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Created August 19, 2012 09:05
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COSCUP 2012 Day2 irc log
--- Day changed Sun Aug 19 2012
00:01 -!- Alisha [72262a5c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
00:02 -!- orinx|bof is now known as orinx|sleep
00:02 -!- play [] has joined #coscup
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00:02 -!- mode/#coscup [+o bobchao] by ChanServ
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00:50 < _Davy_> 都沒人了XD
00:50 -!- kengyu [~Keng-Yu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
00:55 -!- Lws [] has joined #coscup
00:57 -!- Beata_ [] has quit []
00:57 < kikiqqp> 眠
00:58 -!- biostrike [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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00:59 -!- Beata_ [] has joined #coscup
01:03 -!- dreamcwli_ [] has joined #coscup
01:05 -!- Beata_ is now known as BeataLin
01:07 < _Davy_> XD
01:09 -!- dreamcwli_ [] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
01:09 -!- tC_ [6ff8d818@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
01:09 < Jedi_> 到家了~
01:10 -!- BardicheZ_ [] has quit [Quit: BardicheZ_]
01:10 < Jedi_> 今天肉身不能與各位同在,哭哭
01:10 -!- dca- [] has joined #coscup
01:10 < Jedi_> CindyLinz: 今天超正!可惜只有驚鴻一瞥,就沒再看到了 :~
01:11 -!- dca- [] has quit [Client Quit]
01:14 * mrmoneyc 希望能有時間睡,繼續趕工 ...
01:15 -!- Negaihoshi [] has joined #coscup
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01:19 -!- Lws [] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
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01:26 -!- Eames [dabb16f3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
01:33 -!- Lws [] has joined #coscup
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01:37 -!- Eames [dabb16f3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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01:42 < CindyLinz> Jedi_: 謝謝 >///<
01:45 -!- itsming [] has joined #coscup
01:46 < Jedi_> CindyLinz: 其實整天一直想找你合照 KD
01:46 < Jedi_> 太可惜了 :~
01:48 -!- darkland [~darkland@] has joined #coscup
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01:48 < CindyLinz> Jedi_: 咦 ^^|
01:48 < CindyLinz> Jedi_: 可以先用 irc 丟訊息啊, 總會看到的 :p
01:49 -!- RuinlandIxa [~RuinlandI@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
01:49 < Jedi_> CindyLinz: 這就是問題,我連不上 lol
01:50 < Jedi_> CindyLinz: 我整天都在努力做這件事 T_T
01:51 < CindyLinz> Jedi_: 呃.....||
01:52 -!- kakashi [~kakashi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
01:52 < CindyLinz> Jedi_: 早上上官演講完以後, 發現他帶著你的簡報原力耶
01:52 < CindyLinz> Jedi_: 看到「十堂課」還是會不小心笑出來啊 XD
01:53 < Jedi_> CindyLinz: 本屆 COSCUP 所有講者講完後都會獲得一本
01:53 < Jedi_> CindyLinz: 感謝 audrey 和 pingooo 認捐
01:53 < CindyLinz> Jedi_: 咦
01:53 < CindyLinz> Jedi_: 我還以為是他為了演講特別帶來加持的 XD
01:54 < Jedi_> heh
01:58 -!- Elsvent [743be852@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
01:58 -!- watsontsai [] has joined #coscup
01:58 < watsontsai> 有人嗎?
01:58 < Jedi_> yes?
01:59 -!- watsontsai [] has quit [Client Quit]
02:00 < mhs1n> 今天也沒看到 Jedi_ 和 CindyLinz
02:02 -!- ming1053_ [6ff9b1e9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
02:03 -!- ming1053_ [6ff9b1e9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
02:03 < CindyLinz> 啊我下午跑去 Workshop, 都沒有走動比較不容易遇到人 ^^|
02:04 -!- itsming is now known as zz_itsming
02:09 < Jedi_> souka
02:09 < Jedi_> Workshop 在活動中心呀
02:09 < Jedi_> mhs1n: 我也沒看到你~
02:09 < Jedi_> 我在 r0 待到 11:30 之後就都在 r1
02:17 < hlb> Jedi_: 那就見不到面了 T_T
02:18 -!- chy168 [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
02:20 -!- BeataLin [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
02:21 -!- EdwardYC [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
02:21 < Jedi_> hlb: T_T
02:23 -!- lin4h [7a74bf50@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
02:24 < Conrad> w
02:24 -!- S3p_tfn [] has joined #coscup
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02:31 -!- Irvin_ [] has quit [Quit: Irvin_]
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02:42 -!- superbil_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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02:45 -!- icman [~icman@] has quit [Quit: 明天天氣晴]
02:47 -!- pioneerlike [] has quit [Quit: pioneerlike]
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04:06 -!- Elsvent [743be852@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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04:26 -!- plyrd [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]]
05:09 -!- barneybook [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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06:52 -!- mosu_ [] has joined #coscup
07:00 -!- SammyLin [] has joined #coscup
07:00 -!- deghost [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
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07:08 -!- LiquidC [~tC@] has joined #coscup
07:09 -!- snowman2 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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07:22 < lin4h> test
07:23 -!- schien [] has joined #coscup
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07:51 < astro^> blah
07:52 -!- nemu [~AndChat36@2001:c08:1:164:6964:6328:ae3a:573b] has joined #coscup
07:53 < nemu> ((coscup 聽眾No.2
07:53 < astro^> XD
07:53 -!- michael520 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
07:53 < nemu> 樓上也到了嗎 XD
07:53 < astro^> nemu: 你現在坐我旁邊嗎? ( (逃)
07:54 < nemu> ((驚
07:54 < astro^> 哈哈
07:58 -!- plyrd [] has joined #coscup
08:01 -!- Alisha [72262a7b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
08:02 -!- JoeAngel_ [caa9a355@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
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08:17 -!- nemu [~AndChat36@2001:c08:1:164:6964:6328:ae3a:573b] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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08:24 -!- jason250_ [~jason2506@2001:c08:1:164:c402:9c95:1db2:e5f2] has joined #coscup
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08:25 -!- TNT [~AndChat36@] has joined #coscup
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08:25 -!- Deghost [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
08:25 -!- Moonslight [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
08:25 -!- Deghost is now known as Guest32631
08:25 < TNT> Moonslight: Hi.
08:25 -!- shume [caa9ac7a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
08:25 -!- TNT is now known as Guest18096
08:25 < Moonslight> Hello !
08:25 -!- gnux123 [~gnux123@] has joined #coscup
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08:26 -!- nemu [~AndChat36@2001:c08:1:164:6964:6328:ae3a:573b] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
08:26 -!- ygtw [ygtw@] has joined #coscup
08:26 < ygtw> 早安各位~~
08:26 -!- maxwux [7a752e4e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
08:26 -!- JoeAngel [8c6d7ff5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
08:27 < maxwux> 大家早安
08:27 < iblis17> EHLO
08:27 < Guest32631> 安安
08:27 < JoeAngel> 早安
08:27 < coldsleep> 早安
08:29 -!- coldslee1 [~coldsleep@] has joined #coscup
08:29 -!- gnux123 [~gnux123@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
08:29 < Guest18096> 早安~
08:29 < astro^> 早安
08:29 -!- gnux123 [~gnux123@] has joined #coscup
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08:29 -!- lin4h [01c8b838@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
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08:29 < lin4h> test/
08:29 < ygtw> 第二會議室陸續有人進場中XD
08:29 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has joined #coscup
08:30 -!- Guest18096 [~AndChat36@] has quit [Quit: Bye]
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08:30 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
08:30 < michael520> goo morning
08:30 < kevin6861> 大家早安~
08:30 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has joined #coscup
08:31 < lin4h> morning.
08:31 -!- Aotoki [caa9ad42@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
08:31 < lin4h> ....雖然我還在車上顛
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08:32 -!- Albert [~Albert@] has joined #coscup
08:32 < ioan> 大家早安~
08:32 -!- Albert is now known as Guest90856
08:32 < Guest90856> hi
08:32 < lafi> =w=/
08:32 -!- FreedomKnight [~FreedomKn@] has joined #coscup
08:32 < FreedomKnight> 各位大大早安
08:33 < UncleHandsome> 早安
08:33 < Guest90856> test中文
08:33 -!- TNT_ [~AndChat36@] has joined #coscup
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08:33 -!- TNT_ is now known as Guest87006
08:34 -!- poao [8c700442@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
08:34 < lin4h> 好像我每次來中研院…都會有地方在修路
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08:34 < Guest87006> Moonslight: t
08:34 -!- rocfatcat_NB [~lenny@] has joined #coscup
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08:37 -!- mode/#coscup [+o bobchao] by ChanServ
08:37 < StarNight> Hi 早安~~
08:37 -!- sonyu_ [~sonyu@] has joined #coscup
08:38 < Guest87006> Moonslight, StarNight: Hi~
08:38 -!- orinx|sleep is now known as orinx
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08:39 -!- gunxgun [~AndChat12@2001:c08:1:164:3ae7:d8ff:feb1:767] has joined #coscup
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08:40 < jnlin_tfn> GM
08:40 -!- rail02000 [~quassel@] has joined #coscup
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08:41 < evenrain> 一大早先連果然比較容易 XD
08:41 -!- lunastorm [] has joined #coscup
08:42 < darkx> hi, all
08:42 < lunastorm> 早
08:42 < ygtw> 今天天氣這麼好真是太意外了
08:42 -!- Zack [~zack@] has joined #coscup
08:42 < Moonslight> 安 !
08:42 < gunxgun> 不知道今天網路會不會爆炸
08:42 -!- Guest87006 [~AndChat36@] has quit [Quit: Bye]
08:42 -!- mosutw [~mosu@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
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08:42 < evenrain> 我用有線 ㄎㄎ
08:42 < lunastorm> 今天大家好像沒那麼早起
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08:43 -!- mosu_ is now known as mosutw
08:43 -!- StarNight [~zack@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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08:44 < Moonslight> 昨天有點累 我回到家也快11點了.....
08:44 < evenrain> 對啊 而且今天高速公路也比較不塞
08:44 -!- kiang [~kiang@] has joined #coscup
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08:46 < FreedomKnight> 一大早來連吃早餐都趕
08:47 -!- gh__ [] has joined #coscup
08:47 < evenrain> 先來 R2 佔位子...
08:47 < nemu> 先睡一下 XD'
08:47 -!- CMY [7222c670@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
08:48 < evenrain> 等等 R0 的在 R2 看轉播好了 (誤
08:48 -!- hrj [~hrj@] has joined #coscup
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08:48 < FreedomKnight> 天呀 今天 PCMan 跟 jserv 都好難抉擇
08:48 -!- Alen-- [~Alen@] has joined #coscup
08:48 -!- Ed_ [~Ed@] has joined #coscup
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08:49 < privism> 早
08:49 < Alen--> 早
08:49 -!- Zack [~zack@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
08:49 < evenrain> 工作人員麥克風忘了關?
08:49 < evenrain> 我在R2聽到工作人員聊天 XD
08:49 -!- Zack [~zack@] has joined #coscup
08:49 -!- mobomoga [~mobomoga@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
08:49 < nemu> R1最終場會爆炸嗎 XD'
08:49 -!- mobomoga_ [~mobomoga@] has joined #coscup
08:50 < hlb> 日安~
08:50 -!- lin4h [01c89b13@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
08:50 -!- Passersby [7222c670@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
08:50 < nemu> 早上好~
08:50 < cls_bsd> 早
08:50 < AceLan> 他剛剛要提早結束 因為大家會有很多問題 所以請大家踴躍發問啊
08:50 < hlb> @R2
08:50 < AceLan> 剛剛說
08:51 < privism> (Y)
08:51 < AceLan> r1 還有位子嗎?
08:51 < Passersby> 早安~~~
08:51 -!- mobomoga_ [~mobomoga@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
08:51 -!- mobomoga [~mobomoga@] has joined #coscup
08:51 < privism> R0 還有位子
08:52 -!- fntsrlike [~fntsrlike@] has joined #coscup
08:52 < ccchiu> Jserv 的R1最終場不考慮換到r0嘛XD
08:52 -!- Guest90856 is now known as Albert__
08:52 -!- Ed__ [~Ed@] has joined #coscup
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08:53 < cyt93cs_> AceLan: many!
08:53 < cyt93cs_> AceLan: I am at R1
08:53 < AceLan> cyt93cs_: 好吧 我過去 r1
08:53 -!- kuyuhisepa126 [~kevin0114@] has joined #coscup
08:54 < kuyuhisepa126> 大家good morning~
08:54 -!- VoidChen [~VoidChen@] has joined #coscup
08:54 < evenrain> 早
08:54 -!- SammyLin [~sammylin@2001:c08:1:164:783d:c1d7:ceeb:8c81] has joined #coscup
08:54 < syJheng> 今天有小綠綠>"<
08:54 -!- mobomoga [~mobomoga@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
08:54 < ygtw> 已經變成傳統XD
08:55 < jos> > <
08:55 -!- mobomoga [~mobomoga@] has joined #coscup
08:55 < kuyuhisepa126> 話說昨天有人跟pixnet拿網路線嗎?我想問問大家皆大會網路都可以用嗎w?
08:55 -!- shiami [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
08:55 -!- peterlee [2a492d87@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
08:55 < rich1iu> kuyuhisepa126: 不能用
08:55 -!- Noni [2a40f8ac@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
08:56 < Noni> 早~
08:56 < kuyuhisepa126> 早~~^^
08:56 -!- lin4h [01c89b13@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
08:56 < kuyuhisepa126> 因為我都連不上T_T
08:56 < AceLan> kuyuhisepa126: 我自己帶的網路線都有通喔
08:56 < kuyuhisepa126> 不是無法辨識,就是連到之後又跳掉= =
08:56 < evenrain> kuyuhisepa126: 我的可以用
08:56 -!- webbertsai [caa9a5ab@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
08:57 -!- Kiki1023 [~kiki@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
08:57 < lenny__> 可以用
08:57 < astro^> 可以用
08:57 -!- chitsaou [~chitsaou@] has joined #coscup
08:57 < syJheng> kuyuhisepa126: 我拿pixnet的網路線可以用喔
08:57 -!- kevin6861 [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
08:58 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
08:58 < ijliao> 因為沒有早餐可以吃, 所以今天早上的場子有點冷清 (誤)
08:58 -!- Ed__ [~Ed@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
08:58 < nemu> 小綠綠 OwO
08:58 -!- mobomoga [~mobomoga@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
08:58 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has quit [Client Quit]
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08:58 < kuyuhisepa126> OAO
08:59 -!- mobomoga [~mobomoga@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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08:59 < kkw> green~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
08:59 -!- oaoq [] has joined #coscup
08:59 < ygtw> 有些座位的網路孔是壞的
08:59 -!- mobomoga [~mobomoga@] has joined #coscup
08:59 -!- Aminzai [8c6d7ff3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
08:59 < ygtw> 飲料有可爾必思>///<
08:59 < Aminzai> YO : COSCUP2012 Day2 上午 R0 Live Hangout on Air
08:59 -!- ryanho [~ryan@2001:c08:3700:ffff::d19] has joined #coscup
08:59 -!- Wildchild [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:00 -!- ckm_ [~ckm@] has joined #coscup
09:00 -!- shadom [~someone@] has joined #coscup
09:00 -!- jeremy5189 [~jeremy518@] has joined #coscup
09:00 < maxwux> 可爾必思在哪?(眼睛發亮
09:00 -!- tom1223 [~tom1223@] has joined #coscup
09:00 < kuyuhisepa126> 我無言了(準備砸電腦....
09:00 -!- ReticenceSu [~Reticence@] has joined #coscup
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09:00 -!- phtseng [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:f052:594f:a1:7f01] has joined #coscup
09:00 < ygtw> R2 <-> R0中間
09:01 < shadom> ?
09:01 < nemu> 下次要自帶 Switch 和百米網路線了 > ~ < "
09:01 -!- carlcarl [~carlcarl@] has joined #coscup
09:01 < kuyuhisepa126> 無線網路連到之後,有線網路就跳正常,無線網路斷了之後,有線網路就斷了((敲敲
09:01 < Aotoki> 剛剛 WiFi 出現 「COSCUP 2012 乾淨獨立網路 」是怎麼一回事?
09:01 < tom1223> Ooo
09:01 < ygtw> 空的紙杯可以帶進去哦
09:01 < nemu> 中文 SSID !!? ((驚
09:01 < maxwux> ygtw: 來去喝一杯
09:02 -!- mobomoga [~mobomoga@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
09:02 -!- lin4h [01c89952@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
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09:02 * lenny__ 哈欠
09:02 < astro^> 會議室的廣播還是沒關 xD
09:02 < Zack> r1 沒有即時畫面
09:02 < hlb> Aotoki: 釣魚專用?
09:02 -!- mobomoga_ [~mobomoga@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
09:02 < Noni> [R2]沒畫面
09:02 < killtw> r2 也沒有畫面
09:02 * dannvix R2 也沒有畫面~
09:02 < nemu> DAY 2 ~
09:02 < Zack> DAY 2
09:03 < Noni> 誤會了
09:03 -!- tom1223 [~tom1223@] has quit [Client Quit]
09:03 < Aotoki> 來不及拍到
09:03 < astro^> R2沒有畫面!!
09:03 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has joined #coscup
09:03 -!- linroex [] has joined #coscup
09:03 < jeremy5189> R2 聲音好小
09:03 -!- tom1223 [~tom1223@] has joined #coscup
09:03 < dannvix> 總召還有倒立啊 (flee
09:03 * astro^ R2沒有畫面~~~~
09:03 -!- Zack is now known as StarNight
09:03 < Noni> 倒立~ 倒立~ 倒立~
09:03 -!- Irvin_ [~anonymous@] has joined #coscup
09:03 -!- mobomoga [~mobomoga@] has joined #coscup
09:03 -!- AlanWu [~alan@] has joined #coscup
09:04 < evenrain> R2 沒有聯播 要自己開 XD
09:04 -!- ca_ is now known as ca^
09:04 -!- jack [] has joined #coscup
09:04 -!- jeremy51899 [~jeremy518@] has joined #coscup
09:04 * AceLan 鼓掌喝采!
09:04 < fntsrlike> YO 40% Lern something new 60% make friends
09:04 -!- dm4 [] has joined #coscup
09:04 -!- phtseng [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:f052:594f:a1:7f01] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
09:04 < nemu> 總召不會倒立 O口O ~
09:04 < lin4h> 問一下,這個channel有沒有log?
09:05 < Noni> 昨天最火的 就是 SENS
09:05 -!- Zhusee [] has joined #coscup
09:05 < Noni> 哈哈哈
09:05 < Noni> []-[]
09:05 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
09:05 < privism> 看誰最早進來的吧
09:05 < kuyuhisepa126> 那是誰阿= =|||
09:05 -!- YouMeiKetsu [~Jerome@] has joined #coscup
09:06 < fntsrlike> 今日議程要以網路為主還是今天發的那張為主?
09:06 -!- lynn_ [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:06 -!- fntsrlike is now known as Swl
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09:06 -!- Toomore [~toomore@2001:c08:1:164:20ef:cbbd:9e1d:632b] has joined #coscup
09:07 < iblis17> lin4h: log 要 client 自己打開吧
09:07 < Moonslight> 今天發的為主吧
09:07 < Toomore>
09:08 < ygtw> R2影音問題已經回報
09:08 < kuyuhisepa126> 五行!
09:08 < kuyuhisepa126> [R0]
09:08 < Noni> 五行那個會不會 一分鐘就下課了 !?
09:08 < Noni> 1
09:08 < Noni> 2
09:08 < Noni> 3
09:08 < Noni> 4
09:08 < Noni> 5
09:08 < Wildchild> orz
09:08 < Swl> 可是今天發的unfonference 好像不准@@
09:08 -!- yade [~yade@2001:c08:1:164:762f:68ff:fee4:3596] has joined #coscup
09:09 < Swl> 至少沒有五行XD
09:09 < lin4h> @iblis17 webchat應該沒是沒log功能…我想問的是有沒有地方可以查log?
09:09 -!- dar [] has joined #coscup
09:09 -!- freedom [650d9b26@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:09 < nemu> Mono :D !
09:09 -!- ioan_ [] has joined #coscup
09:10 < lin4h> 看到一個小綠綠在外面
09:10 < linroex> 今天很多都穿制服XD
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09:10 < iblis17> lin4h: 你要的話我有一些
09:10 -!- Irvin_ [~anonymous@] has quit [Quit: Irvin_]
09:10 < hlb> 兩個名額昨天瞬間就消失了...
09:10 -!- ddsakura [~Adium@] has joined #coscup
09:10 -!- bobchao [] has quit [Quit: bobchao]
09:10 < michael520> 廣達肉鬆
09:11 -!- Amo [] has joined #coscup
09:11 < privism> 其實我不懂為什麼要穿制服 XD
09:11 < webbertsai> = =
09:11 -!- smailc [] has joined #coscup
09:11 -!- Simon [8c75a825@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:11 < AceLan> lin4h: 你想看什麼時候的 log ?
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09:11 < FreedomKnight> 我也不懂為什麼要穿制服
09:11 < nemu> privism: 傳統 XD'
09:11 < in2> 下次要規定要穿裙子 *誤*
09:11 < evenrain> XD
09:11 -!- Ruinland [~RuinHello@] has joined #coscup
09:11 -!- JoeAngel [8c6d7ff5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
09:11 < gunxgun> 昨天Ant的那場有錄影可以看嗎?
09:11 -!- LiquidC [~tC@] has quit [Quit: Bye]
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09:11 -!- mode/#coscup [+o bobchao] by ChanServ
09:11 < smailc> 制服? 是指小綠綠嗎?
09:11 < Ruinland> Ant錄影希望QAQ
09:12 < nemu> smailc: Yes
09:12 < Alen> R1 可愛的妹妹 今天會幫忙關左前門嗎....讓我們繼續看下去.....
09:12 < Noni> 小蘿莉 > //// <
09:12 -!- Amo [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
09:12 -!- rmx_ [~coldsleep@2001:c08:1:164:582e:30c0:e92e:23ff] has joined #coscup
09:12 < ygtw> NPNT
09:12 < Swl> 有人有印名片的嗎OAO
09:12 -!- mp607 [d24689d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:12 < play> 在哪裡
09:13 < smailc> NPNT~~
09:13 < Zhusee> ~
09:13 -!- Jeely [] has joined #coscup
09:13 -!- maxdragon [8c6d10c5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:13 -!- ccc-larc [~ccc-larc@] has joined #coscup
09:13 < Zhusee> 今天超多小綠綠
09:13 < play> NPNT
09:13 < nemu> Alen: R1左前門不關是為了吸引她來嗎 XD '
09:13 -!- SammyLin [~sammylin@2001:c08:1:164:783d:c1d7:ceeb:8c81] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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09:13 -!- MouseMs [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:13 < CindyLinz> Jedi_: 你今天有沒有依約穿裙子來~~ ^^
09:13 -!- KiraYao [~elegant_p@] has joined #coscup
09:13 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@] has joined #coscup
09:13 < Noni> R2的右前門也準備給她來關了~
09:13 -!- rmx_ [~coldsleep@2001:c08:1:164:582e:30c0:e92e:23ff] has left #coscup []
09:13 -!- SammyLin [] has joined #coscup
09:14 < KiraYao> 倫敦奧運....
09:14 < ygtw> nemu : XDDD
09:14 < kuyuhisepa126> 我昨天是有人在給QR code
09:14 < kuyuhisepa126> 掃完之後他全部資料都在裡面,他說這樣就可以帶氣名片了
09:14 < KiraYao> XD
09:14 < Zhusee> Download 國旗XDD
09:14 < Noni> 這個有梗!!!
09:14 < evenrain> Download 就有了
09:14 < kuyuhisepa126> 代替..
09:14 < tC_> download XD
09:14 < StarNight> 有梗
09:14 < Swl> wwwww
09:14 < linroex> 數位國旗XDD
09:14 < tom1223> ㄏㄏ
09:14 < KiraYao> 這有耿
09:14 < linroex> 第一個梗~~
09:14 < kuyuhisepa126> download ...
09:14 < Noni> S3?
09:14 < StarNight> 超酷!!!
09:14 -!- Blade [01aa9ac5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:14 < nemu> Noni: XDDDD'
09:14 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
09:14 -!- Dainese [~dainese@2001:c08:1:164:1cd7:28f7:b01f:1b8] has joined #coscup
09:14 < KiraYao> 那個是平板?
09:14 -!- Dainese [~dainese@2001:c08:1:164:1cd7:28f7:b01f:1b8] has quit [Client Quit]
09:14 -!- AndChat317009 [~AndChat31@] has joined #coscup
09:15 < Zhusee> 說不定是筆電XD
09:15 < AndChat317009> Xd
09:15 -!- rmx [~coldsleep@2001:c08:1:164:582e:30c0:e92e:23ff] has joined #coscup
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09:15 -!- rmx is now known as coldsleep
09:15 < nemu> kuyuhisepa126: 在說我嗎 XDDDD'
09:15 < AndChat317009> Test
09:15 -!- AndChat317009 [~AndChat31@] has quit [Client Quit]
09:15 * astro^ 今天議程左邊的神來也廣告打超大.. 一整個超亮眼
09:16 -!- shadowcrow_ [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
09:16 -!- Zhusee [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
09:16 < Alen> nemu : 我是想吸引小綠綠來幫忙關 R1 左前門...
09:16 < kuyuhisepa126> @nemu 咦XXD
09:16 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
09:16 < MouseMs> 會議聽內請勿飲用水以外的飲品,全面禁止飲食,出入時請掛著識別證,謝謝。
09:16 < KiraYao> @Alen XDDDDD
09:16 < Ruinland> 百萬殺人實驗= =?
09:16 < shadowcrow_> 好像還不錯的keynote
09:16 < StarNight> box maker XDD 很好的註解XD
09:16 -!- yanyiyi [~yan@] has joined #coscup
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09:16 < FreedomKnight> 來開門你碰得到嗎
09:16 < KiraYao> box maker...XD
09:16 < privism> 幫神也來廣告一下
09:16 -!- SammyLin_ [] has joined #coscup
09:16 -!- hashman [~hashman@] has joined #coscup
09:16 < dylandy> 所以他的意思是蘋果是最好的電腦?
09:17 < shadowcrow_> WoW
09:17 < ijliao> 傳說中...
09:17 < privism> 請大家多多支持神來也
09:17 < hashman> Test
09:17 < Alen> 結果 R1 的左前門還是由 R1 的可愛妹妹幫忙關...
09:17 < privism> 不然 in2 明年就不贊助了
09:17 * privism flee
09:17 -!- fcrh [] has joined #coscup
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09:17 < privism> Alen: 關門小妹
09:17 -!- jereme [] has joined #coscup
09:17 < Ruinland> "You live in a house,which is a box.Your television - -is a box as well.And one day, you'll sleep in a box eventually."
09:17 < ijliao> 512 core !
09:17 -!- SammyLi__ [~sammylin@] has joined #coscup
09:17 < KiraYao> 不贊助就拔她毛(?)
09:17 -!- swaywang [~mac@] has joined #coscup
09:17 < KiraYao> 512 core還真的滿猛的
09:17 < maxwux> 512個core?我有聽錯嗎
09:18 < ijliao> 有工廠流出品嗎 XD
09:18 < privism> KiraYao: 不贊助就洗澡比較可怕
09:18 < evenrain> 一年五十萬台耶
09:18 < Noni> privism 噗~ 言重了, 熱心的小蘿莉!
09:18 < KiraYao> 沒有
09:18 <@bobchao> maxwux: 沒有,他們真的那樣寫
09:18 -!- zhusee2 [] has joined #coscup
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09:18 < dylandy> 昨天廣達有放在樓上給寫程式比賽
09:18 <@bobchao> 而且還用直排中文
09:18 -!- vrootic [] has joined #coscup
09:18 <@bobchao> 五一二
09:18 < KiraYao> 8node 64code合起來512core
09:18 <@bobchao> 乍看是五三核
09:18 < play> 傳說中拔到某兔的兔毛...
09:18 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
09:18 < KiraYao> 兔子就會咬你歐!
09:18 < Moonslight> 盾牌 = ="
09:18 < StarNight> sheild
09:18 < privism> 後來誰拿到 Kindle Fire
09:18 < privism> XD
09:18 < Noni> 沒有帶名片的人, 好好利用QA Code吧~
09:18 < kentwelcome> 聖光啊
09:19 < ijliao> 盾牌++
09:19 < KiraYao> 還沒開始比拉
09:19 < KiraYao> 我到現在看不懂那個數列怎麼做出來的XD
09:19 -!- jeremy51899 [~jeremy518@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
09:19 -!- tom1223 [~tom1223@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
09:19 < evenrain> 今天才交程式碼不是
09:19 -!- lin4h [01c89952@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit []
09:19 < privism> KiraYao: google 就知道了
09:19 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
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09:19 < vrootic> quit
09:19 < shadowcrow_> 老闆有交待
09:19 < Moonslight> 我也看不出來那個數列的規律.....
09:19 < Ruinland> 有數列的資料庫可以直接查
09:19 < privism> KiraYao: 基本上難度不是怎麼做出來是怎麼平行最有效率
09:19 < tC_> KiraYao: Strobogrammatic number
09:19 < Alen> 老闆在hangout 上有在看..
09:20 < ygtw> Alen:XDDDD
09:20 -!- sammyfung [] has joined #coscup
09:20 < KiraYao> 這年頭狗比人還猛....
09:20 -!- vrootic [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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09:20 < darkgerm> 那個數最太處爛了!想半天結果竟然是那個...
09:20 -!- jos [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
09:20 < lucky17> 你需要的只是搜尋那個數列的勇氣xD
09:20 -!- dar [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
09:20 < cclien> LOL
09:20 < Ruinland>
09:20 -!- Noni_ [2a40f8ac@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:20 -!- hamisme [~hamisme@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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09:21 < privism> lucky17: 承認自己看不懂是需要很大的勇氣
09:21 -!- hugojay [] has joined #coscup
09:21 -!- jos [] has joined #coscup
09:21 < dylandy> 工商服務時間
09:21 < nemu> Noni, kuyuhisepa126: QR code XP
09:21 < evenrain> R2 放的簡報好像有偏右,所以有一些畫面被切掉了
09:21 < privism> 好在我一向很無恥
09:21 -!- SammyLin_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
09:21 -!- yspan [~AndChat29@] has joined #coscup
09:21 < lucky17> 是的xD
09:21 -!- yanyiyi is now known as Yanyiyi
09:21 < Ruinland> 工商火力全開~~
09:21 < kikiqqp> 拿肝換上面的人的財富有啥好誇耀的
09:21 < MouseMs> Strobogrammatic number超好玩XD
09:21 < michael520> R0 冷氣 ....
09:21 < michael520> 分翻了
09:21 < KiraYao> 工商服務...
09:21 < kuyuhisepa126> 他這是在廣告time嗎OAO
09:21 < michael520> 冷翻了
09:21 < Alen> 最後一頁 應該是 有心志士,請來廣達報到 ....
09:21 < kikiqqp> 把舞台還給年輕人
09:21 -!- stanely [~stanely@] has joined #coscup
09:21 < KiraYao> R0的冷氣關小一點啊(抖抖抖)
09:22 < Andox> 囧 睡太爽....
09:22 -!- wandering [8c700442@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:22 -!- pioneerlike [~pioneerli@] has joined #coscup
09:22 < dylandy> 偷婊鴻海
09:22 < Wildchild> ZZzzz
09:22 < Alen> R0 的冷氣應該只有 on/off 沒有調溫功能吧..
09:22 < stanely> 現在是廣達火力展現嗎?
09:22 < ReticenceSu> 就其實有點商業廣告嘛...
09:22 -!- lafi [~lafi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
09:22 < linroex> 廣告時間QQ
09:22 < Yanyiyi> 一口氣~
09:22 < tC_> 好像睡覺..
09:22 < stanely> 不是要講colud
09:22 < tC_> 想
09:22 -!- yspan [~AndChat29@] has quit [Client Quit]
09:22 < kuyuhisepa126> 好像是在自High...
09:22 < Moonslight> 我們為啥要聽他們的廠區地圖阿 = =" ??
09:22 -!- hashman [~hashman@] has quit [Quit: Bye]
09:22 -!- yspan [~AndChat29@] has joined #coscup
09:22 < Yanyiyi> 他被老闆植入想法了
09:22 < darkx> www
09:22 < Alen> 我們對員工很好哦..有按摸哦.
09:22 < ygtw> XDDD
09:22 < shadowcrow_> 會反應冷氣問題
09:22 -!- macjack [~macjack@] has joined #coscup
09:23 < Albert__> 老闆在看w
09:23 < privism> 噗
09:23 < ygtw> 踢足球XDD
09:23 < privism> 不過
09:23 < linroex> 對員工很好-》他在暗指誰XD
09:23 < stanely> 有足球場
09:23 < SammyLi__> 我們是來到廣達了嗎?....
09:23 < sntc06> 有按摩浴缸
09:23 < Alen> 可以摸也可以踢哦
09:23 < cclien> 「不是用機器在管理人」
09:23 -!- Noni [2a40f8ac@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
09:23 < StarNight> 很可惜,必須去當台幹
09:23 < Custom> Keynote 本來就是讓人家隨便講的, 只要錢付的夠多, 請歌舞團來都可以.
09:23 < YChao_> 這場是「贊助廠商」的keynote,所以...
09:23 < KiraYao> 這不就是Keynote的傳統嗎XD
09:23 < stanely> 老闆有要求之後錄影檔出來後要看到有幫廣達抬驕
09:23 -!- zhusee2 [] has left #coscup []
09:23 < kikiqqp> 翻譯年糕:我們對員工很好,比起紅海認為你們只有肝,我們可是有把你們當作人,當作機器人用!比只有肝好一點
09:23 -!- FourDollars [~sylee@] has joined #coscup
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09:23 -!- zhusee2 [] has joined #coscup
09:23 < Alen> 老闆表示..我們需要人來幫機器人開機
09:23 < KiraYao> So What...XD
09:23 < astro^> 一開始講得還不錯啊 怎麼好像突然被x上身了 Orz.
09:23 < linroex> 老闆可能在看轉播XDD
09:23 < privism> 廣達在系統廠裡面是還不錯
09:23 < KiraYao> 這間之後要剪掉嗎XD
09:23 < privism> 只是大家應該沒興趣
09:23 < Alen> 因為,他發現老闆上線了
09:23 -!- zhusee2 [] has left #coscup []
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09:24 -!- yichiuan [~ooo@2001:c08:1:164:f80e:b1d6:bf8d:dbd3] has joined #coscup
09:24 -!- maxwux [7a752e4e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
09:24 < privism> 可能有同事在下面錄
09:24 < Swl> BOSS ONLINE
09:24 < KiraYao> Skype:老闆上線了
09:24 -!- zhusee2 [] has left #coscup []
09:24 -!- zhusee2 [] has joined #coscup
09:24 < kikiqqp> 如果這放上youtube會被噓到爆
09:24 < ReticenceSu> 養精蓄銳ZZZ
09:24 < Ruinland> Big brother is watchin' you~~~
09:24 < Andox> 你老闆限在在你後面...他非常的火?
09:24 < StarNight> youtube直播中XD
09:24 < ccchiu> 中間有一台 DV 錄
09:24 < Ruinland> "So what?" ye,so what= ="
09:24 < kkw> 名義上的老闆在你背後非常火
09:24 < sntc06> 等下就 we are hiring
09:25 < ccchiu> 應該是廣達的人吧XD
09:25 < _Davy_> www
09:25 < Alen> 騎馬來做business
09:25 -!- grapfu623 [~grapefrui@] has joined #coscup
09:25 -!- pworker_ [72885999@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:25 < ygtw> 董事長~~
09:25 < Wildchild> 太猛了 一開始的Keynote就讓人想睡
09:25 < KiraYao> ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz
09:25 < KiraYao> 不過這個不是傳統嗎XD
09:25 < _Davy_> 想睡www
09:25 < sntc06> 被在做的各位毀滅掉 XD
09:25 < ygtw> XDD
09:25 < nemu> Zz
09:25 < Ruinland> 「太猛了,避免各位把它destruct掉」
09:25 < KiraYao> 補眠時間(?)
09:25 < ygtw> 避免在座的各位XDDDDD
09:25 < in2> 舉手問 ODM 和 open source 的關係是什麼 *誤*
09:25 < Ruinland> 這是......?
09:25 < cls_bsd> 不是很正常嗎?
09:25 < pworker_> 這裡不是股東會啊 QAQ
09:25 < jeffhung> 「你要 sue 人家嘛?最好不要,這些都是你的客人。」
09:25 < Ruinland> 來拆台="=?
09:25 < cls_bsd> 不然為什麼可以不用錢? :p
09:25 < carlcarl> 講得好抽象zz
09:26 < Custom> cls_bsd: yeap
09:26 -!- maxwux [7a752e4e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:26 < KiraYao> 現在變成商學院時間
09:26 -!- zhusee2 is now known as Zhusee
09:26 < Andox> Keynote就打人臉?
09:26 < darkx> 動量?
09:26 < kikiqqp> 可惡,好想在Q&A時間拿資料表人 orz
09:26 < maxwux> 換到R0了
09:26 -!- grapfu623 is now known as grafu623
09:26 < Wildchild> 你要噓人家嗎?最好不要,這些都是你的贊助商。
09:26 < kkw> 廣達的話~~可以唷 >\\\\\\\\<
09:26 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
09:26 < Custom> 這個場次本來就是工商服務時間
09:26 < cclien> pc變成明天的毛巾
09:26 -!- king1223 [~aaa@] has joined #coscup
09:26 < Toomore> #moztw
09:26 < privism> 沒什麼可以噓的點吧
09:26 < ijliao> keynote 沒有 qa 吧... ? :p
09:26 < nemu> 讓太早來的大家 第一場睡覺補眠 ((!!?
09:27 < carlcarl> 今天大概就會一直待R2~
09:27 < privism> 因為和open source根本就沒有關係
09:27 < KiraYao> 他講的倒也沒什麼錯啦 就是離題XD
09:27 < Ruinland> COSCUP魔咒,科科
09:27 < stanely> 圖表真的有像商學院在講經濟模式之類的
09:27 < FreedomKnight> 請問有發股東贈品嗎
09:27 < privism> 很難找到噓的點 XD
09:27 < Custom> ijliao: 我想到 2010 COSCUP Nokia 的 QA 被我壹刀斃命 XD
09:27 < Zhusee> 超級像
09:27 < Alen> 別打臉囉,這一場應該可以買很多點心啊...多吃一點就好了..
09:27 < darkx> lol
09:27 < Yanyiyi> 藏金閣
09:27 < FreedomKnight> 也太快屈服了
09:27 < ygtw> 好期待QA!!!
09:27 < privism> 他這個應該是制式的 powerpoint 吧
09:27 < darkx> 昨天沒吃到點心的殘念 T^T
09:27 < kikiqqp> 賣雞排和蛋塔不太需要研發,只需要有客源。至於檯面上的研發大多是賣弄名詞呼一下投資人
09:27 -!- shadowcrow [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
09:27 < YChao_> 上午有點心嗎?
09:27 * lenny__ 拉回來了..LOL
09:28 -!- hashman [~hashman@] has joined #coscup
09:28 < kuyuhisepa126> @Custom 2010那次我也有看到XXD
09:28 < ijliao> 點心已經夠少了...
09:28 < privism> 我們公司也有公司簡介的制式 powerpoint
09:28 < tC_> 我們覺得internet會改變很多東西 馬後炮?
09:28 < shadowcrow> NO 點心
09:28 < Alen> 哇..又回來主題了
09:28 < nemu> open soure back XD !?
09:28 < Andox> Custom: 印象深刻 XD
09:28 < FreedomKnight> 超屌
09:28 < ijliao> custom: 都是你害的XD
09:28 < KiraYao> 這也是滿厲害的XD
09:28 < Alen> 所以剛剛是廣告啦..
09:28 -!- BardicheZ__ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
09:28 -!- StarNight [~zack@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
09:28 < Andox> 講者表示: 老闆下線了....
09:28 < Alen> 現在老闆下線了..
09:28 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
09:28 < barneybook> 一早怎麼都是廣告?
09:28 < Alen> 哈
09:28 < Custom> ijliao: 可是我說的是事實啊 XD
09:28 < king1223> 這次點心只有一次@_@
09:28 < FreedomKnight> 又開始廣告了
09:28 < KiraYao> Skype:老闆已離線
09:28 < ijliao> 90 後...
09:28 < Ruinland> 我想要求真相的說XD
09:29 < Alen> 老闆剛剛只是不小心斷線
09:29 < Ruinland> 2010發生什麼事?
09:29 < sntc06> Skype: 來自老闆的來電
09:29 < Alen> 又上線了嗎?
09:29 < nemu> XDDDD'
09:29 < KiraYao> 這邊還好吧XD
09:29 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
09:29 -!- BardicheZ__ is now known as BardicheZ_
09:29 < Alen> 看來老闆家的網路不穩哦.
09:29 < kikiqqp> 又說過去在預先未來了,現在是蘋果上身嗎?
09:29 -!- shadowcrow_ [~androirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
09:29 -!- peterlee [2a492d87@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
09:29 < Wildchild> Orz
09:29 -!- stevennick [~stevennic@2001:c08:1:164:8138:1a13:584f:e0af] has joined #coscup
09:29 < privism> 這年頭聽到「雲」就覺得:以下都是亂講的
09:30 < YChao_> 原來os只要load上去就好~~
09:30 < YChao_> 沒有value...
09:30 -!- Albert__ is now known as Albert
09:30 -!- peterlee [2a492d87@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:30 < rail02000> 原來,我早就在雲端(誤)
09:30 < maxwux> PC已經被邊緣化了,還在搞PC就沒什麼VALUE
09:30 < Zhusee> Chirstinson ~
09:30 < kikiqqp> 想當年我寫計劃寫奈米,計劃案都會過呦
09:30 -!- Zhusee [] has left #coscup []
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09:30 < FreedomKnight> 奈米PC嗎
09:30 < ryanho> 「有沒有在COSCUP上被婊的公司,隔年就會爛掉的八卦?」
09:30 < privism> kikiqqp: 覺得雲端這次撐比較久
09:30 -!- Albert is now known as Guest17249
09:30 < ijliao> 奈米 irc
09:30 < tC_> 有人知道轉播和現場延遲多久嗎?
09:30 < Alen> 想當初,只要計劃掛個雲...都會過.
09:30 -!- villerhsiao [~villerhsi@] has joined #coscup
09:31 -!- cyrandy [8c73321b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:31 < smailc> 哈哈 奈米 IRC
09:31 < privism> 雲端 irc
09:31 < privism> web 2.0 irc
09:31 -!- kkw_ [] has joined #coscup
09:31 -!- DonaldIsFreak [8c7d54b2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:31 < KiraYao> 真的回到Open Source了
09:31 < Zhusee> Cloud IRC XD
09:31 -!- Howie2 [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
09:31 < jeffhung> 「我們在 12 年前的時候就覺得說...」
09:31 < ijliao> irc 本來就雲端 (依貴國定義)
09:31 -!- chesterlintw [2a47b575@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:31 < cclien> privism: 你上雲端 irc 好久了喔,你比阿同伯還早上雲端
09:31 < Passersby> SKYPE:老闆已下線
09:31 < kkw_> 要戰惹~
09:31 < cclien> privism: XDD
09:31 < darkx> 貴國定義XD
09:31 < FreedomKnight> 我在十二年前就發現了 奈米 IRC
09:31 < kikiqqp> 古人想要單機化,偏離終端化。現在大家要走回去,哪想想PTT不就是啥WEB2.0(?)又是啥一堆腦袋只會名詞解釋的公司所想的雲端
09:31 < barneybook> IRC雲端+
09:31 < AceLan> 雲端 bbs
09:31 < FreedomKnight> 這樣講感覺就會屌一點
09:32 < DonaldIsFreak> 我們完全落後12年了!?
09:32 -!- Peter__ [8c72fd14@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:32 < FreedomKnight> 大家好 我是奈米鄉民
09:32 < maxwux> 我小時候就發現可以用養樂多罐當IRC了
09:32 < king1223> 雲端的定義(?
09:32 < shadowcrow> 打昨天 keynote臉w
09:32 < privism> kikiqqp: 還有十年前大家愛突然很愛講 "IT"
09:32 < barneybook> IPOD?
09:32 < Ruinland> Dumb terminal再臨?
09:32 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
09:32 < cclien> XDD
09:32 < sammyfung> 跟一些香港公司的說法一樣。 XD
09:32 < FreedomKnight> 我的 code 十二年前就奈米化了
09:32 < kikiqqp> 有人說爛嗎?
09:32 < jeffhung> 也沒錯啦,.com 年代也是雲端,也很多 open source 啊。
09:33 < kentwelcome> 十年前要講奈米ipod
09:33 -!- windslash [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
09:33 < AceLan> 硬體當然不怎麼樣啊 重點是軟體啊
09:33 -!- mkfsn [] has joined #coscup
09:33 -!- Passerby_Yan [7222c670@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:33 < kikiqqp> 不不不 你沒做出來就說人家爛,因為你沒想到
09:33 < YChao_> 重點是軟體!!
09:33 < darkx> AceLan++
09:33 < stanely> 硬體只能講bom cost
09:33 < barneybook> 恩~重點是軟體
09:33 -!- ioan_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
09:33 < Alen> AceLan++
09:33 < ijliao> 廣達就硬體廠啊...
09:33 < YChao_> 硬體只能 cost down
09:33 -!- ioan [~ioan@] has joined #coscup
09:33 -!- Passersby [7222c670@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
09:33 < lloydhuang> AceLan++
09:33 < stanely> correct
09:33 < cclien> YChao_: 軟體也可以 cost down 唷
09:33 * cclien 逃
09:33 < maxwux> 硬體廠商喊雲端,真的很好笑
09:33 * AceLan 貪婪地舔了舔 lloydhuang 的臉。
09:33 -!- BillyHerrington [] has joined #coscup
09:33 < iblis17> 隔壁 staff 昏倒了
09:33 < Alen> 這就是台灣廠商的眼光...
09:33 < kikiqqp> 想想任天堂的主機硬體都是廢物,現有科技。還不是一推出就賣爽爽
09:33 < privism> jeffhung: 最早提出雲端那些教授想的應該不是這些舊東西
09:34 -!- stevennick [~stevennic@2001:c08:1:164:8138:1a13:584f:e0af] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
09:34 -!- jack [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
09:34 < king1223> 3DX
09:34 < king1223> 3DS
09:35 < kikiqqp> 人家想到把G sensor埋進去,阿當時你們把G sensor拿來做啥生活應用?沒有?
09:35 < YChao_> cclien: XDD
09:35 -!- jack_ [] has joined #coscup
09:35 -!- hrj is now known as HrJ
09:35 < barneybook> maxwux: 硬體商不喊就沒梗了(攤手)
09:35 < KiraYao> 老任也就一個wii賣得比較好....
09:35 < KiraYao> 從PS之後 老任苦哈哈的很久
09:35 -!- JA [8c6d7ff8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:35 < privism> iPod 厲害的地方其實就是價格
09:35 -!- jack_ is now known as jack
09:35 < privism> 光價格就把別家打死了
09:35 < jeffhung> privism: 我只是在猜「12」年前這個數字怎麼來的。XD
09:35 -!- ryanho is now known as RyanHo
09:35 < privism> 又時尚
09:35 < privism> nds 賣很好,3ds 普普
09:35 -!- webbertsai [caa9a5ab@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
09:35 < Noni_> 欠大作!
09:35 < Noni_> 雖然有魔物MH3G加持
09:35 < KiraYao> 3DS也算不錯了
09:35 < stanely> 有人知道天瓏買2千的VIP卡是有使用期限的嗎?
09:35 < KiraYao> PSV都快死了XD
09:35 < KiraYao> 這什麼哲學論............
09:35 < kikiqqp> 人家可是在GBA時代就嘗試整合,但大家只看見WII
09:36 < king1223> 3DS還蠻OK的阿
09:36 < hashman> 隔壁的staff昏倒??
09:36 < cclien> 那時候拿到 G sensor module,我裝在我的車子上,拿 ARM 板子做像 GT5 的 G 值 display
09:36 < Noni_> 裸視3D算很先進吧? 3DS
09:36 < BillyHerrington> メガネがいらない3DのDS
09:36 < lloydhuang> NDS
09:36 < kikiqqp> GB時代就做攝影機整合
09:36 -!- RIH [] has joined #coscup
09:36 < carlcarl> 重點應該是要做得到別人想學也做不到的事情吧
09:36 -!- rich1iu [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
09:36 < rail02000> 3DS賣了3M(Mario、Monster Hunter)之後有比較好
09:36 < KiraYao> 老闆又上線了
09:36 < iblis17> hashman: 睡著了
09:36 < kikiqqp> 現在只是技術回收
09:36 < KiraYao> 不是Love+嗎
09:36 < BardicheZ_> 說3DS欠大作是叫PSV情何以堪
09:36 < YChao_> KiraYao: +1
09:36 < hashman> iblist17: 哪裡的阿xd
09:36 < jeffhung> cclien++
09:36 < chesterlintw> 這keynote快結束好嗎....來說教的 orz
09:36 < privism> cclien: 可以用Gsenor 估計 torque
09:36 < AceLan> stanely: 天瓏的會員卡應該是終身的吧
09:36 < king1223> 連MH都跳老任了
09:36 < iblis17> hashman: RO
09:36 < KiraYao> 看看那個把3Ds立起來玩的觀眾們(?)
09:36 < Noni_> PSV BardicheZ講的也是.... 但我還在用PSP
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09:37 < RIH> 請問一下python的irc頻道名稱 3q
09:37 < KiraYao> keynote本來就是這種東西,看開點XD
09:37 < cclien> 這個跟 COSCUP 還有點切題啦
09:37 -!- descent [] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
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09:37 < stanely> AceLan 謝啦
09:37 < YChao_> chesterlintw: 下午多吃點點心... XD
09:37 -!- Maligbi [6f5117e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:37 < cclien> user & promoter
09:37 < privism> 應該不需要打臉吧
09:37 < privism> 反正也沒人認真在聽
09:37 < AceLan> RIH:
09:37 < Noni_> 還是要謝謝贊助商! 他也有他們的義務!
09:37 < stanely> 現在才要進入重點嗎
09:37 -!- puyanlin [2a46cc73@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:37 < Wildchild> 有人覺得coscup irc很常爆 登不進來嗎?
09:37 < privism> 沒辦法一畢命
09:37 < kikiqqp> 研發本就是賭注,偏偏台灣的廠商自己為自己都帶著液晶體顯影眼鏡,可惜買到山寨的
09:37 * cclien 感謝大大賜我糧食
09:38 < AceLan> Wildchild: 上限 500 人
09:38 < fcrh> Wildchild: 繞出去再進來
09:38 < hashman> 睡在哪阿xdddd
09:38 < ygtw> [ 我不知道 因為我是外行 ]
09:38 < Wildchild> kk 感謝
09:38 -!- elvisFQ [] has joined #coscup
09:38 < KiraYao> 是freenode連線不夠
09:38 < cclien> elvisFQ: 喵神
09:38 < KiraYao> 線上只有兩百多
09:38 -!- linroex [] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
09:38 -!- gundam500 [] has joined #coscup
09:38 < privism> 應該是因為直連吧
09:38 < FourDollars> 淡定聽 keynote (´_>`)
09:38 -!- poao [8c700442@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
09:38 < carlcarl> zzzzzz
09:38 -!- puyan [] has joined #coscup
09:38 < maxwux> 收了贊助商的錢就要聽他們演講,WHY?不能只贊助嗎
09:38 < privism> 限同一個 ip 的連線數
09:38 -!- ioan [~ioan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
09:38 < Wildchild> 常常跑到別館 就擠不進來了orz
09:38 -!- AndChat|59136 [~AndChat59@] has joined #coscup
09:38 < smailc> 淡定阿~
09:38 < elvisFQ> cclien: meow ... not utf 8 now Orz
09:38 < kikiqqp> 現在換我研發很強,ID不行,是顧客沒眼光(哭哭)
09:39 < infate> gundam500: hello
09:39 < cclien> 「不是我講的」
09:39 < privism> maxwux: 贊助就是想要效益啊
09:39 * AceLan 輕輕地拍著 elvisFQ 的頭。
09:39 < sntc06> 以後要賣 irc 連線了嗎 (誤)
09:39 < gundam500> @.@
09:39 < lunastorm> cloud cloud cloud
09:39 < KiraYao> @maxwux 這樣沒人要贊助
09:39 < lunastorm> could
09:39 < ijliao> 媒體上面講的, 不是我講的 XD
09:39 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
09:39 < kikiqqp> 但是呢
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09:39 -!- Edward_ [5bd40c44@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:39 < privism> 太空戰士的 cloud
09:39 < Ruinland> 老賈肉身雲端化.....
09:39 < Zhusee> 他的投影片一定要這麼花嗎...
09:39 < privism> 也比雲端早
09:39 < Noni_> 天下沒有白吃的"午餐"
09:39 < Guest17249> 這樣就沒有點心了
09:39 -!- elvisFQ [] has quit [Client Quit]
09:39 < kikiqqp> 但是呢 哪研發嗎?阿不就是拿公版電路然後換bom
09:39 < ecilA> 利益交換,這挺正常的吧......
09:39 < maxwux> 明明「非常婚禮」也有贊助,卻完全沒看到他們,除了icon
09:39 < KiraYao> 應該是連場地都成問題吧XD
09:39 < cibs> 大公司的投影片不是一向愈上層愈花嗎 XD
09:39 -!- linroex [] has joined #coscup
09:39 -!- Guest17249 is now known as Albert_
09:40 < KiraYao> 錢的量不一樣
09:40 -!- Sorry [] has joined #coscup
09:40 < KiraYao> 就這麼簡單
09:40 < privism> maxwux: 他有一頁廣告啊
09:40 < Custom> 人家弄到鑽石級贊助, 給人家講個壹場 keynote 已經算是少的了
09:40 < Noni_> 對了, 我一直很好奇 怎會拉到 "非常婚禮"?
09:40 < Moonslight> 唉 = =" 倒了......
09:40 < Ruinland> 如果COSCUP收費呢?
09:40 < Alen> 是他嗎?
09:40 -!- jason250_ is now known as jason2506
09:40 < Noni_> 少一半以上的人吧!?
09:40 < CindyLinz> Ruinland: 這樣會少很多學生參與呀
09:40 -!- stevennick [~stevennic@2001:c08:1:164:a828:de5a:87ed:fe61] has joined #coscup
09:40 < privism> 收費可能新的年輕人就會很少了
09:40 -!- elvisFQ [] has joined #coscup
09:40 < in2> 就像 ptt 收費, 會被幹死 XD
09:40 < Custom> in2++
09:40 < FourDollars> 非常婚禮裡面有社群的人
09:40 -!- thustow [] has joined #coscup
09:40 < privism> 變成都三十歲以上的
09:41 < shadowcrow> Noni_非常婚禮不是婚友社啦
09:41 < linroex> 收費不要收太貴我覺得還好
09:41 < cclien> 非常婚禮的CTO很相當捧場,每年一開始徵求贊助,就馬上來接洽了
09:41 < ijliao> 收費除非收很高不然還是要找贊助吧
09:41 < cibs> 非常婚禮是不是 Tsung 啊 ?
09:41 < maxwux> 算了,乾脆不要聽好了
09:41 -!- nemu [~AndChat36@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
09:41 < Noni_> 但我覺得 這些學生對Open source的未來來講影響最大!
09:41 < Custom> cclien: 明年我來跟公司申請一下, 搞不好也可以贊助
09:41 < cclien> Custom++
09:41 < linroex> 幾百元的話,學生應該是可以承受的
09:41 < in2> cclien: 敝公司也是啊 QQ
09:41 -!- NeilLee721 [~Neil@] has joined #coscup
09:41 < Ruinland> 是說沒有想說要全額轉駕到學生升上
09:41 < Noni_> 還是 多 一些"工商時間"
09:41 < cclien> in2: 對阿 ^_^
09:41 < Ruinland> *身上
09:41 < kikiqqp> 看投影片可以瞭解公司風格和老闆習性,有此可知該公司認為投影片應該跟報告書一樣,因為老闆們不會去看報告書,所以要把所有東西都寫在頭影片上
09:41 < in2> linroex: 很多人連 0.99 都不願意花了
09:41 < Ruinland> 幾百的話
09:41 < rail02000> 如果只有便當錢之類的餐費感覺還OK
09:41 < cclien> in2: 感謝大大賜我糧食 <_ _>
09:41 < linroex> 不然就是學生特價XD
09:42 < FourDollars> in2++
09:42 < in2> cclien: 囧
09:42 < linroex> 有興趣的話不至於吧
09:42 < ijliao> 幾百元連場地都租不起 XD
09:42 < Zhusee> in2 ++
09:42 < cclien> in2 <- 神來也大大
09:42 < KiraYao> in2++
09:42 -!- brucehsu [] has joined #coscup
09:42 < privism> 來了
09:42 -!- phtseng [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
09:42 < in2> 幾百元連點心都出不起...
09:42 < Alen> 廣達表示 : 我們都有在做...不過..每項目為期一年..
09:42 < privism> 廣達研究院的徵才
09:42 -!- elvisFQ [] has quit [Client Quit]
09:42 < in2> 不過今天有點心嗎 QQ
09:42 -!- kaoyuan [2a483384@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:42 < Custom> 國外的 conference 很多都是要收錢的
09:42 < kikiqqp> 我是學生我很有誠意,50元可以嗎(大誤) XD
09:42 < KiraYao> 下午有吧
09:42 < CindyLinz> in2: 你今年怎麼沒有讚助女僕? (推推)
09:42 -!- windslash [~windslash@] has joined #coscup
09:42 < Custom> OSDC 也是要收錢的
09:42 < KiraYao> 早上...我猜沒有
09:42 < cibs> 昨天的女僕不是 in2 贊助的哦?
09:42 < Noni_> 如果有女僕 我 願意多出一點!
09:42 -!- peterlee [2a492d87@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
09:42 < Custom> COSCUP 可以一直維持不收錢已經是超級佛心了
09:42 -!- windslash [~windslash@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
09:42 < cclien> 我之前算好像一個人收個兩三千吧,就不用找贊助了唷
09:42 -!- AndChat|59136 [~AndChat59@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
09:42 < privism> kikiqqp: 50 元 USD
09:42 < Noni_> 噗~~~
09:43 < CindyLinz> OSDC 400, 學生應該受不了?
09:43 < shadowcrow> in2今天有
09:43 < AceLan> 攜女伴的免費好了 XDD
09:43 < in2> CindyLinz: 因為 macpaul 贊助了 @@
09:43 < Noni_> 好便宜 一個人只要3K
09:43 < Peter__> Linux Symposium要參加費要999美元........orz
09:43 < ijliao> osdc 收個意思啦, 還是要找贊助 :p
09:43 < stanely> FreedomHEC也要收錢
09:43 < YChao_> 國外conference都是數百鎂起跳的
09:43 -!- Ioan [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:43 < shadowcrow> 點心在下午發放
09:43 < privism> Custom: 佛心是一回事
09:43 < Noni_> 謝謝 macpaul
09:43 < Moonslight> 兩三千 = =" 媽~
09:43 < lunastorm> 餓
09:43 < barneybook> 拍COSCUP馬屁?
09:43 < cclien> 但是三千塊還是要找義工
09:43 < Alen> in2女僕又出現了嗎
09:43 < lunastorm> 說到點心就餓了
09:43 < ecilA> 其實OSDC 400 我覺得還OK...
09:43 < privism> Custom: 找得到錢才是厲害
09:43 < cclien> 乾脆收個伍佰鎂好了
09:43 < linroex> 每人一百怎可能連點心都買不起。。。
09:43 < kikiqqp> 知識很貴,有價是合理的
09:43 < hlb> 不過,也許應該有個方法
09:43 < shadowcrow> 早上沒有點心唷:P
09:43 < BillyHerrington> 視訊ㄏㄏ了
09:43 < CindyLinz> in2: 那你可以變通一下改贊助兔女郎啊~~ XD
09:43 < AceLan> r2 投影壞了
09:44 < smailc> 說道點心 我餓了~~
09:44 < cclien> hlb: 布丁!!!
09:44 < ijliao> r1 螢幕爛了
09:44 < Custom> privism: yeap... 所以我每次都一定會捧 keynote 的場子 (?!) XD
09:44 -!- Watsontsai [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:527:a01f:8dfa:4608] has joined #coscup
09:44 -!- Blade [01aa9ac5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
09:44 < ygtw> R2 full
09:44 < hlb> 可以讓贊助商不用給 talk, 可是大家都有正面印象吧 :p
09:44 < kuyuhisepa126> ...
09:44 < Alen> R1 的投影機在抗議了
09:44 < CindyLinz> AceLan: 那可以攜自己嗎? XD
09:44 < maxwux> 這個講者是CEO嗎
09:44 < king1223> 可以收400吧XD
09:44 < rail02000> 昨天Aaron Seigo有一張投影片是雪糕,害我好想吃XD
09:44 < Sorry> R0 剛才講者那段話有人記得嗎?
09:44 < maxwux> 還是什麼鬼
09:44 < KiraYao> 又進入奇妙的議題了
09:44 < sntc06> 400 學生很ok吧?
09:44 < ygtw> hlb : xDD
09:44 < Moonslight> 我肚子真的餓了..... 還不能領便當嗎 ??
09:44 -!- windslash [~windslash@] has joined #coscup
09:44 < in2> linroex: 可是一個人的點心預算好像就要 $100 了耶, 一個便當也要 $70 吧? 這樣子一個人吃掉的就超過 $200 還不包括場地 XD
09:44 -!- lw [] has joined #coscup
09:44 < cclien> hlb: 我覺得 keynote 兩面韌耶
09:44 < Noni_> 場地是最貴的吧?
09:44 < KiraYao> Moonslight給自己插了死亡 Flag...XD
09:44 < king1223> 所以COSCUP的經費是...?
09:45 < cclien> hlb: 可以用來讓自己++,也可以送西天 XDD
09:45 < maxwux> 請國外講者也是很貴
09:45 < CindyLinz> 以前讀大學的時候午餐常常吃 40元上下的.. (遠目)
09:45 < hlb> cclien: 嗯, 就目前為止的結果, 大部分都不大理想吧... :p
09:45 < FourDollars> hlb: 有些贊助商沒有給演講喔
09:45 < kikiqqp> 1000~1500NTD對學生來說很嚴苛(是嗎?不少學生光鞋子就比我全身家當還貴)。
09:45 < Sorry> 「不想被別人嚇到,再來就是嚇別人了」後面的句子
09:45 -!- hashman_ [~hashman@2001:c08:1:164:e04b:59ae:c6f8:5c5c] has joined #coscup
09:45 < Zhusee> Incubator
09:45 < lunastorm> keynote不就是自主hacking時間嗎
09:45 < cclien> hlb: 這樣才屌阿,花錢自...
09:45 < shadowcrow> 經費來自贊助商噢
09:45 < maxwux> 誰來上去拔線阿?!?!?!??!
09:45 < Custom> cclien: 可能以後要跟贊助商說一下 PPT 的 guide line? :p
09:45 < opop> in2: 點心 >o<
09:45 < Alen> 廣達表示..我們目前是MIT 最大的 lab
09:45 < hlb> FourDollars: 嗯, 只是覺得應該可以直接提個方案給贊助商
09:45 < Ruinland> 餐費轉嫁給與會者自己出感覺還好@@
09:45 < maxwux> 快受不了
09:45 < ecilA> 超過1000對學生來說真的有點......
09:45 -!- gunxgun [~AndChat12@2001:c08:1:164:3ae7:d8ff:feb1:767] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
09:45 < evenrain> PyCon 有收錢,所以點心都吃很好,早上下午都有 XD
09:45 < mkfsn> 拔線 XD
09:45 < Sorry> (好吧,大家果然都沒有在聽 QQ 可是我覺得他那句話很中肯,值得記下來)
09:45 < shadowcrow> 點心來自贊助商的錢www
09:45 < smailc> = = 拔線的要求都出現了
09:45 < in2> HitCon 還收很貴 XD
09:45 < Wildchild> 還是廠商也來lightning talk
09:46 < king1223> PyCon這麼棒阿QQ
09:46 -!- webbertsai [caa9a5ab@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:46 -!- MouseMs_ [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:46 < Moonslight> Orange ~ (( 呼喊
09:46 < Ruinland> Hitcon ......好3389 port,不買嗎?XD
09:46 < kikiqqp> 同學同學 買隻筆做愛心吧
09:46 < MouseMs_> 請大家參考去年公布的財務資訊XD
09:46 < sntc06> 這樣被拔線顏面無光阿
09:46 < lunastorm> PyCon食物讚
09:46 < shadowcrow> 橘子需要業績
09:46 < FourDollars> hlb: 應該是都有跟贊助商提過
09:46 < cibs> 這麼慎重的桌子..
09:46 < in2> 廣達這樣子也贊助了幾十萬吧 @@
09:46 < rail02000> 聽啦聽啦聽啦聽啦
09:46 < CYJ> cat /var/log/irssi/freenode/coscup
09:46 < AceLan> cloud computing 對 quanta 來說 是不是就是核心多一點的電腦啊
09:46 < carlcarl> maxwux: XDDD
09:46 < lunastorm> 游泳池來了
09:46 < king1223> MIT最大的Lab(哭
09:46 < evenrain> 我記得好像只要是 break time 都有點心 而且很好吃
09:46 < cclien> Custom: 都有講啦
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09:46 < ygtw> 報掛時間chrome book
09:46 < king1223> (嚇哭
09:46 < Noni_> 廣達跟MTI合作時 有沒有想過 拉一些台灣的學校一起參與丫 (最好是找程度 跟的上的....不然也沒有用
09:46 < lynn_> Sorry+1
09:46 -!- MouseMs_ [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
09:46 < cclien> Custom: 只是我們又不是某日報,編輯不能改稿子
09:46 < dylandy> 原來 chrome book 是這樣來的阿
09:46 < FourDollars> 贊助商可能有一些公司內部的政策要 follow
09:47 < cclien> XDD
09:47 < Custom> cclien: XD
09:47 < darkx> PyCON 點心真的不錯
09:47 < privism> maxwux: 當然不是 CEO 啊
09:47 -!- MouseMs_ [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:47 < Albert_> 怎麼感覺是來招生的w
09:47 < cls_bsd> agrre # 09:46 < FourDollars> 贊助商可能有一些公司內部的政策要 follow
09:47 < darkx> 今年沒吃到點心真的不太高興...
09:47 < KiraYao> 他們好像有跟NTU合作
09:47 -!- howardsun [] has joined #coscup
09:47 < carlcarl> AceLan: 嗯嗯 我看不出來有啥利用到cloud的優勢...
09:47 <@bobchao> Sorry: 你說的是「做研究院就是這樣,一邊不想外面出現任何 surprise,二方面又希望自己可以去嚇別人」?
09:47 < privism> maxwux: CEO 是你在電視上看到那個
09:47 < Custom> MouseMs_: 辛苦了 (看了財報)
09:47 < cclien> 好想騎那個腳踏車
09:47 < maxwux> privism: 那今天來講的是廣達的誰阿?
09:47 -!- ccc-larc [~ccc-larc@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
09:47 < lynn_> 今年工作人員看起來比較多
09:47 -!- shawnwang [~shawn@] has joined #coscup
09:47 < Noni_> 噗~ 財報
09:47 -!- hashman [~hashman@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
09:47 < JA> CTO
09:47 < privism> 假設
09:47 < kikiqqp> 計劃都是一年完成而且有商業化,不要說MIT,NASA可能也會叫不敢
09:47 -!- ccc-larc [~ccc-larc@] has joined #coscup
09:48 < privism> 真的找廣達 CEO 來
09:48 < maxwux> 我有一種參加廣達的員工教育訓練的錯覺
09:48 < privism> 我保證不打臉
09:48 < lunastorm> @sorry 感冒有好點嗎
09:48 < Noni_> 今年是不是沒有HTC?
09:48 < lunastorm> 冷氣發威了
09:48 < Noni_> 去年HTC的Booth 還滿大的
09:48 < privism> 因為還滿有誠意的 XD
09:48 < FourDollars> 像是有些公司可能會規定贊助活動一定要有演講
09:48 < king1223> 有點涼阿
09:48 < stanely> 沒有HTC
09:48 < Noni_> 今年 好像沒有看到HTC
09:48 < Alen> 話說,方向輪是後面那個小的哦
09:48 < linroex> 對吼忘記便當,我只有想到點心XD
09:48 < BillyHerrington> HTC要倒了www
09:48 < Sorry> @bobchao: 我印象中後面還有一句類似「就是用這種方法賺錢」的句子
09:48 < Noni_> I Can Fly
09:48 < ygtw> HTC:哭哭
09:48 < cls_bsd> 因為上台都被打臉,就不上台了,不贊助,就不用上台了 XD
09:48 -!- gunxgun [~AndChat12@2001:c08:1:164:3ae7:d8ff:feb1:767] has joined #coscup
09:48 < Passerby_Yan> 有人知道YouTube轉播延遲多久嗎?
09:48 < imKojima> 昨天才討論過歷年的鑽石贊助XD
09:48 < Custom> cls_bsd: XD
09:48 < swaywang> e
09:48 -!- ryan__ [~ryan@2001:c08:3700:ffff::d19] has joined #coscup
09:48 < Zhusee> 不是因為說去年 htc 被砲很大嗎XD
09:48 < in2> 今年就差一家HTC的經費就沒點心了 @@
09:48 < cclien> 外星人
09:48 < kikiqqp> 我告訴你有個很好的終身事業,安麗不對 是廣達,加入安麗 不對廣達找到人生
09:49 < privism> Zhusee: 是因為沒錢吧
09:49 < Noni_> 但HTC那一段是去年最有梗之一
09:49 < Sorry> @lunastorm: 感覺沒完全恢復 orz
09:49 < Noni_> 好喜歡看HTC被打臉 !
