗎?
14:39 -!- rail02000 [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
14:39 < carl_tw> 我也有看到有人穿 creeper
14:39 < carl_tw> 哪來的
14:39 < king1223> 有點心嘛?
14:39 < coldturnip> 會爆炸嗎
14:39 -!- michael [~michael@] has joined #coscup
14:39 < medicalwei> coscup 還有點心嗎 (?)
14:39 < king1223> creeper應該只有一件(?)
14:39 < carl_tw> coldturnip: 可能會喔
14:40 -!- michael is now known as Guest59128
14:40 < mfs> r2 有少許空座位
14:40 -!- FreedomKnight [~FreedomKn@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
14:40 < Sc0tt_> 如果 無線網路 無法正常使用請嘗試 COSCUP 2012 Backup 這是新的AP 服務
14:40 -!- evenrain [~evenrain@] has joined #coscup
14:40 < carlcarl> r1滿的啊~~~~~QQ
14:40 -!- YSC [] has joined #coscup
14:40 < tnth_> 有兩件 都在我前面那排
14:40 -!- irvin_ [~irvin@] has joined #coscup
14:40 < coldturnip> R0 也是一位難求
14:40 < medicalwei> [R1] 是 DD 不是 DM
14:40 < carlcarl> 為什麼那麼多人orz
14:40 < tnth_> R0可以去樓上
14:40 -!- SammyLin [~sammylin@] has joined #coscup
14:40 < king1223> R0要滿了?
14:40 -!- yanyiyi_ [~yan@] has joined #coscup
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14:40 < littlebtc> R2九成滿
14:41 -!- yichiuan [~ooo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
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14:41 < medicalwei> [R1] 托馬:如果用英語大家都會睡覺
14:41 < jimmytp> 「我用英文你們都會睡覺,所以我用中文,好不好」
14:41 < mp607> 如果我用英語你們都會睡覺!
14:41 < syJheng> R1用中文XD
14:41 < Fate_Testarossa> wwwwwwww
14:41 < king1223> XDDDDDD
14:41 < ych> XDD
14:41 < carlcarl> XD
14:41 < freetsubasa> XDD
14:41 < AndChat128225> Xddd
14:41 < ryanho> XD
14:41 < carl_tw> [R0] Beamer?
14:41 < ming1053> latex beamer
14:41 -!- poao [] has joined #coscup
14:41 -!- lunastor1 [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
14:41 < fcrh> XDDD
14:41 < Alen_> 日本音好重...
14:41 < puyan> 中文XDDD
14:41 < YChao_> 看來這位有在國外待過
14:41 < carlcarl> 好辛苦XD
14:41 < Fate_Testarossa> 直球www
14:41 < jimmytp> 「我要講話的時候你們都在想...」
14:41 < jackymaxj> 對
14:41 -!- YSC [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
14:41 < jackymaxj> ㄎㄎ
14:42 < tnth_> R0這日本講者英文也太好
14:42 < dylandy> 年紀這麼大的人來說很標準了
14:42 < orinx> XXD
14:42 < jackymaxj> 超屌
14:42 -!- dfasdfsf [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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14:42 -!- sephXD [~sephiorth@] has joined #coscup
14:42 < amiboshi> 本次點心發放時間為3:40的休息時間
14:42 < medicalwei> [R1] Ian Murdock + Debra ……
14:42 -!- Al_cho [8c6d7ff5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:42 -!- irischen_ [8c8354d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:42 < dca_> r1徵求翻譯XD
14:42 < carl_tw> 不用 JessyInk 做嗎?
14:42 -!- shengpo [8c6d7ff4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:42 < DonaldIsFreak> [R0]...
14:42 < jos> R0 說的是英文?
14:42 < carl_tw> Sozi 也挺好的
14:42 < sanyuan> 點心方放時間還很久喔........
14:42 < carl_tw> 是
14:42 < carl_tw> 是英文
14:42 < jackymaxj> MD
14:42 < janyeh_> 麻將~
14:42 -!- poao [] has quit [Client Quit]
14:42 < carlcarl> r1這樣還是聽不懂啊XD
14:42 < jackymaxj> ㄎㄅ
14:42 -!- swind_ [~swind@2001:c08:1:164:1198:1714:fe2e:e074] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
14:42 < medicalwei> Debian Project leaders
14:42 < mabinogi80503> R0 英文其實蠻準的 (?
14:42 -!- nfsnfs [caa9a366@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:42 -!- tnth [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:43 -!- lunastorm [] has joined #coscup
14:43 < fcrh> R1 中英混雜中XD
14:43 < syJheng> R1變中英混雜了XD
14:43 -!- killtw [caa9ad53@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:43 < medicalwei> So, debian 大概有 1000 個 debian developers (dd)
14:43 < kkw> DD?
14:43 -!- evenrain [~evenrain@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:43 < smailc> DD
14:43 < syJheng> Debian Developer == DD
14:43 < ddsakura> dd
14:43 < ijliao> r1 還是請他講英文吧...
14:43 -!- rail02000 [~quassel@] has joined #coscup
14:43 < medicalwei> 大多數都在歐洲、美國,在亞洲 DD 很少
14:43 -!- swind_ [~swind@] has joined #coscup
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14:43 -!- MouseMs [8c6d7ff5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:43 < syJheng> 弟弟
14:43 < medicalwei> 就因此要告訴你們一起做 Debian >w<
14:43 < jimmytp> DD 是什麼啊 XD
14:43 -!- elvis_ [~elvis@] has joined #coscup
14:43 < MouseMs> HI~~~~~~~~
14:43 < puyan> R1你還是講英文吧.........
14:43 < medicalwei> 如果你們想要複製一個包(?)在 debian 裡面
14:43 < Guest59128> Debian Developer
14:43 -!- amiboshi [amiboshi@] has joined #coscup
14:43 < smailc> 一個包是?
14:43 < janyeh_> 包=package?
14:44 < kkw> 苞
14:44 < killtw> 我聽不懂他中文(死
14:44 -!- choer_ [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
14:44 < syJheng> 應該是
14:44 < kulokase> R1 DD = 志願者
14:44 < medicalwei> 要跟別的 dd 聯繫,把你的 debian 包上在 debian
14:44 -!- irischen [8c8354d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:44 -!- irvin_ [~irvin@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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14:44 -!- Guest59128 is now known as hinet60613
14:44 < janyeh_> r2又秀麻將了~
14:44 < ijliao> 一個老外講匪區中文聽起來是蠻有趣的 XD
14:44 < jackymaxj> R1c好想很有趣?
14:44 < mabinogi80503> R1 注目 (欸?
14:44 < Fate_Testarossa> 他是哪國人阿
14:44 < medicalwei> so, 我們..(?)
14:44 < dca_> r1真的很用心良苦
14:44 -!- yanyiyi [~yan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
14:44 -!- yanyiyi_ is now known as yanyiyi
14:44 < narahuang> R1 我們是一個社群
14:44 < jimmytp> 我們...匈奴...激動
14:44 < medicalwei> 匈奴、西貢(?)
14:44 -!- rocfatcat_NB [~lenny@] has joined #coscup
14:45 < mabinogi80503> 西貢????
14:45 < jackymaxj> 好想去R1看看
14:45 < Howie> XDD
14:45 -!- jason2506 [~jason2506@] has joined #coscup
14:45 < syJheng> 我也一直聽成匈奴 那是啥@@?
14:45 -!- kiang [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
14:45 < dylandy> r0 剛剛他問的問題是什麼
14:45 < carl_tw> 今天有匈奴嗎?
14:45 < janyeh_> r1會有錄影嗎?
14:45 -!- user_789 [~user@] has joined #coscup
14:45 < jackymaxj> !!
14:45 < killtw> syJheng 項目
14:45 < fcrh> 我也一直聽到匈奴
14:45 -!- user__66666 [~user@] has joined #coscup
14:45 < medicalwei> we are all volunteers, debian 不是一個公司, etc...
14:45 < Howie> 項目
14:45 < janyeh_> 會去要看一下
14:45 < Fate_Testarossa> 匈奴人?
14:45 < janyeh_> 回去
14:45 < yanyiyi> 什麼匈奴
14:45 < chitsaou> 原來不是只有我聽到匈奴
14:45 < syJheng> killtw: 噢噢 感謝 原來是 "項目"
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14:45 -!- grapefruit623 [~grapefrui@] has joined #coscup
14:45 < smailc> 匈奴是啥?
14:45 < fcrh> i see XD
14:45 < orinx> 項目
14:45 < yanyiyi> 感恩~原來是項目
14:45 < carl_tw> 就是很兇的意思
14:45 < ecilA> R1好像很歡樂XDDD
14:45 < smailc> 項目阿 ?
14:45 < YChao_> Hungery?
14:45 < carlcarl> 項目(驚
14:45 < syJheng> 請人翻譯了XD
14:45 < chitsaou> 原來如此|||
14:46 -!- tnth_ [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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14:46 < sanyuan> 聽說是法國人…………
14:46 < kiang> Int1 ap 好像掛了
14:46 -!- hashman [8c6d7ff4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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14:46 < sanyuan> kiang: 哪個 SSID?
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14:47 < carl_tw> 沒差
14:47 -!- jack [] has joined #coscup
14:47 -!- freedom [650d328d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:47 < jackymaxj> AP撐不住拉
14:47 < fcrh> R1: DFSG
14:47 < carl_tw> 我接有線網路
14:47 < YChao_> 坐在R0右前,NM會一直去抓R1的AP... XD
14:47 -!- amiboshi [amiboshi@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:47 < kiki_> 日本人的英文...><
14:47 < medicalwei> DFSG
14:47 < cyt93cs_> R0 講者好像在講日文 XD
14:47 < tnth> 難怪我剛剛不明被踢出去
14:47 -!- amiboshi [amiboshi@] has joined #coscup
14:47 < RuinlandIxa> Linux 3.0跟2.6的主要差別是= =?
14:47 < carl_tw> Janglish
14:47 -!- gary [76a30abe@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:47 < medicalwei>
14:47 < jackymaxj> R0現在日本腔出現了?!
14:47 < carl_tw> R0 講的是 Janglish
14:47 < dylandy> r0 需要分享簡報
14:47 < YChao_> cyt93cs_: 這位的英文以日本人來說已經很好了
14:47 < mabinogi80503> [R0] 日本腔注目
14:47 < cyt93cs_> 日本腔++
14:47 -!- gary is now known as Guest55628
14:47 < Guest55628> HI
14:47 < itswindtw> 我覺得講很清楚了..
14:48 < sanyuan> YChao_: 看看能不能手動強迫抓國際會議廳
14:48 < Guest55628> @@
14:48 -!- user123456 [~user@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
14:48 -!- KPXX_3g [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
14:48 < BardicheZ_> 剛剛從後門進來覺得在講中文 往下走到一半聽起來像日文 坐下來聽仔細才發現是英文
14:48 -!- MouseMs [8c6d7ff5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
14:48 < RuinlandIxa> LTSI == Long time support initiative
14:48 < jos> R0 講日文 會比較好…
14:48 < medicalwei> Debian 我的感覺可能像是一群有強迫症的人 (?)去保證東西是自由的(我很喜歡就是)
14:48 < YChao_> sanyuan 改有線了
14:48 -!- FreedomKnight [~FreedomKn@] has joined #coscup
14:48 < tnth> 是我和日本人交手太多了嗎 我覺得這日本腔超輕的啊
14:48 < carl_tw> 我有強迫症耶
14:48 < yurenju> medicalwei: ...
14:48 < sanyuan> R0 講日文……大概沒有人會聽懂
14:48 < ming1053> 講日文比較好+1 ..
14:49 < carl_tw> 我是不是該回去用 Debian
14:49 < YChao_> tnth: 同感
14:49 < tboydar> [r0]
14:49 -!- StarNight [~zack@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
14:49 < jos> 日文聽比較懂…
14:49 -!- rocfatcat_NB [~lenny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
14:49 -!- darkland [~darkland@] has joined #coscup
14:49 < carl_tw> linux-ck 也不錯
14:49 < RuinlandIxa> Why not gNewSense ?
14:49 -!- SammyLin_ [~sammylin@] has joined #coscup
14:49 < jserv--> [R0] 大叔好熱血
14:50 < medicalwei> 先進 unstable,過 10 天以後會進到 testing
14:50 < tnth> 樓上宅神!?
14:50 < jackymaxj> TERMINAL出現了
14:50 < YChao_> 熱血大叔+1
14:50 < sanyuan> YChao_: 應該OK了,請踹一下
14:50 < medicalwei> 現在 freeze 了以後是不會進 testing 的
14:50 < BardicheZ_> 端末
14:50 < YChao_> terminal
14:50 < medicalwei> 直到 wheezy release 之前,除非發了 freeze [D[D[D[Dexception
14:50 -!- grapefruit623 is now known as grafu623
14:50 -!- Edward2 [8c8063c6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:51 -!- s884812 [3d75ad63@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:51 < DonaldIsFreak> [R0]剛有秀什麼嗎?錯過什麼?
14:51 < tnth> 苦力怕睡著了
14:51 < jackymaxj> 我啥也沒看到
14:51 < jserv--> DonaldIsFreak: 沒事,我只是聽了幾次他的演講
14:51 < YChao_> 沒有
14:51 < kinabcd> [R0] 原來開terminal是為了要開pdf
14:51 < jserv--> DonaldIsFreak: 在加州、大陸,還有台灣
14:51 < jackymaxj> ...........
14:52 < carl_tw> 他用 impressive 開的
14:52 < YChao_> kinabcd 應該是不小心關掉了
14:52 < kiang> R0 剛剛只是用指令重開投影片
14:52 < YChao_> 他是用beamer產生的PDF吧
14:52 < carl_tw> impressive - PDF presentation tool with eye candies
14:52 -!- poao [] has joined #coscup
14:52 < jserv--> beamer++
14:52 -!- peterlee [6f51be6f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:52 -!- windslash [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:52 < jserv--> YChao_: 之前他好像都用公司的 PPT 範本
14:52 * medicalwei 最近在寫 impressive 的 qt frontend
14:53 < jserv--> medicalwei: 來幫我寫 IDE 吧
14:53 < jackymaxj> 果然是開源ㄎㄎ
14:53 < Al_cho> [R2] living coding...
14:53 -!- windslash [] has joined #coscup
14:53 < medicalwei> jserv--: OAQQQ (?)
14:53 -!- kiang [~yaaic@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
14:53 < jserv--> medicalwei:
14:53 -!- kiang [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
14:53 -!- SammyLin [~sammylin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
14:53 < jserv--> medicalwei: developers wanted!
14:53 -!- taicomjp [~kclien@] has joined #coscup
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14:54 < medicalwei> jserv--: HTML5 的 QEMU frontend 這樣嗎 OAO
14:54 < jserv--> medicalwei: 可以作更多啊
14:54 < billy3321> jserv--: 大大需要shell script developer嗎?XD
14:54 < privism> R0 英文講得很順啊,只是有點腔調
14:54 < tnth> 大會有毯子可以借嗎XD
14:54 < jserv--> medicalwei: 想像 Arduino 的週邊都能事先模擬驗證過,然後直接把 prototyping 轉化為產品
14:55 -!- peterlee [6f51be6f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #coscup []
14:55 < ygtw> <truth> 可以到離冷氣口比較遠的地方取暖XD
14:55 < medicalwei> jserv--: 這樣啊(暈)
14:55 -!- wandering [] has joined #coscup
14:55 * medicalwei 知道怎麼回事,可是我沒做過(倒)
14:55 -!- SamWu [6abb5e55@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:55 < Taiten987> 有點冷+1
14:55 < tnth> 苦力怕剛剛從我前面晃過去 不知道會不會爆炸
14:55 -!- peterlee [6f51be6f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:55 < privism> 冷很久了
14:55 -!- airman [8c6d7ff5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:56 * jserv-- 每年都在找可以自幹系統的需求出來 :P
14:56 < freetsubasa> SSSsss
14:56 < lzy> privism: priv!!
14:56 -!- AndChat662025 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:56 < tnth> 今年特別冷 印象中以前沒有
14:56 < imKojima> more creeper
14:56 -!- poao [] has joined #coscup
14:56 -!- AndChat662025 [] has joined #coscup
14:56 < wandering> �ոդ���
14:56 < billy3321> wandering: UTF-8
14:57 < medicalwei> 我看到表情符號了
14:57 < jack> JSDC也是冷到爆炸XD
14:57 < wandering> I see, I'll try it again
14:57 < carl_tw> Õ¸Õ
14:57 * jserv-- 還以為那是人形蜈蚣
14:57 -!- RuinlandIxa [~RuinlandI@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:57 * rascov 今天看到很多交大資工畢業的校友,晚上有空可以來「交大資工同學會BoF」聚聚,詳情請參考BoF文件
14:57 * medicalwei reboot OwO
14:57 -!- kiang [~yaaic@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
14:58 < YChao_> 人形蜈蚣++
14:58 < tnth> 大會有出借正妹抱著取暖嗎
14:58 -!- swind_ [~swind@] has quit [Quit: swind_]
14:58 < UncleHandsome> nctu!!
14:58 < billy3321> tnth: ++
14:58 < Alen_> rascov 畢不了業的可以參加嗎.
14:58 -!- XDD [~XDDDD@2001:c08:1:164:4820:af39:a5f8:1dbb] has joined #coscup
14:58 < littlebtc> 取暖不是拿一台MBP15就好了 (?)
14:58 -!- Thomasy [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup
14:58 -!- RuinlandIxa [~RuinlandI@] has joined #coscup
14:58 < rascov> Alen_: 來者不拒 A_A 不是交大資工想來的也是可以XD
14:58 < jserv--> rascov: 有交過交大資工女友的人也算校友嗎?
14:59 < darkgerm> 什麼時候有「交大資工同學會 BoF」的啊XD
14:59 < rascov> jserv--: 可以 !!
14:59 < privism> 早上看還沒有
14:59 < rascov> darkgerm: 剛剛臨時開的
14:59 < Alen_> jserv 你贏了
14:59 < jnlin_tfn> rascov: !
14:59 < syJheng> 還沒畢業也可以去嗎XD
14:59 < darkx> 大學部路過 >////<
14:59 < RuinlandIxa> J大......
14:59 < privism> 可是我是資科畢業的
14:59 < rascov> syJheng: 可以,我也還沒畢業
14:59 < RuinlandIxa> 113大學部++
14:59 < sanyuan> tnth: 麻煩你坐離出口遠一點的地方好嗎?
14:59 -!- chuiyi [~chuiyi@] has joined #coscup
14:59 < privism> jserv--: 你贏了
14:59 < jserv--> [R0] LTSI 複雜的運作示意圖
14:59 < XDD> 在R2看到有人眉來眼去
14:59 -!- evenrain [~evenrain@] has joined #coscup
15:00 -!- carl_tw [] has quit [Disconnected by services]
15:00 < jserv--> [R0] 複雜度挺高的 :(
15:00 < locy69> R2 要滿出來了!!!
15:00 < medicalwei> littlebtc: 開 flash 取暖 (X)
15:00 -!- caasiHuang [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:00 < littlebtc> XDDDDDDDDD
15:00 < YChao_> 好複雜...
15:00 -!- carl_tw [] has joined #coscup
15:00 < mrmoneyc> XD
15:00 < dylandy> 有人可以解釋一下LTSI 嗎?
15:00 < carl_tw> 好像斷線
15:00 -!- poao [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
15:00 < billy3321> medicalwei: It's COOOOOOOOOOOL
15:00 -!- Edward_ [5bd40c44@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:00 * privism 唸交大都沒交過交大的女朋友
15:00 < jackymaxj> R0我聽到黑漆漆(台語)?
15:00 < privism> 好難
15:00 -!- narahuang [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
15:00 < Fate_Testarossa> r2他剛才是打million嗎?
15:00 < medicalwei> 話說 Thomas 的投影片都用「軟體包」耶
15:00 -!- Edward2 [8c8063c6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
15:00 -!- poying [] has joined #coscup
15:01 < Fate_Testarossa> r1
15:01 < jserv--> [R0] 示意圖有點像 HxC 內部開發流程
15:01 < chuiyi> 念建中難道要交建中的男朋友嗎!
15:01 < medicalwei> 我猜應該是直接的簡繁轉換...
15:01 < mrmoneyc> 念交大不是要交清大的女友嗎?
15:01 < carl_tw> 這次開 tmux,應該不會再出事了
15:01 < jackymaxj> = =
15:01 < privism> chuiyi: 我相信應該有人是這樣的
15:01 -!- AndChat128225 [] has quit [Quit: Bye]
15:01 < jackymaxj> 大誤
15:01 -!- lance_ [~lance@] has joined #coscup
15:01 < littlebtc> 念女校難道要交女校的......ㄟ......
15:01 -!- kkw [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
15:01 < mrmoneyc> XD
15:02 < jackymaxj> 北一女同上
15:02 -!- kiang [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
15:02 < chuiyi> 忽然好有畫面…
15:02 < ijliao> jserv: 閃光發言!!
15:02 < jnlin_tfn>
15:02 < carl_tw> 唸北一女要交中山女高的
15:02 < XDOrz> XDD
15:02 < tnth> 突然超展開怎麼回視
15:02 < jserv--> 說到北一,這次也會有小綠綠嗎?
15:02 < sanyuan> 喂喂………不要欺負我們家的小朋友……………
15:02 < jackymaxj> 蝦?
15:02 < medicalwei> If you want to change Ubuntu, work in Debian!
15:02 < syJheng> XDD
15:02 < tnth> 誒....這次門口怎麼不是小綠綠
15:02 < jackymaxj> 哈哈R1
15:02 -!- Zhusee [] has joined #coscup
15:02 < yanyiyi> (真的把15"放到大腿上瞬間感到溫度
15:03 -!- darkland [~darkland@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
15:03 < medicalwei> 不過也有令人討厭的反例
15:03 < YChao_> 怎麼不是小綠綠++
15:03 < Taiten987>
15:03 -!- amiboshi [amiboshi@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:03 < roliroli> 去年是小綠綠的說
15:03 -!- Zhusee [] has left #coscup []
15:03 < fcrh> 這次門口的是北一的沒錯.. 只是沒穿制服吧OAO
15:03 < sanyuan> YChao_: 是啊………都是啊………
15:03 -!- amiboshi [amiboshi@] has joined #coscup
15:03 < RuinlandIxa> 我也想之
15:03 -!- KPXX_3g [] has joined #coscup
15:03 < medicalwei> [爆卦] C家員工因為某些緣故用到 library 在 debian 申請維護,結果 C 家不用就放置了 orz
15:03 < tnth> 沒穿小綠綠我們是認不出來的
15:03 < Al_cho> 果然制服才是大家想要的..
15:03 < YChao_> 原來只是沒穿制服啊
15:04 < dca_> 這次也不錯啊
15:04 -!- Lawe [8c7b68ab@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:04 < king1223> 點心來了!!
15:04 < Alen_> 原本以為一進門就能看到一堆小綠綠...
15:04 < king1223> 正在擺放中!!
15:04 < littlebtc> (敲碗)(被圍毆)
15:04 < darkx> 門口也有雄女跟附中的阿
15:04 < nfsnfs> 說不定明天就有了
15:04 -!- villerhsiao [~villerhsi@] has joined #coscup
15:04 -!- XDOrz [~XDOrz@] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
15:04 < rail02000> 至少不是一群男生穿著小綠綠的制服
15:04 -!- Lawe [8c7b68ab@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #coscup []
15:04 -!- airman [8c6d7ff5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:04 < jackymaxj> 幾個月了?
15:04 < littlebtc> rail02000: 中肯qqqqqqqqqqqqqq
15:04 < hinet60613> 參加COSCUP的福利(?)
15:04 < amiboshi> 今年還沒收到指令要帶制服QQ
15:05 < ijliao> 雄女來當工作人員也太熱血
15:05 < smailc> QQ
15:05 < jackymaxj> 制服趴COSCUP
15:05 < dylandy> rail02000:直球
15:05 < carlcarl> !!
15:05 < king1223> 男生穿wwwwwww
15:05 < XDD> 又是這隻
15:05 -!- narahuang [] has joined #coscup
15:05 -!- SC__ [8c6d10a7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:05 < Fate_Testarossa> 男巫女趴
15:05 -!- rich1iu [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
15:05 -!- kengyu [~Keng-Yu@] has joined #coscup
15:05 < jserv--> [R0] 提到 Linaro,喔,又是一個悲劇
15:05 < pellaeon_> amiboshi: 正牌小綠綠說話了!
15:05 < amiboshi> 一群男生綠制服是郵差吧>_>
15:05 < king1223> 不知道點心有什麼阿XD
15:05 < darkx> QAQ
15:05 < king1223> 郵差XD
15:05 -!- wandering [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
15:05 -!- AndChat128225 [~AndChat12@] has joined #coscup
15:05 < yanyiyi> 期待一下 一群男 小綠綠
15:05 * AceLan 輕輕地拍著 jserv-- 的頭。
15:05 < jserv--> [R0] LTSI <--> Linaro 兩個極端
15:05 < YChao_> jserv--: 悲劇?
15:05 < kiki_> amiboshi: 我今年不用穿制服了XD
15:05 < littlebtc> 郵差 XDDDDDDDDDD
15:06 < rail02000> 郵差XDDD
15:06 < smailc> 郵差 XD
15:06 -!- lance_ [~lance@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
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15:06 -!- Thomasy [~chatzilla@] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 17.0a1/20120817030555]]
15:06 < littlebtc> 神發想
15:06 -!- NepTunic [~neptunic@] has joined #coscup
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15:06 -!- poao [] has joined #coscup
15:06 < hinet60613> amiboshi: 今年畢業了XD?
15:06 -!- wandering [] has joined #coscup
15:06 -!- alicekey [] has joined #coscup
15:06 < king1223> 來去R0
15:06 < dylandy> R0 : any question?
15:06 < XDD> Linano悲劇?何解?
15:06 < roliroli> R2超愛螺絲起子…
15:06 < king1223> R0還有座位嘛?
15:06 < amiboshi> 是得我今年升大一OAO/
15:06 < littlebtc> 恭喜 ._./ 哪邊啊?
15:06 < jserv--> Linaro 永遠沒有 stable 這回事
15:07 < jserv--> 永遠沒有拼起來會好好運作的版本
15:07 -!- brucehsu [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
15:07 < XDD> 好可憐
15:07 < rascov> jserv--: XDDD
15:07 < AceLan> jserv--: 加油好嗎 XDD
15:07 < Peter__> jserv--: XD
15:07 < wandering> 測中 test utf8
15:07 -!- caasiHuang [] has joined #coscup
15:07 < RuinlandIxa> XDD
15:07 < amiboshi> @kiki:我們是否應該來個北一校友BOF(?)
15:07 < jserv--> [R0] Q: LTSI 與若干變異的 toolchain 之間的處裡方式
15:07 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:07 < YChao_> wandering> 測中 test utf8
15:08 < carl_tw> [R0] Karners
15:08 < YChao_> wandering: it works
15:08 * jserv-- <- 被操爆的 Linaro 前雇員
15:08 < darkx> >////<
15:08 < wandering> Nice XDD
15:08 < YChao_> 原來如此
15:08 < Alen_> jserv : 拍拍
15:08 < syJheng> Debian BoF 要教學@@
15:08 < wandering> 預設環境變數本來是 big 5 = =
15:08 < kiki_> amiboshi: 感覺學妹會比較多...然後幾隻學姊這樣XD
15:08 < littlebtc> 先放一下閃電秀梗
15:08 < darkx> irssi 可以轉 XD
15:09 < lzy> 學妹! 學姐!
15:09 < fcrh> Debian BoF 感覺很有趣
15:09 < jserv--> kiki_: 學姐~
15:09 < carl_tw> 你的 karners 是多少?
15:09 -!- killtw [caa9ad53@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:09 -!- sephXD [~sephiorth@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
15:09 < privism> kernel 有 warning 會過嗎?
15:09 < king1223> jserv晚上的BoF會講什麼?
15:09 < amiboshi> @kiki:可是今年有不少大學生的校友耶!
15:09 < jserv--> king1223: 晚上我只會吃 pizza
15:09 -!- evelynhung [] has joined #coscup
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15:09 < pellaeon_> kiki_: amiboshi 學姐!!XD
15:09 < privism> jserv--: pizza only BoF
15:10 < king1223> XDDDDDDD
15:10 -!- dainese [~dainese@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:10 -!- kito_ [~kito@] has joined #coscup
15:10 < macpaul> XXD
15:10 < FredC> pualliu !
15:10 < jserv--> [R0] Linaro 的苦主要出來了
15:10 < sanyuan> 挖哈哈哈………鄉民們想要看的小綠綠出現了......
15:10 -!- dainese [~dainese@2001:c08:1:164:4017:dcb5:8c8c:eb2d] has joined #coscup
15:10 < rascov> 奇怪我今天至少看到20個交大幫怎麼沒什麼人填BoF QwQ
15:10 < wens> littlebtc: 768MB 哪來的梗?
15:10 < ijliao> 剛 r1 在問有沒有人在其他 distribition 有 contribution 時差點就亂入說 freebsd 了...
15:10 -!- ccchiu [~ccchiu@2001:c08:1:164:bce5:b44e:519a:964e] has quit [Quit: ccchiu]
15:10 < kiki_> pellaeon: ??
15:10 * jserv-- 今天剛好穿 Linaro T-shirt,還是不要爆太多料好了
15:11 < kiki_> amiboshi: 哈我的意思是全場女生應該數得出來XD
15:11 < king1223> 點心只事先擺好而已QQ
15:11 < pellaeon_> ijliao: 大大應該會去 FreeBSD BoF 吧?
15:11 < pellaeon_> kiki_: XD
15:11 < wens> 有Debian BoF?
15:12 -!- kiang2 [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
15:12 * ijliao 晚上有事, 精神與各位同在~
15:12 < Andox> f@@~
15:12 < pellaeon_> Debian BoF 要教 packaging~
15:12 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@2001:c08:1:164:8507:b4b3:c738:fa50] has joined #coscup
15:12 < pellaeon_> ijliao: 哦哦
15:12 < littlebtc> wens: (不小心挑了一張最沒梗的圖片出來...... orz)
15:12 -!- tC_ [4c4903da@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:12 < Andox> sanyuan: 小綠綠在那邊@@?
15:12 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has joined #coscup
15:12 -!- bobchao [~bobchao@2001:c08:1:164:b488:4582:b1e2:400b] has quit [Quit: bobchao]
15:12 -!- Alen_ [~Alen@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
15:12 -!- AndChat128225 [~AndChat12@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
15:13 -!- AndChat128225 [~AndChat12@2001:c08:1:164:3ae7:d8ff:feb1:767] has joined #coscup
15:13 -!- evelynhung [] has quit [Client Quit]
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15:13 < lenny__> [R0] Paul ~~~
15:13 -!- BarneyC [~barneyboo@] has joined #coscup
15:13 < jserv--> [R0] Linaro 前苦主 Paul Liu 演講
15:13 < mabinogi80503> [R0] paul
15:13 -!- tboydar [~tboydar@] has quit [Quit: tboydar]
15:13 < Taiten987> XD
15:13 -!- mac_ [~mac@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
15:14 < jserv--> 重點是「之前」
15:14 < Taiten987> 苦主 ++
15:14 -!- deghost [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:14 < jserv--> [R0] Linaro working groups
15:14 < carl_tw> 之前
15:14 -!- hrs [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
15:14 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has quit [Quit: Yaaic - Yet another Android IRC client -]
15:14 -!- tboydar [~tboydar@] has joined #coscup
15:14 < carl_tw> 現在是 community
15:14 < amiboshi> 小綠綠當然在櫃檯啊>_>
15:14 < wens> pellaeon_: 那似乎可以跳過了 orz
15:14 < lenny__> < (_._) >
15:14 -!- tboydar [~tboydar@] has quit [Client Quit]
15:14 < Andox> (來去拍)
15:14 * Andox &
15:14 -!- Al_cho [8c6d7ff5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:14 < jserv--> 「之前」的意思就是從 變成
15:14 * littlebtc 撤退到處走走
15:14 -!- enid_chen [~enid_chen@2001:c08:1:164:8837:c926:c7cd:8f9c] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:14 -!- faulfish [~faulfish@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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15:15 -!- tC_ [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:15 < smailc> R1人變多了
15:15 -!- evelynhung [] has joined #coscup
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15:15 -!- KE_ [01aa9ac5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:16 < darkgerm> 一堆人涌進 R1
15:16 -!- taicomjp1 [~kclien@] has joined #coscup
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15:16 < wens> evelynhung: hi :p
15:16 -!- taicomjp [~kclien@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
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15:16 -!- XDD [~XDDDD@2001:c08:1:164:4820:af39:a5f8:1dbb] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:16 -!- alan__ [~alan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
15:16 < Guest44085> R0好冷....................
15:16 -!- DHQB [caa9a395@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:16 -!- Deghost [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:16 < evelynhung> wens: hi :D
15:16 < BarneyC> 感覺r1還是不多人
15:16 -!- king1223 [~king1223@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
15:16 < DHQB> (yay)\
15:16 < wens> evelynhung: 我看freak簽了BoF 可他不是沒去嗎? XD
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15:17 < DHQB> 早上r2人少少
15:17 -!- Guest44085 [~conan@] has joined #coscup
15:17 < darkgerm> 我想問一下 bof 寫的 tbd 是哪啊?
15:17 -!- wandering [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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15:19 < rascov> darkgerm: to be discussed, 待討論
15:20 -!- rich1iu [] has joined #coscup
15:20 < darkgerm> rascov: 恩恩~ 感謝
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15:21 < tnth> 剛剛晃一圈看到女僕
15:22 < privism> 目前無法編輯
15:22 < privism> 太多人在看BoF文件
15:22 < BarneyC> IRC 好安靜
15:22 < dell> 我以為女僕是眼花 OAO
15:22 < rascov> privism: XD
15:22 < AceLan> 女僕!!!!!!!
15:22 < hinet60613> 看到女僕+1
15:22 < carlcarl> 有看到+1
15:22 < janyeh_> 吃飯的時候就看到了~
15:22 < chuiyi> 這個月 什麼都有可能看到 (逃
15:22 -!- mac_ [~mac@] has joined #coscup
15:22 -!- Steveice [8c80850c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:23 < darkgerm> 有看到+1
15:23 < AceLan> [r2] 的 speaker 是個不會寫 code 的資工博士 XDD
15:23 < alicekey> 女僕去年就有了XD
15:23 < kulokase> g4jp4
15:23 < ryanho> XDDD
15:23 < FourDollars> 射進去x2?
15:23 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@2001:c08:1:164:8507:b4b3:c738:fa50] has joined #coscup
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15:23 < adaam> R0 剛剛好害羞
15:23 < kulokase> 外面還有飲料嗎?
15:23 < twolights> -艸-
15:24 < janyeh_> 有咖啡嗎?
15:24 < jack> 剛有看到穿和服+木屐的男生~~~
15:24 < dell> 還有熱紅茶
15:24 < BarneyC> 就r1旁邊可以看到女僕
15:24 < smailc> 女僕中午就看到嚕~~
15:24 -!- superbil_ [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:24 -!- KiraYao [~elegant_p@] has joined #coscup
15:24 < tnth> 木屐那個剛剛在玩機器人
15:24 < Fate_Testarossa> 去年還有巫女耶
15:24 < KiraYao> 終於搶進來了....
15:24 < hinet60613> jack: 好像真的是日本人喔,有聽到他跟partner講日文
15:24 -!- SamWu [6abb5e55@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:24 < KiraYao> 連了一個下午都連不上orz
15:25 -!- mhsin_bsd [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
15:25 < kulokase> 和服+木屐!!
15:25 < janyeh_> 日本人無誤,看名牌的
15:25 < Peter__> 木屐那位應該是Imamura桑吧,他是今年的講者
15:25 < LHD> 原來我剛看到和服和女僕不是幻覺...
15:25 -!- sammyfung [] has joined #coscup
15:25 -!- ming1053 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
15:25 < chuiyi> OSDC也有出現
15:25 -!- astro^ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
15:25 < chuiyi> 可能是未來巨大機器人先驅
15:25 < janyeh_> 有samurai嗎?
15:26 < jack> 原來都不是幻覺,木屐是講哪場阿?
15:26 < FreedomKnight> 現在的議程有動過嗎
15:26 < tnth> 明天會有人騎掃把飛進來(誤)
15:26 < NepTunic> 腦波搖控機器人
15:26 -!- hrs [] has joined #coscup
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15:26 < in2> 看到女僕 *心*
15:26 -!- Steveice_ [8c80850c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:26 < RIH> 好冷喔~
15:26 < smailc> 越來越扯 = =
15:26 < yurenju> [BoF] 因為要準備訂 Pizza 了,所以 BoF 的人數統計到三點半為止 -- BoF 負責人
15:26 < Peter__> Imamura桑講第二天r0 1400
15:26 < jack> ok thx
15:27 -!- Steveice [8c80850c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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15:27 -!- XDD [~XDDDD@2001:c08:1:164:4820:af39:a5f8:1dbb] has joined #coscup
15:27 < carlcarl> R1 還滿威的 是都整合進來了嗎
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15:28 < jimmytp> R1 投影機打出去上下都切掉啦...
15:28 < Fate_Testarossa> 今村謙之
15:28 -!- deghost [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:28 < carlcarl> 切掉是滿囧的=.=
15:28 -!- jos [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
15:28 < jimmytp> 有沒有工作人員能夠處理一下? @@"
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15:29 -!- jack [] has quit [Quit: jack]
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15:29 < Steveice_> r1是廣告時間吧
15:29 < Steveice_> 話說......東海並沒有這個中心啊
15:29 -!- watsontsai [~ashaneba@] has joined #coscup
15:29 < Fate_Testarossa> r1 zzzzzzzz
15:30 -!- StarNight [~AndChat65@] has quit [Quit: Bye]
15:30 < watsontsai> why?
15:30 < KiraYao> 居然有菲特出現了!!!
15:30 < darkgerm> @@! 哪裡?
15:30 -!- brucehsu [~brucehsu@] has joined #coscup
15:30 < smailc> 啊? R0的>
15:30 < albb0920> @@!
15:30 < KiraYao> 在這阿....
15:30 -!- ch_cp [72888421@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
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15:30 < darkgerm> 求圖...
15:31 < albb0920> 求圖+!
15:31 < KiraYao> Fate_Testarossa r1 zzzzzzzz
15:31 < smailc> 求圖
15:31 < smailc> = =
15:31 -!- KE_ [01aa9ac5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:31 < carlcarl> XDDD
15:31 < Fate_Testarossa> 我還以為有人cosplay 菲特= =
15:31 < KiraYao> XDDDDD
15:31 < mrmoneyc> SUbuntu!
15:31 < smailc> ME TOO
15:31 < lenny__> BOF ..殘念
15:31 < KiraYao> 那跑錯會場吧(?)
15:31 < KiraYao> 還是.....來對地方了()?
15:32 < Alen_> kiraYao 會一秒變格格嗎..(誤
15:32 < KiraYao> R2:Akonadi
15:32 < dca_> bof 還沒填XD
15:32 < darkgerm> 真不應該跑場的0.0
15:32 -!- king1223 [~king1223@] has joined #coscup
15:32 < KiraYao> 這東西.....
15:32 < hinet60613> mrmoneyc: SUbuntu好可愛>/////<
15:32 < KiraYao> 寫程式產生一堆檔案的時候會把系統拖垮orz
15:32 -!- Shawn [8c77603f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:33 < FreedomKnight> 哈哈原來那樣叫 subuntu
15:33 < jeffhung> KiraYao: 更糟糕的是,如果是在 dropbox 目錄下產生的話。
15:33 -!- coldturnip [~coldturni@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
15:33 < KiraYao> 這我也幹過....
15:33 < jimmytp> R1 後面中間一直有人在講話...zzz
15:33 < KiraYao> 直接把我的Dropbox塞爆炸
15:33 < KiraYao> <-這傢伙是個笨蛋
15:33 < wandering> 有菲特 ?
15:34 -!- caasiHuang [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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15:34 < privism> jeffhung: 副檔名吐成 .exe 讓防毒軟體順便來湊一腳
15:34 < KiraYao> 吐什麼都會來湊一腳了吧?
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15:34 -!- Fate_Testarossa is now known as BillyHerrington
15:34 -!- evenrain [~evenrain@] has joined #coscup
15:34 < adaam> R0 over
15:34 < AceLan> akonadi 的 client/server 架構真的是超棒的
15:34 < adaam> 據說是點心時間?
15:35 < hinet60613> 菲特 改名為 比例海靈頓
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15:35 < KiraYao> Akonadi is very lightweight...................................
15:35 < BillyHerrington> 好了 菲特沒了
15:35 < amiboshi> 點心wwwwwwwwwwwwww
15:35 -!- superbil- [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
15:35 -!- dainese [~dainese@2001:c08:1:164:4017:dcb5:8c8c:eb2d] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:35 < privism> 比利來了
15:35 < KiraYao> 但是多了個森之妖精...XD
15:35 * jserv-- at JuluOSDev workshop
15:35 -!- grapefruit623 [~grapefrui@] has joined #coscup
15:35 < sammyfung> R2 很久沒留意kolab,想不到有 akonadi 這東西
15:35 -!- nemu [8c6d7fd9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:35 < KiraYao> 這很久了阿
15:36 -!- dainese [~dainese@2001:c08:1:164:4017:dcb5:8c8c:eb2d] has joined #coscup
15:36 < KiraYao> KDE推這個東西推很久
15:36 < KiraYao> 後面的Semantic Desktop做了很久才像樣
15:36 < jserv--> [W] <- 暫時用這個 prefix
15:36 < KiraYao> 但是...做Indexing的時候很煩
15:36 < jserv--> [W] UNIX v6 衍生的作業系統流派
15:36 < ryanho> 吃資源吃很兇,總是會被使用者關掉
15:37 < nemu> 覓食區大排長攏 XD'
15:37 -!- jason2506 [~jason2506@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:37 < KiraYao> Kolab 3.0
15:37 -!- Beata_ [~BeataLin@2001:c08:1:164:c05d:f884:6a0b:b64d] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:38 < ryanho> [r2]war, war never changes (ry
15:38 -!- choer_ [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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15:38 < nemu> 工作人員站出來表示: 不用排隊 XD'
15:38 < KiraYao> activeSync....
15:39 < KiraYao> 這東西還活著阿@@
15:39 < BillyHerrington> 再見 吃點心去
15:39 < watsontsai> :)
15:39 < jserv--> [W] Cloud OS, Mobile OS, ...
15:39 -!- BillyHerrington [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
15:39 -!- jereme_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
15:39 < KiraYao> 點心區,森之妖精出沒中!
15:39 < AceLan> [r2] Aaron 聽 akonadi 聽到睡著了 XDD
15:39 -!- lenny__ [~lenny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
15:39 < in2> 森之妖精!!!!!!
15:40 -!- wandering [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
15:40 < KiraYao> 晚上糗他(?)
15:40 < jserv--> [W] Smart OS = ZFS + DTrace + Zones + KVM
15:40 < KiraYao> 硬兔不會誤會了吧.....
15:40 -!- Quexint [7cf8cd6e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:40 < nemu> ((目擊!!
15:40 < AceLan> KiraYao: @_@
15:40 < janyeh_> @KiraYao: ActiveSync應該inactive了吧?
15:41 < KiraYao> 所以我聽到Kolab未來要做activeSync支援的時候我吃驚了
15:41 < KiraYao> 現在也沒什麼東西走那個規格了不是嗎....
15:41 -!- chenjenping [~parallels@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
15:41 < sammyfung> r2 有趣的手機鈴聲
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15:42 < sammyfung> KiraYao: 對,當kolab的activesync完成了..... 還有人用嗎 ?
15:42 < janyeh_> 等一下來問一下好了~
15:42 < KiraYao> 我不知道....WM不死(?)
15:43 < KiraYao> HTC HD2永遠不死的機皇!
15:43 < sammyfung> r2 oh... current support activesync
15:43 < AceLan> KiraYao: 你問的嗎??
15:43 < KiraYao> 不是
15:43 < sammyfung> !
15:43 -!- VoidChen [~VoidChen@] has joined #coscup
15:44 -!- KPXX_3g [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
15:44 < sammyfung> 我還以為那是 KiraYao
15:44 < KiraYao> janyeh_問的吧
15:44 < nemu2> 大家依然習慣性的排隊了 :))
15:44 -!- hinet60613 [~michael@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
15:44 < janyeh_> y
15:44 -!- killtw [caa9ad53@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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15:44 < janyeh_> row1.right1
15:44 < KiraYao> kolab還真的不知道為什麼XD
15:44 < KiraYao> 問什麼
15:44 < janyeh_> 竟然已經做好了... @_@
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15:45 -!- kkw_ [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
15:45 < KiraYao> 覓食去
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15:46 < tnth> 吃飽了(掩面)
15:46 -!- BarneyC [~barneyboo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
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15:49 < in2> 大家去吃點心 channel 就安靜了 XD
15:49 -!- u1031333_ [~u10313335@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
15:50 < jserv--> [W] lwIP network stack
15:50 -!- ygtw [8c6d7ff5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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15:50 -!- pioneerlike [~pioneerli@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
15:51 < tnth> 然後吃飽就可以繼續睡了!?
15:51 -!- dar [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
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15:51 < janyeh_> 我已經滲透到r1了~
15:52 -!- gh__ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
15:52 < nemu2> Beata_: Hi :)
15:52 < tnth> 怎麼感覺下午r1似乎比較有爆點
15:52 -!- SammyLin [~sammylin@2001:c08:1:164:94a9:f471:4537:7832] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:52 -!- yekumo [~kika@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:52 < Beata_> Hi~
15:52 -!- jos [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:53 < tnth> R0正妹出沒!
15:53 < nemu2> Beata_: 我在你右邊的右邊 :P
15:53 -!- Beata_ [~BeataLin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:53 -!- RIH [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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15:54 < jserv--> [W] lwIP vs. BSD socket
15:55 -!- dar [] has joined #coscup
15:55 -!- king1223 [~king1223@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
15:55 < KiraYao> R1等等是法律的世界?
15:55 -!- coldsleep [~coldsleep@2001:c08:1:164:43d:afd:f546:1e03] has joined #coscup
15:55 < chitsaou> 吃不到點心 … 我到的時候就已經剩 0.8 盤了,我後面還有一群人
15:55 < KiraYao> 去另外一邊
15:55 < in2> [W] live demo !
15:55 -!- king1223 [~king1223@] has joined #coscup
15:55 < barneybook> 大家都排隊!!!
15:55 < KiraYao> R1側還有剩
15:55 < barneybook> 但是工作人員說!!! 不用排隊
15:55 -!- jos [] has joined #coscup
15:56 < king1223> BoF人好多
15:56 < king1223> 點心被掃光了QQ
15:56 -!- ddsakura [~Adium@] has joined #coscup
15:56 -!- taicomjp [~kclien@] has joined #coscup
15:56 < jserv--> [W] STM32 + lwIP stack
15:56 -!- villerhsiao [~villerhsi@] has joined #coscup
15:56 -!- alicekey [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
15:56 < Custom> 點心只吃到壹個包子... 其他全光了 XD
15:56 < jserv--> [W] Demo: xv6 + ne2k driver + lwIP
15:57 < KiraYao> 大家都餓了 XDrz
15:57 < KiraYao> jserv在R1?
15:57 < Custom> 這是補償姓需求還是遞延性消費? :P
15:57 -!- peterlee [6f51be6f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:57 < privism> r1 還有位置嗎
15:57 < KiraYao> 是肚皮債!
15:57 < jserv--> KiraYao: 在 workshop
15:57 -!- fntsrlik1 [~fntsrlike@] has joined #coscup
15:57 < jserv--> KiraYao:
15:57 < chitsaou> 看到有人曬兩大盤滿滿的照片更餓 ~_~
15:57 -!- Elsvent [8c6d7ff3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:58 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Quit: BardicheZ_]
15:58 -!- VoidChen [~VoidChen@] has joined #coscup
15:58 -!- RIH [] has joined #coscup
15:58 -!- vrootic [~vic@] has joined #coscup
15:58 -!- kenobilyh [] has joined #coscup
15:58 < tnth> 看到第三隻苦力怕
15:59 < KiraYao> 苦力怕?
15:59 < nemu2> where !!?
15:59 < tnth> R0右後
15:59 < KiraYao> 好熟的名字 但是說不出來是什麼
15:59 < AceLan> jserv--: 看起來好像不錯耶 等我聽完 thinker 講完再過去 :p
15:59 < nemu2> Ssssssss~~~~ bomb!!!
15:59 < carl_tw> <3 <3
15:59 < nemu2> Minecraft
15:59 < tnth> 而且是女性苦力怕
15:59 -!- SammyLin [~sammylin@] has joined #coscup
15:59 < KiraYao> 了解
15:59 < carl_tw> </3
15:59 < Andox> 苦力帕XD
15:59 < KiraYao> R2人數從爆滿變成1/3
15:59 < nemu2> O////O
16:00 < Andox> R1爆滿中~
16:00 -!- penk [~penk@] has joined #coscup
16:00 -!- SammyLin [~sammylin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:00 < KiraYao> 躲在角落XD
16:00 < darkgerm> 哪裡有苦力怕!? 我也想看XD
16:00 -!- darkland [~darkland@] has joined #coscup
16:00 < carl_tw> 有啊
16:01 -!- watsontsai [~watsontsa@2001:c08:1:164:66a7:69ff:fe9a:40f1] has joined #coscup
16:01 < nemu2> 記錄組 幫忙拍幾張苦力怕 >/////< !!!
16:01 < tnth> R0開始了 三隻苦力怕四散
16:01 -!- Al_cho [8c6d7ff5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:01 < jserv--> [W] GDB stub
16:01 < KiraYao> R2:大猩猩!
16:01 -!- max_ [8c6d10c1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:01 -!- peterlee [6f51be6f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
16:01 < darkgerm> R1 也要開始了,主持人說話中
16:01 < darkx> darkgerm: 三隻我都認識說XD
16:01 < watsontsai> R1 強哥
16:02 < KiraYao> KDE: Everything and the kitchen sink.
16:02 < in2> [W] 做投影片到睡著好幾次
16:02 -!- johncylee [] has joined #coscup
16:02 < Quexint> test
16:02 -!- deghost [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:02 < Shawn> :3
16:02 < KiraYao> 硬兔辛苦了
16:02 < carlcarl> 外面好吵
16:02 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has joined #coscup
16:02 < KiraYao> 廣達的賣?
16:02 -!- kcliu [~kcliu@] has joined #coscup
16:02 -!- gh [] has joined #coscup
16:02 -!- gh is now known as Guest39727
16:02 < in2> KiraYao: 是講者說等下會很多 command line 和 16 進位, 連他自己做投影片都睡著好幾次 XD
16:03 < KiraYao> XD
16:03 < littlebtc> R1 高橋流
16:03 < kulokase> XD
16:03 < KiraYao> 高橋流?!
16:03 -!- salagadoola [caae0405@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:03 < jserv--> [W] RSP (Remote Serial Protocol) -> stub protocol
16:03 < KiraYao> 求影片求直播
16:03 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:03 < darkx> lol
16:03 -!- nfsnfs [caa9a366@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:03 < chitsaou> 「研究一個不見一個」
16:03 -!- gh__ [] has joined #coscup
16:03 < jserv--> [W] GDB stub 應用範例:gdbserver, valgrind, QEMU, kgdb, Cisco IOS
16:03 < freetsubasa> XDD
16:04 < darkgerm> R1 超快速
16:04 < littlebtc> 「為了人身安全,我要在這裡跟大家報告,我還沒有研究 Firefox OS」
16:04 < KiraYao> XD
16:04 -!- Dai_Lin [31d83ce1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:04 -!- salagadoola [caae0405@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:04 < in2> [W] 目標是把 gdb 接進冰箱 (?)
16:04 < KiraYao> btc是說Workshop還是R1?
16:04 < KiraYao> wwwww
16:05 < jserv--> [W] <Host> debug symbol -> BFD -> GDB ----- <Target> gdbserver -> ptrace() -> executable
16:05 < Andox> wwwwww
16:05 < littlebtc> R1
16:05 < deghost> R1速度"
16:05 < Andox> 100fps
16:05 < KiraYao> 高橋流轟炸50分會死吧wwww
16:05 -!- jack_ [] has joined #coscup
16:05 < darkx> Perl !
16:05 < salagadoola> [r1] 這些互斥的license就代表 這些程式原則上是不能在專案裡交互運作的 不過時間有限 有原則就有例外 不過時間有限 就不討論例外了
16:05 < darkgerm> 100/449 頁
16:05 < littlebtc> [R1] 真,閃電秀
16:05 -!- phtseng [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:c01:9ca6:529b:3c6b] has joined #coscup
16:05 -!- pioneerlike [~pioneerli@] has joined #coscup
16:06 < Guest39727> wc
16:06 < KiraYao> Helm, set the course, Warp 9!
16:06 -!- KE_ [01aa9ac5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:06 < Guest39727> \wc
16:06 -!- irischen_ [8c8354d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:06 -!- Guest39727 [] has left #coscup []
16:06 -!- gh__ [] has left #coscup []
16:06 -!- ccc-larc [] has joined #coscup
16:06 < Andox> 藝術家條款 XD
16:07 < barneybook> Python傳道大會 R0
16:07 < littlebtc> [R1] 真,閃電秀
16:07 -!- pioneerlike [~pioneerli@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
16:07 < jserv--> [W] gdb stub 的期望:有能力處理 streaming/buffering (packet based)
16:07 -!- gh__ [] has joined #coscup
16:07 -!- Guest55628 [76a30abe@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:07 -!- pioneerlike [~pioneerli@] has joined #coscup
16:08 < KiraYao> [R2] KLyDE
16:08 < jserv--> KiraYao: KLyDE ?
16:08 -!- sammyfung [] has joined #coscup
16:09 < KiraYao> Disable PIM/File Indexer/Semantic Desktop/Activities/Advanced Command line Runners
16:09 < KiraYao> Stop unneeded session Services.
16:09 -!- powentan [~powentan@] has joined #coscup
16:09 -!- AndChat662025 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
16:09 < jserv--> [W] RSP 具備 RLE (Run-Length Encoding) 來縮減封包的大小
16:09 < KiraYao> 基本上就是:把一堆服務停掉的KDE
16:09 -!- amiboshi [amiboshi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
16:09 < rail02000> 其實很多KDE USER已經自己關掉了(?)
16:09 < jserv--> 瘦身的 KDE !
16:09 < KiraYao> (我自己也是裝完就把PIM直接砍掉)
16:09 -!- hokila [~Adium@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
16:09 < KiraYao> 幾乎是每個人都會幹吧X
16:09 < KiraYao> XD
16:10 -!- sueprbil-- [] has joined #coscup
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16:10 -!- Beata_ [~BeataLin@] has joined #coscup
16:10 -!- choer [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
16:10 < jack_> [R0] 怎沒提到python的速度~~~
16:10 -!- nemu2 [~AndChat36@] has quit [Quit: Bye]
16:10 -!- darkland [~darkland@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
16:10 -!- watsontsai [~watsontsa@2001:c08:1:164:66a7:69ff:fe9a:40f1] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
16:10 < KiraYao> 說到這
16:10 -!- nemu [~AndChat36@] has joined #coscup
16:10 -!- choer [] has joined #coscup
16:10 < barneybook> 真傳道大會!!!! R0
16:10 < KiraYao> 來了兩年,沒印象Ruby在COSCUP出現過?