09:49 < Peter__> 外星人!浩平你怎麼看
09:49 < BillyHerrington> 不要開放Q&A就不會被砲啦
09:49 < linroex> 被炮XDD
09:49 -!- ryan__ [~ryan@2001:c08:3700:ffff::d19] has quit [Client Quit]
09:49 -!- elvisFQ [] has joined #coscup
09:49 < smailc> XD 安麗都出現了
09:49 -!- othrees [] has joined #coscup
09:49 < Ruinland> 「你有聽過安麗嘛?」科科
09:49 < maxwux> 廣達做出會飛的腳踏車?
09:49 < jeffhung> Sorry: 你聽得好仔細。XD
09:49 < privism> Zhusee: 如果股價還在 1200他應該沒差幾個人來打臉
09:49 < in2> 不過我要說, 用了非 HTC 的手機, 才覺得 htc sense 是真的好用 XD
09:49 < lunastorm> @Sorry: 保重
09:49 -!- MouseMs [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
09:49 -!- jjack [] has joined #coscup
09:49 < sntc06> 你有聽過廣達嗎?
09:49 < elvisFQ> 呃啊~~ 200 年沒用 freebsd 了, irssi 剛不會用,哈
09:49 < dylandy> 我有一個夢想,想要上太空
09:49 < kikiqqp> 你有聽過廣達嘛?
09:49 -!- jack [] has quit [Quit: jack]
09:49 < elvisFQ> cclien: 喵!
09:49 * AceLan 輕輕地拍著 elvisFQ 的頭。
09:49 < Edward_> sntc06: XDDDDDD
09:49 < cclien> elvisFQ: 喵神!
09:49 < othrees> Test
09:49 < Alen> 廣達表示 : 我們都有在做
09:49 < Noni_> 找安麗來贊助 RD要用直銷產品好好養肝
09:49 < AceLan> elvisFQ: 我幫你裝 ubuntu
09:50 < king1223> HTC去年講了什麼??
09:50 < cclien> 好多人玩openstack
09:50 < visual> htc sense 真的好用!!!
09:50 < Zhusee> 安麗XDDD
09:50 < elvisFQ> AceLan: =w=
09:50 < carlcarl> openstack耶~
09:50 < Zhusee> 找安麗來 Open Source 嗎
09:50 < Custom> in2: HTC Sense 好用, 但是可以不要吃那麼多記憶體嗎? XD
09:50 < KiraYao> 講了一堆他們怎麼拿Open Source工具搞
09:50 < lynn_> 沒有HTC 也沒有三爽呀
09:50 < in2> king1223: 去年 HTC 講說, 他們都沒 commit 回 android XD
09:50 < rail02000> 安麗可以Open Sauce營養品
09:50 < kikiqqp> 鑽石級大會 恩 的確跟安麗很像
09:50 < KiraYao> 要好用就要拿Cache換
09:50 -!- ethan_ [~ethan@] has joined #coscup
09:50 < CYJ> billy3321: ping
09:51 < Zhusee> 藍鑽級贊助
09:51 -!- ihower [~ihower@] has joined #coscup
09:51 < in2> Custom: 搞不好 htc one x+ 有 2G !!!!
09:51 < ijliao> open sauce ++
09:51 < CYJ> billy3321: 我等一下在第一會議室,自己找我領....
09:51 < darkx> www
09:51 < Ruinland> 學名藥= =?
09:51 < elvisFQ> 小米都 2G 了!
09:51 <@bobchao> 參考: 從前年開始至少會通知贊助商這些,有什麼建議可以幫補
09:51 < AceLan> cwhuang 對 htc 說 你們全部的 commit 數還沒有我一個人多
09:51 < Ruinland> Open Medicine~~
09:51 < smailc> CYJ冒頭了
09:51 < in2> 2G 小米的啊 QQ
09:51 < ijliao> 我要當蔣總統
09:51 < AceLan> 然後 cwhuang 就被拉去 htc 了 XDD
09:51 < maxwux> 創新家?
09:51 < YChao_> 差點聽成抄襲加
09:51 < Custom> in2: 根據過往慣例... 可能會出現 1.75G 這種東西 XD
09:51 * ijliao flee
09:51 < cclien> ijliao: XDDD # ijliao> 我要當蔣總統
09:51 < KiraYao> 其實實際上真的用到滿2G嗎...
09:51 < Noni_> 而且 安麗還會定期找RD上課歐, 讓RD的日子充實!
09:51 < in2> Custom: QQ
09:51 < kikiqqp> 不是賣肝家?
09:52 < KiraYao> Embedded System又不是放越多越好
09:52 < darkx> 安麗w
09:52 < maxwux> 創「新家」?原來是炒房阿
09:52 < smailc> 目前應該用不滿2G吧
09:52 < in2> 現在記憶體這麼便宜 QQ
09:52 -!- snowman2 [] has left #coscup ["Leaving"]
09:52 < puyan> 七夕還沒到吧...
09:52 < Zhusee> 是七月一號吧
09:52 < privism> KiraYao: 目前應該 1G 很夠
09:52 < kuyuhisepa126> 七夕= =?
09:52 < Sorry> @jeffhung: 他講的東西只是沒什麼技術性,但講了不少現實啊
09:52 -!- dap [~dap@] has joined #coscup
09:52 < cclien> 詭門開
09:52 < cibs> 明明就下禮拜... # 昨天是七夕嗎?還是前天?
09:52 < Yanyiyi> 七夕是下週
09:52 < Albert_> 昨天鬼門開
09:52 -!- CKuo [caa9a3dc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:52 < carlcarl> XDDD
09:52 < imKojima> 昨天苦主不是有在IRC上嗎
09:52 < imKojima> XD
09:52 < Moonslight> 七夕還沒到....
09:52 < cclien> 垃圾桶吧
09:52 < howardsun> XD
09:52 < Alen> 這是垃圾筒嗎?
09:52 < darkx> 7/23...
09:52 < coldsleep> 星期四不是嗎?還沒到吧... XD
09:52 < ReticenceSu> 七夕是八月二十三喔!!!
09:52 < sntc06> 2G RAM 到底意義何在...
09:52 < KiraYao> 我覺得1.5G就很厲害了
09:52 < KiraYao> 2G沒意義
09:52 < Zhusee> 是直銷嗎
09:52 < cls_bsd> AceLan: 結果 cwhuang 在 htc 有 commit back to google 嗎? # AceLan> 然後 cwhuang 就被拉去 htc 了 XDD
09:52 < imKojima> 戰
09:52 < cclien> 幹
09:52 < evenrain> ....
09:52 < FreedomKnight> 鬼門開跟七夕搞問
09:52 < Ruinland> = ="
09:52 < cclien> 我好宅
09:52 < Edward_> 喔
09:52 < maxwux> 宅你老目
09:52 < SammyLi__> 你們都是宅男應該知道吧..
09:52 < carlcarl> 鬼門開 送禮物A_A
09:52 < kikiqqp> 現實很重要,需要更多無知的肝來,公司有名聲
09:52 < YChao_> 垃圾筒!!
09:52 < dannvix> 地圖砲耶
09:52 < Alen> 靠..我真宅
09:52 < cclien> 嗚嗚屋嗚嗚嗚嗚
09:52 < kikiqqp> 幹
09:52 < Ruinland> 宅你大頭
09:52 < ych> ....
09:52 < kuyuhisepa126> 宅男...
09:52 < u10313335> 幹
09:52 < grafu623> R2D2嗎?
09:52 < ygtw> 「你們都是宅男應該都知道吧」
09:52 < evenrain> 戰阿宅嗎
09:52 < lunastorm> 它它
09:52 < Edward_> 戰啦戰啦!
09:52 < webbertsai> 宅男
09:52 < cibs> 這三小 # 你們都是宅男應該知道吧?
09:52 < Albert_> 嗚嗚嗚嗚
09:52 < Noni_> 宅男為什麼知道?
09:52 < jeffhung> 宅男跟垃圾桶的關係是...?
09:52 < privism> 目前1G就夠了
09:52 < cls_bsd> 還好,我不在1
09:52 < Zhusee> XDDDDDDDD
09:52 < ijliao> 關宅男屁事
09:52 < Edward_> 宅你老母
09:52 < kikiqqp> 我想炮他
09:53 < mkfsn> 決鬥阿
09:53 < king1223> 跟宅男有關嗎= =
09:53 < darkx> ...
09:53 < lunastorm> 我說在座的各位
09:53 < FreedomKnight> 所以他老婆從鬼門來
09:53 < cls_bsd> 你們這些宅男
09:53 < mabinogi80503> >////< b
09:53 < smailc> 甘宅男闢室阿
09:53 < Alen> IRC 要爆動了
09:53 < Edward_> WTF
09:53 < Zhusee> 宅男專用垃圾桶
09:53 < imKojima> 戰翻天了XDDDD
09:53 < kikiqqp> 當然不是菊花那種炮
09:53 -!- snowman2 [] has joined #coscup
09:53 < ych> 廣達來反宣傳的吧...
09:53 < Ruinland> 這跟御宅有啥關係
09:53 < Noni_> 宅 只會產出垃圾!?
09:53 < privism> 但是SoC會挖掉一些RAM
09:53 < webbertsai> 宅男專用垃圾桶
09:53 < lynn_> 宅男 ?都應該知道垃圾桶?
09:53 < Wildchild> U've cross the line dude
09:53 < smailc> IRC抱走了
09:53 < rail02000> 大大也知宅男?XDDDD
09:53 < FourDollars> 為什麼他會知道!幹!
09:53 < Moonslight> 垃圾桶干宅男啥事阿......
09:53 < Albert_> 原來是有個背景的垃圾桶
09:53 < Edward_> IRC DDoS 中
09:53 < BillyHerrington> 你們這些宅男才不懂丹麥國寶咧
09:53 < kikiqqp> 這家公司活膩了!
09:53 < king1223> 干垃圾桶屁事
09:53 < Alen> 為什麼宅男都知道垃圾筒??
09:53 < YChao_> 這關宅男啥事?
09:53 < in2> 看來明年廣達不會贊助了 *誤*
09:53 < ygtw> 等等廣達的多核心開發實例要去聽嗎XD
09:53 < privism> 可用可能剩六、七百
09:53 < shadom> 真的不能亂用宅
09:53 < kikiqqp> 創新家?
09:53 < darkx> 明明就是藍波的 十年後火箭筒 ....
09:53 < cclien> 萬伯
09:53 < Noni_> 一台比PC貴的垃圾桶!?
09:53 < Edward_> 為啥連愛情故事都要用買的 XD
09:53 < chesterlintw> ted : 各位都是它它 (指)
09:53 < Edward_> 那啥鬼標題
09:53 < dannvix> 多核心垃圾桶啦
09:53 < Alen> 宅男好物-->垃圾筒
09:53 < ReticenceSu> 完全的暴走囉!!!
09:53 < shadowcrow> 真的要變安麗
09:53 < lynn_> 宅男都用一萬八的垃圾桶?
09:53 < AceLan> cls_bsd: cwhuang 主要是在做 x86 android 的 不過做的不太開心 因為 google 不太收 x86 的 patch 然後 google 跟 intel 自己搞 x86 版的 android
09:53 < Zhusee> 「我剛買了一段愛情故事:宅男垃圾桶」
09:53 < cibs> 旁邊應該放螢幕實況 IRC 的啊
09:53 < maxwux> 宅男會懂丹麥垃圾桶?除非他的垃圾桶能上網
09:53 < wandering> 垃圾桶有故事喔...
09:53 < kuyuhisepa126> 把講者拖走吧!~
09:53 < Edward_> 反正他終究就是TED嘛
09:53 < chihchun> 今年工作人員沒比較多吧。
09:54 < chihchun> 今年沒 HTC.
09:54 < YChao_> 需要cost down的垃圾桶
09:54 < Noni_> 原來是"先進"技術
09:54 < Edward_> XD
09:54 < chihchun> 不是吧。是因為每次都吃不完 :P
09:54 < Noni_> COPY
09:54 < kikiqqp> 時間到了,可以響鈴斷線了
09:54 < lynn_> XD
09:54 < Zhusee> 雲端垃圾桶!
09:54 <@bobchao> 今年工作人員比去年少
09:54 < darkx> 丁丁丁~
09:54 -!- phtseng [] has joined #coscup
09:54 <@bobchao> 一點點
09:54 < shadowcrow> 今年少了30個工作人員
09:54 < maxwux> 「真心」都出現了
09:54 < Passerby_Yan> HTC:今年沒錢贊助......
09:54 < in2> 工作人員有補貼嗎?
09:54 < Noni_> 台灣RD 擅長 血輪眼
09:54 < chihchun> 不要再阿宅面前講情人節好嗎
09:54 < chihchun> 翻桌~
09:54 < FreedomKnight> 垃圾桶讓你漫步在雲端?
09:54 < smailc> 雲端垃圾桶 XDDDDD
09:54 < FourDollars> cclien 上去拔線
09:54 < MouseMs_> 宅宅只會想要這種垃圾桶:
09:54 < king1223> 好閃QQ
09:54 < chihchun> 我們都是宅男.....
09:54 < chihchun> 我要哭了
09:54 -!- phtseng [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
09:54 -!- coldturnip [dc8812ae@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:54 < darkx> 只是個軟體(逃
09:54 < Custom> bobchao: 贊助商那個網頁 guide line 應該寫的很清楚了, 這場就是最佳反例 xd
09:54 < Ruinland> 雲端垃圾桶,上傳垃圾
09:54 < chihchun> 靠背
09:55 < jeffhung> cclien: 宅!一下子就知道那是垃圾桶。
09:55 -!- dunhill [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
09:55 < ijliao> 真心換絕情~
09:55 < cclien> jeffhung: QQ
09:55 < YChao_> orange可以黑掉嗎?
09:55 < lynn_> 我是女的.... =.=
09:55 < cclien> 不然這樣好了
09:55 < kikiqqp> COPYCAT來說創新,這真是今年COSCUP最大的笑話了
09:55 < chihchun> 工作人員開始有 head count 了..... XD
09:55 <@bobchao> in2: 沒有工資這種東西是當然,不過台中以南有住宿跟交通補貼
09:55 < smailc> 自動垃圾桶 讚
09:55 < lunastorm> cclien: 它它
09:55 -!- csk [] has joined #coscup
09:55 < cclien> 以後keynote,上 paypal
09:55 < chihchun> 連工作人員都要搶名額耶....
09:55 < Ruinland> 以後就不用去倒垃圾了
09:55 -!- powentan [] has joined #coscup
09:55 < Custom> 明年我來贊助什麼是宅男好了
09:55 < ecilA> 雲端垃圾桶永遠不用倒垃圾
09:55 < maxwux> Ruinland: 你說的好像是dropbox,哈
09:55 < mkfsn> 不黑一下前面那台嗎 ?
09:55 < darkx> Custom ++
09:55 < Noni_> lynn_ 安安
09:55 < chihchun> (抱頭)
09:55 < cclien> match 到贊助金額救拔線好了
09:55 < Zhusee> ecilA: XDDDD
09:55 < shadowcrow> Orange不知道在哪裡
09:55 < Moonslight> chihchun : 來 別哭 ! (( 遞衛生紙
09:55 < gundam500>
09:55 -!- shtzeng [] has joined #coscup
09:55 -!- csk is now known as Guest92562
09:55 < grafu623> 那個會動的 真的很想要...
09:55 < Edward_> 反正... 大家應該都知道嘛 今年當贊助商,幾年後... ker ker
09:55 < lynn_> Noni ^____^
09:55 -!- greener [] has joined #coscup
09:55 < ijliao> custom++
09:55 < smailc> Orange咧?
09:55 < Zhusee> We care about the baby: Cloud Trashcan
09:55 < barneybook> 應該要開一個主題!!! 宅男一定要知道的事
09:55 < cclien> 生孩子
09:56 < Yanyiyi> 生產力....
09:56 < cclien> 你想生孩子嗎
09:56 < KiraYao> 老闆又上線了
09:56 < Alen> 生產力最夠????
09:56 -!- dunhill [] has joined #coscup
09:56 < smailc> 生產力 ==
09:56 < king1223> 這樣以後沒人來贊助了(誤
09:56 < in2> bobchao: ok @@ 不要讓遠地人花了時間還要賠了荷包 Orz
09:56 < kikiqqp> 不是白包?
09:56 < barneybook> 而且要把垃圾桶丟進去
09:56 < dylandy> 很會生的部門
09:56 < Peter__> M$表示:還好廣X當坦
09:56 < dannvix> IRC鄉民的正義:垃圾桶之亂
09:56 < darkx> 廣達當坦XD
09:56 < kuyuhisepa126> XXXD
09:56 < Edward_> XDDD
09:56 < chihchun> 下一場應該會好一點.....
09:56 < in2> Edward_: 這句話是什麼意思 XD # 09:56 < Edward_> 反正... 大家應該都知道嘛 今年當贊助商,幾年後... ker ker
09:56 -!- iamzhainan [] has joined #coscup
09:56 < smailc> 垃圾桶之亂 XDD
09:56 < maxwux> 宅男、情人節、垃圾桶、生小孩,廣達的講者真糟糕
09:56 < Edward_> 嗯
09:56 < king1223> M$ CARRY(誤
09:56 < mkfsn> 待會會有 QA 嗎 ?
09:56 < shadom> 補眠中...
09:56 < cclien> 講的完嗎
09:56 < kikiqqp> 看看HTC 今年的慘況
09:56 < in2> 是說不要當贊助商比較好嗎 XD
09:56 < BillyHerrington> 雲端接生啦
09:56 < barneybook> COSCUP的詛咒
09:56 < Custom> in2: 2010 Nokia, 隔年 orz
09:56 -!- iamzhainan [] has left #coscup []
09:56 < privism> in2: 你們不是鑽石級的很安全(誤
09:56 -!- ArvinWu [df8bfaf2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:56 < Custom> 2011 HTC, 隔年 !@#$
09:57 < imKojima> 原來這場的標題是 Open Up the Cloud
09:57 < cclien> in2: 明年keynote啦,拜託
09:57 < Edward_> in2: 傳說中的COSCUP詛咒啊 XD
09:57 < CindyLinz> in2: 有人在勸退.. QQ
09:57 < darkx> www
09:57 < Sars> 他講了 50頁了耶
09:57 < Custom> 2012... 傳說是否會延續? XD
09:57 < king1223> M$這次是鑽石阿
09:57 < chihchun> in2: 不是鑽石得很安全~ XD
09:57 < cclien> XDDD
09:57 < chihchun> (大抱頭)
09:57 < lynn_> QA?  準備打臉嗎
09:57 < Yanyiyi> 2011 還有meego
09:57 < in2> cclien: 不幹 XD
09:57 < gundam500> 現在是廣告時段
09:57 < KiraYao> 不是鑽石就沒事XD
09:57 < Howie2> 我想他應該也是被逼來講的XD
09:57 < sntc06> 雲端接生在三個傻瓜裡面有啊!
09:57 -!- shadowcrow_ [~shadowcro@] has joined #coscup
09:57 < kikiqqp> 看廠商啦
09:57 < ijliao> 明天就去空廣達 ? 幾號啊 ?
09:57 < kuyuhisepa126> 不完美的世界....(不是要看廠商嗎...
09:57 -!- coldturnip [dc8812ae@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
09:57 < CindyLinz> in2: 明年推出藍鑽級贊助... (誤)
09:57 < Sars> 吸塵器接生!
09:57 < in2> ijliao: 2382
09:57 < cclien> ijliao: 2382
09:57 < Custom> ijliao: 2382
09:57 < Zhusee> 可以把 Baby 也 Virtualize
09:57 < chihchun> 靠腰,我的鑽石名單快用完了.....贊助商不要再出事了。
09:57 < kikiqqp> 我相信會慘的只有台上這種心態的公司,倒是跟贊助多少無關
09:58 < chihchun> 明天銷售組去拜拜~
09:58 < Custom> ijliao: 目前價格 77, 還 ok XD
09:58 < FreedomKnight> 越聽廣達越坦
09:58 < AceLan> chihchun++
09:58 < ReticenceSu> 剩十幾分鐘了!!!大家撐住阿!!!
09:58 < lynn_> Sars 那是三個傻瓜的情節
09:58 < dannvix> cloud baby 讓我想到電子雞...
09:58 -!- coldturnip [dc8812ae@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
09:58 < Edward_> kikiqqp: +1
09:58 < barneybook> 明年找GOOGLE吧
09:58 < Edward_> MS的就很OK
09:58 < BillyHerrington> 想起來去年HTC那位比這位風趣多了
09:58 < Edward_> 好!
09:58 < darkx> 同意
09:58 < mosutw> R2已經滿位了,剩站票和席地而坐了~~
09:58 < cclien> dannvix: 我小時候賣過電子雞耶,庫存到死賣不完
09:58 -!- Passerby_Yan [7222c670@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
09:58 < kikiqqp> 以這種心態經營,會死不意外,李組長眉頭連皺都不會
09:58 < CindyLinz> kikiqqp: 廣達的心態怎麼了嗎? (對不起沒有聽得非常專心.. orz)
09:59 -!- jjack [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
09:59 < king1223> R0還有一些位置
09:59 < shadowcrow_> chihchun 拜關公
09:59 -!- dap [~dap@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
09:59 < in2> MS 的 cloud 裡竟然能跑 linux 還滿令人意外的啊 XD
09:59 < king1223> 我前面空著2個位置
09:59 < rail02000> HTC去年的投影片還比較精美(誤
09:59 -!- jack [] has joined #coscup
09:59 < privism> 可以找 Apple 來嗎 XD
09:59 < kuyuhisepa126> 問.有沒有人拿問題準備炸講者?
09:59 <@bobchao> 我等下會去 R1, 有 Freedom 跟昨天報到組推薦的正妹 (噫?)
09:59 < chihchun> shadowcrow 為什麼要拜關公阿?
09:59 < carlcarl> 他是廣達的CTO?
09:59 < puyan> r1位置超多耶...
09:59 < king1223> 詳細HTC簡報XD
09:59 < ijliao> r1 連工作人員都睡著了 :p
09:59 < in2> privism: apple 才不會理, 我猜 XD
09:59 < imKojima> Apple來要講啥 llvm XD?
09:59 < FourDollars> in2: 因為很多人用啊 :P
09:59 < kikiqqp> 結論:WE ARE COPYCAT.....LOOP 這才是創新 你們這些看外觀ID的渣渣們
09:59 < dylandy> 什麼人都會用!
10:00 < ygtw> 開始講林董老人家的idea
10:00 * Ruinland 好奇 LLVM + Clang 真的有比GCC好嗎?
10:00 < in2> FourDollars: 公司心態的問題吧? apple 不贊助 coscup 你就不買 mac 不用 iphone 嗎? 不會吧?
10:00 < dylandy> 林先生無所不在(誤)
10:00 < carlcarl> ......
10:00 < dannvix> 剩下10塊
10:00 < darkx> www
10:00 < linroex> 工人睡著了。。。
10:00 < FreedomKnight> 看到投影片的 windows 他真的是來 open的嗎
10:00 < ijliao> 剩下十秒 XD
10:00 < puyan> 快點 10秒...
10:00 < shadom> Digital Home 講好久了...
10:00 -!- hashman_ [~hashman@2001:c08:1:164:e04b:59ae:c6f8:5c5c] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
10:00 < kikiqqp> 真得過頭了
10:00 < kikiqqp> 不是時間過頭的問題
10:01 < jack> really boring..
10:01 < Ruinland> 測試一下廣達的hot swap好了XD
10:01 -!- choer [~choer@] has joined #coscup
10:01 < ygtw> QAQA
10:01 < king1223> 不是到10:10嗎?
10:01 < Alen> R1 有正妹...
10:01 < chihchun> bobchao: what!! 哪裡有正妹
10:01 < elvisFQ> 去年 HTC 那位不是昨天有出現在頻道?
10:01 < cclien> happy together..
10:01 < cclien> 好害羞
10:01 < chihchun> R1 有正面?!
10:01 < chihchun> 正妹~
10:01 < Peter__> A家會去llvm社群報
10:01 < Peter__> 看平台
10:01 < SammyLi__> 什麼! 還有10分鐘
10:01 < Edward_> 他投影片左下角的手機是對手HTC的 XDD
10:01 < KiraYao> 有些benchmark
10:01 < smailc> 剩下10秒還10分鐘 XDD
10:01 < ReticenceSu> 我想知道有誰有認真在聽...
10:01 < kuyuhisepa126> HTC...
10:01 < evenrain> 還有10分鐘 大家撐住
10:01 < Alen> 還十分鐘...撐住.
10:01 < chesterlintw> 有人在打呼...囧
10:01 < KiraYao> Phoronix有些是LLVM+Clang > gcc
10:01 < chage> 就某方面來說是過頭了...
10:01 < kiang> 我有認真的在玩電腦 XD
10:01 < ReticenceSu> 加油~~~各位!!!要撐住阿
10:01 < CindyLinz> in2: 你第一句講公司心態... 可是後面的詰問都是在檢討使用者的心態啊 XD
10:01 < Zhusee> Happy Together 眼鏡公司
10:01 < SammyLi__> 有人可以hack 時間嗎?~~~~~
10:01 < Peter__> Ruinland: gcc在x86有特別tune過
10:01 < Edward_> Advertisement
10:01 < kiang> 他的聲音很平穩,讓大家想到早上太早起床 XD
10:01 < Zhusee> iPhone/iPad 那邊放的是 HTC XDD
10:01 < Peter__> Ruinland: 但ARM上就(茶)
10:01 < JA> happy together video裡有正妹!
10:01 < Edward_> 為甚麼我的AdBlock Plus這時不能發揮作用呢?
10:01 < FourDollars> in2: 我回的是 MS 支援 Linux 的事… XD
10:01 -!- ernest [~Ernest@] has joined #coscup
10:01 < ReticenceSu> 沒有爆點就會想睡覺
10:01 < in2> FourDollars: XD
10:01 < kiang> 有點疑問,為什麼兩天的開場 keynote 都被贊助商吃掉了?
10:01 < shadowcrow> (chihchun) 關公有助於生意興隆
10:01 < ijliao> bobchao: freedom 推薦的正妹 ?!
10:01 < AceLan> R1 正妹 在哪裡??
10:01 < Alen> 我們是,把 open 拿來做成產品...
10:01 < KiraYao> 這哪有什麼疑問
10:01 < darkx> NPNT
10:01 < kiang> 求 R1 正妹照片...
10:01 < KiraYao> 因為keynote就是這樣用的....
10:02 < privism> gcc 目前在 ARM 上面和 ARM 本家的 compiler 差距非常大
10:02 * FourDollars 手機跟不上… XD
10:02 <@bobchao> chihchun: 據說講者是正妹 (我沒看過喔完全不知道正確性)
10:02 < chihchun> NPNT
10:02 < kikiqqp> OPEN = 錢 and Free 工程 啾咪
10:02 < Custom> kiang: 不然便當錢誰來付? XD
10:02 < cclien> 大家回去買樂透,明年換你講 keynote
10:02 < cclien> 有押韻唷
10:02 < SammyLi__> R1 講者是正妹無誤~~~
10:02 < Custom> cclien++
10:02 < jeffhung> 「弄了很多 cloud」?
10:02 < kiang> 以為 keynote 應該留給最符合活動主軸的
10:02 <@bobchao> chihchun: ijliao R1 下一場講者
10:02 < stanely> 等下會出現"我們在徵人"的slide嗎?
10:02 < lunastorm> dont care
10:02 < kikiqqp> 我可以買票進場嗎?
10:02 < Alen> @bobchao 都出來講話了,快衝 R1
10:02 -!- thustow [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
10:02 < coldturnip> 睡過頭現在才起床 orz 大概沒便當券了,今天在家看 Hangouts 實況好了
10:02 < Aminzai> [R0] 今日一樣有轉播喔 ->
10:02 < linroex> r1
10:02 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has joined #coscup
10:02 < in2> cclien: 好, 敝公司明年贊助一張大樂透 xd
10:02 < FourDollars> 正妹!在哪裡!
10:02 -!- DHXD [~Adium@2001:c08:1:164:304e:5c79:62a6:d9ce] has joined #coscup
10:02 < Peter__> "i don't care"都出來了
10:02 < cclien> in2: 要中的啦 XDD
10:02 < privism> 正妹
10:02 < kikiqqp> 5000NTD以下沒問題,國外聽技術本來就很貴
10:02 < privism> 快交出來
10:03 < jeremy5189> R1現在有議程?
10:03 < Noni_> R1~ R1~ R1~ R1~
10:03 < DHXD> 終於連上了>____>
10:03 < ReticenceSu> 還要多久ZZZ
10:03 -!- VoidChen [~VoidChen@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
10:03 < play> @@
10:03 < SammyLi__> 下一場議程啦~
10:03 < coldturnip> 今天有 R1 的實況嗎?
10:03 < in2> cclien: coscup 再窮下去要募發票了嗎 XDXD
10:03 < dylandy> 原來keynote 也有轉播!
10:03 < Noni_> 圖!!!! R1~
10:03 < smailc> R1現在是?
10:03 < windslash> NPNT
10:03 < Edward_> 都有缺陷
10:03 -!- a0000778 [] has joined #coscup
10:03 < Ruinland> 如果有VIP票之類的我會想買@@
10:03 -!- Toomore [~toomore@2001:c08:1:164:20ef:cbbd:9e1d:632b] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
10:03 -!- rocfatcat_NB [~lenny@] has joined #coscup
10:03 < ijliao> 募發票 XD
10:03 < Peter__> 順手捐發票,就就coscup
10:03 < cclien> in2: 對過的不能捐喔
10:03 < Edward_> 都賣得出去
10:03 < barneybook> 重點是賣的出去XD
10:03 < jeffhung> 「他都沒做好,都有缺陷,但都賣得出去。」# ............
10:03 < kikiqqp> 對工程師來說 BUG就是要變成規格!
10:03 < DonaldIsFreak> 黑心事業?
10:03 < jeremy5189> R1下一場議程改了?
10:03 < king1223> 等等衝R1~
10:03 < dylandy> 現在在賣手錶了
10:03 < sntc06> 宅男哭哭喔
10:03 < smailc> @Edward 你說啥啊?
10:03 <@bobchao> R1 的下一場啦,10:30
10:03 < cclien> 那錶很貴
10:04 < Zhusee> 「對於你最討厭的東西來做設計」--> ?
10:04 < cclien> 我上次去瘦狗有看到
10:04 < DHXD> 潮
10:04 < Alen> 為什麼設計出有特色的產品的都是宅男啊??
10:04 < FourDollars> 那是 feature 不是 bug
10:04 < imKojima> open的
10:04 < shadom> ping shadom
10:04 < carlcarl> wtf..
10:04 < smailc> 朝
10:04 < Edward_> smailc: 他剛剛不是說,他們家的產品都有缺陷,但都賣得出去? XD
10:04 < sntc06> open watch
10:04 < kuyuhisepa126> 廣達又在自High~= =|||
10:04 < kuyuhisepa126> TMD
10:04 < lynn_> 對最討厭的東西設計產品.... 設計bug?
10:04 < kikiqqp> APPLE表示臉很痛,但是還是賺的比百里香多
10:04 < DHXD> Open 將(?
10:04 < Albert_> 會不會戴反啊
10:04 -!- either [] has joined #coscup
10:04 < play> Open
10:04 -!- sammyfung [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
10:04 -!- shadowcrow [~androirc@] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )]
10:04 < Ruinland> Open Head ˊ_>ˋ
10:04 < brucehsu> 不要被時間所束縛,所以加班沒關係這樣?
10:04 < kiang> 我的人生就是現在 XD
10:04 < Ruinland> Open~恐懼的大門~~
10:04 < smailc> Edward_ 喔喔
10:04 < Noni_> "Emacs - 程式開發神兵利器" 改了嗎?
10:04 < Edward_> XD
10:04 < Yanyiyi> open time (難怪他不知道時間
10:04 < in2> cclien: 我覺得你們這樣真的是很有毅力, 我之前辦一屆Ptt募款演唱會來, 封椰林大道在台大開唱, 結果一堆人現場贊助 $1 (隔天我好像去存了一千四百多個 $1, 連郵局工作人員都算到火大 XD) , 就不爽再辦第二次了 Orz
10:05 < DHXD> 上班上到超脫時間
10:05 < Alen> 就跟我小時候喜歡看魚游泳一樣
10:05 < cclien> open醬
10:05 -!- lenny__ [~lenny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
10:05 -!- AndChat|128225 [] has joined #coscup
10:05 < ijliao> 人不要變成時間的 slave ... # 是為什麼要落英文啦 XD
10:05 <@bobchao> Noni_: 沒有,好我重新講....
10:05 < coldturnip> brucehsu: 好哀傷 :(
10:05 < barneybook> 手表都可以扯到CLOUD!XD
10:05 < kikiqqp> 如果火星開放移民,台灣公司應該會第一個登陸建廠
10:05 < Zhusee> 談 Trashcan as a Service
10:05 < dannvix> Trashcan as a Service
10:05 < play> 比較大的門
10:05 -!- MouseMs_ [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:05 <@bobchao> 據報,R1 下一場講者,講 MCLinker 的,是正妹。
10:05 < DHXD> 只要有心,人人都可以有一片雲
10:05 < Albert_> r0真的有點冷
10:05 < YChao_> Trashcan as a Service++
10:05 < Edward_> barneybook: 可能可以跟原子鐘同步吧
10:05 < maxwux> in2: 明明就有機器可以計算硬幣
10:05 < cclien> in2: XDDDDDD 一千個一塊
10:05 -!- AndChat-128225 [~AndChat12@] has joined #coscup
10:05 < Custom> in2: 願意贊助 $1 已經很不錯了 XD
10:05 < dannvix> Zhusee: 搶台詞安安
10:05 < imKojima> Watch as a Service
10:05 < barneybook> R1有正妹XD
10:05 < shadowcrow_> 辦 COSCUP是燒熱血啊
10:05 < YChao_> @bobchao: (woot)
10:05 <@bobchao> 會在 10:30-11:00,請大家告訴大家
10:05 < king1223> 5分鐘0.0
10:05 < DHXD> R0昨天早上比較舒服
10:05 < Ruinland> 現在不弄虛擬化很難用吧= =?
10:05 < Alen> R1 有正妹...R1 有正妹...
10:05 < in2> maxwux: 有可是還是算很久啊 orz
10:05 < CYJ> barneybook: 在哪XD?我去拍(誤)
10:06 < othrees> in2: 這是鄉民的正義啊
10:06 < Peter__> 據消息來源指出,r1 1030講者是正妹
10:06 < AceLan> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10:06 < dylandy> R1 講者的名字看起來像男生,是正妹?
10:06 < darkx> !!!
10:06 < in2> Custom: 而且還有贊助 $1 的覺得自己是大爺的
10:06 < Ruinland> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10:06 < elvisFQ> AceLan: 色
10:06 < Noni_> 對丫
10:06 < lloydhuang> @.@
10:06 < webbertsai> 正妹
10:06 * AceLan 狠狠的咬了 elvisFQ 一口,把他咬的哇哇大叫...真爽 真爽
10:06 < carlcarl> !!
10:06 < Noni_> R1 陳柏津
10:06 < YChao_> 還好已經佔好位置了!
10:06 < Alen> 不正可以找 @bobchao 討論..
10:06 < privism> ijliao: 除非你有原子鐘不然應該都是時間的 slave
10:06 < chihchun> 辦一次要休息一年......
10:06 < ijliao> $1 真是淡淡的哀傷...
10:06 < king1223> 要衝了@_@
10:06 < in2> othrees: 哭哭啦 XD
10:06 < Sorry> R0 又開始從頭頂灌風了 orz
10:06 < chihchun> AceLan: 色!# 去拍照,快
10:06 < elvisFQ> 聿吧 ?
10:06 < darkx> gogogo~
10:06 < Noni_> in2 大 那是神經病吧..$1
10:06 < Yanyiyi> 他真得是文青嘛
10:06 < privism> ijliao: 沒辦法當 master device
10:06 < Zhusee> 可以也轉播 R1 嗎XD
10:06 <@bobchao> Alen: 不正要找 freedom 討論啦 XD
10:06 < kikiqqp> 餓了,找食去
10:06 < DHXD> 頗冷
10:06 * AceLan 向著 陳柏津 喊: 小姐水不水,多大多高, 有否佳人在旁, 給不給虧啊~~
10:06 < shadom> 是女生?
10:06 < kiang> 求 R1 轉播 XD
10:06 < cclien> in2: 我室友拿35個一塊我幫他買雞排我就差點把他阿魯巴到死了
10:06 < in2> Noni_: 所以還是別想跟學生收錢 XD
10:07 < AceLan> 來了來了!!!!!!!!!!
10:07 -!- gunxgun [~AndChat12@2001:c08:1:164:3ae7:d8ff:feb1:767] has quit [Quit: Bye]
10:07 < coldturnip> 求 R1 轉播 ++
10:07 < elvisFQ> 進來的這個是?
10:07 < DHXD> 35個一塊買雞排XDDDDD
10:07 < play> 來了……
10:07 < rail02000> 不然就沒繳錢不給便當(誤
10:07 < shadowcrow_> orhree掙扎,要去講還是去看正妹
10:07 < darkx> free beer!
10:07 < jeffhung> 今年的大會手冊沒有照片。
10:07 < kikiqqp> 沒有經驗的肝來燃燒
10:07 -!- TATOBA [] has joined #coscup
10:07 < ijliao> r1 講者出現
10:07 < Alen> R1 正妹來了?
10:07 < AceLan> 馬尾正妹!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10:07 < darkx> >//////<
10:07 < elvisFQ> 精神來了
10:07 < king1223> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10:07 < DHXD> R1實況呢(敲碗
10:07 < coldsleep> @@a
10:07 < Zhusee> 「這是我最後一個 Page 了,但是我發現我還有一個好 Page」
10:07 < YChao_> doco?
10:07 < Noni_> in2 大 別因為 幾個 白目小朋友就 對全部失望丫 ^^"
10:07 < dylandy> 又來
10:07 < BillyHerrington> 喔… 普通阿
10:07 <@bobchao> 求圖一下
10:07 < elvisFQ> 有馬尾 +80 分
10:07 < Moonslight> 啊 !
10:07 < lunastorm> 它它
10:07 < Edward_> Again?
10:07 < barneybook> = =
10:07 < imKojima> 宅宅w
10:07 < kiang> 馬尾出現了, Jserv 應該要出現了
10:07 <@bobchao> 我也還沒看過啊 XDDD
10:07 < Zhusee> 宅宅XDD
10:07 < Yanyiyi> 宅宅
10:07 < kuyuhisepa126> = =
10:07 < kikiqqp> ..........
10:07 < in2> Noni_: XD
10:07 < Edward_> 又來了...
10:07 < mabinogi80503> 宅宅嗎XDDD
10:07 < carlcarl> zzz
10:07 < sntc06> 不然就便當付錢買就好了
10:07 < shadowcrow_> 照片很麻煩
10:07 < FourDollars> 幹!
10:07 < Alen> 正妹來了,還跟你溝通?
10:07 < brucehsu> 它它
10:07 < lunastorm> 窄宅
10:07 < evenrain> 右來戰宅宅
10:07 < DHXD> ㄊㄊ
10:07 < Moonslight> 終於.....
10:07 < ygtw> QA~QA~~
10:07 < elvisFQ> 不算馬尾吧
10:07 < linroex> QA
10:07 < webbertsai> QA
10:07 < othrees> 沒掙扎喔
10:07 < Noni_> ===========下課===========
10:08 < kuyuhisepa126> 可以衝上去拔現嗎!!!
10:08 < maxwux> 那兩字念它它
10:08 < Alen> 哇..
10:08 < imKojima> 問題!
10:08 < mabinogi80503> 可憐的宅宅
10:08 < imKojima> XD
10:08 < kikiqqp> 這位仁兄很棒,應該是老闆的紅人
10:08 < chihchun> QA
10:08 < play> 宅你老x
10:08 < Albert_> 哦 有QA!
10:08 < BillyHerrington> 嗆他
10:08 < Alen> 打臉時間
10:08 < Edward_> Q&A
10:08 < Edward_> GO!!
10:08 < linroex> 要泡了
10:08 < KiraYao> QA....XD
10:08 < kuyuhisepa126> 去炸他!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10:08 < smailc> QA
10:08 < rail02000> XDDDDDDDD
10:08 < mabinogi80503> 問題 打臉時間
10:08 <@bobchao> 已經在現場的.... 圖勒?我還在 R0 啊
10:08 < kikiqqp> QA
10:08 < tC_> 打練時間ww
10:08 < ecilA> 打臉時間?
10:08 -!- wandering [8c700442@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
10:08 < Noni_> 厚死
10:08 < cibs> 我們沒有問題,是講師有問題啊
10:08 < ygtw> 現在就是永恆的手錶
10:08 < barneybook> 宅宅快上!!!!
10:08 < tC_> 臉
10:08 < kikiqqp> 給他ㄖ
10:08 < webbertsai> 打臉
10:08 < Edward_> Ready
10:08 < Noni_> 打
10:08 -!- shume_ [caa9ac7a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:08 < Noni_> 打
10:08 < linroex> 誰要上!!
10:08 < Alen> 沒時間給你打
10:08 < Alen> 哈哈
10:08 < shadowcrow_> 你可以派分身去
10:08 < webbertsai> 打
10:08 < chiehyou> 打
10:08 < smailc> R1沒有轉播嗎?
10:08 < YChao_> 打臉時間
10:08 < Edward_> MIT!!
10:08 -!- SammyLi__ [~sammylin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
10:08 < infate> 打臉時間
10:08 < windslash> 打臉時間
10:08 < barneybook> 告訴他垃圾桶不是宅南會知道的
10:08 < mabinogi80503> 問題 打臉時間\ 0A0/
10:08 < Edward_> MIT耶... WoW
10:08 < DHXD> 我只覺得R0好冷
10:08 <@bobchao> 有三分鐘啦 (ㄟ?)
10:08 < ReticenceSu> 打用力一點阿
10:08 < hlb> r2 好多人唷
10:08 < Alen> 馬上把時間填滿
10:08 < Noni_> 去面試送書包?
10:08 < smailc> 打臉時間 XD
10:08 < Edward_> 問垃圾桶好了
10:08 < Albert_> 等等r1有實況嗎?
10:08 < elvisFQ> 等等再傳 G+ ... 不過我只有手機拍 Orz
10:08 < kikiqqp> 手這樣放好像宣戰
10:08 < king1223> 衝R1!!
10:08 < in2> hlb: 布丁!
10:08 < chihchun> 超凶狠的 COSCUP 鄉民
10:08 < Noni_> 但我比想要"都蘭國小"
10:08 < Albert_> 凶悍
10:08 < YChao_> 不會沒有QnA吧?
10:08 <@bobchao> DHXD: 你坐在哪個地方?(大概)
10:08 -!- AlanWu [~alan@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
10:08 < Zhusee> 請問如何用廣達的 Cloud 達成垃圾桶虛擬話
10:08 < Edward_> 送Kindle Fire?!
10:08 < Zhusee> 虛擬化
10:09 < in2> chihchun: 那要記得去看鄉民的正義喔 *誤*
10:09 -!- coldsleep [~coldsleep@2001:c08:1:164:582e:30c0:e92e:23ff] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
10:09 < kiang> 我只要剛剛那個講 kindle fire 小姐的電話 XD
10:09 < YChao_> ....
10:09 < sntc06> 虛擬化垃圾桶
10:09 < imKojima> XD
10:09 < Noni_> 噗
10:09 < ReticenceSu> 1 2 3
10:09 < DHXD> @bobchao: 正後方
10:09 < kikiqqp> 沒有???
10:09 -!- shume [caa9ac7a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:09 < Noni_> 提早 - - 5m
10:09 < hlb> in2: 幹嘛
10:09 < kikiqqp> ..................
10:09 <@bobchao> 鄉民的正義我看了 (驕傲)
10:09 -!- Taotao [7a74bc9f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:09 -!- AndChat|128225 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
10:09 * hlb 忙著寫教材
10:09 < KiraYao> 懶得理他了吧XD
10:09 -!- RIH [] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
10:09 <@bobchao> DHXD: ok 我去看看可以做什麼
10:09 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Quit: BardicheZ_]
10:09 < dylandy> 他自己用完時間了
10:09 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
10:09 < michael520> R1會抱滿.....
10:09 < chihchun> kiang: 高高那個女生嗎?XD
10:09 -!- nio_tw [dc87caaa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:09 < michael520> 所以,我還是待著R0好了
10:09 -!- lunastorm [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
10:09 < kikiqqp> 為什麼不能進場 可惡
10:09 < kiang> @chihchun 有內線?
10:10 -!- chenjenping [~parallels@] has joined #coscup
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10:10 -!- Ioan [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:10 < michael520> 雖然R0的冷氣真是它馬的冷抱了!!!
10:10 < Moonslight> R1能轉播嗎??
10:10 -!- ihower [~ihower@] has quit [Quit: ihower]
10:10 -!- dylandy [~dylandy@] has quit [Quit: 暫離]
10:10 -!- yichiuan [~ooo@2001:c08:1:164:f80e:b1d6:bf8d:dbd3] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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10:10 -!- VoidChen [~VoidChen@] has joined #coscup
10:10 -!- nemu [~AndChat36@] has joined #coscup
10:10 < hlb> 下午 workshop 的 slide
10:10 < Zhusee> R2 其實也蠻冷的
10:10 -!- nemu is now known as TNT
10:10 < linroex> 去R1看妹~
10:10 -!- mr_nio [] has joined #coscup
10:10 -!- pworker_ [72885999@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:10 < jeffhung> 今年好像沒人在做座位表?!
10:11 -!- Zhusee [] has quit [Quit: Zhusee]
10:11 < carlcarl> R2很多人進來@@
10:11 -!- df1 [~df1@2001:c08:1:164:f038:7ab5:8571:7fde] has joined #coscup
10:11 -!- king1223_ [~aaa@] has joined #coscup
10:11 < carlcarl> 不過都沒位置了
10:11 -!- TNT is now known as Guest59922
10:11 < Alen> R1 突然來一堆人..
10:11 < kiang> 之前懶人包有座位表,有人要做嗎?
10:11 < Alen> 是來看 正妹的嗎?
10:11 -!- hugojay [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
10:11 -!- jack [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
10:11 < ygtw> R2爆滿
10:11 -!- fcrh [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
10:11 -!- AndChat-128225 [~AndChat12@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
10:11 < lynn_> R0剩一半....
10:11 -!- gunxgun [~AndChat12@] has joined #coscup
10:11 -!- Guest59922 is now known as nemu
10:11 < Alen> 馬上有人拿相機拍正妹了.
10:11 -!- sammyfung [] has joined #coscup
10:11 < Albert_> 快上傳啊
10:11 < ecilA> R0空空如也
10:11 -!- NeilLee721 [~Neil@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
10:11 < DHXD> R0今天人真的蠻少的
10:12 -!- jack [] has joined #coscup
10:12 < Watsontsai> 有圖有真相~~
10:12 -!- killtw [caa9ad53@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:12 -!- nansen [] has joined #coscup
10:12 -!- coscup [~lis186@2001:c08:1:164:d81b:7006:e6c7:46e5] has joined #coscup
10:12 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@2001:c08:1:164:f4ba:261:a96a:4733] has joined #coscup
10:12 -!- nansen [] has quit [Client Quit]
10:12 < Alen> 正妹在整理頭髮..
10:12 -!- webbertsai [caa9a5ab@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:12 < Wildchild> @@
10:12 -!- swaywang [~mac@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
10:12 -!- Toomore [~toomore@] has joined #coscup
10:12 < elvisFQ>
10:12 < maxwux> 來去R1
10:12 < elvisFQ> iPhone sucks
10:12 < Alen> 這場來轉播正妹的一舉一動好了..
10:13 -!- rocfatcat_NB [~lenny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:13 < ijliao> freedom++ # 推薦正妹
10:13 -!- Chanwei [722b0c31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:13 < BillyHerrington> 為什麼照片是反的w
10:13 < mabinogi80503> [R0] 出現了一些公式 (?)
10:13 -!- Wildchild [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
10:13 -!- ken___ [~kuanying@] has joined #coscup
10:13 < DHXD> 大家都棄守R0了嗎XDDDDDDD
10:13 -!- mobomoga [~mobomoga@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
10:13 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
10:13 -!- mp607 [d24689d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:13 < nemu> dropbox 好物 :P
10:13 < elvisFQ> wwww
10:13 -!- YouMeiKetsu [~Jerome@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
10:13 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
10:13 < AceLan> elvisFQ: 一點都不專業 =.=
10:13 -!- ioan [~ioan@] has joined #coscup
10:13 < jeffhung> [R2] 出現第 0 排了。
10:13 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@] has joined #coscup
10:13 -!- zx1986 [~zx1986@] has joined #coscup
10:14 < Peter__> 大家冷靜啊,r1是要講linker耶,這個topic平常不是沒什麼人會來嗎XD
10:14 < kiang> @elvisFQ, 你手震了啦 XD
10:14 -!- swaywang [~mac@] has joined #coscup
10:14 -!- rocfatcat_NB [~lenny@] has joined #coscup
10:14 < AceLan> 馬尾+黑絲襪 萬歲!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10:14 -!- nansenat16 [] has joined #coscup
10:14 -!- Sorry [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
10:14 < zx1986> 怎麽年輕人等于宅男了
10:14 < Moonslight> 我擠不進去 我要轉播 ~ ~
10:14 < elvisFQ> 有正妹就會 link 了
10:14 < zx1986> 真刺耳
10:14 -!- chitsaou [~chitsaou@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
10:14 -!- bobchao_ [] has joined #coscup
10:14 -!- mode/#coscup [+o bobchao_] by ChanServ
10:14 < DHXD> 正妹 LINK!
10:14 -!- VoidChen [~VoidChen@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
10:14 < cls_bsd> AceLan: 他在 htc 也做 x86 android?
10:14 -!- fcrh [] has joined #coscup
10:14 < AceLan> 難怪叫 MC Linker
10:14 * AceLan flee~
10:15 -!- nemu is now known as TNT_
10:15 -!- bobchao [~bobchao@2001:c08:1:164:194e:b108:eba0:8681] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
10:15 -!- bobchao_ is now known as bobchao
10:15 -!- shawnwang [~shawn@] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
10:15 < pioneerlike> Workshop需要報名嗎?
10:15 <@bobchao> R1 講者是正妹確認!!!
10:15 -!- shawnwang [~shawn@] has joined #coscup
10:15 -!- TATOBA [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
10:15 -!- king1223 [~aaa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
10:15 -!- neoesque [~neoesque@] has joined #coscup
10:15 -!- LHD [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
10:15 < barneybook> R2爆滿
10:15 < BillyHerrington> wwwww
10:15 -!- Maligbi [6f5117e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:15 -!- Noni_ [2a40f8ac@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:15 -!- TNT_ is now known as TNTshop
10:15 < BillyHerrington> 被告密了
10:15 < zx1986> 幹 R1 真的是正妹嗎?我在 R2 ....
10:15 < AceLan> cls_bsd: 不是很確定耶 這你應該比較清楚吧
10:15 < Alen> 有工作人員去拍正妹照了.
10:15 -!- MouseMs [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:15 -!- lynn_ [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:15 -!- borting [7a74bc9f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:16 -!- LHD_ [] has joined #coscup
10:16 < Alen> 快叫工作人員 把照片交出來
10:16 -!- LHD_ is now known as LHD
10:16 -!- king1223_ [~aaa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
10:16 -!- puyan [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
10:16 -!- TNTshop [~AndChat36@] has quit [Quit: Bye]
10:16 <@bobchao> DHXD: 有跟場務組反應了 感謝回應
10:16 < play> 交出來
10:16 -!- kordan [~kordan@] has joined #coscup
10:16 < Alen> 交出來
10:16 < Ruinland> R1錄影希望!!!!!!
10:16 -!- Toomore [~toomore@] has quit [Client Quit]
10:16 < tC_> (敲碗)
10:16 -!- jereme [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
10:16 -!- kito [~kito@] has joined #coscup
10:16 <@bobchao> zx1986: 真的, ijliao 還說我們今年議程組超認真 (嗯?)
10:16 < kordan> 有正妹就有 link…XDD
10:16 < Moonslight> 跟場務組要求轉播阿
10:16 -!- TATOBA [] has joined #coscup
10:16 < borting> R1滿場了 ...
10:17 < Alen> 正妹的電話交出來..
10:17 < cls_bsd> AceLan: 我不知道啊,我們公司很大,可是座位很空,哈哈
10:17 -!- maxwux [7a752e4e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:17 < AceLan> cls_bsd: @_@
10:17 <@bobchao> 連 R0 的講者都來 R1 了 XDDD
10:17 < pioneerlike> Workshop需要報名嗎?
10:17 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
10:17 < MouseMs> 轉發自場務工頭:會場冷氣已調高一至兩度,約需要十至二十分鐘對流,謝謝。
10:17 < cls_bsd> R1 為什麼沒轉啊?我要看正妹
10:17 < Alen> 正妹笑的很開心啊
10:17 -!- SammyLin [~sammylin@2001:c08:1:164:54f:9697:1c03:f7a5] has joined #coscup
10:17 -!- janyeh [~janyeh@] has joined #coscup
10:17 -!- Howie2 [~yaaic@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
10:17 -!- StarNight [~AndChat65@] has joined #coscup
10:17 < janyeh> 就位了~
10:18 -!- ying_ [df8a0dea@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:18 <@bobchao> R1 正妹應 freedom 要求還真的穿網襪來.... XDDDD 好強
10:18 < elvisFQ> 其實 R1 現在人還沒很多啊,沒坐位就是了
10:18 < Ruinland> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10:18 < AceLan> freedom++
10:18 < smailc> !!!
10:18 < Ruinland> 網襪Q3Q
10:18 < Alen> 正妹網襪..
10:18 < kiang> 座位表:
10:18 -!- FourDollars [~sylee@] has left #coscup []
10:18 -!- Watsontsai [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:527:a01f:8dfa:4608] has left #coscup []
10:18 < BillyHerrington> 還有位子阿
10:18 < Alen> 粉紅色上衣
10:18 -!- fengyoung [~AndChat39@] has joined #coscup
10:18 < play> 剛剛他經過有看到
10:18 -!- Watsontsai [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:527:a01f:8dfa:4608] has joined #coscup
10:18 < TATOBA>
10:18 < Alen> 白色小短褲
10:19 -!- FourDollars [~sylee@] has joined #coscup
10:19 < play> 網襪
10:19 < Alen> 黑色網襪
10:19 < barneybook> 要求轉播
10:19 -!- mp607 [d24689d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:19 < barneybook> 要求轉播R1
10:19 < StarNight> R1 哪有網襪
10:19 -!- TATOBA_ [] has joined #coscup
10:19 < cls_bsd> 很糟糕
10:19 < FourDollars> 下次可以穿女僕裝上台嗎?
10:19 < Alen> 這時R1要的不是座位表啦,要正妹照啦
10:19 < darkgerm> R2 大爆滿...
10:20 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
10:20 < in2> 可以伸 R1 的照嗎? QQ
10:20 < Ruinland> in2++
10:20 < Ruinland> ((敲碗
10:20 < Alen> in2++
10:20 < AceLan> R1 跟 R2 都滿了 那 R0... 哭哭惹
10:20 < lunastorm> 符
10:20 < cls_bsd> in2: 快去 r1 拍
10:20 -!- maxwux [7a752e4e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:20 -!- Guest92562 [] has quit [Quit: Guest92562]
10:20 < hlb> 沒有紙杯 T_T
10:20 -!- lunastorm [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
10:20 < Alen> 正妹照(伸
10:20 < ArvinWu> 沒圖沒真相啦
10:20 < Moonslight> R0有夠冷清的.....
10:21 < in2> cls_bsd: 我用的長江手機拍照品質不好 XD
10:21 -!- ernest [~Ernest@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
10:21 < barneybook> 要求轉播R1+
10:21 -!- lunastorm [] has joined #coscup
10:21 * in2 @R0
10:21 < smailc> R2 好多人
10:21 < mosutw> R2連第一排前面的地板也被佔據了~
10:21 -!- VoidChen [~VoidChen@] has joined #coscup
10:21 < cls_bsd> in2: 現在是先求有再求好了
10:21 -!- chitsaou [~chitsaou@] has joined #coscup
10:21 <@bobchao> 我去拿相機了!!!
10:21 -!- MouseMs [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:21 < cls_bsd> bobchao++
10:21 < cyt93cs_> R0 冷清跟剛剛的 keynote 有關嗎? XD
10:21 < barneybook> R2超滿
10:21 < kiang> 座位表: ,我只有在編輯國際會議廳,其他就麻煩大德們了
10:21 < cls_bsd> bobchao: 沒拍沒分享要 -- 回來 XD
10:21 < Alen> 正妹在背稿ing
10:22 -!- Noni_ [2a40f8ac@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:22 < in2> cls_bsd: 我還以為有老婆和小蘿莉女兒的人會收斂一點的說 XDXD
10:22 -!- brucehsu [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
10:22 < Noni_> R2 要爆滿了吧!?
10:22 < BillyHerrington> 快看正妹照喔
10:22 < Noni_> R2 好多妹!
10:22 < cls_bsd> in2: 我幫老婆要的 :$
10:22 < evenrain> R2 是已經爆滿了
10:22 < in2> BillyHerrington: ............
10:22 < Alen> .....中箭
10:22 < barneybook> 恩R2妹也很多
10:22 < AceLan> BillyHerrington--
10:22 < cls_bsd> BillyHerrington: .... 原來你愛這味的
10:22 < in2> cls_bsd: :$
10:22 <@bobchao> BillyHerrington: ......
10:22 -!- alicekey [] has joined #coscup
10:22 < smailc> BillyHerrington: ...........
10:22 < cls_bsd> BillyHerrington: 我可以推薦你跟 slzzp 認識
10:22 < evenrain> 紙杯沒了可以補嗎 沒杯子沒水喝 Q.Q
10:23 -!- MouseMs [8c6d7ff4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:23 < elvisFQ> BillyHerrington--
10:23 -!- killtw [caa9ad53@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:23 < in2> bobchao: /kb 一下吧 XD
10:23 < Moonslight> BillyHerrington : 原來......
10:23 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
10:23 < DHXD> lol
10:23 < tsuki> BillyHerrington: 為何不是比利海靈頓圖!?
10:23 < DHXD> 喔 ㄎㄅ
10:23 -!- rmx [~coldsleep@2001:c08:1:164:582e:30c0:e92e:23ff] has joined #coscup
10:23 -!- shawnwang [~shawn@] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
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10:23 < DHXD> 又有颱風
10:23 -!- shawnwang [~shawn@] has joined #coscup
10:23 < Albert_> 快放進懶人包讓後人知道
10:23 < cls_bsd> 議程還沒開始,有人在 irc 上公開出櫃,可喜可賀
10:23 -!- rmx is now known as Guest87524
10:23 < smailc> 颱風?
10:23 < cls_bsd> BillyHerrington: 我支持你
10:24 -!- Guest87524 is now known as coldsleep
10:24 -!- kkw [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
10:24 -!- Deghost [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:24 -!- kkw_ [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
10:24 < cls_bsd> 那個是 CindyLinz 嗎?
10:24 -!- paipai_ [8c701c8d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:24 < cls_bsd> 有個坐在 R0 很前面的
10:24 -!- Deghost is now known as Guest57153
10:24 < cls_bsd> 是 in2 ?
10:24 -!- ygtw [ygtw@] has joined #coscup
10:24 < darkgerm> R1 側有紙杯,我剛剛去那邊拿的orz
10:24 < smailc> R1好多人喔
10:24 <@bobchao> cls_bsd: 應該是 我剛經過有看到
10:24 < BillyHerrington>
10:24 -!- TNTshop [3b7ef9b6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:24 < in2> cls_bsd: hi hi ~~~
10:24 <@bobchao> (剛剛回去拿相機,再從 R0 穿越回 R1)
10:24 -!- othrees [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -]
10:24 < in2> cls_bsd: cindy 在我右手邊~
10:24 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has joined #coscup
10:25 -!- webbertsai [caa9a5ab@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:25 < coldturnip> 從實況上看,R0 好像很空
10:25 < darkgerm> R1 也很多人?? 所以 R0 都沒人這樣嗎0.0
10:25 < DHXD> R0現在位置很多
10:25 < cls_bsd> in2: hihi 我在你們上面,哈哈,我是雲端連線
10:25 -!- lw [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
10:25 <@bobchao> R1 人數算還好啦
10:25 < Moonslight> R1 R2 都爆 所以R0空阿
10:25 < Yanyiyi> r1好多人
10:25 < maxwux> R1有網襪
10:25 < in2> cls_bsd: 這場聽完再來去跟大大請安
10:25 <@bobchao> R1 現在算「滿座」
10:25 < ijliao> 連 r0 講者都來 r1 了, 正妹無敵啊~
10:25 <@bobchao> 爆就不致於
10:25 < cls_bsd> in2: ..... 我在家裡 :$
10:26 -!- Passerby_Yan [7222c670@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:26 < in2> cls_bsd: @_______________@
10:26 < DHXD> <________>
10:26 < kuyuhisepa126> [R0]跳過一場?
10:26 < webbertsai> r2後面站好多
10:26 < ijliao> 等下會有人來坐 r1 第零排嗎... XD
10:26 < cls_bsd> 所以才沒法到 R1 啊
10:26 -!- Watsontsai [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:527:a01f:8dfa:4608] has left #coscup []
10:26 -!- qerter [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
10:26 < cls_bsd> 咦
10:26 < fengyoung> 喔
10:26 < cls_bsd> ijliao: 圖,快拍
10:26 < MouseMs> 搖滾區
10:26 -!- yichiuan [~ooo@2001:c08:1:164:f80e:b1d6:bf8d:dbd3] has joined #coscup
10:26 < darkgerm> [R2] 走道爆滿,第 0 排也爆滿
10:26 < ijliao> 想想好像有點變態 orz
10:26 < DHXD> 鎮守R0
10:26 < lunastorm> R0在試投影片吧
10:26 < evenrain> R2 是坐無虛席了
10:26 * YChao_ 弄錯會議室,好丟臉~~
10:26 < kuyuhisepa126> [R0]剛剛簡報是?pixnet?
10:26 < Alen> 可以站在R1講者旁邊當助理嗎
10:26 -!- ethan_ [~ethan@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
10:27 -!- hSATAC [~cat@] has joined #coscup
10:27 <@bobchao> ijliao: 哈哈我終於瞭解你說第零排為什麼會有點變態 XDD
10:27 -!- Kevin-WY [~Kevin-WY@] has joined #coscup
10:27 < hSATAC> hi
10:27 < barneybook> R2準備開始了
10:27 -!- Kevin-WY [~Kevin-WY@] has quit [Client Quit]
10:27 < BillyHerrington> R2大家想聽的是?
10:27 < hSATAC> 早安各位
10:27 < evenrain> R2 還有座位 !! 講台旁邊有四個 !! (毆)
10:27 < in2> ijliao: 變態點在哪? @@
10:27 -!- jack_ [] has joined #coscup
10:27 <@bobchao> BillyHerrington: R2 有個原因是 Web 顯學吧
10:27 < opop> in2: 在直播看到妳嘍!!
10:27 -!- jack [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
10:27 < elvisFQ> R1 等等站去前面用手機拍會不會有點像變態
10:27 < BillyHerrington> 喔 謝謝
10:27 < DHXD> [R0]終於變暖和了點
10:27 < elvisFQ> AceLan: 快上
10:27 < cls_bsd> ijliao: 你是在試相機最遠可以拍多遠啊
10:28 < cls_bsd> 哦
10:28 < cls_bsd> in2: 快,揮手
10:28 < barneybook> WEB DEV真的大宗啊
10:28 <@bobchao> ijliao 根本坐在講者正後面 XD
10:28 < cls_bsd> in2: 我看到妳們兩個了
10:28 < linroex> R1爆滿XDD
10:28 -!- Elsvent [8c6d7ff4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:28 -!- king1223 [~aaa@] has joined #coscup
10:28 < in2> 真可怕 @@
10:28 < cls_bsd> 幹,換到主畫面了
10:28 -!- michael530 [~michael@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
10:28 < privism> 剛剛 dropbox 那張太糊了吧
10:28 < Noni_> 為什麼第零排有點變態!?
10:28 <@bobchao> (然後我坐在 ijliao 隔壁 XD)
10:28 -!- michael530 [~michael@] has joined #coscup
10:28 < cls_bsd> 換到桌面了
10:28 -!- ernest [] has joined #coscup
10:28 < kiang> 座位表: , R1, R2 就請大家幫忙了 XD
10:28 < janyeh> r2第一排地板也滿了
10:28 < DHXD> (扭)
10:28 < king1223> 剛剛看到小綠綠
10:28 -!- StarNight [~AndChat65@] has quit [Quit: Bye]
10:28 < CindyLinz> 剛剛 R0 畫面看到 Win8, 我眼睛痛了一下.. QQ
10:28 < Noni_> 噗~~~ 原來是 最近的搖滾區
10:29 < kuyuhisepa126> [R0]所以是要講什麼OAO?
10:29 < kuyuhisepa126> pixnet?
10:29 < opop> 交誼廳好想要插座啊 >o<
10:29 < DHXD> 超多和新架構及應用開發實例
10:29 -!- TobyOoO [] has joined #coscup
10:29 < smailc> R2第一排滿了耶 樓梯半滿 = =
10:29 < ernest> R2 有搖滾區了!!
10:29 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
10:29 < DHXD> *多核心
10:29 < kiang> R0 左前方出現小綠綠
10:29 < privism> 來 R0 吧
10:29 < elvisFQ> R1 正妹要上台了
10:29 < privism> 還有空位
10:29 -!- webbertsai [caa9a5ab@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
10:29 < maxwux> R1網襪正妹
10:29 < smailc> 應該說 地0排 搖滾區~
10:29 <@bobchao>
10:30 -!- mp607 [d24689d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:30 -!- XDOrz [~XDOrz@] has joined #coscup
10:30 < cls_bsd> bobchao++
10:30 < linroex> 全場一個XDD
10:30 < evenrain> R2 開始了
10:30 < TobyOoO> R2 要爆炸了
10:30 < kiang> bobchao++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
10:30 < king1223> R1樣開始了
10:30 < king1223> 要
10:30 < CindyLinz> opop: 買台 Panasonic 吧, 它附電池一大一小, 接手機 USB 3G 上網的時候還可以撐 12小時喔~~
10:30 < cls_bsd> 這後面那個是 ijliao ?
10:30 < Alen> R1 開場了
10:30 < DHXD> R0開始了
10:30 < in2> IMG_5790.JPG 看起來很可愛耶! 等等來去要拍照!!!
10:30 -!- XDD [~XDDDD@] has joined #coscup
10:30 < Alen> 正妹美女工程師
10:30 < RyanHo> bobchao++
10:30 -!- lw [] has joined #coscup
10:30 < cls_bsd> in2: ...
10:30 < YChao_> 主持人不要抖
10:30 < ygtw> R2開始了
10:30 < darkx> 少數正妹 compiler 開發人員XD
10:30 < BillyHerrington> 美女compiler
10:30 < Moonslight> 我要正面 > <
10:30 < orinx> >///<
10:31 < freetsubasa> 正妹>///<
10:31 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has joined #coscup
10:31 < smailc> 正面哩~~ 敲碗
10:31 <@bobchao> 正面應該記錄組會有
10:31 < Alen> 正妹表示: 我不好意思啦
10:31 < cls_bsd> R0 不錯啊
10:31 < DHXD> O3O
10:31 < kikiqqp>
10:31 < darkx> 聲音好舒服阿阿阿阿阿阿阿
10:31 < king1223> >///<
10:31 < kikiqqp> 阿 貼錯
10:31 < shadom> 正面+1
10:31 -!- linpuyan [] has joined #coscup
10:31 < Passerby_Yan> 正妹!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >////<
10:31 < SammyLin> 正面勒~
10:31 < elvisFQ> 坐太遠,拍不了啊啊啊
10:31 < TobyOoO> [R2] CodeRush!!!在西門町場看 Netscape 路片
10:31 <@bobchao> 正面也正啦 確定是正妹認證
10:31 -!- kuyuhisepa126 [~kevin0114@] has quit [Quit: kuyuhisepa126]
10:31 < cls_bsd> james sung, 真是song
10:31 < maxwux> 來R1果然是對的(握泉
10:31 < opop> CindyLinz: 主要是我昨天回家用電腦沒有插插座....XD
10:31 < Peter__> 正妹的mic太小聲了QQ
10:31 -!- webbertsai [78774d1d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:31 < king1223> 超正妹
10:31 < BillyHerrington> 連發科上次也是compiler ww
10:31 <@bobchao> Peter__: 應該單純是聲音小,現在還 ok嗎?
10:31 < Alen> R1 很多人在拍照.
10:31 -!- brucehsu [] has joined #coscup
10:31 < Moonslight> 正面~ > <
10:31 < in2> 求正面 QQ
10:31 -!- RIH [] has joined #coscup
10:31 < borting> 誰有抄下剛剛的 mail ~~~
10:31 -!- watsontsai [~watsontsa@2001:c08:1:164:66a7:69ff:fe9a:40f1] has joined #coscup
10:31 < Alen> 正妹有點小抖..
10:32 < king1223> 感覺不錯活潑XD
10:32 < Peter__> 第一頁有她email!!!
10:32 < Noni_> 圖~~~~
10:32 < webbertsai> 照片
10:32 < smailc> MILA ?