16:10 -!- jackymaxj [~User@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
16:10 < jserv--> [W] GDB 指令教學
16:10 -!- lance_ [~lance@] has joined #coscup
16:11 -!- watsontsai [~watsontsa@2001:c08:1:164:66a7:69ff:fe9a:40f1] has joined #coscup
16:11 -!- watsontsai [~watsontsa@2001:c08:1:164:66a7:69ff:fe9a:40f1] has quit [Client Quit]
16:11 < rail02000> KDE的File Indexer對中文的支援感覺還不太好的樣子?
16:11 < evenrain> 這次 coscup 有滿多跟 python 有關的場次
16:11 < barneybook> 前年RUBY有不少
16:11 -!- watsontsai [~watsontsa@2001:c08:1:164:66a7:69ff:fe9a:40f1] has joined #coscup
16:11 < watsontsai> !
16:11 -!- SteveSu [8c7018c0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:11 < KiraYao> Graphically Simpier Desktop/Panel Widgets/Disable compositiing
16:11 < KiraYao> 這個倒是沒感覺
16:11 -!- maxwux [7a752e4e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:11 < jserv--> 今年 COSCUP 好像又回到慣 C / 縱 C++ 了
16:11 < KiraYao> File Indexer嗎? 還好啦
16:11 < ryanho> advanced "kubuntu-low-fat-settings"
16:11 < freetsubasa> missing XD
16:11 < KiraYao> OK,Table來了
16:12 < KiraYao> 124MB的KLyDe
16:12 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@2001:c08:1:164:8507:b4b3:c738:fa50] has joined #coscup
16:12 < maxwux> 原來痞客幫送了我一條爛網路線,害我上不了網
16:12 -!- hosco [] has joined #coscup
16:12 < jserv--> 今年慣 C 議題:PQEMU, ARMvisor
16:12 < KiraYao> I don't like kubuntu(逃)
16:12 < nemu> !!
16:12 < CindyLinz> maxwux: (Y)
16:12 < jserv--> 縱 C++ 議題:KDE (?)
16:12 -!- barneybook [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
16:12 < in2> maxwux: 七天內可以免費退換貨唷
16:12 < maxwux> 害我試了兩個小時,SHIT
16:13 -!- weijr5 [~weijr5@] has joined #coscup
16:13 < KiraYao> Aaron在講得明明是javascript...XD
16:13 < hlb> KiraYao: 明天有 :p # ruby
16:13 -!- smailc [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup
16:13 < nemu> I like Ububtu 12.04 =]
16:13 < KiraYao> PIM肥得要命
16:13 < evenrain> maxwux: 那條30元而已,不要太強求 XD
16:13 < janyeh_> r1: No!No!No! -> Node.js
16:13 < jserv--> [W] 精實的 gdb stub protocol
16:13 -!- hosco [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
16:13 -!- yanyiyi [~yan@] has joined #coscup
16:13 < sammyfung> maxwux: 慘
16:13 < evenrain> 不過我的線倒是滿正常的
16:13 < maxwux> 還有朋友在r2嗎
16:13 < carlcarl> 正常+1 朋友的爛掉+1
16:13 < KiraYao> Semantic也好肥
16:13 < watsontsai> 我的線也是
16:14 < jserv--> [W] target.xml 用 XML 表達 target 環境的組態
16:14 < KiraYao> WOW
16:14 < KiraYao> 123MB vs 305 MB
16:14 < KiraYao> 這插滿多的
16:14 < KiraYao> 差....
16:14 < jserv--> [W] 包含 arch, register, CPU featue
16:14 -!- kakashi [~kakashi@] has joined #coscup
16:14 -!- phtseng [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:c01:9ca6:529b:3c6b] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
16:14 < freetsubasa> jserv--: [w] 現在在講什麼?
16:14 < evenrain> 我會跟採購線的人反映,說他滿了爛貨 (誤
16:14 < KiraYao> #LiveDemoMayFail
16:14 < darkx> freetsubasa: OS
16:14 -!- fntsrlik1 [~fntsrlike@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
16:14 < jserv--> freetsubasa: 在一個作業系統環境中,實做 GDB stub 支援
16:14 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@2001:c08:1:164:8507:b4b3:c738:fa50] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
16:14 < nemu> maxwux: 是否拿去換線
16:15 < jserv--> freetsubasa: 這樣就能 remote debug 一個作業系統
16:15 < KiraYao> R2又要上演LiveDemo秀
16:15 < freetsubasa> jserv--: thx
16:15 < janyeh_> 剛剛去覓食,啥渣渣都沒搶到
16:15 < KiraYao> 太晚了XD
16:15 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@2001:c08:1:164:8507:b4b3:c738:fa50] has joined #coscup
16:15 < maxwux> @nemu 今天就要結束了,晚上自己去買好了,懶得換了
16:15 -!- icman [~icman@] has joined #coscup
16:15 < sueprbil--> 今年的食物不太多 :p
16:15 < KiraYao> 自己說Compositing要關掉 結果他自己還是又打開來用XDDDD
16:15 < darkx> 沒搶到實務 QQ
16:16 < jserv--> 現在講「代碼」的人變多了...
16:16 -!- sueprbil-- is now known as superbil__
16:16 < darkx> *食物
16:16 < freetsubasa> 沒搶到++ QQ
16:16 -!- mkfsn [] has joined #coscup
16:16 < chuiyi> 編程
16:16 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has joined #coscup
16:16 < chuiyi> 缺省
16:16 -!- hugojay [] has joined #coscup
16:16 -!- superbil__ is now known as superbil_
16:16 -!- Takeshi [~Takeshi@] has joined #coscup
16:16 < freetsubasa> 程式碼比較長XD
16:16 < darkx> code
16:16 < janyeh_> 誰要出論文:從COSCUP看各年度景氣變化
16:16 < KiraYao> code最快
16:16 -!- fntsrlike is now known as Swlike
16:16 < Alen_> jserv : 可是剛剛那一段以定義來說,不算是 "代碼"吧
16:16 < rail02000> 開了Compositing爽度倍增啊XDD
16:16 < hrs_R0> 扣的
16:16 < freetsubasa> 從COSCUP看各年度用語變化(誤
16:16 -!- lw [] has joined #coscup
16:17 < KiraYao> 真的爽阿XD
16:17 < jserv--> [W] info reg 的輸出其實就反映 target.xml 的內容
16:17 < darkx> 兩岸用語交流阿
16:17 < janyeh_> 今年沒有找爽爽爽來贊助嗎?
16:17 -!- penk [~penk@] has quit [Quit: penk]
16:17 < KiraYao> 之前不是有看到?
16:17 < KiraYao> 後來撤掉了?
16:17 < grapefruit623> 去年用語:說好的原始碼呢?
16:17 -!- lance [~lance@] has joined #coscup
16:17 < jserv--> 爽立方
16:17 -!- mobomoga [] has joined #coscup
16:17 < freetsubasa> [r1]好多友情客串XD
16:17 < kulokase> R1有449張投影片XD
16:17 -!- lance is now known as Guest80404
16:17 < Alen_> jserv : 感謝,我終於懂什麼是爽立方了...
16:18 < smailc> R1的人多不少~~
16:18 -!- lance_ [~lance@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
16:18 < janyeh_> r1那個投影片是啥做的?
16:18 < Andox> 357/449 (Y)
16:18 -!- yichiuan [~ooo@] has joined #coscup
16:18 -!- barneybook [] has joined #coscup
16:18 < smailc> 449張投影片 = =
16:18 < KiraYao> 三爽...Well.
16:18 < freetsubasa> 449= =
16:18 -!- beerlee [] has joined #coscup
16:18 -!- poao886 [8c700441@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:18 < KiraYao> 高橋流阿XD
16:18 < janyeh_> 還有倒數耶~
16:18 < darkx> Y
16:18 < evenrain> smailc: 我本來想聽 R1, 但是怕後面兩場 R0 沒位子...只好放棄了 XD
16:18 < freetsubasa> HTML?
16:18 < salagadoola> [r1] 討論完openssl和各種程式語言的授權相容性 現在討論mysql community edition
16:18 < kulokase> 我想知道投影片怎麼到數
16:18 < nemu> 閃電秀意味
16:18 < ryanho> 有KLyDE,那XFCE和LXDE還要混嗎(逃
16:18 < Andox> 等等timeout會發生什麼事呢? 我很好奇
16:19 < darkx> underflow?
16:19 < salagadoola> [r1] 重點在於mysql client的授權條款
16:19 < littlebtc> Fate 會變成比利(ㄟ
16:19 < KiraYao> 其實沒想像中瘦耶
16:19 < freetsubasa> 苦力怕會爆炸(不對
16:19 < FourDollars> KLyDE++
16:19 < KiraYao> 也還是一百多MB
16:19 < KiraYao> Fate->Billy
16:19 < smailc> KLyDE 這是?
16:19 < janyeh_> 苦力怕=?
16:19 < KiraYao> 有點可怕
16:19 -!- JoyCC2 [~AndChat62@] has joined #coscup
16:19 < jserv--> LXDE 就算全裝,也不到 100 MB 啊 :P
16:19 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@2001:c08:1:164:8507:b4b3:c738:fa50] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
16:20 < KiraYao> 概念上是不一樣的東西啦
16:20 < darkx> 所以也還是要看底層的 lib 是什麼吧
16:20 -!- Lws [Syh@] has joined #coscup
16:20 -!- bobchao [~bobchao@2001:c08:1:164:a0b3:fe1f:3fb:3b1e] has joined #coscup
16:20 -!- mode/#coscup [+o bobchao] by ChanServ
16:20 < freetsubasa> [R1] Python 我只知道這個 看各位有沒有要提供
16:20 < KiraYao> KLyDE我覺得目標是把KDE輕量化 但怎麼輕量化底層還是KDE-Lib
16:20 -!- Sorry [] has joined #coscup
16:20 < jserv--> kdelibs 還是複數,很可怕
16:20 < KiraYao> How to KLyDE....XD
16:21 -!- petercpg [~petercpg@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
16:21 < KiraYao> ASeigo牠們有在簡化了拉
16:21 -!- bobchao [~bobchao@2001:c08:1:164:a0b3:fe1f:3fb:3b1e] has quit [Client Quit]
16:21 < KiraYao> 雖然一個package 50M還是很胖
16:21 < freetsubasa> [R1] PHP5.3.0 自動使用mysqlnd
16:21 -!- Guest80404 [~lance@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
16:21 -!- pworker_ [7288778b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:21 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has joined #coscup
16:21 < FredC> LXDE 全裝只要 60MB 吧,Juice DE 只需要 30 MB 喔!=..=
16:22 -!- pworker_ [7288778b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
16:22 < littlebtc> Timer 歸零之後停下來了,nothing [R1]
16:22 < AceLan> jserv--: kdelibs 會拆開 以後 lib 都會變的很小
16:22 < Andox> countdown: 0 沒事 XD
16:22 < darkgerm> 時間到了!不過沒什麼什麼事 @@
16:22 -!- LittleQNCCU_ [] has joined #coscup
16:22 < KiraYao> Boooooom!
16:22 -!- phtseng [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:8419:8274:3aa8:89bb] has joined #coscup
16:22 -!- pworker [] has joined #coscup
16:22 < darkx> SSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssssssssssssssssssssss
16:22 < Al_cho> SSSSSSsssssss
16:22 < FourDollars> After X11 and LXDE are started, the total memory usage is about 45 MB on i386 machines. (This value may be higher or lower according to different system configurations.)
16:22 < freetsubasa> SSSsss
16:23 < nemu> Sssssssssssssssssssss~
16:24 -!- dar [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
16:24 < jserv--> [W] 注意 gdb stun protocol 的 return address 處理
16:24 < littlebtc> [R1] 哭哭
16:24 < fcrh> R1 滿有趣的XD
16:24 < darkgerm> R1 結速了XD
16:24 < darkx> [R1] QA time
16:24 < kulokase> R1 超棒的
16:24 < fntsrlike> R1CL3DJ94
16:24 < salagadoola> [r1] 法律不是保護懂法律的人 是保護關心法律的人
16:24 < darkgerm> 好有趣!精彩啊!
16:24 < KiraYao> R1有全員LCL嗎?
16:24 < watsontsai> 精彩
16:24 < salagadoola> [r1] 我們要面對它 接受它 但是不要放下它
16:24 < KiraYao> KDE Framework 5?
16:24 < jserv--> 不要放下它 ++
16:25 < janyeh_> [r1] 法律好複雜
16:25 < rail02000> KLyDE應該會比本來的KDE省電?
16:25 < darkx> [r1] 只好哭哭囉
16:25 < janyeh_> [r1] 通常用問的就好
16:25 < watsontsai> 原則上...
16:25 < freetsubasa> [r1] 哭哭
16:25 < KiraYao> Indexing關掉應該是省很多
16:25 -!- tnth__ [~tnth@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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16:25 < freetsubasa> 結果投影片是 CC3.0TW(?
16:25 < salagadoola> [r1] 也就是說 它就像是個火燒連環船的房子 xd
16:25 -!- Zhusee1 [] has joined #coscup
16:25 < maxwux> r2好像一直都很沉悶
16:25 < KiraYao> 還好啦 就是簡介
16:25 -!- freedom [650d328d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:26 < Quexint> [R1] 真的蠻有趣的XD
16:26 < KiraYao> 10s vs 30s
16:26 < darkx> XD
16:26 * jserv-- 好像沒看到 R0 的討論?
16:26 < KiraYao> 30s其實也不差了吧@@
16:26 < mp607> 「如果完全不會執行到,你就把code拿掉」
16:26 < fntsrlike> [R0] DEMO中
16:26 < KiraYao> (當然沒LXDE快XD)
16:26 < evenrain> [R0] 我聽不太懂 Q.Q
16:26 < jack_> R0沒有很high XD
16:26 -!- ming1053 [] has joined #coscup
16:26 < KiraYao> #LiveDemoMayFail
16:26 -!- phtseng [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:8419:8274:3aa8:89bb] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
16:26 < AceLan> R0 是很精實是技術啊
16:26 -!- jack_ [] has left #coscup []
16:27 -!- tnth_ [~tnth@] has joined #coscup
16:27 < freetsubasa> RVM
16:27 -!- jack_ [] has joined #coscup
16:27 < KiraYao> [R2] Done?
16:27 -!- StarNight [~AndChat65@] has joined #coscup
16:27 < FredC> R0 都在解說 Code!
16:27 < freedom> Thinker 一向沒什麼梗
16:27 -!- Maligbi [2a499f67@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:27 * AceLan 準備移動到 [w]
16:27 < KiraYao> Removing Dolphin?
16:27 < KiraYao> 這個......
16:27 < itswindtw> 「不過它可以動」...
16:28 < jeremy5189> [R1]請問一下,jQueryMobile 用的是MIT or GPL2, 那使用JQM的網站就變成GPL了?
16:28 < brucehsu> 會跟之前Dolphin的main developer離開有關嗎?
16:28 < superbil_> 「雖然會 null ,不過他可以動」
16:28 < yanyiyi> [r1] 完全沒有執行到,那就把code拿掉。
16:28 < darkx> 故事告訴我們,lib 別亂用
16:28 -!- jereme [] has joined #coscup
16:28 < fcrh> [r1] 原則上自動化都是有爭議的
16:28 < KiraYao> 沒有
16:28 -!- ddsakura [~Adium@] has left #coscup []
16:28 < darkgerm> 問一下 R0 結束了嗎?想移過去
16:28 -!- ming [] has joined #coscup
16:28 < KiraYao> 他只是因為要裝上整套WorkSpace
16:28 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@2001:c08:1:164:41b9:9dd8:2436:67c6] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
16:28 -!- sonyu_ is now known as sonyu
16:28 < KiraYao> 所以想拿掉
16:28 < fntsrlike> 有點遺憾沒去聽R1 感覺很棒0 0
16:28 < AceLan> darkgerm: r0 qa time
16:28 < superbil_> r0 over, 提問中
16:28 < KiraYao> 其實Dolphin不胖
16:28 < Edward_> darkgerm: 還沒結束
16:28 < itswindtw> r0
16:28 < keitheis> [r0] 以 console hex code 收尾 XD
16:28 < Edward_> Q&A
16:28 < itswindtw> QA忠
16:28 < darkgerm> 感謝~
16:28 -!- tnth [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:28 -!- tnth_ is now known as tnth
16:28 -!- ming is now known as Guest89718
16:28 < evenrain> [R0] QA 中
16:28 < itswindtw> 中..
16:28 < itswindtw> orz
16:29 < RuinlandIxa> R1的簡報會公開嗎??
16:29 -!- kakashi [~kakashi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
16:29 < salagadoola> [r1] 重點在於 結合的前後 和散布的前後 (把授權衝突的東西compile在一起 又把binary散布出去 那就會有問題)
16:29 < maxwux> lightde真的不怎麼好看
16:29 -!- zector [722fa4dd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:29 -!- yichiuan [~ooo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
16:29 < KiraYao> 繼續討論怎麼瘦身KDE
16:29 < darkx> [R1] done
16:29 < jserv--> [W] 展示 gdb stub 的實做
16:30 < privism> 1哇,ping 慢到 9秒甚至25秒 XD
16:30 < smailc> R1 結束哩 開始大風吹
16:30 -!- stanely [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:30 < mkfsn> users
16:30 -!- Francine [] has joined #coscup
16:30 < JalenLin>
16:30 < FredC> 欣宜妹妹
16:30 -!- ming1053 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
16:30 -!- chage [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
16:30 < Edward_> R0 Over
16:30 < fntsrlike> [R0] Done. New Session
16:30 -!- gw [] has joined #coscup
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16:31 -!- _Ed [~Ed@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:31 < KiraYao> Notification也關掉阿@@
16:31 -!- hamisme [~hamisme@] has joined #coscup
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16:31 < maxwux> KiraYao: 真的關太多東西了
16:31 < KiraYao> 也還好
16:31 -!- Swlike [~fntsrlike@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:31 < carlcarl> 這......
16:31 -!- yanyiyi_ [~yan@] has joined #coscup
16:31 < darkgerm> back to R0 ^^
16:31 < KiraYao> 取決於個人拉....
16:32 < Francine> JuluOSDev Workshop竟然爆滿 >_<
16:32 < Peter__> [R0] 本來要學Perl,但是學不會就學Python了XD
16:32 -!- kuyuhisepa126 [~kevin0114@] has joined #coscup
16:32 < KiraYao> [R2] Done.
16:32 < evenrain> 有些人用物品佔位子,避免換會議室會沒座位,我覺得這樣實在不太好 orz
16:32 < KiraYao> Peter__ 學Ruby?
16:32 -!- Guest89718 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
16:32 < KiraYao> [R2] OBS...................ZZZZZZzzzzzz
16:32 < evenrain> 變成一個人在兩個或更多個會議室都佔了位子 結果有些人反而沒有位子
16:32 -!- deghost [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:32 < Peter__> @KiraYao 那是R0的講者講的XD
16:32 < freetsubasa> [R1] start
16:33 < hrs> class 就是 class 不是棋盤也不是稿紙
16:33 < CindyLinz> in2: 回去幫麻將寫一個 gdbstub 界面, 以後可以用 gdb 玩~ :D
16:33 -!- df1 [~df1@2001:c08:1:164:f038:7ab5:8571:7fde] has joined #coscup
16:33 < KiraYao> 更不是綠豆糕(誤)
16:33 < salagadoola> hrs: 綠豆糕xd
16:33 < Peter__> class既不偉大又不卑微
16:33 < privism> 這個人可能日本住太久
16:33 -!- petercpg [~petercpg@] has joined #coscup
16:33 < RuinlandIxa> 所以我們需要garbage collector? XD
16:33 -!- kakashi [] has joined #coscup
16:33 < kuyuhisepa126> ←整天窩R0
16:33 -!- phtseng [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:f903:af64:504d:4501] has joined #coscup
16:33 -!- janyeh_ is now known as janyeh
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16:33 -!- watsontsai [~watsontsa@2001:c08:1:164:66a7:69ff:fe9a:40f1] has quit [Quit: Bye]
16:34 < privism> 英文講好慢 XD
16:34 < jserv--> [W] 換講 memory management
16:34 < Francine> 肚子餓了……
16:34 -!- ming__ [~ming@] has quit [Client Quit]
16:34 < janyeh> r1: speaker的英文講的很慢,很清楚
16:34 -!- watsontsai [~watsontsa@2001:c08:1:164:66a7:69ff:fe9a:40f1] has joined #coscup
16:34 < fcrh> r1 非常清楚++
16:34 < janyeh> 因為亞洲人的英文大都不好... XDD
16:34 < privism> 有點像廣播教學那麼慢
16:34 < darkx> r1++
16:34 -!- Quexint [7cf8cd6e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:34 -!- dictcp [31da8ce4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:34 < freetsubasa> [r1] 很清楚很好聽
16:34 < yanyiyi_> r1 聲音好性感
16:34 < Custom> 好舒服的英文啊...
16:35 -!- mobomoga [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
16:35 < fntsrlike> freetsubasa 都說很好聽很清楚了 那我想是真的很棒了
16:35 < privism> Custom: 像心理醫生 XD
16:35 < Custom> 為什麼 con-call 的時候都遇不到這種...
16:35 < KiraYao> :)
16:35 < janyeh> r跟l的音都很清楚!
16:35 < nemu> 肚子在期待BoF了 :))
16:35 -!- sammyfung [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
16:35 < Custom> con-call 來的都是印度督拉拉的英文... !@#$
16:35 < freetsubasa> fntsrlike: 如果學校都這樣子我一定英文每次都滿分 !
16:35 < KiraYao> Mandriva..............
16:35 < Francine> 真的……我好餓……
16:35 -!- gw2 [] has joined #coscup
16:35 -!- gw [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
16:35 < KiraYao> 都快倒了還Mandriva......................
16:35 < darkx> 希望 pizza 不會跟點心一樣少QAQ
16:35 -!- ming__ [~ming@] has joined #coscup
16:35 < salagadoola> [r1] 首先讓我們看看現實: 公司用著作權商標專利取得利益 專利局給公司軟體專利 開源是現今最大的創新來源
16:35 < jserv--> [R1] 講者以前去過正音班
16:35 -!- dar [] has joined #coscup
16:35 -!- howardsun [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
16:35 < KiraYao> 美機押@@
16:35 < darkx> (Y)
16:35 -!- ming__ [~ming@] has left #coscup []
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16:36 -!- hosco [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:45d:4c1b:fb0d:1f4d] has joined #coscup
16:36 < KiraYao> 好吧,我自己也不會念XD
16:36 -!- chitsaou [~chitsaou@] has joined #coscup
16:36 < kuyuhisepa126> OAO
16:36 -!- ming__ [~ming@] has joined #coscup
16:36 < jserv--> [W] 比較傳統巨核架構與微核心架構的記憶體配置
16:36 < nemu> pizza不怕 XD;
16:36 -!- Beata_ [~BeataLin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
16:36 -!- jos [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
16:36 < stanely> python好火紅....好多講者都講這個.
16:36 < fntsrlike> freetsubasa 想太多 它們只會丟給你一張又一張的小考卷XD
16:36 -!- Beata__ [~BeataLin@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
16:36 < maxwux> 就是支援mdk套件格式吧,雖然只有mandrak相關的distro
16:36 -!- jos [] has joined #coscup
16:37 < Francine> 我不是怕pizza不夠,而是肚子餓就不想trace code了啊~~(翻桌)
16:37 -!- Takeshi [~Takeshi@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
16:37 -!- Steveice [8c80850c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
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16:37 -!- mfs [~michruo@] has joined #coscup
16:37 < janyeh> 誰要寫論文:從COSCUP看技術語言的消長... XDD
16:37 -!- nemu2 [~AndChat36@] has joined #coscup
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16:37 < maxwux> 剛剛沒提到有arch、chakra
16:37 < KiraYao> mga跟mdv現在也慢慢有差了
16:37 < stanely> script language的時代到來...
16:37 < jserv--> [W] 探討對象:Unix v6 與 MINIX 3
16:37 -!- phtseng [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:f903:af64:504d:4501] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
16:37 -!- Maligbi [2a499f67@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:37 < KiraYao> arch/chakra都會自訂build的關係吧?
16:38 < janyeh> r1: Let me explain that in a little more detail... (字字清楚!)
16:38 < ecilA> 誰要寫論文:從COSCUP看綠豆糕的演變
16:38 < superbil_> jserv--: [w] 是指那?
16:38 < janyeh> workshop?
16:38 < cclien> 剛剛在OSSF的攤位翻到90年代的 Linux Journal,上面就好幾段 Python 的 code 了
16:38 -!- howardsun [] has joined #coscup
16:38 < KiraYao> workshop
16:38 < jserv--> superbil_: [W] = workshop
16:38 < mac_> workshop
16:38 < superbil_> tks all
16:38 < KiraYao> python一直都很紅吧
16:38 -!- Elsvent [8c6d7ff4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:38 < janyeh> 哪來的綠豆糕? 剛剛啥都沒吃到... T_T
16:38 < KiraYao> XD
16:38 < privism> 買專利然後免費授權那他們要賺什麼?
16:38 -!- mac_ is now known as swaywang
16:38 -!- Taiten987 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
16:38 < Francine> 今天只喝到一杯咖啡= ="
16:38 -!- Andox [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
16:39 < jeremy5189> [R1] 他說的是packages嗎? 是類似專利或保護的意思?
16:39 < dar> [w] r0 右側
16:39 < Francine> 哦,還有中午的便常
16:39 < jserv--> [W] 正在討論 microkernel -> 基於 page fault 的訊息處理方式
16:39 < fntsrlike> 今天只有吃到便當
16:39 < jserv--> [W] 移轉到 L4 microkernel
16:39 < salagadoola> privism: 我猜是賺顧問費
16:39 -!- wandering [8c700441@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
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16:39 < stanely> 不會python....顯得自己很弱
16:39 -!- watsontsai [~watsontsa@2001:c08:1:164:66a7:69ff:fe9a:40f1] has quit [Quit: Bye]
16:39 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
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16:39 < fntsrlike> stanely 快去外面找一本書買回去K XD
16:39 < KiraYao> 我不會python我自豪(逃)
16:39 < dar> 買電腦寫code 分享,也沒賺。
16:39 < jserv--> [W] 講者激動了!
16:39 < LittleQNCCU_> Python 好紅,看了我都想學了,好像有攤位
16:40 < stanely> @ fntsrlike 說得好啊!
16:40 < KiraYao> python今年有擺攤位阿
16:40 < darkx> python 真的好用
16:40 < carl_tw> PyCon Taiwan
16:40 < chuiyi> 天瓏正在外面跟你招手~
16:40 < darkx> XDDD
16:40 < Francine> [W] 速度加快中……
16:40 < momizi> :P
16:40 < stanely> Orz.....
16:40 < KiraYao> I love Ruby, 但是我沒在練QQ
16:40 -!- Quexint [7cf8cd6e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:40 < jeremy5189> [R1] 應該是 patents = 專利
16:40 < Elsvent> 今年的Pycon錯過了 T T
16:40 < RuinlandIxa> PyCon ?
16:40 < evenrain> 天龍的python書好像只有一本
16:40 < brucehsu> I love Ruby!
16:40 < RuinlandIxa> 恩恩
16:40 < janyeh> 天瓏買書打幾折?可以刷卡?
16:40 < darkx>
16:40 < salagadoola> [r1] now, defending, this is the exciting part
16:40 < king1223> 哪一本?
16:40 < stanely> Speaker說他想學perl但沒學成,變成寫python.
16:40 -!- gw2 [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:40 < fntsrlike> 好像是7折?
16:40 < brucehsu> 天龍現金only
16:41 < evenrain> 歡迎到 python irc : XD
16:41 < stanely> 看起來好像只能付現..沒見得有刷卡機
16:41 < brucehsu> 不過早上去看,Python的書還蠻多的?
16:41 < stanely> 所有的書都有7折?
16:41 < darkgerm> python 好用啊!
16:41 -!- dar [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
16:41 < Francine> [W]轉播聲音有時會變小~~講者發生啥事?
16:41 < Quexint> 沒寫是8折,有些出版社77的樣子
16:41 < ryanho> 「有沒有某個語言很紅(例如Python),卻完全沒有工作需求的八卦(在台灣)?」
16:41 < jserv--> [W] MINIX 將 kernel 縮減到 kernel, clock, system task
16:41 -!- rsghost [dd780237@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
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16:41 < janyeh> ryanho: Scala?
16:41 < KiraYao> 台灣有哪個語言有工作需求嗎.....
16:41 < ryanho> php!
16:41 < fntsrlike> wwwww
16:41 < carlcarl> 唉唉
16:41 < darkx> English
16:42 -!- cls_bsd [] has joined #coscup
16:42 < chuiyi> 聽說學了python 就可以去google投履歷喔 (把履歷從101往外丟
16:42 < Peter__> 英文之類的吧
16:42 < fntsrlike> 真的,PHP。
16:42 < KiraYao> XD
16:42 < evenrain> ryanho: 有啊...PyCon 的時候幾乎每個 speaker 都在徵才 XDDD
16:42 < janyeh> @KiraYao: .NET... ?
16:42 < brucehsu> 咦?聽到不少公司內部都有在用Python啊……
16:42 < LittleQNCCU_> Asp(誤
16:42 < ijliao> cuatom: concall 都老印 ?
16:42 < RuinlandIxa> r0好繞口Orz......
16:42 < KiraYao> .NET又不是語言XD
16:42 < king1223> Ruby?
16:42 < stanely> 台灣大量需要軟體人才的公司可惜都不是純軟公司.
16:42 < jserv--> [W] MINIX scheduling
16:42 < freetsubasa> brainfuck (?
16:42 < janyeh> C#, VB.NET
16:42 < Sorry> Cobol
16:42 -!- bobchao [~bobchao@2001:c08:1:164:d57b:c547:bc91:5c4d] has joined #coscup
16:42 -!- mode/#coscup [+o bobchao] by ChanServ
16:42 < KiraYao> 還是都是C/C++居多
16:42 < imKojima> 繞口令XD
16:42 < RuinlandIxa> .net 是 framework..
16:42 < JoyCC2> actionscript
16:42 < Francine> [W]轉播聲音又變小~~
16:42 < darkx> cobol 那招XD
16:42 < fntsrlike> [r0] 真的是繞口令w
16:42 < KiraYao> COBOL很難說歐
16:43 < LittleQNCCU_> 學 python 好像不錯
16:43 < jserv--> [W] MINIX v3 比 v1 效能更好的原因,是因為實做了 lazy scheduling
16:43 < darkx> 對阿
16:43 < KiraYao> 銀行是不死到臨頭不會改的
16:43 < chuiyi> python在非專業程式設計領域好像反而滿紅的
16:43 < stanely> 同意
16:43 < chuiyi> VBScript都可以取代掉
16:43 < KiraYao> 號稱全世界最紅的遠鹽耶
16:43 < privism> 我想學 Fortran
16:43 < ecilA> 搞得我也想學python了
16:43 < yurenju> TyType object 產生 class object, class object 產生 object.....
16:43 < KiraYao> 講錯,最簡單的語言
16:43 < fntsrlike> 等等天瓏會很莫名其妙怎的python的書突然大賣www
16:43 < privism> 拿了一本老爸三十幾年前的 Fortran 書 XD
16:43 < LittleQNCCU_> 我也想學了
16:43 < jserv--> KiraYao: 可怕的是,台灣業界 C/C++ 用很多,但不常對外討論,進步很緩慢 :(
16:43 < salagadoola> [r1] 講者順便廣告 後面那個穿藍衣服的 大家請盯著他看~ 明天他會深入講關於defender的內容
16:43 < KiraYao> Fortran....
16:43 < stanely> Fortran除了學術界...業界有在使用嗎?
16:43 -!- dar_ [] has joined #coscup
16:44 < darkx> 世界上最簡單不是 binary 嗎(不對
16:44 < KiraYao> LAPACK?
16:44 -!- Jeely [] has quit [Quit: Jeely]
16:44 < KiraYao> 怎麼可能!
16:44 -!- Jlnshen [~Jlnshen@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
16:44 < privism> 我想學怎麼打洞
16:44 < RuinlandIxa> 印象中JS,VBS,action script 好像都是ECMAscript 的方言?
16:44 < superbil_> 常聽人說學 python 要買書,結果有人沒買書就學完了 (太容易)
16:44 < stanely> Jserv講的對
16:44 < stanely> 但公司都以利益導向
16:44 -!- ernest_ [~ernest@] has joined #coscup
16:44 < darkx> superbil_: lol
16:44 < king1223> Ruby跟Python 是插在使用方面嘛?
16:44 -!- OAO [OAO@] has joined #coscup
16:44 < KiraYao> hxc的90~120天傳說
16:44 < Francine> [W]聲音不夠大~~
16:44 < freetsubasa> 反正不是插在土裡(?
16:44 -!- jason2506 [~jason2506@2001:c08:1:164:d58c:707d:394:15cf] has joined #coscup
16:44 < LittleQNCCU_> Binary 無誤,鍵盤只要有兩顆按鍵
16:44 < OAO> OAO
16:44 < king1223> QAQ
16:44 -!- hosco [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:45d:4c1b:fb0d:1f4d] has quit [Quit: Bye]
16:44 -!- evelyn [~chatzilla@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:44 < KiraYao> Ruby是自由型的 Python是嚴謹型的
16:44 -!- AndChat|355284 [~Denir@] has joined #coscup
16:45 < stanely> 就像公司內部的產品都還是選2.6.X為base kernel
16:45 < janyeh> @KiraYao: hxc是啥?
16:45 -!- deghost [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:45 < KiraYao> 但是Ruby很神奇的寫出來很嚴謹
16:45 < darkx> Ruby 的語法感覺很詭異... syntax sugar 用起來不太順 :\
16:45 < KiraYao> 公司
16:45 < jserv--> [W] 探討 PDP-11
16:45 < KiraYao> 某家最近股票跌很大的公司
16:45 < evenrain> htc ?
16:45 < iblis17> jserv--: XTX
16:45 < KiraYao> Ruby那個要習慣吧
16:45 < jserv--> [W] 講者再次激動
16:45 < janyeh> 那90-120天的傳說又是啥?
16:45 < KiraYao> 習慣的其實還滿自然語言的
16:45 < Francine> 麻煩來個人提醒workshop講者有轉播這回事好嗎
16:45 < KiraYao> 他們家的Kernel 90~120天才公布出來
16:45 < freetsubasa> Ruby <3
16:45 -!- biostrike [] has joined #coscup
16:45 < KiraYao> 這件事情被很多開發者罵很兇
16:45 < KiraYao> 但是HTC打死不從
16:45 -!- Maligbi [2a499f67@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:46 < jeffhung> 想是因為,業界裡用 C/C++ 的「那一代」還不是 Internet 世代,不習慣 distributed/community 開發模式。# 16:44 < jserv--> KiraYao: 可怕的是,台灣業界 C/C++ 用很多,但不常對外討論,進步很緩慢 :(
16:46 < stanely> 記得去年coscup曾有人嗆台上的HTX來的speaker...
16:46 < janyeh> @KiraYao: 我好像就在那家公司耶~ @_@
16:46 < KiraYao> @@
16:46 < privism> 現在 3.x kernel 很多人用了吧
16:46 -!- dar [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
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16:46 -!- yichiuan [~ooo@] has joined #coscup
16:46 < Francine> 沒聲音是要聽啥鬼轉播
16:46 < privism> 因為 Android 有用
16:46 < janyeh> @stanely: 我就是那個講者... HAHAHA
16:46 < RuinlandIxa> Hacker's Keyboard :PP
16:46 < stanely> 哈哈
16:46 < KiraYao> 不知道耶,之前才看到又有人發聯署要求HTC趕快把Kernel公布出來
16:46 < darkx> lol
16:46 < LittleQNCCU_> 那人現在在htc吧
16:46 < salagadoola> 苦主出現了xd
16:46 < KiraYao> 苦主XD
16:46 < hrs_R0> XD
16:46 < fntsrlike> 苦主www
16:46 < KE_> XDDDD
16:46 -!- float [8c74fa09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:46 < jeffhung> XD
16:46 < janyeh> 對啊~被我們招募了~
16:46 < Sorry> (幫打廣告)今天有一場 Cobol 的 BoF,目前參加人數=1 人
16:46 < imKojima> 苦主www
16:47 < KiraYao> 你們加油啦
16:47 < Peter__> 苦主XD
16:47 < KiraYao> 不要被爽爽爽幹倒了
16:47 < nemu2> 苦主 OAO
16:47 < janyeh> 加油是一定要的啦~ 油價一直漲... @_@
16:47 < king1223> XDDDD
16:47 -!- kiang [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
16:47 < stanely> 要打倒泡菜族
16:47 < darkx> XD
16:47 < freetsubasa> XD
16:47 < RuinlandIxa> XD
16:47 < jserv--> [W] 正在講 PDP-11 的 page / segment (MMU)
16:47 < Sorry> XD
16:47 < KiraYao> 幹倒三爽,幹倒一個國家XD
16:47 < darkx> 支持中國健兒
16:47 < dar> 加油
16:47 -!- gw2 [] has joined #coscup
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16:47 < kuyuhisepa126> ...
16:47 -!- jos [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:47 < cibs> Cobol 那場不是中鋼的人主持的嗎 (誤)
16:47 -!- poao886 [8c700441@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:47 < KiraYao> 中鋼?!
16:47 -!- sammyhk [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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16:47 -!- poao [8c700441@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:48 < LittleQNCCU_> janyeh: 加油,htc 的問題跟工程師無關
16:48 -!- mkfsn [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
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16:48 -!- breeze [8c6d7ff8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:48 < nemu2> HTC加油~
16:48 < chuiyi> 爽爽爽, 不是distribute做很勤嗎
16:48 -!- Beata_ [~BeataLin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:48 < janyeh> @LittleQNCCU_: 都在一條船上,不能說跟自己都沒有關係... (握拳~)
16:48 < KiraYao> 他們很會做公關阿....
16:48 -!- biostrike [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
16:48 -!- greener [2a4bc563@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
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16:49 < KiraYao> janyeh你應該很想把公關爆頭吧....
16:49 -!- kylin_ [~kylin@] has joined #coscup
16:49 < RuinlandIxa> 前輩辛苦了......
16:49 < stanely> 爽爽爽厲害的是常會去參與很多技術的前期階段,讓自己變成一開始的member.
16:49 < janyeh> @KiraYao: 我跟h社還有爽立方的都認識耶~
16:49 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
16:49 < stanely> 走上日本的路
16:49 < KiraYao> XD
16:49 -!- BardicheZ__ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
16:50 < janyeh> 朋友是朋友,上場就是對手~
16:50 < privism> htc 要找到定位
16:50 < sanyuan> pwd
16:50 < stanely> 這句話是有背後涵意嗎
16:50 < fntsrlike> [r0] 我好像提早了十分鐘(結束)
16:50 < privism> ls
16:50 < RuinlandIxa> r0來個live demo啦zzz
16:50 < hrs_R0> /home/sanyuan
16:50 -!- sammyhk [] has joined #coscup
16:50 -!- sammyfung [] has joined #coscup
16:50 < kuyuhisepa126> [R0]提早10minOAO
16:50 < salagadoola> [r1] OIN的運作完全專注在專利 其他事務留給別人做
16:50 < KiraYao> #livedemomayfail
16:50 < darkx> OAO
16:50 -!- alicekey [] has joined #coscup
16:50 < janyeh> irc要變成h社論壇嗎? XDD
16:50 -!- YSC [~YSC@] has joined #coscup
16:50 < superbil_> [r0] reviewing
16:50 -!- fntsrlike is now known as Swl[R0]
16:51 < janyeh> 還是開個bof... XD
16:51 -!- KE_ [01aa9ac5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:51 < KiraYao> \爆八卦/\爆八卦/\爆八卦/\爆八卦/\爆八卦/
16:51 < Edward_> XD
16:51 < KiraYao> 無孔不入的鍵盤工程師 出征拉XD
16:51 < chuiyi> 拿S2去會被爆頭嗎 <O>
16:51 < janyeh> 啥八卦?
16:51 -!- KuoE0 [caa9a6d7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:51 -!- gw2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:51 < privism> 其實我覺得 htc 和 Google 關係惡化不是 ptt 講的那樣
16:51 < jserv--> [W] 正在看 user-process 對 virtual mapping
16:52 < KiraYao> 怎麼說?
16:52 < superbil_> 一年一次的爆卦(?)
16:52 < privism> 可能工程師用自己的角度看到是那樣而已
16:52 < janyeh> ptt講怎樣?
16:52 < janyeh> 我沒有ptt帳號 T_T
16:52 < AndChat128225> 八卦?
16:52 < KiraYao> PTT的說法是你們改太大了 把Google搞不爽
16:52 < LittleQNCCU_> 工程師前面加上鍵盤兩個字好像沒什麼不對
16:52 < in2> privism: 求內幕
16:52 < KiraYao> 而且你們玩了太多自己的服務,侵犯到Google的賺錢手段
16:52 < privism> in2: 沒啥內幕吧
16:52 < cls_bsd> htc 不錯啊,就是講話的比做事的多而已
16:53 -!- coldturnip [~coldturni@] has joined #coscup
16:53 < darkgerm> [R0] PyCode 連結連到一個不存在的網頁0.0
16:53 < KiraYao> 阿,還有沒回報bug給Google,自己槓起來XD
16:53 < in2> cls_bsd: 咦, 你不是在 h 社嗎? @@"
16:53 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@2001:c08:1:164:b852:1bba:a6a3:b98f] has left #coscup []
16:53 < RuinlandIxa> ssshh~ XD
16:53 < privism> ptt 還有提到一點是說因為亂改,先期驗證的時候浪費 Google 的時間
16:53 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@2001:c08:1:164:b852:1bba:a6a3:b98f] has joined #coscup
16:53 < stanely> 好多八卦
16:54 < privism> 不過我覺得這些都是表面
16:54 < OAO> <LittleQNCCU_> 工程師前面加上鍵盤兩個字好像沒什麼不對 www
16:54 < jserv--> [W] 回到 MINIX
16:54 < KiraYao> 這個有點詭異 Google是要驗證"Open Source"什麼
16:54 < janyeh> 來爆料好了...
16:54 < sanyuan> MINIX.....@_@
16:54 < imKojima> !
16:54 < hrs_R0> !!
16:54 < KiraYao> 雖然Android實在不是個開源貨
16:54 < KiraYao> !!
16:54 < RuinlandIxa> Oral CoderXD
16:54 < jserv--> [W] MINIX kernel 不使用動態記憶體
16:54 < kiang> 推爆料
16:54 < yanyiyi> 板凳~坐等八卦
16:54 < LittleQNCCU_> 爆料囉
16:54 < KiraYao> Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~
16:54 < privism> KiraYao: Android 本來就不怎麼 open
16:54 < stanely> 求爆料啊~~~
16:54 < KiraYao> Let the Gossiping in the Air....
16:54 < privism> KiraYao: 外面的人很慢才拿到
16:54 < janyeh> 我之前才跟WSJ的記者說,因為公司政策不允許員工對外發言,所以拒絕他的採訪... XDD
16:54 < superbil_> [r0] live demo
16:55 -!- salagadoola [caae0405@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:55 < biostrike> 坐等爆料
16:55 -!- jos [] has joined #coscup
16:55 < stanely> 噗
16:55 -!- KE_ [01aa9ac5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:55 < RuinlandIxa> 最近在啃Android Native層QAQ
16:55 < stanely> 官方說法
16:55 < LittleQNCCU_> janyeh: Wsj是?
16:55 < greener> in2: !
16:55 < Alen_> 在irc 上不算公開言論...
16:55 < janyeh> 又Good question了~
16:55 < AndChat128225> 會議室不能吃雞排
16:55 < kiang> 我們一定會忘記誰說的
16:55 < Swl[R0]> [R0] 我右邊三個人都睡著了0.0
16:55 < chuiyi> 華爾街日報?
16:55 < janyeh> Wall Street Journal..
16:55 < Peter__> Wall Street Journal?
16:55 < KiraYao> 我們什麼都不知道歐
16:55 < KiraYao> 請繼續吧!
16:55 < LittleQNCCU_> 私密言論 ok
16:55 < janyeh> 我也不知道啊~
16:55 -!- salagadoola [caae0405@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:55 < cibs> irc 是私人場合快爆快爆
16:56 < in2> greener: !
16:56 -!- YSC [~YSC@] has quit [Quit: quit]
16:56 < smailc> 爆爆樂
16:56 < salagadoola> [r1] 希望每個用linux的公司都加入, 承諾如果手上有專利的話 不會用它攻擊linux, 一起減低linux被專利攻擊的風險
16:56 < RuinlandIxa> irc is a private place wwww
16:56 < darkx> 爆爆爆~
16:56 < superbil_> 以下內容請…逼
16:56 < Swl[R0]> 我記性不好,快爆掛WWW
16:56 < janyeh> 我很低調的... XDD
16:56 -!- bluesway [~bluesway@] has joined #coscup
16:56 < privism> 我覺得應該比較像我朋友說的
16:56 < KiraYao> 他怎麼說?
16:56 < kiang> 低調爆一下吧
16:56 < privism> 因為 htc 和 Google 簽約有 feedback 的義務
16:57 < darkgerm> R0 那個是用什麼跑出來的啊
16:57 < darkx> (麥克風(遞
16:57 < janyeh> 我的消息大部分都是看朋友的FB上面貼的新聞... -___-
16:57 -!- ysc [8c6d7ff6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
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16:57 -!- bluesway [~bluesway@] has quit [Client Quit]
16:57 < privism> 所以 htc 做的功能很快會被整入 android
16:57 < privism> 弄到最後 htc 自己不想和他合作的
16:57 < KiraYao> Then.....?
16:57 < jserv--> [W] Unit: # clicks (1024 bytes)
16:57 < KiraYao> XD
16:57 < stanely> 這樣做只為成就Google吧
16:57 < janyeh> 新功能會變成標準...
16:57 < KiraYao> 這個倒是不意外阿
16:57 < RuinlandIxa> 話說我認真的想問,R0今天下午後半場 3場的簡報會放出來嗎?很想看Q3Q
16:57 < stanely> YES
16:58 -!- deghost is now known as Guest82908
16:58 < KiraYao> Google一直都是吸血鬼
16:58 -!- AndChat|355284 [~Denir@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
16:58 -!- AndChat662025 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
16:58 < LittleQNCCU_> Butter project 就是一例是嗎?
16:58 -!- AndChat|355284 [~Denir@] has joined #coscup
16:58 -!- bluesway [~bluesway@] has joined #coscup
16:58 < KiraYao> [R2] urfkill daemon introduction
16:58 < BardicheZ__> Canonical的大袋子明天還會有嗎QQ?
16:58 < stanely> 爽爽爽不可能那麼聽話..都back feedback給Google
16:58 < Peter__> 怎麼聽起來很像iOS界jb做很好結果被果社抄去當標準XD
16:58 -!- AndChat662025 [] has joined #coscup
16:58 < kiang> Google應該有給好處吧
16:58 < jserv--> [W] MINUIX no memory relocation
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16:58 -!- sakana [] has quit [Quit: Bye]
16:59 < privism> 應該說 HTC 沒有和大型軟體公司交手的能力
16:59 < janyeh> 不知道有沒有好處耶~
16:59 -!- bobchao_ [] has joined #coscup
16:59 -!- mode/#coscup [+o bobchao_] by ChanServ
16:59 < Swl[R0]> [R0] Done.
16:59 < privism> 很多台灣公司都是這樣
16:59 -!- nemu [~AndChat36@2001:c08:1:164:6964:6328:ae3a:573b] has joined #coscup
16:59 < albb0920> 好處就是早期接觸新版的 code 我覺得很合理
16:59 -!- SteveSu [8c7018c0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
16:59 < jserv--> [W] ONE PIECE !
16:59 < KiraYao> 自身的軟體實力不足阿....
16:59 < KiraYao> 而且htc有比較早接觸新版code嗎....也沒有啊
16:59 < evenrain> [R0] done
16:59 < Edward_> 簡單來說就是HTC只有軟體... XD
16:59 < janyeh> os在人家手上,人家怎麼改,無法控制
16:59 -!- howardsun [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:00 -!- choer [] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
17:00 < stanely> 一句話道盡心酸啊
17:00 < FredC> 要聽閃電秀,要早早坐定!
17:00 < KiraYao> 現在就是兩面被裱
17:00 < Swl[R0]> 期待!
17:00 < privism> 但是 htc 不想和 google 合作自己也要承擔後果
17:00 < FourDollars> BardicheZ__: Ubuntu Bag 已經發光了,可能要等到下次的 COSCUP 才會。
17:00 < janyeh> 其實研發的比例比起其他台廠是相當高的
17:00 < evenrain> 閃電秀是在哪邊講?
17:00 < salagadoola> [r1] Q:為什麼只限於linux? A:因為要有個特定的目標, 畢竟沒辦法要求別人承諾不對所有開源軟體發動專利攻擊, 那個範圍過大
17:00 < privism> 就會比較慢拿到 os
17:00 < Alen_> [W] jserv 上場了..
17:00 -!- gnux123 [~gnux123@] has joined #coscup
17:00 < ccchiu> Jserv!
17:00 < evenrain> 幸好我有搶到 ubuntu bag XD
17:01 < chuiyi> 我的ubuntu bag正在發光 ~>.<~
17:01 -!- king1223 [~king1223@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
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17:01 < descent> juluos 超精彩
17:01 < BardicheZ__> FourDollars: 了解 謝謝QQ
17:01 < swaywang> jserv壓軸
17:01 < ijliao> ubuntu bag 很厲害嗎 ?_?
17:01 < RuinlandIxa> Python 三聯法orz
17:01 < KiraYao> 哪天三爽也會逆襲吧
17:01 -!- bluesway [~bluesway@] has joined #coscup
17:01 -!- nara [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:01 < janyeh> apple先吧?
17:01 < twolights> Python 很棒呀 (L)
17:01 < superbil_> r0 我今天這個題目看起來是講bash, 其實是講 python
17:01 < chuiyi> [r0] 這是在逼人學派森啊 >.<
17:01 -!- opop [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
17:01 < KiraYao> 我不太相信大家都肯讓Google這樣吃豆腐
17:01 < kengyu> ubuntu bag裝雨衣很適合
17:01 -!- ca_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:01 < zector> python和js甚麼時候關係變得這麼好
17:01 < albb0920> Android 最大的危險只有自己搞爛而已...
17:02 < Alen_> [W] 聊聊 jserv 最近在做的小東西.
17:02 < janyeh> 目前做smartphone的,只有三家有獲利
17:02 < KiraYao> 他再這樣改版迅速 就是自殺阿
17:02 < stanely> 今天好幾場java script跟python都變成好朋友
17:02 -!- BardicheZ__ [~Kevin@] has left #coscup []
17:02 < KiraYao> Apple/Samsung/HTC
17:02 -!- bobchao [~bobchao@2001:c08:1:164:d57b:c547:bc91:5c4d] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:02 -!- bobchao_ is now known as bobchao
17:02 -!- pioneerlike [~pioneerli@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
17:02 < KiraYao> Sony現在是賠錢跳水搶市佔
17:02 < janyeh> y
17:02 -!- VoidChen [~VoidChen@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:02 < janyeh> Nokia也不行了
17:02 < KiraYao> 其他不用提了...XD
17:02 -!- BardicheZ__ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
17:02 -!- Beata_ [~BeataLin@] has joined #coscup
17:02 < stanely> 哪3家?
17:02 < janyeh> RIM走下坡...
17:02 -!- alicekey [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
17:02 -!- michael [~michael@] has joined #coscup
17:03 < KiraYao> 我剛剛那三家
17:03 < RuinlandIxa> 今天真的是Python Loop......
17:03 < dictcp> ubuntu bag 很搶手
17:03 < janyeh> 科技業變化迅速呀~
17:03 -!- michael is now known as Guest95472
17:03 -!- Zhusee1 [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
17:03 -!- ca_ [] has joined #coscup
17:03 < KiraYao> 你們也要找出新花樣拉
17:03 < stanely> 不然怎麼叫科技業
17:03 < KiraYao> 雖然上層的.....
17:03 -!- ca_ [] has left #coscup []
17:03 < Alen_> [W] 介紹 RT-thread
17:03 < janyeh> 還記得我剛出道的時候,PalmOS正火... (不小心透露了年紀)
17:03 < RuinlandIxa> [好奇]RIM在台灣有紅過嗎?
17:03 -!- KE_ [01aa9ac5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:03 -!- Elsvent [8c6d7ff4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:03 -!- TobyOoO [8c6d7ff8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:03 < cclien> janyeh: 我也有寫過耶 XDD
17:03 < KiraYao> 沒紅過
17:03 < stanely> 大家也從科技新貴....變成科技碗粿...也是變化訊速
17:03 < KiraYao> RIM太晚近來
17:04 < kuyuhisepa126> demo!
17:04 -!- AndChat59136 [~AndChat59@] has joined #coscup
17:04 < janyeh> 而且RIM跟國人的使用習慣不符
17:04 < kuyuhisepa126> [R0]
17:04 -!- opop [] has joined #coscup
17:04 < darkx> ipython 好用
17:04 < KiraYao> 進來台灣的時候 iPhone已經毀滅世界了
17:04 < RuinlandIxa> 我家裡還有一台Palm跟Compaq Wince
17:04 -!- allstarschh [~allstars@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:04 < Alen_> [W] USB 協議...哦不..是 USB protocol
17:04 -!- opop [] has left #coscup []
17:04 < chuiyi> Nokia玩Symbian玩過頭
17:04 < salagadoola> 我想到剛才ant那場 研究哪家os的license 那個os就倒台
17:04 < KiraYao> rfkill時間
17:04 -!- ysc_ [8c6d7ff6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:04 < AndChat59136> @@
17:04 -!- tnth [~tnth@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
17:04 < Sorry> [W] 是哪一間?
17:04 < KiraYao> 叫他快去研究Win8...XD
17:04 < RuinlandIxa> XDDDDD
17:04 -!- u1031333_ [~u10313335@] has joined #coscup
17:04 -!- littleq [] has joined #coscup
17:04 < albb0920> RIM 主打mail,台灣無感吧
17:04 -!- FreedomKnight [~FreedomKn@] has joined #coscup
17:04 < cclien> Sorry: workshop
17:04 -!- BardicheZ__ [~Kevin@] has quit [Quit: BardicheZ__]
17:04 < janyeh> 大家覺得WinPhone8如何?
17:04 < cclien> Sorry: 另一棟
17:04 < dar> Sony th55 也是經典
17:05 < Sorry> @cclien: 喔喔
17:05 < RuinlandIxa> 不喜歡metro......