10:32 < maxwux> 講話太快了
10:32 < DHXD> 感覺 R1 已經變成鄉民包圍戰了(?
10:32 < Noni_> 圖
10:32 < Noni_> 緊張?
10:32 < borting> 沒有抄到 Q_Q
10:32 < AceLan> 什麼圖 我看不到圖
10:32 < smailc> mail ?
10:32 < kiang> 座位表: , R1 網襪正妹照片: ,開場了
10:32 <@bobchao> 正妹剛剛看我了 (暈)
10:32 < brucehsu> 編編編~
10:32 < sammyfung> email地址呢 ? XD
10:32 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has joined #coscup
10:32 < Noni_> 那個大大上去指導她
10:32 < darkx> >/////<
10:32 < Passerby_Yan> 正面呢? QQ
10:32 < cls_bsd> ...h
10:32 < cls_bsd> haha
10:32 < rocfatcat_NB> 可以link email嗎?
10:32 < lunastorm> [r0] 聽說r1講者是正妹
10:32 <@bobchao> lunastorm: XDDD
10:32 < Alen> 正妹表示: 這筆...好暗淡哦.
10:32 < cls_bsd> lunastorm: 我也聽到了
10:32 < jack_> ...XDD 網襪是講者嗎
10:33 < kito> yy
10:33 < grafu623> [r0] 講者也想去r1嗎?
10:33 < SammyLin> 慘了...我人在R2心在R1....
10:33 -!- Maligbi [6f5117e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:33 < AceLan> [r1] 我不知道 可以一對一教學一下嗎
10:33 < Peter__> jack_: yes
10:33 < DHXD> <_____>
10:33 < orinx> 在R1點開R1絲襪正妹照片感覺有點怪怪的XXD
10:33 -!- lith [caa9a3fc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:33 < ijliao> 他也從太基礎開始了吧 XD
10:33 < king1223> 這走道好長
10:33 < play> 發現宅色夫
10:33 -!- TATOBA_ [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
10:33 -!- TATOBA [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
10:33 -!- hugojay [] has joined #coscup
10:33 < darkx> [R1] 程式設計師的羞養(誤
10:33 -!- Francine [] has joined #coscup
10:33 < clkao> cls_bsd!
10:33 < Moonslight> R0講者說 : 聽說R1是正咩 很感謝大家留在這裡
10:33 <@bobchao> 剛剛休息時間 R2 講者跟我碰面的時候,說他已經去 R1 拍到照片了 (炸)
10:33 < cls_bsd> clkao: hi :D
10:33 < stanely> R1的正妹也在聯發科?
10:33 < darkx> Y
10:33 < king1223> Y
10:33 < Peter__> 發現宅色夫攜帶單眼XD
10:33 < Alen> Y
10:33 < Ruinland> wwwwwwwwwwwww
10:33 < Alen> wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
10:33 < rocfatcat_NB> Y
10:33 < freetsubasa> www
10:34 < coldsleep> wwwwww
10:34 < YChao_> wwwwwwwwwww
10:34 < jserv--> Peter__: 我帶了雙眼
10:34 -!- ReticenceSu2 [~Reticence@] has joined #coscup
10:34 < Noni_> 宅色夫出手了!
10:34 * jserv-- 看正妹講師中
10:34 < sammyfung> @SammyLin: 我也是 XDDD // 慘了...我人在R2心在R1....
10:34 -!- ReticenceSu [~Reticence@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
10:34 < YChao_> jserv--: ++
10:34 < BillyHerrington> 等等要招降去聯發科嗎?
10:34 < stanely> 有正面照嗎?
10:34 < Swl> wwww
10:34 < in2> 可惡, 來 pchome 一台單眼寄過來, 拍完下午退貨回去
10:34 < maxwux> 有正妹可以看,誰要看投影片
10:34 < DHXD> WTFLOL
10:34 < jserv--> [R1] GNU gold linker
10:34 < rocfatcat_NB> 明年找聯發科贊助?
10:34 < Alen> 可以交履歷表了嗎
10:34 < Albert_> 直播r1啦w
10:34 -!- mp607 [d24689d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:34 -!- kkw [] has joined #coscup
10:34 < smailc> 圖阿~或直播
10:34 -!- Zhusee [] has joined #coscup
10:34 < lunastorm> 只好等影片了(淚)
10:34 -!- linpuyan [] has quit [Client Quit]
10:34 < SammyLin> @sammydung 原來Sammy大哥也是性情中人~
10:34 < Alen> 正妹愈來愈抖了...
10:34 < DHXD> 有人手機有裝 Justin 嗎(誤
10:35 -!- yspan [~AndChat29@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:35 < Passerby_Yan> 直播直播直播
10:35 -!- mobomoga [] has joined #coscup
10:35 * jserv-- 直接去查 MTK 內部網頁 :P
10:35 -!- hashman [~hashman@] has joined #coscup
10:35 < freetsubasa> 正妹不要緊張>////<
10:35 < elvisFQ> G+ hangout 可以直播啊
10:35 < Moonslight> 等等11點直接衝進R1
10:35 < kiang> 正妹需要幫忙嗎? R0 可以過去支援 XD
10:35 < Alen> 是太多宅男一直盯著他的關係嗎
10:35 < shadom> R1 有Live
10:35 < darkx> 求圖
10:35 < shadom> ?
10:35 -!- linpuyan [] has joined #coscup
10:35 < elvisFQ> 不過坐太遠了 真的拍不到什麼
10:35 < in2> jserv--: 你現在在 mtk ?
10:35 <@bobchao> 現在在螢幕上打「別緊張」秀給正妹看,應該好感度會上升
10:35 -!- puyan [] has joined #coscup
10:35 < darkx> 很大一包的東西 >///<
10:35 < ijliao> 冷氣開太強了, 正妹穿太單薄
10:35 < sammyfung> 可是還沒看到圖, 仍在下載中....
10:35 < Peter__> 正妹:有一包很大包的東西>///<
10:35 < Francine> 正妹講師越來越緊張了ㄟ~~~~
10:35 < king1223> 關切的眼神(?
10:35 < jserv--> [R1] 正妹講者提到 linker 會科科笑耶
10:35 -!- BARNEYB3 [] has joined #coscup
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10:35 < cyt93cs_> ijliao: 要上去遞外套嗎?
10:35 < jserv--> in2: 算是,顧問工作
10:35 -!- pworker_ [72885999@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:35 <@bobchao> jserv--: 好感度上升的任務就交給你了
10:35 -!- barneybook [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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10:35 < hlb> ... 雖然我在 R2, 不過可以求一下 R1 的圖嗎...
10:36 < FourDollars> [r0] tile = processor + cache
10:36 < AceLan> [r1] ubuntu 有 gold linker 耶 binutils-gold - GNU gold linker utility
10:36 -!- Fin [d247fb09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:36 < Noni_> R1 很愛 "linker"
10:36 < in2> ... 雖然我在 R2, 不過可以求一下 R1 的圖嗎... >_<
10:36 -!- kuyuhisepa126 [~kevin0114@] has joined #coscup
10:36 < evenrain> [R2] 跪求 R1 正妹圖 (誤)
10:36 < Moonslight> 直播有嘛??
10:36 < kiang> 雖然我在 R0, 不過可以求一下 R1 的圖嗎... >_<
10:36 < ijliao> cyt93cs_: 我只能抱緊^
10:36 < in2> 不對, 我明明就是在 R0 Orz
10:36 -!- kkw_ [] has joined #coscup
10:36 < Alen> 正妹在看我耶...(羞
10:36 <@bobchao> ijliao: 去吧
10:36 < CindyLinz> in2: 你色暈了.....||
10:36 < ijliao> 報警處理
10:36 * jserv-- 昨天在 R1 硬很久,今天看很舒服
10:36 < Passerby_Yan> 雖然我在 家, 不過可以求一下 R1 的圖嗎... >_<
10:37 < jserv--> 這次真不錯
10:37 < Francine> 演講還不忘摸頭髮~~~(迷倒)
10:37 < kiang> 座位表: , R1 網襪正妹照片: ,發現所有焦點都在 R1 XD
10:37 * darkx 是慣 C ...
10:37 < jserv--> [R1] 正妹講者提到 C++ 再次微笑
10:37 <@bobchao> 他講話真的好快
10:37 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
10:37 < shadom> 有沒有正面的圖?
10:37 < elvisFQ> 人肉一下找不到圖 @_@
10:37 < maxwux> jserv--: 他是看到我才微笑
10:38 < king1223> wwww
10:38 < kuyuhisepa126> - -
10:38 < zx1986> [R2] 跪求 R1 圖 +1
10:38 < jserv--> 不愧是強者我同事
10:38 < DHXD> 這邊已經變 R1 講者動作實況了嗎OTL
10:38 < Francine> 噗
10:38 < elvisFQ> yes XD
10:38 -!- ihower [~ihower@] has joined #coscup
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10:38 -!- SamWu [~samwu@] has joined #coscup
10:38 < ecilA> R1文字實況區
10:38 < Alen> 正妹蓮花指耶..
10:38 < maxwux> 減減HELP
10:38 <@bobchao> R1 開始坐地板了
10:38 -!- TATOBA_ [] has joined #coscup
10:38 -!- TATOBA__ [] has joined #coscup
10:38 < DHXD> 人肉 Motion Sensors(?
10:38 <@bobchao> 發現 jserv-- 就坐在我旁邊的階梯上 XD
10:38 < hSATAC> 有沒有 R1 正面照片啊
10:38 < Francine> XDDDD
10:39 < alicekey> 正面+1
10:39 < maxwux> 沒人敢拍(笑
10:39 < stanely> 宅色夫出動
10:39 < Moonslight> R1的哪位大大能拍一下阿 ??
10:39 < Alen> 正面一直在R1的宅宅前面
10:39 -!- either [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
10:39 < shadom> Alen 夠近可以來一張正面嗎
10:39 -!- shawnwang [~shawn@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
10:39 < Moonslight> 可惡 > <
10:39 < DHXD> 萬人響應,一人拍照(?)
10:39 < opop> 可以這樣一直說都不放圖嗎 (怒
10:39 -!- shadowcrow_ [~shadowcro@] has quit [Quit: Bye]
10:39 < Ruinland> 正面!!((敲碗
10:40 -!- MouseMs [8c6d7ff4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:40 < kiang> 正面!!((敲碗
10:40 < hSATAC> 偽裝成紀錄組的就可以光明正大拍照了啊
10:40 < ArvinWu> 跪求R1轉播啦
10:40 -!- BardicheZ__ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
10:40 < Alen> shadom 我太遠了,沒單眼,只有雙眼...
10:40 < webbertsai> 正面!!
10:40 < Passerby_Yan> 正面!!((敲碗
10:40 < orinx> 嗚嗚 有點背光看不清楚
10:40 < freetsubasa> 離前面好遠QQ
10:40 < kiang> 請記錄組以單眼相機支援 R1
10:40 < FourDollars> [r0] TILE system software stack
10:40 < dannvix> Dojo 很難用...
10:40 < Ruinland> 四元大也在r0 !?
10:40 < Peter__> count_徵才吸引力(mtk_正妹)>>>>>>>>> count_徵才吸引力(廣達)
10:40 -!- Kevin-WY [~Kevin-WY@2001:c08:1:164:211:24ff:fec7:4674] has joined #coscup
10:40 <@bobchao> 科科吊大家一下胃口
10:40 < in2> 用手機拍也好啊 QQ
10:40 < Francine> 沒單眼,只有雙眼…+1 XD
10:41 < ygtw> [R2] 傳未來 平行運算
10:41 < FourDollars> yes
10:41 < Moonslight> 不能拍 請用雙手素描一下 (( 誤
10:41 < kiang> bobchao++
10:41 < elvisFQ> bobchao++
10:41 < jserv--> <-- 下次把強者我同事的照片放到 pretty Toolchain 好了
10:41 < Alen> bobchao ++
10:41 < darkx> bobchao++
10:41 < smailc> bobchao ++
10:41 < AceLan> bobchao++
10:41 < Passerby_Yan> 感謝 @bobchao 大大
10:41 < orinx> bobchao++
10:41 < sammyfung> 這節完結前,我要暫變回某記者身份。 :p
10:41 <@bobchao> 明明剛剛就很多人拍,真是不 open 的會眾 (擺手)
10:41 < jserv--> Toolchain 中自有顏如玉
10:41 < webbertsai> bobchao ++
10:41 < darkx> jserv-- 太過分了!!!!!
10:41 -!- rsghost [dd780237@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:41 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:41 -!- BardicheZ__ is now known as BardicheZ_
10:41 < SammyLin> 我已經忘記R1在講哪個topic...
10:41 < stanely> jserv-- 好樣的圖啊.
10:41 < Alen> darkx ++
10:42 < KiraYao> jserv............A___A
10:42 < cyt93cs_> jserv++
10:42 < kiang> 我連 R0 在講什麼都忘記了 XD
10:42 -!- grafu623 [~grapefrui@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
10:42 < king1223> bobchao++
10:42 < ijliao> jserv++
10:42 * in2 來報名參加明年 coscup 的攝影組好了 *誤*
10:42 < freetsubasa> T^T
10:42 < Ruinland> darkx Great Job!!!!
10:42 -!- doremi [6f51d89a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:42 < smailc> jserv++
10:42 < ReticenceSu2> R2好安靜
10:42 < elvisFQ> 色影組
10:42 < Ruinland> Jserv++
10:42 < DHXD> 要求照片 Open source(?)
10:42 < king1223> _A_
10:42 < kordan> 換成小寫gcc,就可以補上 mclinker 了!
10:42 < darkx> 色影組w
10:42 < Ruinland> 色影師XD
10:42 -!- BeataLin [caa9a578@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:42 < Alen> 明年一定要把雙眼換單眼....(誤
10:42 < Zhusee> R1 也太正
10:42 < kuyuhisepa126> R2 OAO"
10:42 -!- peterlee [2a49ee6a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:42 < Ruinland> R1看起來好猛
10:42 < UncleHandsome> [R0] multicore development environment
10:43 < kiang> 座位表: , R1 網襪正妹照片: ,
10:43 -!- TATOBA__ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
10:43 < grassboy> r2 坐地板中…可以黑暗兵法請大家都去R1嗎QQ
10:43 -!- chesterlintw [2a47b575@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:43 < Alen> 很好奇,有人會去點上面的座位表嗎...
10:43 < FourDollars> [r0] MDE - Multicore Development Environment
10:43 <@bobchao> grassboy: 你沒發現我很努力嗎 用心良苦啊 (煙)
10:43 < Moonslight> 我人在R0 但注意力都在電腦螢幕上.......
10:43 < in2> 可愛!!
10:43 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has quit [Quit: Bye]
10:43 -!- AndChat|59136 [~AndChat59@] has joined #coscup
10:43 -!- TATOBA_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
10:43 < stanely> [r0] 已經聽到很多人都用eclipse改自家的IDE
10:43 * jserv-- 沒辦法集中精神看 slides
10:43 -!- TATOBA [] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
10:43 -!- grafu623 [~grapefrui@] has joined #coscup
10:43 < lunastorm> 應該是寫eclipse plugin吧
10:43 -!- killtw [caa9ad53@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
10:43 < kiang> @Alen, 就等你點啦 ;)
10:43 < Alen> 正妹表示,歡迎大家來告訴我們
10:44 < in2> jserv--: 你醒醒啊醒醒啊 *搖晃*
10:44 < AndChat|59136> 哈哈
10:44 < Ruinland> in2:XDD
10:44 < stanely> 以後應該把投影畫面開PIP...把講師也用camera擺上去..
10:44 -!- killtw [caa9ad53@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:44 <@bobchao> 其實他講得蠻順的耶 不知道自己練過幾次 XD
10:44 < Peter__> 正妹:如果有人知道BSD variant archive在哪裡會用到,歡迎來告訴我們(微笑)
10:44 < stanely> 大家可以專注在畫面上
10:44 < Alen> kiang : 我只點正妹照..
10:44 < UncleHandsome> [r0] tilera 自己的library ((感覺廣達野心不小?
10:44 < jserv--> [R1] object linkage 要注意順序
10:44 -!- AndChat|59136 [~AndChat59@] has quit [Client Quit]
10:44 < kiang> @Alen, 這樣就不對了,我們應該運用座位表去發掘更多正妹的,我坐太前面了...
10:45 < hSATAC> 我從國際會議廳 中段網下看 大概有一半以上電腦螢幕都是R1正妹照片
10:45 < freetsubasa> XDDD
10:45 <@bobchao> XD
10:45 < orinx> XXXXXXXXXXXXD
10:45 < kiang> XD
10:45 < Passerby_Yan> XDDDDD
10:45 < smailc> XD
10:45 < webbertsai> XDD
10:45 < SammyLin> XDDDD
10:45 < FourDollars> XD
10:45 < Alen> kiang : 有道理
10:45 -!- jereme [] has joined #coscup
10:45 < king1223> XDDDDDDDDDD
10:45 -!- dca- [] has joined #coscup
10:45 < DHXD> 有嗎 我R0看下去大家都在IRC XD
10:45 < hlb> XD
10:45 < vrootic> XDDDD
10:45 < jserv--> [R1] -z relro => read-only relocation
10:45 < yungyuc> 咦?
10:45 < imKojima> XDDDDDDDDDD
10:45 < kuyuhisepa126> XXXD
10:45 < Alen> XDD
10:45 < ReticenceSu2> 現在大家都中毒了嗎???
10:45 < carlcarl> XDDD
10:45 < elvisFQ> relro 唸起來好有趣
10:45 < Francine> 我覺得一樣都是講下指令,正妹講師講得友善多了~~(大心)
10:45 < ReticenceSu2> XDDD
10:45 < SammyLin> (馬上切換畫面~~)
10:45 < jserv--> 正妹唸 relocation 就是不一樣
10:45 < locy69> R2 還有走道嗎?
10:45 < Albert_> <<irc (正直!)
10:45 -!- hashman [~hashman@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
10:45 -!- scott___ [8c707cc4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:46 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has joined #coscup
10:46 < Ruinland> r0感覺其實還不賴......
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10:46 < cls_bsd> 是不錯
10:46 < DHXD> 可是講者不是正妹 所以QQ
10:46 < stanely> 上層講者...算是他老闆
10:46 < kiang> R0 講題不錯,但是 R1 吸走了注意力 XD
10:46 < Alen> 為什麼從前K的很辛苦的 linker 現在由正妹工程師講出來好輕鬆...
10:46 <@bobchao> 稍微把打臉的困境拉回了一點
10:46 < darkx> Alen++
10:46 < Francine> Alen++
10:46 < Alen> 有種辛福的感覺
10:46 < ijliao> 現在已經沒人管內容了
10:46 <@bobchao> Alen: 正妹定律
10:46 < Peter__> Alen++
10:46 < KiraYao> 去年也是這樣吧
10:46 < elvisFQ> R1 現在應該快點想問題問妹啊!
10:47 < jserv--> Alen: MTK 的 LLVM engineer 職缺還有
10:47 -!- peterlee [2a49ee6a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:47 < rocfatcat_NB> Alen++
10:47 <@bobchao> elvisFQ: !!
10:47 < DHXD> [R0] Parallel Programming
10:47 -!- momizi [] has joined #coscup
10:47 < ijliao> 60% 交朋友啊各位
10:47 < BillyHerrington> 這個主題和內容換別人講肯定zzz
10:47 < KiraYao> keynote很囧 進topic還不錯
10:47 < Francine> 好希望正妹講師是帶我的前輩啊~~~!!!!
10:47 < jserv--> 自幹 toolchain 的女生最美麗
10:47 < kiang> 開始徵求可以在 R1 發問的問題 XD
10:47 < SamWu> R2走道滿了orz
10:47 < Ruinland> Jserv++
10:47 < Alen> 馬上寄履歷表..可以坐正妹工程師旁邊嗎..
10:47 < sammyfung> R2 講題也不錯,但是 R1 吸走了注意力 XD
10:47 < stanely> MTK LLVM工程的缺開很久了
10:47 < michael520> R1的正妹講者 我在講者晚宴跟她聊過天了。
10:47 < carlcarl> [R2] 沒用過when
10:47 < in2> 等下第一個問題會是 "有男朋友嗎" 然後被回答 "已婚" 了嗎 XD
10:47 < jserv--> kiang: 你可以問:為何 MCLinker 不支持 GNU ld script
10:47 < ijliao> 我要回去辦內轉了...
10:48 < kiang> @michael520, 所以可以提供電話嗎?
10:48 < Moonslight> R1問題 1. 請問妳的手機號碼 ??
10:48 < kiang> @ jserv--, 感恩,但是我在 R0 XD
10:48 < Francine> 直接要FB!!
10:48 < cclien> ijliao++; # 內轉
10:48 < DHXD> 講者:0800092000
10:48 < DHXD> (?)
10:48 -!- peterlee [2a49ee6a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:48 < ijliao> 沒經驗可以去了再學 compiler 嗎...
10:48 < jserv--> kiang: 以及:既然是 MTK 支持的 open source 計畫,為何 MCLinker 裡面的 email 都是 而非 ?
10:48 <@bobchao> XD
10:48 < play> ++
10:48 < kuyuhisepa126> 空巴控控
10:48 < Noni_> 打過去是空號a
10:48 * jserv-- 不敢問上面那個問題
10:48 -!- yspan [~AndChat29@] has joined #coscup
10:48 < michael520> 大家可以在她的簡報上的email加入臉書啊 ~ 嘿嘿
10:48 -!- albb [] has joined #coscup
10:48 < DHXD> 打過去會有人關心你的坐骨神經痛(?
10:49 < kiang> @jserv--, 衝了吧 XD
10:49 < jserv--> [R1] 我們種 MCLinker
10:49 < play> 對
10:49 < YChao_> 對不對...
10:49 < king1223> 新竹碼農0.0
10:49 < maxwux> 什麼是linker
10:49 <@bobchao> 哇有新竹碼農廣告 (所以等下會在碼農攤位看到她嗎?)
10:49 -!- Stallman_ [8c737ef0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:49 < Elsvent> 對不對對不對 XD
10:49 < Peter__> 正妹:對不對,對不對>////<
10:49 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has quit [Client Quit]
10:49 < jserv--> 什麼是 Linker?就是能連接宅男與正妹的機制
10:49 < Alen> 正妹連問個對不對都能是個梗..
10:49 < freetsubasa> 對不對 對不對 >//<
10:49 -!- TNTshop [3b7ef9b6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:49 < stanely> 公司支援的open source計劃很少會open mind把成果灌回去社群
10:49 < imKojima> 10:47 < jserv--> 什麼是 Linker?就是能連接宅男與正妹的機制 XDDDD
10:49 < Swl> [Unconference] session done. XD
10:49 < ReticenceSu2> R1好熱鬧喔!!!
10:50 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has joined #coscup
10:50 < AceLan> 新竹碼農的 mark 耶
10:50 < sammyfung> 明年大會網頁和handbook的講者介紹需要加講者照片 XDDD
10:50 < jserv--> stanely: MTK 作 MCLinker 基本上直接提交給 Android Open Source Project
10:50 < Swl> 我想去r1了w
10:50 < darkx> 正妹跟宅宅要 link 起來!
10:50 < AceLan> 所以這是新竹碼農 還是 mtk 的 project 啊?
10:50 -!- hashman [~hashman@] has joined #coscup
10:50 < jserv--> stanely: 但是不容易看出是 MTK 正式支持的計畫
10:50 < stanely> jser--: 瞭解
10:50 < Francine> linker 新解~XD 連接正妹工程師和宅宅工程師用的
10:50 < Moonslight> 請給正咩的email
10:50 < jserv--> 搜尋 很少見
10:50 < stanely> 敞公司真的要檢討了
10:50 < jserv--> diana.chen@ <- 記得是這樣
10:51 < jserv--> MediaTek !
10:51 < kuyuhisepa126> [R2]HTC 鈴聲出沒
10:51 < stanely> 汗顏.......
10:51 -!- yiling_ [~chatzilla@2001:c08:1:164:5047:2219:62a6:c29a] has joined #coscup
10:51 < BARNEYB3> R1下一場也是妹?
10:51 < kiang> [Unconference]議題建議: 網襪正妹為什麼可以吸引大家注意
10:51 < Alen> Diana Chen <-- 講者
10:51 < maxwux> [R1]Diana Chen
10:51 <@bobchao> BARNEYB3: R1 下一場是男生喔 XDD
10:51 < sanyuan> 有咩啊?
10:51 < BillyHerrington> DIana chain
10:51 < Moonslight> <kiang> [Unconference]議題建議: 網襪正妹為什麼可以吸引大家注意 ++
10:51 < Alen> 三個人做 MCLinker?
10:51 <@bobchao> R1 下一場是 kanru_
10:51 -!- user123456 [~user@] has joined #coscup
10:51 < AceLan> ras46.ccu!!! ccu 耶
10:52 < jserv--> [R1] 這一頁根本就是我的同事 + 前同事清單 XD
10:52 < Alen> 真的是有正妹的團隊是無敵的.
10:52 < brucehsu> CCU++ XD
10:52 < cyt93cs_> elvisFQ: 趕快複習一下 compiler, 去投 MTK
10:52 <@bobchao> XD
10:52 < darkx> !!
10:52 < DHXD> R0現在好數學
10:52 < UncleHandsome> [r0] amdahl's law
10:52 < Ruinland> <kiang> [Unconference]議題建議: 網襪正妹為什麼可以吸引大家注意 ++
10:52 < kiang> diana.chen google 到這個
10:52 < sammyfung> R0還有沒有空位子 ?
10:52 < Ruinland> 很空
10:52 < Albert_> r0很空
10:52 < DHXD> R0還很多空位
10:52 < cclien> sammyfung: 有
10:52 < cclien> sammyfung: 仲有好多
10:52 < DHXD> 放眼望去就很多位置(茶
10:52 < Moonslight> <jserv--> : 你給的FB搜不到ㄟ......
10:53 -!- yiling_ [~chatzilla@2001:c08:1:164:5047:2219:62a6:c29a] has left #coscup []
10:53 -!- nansenat16 [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
10:53 < cclien> jserv--: 要告白了嗎
10:53 < sammyfung> 謝謝
10:53 < jserv--> [R1] 正妹講師:「不同的長相」,看吧,用法完全不同
10:53 -!- TigerHuang [~tiger@] has joined #coscup
10:53 -!- barneybook [] has joined #coscup
10:53 < Alen> 告白+1
10:53 -!- BARNEYB3 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
10:53 < Alen> 在一起在一起...
10:53 < jserv--> 要是宅男工程師,就會說:「幹,不同手機就會遇到不同問題,很麻煩」
10:53 -!- barneybook [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
10:53 < brucehsu> @jserv: XDDDDDDD
10:53 < kiang> @jserv--, @網襪正妹 :在一起~在一起~在一起~
10:53 < Ruinland> XD
10:53 -!- luse [df8a622b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:54 < lunastorm> jserv++
10:54 < jserv--> luse: yo!
10:54 < hlb> 嗯... 剛剛的問題顯然獲得了回答
10:54 -!- lin4h [01c89b37@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:54 < Alen> 因為GPL的關係
10:54 < hlb> 廠商演講可以,請派正妹......
10:54 -!- phtseng [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:100a:4c90:ac30:6b12] has joined #coscup
10:54 < kiang> ++(10:54:15 AM) hlb: 廠商演講可以,請派正妹
10:54 < Custom> hlb++
10:54 < Alen> hlb+++++++++++++++++++++
10:54 <@bobchao> 說得也是!
10:54 < SammyLin> hlb++++++++++++++++++++++++++
10:54 -!- barneybook [] has joined #coscup
10:54 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
10:54 < hlb> 啊靠,兩句話應該連在一起的,不然會被斷章取義
10:54 < smailc> hlb+++
10:54 -!- weijr [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
10:54 < DennyHuang> 下午jserv場的主持人就是r1正妹講師喔!!
10:54 < in2> 所以說等下 pixnet 的場可以改派 show girl 上台嗎?
10:55 < darkx> mail 是哪一個阿 o_O
10:55 * in2 *光速逃*
10:55 < hlb> 大家果然是阿宅
10:55 < Moonslight> 那是穿網襪 還是 迷你裙??
10:55 < kuyuhisepa126> 阿宅= ="
10:55 < kiang> 網襪+迷你裙
10:55 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has joined #coscup
10:55 < evenrain> [R2] QA
10:55 -!- lw [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
10:55 < smailc> R2 QA了
10:55 < janyeh> 中午12:00在r1也有正妹講師... 講Jenkins
10:56 < kiang> R0 說來不及了,我也覺得...
10:56 -!- either [] has joined #coscup
10:56 -!- BeataLin [caa9a578@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:56 -!- oberon [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:56 < SammyLin> 什麼! R1 QA了... 我幾乎沒有注意聽.... (一直在注意irc 的 R1 實況 = = )
10:56 -!- chenjenping [~parallels@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
10:56 < kiang> @janyeh, Jenkins 是好東西
10:56 -!- linroex [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
10:56 < janyeh> 對啊~ 我也沒注意上課
10:56 < jserv--> [R1] 正妹:「比較不好玩的部份」 / 宅男:「沒關係,只要你講,什麼都有趣」
10:56 < janyeh> 一直在等照片
10:56 < Peter__> 正妹:一堆奇奇怪怪的東西^.<
10:56 < kiang> ++等照片
10:56 < Moonslight> R0講師表示 :我沒時間了 !
10:56 -!- swind__ [~swind@2001:c08:1:164:1dc4:1e94:c4c1:22c] has joined #coscup
10:57 -!- AndChat|59136 [~AndChat59@] has joined #coscup
10:57 < Ruinland> Live demo不給力@@
10:57 < evenrain> [R2] 主持人問八卦中
10:57 < Alen> 正妹不管說什麼題目都很好聽...
10:57 < ReticenceSu2> 哈哈
10:57 < cls_bsd> R0講師表示 :我沒時間了 我還要趕去 R1
10:57 < Ruinland> XDDDDDDDDD
10:57 -!- TNTshop_ [3b7ef9b6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
10:57 < darkgerm> [R2] 我還以為主持人會問 R1 >//<
10:57 < orinx> XXXXXXXXXXD
10:57 < freetsubasa> XD
10:57 < mabinogi80503> [R0] 我快沒時間了!! 他還在給我慢慢跑
10:57 < janyeh> @Alen: 正妹不管說什麼都很好聽...
10:57 < Alen> R0 講師中肯
10:57 < SammyLin> [R2] 其實我比較想要聽 R1 講師的八卦~
10:57 < jserv--> [R1] Normalization
10:57 < SamWu> XD
10:57 < Elsvent> XDDDDDDDD
10:57 < jserv--> [R1] Symboal Resolution 最重要的過程
10:57 <@bobchao> R1 看起來也可能會講不完 :/
10:57 < barneybook> 應該要R2主持人去問R1講者
10:58 < ReticenceSu2> (R2) 你認識R1的講師嗎???
10:58 < hlb> 「他們那邊太賣力,我們這邊就沒事作」
10:58 < smailc> XDD
10:58 < TobyOoO> XDD
10:58 < darkgerm> R2 End
10:58 < elvisFQ> 可能沒有 Q/A 了 @@?
10:58 -!- AndChat-59136 [~AndChat59@] has joined #coscup
10:58 <@bobchao> 內容放太多
10:58 < jserv--> [R1] layout - section merge, reordering, adjust virtual address
10:58 < ReticenceSu2> 這個伸懶腰也太好笑
10:58 -!- ihower [~ihower@] has quit [Quit: ihower]
10:58 -!- ijliao [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
10:58 < evenrain> [R2] End
10:58 < YChao_> 感覺會講不完
10:58 < cclien> [R0] 讓我想到PS3 programming
10:58 -!- sammyfung [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
10:58 -!- RIH [] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
10:58 < kiang> [R0]出現方程式 (開始專心一下)
10:58 < jserv--> [R1] Relocation (喔,發音好好聽) - reference 位址修正
10:59 -!- sealholic [~Adium@] has joined #coscup
10:59 < SammyLin> [R2] 謝謝大家在irc 注意R1的實況~~
10:59 < yungyuc> 感覺和 cell 有點像
10:59 < smailc> 大風吹了
10:59 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@2001:c08:1:164:f4ba:261:a96a:4733] has quit [Quit: sonyu]
10:59 -!- Noni_ [2a40f8ac@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
10:59 < elvisFQ> android JB!
10:59 < darkx> R1 感覺快結束了
10:59 < cychao> R2的人往R1進攻了
10:59 <@bobchao> 喔?會講得完耶 看起來
10:59 -!- AndChat|59136 [~AndChat59@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
10:59 -!- TATOBA [] has joined #coscup
10:59 -!- YYz [~YYz@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
10:59 < jserv--> mclinker$ git log | grep Diana | uniq
10:59 < jserv--> Author: Diana Chen <>
10:59 < jserv--> --
10:59 < kiang> [R0]還有一分鐘
10:59 < webbertsai> [R0]剩下一分鐘
10:59 < Alen> APSO frameworks/compile/mclinker
10:59 < Francine> 我決定要利用女孩子的特權去換正妹講師的名片!!!
10:59 <@bobchao> jserv-- ++
10:59 < elvisFQ> jserv--: ++ 手邊沒有 AOSP src code, 慢了
10:59 < lunastorm> r0 快攻了
10:59 < DHXD> 要被拔插頭了(誤
10:59 < Moonslight> 以後正咩請排在R0 才能造福最多人群
10:59 -!- grafu623 [~grapefrui@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
10:59 < KiraYao> [R]獎不完拉
10:59 -!- HrJ [~hrj@] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
10:59 < jserv--> [R1] Android 4.1 內建 MCLinker,位於 frameworks/compile/mclinker
10:59 < janyeh> 還有餐券的消息嗎?
11:00 < yungyuc> Moonslight++
11:00 -!- darkland [~darkland@] has joined #coscup
11:00 < barneybook> R2有人走有人出現
11:00 < YChao_> jserv-- ++
11:00 -!- ken___ [~kuanying@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:00 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
11:00 < lunastorm> r0 正妹先決++
11:00 < jserv--> $ git log | grep Diana | wc -l
11:00 < KiraYao> 廣告時間
11:00 < jserv--> 249
11:00 < kiang> @Francine ++
11:00 < Sars> 中間應該留五分鐘大風吹和各場講者緩衝 @@
11:00 < king1223> google code 0.0
11:00 < darkgerm> R2 start
11:00 < jserv--> 強者正妹有 249 commits
11:00 -!- hashman [~hashman@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:00 < darkx> <(_ _)>
11:00 -!- luse [df8a622b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:00 < evenrain> [R2] start
11:00 < barneybook> R2開始
11:00 < Francine> 好強
11:00 < DHXD> [R0]End
11:00 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
11:00 -!- ijliao [] has joined #coscup
11:00 < elvisFQ> R1 正妹竟然沒有 G+
11:00 <@bobchao> 「Google MCLink...」(微笑)
11:00 < borting> R1 湧入了大量人潮 ...
11:00 < kiang> [R0] 鼓掌了
11:00 < jserv--> [R1] Always Open, Open For You!
11:00 < orinx> Q&A!!
11:00 < Alen> google 可以找到 正妹工程師的連絡方式嗎
11:00 < darkx> QAQ
11:00 -!- albb [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:00 -!- Jerome_ [~Jerome@] has joined #coscup
11:00 < grassboy> R2還是沒位置啊…反而更爆滿了0rz
11:00 < darkx> R1 QA
11:01 < evenrain> [R2] 原本以為可以講50分鐘
11:01 < freetsubasa> [R1] QA
11:01 < hSATAC> 換場地! mosh 不斷線!
11:01 -!- linroex [] has joined #coscup
11:01 < cclien> Alen: 去問他就好了啊
11:01 < jserv--> [R1] 提問者遇到正妹講者,說話不清
11:01 -!- kordan [~kordan@] has quit [Quit: kordan]
11:01 < BillyHerrington> 沒問電話FB呀
11:01 < king1223> 只有一個題QAQ
11:01 <@bobchao> 主持人問大家大家有沒有問題時,大家都笑了! XD
11:01 < darkx> mosh 好用
11:01 < DHXD> [R0]Win a Kindle Fire
11:01 < cyrandy> 伸R2網址 XD
11:01 -!- hrj [~hrj@] has joined #coscup
11:01 < AndChat-59136> 怎麼不是要電話
11:01 < imKojima>
11:01 < jeremy5189> [R2} slides:
11:01 < Zhusee> [R2] 應該要直接跳高階技巧啊XDrz
11:01 < jserv--> [R1] Q: LD vs. MCLinker
11:01 < zx1986> 感謝網址
11:01 -!- AndChat-59136 [~AndChat59@] has quit [Client Quit]
11:01 < zx1986> [R2] 感謝網址
11:01 < Moonslight> R0 over ! !
11:02 < jserv--> [R1] MCLinker 實做 fragment base linkage,能作更多優化
11:02 -!- oberon [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #coscup []
11:02 < jeffhung> responsive design 擺放的位置... XD
11:02 < DHXD> R0 正式結束
11:02 < KiraYao> [R0] Done.
11:02 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has joined #coscup
11:02 < darkgerm> 感謝網址~ 剛剛手太慢沒抄到的誽
11:02 < KiraYao> 換RonnyWang
11:02 < DHXD> [R0] Pixnet preparing
11:02 < dannvix> [R2] 投影片的梗前兩天都被雷過了 ><
11:02 < KiraYao> Python+Heroku
11:02 < barneybook> 感謝往指
11:02 < jserv--> [R1] Q: 可以再講一次嗎?
11:02 < kiang> [R0]聽說這是一個密技
11:02 < AceLan> jserv--++
11:02 -!- RIH [] has joined #coscup
11:02 < freetsubasa> [r1] done
11:02 < KiraYao> 講錯
11:02 < KiraYao> PHP
11:02 -!- tony412 [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:02 -!- jack_ [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
11:02 < kiang> [R0]人潮往 R1 移動中
11:02 -!- tyc99u [] has joined #coscup
11:02 < Yanyiyi> [r2]
11:02 -!- swind__ [~swind@2001:c08:1:164:1dc4:1e94:c4c1:22c] has quit [Quit: swind__]
11:02 < jserv--> 看吧,Toolchain 這麼有趣
11:02 -!- peterlee [2a49ee6a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:02 -!- Maligbi [6f5117e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:03 -!- jack [] has joined #coscup
11:03 < DHXD> R1感覺好像不錯?
11:03 -!- ccc-larc [~ccc-larc@] has quit [Quit: ccc-larc]
11:03 < jserv--> 大學的 Compiler 課程竟然變選修
11:03 < darkx> jimmy 不是隔壁棚的嗎@@
11:03 <@bobchao> 廣播:找 Jimmy Lai 去 R0 報到喔
11:03 < maxwux> emac!!!!
11:03 -!- KiraYao [~elegant_p@] has left #coscup []
11:03 < maxwux> emacs!!!
11:03 < kcwu> R2 有位子嗎?
11:03 -!- phtseng [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:100a:4c90:ac30:6b12] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
11:03 < king1223> jserv: 真假?!
11:03 < darkgerm> [R2] bootstrap 讓那些 CSS 大神都要哭了
11:03 -!- TATOBA__ [] has joined #coscup
11:03 -!- TATOBA_ [] has joined #coscup
11:03 -!- janyeh [~janyeh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:03 < Moonslight> R0開始了
11:03 < DHXD> R1還有位置嗎?
11:03 < hlb> 「工程師一個晚上」
11:03 -!- ygtw [ygtw@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
11:03 < coldturnip> (實況只有 R0 有 orz)R1 slide 有上線嗎?
11:03 < evenrain> R2 滿了
11:03 -!- janyeh [~janyeh@] has joined #coscup
11:03 <@bobchao> 正妹剛剛說名片用完了
11:03 < Andox> R0 ronny剛開始
11:03 < hlb> # 為什麼工程師都是晚上
11:03 -!- kuyuhisepa126 [~kevin0114@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
11:03 -!- threesecond [caa9a625@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:03 -!- Guest57153 [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:03 < darkx> 神的編輯器
11:03 < SamWu> R2爆滿
11:03 -!- sunpoet [] has joined #coscup
11:03 -!- BeataLin [~BeataLin@] has joined #coscup
11:04 < YChao_> Emacs rules...
11:04 < cyt93cs_> R1 好滿
11:04 < brucehsu> [R1] start
11:04 -!- ihower [~ihower@] has joined #coscup
11:04 < DHXD> Heroku=喝噢庫(?
11:04 < rocfatcat_NB> Emacs 魂..!!!
11:04 -!- AndChat|380436 [~watsontsa@2001:c08:1:164:66a7:69ff:fe9a:40f1] has joined #coscup
11:04 -!- TNTshop [~nemu_@] has joined #coscup
11:04 < king1223> R1後面好多人
11:04 -!- coldsleep [~coldsleep@2001:c08:1:164:582e:30c0:e92e:23ff] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
11:04 < darkgerm> vim 派路過~
11:04 -!- TNTshop [~nemu_@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:04 < kiang> [R0] Heroku 放在 AWS 美東機房
11:04 < Stallman_> R2如何阿/
11:04 < grassboy> vim派亂入+1
11:04 < Peter__> 某國立大學compiler改選修之後助教就變女的
11:04 -!- watsontsai [~watsontsa@2001:c08:1:164:66a7:69ff:fe9a:40f1] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
11:04 < darkx> vim 派++
11:04 < ReticenceSu2> R2人爆多
11:04 < Alen> vim 派 ++
11:05 < coldturnip> ←身在 emacs 心在 vim 的 Evil mode user
11:05 < DHXD> R0依然空空
11:05 < carlcarl> vim++
11:05 <@bobchao> 正妹說電話是 091….
11:05 < darkgerm> [R2] 用 bootstrap 手刻 Facebook 也太帥XDD
11:05 < SammyLin> vim 派++
11:05 < kiang> [R0] Heroku 吸引不了正妹追逐者...
11:05 < YChao_> R1講者有緊張?
11:05 <@bobchao> (沒聽到了,因為侃如開始講了)
11:05 -!- hashman [~hashman@] has joined #coscup
11:05 -!- ihower [~ihower@] has quit [Client Quit]
11:05 < TNTshop_> ((泣
11:05 < DHXD> R1講者還是女生?
11:05 < elvisFQ> 男的
11:05 <@bobchao> DHXD 是 kanru_
11:05 < Alen> 因為台下正妹在看著講師
11:05 -!- JA [8c6d7ff8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:05 < brucehsu> [R1] vim 5+yr -> emacs
11:05 < ijliao> kanru, 男
11:05 -!- swaywang [~mac@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
11:05 < Moonslight> = ="
11:05 < Zhusee> 三件套XDDDD
11:05 < DHXD> I see
11:06 < chitsaou> 三件套 XD
11:06 -!- hugojay [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
11:06 < Ruinland> 商業解決方案Q3Q
11:06 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@2001:c08:1:164:2573:8800:789b:5d2d] has joined #coscup
11:06 < king1223> 都用了5年0.0
11:06 < ReticenceSu2> 三件套XD
11:06 < Francine> 正妹名片用完了~~要到G-mail~~(Y)
11:06 < privism> jserv--: 交大一直都是選修...
11:06 < maxwux> 正妹還在R1
11:06 -!- sammyfung [] has joined #coscup
11:06 < Alen> g-mail 交出來..
11:06 < Peter__> 交大要看組吧,資電組今年以前是必修
11:06 < jserv--> [R1] Emacs 衍生自 TECO editor
11:06 < ecilA> FB是語言@@?
11:06 < kiang> [R0] Heroku 2011 / 9 / 15 開始支援 PHP ,來自跟 Facebook 合作
11:06 < Ruinland> FBML
11:06 < darkx> 交大徐慰中老師的 compiler 很棒
11:06 < privism> 可是 compiler 需要的前置知識很多
11:06 -!- villerhsiao [~villerhsi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
11:07 < zx1986> wow! joomla feat. bootstrap!
11:07 -!- swaywang [~mac@] has joined #coscup
11:07 < darkgerm> joomla 也改用 bootstrap 了@@!
11:07 < kiang> [R0] Heroku 計費以 Dyno 為單位
11:07 -!- TNTshop [~nemu_@] has joined #coscup
11:07 < Peter__> 徐老爹的compiler++
11:07 -!- windslash [~windslash@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:07 < privism> 以前 CIS 選課很自由,大二、三、四都沒有必修
11:07 < Alen> TECO 是第一個editor
11:07 < jserv--> 要跟正妹講者討論 compiler,當然需要足夠的前置知識啊
11:07 -!- NepTunic [] has joined #coscup
11:07 <@bobchao> R1 人比剛剛正妹多很多
11:07 <@bobchao> R2 的人流過來了
11:07 < ijliao> compiler 資工是必修
11:07 < janyeh> 早上忘記拿餐券了... 該怎麼辦哩? ~~~>_<~~~
11:07 < smailc> WOW joomla 也用 bootstrap 那感覺可以來看看bootstrap 了
11:07 < privism> 要修到 compiler 就必需每學期都修相關的課
11:07 < darkx> 資工組==
11:07 < coldturnip> 前置姿勢
11:07 < kiang> R0 的人也流過去了
11:07 < darkx> 資工組==
11:07 < dannvix> 「全世界都在學 Bootstrap,孔夫子的話 越來越國際化」
11:07 < privism> 否則無法大三修到
11:07 -!- jos [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:08 < TNTshop> Moonslight: I am join.
11:08 < king1223> 大部分資工compiler都是必修0.0
11:08 -!- jereme [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
11:08 < TobyOoO> bootstrap 感覺超方便
11:08 -!- NepTunic [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:08 <@bobchao> janyeh: 大概 13:10 左右會把剩下的便當全部發掉,看你要不要等等看...
11:08 < Peter__> 清大前年拿掉必修了
11:08 -!- ihower [~ihower@] has joined #coscup
11:08 < privism> king1223: 真的嗎
11:08 < jserv--> [R1] TECMAC & TMACS
11:08 < Peter__> 結果只剩不到20修compiler(淚)
11:08 -!- NepTunic [] has joined #coscup
11:08 < janyeh> @bobchao: 感謝~ 我去等便當... T_T
11:08 -!- ihower [~ihower@] has quit [Client Quit]
11:08 < kiang> [R0] Heroku Client
11:08 < king1223> 我們系上是必修0.0
11:08 < Ruinland> 交大的必修量好像一直在下修
11:08 < play> 我那時是必修...
11:08 < privism> king1223: 可是我看很多系連自動機或formal language都沒必修
11:08 < shtzeng> 來了, 也沒便當卷了 orz
11:08 < darkx> esc meta alt ctil shift
11:09 < privism> king1223: 這樣上 compiler 不會很累嗎
11:09 < darkx> *ctrl
11:09 -!- jereme [] has joined #coscup
11:09 -!- windslash [] has joined #coscup
11:09 < ijliao> 必修是一回事, 有沒有悟性就是另一回事 Q_Q
11:09 < jserv--> 原來 Emcas 始亂 (很亂的程式碼) 終棄 (拋出到公眾)
11:09 < king1223> 我們連formal language都沒有阿 囧
11:09 < darkx> 首次公開@@
11:09 < Ruinland> 始亂終棄XDDDDDDDD
11:09 < DHXD> XDDDD
11:09 < jserv--> ijliao: 下次要提議請 CTO Office 作教育訓練
11:09 < chitsaou> [R2] 那個 gutter 有沒有變數可以改? (less)
11:09 < UncleHandsome> 有不代表修的好阿QQ
11:09 < ernest> janyeh: 哈,我也是忘記拿餐卷的那一組 XD
11:09 < Ruinland> 我同學也沒拿到餐券Orz
11:10 < jserv--> [R1] kanru 與 Emcas 同年誕生
11:10 < Alen> 講者和 emasc 的出生是同年
11:10 < privism> formal languages or automata,系統程式都要夠強,不然上 compiler 不就鴨聽雷
11:10 -!- kenobilyh [] has joined #coscup
11:10 < darkx>
11:10 < AceLan> 我出生的時候還沒有 emacs 難怪我不會用 (咦
11:10 < ijliao> jserv: 有辦過, 但是是 luba 來講 (怒)
11:10 < jserv--> ijliao: 人神共憤!
11:10 < king1223> 來偷偷看一下我們的課程架構
11:10 < privism> scanner 和 parser 就倒了
11:10 < DHXD> emacs 歲數是我兩倍 <___>
11:10 < locy69> << COSCUP 2012 懶人包 >>
11:10 -!- richliu [] has joined #coscup
11:11 < Peter__> 據消息來源指出,本來這次linker好像是luba要來講XD
11:11 -!- Kevin-WY [~Kevin-WY@2001:c08:1:164:211:24ff:fec7:4674] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:11 < Ruinland> =口= Luba怎麼了???
11:11 -!- imacat [~imacat@] has joined #coscup
11:11 -!- hugojay [] has joined #coscup
11:11 < Peter__> Luba不萌
11:11 < jserv--> [R1] mode
11:11 -!- TATOBA__ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
11:11 -!- TATOBA_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
11:11 < ijliao> luba 不是正妹... XD
11:11 < Ruinland> 喔喔XD
11:11 -!- greener [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
11:11 < privism> 所以很多學校是正規語言都不教就硬上 compiler?
11:11 < king1223> 阿哩 搞錯了XD 其實是選修
11:11 < jserv--> [R1] mode: 不同的操作模式,包含語法、配色、操作快速鍵組合等等
11:12 < freedom> 去年 Luba 講因為 dianna 還沒上班啊
11:12 < carlcarl> [R2] 那個蓋住的問題應該設margin就好了
11:12 -!- tonyq [] has joined #coscup
11:12 -!- kikiqqp [~chatzilla@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:12 < Sars> margin-top 應該就可以?
11:12 < tonyq> hi all
11:12 < fcrh> [r1] M-<K> = Alt + K
11:12 -!- SamWu [~samwu@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
11:12 < Ruinland> 『農碼月靜析,合版入推頻,誰知雲上緒,bit bit 皆「薪苦」 !』from 碼農
11:12 < darkgerm> [R2] 對,記得官網範例就有這樣做
11:12 -!- Kevin-WY [~Kevin-WY@2001:c08:1:164:211:24ff:fec7:4674] has joined #coscup
11:12 < Alen> 我一直搞不清楚 emacs 的 frame, window...
11:13 < SammyLin> [R2] 講的好像都是官網上都有簡單介紹嗎?
11:13 -!- narahuang [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
11:13 < zx1986> [R2] bootstrap is freaking COOL! cool-facebook-layout 有 github 嗎?
11:13 -!- TNTshop_ [3b7ef9b6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
11:13 < darkx> [R1] buffer /frame /window
11:13 < cclien> [R0] PaaS 好方便喔
11:13 -!- ethan_ [~ethan@] has joined #coscup
11:13 < kiang> 等一下去 R2 還有地方坐嗎?
11:13 < JalenLin> R2爆滿中
11:13 < TobyOoO> [R2] 那切到 Responsive 下,margin-top 也不會跑掉嗎?
11:13 < jserv--> [R1] Region: 文字編輯區的開頭與結尾
11:13 < imacat> 苦力帕娘今天有來嗎?
11:14 < carlcarl> R2應該沒有位置
11:14 < jserv--> [R1] Escape-Meta-Alt-Control-Shift
11:14 < jserv--> [R1] Escape-Meta-Alt-Control-Shift = Emacs
11:14 < Alen> 樓上打的夠快
11:14 < Peter__> [r1]逃生鍵
11:14 < king1223> XDDD
11:14 < fcrh> [r1] C-g 逃生鍵
11:14 < darkgerm> 我下場會切回 R0,但我在 R2 是走道...
11:14 < coldturnip> XDDDDD
11:14 < ReticenceSu2> R2後方站了好多人
11:14 < kiang> [R0] 剛剛範例的程式碼
11:14 < fcrh> [r1] 沒停下來按三次
11:14 < YChao_> 快逃啊!
11:14 -!- chuiyi [~chuiyi@] has joined #coscup
11:14 < elvisFQ> 塊逃啊
11:14 < king1223> 快逃阿(?
11:14 < Peter__> [r1]塊陶啊
11:14 < cyt93cs_> [R1] frame => 現在所謂的 window; windows => frame 裡面的分割畫面, buffer => 在 window 裡面的東西 (file)
11:14 <@bobchao> 快逃啊! XD
11:14 < play> 快陶阿
11:14 < freetsubasa> 塊陶啊
11:14 < darkx> 快逃阿
11:14 < jserv--> [R1] 不想離開 Emcas
11:15 < Swl> 塊陶阿
11:15 < darkgerm> 花生什麼事?
11:15 < darkx> C-g C-g C-g
11:15 -!- user_789 [~user@] has joined #coscup
11:15 < darkx> jkhl 安定 =w=+
11:15 < king1223> 好神奇的上下左右 囧
11:15 -!- jos [] has joined #coscup
11:15 < dannvix> [r2] 置入式行銷XD
11:15 < Peter__> pnfs都好遠
11:15 < fcrh> [r1] C-{pnbf} 上下左右
11:15 < ijliao> pnbf
11:15 < Zhusee> dannvix: ++
11:15 < freetsubasa> 上下左右好神奇0.0
11:15 -!- vrootic [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:15 < elvisFQ> 好難記 = =
11:15 < Alen> 好遠的上下左右.
11:15 < zx1986> [
11:15 < ijliao> ijkl++ # vi
11:15 < darkx> C-l => d$
11:15 <@bobchao> combo 技
11:15 < king1223> 一整個感覺超難按
11:15 < darkgerm> hjkl 好近 kerker
11:15 < darkx> C-a C-l => dd
11:15 < YChao_> A - Z
11:15 < Andox> R0目前位置還滿多的:P
11:15 < fcrh> [r1] C-[a-z]都有功能
11:16 < elvisFQ> hjkl ++
11:16 < DHXD> R0跟昨天狀況差好多
11:16 < janyeh> [w] 正寫code控制電風扇
11:16 < Peter__> emacs好多ctrl,感覺小指會很痛QQ
11:16 < zx1986> [R2] bootstrapt bootstrapt bootstrapt !!!
11:16 < coldturnip> pnbf 用久了其實還蠻順的,bash 裡面有時候懶得用方向鍵就這樣按
11:16 < carlcarl> hjkl++
11:16 < darkx> ctrl 放到 capslock 位置會比較舒服
11:16 < jserv--> [R1] M-x => 列出執行指令
11:16 < in2> Peter__: 可以把 ctrl- 和 capslock 對換 XD
11:16 < YChao_> vi 魂...
11:16 -!- MnO2 [72200478@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:16 < brucehsu> c-[pnbf] ++
11:16 < kiang> [R0]很空,左邊那個剛剛溜了 XD
11:16 < _Davy_> Peter__: 你可以把鍵盤轉過來用拇指按(?
11:16 < rocfatcat_NB> usb Ctrl 鍵踏板
11:16 < coldturnip> Peter__: 所以用 emacs 的人常常會把 ctrl 和 capslock 對調
11:16 < darkx> Ctrl 腳踏版++
11:16 < DHXD> [R0]我前面一排幾乎空的XD
11:17 * jserv-- 還是一直看著前一場講者的包頭... >_<
11:17 -!- ioan [~ioan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
11:17 < king1223> cmac換檔
11:17 -!- sealholic [~Adium@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
11:17 < Peter__> 腳踏板是哪昭XD
11:17 < darkgerm> 我用 vim 也把 ctrl 和 capslock 互換
11:17 < king1223> emacs換檔
11:17 < cyt93cs_> jserv++
11:17 < Alen> jserv++
11:17 -!- BardicheZ__ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
11:17 -!- sealholic [~Adium@] has joined #coscup
11:17 -!- ioan [~ioan@] has joined #coscup
11:17 < fcrh> [r1] help system 強大
11:17 < YChao_> jserv++
11:17 < jserv--> [R1] 強大的 Emacs 輔助系統
11:17 < ijliao> jserv: 很糟糕...
11:17 < Peter__> jserv++
11:17 <@bobchao> 廣告:「第一次社群協調就失手」 BoF 在 12:00-12:30 於三樓後方用餐區舉辦
11:17 -!- borting [7a74bc9f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:17 < _Davy_> imacat: 我這裡有兩隻>"< [R1]
11:17 < kiang> @jserv--, 你明明有單眼相機,麻煩一下
11:17 < jserv--> bobchao: cool. 收到,屆時會去看看
11:18 -!- user123456 [~user@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
11:18 < DHXD> 好煞氣的 BoF 名稱
11:18 < Alen> Jserv 的單眼是用來請別人幫他和正妹拍照用的.
11:18 < jserv--> kiang: 宅男有三單
11:18 < Peter__> Alen++
11:18 < fcrh> [r1] C-h k <key> 查詢key功能
11:18 < privism> jserv--: 沒有和正妹講師告白嗎
11:18 < lin4h> bobchat: 收到
11:18 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
11:18 -!- BardicheZ__ is now known as BardicheZ_
11:18 < darkx> 這邊的變數是指?
11:18 < lin4h> bobchao: 收到
11:18 < imacat> _Davy_: R1有苦力帕娘?哇~~~
11:18 -!- fengyoung [~AndChat39@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
11:18 < Alen> privism 這只有當事人才知道了
11:18 < kiang> @jserv--, 單眼拿出來,單眼按下,單手上傳到 IRC 嗎? XD
11:18 < privism> jserv--: 說你想要拉一下馬尾
11:19 < darkgerm> 又有了?? 昨天沒看到的說
11:19 -!- MouseMs [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:19 < _Davy_> imacat: 要來嗎>"<?
11:19 -!- Kevin-WY [~Kevin-WY@2001:c08:1:164:211:24ff:fec7:4674] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:19 < darkx> darkgerm: 苦力怕在我隔壁 >///<
11:19 -!- jos [] has quit [Client Quit]
11:19 < DHXD> 苦力怕娘 = 小綠綠(?)
11:19 < darkx> nop
11:19 < Alen> 看講者在操作 emacs 我眼都花了.
11:19 -!- jos [] has joined #coscup
11:19 < jserv--> [R1] Emacs 裡面可查詢 function 描述,甚至直接看進去 source
11:19 < freetsubasa> C-h {v,f} 查詢變數/函數
11:19 < cclien> 什麼是苦力帕?
11:19 < DHXD> 都是綠的(yay
11:19 < darkx> 直接看 source code ...
11:19 -!- greener [] has joined #coscup
11:19 < JalenLin> minecraft的怪物
11:20 -!- borting [7a74bc9f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:20 < king1223> 好方便的功能
11:20 -!- pct [] has joined #coscup
11:20 < Andox> 今天早上來精神就很好 XD
11:20 < fcrh> [r1] 可以即時patch你的editor
11:20 < Ruinland> 原本是minecraft的野怪...
11:20 < darkx> 即時 patch 你的 editor(抖抖
11:20 < maxwux> R1 看help看到source code也太威了
11:20 < coldturnip> 當初從 vim 跳到 emacs,最不習慣的就是 vim 的 C-e C-y 在 emacs 上沒有對應,要自己寫;不過裝了 Evil mode 之後一切就解決了
11:20 < jserv--> privism: 我想當她的 object file 去作 relocation... >_<
11:20 < SammyLin> [R2]
11:20 < Swl> 苦力怕娘在R1
11:20 < Peter__> r1] 即時patch editor src code!
11:20 < king1223> crepper
11:20 < janyeh> [w] 要轉電風扇了~
11:20 < darkx> SSSSSSSSSSSSsssssss
11:20 < king1223> BOOM
11:20 < freetsubasa> 直接看sorce code好酷
11:20 < Zhusee> [R2] 這個 generator 也太方便
11:20 < Andox> R0 4F的小綠綠還不錯(Y)
11:20 < jserv--> 「想當你的 Code」 / 「想當你的 Compiler」 / 「想要好好跟你一起 relocation」
11:20 < darkx> jserv--: ++
11:20 -!- CYJ [~cyj@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:21 < kiang> jserv--: ++
11:21 < Andox> jserv--: ++
11:21 < Swl> sssssssssssss
11:21 < _Davy_> jserv--: www
11:21 < Zhusee> [R2]
11:21 < darkx> 跟你 Link 在一起
11:21 -!- vrootic [] has joined #coscup
11:21 < king1223> XDDDDDD
11:21 < Alen> jserv++
11:21 < tC_> XD
11:21 < Swl> XDDDDDD
11:21 < freetsubasa> XDD
11:21 < Alen> emacs 真的是強.
11:21 < Elsvent> relocation XD
11:21 < jserv--> [R1] 前一場講者好認真
11:21 < cyt93cs_> [R1] M-x customize
11:21 -!- pct [] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 0.3.8]
11:21 < king1223> 好強大的指令樹
11:21 < Peter__> r1] emacs的src code是直譯式語言嗎?為什麼改完不用編就可以直接用了?
11:21 < Alen> 不過要先熟悉...
11:21 < jserv--> Peter__: 是 elisp
11:21 < cyt93cs_> Peter__: yes, elisp
11:21 < ijliao> 太強大的 emacs
11:22 < freetsubasa> LISP
11:22 < fcrh> [r1] elisp
11:22 < janyeh> [w] 現場接線中~ 「接線要注意喔,不要把自己家裡燒掉了」
11:22 < jserv--> Peter__: 可以直接 eval
11:22 < jserv--> [R1] Emacs 可調整佈景主題
11:22 -!- greener [] has quit [Client Quit]
11:22 < darkgerm> lisp 寫起來好像還蠻累的... vim 也有 vim script 喔XD
11:22 -!- phtseng [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:6594:9a2:cb5a:26e9] has joined #coscup
11:22 < play> @@
11:22 < darkx> vim color theme
11:22 < fcrh> [r1] lisp 前序 QQ
11:22 < fcrh> 噢我多了r1
11:22 < jserv--> [R1] 回不去了
11:22 < darkx> 打錯,是 :colorscheme
11:23 < ijliao> never live demo...
11:23 < jserv--> [R1] 塊陶
11:23 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has quit [Quit: Bye]
11:23 < darkx> c-g c-g c-g
11:23 < jserv--> [R1] Emacs 設定檔亂中有序的處理
11:23 < fcrh> [r1] ~/.emacs.d/init.el
11:23 < jserv--> [R1] $HOME/.emacs.d/
11:23 < Swl> Emacs是偽裝成編輯器的操作系統
11:23 < JalenLin> [R2] QA
11:23 -!- kuyuhisepa126_ [~Default@] has joined #coscup
11:23 -!- Jerome_ [~Jerome@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
11:24 < SammyLin> [R2] 正要問foundation = =
11:24 -!- NeilLee721 [~Neil@] has joined #coscup
11:24 * jserv-- 前面的正妹頭部好像沒有移動過
11:24 < darkx> 你就先承認你是作業系統吧(指
11:24 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@2001:c08:1:164:2573:8800:789b:5d2d] has quit [Quit: sonyu]
11:24 < jserv--> [R1] 要簽署 copyright assignment,才能對 Emacs 作貢獻
11:24 < cyt93cs_> [R1] ELPA: M-x list-packages
11:25 < fcrh> [r1] el-get
11:25 < cyt93cs_> [R1] el-get
11:25 < Swl> jserv 搞不好睡著了 所以不動(?)
11:25 < fcrh> [r1] 2163 pkg on el-get
11:25 -!- RickZhang [~AndChat61@] has joined #coscup
11:25 < darkx> lisp!
11:25 < jserv--> Swl: 不行啊,一堆 object 等著要 link >_<
11:25 -!- Kevin-WY [~Kevin-WY@] has joined #coscup
11:26 < king1223> jserv快等不及了o_O
11:26 < privism> 今天網路狀況好很多
11:26 < cibs> 沒有現場示範把佈景主題調成 R1 正妹嗎
11:26 -!- CYJ [~cyj@] has joined #coscup
11:26 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has joined #coscup
11:26 < darkgerm> vim script 是指令式,不是函數式
11:26 < Peter__> vim script算src code嗎XD
11:26 < Zhusee> [R2]
11:26 < evenrain> [R2] QA
11:26 < barneybook>
11:26 -!- KiraYao [~elegant_p@] has joined #coscup
11:26 < coldturnip> elisp 也有 progn 可以把它當指令式語言寫,而且 elisp 本身不是純函數式語言,不像 Haskell 那麼燒腦 XD
11:26 < KiraYao> [Un] #LiveDemoMayFail
11:26 -!- hashman [~hashman@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:26 < kiang> @jserv--, 你一定刻意坐那裡的 XD
11:26 <@bobchao> jserv--: 她眼睛有睜開啦 應該不是睡著了 XD
11:26 < Alen> bobchao++
11:26 < KiraYao> copyright?
11:26 -!- sealholic [~Adium@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
11:26 -!- hugojay [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:26 < KiraYao> copyleft還copyright??
11:26 < Peter__> r1] el-get...... emacs先承認你是OS吧XD
11:26 < play> 完全沒動耶
11:26 < janyeh> [w] 講者拿出了帶筆的手機... 不是爽立方的... 有人知道是哪家的嗎?
11:26 < maxwux> 這個install套件的方式真不錯
11:26 < Zhusee> [R2] 提問「三件套」XDD
11:26 < KiraYao> PDA?
11:26 -!- ddsakura [~Adium@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
11:26 < Alen> 正妹帶著淺淺的微笑,眼睛盯著講者
11:26 < play> 動了!
11:26 < KiraYao> [Un] Failed!{Stamp)
11:26 <@bobchao> Alen 真的耶!
11:26 -!- sealholic [~Adium@] has joined #coscup
11:26 -!- Maligbi [6f5117e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:26 -!- sealholic [~Adium@] has quit [Client Quit]
11:26 < jserv--> [R1] scratch: 直接撰寫 LISP 程式的環境
11:26 < darkx> jserv 到底有多少的 object 要 link 呢
11:26 -!- hugojay [] has joined #coscup
11:26 < linroex> IE7!!
11:26 <@bobchao> 等下叫 kanru_ 去要電話好了看來成功(?)機率很高
11:26 < darkgerm> [R2] End
11:26 < chuiyi> 「想成為你的Driver」 (各種意味
11:26 -!- sealholic [~Adium@] has joined #coscup
11:26 -!- dainese [~dainese@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:26 < jserv--> KiraYao:
11:26 < freetsubasa> www
11:26 < fcrh> [r1] M-x ielm 互動模式
11:26 < jserv--> KiraYao:
11:27 -!- ygtw [ygtw@] has joined #coscup
11:27 < darkx> elisp interpreter?
11:27 < Swl> 中午打算來個交換名片的BoF 歡迎大家來參加 > < (詳見GOOGLE DOCS of BoF
11:27 -!- dainese [~dainese@] has joined #coscup
11:27 < kiang> [R0] 今天聊的都是 的 pixframework
11:27 < evenrain> [R2] done
11:27 < darkx> )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
11:27 < jserv--> KiraYao: 清楚解釋 FSF GNU 專案作 copyright assignment 的必要性
11:27 < jserv--> )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
11:27 < jserv--> chuiyi: compiler driver ++
11:27 < kuyuhisepa126_> Qq
11:28 -!- coldsleep [~coldsleep@2001:c08:1:164:213:2ff:febf:fa93] has joined #coscup
11:28 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@2001:c08:1:164:4:2263:1627:61f] has joined #coscup
11:28 < SammyLin> [R2] 主持人沒講到 新竹碼農的 重點...
11:28 < ReticenceSu2> 真的
11:28 < cyt93cs_> [R1] 要讓 function 可以被 M-x 找到, 要加 (interactive)
11:28 < privism> 重點是...?
11:28 < ReticenceSu2> 應該是...
11:28 < Moonslight> R0 QA
11:28 < jserv--> 真棒,連 LISP 都講了
11:28 < momizi> dinner?
11:28 < JalenLin> [R2]持續爆滿
11:29 < KiraYao> {Un} Live Demo Failed!
11:29 < BardicheZ_> 十一點半就已經肚子餓了QQ
11:29 < play> ))))))))))))
11:29 -!- kenobilyh_ [] has joined #coscup
11:29 < Swl> 正準備去R2說 OAO
11:29 <@bobchao> 「你就可以透過漂漂亮亮的圖形介面.... 啊,其實都是字啦」
11:29 -!- hugojay [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:29 < fcrh> [r1] defadvice
11:29 < Moonslight> R0 over ! !
11:30 -!- kiang [~kiang@] has left #coscup []
11:30 -!- ethan_ [~ethan@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
11:30 < play> 真的 好餓
11:30 < DHXD> 廁所Time
11:30 -!- Sorry [] has joined #coscup
11:30 < king1223> 餓了
11:30 <@bobchao> [R1] 好像講不完… 在催速了
11:30 < MouseMs> 請會眾出入時攜帶識別證^^
11:30 < king1223> 沒點心QQ
11:30 < YChao_> 加速中...
11:30 < fcrh> [r1] M-x report-emacs-bug
11:30 < Peter__> r1] emacs有client, server.......
11:30 < king1223> 要結束了0.0
11:30 <@bobchao> Speed, up!
11:30 < elvisFQ> 覺得便當吃不飽 QQ
11:30 < darkx> QA
11:30 <@bobchao> 耶!
11:30 * YChao_ 血糖降低,有點暈了~~
11:30 < grassboy> R2搶到位置了,感謝和我同時到達的人的讓位0rz
11:30 < king1223> R QA
11:30 -!- kenobilyh [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
11:31 <@bobchao> 居然還是在時間內講完了! XD
11:31 < Swl> 他說EMACS的IRC是?
11:31 < Swl> 我是指頻道
11:31 < Swl> 剛沒看清楚
11:31 < fcrh> #emacs
11:31 -!- TigerHuang [~tiger@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
11:31 -!- CKuo [caa9a3dc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:31 * dannvix 覺得走到哪裡都好冷...Orz
11:31 < fcrh> or
11:31 < darkx> R1 大風吹
11:31 < fcrh> 貌似
11:31 < ReticenceSu2> 肚子餓(還有一小時阿...)
11:31 < jserv--> 好久沒見到 thegiive 了
11:31 -!- TigerHuang [~tiger@] has joined #coscup
11:31 < jserv--> 轉頭了、轉頭了
11:32 -!- jos [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:32 -!- KiraYao [~elegant_p@] has left #coscup []
11:32 < syJheng> [R0] 投影片
11:32 -!- king1223_ [~aaa@] has joined #coscup
11:32 < Stallman_> 大家都去國際了嗎?
11:32 -!- ihower [~ihower@2001:c08:1:164:618a:1e9b:b523:c2e9] has joined #coscup
11:33 -!- yichiuan [~ooo@2001:c08:1:164:f80e:b1d6:bf8d:dbd3] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
11:33 -!- bobchao [] has quit [Quit: bobchao]
11:33 < Moonslight> R0湧入人潮
11:33 < cyt93cs_> R1 正妹離開了
11:33 < Andox> R0後面湧入很多人
11:33 < jserv--> [R1] 英雄救美的 best practice!
11:33 -!- XDOrz [~XDOrz@] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
11:33 -!- yspan [~AndChat29@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
11:33 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has joined #coscup
11:34 < ijliao> 傷心
11:34 -!- phtseng [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:6594:9a2:cb5a:26e9] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
11:34 -!- ernest [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
11:34 -!- maxwux [7a752e4e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:34 -!- watsontsi [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:7d8d:4e17:8c75:80c2] has joined #coscup
11:34 -!- AndChat|380436 [~watsontsa@2001:c08:1:164:66a7:69ff:fe9a:40f1] has quit [Quit: Bye]
11:34 -!- yichiuan [~ooo@2001:c08:1:164:f80e:b1d6:bf8d:dbd3] has joined #coscup
11:34 < jserv--> [R1] thegiive 的簡報用字好小
11:34 -!- Maligbi [6f5117e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:34 -!- MouseMs [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:34 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has joined #coscup
11:34 -!- kiang [~kiang@] has joined #coscup
11:34 -!- momizi [] has quit []
11:34 -!- ColinK [caa9a3dc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:35 < jserv--> [R1] 以 Y! Shopping 的 release 為例,探討相關的軟體開發流程
11:35 -!- hrj [~hrj@] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
11:35 -!- janyeh [~janyeh@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:35 * YChao_ 就位了
11:35 -!- watsontsi [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:7d8d:4e17:8c75:80c2] has left #coscup []
11:35 -!- evenwu [] has joined #coscup
11:35 -!- watsontsi [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:7d8d:4e17:8c75:80c2] has joined #coscup
11:35 -!- pworker_ [72885999@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:35 -!- maxdragon [8c6d10c5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:35 < grassboy> evenwu出現了!
11:35 -!- phtseng [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:3dc1:d76:5f8c:f64a] has joined #coscup
11:35 < kiang> [R2] 爆滿,只能蹲著,還好有桌子 XD
11:35 * SammyLin 我餓了...
11:35 -!- max_____ [8c6d10c5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:35 -!- max_____ [8c6d10c5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
11:36 < grassboy> 我想聽高階排版技巧(gym)
11:36 < jserv--> [R1] Release 挑戰一:相關人員太多
11:36 -!- amiboshi [amiboshi@] has joined #coscup
11:36 -!- vrootic [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
11:36 -!- rocfatcat_NB [~lenny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
11:36 < powentan> 請問一下除了國際會議廳之外有轉播或是錄影嗎?
11:36 < chitsaou> [R2] 為什麼class 的 count 要自己計算?
11:36 -!- grapefruit623 [~grapefrui@] has joined #coscup
11:36 -!- king1223 [~aaa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
11:36 < jserv--> [R1] 關鍵字:大宅門
11:36 -!- swind_ [~swind@2001:c08:1:164:1471:6c90:c9d1:71e9] has joined #coscup
11:36 < Moonslight> 喝完可爾必思在走進R0..... 好冷
11:36 -!- doremi [6f51d89a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:36 < jserv--> [R1] 關鍵字:大宅門甜甜圈
11:36 -!- king1223 [~aaa@] has joined #coscup
11:36 -!- nara [~nara@] has joined #coscup
11:36 < evenwu> grassboy: 改天阿 想說辦個tutorial
11:36 < jserv--> [R1] Release 挑戰二:bug 成本過高
11:36 -!- alicekey [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
11:36 -!- maxdragon [8c6d10c5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:36 < king1223> r0差不多滿了
11:36 -!- pioneerlike [~pioneerli@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:37 -!- XDD [~XDDDD@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
11:37 < ijliao> 我覺得冷氣越來越強...
11:37 < jserv--> [R1] Release 挑戰二:bug 成本過高 -- 解讀:「一秒鐘幾十萬上下」
11:37 -!- GDH [8c6d7fb9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:37 < Albert_> r0 前面還很空呀
11:37 < kiang> 打一下廣告, PHPConf 2012 正在徵求講者:
11:37 < Alen> [R1] 一個 bug 損失 300W
11:37 < grassboy> @evenwu 有關鍵字可以先給我們reference嗎?
11:37 < jserv--> [R1] Release 挑戰三:user (PM) 標準很高
11:37 -!- ernest [] has joined #coscup
11:37 -!- deghost [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:37 < grassboy> (每年必問的問題) 要怎麼highlight別人的名字啊0rz
11:38 -!- deghost is now known as Guest80647
11:38 -!- king1223_ [~aaa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
11:38 -!- lith [caa9a3fc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:38 -!- kuyuhisepa126_ [~Default@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
11:38 < evenwu> grassboy msg
11:38 -!- pworker_ [72885999@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:38 -!- ccc-larc [] has joined #coscup
11:38 -!- Noni [2a40f8ac@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:38 < YChao_> grassboy: 打名字就有啊
11:38 < jserv--> [R1] Release 挑戰四:系統很不一樣,有 .Net team 與其他系統
11:38 < grassboy> evenwu msg test
11:38 -!- ArvinWu [df8bfaf2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:38 < jserv--> [R1] 講者很無奈的被 .Net team 強迫用 Windows
11:38 < grassboy> 降子有highlight到嗎?
11:38 < jack> jserv--
11:39 < elvisFQ> VSS ...
11:39 < jserv--> jack: yo!
11:39 -!- janyeh_ [~janyeh@] has joined #coscup
11:39 < Alen> VSS....唉
11:39 < YChao_> jserv-- (LOL)
11:39 < jack> XD testing the highlight
11:39 < jserv--> jserv-- (期待被 link 的 object)
11:39 -!- luse [df8a622b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:39 < Alen> [R1] Continuous Delivery
11:40 -!- StarNight [] has joined #coscup
11:40 < jserv--> [R1] 如來神掌祕笈
11:40 -!- ArvinWu [df8bfaf2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:40 < Edward_> msg grassboy msg + ID 這樣
11:40 < Edward_> 似乎不是 XD
11:40 < swind_> [R1] Continuous Delivery 很棒~可以搭配 Continuous Integration 一起看
11:41 < jserv--> [R1] user 信任,考試都一百分
11:41 -!- vrootic [] has joined #coscup
11:41 -!- fcrh [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
11:41 < jserv--> [R1] 高麗人蔘現身!
11:41 -!- tony412 [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #coscup []
11:41 < Peter__> R1] 人參滋補液直銷團(誤)
11:41 < brucehsu> [R1] 人蔘液業配文XDDDDD
11:41 < GDH> 名片交換到底在哪裡XD
11:41 < gunxgun> 仙豆
11:41 < Alen> 高麗人蔘現身++
11:41 -!- fcrh [] has joined #coscup
11:41 < stanely> 火紅的python....
11:42 < king1223> 有苦力怕出線的地方XD
11:42 < ijliao> 廣告議程 XD
11:42 < jserv--> [R1] 史上最強商品推薦演講
11:42 < barneybook> 名片交換的地點是????
11:42 < king1223> GDH: 有苦力怕出線的地方XD
11:42 < Peter__> 明年coscup找養身食品商來sponse好了XD
11:42 -!- Toomore [~toomore@2001:c08:1:164:e8a4:9d04:f9f0:65c9] has joined #coscup
11:42 < Andox> king1223: 跟小綠綠交換?
11:42 < Alen> Peter++
11:42 < GDH> 居然有苦利怕XD
11:42 -!- pychen [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:42 < jserv--> [R1] 出包的來源,主要是 communication
11:42 < brucehsu> 找提神飲料廠商來提供飲料,開發程式員市場:p
11:43 < cyt93cs_> [R1] # 桂格高麗人蔘
11:43 < Toomore> OpenSUSE 哇沙米
11:43 < jserv--> [R1] 「開會」的解讀法
11:43 < king1223> 交換名片交誼廳XD
11:43 < jserv--> [R1] 開一場會,約損失兩萬元
11:43 < janyeh_> 就像微軟的研討會找乖乖贊助是一樣的... MIS都需要乖乖啊~
11:43 < Zhusee> brucehsu: 廣告口號叫做「宅宅應該都愛喝」嗎
11:43 < king1223> Andox: >//////<
11:43 < Andox> king1223: 色!
11:43 -!- Toomore [~toomore@2001:c08:1:164:e8a4:9d04:f9f0:65c9] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:43 < fcrh> [r1] information sync: 40% of time
11:43 < ijliao> 20k, 可以算一下平均月薪...
11:43 < play> 有些開會真的很浪費時間
11:43 * Andox 跑走
11:43 < jserv--> [R1] Convention over configuration
11:43 < Peter__> 請安心亞來講養身食品的keynote的話,叫我宅宅也沒差了XD
11:44 < jserv--> 請 Diana 來講養身食品的keynote的話,叫我宅宅也沒差了XD
11:44 < kiang> [R2]眼前看到一個正在昏迷的聽眾 XD
11:44 < stanely> [R0] 冷氣開始有冷的感覺了.....
11:44 < kiang> 請 Diana 來講養身食品的keynote的話,叫我宅宅也沒差了XD
11:44 < janyeh_> 雲端的研討會,要找好自在的廠商來贊助~ 流量再大也不怕
11:44 < king1223> jserv++
11:44 < jserv--> [R1] release flow 經驗分享
11:45 < ReticenceSu2> [R2]昏迷的觀眾在哪裡勒???
11:45 < Alen> jserv 你本來就是宅宅吧...(指
11:45 < carlcarl> R2那個是我嗎XD 有點昏zz
11:45 -!- mr_nio [] has left #coscup ["Leaving"]
11:45 < brucehsu> [R1] 習慣成自然
11:45 < king1223> R0後面有點冷阿
11:45 < Alen> R1 這張圖太有梗了...
11:45 < kiang> [R2] 昏迷的在第四排中間,左邊算來第 3 位 XD
11:45 < evenrain> [R2] 我也看到了,他已經倒了
11:45 -!- DennyHuang [~denny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
11:45 < carlcarl> 喔喔 那不是 我在第二排XD
11:45 < jserv--> Alen: 以前我的名片寫過 CJO (首席宅男長),後來就被改為 CTO,因為有人把 'J' 看成 'T'
11:45 < kiang> [R2] 那個昏迷的可以把位置讓給我嗎,蹲著打 IRC 很累耶 XD
11:45 -!- BardicheZ__ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
11:46 -!- gunxgun [~AndChat12@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
11:46 < stanely> king1223 [R0] 我坐中間也覺得冷
11:46 -!- gunxgun [~AndChat12@2001:c08:1:164:3ae7:d8ff:feb1:767] has joined #coscup
11:46 < barneybook> R2昏迷的就在我右邊的右邊
11:46 < ReticenceSu2> 其實昨天R0有個人整個睡到嘴巴開開外加打呼
11:46 < RIH> [R2] 已經坐地板坐一早上了好嘛
11:46 < jserv--> [R1] Release manager 三神器:unit test + Automation + CI
11:46 < Zhusee> 他昏迷了也看不到
11:46 -!- mabinogi80503 [~MaLar@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
11:46 < king1223> 首席宅男長wwwww
11:46 < cyt93cs_> [R1] 年收入增加 10 倍的時間投資法
11:46 < sntc06> CJO lol
11:46 -!- ddsakura [~Adium@] has joined #coscup
11:46 -!- COSCUP-iPad [~COSCUP@2001:c08:1:164:2074:bf62:a62f:6b96] has joined #coscup
11:46 < kiang> @barneybook, 你的電腦是白色的吧?搭配黑色滑鼠 XD
11:46 < Andox> CJO++
11:46 < COSCUP-iPad> @@
11:46 < jserv--> [R1] Unit test 很重要,是責任,不是作功德
11:47 < Alen> [R1] Unit Test 不是做功德...
11:47 < fcrh> [r1] unit test is a part of code
11:47 < barneybook> kiang: 被發現了!!XD
11:47 < janyeh_> @jserv: 首席宅男長的英文怎麼寫?
11:47 -!- janyeh_ is now known as janyeh
11:47 < Alen> CJO
11:47 < ReticenceSu2> kiang:我還以為是在說我XD
11:47 < Noni> [R0] Hold住丫~ 講者不要抖
11:47 < tC_> CNO
11:47 < jserv--> janyeh: Chief Jai-nan Officer
11:47 < hSATAC> Chief Otaku Officer
11:47 < evenrain> 首席宅男不是應該是 COO 嗎? Chief Otaku Officer
11:47 < jserv--> [R1] Automation 經驗談
11:47 < dannvix> CGO
11:47 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
11:47 -!- BardicheZ__ is now known as BardicheZ_
11:47 < play> Alen++
11:48 < tC_> Chief Nerd Officer
11:48 < Edward_> [R0] 冷氣又突然變好冷...
11:48 < kiang> @ReticenceSu2, 找個美眉座標來提振精神吧
11:48 -!- greener [] has joined #coscup
11:48 < chuiyi> [R0]防止睡覺的終極手段!
11:48 < jserv--> [R1] Automation 經驗談:若 presentation layer 的 coverage rate 要想辦法提高
11:48 < BardicheZ_> R1現在也是滿的嗎?
11:48 < janyeh> @kiang, r0.row7.left4 ---> 好像也是有人的~
11:48 < either> [r1]滿!
11:48 < ReticenceSu2> @kiang: 我一直醒著阿
11:49 < king1223> [R0]快睡著了@_@
11:49 -!- narahuang2 [~nara@] has joined #coscup
11:49 -!- Muka [~coscup@] has joined #coscup
11:49 -!- weijr [~weijr@] has joined #coscup
11:49 < jserv--> [R1] CI => CI 是骨架,但血與肉是 unit test
11:49 < Alen> [R1] Contunuous Integration 有問題會自動告訴你...應該只是 compiler error 時會寄 mail 通知吧
11:49 < kiang> @janyeh, 我在 R2 了 XD
11:49 < cibs> janyeh: 橫條紋妹?
11:49 < jserv--> [R1] 開始探討 deploy tool
11:50 < kulokase> [R2] 投影片
11:50 < janyeh> @cibs, yes...
11:50 < cclien> R1 等下好像是 Jenkins
11:50 < Andox> R2爆滿了嗎?
11:50 < ReticenceSu2> [R2]爆了
11:50 < kiang> [R2] 蹲著打 IRC 中,你說呢
11:50 < evenrain> R2 滿的
11:50 -!- michael530 [~michael@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
11:50 < ygtw> R2 Q&A
11:50 < jserv--> [R1] 重點:SE/OPs 在操作 deploy tool
11:50 < janyeh> R1等下也是女講者講Jenkins喔~
11:50 < evenrain> [R2] QA
11:50 -!- michael520 [~michael@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
11:50 < ReticenceSu2> [R2]QA
11:50 < Andox> 來去R2 XD
11:50 < jserv--> [R1] Yinst/Igor -> Y! 內部工具
11:50 < dannvix> **JavaScript** <= 正名一下大小寫 :P
11:50 < freedom> [R0] 沒想到好好的題目講得悶悶的
11:51 < cclien> janyeh> R1等下也是**女講者**講Jenkins喔
11:51 -!- nara [~nara@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
11:51 < Noni> [R0] ===========好快============
11:51 < coldsleep> [R0] QA
11:51 < jserv--> [R1] 接下來用 open source tool 做出 Yinst 的功能
11:51 -!- VoidChen [~VoidChen@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
11:51 < YChao_> R0提前結束!?
11:51 -!- Moonslight [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:51 < swaywang> [R0] QA
11:51 < janyeh> @cclien: R1等下也是**單身**女講者講Jenkins喔~
11:51 < Alen> [R1] 用 open source 組出 Yinst/Igor
11:51 -!- KiraYao [~elegant_p@] has joined #coscup
11:51 -!- XDOrz [~XDOrz@] has joined #coscup
11:51 < KiraYao> 回來了
11:51 < DonaldIsFreak> [R0]沒demo~~我很期待咧!
11:51 -!- hugojay [] has joined #coscup
11:51 < cibs> cclien: 你怎麼知道是單身
11:52 -!- l123868 [7579f16c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:52 < janyeh> @cibs, 單身是我寫的啦~ 因為是我們家的
11:52 < Andox> cibs: 快去搭訕!!
11:52 < janyeh> 去要電話~
11:52 < cclien> cibs: janyeh 掛保證
11:52 < KiraYao> 話說今天R2 1:30的議題
11:52 < cibs> janyeh: 哦哦,我不小心看錯了 XD
11:52 < cclien> janyeh <- 實在伯不打妄語
11:52 < cibs> cclien: 另一個講者好像是 T 社的前員工
11:52 -!- Moonslight [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:52 < KiraYao> 昨天晚上PCMAN自己的說法是:我早知道就用Qt寫了...XDDDDDDDD
11:52 < Noni> [R0] 快被Ko的fu
11:52 < cibs> Andox: 我不搭訕妹的
11:52 < l123868> test
11:53 < ddsakura> Igor 還蠻好用的
11:53 < Noni> 排隊~ 排隊~~~
11:53 < l123868> @@
11:53 -!- SamWu [] has joined #coscup
11:53 -!- in2_android [~AndChat62@] has joined #coscup
11:53 < stanely> [R0] 被主持人KO嗎
11:53 < Andox> cibs: 都是直接帶回家?
11:53 -!- gslin_tfn [] has joined #coscup
11:53 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
11:53 < cclien> [R0] 冷氣有fu了
11:53 < janyeh> @cibs, 給我吃便當,我就幫你介紹~
11:53 -!- XDD [~XDDDD@] has joined #coscup
11:53 -!- hugojay [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:53 -!- jack [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
11:53 < janyeh> 沒拿到餐券~
11:53 < cibs> Andox: 靠盃..
11:53 -!- borting [7a74bc9f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:53 < Noni> cibs 表示 : 都是妹搭他的 !?
11:53 -!- sunpoet [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
11:53 < cibs> janyeh: 我肚子也好餓..
11:53 < cibs> Noni: orz
11:53 < ddsakura> linda gogo!!
11:53 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has joined #coscup
11:53 < KiraYao> 去吃中研院 一餐40塊的自助餐(?)
11:53 < zx1986> 還可以求 R1 一開始的妹圖嗎 ....
11:53 < AceLan> iloveubuntu
11:53 < king1223> KiraYao: 在哪裡?
11:53 -!- kkw_ [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
11:54 < SammyLin> r2 多兩個位子
11:54 < kiang> R1 網襪正妹(diana.chen)照片: ,
11:54 < KiraYao> 活動中心一樓阿
11:54 < king1223> 我只在附近找到好貴的午餐QQ
11:54 < play> 站內信
11:54 -!- yspan [~AndChat29@] has joined #coscup
11:54 < Noni> [R0]主持人 看來是大神級的
11:54 -!- kkw [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
11:54 < janyeh> 該往R1移動了
11:54 < SammyLin> 蹲的朋友快搶
11:54 < KiraYao> 我記得之前是這樣
11:54 -!- Maligbi [6f5117e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:54 < zx1986> coscup 多好人 ...
11:54 < hSATAC> 請問有人有目擊到 @timdream 嗎?
11:54 -!- chuiyi [~chuiyi@] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
11:54 -!- Yanyiyi [~yan@] has quit [Quit: Yanyiyi]
11:54 < SammyLin> 瞬間沒位子了
11:54 < locy69> COSCUP 2012 Day1 Lightning talk
11:54 -!- RIH [] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
11:54 < cls_bsd> [RO] 這些問題都很好回答啊
11:54 -!- hashman [~hashman@] has joined #coscup
11:54 < evenrain> [R2] end
11:54 < darkx> l123868:
11:54 < ReticenceSu2> [R2]end
11:54 < howardsun> r0的主持人好像很厲害
11:54 < darkx> l123868: ^^
11:54 < KiraYao> 我該去R0了....
11:54 < jserv--> [R1] 打包分立:code 性質, product 範圍, 共用程度, 問題嚴重性
11:54 < cls_bsd> [RO] 講者只是怯場而已啦
11:54 < FourDollars> Yahoo 裡面的 RD 也有使用 Ubuntu 喔?
11:54 < cclien> r0主持人口委
11:54 -!- kenobilyh_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
11:54 -!- elvis_ [~elvis@] has joined #coscup
11:54 < cls_bsd> 我相信他知道實作怎麼做
11:54 -!- SteveSu [8c7018c0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:54 < ygtw> 12:30有餐券可以領便當
11:54 < zx1986> [R2] 死守 R2 ....
11:54 < l123868> ...
11:55 -!- evenrain [~evenrain@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:55 < ygtw> 1:00沒餐卷可以領便當
11:55 < cls_bsd> 這些問題都是 trivial 的,主持人在做球啦 :p
11:55 < jserv--> R1 這場聽得很舒服
11:55 -!- bobchao [] has joined #coscup
11:55 -!- mode/#coscup [+o bobchao] by ChanServ
11:55 < ReticenceSu2> [R2]沒有餐卷的話請等1:00
11:55 -!- stevennick [~stevennic@2001:c08:1:164:a828:de5a:87ed:fe61] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:55 < locy69> R0 主持是 Freedom
11:55 < locy69> 大神無誤~~
11:55 < zx1986> [R2] javascripMVC 裏面就整合 jquery 了吧?很小聲問 ....
11:55 < evenwu> gslin 用狗鍊style...
11:55 -!- villerhsiao [~villerhsi@] has joined #coscup
11:55 < kulokase>
11:55 < cls_bsd> training, test 吧
11:55 < Noni> [R0] 有自動 回血機制
11:55 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Quit: BardicheZ_]
11:55 -!- SammyLin [~sammylin@2001:c08:1:164:54f:9697:1c03:f7a5] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
11:55 < KiraYao> R0還沒結束....
11:55 -!- jack [] has joined #coscup
11:55 < kiang> R2 一樣只有站票,站得肚子好餓 XD
11:55 < janyeh> 先神淡出r0,再神淡入r1
11:55 < either> [R1] 人變多了@@
11:55 < janyeh> 等我啊~
11:56 < Noni> locy69 謝謝
11:56 < kiang> R2 有短裙辣妹等座位,有人要讓嗎?
11:56 -!- user_789 [~user@] has quit [Quit: 暫離]
11:56 < freetsubasa> [R1]有人慢慢進來了0.0
11:56 < KiraYao> 算了,之後等影片好了
11:56 < KiraYao> 衝R1
11:56 < zx1986> R2 短裙妹可以來坐我腿
11:56 < Noni> [R0] QA Time 好熱鬧
11:56 -!- hugojay [] has joined #coscup
11:56 -!- doremi [6f51d89a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:56 < kiang> @zx1986, 那我會先衝 XD
11:57 -!- sealholic1 [~Adium@] has joined #coscup
11:57 -!- sealholic [~Adium@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
11:57 < KiraYao> R1開始要坐樓梯了
11:57 -!- RIH [] has joined #coscup
11:57 < jason2506> '
11:57 < zx1986> @kiang 我可以跪當椅子 ...
11:57 < ygtw> [R2] 希望有25分的QA XD
11:57 < jason2506> [R2]
11:57 -!- watsontsi [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:7d8d:4e17:8c75:80c2] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
11:57 -!- king1223 [~aaa@] has quit [Quit: 暫離]
11:57 < DHXD> 看成25公分(揉眼
11:57 -!- sammyfung [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
11:57 < jserv--> [R1] 「只剩下苦命的我」
11:57 -!- ccc-larc [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
11:57 -!- ColinK [caa9a3dc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:57 < ygtw> [R2] 老闆有交代 有付錢要工商時間下
11:58 -!- borting [7a74bc9f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
11:58 < KiraYao> Q__Q
11:58 < Peter__> R1] 晚上七點就走了蠻多RD!!!
11:58 < linroex> XDD
11:58 < either> @DHXD 你昨晚幾點睡XD
11:58 < jack> help hilight
11:58 < zx1986> [R2] 假 session 真 lighttalk
11:58 -!- rsghost [dd780237@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:58 < grassboy> [R2] 我昨天也睡得太開心,沒有報到Lightning Talk
11:58 < Zhusee> [R2] 「沒報到 LT 只好再自己的 Session 講」
11:58 -!- lichain [] has joined #coscup
11:58 -!- janyeh_ [~janyeh@] has joined #coscup
11:58 < jserv--> 在 M 裡面,常常晚上七點才能開始辦事 @_@
11:58 < KiraYao> M?
11:58 < linroex> 不說劃
11:58 < KiraYao> MTK?
11:58 < jack> MediaTek?
11:58 < barneybook> R2 五分鐘不講話閃電秀
11:58 -!- Lennymb [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
11:58 < play> 大m
11:58 -!- nio_tw [dc87caaa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #coscup []
11:58 < linroex> 天才
11:59 < Noni> [R0]大量的人移民了~
11:59 < stanely> 7點才開始做事是因為會太多?
11:59 -!- SteveSu [8c7018c0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
11:59 -!- swaywang [~mac@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
11:59 < jserv--> [R1] One More Thing!
11:59 -!- TigerHua1g [] has joined #coscup
11:59 -!- jack [] has quit [Client Quit]
11:59 < kiang> [R2] 不講話演講
11:59 < smailc> R2 投影片有笑點
11:59 < ReticenceSu2>
11:59 < jserv--> [R1] pupplet deploy system
11:59 < KiraYao> 無線不給力阿....IRC+BBS就卡
11:59 -!- TigerHua1g [] has quit [Client Quit]
12:00 < Francine> R2 倒底發生了啥事??
12:00 < darkx> 還好吧@@
12:00 < JalenLin> [R2] 無言的lightingtalk
12:00 < cyt93cs_> [R1] puppet deploy system (ruby-based)
12:00 < zx1986> [R2] 無聲 light talk 好酷
12:00 < Zhusee> [R2] 工商服務結束
12:00 < kiang> 這裡的網路應該只剩有線才活的下去吧
12:00 < cyrandy> R2 XDD
12:00 < linroex> 太有梗了R2
12:00 -!- janyeh [~janyeh@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
12:00 < jserv--> [R1] Ruby++
12:00 < barneybook> R2好威
12:00 -!- TigerHuang [~tiger@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
12:00 -!- davihuan [] has joined #coscup
12:00 < ReticenceSu2> [R2]這個爆笑
12:00 < KiraYao> 今年的網路確實沒有去年穩....
12:00 < brucehsu> [R1] Ruby++
12:00 < zx1986> [R1] Puppet !?!? 跟題目不一樣啊!?
12:00 < Zhusee> [R2] 「我們開放已經看過投影片的直接問問題好不好」
12:00 -!- TigerHuang [] has joined #coscup
12:00 < cyrandy> >>
12:00 < Francine> R1 Q&A
12:00 < DHXD> 我的 Win 8 放一個早上才抓到 6XXMB
12:00 -!- yanyiyi [~yan@2001:c08:1:164:e4a4:b949:a8b8:8441] has joined #coscup
12:01 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@2001:c08:1:164:4:2263:1627:61f] has quit [Quit: sonyu]
12:01 < KiraYao> R1 QA
12:01 < ygtw> Wifi AS_public淡定使用中
12:01 < kiang> [R2] 尷尬了一下,沒人看過投影片 XD
12:01 < YChao_> R0 無線也是ok的
12:01 -!- dar [~darsiphon@] has joined #coscup
12:01 -!- Jeely [] has quit [Quit: Jeely]
12:01 < zx1986> @ygtw who provide AS_public ?
12:01 < play> 宅色夫!:
12:01 < cyt93cs_> jserv 出手了!
12:01 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has quit [Quit: Yaaic - Yet another Android IRC client -]
12:01 < RIH> [R2] 有啦 左前方有兩位舉手
12:01 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
12:01 < YChao_> AS_public -> Academia Sinica
12:01 -!- Jeely [] has joined #coscup
12:01 < zx1986> @YChao thanks!
12:01 < cyt93cs_> [R1] Q: 如何在大公司對廣這些東西
12:01 < cclien> [R0] Mahout
12:01 < ioan> exit
12:01 -!- ioan [~ioan@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
12:01 -!- swaywang [~mac@] has joined #coscup
12:02 < Moonslight> R0 END !
12:02 -!- jack [] has joined #coscup
12:02 < KiraYao> R1 End
12:02 < Noni> [R0]========換場==========
12:02 -!- petercpg [~petercpg@] has joined #coscup
12:02 < KiraYao> 換HTC的上
12:02 < cyt93cs_> [R1] Ans: 不斷溝通
12:02 < play> Hㄒㄈ
12:02 < Alen> [R1] hTC 講自動化測試
12:02 -!- Toomore [~toomore@2001:c08:1:164:7985:24c4:4c6b:30d3] has joined #coscup
12:02 < BillyHerrington> 原來HTC有來耶
12:02 -!- darkland [~darkland@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
12:02 -!- _Ed [~Adium@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
12:02 < elvisFQ> R1 說好的妹勒
12:02 -!- ken___ [~kuanying@] has joined #coscup
12:02 < Noni> 原來是HTC的
12:02 < narahuang2> 說到HTC的測試,聽說之前砍了不少SQA
12:02 -!- mosu_001 [~mosu_001@] has joined #coscup
12:02 < play> 有啊
12:02 -!- vrootic [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
12:02 < Francine> 正妹講師不見了
12:02 -!- lithos_ [caa9a3fc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
12:02 < Noni> 號稱50%?
12:03 < cclien> [R0] 腎
12:03 -!- brucehsu [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
12:03 < KiraYao> 那個新聞很大啊
12:03 < janyeh_> R1 Linda等下才上場
12:03 < Noni> 導入了自動化就可以砍QA了~XD
12:03 < KiraYao> 要Live Demo!
12:03 < Toomore>
12:03 -!- janyeh_ is now known as janyeh
12:03 < swind_> 想太多,最好自動化就不要 QA XDDDD
12:03 < Alen> [R1] hTC自備demo 正妹
12:03 -!- lafi_ [~lafi@] has joined #coscup
12:03 < Noni> [R0] 表示 : 閒閒 無事 用OOS做研究
12:04 < KiraYao> 去年也是在講用OSS做QA等等
12:04 < ReticenceSu2> 巴豆妖了
12:04 -!- SteveSu [8c70182d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
12:04 < KiraYao> 好熟悉的畫面....
12:04 < Francine> R0議題如何? 考慮轉場中
12:04 -!- ccc-larc [] has joined #coscup
12:04 < Noni> 所以HTC用正妹DEMO?
12:04 < kiang> ++巴豆妖, 站著打字好累 XD
12:04 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@2001:c08:1:164:357a:6ab3:3d84:9fcd] has joined #coscup
12:04 < KiraYao> 對阿
12:04 < lafi_> R0 S;G
12:04 < Noni> [R0]看片 A_A
12:04 < KiraYao> 看片@@
12:04 < darkgerm> [R0] 我還以為他會播 steins;gate (iokd
12:04 < ReticenceSu2> 我是坐著啦
12:04 < janyeh> [R1] Linda是我們家的...
12:05 -!- AndChat391601 [~AndChat39@] has joined #coscup
12:05 -!- Edward_ [5bd40c44@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
12:05 < iblis17> lafi_: SERN
12:05 < RyanHo> R0 steins;gate ++
12:05 < jack> R0 講者是在歐洲那個工作嗎?
12:05 -!- kenobilyh_ [] has joined #coscup
12:05 < lafi_> SERN (? 0230
12:05 < KiraYao> 中二必須死(?)
12:05 < cclien> CERN
12:05 < DonaldIsFreak> [R0]議題超猛
12:05 < AndChat391601> .
12:05 < Noni> [R0]NTU
12:05 < Zhusee> CERN++
12:05 * ijliao 轉檯到 r2
12:05 < RyanHo> R0 LHC
12:05 < DHXD> Steins Gateeeeeee
12:05 < imacat> Bof where?
12:05 < coldturnip> Jelly men
12:05 < iblis17> s;g => SERN
12:05 < darkgerm> 機關!
12:05 -!- SammyLin [~sammylin@2001:c08:1:164:f4f2:7149:633b:26e6] has joined #coscup
12:05 < zx1986> [R2] May I have slide link ? thanks ...
12:05 < barneybook> R0講時光理論?
12:05 -!- BillyHerrington [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
12:05 -!- t_ [2a4bb570@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
12:06 < Zhusee> zx1986:
12:06 -!- Ruinland [~RuinHello@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
12:06 < kiang> [R2]MySQL一個 table 20~30GB 要 alter 5 小時
12:06 < janyeh> [R1] 現在講的是HTC測試的流程
12:06 -!- TNTshop [~nemu_@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
12:06 < Noni> [R0]WWW的出生地
12:06 < lafi_> LHC computing
12:06 < zx1986> @Zhusee THANKS!
12:06 -!- king1223 [~aaa@] has joined #coscup
12:06 -!- Ufohead [2a488f0c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
12:06 < KiraYao> 你們有跟github合作阿
12:06 < DHXD> 說到HTC 我的 Titan 好像紅中了
12:06 < Noni> [R0]看小抄~XD
12:06 < king1223> 哪裡有40元的午餐QQ
12:06 < janyeh> 付錢算合作嗎? XDD
12:06 < darkgerm> [R0] 他的縮寫不是 SERN
12:06 < KiraYao> 算阿
12:07 < DHXD> SERN打杈 XDDDD
12:07 -!- alicekey [] has joined #coscup
12:07 < coldturnip> LHC 可以把約 3.24TB 的人類記憶壓縮成 36B 傳輸,好可怕的訊息量
12:07 -!- macjack [~macjack@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
12:07 < kiang> [R2]MySQL 5.6 之後 InnoDB 支援 fulltext search
12:07 < RyanHo> R0 大爆炸理論XD
12:07 -!- lafi_ [~lafi@] has left #coscup []
12:07 < Albert_> [R0] 請給我五分鐘講物理
12:07 < cclien> [R0] 好孩子的物理時間
12:07 -!- lafi_ [~lafi@] has joined #coscup
12:07 < Moonslight> 5分鐘物理課 R0
12:07 < king1223> XDDDDD
12:07 < fcrh> R0 聽起來很猛XD
12:07 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
12:07 < Noni> [R0]等等會不會提到星矢丫!?
12:07 < KiraYao> [R1] 神奇的軟體開發
12:07 < Swl> 物理課?(woot)
12:07 < DonaldIsFreak> [R0]超深的
12:07 < dainese> penny~penny~penny
12:07 < janyeh> @KiraYao, 那也有跟JIRA合作~
12:07 < darkgerm> [R0] 變天文物理課了XD
12:08 < king1223> S;G
12:08 -!- king1223 [~aaa@] has quit [Client Quit]
12:08 < Francine> R0 怎麼越來越奇怪了??
12:08 -!- Ufohead [2a488f0c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
12:08 < in2_android> 想問有人把mysql5.6 production use嗎
12:08 < barneybook> 命運石之門<? (大誤)
12:08 < Francine> 人在R1中
12:08 < KiraYao> 我以為你們會自己弄個git repo
12:08 < KiraYao> 所以才說合作阿
12:08 < kiang> [R2] alter table 一向是 uptime 的大殺手
12:08 -!- ethan_ [~ethan@] has joined #coscup
12:08 -!- evenrain [~evenrain@] has joined #coscup
12:08 < janyeh> @KiraYao, 也有用內部的Git, Gitorious啊~
12:08 -!- nfsnfs [] has joined #coscup
12:08 < Noni> [R0] 很硬!
12:08 < RyanHo> R0 標準模型
12:08 -!- Ufohead [2a488f0c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
12:08 -!- hashman_ [~hashman@] has joined #coscup
12:09 < zx1986> @janyeh try Gitlab! it's better than Gitorious
12:09 -!- edwardc [] has joined #coscup
12:09 * FredC 剛起床 orz
12:09 -!- lin4h [01c89b37@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
12:09 < evenrain> 我剛剛傻了,第三場聽完就以為放飯了,就把電腦關了 (遮臉) 現在才又連進 IRC...
12:09 < edwardc> ...
12:09 < Francine> R0 很硬??
12:09 -!- gh__ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
12:09 -!- jimmytp [6f517c26@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
12:09 < DonaldIsFreak> [R0]我只有standard Model聽得懂而已XD
12:09 -!- salagadoola [caae0405@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
12:09 < darkgerm> [R0] 夸克
12:09 < KiraYao> 他們倆個都有用拉
12:09 -!- pychen [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
12:09 -!- lafi_ [~lafi@] has left #coscup []
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12:09 -!- lafi_ [~lafi@] has joined #coscup
12:09 < Noni> Francine 聽無 - -
12:09 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
12:09 < coldturnip> R0 等等會不會開始講玻色子跳躍
12:09 < Francine> 本人偏好硬的議題……XD
12:09 < janyeh> @zx1986, Gitlab有啥比Gitorious好的?
12:09 < KiraYao> 我是以為你們因為github是外界公司,所以就不會用XD
12:09 < Zhusee> [R1]
12:09 -!- pioneerlike [~pioneerli@] has joined #coscup
12:09 < edwardc> Custom: ..
12:10 < Moonslight> 或 暗物質.....
12:10 < Zhusee> 更正 [R2]*
12:10 -!- gunxgun [~AndChat12@2001:c08:1:164:3ae7:d8ff:feb1:767] has quit [Quit: Bye]
12:10 < KiraYao> (我研究所的老師就這樣打過我槍,不准我把東西放上github)
12:10 < kiang> [R2]
12:10 < edwardc> 啥?
12:10 < Noni> Francine 讚!
12:10 -!- gunxgun [~AndChat12@2001:c08:1:164:3ae7:d8ff:feb1:767] has joined #coscup
12:10 -!- gunxgun [~AndChat12@2001:c08:1:164:3ae7:d8ff:feb1:767] has quit [Client Quit]
12:10 < KiraYao> 只好自己架gitosis
12:10 -!- TobyOoO [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
12:10 -!- Ufohead [2a488f0c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
12:10 < janyeh> @KiraYao, 重要的東西當然不會放上去GitHub啊~
12:10 < Noni> [R0] 讓我想到寶傑了
12:11 -!- gh__ [~gh@] has joined #coscup
12:11 -!- gunxgun [~AndChat12@2001:c08:1:164:3ae7:d8ff:feb1:767] has joined #coscup
12:11 < KiraYao> 了解
12:11 < shadom> r0 暗物質出現了
12:11 -!- michael520 [~michael@] has joined #coscup
12:11 < RyanHo> R0 Higgs boson
12:11 -!- Guest80647 [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
12:11 < Swl> [宣傳][交換名片BoF] 12:45-13:20 交誼廳 //詳見Google docs of BoF
12:11 < KiraYao> R0是什麼妖魔鬼怪亂舞的地方XD
12:11 < freetsubasa> r0感覺好酷-.-
12:11 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
12:11 < Francine> 對啊
12:11 -!- lafi_ [~lafi@] has left #coscup []
12:11 -!- kuyuhisepa126 [~Default@] has joined #coscup
12:11 < Swl> 妖魔鬼怪亂舞0 0
12:11 < Francine> R0感覺很酷
12:11 < DHXD> 我想把社團好大盒的名片發完(炸
12:11 < jimmytp> [交] 用的是 processing
12:11 < barneybook> R2
12:11 < Moonslight> 物理over
12:11 < FreedomKnight> 上帝粒子的舞蹈耶 華幹
12:11 -!- stanely [~stanely@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
12:11 < darkgerm> [R0] E=MC^2
12:12 < _Davy_> [R1] 這個放大鏡,看起來就像是在找bug的樣子
12:12 < michael520> XD
12:12 < Francine> 我只用了一張名片…(就為了正妹講師 XDDDD)
12:12 < janyeh> [交換名片BOF] 我要把一整盒名片發完
12:12 -!- ihower [~ihower@2001:c08:1:164:618a:1e9b:b523:c2e9] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
12:12 < amiboshi> @DHXD:你可以抱著QB發
12:12 < Noni> [R0]有圖有真相
12:12 -!- king1223 [~aaa@] has joined #coscup
12:12 -!- stanely5 [~stanely@] has joined #coscup
12:12 -!- hashman [~hashman@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
12:12 < barneybook> R0 好像很酷!!! (人在R2)
12:12 -!- sealholic1 [~Adium@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
12:12 < kiang> [R2]不建議使用 mysql cluster
12:12 < king1223> R0真的超酷
12:12 < DHXD> @amiboshi: aaa3好了 遮臉(?
12:12 < Swl> DHXD 歡迎歡迎 快到Google docs 填表XD
12:12 -!- hashman [~hashman@] has joined #coscup
12:12 < Alen> R0 好像很酷....人在R1
12:12 < KiraYao> Live Demo來了
12:12 -!- michael530 [~michael@] has joined #coscup
12:12 < fcrh> [r1] demo
12:12 -!- ccn [] has joined #coscup
12:12 -!- sealholic [~Adium@] has joined #coscup
12:12 < KiraYao> [R1] 正妹Live Demo
12:12 -!- AndChat|59136 [~AndChat59@] has joined #coscup
12:12 < elvisFQ> R1 重點來了 (誤
12:12 -!- AndChat|59136 [~AndChat59@] has quit [Client Quit]
12:12 < freetsubasa> 要demo了!!!
12:12 < janyeh> [R1]掌聲歡迎Linda~~~
12:12 < stanely5> [R0] 好酷的東西
12:12 < Alen> [R1] 正妹 Demo 出現
12:12 < DHXD> @Swl: Google docs 不讓我編輯lol
12:12 < Moonslight> R0 威阿 !
12:13 -!- AndChat|59136 [~AndChat59@] has joined #coscup
12:13 < shadom> r0 demo 讚
12:13 < king1223> 人太多了不能編吧
12:13 < RyanHo> R0 好酷的3D Model
12:13 -!- Sorry [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
12:13 < Noni> A_A [R1] 圖~~~
12:13 < _Davy_> DHXD: 你要去點他上面的提示開啟編輯
12:13 -!- dennis_ [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
12:13 < darkgerm> [R0] 3D 碰撞 demo
12:13 < king1223> r0 is so cool
12:13 < salagadoola> [r2] 優點很多 地雷也很多 只要你能避開那些地雷就能享受所有的好處
12:13 < Swl> DHXD: 那就直接來吧xdddd
12:13 < JalenLin> [R2] 優點多,地雷也多,只要避開那些地雷就可以享受那些好處
12:13 < DHXD> 誒 可以了
12:13 < cclien> [R0] 超大數位相機
12:13 < JalenLin> XDDDD
12:13 < jimmytp> [交] 做藝術用的 distribution
12:13 < DHXD> 剛才說人數太多不能編輯
12:13 -!- Ufohead [2a488f0c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
12:14 < Alen> <==== 人在 R1 不過被R0 的線上直播吸引中...
12:14 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has joined #coscup
12:14 < _Davy_> Alen: +1
12:14 -!- michael540 [~michael@] has joined #coscup
12:14 < edwardc> SSD !
12:14 -!- hashman__ [~hashman@] has joined #coscup
12:14 -!- oaoq [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
12:14 < coldturnip> R0 實在是太酷了
12:14 -!- greener [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
12:14 < Noni> 150 million sensors ~~~[R0]
12:15 -!- kaoyuan [2a483384@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
12:15 < janyeh> [R1]
12:15 -!- Edward_ [5bd40c44@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
12:15 -!- stevenni_ [~stevennic@2001:c08:1:164:d83d:971c:dfc2:b40e] has joined #coscup
12:15 < elvisFQ> 還好 R0 還可以看 hangout
12:15 < janyeh> 看得到嗎?
12:15 < Alen> resolution 超高.
12:15 -!- kkw [] has joined #coscup
12:15 < edwardc> postgresql + ssd 可以玩看看
12:15 < KiraYao> Live Demo on the way
12:15 < darkgerm> [R0] 300 MB/s RAW
12:15 < salagadoola> [r2] ssd當年的情況是慘不忍賭, 至於現ssd壽命長很多, 但因為innodb的資料結構特性, 讓它不適合上ssd
12:15 < in2_android> 廠商沒贊助XD
12:15 < darkgerm> [R0] 10 - 15 PB /year
12:15 < _Davy_> [R1] 現場網路不好所以我們用錄的(笑
12:16 < Ufohead> 曾聖文你的手機在我這裡,請勿慌張,並設法打自己電話,謝謝
12:16 < evenrain> [R2] 你的資料有2T嗎?我們等下可以再談 XD
12:16 -!- hashman_ [~hashman@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
12:16 < salagadoola> [r2] 不過有人在開發適合ssd特性的引擎
12:16 < king1223> [R0]一萬5千顆1TB硬碟
12:16 -!- Jerome_ [~Jerome@] has joined #coscup
12:16 < Alen> [R0] 酷啊
12:16 < coldturnip> PB …
12:16 < Noni> [R0] 好可怕的資料量
12:16 < darkgerm> [R0] 終於要進主題了
12:16 < stanely5> @yahyeh 酷啊
12:16 < _Davy_> [R2] 你可以存在memory(?
12:16 < king1223> [R0]網格運算
12:16 < edwardc> DK 的回答非常中肯
12:16 < Alen> [Ro] Grid computing
12:17 -!- c1n [] has joined #coscup
12:17 -!- SamWu_ [~samwu@] has joined #coscup
12:17 < kito> r0 直播網址網址在哪阿?
12:17 < jack> nist有cloud computing的定義~~
12:17 < JalenLin>
12:17 -!- Ufohead [2a488f0c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
12:17 -!- hashman [~hashman@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
12:17 < Swl> R0直播聽不到人聲@@
12:17 < kito> 肛溫
12:17 -!- Haraguroicha [~Haraguroi@] has joined #coscup
12:17 < edwardc> [R2] 用 rsync ? XD
12:17 < KiraYao> R1 Roll up Report
12:18 -!- infax [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
12:18 -!- NepTunic [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
12:18 < coldturnip> CERN 的開放式 cloud computing,真的可以連接微波爐了
12:18 < salagadoola> [r2] 我好像在5年前 也是在coscup講類似的東西
12:18 < RyanHo> 難怪所有Cloud file system都至少是PB級
12:18 < janyeh> @KiraYao, 捲起來的report...
12:18 < smailc> XDD
12:18 -!- Ufohead [2a488f0c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
12:18 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
12:18 -!- Francine [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
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12:18 < king1223> S:G
12:18 < king1223> S;G
12:18 < KiraYao> XDD
12:18 < DHXD> R0 又變冷了 <____>
12:19 < KiraYao> Steins Gate真得出來啦
12:19 < king1223> 越來越冷了
12:19 -!- a0000778 [] has left #coscup []
12:19 < locy69> 國際會議廳 面對講台右側樓梯走道!! 經過請小心腳下!!!
12:19 < janyeh> [R1] 要照片的請找OThree... XDD
12:19 < locy69> !!注意!!! 國際會議廳 面對講台右側樓梯走道!! 經過請小心!!!
12:19 -!- Al_Cho [8c6d7ff8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
12:19 -!- dar [~darsiphon@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
12:19 -!- dennis_ [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
12:19 < imKojima> 有什麼東西嗎?
12:19 < DHXD> 右側有發生什麼事嗎?
12:19 < locy69> 有一塊防滑鋁板翹起~~
12:19 < janyeh> @locy69: 會怎樣嗎?
12:19 < coldturnip> 中研院有亞洲最大的一級資料中心!不用去秋葉原了!
12:19 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@] has joined #coscup
12:19 -!- StarNight [] has quit [Quit: Bye]
12:19 < king1223> 會怎麼樣??
12:20 < locy69> !!注意!!! 國際會議廳 面對講台右側樓梯走道!! 經過請小心!!! 有一塊防滑鋁板翹起~~
12:20 -!- Francine [] has joined #coscup
12:20 -!- pychen [8c6d7ff4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
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12:20 < locy69>
12:20 < Edward_> king1223: 真的,超冷
12:20 < edwardc> 採到會損血
12:20 -!- linroex1 [] has joined #coscup
12:21 -!- sunpoet [] has joined #coscup
12:21 < cclien> edwardc: 幹董你到了沒
12:21 < king1223> 喔阿 長老阿阿阿(?
12:21 < linroex1> 連上了OHYA
12:21 < Peter__> coldturnip: 為什麼是秋葉原XD
12:21 -!- gnux123 [~gnux123@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
12:21 -!- yanyiyi [~yan@2001:c08:1:164:e4a4:b949:a8b8:8441] has quit [Quit: yanyiyi]
12:21 < Noni> <不用去秋葉原了!> A_A
12:21 < JalenLin> [R2]吃飯!!
12:21 < edwardc> cclien: R2
12:21 -!- Zhusee [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
12:21 < ReticenceSu2> [R2]吃飯
12:21 < barneybook> R2講者想吃飯了
12:21 < locy69> 被絆到可能會滾下來@@!
12:21 < salagadoola> [r2] 如果是innodb, 可以用(某個沒聽清楚的open source軟體)幫你做extra backup, 即使你只有一台server也能做出consistent backup
12:21 < edwardc> cclien: ㄉ隻
12:21 < DHXD> 巴豆邀邀
12:21 -!- darkland [~darkland@] has joined #coscup
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12:21 -!- darkland [~darkland@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
12:21 -!- mosu_001 [~mosu_001@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
12:21 < Custom> R2 xtrabackup
12:22 -!- in2_android [~AndChat62@] has joined #coscup
12:22 -!- Toomore [~toomore@2001:c08:1:164:7985:24c4:4c6b:30d3] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
12:22 < salagadoola> Custom: thanks
12:22 -!- mosutw [~mosu@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
12:22 < Swl> [r2] 反正就不要用嘛! XD
12:22 < ReticenceSu2> [R2]反正就不要用嘛!!!XD
12:22 < chitsaou> [R2] Q 用 Oracle MySQL 會有什麼問題嗎 A: 反正就不要用嘛
12:22 < Stallman_> disappointed
12:22 < Custom>
12:22 -!- darkland [~darkland@] has joined #coscup
12:22 -!- phtseng [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:3dc1:d76:5f8c:f64a] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
12:22 -!- Ufohead [2a488f0c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
12:22 < edwardc> 天國近了
12:22 -!- lafi [~lafi@] has joined #coscup
12:22 -!- ying_ [df8a0dea@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
12:22 < salagadoola> [r2] 反正5年期限也快到了 該放棄的就該放棄
12:23 -!- jason2506 [~jason2506@2001:c08:1:164:c402:9c95:1db2:e5f2] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
12:23 < kuyuhisepa126> [R0]冷氣又好冷了.....
12:23 -!- Serpent [] has joined #coscup
12:23 < elvis_> 今天又忘了帶外套,冷到哭8
12:23 < Swl> 準備吃飯OwO
12:23 < edwardc> elvis_: 喵神在哪
12:23 < Peter__> r1] 他的terminal上的字根本看不到啊orz
12:23 < elvis_> R1
12:23 < locy69> R0 出風口的地方會冷!! 沒出風口就不會了
12:23 -!- hugojay [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
12:23 -!- Ufohead [2a488f0c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
12:23 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has quit [Quit: Yaaic - Yet another Android IRC client -]
12:23 < DHXD> 我頭上好像就出風口LOL
12:23 < edwardc> AceLan: where r U
12:24 < elvis_> AceLan 在我右邊的右邊
12:24 < elvis_> 睡著中 XDXD
12:24 < freetsubasa> [r1] 字有點小QwQ
12:24 -!- Haraguroicha [~Haraguroi@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
12:24 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@2001:c08:1:164:357a:6ab3:3d84:9fcd] has quit [Quit: sonyu]
12:24 < king1223> 我離出風口好近QQ
12:24 < ReticenceSu2> 頭開始暈了(肚子餓啦)
12:24 < Custom> 強烈推薦 percona, 搞 MySQL 的一定要看 XD
12:24 -!- greener [] has joined #coscup
12:24 < edwardc> elvis_: 你跟 AceLan 好有愛,每年都在他旁邊
12:24 < Francine> 換到R0後,意外發現剛剛R1正妹講師坐我前面 >////<
12:24 -!- Haraguroicha_iPh [~Haraguroi@] has joined #coscup
12:24 < elvis_> >////<
12:24 < cclien> elvis_: 在一起
12:24 -!- kkw_ [] has joined #coscup
12:24 < DHXD> 好像有看到
12:24 < edwardc> 強烈推薦 enterprisedb, 搞 PostgreSQL 的也一定要看 XD
12:24 < edwardc> elvis_: 在一起
12:24 < Custom> edwardc:
12:24 < Custom> edwardc: XD
12:24 < JalenLin> [R2]想搶便當的可以先去搶
12:24 -!- jeremy5189 [~jeremy518@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
12:24 < janyeh> elvis_: 在一起
12:24 -!- hosco [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
12:24 < ReticenceSu2> [R2]真關心大家都肚子餓了
12:25 -!- pworker_ [72885999@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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12:25 < edwardc> 餵公子吃便當
12:25 < Custom> edwardc: 我年輕的時候被 postgresql 心靈受創過 :P
12:25 -!- jason2506_ [~jason2506@] has joined #coscup
12:25 < Swl> R2講師挺幽默的xD
12:25 < elvis_> 超餓的啊啊啊
12:25 -!- evenrain [~evenrain@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
12:25 < salagadoola> [r2] Q:有時候會莫名其妙遇到deadlock A:是否常常兩台都同時在寫,如果是的話,那就寫一台就好
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12:25 < edwardc> Custom: 你年輕時也被女人受創過,那現在並沒有改愛男人阿 XD
12:25 < KiraYao> 影片DEMO
12:25 < Custom> edwardc: XD
12:25 -!- Haraguroicha_iPh [~Haraguroi@] has quit [Client Quit]
12:25 < Edward_> r00t
12:25 -!- RIH [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
12:26 < edwardc> Custom: 征服他!! XD
12:26 < kiang> [R2] HA proxy 的 overhead 太重
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12:26 < janyeh> @edwardc: good point... 沒有改愛男人
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12:26 < king1223> 我也超餓的阿阿阿
12:26 < CindyLinz> Custom: 這些年, 你成長了.. Postgres 也成長了啊 :D
12:26 < DHXD> 我要出去廁所了 順便看能不能覓食(?)
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12:26 < Custom> CindyLinz: 我沒有成長啊... 我轉去騎單車了 XD
12:26 -!- coscup [~lis186@2001:c08:1:164:d81b:7006:e6c7:46e5] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
12:27 -!- df1 [~df1@2001:c08:1:164:f038:7ab5:8571:7fde] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
12:27 -!- DHXD [~Adium@2001:c08:1:164:304e:5c79:62a6:d9ce] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
12:27 < salagadoola> [r2] 可以同時寫 但是同時寫容易造成deadlock 做切換的時候幾秒鐘同時寫沒問題 但是盡量減少同時寫的機會
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12:27 < darkgerm> R0 一直有人在拿筷子.... 好餓 orz
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12:27 < Noni> [R0]
12:27 < elvisFQ> 1:10 開放便當
12:27 < king1223> QQ
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12:27 < salagadoola> [r2] r2 end
12:27 -!- greener [] has quit [Client Quit]
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12:27 < king1223> 我也想吃便當
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12:27 < Francine> 13:10??
12:27 -!- yade [~yade@2001:c08:1:164:762f:68ff:fee4:3596] has left #coscup []
12:27 < freetsubasa> [r1] QA
12:27 < KiraYao> [R1] Done.
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12:27 < KiraYao> QA time
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12:28 < Moonslight> R0講師的臉好可愛 XD
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12:28 < cclien> YChao_: 人帥真好
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12:28 < Noni> [R0]研究成果開放取用 取立於民, 與民享之
12:28 < Francine> 我覺得我應該要遠離正妹講師,因為她的左手邊還坐了兩枚正妹……
12:28 -!- borting [7a74bc9f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
12:28 < Noni> [R0]太棒了!!!!
12:29 < king1223> 上帝粒子0.0
12:29 < CindyLinz> 我覺得 deadlock 是因為 lock 的「粒度」是 block
12:29 < Noni> Francine 圖~~~
12:29 < Francine> 我不會照相>"<
12:29 < jack> 正妹在R0的哪?
12:29 < darkgerm> R0 講者說日文了www
12:29 < Noni> [R0] QA~~~~
12:29 < CindyLinz> 排在一起的無辜 row 會一起 lock 住的關係
12:29 < Moonslight> R0 Qa
12:29 < Francine> 最後兩排
12:29 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Quit: BardicheZ_]
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12:29 < kuyuhisepa126> 冷~~
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12:29 < watsontsai> 吃飯了~
12:29 -!- Jeely [] has quit [Quit: Jeely]
12:29 < KiraYao> R1 自錶
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12:29 < Al_Cho> FourDollars: ping
12:29 < freetsubasa> [r1]wwwwww
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12:30 < windslash> J
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12:30 -!- yichiuan [~ooo@2001:c08:1:164:f80e:b1d6:bf8d:dbd3] has quit [Quit: Bye]
12:30 < KiraYao> htc算測很多的拉XD
12:30 -!- alicekey [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
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12:30 < privism> irc leave 潮
12:30 < king1223> R0收穫良多~
12:30 < KiraYao> (看向LG)
12:30 < Noni> [R0] 侃儒跳出來了
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12:30 < Al_Cho> FourDollars: 你要不要來參加bof? 第一次社群協調就失手
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12:31 < Moonslight> R0 END
12:31 -!- deghost is now known as Guest28793
12:31 < janyeh> @KiraYao, 測完就是RD要解issue了... T_T
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12:31 < king1223> R0 END
12:32 < KiraYao> 請加油T_T
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12:32 < janyeh> @KiraYao, m(@.@)m
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12:33 < janyeh> [R1] Smoke test...
12:33 < hashman> 好多人都離開了
12:33 < janyeh> 煙燻測試~
12:33 < OAO> OAO
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12:33 < KiraYao> [R1] End.
12:33 -!- KiraYao [~elegant_p@] has left #coscup []
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12:34 < janyeh> 等便當
12:34 < janyeh> ~~~>.<~~~
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12:39 < FourDollars> 媽!我在這!
12:40 < BarneyC> 交誼廳怎換名片
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12:43 < Al_Cho> FourDollars: Pingoo ping你啊XD
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12:44 < FourDollars> Al_Cho: thx XD
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12:46 < FourDollars> Al_Cho: 他現在好像不在… :(
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12:48 < jimmytp> 便當不知道還有沒
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12:53 < starryalley> 我也想知道兩點還有沒有便當@@
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12:54 < Andox> 等等不知道搶不搶得到便當@@
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12:55 * rocfatcat_NB 餓
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12:56 < tnth> 今年餐卷好少 兩天都沒拿到orz
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12:56 -!- Kiki1023 [~kiki@2001:c08:1:164:6074:e80d:5b29:aeab] has joined #coscup
12:56 < Andox> 沒拿到就來吃MOS QQ
12:57 -!- fcrh [] has joined #coscup
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12:58 -!- watsontsai [~watsontsa@2001:c08:1:164:66a7:69ff:fe9a:40f1] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
12:58 < TNTshop> 回來囉~
12:58 -!- swaywang [~mac@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
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12:58 < shtzeng> R0 冷氣放送中....
12:58 < Wildchild> 嘴巴破 吃飯都是種煎熬...orz
12:58 < Guest28793> 我場務的朋友說等會兒會有250個便當來
12:59 < Andox> 250!
12:59 -!- bobchao [~bobchao@2001:c08:1:164:d0b3:f2bd:6d9e:e86e] has joined #coscup
12:59 -!- mode/#coscup [+o bobchao] by ChanServ
12:59 < gunxgun> Pcman!!
13:00 -!- ijliao [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
13:01 -!- Ed_ [~Ed@] has joined #coscup
13:01 < alicekey> 來了
13:01 < Andox> 可以領了嗎@@?
13:01 -!- fcrh [] has quit [Client Quit]
13:01 < RickZhang> 食我
13:01 < rocfatcat_NB> 便當來了?
13:01 -!- fcrh [] has joined #coscup
13:02 -!- GDH [8c6d7fb9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:02 < gslin_tfn> XDDD
13:02 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
13:02 < GDH> >////////<
13:02 -!- dca- [] has quit [Quit: Leaving...]
13:02 -!- infax [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
13:02 < alicekey> 我是說PCMan。
13:02 -!- kito [~kito@] has joined #coscup
13:02 < GDH> 剛剛把名片給Jeserv大大了 好害羞>//////<
13:02 < Andox> Orz
13:02 -!- superbil_ [] has joined #coscup
13:03 * AceLan 狠狠的咬了 elvisFQ 一口,把他咬的哇哇大叫...真爽 真爽
13:03 < KiraYao> 150!
13:03 < KiraYao> XDDDD
13:03 < GDH> R2還有地板的位置嗎?
13:03 < AceLan> edwardc: hiiiiiiiiiiiii
13:03 < Andox> 宅色夫在R0了 XDD
13:03 -!- Taiten987 [~yaaic@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
13:03 < AceLan> R2 好像還有幾個位子
13:03 < albb0920> 哪裡有 unconference 的議程表啊?
13:03 -!- smailc [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup
13:03 < GDH> 真假!!!
13:04 < GDH> 我要去R2!!!!!
13:04 < KiraYao> R1是沒太多人,位子都被占了
13:04 < AceLan> r2 佔位的也很多 不過第一排還有位子
13:04 < alicekey> R2還有後面的板凳
13:04 -!- yade [~yade@2001:c08:1:164:762f:68ff:fee4:3596] has joined #coscup
13:05 -!- maxdragon [8c6d10c5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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13:05 < kiang> R2 很多位置都被佔著,能不能禁止佔位置這種事情啊 XD
13:05 -!- mp607 [d24689d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
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13:07 < TNTshop> 請 "有規則的佔位子"
13:07 -!- denny_ [~denny@] has joined #coscup
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13:07 < mr_nio> 這個時候靜悄悄
13:07 -!- lichain [] has quit [Quit: lichain]
13:08 -!- ArvinWu [df8bfaf2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:08 -!- denny_ is now known as Guest56242
13:08 -!- GDH [8c6d7fb9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
13:08 < kiang> 大家都在昏迷了吧 XD
13:08 < albb0920> 很多是放著去吃便當而已?
13:08 < smailc> 靜悄悄
13:08 -!- hamming1 [~hamming1@] has joined #coscup
13:09 -!- hinet60613 [] has quit [Quit: 暫離]
13:09 < superbil_> 還有便當嗎?
13:10 < kiang> 走出去問發便當的應該比較容易得到答案
13:10 -!- gnux123 [~gnux123@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
13:10 < RickZhang> 3F
13:10 -!- FreedomKnight [~FreedomKn@] has joined #coscup
13:10 < hlb> 位置都被佔走了 T_T
13:10 -!- king1223 [~aaa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
13:10 -!- shume [caa9ac7a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:10 < kiang> 這時候吃飯吃的快就有好處了 XD
13:10 -!- mosu_001 [~mosu_001@] has joined #coscup
13:10 < kuyuhisepa126__> 嗯..
13:11 -!- AndChat391601 [~AndChat39@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
13:12 < privism> R0 好像還有零星的位置
13:12 -!- RIH [] has joined #coscup
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13:12 -!- Negaihoshi [~e222et@] has joined #coscup
13:12 < KiraYao> R1這邊有些人有點誇張
13:13 -!- ken___ [~kuanying@] has joined #coscup
13:13 < Negaihoshi> 是怎樣?
13:13 -!- yuanpin [~yuanpin@2001:c08:1:164:9d34:f41a:8859:8aa7] has joined #coscup
13:13 < yanyiyi> 誇張?
13:13 -!- momizi [] has joined #coscup
13:13 < narahuang1> R0 大會表示還有部份便當在路上
13:13 < KiraYao> 放個水壺就把位子占走了
13:13 -!- starryalley [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
13:13 < rocfatcat_NB> 誇張?
13:13 < momizi> 苦
13:13 < coldturnip> 去年還有放面紙佔位子的
13:13 < ygtw> 轉知公告: COSCUP的接駁車在6:30兩班、6:35一班及6:40一班,坐滿就會發車喔!所以請需要的會眾們提前搭車!
13:13 < ygtw> 倘若沒有做到接駁車的會眾們,請搭計程車或是到中央研究院的門口搭公車!
13:13 -!- Jlnshen [~Jlnshen@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
13:13 < rocfatcat_NB> 可以建議下次舉辦每個人發放一張佔位牌...:P
13:13 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
13:14 -!- darkland_ [~darkland@] has joined #coscup
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13:14 * mrmoneyc 第一會議室北側有兩個人寫 code 寫到哼唱愛拼才會贏 .....
13:14 -!- Francine [] has joined #coscup
13:14 < KiraYao> XD
13:14 < FourDollars> clkao: 高天師你在 r2 了嗎?
13:14 < rocfatcat_NB> XD
13:14 < ArvinWu> XD
13:14 -!- darkland_ [~darkland@] has joined #coscup
13:15 < KiraYao> 等等R1的QA 應該問PCMAN當初怎麼不選Qt嗎XDDD
13:15 -!- darkland [~darkland@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
13:15 < kiang> PCMAN應該是 R2 ?
13:15 < albb0920> kiang: Y
13:15 < KiraYao> 歐對,我一直搞錯了
13:15 -!- VoidChen [~VoidChen@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
13:15 < KiraYao> (bp6y94
13:15 < KiraYao> Rgji
13:16 < KiraYao> (人在R2說R1)
13:16 < kiang> PCMAN已經在準備了
13:16 < KiraYao> 忘記切換輸入法
13:16 -!- aitjcize [~aitjcize@] has joined #coscup
13:16 < KiraYao> sorry
13:16 -!- jimmytp [6f517c26@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
13:16 -!- darkland_ is now known as darkland
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13:17 < kiang> @KiraYao, 既然你也在 R2 ,那就自己問了啊? 如果你是辣妹我就幫你問 XD
13:17 -!- XDD [~XDDDD@2001:c08:1:164:7899:7d7f:e857:39b5] has joined #coscup
13:17 < rocfatcat_NB> R0 切雙投影..:P
13:17 < KiraYao> 我那是開玩笑的啦
13:17 < KiraYao> 他昨天有跟我說了XD
13:17 -!- VoidChen [~VoidChen@] has joined #coscup
13:17 < kiang> 那就宣佈答案吧 XD
13:17 < KiraYao> 他比較熟GTK+ 就這樣
13:17 < KiraYao> Qt他這幾天才開始玩
13:17 < kiang> 了解 XD
13:17 < narahuang1> 雙螢幕,一個是轉播PCMAN的?
13:18 < KiraYao> (然後昨天一直說相見恨晚?!)
13:18 < TNTshop> WOW~
13:18 < kiang> 嗯, Qt 還是有比較多的資源 XD
13:18 < TNTshop> irc wall XD'
13:18 -!- swaywang [~mac@] has joined #coscup
13:18 < KiraYao> 也不能說資源比較多吧
13:18 < ccchiu> 上電視了
13:18 -!- t_ [2a4bb570@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:18 < narahuang1> 媽我在這 ._./
13:18 < TNTshop> 媽我在這 ~ ! ~~!! ~~~!!
13:18 < KiraYao> 商業化的好處就是至少說明會弄清楚一點
13:18 < kiang> IRC 被丟到牆上?媽,我在這兒~~~
13:18 < BeataLin> 媽我在這
13:18 < fcrh> 投影irc耶XD
13:18 < KiraYao> 媽,我在這!
13:18 < lafi> mom i'm here *_*/
13:18 < kinabcd> 媽我在這
13:18 < kiang> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> kiang 到此一遊 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
13:19 -!- DHXD [~Adium@2001:c08:1:164:b86b:a905:46f1:4806] has joined #coscup
13:19 < TNTshop> 媽~~~~~~~ 妳看到我了嗎 ~~~~~~~~
13:19 -!- oaoq [] has joined #coscup
13:19 < albb0920> ._.\~/
13:19 < DHXD> 媽我上電視惹
13:19 < rocfatcat_NB> ~LOL~ 我在這..!!
13:19 < FourDollars> 媽!
13:19 < swaywang> ._./
13:19 < Negaihoshi> OAO
13:19 < oaoq> ._.\~/
13:19 -!- TNTshop is now known as HiMom
13:19 < RIH> ._.\~/
13:19 < DHXD> (」・ω・)」うー!(/・ω・)/にゃー!(」・ω・)」うー!(/・ω・)/にゃー!(」・ω・)」うー!(/・ω・)/にゃー!(」・ω・)」うー!(/・ω・)/にゃー!
13:19 < HiMom> 媽 ~~~~~
13:19 < Moonslight> 媽 ~ 媽~ 這裡 ! 這裡 ! ((揮手
13:19 < Negaihoshi> 害羞惹>\\\\\\\\\\<
13:19 < clkao> FourDollars: 我在 r0 混一下 一會就過去... XD
13:19 < billy3321> @@
13:19 < HiMom> 媽我愛妳 >//////////<
13:19 < cls_bsd> ....
13:19 -!- df1 [~df1@2001:c08:1:164:f038:7ab5:8571:7fde] has joined #coscup
13:20 < alicekey> XD
13:20 < lafi> XD
13:20 < DHXD> (ˊ<_ ˋ)
13:20 < cls_bsd> __以上為宅男名單__
13:20 < ArvinWu> XD
13:20 -!- peterlee [2a49ee6a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:20 < aitjcize> mom, I'm here!