17:05 < KiraYao> 還....不好說
17:05 -!- VoidChen [~VoidChen@] has joined #coscup
17:05 < darkgerm> [R1] 可以對我人肉搜索 XD
17:05 < KiraYao> 動態磚還不錯
17:05 < salagadoola> 還特別澄清: 目前沒有研究b2g的license xd
17:05 -!- Jlnshen [~Jlnshen@] has joined #coscup
17:05 < elvis_> 強烈希望 win8 炸掉
17:05 < KiraYao> 但是整體殺手應用還沒有
17:05 -!- AndChat59136 [~AndChat59@] has quit [Client Quit]
17:05 < RuinlandIxa> 那我可以人肉ddos R1嗎? XD
17:05 < janyeh> 我也是存疑,但是看到一些研究報告說,2015左右WP會起來
17:05 < fcrh> [r1] 其實我自己本身不是商標的專家XD
17:05 < twolights> 我只覺得 WP8 又砍掉重練一次很帥氣 XDD
17:05 < Alen_> [W] 開發一個小而美小而省的系統
17:05 -!- mosu_ [] has joined #coscup
17:05 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has joined #coscup
17:05 < KiraYao> 2015?
17:05 -!- ysc [8c6d7ff6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:05 < tC_> WP8 UI看起來很不錯 但軟體質與數量可能會變成問題..
17:05 < stanely> 請問B2G (Firefox OS)會有可能商業化嗎?
17:05 -!- yspan [~AndChat29@] has joined #coscup
17:05 < KiraYao> MS等的到2015?!
17:06 < KiraYao> Impossible.
17:06 < RuinlandIxa> B2G!!! ((敲碗
17:06 -!- AndChat|355284 [~Denir@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
17:06 -!- tnth [~tnth@] has joined #coscup
17:06 < KiraYao> B2G要跑什麼....
17:06 < carl_tw> 已經要商業化了不是嗎
17:06 < littleq> Firefox OS~
17:06 < janyeh> 因為WindowsMobile team實在不行... 之前跟美國那邊反應了兩年,WM市場一直掉
17:06 < RuinlandIxa> 之前有抓B2G的桌機版來玩
17:06 < carlcarl> 研究報告看看就好=.=
17:06 -!- biostrike [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
17:06 -!- deghost_ [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:06 < salagadoola> [r1] 完整擁有想要的名稱: 先選先有先註冊
17:06 < KiraYao> 就跟ChromeOS一樣
17:06 < stanely> 我指真的有phone maker用B2G出手機
17:06 < KiraYao> 我不看好....
17:06 < RuinlandIxa> B2G今年年底好像會在巴西出的樣子
17:06 < albb0920> WM 在他的年代也不差就是了
17:06 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
17:06 < janyeh> 為什麼等不到? WP8 靠 Win8,或許有機會
17:07 < Alen_> [W] UCOS-II vs FreeRTOS vs RT-THread
17:07 < carlcarl> B2G沒感覺orz
17:07 -!- tnth_ [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:07 < play> ?
17:07 < stanely> 很像在火力展現
17:07 < cclien> janyeh: 多倒幾個Mobile OS看看人才會不會流到M$ XDD
17:07 < KiraYao> Impossible是再回B2G拉
17:07 < janyeh> 人才... 有可能,專利...應該會
17:07 < stanely> B2G在巴西我也是看到新聞稿有寫
17:07 -!- ca_ [] has joined #coscup
17:07 < RuinlandIxa> B2G讓我想到OpenMoko......
17:07 < yanyiyi> [R1] 我也是抄下來的啦
17:07 < JalenLin> 起碼M$+Nokia專利夠多QQ
17:07 < KiraYao> win8可以把東西無縫流通wp8嗎?
17:07 -!- Guest82908 [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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17:08 < RuinlandIxa> 很可惜的東西......(sigh)
17:08 -!- webbertsai_ [caa9a5ab@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:08 < janyeh> 都上雲端,應該可以無縫吧?!
17:08 < KiraYao> meego?
17:08 -!- webbertsai [78774d1d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
17:08 < ccc-larc> [R0] return 2> /dev/null
17:08 < evenrain> 為什麼是 return 2?
17:08 < kuyuhisepa126> [r0]這與法太噁心了
17:08 < RuinlandIxa> meego不是被intel射後不理了?
17:08 -!- watsontsai [~watsontsa@2001:c08:1:164:66a7:69ff:fe9a:40f1] has joined #coscup
17:08 < darkx> 其實把東西倒到 /dev/null 不會覺得噁心耶 :|
17:08 < FourDollars> [r2] 可以透過介面開關裝置的都算是 soft block
17:08 < stanely> 他都說很難懂了啊
17:08 -!- ysc_ [8c6d7ff6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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17:08 < albb0920> meego 是爹不疼娘不愛XD
17:08 -!- kkiick [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:08 < nfsnfs> intel 基本上跟 Meego 說掰掰了 ...
17:09 -!- chy168 [] has joined #coscup
17:09 < janyeh> 可是meego也培養了很多人才吧~
17:09 < KiraYao> 對阿
17:09 < nfsnfs> 請找 Tizen ...
17:09 < littleq> evenrain: 因為只有執行 return 阿
17:09 < kkiick> 終於上來了@_@
17:09 < KiraYao> intel的軟體計劃....躺很多....
17:09 < darkx> python 讓我飛上天了~
17:09 < RuinlandIxa> [r0]因為python我會飛
17:09 -!- bobchao [] has quit [Quit: bobchao]
17:09 < RuinlandIxa> XDDD
17:09 < KiraYao> 他們砍計畫不手軟
17:09 < littleq> 然後 stderr 倒掉而已
17:09 < evenrain> littleq: 我的意思是 return 1 > /dev/null 這樣應該也行吧?
17:09 < littleq> 不是 return 2
17:09 < KiraYao> (看WiMAX)
17:09 -!- swind_ [] has joined #coscup
17:09 < coldturnip> 想到前年講 keynote 的 Intel …
17:10 < littleq> return > /dev/null 應該也型
17:10 < iblis17> std err
17:10 < janyeh> 就跟創投一樣,看不行了就收了
17:10 < nfsnfs> Intel 的 software ... 一直想做 OS
17:10 < Sorry> 今天 PyCon 內容真豐富(?)
17:10 < littleq> 喔
17:10 < ijliao> stdout & stderr
17:10 < RuinlandIxa> wimax是政治因素?
17:10 < littleq> 但是
17:10 < nemu> 休息純聊天BoF人數逼近100當中 ...
17:10 < darkx> PyCUP (?
17:10 < RuinlandIxa> 被高通杯葛
17:10 < nfsnfs> 也一直收購 OS 的人才和公司
17:10 < albb0920> 我記得去年還前年我們還在敲碗 Nokia 一人一台 N900,搞不好他們當時送的話舊不會這樣了 (誤
17:10 < janyeh> 我也要去純聊天那個
17:10 < KiraYao> 恩....
17:10 < chuiyi> 前年的N900...
17:10 -!- mkfsn [] has joined #coscup
17:10 < evenrain> littleq: hmm 害我想半天為啥要寫 2 XDDD
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17:10 < littleq> return 2> /dev/null 才是對的,因為 return > /dev/null 的話搞不好實際上有執行
17:10 < nfsnfs> WiMax 那個是沒辦法了 Orz
17:10 < littleq> 但是你不知道
17:10 -!- Negaihoshi [~e222et@] has joined #coscup
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17:10 < darkx> CPAN >////<
17:10 < coldturnip> 今年 COSCUP 講 Ruby 的好像有變少,是我的錯覺嗎?
17:10 < janyeh> 送手機應該虧更大吧?
17:11 < littleq> 不是只是要顯示而已,把 function 裡面都改成 rm 你就懂了
17:11 < barneybook> 大家可以準備聽閃電秀了
17:11 < kuyuhisepa126> WiMax好像很少看人有人用..
17:11 < KiraYao> 今年python大舉入侵XD
17:11 < yanyiyi> 有沒有今年贊助coscup明年會落寞的八卦(誤)
17:11 < Sorry> Python 101
17:11 < KiraYao> WiMAX台灣政府也不認真推阿
17:11 < Alen_> [W] 現在都是藝術家在寫程式,而程式員都不太寫程式了..
17:11 < littleq> 今年是 Python 年!
17:11 < KiraYao> 日本有推起來
17:11 < RuinlandIxa> wimax收訊範圍太少
17:11 < janyeh> @yanyiyi: Good point!!
17:11 < chuiyi> 我們公司有人用 聽說一個月3xx 其實在都會區不錯用
17:11 < coldturnip> albb0920: 那個是前年,去年是 HTC
17:11 < KiraYao> 出一張嘴最好會起來....
17:11 < Negaihoshi> Ruby �u���n��
17:11 < rail02000> 贊助coscup明年會寂寞,微軟表示...... (誤
17:11 < KiraYao> 其實WiMAX還不錯
17:11 < nfsnfs> wimax 台灣還有,只是只有都會區會通
17:11 < janyeh> 主要是LTE對電信公司比較好導入
17:11 < littleq> 明天歡迎到 Python Taiwan 攤位聊聊 :)
17:11 < chuiyi> 起碼比CHT 3G好用 (默
17:11 < carl_tw> 應該是有 phone maker 要推
17:11 < KiraYao> 哈哈
17:11 < adaam> 之前去韓國,他們WiMAX在捷運每個車廂都有
17:11 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
17:11 < JalenLin> 台灣政府有認真推過甚麼嗎?
17:11 < smailc> 今年Python 好多
17:12 < nemu> LTE快來吧~!
17:12 < adaam> 在車廂裡面會轉成WIFI給你用
17:12 < carl_tw> 希望可以看得到 Firefox 手機
17:12 -!- ccc-larc [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
17:12 -!- phtseng [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:cd1b:eb63:a3fc:c5b5] has joined #coscup
17:12 < KiraYao> 有
17:12 < KiraYao> 收錢
17:12 -!- enid_chen [] has joined #coscup
17:12 < KiraYao> 油電雙漲
17:12 -!- faulfish [] has joined #coscup
17:12 < barneybook> 去年交換噗浪!! 今年來交換github好了
17:12 < chuiyi> 花博
17:12 < KiraYao> 理由特別多XD
17:12 < imKojima> 有啊 選舉
17:12 < JalenLin> XDDD
17:12 < smailc> 我還比較想看到 Firefox 手機
17:12 -!- sakana [] has joined #coscup
17:12 < kuyuhisepa126> XD
17:12 < Steveice> 說到贊助 今天intel不見了
17:12 < FourDollars> [r2] 快點移除吧!拜託!
17:12 < KiraYao> 講到這髒話差點飆出來
17:12 -!- biostrike [] has joined #coscup
17:12 < nfsnfs> XDD
17:12 < janyeh> WiMax vs LTE == 無線系統商 vs 電信系統商 ?
17:12 < smailc> 阿 ? 贓誇快飆出來是哪朝
17:12 < KiraYao> 算吧
17:12 < rail02000> 台北市去年有部份公車裝WiMax+轉Wifi,今年契約到期就關掉了
17:13 < chuiyi> 花博門票綁WiMax體驗帳號 馬上就起來了!
17:13 < CindyLinz> jserv: "這個數字是怎麼出來的? 這個是經驗哄!"
17:13 < coldturnip> 可惜今年的 Haskell 的 Yesod 場,講者卡簽證來不了,傷心 :(
17:13 -!- Ke_ [01aa9ac5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:13 < Negaihoshi> �h�~�٦� Meego ���M�l �ܦ����w���F
17:13 -!- BillyHerrington [~willyliu@] has joined #coscup
17:13 < nfsnfs> 電信系統那些廠商不太想理 Intel 啊 XD
17:13 -!- faulfish [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:13 < KiraYao> 就很無奈啊 很多東西可以做起來的都可以自己敗掉
17:13 < yungyuc> Negaihoshi: UTF8 please
17:13 < KiraYao> 你不會氣嗎XD
17:13 < ijliao> negaihoshi: utf8 plz
17:13 -!- s884812 [3d75ad63@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:13 < Beata_> 弱弱的問一下 [W] <- 是哪裡?
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17:14 < brucehsu> workshop
17:14 < Peter__> workshop
17:14 < KiraYao> workshop
17:14 < nfsnfs> workshop
17:14 < evenrain> workshop
17:14 < YChao_> 活動中心
17:14 < jack_> 在活動中心
17:14 < JalenLin> [r0] help最不好做!!
17:14 < YChao_> 在另一棟
17:14 < FourDollars> Negaihoshi: utf8 please
17:14 < yungyuc> pydoc rules
17:14 < Beata_> 謝謝指路
17:14 < Guest44085> 好冷............................
17:14 < janyeh> r1:鴻海徵信社
17:14 -!- yichiuan [~ooo@2001:c08:1:164:1119:2e40:184f:da24] has joined #coscup
17:14 < freetsubasa> [r1] 鴻海徵信社XD
17:14 < KiraYao> XD
17:14 -!- ccc-larc [] has joined #coscup
17:15 < yanyiyi> [r1] 鴻海徵信社~~~
17:15 < rich1iu> [r1] 橘子工坊 這...
17:15 < Negaihoshi> 拍謝 這樣OK了喵?
17:15 < adaam> 擁有了import的力量 感覺好威
17:15 < KiraYao> 野生的賣萌君出現了!
17:15 -!- bobchao [~bobchao@2001:c08:1:164:e481:7176:b2d1:d0e3] has joined #coscup
17:15 -!- mode/#coscup [+o bobchao] by ChanServ
17:15 < darkx> cool!
17:15 -!- mtchang [~mtchang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:15 < Quexint> [R1] 剛剛兩個都叫UCC, 那是那個UCC獲勝啊XDDD
17:15 < KiraYao> UCC Coffie Win!
17:16 < yanyiyi> UCCU
17:16 < watsontsai> Ok
17:16 < freetsubasa> 腳踏車打咖啡 咖啡贏了(?)
17:16 < Negaihoshi> 我剛剛說的是這個 "去年還有 Meego 的杯子 變成限定版了"
17:16 -!- greener [2a4bc563@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:16 < janyeh> 我有拿到meego的悲劇
17:16 < superbil_> [r0] 通常用忘記更多來學習更多
17:16 < albb0920> XDDDD
17:16 < kuyuhisepa126> XXXD
17:16 < vrootic> quit
17:16 < janyeh> 杯具... XDD
17:16 < FreedomKnight> gcc ggc
17:16 < keitheis> lloydhuang 把 講得我都想學 python 了 XD
17:16 -!- vrootic [~vic@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
17:16 < barneybook> 我今天有帶MEEGO的杯子來耶
17:16 < KiraYao> Meego的悲劇XD
17:16 -!- RickZhang [~AndChat61@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:16 < yanyiyi> \__Meego__/
17:16 < watsontsai> 回家收好
17:16 < ijliao> 以後大家都要去亂註冊產業別了...
17:16 < coldturnip> Meeeeegone!
17:17 < stanely> 去年intel還是最大的booth
17:17 < barneybook> 好用的杯子!!!
17:17 < dca_> 為什麼你會飛
17:17 < KiraYao> 去年是intel大還HTC大啊@@
17:17 < privism> 所以
17:17 < nfsnfs> Intel 去年 Q4 到現在好像都不是很好 ...
17:17 < janyeh> 對啊~ 真的隔年就... (COSCUP魔咒)
17:17 < stanely> 好像差不多大
17:17 < KiraYao> (話說今年的booth比較少....規模也變小了)
17:17 < privism> 明年微軟 WP8 可能還是不行
17:17 -!- mtchang [~mtchang@] has joined #coscup
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17:17 -!- yade [~yade@2001:c08:1:164:762f:68ff:fee4:3596] has joined #coscup
17:17 < janyeh> 我記得intel有找sg?
17:17 < jimmytp> 之前就有人說慈濟把大愛註冊各種行業的商標...
17:17 < stanely> 但intel在絕佳位置
17:17 < yanyiyi> (廣達會不會哭哭
17:17 < smailc> Meego的悲劇 我超愛阿~~
17:17 < dca_> M社明年掰掰
17:17 < coldturnip> ←討厭寫 shell script 的 zsh user orz
17:18 < privism> 但是微軟後來居上的例子還滿多的
17:18 < JalenLin> 要開賭盤了嗎?
17:18 < rail02000> Win 8會被coscup詛咒(誤
17:18 < barneybook> 也許明年Google變成鑽石贊助
17:18 < janyeh> 就說要找爽立方來贊助啊! (握拳~)
17:18 < KiraYao> 還是台達電低調,這樣比較聰明?
17:18 < darkx> zsh 覺得太複雜了...
17:18 < privism> 長遠看他還是有機會
17:18 < watsontsai> 從coscup看產業興衰?
17:18 -!- RickZhang [~AndChat61@] has joined #coscup
17:18 < jackymaxj> GG的Ultrabook
17:18 -!- faulfish [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:18 < KiraYao> 快去找爽利方吧!
17:18 < chuiyi> Windows8不錯啊
17:18 < JalenLin> COSCUP莫非定理
17:18 -!- alicekey [] has joined #coscup
17:18 < YChao_> coscup看產業興衰++
17:18 < albb0920> Azure 感覺應該還 OK 吧
17:18 < KiraYao> 用一個COSCUP 打倒一個南韓XD
17:18 -!- yade [~yade@2001:c08:1:164:762f:68ff:fee4:3596] has quit [Client Quit]
17:18 -!- Shawn [8c77603f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
17:18 < Peter__> 從coscup贊助商看放空標的(誤)
17:18 < RuinlandIxa> M$ Office系列當年把IBM Lotus打爆......
17:18 < barneybook> CUSCOP魔咒?
17:19 < janyeh> 贊助的隔年會脈絡
17:19 < barneybook> COSCUP~魔咒?
17:19 < janyeh> 沒落
17:19 < privism> RuinlandIxa: 那是被 IBM 買的都會掛吧
17:19 < ryanho> [r2] 講者對功能要不要拿掉怨念很深?
17:19 < CindyLinz> jserv: "這個是山寨版的 iPod.. 就是有中國特色的 iPod"
17:19 < JalenLin> 看10月過後M$平板推行狀況吧
17:19 -!- yade [~yade@2001:c08:1:164:762f:68ff:fee4:3596] has joined #coscup
17:19 -!- king1223 [~king1223@] has joined #coscup
17:19 < dca_> 這樣看起來asus真聰明
17:19 < ericsk> 還好MS的 booth 很精簡, 就不受魔咒限制 :P
17:19 < superbil_> coscup 其實是反攻全世界的新武器 (誤)
17:19 < KiraYao> 我覺得surface很棒耶
17:19 < albb0920> 應該都是來的時後誠意還不夠 (伸手
17:19 < YChao_> asus真聰明+1
17:19 < KiraYao> 台達電也很聰明阿
17:19 < KiraYao> 每年都在 每年都有booth
17:20 < in2> surface 不錯啊! 只不過公開使用的時候可能會按 home 鍵沒有反應 XD
17:20 < KiraYao> 可是都不會很高調
17:20 < janyeh> 換個說法:booth花太多錢的,隔年會沒落的機率越高?
17:20 -!- kiang [~yaaic@] has quit [Quit: Yaaic - Yet another Android IRC client -]
17:20 < KiraYao> 硬兔長輩試用過了?
17:20 < JalenLin> 他是說發表會當機那個吧
17:20 < kuyuhisepa126> @ king1223 : 你們那邊收攤了嗎?(剛剛也去顧攤的某人)
17:20 < KiraYao> 廣達(抖)
17:20 < yanyiyi> 可惡今年m$只擺個長桌
17:20 < JalenLin> 微軟發表會當機會成功(?) 望向Windows 95
17:20 < privism> 發表會不是他要滑滑不動嗎
17:20 < Edward_> in2: 那是 Never Live demo 魔咒 XD
17:20 < watsontsai> 不知surface會多少錢~
17:20 < king1223> 收攤了
17:20 < Edward_> 98 啦
17:20 < janyeh> 天瓏攤位還在嗎?等下去搬書
17:21 < Edward_> 98 BSoD超經典
17:21 < JalenLin> 98喔~XD
17:21 < janyeh> 哭哭
17:21 < YChao_> 悲劇了...
17:21 < JalenLin> 忘掉
17:21 < KiraYao> 有成功過嗎XD
17:21 < stanely> 搬python嗎
17:21 < king1223> RJ大大的電腦還沒收
17:21 < KiraYao> 98 BSoD...XD
17:21 -!- yade [~yade@2001:c08:1:164:762f:68ff:fee4:3596] has quit [Client Quit]
17:21 < Quexint> 聽說 win 98 當初發表會 藍屏XD
17:21 < KiraYao> 不用聽說阿 是真的
17:21 < JalenLin> youtube有影片阿
17:21 < YChao_> scanner
17:21 < kuyuhisepa126> @ king1223:恩,我要衣服(炸
17:21 < tnth> 天攏滿兩千免運 不用搬
17:21 < Edward_> 誰叫他要移動掃描機 XDD
17:21 < albb0920> USB 隨插即用 (插入
17:21 < privism> Quexint: 去 youtube 看影片
17:21 < adaam> 這次好多Live DEMO
17:21 -!- swind_ [] has quit [Quit: swind_]
17:21 < chuiyi> 懷念的藍屏 陪伴著每位大大的童年
17:21 -!- faulfish [] has joined #coscup
17:21 < stanely> 沒錯
17:21 < Peter__> 98重大feature啊,當然要demo藍屏XD
17:21 < privism> Edward_: 因為他 pnp
17:21 < Edward_> 嗯
17:21 < janyeh> @tnth: 那還要去領錢~
17:21 < Edward_> 熱插拔DEMO
17:21 < privism> driver 有問題
17:21 -!- mtchang [~mtchang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
17:21 < ijliao> 2k 免運 ? 佛心來著啊 !
17:21 < KiraYao> BSoD Live Demo
17:22 < barneybook> (今天快結束了!!! 大家來更新一下吧)
17:22 < Edward_> 話說Win8的藍屏變成 :( 了
17:22 < king1223> 衣服阿(炸
17:22 < JalenLin> 哭哭臉
17:22 < Quexint> 然後以後Bill就不上了(?)
17:22 -!- chy168 [] has left #coscup []
17:22 < dca_> 兩千送vip好吸引人 可是我前天才買了兩千...
17:22 < RuinlandIxa> Metro本藍就藍藍的XD
17:22 < JalenLin> 有VIP無感XD
17:22 < Edward_> 其實可以自訂色彩啦 XD
17:22 -!- Howie2 [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
17:22 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has quit [Quit: Bye]
17:23 -!- u1031333_ [~u10313335@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:23 < chuiyi> 天瓏VIP好像買原文書比較有差
17:23 < dca_> 原來如此
17:23 < barneybook> 不知道METRO的藍屏是什麼樣子~~~~
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17:23 < yanagiis> \exit
17:23 < in2> KiraYao: 從 13:30 開始看一分鐘 # surface 發表會
17:23 < Edward_> barneybook: 就 :(
17:24 -!- yanagiis [~yanagiis@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
17:24 < keitheis> [r0] 連三場 live demo & py
17:24 < JalenLin>
17:24 < coldturnip> 糟糕,沒注意到買兩千送 VIP,我今天才買 1.9k wryyyyyyyy
17:24 -!- a0000778 [] has joined #coscup
17:24 < jnlin_tfn> coscip 的議程有放到網路上嗎?
17:24 -!- mtchang [~mtchang@] has joined #coscup
17:24 < privism> coldturnip: 趕快去補買
17:24 < watsontsai> Surface,價錢是成功與否
17:24 < webbertsai_> 不知道天龍兩千免運的訊息.... 買了一千五而已
17:24 < KiraYao> 現在補買!?
17:24 < stanely> 準備閃人
17:24 < adaam> 議程
17:24 < KiraYao> 據說199
17:24 < RuinlandIxa> 天瓏老闆其實很愛發卡XD
17:24 < jnlin_tfn> sorry 是 lighting talk 的議程
17:24 < JalenLin> 真的
17:25 < KiraYao> Surface據說199美刀
17:25 < yanyiyi> [r1] 註冊吧!
17:25 < Howie2> 今年主題是不是有點發散@@
17:25 < smailc> R1 馬上註冊商標吧
17:25 -!- sammyhk [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
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17:25 < kuyuhisepa126> 期待等等的閃電秀w
17:25 -!- enid_chen [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:25 < chuiyi> 199 10"平板?
17:25 < JalenLin> 上次去買沒買滿他也說看我們是本科系學生就一人一張了
17:25 < freetsubasa> [r1]註冊吧! 商標 !
17:25 -!- hugojay [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
17:25 < ijliao> 我的天龍 vip 是幾百年前的不知道有沒有過期... ?!
17:25 < chuiyi> 感覺有點難...
17:25 < barneybook> 早知道今天帶天龍卡來~~~
17:25 < privism> chuiyi: 謠言
17:25 < coldturnip> 天龍人!
17:25 < JalenLin> 他沒有期限吧QQ
17:25 < dictcp> workshop有沒有錄影?
17:25 < KiraYao> 據說~
17:25 < barneybook> 天龍VIP不會過期唷
17:25 < janyeh> 不是說是會員就有打折?
17:25 < watsontsai> 應該299比較可能
17:25 < privism> chuiyi: 但是是上報紙的謠言
17:25 < RuinlandIxa> 我也是跟他聊開了就給了XDdD
17:25 < bluesway> surface 199應該還是要加稅
17:25 < salagadoola> 可是今天的折扣比VIP還低啊
17:25 <@bobchao> dictcp: nope
17:26 <@bobchao> unconference 也不會錄
17:26 < barneybook> salagadoola: 也是啦!~~~
17:26 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:26 < janyeh> 我拿了兩三次卡... 不過買書的時候都跟老闆說會員... 他就給我打折
17:26 < KiraYao> 加稅也不貴阿
17:26 < superbil_> 傳說只要戴眼鏡進去買書,馬上就會被成天瓏會員
17:26 < privism> superbil_: 噗
17:26 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
17:26 < KiraYao> Surface裡面裝的是QC的S4?
17:26 -!- Ya_ [cbcb27e9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:26 < KiraYao> 還是Tegra3?
17:26 < janyeh> 那沒帶眼鏡,會被打到骨折? XDD
17:26 < elvis_> 老闆眼鏡控?
17:26 < maxwux> 沒在寫code的我,聽些寫code的議程,真的會讓人想睡覺阿
17:26 -!- peterlee [6f51be6f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:26 < ijliao> 他送 vip 只有利沒有害啊... :p
17:26 < bluesway> NTD$ 8000±... I guess
17:26 < RuinlandIxa> 傳說只要有心,人人都可以當攻城屍......
17:26 < JalenLin> tegra 3
17:27 -!- jackymaxj [~User@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
17:27 < watsontsai> 高通比較可能
17:27 < chuiyi> 前幾天去天瓏買書 老闆就有在問coscup都是誰出資最多主辦
17:27 < JalenLin> 當初發表規格是寫tegra3
17:27 -!- gh__ [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
17:27 < Edward_> 我也記得是 Tegra 3
17:27 -!- faulfish [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:27 < KiraYao> 之前是聽說WP8都要用S4
17:27 < littlebtc> Feels 199 比較有可能是綁約價吧
17:27 < KiraYao> 不過不知道耶
17:28 < watsontsai> 應是(遠目)
17:28 < privism> chuiyi: 可見老闆也知道 coscup 魔咒
17:28 < evenrain> [R0] QA
17:28 < RuinlandIxa> 天瓏有在賣Fedora,Debian的說~
17:28 < JalenLin> WindowsPhone和Windows RT用不同的吧
17:28 < webbertsai_> 可能天瓏老闆看人給 買好多次沒有拿到過
17:28 < KiraYao> [R2] Done.
17:28 < chuiyi> 後來老闆就說 怎麼不找Apple辦 1000都有可能丟…我心裡在想: Apple要殺open source都來不及了 (逃
17:28 < janyeh> 天瓏老闆要去放空贊助最多的廠商嗎?
17:28 -!- Ya_ [cbcb27e9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #coscup []
17:28 -!- rail02000 [~quassel@] has left #coscup [" - Chat comfortably. Anywhere."]
17:28 < ijliao> XD
17:28 < RuinlandIxa> 叫Apple先讓JVM上架吧ZZZZZzzzzzz
17:28 -!- AndChat|355284 [~Denir@] has joined #coscup
17:28 < superbil_> import gf
17:28 < bluesway> #import all...