13:20 < momizi> XD
13:20 -!- fcrh [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
13:20 < darkgerm> 媽我在這
13:20 < cls_bsd> __以下開放靠媽一族__
13:20 < lafi> =w=/
13:20 -!- kkiick [d8639368@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:20 -!- EdwardYC [] has joined #coscup
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13:21 < HiMom> ------- 以下為帥哥美女名單 ----------
13:21 < Negaihoshi> 爸我在這裡
13:21 < DHXD> (ˊ<_ ˋ)<好吧 爸我在這(?)
13:21 < kkiick> 媽 我在這~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
13:21 < darkgerm> ._.\~/
13:21 < KiraYao> Hello~
13:21 -!- aitjcize [~aitjcize@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
13:21 < gnux123> ^_^y
13:21 < cclien> 哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦
13:21 < Negaihoshi> >\\\\\\<
13:21 < cclien> 我上電視了
13:21 -!- Kiki1023 [~kiki@2001:c08:1:164:6074:e80d:5b29:aeab] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
13:21 < kkiick> ==============我左邊是個胖胖================
13:21 -!- kuyuhisepa126_ [~kevin0114@] has joined #coscup
13:21 < lafi> [r0] irc live on screen
13:21 < DHXD> (ˊ<_ ˋ)不賤惹
13:21 < coldturnip> R0 下午的 hangouts 還沒開嗎?
13:21 < CindyLinz> 這樣就不能偷罵宅色夫了...
13:21 < darkgerm> QQ 沒了
13:21 < Francine> Jserv竟然有特殊服務……那臺子是訂做的嗎?
13:21 -!- taicomjp [] has joined #coscup
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13:21 < kiang>
13:22 < Negaihoshi> ლ(╹ω╹ლ)
13:22 -!- Guest36439 [~csk@] has joined #coscup
13:22 -!- HiMom is now known as NCC_HiMonther_Ia
13:22 -!- Aotoki [caa9ad42@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:22 < coldturnip> kiang: thx!
13:22 -!- Peter__ [8c72fd14@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:22 < DHXD> (」・ω・)」うー!(/・ω・)/にゃー!
13:22 < FreedomKnight> 顆顆
13:22 < RIH> 又來啦~媽我在這裡 ._./
13:23 -!- airman_ [caa9a6c3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:23 < NCC_HiMonther_Ia> 媽我上電視了 之 節目實況轉播
13:23 -!- tonyq [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
13:23 < narahuang1> 媽 宅色夫在這 ----------------------------------------------------->
13:23 < darkgerm> 耶~
13:23 < Negaihoshi> 喵~
13:23 < lafi> Live back
13:23 < darkx> 媽我在這!!!!! /
13:23 < FreedomKnight> 請問莫名其妙上電視有多一個便當可以吃嗎
13:23 -!- nli` [~Linear@] has joined #coscup
13:23 < ArvinWu> 娘子,快跟牛魔王出來看上帝
13:23 < lafi> wwww
13:23 -!- NCC_HiMonther_Ia is now known as CNN_HiMonther
13:23 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@] has joined #coscup
13:24 < kiang> 可是螢幕畫面看的清楚文字嗎? @R2 看不到
13:24 -!- Ed_ [~Ed@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
13:24 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@] has quit [Client Quit]
13:24 -!- _Ed [~Adium@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
13:24 < chiehyou> ._./
13:24 < DHXD> R0好清楚
13:24 < fcrh> R0可以
13:24 < darkgerm> 我發現我比螢幕慢一點0.0
13:24 < BeataLin> row2 好清楚
13:24 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@] has joined #coscup
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13:24 < kkiick> 媽 我在這!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13:24 < rocfatcat_NB> R0 最後看不太到..@@~~~
13:24 < DHXD> \(′□`)/(\′□) \( )/ (□`/)(′□‵/) \(′□
13:24 -!- howardsun [] has joined #coscup
13:24 < Negaihoshi> 我看不到 Q口Q
13:24 < DHXD> 媽我在這啦啦啦啦啦啦>\(′□`)/(\′□) \( )/ (□`/)(′□‵/) \(′□
13:24 < billy3321> FreedomKnight: 去旁邊領便當吧!!(咦0
13:24 < darkgerm> (' ') (' ') (' ') (' ')
13:24 -!- XDOrz [~XDOrz@] has joined #coscup
13:24 < darkx> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
13:25 < DHXD> ;__________________l
13:25 < Guest36439> 有網址嗎
13:25 -!- dar [~darsiphon@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
13:25 < rocfatcat_NB> < ( _._ ) > 大神好!!
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13:25 < jack> 來朝 聖了!!!
13:25 < DHXD> >_____________________________>
13:25 < CNN_HiMonther> kkiick 表示: 媽 我在這 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
13:25 < sntc06> 媽我在這裡 ._./
13:25 < RIH> ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
13:25 < SteveSU> ._./
13:25 < darkgerm> 網路會 lag...
13:26 -!- StarNight [~zack@] has joined #coscup
13:26 < kkiick> Orz
13:26 < jack> 朝 聖~~~~~
13:26 < ArvinWu> R0冷氣好冷…
13:26 < lafi> 便當第二回合! ( ゚ д゚)<生存戦略ぅーーー!
13:26 < DHXD> 我是傲嬌控>///////<(?)
13:26 < narahuang1> 媽 宅色夫在這 =============>
13:26 -!- hosco [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:50db:4ebe:d98d:befd] has joined #coscup
13:26 -!- nfsnfs [~nfsnfs@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
13:26 < StarNight> 我終於又進來IRC了 汔
13:26 -!- Al_Cho [8c6d7ff5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:26 -!- adaam_phone [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
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13:26 -!- nfsnfs_ is now known as nfsnfs
13:26 -!- salagadoola [caae0405@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:26 < Wildchild> irc超容易爆
13:26 -!- kkw [] has joined #coscup
13:26 < hSATAC> R0 投影機是不是角度怪怪的 都要打到天花板了
13:26 -!- Sorry [] has joined #coscup
13:27 -!- airman__ [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:27 < StarNight> 高射砲
13:27 -!- df1 [~df1@2001:c08:1:164:f038:7ab5:8571:7fde] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
13:27 < privism> 真的
13:27 < darkgerm> 不會就要這樣放著演講吧
13:27 -!- airman_ [caa9a6c3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
13:27 -!- chitsaou [~chitsaou@] has joined #coscup
13:27 < DHXD> 用 AS_PUBLIC 就連得上IRC了
13:27 -!- jack [] has joined #coscup
13:27 < CNN_HiMonther> StarNight, Moonslight: Hi ~
13:27 < kiang> 這樣子放著演講可以避免大家批評嗎? XD
13:27 < fcrh> 投影機調不下去?
13:27 < FreedomKnight> 第一次幹核心就上手??
13:27 < barneybook> 噗!
13:27 < gundam500> 我適用putty 從學校連近來
13:27 -!- aitjcize [] has joined #coscup
13:27 -!- freedom [650d9b26@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:27 < barneybook> RO在投影?
13:27 -!- AndChat|500 [~AndChat50@2001:c08:1:164:9221:55ff:fe06:a942] has joined #coscup
13:28 < darkx> >//////////<
13:28 < SteveSU> Cool!!
13:28 < fcrh> !!!!!
13:28 -!- df1 [~df1@2001:c08:1:164:f038:7ab5:8571:7fde] has joined #coscup
13:28 < hSATAC> 那有人在錄影 irc 的啦 XDDDD
13:28 < DHXD> Open source 轉撥(?
13:28 < aitjcize> XDDD
13:28 < narahuang1> 正妹說了算
13:28 < hSATAC> 這哪招
13:28 < StarNight> 囧
13:28 < kkiick> 好!!!!!!!
13:28 < fcrh> 徵求文字轉播 (?)
13:28 < gundam500> XD
13:28 < gnux123> XDDD
13:28 < nfsnfs> XDDD 錄 irc
13:28 < aitjcize> 這哪招呀...
13:28 < jack> 為 什麼不交換一下XD
13:28 -!- tjw [~weijr@] has joined #coscup
13:28 < RIH> 文字轉播靠大家惹
13:28 < darkx> www
13:28 < nfsnfs> 蝦蝦好正~~~
13:28 -!- Kevin-WY_ [~Kevin-WY@] has joined #coscup
13:28 < Wildchild> ....
13:28 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
13:28 < DHXD> ^.<
13:28 < pioneerlike> 對啊為什麼不交換一下XDDDDDDDD
13:28 -!- chuiyi [~chuiyi@] has joined #coscup
13:28 < kiang> [R2]為什麼剛剛我眼前看到一個穿著公主服裝的飄過?有 XX 嬢嗎? XD
13:28 < Francine> 這是陰謀啊!!!!!
13:28 < salagadoola> 因為投影片之後會放上網路 所以就不錄了ww
13:28 < aitjcize> 逐字稿...
13:28 < gundam500> 這個配色 ....眼睛會痛
13:28 < BardicheZ_> 媽!我上電視了!
13:28 < hSATAC> jserv 的投影片不太清楚
13:28 < barneybook> 恩~
13:28 < smailc> R2有公主 (女僕?)
13:29 * jserv-- 測試 IRC
13:29 -!- sealholic [~Adium@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
13:29 < DHXD> 有人要趁亂告白嗎XD(?
13:29 < barneybook> 看起來挺有趣的
13:29 < lunastorm> 右邊投影有點悲劇
13:29 < chuiyi> 用表情文字會不會被打 lol
13:29 -!- sealholic [~Adium@] has joined #coscup
13:29 < CNN_HiMonther> 交換瑩幕 這樣就拍不到宅色夫了
13:29 -!- kenobilyh_ [] has joined #coscup
13:29 < edwardc> zzzz
13:29 < StarNight> 哇 J大剛一定有暗爽
13:29 < coldturnip> G+ HangoutsLive 開了:
13:29 < narahuang1> nico演講
13:29 < lunastorm> 過分
13:29 < LHD> 這顏色看不清楚~~
13:29 < lunastorm> 為什麼有正妹主持
13:29 < privism> 一瞬間出現雙 irc
13:29 < edwardc> 揪瞇
13:29 < barneybook> R2公主做第一排!! 講者前方
13:29 < DHXD> XDDDD
13:29 < edwardc> ㄉ隻我愛你
13:29 < FreedomKnight> 宅射夫這麼帥 不拍嗎
13:29 < cclien> [R0] 講者會告白嗎
13:29 < Francine> Jserv動用特權?
13:29 < smailc> 特權 !!
13:29 -!- maxdragon [8c6d10c5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:30 -!- Doremi [6f51d89a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:30 -!- phtseng [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
13:30 < edwardc> 第一次自幹 .... >////<
13:30 < kiang> 為了鼓勵大家上 IRC ======>>> 網襪正妹照片: ,
13:30 < DHXD> >/////////<
13:30 < nfsnfs> [R0] 果然爆滿了,還好我一點不到就進來佔位置
13:30 < darkx> 說好要 link 正妹呢XD
13:30 -!- andytwmvp [6ffcf1b6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:30 < edwardc> 今天是要講宅色夫的第一次
13:30 < Francine> 半馬尾ok嗎?
13:30 -!- Kevin-WY [~Kevin-WY@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
13:30 < kkiick> 好害羞>////////<
13:30 < Moonslight> 哈哈 ! !
13:30 -!- ckm_ [~ckm@] has joined #coscup
13:30 < XDD> 大會沒有提供slide載點嗎
13:30 < Francine> 要不要全綁起來?
13:30 < DHXD> >_______<
13:30 -!- Kevin-WY_ is now known as Kevin-WY
13:30 -!- s884812 [3d75ad63@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:30 < smailc> R2準備開始了
13:30 < barneybook> 好酷唷!!! 看轉播有我的名子耶
13:30 < KiraYao> R2 PCMAN go!
13:30 -!- Peter___ [8c72fd14@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:30 < swind_> R0 要準備開始了!!
13:30 -!- Maligbi [6f5117e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:30 < barneybook> R2開始了
13:30 < Moonslight> ready
13:30 < edwardc> yooooooooooooooo
13:30 < kkiick> IRC牆會lag..............
13:30 < narahuang1> 好帥
13:31 < freetsubasa> [r0] 開始了 yoooooo
13:31 < KiraYao> "我PCMAN拉"
13:31 < barneybook> PCMAN好帥!!!!
13:31 < Andox> R0開始!
13:31 -!- Alex____ [7bf173a2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:31 -!- VoidChen [~VoidChen@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
13:31 -!- weijr [~weijr@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
13:31 < smailc> XD
13:31 -!- coldsleep [~coldsleep@] has joined #coscup
13:31 -!- pworker_ [72885999@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:31 < FreedomKnight> PCMAN 是要對尬 jserv 嗎?
13:31 < Peter___> r0主持人是早上M社的正妹?
13:31 -!- YYz [~YYz@] has joined #coscup
13:31 < narahuang1> 有硬體有模擬器,真是蠻有趣的
13:31 < RIH> 講話好快~~
13:31 -!- Alen [~Alen@] has joined #coscup
13:31 < KiraYao> 還幫jserv廣告
13:31 < privism> 人帥真好
13:31 < darkx> XDDDDDDDD
13:31 < kiang> [R2]平常在內科上班,醫院內科 XD
13:31 < narahuang1> Jserv媽媽說要穿正式一點
13:31 < freetsubasa> XDDD
13:31 < darkgerm> 有人能聽打嗎D
13:31 < Alen> 人帥真好
13:31 -!- CNN_HiMonther is now known as R0_OS
13:31 < smailc> XD
13:31 < edwardc> 人帥真好
13:31 < fcrh> 有錄影的場合只好穿西裝 (?)
13:31 -!- Peter__ [8c72fd14@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
13:31 < Sorry> 「只要有錄影就穿西裝」
13:31 < Al_Cho> [R2] 內科XD
13:31 < kkiick> 人帥真好
13:31 < darkx> pcman 要對尬了XD
13:31 < DHXD> 人帥真好ˊ_>ˋ
13:31 < freetsubasa> 西裝 OP
13:31 < Alen> 人帥真好
13:31 < windslash> r1 start
13:31 -!- vrootic [~vic@] has joined #coscup
13:32 < darkgerm> 要被偷看了 >///<
13:32 -!- Aminzai [8c6d7ff3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:32 < fcrh> 原來是兩邊同時轉XD?
13:32 -!- Dai_Lin [b4cf56d6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:32 -!- Alex____ [7bf173a2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
13:32 < darkx> lol
13:32 < R0_OS> jserv ~>_<~
13:32 < StarNight> 我也好想同時看
13:32 < kiang> [R2] PCMan 好像緊張了,因為他面前那個是正妹嗎?
13:32 < Andox> XDDD
13:32 < Aminzai> COSCUP2012 Day2 下午 Live Hangout on Air
13:32 < DHXD> ˊ<_ˋ好真帥人
13:32 < lunastorm> [r0]我也好想聽隔壁議程
13:32 < Francine> 所以要幫忙轉播R0/R2!!
13:32 -!- Irvin_ [] has joined #coscup
13:32 < barneybook> 兩個同時轉????
13:32 < Andox> 雙營幕變通方法 XD
13:32 < swind_> [R0] jserv 也想去 R2 聽 XDD
13:32 -!- Zhusee [] has joined #coscup
13:32 -!- rsghost [dd780237@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:32 < KiraYao> NㄝI '吃資GNOME
13:32 < darkx> 對生活有益w
13:32 < edwardc> when in doubt, c4.
13:32 < barneybook> R2好精采
13:32 -!- KuoE0 [caa9a6d7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:32 < KiraYao> No, I didn't say it's GNOME
13:32 < Negaihoshi> R2 好有趣
13:32 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has joined #coscup
13:32 < edwardc> 留言終結者
13:32 < oaoq> [ro] mythbusters
13:32 < Zhusee> [R0] 雙螢幕好嗨XD
13:32 < freetsubasa> 而且對生活有益XD
13:32 < salagadoola> 流言終結者
13:32 < Alen> 流言終結者
13:32 < fcrh> [r0] 作一套作頁系統對生活有益 (?)
13:32 < edwardc> ^H^H流言
13:32 < R0_OS> 流言終結者
13:32 < SteveSU> 流言終結者
13:32 < KiraYao> to replcace N***
13:32 < darkx> 立馬體驗www
13:32 < Andox> 流言終結者...
13:32 < lunastorm> 立馬體驗
13:32 -!- webbertsai [78774d1d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
13:32 < Andox> 等等會出現C4?
13:32 < DHXD> 立馬體驗
13:32 < swind_> [R0] 做一個新的作業系統有益身心健康
13:33 < KiraYao> "No, it's not for geeks!"
13:33 < Zhusee> [R0] 做一個新的作業系統有益身心健康
13:33 < DHXD> 立體體驗
13:33 -!- rsghost [dd780237@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
13:33 < barneybook> 1995年的電腦2006年取得
13:33 < pioneerlike> 立馬體驗^_<
13:33 < KiraYao> 需要打一些EMACS的指令
13:33 < freetsubasa> 立馬體驗XD
13:33 -!- tigernogg [dd780237@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:33 < kiang> [R2] PCManFM 目標是可以在 1995 年製造的電腦上面執行
13:33 < darkx> 立馬體驗正妹(?
13:33 < Alen> [R0] 立馬體驗
13:33 < Zhusee> 立馬體驗
13:33 -!- Taotsao [7a74bc9f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:33 < Al_Cho> [R2] 1995年製造
13:33 -!- kuyuhisepa126 [~Default@] has joined #coscup
13:33 < Dai_Lin> 媽~我在這裡!!
13:33 < narahuang1> Jserv在上海被搭訕
13:33 < R0_OS> J大講話很快 XD'
13:33 < KiraYao> 連妳啊罵都可以用
13:33 < fcrh> [r0] 我等你一輩子都行 (?
13:33 < Zhusee> [R0]「可以啊,我等你一輩子都行喔」
13:33 < darkx> 我等你一輩子都行
13:33 < Alen> -xtrabackup/
13:33 < Alen> [12:22.26] * darkland (~darkland@ has joi
13:33 < KiraYao> PCMAN也講很快
13:33 < Andox> [R0] 先生等可以等我幾分鐘嗎?
13:33 < paipai_> [R0]等你一輩子都行XD
13:33 < kuyuhisepa126> = =
13:33 < freetsubasa> [r0]我等你一輩子都行
13:33 < salagadoola> [r0] 想要搭磁浮去麥當勞上廁所玩一下手機
13:33 < kiang> [R2] 寫出來要給你阿嬤都可以用
13:33 < barneybook> [R2] 阿罵都可以用的系統
13:33 < darkx> 高中
13:33 -!- l123868 [7579f16c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:33 -!- chenjenping [~chenjenpi@] has quit [Quit: Reconnecting]
13:33 < SteveSU> 為什麼要開發OS kernel
13:33 < darkx> 大學畢業XD
13:33 < edwardc> 大學畢業 .. XD
13:33 < darkgerm> 兩邊是在拼快嗎XD
13:33 < l123868> in R2
13:33 < Sorry> 「會做到大學畢業吧」
13:33 -!- ken___ [~kuanying@] has joined #coscup
13:33 < Andox> 大學畢業XDD
13:33 < barneybook> [R2]PCMAN也講很快
13:34 < kiang> [R2] 這邊沒有聽打高手 XD
13:34 -!- king1223 [~aaa@] has joined #coscup
13:34 < Alen> [R0] 為什麼要開發 OS <== 每年做一個玩具
13:34 < Moonslight> 作業系統=玩具
13:34 < l123868> PCman講超快
13:34 < KiraYao> 跟不上拉
13:34 < fcrh> [r0] 每年寫一套玩具(作業系統)
13:34 < swind_> [R0] 做作業系統會做到大學畢業吧!
13:34 < darkx> 黑屏了!
13:34 < Zhusee> [R0] BSoD
13:34 < edwardc> 投影被河蟹了
13:34 < swind_> [R0] 這是一個笑話,謝謝
13:34 < kiang> [R2]很明顯 R0 人氣贏了 XD
13:34 < Andox> 所以隔一年我就走了 XDDD
13:34 < R0_OS> [隔年就走了]
13:34 < KiraYao> BSoD...XDDDDDD
13:34 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
13:34 < freetsubasa> [r0]irc回來了XD
13:34 < caasiHuang> XDDDDD
13:34 < KiraYao> 不行,PCMAN1j4s/6gj
13:34 < king1223> XDDDD
13:34 < salagadoola> [r0] "我們有課程大綱 請照著課程大綱走" 所以隔年我就走了 xd
13:34 < darkx> 我只好寫個作業系統給他看了
13:34 < barneybook> [R2]看來大家專心聽就沒時間了~~~
13:34 < Aminzai> [R0] jserv G+ 轉播 ->
13:34 < Sorry> 「台大學生問我作業系統那麼難怎麼辦,我只好寫一個作業系統給他看」
13:34 -!- brucehsu [] has joined #coscup
13:34 < Moonslight> R1有人嗎 = =" ?
13:34 < yanyiyi> [r2] 平常我在內ㄎ上班,不是內湖科學園區
13:34 < Alen> [R0] 寫個OS來跟台大生 証明OS 很簡單
13:34 < R0_OS> [第一次就這樣交出來了]
13:34 -!- Toomore [~toomore@] has joined #coscup
13:34 < darkx> 佔據演講桌
13:34 -!- nn [2a484556@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:35 < fcrh> [r0] 2010 回到學校!! 叫學生寫作業
13:35 < kiang> [R2] 關心 R1 +1 XD
13:35 < darkgerm> 都沒有 R1 的聲音...
13:35 < KiraYao> 有別人已經做了XDDD
13:35 < DHXD> O_>O
13:35 -!- rsghost [dd7842d7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:35 < KiraYao> ls...XD
13:35 -!- starryalley [] has joined #coscup
13:35 < Alen> [R0] 2012 年在成大開課教 自幹 OS
13:35 < darkx> XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
13:35 < kuyuhisepa126> 沒意義(誤
13:35 -!- bobchao [~bobchao@2001:c08:1:164:d0b3:f2bd:6d9e:e86e] has quit [Quit: bobchao]
13:35 < R0_OS> [有什麼意義]
13:35 < kkiick> 好胸喔
13:35 < KiraYao> 每個都有每個的問題
13:35 < Andox> XDD
13:35 < DHXD> 好害羞>////////<(?
13:35 < RyanHo> 畫錯重點
13:35 < Francine> XD……
13:35 < freetsubasa> haveXD
13:35 < king1223> [R0]等等 我的眼光漂去別的地方了
13:35 < Zhusee> [R0] 開發作業系統的意義
13:35 < barneybook> [R2] 每家檔案偵測都不一樣
13:35 < LHD> R1 dororo?
13:35 < KiraYao> 剪貼格式
13:35 < Swl> 害羞xd
13:35 < darkx> 逃離鬼島XD
13:35 < Alen> [R0] 意義是啥小
13:35 < Negaihoshi> >/////<
13:35 < KiraYao> 你到底要犬哪個應用程式來開檔案
13:35 < R0_OS> [看錯東西了] XD'
13:35 < DHXD> NASA需要你!
13:36 < KiraYao> 要開
13:36 -!- BardicheZ__ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
13:36 < lunastorm> 八非特又來了
13:36 < oaoq> [r0] NASA需要你
13:36 < KiraYao> 不同版本的支援也不一樣
13:36 < sntc06> [R0] 核心投資法
13:36 < Peter___> 陶離鬼倒XD
13:36 < kiang> [R2] 講師認真中,沒有梗 XD
13:36 < freetsubasa> NASA需要你XD
13:36 < king1223> 核心投資法w
13:36 -!- Guest36439 [~csk@] has quit [Quit: Guest36439]
13:36 < KiraYao> specs
13:36 < Moonslight> 硬體正在虛擬化
13:36 < DHXD> 塊陶XD
13:36 < KiraYao> 不太愉快的經驗
13:36 < barneybook> [R2]好技術的內容!! 要認真聽啊
13:36 < Alen> [R0] 硬體也開發在做 VM
13:36 -!- lw [] has joined #coscup
13:36 < kuyuhisepa126> .....
13:36 -!- Noni [2a40f8ac@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:36 < Alen> [R0] 有 OS, compiler 專才,請去美國.
13:36 < SteveSU> 核心投資法XD
13:36 < darkx> 很好的投資
13:36 < freetsubasa> 核心投資wwww
13:36 < Sorry> 「核心投資法」
13:36 < Andox> 核心投資法 XDDD
13:36 < yanyiyi> [r2]這整件事情都非常噁心
13:36 < coldsleep> XDDD
13:36 < king1223> OS kernel
13:36 < DHXD> 核心投資法XDDDDDD
13:36 < KiraYao> GTK+ is NOT thread-safe
13:36 < Noni> 太有趣了!
13:36 < chuiyi> 純C
13:37 < KiraYao> (Qt是歐!)
13:37 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
13:37 < darkx> L4!!
13:37 < barneybook> [R2]不同桌面之前有共同標準,但是也沒有非常通
13:37 -!- kakashi [] has joined #coscup
13:37 -!- kakashi__ [] has joined #coscup
13:37 -!- linroex [] has joined #coscup
13:37 < Alen> [R0] Nested Kernel 策略
13:37 < salagadoola> [r0] 今天絕對不會有組語, 只會有純C, "純"
13:37 < yanyiyi> [r2] 這就像像html一樣不是都會通啦。
13:37 < lunastorm> UX
13:37 < Andox> XDDDDDDDDDDD
13:37 < Zhusee> [R0] 要開 Unix Experience 的課
13:37 < darkx> Unix exp vs UX
13:37 < l123868> 那個......R0事後會有錄影檔釋出嗎?OAO“
13:37 -!- tigernogg [dd780237@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
13:37 < freetsubasa> XDDD
13:37 < Sorry> 「Unix Experience => UX」
13:37 < king1223> XDDDD
13:37 -!- kakashi__ [] has left #coscup []
13:37 < Francine> 色計師?
13:37 < YChao_> 會有錄影檔釋出嗎?
13:37 < Swl> R0 R2感覺都超精彩WWW
13:37 -!- watsontsai [~watsontsa@2001:c08:1:164:66a7:69ff:fe9a:40f1] has quit [Quit: Bye]
13:37 < KiraYao> Performance
13:37 < linroex> 啥時有IRC牆的?
13:37 < kkiick> .....................................
13:37 < DHXD> 實況眾也很精彩(?
13:37 < edwardc> wwwwwwwwwww
13:38 < KiraYao> R2嘴速上升中
13:38 < darkx> 美女圖教育法
13:38 < king1223> wwwwwwwwwwwwwww
13:38 < Zhusee> [R0] 美女圖教育法
13:38 < kkiick> >>>>>糟糕
13:38 < Sorry> 「美女圖教育法」
13:38 < Andox> 美女圖www
13:38 < SteveSU> 美女圖教育法?!
13:38 < KiraYao> Pango is slow
13:38 < lunastorm> [r0]這三小xdd
13:38 < Moonslight> 美女圖教育法 ++++
13:38 < coldsleep> 美女圖教育法XDDDD
13:38 < barneybook> [R2]持續加速中
13:38 < freetsubasa> 美女圖XDDD
13:38 < andytwmvp> www
13:38 < FreedomKnight> 那個小球是指??
13:38 < DonaldIsFreak> [R0]jserv都好有梗喔!
13:38 < sntc06> [R0] live
13:38 < Zhusee> L4 Sigma 好兇
13:38 < kuyuhisepa126_> OAO
13:38 -!- Watsontsai [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:2502:ddcf:577c:cb30] has joined #coscup
13:38 < R0_OS> [為了加深記憶 我都用美女圖教育法]
13:38 -!- hugojay [] has joined #coscup
13:38 < king1223> 有R2實況嗎?
13:38 < KiraYao> File monitoring may update the UI too often due to massive file changes.
13:38 < darkx> Mach, 說好的 GNU kernel 呢XD
13:38 < DHXD> Russia POWER!
13:38 -!- ReticenceSu [~Reticence@] has joined #coscup
13:38 < barneybook> 感覺R0好有梗
13:38 < KiraYao> Need to implement all needed widgets no provided in GTK+
13:38 < Alen> [R0] uKernel 有三個世代 / Mach Chorus/ L3 & L4 / seL4
13:38 < Sorry> 「用一輩子的力量改善 kernel」
13:38 < Andox> 筆記: 加深記憶要靠美女圖 (Y)
13:39 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
13:39 -!- BardicheZ__ is now known as BardicheZ_
13:39 < Francine> R0 也在加速中……
13:39 < KiraYao> Panaces?
13:39 -!- rsghost [dd7842d7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
13:39 < darkx> 線程
13:39 < Swl> 我都不敢分心看irc了xDDD
13:39 < KiraYao> Glib/gio/gvfs
13:39 -!- Alex______ [7bf173a2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:39 < barneybook> Panacea
13:39 < R0_OS> Swl: 你分心了 XD'
13:39 < Alen> 絕對支持 美女教育法
13:39 < freetsubasa> Swl ++
13:39 -!- greener [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
13:39 < yanyiyi> [r2] 那些很噁心的東西沒有有人人幫我們做好,他們東西都一定要g開頭~,大家都知道。
13:39 < DHXD> 超高速
13:39 < KiraYao> Trash spec/MiME/Desktop Entry/Volume Manage/File monitoring/I/O operations
13:39 < Alen> [R0] Pager <=== 重點
13:39 < kiang> [R2] 沒有美女圖記憶法 XD
13:39 < darkx> BSOD
13:39 < KiraYao> all available.
13:39 < Zhusee> [R0] 又藍屏
13:39 < privism> 消失五
13:39 < KiraYao> But, no Thumbnail.
13:39 < freetsubasa> 又被河蟹了XD
13:39 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has joined #coscup
13:39 -!- jeremy5189 [~jeremy518@] has joined #coscup
13:39 < KiraYao> and very limited and problemic
13:40 < privism> 消失了,剛剛電腦睡了吧
13:40 < darkgerm> 螢幕保護程式= =
13:40 < KiraYao> BSoD on the way?
13:40 < DHXD> 不讓你睡(踹
13:40 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]小美= =?
13:40 < Moonslight> Orange ~
13:40 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
13:40 < l123868> QQ
13:40 < darkx> Orange ...(抖抖
13:40 < jeremy5189> R0 Live IRC
13:40 -!- ihower [~ihower@2001:c08:1:164:cc3e:2490:41b3:b77f] has joined #coscup
13:40 < Negaihoshi> 看成 不讓你睡(喘
13:40 < darkx> HIT
13:40 < king1223> MAP
13:40 < Francine> 又是美女圖~~~
13:40 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]= =...........
13:40 < paipai_> [R0]釣魚台是我們的
13:40 < Zhusee> [R0] 每次跟正妹拍照我的作業系統會變得很敏感
13:40 -!- menterning [] has joined #coscup
13:40 < darkx> 每次和正妹拍照都會獲得 OS 得設計靈感
13:40 < KiraYao> R0賣肉中?
13:40 < Andox> 跟正妹拍照可以或得作業系統的靈感
13:40 -!- mobomoga [] has joined #coscup
13:40 < Sorry> 「不可分割的一塊。。大家都很熟悉這個詞,釣魚台是我們的」
13:40 < mp607> 「不可分割的一塊,釣魚台是我們的!」
13:40 < DHXD> 跟正妹拍照會有靈感(筆記
13:40 < Alen> [R0] 美女教育法....跟美女拍照可以增加色計靈感
13:41 < coldturnip> 轉播看不到投影片 orz
13:41 < barneybook> 看來在[R2]看IRC轉播是正確的
13:41 < Swl> 投影片之後會放上去
13:41 < darkx> 他是我的 Pager >////<
13:41 < king1223> 喔喔
13:41 < Francine> 標記的地方有點敏感……
13:41 < king1223> HITCON
13:41 < darkx> 駭客娘
13:41 < Andox> 人家看到妹我看到Map XDD
13:41 < l123868> 恩......
13:41 < Alen> [R0] 人家看到 妹,我看到 Map
13:41 < DHXD> HITCON
13:41 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]色計靈感= = |||
13:41 < killtw> 是 Ely
13:41 < airman__> 可以去三樓領便當囉~~
13:41 < freetsubasa> >///<
13:41 < Andox> 駭客娘www
13:41 < kkiick> 「自幹非常單純(?)」
13:41 -!- Al_Cho [8c6d7ff5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
13:41 < KiraYao> GIO API= Dir Listing
13:41 < DonaldIsFreak> [R0]句句經典
13:41 < king1223> 駭客娘>////<
13:41 < DHXD> 看來語錄又要大增了
13:42 < Andox> Rootan醬 XD
13:42 < darkx> root server ...
13:42 -!- tom1223 [~tom1223@2001:c08:1:164:e138:63c3:d566:2580] has joined #coscup
13:42 < KiraYao> GIO這好複雜@@
13:42 -!- mkfsn [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
13:42 < Alen> [R0] 最早 initial pager 叫 sigma 0
13:42 < l123868> (後續真的沒有R0錄影檔釋出嗎QQ?
13:42 < edwardc> 被起來
13:42 < edwardc> 背起來
13:42 < darkx> 不能錄影
13:42 < KiraYao> PCMAN開表GIO中
13:42 < Francine> UTCB背起來
13:42 < Alen> [R0] UTCB message <== 背起來
13:42 < darkx> GET!
13:42 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]那張圖是= = \
13:42 -!- Irvin_ [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
13:42 < king1223> wwwwwww
13:42 < ReticenceSu> [R0]背起來UTCB
13:42 < l123868> 悲劇了......
13:42 < Andox> XDDD
13:42 < Moonslight> = ="
13:42 < kkiick> 心靈相通XDDDD
13:42 < freetsubasa> XDDDDDD
13:42 < Zhusee> [R0] 我的心告訴他的心
13:42 -!- luse [df8a622b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
13:42 < darkgerm> XDDDDDDDDD
13:42 < DHXD> wwwwwww
13:42 -!- mobomoga [] has quit [Client Quit]
13:43 < Aminzai> UTCB UTCB UTCB
13:43 < king1223> 連起來了wwwww
13:43 < Swl> UTCB
13:43 -!- Al_cho [8c6d7ff5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:43 < paipai_> [R0] 心靈傳遞 我的心告訴他的心
13:43 < coldsleep> UTCB XDDD
13:43 < Alen> [R0] 定靈相繫....就是 UTCB
13:43 < king1223> GET!!!!!
13:43 < darkx> 信息傳遞的奧義!
13:43 < Moonslight> 有空去研討會找咩
13:43 < smailc> R0 超開心的感覺
13:43 < locy69> 大會報告!!!!! 有餐卷但沒到領便當的會眾可以到三樓南側用餐區領取 (第二會議室後方)!!!!
13:43 < DHXD> 研究不忘找咩
13:43 -!- tom1223 [~tom1223@2001:c08:1:164:e138:63c3:d566:2580] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
13:43 < Sorry> 「心靈相契 => UTCB 高效率特別的資料處理」
13:43 -!- tom1223 [~tom1223@2001:c08:1:164:e138:63c3:d566:2580] has joined #coscup
13:43 < Francine> 手怪怪的
13:43 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]手怪怪
13:43 < SteveSU> 通訊要有權限
13:43 < Al_cho> [R2] 自己重新寫一套...
13:43 < freetsubasa> 手乖乖地wwww
13:43 -!- brucehsu [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
13:43 < Francine> 因為不正?
13:43 < darkx> 像我的手阿,放在這邊怪怪的阿
13:43 < barneybook> [R2]好快速
13:43 < chuiyi> 沒餐券的怎麼辦
13:43 < darkx> 親合意
13:43 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]= =親和力
13:43 < freetsubasa> 親和力XD
13:43 < darkx> 親和力
13:44 < Zhusee> [R0] 他的手伸過來就叫做親和力
13:44 -!- brucehsu [] has joined #coscup
13:44 < DHXD> 親和力LOL
13:44 < Sorry> (為什麼有餐券的人會領不到便當?)
13:44 -!- xman [~xman@] has joined #coscup
13:44 < ReticenceSu> [R0]親和力
13:44 < king1223> 親和力XD
13:44 < Swl> XD
13:44 < darkgerm> 親和力XDDDD
13:44 -!- dar [~darsiphon@] has joined #coscup
13:44 < narahuang1> R0 我手伸過去叫騷擾
13:44 < DonaldIsFreak> [R0]狂笑
13:44 < Andox> 我伸過去叫騷擾 他伸過來叫親和力www
13:44 < ReticenceSu> [R0]全場拍手
13:44 < FreedomKnight> 侵核力
13:44 < Alen> [R0] 我伸過去怪的,他伸過來叫親合力
13:44 < Swl> [r0]我的手伸過去叫做騷擾,他的手伸過來叫做親和力!
13:44 < chuiyi> 沒拿到餐券的已經等到海枯石爛了
13:44 < coldsleep> 『為了建立map,所以她的手要伸過來』
13:44 < lunastorm> 自幹了
13:44 -!- Maligbi [6f5117e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
13:44 < andytwmvp> 親和力XDDDDDD
13:44 < Zhusee> [R0] 立馬體驗 自幹 MyOS
13:44 -!- mkfsn [] has joined #coscup
13:44 < DHXD> 經典!
13:44 < darkx> 山寨朗朗
13:44 < freetsubasa> wwwwwww
13:44 < Andox> 群群 XDD
13:44 < tom1223> 親和力ㄏㄏ
13:44 < oaoq> [r0] 山寨版朗朗
13:44 < kiang> [R2]我左邊那位昏倒中 XD
13:45 -!- Doremi [6f51d89a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
13:45 < darkgerm> 群群
13:45 < narahuang1> 群群
13:45 < Francine> 超帥!!!
13:45 < SteveSU> langlang ->qunqun
13:45 < darkx> 群群 >////<
13:45 < paipai_> [R0]QUN QUN
13:45 < Sorry> 「山寨版的朗朗 => 群群」
13:45 < Alen> [R0] 郎郎---> 群群
13:45 < freetsubasa> 群群 >//<
13:45 < Swl> 群群 > <
13:45 < DHXD> 群群>////<
13:45 < Zhusee> 群群XDDD
13:45 < king1223> 群群XDDD
13:45 -!- ubuntu-tw [8c6d7fd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
13:45 < hlb> 為什麼 pacman 這樣講之後,我忽然對 os developer 充滿了諒解......
13:45 < R0_OS> 群群 O v O Y
13:45 -!- Taiten987 [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
13:45 < elvisFQ> pacman XDXD
13:45 < Swl> hlb PCMAN講了什麼?
13:45 < kiang> @hlb, pacman ?
13:45 < barneybook> hlb: 同意!
13:46 -!- jereme [] has joined #coscup
13:46 -!- starryalley [] has quit [Quit: Bye]
13:46 < freetsubasa> 請示!
13:46 < KiraYao> 既然要做這些苦工
13:46 < darkx> ruby...
13:46 < brucehsu> 被cue了orz
13:46 < KiraYao> 那就找個苦人來做好了
13:46 < barneybook> Libfm
13:46 < KiraYao> 那就是我
13:46 < KiraYao> XDDDDD
13:46 < kuyuhisepa126_> =w=
13:46 < Sorry> 「先去請示主辦單位/她的男朋友,不可以就乖乖站著,這就是 capability」
13:46 < king1223> 寫一個OS是美好的事
13:46 < kiang> @KiraYao, 辛苦了 XD
13:46 < Zhusee> [R0] Live Coding?
13:46 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]demo!
13:46 < Alen> [R0] 立馬來做作業系統
13:46 < darkx> 身高問題www
13:46 < DHXD> DEMO
13:46 -!- BillyHerrington [~willyliu@] has joined #coscup
13:46 < gundam500> 身高問題
13:46 < ReticenceSu> [R0]身高問題
13:46 < darkgerm> 立馬 coding
13:46 < KiraYao> You know the developer, and he speak Chinese!
13:46 < Andox> Live Demo 寫OS XD
13:46 < DHXD> XDDDDD
13:46 -!- ihower [~ihower@2001:c08:1:164:cc3e:2490:41b3:b77f] has quit [Quit: ihower]
13:46 < Zhusee> Want 要寫兩次XDDD
13:46 -!- chiwen [7c0b17b3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:46 < darkx> want want
13:46 < chuiyi> WANT WANT
13:46 < stevenni_> 這年頭流行旺旺
13:46 < freetsubasa> want want
13:46 < narahuang1> I_WANT_WANT
13:46 < Swl> want want!
13:46 < rail02000> 群群支援
13:46 < KiraYao> 他已經在做了
13:47 < FreedomKnight> jserv 說韓語??
13:47 < paipai_> [R0]Want Want很重要 所以要寫2次
13:47 -!- l123868 [7579f16c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
13:47 < darkx> python!
13:47 -!- stevenni_ is now known as stevennick
13:47 < hlb> KiraYao: 打錯字 XD
13:47 < Al_cho> [R2] 既然要做這些苦工,就找一個苦人來做,那個人就是我www
13:47 < KiraYao> 昨天晚上PCMAN已經在搞Qt版XDDD
13:47 < barneybook> 最快檔案系統之一
13:47 < jeremy5189> R0 用甚麼編輯器?
13:47 < king1223> [R0]正在自幹中
13:47 < darkgerm> vi
13:47 < Francine> vim
13:47 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]vim?
13:47 < Alen> [R0] subdirs = interfaces, libk, libc, libcommon, services, init, console, hello
13:47 -!- Guest28793 [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
13:47 < KiraYao> 我沒打錯歐XD
13:47 < darkgerm> vi != vim
13:47 < Francine> 還有13分鐘
13:47 < jeremy5189> 怎麼有線= =
13:47 < edwardc> hello word # 早上的梗
13:47 < lunastorm> 十三分鐘可以慢慢幹
13:47 < Francine> 給你一個作業系統
13:47 < Alen> [R0] 13分鐘給一個作業系統
13:47 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]13min
13:47 < KiraYao> 剛剛那個是心得,我昨天晚上看他正在寫XDDDD
13:47 < darkgerm> 給我13分鐘 我給你一個作業系統
13:47 < Zhusee> [R0] 13分鐘給你一個作業系統
13:47 < darkx> 感謝正妹講者
13:47 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]感謝正妹講者(茶?
13:47 < SteveSU> linker奧義
13:47 < yanyiyi> [r2] 開發者講中文~你認識他~找的到。
13:47 < Alex______> XD
13:48 < hlb> 開發者講中文 是最大的好處!
13:48 < Andox> 13分鐘給你作業系統www
13:48 < Al_cho> [R2] Live Demo!!!
13:48 < ReticenceSu> [R0]早上的正妹講者
13:48 < KiraYao> People say, "Never Live Demo!"
13:48 < chage> live demo!!
13:48 < barneybook> [R2]開發者是台灣人
13:48 < Alen> [R0] 喝水中....
13:48 < BillyHerrington> linker奧義www
13:48 < king1223> [R0]13分鐘幹一個
13:48 < darkx> 群群模式
13:48 < KiraYao> #LiveDemoMayFail
13:48 < Zhusee> [R0] 切到群群模式XDD
13:48 < freetsubasa> 群群模式XD
13:48 < barneybook> [R2]所以有問題就寄信給我吧
13:48 < YChao_> live coding!
13:48 < KiraYao> Dual Demo
13:48 < DHXD> 群群模式LOL
13:48 < kiang> [R2] 100 行 c code 弄出 file manager live demo
13:48 < Francine> 切到群群模式~!!
13:48 < Alen> [R0] 切到群群模式.
13:48 < Sorry> 「感謝早上正妹講者幫我講完 linker 的奧義」
13:48 < Swl> cl3dj94
13:48 < barneybook> [R2]DEMO開始
13:48 < KiraYao> 打錯 Dual Panel
13:48 -!- mabinogi80503 [~MaLar@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
13:48 < ygtw> [R2] DEMO DEMO
13:48 < DHXD> QUN QUN mode activated
13:48 < stevennick> !!!! LIVE CODING!
13:48 < king1223> 好快阿XDDDDDDDDDD
13:48 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]好快wwww
13:48 < Alen> [R0] ...............................................
13:48 < king1223> \
13:48 < Swl> 好快!!!
13:48 < KiraYao> 之前寫好了XDDDD
13:48 < gundam500> 幹 神速
13:48 < DHXD> 超快!!!!!!
13:48 < Negaihoshi> wwwwww
13:48 < edwardc> 他是剪下貼上嗎????????
13:48 < Francine> 哇靠!!!打字超快!
13:48 < Moonslight> 講好快阿 R0
13:48 < freetsubasa> 好快!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13:48 < darkx> 錄影吧XD
13:48 < KiraYao> 不是要現場寫嗎XDDD
13:48 < yanyiyi> [r2] 為了避免發生意外~我已經寫好了
13:48 < yanyiyi> 
13:48 < Zhusee> 怎麼打這麼快XDDD
13:48 < FreedomKnight> 這是來表演的吧
13:48 < king1223> 超神速阿XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
13:48 < YChao_> 為了避免發生意外,已經寫好了.... XD
13:48 < Alex______> = ="
13:48 < chuiyi> 群群模式果然威
13:48 < paipai_> [R0] 神速寫code
13:48 < barneybook> [R2]為了避免意外~~~我已經寫好了
13:48 < sntc06> [R0] 神速coding (?)
13:48 < kiang> [R2] 為了避免意外,我事先寫好了
13:48 < ygtw> [R2] ''上了年紀不適合現場寫''
13:48 -!- superbil_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
13:48 < SteveSU> 暴走
13:48 < changlp> 偷開影片 XD
13:48 < smailc> 為了避免發生意外 我之前已經寫好了
13:48 < edwardc> ...................
13:48 < Alex______> 快轉吧
13:48 < fcrh> [r0] 太快了Orzzz
13:48 < Francine> 果然是大神!!
13:48 < Noni> 太神了!
13:48 -!- bobchao [~bobchao@2001:c08:1:164:a440:328c:20ac:5fa4] has joined #coscup
13:48 -!- mode/#coscup [+o bobchao] by ChanServ
13:48 < Zhusee> Live Coding Video XDDDD
13:49 < freetsubasa> 神!
13:49 < KiraYao> 一人寫了一條XDDD
13:49 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]Brust Link!(味
13:49 < jack> XDDDDDDDD
13:49 < Andox> jserv <(_ _)>
13:49 < Swl> 語速和手速都神速
13:49 < ReticenceSu> [R0]這個打字未免也...
13:49 -!- mobomoga [] has joined #coscup
13:49 < Noni> jserv <(_ _)>
13:49 -!- adaam_phone [~androirc@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
13:49 < DonaldIsFreak> [R0]神人orz
13:49 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]休息一下XD
13:49 < privism> 講話也超快
13:49 < ReticenceSu> [R0]休息一下喔
13:49 < Francine> 休息一下
13:49 < DHXD> 強大
13:49 < Andox> 休息一下XDD
13:49 < Alen> [R0] 休息一下..
13:49 < jeremy5189> 真的是現場?
13:49 < aar0ntw> 超神速XD
13:49 < SteveSU> 休息一下www
13:49 < darkx> 休息一下
13:49 < ArvinWu> XDD
13:49 < freetsubasa> 休息一下
13:49 < linroex> 雙腦思考
13:49 < aar0ntw> live XD
13:49 -!- SammyLin [] has joined #coscup
13:49 < Aminzai> [R0] 光打字速度就輸了
13:49 < Al_cho> [R2] 超快!
13:49 < narahuang1> 要集氣
13:49 < darkx> emacs XD
13:49 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]是現場= =
13:49 < Zhusee> 他講話超快的
13:49 < tom1223> Wooooooooooo
13:49 < Sorry> 「有空可以學一下 emacs」
13:49 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]那個....
13:49 < Swl> 好喘XDD
13:49 < ReticenceSu> [R0]好喘阿
13:49 < DHXD> [R0]好喘
13:49 < Alen> 請問線上各位大大,這要怎麼轉播啊.............................
13:49 < darkx> 那個~
13:49 < barneybook> [R2]不用麥克風也很大聲
13:49 -!- lichain [] has joined #coscup
13:49 < hlb> 我的媽,這個 File manager 真的超快
13:49 < KiraYao> 哈哈,GTK沒有空白的地方
13:49 < freetsubasa> 那個....
13:49 < yanyiyi> [R2] 哈哈gdk沒有空白的地方
13:49 < lafi> jserv! god! <(_ _)>
13:49 < king1223> <(_ _)>
13:49 < ReticenceSu> [R0]
13:49 < chuiyi> 卡住了 手腦打架
13:49 < smailc> 哈哈 GTK 沒有空白的地方
13:50 < Moonslight> 邊打邊講 超快 大神阿
13:50 < superbil> [r0] 那個 那個 不要講那個太多了 那個
13:50 < Andox> 不要講那個太多XDDD
13:50 < Aminzai> [R0] Live 轉播
13:50 < ReticenceSu> 那個~~~
13:50 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]那個x999
13:50 -!- Toomore [~toomore@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
13:50 < airman__> 跳針!?
13:50 < stevennick> 那個太多了
13:50 < darkx> 那隔
13:50 < ArvinWu> 哪個
13:50 < darkgerm> 那個
13:50 < freetsubasa> 那個
13:50 < cibs> 合理懷疑 jserv 用中文 vim 是為了顯示 -- 插入 --
13:50 < Zhusee> 那個… 那個...
13:50 < jeremy5189> 左手方右手圓
13:50 < coldturnip> live coding?!
13:50 < king1223> 跳根了
13:50 < DHXD> [R0]手速四百的男人! (?)
13:50 < ReticenceSu> [R0]很容易緊張喔
13:50 -!- Jimmytp [2a4b2330@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:50 < darkx> 插入
13:50 < paipai_> [R0] 那個
13:50 < yanyiyi> [R2] 找個比較無壞的目錄來實現
13:50 < Moonslight> 那個..... 那個......
13:50 < ReticenceSu> [R0]這真的是太機車了
13:50 < KiraYao> 好,時間不夠了
13:50 < darkx> 超 OP
13:50 < KiraYao> 剛剛有人提示我,所以我把它取消
13:50 < andytwmvp> 那個........
13:50 < darkgerm> 那個
13:50 < DHXD> 看來已經在精神時光屋練很久了(?
13:50 < Peter___> 那個...
13:50 < hlb> 那個看起來像卡住了 :D
13:50 < Noni> 那個
13:50 < king1223> 那個.............
13:50 < ArvinWu> 那個
13:50 < FreedomKnight> jserv 跑多執行序 邊 code 邊講解
13:50 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]那個那個那個那個那個那個........
13:50 < cyt93cs_> [R0] jserv live coding 超強!
13:50 < KiraYao> 他剛剛那個事先開好的吧XD
13:50 < king1223> 超頻群群
13:51 < Andox> 立馬給他一些錯誤XD
13:51 < Francine> 為什麼能一邊講話一邊coding啊……Orz
13:51 < Zhusee> 而且還有放超時空加速
13:51 < Alen> 還加 common
13:51 -!- sammyfung [] has joined #coscup
13:51 < ych> 他手沒在動...XD
13:51 < Sorry> 這種時候還可以加 debug log O.O
13:51 < superbil> 還有空打註解 神速
13:51 < barneybook> [R2]前幾天出1.0 廣告一下
13:51 < kuyuhisepa126_> 那個那個那個那個...
13:51 < KuoE0> 他有多核心吧= =
13:51 < barneybook> [R2]現場程式說明
13:51 < darkx> elf loader
13:51 < evenwu> [R2] 這個聽過前面苦工後 真的後面才會感動
13:51 -!- MouseMs [8c6d7ff5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:51 < darkx> 美妙的執行
13:51 < Francine> 真的!!
13:51 < kiang> [R2]大概只有坐在前排才看得到吧 XD
13:51 < KiraYao> 有中文註解威武
13:51 -!- IWANNNT [caa9a618@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:51 < darkx> 這是我小時候的夢想
13:52 < Andox> 看到有人眼睜睜在你眼前寫程式很棒 (Y)
13:52 < barneybook> [R2]有中文註解耶
13:52 < ygtw> [R2 Radmlf
13:52 < oaoq> [r0] 這是我小時候的夢想 坐在大家面前寫程式
13:52 < edwardc> 這寫程式的習慣也太好
13:52 < edwardc> 沒有任何的 i j k 參數 XD
13:52 < ReticenceSu> [R0]休息一下喔
13:52 < darkx> 會景張
13:52 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]zzzzz
13:52 < ReticenceSu> 會緊張
13:52 -!- linpuyan [~plinuyan@] has joined #coscup
13:52 < king1223> \偶像/
13:52 < barneybook> [R2]每一行都有註解
13:52 < Francine> exception??
13:52 < MouseMs> 有餐券未領便當的會眾請注意,目前第二批便當已經抵達3F南側(R2後門)處,僅開放給有餐券未領便當的會眾。若您是沒有餐券的會眾,無法提供便當,非常抱歉,請多多包涵,謝謝大家!
13:52 -!- fefwef [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:52 < hlb> edwardc: 超認真 reviewer
13:52 < darkx> Diana
13:52 < DHXD> Diana OS
13:53 -!- danix_ [8c707cd6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:53 < Noni> jserv <(_ _)>
13:53 < edwardc> 這是表白嗎 xD
13:53 < freetsubasa> XDDD
13:53 < Francine> 告白!!
13:53 -!- bobchao_ [~bobchao@2001:c08:1:164:604b:b4dc:eece:71ad] has joined #coscup
13:53 -!- mode/#coscup [+o bobchao_] by ChanServ
13:53 < kuyuhisepa126_> \喔派/(咦?
13:53 -!- bobchao [~bobchao@2001:c08:1:164:a440:328c:20ac:5fa4] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
13:53 < hlb> 每一行都有註解真的很認真 ~_~
13:53 -!- bobchao_ is now known as bobchao
13:53 < cibs> 趁亂告白啊 jserv
13:53 < KiraYao> jserv公開告白!
13:53 < ReticenceSu> [R0]讓我在休息一下喔
13:53 < edwardc> hlb: ker ker
13:53 < lunastorm> 趁亂告白lol
13:53 < barneybook> 切換目錄的程式其實很簡單!!!!
13:53 < kiang> ++趁亂告白
13:53 < KiraYao> 趁亂告白阿!!!!!
13:53 < Moonslight> 好累 休息一下
13:53 < Zhusee> 趁亂告白
13:53 < Noni> 嫁給他~ 嫁給他~ 嫁給他~
13:53 < king1223> wwwwww
13:53 < BillyHerrington> 快告白ww
13:53 < Andox> Diana operting system ver.0
13:53 < Al_cho> 嫁給他~ 嫁給他~ 嫁給他~
13:53 < darkx> void *bi?
13:53 < Noni> 在一起~ 在一起~ 在一起~
13:53 -!- mkfsn [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
13:53 < barneybook> R0告白秀????
13:53 < darkx> Y
13:53 < BillyHerrington> Diana operating system ver 0. www
13:53 < gundam500> 再一起 在一起
13:53 < edwardc> 終於有偷懶的變數了 void *bi
13:53 < KiraYao> 在一起~在一起~在一起~在一起~在一起~在一起~在一起~在一起~在一起~在一起~在一起~
13:54 < KiraYao> void *bilibili?
13:54 < kiang> 祝福 JD 戀 XD
13:54 < sammyfung> Jserv 要在2分鐘內完了, 那麼jserv還有5分鐘去聽pcman..... XD
13:54 -!- float [8c74fa09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
13:54 < KiraYao> Qt4 Support is coming!
13:54 -!- shtzeng_ [] has joined #coscup
13:54 < carlcarl> !!
13:54 < Al_cho> [R2] Q4 support is coming !!
13:54 < Noni> mm 想也不會有QA 打臉時間~~~
13:54 < KiraYao> GTK+3 port ongoing
13:54 < darkx> 就一直打錯字
13:54 < SammyLin> 有人的錢掉了嗎? 剛剛有撿到錢喔...............
13:54 < ReticenceSu> [R0]怎麼辦,剩五分鐘了...(不要結束阿!!!)
13:54 < KiraYao> Porting to Qt4 is started last night
13:54 -!- play [~AndChat59@2001:c08:1:164:92c1:15ff:fef2:826b] has joined #coscup
13:55 < KiraYao> Use it in other LXDE
13:55 < KiraYao> FLTK
13:55 < DHXD> 刺激刺激
13:55 < KiraYao> Enlightnement
13:55 < darkx> 結束~
13:55 < KiraYao> 他打錯字XD
13:55 < tom1223> Xxx
13:55 < play> XD
13:55 < stevennick> 派美女經過Jserv面前...
13:55 < freetsubasa> XD
13:55 -!- Kevin-WY [~Kevin-WY@] has quit [Read error: Connection timed out]
13:55 < tom1223> XDDDDD
13:55 < edwardc> .....
13:55 < Noni> mm~~mmmmmm
13:55 < edwardc> 跳針
13:55 < KiraYao> Qt4 來了
13:55 < darkx> memeroy map
13:55 < Moonslight> 口吃了
13:55 < astro^> DEMO Qt4
13:55 < YChao_> 驚喜?
13:55 < play> Mmmm
13:55 < barneybook> 光說不練不行 要有驚喜
13:55 < king1223> wwwww
13:55 < hlb> !
13:55 < barneybook> [R2]光說不練不行 要有驚喜
13:55 < Sorry> mememennn...
13:56 < edwardc> 卡彈
13:56 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]編譯時間夠嗎OAO?
13:56 < Swl> [r0] 含糊亂語
13:56 < DHXD> mmmumphmuhphmpuuuuuumh
13:56 < Zhusee> [R0] Memory 美女…美女…美女...
13:56 < yanyiyi> [R2] 光說不練不行,我要給大家一點驚喜
13:56 < KiraYao> 其實我覺得更快XD
13:56 < Al_cho> !! [R2] Q4 版本!!
13:56 < KiraYao> 有些選單是假的拉XD
13:56 < barneybook> [R2]有些選單是假的還不會動
13:56 < KiraYao> ....其實是可以拉
13:56 < darkx> 記住,真實的作業系統真的不能這樣幹
13:56 < hlb> ......超厲害
13:56 < ReticenceSu> [R0]快結束了
13:56 < darkx> 除了念大學之外XD
13:56 < KiraYao> ldd給大家看那是Qt的XDDDD
13:56 < kuyuhisepa126_> 出來踹共?(
13:56 < Andox> 除了唸大學之外 XD
13:56 < ReticenceSu> [R0]除了念大學以外
13:56 < ych> 大學梗用不膩 XD
13:56 < king1223> XDDDDDD
13:56 < Francine> 那告白也要有始有終?
13:56 < ReticenceSu> [R0]做什麼事都要有始有終的
13:56 < hlb> 有 ldd 有真相
13:56 < Sorry> 「要有始有終,除了唸大學以外,這件事要把它做完」
13:56 < yanyiyi> [R2] 你愛玩也是可以生些東西的
13:56 < Negaihoshi> R2 也好威
13:57 < KiraYao> 嫁給他~嫁給他~嫁給他~嫁給他~嫁給他~嫁給他~嫁給他~嫁給他~嫁給他~
13:57 -!- Kevin-WY [~Kevin-WY@2001:c08:1:164:211:24ff:fec7:4674] has joined #coscup
13:57 < yanyiyi> [R2] 你體力好可以做這個
13:57 < barneybook> [R2]有圖片了!!!!!
13:57 -!- tom1223 [~tom1223@2001:c08:1:164:e138:63c3:d566:2580] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
13:57 -!- play [~AndChat59@2001:c08:1:164:92c1:15ff:fef2:826b] has quit [Client Quit]
13:57 < ygtw> 謝謝PCMAN讓世界看到台完
13:57 < ygtw> 台灣
13:57 -!- tom1223 [~tom1223@2001:c08:1:164:e138:63c3:d566:2580] has joined #coscup
13:57 < KiraYao> 3分鐘Q&A
13:57 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]辦政經是OAO
13:57 < either> @albb1220 會場有發...反正也沒unconference了XD
13:57 < ReticenceSu> [R0]緊張緊張刺激刺激
13:57 < Al_cho> [R2] 流淚了!!
13:57 < Moonslight> OK R0
13:57 < barneybook> [R2]感動!
13:57 < darkx> 存檔阿
13:57 < KiraYao> 戰了戰了!
13:57 < freetsubasa> 存檔XD
13:57 < Andox> 基本上我們要幹麻 就是要存檔 XD
13:57 < KiraYao> 你會建議用Qt還是GTK
13:57 < Edward_> Save Load
13:57 < ReticenceSu> [R0]接著要幹嘛,就是要存檔
13:57 -!- adaam_phone [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
13:57 < tom1223> 存檔
13:57 -!- either [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
13:57 -!- Zhusee [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
13:58 < KiraYao> 最好的方法就是兩個一起學
13:58 < Sorry> 「hello world 每天都在寫,每天寫的感觸都不同」
13:58 < SteveSU> hello world每天都在寫
13:58 -!- Toomore [~toomore@] has joined #coscup
13:58 < DHXD> Hello World 每年做,每年都有不同的感動
13:58 < Al_cho> [R2] 最好的方法是兩個一起學...
13:58 < barneybook> [R2]最好的方法就是一起學
13:58 < kiang> [R2]最好的方法就是兩個一起學 XD
13:58 < sammyfung> 如果大家在3/F走道上拾到任何 Mozilla 貼紙,就是你的了,因為我派出去時不知在那跌了 XDDDDD
13:58 -!- Watsontsai [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:2502:ddcf:577c:cb30] has left #coscup []
13:58 < ReticenceSu> [R0]不要緊張,一定講的完
13:58 -!- Negaihoshi [~e222et@] has quit [Quit: Negaihoshi]
13:58 < grassboy> 我也想要 mozilla 貼紙!
13:58 < barneybook> [R2]結束
13:58 < grassboy> 還有嗎還有嗎@@~
13:58 < lunastorm> building
13:58 < KiraYao> R2 End.
13:58 < darkx> building!
13:58 < kiang> [R2]左邊那個總算醒了
13:58 -!- either [] has joined #coscup
13:58 < smailc> [R2] END
13:58 < edwardc> no warning .................
13:58 < Francine> 時間到~~~~~
13:59 < ijliao> gtk3 出來我們都想說它完了, 沒想到 nokia 出事了XD
13:59 < DHXD> R2感覺好像也很棒
13:59 < privism> 靠
13:59 < edwardc> 開 -Wall 沒 warning 耶 XD
13:59 -!- MouseMs [8c6d7ff5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
13:59 < SteveSU> 時間抓好準
13:59 < evenwu> R2精采
13:59 < privism> 一次就對了
13:59 < Francine> 這年頭舉牌員也很難做人……
13:59 < KiraYao> R2真的精採
13:59 < either> R2不錯呀
13:59 < lafi> [r0] stunning~ lol
13:59 < sammyfung> 我手上只有 GNU 貼紙 XD
13:59 < cyt93cs_> [R0] jserv live coding 另外一個超強的地方是, call function 完全不用查參數型態跟順序是啥, 直接秒殺寫出來...
13:59 < chuiyi> 剩10秒
13:59 < barneybook> [R2]不錯精彩
14:00 -!- s884812 [3d75ad63@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:00 < DHXD> 群群再現
14:00 < KiraYao> CLKao
14:00 < Sorry> 「你看,還有時間講結論」
14:00 < privism> 神
14:00 < darkx> 告白!
14:00 < barneybook> [R2]開始
14:00 < edwardc> cyt93cs_: Y
14:00 < kiang> [R2]講師身上裝備很多 XD
14:00 < AceLan> edwardc: yoooooooooo
14:00 -!- MouseMs [8c6d7ff5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:00 < evenwu> R2 神裝
14:00 < R0_OS> <<Orange - 一個作業系統的實現>> 橘橘版 OS !? orange 什麼時候也來 live demo 一下 XD'
14:00 < hlb> clkao~
14:00 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]end
14:00 < Swl> [r0] DONE
14:00 < edwardc> AceLan: where r u
14:00 < ReticenceSu> [R0]end
14:00 -!- kuyuhisepa126 [~Default@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
14:00 < edwardc> 我要去R2惹
14:00 -!- swind_ [~swind@] has quit [Quit: swind_]
14:00 < aitjcize> 太扯了啦,打完compile都沒錯
14:00 < hlb> o/~ clkao o/~
14:00 -!- kito [~kito@] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
14:00 < astro^> clkao!!
14:00 < AceLan> edwardc: r2
14:00 < freetsubasa> [r0]done
14:00 < tom1223> XDDDDDD
14:00 -!- mosu_001 [~mosu_001@] has joined #coscup
14:01 -!- chy168 [~Zz@] has joined #coscup
14:01 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]Q&A OAO
14:01 < DHXD> 強者!
14:01 < kiang> [R2]躺著也要寫 Code
14:01 < barneybook> [R2]躺著也能寫程式
14:01 -!- tom1223 [~tom1223@2001:c08:1:164:e138:63c3:d566:2580] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:01 < Al_cho> [R2] 強者!
14:01 < fcrh> 神速打完compile就過了OAO
14:01 < privism> aitjcize: 最早境界
14:01 < cyt93cs_> [R0] 另一個好奇的地方, 是 jserv 用 vim 的 autocomplete 是完全用 vim 內建的, 還是有用其他 plugin?
14:01 -!- Tammy2 [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
14:01 < smailc> [R2] 強者
14:01 -!- tom1223 [~tom1223@] has joined #coscup
14:01 -!- kkiick [d8639368@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:01 < chuiyi> 聯想都不會想
14:01 -!- hugojay [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:01 < Sorry> 「連想都不用想,差兩百」
14:01 -!- mabinogi80503 [~MaLar@] has joined #coscup
14:02 -!- Tammy2 [~yaaic@] has left #coscup []
14:02 -!- rail02000 [~quassel@] has quit [Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.]
14:02 -!- mobomoga [] has quit [Quit: さようなら]
14:02 < hlb> 好人卡!
14:02 -!- ken___ [~kuanying@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:02 -!- FreedomKnight [~FreedomKn@] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
14:02 < KiraYao> 好人卡!
14:02 < evenwu> 好人卡XDDDD
14:02 < ReticenceSu> [R0]結束了
14:02 < cyt93cs_> [R0] 正妹講師變主持人
14:02 -!- Jeely [] has quit [Quit: Jeely]
14:02 < smailc> 好人卡 XD
14:02 < Andox> XDD
14:02 -!- R0_OS is now known as Guest26751
14:02 -!- linpuyan [~plinuyan@] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
14:02 < KiraYao> BSoD
14:02 -!- SamWu_ [] has joined #coscup
14:02 < yanyiyi> [R2] 好人卡
14:02 -!- Taotsao [7a74bc9f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:02 -!- lenny_NB [~lenny@] has joined #coscup
14:02 < hlb> 發了卡之後就都不見了
14:02 -!- YYz [~YYz@] has quit [Quit: 暫離]
14:02 < darkgerm> 一堆人在移動... 要移去哪?
14:02 < barneybook> [R2]黑頻
14:02 -!- stanely [~stanely@] has joined #coscup
14:02 < smailc> [R2] 黑了
14:02 -!- linroex [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
14:02 < KiraYao> MAC四國遠延了
14:02 < hlb> 好人卡超危險
14:02 < kiang> [R2]好人卡發了螢幕就掛掉了
14:02 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@2001:c08:1:164:8c88:fe32:27ca:a999] has quit [Quit: sonyu]
14:02 < mabinogi80503> [R2]黑掉了QAQ
14:02 -!- hosco [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:50db:4ebe:d98d:befd] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
14:02 < albb0920> 被 Netscape 詛咒了
14:02 < KiraYao> 好人卡一發,Mac就掛了
14:02 < smailc> 好人卡的主組?
14:03 -!- mkfsn [] has joined #coscup
14:03 < stanely> [R0] 要重新設定投影機......
14:03 < evenwu> R2 那個投影設備有不少bug阿
14:03 < AceLan> 高天師忘了順便換新電腦啦
14:03 < barneybook> [R2] 有沒有發卡就會黑屏的八卦????
14:03 < KiraYao> 又復活了
14:03 < smailc> 喔 OK了!
14:03 < yanyiyi> [R2] 好人卡回來了
14:03 < mkfsn> [R2] 復活~
14:03 -!- BeataLin [~BeataLin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:03 < hlb> clkao: 沒有 new computer
14:03 < KiraYao> Netscape亂搞XD
14:03 < privism> r0 人跑了
14:03 -!- freedom [650d9b26@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:03 -!- Aotoki [caa9ad42@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:03 -!- watsontsai [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:14cf:218b:491:9ae3] has joined #coscup
14:03 < darkgerm> R0 前面的人全跑了0.0
14:03 < mr_nio> 發問者隔壁正妹
14:03 < barneybook> java 跟JS有什麼不一樣
14:03 -!- amiboshi [amiboshi@] has joined #coscup
14:03 < KiraYao> 香腸跟臘腸狗有什麼不一樣
14:03 < yanyiyi> [R2] 香腸和臘腸狗有什麼不一樣
14:04 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]Q&A繼續中
14:04 < edwardc> AceLan: R2 now
14:04 < barneybook> [R2]突然爆多人
14:04 -!- tom1223 [~tom1223@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:04 < KiraYao> 真的變成一個好人了
14:04 -!- mp607 [d24689d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:04 < KiraYao> Tax!
14:04 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]END
14:04 -!- tom1223 [~tom1223@2001:c08:1:164:e138:63c3:d566:2580] has joined #coscup
14:04 < AceLan> edwardc: 我在第二排
14:04 < yanyiyi> [R2] 有人很喜歡繳稅嘛?
14:04 < KiraYao> 台北好好拆
14:04 < mabinogi80503> [R2] TAX
14:04 < elvisFQ> dd
14:04 < KiraYao> 苗栗認真挖
14:04 < KiraYao> 台中企鵝館
14:04 -!- killtw [caa9ad53@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:04 < darkgerm> R0 講師也太多裝備XDD
14:04 < barneybook> 稅拿去拆房子
14:04 < edwardc> AceLan: 我在你左前方 地板上
14:04 < oaoq> [r0] start
14:04 < kiang> [R2]正在打台北、台中 XD
14:04 < KiraYao> 開始KMT批鬥秀XD
14:04 < yanyiyi> [R2] 3e養60隻企鵝
14:04 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]日文OAO?
14:04 < edwardc> XD
14:04 -!- Guest56242 [~denny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
14:04 < DonaldIsFreak> [R0]...
14:04 < KiraYao> (Damn, KMT must die)
14:04 < JalenLin> 開始選舉了
14:05 -!- adaam_phone [~androirc@] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )]
14:05 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@] has joined #coscup
14:05 < darkgerm> next next
14:05 < fefwef> [R0]竹蜻蜓出現"
14:05 < albb0920> 選總統!!
14:05 < kiang> [R2]這些企鵝是不是比較有意義一點
14:05 -!- linpuyan [] has joined #coscup
14:05 < ReticenceSu> [R0]ㄤㄤㄤ
14:05 -!- RyanHo [~ryan@2001:c08:3700:ffff::d19] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
14:05 -!- rocfatcat_NB [~lenny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
14:05 -!- linroex [~linroex@2001:c08:1:164:3541:7e:54b4:c20] has joined #coscup
14:05 < mabinogi80503> [R2] 企鵝肚皮注目 (?
14:05 -!- Alen [~Alen@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
14:05 < barneybook> [R2]真不錯耶
14:05 < king1223> 上次OSDC好像也有來的樣子XD
14:05 -!- Peter___ [8c72fd14@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:05 -!- t_ [2a4bb570@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:05 -!- SteveSU [8c701820@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:05 -!- Negaihoshi [~e222et@] has joined #coscup
14:05 -!- coldsleep [~coldsleep@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
14:05 -!- narahuang1 [~nara@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
14:05 -!- freedom [650d9b26@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:05 < KiraYao> LT$->foo;
14:05 < Al_cho> [R2] XDD
14:05 < jeremy5189> R0 他在講英文嗎?
14:05 < darkgerm> [R0] 糟糕…我聽不出來他是說日文還是難文
14:05 < stanely> [R0] 日本腔英文
14:05 < BillyHerrington> 直接講日文我還比較聽得懂
14:05 < linroex> R2有梗xdd
14:05 < KiraYao> method-invoker
14:05 < darkgerm> s/難文/英文
14:05 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]英文....
14:05 < ReticenceSu> [R0]完全聽不懂
14:05 < Moonslight> R0 我完全傻了 ! !
14:05 < linroex> 錶政府
14:05 < evenwu> 發30萬太有意義了
14:05 < jeremy5189> R0 my projecr
14:05 -!- killtw [caa9ad53@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:05 -!- mp607 [d24689d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:05 < fcrh> [r0] 求翻譯 Orz
14:05 -!- maxwux [7a752e4e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:05 < Edward_> 阿巴擦
14:05 < tnth> 很標準的日本腔英文....
14:05 < yanyiyi> [R2] 不打不是更好?
14:05 < edwardc> 打字很快 ... jserv
14:05 -!- Quexint [7bc3c22e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:06 < king1223> [R0]日式英文@_@
14:06 < ReticenceSu> [R0]少好多人
14:06 -!- villerhsiao [~villerhsi@] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
14:06 -!- swaywang [~mac@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
14:06 -!- BardicheZ__ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
14:06 < maxwux> r2 企鵝 XD
14:06 < jeremy5189> [R0] making open source project
14:06 < barneybook> 發錢給我們寫CODE比養企鵝有價值(認真)
14:06 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]公公...
14:06 < KiraYao> 多給日本人些支持阿XD
14:06 < Edward_> 難怪剛剛要收掉IRC的布幕 XD
14:06 -!- play [~AndChat59@2001:c08:1:164:92c1:15ff:fef2:826b] has joined #coscup
14:06 < jeremy5189> [R0]公...公...
14:06 -!- kenobilyh_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
14:06 < nn> [r0]去年有人會日文就幫他翻譯
14:06 -!- watsontsai [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:14cf:218b:491:9ae3] has left #coscup []
14:06 -!- Aotoki [caa9ad42@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:06 < linroex> IRC布幕收了?
14:06 -!- KuoE0 [caa9a6d7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:06 < Edward_> yeah
14:06 < Edward_> It is Japanese.
14:06 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]ㄟdisㄟdis...
14:06 < Edward_> I know.
14:06 -!- darkland [~darkland@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
14:06 < Edward_> XD
14:06 < jeremy5189> [R0]I can't explain ...... japanese
14:06 -!- swaywang [~mac@] has joined #coscup
14:06 -!- kkiick [d8639368@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:07 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
14:07 -!- BardicheZ__ is now known as BardicheZ_
14:07 < tom1223> OAO
14:07 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
14:07 < Moonslight> R0 他拼命笑阿......
14:07 < BardicheZ_> 家胖安嘟嚕咕嚕p
14:07 < play> 科科
14:07 < jeremy5189> [R0] android device
14:07 < jack>'s hard to understand..XD
14:07 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]ㄟ...ㄟ......
14:07 < ReticenceSu> [R0]完全聽不懂
14:07 < KiraYao> perl golf
14:07 -!- NepTunic [~neptunic@] has joined #coscup
14:07 < king1223> R0差不多剛剛好坐滿
14:07 -!- coldsleep [~coldsleep@2001:c08:1:164:684e:1cf4:b728:550a] has joined #coscup
14:07 -!- ArvinWu [df8bfaf2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:07 < ccc-larc> [R0] 講者英文進步超多…
14:07 < KiraYao> less code
14:07 < darkgerm> [R0] 我只聽得懂 in japan
14:07 -!- yspan [~AndChat29@] has joined #coscup
14:07 -!- watsontsai [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:14cf:218b:491:9ae3] has joined #coscup
14:07 < jeremy5189> [R0] 第三排還有一些位置,有人要來嗎XD
14:07 < king1223> Taiwan
14:08 -!- linpuyan [] has quit [Client Quit]
14:08 -!- andytwmvp [6ffcf1b6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
14:08 < oaoq> [r0] taiwan
14:08 -!- IronGG [~nightmare@] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
14:08 < play> 去年就不知道他在講啥啊XD
14:08 < ReticenceSu> [R0]第三排左方有超多空位
14:08 < Howie> [R0]去年就聽不懂了@@
14:08 < darkgerm> [R0] 前三排很空
14:08 < KiraYao> fewer bugs, more time ,more fun, more care
14:08 -!- FredC [~fred@] has joined #coscup
14:08 < JalenLin> [R2] 話說相反上有那些程式碼是超複雜的啊?
14:08 -!- YChao_ [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
14:08 -!- narahuang1 [~nara@] has joined #coscup
14:08 < linroex> 原來有前科xdd
14:08 -!- linpuyan [] has joined #coscup
14:08 < barneybook> [R2]第0牌新增很多人
14:08 < king1223> [R0]好冷...........
14:08 < Howie> 翻譯官
14:08 < chuiyi> 糟糕想聽R2
14:08 < KiraYao> C/C++?
14:08 -!- yichiuan [~ooo@] has joined #coscup
14:08 < kiang> [R2] LiveScript forked from Coco Feb 2012
14:08 -!- salagadoola [caae0405@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:08 < hlb> 咦, Jserv 17:00 還有一場
14:08 -!- coldsleep [~coldsleep@2001:c08:1:164:684e:1cf4:b728:550a] has quit [Client Quit]
14:08 < king1223> 三爽(?
14:08 < stanely> 真的聽不太懂
14:08 < KiraYao> backcall
14:08 < menterning> 有沒其他場次的直播?
14:08 < Negaihoshi> 有阿
14:09 < jeremy5189> duty-free javascript?
14:09 < Howie> 去年後來有人幫他翻譯
14:09 < sammyfung> 日本腔英文比我的香港式國語容易聽一些 XDDD
14:09 -!- puyan [] has joined #coscup
14:09 -!- yspan [~AndChat29@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:09 -!- Vdragon [Vdragon@] has joined #coscup
14:09 < EdwardYC> XDDDD
14:09 < hlb> sammyfung: heh!
14:09 < sammyfung> (相比之下而言)
14:09 < freetsubasa> XDD
14:09 -!- user123456 [~user@] has joined #coscup
14:09 < MouseMs> 有餐券未領便當的會眾請注意,目前第二批便當已經抵達3F南側(R2後門)處,僅開放給有餐券未領便當的會眾。若您是沒有餐券的會眾,無法提供便當,非常抱歉,請多多包涵,謝謝大家!
14:09 -!- IWANNNT [caa9a618@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:09 -!- bobchao [~bobchao@2001:c08:1:164:604b:b4dc:eece:71ad] has quit [Quit: bobchao]
14:09 -!- stevennick [~stevennic@2001:c08:1:164:d83d:971c:dfc2:b40e] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
14:09 < KiraYao> JS+Ruby = coffeeescript
14:09 < kiang> [R2]
14:09 -!- darkland [~darkland@] has joined #coscup
14:09 < KiraYao> coffee+Perl = coco
14:09 -!- caasiHuang [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
14:10 -!- Alen-- [~Alen@] has joined #coscup
14:10 < KiraYao> coco+Haskel = livescript
14:10 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]剛誕!!!
14:10 < king1223> [R0]Gundam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14:10 < BillyHerrington> RX-78
14:10 < jeremy5189> [R0] I want to make a robot
14:10 < carlcarl> !!
14:10 -!- RuinlandIxa [~RuinlandI@] has joined #coscup
14:10 < Aminzai> ROBOT!!!
14:10 < pioneerlike> 螢幕上那個是已經生產的啊
14:10 < KiraYao> GUNDAM!
14:10 -!- tom1223 [~tom1223@2001:c08:1:164:e138:63c3:d566:2580] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:10 < pioneerlike> 可以開上路
14:10 < fcrh> [r0] need a lot fo money
14:10 < jeremy5189> [R0] I have no money
14:10 < lafi> GUNDAM!
14:10 < king1223> Super robot(誤
14:10 -!- Peter__ [8c72fd14@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:10 -!- KuoE0 [8c6d7ff4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:11 < KiraYao> 這....Ruby.....
14:11 < darkgerm> [R0] How to make money
14:11 < RuinlandIxa> pioneerlike
14:11 < sammyfung> How to make money to build a tall GUNDAM for me ? XD
14:11 < RuinlandIxa> 詳細希望<(_ _)>
14:11 < ReticenceSu> [R0]聽無
14:11 -!- swaywang [~mac@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
14:11 < Negaihoshi> XD
14:11 < RIH> 有r1轉播嘛
14:11 < jeremy5189> [R0] How to get? get a sponsor
14:11 < RuinlandIxa> 聽無++
14:11 < ReticenceSu> [R0]我快要暈倒了
14:11 < hlb> 可以因為想聽 jserv-- 講新注音,提前結束 workshop 嗎
14:12 -!- airman__ [8c6d7ff2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:12 < chuiyi> 聽不懂真的很容易陷入昏睡 <O>
14:12 < jeremy5189> [R0] 感覺他帶了一個竹蜻蜓在頭上
14:12 -!- chitsaou [~chitsaou@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
14:12 -!- superbil_ [] has joined #coscup
14:12 < RuinlandIxa> 新酷音.......
14:12 < Edward_YC> XD
14:12 -!- stevennick [~stevennic@] has joined #coscup
14:12 < Negaihoshi> R1 再分析人人編程的可能 現在都再分析OAO
14:12 -!- YChao_ [] has joined #coscup
14:12 -!- imacat [~imacat@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
14:12 -!- SamWu_ [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
14:12 < sammyfung> 我也 decode 不到
14:12 < darkgerm> [R0] 他講一講會自己笑XD
14:12 < king1223> 好冷阿
14:12 < pioneerlike> @Ruinlandlxa: 關鍵字: KURATAS
14:12 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]鋼彈OAO"
14:12 < Negaihoshi> 不知道怎麼說 0w0
14:12 < sammyfung> 剛又聽到一點
14:12 < hlb> 為什麼我一直打錯字 T_T
14:12 < king1223> 會加速睡著的@_@
14:13 < sntc06> [R0] you should get sponsors
14:13 < pioneerlike> 訂一台要三千萬
14:13 < Taiten987> [聽說]等等R1 有正妹主持人
14:13 -!- Alex______ [7bf173a2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
14:13 -!- lenny_NB [~lenny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
14:13 -!- tom1223 [~tom1223@] has joined #coscup
14:13 < ReticenceSu> 現在大家都在尋找正妹是嗎????
14:13 < jeremy5189> 好像是
14:13 < kiang> 尋找正妹不管現在或未來都是 XD
14:13 -!- l123868 [7579f16c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:13 < linroex> XDD
14:14 -!- Kevin-WY [~Kevin-WY@2001:c08:1:164:211:24ff:fec7:4674] has quit [Read error: Connection timed out]
14:14 < grassboy> (羞愧) 我想問一下Workshop的地點「活動中心」要怎麼走…
14:14 -!- SammyLin [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
14:14 < edwardc> 金變態
14:14 < grassboy> (逃)
14:14 -!- tom1223 [~tom1223@] has left #coscup []
14:14 < ReticenceSu> [R0]OAO
14:14 < linroex> 出去直走右轉
14:14 < ijliao> r2 有點走火入魔了 XD
14:14 < king1223> 我想問一下哪裡有40元的自助餐?
14:15 < linroex> 剛差點迷路QQ
14:15 < privism> 好像是控制機器人的東西?
14:15 -!- mobomoga [] has joined #coscup
14:15 < grassboy> 不同的building嗎?
14:15 < hlb> grassboy: 走出大門之後,遇到路右轉,有一個餐廳/活動中心
14:15 -!- gnux123 [~gnux123@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
14:15 -!- starryalley [] has joined #coscup
14:15 -!- GCC [~nightmare@] has joined #coscup
14:15 < hlb> grassboy: 是的,不同一棟,在 2F
14:15 < mabinogi80503> [R2] 越來越噁心了 (???
14:15 < grassboy> OK~
14:15 -!- Aminzai is now known as TobyOoO
14:15 < grassboy> 謝謝啦XD
14:15 < TobyOoO> [r0] therefore ... 這要花 ...
14:15 < JalenLin> [R2] 程式碼簡化
14:15 < KiraYao> 現在去已經沒有東西了吧....
14:15 < linroex> 門口問一下工作人員
14:15 < DHXD> [R0]QQ
14:15 < KiraYao> R2這個....有點走火入魔了
14:15 < darkgerm> [R0] 我一直聽不種 這要花 是什麼意思...
14:16 < linroex> R2...
14:16 -!- Kevin-WY [~Kevin-WY@2001:c08:1:164:211:24ff:fec7:4674] has joined #coscup
14:16 < KiraYao> 好吧,我還是放棄Perl.....
14:16 -!- Sorry [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
14:16 < linroex> 有些難懂OAO
14:16 < DHXD> [R0]聽了很吃力...
14:16 < king1223> [R0]只好直接看簡報上的字了
14:16 < KiraYao> 根本不懂
14:16 < jeremy5189> [R0} Do it yourself => Do it with Others
14:16 -!- sealholic [~Adium@] has left #coscup []
14:16 < fefwef> [R0] 看著念英文很努力-.-
14:16 -!- Quexint [7bc3c22e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
14:17 < edwardc> AceLan: !
14:17 < billy3321> Javascript是個任人調戲的小姑娘
14:17 < billy3321> 大家都想把他改寫成python/ruby/perl/haskell
14:17 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]周公出沒中...
14:17 -!- kakashi [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
14:17 < AceLan> edwardc: @_@
14:17 -!- play [~AndChat59@2001:c08:1:164:92c1:15ff:fef2:826b] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
14:17 -!- superbil_ [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
14:17 < ReticenceSu> [R0]周公online
14:18 < narahuang1> R1左前方有正妹攝影師
14:18 < edwardc> AceLan: 等等要聽長輩的耶
14:18 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
14:18 < grassboy> javascript 也一直在調戲別的語言了啊XD
14:18 -!- watsontsai [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:14cf:218b:491:9ae3] has quit [Quit: watsontsai]
14:18 -!- mp607 [d24689d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:18 -!- XDOrz [~XDOrz@] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
14:18 < AceLan> edwardc: 我好想先去 r1 卡位啊
14:19 < edwardc> AceLan: 哪一場
14:19 < KiraYao> 原來Javascript是弱氣攻
14:19 < l123868> r1OAO/
14:19 < kuyuhisepa126_> [R0]周公online伺服器爆滿加開中 !?
14:19 -!- kakashi__ [~kakashi@] has joined #coscup
14:19 < AceLan> edwardc: raprap 跟 jserv 啊
14:19 -!- UncleHandsome [~sora@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
14:19 < Vdragon> [R1]
14:19 < TobyOoO> [R0] DEMO!
14:19 < Taiten987> acelan 等等要去r1趁亂告白嗎
14:19 < ReticenceSu> [R0]他怎麼自己笑了出來...
14:19 * AceLan 狠狠的咬了 Taiten987 一口,把他咬的哇哇大叫...真爽 真爽
14:20 < edwardc> AceLan: 放開那個女孩!
14:20 < kuyuhisepa126_> = =
14:20 < KiraYao> AceLan必須死(?)
14:20 < windslash> r0 turtle 忘了帶進來
14:20 -!- stanely [~stanely@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
14:20 -!- BeataLin [~BeataLin@] has joined #coscup
14:20 < ReticenceSu> [R0]可不可以開加速器阿...
14:20 < chuiyi> 空耳一下好像比較不會睡著
14:20 -!- shume [caa9ac7a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:20 -!- kkw [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
14:21 < nfsnfs> R0 可以去攤位看 XD 都在三樓 openSUSE 攤位旁邊
14:21 -!- kuyuhisepa126 [~Default@] has joined #coscup
14:21 < Vdragon> [R1]1940......
14:21 < lafi> [R0] <Just to write!!>
14:21 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
14:21 -!- watsontsai [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:14cf:218b:491:9ae3] has joined #coscup
14:21 < privism> 他好像英文越講越沒信心
14:21 < Swl> [r2] 字有點小,看得有點吃力@@
14:21 -!- StarNight [~zack@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
14:21 < privism> 所以會變小聲
14:22 -!- shume [caa9ac7a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:22 < TobyOoO> [r0] 可是其實沒那麼難聽懂
14:22 -!- wandering [] has joined #coscup
14:22 -!- tnth__ [~tnth@2001:c08:1:164:226:8ff:fef3:5dc8] has joined #coscup
14:22 -!- lzy [~lzy@] has joined #coscup
14:22 < adaam> 他剛剛應該是笑說沒有自己寫程式,是用開發好得API吧
14:22 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has joined #coscup
14:22 < lzy> ._.
14:22 < Moonslight> [R0] 完全死寂 只有他的日式英文+笑聲
14:22 < privism> 講大聲一點就會好多了
14:22 < RuinlandIxa> therfore!
14:22 < Stallman_> 幾乎聽不懂ㄟ...
14:22 < KiraYao> 如果R2的電視牆沒有分隔線就好了
14:22 < ReticenceSu> [R0]好安靜阿...
14:22 -!- DennyHuang_ [~AndChat60@] has joined #coscup
14:22 < linroex> R1的感覺不錯
14:23 < privism> 為什麼要一直說 therefore XD
14:23 < kuyuhisepa126> Qq
14:23 -!- kuyuhisepa126 [~Default@] has quit [Client Quit]
14:23 < Vdragon> [R1]
14:23 < TobyOoO> 緊張吧
14:23 -!- kuyuhisepa126__ [~Default@] has joined #coscup
14:23 < kiang> [R2] ,不過好像沒看到目前的投影片
14:23 < adaam> 我覺得他therefore的口音還滿有趣的XDD
14:23 < RuinlandIxa> 因為->所以
14:23 < privism> ですから?
14:23 -!- mp607 [d24689d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:23 < evenwu> 快不支orz
14:23 < ReticenceSu> [R0]他一直在笑耶...
14:23 < oaoq> [r0] 賊花=therefore?
14:23 -!- Amo [] has joined #coscup
14:24 < RuinlandIxa> yep
14:24 -!- starryalley [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
14:24 < RickZhang> R0 一直說:”這要花...”
14:24 -!- tnth [~tnth@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:24 -!- tnth__ is now known as tnth
14:24 < jack> 聽不懂阿阿阿阿
14:24 -!- FreedomKnight [~FreedomKn@] has joined #coscup
14:24 < RuinlandIxa> 他直接說日文英該會比較多人聽得董......
14:24 < Negaihoshi> 日文沒捲舌音麻~
14:24 -!- JoyCC2 [~AndChat62@] has joined #coscup
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14:24 -!- king1223_ [~aaa@] has joined #coscup
14:24 < privism> 他有時候口音重我還以為他在講西班牙語
14:24 -!- JoyCC2 [~AndChat62@] has joined #coscup
14:24 -!- wanwan722 [~wanwan722@] has joined #coscup
14:24 < Vdragon> [R1]6D...?
14:24 < king1223_> 不太好懂~.~
14:24 < ReticenceSu> [R0]回頭一看發現有在聽的似乎沒幾個
14:24 < Jimmytp> [r0]某講者進來看了一下,露出傻眼的表情後就出去了
14:25 -!- yuanpin [~yuanpin@2001:c08:1:164:9d34:f41a:8859:8aa7] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
14:25 -!- foo__ [2a4ac40b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:25 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
14:25 -!- swaywang [~mac@] has joined #coscup
14:25 < AceLan> [r2] 覺得 javascript 裡 fxxk 又要激增了
14:25 < DennyHuang_> [R0] 其實我OSDC已經聽不懂一次了…
14:25 < ReticenceSu> [R0]哪位啊???
14:25 -!- king1223__ [~aaa@] has joined #coscup
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14:25 < Vdragon> [R1]
14:25 < l123868> R1 感動
14:25 < king1223__> 一直斷線阿Orz
14:26 < Francine> R0 是 Nori San
14:26 < Moonslight> [R0] youu can " 紅豆 " ??
14:26 -!- wanderin [] has joined #coscup
14:26 < killtw> [R1]
14:26 -!- puyan [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
14:26 -!- wandering [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
14:26 -!- king1223 [~aaa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
14:26 < TobyOoO> [R0] 我覺得比較像「這要花」
14:26 < NepTunic> [r0]好像是說他想作鋼蛋但是要sponsor,所以他做了一個小隻的做sample,那隻腦波控制的尋寶機器人
14:26 < astro^> clkao!!
14:26 < DennyHuang_> 偏偏我都剛好幫他舉牌QQ
14:27 < Al_cho> AceLan: lol
14:27 < FredC> R2 對我而言和 ;;; ; ;; ;;;;; 一樣 orz
14:27 < king1223__> 那隻好玩~
14:27 < JalenLin> R2工商
14:27 -!- thomasy [] has joined #coscup
14:27 -!- chuiyi [~chuiyi@] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
14:27 < Swl> [R2] Q&A
14:27 -!- linpuyan [] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
14:27 < adaam> 現在看到 ;; ;;;; ;; 就笑了XD
14:27 < TobyOoO> 但是他介紹的 prototype 是人臉辨識的??
14:27 -!- mp607 [d24689d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:27 < Al_cho> 神人工商!
14:27 < Swl> ;;; ;;; ;;;;;;; ;;
14:27 < ReticenceSu> ;; ;; ;; ;; ;;記得換行喔
14:27 < kiang> [R2] clkao 跟唐鳳都在 socialtext
14:27 < Francine> Nori San 有去 TOSSUG 講一次……實作出來的東西很有趣, 但英文的日本腔很重,所以要聽懂就……
14:28 < edwardc> ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ; ;; ;; ;;; ;;; ; ; ;; ;;;
14:28 -!- lw [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
14:28 -!- SamWu_ [6abb5e55@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:28 -!- Amo [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:28 -!- coldsleep [~coldsleep@] has quit [Client Quit]
14:28 < Vdragon> [R1]Blocky@Web
14:28 < Al_cho> [R0] 直接去玩機器人吧! 就在openSUSE攤位旁邊!
14:28 -!- XDOrz [~XDOrz@] has joined #coscup
14:28 -!- greener [] has joined #coscup
14:28 -!- SamWu_ [6abb5e55@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
14:28 < wanderin> 吃點心時間?
14:29 < king1223__> 網址@_@
14:29 < oaoq> [r0] you can experience like google glass
14:29 -!- ckm_ [~ckm@] has left #coscup []
14:29 < adaam> r0 over ?
14:29 < ReticenceSu> 今天的lighting talk有誰阿???
14:29 < Francine> [R0] 可是玩機器人,有人可以講解原理嗎?
14:29 < oaoq> [r0] QA
14:29 -!- lzy [~lzy@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:29 < king1223__> 0.0
14:29 < ReticenceSu> [R0]終於Q&A
14:29 < DonaldIsFreak> [R0]議題還不錯,可惜語言~~
14:29 < ReticenceSu> [R0]end
14:29 * jserv-- 聽到正妹主持人說;「也可以唷」,就醒來了
14:29 < BillyHerrington>
14:29 < privism> 那他應該要簡化一下
14:29 < Moonslight> R0 END
14:29 -!- chuiyi [~chuiyi@] has joined #coscup
14:29 < greener> 點心++ (hungry)
14:29 < BillyHerrington> 它的網站
14:29 < KiraYao> R2 end
14:29 < king1223__> 好像有原始碼可以看?
14:29 < adaam> 他剛剛畫2 plot 5 plot那邊不知道是在幹麼
14:29 < wanderin> 點心~
14:29 -!- king1223_ [~aaa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
14:29 -!- yanyiyi [~yan@] has quit [Quit: yanyiyi]
14:29 * jserv-- 感謝主持人讓我瞬間甦醒!
14:29 < narahuang1> 四樓Canonical攤位還有很多Ubuntu識別證帶,歡迎大家儘量來拿~~
14:30 < XDOrz> 到男廁領便當?
14:30 -!- gugufish [~gugufish@2001:c08:1:164:dab3:77ff:fe1f:d3ae] has joined #coscup
14:30 < mr_nio> 沒吃便當的人可以到三樓男廁領取?
14:30 < Moonslight> 現在有點心??
14:30 < Francine> [RO] 議題不錯,語言不通+1
14:30 < kiang> 應該是三樓南側?
14:30 < Francine> 我也認為聽起來很像「男廁」
14:30 -!- dar [~darsiphon@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
14:30 < Francine> 應該是南側
14:30 < Jimmytp> 男廁
14:30 -!- lafi [~lafi@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
14:30 < tnth> 本來期待R0有demo 居然沒有
14:30 -!- rocfatcat_NB [~lenny@] has joined #coscup
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14:31 < menterning> 是「男廁」沒錯!
14:31 < Francine> ?!
14:31 -!- BeataLin [~BeataLin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:31 -!- wu3 [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:31 < jeremy5189> 點心幾點開始拿?
14:31 < Francine> 所以女生沒得吃嗎?
14:31 < Francine> XD
14:31 -!- BillyHerrington [~willyliu@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
14:31 -!- play [~AndChat59@2001:c08:1:164:92c1:15ff:fef2:826b] has joined #coscup
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14:31 < Vdragon> [R1]
14:31 < freetsubasa> 點心幾點開始OAO?
14:31 -!- huihui [6ff9420a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:31 < Vdragon> [R1]QA
14:31 < Moonslight> 我記得下次休息才有點心吧?? 不是嗎???
14:31 -!- RIH [] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
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14:32 < gugufish> 終於連上IRC by 手機...XD
14:32 -!- gunxgun [~AndChat12@2001:c08:1:164:3ae7:d8ff:feb1:767] has quit [Quit: Bye]
14:32 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@] has quit [Quit: sonyu]
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14:32 -!- chage [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:32 < KiraYao> 現在沒食物....
14:32 < KiraYao> 下一次休息吧@@
14:32 -!- Al_cho [8c6d7ff5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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14:33 < freetsubasa> 人潮默默湧向r1
14:33 -!- swaywang [~mac@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
14:33 -!- JoyCC2 [~AndChat62@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:33 < Jimmytp> 都還有便當可領,應該不會有點心
14:34 -!- KuoE0 [8c6d7ff4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:34 -!- LoyalDog [76a1a3de@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:34 < l123868> R1!
14:34 -!- gunxgun [~AndChat12@] has joined #coscup
14:34 -!- hamming1 [~hamming1@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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14:34 -!- king1223__ [~aaa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:34 < l123868> ==frch
14:34 -!- linroex [~linroex@2001:c08:1:164:3541:7e:54b4:c20] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:34 < Jimmytp> R0 陸續有人進來
14:34 -!- RyanHo_ [~ryan@2001:c08:3700:ffff::13c7] has joined #coscup
14:34 -!- ernest_ [~ernest@] has joined #coscup
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14:34 -!- howardsun [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
14:34 < gugufish> R1人變多了
14:34 -!- Alen-- [~Alen@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
14:35 < l123868> -whois
14:35 -!- mobomoga [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:35 < in2> 看到可愛的... 那算是蘿莉裝嗎 :p
14:35 -!- wanderin [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
14:35 < Moonslight> 等等請在R1的大大轉播一下 謝
14:35 < Negaihoshi> 聰明的我先卡位惹
14:35 < gugufish> 聽到下午茶大家都衝出去了
14:35 < RyanHo_> PCMan人帥真好,有公主合照
14:35 -!- tjw [~weijr@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
14:35 < Moonslight> 可以的話 拍個照吧~~~~~
14:35 -!- Aotoki [caa9ad42@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:36 < chuiyi> 為何今天的小綠綠很多看起來都過幼...
14:36 -!- Edward_ [5bd40c44@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
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14:36 -!- rs999 [8c6d7fd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:36 -!- play [~AndChat59@2001:c08:1:164:92c1:15ff:fef2:826b] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
14:36 -!- TATOBA [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
14:36 -!- chage [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:36 < Andox> chuiyi: 百四級的...高一
14:36 -!- mr_nio [dc87caaa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:36 -!- amiboshi [amiboshi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:36 < Negaihoshi> 去年第二天也是阿
14:36 -!- gunxgun_android [~AndChat12@] has joined #coscup
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14:37 -!- killtw [caa9ad53@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:37 < maxwux> R2 又看到opensuse了,這個綠色看起來真順眼
14:37 < Andox> 昨天的小綠綠跟今天同一批吧 XD
14:37 -!- shuem [caa9ac7a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:37 -!- nn [2a484556@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:37 -!- pworker_ [72885999@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:37 < rs999> 我沒有ㄐㄐ
14:37 -!- darkland [~darkland@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
14:37 -!- RIH [~ruby_hung@] has joined #coscup
14:37 -!- gnux123 [~gnux123@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
14:37 < in2> 昨天沒看到小綠綠@@
14:37 -!- hamming1 [~hamming1@] has joined #coscup
14:37 -!- BarneyC [~barneyboo@] has joined #coscup
14:37 -!- Jeely [] has joined #coscup
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14:38 -!- DennyHuang_ [~AndChat60@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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14:38 -!- coldsleep [~coldsleep@] has joined #coscup
14:38 < elvisFQ> 好餓 -.-
14:38 < maxwux> R2 聽到windows的開機聲 =.="
14:38 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
14:38 -!- pychen [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
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14:38 < edwardc> elvisFQ: 肥喵神
14:39 -!- Vdragon [Vdragon@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
14:39 < elvisFQ> edwardc: 我都減 1x kg 了 :~~~
14:39 < privism> workshop 應該要開放吃點心
14:39 -!- kuyuhisepa126__ [~Default@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
14:39 < privism> 不然有些人很怨恨
14:39 < edwardc> elvisFQ: 剩 1x kg 再來說
14:39 -!- swaywang [~mac@] has joined #coscup
14:39 < rs999> 好餓好餓我要吃點心QAQ
14:39 -!- kulokase_ [~kulokase@] has joined #coscup
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14:39 < elvisFQ> edwardc: Orz....
14:39 -!- mobomoga [] has joined #coscup
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14:39 < edwardc> 來去叫麥當勞外送好惹
14:40 -!- BardicheZ__ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
14:40 < edwardc> 有 unconference 嗎
14:40 -!- gunxgun_android [~AndChat12@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
14:40 < Andox> 剛吃完MOS (飽)
14:40 < Taiten987> 可以叫頂呱呱嗎
14:40 < edwardc> ...
14:40 -!- chenjenping [~chenjenpi@] has quit [Client Quit]
14:40 < edwardc> 杯具的投影片配色
14:41 < edwardc> [R0] 杯具的投影片配色
14:41 -!- wanwan722 [~wanwan722@] has joined #coscup
14:41 -!- Zhusee [] has joined #coscup
14:41 -!- df1 [~df1@2001:c08:1:164:f038:7ab5:8571:7fde] has joined #coscup
14:41 < Andox> edwardc++
14:41 < privism> 我也想吃摩斯
14:41 < hSATAC> R0 投影片好難看到啊~
14:41 < Andox> 後面看不到字了QQ
14:41 < KiraYao> R2 Start
14:41 < billy3321> Andox: 看成剛吃完MD5....
14:41 < privism> 字太細
14:41 < KiraYao> OwnCloud
14:41 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@2001:c08:1:164:4480:6229:a12b:c34b] has joined #coscup
14:41 < Andox> billy3321: 好黑 XD
14:41 < Taiten987> 正妹列
14:41 -!- lzy_ [~lzy@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
14:41 < Alen> 投影片真的不要用黑底...
14:41 < edwardc> 灰色字體是哪招
14:41 -!- SammyLin [~sammylin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:41 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@] has joined #coscup
14:41 < darkgerm> R0 字好細= =
14:41 -!- freedom [650d9b26@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:41 -!- chitsaou [~chitsaou@] has joined #coscup
14:41 < edwardc> 黑底 + 灰字
14:41 -!- chenjenping [~chenjenpi@] has joined #coscup
14:41 < Moonslight> KFC最近不是有出新的雞腿堡 我想吃 ~
14:41 < chuiyi> 字好小
14:41 -!- narahuang1 [~nara@] has joined #coscup
14:41 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
14:42 -!- BardicheZ__ is now known as BardicheZ_
14:42 < darkgerm> 跟黑底沒關吧 是他字體和字色...
14:42 < Sorry> 黑底沒關係,字夠大夠粗就好
14:42 < Andox> 想吃牛肉麵QQ
14:42 -!- rs999 is now known as xatierlikenogg
14:42 -!- Quexint [7bc3c22e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:42 < kiang> [R2] 開動
14:42 -!- xatierlikenogg is now known as rs999
14:42 < darkgerm> 其實之前聽說投影片建意用黑底
14:42 < Noni> [R0]表示 第一次用那麼大的場子
14:42 -!- gunxgun [~AndChat12@2001:c08:1:164:3ae7:d8ff:feb1:767] has joined #coscup
14:42 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has joined #coscup
14:42 < chuiyi> 摩斯新的漢堡 不好吃…很像在吃涼麵+雞肉...
14:42 -!- mp607 [d24689d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:42 < billy3321> [R2] 為什麼中間有顏色,兩邊都是黑的?
14:42 < Negaihoshi> R1 要開始惹
14:42 -!- villerhsiao [~villerhsi@] has joined #coscup
14:42 -!- b00902108 [] has joined #coscup
14:42 < Andox> 黑底是還好啦...但是前景配色 Orz
14:43 < kiang> [R2] 中間顏色是電視牆太髒吧 XD
14:43 -!- yuanpin [~yuanpin@] has joined #coscup
14:43 < Moonslight> [R0] 看不到投影片的字 用聽的好了
14:43 -!- gnux123 [~gnux123@] has joined #coscup
14:43 -!- king1223 [~aaa@] has joined #coscup
14:43 -!- howardsun [] has joined #coscup
14:43 < privism> Moonslight: 閉目養神
14:43 < b00902108> [r1] start
14:43 < rs999> GG
14:43 < chuiyi> 歐噴ㄉㄟ塔…聽說全球只有三個城市
14:43 -!- Arvin_ [df8bfaf2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:43 < chuiyi> 開放Open Data?
14:43 < darkgerm> privism: 然後就會睡著
14:43 -!- Quexint [7bc3c22e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
14:43 -!- jereme [] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
14:43 < Francine> 心情暴差……
14:43 < nfsnfs> [R2] 應該是投影機投不出顏色了吧 ...
14:43 < freetsubasa> [r1] start !
14:43 -!- SamWu [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
14:43 < Sars> [R0] 投影片這麼空曠為什麼字要這麼小 Orz
14:44 < Andox> 來看動畫+聽演講XD
14:44 < Moonslight> privism : 我還不會C# 先去看看
14:44 -!- BillyHerrington [~willyliu@] has joined #coscup
14:44 < dannvix> Sars: 而且字好細...
14:44 < opop> astro^: 我覺得我們一定要叫點食物了,不然應該會死掉吧 Q_Q
14:44 -!- oaoq [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
14:44 -!- cshliu_ [2a484556@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:44 < rs999> rsg 好黑
14:44 < king1223> R0字也太小了吧= =
14:44 -!- caasiHuang [] has joined #coscup
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14:44 < darkgerm> 字也太小= = 明明空白這麼大
14:44 -!- kuyuhisepa126_ [~kevin0114@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
14:44 < edwardc> 明年應該要發講者須知
14:44 < privism> opop: 妳怎麼那麼快就餓了
14:44 -!- darkland [~darkland@] has joined #coscup
14:44 < Francine> [R0]黑底投影片讓沒有點心的心情更加不好……
14:44 -!- wandering [8c700442@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:45 < king1223> 等等休息時間就可以搶食了
14:45 < Moonslight> [R0] 完全 Oh! my......
14:45 < opop> privism: 我吃完便當就餓了 ~____~
14:45 < swaywang> R0字真的很小...
14:45 < king1223> R0圖.....030
14:45 < ReticenceSu> [R0]這是什麼圖阿???
14:45 < darkgerm> R0 等等提早去搶食好了0.0
14:45 < hSATAC> 第六感生死戀
14:45 < Francine> 糟糕圖?
14:45 < chuiyi> 帶瞇摩爾還很可口的時期...
14:45 < king1223> 等等早點出去搶食
14:45 < edwardc> 下面的部份 >///<
14:46 < Guest17175> ?
14:46 -!- KuoE0 [8c6d7ff4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:46 < privism> 院區的摩斯開到幾點
14:46 -!- cshliu [2a484556@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:46 < privism> 我想吃摩斯 XD
14:46 < Guest17175> ?
14:46 -!- l123868 [7579f16c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:46 < Guest17175> exit
14:46 < billy3321> MOS...MD5...傻傻分不清楚
14:46 -!- Guest17175 [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
14:46 < freetsubasa> [r1]要demo!
14:46 < b00902108> [r1] 3.4新功能
14:46 < l123868> test
14:47 < Moonslight> 不好意思 我想問一下C#的問題
14:47 -!- SamWu [] has joined #coscup
14:47 -!- b00902108 is now known as oaoq
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14:47 -!- grafu623 [~grapefrui@] has joined #coscup
14:47 < billy3321> Moonslight: Google it
14:47 < ReticenceSu> 肚子又餓了..
14:47 -!- kuyuhisepa126 [8c6d7fb3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:47 -!- petrova [~petrova@] has joined #coscup
14:47 < infate> [R0]投影片字好糊在後面看不清楚
14:47 -!- appleboy [] has joined #coscup
14:47 < NepTunic> R0字真的太小了...杯具...
14:47 < dannvix> [R0] <del>其實投在螢幕上的是講者筆記吧</del>
14:47 -!- dar_ [] has joined #coscup
14:47 < king1223> 好餓阿
14:47 < darkgerm> [R0] 前面也看不清楚...
14:47 < billy3321> Moonslight: read the fucking stackoverflow
14:47 < privism> billy3321: (Y)
14:47 < billy3321> lol
14:47 -!- appleboy is now known as Guest3937
14:47 < king1223> 中午便當吃不飽~.~
14:47 < RyanHo_> [R2] 隱私權專欄?
14:47 < hSATAC> 他把 slide 和 presenter's note 放反螢幕啦
14:47 < KiraYao> R2的東西也有點無聊..............
14:47 -!- amiboshi [amiboshi@] has joined #coscup
14:47 < Francine> [R0]坐第三排看字就有暈開的現象了
14:48 < KiraYao> 他的目標是要你自己架cloud storage.
14:48 < DHXD> 中午便當感覺好像怪怪的.....
14:48 < kiang> [R2] 好像還沒進入技術層次
14:48 < carlcarl> 我還以為R2是講那個ownlcloud軟體咧
14:48 < DHXD> R0真的字好小
14:48 < KiraYao> 應該會講
14:48 < Guest3937> R2 XDDD
14:48 < kiang> [R2] 我也以為會介紹個人雲的技術 XD
14:48 < KiraYao> 但是還在講一堆不著邊際的東西
14:48 < billy3321> KiraYao: R2 是可以做自己的串流Server的東西
14:48 -!- Guest3937 [] has quit [Client Quit]
14:48 < king1223> R0坐在最後一排根本看不到阿
14:48 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
14:48 < DHXD> R2在手冊上完全沒寫 只有講者簡介
14:48 < nfsnfs> [R2] 不要怪我引言的時候都說 Cloud Service ...
14:48 < billy3321> 簡單來說,你可以自己架個youtube然後放滿XXX的片子之類的
14:48 < nfsnfs> [R2] 因為我也不知道獎者要講什麼 - -"
14:48 < carlcarl> wow
14:49 < KiraYao>
14:49 -!- appleboy_ [] has joined #coscup
14:49 < Jimmytp> Privism: mos 沒紅茶了
14:49 < KiraYao> 不過這個概念Opera也玩過
14:49 < billy3321> 也可以串流音樂
14:49 < KiraYao> 最近才被放棄掉
14:49 -!- bobchao [] has joined #coscup
14:49 -!- mode/#coscup [+o bobchao] by ChanServ
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14:49 < ReticenceSu> [R0]這張圖蠻美的
14:49 < chitsaou> [R0] 並不是所有數位素材都有著作權保護
14:49 -!- kuyuhisepa126_ [kevin01140@] has joined #coscup
14:49 < privism> r0 終於開始進入正題了
14:49 < carlcarl> owncloud 之前還想架來玩看看
14:49 -!- dar_ [] has quit [Client Quit]
14:49 < kiang> [R2] 也許花太說時間解釋為什麼要用個人雲了 XD
14:49 -!- FredC [~fred@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
14:50 -!- Guester [~textual@] has joined #coscup
14:50 < appleboy_> [R2] XD
14:50 < AceLan> kiang: 對啊 還不進入 owncloud
14:50 < billy3321> show me the code and demo!! lol
14:50 < carlcarl> 不過我覺得自己架還是太危險XD
14:50 < chitsaou> [R0] 僅有勞務性質的素材,不一定會受到法律保護
14:50 < rail02000> [R2]終於要進入正題了嗎?XD
14:50 < Moonslight> R1 在說什麼??
14:50 < privism> Jimmytp: 總有熱的吧 XD
14:50 < appleboy_> come in
14:50 < ReticenceSu> 不知道有沒有人17:00要到R1
14:50 < wandering> 可是 owncloud 自己不就有大家的資料了?
14:50 -!- Maligbi [6f5117e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:50 < billy3321> 想到剛剛的Livescript,根本就是面目全非拳XDDD
14:50 < darkgerm> [R0] 他的 FF 版本好舊0.0
14:50 < RyanHo_> [R2] Why Owncloud
14:50 < kiang> [R2] owncloud 應該是要自己架設?還沒仔細看網站
14:51 < Moonslight> ReticenceSu : 應該會擠爆
14:51 -!- salagadoola [caae0405@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:51 < AceLan> wandering: owncloud 是架在自己的電腦裡的
14:51 < nfsnfs> 自己架
14:51 < appleboy_> [R2] automatically backup, easy share
14:51 -!- Guester [~textual@] has quit [Client Quit]
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14:51 -!- caasiHuang [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
14:51 < wandering> 恩恩 了解了
14:51 < ReticenceSu> 我想也是
14:51 < Swl> [R1] 靜默一片
14:51 < carlcarl> 通常自己架 不過好像有一些網站有架這個提供一樣的服務
14:51 < rail02000> 如果自己的系統有漏洞,不就洩漏光了?
14:51 < NepTunic> R0
14:51 < ReticenceSu> 但其實想要擠進去
14:51 -!- yanyiyi [~yan@] has joined #coscup
14:51 < kiang> [R2] 該不會把對一般消費者或客戶的投影片拿來說吧? XD
14:51 -!- lightwind [6508a106@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:51 < appleboy_> [R2] version
14:51 < Moonslight> 真的 ! ! 我也想擠
14:52 < Moonslight> 前提是要吃到點心
14:52 < adaam> [R0] 字好像有點小?
14:52 -!- jason2506 [caa9a5e3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:52 < DHXD> R0字超小啊(崩潰
14:52 -!- liyw [] has joined #coscup
14:52 < carlcarl> 喔喔
14:52 -!- liyw [] has quit [Client Quit]
14:52 < carlcarl> 出來了
14:52 < chitsaou> [R0] 讓沒有權利的東西找到授予的方法
14:52 < billy3321> [R2] ....And thank you all!!(誤)
14:52 < AceLan> r2 demo
14:53 < ijliao> 還好坐超前面...
14:53 -!- petrova [~petrova@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:53 < oaoq> [r1] 這個公式我可以把他轉成3D 這個東西看起來沒什麼用的功能齁
14:53 -!- OAO [OAO@] has joined #coscup
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14:53 -!- XDOrz [~XDOrz@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
14:53 < BillyHerrington> r1一直在demo, 太正經了
14:53 < OAO> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
14:53 < JalenLin> 從PIXNET那邊拿到的網路線跟著我從R2轉來R1就壞了orz
14:53 -!- lightwind [6508a106@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
14:53 -!- BeataLin [~BeataLin@] has joined #coscup
14:53 < maxwux> R2 所以KDE要提供雲端儲存嗎?
14:53 < jimmytp_> privism: 熱咖啡剩不多,但是有冰的牛奶/抹茶拿鐵/可可拿鐵
14:54 -!- Toomore [~toomore@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:54 < rail02000> JalenLin: 會不會是座位網路插座壞了?
14:54 < kiang> [R2] 這是 KDE 開發者?
14:54 -!- ygtw [ygtw@] has joined #coscup
14:54 -!- petrova [~petrova@] has joined #coscup
14:54 -!- ChesterLinTw [] has joined #coscup
14:54 < kiang> [R2] 所以存放在 owncloud 的資料是有加密的
14:54 < chitsaou> [R0] open source code 沒寫 license 則不能直接拿來用
14:54 < nfsnfs> kiang: openSUSE KDE team lead
14:54 < maxwux> r2 是KDE開發者
14:54 < JalenLin> rail02000: 沒有~我換自己帶來的就正常了orz
14:54 -!- liyw [] has joined #coscup
14:54 < carlcarl> 有提供的話可能也是opensuse?
14:54 < ijliao> 哪裡有熱咖啡冰牛奶 ?!
14:54 < yanyiyi> [R1] 今天的依瑪喵和之前幾次的風格似乎有些不同
14:54 < kiang> @nfsnfs, thanks WOW
14:54 -!- evenrain [] has joined #coscup
14:55 < privism> ijliao: 摩斯
14:55 < king1223> 只剩熱紅茶了
14:55 < ijliao> 以後要明文禁止超細字和黃色字...
14:55 < carlcarl> 除非後面有公司在撐 不然應該不會提供儲存的服務
14:55 -!- mosu_001_ [~mosu_001@] has quit [Client Quit]
14:55 < maxwux> LIVE DEMO了
14:55 -!- Edward_ [5bd40c44@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:55 -!- lenny_NB [~lenny@] has joined #coscup
14:55 -!- YYz [~YYz@] has joined #coscup
14:56 -!- XDOrz [~XDOrz@] has joined #coscup
14:56 < jack> [R0] 講得超棒
14:56 < jack> [R0] 但字 真的 太小了
14:56 -!- play [~AndChat59@2001:c08:1:164:92c1:15ff:fef2:826b] has joined #coscup
14:56 < maxwux> wronpage
14:56 -!- _Ed [8c700162@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:56 < ijliao> 記得以前有人用過很糟糕的配色... 白底黃字之類 XD
14:56 -!- Francine [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
14:56 < jack> jserv剛剛的 投影片顏 色也很 淡XD
14:56 < momizi> ijliao 那什麼鬼 XD
14:56 < jimmytp_> 臺北市政府有公開資料平台?
14:56 < maxwux> localhost的雲
14:56 < maxwux> 有趣
14:57 < tnth> R0應該是配色問題 大小我覺得還好
14:57 < nfsnfs> [R2] 要試用owncloud 可以直接連
14:57 < ijliao> momizi !
14:57 < kulokase> [R0]
14:57 < Negaihoshi> 記得有
14:57 < momizi> ijliao!
14:57 < chuiyi> 有啊 用Windows Azure架的
14:57 -!- yuanpin [~yuanpin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:57 < nfsnfs> 所以我們不用 Google music 了嗎
14:57 < momizi> (看來我沒有講出亂碼話)
14:58 -!- ChesterLinTw [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:58 -!- rocfatcat_NB [~lenny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
14:58 < king1223> OpemStreetMap
14:58 -!- guester [~guester@] has joined #coscup
14:58 < maxwux> r2 owncloud是付費服務嗎
14:58 -!- XDD [~XDDDD@2001:c08:1:164:7899:7d7f:e857:39b5] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
14:58 -!- yuanpin [~yuanpin@] has joined #coscup
14:58 < dannvix> coscup 有提供講者設計 slides 的 guideline 嗎?
14:58 < king1223> [R0]OpenStreetMap
14:58 -!- XDD [~XDDDD@2001:c08:1:164:7899:7d7f:e857:39b5] has joined #coscup
14:58 < hSATAC> 請問活動中心在哪裡啊?
14:58 -!- freedom [650d9b26@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
14:58 < nfsnfs> ownCloud 是要自己架的
14:58 < RyanHo_> Google music會幫你轉檔,owncloud不會,如果你的音樂都是FLAC的話
14:58 < carlcarl> owncloud是自己架啊@@a
14:58 < kiang> [R2] owncloud 應該只是有提供商業支援吧
14:58 -!- jason2506 [caa9a5e3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:58 < billy3321> maxwux: 自己架的的
14:58 < linroex> 我打個廣告~~ PHPConf 2010招募志工 ,詳情請看
14:59 < linroex> 打錯,2012
14:59 < kulokase> [R0] OpenStreetMap
14:59 < jimmytp_> ownclous 好像滿有趣的
14:59 < Negaihoshi> 出口走出去 然後又轉那一棟
14:59 < billy3321> 2010...
14:59 < kiang> linroex++
14:59 < linroex> XDD
14:59 < GCC> 2010?
14:59 < chuiyi> Google Music不會轉FLAC吧?
14:59 < dannvix> hSATAC: 議程手冊後面地
14:59 < linroex> 2012~~
14:59 < darkx> 問:有人知道下午 unconf 議程嗎?
14:59 < dannvix> hSATAC: 議程手冊後 面有地圖
14:59 -!- salagadoola [caae0405@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
14:59 -!- guester [~guester@] has quit [Client Quit]
14:59 < linroex> 下午沒有unconf
15:00 < jimmytp_> darkx: 沒有
15:00 < kiang> [R2]
15:00 < darkx> jimmytp_: 原來如此,感謝
15:00 < RyanHo_> @chuiyi 嗯,沒用過
15:00 -!- fefwef [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:00 < Alisha>
15:00 < oaoq> 14:59 < linroex> XDD
15:00 < jimmytp_> workshop 要報名才能參加嗎?
15:00 < carlcarl> 不過如果是要架在家裡應該不太行 沒辦法在外面的時候連
15:00 < dannvix> jimmytp_: 要的
15:00 < maxwux> r2 我覺得自己架的server應該不會比dropbox這種專門提供服務的營運商來得安全耶
15:00 < billy3321> 要有public IP
15:00 < chuiyi> Google Music Manager只能傳mp3/aac, lossless的music都會噴warning
15:01 < carlcarl> maxwux: 對啊XD
15:01 < kiang>用 dynamic DNS 應該就可以吧
15:01 -!- FredC [~fred@] has joined #coscup
15:01 -!- BardicheZ__ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
15:01 < brucehsu> 昨天Julu Workshop後來有開放給未報名的會眾報到
15:01 < carlcarl> 不過這樣的好處是空間不會有限制 其他我就覺得還好了
15:01 -!- kuyuhisepa126 [8c6d7fb3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:01 < jack> google music manager我放flac 進 去會自動轉mp3, 沒warning~
15:01 -!- superbil_ [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
15:01 < king1223> R0看不到
15:01 < hSATAC> muu 我可以順便幫敝公司產品打廣告嗎 一秒就有自己的 home cloud
15:01 < jimmytp_> [R0] 大家注意顏色...
15:02 -!- KiraYao [~elegant_p@] has left #coscup []
15:02 < jimmytp_> 都看不清楚啊 Orz
15:02 < evenrain> 早上有聽說下午的 workshop 好像有多兩個位子
15:02 < RuinlandIxa> 簡報好暗......
15:02 -!- play [~AndChat59@2001:c08:1:164:92c1:15ff:fef2:826b] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
15:02 -!- kuyuhisepa126_ [kevin01140@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:02 < king1223> 根本看不到阿
15:02 < carlcarl> 架在學校機房應該不錯:p
15:02 < maxwux> carlcarl: 我覺得光是raid,自己不可能花錢架這種SERVER了
15:02 < Moonslight> R0 眼睛會看到脫窗阿
15:02 < brucehsu> 一講的當下,有報名而剛趕到的我只能再衝到前面報到囧
15:02 -!- swaywang [~mac@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
15:02 < chuiyi> @jack: 疑是喔, 我再試試看
15:02 < NepTunic> 黑底綠字...杯具中的杯具
15:02 < darkx> 我大概看不到...
15:02 < brucehsu> 昨天的workshop還有開放另外一間轉播,不過不知道今天的如何
15:02 < adaam> R0 這種在小教室應該很明顯,可是大演講聽灰色很不明顯
15:03 -!- swaywang [] has joined #coscup
15:03 < BillyHerrington> R1無聊的東西講完了
15:03 -!- superbil_ [] has joined #coscup
15:03 < carlcarl> r0怎麼感覺很囧..
15:03 -!- KiraYao [~elegant_p@] has joined #coscup
15:03 < king1223> 還有可怕的藍字.....
15:03 < rail02000> R2 Q&A
15:03 < oaoq> [r1] 講者: 無聊的東西講完了
15:03 < ReticenceSu> [R0]其實連坐第二排都看的不是很清楚
15:03 < BillyHerrington> R1要講昨天的動畫了
15:03 < KiraYao> R2我什麼都沒聽進去
15:03 < KiraYao> 掛點了orz
15:03 -!- pychen [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:04 -!- Darkskylin [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:04 -!- Edward_ [5bd40c44@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
15:04 -!- petrova [~petrova@] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )]
15:04 < adaam> R0 我覺得主要是字太小的關係
15:04 < JalenLin> R2開始解釋Lighting talk了
15:04 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
15:04 -!- BardicheZ__ is now known as BardicheZ_
15:04 < kiang> [R2] 其實有點像行銷的東西
15:04 < maxwux> r2 owncloud是KDE的計劃
15:04 < brucehsu> 字體太小太細++
15:04 < billy3321> R2簡單的一句話:自己架owncloud就可以傳各種影片上去,不怕被人洩漏喔,啾咪(完)
15:04 < JalenLin> 打錯...是r1
15:04 < JalenLin> XDDD
15:04 -!- Vdragon [Vdragon@] has joined #coscup
15:04 < darkx> 超級細....
15:04 < carlcarl> 糟糕 R2我聽完也沒啥重點orz
15:04 < Andox> 配色也很杯具
15:04 < freetsubasa> r1開始解釋昨天的lighting talk了XD
15:04 < RyanHo_> billy3321++
15:04 < kulokase> [R0] 好險講者說話還算清楚
15:04 < adaam> 藍色完全看不到XDD 糊成一片
15:04 < jack> 只有 這張看的 清楚XD
15:04 < brucehsu> 坐太後面每個字都看不太清楚
15:04 < darkx> billy3321++
15:04 -!- darkland [~darkland@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:05 < kulokase> [R0]好繽紛
15:05 < DHXD> 圖變形QQ
15:05 < dannvix> Workshop 活動中心 地點示意圖:
15:05 < Andox> kulokase++
15:05 < adaam> 又出現藍色了,中間放白色小字Orz
15:05 < jimmytp_> [R0] 這張是 color bar 嗎
15:05 < Vdragon> [R1]XD
15:05 -!- COSCUP-iPad [~COSCUP@2001:c08:1:164:2074:bf62:a62f:6b96] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:05 < chuiyi> 字太小 黑底會吃字
15:05 < darkx> l
15:05 < freetsubasa> [r1]剛剛忘記連上網路XD
15:05 < maxwux> r2 如果自己有很多錢,又不想讓資料放在別人的網路上,owncloud才有用
15:05 -!- l123868 [7579f16c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:05 -!- chusiang [~jonny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
15:06 < rail02000> [R2]而且還要自己會養伺服器吧?
15:06 -!- AndroUser [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
15:06 -!- alicekey [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
15:06 < kiang> [R2] 就等善心廠商幫忙,這個台灣廠商應該很樂意吧 XD
15:06 < carlcarl> 放台一般的機器應該就可以了 只是硬碟要建RAID比較麻煩
15:06 < ReticenceSu> [R0]經史子集
15:06 < FredC> KDE 計劃要不要考慮提供免費的 Server XD
15:07 -!- RIH_ [~Adium@2001:c08:1:164:d5b9:749a:9433:e968] has joined #coscup
15:07 < maxwux> rail02000: 所以才說要很多錢阿!花錢買server、買磁碟陣列、建機房
15:07 < either> [R2] 3:05了怎麼還沒下一場OAO
15:07 -!- Francine [] has joined #coscup
15:07 < KiraYao> R2那個太複雜了拉
15:07 < freetsubasa> 3:10換場
15:07 < Andox> 有錢什麼事情都能解決
15:07 < oaoq> [r1] 理性和衝動掙扎 最後選了理性
15:07 < ReticenceSu> 3:10吧
15:07 < kiang> [R2] 到 3:10 吧
15:07 < KiraYao> OperaUnite更簡單用的都沒成功了
15:07 -!- play [~AndChat59@] has joined #coscup
15:07 < KiraYao> 這個實在是.....沒什麼機會
15:07 < either> 喔喔@@
15:07 -!- XDOrz [~XDOrz@] has quit [Quit: 暫離]
15:07 < carlcarl> 還好吧 沒很複雜@@a
15:07 < smailc> R2 我怎聽不出重點阿
15:07 < kiang> [R2] 其他廠商也有做,但這是開放的
15:08 < oaoq> [r1] Q&A
15:08 < maxwux> r2 我也覺得沒有很複雜,只是沒有很適合普通人
15:08 < KiraYao> 差多了阿....你還要裝特別的軟體等等
15:08 < carlcarl> 特別的軟體?
15:08 < kiang> [R2] 特別軟體?
15:08 < KiraYao> Opera就把功能打開,註冊功能 選擇要用什麼功能 就可以了
15:08 < opop> Vdragon: 你好啊~
15:08 < Francine> 坐在四樓等點心~~
15:09 < KiraYao> 還要裝owncloud不是嗎...
15:09 < kiang> @KiraYao, owncloud 就是不要你把檔案放在 public cloud 囉
15:09 < KiraYao> 沒有 Unite沒有把檔案放到public cloud
15:09 < carlcarl> opera那個沒有version的功能吧 一些功能沒有那麼進階
15:09 < kiang> owncloud 應該是希望你對自己的隱私有掌控權吧
15:09 < KiraYao> 他是幫你做cloud轉址而已
15:09 < jimmytp_> [R0] CODATA
15:09 -!- liyw [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
15:09 * billy3321 剛剛想到一個好用的梗
15:09 -!- weijr [~weijr@] has joined #coscup
15:09 < linroex> 點心不是3:40嗎?
15:09 -!- bobchao [] has quit [Quit: bobchao]
15:10 < Andox> [R0] QA
15:10 < chitsaou> any questions 的圖片是拿刀的人(抖
15:10 < billy3321> "我把李宗瑞的照片放在soucre code裏面了,想要的人就去找吧!"
15:10 < kiang> [R2] 就架設一個來玩玩看吧,這是 coscup 啊 ;)
15:10 < king1223> R0 QA
15:10 -!- kuyuhisepa126 [~Default@] has joined #coscup
15:10 -!- jason2506_ [~jason2506@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:10 < Moonslight> R0 QA
15:10 < privism> linroex: 應該3:30就會出來了
15:10 < oaoq> [r1] end
15:10 < adaam> R0 最後放這張圖是威脅不要問問題嗎XDD
15:10 < KiraYao> Well....對我來說是真的沒什麼吸引力
15:10 < adaam> (亮刀)
15:10 < Andox> billy3321: 我要A-Z 60+
15:10 < maxwux> R2 如果是公司行號就有可能需要owncloud了吧
15:10 -!- Jeely [] has quit [Quit: Jeely]
15:10 < Moonslight> R0 END
15:10 -!- wens [] has left #coscup []
15:10 < DHXD> R0 - Dont ask me question(megusta)(?
15:10 < jimmytp_> [R0] 實際判決時法官會參考國際學者的意見
15:10 < carlcarl> maxwux: 對啊
15:10 < YChao_> A-Z 60++
15:10 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@2001:c08:1:164:4480:6229:a12b:c34b] has quit [Quit: sonyu]
15:11 < freetsubasa> [r1]要開始了
15:11 < jimmytp_> [R0] 結束
15:11 < coldsleep> [R1] Libre Office
15:11 < kiang> [R2] owncloud 的東西不是很新,但就是開放吧 :)
15:11 -!- pioneerlike [~pioneerli@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
15:11 < ReticenceSu> [R0]end
15:11 < KiraYao> 公司行號就直接買NAS了....
15:11 < king1223> R0 done
15:11 < KiraYao> 優點就真的是開放
15:11 -!- Zhusee [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
15:11 < dylandy> 來自荷蘭的講者阿
15:11 -!- mp607 [d24689d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:11 < kiang> [R2] NAS 沒辦法拉到手機去啊?
15:11 -!- jason2506 [caa9a5e3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:11 < carlcarl> 不過他也不只是單純提供儲存的功能吧@@
15:11 -!- Taiten987 [~yaaic@] has quit [Quit: Yaaic - Yet another Android IRC client -]
15:11 < kiang> [R2] 換場
15:11 < privism> 用自己的 owncloud 想要整合一些現有功能會比較麻煩
15:11 < RyanHo_> [R2]用LXDE講KDE?
15:12 < Vdragon> [R1]LibreOffice
15:12 < KiraYao> XD
15:12 < dylandy> R0 英文好標準
15:12 < KiraYao> 今天我沒有梗了
15:12 -!- petrova [~petrova@] has joined #coscup
15:12 < kiang> [R2] 今天沒有梗了
15:12 < KiraYao> 肯定無趣
15:12 < barneybook> 恩
15:12 < barneybook> 沒梗
15:12 < Dai_Lin> [R1] 歷史時間~
15:12 -!- xman [~xman@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
15:12 < oaoq> [r1] 史記
15:12 < KiraYao> 我們何不速戰速決,成為下午茶解放軍
15:12 < rail02000> [R2]成為下午茶解放軍XDDDD
15:12 -!- petrova [~petrova@] has quit [Client Quit]
15:12 < RyanHo_> XDDD
15:12 < kiang> [R2] 一定讓大家慢慢走過去搶下午茶 XD
15:12 < KiraYao> He is fred 就是昨天發表退學宣言的
15:13 < KiraYao> 不過我現在在R2
15:13 < YChao_> 女巫買下了太陽...
15:13 -!- FredC [~fred@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
15:13 -!- killtw [caa9ad53@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:13 -!- jacter [~Adium@] has left #coscup []
15:13 < watsontsai> 歷史(遠目遠目)~
15:13 -!- oaoq [] has left #coscup []
15:13 < KiraYao> uBusinessman 奸商現在是
15:13 -!- imacat [~imacat@] has joined #coscup
15:13 < YChao_> Open Solaris 哭哭
15:13 < Vdragon> [R1]W
15:13 -!- BarneyC [~barneyboo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
15:13 -!- webbertsai [caa9a5ab@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:13 -!- Aotoki [caa9ad42@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:13 < Dai_Lin> 這次的下午茶都消失得好快喔~才剛過去排隊就沒了QAQ
15:13 -!- poao899 [] has joined #coscup
15:13 < carlcarl> 推R2! 我要吃點心~~
15:13 < RyanHo_> [R2]空殼公司
15:13 < tnth> 聽說Fred是自己想吃下午茶
15:13 < kiang> [R2]
15:13 < DHXD> R0終於有正常英文了QQ
15:13 < KiraYao> R2 高橋流
15:13 -!- OAO [OAO@] has quit []
15:13 < grafu623> 點心出來了?
15:13 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@] has joined #coscup
15:14 -!- OAO [OAO@] has joined #coscup
15:14 < Dai_Lin> 正常英文XDDD
15:14 < KiraYao> 你講 GNOME KDE的場子還來啊
15:14 < KiraYao> 身為專業的走路工,你知道的
15:14 -!- ken___ [~kuanying@] has joined #coscup
15:14 < RyanHo_> [r2]專業的走路工
15:14 -!- BeataLin_ [~BeataLin@] has joined #coscup
15:14 < tC_> [R0] there are so much microsoft there XDD
15:15 < OAO> [R2] Node.js + Qt
15:15 -!- evenrain [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:15 -!- BeataLin [~BeataLin@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
15:15 -!- Jimmy__ [~Jimmy@] has joined #coscup
15:15 < adaam> R0 我不是故意拿M$出來講,可是他的能見度太高XD
15:15 -!- othrees [] has joined #coscup
15:15 < KiraYao> why not qtQuick
15:15 -!- ckm_ [] has joined #coscup
15:15 < billy3321> 用過nodejs的舉手....lolXD
15:15 < privism> r0 主要的概念就是把一些可能被申請專利的觀念寫成公開文件
15:15 < KiraYao> Aseigo表示:
15:15 < carlcarl> XD
15:15 -!- jimmytp_ [6f517c26@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:15 < freedom> 可以聽出腔調啊 Armijn 是荷蘭人
15:15 < KiraYao> Node.js
15:15 < kiang> [R2]
15:15 < KiraYao> QtQuick是自己幹
15:15 < adaam> 這樣就知道是荷蘭人@@?
15:15 < privism> 這樣被告的時候可以舉發他的專利
15:15 < KiraYao> 現在是孤兒軍奮戰
15:15 < nfsnfs> 還好 Aaron 好像出去了XD
15:15 < YChao_> 源代碼... XD
15:15 -!- Howie2 [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
15:15 -!- Elsvent [8c6d7ff5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:15 -!- jack [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
15:16 < tnth> 一開始有介紹荷蘭來的XD
15:16 < KiraYao> ASeigo:(RageQuit)
15:16 < RyanHo_> XDDD
15:16 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
15:16 -!- AndChat|500 [~AndChat50@2001:c08:1:164:9221:55ff:fe06:a942] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
15:16 -!- BeataLin_ [~BeataLin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:16 < watsontsai> Vdragon用utf-8
15:16 -!- king1223 [~aaa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
15:16 -!- shengpo [8c6d7ff4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
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15:16 -!- kuyuhisepa126 [~Default@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
15:16 < KiraYao> Qt依然很優秀
15:16 < Moonslight> 最新消息 ! ! ! 點心擺好了 ! ! 就等3:40
15:16 -!- bobchao [] has joined #coscup
15:16 -!- mode/#coscup [+o bobchao] by ChanServ
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15:16 * Vdragon checking locale
15:17 < KiraYao> 戰KDEvsGNOME
15:17 < ReticenceSu> 可以現在就出去嗎????
15:17 < KiraYao> 熱情 臉蛋正 身材火辣
15:17 < either> 不用3:40就空了吧OAO
15:17 < RyanHo_> [r2]那為什麼用LXDE?
15:17 < maxwux> KDE讚讚讚
15:17 < dylandy> 腔調出來了XD
15:17 < Negaihoshi> Qt 台灣都沒人翻 0w0
15:17 < brucehsu> KDE (Y)
15:17 < nfsnfs> 因為他是 LXDE developer ...
15:17 < rail02000> [R2]我在KDE的場合一定會講Gnome的壞話XDD
15:17 < carlcarl> 傲嬌
15:17 < KiraYao> 豈有不染指的理由XD
15:17 < kiang> @RyanHo, 因為他是專業走路工 XD
15:17 < linroex> R2根本爆滿
15:17 < Moonslight> either : 那現在先搶 ?? XD
15:17 < RyanHo_> XDDD
15:17 < KiraYao> 拖屍體XD
15:17 < privism> Microsoft 後來投資 B&N
15:17 -!- superbil_ [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
15:17 < KiraYao> 更何況NOKIRA根本就是屍體
15:18 < KiraYao> Node-Qt
15:18 < smailc> XDD NOKIA是屍體
15:18 < maxwux> r2 原來用QT是撿屍
15:18 < KiraYao>
15:18 < billy3321> Nokia: 我把QT丟在那裡了,想要的人就自己去吧!
15:18 -!- evenrain [] has joined #coscup
15:18 < kiang> [R2]
15:18 < billy3321> 開啟了大QT時代(咦?)
15:18 -!- Vdragon [Vdragon@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
15:18 -!- NeilLee721 [~Neil@] has joined #coscup
15:18 -!- evenrain [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
15:18 < opop> imacat: Hello~!