17:29 < darkx> from python import * (誤
17:29 -!- mtchang [~mtchang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
17:29 < Peter__> Apple來只能報LLVM吧XD
17:29 -!- stanely [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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17:29 -!- Howie2 [~yaaic@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
17:29 < JalenLin> [r0] end
17:29 -!- mosu_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
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17:29 -!- KuoE0 [caa9a6d7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
17:29 < janyeh> r1: 講到這個,我記得以前申請的,後來被拿去當AV網站了... T_T
17:29 -!- ccchiu [~ccchiu@] has quit [Quit: ccchiu]
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17:30 < KiraYao> clang?
17:30 -!- nfsnfs [caa9a366@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:30 -!- Peter__ [8c72fd14@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
17:30 < jimmytp> [R1] 多一分常識 多一分保障 多一分OO 看起來好像政府文宣標語
17:30 < Negaihoshi> 居然
17:30 -!- yanyiyi [~yan@] has quit [Quit: yanyiyi]
17:30 -!- kito [~kito@] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
17:30 < Quexint> [R1] QA
17:30 -!- Alen_ [~Alen@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
17:30 < itswindtw> lightning talk~~
17:30 -!- Thomasy [~chatzilla@] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 17.0a1/20120817030555]]
17:30 < privism> 所以今天 lightening talk 是什麼
17:30 < FreedomKnight> 多一分知識多一分保障 那什麼都不知道就要被打假的
17:30 < jimmytp> 冬梅姊好拚, R1 Q&A
17:30 < coldturnip> 閃電秀準備中
17:30 < bluesway> janyeh: 看起來只是交友網站 還不算av啦XD
17:30 < chuiyi> r0的冷氣越來越誇張了
17:31 -!- nara [] has joined #coscup
17:31 < janyeh> 18禁吧?你去看了~ XDD
17:31 < FreedomKnight> 所以腦袋空空就要被薛了
17:31 -!- u1031333_ [~u10313335@] has joined #coscup
17:31 < JalenLin> R0是用冷凍庫吧
17:31 -!- FreedomKnight [~FreedomKn@] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
17:31 -!- mtchang [~mtchang@] has joined #coscup
17:31 < chuiyi> 很像以前去餐廳幫人抬冷凍豬肉那種感覺
17:31 < jimmytp> 餓了
17:31 -!- jeremy5189 [~jeremy518@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:31 -!- StarNight [~AndChat65@] has quit [Quit: Bye]
17:31 < carl_tw> R0 太威了
17:31 < Beata_> 一股寒氣自頂門灌入
17:31 <@bobchao> lightning talk 大家緩緩地湧進來了
17:31 < janyeh> 交友網站=社群網站=色情網站
17:31 < ijliao> r0 還有位可以看閃電秀嗎 ?
17:31 < shtzeng> 冷氣口下面更冷 Orz
17:31 -!- yspan [~AndChat29@] has quit [Quit: Bye]
17:31 -!- Haraguroicha [~Haraguroi@] has joined #coscup
17:31 -!- jason2506 [~jason2506@2001:c08:1:164:d58c:707d:394:15cf] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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17:31 -!- greener_ [2a4bc563@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:31 < evenrain> [R0] 算是滿了吧
17:31 < carl_tw> import
17:31 * twolights 有穿外套沒啥感覺 XD
17:31 < privism> 進不去了
17:32 < bluesway> av是adult *video* 呀
17:32 <@bobchao> ijliao: 看起來樓上還有座位
17:32 <@bobchao> 四樓
17:32 < privism> 在想要不要先閃回家
17:32 < KiraYao> test?
17:32 -!- Takeshi [~Takeshi@] has joined #coscup
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17:32 <@bobchao> 視野很好 臨場敢比較不足就是了
17:32 < evenrain> 三樓有零星空位 不過要看運氣了
17:32 < KiraYao> 動作要快
17:32 < orinx> 閃電秀!!好期待
17:32 < bluesway> 四樓 太遠了,有近視的投影片都看不到
17:32 < Ke_> N900
17:32 -!- taicomjp [~kclien@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
17:32 < ijliao> 還是看轉播吧...
17:33 -!- hashman [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:33 < privism> 哪邊有轉播
17:33 -!- BillyHerrington [~willyliu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
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17:33 -!- Elsvent [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:33 < webbertsai_> 哪裡有轉播
17:33 < KiraYao> Stop-Motion Calc...XD
17:33 < bluesway> 以後可以依視力測驗結果排座位嗎XD
17:33 <@bobchao> ijliao: 最前面一排 thinker 旁邊目前兩個座位
17:33 < TobyOoO>
17:33 -!- ming1053 [] has joined #coscup
17:33 -!- astro^ [] has joined #coscup
17:33 < ijliao> 莫非沒轉播 ?!
17:33 -!- deghost_ [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:33 -!- wanwan722 [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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17:33 -!- brucehsu [~brucehsu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:33 < TobyOoO> [R0] 轉播在這裡 ->
17:34 -!- BillyHerrington [8c700441@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
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17:34 <@bobchao> 剩一個
17:34 -!- smailc [~chatzilla@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
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17:34 -!- gnux123 [~gnux123@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:34 < Steveice> 剛剛網址不是live阿
17:34 < lzy> Ben Lau 坐哪兒?
17:34 -!- biostrike [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:34 -!- jackymaxj [~User@] has joined #coscup
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17:34 < KiraYao> COSCUP_int的網路好曼
17:34 < privism> 會錄影嗎
17:34 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
17:35 -!- ernest_ [~ernest@] has quit [Quit: ernest_]
17:35 -!- nemu [~AndChat36@2001:c08:1:164:6964:6328:ae3a:573b] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:35 < bluesway> 在現場看轉播會精神分裂啊..影音一整個不同步
17:35 < greener_> 4f 還有幾個位置
17:35 -!- u1031333_ [~u10313335@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:35 < FredC> 爆滿
17:35 < privism> 好吧去站一下好了
17:35 -!- deghost_ [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:35 -!- mtchang [~mtchang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
17:35 < hashman> 沒有為了
17:35 < hashman> xdd
17:35 < Howie> 閃電秀會轉播嗎?
17:35 -!- jereme [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
17:35 -!- jimmytp [6f519e3b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:35 < hashman> 剛剛有貼youtube的轉播
17:36 < Elsvent> 我看到有人架V8了 XD
17:36 -!- ccc-larc [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
17:36 < webbertsai_> 太矮看不見....
17:36 -!- salagadoola [caae0405@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:36 -!- Francine [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
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17:37 -!- fcrh [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
17:37 < KiraYao> 森之妖精回來了
17:37 < KiraYao> BSoD的主螢幕?
17:37 -!- mtchang [~mtchang@] has joined #coscup
17:37 < locy69> 123
17:37 -!- powentan [~powentan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
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17:37 < Howie> 只有空當當的演講台
17:37 -!- ReticenceSu [~Reticence@] has joined #coscup
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17:37 -!- watsontts [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:a12e:3473:c451:614b] has joined #coscup
17:38 < janyeh> 女僕在r0.row9.left1
17:38 < littleq> 這解析度
17:38 < littleq> 也太大
17:38 -!- lw [] has joined #coscup
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17:38 -!- csk [~csk@] has joined #coscup
17:38 < shtzeng> 女僕冷到穿外套了....
17:38 < watsontts> 等待~閃電
17:39 -!- yanyiyi_ [~yan@] has joined #coscup
17:39 -!- csk is now known as Guest88997
17:39 < KiraYao> BSoD on the way.
17:39 -!- weijr5 [~weijr5@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
17:39 -!- biostrike [] has quit [Client Quit]
17:39 < adaam> 是 CC !!
17:39 -!- watsontsai [~watsontsa@2001:c08:1:164:66a7:69ff:fe9a:40f1] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:39 -!- kylin___ [~kylin@] has joined #coscup
17:39 -!- OAO [OAO@] has joined #coscup
17:39 < JalenLin> CC!!
17:39 -!- yanyiyi__ [~yan@] has joined #coscup
17:40 -!- TobyOoO [8c6d7ff8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:40 < darkx> CC
17:40 -!- ccchiu [~ccchiu@2001:c08:1:164:6dd8:cb86:9c80:d1d8] has joined #coscup
17:40 -!- Swl [~Syh@] has joined #coscup
17:40 < darkgerm> r0 真的冷到爆0.0
17:40 < janyeh> CC++
17:40 < lunastorm> 今天會有多少人被拔線呢
17:40 -!- kkw_ [] has joined #coscup
17:40 -!- watsontts [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:a12e:3473:c451:614b] has left #coscup []
17:40 <@bobchao> CC 是王牌定番
17:40 -!- Elsvent_ [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:40 -!- watsontts [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:a12e:3473:c451:614b] has joined #coscup
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17:40 -!- bluesway [~bluesway@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
17:40 < OAO> OAO
17:40 -!- mp607 [d24689d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:40 < JalenLin> 助手拔插頭
17:40 < evenrain> 拔插頭要傳承 XDDD
17:40 < KiraYao> CC!
17:40 -!- yanyiyi [~yan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
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17:40 -!- yanyiyi__ is now known as yanyiyi
17:40 < Guest44085> 不插電DEMO
17:40 -!- ysc [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:40 < JalenLin> 專業拔插頭
17:41 < KiraYao> imacat
17:41 < YChao_> 直接黑掉...
17:41 -!- Guest95472 [~michael@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
17:41 <@bobchao> 「聽說如果你講超過五分鐘,螢幕會藍掉。」
17:41 < mabinogi80503> 會黑掉啊啊啊
17:41 < KiraYao> I have 5 min, but i Only need 30 sec.
17:41 < KiraYao> Done?
17:41 -!- NepTunic [~neptunic@] has joined #coscup
17:41 < sephXD> 正妹!
17:41 < watsontts> 一碼貓\
17:41 < RuinlandIxa> 專業拔差投XD
17:41 -!- Negaihoshi [~e222et@] has joined #coscup
17:41 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has joined #coscup
17:41 < KiraYao> ??
17:41 -!- watsontts [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:a12e:3473:c451:614b] has left #coscup []
17:41 < evenrain> 30秒快到了
17:41 -!- weijr5 [~weijr5@] has joined #coscup
17:41 -!- jereme [] has joined #coscup
17:41 < KiraYao> 這什麼猥褻人形阿wwwwww
17:41 -!- watsontts [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:a12e:3473:c451:614b] has joined #coscup
17:41 < darkgerm> excel anime XDD
17:41 < janyeh> iPod廣告?
17:41 -!- brucehsu [~brucehsu@] has joined #coscup
17:41 < carlcarl> !?
17:41 < evenrain> xdddd
17:41 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@] has joined #coscup
17:41 < mkfsn> 猥褻物阿阿阿
17:41 -!- BillyHer1ington [~willyliu@] has joined #coscup
17:42 < RuinlandIxa> = =!?
17:42 < mabinogi80503> XDDD
17:42 < Elsvent_> XDDDD
17:42 < lunastorm> xd
17:42 -!- grassboy [72228883@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:42 <@bobchao> 用 Cal 播動畫? XD
17:42 < watsontts> 用openofficee作的
17:42 < KiraYao> 銀魂名物出現拉!!!!!!!!!!
17:42 < ReticenceSu> 產生
17:42 < KiraYao> Well, 2 more min.
17:42 -!- ijliao [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
17:42 -!- BillyHerrington [8c700441@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:42 < KiraYao> This is Apache Openoffice 3.4 calc
17:42 <@bobchao> 廣告 XD
17:42 < KiraYao> Typo...XD
17:42 < JalenLin> OpenOffice
17:42 < evenrain> 這個字是現場打的?
17:42 < RuinlandIxa> Coool~
17:42 -!- hashman [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:42 < janyeh> 現打
17:42 <@bobchao> Calc Mosaic
17:42 -!- grapefruit [~grapefrui@] has joined #coscup
17:43 -!- grapefruit is now known as Guest16532
17:43 < superbil_> live typing !!
17:43 < janyeh> 新鮮的現打汁
17:43 -!- Guest16532 is now known as graf623
17:43 < KiraYao> Snapshop....XD
17:43 < YChao_> snapshot!
17:43 < littleq> ssh...
17:43 < barneybook> 恩!!現場打字
17:43 < littleq> 好安靜
17:43 -!- yanyiyi_ [~yan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
17:43 -!- bluesway [~bluesway@] has joined #coscup
17:43 < KiraYao> 高橋留XD
17:43 -!- s884812 [3d75ad63@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:43 < darkx> cool
17:43 < legnaleurc> 馬塞克
17:43 <@bobchao>
17:43 < littleq> Live 高橋流
17:44 < itswindtw> 很特別的展示法XD
17:44 < fcrh> cool
17:44 <@bobchao> 沒有講話的閃電秀 XD
17:44 < graf623> 歷年來最安靜的lighit talk
17:44 < KiraYao> This is very cool!!!!!!!!!!!!
17:44 < Beata_> 高橋 留 XD
17:44 -!- JoyCC2 [~AndChat62@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
17:44 < adaam> 好安靜的閃電秀XDD
17:44 < janyeh> 沉沒的閃電秀!!
17:44 -!- nemu [~AndChat36@] has joined #coscup
17:44 < imKojima> 「第一次看到沒有講話的閃電秀」
17:44 < watsontts> 經典~
17:44 -!- Lws [Syh@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
17:44 < janyeh> 沈默
17:44 < janyeh> XDD
17:44 < OAO> 超強!
17:44 < RuinlandIxa> Silent show XDD
17:44 < KiraYao> XD
17:44 -!- salagadoola [caae0405@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:44 < Negaihoshi> 超強
17:44 < orinx> 好沉默的閃電秀XXD
17:44 < fntsrlike> wwwwww
17:44 < freetsubasa> XD
17:44 < elvis_> ha silent show
17:44 < darkx> 小B
17:44 < barneybook> 剛剛應該是貓吧!
17:44 -!- SamWu [6abb5e55@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:44 <@bobchao> 人稱 喘不過氣的小B
17:44 < YChao_> 果然是物極必反
17:44 < barneybook> 還是???
17:44 -!- kylin___ [~kylin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:44 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:44 < Dai_Lin> 沉默閃電@@
17:44 < ReticenceSu> 哈哈哈
17:44 < JalenLin> 不沉默了
17:44 < mabinogi80503> 好快 (?
17:44 < hrs_R0> 不用換氣的小B
17:44 < KiraYao> Rails+NoSQL
17:44 -!- nemu [~AndChat36@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
17:44 < salagadoola> barneybook: 對 剛才是依馬貓
17:44 -!- nemu2 [~AndChat36@] has joined #coscup
17:45 -!- kkiick [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:45 < KiraYao> ?!
17:45 < fntsrlike> 真的是閃電@@
17:45 < OAO> ...........
17:45 -!- watsontts [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:a12e:3473:c451:614b] has left #coscup []
17:45 < itswindtw> 洋人的東西
17:45 < YChao_> 洋人的玩意
17:45 < KiraYao> 超自嗨XD
17:45 < darkgerm> 洋人的東西!
17:45 < RuinlandIxa> 東瀛的玩意XD
17:45 < littleq> 當兵可以寫 code
17:45 -!- chuiyi [~chuiyi@] has joined #coscup
17:45 < littleq> 真好
17:45 < lunastorm> 洋人的玩意
17:45 < janyeh> 被閃電
17:45 <@bobchao> XDDD 他自己演得很開心
17:45 < ReticenceSu> 他自high
17:45 -!- watsontts [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:a12e:3473:c451:614b] has joined #coscup
17:45 < RuinlandIxa> 涼兵
17:45 < freetsubasa> 超high
17:45 < darkx> R u b y o n R a i l s
17:45 -!- ChuSiang_s3 [~ChuSiang_@] has joined #coscup
17:45 < hrs_R0> R-U-B-Y-O-N-R-A-I-L-S
17:45 < KiraYao> 螺絲了XDDD
17:45 -!- mfs [~michruo@] has quit [Quit: mfs]
17:45 < adaam> 一直是這樣阿XDD
17:45 < adaam> Jubeat !!!
17:45 < YChao_> 記得要呼吸啊!
17:45 < KiraYao> 這什麼?!
17:45 -!- BillyHerrington [~willyliu@] has joined #coscup
17:45 < orinx> 洋人的東西www
17:45 < ReticenceSu> 他好累喔
17:45 < FourDollars> nature high
17:45 < darkx> 果然閃電秀就是要聽小 B 流
17:45 < adaam> Konami Jubeat !
17:45 < dca_> 我還有兩天退伍(默
17:45 < yanyiyi> jubeat~~~
17:45 < KiraYao> 開IRC超爽的wwwwwww
17:45 < ReticenceSu> 破音XD
17:45 < Takeshi> 講話好快
17:45 < salagadoola> 內建的成績系統太難用了 所以抓官網的資料自己做介面
17:46 -!- TobyOoO [8c6d7ff8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:46 < OAO> IRC超爽的~
17:46 < RuinlandIxa> IRC ROCKKKKK
17:46 -!- lafi [~lafi@] has joined #coscup
17:46 < twolights> 超爽ㄉ
17:46 < KiraYao> 小B必須死!
17:46 -!- nemu2 [~AndChat36@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
17:46 -!- rsghost [dd780237@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:46 < bluesway> 這次小B好像比較卡一點
17:46 < KiraYao> wwwwww
17:46 < YChao_> 卡卡...
17:46 -!- nemu [~AndChat36@] has joined #coscup
17:46 -!- Swl[R0] [~fntsrlike@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
17:46 < graf623> 剛退伍嘛...
17:46 < yanyiyi> 當兵變卡
17:46 -!- Howie [] has joined #coscup
17:46 -!- gw2 [] has joined #coscup
17:46 < itswindtw> 啥小
17:46 -!- kylin_ [~kylin@] has joined #coscup
17:46 < bluesway> 速度變慢了,國軍果然威
17:46 < twolights> 尛
17:47 < KiraYao> 國君威武
17:47 -!- Aotoki [caa9ad42@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:47 -!- kkw [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
17:47 < OAO> 依瑪明天貓14:40在R1 >///////<
17:47 < watsontts> :o
17:47 -!- hamisme [~hamisme@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:47 -!- linroex [~linroex@] has joined #coscup
17:47 -!- BardicheZ__ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
17:47 < janyeh> 果然是*誤擊*必反
17:47 < Edward_> 我注意到他 Firefox 的搜尋框 XDDDDD
17:48 < orinx> 搜尋框內容是
17:48 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
17:48 < orinx> ?
17:48 -!- BardicheZ__ is now known as BardicheZ_
17:48 < tC_> surface 199
17:48 -!- LittleQNCCU_ [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -]
17:48 < lunastorm> surface 199
17:48 < Edward_> Surface $199 XD
17:48 < KiraYao> surface 199
17:48 < bluesway> XDDD
17:48 < orinx> XXXD
17:48 <@bobchao> XD...
17:48 < darkx> XD
17:48 -!- jos [] has joined #coscup
17:48 < KiraYao> B!
17:48 < Takeshi> 一分鐘XD
17:48 < OAO> 1 min!!!
17:48 < evenrain> XD
17:48 < Edward_> Lightning Talk 有Q&A嗎? XDDD
17:48 -!- Negaihoshi [~e222et@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
17:48 < hrs_R0> 你在大聲什麼啦
17:48 -!- shieowmay [8c808517@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:48 < Edward_> 好想問他搜尋框喔 XD
17:48 < adaam> 突然速度加倍了
17:48 < mkfsn> 你是在大聲什麼啦 XD
17:48 < KiraYao> Rails這麼肥阿
17:48 < Edward_> lol
17:48 < itswindtw> Rails真的很吃ram..
17:48 < bluesway> Q的人也不能換氣?
17:48 < KiraYao> 請多多調教XD
17:49 -!- mp607_ [d24689d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:49 < janyeh> 未熟調教是萬惡的根源
17:49 < janyeh> XDD
17:49 < sntc06> 這才是正常水準
17:49 -!- Quexint [7cf8cd6e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
17:49 < darkx> 阿爾巴尼亞病毒XD
17:49 < JalenLin> 調教病毒..
17:49 < OAO> 阿爾巴尼亞病毒wwwwwww
17:49 <@bobchao> 有閃電 有閃電
17:49 < tnth> 剛那張病毒的圖有連結嗎
17:49 < graf623> virus也萌化了!!
17:49 < Takeshi> 好強大
17:49 < salagadoola> 阿爾巴尼亞病毒 xdd
17:49 < KiraYao> 剛剛是調教 現在是露出play
17:49 <@bobchao> 正
17:49 < janyeh> Nokia隔年也不行了?
17:49 < KiraYao> 對阿
17:49 < imKojima> 原來這是nokia....
17:49 < imKojima> 慘
17:49 < itswindtw> Nokia杯具
17:49 < KiraYao> 其實那個時候就已經快掛了
17:49 < janyeh> sigh...
17:49 < twolights> 阿門
17:49 < YChao_> 米果了...
17:50 <@bobchao> 好像沒有連莊鑽石的...
17:50 < freetsubasa> nokia ...QQ
17:50 -!- Quexint [7cf8cd6e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:50 -!- u103133__ [~u10313335@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:50 < ChuSiang_s3> n900!!
17:50 < YChao_> ms算吧?
17:50 < janyeh> 可以翻一下以前的鑽石贊助?
17:50 < KiraYao> MS去年沒來啊
17:50 < imKojima> 真的要找爽爽爽來贊助啦XD
17:50 <@bobchao> MS 有連莊鑽石嗎?我看一下
17:50 < fntsrlike> >> x8 →→ |>
17:50 < Sars> sntc06: 他好像是企鵝學長? 18th 的...
17:50 -!- XDOrz [] has joined #coscup
17:50 -!- gw2 [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:50 < dca_> 我突然好想念nokia
17:50 < YChao_> 之前有吧...
17:50 < RuinlandIxa> 誠徵n900
17:50 -!- Negaihoshi [~e222et@] has joined #coscup
17:50 < bluesway> 為什麼要寫在Merketplace...
17:50 -!- kakashi [~kakashi@] has joined #coscup
17:50 < janyeh> 推 明年就找爽立方來贊助吧~
17:51 < bluesway> 做進 App Store或是Play Store不是很好嗎
17:51 < adaam>$year 可以找到之前的贊助商
17:51 < deghost_> 是說大家知道第一個演講者不是女生嗎-.-
17:51 < rocfatcat_NB> 推贊助
17:51 < JalenLin> 病毒圖
17:51 -!- mp607 [d24689d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:51 < OAO> 病毒:
17:51 * littlebtc 對不起這個沒有 Surface 199
17:51 < KiraYao> ....XD
17:51 < Negaihoshi> 知道吧
17:51 -!- Steveice_ [8c80850c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:51 -!- gw2 [~anonymous@] has joined #coscup
17:51 < jack_> 不知道.....
17:51 < Quexint> 不知= ="
17:51 < evenrain> 不知道
17:51 -!- Steveice [8c80850c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:51 < carlcarl> !?
17:51 < KiraYao> 這個的誤差...XDDD
17:51 < imKojima> ?!
17:51 < deghost_> 他講話是男生聲音喔XDD
17:51 < KiraYao> 聲音聽得出來
17:51 < jack_> 白天見到本人 只覺得這女生好像男生....
17:51 -!- JoyCC2 [~AndChat62@] has joined #coscup
17:51 < lw> .....!!
17:51 < janyeh> 知道,但是不知道是希望成為女生,還是只是喜歡穿女裝
17:51 -!- roliroli [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:52 < jack_> 所以有成為女生了嗎....
17:52 < shtzeng> 左後方冷氣好強好強....
17:52 < janyeh> 不論如何,都是對自己很有自信的人~
17:52 < deghost_> 你是想找洞嘛..
17:52 < KiraYao> Python+GTK...XD
17:52 < cychao> 左後方吹到頭好痛
17:52 < mabinogi80503> 原來是早上那個嗎 (?
17:52 < evenrain> 又是 python XD
17:52 <@bobchao> 目前贊助連莊鑽石的有一個耶,Pixnet 在 2008-2009 連莊
17:52 < darkgerm> 還可以裝 vim XD
17:52 < bluesway> 很多正妹都是超強高手
17:52 < elvis_> 明天要帶外套了 T_T
17:52 -!- brucehsu [~brucehsu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
17:52 < BillyHerrington> 你在大聲什麼
17:52 -!- king1223 [~king1223@] has joined #coscup
17:52 <@bobchao> 不過那時的鑽石應該沒那麼高價就是...
17:53 -!- geekchia [~tingchia@] has joined #coscup
17:53 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
17:53 < littlebtc> (p.s. 當時爆炸時的記憶體配置 Rails 80mb*3 Resque 80mb*2 MongoDB 200mb 一不小心 Slow query 大卡就爆了)
17:53 -!- roliroli [] has joined #coscup
17:53 < evenrain> 總覺得這場會被拔插頭
17:53 < KiraYao> wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
17:53 < lunastorm> XDDDDDDDD
17:53 <@bobchao> …… XD
17:53 < hrs_R0> XDDDDDDDDDDD
17:53 < imKojima> wwwwwwwww
17:53 < RuinlandIxa> XDDD
17:53 < freetsubasa> XDD
17:53 < itswindtw> 最後解決方案XXDD
17:53 < carlcarl> XDDD
17:53 < darkgerm> XDDDDDDD
17:53 < Quexint> XDDDD
17:53 < watsontts> 佩服
17:53 < lh132> XDDDD
17:53 < barneybook> 酷!
17:53 < Elsvent_> XDDDDDDD
17:53 < mabinogi80503> 哪招啦 (?
17:53 < Takeshi> XD
17:53 < OAO> xddddddddd
17:53 < Edward_> lol
17:53 < janyeh> 繞口令~
17:53 < coldsleep> XDDDDD
17:53 < imKojima> XD
17:53 < barneybook> 詛咒
17:53 < KiraYao> 索尼罪大惡極!
17:53 < nemu> XDDDDDD'
17:53 < JalenLin> 快去拿三星
17:53 -!- taicomjp [~kclien@] has joined #coscup
17:53 < darkx> 快去用 <$!
17:53 < darkx> 快去用 M$!
17:53 < RuinlandIxa> 感快買win8
17:53 < YChao_> 都被買走了...
17:53 < twolights> 快去買三爽
17:53 < KiraYao> 快去拿三星!
17:53 -!- sakana [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
17:53 < hrs_R0> 趕快問他手機用哪一家的
17:53 < salagadoola> "我用了什麼3c產品 那家就會倒楣"wwww
17:54 < tnth> 爆點強大
17:54 -!- darkbtf [caa9a32f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:54 < KiraYao> 程式語言?
17:54 < darkx> OOO
17:54 < RuinlandIxa> 強大的要來了是!!!
17:54 < ccchiu> 台上那是iPad?
17:54 < jserv--> Twitter!