15:19 < ReticenceSu> [R0]好安靜
15:19 -!- evenrain [~evenrain@] has joined #coscup
15:19 < evenrain> [W] Workshop 準備中
15:19 -!- XDD [~XDDDD@2001:c08:1:164:7899:7d7f:e857:39b5] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:19 < KiraYao> R2 #LiveDemoMayFail
15:19 < OAO> 大QB時代
15:19 < Negaihoshi> wwwwwwwwwwwww
15:19 < DHXD> QB好吃
15:19 -!- hugojay [] has joined #coscup
15:19 < KiraYao> /人◕‿‿◕人\僕と契約して、魔法少女になってよ!
15:19 < danix_> [R0] 超棒的 model 阿,幫你把想 open source 的東西放到 prior art database 於是別人無法申請專利
15:19 < freetsubasa> www
15:19 < carlcarl> R2 好多特效XD
15:19 < DHXD> /人◕‿‿◕人\
15:19 < DHXD> 聽說我就是QB(?
15:19 < RyanHo_> r2 在LXDE上跑Konsole XDDD
15:19 < OAO> [R2] 反正demo code不是我寫的
15:20 < KiraYao> R2的投影機很糟....
15:20 -!- kuyuhisepa126 [~Default@] has joined #coscup
15:20 < carlcarl> 色差很大...
15:20 < either> DHXD: 這麼想被吃?XD
15:20 -!- Vdragon [Vdragon@] has joined #coscup
15:20 < kiang> [R2] 坐前面還是比較好 XD
15:20 < DHXD> Not a problem /人◕‿‿◕人\
15:20 < KiraYao> 確定是LXDE?
15:20 < maxwux> R2 特效展
15:20 < Andox> QB必需死!
15:20 -!- Arvin_ [df8bfaf2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
15:21 < DHXD> 怎麼辦我想把QB擺桌上了wwwww
15:21 < KiraYao> npm?
15:21 < kiang> [R2] npm install node-qt
15:21 -!- kuyuhisepa126 [~Default@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
15:21 < rail02000> R2有人電腦桌面似乎是QB?
15:21 -!- kuyuhisepa126_ [8c6d7fb3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:21 < user123456> [R0]感覺他好RMS...
15:21 < privism> 愛睏
15:21 -!- kuyuhisepa126 [~Default@] has joined #coscup
15:21 < carlcarl> R2 看起來是KDE?
15:21 < KiraYao> 恩,我好像有看到
15:21 -!- king1223 [~aaa@] has joined #coscup
15:21 < either> Andox: 要簽約快找DHXD學弟(?
15:21 < KiraYao> 我也覺得應該是KDE
15:21 -!- AndChat|500 [~AndChat50@2001:c08:1:164:9221:55ff:fe06:a942] has joined #coscup
15:21 < OAO> [R2] 可能會有很多bug
15:21 < maxwux> R2 我也覺得是KDE
15:21 -!- lichain [] has quit [Quit: lichain]
15:21 -!- hamming1 [~hamming1@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:21 < kuyuhisepa126_> 外面擺放點心嚕OAO
15:22 -!- darkland [~darkland@] has joined #coscup
15:22 < kiang> [R2] 聽到外面放餐盤的聲音了 XD
15:22 < carlcarl> [R2] 不知道這個支援度高不高...
15:22 < king1223> 可以拿了嗎?
15:22 < KiraYao> 不知道阿
15:22 < kuyuhisepa126_> 還不能
15:22 < kiang> 15:40 才能拿啦
15:22 < KiraYao> 這讓我想到那堆pyQt/rubyQT等等
15:22 < king1223> 恩恩
15:22 -!- shtzeng [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
15:22 -!- ygtw [ygtw@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
15:22 < KiraYao> 外面有騷動wwww
15:22 -!- Doremi [6f51d89a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:22 < carlcarl> 如果這project經營到一半就GG 那...
15:23 < OAO> [R2] 自動crash!!!
15:23 < carlcarl> 看看就好XD
15:23 < KiraYao> 就自己branch自己繼續幹(?)
15:23 < evenwu> [fire] 講者有多簡報原力當抽獎XD
15:23 -!- Chanwei [722b0c31@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:23 < buganini> [R2]外面有餐桌crash的聲音
15:23 < OAO> [R2] 外面地震.....
15:23 < maxwux> r2 外面是爆炸了嗎
15:23 < mabinogi80503> [R2]外面到底 (?
15:23 < king1223> .
15:23 < imacat> opop: Hi~ ^_*'
15:23 -!- ygtw [ygtw@] has joined #coscup
15:23 < DHXD> [R0]外面聽得到躁動
15:23 < adaam> 餐桌crash XDD
15:23 -!- Vdragon [Vdragon@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
15:23 < kiang> [R2] 外面該不會把點心打翻吧 XD
15:23 < maxwux> r2 塊桃阿!
15:23 < king1223> 有點大聲XD
15:23 -!- greener [] has joined #coscup
15:23 < DHXD> 點心眾嗎 OMG
15:23 < linroex> 可能是撤場
15:24 < carlcarl> !!
15:24 < privism> 今天點心是在樓下嗎
15:24 < king1223> 3還是4?
15:24 < Moonslight> 四樓也有
15:24 < barneybook> R2 說話速度加快中
15:24 -!- gnux123 [~gnux123@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
15:24 -!- pioneerlike [~pioneerli@] has joined #coscup
15:24 < KiraYao> R2 Speedup
15:24 -!- kito [~kito@] has joined #coscup
15:24 < Moonslight> 我在四樓有看到點心
15:24 < KiraYao> 等等不知道會不會Clock Up
15:24 -!- ccchiu [~ccchiu@] has left #coscup []
15:24 < AndroUser> 路平專案中,請小心
15:24 < nfsnfs> Fred 想吃點心了嗎
15:25 < kiang> [R2] Fred 擔心沒辦法讓大家慢慢走過去拿
15:25 < scott___> R2 外面正在路平專案 台北好好拆
15:25 -!- thschee [] has joined #coscup
15:25 -!- icman [~icman@] has joined #coscup
15:25 < Negaihoshi> R1 Libreoffice 本地化的心酸 XD
15:25 -!- shtzeng_ [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
15:25 -!- SammyLin [] has joined #coscup
15:25 < privism> r0 這節要有一點專利的概念
15:25 -!- shtzeng [] has joined #coscup
15:25 < DHXD> 好冰冰表示:這裡路不夠平
15:25 < scott___> 出來後 連 用餐區都平了
15:25 < imacat> R1 R1~
15:25 -!- xman [~xman@] has joined #coscup
15:25 < Francine> 私人問題,有沒有人對android kernel layer 的 input system 熟的…
15:25 < scott___> 果然是了不起的COSCUP
15:26 < privism> 用餐區都不見了
15:26 -!- lichain [] has joined #coscup
15:26 -!- u1031333_ [~u10313335@] has joined #coscup
15:26 -!- xman [~xman@] has quit [Client Quit]
15:26 < DHXD> QB放桌上惹(?)/人◕‿‿◕人\
15:26 -!- mac_ [~mac@] has joined #coscup
15:26 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
15:26 < kiang> [R2] 為什麼拍照的先生都固定那幾個角度呢?要聚焦辣妹啊
15:27 -!- swaywang [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
15:27 < either> QB你在哪?
15:27 < freetsubasa> 等等點心是3.4樓都有嗎?
15:27 -!- gunxgun [~AndChat12@2001:c08:1:164:3ae7:d8ff:feb1:767] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
15:27 < DHXD> R0
15:27 < KiraYao> Fred快要發動Trail Maximun Drive了
15:27 < carlcarl> [R2] 專業啊~
15:27 -!- swaywang [] has joined #coscup
15:27 * rs999 @ubuntu waiting for snake
15:27 < KiraYao> 肯定有很多問題XD
15:27 < privism> 不過這很難取捨
15:27 < mabinogi80503> [R2] 肯定有很多問題
15:27 < imacat> LibreOffice中文翻譯OpenOffice.org沒人出來接=>不是我的錯 :p
15:27 < Swl> 肯定還有很多問題wwww
15:27 < maxwux> r2 0,0.1也太小了吧
15:27 < KiraYao> 四個月前v0.0.2
15:28 -!- mac_ [~mac@] has quit [Client Quit]
15:28 < kiang> [R2] 目前才 0.0.2 版 XD
15:28 -!- gunxgun [~AndChat12@2001:c08:1:164:3ae7:d8ff:feb1:767] has joined #coscup
15:28 < KiraYao> 不要太期待XD
15:28 < OAO> [R2] 拍照的對著我(旁邊的正妹)好久>////////<
15:28 -!- chy168 [~Zz@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:28 < KiraYao> More Demo?
15:28 < rail02000> 不要太期待XDD
15:28 < KiraYao> Clock Up了XD
15:28 < mabinogi80503> 不是非常完整 (跪地)
15:28 -!- GGC [~nightmare@] has joined #coscup
15:28 < either> 原作者不會投入太多時間XD
15:28 < KiraYao> 原作者不會投入太多時間,但我有空會去補完他
15:28 < webbertsai> 請問大大們有人對藍芽有對 (A2DP、SPP) 有研究嘛
15:28 -!- ccch1u [caa9ac5c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:28 < carlcarl> OAO: 第一排?
15:28 -!- Evelyn [7a74347d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:29 -!- GCC [~nightmare@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
15:29 -!- momizi [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:29 < adaam> R0 Q&A
15:29 -!- lyc780226 [~Adium@] has joined #coscup
15:29 < Swl> www
15:29 < TigerHuang> R2 正咩在哪@O@?
15:29 < scott___> R2是正妹第一排?
15:29 < ReticenceSu> [R0]QA
15:29 < rail02000> R0 那麼快?@@
15:29 -!- ioan [~ioan@] has joined #coscup
15:29 < privism> 學校和公司有時候自己也想申請專利
15:29 < DHXD> [R0] QB&A (?) /人◕‿‿◕人\
15:29 < dylandy> 好快?!
15:29 < king1223> 好快啊!
15:29 -!- pioneerlike_ [~pioneerli@] has joined #coscup
15:29 < ReticenceSu> [R0]驚訝了一下
15:29 < KiraYao> /人◕‿‿◕人\ <成為魔法少女 就可以完成任何願望喔!
15:29 < kiang> [R2] Fred 輸了
15:29 < Negaihoshi> R1 為啥提交bug 開法者叫我改Q口Q
15:30 < KiraYao> Fred輸了XD
15:30 -!- pworker_ [72885999@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:30 -!- jimmytp_ [6f517c26@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:30 -!- king1223 [~aaa@] has quit [Quit: 暫離]
15:30 < jimmytp_> [W] 快要開始了
15:30 < rail02000> /人◕‿‿◕人\ <趕快問我問題 就可以去吃點心囉
15:30 < FourDollars> [r2] 正妹主持助理在第一排
15:30 < nfsnfs> 我今天用 macports 裝 qt4-mac-devel 失敗了 Q.Q
15:30 < pioneerlike_> [WS] 目前R3 Mac vs PS 5:1
15:30 < OAO> [R2] QA
15:30 < KiraYao> Q&A'
15:30 < Elsvent> ]R2\ QA
15:30 < kiang> [R2] R0 的大大們留些點心給我們吧
15:30 -!- Howie2 [~yaaic@] has quit [Quit: Yaaic - Yet another Android IRC client -]
15:30 -!- wandering [8c700442@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
15:30 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@] has quit [Quit: sonyu]
15:30 < DHXD> /人◕‿‿◕人\
15:30 -!- gh__ [~gh@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
15:30 < KiraYao> PCMAN!
15:30 < either> R2 Q&A
15:30 < mabinogi80503> [R2] 騷動 (?????
15:31 < DHXD> 出現離線潮了 看來是覓食眾
15:31 -!- SammyLin [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:31 < maxwux> r2 PCMAN問問題了
15:31 < yurenju> 問什麼
15:31 -!- lzy [] has joined #coscup
15:31 < FourDollars> <(_ _)>
15:31 -!- BillyHerrington [~willyliu@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
15:31 < Noni> test
15:31 -!- u1031333_ [~u10313335@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
15:31 -!- SammyLin [] has joined #coscup
15:31 < dylandy> 好大聲XD
15:31 < kiang> [R2] 那些提前落跑的是怎樣 XD
15:31 < linroex> 餓了
15:32 -!- Peter__ [8c72fd14@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:32 < linroex> 搶食物
15:32 -!- pioneerlike_ [~pioneerli@] has quit [Client Quit]
15:32 < evenwu> [workshop] 開始了
15:32 < maxwux> lxde VS KDE
15:32 < evenrain> [W] 沒來報到的以後找我做案子,報價可能就兩倍以上 XDDD
15:32 < jimmytp_> [W] 來買我們產品的都是一些大大
15:32 < maxwux> 哈
15:32 < kiang> [R2] 這是跑太多場的壞處 XD
15:32 -!- pioneerlike [~pioneerli@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
15:32 -!- kuyuhisepa126 [~Default@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
15:32 < carlcarl> XD
15:32 < maxwux> r2 fread請表明立場!
15:32 < hSATAC> jimmy 在哪?怎麼沒看到你
15:32 -!- cshliu_ [2a484556@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:32 < chuiyi> [W] 啊我沒去報到 <O>
15:33 < jimmytp_> hSATAC: 正對面擋住的地方 XD
15:33 < kuyuhisepa126_> 點心開始發嚕
15:33 < privism> 基於專利的改善也有可能能變成下位專利
15:33 < kuyuhisepa126_> 要吃的人快點吧
15:33 < kiang> [R2] 阿,點心
15:33 -!- chitsaou [~chitsaou@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
15:33 -!- pioneerlike [~pioneerli@] has joined #coscup
15:33 < DHXD> R0 Still, Q&A
15:33 < kuyuhisepa126_> 點心開始發放嚕~~~~~~~
15:33 < jimmytp_> [W] 有誰也想要去聽 jserv 的,我也想要去聽,所以可能會跟表定時間不同
15:33 < evenrain> [W] 等下要聽 jserv 的新酷音的舉手
15:33 < KiraYao> QA持續中
15:33 < billy3321> (Y)
15:33 < Moonslight> 舉
15:33 < privism> 所以和現有專利有關的 defensive publication 還是有可能會有用
15:34 < DHXD> 舉
15:34 < adaam> R2 結束囉?
15:34 < kiang> [R2] Fred 的規劃被聽眾打亂了 XD
15:34 < Moonslight> R0 END
15:34 < KiraYao> 還在繼續Q&A
15:34 < adaam> R0 over !!!
15:34 -!- killtw [caa9ad53@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:34 < privism> [r0 done
15:34 < kiang> [R2] 繼續 Q&A
15:34 -!- plyrd [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 14.0.1/20120713134347]]
15:34 -!- Vdragon [Vdragon@] has joined #coscup
15:34 < DHXD> R0搶點心了(yay
15:34 -!- ken___ [~kuanying@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:34 -!- Aotoki [caa9ad42@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:34 < gugufish> R1會不會當時以為是愚人節騙局
15:34 -!- OAO [OAO@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:34 -!- hugojay [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
15:34 -!- chenjenping [~chenjenpi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
15:35 -!- Elsvent [8c6d7ff5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:35 -!- Guester [~textual@] has joined #coscup
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15:35 -!- tetily [] has joined #coscup
15:35 < jimmytp_> [W] 我們前天又放了新版本因為要講 coscup
15:35 -!- mobomoga [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
15:35 < kiang> [R2] R0 離線潮出現
15:35 -!- lenny_NB [~lenny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:35 < evenrain> [W] 是 GPLv2
15:35 -!- vrootic [~vic@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
15:35 < tetily> XDDDD
15:35 < carlcarl> QQ
15:35 -!- enhao [~enhao@] has joined #coscup
15:35 -!- yspan [~AndChat29@] has joined #coscup
15:35 < jimmytp_> [W] 德國人寫信問網站上沒有買三十套的按鈕
15:35 < mabinogi80503> [r2] OVER
15:35 < kiang> [R2] over
15:35 -!- AndChat|355284 [~Denir@] has joined #coscup
15:35 -!- VoidChen [~VoidChen@] has joined #coscup
15:36 -!- l123868 [7579f16c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:36 < evenrain> [W] 每個月大概 release 一次
15:36 < DHXD> R0 走挺多人的
15:36 < Jimmy__> Workshop 沒有點心吃 T_T
15:37 < DHXD> 有點懶得吃 昨天都吃太油的很膩QQ
15:37 -!- Guester [~textual@] has quit [Client Quit]
15:37 -!- AndroUser [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
15:37 < poao899> [r1] Q$A
15:37 < buganini> [R2] 想聽講者唱小情歌
15:37 -!- jason2506 [caa9a5e3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:37 -!- shuem [caa9ac7a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:37 -!- aitjcize [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
15:38 -!- timdream [~timdream@] has joined #coscup
15:38 -!- othrees [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -]
15:38 < barneybook> 所以等等有點心可以吃嗎???
15:39 < DHXD> 已經有點心了阿
15:39 -!- webbertsai [caa9a5ab@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:39 < barneybook> 哪邊???
15:39 < buganini> [更正][R1] 想聽講者唱小情歌
15:39 -!- lyc780226 [~Adium@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
15:39 < Negaihoshi> wwwwwww
15:39 -!- maxwux_ [7a752e4e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
15:39 -!- tetily [] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )]
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15:40 < Vdragon> [R1]
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15:41 < watsontsai> Vdragon使用使用utf-8編碼
15:41 -!- lichain [] has quit [Quit: lichain]
15:41 < jimmytp_> [W] command line interface...
15:42 -!- greener [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
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15:43 < watsontsai> 吃點心
15:43 < watsontsai> ~~
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15:45 < stanely> 下午茶中......
15:45 < OAO> 點心~
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15:46 -!- Sorry [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
15:46 < Ninthday_> 大家都在吃東西嗎
15:46 -!- yspan [~AndChat29@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
15:46 < OAO> y
15:46 < evenrain> [W] workshop 中
15:46 < stanely> irc上好安靜.....
15:47 < OAO> mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
15:47 < lyc780226> o-o
15:47 -!- ccch1u [caa9ac5c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
15:47 < OAO> 電資社團的來櫃台OAO/
15:47 -!- linroex [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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15:48 < Ninthday_> 對阿~大家都在忙著吃東西中
15:48 < KiraYao> R2完全輸給R0了XDDD
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15:49 < OAO> 點心排隊區是雙向佇列wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww。
15:49 < KiraYao> 排隊區是這樣 領餐屈就各種亂入
15:50 < jimmytp_> [W] Lorem helper 假字產生
15:50 < OAO> 到底要不要排隊啊OAO?
15:50 -!- bobchao [~bobchao@2001:c08:1:164:e1f4:be6a:5976:d1d] has joined #coscup
15:50 -!- mode/#coscup [+o bobchao] by ChanServ
15:50 < evenrain> [W] 這個讚耶
15:50 < KiraYao> 排到你聽到說:不用排隊,去中間拿餐盤
15:50 < OAO> 昨天有工人大喊不要排隊XD
15:51 -!- NeilLee721 [~Neil@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
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15:51 < kiang> [R2] 至少過去還有東西吃 XD
15:51 -!- dainese [~dainese@2001:c08:1:164:1cd7:28f7:b01f:1b8] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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15:52 < jimmytp_> [W] 有亂數圖片功能
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15:53 -!- ChuSiang_s3 [~ChuSiang_@] has joined #coscup
15:54 < jimmytp_> [W] live demo
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15:56 < opop> [G+] 有 ericsk 聊天內容實況轉播..
15:56 < scott___> !
15:56 -!- StarNight [~zack@] has joined #coscup
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15:56 < ericsk> !?
15:57 -!- shume [caa9ac7a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
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15:57 < opop> XD
15:57 -!- AndChat|500 [~AndChat50@2001:c08:1:164:9221:55ff:fe06:a942] has joined #coscup
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15:57 < opop> 快說媽我上電視了 XD
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15:58 < ericsk> 媽~我上電視了
15:58 -!- alicekey [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:58 < opop> XD
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15:59 < ericsk> sleepnova 的梗都被破光了 XD
15:59 -!- kenobilyh_ [] has joined #coscup
15:59 < opop> 聽得不清楚 XD
15:59 < opop> 所以應該是還好
15:59 -!- ChesterLinTw [] has joined #coscup
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15:59 < opop> 而且在 workshop 才會繼續看,不然應該都忙著吃點心 QAQ
15:59 -!- stevennick [~stevennic@2001:c08:1:164:e022:8640:eeca:15d4] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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16:00 < smailc> R2開始了
16:00 < ericsk> XD
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16:01 -!- StarNight [~zack@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
16:01 < Andox> 等R0中
16:01 < cyt93cs_> [R2] identity => 所有開發者都要有的東西
16:01 -!- mp607 [d24689d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:01 -!- yanyiyi_ [~yan@2001:c08:1:164:2c13:451d:b4:2762] has joined #coscup
16:01 < kiang> [R2] 感覺是另一個認真的議題,可以想像 R1 應該塞爆吧?(等 Jserv 的梗)
16:01 < privism> 吃飽飽
16:01 -!- _Ed [8c700162@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:02 -!- ernest_ [~ernest@] has quit [Quit: ernest_]
16:02 -!- Noni_ [2a40f8ac@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:02 < opop> privism: .....................................
16:02 -!- ken___ [~kuanying@] has joined #coscup
16:02 < DHXD> 只喝了一杯紅茶 嗝
16:02 -!- kito [~kito@] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
16:02 -!- ckm_ [] has joined #coscup
16:02 < yanyiyi_> 最潮的公司~
16:02 < Andox> ericsk今天變成用Win8@@
16:02 < DHXD> 平衡市場(?)
16:02 -!- mp607 [d24689d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:03 -!- Francine [] has joined #coscup
16:03 -!- gugufish [~gugufish@2001:c08:1:164:dab3:77ff:fe1f:d3ae] has joined #coscup
16:03 < barneybook> 2012梗出現了!!! R2
16:03 -!- weijr [~weijr@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
16:03 < barneybook> 2012梗出現了!!! R1
16:03 -!- amiboshi [amiboshi@] has joined #coscup
16:03 < barneybook> 發錯間!
16:03 < DHXD> R0開始了
16:03 -!- yanyiyi [~yan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
16:03 < KiraYao> 我想說R2什麼時候有2012...XD
16:03 -!- yanyiyi_ is now known as yanyiyi
16:03 < DHXD> HTLM5
16:03 < kiang> @barneybook,害我以為自己走錯 XD
16:04 < DHXD> *HTML5
16:04 < kiang> [R2] 很平穩的進行中
16:04 -!- swaywang [] has joined #coscup
16:04 < KiraYao> PIM.....
16:04 < KiraYao> 幾乎都是第一個刪掉的對象XD
16:04 < gugufish> R1 講者是披毛巾嗎?
16:04 < barneybook> 是
16:04 -!- Aotoki [caa9ad42@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:04 < cyt93cs_> [R2] AceLan 很淡定的演講中
16:04 < kiang> R1 有空位嗎?
16:04 < KiraYao> AceLan淡定中
16:04 -!- maxdragon [8c6d10c5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:04 -!- Jlnshen [~Jlnshen@] has joined #coscup
16:04 -!- stanely [~stanely@] has joined #coscup
16:04 < either> R2好空@@
16:05 < JalenLin> Microsoft贊助商有笑話要笑啊!!
16:05 < Andox> 意思是M$的笑話都很.....(ry
16:05 -!- BardicheZ__ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
16:05 < Noni_> [R0]等等M$不爽下次不贊助
16:05 -!- Maligbi [6f5117e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:05 -!- kakashi__ [~kakashi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
16:05 < Dai_Lin> [R1] SVG大大
16:05 < Noni_> [R0]開始
16:05 -!- stevennick [~stevennic@2001:c08:1:164:4cc5:8f9e:be9c:b934] has joined #coscup
16:05 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@2001:c08:1:164:f891:d4ea:6222:f376] has joined #coscup
16:05 < BardicheZ__> 請MS大大賜我食物
16:05 < Moonslight> R0 主持人在上官還沒來之前 先cue一下大家 等上官說笑話時要捧場
16:05 < darkgerm> [R1] 放心食用他
16:05 < Noni_> 哈哈哈
16:05 -!- tjw [~weijr@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
16:05 < chitsaou> [R1] XML: I'm your father SVG: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
16:05 < Ninthday_> 哈哈
16:05 < RIH> 先笑~哈哈哈
16:05 -!- ioan [~ioan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
16:05 < Noni_> HTMl5 顯學[R0]
16:06 -!- greener [] has joined #coscup
16:06 < Elsvent> 哈哈哈
16:06 < Andox> 哈哈哈哈哈.....
16:06 < darkx> 點心吃好爽w
16:06 -!- Jeely [] has joined #coscup
16:06 < wanwan722> haha~
16:06 < darkgerm> 哈哈哈哈
16:06 < Ninthday_> 今天不是用mac
16:06 -!- tC_ [4c491284@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:06 < freetsubasa> 哈哈XD
16:06 -!- OAO [OAO@] has joined #coscup
16:06 < kiang> [R2]
16:06 -!- Sorry [] has joined #coscup
16:06 < ijliao> 男子漢毛巾...
16:06 < KiraYao> 其實好像都不是用mac?
16:06 -!- fcrh [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
16:06 < ReticenceSu> 點心吃得好爽
16:06 < Andox> win8最不爽的一點是沒傳統注音QQ
16:06 < darkgerm> [R1] 以後也可以用 vim 畫圖片了
16:06 < KiraYao> 好像是Gigabyte的
16:06 < Francine> M$那個可以問他新成立跟OpenSource有關的事嗎? XD
16:06 -!- user123456 [~user@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
16:06 < privism> win7 就沒了不是嗎
16:06 < Francine> 非常好奇他的動機
16:07 -!- AndroUser [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
16:07 -!- fcrh [] has joined #coscup
16:07 < Andox> 講到IE 大家都不是好的情緒
16:07 < stevennick> 提到IE....~!@#$%^&*(...
16:07 -!- kakashi__ [] has joined #coscup
16:07 -!- oaoq [] has joined #coscup
16:07 < OAO> [R0] IE 10
16:07 -!- sammyfung [] has joined #coscup
16:07 < kiang> [R2] 現在可以很容易要到 Contributor account
16:07 -!- AndroUser [~androirc@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:07 -!- killtw [caa9ad53@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:07 < KiraYao> IE must Die!
16:07 < carlcarl> 點心吃很多~~
16:07 < Andox> privism: 有比較難用板的傳統注音...win8只剩新注音QQ
16:07 < ReticenceSu> 提到IE,其實我現在在用google
16:07 -!- ccc-larc [] has joined #coscup
16:07 < cyt93cs_> [R2] KDE 開發者的權限, 只要你敢要, 他們就會開給你 :P
16:07 -!- poao899 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
16:07 < Moonslight> 我用 firefox .....
16:07 < Andox> 講IE 然後等等用chrome秀?
16:07 -!- stanely [~stanely@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:08 < Ninthday_> 客戶都用IE,還是要看一下 XD
16:08 < Alen> 我的 IE 勒???
16:08 < privism> Andox: 我是很久都沒用注音了
16:08 < linroex> ie都被移除掉了還是
16:08 -!- dictcp [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
16:08 < kiang> [R2] kde 已經從 svn 轉移到 git
16:08 -!- KuoE0 [caa9a6d7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:08 < darkgerm> [R1] demo!
16:08 < Andox> privism: 只會用ㄅ半 哭哭
16:08 < Ninthday_> 只有歐洲有移吧?!
16:08 < OAO> [R0] 工人休息室看轉播的各位大家好\~/OAO
16:08 < linroex> 哪招XDD
16:08 < privism> Andox: 我是嘸蝦米
16:08 -!- kengyu [~Keng-Yu@] has joined #coscup
16:08 < linroex> IRC大螢幕轉播XD
16:08 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has joined #coscup
16:09 < kiang> 媽,我在這兒~~~
16:09 < darkgerm> privism: 我也是嘸蝦米 ^^
16:09 -!- kkw [] has joined #coscup
16:09 < Francine> M$表示:是因為open source的場子特地改用Chromium!!
16:09 < SammyLin> 我也是無蝦米~
16:09 < kiang> 有出現在螢幕上嗎?
16:09 -!- user123456 [~user@] has joined #coscup
16:09 < OAO> [R0] 媽我在這 ._./
16:09 < oaoq> [r1] 長長 變高 位移 改變顏色
16:09 < elvisFQ> cyt93cs_: where r u
16:09 < Francine> 嘸蝦米+1
16:09 < cyt93cs_> elvisFQ: R2
16:09 < Andox> [R0] 媽我上電視了
16:09 < chitsaou> 嘸蝦米+1
16:09 -!- AndroUser2 [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
16:09 < elvisFQ> cyt93cs_: 哪邊 Xd 看不到你
16:09 -!- user_789 [~user@] has joined #coscup
16:09 < darkgerm> 原來好多蝦米族XD
16:09 < SammyLin> ~~~了視電上我媽
16:09 < privism> Andox: 那你學行列好了
16:09 -!- shengpo [caa9a330@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:09 < Ninthday_> 沒有全都可以免費升級IE10
16:09 < privism> Andox: 太多人用嘸蝦米了
16:09 < Ninthday_> 阿~~~
16:09 -!- ioan [] has joined #coscup
16:10 < cyt93cs_> elvisFQ: 我在中間第2排 =.=
16:10 < Andox> privism: 用內碼好了 這個比較威 (誤)
16:10 -!- stanely [~stanely@] has joined #coscup
16:10 < privism> Andox: 以前當兵的時候有些人內碼打符號用得非常純熟
16:10 < dylandy> IE8 就開始實作html5 了!
16:10 < Andox> 雖然說IE都到10了....但是現在還是一堆地方用IE6 QQ
16:10 < BardicheZ__> 開始!
16:10 < kiang> [R2]
16:11 < oaoq> [r1] 不要小看我們設計師 我們會寫code
16:11 < darkx> XD
16:11 -!- coldsleep [~coldsleep@] has joined #coscup
16:11 < darkx> SVG 重現我人生的自信!
16:11 < DHXD> 是說現在的 IE 9 怎麼樣了
16:11 -!- BeataLin [caa9a578@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:11 < adaam> 之前有聽說外國某家賣場網站,對IE6會加收一成
16:11 < privism> Andox: WinXP 還活著就會有 IE6
16:11 < DHXD> 很久沒用IE 除了 WP7.5外
16:11 < Andox> 沒用過IE9...
16:11 < Francine> IE升9之後反而很容易當……
16:11 < albb0920> "你的 SVG code 太髒了" XDDDD
16:11 < freetsubasa> [r1]這設計師不可以小看XD
16:11 < Francine> 所以降回8
16:11 < Negaihoshi> ri 你的SVG code 太髒了 我不用
16:11 < privism> 可是 xp 只到IE8
16:11 < DHXD> WP7.5 的 IE9 我升到 Tango 候遇到大圖量容易爆掉
16:11 -!- Evelyn [7a74347d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
16:12 < Francine> 然後……除非是只有IE能開的網頁,不然才不會去用IE
16:12 -!- jack [] has joined #coscup
16:12 < darkgerm> [R1] 好動畫,不看嗎?
16:12 < Noni_> [R0]查克拉!?
16:12 < shadom> 查克啦?
16:12 < either> 很久以前就只把IE拿來抓Fx和Chrome XD
16:12 < Moonslight> Francine : ++
16:12 < dylandy> 查克拉
16:12 < Ninthday_> 哈哈
16:12 < RuinlandIxa> ......
16:12 < OAO> [R0] 查克拉
16:12 < evenrain> [W] live demo fail XD
16:12 < Francine> either++
16:12 < RuinlandIxa> V8淡定.
16:12 < Andox> 以前還會拿IE來做網轉...現在也沒了 XD
16:12 < shadom> 可以進god mode 嗎?
16:12 < jimmytp_> [W] 誰來救救我
16:12 < SammyLin> [W]誰來救救我....
16:13 < barneybook> 只有IE能開的網頁還是要用CHROME開
16:13 < DHXD> XDDD
16:13 < Francine> 噗
16:13 < DHXD> IE tab 表示
16:13 < either> IE tab XD
16:13 < darkx> 36K 的動畫@@
16:13 < Andox> barneybook++
16:13 < privism> Chakra
16:13 < kiang> [R2]
16:13 < evenrain> [W] 出 exception 但是還是 build 完了
16:13 < Francine> Workshop在搞笑?
16:13 -!- Thomasy_ [~chatzilla@] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 17.0a1/20120817030555]]
16:13 < DHXD> Cut the rope XD
16:13 < Ninthday_> 例子都是完美的
16:13 < RuinlandIxa> webgl咧?敲碗
16:13 < Ninthday_> 哈哈哈
16:14 < OAO> [R0] cut the rope
16:14 < DHXD> [R0]
16:14 < DHXD> HTML 5 Powered
16:14 < kiang> [R2] kdesrc-build 可以取得個別專案最新版本
16:14 < evenwu> 誰來救救我~~~
16:14 < Noni_> [R0]Browser 好像是Chrome~
16:14 < privism> 也有 fruit ninja
16:14 -!- in2_android [~AndChat62@] has joined #coscup
16:14 < Andox> Noni_: IE10
16:14 < ReticenceSu> [R0]現場玩遊戲
16:14 -!- Lennymb [~androirc@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:14 < barneybook> [R1]有遊戲語音
16:14 < Noni_> Andox Thanks!
16:14 -!- DHXD [~Adium@2001:c08:1:164:b86b:a905:46f1:4806] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:15 -!- ken___ [~kuanying@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:15 < OAO> [R0] 那IE啦
16:15 < darkx> [R1] 講者機動了!
16:15 -!- GGC [~nightmare@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
16:15 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
16:15 < privism> 我在微軟的攤位有看到人在玩 fruit ninja
16:15 -!- GCC [~nightmare@] has joined #coscup
16:15 -!- VoidChen [~VoidChen@] has joined #coscup
16:15 < darkgerm> [R1] 是硬漢就是要自己來!
16:15 < Andox> 現在的browser UI看起來都差不多
16:15 < Francine> [R2] 淡定…
16:15 < Moonslight> R0 玩的遊戲我玩過..... 好玩 !
16:15 -!- ihower [~ihower@2002:caa9:a6b9:b:d466:790d:491:7c8c] has joined #coscup
16:15 -!- DHXD [caa9a5cd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:15 < darkgerm> IE 一排 X XDDD
16:15 < darkx> IE 悲劇XD
16:15 -!- BardicheZ__ [~Kevin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
16:15 < oaoq> [r1] 各大瀏覽器愛不愛svg
16:15 < privism> cut the rope 我有買 android 版
16:15 -!- either [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:15 < barneybook> IE表示 SVG我就是不想支援
16:15 -!- play [~AndChat59@2001:c08:1:164:92c1:15ff:fef2:826b] has joined #coscup
16:15 < kiang> [R2] 講話的語氣太平穩,吃過點心之後周公有打算找我去開會...
16:15 < stanely> 有人知道R0的handout URL嗎?
16:15 < freetsubasa> [r1]各大瀏覽器愛不愛svg IE悲劇XDDD
16:16 -!- l123868 [7579f16c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:16 < Sorry> Windows 8 = 把開始功能表變成開始功能牆(?)
16:16 < Ninthday_> [R0] IE只有WINDOWS有,現場沒人用WINDOWS....
16:16 < jimmytp_> [W] 按下去你就 login 了
16:16 < Francine> [R2] 話說我公司也有一個資深前輩講話超淡定
16:16 < oaoq> [r1] svg跟 can can can canvas的比較上
16:16 < darkx> SVG 我想到今年 HITCON 的題目... ˊ_>ˋ
16:16 < Francine> 看來資深的最高境界是淡定?!
16:17 < OAO> [R0] 剛才講的repeat過?
16:17 < DHXD> [R0]我想起了手邊那被打臉的 Titan....
16:17 < Ninthday_> [R0] 空間變多了,還是不夠標準 XD
16:17 -!- xingxingwoo [~xingxingw@] has joined #coscup
16:17 <@bobchao> [R0] 這個演講我好像有在三月於香港聽過很像的....
16:17 -!- coldsleep [~coldsleep@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
16:17 -!- kuyuhisepa126_ [8c6d7fb3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:17 < in2_android> 今年hitcon的題目是啥?
16:17 -!- KuoE0 [caa9a6d7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
16:17 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has quit [Quit: Leaving...]
16:17 -!- FredC_ [~fred@] has joined #coscup
16:17 -!- rmx [~coldsleep@2001:c08:1:164:582e:30c0:e92e:23ff] has joined #coscup
16:17 -!- Jeely [] has quit [Quit: Jeely]
16:17 -!- rs999 [8c6d7fd4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:17 -!- AndroUser2 [~androirc@] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )]
16:18 -!- Albert_ [~Albert@] has joined #coscup
16:18 < privism> r0 這個題目微軟自己的場子應該講過 N 次了
16:18 -!- rmx is now known as Guest49833
16:18 < Ninthday_> [R0] 統用版本,PPT做得很票釀
16:18 < Noni_> [R0]大家各個平台都要apps
16:18 < kiang> 請問, R0 會很滿嗎?
16:18 < maxwux_> 老實說bugs.kde.org還挺難用的
16:18 < darkx> in2_android: 地下的環是 SVG
16:18 <@bobchao> R0 還有空位
16:18 < darkx> 裏面藏有 key
16:18 < stanely> 快睡著了......
16:18 < stanely> R2講師剛說最後.....該不會要結束了吧.
16:18 < kiang> @bobchao, thanks
16:18 < Moonslight> 有點.....
16:18 < Ninthday_> [R0] 還有為
16:18 < DHXD> R0 我旁邊就有空位了LOL
16:18 -!- pct [] has joined #coscup
16:18 < privism> kiang: 不會
16:18 < enhao> R0還有空位
16:19 <@bobchao> 說空到也不致於 還有零星空位這樣
16:19 < ioan> 還好
16:19 < privism> kiang: 我左右都空的
16:19 < privism> 前面也空的
16:19 -!- play [~AndChat59@2001:c08:1:164:92c1:15ff:fef2:826b] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
16:19 < kiang> @privism, 感恩,有辣妹旁邊的位置可以推薦嗎? XD
16:19 < enhao> 前面幾排中間有酒個空位
16:19 < privism> 辣妹不曉得是不是走了
16:19 < Ninthday_> [R0] 控制項作的像window 8 metro
16:19 < in2_android> darkx: thanks
16:20 < stanely> 辣妹旁邊的位置都是很熱門的...
16:20 < DHXD> 有QB位可以推薦
16:20 < RuinlandIxa> Arch + KDE = => Chakara Project = =?
16:20 < privism> 他這個字體是什麼
16:20 -!- momizi [] has quit []
16:20 < Francine> [R2] 講者對於麥克風沒聲音的反應好好玩……
16:20 <@bobchao> 大家趕快幫 kiang 推薦,我等下過去偵查
16:20 < OAO> [R0] privism:大大有霸氣力廠讓大家不敢坐旁邊
16:20 < jack> consolas?
16:20 < linroex> 我旁邊有位
16:20 -!- Zhusee [] has quit [Quit: Zhusee]
16:20 < KiraYao> 真的超級淡定..............
16:20 < linroex> 第二排左邊
16:20 < kiang> @bobchao, 剛溫 XD
16:20 < KiraYao> Arch+KDE =/= Chakra....
16:20 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has joined #coscup
16:20 < maxwux_> 哪裡在講chakra??
16:20 < linroex> 不過這邊沒正妹XDD
16:20 < kiang> 我等 [R2] 結束就溜過去 XD
16:21 < kiang> [R2] 好像差不多了
16:21 < KiraYao> 等等看日本人講得怎樣
16:21 < evenrain> [W] hlb: 糟糕我還要去聽 jserv 的課啊~
16:21 < Francine> [R2] reference
16:21 < KiraYao> 然後我要去看jserv
16:21 < jack> @maxwux R0有一張 投影片的一個 元 件有寫
16:21 < carlcarl> 嗯嗯 要結束的樣子
16:21 < carlcarl> 還有demo@@
16:21 < privism> chakra javascript engine
16:21 < cyt93cs_> [R2] demo
16:21 < Francine> [R2] Demo
16:21 < privism> r0
16:21 < DHXD> 我覺得經過下午那場後 Jserv的場應該會很滿
16:21 -!- Passby_Yan [7222c670@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:21 < kiang> R1 應該只有站票了吧 XD
16:21 -!- in2_android [~AndChat62@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
16:22 < OAO> [R0] demo
16:22 -!- t_ [2a4bb570@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:22 < DHXD> 還蠻期待今天的閃電秀的
16:22 < JalenLin> [R0] Demo
16:22 -!- user__66666 [~user@] has joined #coscup
16:22 < chitsaou> [R1] SVG Stacks 把一堆圖片塞進同一張 sag ,用 background-image: url(bg.svg#id); 去 reference (不同於 css sprite)
16:22 < DHXD> 昨天的就很棒
16:22 -!- hugojay [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
16:22 < linroex> 有人睡著了ㄎㄎ
16:22 < stanely> 感覺宅色夫的下午場會爆滿
16:22 < OAO> 耶搶到頭香(?)
16:22 -!- KuoE0 [caa9a6d7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:22 < stanely> 會不會等一下去連站票都沒有
16:22 < maxwux_> 我喜歡Chakra :)
16:22 < Andox> DHXD: Jserv的場有那場沒爆滿過? XD
16:22 < privism> 剛剛我問那個字型應該是 Segoe WP
16:22 < jimmytp_> [W] 設個密碼:Area 51
16:22 < darkx> Andox++
16:22 < linroex> 宅色夫的到時候來轉播一下(?
16:22 < privism> metro UI 的字型
16:23 -!- in2_android [~AndChat62@] has joined #coscup
16:23 < DHXD> 現在據說不叫 Metro 了 有版權爭議
16:23 < OAO> 捷運?
16:23 < linroex> 改叫Windows 8的樣子?
16:23 < Moonslight> 這麼慘 連站票都沒有..... 那我站他旁邊 XD
16:23 < DHXD> 所以幾天前 Windows Phone Market 上的軟體只要有 Metro 或打著 Metro 界面名號的都被下架
16:23 < dannvix> 喜歡洗屏XD
16:23 < billy3321> svg-edit 的圖案真讓人害羞 >///<
16:23 < carlcarl> [R2] KDE開發沒那麼難啦
16:24 < privism> 新的 Visual Studio 好素
16:24 < Francine> [R2] 講者剛剛微笑超可愛……
16:24 < billy3321> Francine: NPNT
16:24 < Andox> 只有windows跟ios開發者敢在現場開模擬器@@
16:24 < linroex>
16:24 < carlcarl> 這XDDD
16:24 < adaam> 只有Win跟iOS的敢現場打開模擬器?
16:24 < Francine> 我就不會拍照啊>"<
16:24 < mp607> Android表示哭哭
16:24 < kiang> [R2] 我還是覺得辣妹微笑比較可愛...XD
16:24 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@2001:c08:1:164:f891:d4ea:6222:f376] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
16:24 < JalenLin> 因為android模擬器開啟速度太...
16:24 < DHXD> 據wiki表示現在叫 Modern UI
16:24 -!- AndChat|355284 [~Denir@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
16:25 < carlcarl> 哪個辣妹!?
16:25 < Andox> 連CSS都可以自己產生?
16:25 < BardicheZ_> Visual Studio工商服務Time
16:25 -!- user_789 [~user@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
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16:25 -!- brucehsu [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
16:25 < evenrain> Android 的模擬器根本是個悲劇 orz
16:25 -!- kengyu_ [] has joined #coscup
16:25 < ca^> Google 講者上次 android emu 開10分鐘開不起來
16:25 < Francine> [R2] 當作沒有看到 XD
16:25 < kiang> [R2] live demo crashed ... 當作沒有看到
16:25 < Ninthday_> 整套都介紹過了
16:25 < ca^> 所以送全場一人一台 HTC flyer
16:25 < OAO> android的emulator的確......
16:25 < Francine> [R2] 糟糕,這樣不行
16:25 -!- Maligbi [6f5117e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:25 -!- Simon [8c75a825@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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16:26 < elvisFQ> android sucks !
16:26 < Francine> [R2] 只要你有心!!
16:26 < Andox> HTML5 GAME MAKER!
16:26 < Ninthday_> R2講者好可愛
16:26 < OAO> [R0] game maker
16:26 < elvisFQ> AceLan 尾巴會蹺起來
16:26 < jimmytp_> [W] (競爭對手)這個東西超厲害的(激動)
16:26 < Francine> [R2] 講者超可愛+1
16:26 -!- stanely [~stanely@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:26 < Ninthday_> Only for IE HTML5?
16:26 -!- user_789 [~user@] has joined #coscup
16:26 < gundam500> 問 一下
16:26 < kiang> [R2] 發現這兒女性蠻多的? XD
16:26 < BardicheZ_> Construct 2 還蠻好玩的
16:26 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@2001:c08:1:164:f891:d4ea:6222:f376] has joined #coscup
16:26 < Edward_YC> XD
16:26 < Francine> [R2] 沒啊
16:26 < gundam500> 今天晚上的 接駁車 有到台鐵南港站嗎?
16:27 < Ninthday_> 換軮換場
16:27 -!- in2_android [~AndChat62@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
16:27 -!- ying [df8a538e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:27 < DHXD> 接駁車一樣到南港展覽館站吧?
16:27 -!- chy168 [~Zz@] has joined #coscup
16:27 < Andox> 高鐵南港站不知道啥時會好._.
16:27 < FourDollars> r2: 打臉中
16:27 < kiang> [R2] (其實我是要挖坑,阿不然其他地方沒有人讓出位置) XD
16:27 < Noni_> [R0[IE10 is not 吳下阿蒙
16:27 < Andox> Noni_: 可是還是不會用 XDDDD
16:27 < DHXD> [R0]IE 10 is not 吳下阿蒙
16:27 < gundam500> 重點是 XP 只能用IE8阿
16:27 < RuinlandIxa> XDDDDD
16:27 < DHXD> It is 吳下阿萌(?)
16:28 < Francine> [R2] 講者真的很可愛~~
16:28 < OAO> [R0] 我跟各位一樣討厭IE 6 7 8
16:28 < darkgerm> [R1] 桌布是小蘿莉吃西爪>///<
16:28 < ReticenceSu> [R0]IE 10 is not 吳下阿蒙
16:28 < Andox> XP不能王!
16:28 < kiang> [R2] done
16:28 -!- in2_android [~AndChat62@] has joined #coscup
16:28 < Andox> XP不能死 XD
16:28 < Passby_Yan> XP永生
16:28 < gundam500> IE 8 不能跑的網站 根本就不能用啊
16:28 < narahuang1> 還好我用linux, 不用碰IE~~
16:28 < Andox> 死了一堆AP要重寫._.
16:28 -!- either [] has joined #coscup
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16:28 < Noni_> [R0]正妹圖
16:28 < evenrain> [W] done
16:28 < DHXD> [R0] 9/1 Hackathon
16:28 -!- Jimmy__ [~Jimmy@] has quit [Quit: Jimmy__]
16:28 < FourDollars> [R2] 有沒有講者是幼稚鬼的八卦
16:28 -!- GCC [~nightmare@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
16:28 -!- kengyu [~Keng-Yu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
16:28 < Sorry> 犇?
16:28 < evenrain> [W] 大家準備殺去 jserv 場次
16:28 -!- either [] has quit [Client Quit]
16:29 < OAO> 幼稚鬼團?
16:29 < Andox> 過了後....還是去那邊吃吃喝喝不寫code XD
16:29 -!- evenrain [~evenrain@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:29 < DHXD> R1應該是滿的了XDDD
16:29 -!- Jerome_ [~Jerome@] has joined #coscup
16:29 < Noni_> 哈哈 吃吃喝喝不寫code
16:29 < l123868> Childish!XD“
16:29 < Ninthday_> 吃吃喝喝
16:29 -!- kcliu [] has joined #coscup
16:29 < DHXD> [R0]講者表示大家都用 Mac 有壓力 請大家試試VMQQ
16:29 < Sorry> jserv 的場次不是五點嗎?
16:29 < Noni_> Girl Friend 5
16:30 -!- Maligbi [6f5117e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:30 -!- user123456 [~user@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
16:30 < Andox> [R0] 獎品有GF5 XD
16:30 < adaam> [R0] over
16:30 -!- user__66666 [~user@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:30 -!- greener [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
16:30 < Passby_Yan> Mac啊.....
16:30 -!- Guester [~textual@] has quit [Quit: ["Textual IRC Client:"]]
16:30 < oaoq> [r1] over
16:30 < Noni_> QA? [R0]
16:30 < darkx> 幼稚鬼團www
16:30 < RyanHo_> [R2] start
16:30 < DHXD> [R0]Ovwe
16:30 < ReticenceSu> [R0]end
16:30 < DHXD> Over
16:30 < RuinlandIxa> 吃吃喝喝不寫code xddd
16:30 < Noni_> [R0]不打臉了?
16:30 < Sars> 可惡竟然不提供問問題時間!!!
16:30 < carlcarl> [R2] 好空@@
16:30 < adaam> R0 沒QA
16:30 -!- stanely [~stanely@] has joined #coscup
16:30 < freetsubasa> childish 0.0
16:30 -!- user123456 [~user@] has joined #coscup
16:30 < privism> Sorry: 現在進不去五點也進不去啊
16:30 < ijliao> r1 講半天沒講 madbutterfly 是幹嘛用的 ?!
16:30 < Noni_> [R0]上官也知道 大家的習慣~XD
16:30 -!- Guest49833 [~coldsleep@2001:c08:1:164:582e:30c0:e92e:23ff] has left #coscup ["Ex-Chat"]
16:30 -!- KuoE0 [caa9a6d7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
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16:31 < carlcarl> 我聽不懂R2的講者在講啥.......
16:31 -!- either [] has joined #coscup
16:31 < KiraYao> R2 KDE/Qt and i18N
16:31 < KiraYao> 還好啦
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16:31 < KiraYao> 我老師是日本人,非常習慣XDDDD
16:31 -!- SammyLin [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:31 < carlcarl> QQ
16:31 < stanely> R2的講者現在的英文比起早上在R0的那位好太多了
16:31 < DHXD> 五點擠去R1後面看看好了
16:31 < RyanHo_> [r2]聽不懂 Orz
16:31 < KiraYao> 他很想用日文XD
16:31 -!- Ninthday_ [~jeffy@] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
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16:31 -!- Francine [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
16:32 -!- SammyLin [~sammylin@2002:caa9:a6b9:b:dded:b199:7b21:b694] has joined #coscup
16:32 < DHXD> R0下午的太QQ了
16:32 -!- jereme_ [~jereme@] has joined #coscup
16:32 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
16:32 -!- Francine [] has joined #coscup
16:32 < stanely> R2的講者是在看手稿嗎
16:32 < YChao_> R1開始擁入人群...
16:32 < barneybook> R1有3D printer
16:32 -!- kiang [~kiang@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
16:32 < JalenLin> [R0] Start
16:32 -!- windslash [] has joined #coscup
16:32 < DHXD> !
16:32 -!- pworker_ [72885999@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
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16:33 -!- coldsleep [~coldsleep@2001:c08:1:164:582e:30c0:e92e:23ff] has joined #coscup
16:33 < ReticenceSu> R1一定要記得實況轉播
16:33 -!- OAO [OAO@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
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16:33 < ReticenceSu> 17:00的時候
16:33 -!- chenjenping [~chenjenpi@] has joined #coscup
16:33 < Jerome_> quit
16:33 < freetsubasa> r1出現好多人0.0
16:33 -!- user__66666 [~user@] has joined #coscup
16:33 -!- OAO [OAO@] has joined #coscup
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16:33 < maxwux_> R2 KAMEDA 不會講英文,所以講的很生硬
16:34 < kiang> [R0] 人好像沒有增加多少
16:34 -!- Guest31788 [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:34 < sntc06> R1 爆滿中
16:34 -!- wanwan722 [~wanwan722@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
16:34 < OAO> [R2] 超空
16:34 < Negaihoshi> 來卡位的八XD
16:34 < Albert_> [R1]要滿到五點半了w
16:34 -!- ecilA [~IceChat9@] has joined #coscup
16:34 < maxwux_> r2 念稿中
16:34 < darkx> R1 超滿@@
16:34 < stanely> R2後面那位是負責切投影片?
16:34 < yurenju> R1 滿了
16:34 < KiraYao> 好像是
16:34 < OAO> 應該是
16:34 < kiang> [R0]
16:34 < DHXD> 哀傷
16:35 < stanely> 看起來真的是在唸講稿
16:35 < freetsubasa> r1滿滿的
16:35 < ecilA> R1連地板都快滿了
16:35 -!- user_789 [~user@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
16:35 -!- JoyCC2 [~AndChat62@2001:c08:1:164:f891:d4ea:6222:f376] has joined #coscup
16:35 < kakashi__> 只能看R1 irc轉播了
16:35 < darkx> 要漫出來惹~
16:35 < Francine> [R1]從上一場就是滿的
16:35 < maxwux_> stanely: 是真的,不是好像
16:35 < DHXD> 祇得看R1實況台了
16:35 -!- freedom [650d9b26@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:35 -!- user123456 [~user@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
16:35 < KiraYao> R1有實況嗎?
16:35 < kiang> [R0] 期待 R1 IRC 轉播
16:35 -!- dar [] has joined #coscup
16:35 < ReticenceSu> 沒關係,有IRC轉播也不錯
16:35 < carlcarl> @@a
16:35 < stanely> maxwux 嗯嗯
16:35 < KiraYao> IRC轉播QQ
16:35 < ReticenceSu> 我好怕大爆走
16:35 < yurenju> Ccad model ---> 3d object
16:35 < darkgerm> 不敢亂離開 R1 了
16:35 < FourDollars> [R2] QInputContext
16:35 < stanely> 還有翻稿的聲音
16:35 < KiraYao> Qt5要做Input Method?
16:36 < DHXD> R1滿的程度如何?
16:36 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@2001:c08:1:164:f891:d4ea:6222:f376] has quit [Read error: No route to host]
16:36 < YChao_> g-code?
16:36 < darkx> STL 我想到 C++ ....
16:36 -!- iipp [743be6e6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:36 < maxwux_> r2 Okawa會講英文,不知道為什麼不是他來講,也許等等他是live demo?
16:36 -!- XXX [8c71cb72@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:36 < Negaihoshi> R1 介紹 3D printer
16:36 -!- liyw [] has joined #coscup
16:36 < kiang> [R0] 講師緊張中
16:36 < KiraYao> SCIM -> QPlatformInputContext->QInputMethod->Qt4/KDE4
16:36 < Francine> [R1]後排快站滿了
16:36 < DHXD> awwwww
16:36 < stanely> 日本人可能尊重吧..
16:36 < KiraYao> 歐,是QT5
16:36 < DHXD> 那真的只能看IRC鄉民轉撥了
16:36 < billy3321> ps aux
16:36 < BardicheZ_> [R0]四格漫畫
16:36 < stanely> 因為現在的講者是leader of Japan KDE group
16:36 < billy3321> @_@
16:36 -!- liyw [] has quit [Client Quit]
16:36 < darkx> @@
16:37 < YChao_> R1 走道也快坐滿了...
16:37 < stanely> 會講英文的是sub leader.
16:37 < greener> R1 滿
16:37 < FourDollars> [R2] QPlatformContext, QInputMethod
16:37 -!- SammyLin [~sammylin@2002:caa9:a6b9:b:dded:b199:7b21:b694] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
16:37 < ijliao> r1 還好啦, 門口還很空
16:37 < KiraYao> 換人獎
16:37 -!- linroex [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:37 < KiraYao> Flick Input
16:37 < dylandy> 現在出發佔R1的位子
16:37 < OAO> [R2] 換人
16:37 -!- Djiee [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:37 < stanely> R2變正常了
16:37 < lucky17> iipp hi
16:37 < stanely> YA
16:37 < barneybook> R1還有第0排
16:37 < RyanHo_> [r2]好多了
16:37 < maxwux_> r2 現在好多了
16:37 < darkx> R1 左側還好
16:37 < syJheng> [R2]換人聽得懂了!!
16:37 -!- enhao [~enhao@] has quit [Quit: 暫離]
16:37 < KiraYao> Japanese Smart Phone?
16:37 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has quit [Quit: Yaaic - Yet another Android IRC client -]
16:37 -!- GCC [~nightmare@] has joined #coscup
16:37 < Francine> [R1]還可以再塞幾個站位吧……
16:37 < DHXD> R0 稍微有點少人
16:37 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
16:37 < FourDollars> [R2] Flick Input
16:38 < Negaihoshi> 日本手機真的比較好Q_Q
16:38 < Francine> 邊邊角角及門○
16:38 < Francine> 口
16:38 -!- liyw [] has joined #coscup
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16:38 < either_> R0R2都沒人 意思是R1...ww
16:38 -!- lyc7802261 [~Adium@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
16:38 -!- dictcp [~yaaic@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:38 < KiraYao> 有人不知道在說什麼的
16:38 < DHXD> R0 是還好
16:38 < KiraYao> 他在講的是QWERTY鍵盤
16:38 < adaam> R0 還好吧,也還有個七八成
16:38 < DHXD> 就是有幾隔空位
16:38 -!- liyw [] has joined #coscup
16:38 < Francine> 嗯……可能大家都擠來R1了
16:38 < OAO> [R2] vedio
16:39 < bluesway> [R2] 難得聽到日本人的英文這麼好
16:39 < darkgerm> R1 現在還好,雖然已經沒座位了...
16:39 < KiraYao> Kaffeine...XD
16:39 -!- king1223 [~aaa@] has joined #coscup
16:39 < maxwux_> r2好空
16:39 < kiang> [R0] 這兒的人是對 R1 位置不期待吧 XD
16:39 -!- iipp [743be6e6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit]
16:39 < DHXD> [R0] 我已經絕望惹
16:39 < KiraYao> 50音鍵盤?
16:39 < king1223> 等等好想去看R1
16:39 < Francine> 噗……要先佔"站位"啊!!
16:39 < maxwux_> r2 這是什麼輸入法?
16:39 < either_> R2有6成位子空的
16:39 < KiraYao> 很有趣
16:39 < OAO> [R2] 觸控輸入日文影片
16:39 -!- AndChat|500 [~AndChat50@2001:c08:1:164:9221:55ff:fe06:a942] has joined #coscup
16:39 < KiraYao> Flick Input
16:39 < LHD> [r2] 原來日文手機鍵盤是這樣用
16:39 < syJheng> [R2] 這輸入法好友去XD
16:39 < syJheng> 有趣
16:40 < KiraYao> 我們的注音符號也可以?
16:40 < rail02000> [R2]「回到想輸入的文字,放開後就可以鍵入」
16:40 -!- stanely [~stanely@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:40 < Alen> [R0] 出現 宅本喬 ???
16:40 < KiraYao> 不過還要選字是個問題
16:40 < rail02000> 回到->滑道
16:40 < kiang> [R0] 宅本喬?
16:40 < rail02000> 到= ="
16:40 < carlcarl> 剛剛在吃點心的時候有看到
16:40 < darkgerm> 什麼意思?聽起來好有趣
16:40 -!- BeataLin [~BeataLin@] has joined #coscup
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16:40 < DHXD> 建中電研元老OAO!
16:40 < KiraYao> @darkgerm 你知道50音嗎?
16:40 -!- SteveSu [8c7018a9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:40 < darkgerm> 知道
16:40 < KiraYao> 他把每一行做成一個按鈕
16:40 < Alen> [R0] 在底下看到 翟本喬.
16:40 < either_> !
16:41 < Francine> [R2]有講Code flow嗎? 正在研究input system 中
16:41 <@bobchao> Alen: 你沒看錯,他坐在第三排
16:41 -!- Peter__ [8c72fd14@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:41 < KiraYao> 然後你先點一行,然後選那行你要的音
16:41 < kiang> [R0] 翟本喬今年怎麼沒有上去講? XD
16:41 -!- BillyHerrington [~willyliu@] has joined #coscup
16:41 < KiraYao> 這個手勢還滿方便的耶
16:41 < Alen> @bobchao 他那頭招牌頭髮吸引了我..
16:41 < maxwux_> r2 這個輸入法看起來挺好的
16:41 -!- lafi [~lafi@] has joined #coscup
16:41 -!- sakana [~sakana@] has joined #coscup
16:41 < KiraYao> 對於單手操作來說很實用
16:42 < Alen> [R0] 下一場是 台達的場子
16:42 < coldsleep> Alen 確實很醒目呀...
16:42 < carlcarl> 所以是要怎麼整合到KDE 還是...@@?
16:42 < darkgerm> 喔喔!類似羅馬拼音最多打兩個碼就能出字嗎?
16:42 < KiraYao> 他認為這個type比QWERTY還快
16:42 < Francine> 原來是台達……
16:42 < KiraYao> 對
16:42 < JalenLin> 我看到翟本喬了
16:42 < maxwux_> r2 對阿,這個跟KDE的關係到底是...
16:42 < KiraYao> 分開的,這邊是在講Input Method
16:42 < Francine> 正想說為什麼jserv的場排R1
16:42 < JalenLin> 之前在NCHC聽過他的演講
16:42 < DHXD> R0最右邊?
16:42 < Alen> 可以去討抱抱嗎....(羞
16:42 < KiraYao> 前面才是跟KDE有關的部分
16:42 < YChao_> 五金行就可以買到精密軸承
16:42 < kiang> [R0] 嗯,那待在這兒就有點收穫了 XD
16:42 < yurenju> 跳出廣告 XDD R1
16:42 < KiraYao> 現在第三個議題是Display
16:43 < yanyiyi> r1跳廣告
16:43 < darkx> XD
16:43 < KiraYao> 這個也算有關吧
16:43 < Swl> r1只有我覺得熱嗎OAO
16:43 < sammyfung> R1 廣告! XD
16:43 < freetsubasa> r1廣告XD
16:43 < BillyHerrington> pps
16:43 < barneybook> R1有點熱
16:43 < darkx> 人多吧
16:43 < kiang> [R0] 有點冷...
16:43 < syJheng> 人太多了啦
16:43 < freetsubasa> r1還好
16:43 -!- Howie2 [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
16:43 < KiraYao> R2剛剛好XD
16:43 -!- dictcp [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
16:43 < Swl> 有股抑鬱的悶熱感
16:43 < bluesway> 正想說為什麼jserv的場排R1 ++
16:43 < king1223> R0整天都好冷
16:43 < either_> 那我想跳到R0xk7
16:44 < KiraYao> jserv要排Kerynote才對啊(?)
16:44 < Albert_> 有道理w
16:44 < kiang> [R0] jserv 以後直接保送 R0 ? XD
16:44 -!- momizi [] has joined #coscup
16:44 < lafi> ww
16:44 < syJheng> [R2] 底下那行是什麼@@?
16:44 < Alen> jserv 排整天也不過份吧..
16:44 < KiraYao> 不是保送Keynote待遇嗎XDDDD
16:44 < Francine> 排keynoto不錯!!
16:44 < darkx> Jserv 講整天XD
16:44 < medicalwei> OAQ
16:44 < KiraYao> 下面那行?
16:44 * medicalwei 的書不見了
16:44 < rail02000> [R2]阿拉伯文?
16:44 < OAO> [R2] 書寫方向
16:44 < ijliao> 排整天是要講死他嗎 XD
16:44 < Francine> 我把外套忘在R0了= ="
16:44 < ReticenceSu> 他應該會斷氣吧
16:44 < yanyiyi> 真刺激
16:45 < Alen> 13分鐘寫 OS, 一天看看能寫出什麼..
16:45 < OAO> 直/橫/右到左
16:45 < KiraYao> 左到右,右到左,上到下的右到左 上到下的左到右
16:45 < bluesway> 主辦單位意圖使R0的空調顯得更冷
16:45 < KiraYao> 中文什麼方向都可以XD
16:45 -!- phtseng [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:8556:e8fd:c71a:107a] has joined #coscup
16:45 < sntc06> R0 空調冷是因為人少吧 XD
16:45 < syJheng> XDDD
16:45 < KiraYao> 一天,Jserv給你一套iOS(?)
16:45 -!- geekchia [~tingchia@] has joined #coscup
16:45 < medicalwei> 有沒有人撿到天瓏書局的袋子裡面裝的是 C 聖經中譯本
16:45 < dylandy> 從下到上的中文從來沒看過
16:45 < medicalwei> 還有吃到一半的漢堡 OAQ
16:45 < cclien> medicalwei: 有
16:45 < Francine> 噗~
16:45 < BillyHerrington> 上下的左到右很怪吧
16:45 < medicalwei> cclien: 謝謝 OwO
16:45 < KiraYao> 下到上就迴文阿
16:45 < jeffhung> StdoutReader 是從 stdout 讀資料?! XD
16:45 < dylandy> 迴文XDDD
16:45 < bluesway> cclien: 原來這邊也可以尋物XD
16:45 -!- chuiyi [~chuiyi@] has joined #coscup
16:45 < kiang> [R0] 原來是 sponser session ... 應該先做功課 XD
16:46 < KiraYao> 是很奇怪,不過你還是看得懂的
16:46 < Alen> 還可以找 漢堡
16:46 < cclien> bluesway: XD
16:46 -!- dar [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
16:46 < DHXD> 其實我很好奇 Jserv 講 Lightning show 會怎麼樣 XD
16:46 < KiraYao> Not yet implemented.
16:46 < king1223> 講不完(?
16:46 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:46 < Sorry> R0 雖然是 sponser session,但有料
16:46 < KiraYao> 5分鐘,jserv教你寫 OS
16:46 < Francine> [R1] 不太懂那台要幹嘛
16:46 < YChao_> R1: 3d printer
16:46 < yurenju> Francine: 印立體的東西
16:46 < bluesway> 5分鐘做出一台3D printer
16:46 < Sorry> 講者剛說溜嘴:這邊我雖然只放了四個 reader 進去...
16:47 < KiraYao> 他們還在搞...XD
16:47 -!- kakashi__ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
16:47 * medicalwei 要去 R2
16:47 < RyanHo_> 支援直書的Linux軟體只有OO.o Writer?
16:47 < OAO> reader大表示:
16:47 < dylandy> 想到就介紹一下XD
16:47 < darkgerm> 我要列印一張椅子XDD
16:47 < medicalwei> RyanHo_: Chromium (?
16:47 < Peter__> 5分鐘印一台椅子XD
16:47 < KiraYao> 還有拉
16:47 -!- kkiick [d8639368@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:47 < KiraYao> Calligra好像也支援了
16:47 -!- either [] has quit [Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.]
16:47 < yurenju> 列印已子耶....
16:47 < darkx> 椅子用"擠"出來的感覺好詭異...
16:47 < yurenju> 椅子
16:47 < KiraYao> 目標Qt 5.1
16:47 < bluesway> 以compiler的角度來說的話,jserv應該任何topic都能講
16:48 < OAO> [R2] 盡責處理
16:48 -!- either_ [] has quit [Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.]
16:48 < KiraYao> [R2] Hyphenation
16:48 < OAO> 禁則
16:48 < KiraYao> 這個是禁則事項(?)
16:48 < barneybook> darkx: 現在國外這東西很流行唷
16:48 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
16:48 < darkx> XD
16:48 < KiraYao> ......這日文翻譯cp3aul4
16:48 < KiraYao> 很妙
16:49 < KiraYao> 他的意思是標點符號換行問題
16:49 -!- BeataLin [~BeataLin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:49 -!- kenobilyh_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
16:49 < BardicheZ_> 現在R1還有站位嗎?
16:49 < bluesway> 現在R1這麼擠是不是因為想先去搶下一場位置的原因?
16:49 < KiraYao> 應該是吧
16:49 -!- tom1223 [~tom1223@] has joined #coscup
16:49 < king1223> R1現在很滿嗎?
16:49 -!- cshliu [2a484556@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:49 < Sorry> R1 還有任何可能的容量嗎?><
16:49 < maxwux_> 標點符號的部份很有有趣
16:49 < bluesway> 可能要zip一下
16:49 < BillyHerrington> R1很多人坐走道
16:49 < Francine> [R1]話說這個講者的語調也很平淡……
16:49 -!- either [] has joined #coscup
16:50 -!- cyrandy [8c73321b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:50 -!- yichiuan [~ooo@] has quit [Quit: Bye]
16:50 < KiraYao> Harfubzz
16:50 < gslin_tfn> XD
16:50 < yurenju> R1 我想看 Demo...
16:50 < Alen> 帶個馬尾就直接站在 jserv 旁
16:50 < YChao_> 走道坐滿,站還有一點點空間
16:50 < KiraYao> [R2] Qt use Harfbuxx
16:50 < maxwux_> r2 標點符號的部份很有有趣,這確實是個有點惱人的小問題
16:50 < barneybook> arduino
16:50 < KiraYao> Harfbuzz
16:50 -!- yichiuan [~ooo@] has joined #coscup
16:50 < Albert_> [R1]現場擠個東西出來嗎w
16:50 < KiraYao> Harfbuzz-ng....XD
16:50 -!- sntc06 [~sntc06@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
16:50 -!- salagadoola [caae0405@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
16:50 < KiraYao> 這樣會NG吧XD
16:50 < darkx> 等等應該會
16:50 -!- mac_ [~mac@] has joined #coscup
16:50 -!- imacat [~imacat@2001:c08:1:164:b682:feff:feb1:395] has joined #coscup
16:50 < king1223> 真的幾個椅子出來?XD
16:50 < RyanHo_> ex: syslog-ng
16:50 < king1223> 擠
16:51 < bluesway> [R2] 結果leader的話比sub-leader還少
16:51 -!- Howie2 [~yaaic@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
16:51 < Peter__> 可以印個手辦出來嗎?