17:54 < darkbtf> yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
17:54 < peterlee> ipad
17:54 < Negaihoshi> 是ipad
17:54 < lunastorm> ;
17:54 < darkgerm> ;
17:54 < Negaihoshi> ;
17:54 < yanyiyi> ;
17:54 < Takeshi> ;
17:54 < darkx> ;
17:55 -!- dar [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:55 < JalenLin> ;
17:55 < OAO> ;
17:55 < darkbtf> ;
17:55 < freetsubasa> ;
17:55 < ReticenceSu> ;
17:55 -!- DHXD [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:55 < KiraYao> I don't write "JavaScript"
17:55 < yanyiyi> 分號長什麼樣
17:55 < adaam> ;
17:55 < mabinogi80503> ;
17:55 < DHXD> 終於進來了(yay)
17:55 < janyeh> is iPad();
17:55 < kuyuhisepa126> ;
17:55 < DHXD> ;
17:55 < KiraYao> ;
17:55 < Elsvent_> ;
17:55 < imKojima> ;
17:55 -!- grapefruit623 [~grapefrui@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
17:55 < OAO> ;
17:55 < orinx> 2;
17:55 < BillyHerrington> ;)
17:55 < KiraYao> XD
17:55 < darkbtf> ;
17:55 < DHXD> ;______;
17:55 < king1223> ;
17:55 < webbertsai_> ;
17:55 < locy69> ;_;
17:55 < OAO> ;>
17:55 < yanyiyi> = ; =
17:55 -!- Thomasy [~chatzilla@2001:c08:1:164:98e8:2887:1454:4250] has joined #coscup
17:55 < Negaihoshi> ; ___________;
17:55 < littlebtc> ;______;
17:55 < Guest44085> ;_>;
17:55 < Dai_Lin> = =;
17:55 < ming__> ;
17:55 < fntsrlike> ;.;
17:55 < locy69> ;_________;
17:55 < freetsubasa> ;;
17:55 < Edward_> '
17:55 < graf623> ;
17:55 < darkgerm> .,
17:55 < king1223> >>;
17:55 < hrs_R0> ;
17:55 < DHXD> ;_>;
17:56 < darkx> ;+;
17:56 < orinx> ;
17:56 < YChao_> the inferel ;
17:56 < darkbtf> ;{
17:56 < darkx> ;'(
17:56 < barneybook> 好棒的梗
17:56 < littlebtc> :.{
17:56 < Takeshi> 強大,為了分號
17:56 < littleq> ;
17:56 < mkfsn> ;{
17:56 < ming__> ;'{
17:56 < KiraYao> ;.)
17:56 < darkgerm> ;{
17:56 < hrs_R0> ;'{
17:56 < Negaihoshi> ;{
17:56 < ming__> ;'{
17:56 < littleq> ;.(
17:56 < fntsrlike> ;.{
17:56 -!- JoyCC2 [~AndChat62@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
17:56 < king1223> ;{
17:56 < Edward_> ;
17:56 < king1223> ;
17:56 < KiraYao> ;)
17:56 < DHXD> ;-)
17:56 < jereme> ;
17:56 < webbertsai_> ;
17:56 < darkgerm> ;,{
17:56 < darkx> X;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
17:56 < AndChat128225> ;)
17:56 < Takeshi> ≠
17:56 < king1223> ;{{{{{{{{{{
17:56 < darkgerm> ;}
17:56 < watsontts> ; ;
17:56 < kuyuhisepa126> ;
17:56 < yanyiyi> ;
17:56 < KiraYao> ;
17:56 < Negaihoshi> ;
17:56 < lafi> ;*{
17:56 < freetsubasa> ;^;
17:56 < mabinogi80503> ;
17:56 < Edward_> 不要用sem-colon
17:56 < JalenLin> 不要忘記;
17:56 < darkgerm> ;<}
17:56 < orinx> ;
17:56 -!- dar [] has joined #coscup
17:57 < cyrandy> ;{
17:57 < Negaihoshi> ;
17:57 < KiraYao> ;
17:57 < kuyuhisepa126> XXXXD
17:57 < bluesway> 怎樣?看不清楚 ;(
17:57 < littleq> 哭么XD
17:57 < AndChat128225> ;
17:57 < Edward_> 1行文嗎 XD
17:57 -!- kylin__ [~kylin@] has joined #coscup
17:57 < itswindtw> 這兩個js lib超機車的XDDD
17:57 < fntsrlike> ;
17:57 < darkgerm>
17:57 < nemu> 只剩 ;
17:57 < Edward_>
17:57 -!- DHXD [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
17:57 < orinx> 看不清楚'
17:57 < KiraYao> coffee script...XD
17:57 < orinx> ;
17:57 * darkgerm ;
17:57 -!- ReticenceSu [~Reticence@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:57 < KiraYao> Semicolon....XD
17:57 -!- BillyHer1ington [~willyliu@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
17:57 < hrs_R0> ;;;;;;;;;;;;
17:57 < darkx> ;;;;;;;;;;;
17:57 < littlebtc> ;;;;;;;
17:57 < fntsrlike> ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
17:57 < orinx> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
17:57 < lunastorm> ;;;;;;;;;;;
17:57 < darkgerm> ;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;;;
17:57 < KiraYao> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
17:57 < OAO> ;;;;;
17:57 < chitsaou> 分號之亂
17:57 < kuyuhisepa126> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
17:57 < kuyuhisepa126> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
17:57 <@bobchao> ;;;; ;;;;
17:57 < Edward_> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
17:57 < adaam> ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;
17:57 < coldsleep> ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
17:57 < darkx> ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
17:57 < freetsubasa> ;;;;;;;
17:57 < Negaihoshi> 好強大的code
17:57 < OAO> ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;
17:57 < jack_> 所以到底要不要semicolon XD
17:57 < orinx> ;;;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;
17:57 <@bobchao> 大家突然都變成這種語言的高手
17:57 < Dai_Lin> ;;;;; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ;; ; ;; ;
17:57 < OAO> ;;;;;
17:57 < lafi> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
17:57 < BardicheZ_> ;;;;;; ;; ; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;
17:57 -!- kylin_ [~kylin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
17:57 < darkx> ;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
17:57 <@bobchao> 超強
17:57 < imKojima>
17:57 < KiraYao> ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
17:57 -!- Ke_ [01aa9ac5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:57 < Negaihoshi> ;;;;;;;;;
17:57 < mabinogi80503> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;
17:57 < ming__> ;;;;;
17:57 < Negaihoshi> ;;;;;
17:57 < poao> ;;; ;;; ; ;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;
17:57 < cyrandy> ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; ;; ; ;
17:57 < darkgerm> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
17:57 < salagadoola> ;;;;; ;; ;;;;;
17:58 < watsontts> 磨失密碼
17:58 < windslash> ;;;;;;;;;
17:58 < Quexint> ;;;; ;;; ;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;;
17:58 < darkx> ;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ; ; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
17:58 < kuyuhisepa126> 太強大了!!!
17:58 < lafi> ;; ;; ;;;;;;
17:58 < dca_> ;;;;;;;;;; ;;
17:58 < geekchia> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
17:58 < mabinogi80503> ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;
17:58 < jereme> :::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::
17:58 < locy69> ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;
17:58 < littleq> ;;;;;;;;;
17:58 < darkbtf> ;;;;; ;;;;;;;
17:58 -!- DHXD [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:58 -!- king1223_ [~king1223@] has joined #coscup
17:58 < fntsrlike> ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;;;;;;;;;;
17:58 < AndChat128225> ;;;;;;
17:58 <@bobchao> 這是病毒不是語言吧
17:58 <@bobchao> 大家都被傳染了
17:58 < superbil_> ;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;
17:58 < orinx> ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
17:58 < littleq> semi~~
17:58 < KiraYao> XDDDDDDDDD
17:58 < bluesway> ;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;:;;;
17:58 < DHXD> 我想起bf
17:58 < lh132> ; ; ;;;;;; ; ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;
17:58 -!- greener_ [2a4bc563@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:58 < tnth> 以後會有學生寫這種程式整助教
17:58 < YChao_> sammy
17:58 < rsghost> ;;;;;;;;;;;
17:58 -!- ReticenceSu [~Reticence@] has joined #coscup
17:58 < rsghost> ;;;
17:58 < darkgerm> semisemisemisemisemisemi
17:58 < DHXD> ;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; ;; ; ;;;;; ;;;; ;;;;;;;
17:58 < king1223_> ;;;;;;;;;
17:58 < littleq> semi
17:58 < littleq> semi~~
17:58 < allenown> ; drop table
17:58 < darkx> C 其實可以這樣寫w
17:58 < jeffhung> semi 姓 colon 嗎?
17:58 < UncleHandsome> turing - com?
17:58 < Takeshi> 用semicolon來寫OS....
17:58 < JalenLin> 這跟whitespace有異曲同工之妙
17:58 < superbil_> 綺貞 !
17:58 < JalenLin> 可以搭配whitespace寫程式
17:59 < littleq> 香港 Python community 的 organizer 的樣子
17:59 < Negaihoshi> wwwwwww
17:59 < itswindtw> 今天我來表演..
17:59 < kuyuhisepa126> =w=
17:59 < itswindtw> XD
17:59 < Takeshi> 有字幕嘛?
17:59 < evenrain> 香港是國語
17:59 < adaam> 來表演XD
17:59 < JalenLin> 就有兩種程式內容了XD
17:59 < evenrain> XD
17:59 < bluesway> 閃電秀還可以練中文
17:59 < fntsrlike> XDDDDD
17:59 < darkx> Ben Liu
17:59 < itswindtw> 字幕 XXDD
17:59 < evenrain> 這個不看字幕 會很難懂 XD
17:59 < DHXD> XDDDDD
17:59 < lunastorm> rss
17:59 < OAO> 綺貞>/////<
17:59 < orinx> XXXXXXXXXXXXD
17:59 -!- kclin [] has joined #coscup
17:59 < hrs_R0> 沒有RSS
17:59 < KiraYao> 沒RSS...XDDDDD
17:59 < ReticenceSu> XD
17:59 < king1223_> XDDDD
17:59 < bluesway> 可以請他直接講廣東話,讓大家練習嗎XD
17:59 < Elsvent_> XDDD
17:59 < webbertsai_> rss
17:59 < fntsrlike> 沒有RSS
17:59 < Negaihoshi> 又是pythonXD
17:59 < dca_> python
17:59 < evenrain> 又是 python XDDD
18:00 < freetsubasa> rss XDDDD
18:00 < DHXD> Dashboard(?)
18:00 < fntsrlike> 又是Python
18:00 < janyeh> correct URL
18:00 < locy69> RSSwwwwwww
18:00 < KiraYao> 這真是太辛苦了XD
18:00 < darkx> PyCUP 確定
18:00 < itswindtw> 練中文中
18:00 -!- dar [] has quit [Client Quit]
18:00 < zector> 現在是大python時代
18:00 < YChao_> 辛苦了...
18:00 < king1223_> python !!
18:00 < cyrandy> shuheybang
18:00 < ming__> small procedure
18:00 < itswindtw> small procedure
18:00 < YChao_> small procedure
18:00 < chihchun> @_@
18:00 < JalenLin> small procedure
18:00 < chihchun> ;
18:00 < KiraYao> small procedure...XD
18:00 < adaam> 開始轉換語言了嗎xdd
18:00 < darkgerm> small procedure
18:00 < bluesway> 變英文了XDDDDDD
18:00 < KiraYao> English is faster...XD
18:00 < fntsrlike> XDDDDD
18:00 < YChao_> 會拔到插頭嘛?
18:00 < hrs_R0> XDD
18:00 < rsghost> 靠腰XDD
18:00 < nemu> 期待廣東話 ^___________^
18:00 < evenrain> 換回英文了 XD
18:00 < RuinlandIxa> XDDDD
18:00 < DHXD> XDDDD
18:00 < darkx> XDDDD
18:01 < lzy> 放棄了 XD
18:01 < tnth> 講廣東話不就好了XD
18:01 <@bobchao> 然後就寫這個.... small procedure
18:01 < ming__> XDDD
18:01 < ReticenceSu>
18:01 < mabinogi80503> 還是看字吧 (?
18:01 < itswindtw> 中文失敗了XD
18:01 < king1223_> XDDD
18:01 < freetsubasa> XD
18:01 < RuinlandIxa> English is faster
18:01 < littleq> 奇珍小黑板
18:01 < darkx> RJ!
18:01 < nemu> 沒了 O口O !!
18:01 < lzy> 突然懷念起 Ben Lau 了 ...
18:01 < KiraYao> XD
18:01 < locy69> inori!!!!!
18:01 < littleq> 真的
18:01 < freetsubasa> xDDD
18:01 < lafi> GC
18:01 -!- king1223 [~king1223@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
18:01 < RuinlandIxa> Ben QAQ
18:01 < Negaihoshi> 祈
18:01 < KiraYao> UEFI?
18:01 < carlcarl> wow
18:01 < KiraYao> ...MS must DIE DIE DIE!
18:01 < king1223_> WOW
18:01 < salagadoola> 兩年前講者上台都投不出什麼鬼東西wwww
18:01 < KiraYao> 跟小B比速度?
18:01 < chihchun> scrapy 好用。
18:02 < darkx> (.__.)\~/
18:02 < evenrain> 媽我在這裡~
18:02 < fntsrlike> 媽我在這裡!
18:02 < darkgerm> 媽我在這!
18:02 < Takeshi> 媽我在這裡XD
18:02 < chihchun> 搜日本 av 抓 torrent 超好用。*誤*
18:02 -!- kclin_ [db443909@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
18:02 < cyrandy> ._. //
18:02 < mabinogi80503> 爸我在這裡
18:02 < king1223_> 媽我在這裡!
18:02 < orinx> (.__.)\~/
18:02 < chihchun> 下次講廣東話吧
18:02 < DHXD> 媽我出運了
18:02 < mkfsn> 媽挖底加 - -/
18:02 < freetsubasa> 媽我在這裡/
18:02 < kinabcd> 媽我在這
18:02 < RuinlandIxa> 媽我我在這~~~
18:02 < lafi> =w=/
18:02 < Takeshi> 我媽在這裡
18:02 < poao> (.__.)\~/
18:02 < bluesway> 剩下四分鐘了還沒開始
18:02 < albb0920> ._./
18:02 <@bobchao> 媽我在這裡! (.__.)\~/
18:02 < chihchun> Ben Liu 今年也有來 XD
18:02 < janyeh> >.< \~/
18:02 < JalenLin> loop~
18:02 < geekchia> ._./
18:02 -!- ace [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
18:02 < mabinogi80503> ‧_‧ \-/+
18:02 < kcwu> 話說 unconference 的 topic 貼在哪? 我今天好像都沒看到
18:02 < ChuSiang_s3> 這樣講的完嘛!?
18:02 < nemu> 媽我在這 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
18:02 -!- Duo_ [706934e8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
18:02 < bluesway> 剩下三分鐘了吧XD 到底要講啥
18:02 -!- threesecond_ [caa9a625@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
18:02 < opop> in2: 快嗆
18:02 < fntsrlike> 會被拔吧wwww
18:03 < linroex> 他時間真的夠嗎?
18:03 < itswindtw> 第一次被拔線就上手
18:03 < billy3321> 應該會有拔線了吧
18:03 < KiraYao> 這來不及阿
18:03 < DHXD> 拔惹(?
18:03 < king1223_> 感覺很長
18:03 < billy3321> 好久沒看到了
18:03 < nara> 應該會被拔吧!
18:03 < KiraYao> 除濕機wwwwwwwwwww
18:03 < ming__> 拔
18:03 < albb0920> XDDDD
18:03 < orinx> XXXXXXXXXD
18:03 < DHXD> 除溼機lol
18:03 < orinx> 好酷
18:03 < darkx> XDDDDDDDDDDDD
18:03 < freetsubasa> 除濕機XD
18:03 < twolights> 除濕機 o_O
18:03 < evenrain> XDDD
18:03 < mabinogi80503> 會來不及XDD
18:03 < ReticenceSu> 除濕機XD
18:03 < ace> XD
18:03 < DHXD> 回家買一片(?
18:03 < king1223_> 除溼機
18:03 < KiraYao> ASROCK Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
18:03 < JalenLin> 當初那個BIOS Changelog!!!
18:03 < darkgerm> 除濕功能XDDDDDDDDDDD
18:03 < albb0920> 他會定期開機轉風扇XDDD
18:03 < kinabcd> 除濕
18:03 < linroex> 除溼!!
18:03 < tnth> 廢話太多XD
18:03 < imKojima> 4. 增加除濕功能
18:03 < bluesway> *增加除濕功能*
18:03 < lafi> O.0
18:03 < Negaihoshi> 除濕機XD
18:03 < Takeshi> 哪裡買阿XD
18:03 < salagadoola> bios更新表: 4.增加除濕功能 (?!!!!!
18:03 < webbertsai_> xd
18:03 < mabinogi80503> 除濕機 (ˊ_>ˋ
18:03 < ReticenceSu> 多功能
18:03 < adaam> 害我也想買一張了
18:03 < tnth> 拔定了
18:03 < RuinlandIxa> 除屍機
18:03 < sntc06> 要被拔線了
18:03 < FourDollars> kcwu: 等一下會宣布
18:03 < albb0920> 那個功能是真的
18:03 < nemu> 超強!!
18:03 < mkfsn> 增加除濕功能 XDDDD
18:03 < KiraYao> 是歐
18:04 < AndChat662025> 真潮,所以有除濕
18:04 < chihchun> 一定要被拔了....
18:04 < orinx> 加速!
18:04 < DHXD> 潮
18:04 < bluesway> how does it work?
18:04 < DHXD> 感覺會被拔>____>
18:04 < darkx> 雙悲牌XD
18:04 < albb0920> bluesway: 定期幫你開機轉風扇
18:04 < JalenLin> UBS
18:04 < sntc06> 定期開機
18:04 < fntsrlike> UBS
18:04 < JalenLin> CC:慢慢講讓我拔
18:04 < hrs_R0> 慢慢講
18:04 < ming__> XDDDD
18:04 < orinx> 超緊張XXXXXXD
18:04 < itswindtw> 慢慢講 不要急
18:04 < adaam> 慢慢來
18:04 < Takeshi> 慢慢講,等一下拔你
18:04 < chihchun> suspend 會自己開機起來轉電扇
18:04 < OAO> 按慢講~
18:04 <@bobchao> 「安裝 USB… UBS… ㄟ USB 碟」
18:04 < tnth> 苦力怕正在玩麥塊!
18:04 < ecilA> 2分?
18:04 < RuinlandIxa> 一路慢走~
18:04 < Dai_Lin> 好期待XD
18:04 < bluesway> 原來不是惡搞
18:04 < DHXD> unplug 演說(?
18:04 < darkgerm> 突然被拔插頭之類的
18:04 < watsontts> 加油~
18:04 < barneybook> 這樣應該講不完唷
18:05 < in2> opop: ? # 18:03 < opop> in2: 快嗆
18:05 < RuinlandIxa> unplug~
18:05 < superbil_> 開始認真期待畫面
18:05 < fntsrlike> 好期待拔插頭
18:05 < chihchun> 第一場 unplug talk
18:05 < billy3321> 歷史畫面啊!!!
18:05 < DHXD> 殘酷的時刻要到了
18:05 < fntsrlike> 還剩幾秒翁?
18:05 < adaam> 感覺會來不及...
18:05 < opop> in2: 他的願望是 4GB*4 的記憶體 @___@
18:05 -!- dar [] has joined #coscup
18:05 < bluesway> 大概只能講到步驟3吧
18:05 < cychao> 藍屏?
18:05 < ming__> 要上了
18:05 < deghost_> 剩多少!!!
18:05 < Negaihoshi> 74
18:05 < hrs_R0> 50秒
18:05 < mabinogi80503> 小燈XD
18:05 < nara> 50秒
18:05 < Negaihoshi> 54
18:05 < chitsaou> 倒數耶
18:05 < DHXD> 50s
18:05 < imKojima> 50s
18:05 < clkao> 好久沒講 lightning 了
18:05 < adaam> 50
18:05 < albb0920> 還好啦,他重點講完了
18:05 < fntsrlike> wwww
18:05 < Quexint> 有倒數XDDD
18:05 < allenown> 45
18:05 < mabinogi80503> 45
18:05 < Negaihoshi> 45
18:05 < itswindtw> 倒數了
18:05 < watsontts> 倒數開始
18:05 < DHXD> 旁邊有人拿iPad倒數
18:05 < mabinogi80503> 40
18:05 < darkx> 40
18:05 < geekchia> 40s.
18:05 < Negaihoshi> wwwwww
18:05 < imKojima> 40s
18:05 < barneybook> 有倒屬記實
18:05 < lunastorm> 40
18:05 < ming__> 要衝上去了
18:05 < hrs_R0> 40
18:05 < fntsrlike> 40
18:05 < darkx> 35
18:05 < tnth> 35
18:05 < mabinogi80503> 35
18:05 < Negaihoshi> 這個有趣喵~
18:05 < fntsrlike> 35
18:05 < AndChat662025> 34
18:05 < chihchun> 喔喔喔喔喔喔
18:05 < barneybook> 35
18:05 < webbertsai_> 30
18:05 < darkx> 30
18:05 < adaam> 30s
18:05 < mabinogi80503> 30
18:05 < geekchia> 30
18:05 < imKojima> 30s
18:05 < fntsrlike> 30
18:05 < hrs_R0> 30
18:05 < AndChat662025> 30
18:05 < barneybook> 27
18:05 < mabinogi80503> 25
18:06 < darkx> 25
18:06 < barneybook> 26
18:06 < DHXD> 25s
18:06 < bluesway> 25
18:06 < chihchun> 略是哪招
18:06 < orinx> 期待是藍屏?
18:06 < AndChat662025> 25
18:06 < barneybook> 24
18:06 < fntsrlike> 25
18:06 < tC_> 22
18:06 < superbil_> 倒數好清楚阿!
18:06 < barneybook> 23
18:06 < cyt93cs_> !!!!
18:06 < jos> 倒數了
18:06 < geekchia> 21
18:06 < BardicheZ_> 20
18:06 < lafi> 23
18:06 < AndChat662025> 22
18:06 < darkx> 20
18:06 < barneybook> 22
18:06 < adaam> 要被拔了XDDD
18:06 < mabinogi80503> 20
18:06 < imKojima> 20s
18:06 < tC_> 19
18:06 < hrs_R0> 20
18:06 < fntsrlike> 20
18:06 < barneybook> 21
18:06 < poao> 20
18:06 < lunastorm> 要悲劇了
18:06 < barneybook> 20
18:06 < tC_> 16
18:06 < bluesway> 16
18:06 < AndChat662025> 18
18:06 < mabinogi80503> 15
18:06 < darkx> 15
18:06 < DHXD> 15
18:06 < barneybook> 19
18:06 -!- imacat [] has joined #coscup
18:06 < hrs_R0> 步驟三XDD
18:06 < fntsrlike> 15
18:06 < tC_> 13
18:06 < barneybook> 18
18:06 < Negaihoshi> !!!!!!!!
18:06 < mabinogi80503> 10
18:06 < Negaihoshi> !
18:06 -!- king1223 [~king1223@] has joined #coscup
18:06 < bluesway> 10
18:06 < twolights> iPad 果然是好物 XD
18:06 < swaywang> 10
18:06 < darkx> 10
18:06 < hrs_R0> 10
18:06 < AndChat662025> 11
18:06 < lafi> 10
18:06 < barneybook> 10
18:06 < ecilA> 1
18:06 < geekchia> 10
18:06 < tC_> 10
18:06 < poao> 10
18:06 -!- gw2 [~anonymous@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
18:06 < barneybook> 9
18:06 < adaam> 9
18:06 < hrs_R0> 9
18:06 < fntsrlike> 10
18:06 < lafi> 9
18:06 < hrs_R0> 8
18:06 < adaam> 8
18:06 < ecilA> 99
18:06 < geekchia> 8
18:06 < lafi> 8
18:06 < barneybook> 8
18:06 < adaam> 7
18:06 < hrs_R0> 7
18:06 < mabinogi80503> 5
18:06 < geekchia> 6
18:06 < adaam> 6
18:06 < nemu> 樓上看得到平板在倒數 XD'
18:06 < hrs_R0> 6
18:06 < barneybook> 6
18:06 < ming__> 5\
18:06 < geekchia> 5
18:06 < adaam> 5
18:06 < barneybook> 5
18:06 < barneybook> 4
18:06 -!- Jeely [] has joined #coscup
18:06 < geekchia> 4
18:06 < barneybook> 3
18:06 < hrs_R0> 4
18:06 < adaam> 4
18:06 < barneybook> 2
18:06 < mabinogi80503> 2
18:06 < barneybook> 1
18:06 < geekchia> 3
18:06 < mabinogi80503> 1
18:06 < AndChat662025> 1
18:06 < hrs_R0> 3
18:06 < ecilA> 0
18:06 < mkfsn> 拔掉他~
18:06 < barneybook> 0
18:06 < mabinogi80503> 0
18:06 < adaam> 3
18:06 < mabinogi80503> .
18:06 < darkgerm> happy new year!!!
18:06 < geekchia> 2
18:06 < itswindtw> 再見了~~~~~~~~再見了~~~~~~~~
18:06 < mabinogi80503> 0
18:06 < hrs_R0> 2
18:06 < mabinogi80503> 0
18:06 < shtzeng> 悲劇~~~
18:06 < mabinogi80503> 0
18:06 < adaam> 2
18:06 < Negaihoshi> wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
18:06 < mabinogi80503> 0
18:06 < geekchia> 1
18:06 < hrs_R0> 1
18:06 < adaam> 1
18:06 < mabinogi80503> 0
18:06 < OAO> 1eeee
18:06 < bluesway> yeah~~~~~~~~
18:06 < fntsrlike> 0000000000000
18:06 < mabinogi80503> 0
18:06 < Edward_> 0
18:06 < adaam> XDDD
18:06 < geekchia> XDDDDDDDDDD
18:06 < Takeshi> XDDD
18:06 < king1223> XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
18:06 < mabinogi80503> 0
18:06 < KiraYao> 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
18:06 < littleq> 終於拔到
18:06 < hrs_R0> XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
18:06 < webbertsai_> XDDD
18:06 < locy69> XDDDDDDDD
18:06 < Quexint> XDDDDDDD
18:06 < cyrandy> 終於拔到
18:06 < ReticenceSu> xddd
18:06 < kinabcd> wwwwww
18:06 < YChao_> 哇...
18:06 < imKojima> XDDDDDD
18:06 < mabinogi80503> 0
18:06 < ych> 拔到了 XDDD
18:06 < Takeshi> 哈哈哈
18:06 -!- dar_ [] has joined #coscup
18:06 < mabinogi80503> 0
18:06 < KiraYao> 終於拔到了
18:06 < Dai_Lin> 掰~
18:06 < watsontts> ~~
18:06 < janyeh> 集體嗨翻
18:06 < kuyuhisepa126> RJ byebye~( 察
18:06 < albb0920> 終於
18:06 < chihchun> 好嗨喔
18:06 < freetsubasa> wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
18:06 < itswindtw> 第一次被拔線就上手
18:06 < BillyHerrington> wwwwwwww
18:06 < Dai_Lin> XDD
18:06 < RuinlandIxa> XDDDDDDDDD
18:06 < mabinogi80503> 得到 拔插頭 的成就
18:06 < imKojima> Windows一直都會搶開機啊
18:06 < rsghost> 第一次被拔就上手XD
18:06 < Takeshi> 呵呵喝
18:06 < twolights> 主持人好開心
18:06 < fntsrlike> 好刺激XDDD
18:06 < OAO> ㄏㄏ
18:06 < adaam> 大家都在等講者講不完XDDDD
18:06 < barneybook> 好久沒有看到這幕了
18:06 < ych> 超爽的~~~
18:06 < fntsrlike> 潮爽ㄉ
18:06 < in2> opop: 4G*4 好小啊 @@"
18:06 < KiraYao> 超爽的
18:06 < Takeshi> 爽歌
18:06 < Edward_> 喀擦
18:07 < kinabcd> 超爽的
18:07 < Elsvent_> 潮爽的 wwww
18:07 < mabinogi80503> 潮爽得 (?
18:07 < Takeshi> 字好大@@
18:07 < darkgerm> 這字也太大了XD
18:07 < opop> in2: 是吧 XD
18:07 < DHXD> 4G硬上BF3表示:
18:07 < adaam> 字好大
18:07 < KiraYao> 這?!
18:07 < Takeshi> 好強大XD
18:07 < DHXD> O_>O?
18:07 < adaam> 整型外科??
18:07 < jserv--> 整型外科!
18:07 < KiraYao> 又是高橋流?!
18:07 -!- alan_ [] has joined #coscup
18:07 < janyeh> 底下的數字是啥?
18:07 < carlcarl> ?
18:07 < JalenLin> 行數
18:07 < jserv--> 高雄某知名整型外科的對面的那間
18:07 < Haraguroicha> 他用vim
18:07 < legnaleurc> vim 行數
18:07 < ming__> vim...
18:07 < darkgerm> 因為是vim XDD
18:07 < salagadoola> vim的行數
18:07 < darkx> vim
18:07 < graf623> vim 行數
18:07 < FourDollars> 打工的地方
18:07 < itswindtw> vim..
18:07 < imKojima> wow
18:07 -!- alan_ is now known as Guest17153
18:07 -!- king1223_ [~king1223@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
18:07 < darkgerm> vim 做簡報XDDD
18:08 < chihchun> 他把 debian 整合進整型外科....
18:08 < KiraYao> 高橋流威武
18:08 < ming__> cool
18:08 < hrs_R0> vim XDD
18:08 < Takeshi> vim來當簡報蠻新鮮的
18:08 < chuiyi> 這個console只有四行嗎
18:08 < chihchun> 有點亂 XD
18:08 < Takeshi> 大學報告也用這個好了
18:08 -!- XDOrz [] has quit [Quit: 暫離]
18:08 < littleq> c9s 也用過
18:08 < janyeh> 按向下鍵換頁?
18:08 < yanyiyi> @@
18:08 < adaam> vim倒是滿新鮮的,第一次看到耶
18:08 < RuinlandIxa> 真男人
18:08 < Quexint> vim + 不斷的下一頁?
18:08 < albb0920> 太酷了
18:08 < superbil_> 直接放大就可以簡報 真容易
18:08 < darkx> 下次會不會有人用 ttp 作XD
18:08 < webbertsai_> cool
18:08 < Negaihoshi> 太強了喵~
18:08 < adaam> 我比較好奇第一個講者的軟體是哪個
18:08 < Takeshi> pp*
18:08 < bluesway> vim記得還可以裝一些簡報專用的plugin
18:08 < salagadoola> 應該是pagedown
18:08 < graf623> 明天不是有emacs?
18:08 < webbertsai_> open office
18:08 < adaam> 可以打字還會縮小字型
18:08 < albb0920> latex!!
18:08 < YChao_> latex 生成 qrcode
18:08 < imKojima> latex qrcode!
18:08 < KiraYao> latex做QR code...XD
18:08 < tnth> 第一個講者推open office很多年了
18:09 < OAO> irssi~
18:09 < ReticenceSu> 他開始緊張了
18:09 < albb0920> XDD
18:09 < fntsrlike> oAO
18:09 < barneybook> 第一個應該是OOO
18:09 < jos> ㄆ
18:09 < hrs_R0> XD
18:09 < kuyuhisepa126> XXD
18:09 < mabinogi80503> 0A0+
18:09 < watsontts> QRCODE全套~~
18:09 < yanyiyi> @@??謝謝
18:09 -!- dictcp [31da8ce4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
18:09 < lunastorm> clkao
18:09 < Takeshi> XD
18:09 < jack_> 慘了聽不懂主題XDDD
18:09 < chuiyi> 斷的真突然 XD
18:09 < adaam> 感謝大家
18:09 < in2> clkao!
18:09 < Negaihoshi> 居然wwwww end了喵
18:09 -!- Jeely [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
18:09 < DHXD> 插頭會被拔講者鴨梨很大
18:09 < chihchun> 沒看過護士用 irc 聊天的....
18:09 < Haraguroicha> 傲嬌什麼xDDD
18:09 < fntsrlike> 我才不緊張咧
18:09 < adaam> 我才不緊張勒XDD
18:09 < Takeshi> 傲嬌?
18:09 < lunastorm> 我才不緊張ㄌㄧㄝ
18:09 < darkx> 傲驕!
18:09 < KiraYao> 傲嬌
18:09 < itswindtw> 這傲嬌用語是怎樣
18:09 -!- dar [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
18:09 -!- dar_ is now known as dar
18:09 < KiraYao> 掰~
18:09 < darkgerm> 我才不會緊張咧
18:09 < chihchun> clkao!!!
18:09 < DHXD> 傲嬌!
18:09 < fntsrlike> 被拔了?XDD
18:09 < bluesway> demo閃電?
18:09 < mkfsn> 我才不是為了你緊張的
18:09 < hrs_R0> mac GG
18:09 < YChao_> 悲劇了...
18:09 < Edward_> 學 penk 喔XD
18:09 < JalenLin> MAC比UBUNTU慘烈
18:09 <@bobchao> 別緊張 XD
18:09 < in2> 可是 mac 緊張了 XD
18:09 < chuiyi> 沒事立什麼flag
18:09 < ChuSiang_s3> 護士只會掃 qr code 啊
18:09 < salagadoola> 第一個是apache openoffice (原 的 calc (相當於office的excel)
18:09 < adaam> 螢幕在抖XDD
18:09 < Takeshi> 電腦傲嬌了
18:09 < graf623> 螢幕傲嬌了
18:09 < OAO> mac傲嬌
18:09 < grassboy> matrix code
18:09 < KiraYao> MAC傲嬌中
18:09 < watsontts> 振動
18:09 < carlcarl> GG
18:10 < nara> ubuntu win!
18:10 < orinx> wwwwwwwwwww
18:10 < kkw_> viber~~~
18:10 < grassboy> 我才不給投影哩!
18:10 < darkgerm> 電腦倒是很誠實
18:10 < YChao_> 山寨轉接頭
18:10 < nemu> 營幕別害羞
18:10 < DHXD> >/////<抖動的傲嬌Mac好萌
18:10 < yanyiyi> 我才不給你插拔
18:10 < OAO> ㄏㄏㄏ
18:10 -!- choer [] has joined #coscup
18:10 < darkx> clkao!
18:10 < jserv--> clkao!
18:10 < KiraYao> perl!
18:10 < Takeshi> 新插上去的轉街頭是我借的XD
18:10 < OAO> Emacs!!!
18:10 < KiraYao> @@
18:10 < itswindtw> 新的脊椎...
18:10 < YChao_> 前一陣子出了一點意外...
18:10 < JalenLin> 新的急追!?
18:10 < Takeshi> 脊椎ww
18:10 < DHXD> wow
18:10 < adaam> 新的脊椎有點恐怖.....
18:10 -!- shadowcrow_ [] has joined #coscup
18:10 < watsontts> 全新的自己
18:10 < mabinogi80503> 威武
18:10 < evenrain> wow
18:10 < Negaihoshi> wwwww
18:10 < KiraYao> 威武
18:10 < carlcarl> @@
18:10 -!- king1223 [~king1223@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
18:10 < bluesway> 好新潮的工作環境!
18:10 < darkx> 威武!
18:10 < evenrain> 這樣都能寫 真猛
18:10 -!- Jeely [] has joined #coscup
18:10 < yanyiyi> 強
18:10 < JalenLin> 脊椎!?
18:10 < imKojima> wow
18:10 < itswindtw> 太強了
18:11 < darkgerm> 強!
18:11 < webbertsai_> cool
18:11 < orinx> 太強了
18:11 < nara> 人體鍊成
18:11 < ReticenceSu> 那個鍵盤...
18:11 < Takeshi> 躺在床也要寫程式XD
18:11 < DHXD> 真神人
18:11 < RuinlandIxa> 強大
18:11 < AndChat128225> 強
18:11 < mabinogi80503> 死都要寫一個project
18:11 < YChao_> 為什麼有點像閘刀? XD
18:11 <@bobchao> 不知道這電腦有沒滑下來打中臉過...
18:11 -!- king1223 [~king1223@] has joined #coscup
18:11 < EdwardYC> WWWW
18:11 < yanyiyi> 好痛
18:11 < chihchun> 他摔了飛行傘 :-/
18:11 < janyeh> 還活著,真厲害!
18:11 < janyeh> 強者
18:11 < elvis_> 聽起來就很痛
18:11 -!- Jeely [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
18:12 < OAO> struct data???
18:12 < evenrain> 厲害
18:12 < ca_> on heroku...
18:12 < billy3321> bobchao: 你好壞心>///<
18:12 -!- tC_ [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
18:12 < darkgerm> .ls ??
18:12 -!- SammyLin [] has joined #coscup
18:12 < chihchun>
18:12 < darkx> less
18:12 < ca_> Lifescript
18:13 <@bobchao> billy3321: 腹黑跟傲嬌都是萌屬性喔
18:13 -!- tC_ [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
18:13 < darkx> demo!
18:13 < bluesway> live demo!
18:13 < chihchun> SammyLin: 下次講廣東話?
18:13 < billy3321> bobchao: 囧
18:13 < webbertsai_> demo
18:13 -!- geekchia [~tingchia@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
18:13 < orinx> live demo!?
18:13 < shadowcrow_> Demo
18:13 < KiraYao> #LiveDemoMayFail
18:13 < fntsrlike> LVIE DENO!!!
18:13 < bluesway> 在閃電秀live demo ...
18:13 < billy3321> SammyLin: 廣東話++
18:13 < YChao_> 所以就算摔了還是要飛,超帥!
18:13 -!- AndChat662025 [] has quit [Quit: Bye]
18:13 < salagadoola> local的xd
18:13 < mabinogi80503> Demo Work!!
18:13 < JalenLin> Opera開了爆炸QQ
18:13 < watsontts> 很有骨氣
18:13 -!- geekchia [~tingchia@] has joined #coscup
18:13 < Haraguroicha> bobchan: 所以腹黑茶萌嗎XDD???
18:13 < OAO> 郵遞區號!
18:13 < barneybook>
18:13 < bluesway> 咦,怎麼切回投影片了XD
18:14 < SammyLin> 我不是Sammy Or >_<
18:14 < billy3321> 倒數了
18:14 < adaam> 50s
18:14 < Negaihoshi> 49
18:14 < darkx> 倒數囉~
18:14 < shadowcrow_> 56
18:14 < chihchun> SammyLin: sorry :p
18:14 < deghost_> 倒數-W-
18:14 < shadowcrow_> 44
18:14 < Haraguroicha> bobchao: 所以腹黑茶萌嗎XDD???
18:14 < shadowcrow_> 39
18:14 < YChao_> 總之...
18:14 < Negaihoshi> 45
18:14 < Negaihoshi> 35
18:14 < nara> 30
18:14 < adaam> 30
18:14 < YChao_> 30
18:14 < deghost_> 30
18:14 < evenrain> 我突然忘了要demo什麼了 XDDDD
18:14 < KiraYao> 忘記要demo什麼XD
18:14 < salagadoola> "我突然忘了要demo什麼了 總之不是很重要"
18:14 < kuyuhisepa126> 我突然忘demo什麼= ="
18:14 < poao> 30
18:14 < darkx> 25
18:14 < shadowcrow_> 9
18:14 < king1223> 25
18:14 < webbertsai_> !
18:14 < shadowcrow_> 23
18:14 < fntsrlike> !
18:14 < Negaihoshi> wwwwww
18:14 < shadowcrow_> Save
18:14 < king1223> OAO
18:14 < cyrandy> 沒拔到 XD
18:14 < darkgerm> 突然忘了要demo什麼 <-- 天然呆?
18:14 < Takeshi> 沒拔到ww
18:14 < roliroli> Over
18:14 < carlcarl> wow
18:14 < fntsrlike> SAFE
18:14 < Dai_Lin> @@!
18:14 < YChao_> Safe
18:14 < orinx> safe
18:14 < mkfsn> SAFE~
18:15 -!- freedom [650d328d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
18:15 < swaywang> safe
18:15 < watsontts> safe~
18:15 < king1223> safe~
18:15 < tnth> 我看到有人失望的表情
18:15 < sephXD> 天氣的那個github的哪裡?
18:15 < wandering> opencwb
18:15 < fntsrlike> XDDD
18:15 < orinx> 加油 OAO
18:15 < albb0920> 右上角有個 source
18:15 < evenrain>
18:15 < barneybook>
18:15 < JalenLin> 賈伯斯掛掉後每個mac都不行了!?
18:15 -!- Jeely [] has joined #coscup
18:15 < ca_>
18:15 < salagadoola> 賈不死掛掉mac就不行了www
18:15 < darkx> Irvin!
18:15 < mabinogi80503> XD
18:15 < janyeh> 從COSCUP看Ubuntu與Mac的消長
18:15 < janyeh> XDD
18:15 < YChao_> 哎呀,螢幕不夠寬,opencwb就悲劇了
18:15 < littleq> Mac....不行了....
18:15 < ChuSiang_s3> irvin!!
18:15 < kuyuhisepa126> 調教設備...
18:15 < Elsvent_> XDDD
18:15 < DHXD> 講者 vs. 插頭終結者(?)
18:15 < chuiyi> 賈不死在雲端等你~
18:15 < Negaihoshi> 樓上要冷死惹Q口Q
18:15 < FourDollars> 明天下午有高天師的議程,歡迎大家參加。
18:16 < kuyuhisepa126> 搖一搖oao
18:16 < mabinogi80503> ㄏㄏ
18:16 < orinx> ㄏㄏ
18:16 < KiraYao> XDDDDDDDDDD
18:16 < salagadoola> 果然搖一搖就會有了
18:16 < sephXD> 感謝
18:16 < DHXD> 喔喔喔喔喔越來越冷了=口=
18:16 < KiraYao> 歐歐歐
18:16 -!- dar [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
18:16 < YChao_> Netscape!
18:16 < Edward_> Netscape
18:16 < darkx> code rush!
18:16 < bluesway> 自己坐下來看是哪招
18:16 < barneybook> 真不錯
18:16 < KiraYao> 搖一搖,舔一舔,再泡一泡牛奶?
18:16 < jserv--> Mozilla 1998
18:16 < ReticenceSu> 自己也在看是哪招
18:16 < shadowcrow_> 自己坐在第一排
18:16 < barneybook> 放個四分鐘的影片
18:16 < kuyuhisepa126> = =
18:16 -!- dar [] has joined #coscup
18:16 -!- freedom [650d328d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
18:16 < orinx> Code Rush !
18:16 < shadowcrow_> 爽
18:16 < Edward_> 看電影
18:16 < nemu> onesself wretch
18:16 < fntsrlike> 潮爽
18:17 < JalenLin> 保證不會超時!?
18:17 < YChao_> Mozilla?
18:17 < chuiyi> Netscape
18:17 < Edward_> Netscape 無處不在
18:17 < ChuSiang_s3> 好輕鬆...
18:17 < salagadoola> Netscape!
18:17 < ming__> Netscape ...
18:17 < bluesway> 難道說等等會有神秘影片?
18:17 < itswindtw> Netscape……年代物...
18:17 < imacat> 有人有今天lightening talk的irc log嗎?感謝~
18:17 < Quexint> 好老的東西...
18:17 < watsontts> 懷念~
18:17 < YChao_> the rise of Mozilla?
18:17 < Takeshi> Mozilla
18:17 < Edward_> Lightning Video
18:17 < jserv--> Bill Gates 以前的照片真的很霸氣
18:17 < LHD> D.V.D
18:17 < darkgerm> mo zi lla
18:17 < king1223> 歷史阿
18:17 -!- Steveice_ [8c80850c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
18:18 < YChao_> 淚目啊!
18:18 < adaam> 會轉的Netscape好久了
18:18 < Guest44085> 魔斯拉
18:18 < jserv--> Code Rush!
18:18 < KiraYao> 超久的
18:18 < OAO> Mo zi lla!!!
18:18 < superbil_> 1998
18:18 < RuinlandIxa> CODE RUSH!!!
18:18 < itswindtw> 來放預告片的XD
18:18 < DHXD> pl_Goldrush(?)
18:18 < kuyuhisepa126> qr..
18:18 < Negaihoshi> 原來是宣傳wwwww
18:18 < ReticenceSu> 他剛剛說幾月幾號???
18:18 < Takeshi> 樓上播燈擋道了"悲劇"
18:18 < albb0920>
18:18 < superbil_>
18:18 < orinx>
18:18 < DHXD> 9/15(?
18:19 < darkgerm> 原來是電影預告
18:19 -!- bxhsbcx [caa9acc3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
18:19 < Edward_> Youtube就有了 XDD
18:19 < Edward_>
18:19 -!- peterlee [6f51be6f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
18:19 < salagadoola> 還剩兩分鐘啊 那... 可以給大家兩分鐘的時間掃描qr code
18:19 < darkx>
18:19 -!- Fntsr [] has joined #coscup
18:19 < darkx>
18:19 < littleq> 聽起來 Mozilla 好酷
18:19 < chihchun> 我掃到了 qrcdoe 了 XD
18:19 < shadowcrow_> 橘子說
18:19 < darkx> 貼錯 ==
18:19 < ChuSiang_s3> 掃不到...
18:19 < shadowcrow_> 超難過
18:19 < littleq> 我也掃到
18:19 < darkbtf> QR code完全掃不到...
18:19 < Dai_Lin> 呵呵
18:19 -!- geekchia [~tingchia@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
18:19 < evenrain> 我來不及掃 Q.Q
18:20 < salagadoola> 這充滿邪念的笑聲是怎麼回事啦
18:20 < roliroli> +1
18:20 < lunastorm> 慢慢講,不要急
18:20 < ReticenceSu> 哈哈哈
18:20 < ReticenceSu> 開始期待
18:20 < Sc0tt_> SSID: Orange拔電腦了!!
18:20 -!- Negaihoshi [~e222et@] has left #coscup []
18:20 -!- Law_ [8c75a825@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
18:20 -!- king1223_ [~king1223@] has joined #coscup
18:20 < bluesway> 聽到笑聲就知道西西連到了
18:20 <@bobchao> orinx: code rush 活動頁的「馬上搶票」沒有連結耶
18:20 -!- Negaihoshi [~e222et@] has joined #coscup
18:20 -!- geekchia [~tingchia@] has joined #coscup
18:20 < jack_> 那是哪?
18:20 < JalenLin> 跑馬燈XD
18:20 < YChao_> 這那間?
18:20 < bxhsbcx> ㄏㄏ
18:20 < littleq> 跑馬燈....真的
18:20 < imKojima> true
18:20 < tnth> 中鋼大樓
18:20 < chihchun> 哪家?
18:20 < littleq> 小學的時候....
18:20 < JalenLin> alert!
18:20 < ericpi_> 中冠科技
18:20 < chihchun> 信義區
18:20 < littleq> 網頁百寶箱
18:20 < ericpi_> 中鋼子公司
18:21 < JalenLin> 有輻射的蜘蛛
18:21 < ReticenceSu> 蜘蛛人
18:21 < Takeshi> 變成豬豬人
18:21 <@bobchao> 所以 zo 這個是中冠的東西?
18:21 < DHXD> ㄓㄓ犉
18:21 < ericpi_> yes
18:21 < darkx> OO...
18:21 <@bobchao> 真是大驚 原來如此
18:21 < bxhsbcx> OAO
18:21 < chitsaou> 不會 OO 的 Java 工程師
18:21 < webbertsai_> oo
18:21 < jack_> java不太會OO...
18:21 < hrs_R0> java 工程師不會 OO ??
18:21 < ming__> java 工程師不會 OO ..
18:21 < YChao_> 不會oo的java工程師
18:21 < imKojima> 不會OO的 Java 工程師
18:21 < JalenLin> 不會OO的Java攻城師
18:21 < mabinogi80503> 0A."'
18:21 < itswindtw> 我們公司的Java工程師不太會用OO
18:21 < darkgerm> java 工程師不太會 oo
18:21 < Takeshi> 不會OO的假髮工程師="=
18:21 < allenown> O_o
18:21 < elvis_> QQ
18:21 -!- king1223 [~king1223@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
18:21 < fntsrlike> 不會OO的 Java 工程師
18:21 < chihchun> 這哪招
18:21 < FredC> 哭哭
18:21 < DHXD> O_____O
18:21 < barneybook> 世界真是無奇不有
18:21 < RuinlandIxa> Java RD不會OO ......
18:21 < littleq> OO 其實很難的,會 Java 也不一定會
18:22 < elvis_> 不會 OO 只能 QQ
18:22 < lunastorm> demo
18:22 < hrs_R0> live demo
18:22 < mabinogi80503> Live Demo
18:22 < Takeshi> 至少要有一些概念吧?
18:22 < JalenLin> Live Demo
18:22 < ericpi_> builder 沒有 open source
18:22 < Takeshi> OO
18:22 < littleq> 看來會被拔
18:22 < jack_> url~
18:22 -!- Swl [~Syh@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
18:22 < ericpi_> 但中冠 open source engine 部分
18:22 < JalenLin> UIBuilder
18:22 < salagadoola> 以前寫過滿篇 static function 毫無 oo 概念的 java......
18:22 < Takeshi> builber哪編有@@?
18:22 <@bobchao> 好 MS 感的 IDE
18:22 < fntsrlike> 剩幾分鐘?
18:22 < tnth> 好像夢波
18:22 < ericpi_>
18:22 < DHXD> 拔啦拔拔拔
18:22 < JalenLin>
18:22 < billy3321> 感覺很像extjs啊
18:22 < RuinlandIxa> Cool~~~
18:22 < ReticenceSu> 我想看剩多久
18:22 -!- hamisme [~hamisme@] has joined #coscup
18:22 < imKojima> 這UI有點像Office 2007
18:23 < bluesway> 前一陣子看過6000行的main method之後就不再驚訝了...
18:23 < Takeshi> main 6000行喔XD
18:23 < littleq> 有點像 Visual Studio 吧...
18:23 -!- kclin [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
18:23 < shadowcrow_> Rock
18:23 < evenrain> 這個好酷 @@
18:23 < itswindtw> 6000多行...
18:23 < shadowcrow_> 一分半
18:23 < twolights> 我也有看過 } 十連發的
18:23 < shadowcrow_> 1,16
18:23 < chihchun> 1 min
18:23 < RuinlandIxa> Fox Pro?
18:23 < jeffhung> 我聽過 2xxxx 行的 vb function。
18:23 < littleq> 下面的錢....
18:23 < DHXD> 1
18:23 < watsontts> 感覺不錯
18:23 < chuiyi> Java + Swing很容易破千行啊 T_T
18:23 < mabinogi80503> 59
18:23 < DHXD> alert
18:23 < mabinogi80503> 55
18:23 < adaam> 55
18:23 < DHXD> XDDDD
18:23 < fntsrlike> 55
18:23 < mabinogi80503> 50
18:23 < bxhsbcx> 導此ZS
18:23 < mkfsn> XDDDDD
18:24 < Negaihoshi> wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
18:24 < ReticenceSu> 好可惜
18:24 < nara> 讚!!
18:24 < adaam> 還久啦~~
18:24 < littleq> 哇尻
18:24 < salagadoola> 在這裡講那個工具我大概走不出這個大門xd
18:24 < Quexint> 説實在還蠻炫的...
18:24 < evenrain> 還久,最後一張了
18:24 < itswindtw> 好得意XXDDD
18:24 < lunastorm> XDD
18:24 < darkx> XD
18:24 < fntsrlike> 讚
18:24 < king1223_> XDDDDDD
18:24 < littleq> 好秋
18:24 < bluesway> chuiyi: 但是不應該在 main 裡面啊XD
18:24 < kuyuhisepa126> 將工具會被月工(茶
18:24 < lzy> 囂張的勒 XD
18:24 < chihchun> 還久....
18:24 < DHXD> 反擊XDDDD
18:24 < ming__> XDDDD
18:24 <@bobchao> 「還久啦 我最後一張了 哼哼」
18:24 < RuinlandIxa> XXDDDDD
18:24 < JalenLin> 還久~
18:24 < webbertsai_> 最後一張了
18:24 < freetsubasa> XDDDD
18:24 < shadowcrow_> 最後一張了ˊ_>ˋ
18:24 < bxhsbcx> 30
18:24 < ChuSiang_s3> 不知道 ide 跑起來效能如果
18:24 < imKojima> XDDDDDD
18:24 < mabinogi80503> ㄎㄎ
18:24 < twolights> (Y)
18:24 < JalenLin> 20 sevc
18:24 < adaam> 這個應該掃的到了
18:24 < ReticenceSu> 20秒
18:24 < JalenLin> 20 sec
18:24 < Edward_> 又是QRCode了嗎XD
18:24 -!- watsontts [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:a12e:3473:c451:614b] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
18:24 < hrs_R0> 會怕就好XDD
18:24 < bxhsbcx> 根本ㄏㄏ
18:24 -!- dainese [~dainese@2001:c08:1:164:4017:dcb5:8c8c:eb2d] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
18:24 < bluesway> 明明還不到20秒!!
18:24 < Sorry> facebook/EzoUI
18:24 -!- stevennick [~stevennic@2001:c08:1:164:85ac:8b3b:778d:d60e] has quit []
18:24 < Takeshi> 不到20秒ˊ_>ˋ
18:24 < littleq> orange GG
18:24 -!- kylin__ [~kylin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
18:24 < clkao> phew
18:24 -!- howardsun [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 13.0/20120601045813]]
18:24 < darkx> GG
18:24 -!- ken [~kuanying@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
18:24 < lw> /quit
18:24 -!- watsontsi [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:a12e:3473:c451:614b] has joined #coscup
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18:24 -!- carlcarl [~carlcarl@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
18:24 -!- swaywang [~mac@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
18:24 < YChao_> BoF!
18:24 -!- BillyHerrington [~willyliu@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
18:25 -!- graf623 [~grapefrui@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
18:25 < king1223_> BoF!!
18:25 -!- AndChat|355284 [~Denir@] has joined #coscup
18:25 -!- Thomasy [~chatzilla@2001:c08:1:164:98e8:2887:1454:4250] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 17.0a1/20120817030555]]
18:25 < dell> 謝謝大家 (wave)
18:25 -!- Edward_ [5bd40c44@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
18:25 -!- user__66666 [~user@] has quit [Quit: 暫離]
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18:25 -!- UncleHandsome [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
18:25 < chihchun> 跑光光了
18:25 -!- coldturnip [~coldturni@] has quit [Quit: 暫離]
18:25 -!- Negaihoshi [~e222et@] has left #coscup []
18:25 < evenrain> 明天見 XD
18:25 < fntsrlike> xd
18:25 -!- Haraguroicha [~Haraguroi@] has left #coscup []
18:25 -!- mabinogi80503 [~MaLar@] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
18:25 -!- dylandy [~dylandy@] has quit [Quit: 暫離]
18:25 < salagadoola> "那不然你也5分鐘好了"ww
18:25 < Dai_Lin> 五分鐘XD
18:25 < ecilA> 怨念好深XD
18:25 < hrs_R0> screen 安定
18:25 < ace> XD
18:25 < darkbtf> 硬是要拔XD
18:25 -!- kiki_ [~kiki@2001:c08:1:164:adc1:aa6a:2:3176] has quit [Quit: 暫離]
18:25 -!- kenobilyh [] has quit [Quit: OUCH!!!]
18:25 -!- user_789 [~user@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
18:25 < darkgerm> screen 繼續掛站XD
18:25 < kuyuhisepa126> 來閃去bof(飄
18:25 -!- serpent [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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18:26 < Dai_Lin> 抖S~
18:26 < KiraYao> 等BOF~
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18:26 < Takeshi> BOF去
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18:26 < darkx> BoF gogo!
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18:29 < Sc0tt_> QQ
18:29 < darkbtf> 正義聯盟被ban了QQ
18:30 < watsontsi> 參加BOF~
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18:31 <@bobchao> 接駁車(到捷運)的時間晚上九點喔,在那之前就要在門口等車
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18:39 * rascov 交大同學會BoF 4F左側 openstreetmap攤位對面
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18:46 < darkx> OK
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18:50 < Andox> f@@~
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19:40 < locy69> bof time
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19:59 < alicekey> hi
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20:14 < nemu> BoF-ing ~
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