16:51 < KiraYao> 很明顯英文不太好
16:51 * yurenju 擠出個椅子來吧!1
16:51 -!- Stallman_ [8c737ef0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:51 < KiraYao> 擠出個Figure!
16:51 < yanyiyi> 真期待R1講者噴~
16:51 -!- linroex [] has joined #coscup
16:51 < jeffhung> 話說 OSS 好像喜歡搞 FooNg,這總讓我想到 CreateWindowEx()。
16:51 < KiraYao> 來個梓喵(?)
16:51 < RyanHo_> KiraYao++
16:51 -!- SammyLin [~sammylin@2001:c08:1:164:346f:a057:6129:2753] has joined #coscup
16:51 -!- ming__ [~ming@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
16:51 < privism> jserv是最後的高潮
16:51 < darkx> KiraYao++
16:51 < medicalwei> OwO
16:51 -!- swaywang [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
16:51 < kiang> [R0] 我只是有點好奇,講者介紹的這些東西好像不是 open source ?
16:51 < KiraYao> 不過我怕會有人衝上去prpr
16:51 < BillyHerrington> 快下訂單
16:51 < Francine> [R1] XDDDDD
16:52 < bluesway> 老實說剛剛4點出頭本來是要去佔R1位置的,結果不小心走錯了,進了R2 ...
16:52 < BillyHerrington> prprwww
16:52 < yurenju> 可以擠出個 3D 林志玲嗎
16:52 < medicalwei> kiang: IE10 neither
16:52 -!- king1223 [~aaa@] has quit [Quit: 暫離]
16:52 < adaam> 我也好奇 R0 這個有沒有open source
16:52 < OAO> 那是去年夏天的高潮~~~
16:52 -!- _Davy_ [~david5040@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
16:52 -!- freetsubasa [~david5040@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
16:52 < watsontsai> 開放的硬體?
16:52 < Francine> 3D 志玲+1
16:52 -!- hrs_R0 [~hrs@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
16:52 < Djiee> [R1]坐地板屁股痛麻煩幫我擠張椅子-w-
16:52 < kiang> [R0] 硬體也沒有開放啊 XD
16:52 < KiraYao> 更惱人的Hyphenation
16:52 -!- ming [~ming@] has joined #coscup
16:52 -!- dar [] has joined #coscup
16:52 < Sorry> @kiang: 他們就是把 Hadoop/ZooKeeper/HBase/其他 open source library 串起來做了個產品
16:52 < KiraYao> R2 Q&A
16:52 < OAO> [R2] QA
16:52 < either> R2 End
16:53 -!- ming is now known as Guest89179
16:53 < Francine> R0在講啥?
16:53 < darkgerm> 多擠幾張椅子等一下就能比較少人站著
16:53 < salagadoola> 這光感應硬化也太威了
16:53 < kiang> @Sorry, but the solution is not open source ...
16:53 < FredC_> [R0] 快 Q&A 吧~~
16:53 < yurenju> 擠出個什麼東西來阿! (敲碗
16:53 -!- sntc06 [~sntc06@] has joined #coscup
16:53 -!- kakashi [] has joined #coscup
16:53 -!- Edward_Hsu [8c731edc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:53 < either> 去R0好了
16:53 < Sorry> @klang: 嗯,似乎是
16:53 < adaam> Francine: 把open source串起來作產品
16:53 < OAO> 雪人耶>///////<
16:53 < darkgerm> 列印食物..
16:53 < KiraYao> 漢字變化....
16:53 < bluesway> 剛剛是不是冒出了日文提問?
16:53 -!- Edward_YC [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
16:53 < KiraYao> 事情更加複雜了www
16:53 < ernest> [R0] GUI Example, 也可以講五分鐘....
16:53 < KiraYao> 對
16:53 < Swl> r1後面冷氣可以強一點嗎OAO
16:53 < superbil> r1 留個位給我阿
16:53 < Peter__> 巧克力志玲
16:53 -!- kakashi_1 [] has joined #coscup
16:54 < darkx> 雪人!>////<
16:54 < gslin_tfn> [R1] 噴蛋糕 XDDD
16:54 < KiraYao> 他應該是會講日文,接飆出來了
16:54 < adaam> 列印食物 想到食破天驚XDD
16:54 < barneybook> 已經有列印房屋的規劃了唷
16:54 < KiraYao> 然後...上面的也想用日文回
16:54 < darkx> cool
16:54 < FredC_> 我要等 R0 的 Q&A!!!!
16:54 < chiehyou> R0 是用了hadoop又是贊助商就來了吧zzz
16:54 < Sorry> @ernest: 賣藥時間
16:54 < bluesway> XDD
16:54 < kiang> [R0] 我等一下一定會問...EDF GUI 有打算什麼時候 open source ?
16:54 < RyanHo_> @bluesway kanji轉換
16:54 < salagadoola> 列印巧克力, 列印陶土, etc.
16:54 < Francine> 以後麵包師父要哭哭了
16:54 -!- kakashi_1 [] has left #coscup []
16:54 < Peter__> 印大樓?
16:54 < BillyHerrington> 3D printer 蓋房子
16:54 < Francine> [R1] 講者是交大的
16:54 < ernest> kiang++
16:54 < barneybook> 恩!! 這樣建很酷
16:54 < Albert_> 建築所?
16:54 < Francine> 為啥要自爆學歷?
16:55 < KiraYao> 轉換陣地....
16:55 < liyw> nctu = =//
16:55 -!- KiraYao [~elegant_p@] has left #coscup []
16:55 < chuiyi> 我們覺得這樣很酷
16:55 < yanyiyi> 交大建築所 數位ru045j6
16:55 < Swl> 列印Minecraft建築 (?)
16:55 < darkgerm> concret printering... 印出一棟房子
16:55 < yurenju> (舉手) 老闆幫我印個房子
16:55 < syJheng> [R2] 溝通不良 Q_Q
16:55 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
16:55 < darkx> minecraft ++
16:55 < Sorry> @kiang: 都說了是 sponser...
16:55 -!- lafi [~lafi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:55 < Noni_> [R0]QA
16:55 < FredC_> [R0] Q&A
16:55 < coldsleep> R0 Q&A
16:55 < JalenLin> [R0] QA
16:55 < adaam> R0 QA
16:55 <@bobchao> [R0] QA 了各位
16:55 < FourDollars> Swl++
16:55 < ReticenceSu> [R0]q&a
16:55 < FredC_> !!
16:55 < ernest> kiang 上場了
16:55 < adaam> R0 要打臉了XDD
16:55 < BillyHerrington> 1萬出頭就能做出3D printer
16:55 < Sorry> XD
16:55 <@bobchao> kiang 發言了
16:55 < barneybook> 自己組要一萬~~~~
16:55 < Francine> [R1] 感覺要尾聲了?
16:56 < FredC_> 打臉了!
16:56 -!- vrootic [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
16:56 < linroex> 打臉了哈
16:56 < chihchun> 又打臉了
16:56 < grassboy> R0打臉了!
16:56 < darkx> 期待 R1 demo
16:56 < yurenju> FredC_: 什麼打臉
16:56 < salagadoola> [r1] 講他研究3d printing的初衷 因為身為建築所 看到有人用列印水泥的方式蓋房子 約2年後會實際完成
16:56 < yanyiyi> R1 講者不噴麻,哭哭
16:56 < JalenLin> R0開始打臉
16:56 < chihchun> 囧
16:56 < BillyHerrington> 打臉楊培安
16:56 -!- SammyLin [~sammylin@2001:c08:1:164:346f:a057:6129:2753] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:56 < Albert_> 沒有demo QQ
16:56 < darkgerm> 竟然沒 demo
16:56 < adaam> R0 問講者產品有沒有Open source
16:56 < FredC_> yurenju, R0
16:56 < darkx> 沒有 demo QQQQQQ
16:56 < Noni_> [R0] 所以沒有open...
16:56 <@bobchao> kiang 使出一掌, 講者HP-10
16:56 < dylandy> 還在規劃中
16:56 < Noni_> = =
16:56 < alicekey> r1…
16:56 < darkgerm> QQ
16:56 < ijliao> 結果沒 demo -_-
16:56 < adaam> 說是規劃中....
16:56 < JalenLin> 等到計畫拆成一個單獨的東西,Open Source還在規劃中
16:56 < JalenLin> :D
16:56 < FredC_> 沒有 open source
16:56 < Francine> [R1]Q&A
16:56 < kiang> [R0] 問不下去了 XD
16:56 < salagadoola> 機器沒接塑料 應該沒辦法現場噴
16:56 < medicalwei> [R2] PCMan 解釋中,講者正在互相解釋…
16:56 < ReticenceSu> [R0]好安靜
16:57 < ernest> R0. 聽起來是一人專案。
16:57 < ReticenceSu> [R0]end
16:57 < linroex> 結束
16:57 < Sorry> @ernest: 噓...
16:57 < Wildchild> 來去看宅色付
16:57 < BillyHerrington> 用3Dprinter來做3Dprinter好了阿
16:57 < linroex> 好安靜
16:57 -!- nfsnfs [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
16:57 < cclien> BillyHerrington: 它真的可以自己印自己啊
16:57 -!- dylandy [~dylandy@] has quit [Quit: 暫離]
16:57 < Peter__> self-compilation(誤)
16:57 -!- oaoq [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
16:57 < carlcarl> [R2] 囧囧的
16:57 -!- play [~AndChat59@2001:c08:1:164:92c1:15ff:fef2:826b] has joined #coscup
16:57 -!- chenjenping [~chenjenpi@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
16:58 < ReticenceSu> 準備隨時觀看R1的集時IRC
16:58 -!- mabinogi80503 [~MaLar@] has joined #coscup
16:58 < darkx> 雷切機 <--- 火影忍者(?
16:58 < salagadoola> darkx: XD
16:58 < barneybook> 國外還有用3d printer 做出槍身
16:58 < ReticenceSu> [R0]start
16:58 < adaam> R0 換場了
16:58 -!- ken___ [~kuanying@] has joined #coscup
16:58 < Noni_> [R0]天邊的一朵雲
16:58 < ernest> R0. 水氣來了。
16:58 < salagadoola> r1人數暴增中
16:58 < ReticenceSu> [R0]又一些人走了
16:58 < chusiang-> 找到 jserv-- 了,他到 R1 了!
16:58 < kylin_> [r1]炸
16:58 < BillyHerrington> 3D printer畫西又葵
16:58 < watsontsai> R!
16:58 < Jimmytp> R1 持續有人
16:58 < chusiang-> 感謝
16:59 < Noni_> [R0]可惜沒有Ben
16:59 < medicalwei> [R2] 講者感到困惑
16:59 < syJheng> [R2] 持續溝通不良中QAQ
16:59 -!- l123868 [7579f16c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:59 < legnaleurc> 語言>>>>>不可超越之壁
16:59 < kiang> [R0] 也想要看到 Ben XD
16:59 -!- hliu [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
16:59 < linroex> r0人好少
16:59 < darkx> legnaleurc++
16:59 < ReticenceSu> [R0]超少人
16:59 < FredC_> R1 有沒有消息呀!
16:59 -!- Guester [~textual@] has joined #coscup
16:59 < Swl> r2發生什麼事?
16:59 < medicalwei> should implemented in the future...
16:59 < sammyfung> kiang: Ben ?
16:59 < OAO> [R1] 水泥列印
16:59 < GCC> [R0]有點空
16:59 < coldsleep> [R0] 聽眾流失中... @@
16:59 < Jimmytp> [r1]3人/秒
16:59 < adaam> R0 剛剛走好多人
16:59 < kiang> [R0] 台達電使用 openstack or cloudstack
16:59 < Peter__> r1] 剛剛出現了專業對話QQ
16:59 < BillyHerrington> R1結束
16:59 < Swl> [R1] END
17:00 -!- mp607 [d24689d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:00 < yurenju> R1 我以為剛剛已經滿了,現在才真的要滿!!
17:00 < barneybook> R1爆滿中
17:00 < carlcarl> [R2] 講者聽不懂問題orz
17:00 < jeffhung> 目前是選了 Open Stack 跟 Cloud Stack 兩個
17:00 -!- Jeely [] has joined #coscup
17:00 < YChao_> R1真的滿了
17:00 < salagadoola> [r1] 水泥因為是化學力 所以比融熔堆積的強度高
17:00 < lunastorm> storage難搞
17:00 < jeffhung> 「Storage 死傷慘重」XD
17:00 < Noni_> [R0] 可惜沒打起來~XD
17:00 -!- pioneerlike [~pioneerli@] has joined #coscup
17:00 < Albert_> [R1]還好早到...
17:00 < darkx> 沒穿西裝阿 OAO
17:00 < watsontsai> 化學......
17:00 < jeffhung> lunastorm: 至少 Ceph 暫時不用踹了。
17:00 < jeffhung> lunastorm: 但 GlusterFS ... 嘿嘿。
17:00 < FredC_> 跪求 R1 即時文字轉播 orz
17:00 < kiang> @sammyfung, 就Ben Jai(翟本喬)
17:01 < FreedomKnight> 說好的西裝呢
17:01 -!- liic [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
17:01 < BillyHerrington> Diana 有來嗎?
17:01 < adaam> Ceph 不是說效能不錯?
17:01 -!- bluesway [~bluesway@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
17:01 < ReticenceSu> [R0]我想應該不多人聽吧
17:01 < ReticenceSu> 大家都關注R1
17:01 -!- hrs_R0 [~hrs@] has joined #coscup
17:01 < barneybook> R1 正前方有妹路過XD
17:01 < alicekey> R1爆了
17:01 -!- mac_ [~mac@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
17:01 -!- phtseng [~phtseng@2001:c08:1:164:8556:e8fd:c71a:107a] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:01 < adaam> R0 大概有六成的人
17:01 < medicalwei> lzy 感到鬼打牆(?
17:01 < salagadoola> r1有人在拍360度全景照片記錄盛況XD
17:01 < ReticenceSu> 酷喔
17:01 -!- mr_nio [dc87caaa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:01 -!- shume [caa9ac7a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:01 < darkx> cool!
17:01 < Albert_> [R1]以下三十分鐘的問答
17:01 < hSATAC> [R1]坐到最前面了!
17:02 < OAO> [R1] 以下三十分鐘的問答
17:02 < salagadoola> [r1] 因為之前的talk太耗體力
17:02 -!- ihower [~ihower@2001:c08:1:164:c46e:4497:4306:87b1] has joined #coscup
17:02 < Negaihoshi> 三十分鐘Q A
17:02 < mabinogi80503> [R1] 三十分鐘問答
17:02 -!- liic [] has joined #coscup
17:02 < darkx> QAQ
17:02 <@bobchao> 有沒有人提供一下今天的 IRC log
17:02 < ReticenceSu> 這哪招阿
17:02 < yurenju> sala 是我 XD
17:02 < coldsleep> 30分鐘嗎?XDDD
17:02 < play> 他的西裝勒XD
17:02 -!- Vdragon [Vdragon@] has joined #coscup
17:02 -!- hliu [~hliu@] has joined #coscup
17:02 < ReticenceSu> 他有告白嗎???
17:02 < salagadoola> [r1] 第一次參加是2006, 當講師...... 然後到世界末日我都還在當講者
17:02 -!- dainese [~dainese@] has joined #coscup
17:02 < jeffhung> 「像 Cloud Stack 是弄成一團,Open Stack 比較散」
17:02 -!- BeataLin [~BeataLin@] has joined #coscup
17:02 -!- kkw [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
17:02 -!- s884812 [3d75ad63@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:02 < buganini> scim !
17:02 < smailc> R2 RND
17:02 -!- IIPP [743be6e6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:02 < darkx> 我要揭發他有多爛
17:02 -!- ygtw [~ygtw@] has joined #coscup
17:02 < kiang> @bobchao, 部份可以嗎?
17:03 < smailc> R2 END 了
17:03 < OAO> [R1] 我要揭發他有多爛
17:03 -!- timdream [~timdream@] has quit [Quit: timdream]
17:03 < salagadoola> [r1] 我不是要說他有多好 而是要揭發他有多爛
17:03 -!- Doremi [6f51d89a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:03 -!- l123868 [7579f16c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:03 < lunastorm> [r0] rabbitMQ
17:03 < barneybook> [R1]要說輸入法有多爛
17:03 <@bobchao> kiang 下午的就可以了
17:03 <@bobchao> thanks
17:03 < ygtw> R1超級爆滿
17:03 < lunastorm> 串nova
17:03 -!- mp607 [d24689d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:03 < Noni_> [R1] 好有趣的 fu
17:03 < jeffhung> cloud 百百種,每種做法都不一樣。
17:03 < OAO> [R1] 節鬼還是開始繳了XD
17:03 < OAO> 結果
17:03 < ecilA> 我很喜歡新酷音說><
17:03 -!- Sars [] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
17:03 < OAO> 講
17:03 -!- kito [~kito@2001:c08:1:164:c14e:3a8e:4e7e:9230] has joined #coscup
17:03 < Swl> 說好的30分鐘問與答呢www
17:04 < carlcarl> r0是在講他們怎麼整合那兩套嗎@@??
17:04 < mabinogi80503> [R1] 還有在.. 開發..獎得有點心虛(笑
17:04 < salagadoola> [r1] 這個輸入法其實現在還是有在開發啦 講的有點心虛
17:04 < OAO> [R1] 8/16還有更新
17:04 -!- play [~AndChat59@2001:c08:1:164:92c1:15ff:fef2:826b] has quit [Quit: Bye]
17:04 -!- XDOrz [~XDOrz@] has joined #coscup
17:04 < ReticenceSu> [R0]全神關注於R1
17:04 < jeffhung> carlcarl: 兩套都有在玩,講師個人比較喜歡 Open Stack。
17:04 -!- play [~AndChat59@2001:c08:1:164:92c1:15ff:fef2:826b] has joined #coscup
17:04 -!- aknow [~aknow@] has joined #coscup
17:04 < darkx> XD
17:04 -!- david50417 [~david5040@] has joined #coscup
17:04 < Francine> [R1] 該不會所有的commit都是jserv的吧?
17:04 -!- RIH_ [~Adium@2001:c08:1:164:d5b9:749a:9433:e968] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
17:04 < play> [r1]新酷音輸入法還有在開發
17:04 -!- david50417 is now known as freetsubasa
17:04 -!- RIH_ [~Adium@2001:c08:1:164:d5b9:749a:9433:e968] has joined #coscup
17:04 -!- privism [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
17:05 < YChao_> 瀏覽器輸入法太複雜
17:05 < barneybook> [R1]瀏覽器太複查
17:05 -!- AndChat|355284 [~Denir@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
17:05 < salagadoola> [r1] 不會每天用到gcc 也不會每天用到vim 但是每天都會用到輸入法
17:05 < carlcarl> [r2] 現在這個內容好像比較貼近一般KDE使用者了
17:05 -!- hrs_R0 [~hrs@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
17:05 < Negaihoshi> R1 講古時間
17:05 -!- KiraYao [~elegant_p@] has joined #coscup
17:05 < Jimmytp>
17:05 < jeffhung> bootstrap = provisioning?
17:05 < barneybook> 講故事時間
17:05 -!- privism [] has joined #coscup
17:05 < maxwux_> R2 用KDE當深美國小的系統,真的很讚
17:05 -!- poao [] has joined #coscup
17:05 -!- EdwardYC [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
17:05 < Swl> [r1]每天都遇到的軟體就是瀏覽器和輸入法,可是瀏覽器太複雜了,看都看不懂,只好研究輸入法了
17:05 < barneybook>
17:05 < KiraYao> jserv叔叔講故事
17:06 < OAO> [R1] 徐讚昇
17:06 < FourDollars> [R2] KDE 校園推廣
17:06 < darkx> j叔叔說故事XD
17:06 < BillyHerrington> 徐讚昇
17:06 -!- gnux123 [] has joined #coscup
17:06 < chph> bobchao: COSCUP Day2 irc log :
17:06 -!- xman [] has joined #coscup
17:06 -!- SammyLin [~sammylin@2001:c08:1:164:8c9d:4f2a:3bdd:684f] has joined #coscup
17:06 < OAO> [R1] hitcon
17:06 -!- lichain [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
17:06 < KiraYao> HITCON
17:06 -!- MnO2 [72200478@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
17:06 < OAO> 終端機
17:06 -!- RyanHo_ [~ryan@2001:c08:3700:ffff::13c7] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:06 < OAO> [R1] 中文終端機
17:06 < KiraYao> terminal. 中文終端機
17:06 -!- neoesque [~neoesque@] has quit [Quit: Bye!]
17:06 < KiraYao> GG
17:07 < YChao_> JMCCE
17:07 < jeffhung> 真正有實際測過的,在機房 200 台。
17:07 -!- _Davy_ [~david5040@] has joined #coscup
17:07 < maxwux_> r2 的分享,讓我感到興奮
17:07 -!- hliu [~hliu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:07 < kiang> [R0] 一直拉宅博士 XD
17:07 -!- NepTunic [~neptunic@] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
17:07 < billy3321> 這講課有教授上課的fu
17:07 < Swl> [r1] 你看又來了 可是我也步道怎麼修欸XD
17:07 < barneybook> 輸入法有淺力
17:07 <@bobchao> chph: thanks!
17:07 -!- wanwan722 [~wanwan722@] has joined #coscup
17:07 < OAO> [R1] 這個問題我也不知道怎麼修
17:07 < salagadoola> [r1] 中文終端機 叫做JM(螢幕打出亂碼)
17:07 < KiraYao> JMCCE
17:07 -!- play [~AndChat59@2001:c08:1:164:92c1:15ff:fef2:826b] has quit [Client Quit]
17:07 < YChao_> JMCCE 2001
17:07 -!- kenobilyh [~IceChat9@] has joined #coscup
17:07 < salagadoola> [r1] (螢幕再次出現亂碼) 你看 又出現了
17:07 < chusiang-> 真的需要大家一起維護輸入法 XDDD
17:07 < cshliu> 宅博士 翟博士 傻傻分不清楚XDDDD
17:08 -!- hliu [~hliu@] has joined #coscup
17:08 < YChao_> SCIM太糟糕...
17:08 -!- ManicLF [] has joined #coscup
17:08 < KiraYao> CLKao
17:08 < KiraYao> IIINF
17:08 < jeffhung> 「OS 裝在 RAM 裡,有問題 reset 就好。」
17:08 -!- Howie [~yaaic@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
17:08 < YChao_> tri-i != IIIMF
17:08 < kiang> [R0] 網路上有些人也叫 Ben 宅本喬啊 XD
17:08 -!- Howie [] has joined #coscup
17:08 < carlcarl> [R2] 全校轉換linux要很大的勇氣啊XD
17:08 -!- sammyfung [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
17:08 -!- pyhsu [] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
17:08 -!- LHD [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
17:08 < salagadoola> [r1] 不要看到ii就覺得是工研院 這不是工研院multi-media framework
17:08 < cshliu> [R0]哈哈哈
17:09 < maxwux_> R2 compile driver 痛阿
17:09 < hSATAC> iii 資策會
17:09 -!- pyhsu [~pyhsu@] has joined #coscup
17:09 < OAO> [R1] 程式開發與演算法設計
17:09 -!- tom1223 [~tom1223@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:09 < KiraYao> 日文輸入法XD
17:09 < OAO> [R1] 我不懂日文
17:09 -!- geekchia [~tingchia@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
17:09 -!- LHD [] has joined #coscup
17:09 < salagadoola> hSATAC: 原來是聽錯了....
17:09 < YChao_> 不懂日文,去做日文輸入法
17:09 -!- nfsnfs [~nfsnfs@] has joined #coscup
17:09 < mabinogi80503> [R1] 100萬獎金!!~
17:09 < Francine> [R1] 為了錢……
17:09 < YChao_> 為了100萬獎金
17:09 < ygtw> [r1]我很討厭日文XD
17:09 < sntc06> [R1] 討厭日文去做日文輸入法
17:09 < OAO> [R1] 我很討厭日文
17:09 < KiraYao> 做完發現她很討厭日文XD
17:09 -!- tom1223 [~tom1223@2001:c08:1:164:e138:63c3:d566:2580] has joined #coscup
17:09 < kiang> [R0] GlusterFS 一次 200 台就爆了
17:09 < darkx> 倭寇文XD
17:10 < jeffhung> [R0] GlusterFS 不是這樣子用的吧?orz
17:10 < yurenju>
17:10 -!- sakana [~sakana@] has quit [Quit: Bye]
17:10 -!- brucehsu [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
17:10 -!- pworker_ [72885999@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:10 < OAO> [R1] 一票人
17:11 -!- Sorry [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:11 < mabinogi80503> [R1] 滿滿地開發者 (
17:11 < KiraYao> 一大票人
17:11 < OAO> [R1] PCman
17:11 < salagadoola> 大學一年級就送patch的強者!
17:11 < YChao_> 2005 是高潮
17:11 < OAO> [R1] 高潮
17:11 < darkx> 海怪
17:11 < KiraYao> 2005是高潮 很不興的高潮(?)
17:11 < mabinogi80503> [R1] 高潮~~~~噢
17:11 < ygtw> [R1] 很不幸 高潮
17:11 < kiang> [R0] 沒有雞也沒有蛋
17:11 < ReticenceSu> 這人也太多了吧
17:11 < darkx> 奇奇怪怪的的平台移植新酷音
17:11 < lunastorm> [r0] 所以MooseFS看起來可以操?
17:11 < OAO> [R1] 移植到奇怪的平台
17:11 < jack> jserv 那 場有直播嗎
17:12 < ReticenceSu> 這頁太好笑了吧
17:12 < freetsubasa> 正在很努力的讓它變專業XD
17:12 -!- privism [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:12 < salagadoola> [r1] 大家有興趣改網頁的話可以看一下
17:12 < cshliu> 宋佩琪 我愛你
17:12 < YChao_> 倚天就是注音改一個字變酷音
17:12 < carlcarl> lol
17:12 < DHXD> 喔喔喔喔喔喔 好想去R1
17:12 < KiraYao> screen內掛,可是無法維護
17:12 -!- breeze [8c6d7fe9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:12 < cshliu> 宋patch~~~
17:12 -!- sammyfung [] has joined #coscup
17:12 -!- chiehyou [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
17:12 < YChao_> screen 會當掉~~
17:12 < OAO> [R1] screen會當掉
17:12 -!- greener [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
17:13 < chusiang-> sun 也有新酷音!!!
17:13 < OAO> [R1] 那個體中文
17:13 < chitsaou> [R1] ○體中文
17:13 < kiang> [R0] DFS replica 3 會犧牲很多效能
17:13 < u10313335> O體中文
17:13 -!- privism [~is87083@] has joined #coscup
17:13 < jeffhung> 為什麼 replica 3 反而效能會被犧牲?
17:13 -!- gugufish [~gugufish@2001:c08:1:164:dab3:77ff:fe1f:d3ae] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
17:13 < barneybook> 釣魚台XD
17:13 < salagadoola> [r1] 這是個人立場 不代表coscup
17:13 < Swl> 又釣魚台XDD
17:13 < OAO> 這跟釣魚台沒兩樣
17:13 -!- gugufish [~gugufish@2001:c08:1:164:dab3:77ff:fe1f:d3ae] has joined #coscup
17:13 < ygtw> [R1] 正體 繁體 就跟釣魚台沒兩樣
17:13 < jeffhung> 噢,懂了。sync read/write
17:13 < cclien> 要看 replicate 的方式吧,有一些 fs 是要三個 node 寫完
17:13 -!- linroex [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:13 -!- jackyang [~chatzilla@] has joined #coscup
17:13 -!- hrs_R0 [~hrs@] has joined #coscup
17:14 -!- chiehyou [] has joined #coscup
17:14 -!- ijliao [] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )]
17:14 < lunastorm> EBS就需要replica多一點
17:14 < YChao_> on-the-spot, over-the-spot, off-the-spot
17:14 < maxwux_> r2 eeepc裝kde好順喔
17:14 < Noni_> [R0]VMWare!?
17:14 < chy168> XDDD
17:14 < lunastorm> [r0]我在t射的時候都用Vmware
17:14 < jeffhung> 「我們在 Trend Micro 的時候」# 所以講者待過 T 社?
17:14 < cclien> jeffhung: 對
17:14 < ygtw> \[R1] pcman真的是醫學院學生嗎xd
17:15 < salagadoola> [r1] 以前真的很懷疑 他真的是醫學院學生嗎xd
17:15 < cshliu> [r0]trend 愛用vmware!
17:15 < Vdragon> [R2]KDE Netbook edition
17:15 -!- darkgerm [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
17:15 < l123868> 以前很懷疑,他真的是醫學院的學生嗎?
17:15 < KiraYao> PCMAN...XD
17:15 < darkx> 小麥!
17:15 < YChao_> 小麥注音
17:15 -!- RyanHo [~ryan@2001:c08:3700:ffff::b59] has joined #coscup
17:15 -!- linroex [] has joined #coscup
17:15 < Swl> [r1] 然後奇奇怪怪的人就出來了,像是PCMAN (停頓三秒) 以前真的懷疑,他真的是醫學院的學生嗎
17:15 < KiraYao> 血淚的認知
17:15 < salagadoola> [r1] 這是個血淚的故事
17:15 < mabinogi80503> [r1] 這是一個血淚的故事..
17:15 < ygtw> [R1] 這是一個 血淚的故事
17:15 -!- pyhsu [~pyhsu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
17:15 < OAO> [R1] 這是一個血淚的故事
17:15 < ReticenceSu> R1怎麼這麼好笑阿!!!
17:16 < salagadoola> [r1] 你問我這個計畫去哪裡了? 抱歉 網頁整個消失了
17:16 < ygtw> [R1] JMCCC , IIIMF 都掰了
17:16 -!- jereme_ [~jereme@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:16 < YChao_> XCIN, JMCCE, IIIMF, SCIM, OSX, Sun JDK, OXIM, UIM, ibus...
17:16 < ca^> transactionid:20120819011900
17:16 -!- biostrike [] has joined #coscup
17:16 < ca^> Orz
17:16 -!- darkgerm [] has joined #coscup
17:16 < KiraYao> xcin JMCCE IIIMF SCIM ibus GCIN MacOS10 OXIM UIM
17:16 < darkx> HIME! >/////<
17:16 < rail02000> R2有點冷
17:16 < KiraYao> UCIMF
17:16 < kiang> [R0] 為什麼一直提宅博士? XD
17:16 < KiraYao> HIME!
17:16 < Noni_> [R0]會"逃走"的機器
17:16 < YChao_> UCIMF?
17:16 < cclien> [r0] 那台機器就快壞掉了,它怎麼逃的走啦
17:16 < OAO> [R1] 應該還在吧
17:16 < freetsubasa> HIME!
17:16 < Vdragon> HIME!!!!!
17:17 < Swl> 突然默默想到minecraft的中文輸入外掛我是用日本開發的插件。(默)
17:17 < Francine> [R1] 開始熱起來了
17:17 < ygtw> [R1] XCIN 作者當兵就停滯了
17:17 < kiang> [R0] openstack 目前沒有 auto scaling
17:17 < DHXD> 塊陶啊小機器!
17:17 -!- pyhsu [] has joined #coscup
17:17 < YChao_> 新竹的劉德華
17:17 < darkx> 交大劉德華XD
17:17 < OAO> [R1] 新竹劉德華
17:17 < ygtw> [R1] 新竹劉德華改成gcin
17:17 < KiraYao> 新竹劉德華XD
17:17 -!- AndChat|355284 [~Denir@] has joined #coscup
17:17 < YChao_> HIME...
17:17 < KiraYao> HIME 八卦
17:17 < darkx> 在座的很多人知道他的八卦
17:17 < ygtw> [R1] 台灣最有趣的地方就是很多意見xd
17:17 < jeffhung> 「(auto-scaling) 我們現在也正在做,幾乎已經是完成了。」
17:17 < darkx> 姬
17:17 -!- yichiuan [~ooo@] has quit [Quit: Bye]
17:17 -!- privism [~is87083@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:17 -!- ofy_ [] has joined #coscup
17:17 < KiraYao> 很奇怪的字XD
17:17 < ReticenceSu> 誰的八卦
17:17 < darkx> 公主的意思
17:17 < KiraYao> 莫名其妙,看不懂
17:17 < barneybook> 公主
17:17 < KiraYao> fxitx?
17:18 < OAO> [R1] 小企鵝
17:18 < YChao_> 小企鵝輸入法
17:18 < KiraYao> HIME 公主
17:18 < hSATAC> 八卦 XD
17:18 -!- brucehsu [] has joined #coscup
17:18 < shadom> one piece?
17:18 < YChao_> HIME -> 姬
17:18 < Swl> 姬(Hime) = 公主
17:18 -!- privism [] has joined #coscup
17:18 < Francine> 只有HIME被罵…XD
17:18 -!- dar [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
17:18 -!- paulliu_gd [~paulliu@2001:c08:3700:ffff::1763] has joined #coscup
17:18 < darkx> Swl: HIME 要大寫
17:18 < Francine> 所以以後要取Jserv大大會唸的名字
17:18 < KiraYao> XD
17:18 < ygtw> [R1] 有人批評CODE寫得很差 作者就不幹了 (小企鵝輸入法
17:19 < darkx> HIME Input Method Editor
17:19 < freetsubasa> 因為他無法忘記..小企鵝XD
17:19 < mabinogi80503> [r1] 無法忘記小企鵝
17:19 -!- sammyhk [] has joined #coscup
17:19 < Vdragon> QAQ
17:19 < ReticenceSu> OAO
17:19 < KiraYao> 四成五....
17:19 < Swl> darkx 我是單純在解釋日文的姬 @@
17:19 < KiraYao> 我們...一兩成
17:19 < OAO> [R1] 完成度高到不可思議的境界
17:19 < ygtw> [R1] 你看這個畫面知道我們完成多少了吧xd
17:19 < darkx> :q
17:19 < yurenju> :q XDDD
17:19 < KiraYao> jserv各種老馬
17:19 -!- hrs_R0 [~hrs@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
17:19 -!- SammyLin [~sammylin@2001:c08:1:164:8c9d:4f2a:3bdd:684f] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:19 -!- AndChat|355284 [~Denir@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
17:19 < Peter__> :q
17:19 < freetsubasa> :q
17:19 -!- chiehyou [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:20 < Swl> :q
17:20 -!- gnux123 [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:20 < Vdragon> [R2]ssh -Y
17:20 -!- biostrike [] has quit [Client Quit]
17:20 -!- ioan [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
17:20 < Swl> 說好的三十分鐘的Q&A呢wwww
17:20 < OAO> [R1] 我好像占用太多時間了
17:20 -!- Jimmytp [2a4b2330@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:20 < Francine> [R1] 我好像佔用太多時間了
17:20 < grassboy> (偷表) 閃電秀前10分鐘!先回顧一下昨天閃電秀的經典畫面~
17:20 < darkx> D-eye!
17:20 < KiraYao> 變成這樣
17:20 -!- sammyfung [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
17:20 < KiraYao> 螢幕小鍵盤 UX
17:20 < OAO> [R1] 螢幕小鍵盤很糟糕
17:20 < KiraYao> vu,35j4up zj6cl4
17:20 < KiraYao> XD
17:20 < Swl> 大眼讚!
17:20 < KiraYao> 寫注音符號
17:20 < freetsubasa> XDDD
17:20 < grassboy> 出處XD
17:21 < ygtw> [R1] 直接手寫注音符號xd
17:21 < salagadoola> [r1] 因為螢幕小鍵盤很糟糕 我們要注重user experience....
17:21 -!- chiehyou [] has joined #coscup
17:21 < chusiang-> 注音手寫輸入法!!! (rock)
17:21 < opop> 好像真的很好用@A@
17:21 < darkx> DrKen!
17:21 < barneybook> 現在進入閃電秀模式???
17:21 < salagadoola> [r1] 雲端版的新酷音
17:21 < mabinogi80503> [R1]雲端新酷音
17:21 < OAO> [R1] 雲端板新酷陰
17:21 < KiraYao> [R1]雲端版的新酷音
17:21 < OAO> 音
17:21 < freetsubasa> 雲端新酷音
17:21 < Francine> [R1] 今天下午聽到好多次交大
17:21 <@bobchao> [R0] 「有 submit 一些 code」 -> 合格
17:22 < mabinogi80503> [R1] 一些很有趣的事情
17:22 < KiraYao> 基本上這就是一個悲劇
17:22 < YChao_> 這是一個悲劇
17:22 -!- eegeegfish [24e138db@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:22 < cshliu> [r0] 日本NTT 用快打旋風ryu 取名稱
17:22 < OAO> [R1] 這是個悲劇
17:22 < ygtw> [R1] 輸入法有創新? 基本上這個題目就OVER了
17:22 -!- Muka [~coscup@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:22 < KiraYao> 你只要提到輸入法,你就over拉
17:22 < Francine> [R1] 聽到題目就over了
17:22 < DHXD> 雲端版新初音
17:22 -!- AndChat|500 [~AndChat50@2001:c08:1:164:9221:55ff:fe06:a942] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:22 < salagadoola> [r1] 基本上這是一個悲劇 你只要說輸入法有一個創新 這個題目就over了
17:22 < Swl> 零分www
17:22 < darkx> 雨八
17:22 < ygtw> [R1] 0分
17:22 < mabinogi80503> [R1] 0分!!
17:22 <@bobchao> 天啊我回去一定要看 jserv 的錄影
17:22 < YChao_> 原創性零分
17:22 < freetsubasa> 0分!
17:22 < salagadoola> 輸入法有創新?0分! XDD
17:22 < Francine> [R1] 有原創性嗎? 零分!!
17:22 < ReticenceSu> 我要去R1
17:22 < l123868> 好快==|||
17:23 < KiraYao> 造出一些詞wwwwwwwww
17:23 < YChao_> 韓劇...
17:23 < OAO> [R1] 那句www
17:23 < Francine> [R1] 好糟糕
17:23 < Swl> 韓劇跟西洋劇一樣差勁 (?)
17:23 < FredC_> XD
17:23 < DHXD> XDDDDD
17:23 < RyanHo> XDDD
17:23 < Negaihoshi> wwwww
17:23 < Jedi_> 這句應該是 zonble 先寫出來的測試語料
17:23 < freetsubasa> 韓劇跟西洋據XDDDD
17:23 < Negaihoshi> 髒髒>\\\\\<
17:23 < buganini> google suggestion好像還蠻奇怪的XD
17:23 < yurenju> 林青霞 XDD
17:23 < sntc06> 韓劇跟西洋劇一樣差勁,令人不寒而慄
17:23 < YChao_> 反正不是林青霞
17:23 < carlcarl> [r2] 這個不錯
17:24 < OAO> 金太研很悲劇
17:24 < freetsubasa> 正確率66%
17:24 < mabinogi80503> [R1] 正確率66%
17:24 < Francine> [R1] 屁啦
17:24 < freetsubasa> XDD
17:24 < Swl> 你以為錯了1個字就是正確率66%嗎?
17:24 < cclien> [r0] openstack scheduler 好運中時鐘,壞運中龍眼
17:24 < KiraYao> 你以為錯一個字就是正確率66%嗎?闢拉
17:24 < YChao_> 錯一個字就是66%嘛?
17:24 < salagadoola> [r1] 你以為錯一個字就是66%嗎? 屁啦 XD
17:24 < ygtw> [R1] 名字打錯就是打錯啦
17:24 < DHXD> XD
17:24 < OAO> [R1] 金泰言我愛你
17:24 < Swl> 粉絲怒 XD
17:24 < KiraYao> 比賽之後的事就不要看啦
17:24 < ygtw> [R1] 比賽後想做的事 就不要看了xd
17:24 < Swl> 金太嚴 (沒選字)
17:24 < carlcarl> 也想聽r0 之後看影片好了>"<
17:24 < salagadoola> [r1] 比賽之後想做的事就不用看了 悲劇啦
17:25 < darkx> 金太妍我愛你 >///<
17:25 < maxwux_> r2 ipcorp??
17:25 < mabinogi80503> [R1] 金太延 (??
17:25 < l123868> 金太炎(from mac
17:25 < kiang> [R0] 至少台達電做的研究有試著送回 upstream XD
17:25 < FredC_> 偷告白
17:25 < Francine> [R1] 直接講結論啦
17:25 < OAO> [R1] 我直接跟大家講結論
17:25 < YChao_> 元智大學提出這個就去google服務了
17:25 -!- SammyLin [~sammylin@2001:c08:1:164:3d4b:b282:b770:54f6] has joined #coscup
17:25 < KiraYao> jserv黑特中
17:25 < YChao_> 1.x%就被撕掉了
17:25 < Swl> Hate ING
17:25 < OAO> [R1] 提升了1%
17:25 < ygtw> [R1] 超有梗新酷音競賽簡報
17:25 < cclien> [r0] 380V server
17:25 -!- chy168 [~Zz@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:26 < mabinogi80503> [R1] 1%only
17:26 < lunastorm> [r0]祕密
17:26 < freetsubasa> 好多中!
17:26 < Swl> 中中中中中中中..
17:26 < kiang> [R0] 剛剛那一頁應該拍起來,商業機密 XD
17:26 -!- ihower [~ihower@2001:c08:1:164:c46e:4497:4306:87b1] has quit [Quit: ihower]
17:26 < YChao_> ... source code可不可以放出來...
17:26 < YChao_> "因為太忙碌... " XXX
17:26 < Francine> [R1] 記得問問題啊~~拜託~
17:26 < lunastorm> [r0]希望有興趣的夥伴加入修bug的行列
17:26 < OAO> 有錄影XD
17:26 < salagadoola> [r1] 因為他參加的是source code項目 而且又有提論文 我們就請他把source code交出來
17:26 -!- dar [] has joined #coscup
17:26 < jeffhung> Citrix 也有玩 Open Stack?
17:27 -!- priv_ [] has joined #coscup
17:27 < jack> [r0] 那張圖之前在 其 他 分 享會看過
17:27 < carlcarl> citrix有參一咖吧
17:27 < tom1223> 閃電秀mode
17:27 < YChao_> 把patch吐出來
17:27 < KiraYao> 把patch吐出來
17:27 < Francine> [R1] patch吐出來!!
17:27 < carlcarl> 開發
17:27 < mabinogi80503> [R1] patch吐出來
17:27 < yurenju> 吐出來!!!!!
17:27 < priv_> 結果今天覺得很頓是我的 ssh server 很頓=_=
17:27 < salagadoola> [r1] 從頭到尾就跟他講這個: 把patch交出來
17:27 -!- yuanpin [~yuanpin@] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
17:27 < priv_> 想說會場已經沒那麼頓了
17:28 < kiang> [R0] 有講不完的感覺
17:28 < ygtw> [R1] 正體還是繁體 都是世界弱勢語言
17:28 < KiraYao> XD
17:28 < tom1223> Three minutes
17:28 < Guest26751> 倒數 ~
17:28 < jeffhung> "PM" 原來是指 physical machine,腦袋一直轉不過來。XD
17:28 < YChao_> mozc支援度有差多少?
17:28 < KiraYao> mozc
17:28 < darkx>
17:28 < tom1223> One hundred seconds
17:28 < lunastorm> @jeffhung: XD
17:28 < OAO> [R1] 一直感嘆
17:28 -!- linroex [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:28 < salagadoola> [r1] 2010年我們還在開發這種工具
17:28 < Francine> [R1] 還是有問題
17:28 < mabinogi80503> [R1] 刪減可以作嗎 可以啊 有問題啊
17:28 < cclien> jeffhung: 我也很想幫我的 PM deploy 特定 image (誤)
17:28 < lunastorm> 物理机
17:29 < OAO> [R1] 因為我們是弱勢語言
17:29 < jeffhung> cclien++
17:29 -!- chiehyou [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:29 < Francine> [R1] 有用到就吐出來!!
17:29 -!- BeataLin [~BeataLin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:29 -!- yuanpin_ [~yuanpin@] has joined #coscup
17:29 < priv_> 早知道早上趕快換 server
17:29 < KiraYao> 很奇妙的是自然語言的老師都沒去注意到輸入法
17:29 < darkx> 這就是學術研究阿
17:29 < mabinogi80503> [R1] 自然語言的學者很少能趕善輸入法的
17:29 -!- Kevin-WY [~Kevin-WY@2001:c08:1:164:211:24ff:fec7:4674] has quit [Quit: Kevin-WY]
17:29 < lunastorm> [r0] ip不夠用
17:29 < salagadoola> [r1] 不懂啊 這就是學術研究啊
17:29 < cclien> welcome to Nginx
17:29 < YChao_> 自然語言研究... 每天都再用的東西沒有去改善是在幹嘛?
17:29 < mabinogi80503> [R1] 這就是學術研究啊..
17:29 -!- RuinlandIxa [~RuinlandI@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
17:30 < ygtw> [R1] 姚明臉
17:30 < Francine> [R1] 做用不到的東西就是做術研究啊!!
17:30 -!- IIPP [743be6e6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
17:30 < salagadoola> [r1] 有空去 mountain view 的時候記得去找他啊
17:30 < kiang> [R0] 好像大家還不太轉 ipv6 ?
17:30 -!- chiehyou [~chiehyou@] has joined #coscup
17:30 < carlcarl> [r0] 我8年來沒遇過中毒的問題
17:30 < KiraYao> 滿滿的jserv
17:30 < adaam> 應該是轉了可是客戶也還沒辦法用吧
17:30 < lunastorm> 記得AWS也還不support v6
17:30 < OAO> [R1] [R1] 整排的jserv XDD
17:30 < tom1223> 閃電秀囉~
17:30 < Vdragon> [R2]XDD
17:30 < YChao_> 開發者永遠都那幾位...
17:30 -!- RuinlandIxa [~RuinlandI@] has joined #coscup
17:30 < salagadoola> [r1] 你看 出現的開發者永遠都是那幾位
17:30 < mabinogi80503> [R1] 開發者就那幾位 有點悲情噢
17:30 < carlcarl> [r2] 我8年來沒遇過中毒的問題 (打錯)
17:30 < CindyLinz> Jim Huang & jserv 算一位還是兩位? XD
17:30 < YChao_> live coding
17:30 < FredC_> [R0] 冷
17:30 -!- aknow [~aknow@] has quit [Quit: Bye]
17:30 -!- Albert_ [~Albert@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
17:30 < l123868> move!
17:30 < ReticenceSu> [R0]Q&A
17:30 < Guest26751> 餓了
17:30 < DHXD> [R0] 突然沈默
17:30 -!- yanyiyi [~yan@2001:c08:1:164:2c13:451d:b4:2762] has quit [Quit: yanyiyi]
17:30 -!- watsontsai [~ashaneba@2001:c08:1:164:14cf:218b:491:9ae3] has left #coscup []
17:30 < either> R0 QA
17:31 -!- Guester [~textual@] has quit [Quit: ["Textual IRC Client:"]]
17:31 -!- paulliu_gd [~paulliu@2001:c08:3700:ffff::1763] has left #coscup []
17:31 -!- LHD [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:31 < imacat> 講者提問 :p
17:31 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@] has quit [Quit: sonyu]
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17:31 -!- BillyHerrington [~willyliu@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
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17:31 -!- ckm_ [] has quit [Quit: ckm_]
17:31 -!- freesamael [] has quit [Quit: freesamael]
17:31 < OAO> [R1] end
17:31 -!- dainese [~dainese@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:31 < mabinogi80503> [R1] m( _._) m
17:31 < lunastorm> cc
17:31 < gslin_tfn> XD
17:31 -!- yuanpin_ [~yuanpin@] has quit [Client Quit]
17:31 < salagadoola> [r1] end
17:31 < chph> Hangout
17:31 < adaam> XDD 我在這邊
17:31 < lwhsu> AWS 前年講說他們 IPv6 ready 了, 但是有些別的問題
17:31 < ReticenceSu> 大家都在看[R1]
17:31 < priv_> 開始離開了
17:31 -!- hrs [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
17:31 -!- kuyuhisepa126 [~kuyuhisep@] has joined #coscup
17:31 < chph> 直播斷了? @@
17:31 -!- u1031333_ [~u10313335@] has joined #coscup
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17:31 -!- liyw [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
17:31 < lwhsu> 像是接進來的網路沒有 IPv6 (這什麼鬼 = =)
17:31 < Howie> 轉播壞了
17:31 < priv_> 大家要去看lightening 了嗎
17:31 < tom1223> 一朵雲
17:31 < lunastorm> @lwhsu: 是啊
17:31 < kuyuhisepa126> 終於連上來了= =
17:31 * in2 接進來的網路沒有 IPv6 QQ
17:31 -!- YYz [~YYz@] has quit [Quit: 暫離]
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17:31 < Jedi_> T_T
17:31 < Howie> 求轉播
17:32 < lunastorm> 前陣子架mail server發現gmail有v6的MX
17:32 < kuyuhisepa126> 剛剛一直連部到= =
17:32 -!- Fin [d247fb09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
17:32 < breeze> 直播有限制時間 已經斷了
17:32 < lunastorm> maillog裡面就會出現連不到XD
17:32 < adaam> 學網大部分都有了,家裡的ISP好像都還沒
17:32 -!- Henry_ [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:32 < jack> [r0]人開始 變多了
17:32 < gugufish> R1都跑光了?
17:32 < cychao> [R0]湧入人潮
17:32 < kiang> [R0] MooseFS 有單點 fail 的問題
17:32 < adaam> 都要裝軟體才有
17:32 -!- ccc-larc [] has quit [Quit: ccc-larc]
17:32 -!- Jimmy_ [] has joined #coscup
17:32 -!- gunxgun [~AndChat12@2001:c08:1:164:3ae7:d8ff:feb1:767] has quit [Quit: Bye]
17:32 < carlcarl> [r2] 還滿用心的說
17:32 < Guest26751> Herry: Hey.
17:32 < kiang> [R0] 坐在這兒就是等這一刻啦,我有椅子坐 XD
17:32 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
17:32 -!- Sorry [] has joined #coscup
17:32 < priv_> XD
17:32 < adaam> R0 後面突然好多人進來
17:32 < pct> 發問的是 cclien?
17:33 -!- gunxgun [~AndChat12@2001:c08:1:164:3ae7:d8ff:feb1:767] has joined #coscup
17:33 -!- dictcp [~yaaic@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
17:33 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@2001:c08:1:164:f891:d4ea:6222:f376] has joined #coscup
17:33 < kiang> @pct, yes
17:33 < in2> pct: 應該是吧 XD
17:33 < lunastorm> yes
17:33 < DHXD> R0 開始湧入人潮
17:33 < Henry_> !!
17:33 < FredC_> R0 湧入
17:33 < cshliu> yes
17:33 -!- NepTunic [~neptunic@] has joined #coscup
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17:33 -!- imacat1 [~imacat@] has joined #coscup
17:33 < ReticenceSu> [R0]開始湧入人潮
17:33 -!- narahuang1 [~nara@] has joined #coscup
17:33 < DHXD> 潮
17:33 -!- BeataLin [~BeataLin@] has joined #coscup
17:33 -!- RyanHo [~ryan@2001:c08:3700:ffff::b59] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
17:33 < kuyuhisepa126> 擁入中
17:33 < DHXD> R0現在潮爆了
17:33 -!- chitsaou [~chitsaou@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
17:33 < lunastorm> [r0] 政治力不夠
17:33 < mrmoneyc>
17:33 -!- Elsvent [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:33 -!- chage [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:33 -!- Edward_YC [] has joined #coscup
17:34 < mrmoneyc> 配合 console 服用 <(_ _)>
17:34 -!- JoyCC2 [~AndChat62@2001:c08:1:164:f891:d4ea:6222:f376] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:34 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@2001:c08:1:164:c897:b871:bff7:d680] has joined #coscup
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17:34 -!- narahuang2 [~nara@] has joined #coscup
17:34 < priv_> 電腦快沒電了
17:34 < priv_> bye
17:34 -!- priv_ [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
17:34 -!- ihower [~ihower@] has joined #coscup
17:34 < tom1223> YA!
17:34 < kiang> [R0] Ben 出現了
17:34 -!- kuyuhisepa126_ [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:34 < pct> Ben!!
17:34 < DHXD> !
17:34 < ericpi_> 直接問後面那位..
17:34 -!- Peter__ [8c72fd14@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:34 -!- ccch1u [caa9ac5c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:34 < either> ben開口了!
17:34 -!- RyanHo [~ryan@] has joined #coscup
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17:34 -!- eefffder [cda40c09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:34 -!- shume [caa9ac7a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:34 < ca^> Ben!!
17:34 < kiang> [R0] Ben 直接跳下來閃電秀吧~
17:34 -!- swaywang [~mac@] has joined #coscup
17:34 < jack> BEN!!!!!!!!
17:34 -!- KiraYao [~elegant_p@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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17:34 -!- df1 [~df1@2001:c08:1:164:f038:7ab5:8571:7fde] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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17:35 -!- Maligbi [6f5117e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:35 < lunastorm> iaas 3.x% margin
17:35 < either> kiang: 支持!
17:35 -!- kuyuhisepa126_ is now known as kuyuhisepa126
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17:35 < KiraYao> R0集中中
17:35 < in2> 這麼難賺啊? @@ 3.x% @@"
17:35 -!- RuinlandIxa [~RuinlandI@] has joined #coscup
17:35 < adaam> 用Vmware & M$的都賠錢
17:35 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
17:35 < cclien> [r0] 用vmware的不賺錢
17:35 <@bobchao> 剛 R0 有一句重點 XD
17:35 <@bobchao> 對
17:35 -!- l123868 [7579f16c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:35 -!- salagadoola [caae0405@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:35 < lunastorm> 用vmware
17:35 < jack> opensource!!!!!
17:35 -!- weijr [~weijr@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:35 -!- AndChat|355284 [~Denir@] has joined #coscup
17:35 * cclien 看看某cloud
17:35 < barneybook> 回到R0
17:35 -!- u1031333_ [~u10313335@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
17:35 -!- FreedomKnight [~FreedomKn@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
17:35 < lunastorm> 嗨cloud
17:35 -!- Jlnshen [~Jlnshen@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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17:35 < carlcarl> 科科
17:35 -!- rocfatcat_NB [~lenny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
17:36 -!- aknow [~aknow@] has joined #coscup
17:36 -!- geekchia [~tingchia@] has joined #coscup
17:36 < FredC_> [R0] 用 VMware 和 Microsoft 的 solution 都賺不到錢
17:36 -!- mabinogi80503 [~MaLar@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
17:36 -!- Jerome_ [~Jerome@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
17:36 < darkx> back to R0
17:36 -!- ccch1u [caa9ac5c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:36 < tom1223> 時間過得好快喔
17:36 < Sorry> 用 live migration 來恐嚇
17:36 < ReticenceSu> [R0]開始爆滿
17:36 < Howie> 阿阿沒有轉播!!
17:36 < kiang> [R0] 很多功能只有它有,所以軟體廠商會恐嚇你
17:36 -!- ygtw [~ygtw@2001:c08:1:164:f9f6:b17a:b4c2:c58d] has joined #coscup
17:36 -!- RuinlandIxa [~RuinlandI@] has quit [Client Quit]
17:36 -!- SammyLin [~sammylin@2001:c08:1:164:3d4b:b282:b770:54f6] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:36 -!- chiehyou [~chiehyou@] has joined #coscup
17:36 < Guest26751> many Quit message :S
17:36 < tnth> 但不否認不用vmware 要做到同樣程度必須付出相當的代價
17:36 -!- RuinlandIxa [~RuinlandI@] has joined #coscup
17:36 -!- RuinlandIxa [~RuinlandI@] has quit [Client Quit]
17:36 -!- poao [~AndChat50@2001:c08:1:164:beb1:f3ff:fef2:b1e5] has joined #coscup
17:36 -!- imacat [~imacat@] has joined #coscup
17:36 -!- RuinlandMe [~RuinlandI@] has joined #coscup
17:36 -!- Guest26751 is now known as TNTshop
17:37 -!- kcliu [] has joined #coscup
17:37 -!- gugufish [~gugufish@2001:c08:1:164:dab3:77ff:fe1f:d3ae] has quit [Quit: Bye]
17:37 -!- ccc-larc [] has joined #coscup
17:37 < JalenLin> R0 中央第四排還有位置
17:37 -!- linroex [] has joined #coscup
17:37 < cclien> [r0] Ben; 不要
17:37 < cclien> 迷信某些大廠的說法
17:37 < cclien> XDD
17:37 < in2> 不要迷信 vmware 和 m$ !
17:37 -!- ecilA [~IceChat9@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
17:37 -!- XDOrz [~XDOrz@] has quit [Quit: 暫離]
17:37 < Henry_> 哈!
17:37 -!- yyhuang [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
17:37 < barneybook> 看來今天快結束了!!! 應該要交換噗浪還是FB還是GITHUB~~~~~大家建議一下吧
17:37 -!- fcrh [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
17:37 < barneybook> 不然ABOUT.ME
17:37 < cclien> [r0] 雲海螺盤翟教授
17:37 < lucky17> 想請問現在回答的是...? @@"
17:37 < pct> Ben 已經在閃電秀了!!!!
17:37 <@bobchao> 雲海螺盤 XD
17:37 < legnaleurc> !!
17:37 < kiang> [R0] Ben 閃電秀!!
17:37 < Jedi_> 偷跑(?)?
17:37 < TNTshop> 交換QR code XD'
17:37 < carlcarl> !!!!!!!!
17:37 -!- yyhuang [] has joined #coscup
17:37 -!- narahuang1 [~nara@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
17:38 < either> XDD
17:38 < legnaleurc> 這裡還沒結束啊~~
17:38 -!- imacat1 [~imacat@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
17:38 < ericpi_> 雲海羅盤 XD
17:38 < DHXD> 超強大!
17:38 < Sorry> 翟博直接在台下開講
17:38 < tnth> Ben偷跑閃電秀
17:38 < lucky17> 了解 感謝
17:38 < tom1223> 一年一度的盛會要結束了
17:38 < ericpi_> 閃電不夠啊!
17:38 < barneybook> 好威!!!
17:38 -!- yanyiyi [~yan@2001:c08:1:164:4cc:ed84:580f:d5fe] has joined #coscup
17:38 -!- AndChat|355284 [~Denir@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
17:38 -!- BeataLin [~BeataLin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:38 < ReticenceSu> 感覺台上要被拆台囉!!!
17:38 < linroex> 結束前最後廣告,PHPconf徵人~
17:38 -!- maxwux_ [7a752e4e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
17:38 -!- watsontsai [] has joined #coscup
17:38 -!- peterlee [2a49ee6a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:38 -!- AndChat|355284 [~Denir@] has joined #coscup
17:39 < Sorry> 坐在觀眾席被鼓掌
17:39 -!- fcrh [] has joined #coscup
17:39 < Sorry> 強
17:39 < ericpi_> "做真正的雲" 感覺有打很多廠商的臉...
17:39 < FredC_> 滿
17:39 < either> R0的掌聲都是給翟神的XD
17:39 < pct> +1
17:39 -!- GDH [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:39 < ReticenceSu> [R0]finish
17:39 < DHXD> 其實若干年前的雲端已經開始被扭曲掉了吧XD
17:39 < adaam> 不過也是事實XDD
17:39 < GDH> 終於進來了 OAQ
17:39 -!- LHD [] has joined #coscup
17:39 < watsontsai> 強者
17:39 < YChao_> R0被掌聲趕下來?
17:39 < adaam> 現在什麼東西只要在網路上就可以叫雲端XD
17:39 -!- rocfatcat_NB [~lenny@] has joined #coscup
17:39 < ericpi_> 只有台灣的雲長得怪怪的吧, NIST 明明有定義
17:39 -!- KiraYao [~elegant_p@] has left #coscup []
17:39 < barneybook> 看來PHPCONF也快了~~~
17:39 < jack> 廣達研究院表示:
17:39 -!- KiraYao [~elegant_p@] has joined #coscup
17:39 < kiang> [R0] 剛剛第一個 lightning talk 已經結束 XD
17:40 < KiraYao> 廣達做的東西不太一樣...
17:40 < tnth> 這年頭做什麼都要掛個雲端纔會被買單
17:40 < tom1223> 神人!!
17:40 < KiraYao> 那個像Grid...不像Cloud...XD
17:40 < darkx> blueT?
17:40 < medicalwei> Vdragon: OWO
17:40 < in2> 被扭曲掉的雲端指的是李家同說的那個嗎? XD
17:40 < kuyuhisepa126> 拔插頭XXD
17:40 < DHXD> 也是XD 印象中連遠端連線回主機都有被當作雲端的例子
17:40 < KiraYao> 李家同.................
17:40 < either> 練習拔插頭XDD
17:40 < YChao_> orange上來預備拔插頭
17:40 < adaam> cclien: 橘子上來練習拔插頭XDD
17:40 -!- Negaihoshi [~e222et@] has joined #coscup
17:40 < Jedi_> KD
17:40 < ReticenceSu> 拔插頭XD
17:40 < yanyiyi> [r1] 練習拔插頭
17:40 < KiraYao> 老番顛
17:40 < ericpi_> streaming server 都被當雲端主機了 XD
17:40 * medicalwei 其實也是不太同意雲端這說法...
17:40 < grassboy> 更多拔插頭:
17:40 < FourDollars> 好奇:搖滾區都沒人?
17:40 < in2> "橘子"是某個人還?
17:40 < KiraYao> yanyiyi用utf8
17:41 -!- AndChat|355284 [~Denir@] has quit [Client Quit]
17:41 < YChao_> 練習完成!
17:41 < kiang> PHPConf CFP 宣傳一下 ===>>>
17:41 < tnth> 是某個人
17:41 < Jedi_> in2: 洗洗臉接班人
17:41 < jack> 資安神人orange~
17:41 < barneybook> 前方有空位唷
17:41 < watsontsai> 強哥!!
17:41 < in2> Jedi_: 喔喔!
17:41 < TNTshop> orange ~~~~!!!!!!
17:41 < YChao_> 今天會有hlb出來面對嗎?
17:41 -!- Negaihoshi [~e222et@] has left #coscup []
17:41 < tnth> 傳說中的黑橘
17:41 < tom1223> XDDDDDDD
17:41 < barneybook> 誰要坐前面!!???
17:41 < TNTshop> orange >////////////<
17:41 -!- SammyLin [~sammylin@2001:c08:1:164:c75:2896:9d09:1705] has joined #coscup
17:41 < kiang> hlb出來面對據說來不及報名
17:41 -!- bluesway [~bluesway@] has joined #coscup
17:41 < ericpi_> hlb 在 4F 後排
17:41 -!- Negaihoshi [~e222et@] has joined #coscup
17:41 < RyanHo> hlb!
17:41 < chph> 直播修好了, 目前在轉播irc XD
17:41 -!- chuiyi [~chuiyi@] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
17:41 < billy3321> zigo:
17:41 < darkx> XD
17:41 < KiraYao> 線路組XD
17:41 < GDH> XDDDD
17:42 -!- BeataLin [~BeataLin@] has joined #coscup
17:42 < SammyLin> 一定會爛掉...
17:42 < tom1223> XD
17:42 < YChao_> 「等下上不了網路就休息吧...」
17:42 -!- sakana [~sakana@] has joined #coscup
17:42 < Moonslight> 要爛啦 ~
17:42 -!- chiehyou [~chiehyou@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
17:42 < TNTshop> 要爛掉了 !!!!!!!!
17:42 -!- smailc [~chatzilla@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
17:42 -!- narahuang2 [~nara@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
17:42 < jeffhung> 聽完 Ben 回應的感想之一:所以做 PaaS 還是很有希望地。
17:42 < SammyLin> ____一定會爛掉
17:42 < kiang> 照慣例, lightning talk 的無線網路一定會掛,就休息吧
17:42 -!- salagadoola [caae0405@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:42 -!- coscup [~lis186@2001:c08:1:164:f562:c56c:7878:7280] has joined #coscup
17:42 -!- rail02000 [~quassel@] has joined #coscup
17:42 -!- Francine [] has joined #coscup
17:42 -!- hrs_R0 [~hrs@] has joined #coscup
17:42 < DHXD> XD
17:42 < grassboy> lightning talk 前偷偷分享個玩具XD… (快速的將 YouTube 影片剪出 GIF)
17:42 -!- narahuang2 [~nara@] has joined #coscup
17:42 -!- king1223 [~aaa@] has joined #coscup
17:42 -!- shadom [~someone@] has quit []
17:42 < tom1223> XDDDD
17:42 -!- samuelol1lol [~Samuel@] has joined #coscup
17:42 < geekchia> 復胖者聯盟
17:42 -!- Takeshi [~Takeshi@] has joined #coscup
17:42 < either> 有帶網路線XD
17:42 -!- lafi [~lafi@] has joined #coscup
17:42 < TNTshop> Ya ~
17:42 < adaam> 照慣例會爛掉XDD
17:42 < Noni_> 謝謝rassboy~
17:43 < Takeshi> 終於近來了ˊVˋ
17:43 < kiang> 網路線這時候就顯出價值了
17:43 < barneybook> 想看切腹
17:43 < GDH> geekchia : XDDDD
17:43 < Francine> 餓了+1
17:43 -!- gunxgun_android [] has joined #coscup
17:43 -!- BardicheZ__ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
17:43 -!- greener [] has joined #coscup
17:43 < DHXD> 表示網路線與筆電處不好
17:43 < Francine> 等會沒行程~~~
17:43 -!- jaceju [~jaceju@] has joined #coscup
17:43 < Takeshi> IRC300人了?
17:43 -!- rsghost [dd7842d7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:43 < tnth> 網路沒斷 線路組出來解釋!
17:43 -!- chiehyou [] has joined #coscup
17:43 < adaam> 代表今年無線網路品質變好了?
17:43 < kiang> @tnth, 等一下就斷 XD
17:43 < DonaldIsFreak> 想看talk show
17:43 < Takeshi> 我很好奇網路斷掉會生下多少人~
17:43 < Swl> 3G淡定中
17:43 -!- abev66 [~AndChat50@] has joined #coscup
17:43 < YChao_> 今年無線網路品質有比較好
17:43 < DHXD> 別斷阿QQ
17:43 < GDH> 網路不要斷~~~
17:43 < watsontsai> 已成慣例...
17:43 < Francine> 慶功宴可以亂入嗎?
17:43 -!- RIH_ [~Adium@2001:c08:1:164:d5b9:749a:9433:e968] has left #coscup []
17:44 < OAO> wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
17:44 < grassboy> 這邊有幾個剪出來的 GIF XD
17:44 < rsghost> 3G無壓力
17:44 < coscup> 今年網路真的不錯
17:44 -!- dar [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
17:44 < kiang> 因為今年帶網路線的人比較多吧
17:44 < barneybook> IRC好多人
17:44 < lafi> wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
17:44 < abev66> 其實今年網路好很多
17:44 < KiraYao> 我反而覺得比較爛.....
17:44 < grassboy> 今年網路R1有點慘
17:44 < cibs> 電燈斷掉才會生人吧 # 17:43 < Takeshi> 我很好奇網路斷掉會生下多少人~
17:44 < king1223> 感覺剛剛的問題好長喔XD
17:44 < FourDollars> 前方搖滾區還有空位
17:44 -!- RIH_ [~Adium@2001:c08:1:164:d5b9:749a:9433:e968] has joined #coscup
17:44 < KiraYao> 無線網路永遠連不上
17:44 < barneybook> 所以現在要開始打網路????
17:44 < grassboy> R0 r2很棒
17:44 -!- gunxgun [~AndChat12@2001:c08:1:164:3ae7:d8ff:feb1:767] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:44 < BardicheZ__> 兩天用無線fine
17:44 < darkgerm> 網路好 lag,...
17:44 -!- df1 [~df1@2001:c08:1:164:f038:7ab5:8571:7fde] has joined #coscup
17:44 < KiraYao> 有線比去年好
17:44 < ericpi_> 今年 R0 跟 R2 還不錯
17:44 < king1223> R0剛剛是在講什麼?
17:44 < samuelol1lol> 來了兩天到現在才連進去irc會不會很悲慘..
17:44 < adaam> 線路組的全部滾出來XDD
17:44 < medicalwei> 慶功宴亂入希望 (X
17:44 < rail02000> 今年無線網路感覺比去年穩
17:44 < either> 線路組的全部給我滾出來
17:44 < billy3321>
17:44 < barneybook> 可以開始DDOS了????
17:44 < KiraYao> 我是筆電手機各種連不上
17:44 -!- watsontsai [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
17:44 < linroex> 線路組滾出來!!!xd
17:44 < geekchia> 實體網路線王道...
17:45 < Francine> 線路組的被叫出去了~XD
17:45 < SammyLin> 慶功宴 想來的請找工作人員帶....但要自費喔~
17:45 < DHXD> XD
17:45 < lafi> www
17:45 < linroex> 多少?
17:45 < barneybook> 快把中研院網路癱瘓吧
17:45 < Francine> 自費多少??
17:45 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]
17:45 -!- BardicheZ__ is now known as BardicheZ_
17:45 < either> 據說慶功宴7xx...自費XD
17:45 < KiraYao> 博文老師的至理名言:有線頻寬無限,無限頻寬有限....
17:45 < DHXD> DDoS(誤
17:45 < SammyLin> 750 + 10%
17:45 < tom1223> XD
17:45 < Francine> 地點?
17:45 < barneybook> 一開場就悲劇
17:45 < billy3321> 出不來很痛苦的(茶)
17:45 -!- lafi_ [~lafi@] has joined #coscup
17:45 < YChao_> 講者悲劇了~~
17:45 < kuyuhisepa126> 電路傲教
17:45 < lunastorm> 剛還是好的
17:45 < medicalwei> Orange 雲端拔畫面了
17:45 < darkx> 剛剛來世好的
17:45 -!- poao [~AndChat50@2001:c08:1:164:beb1:f3ff:fef2:b1e5] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:45 -!- mobomoga [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:45 -!- fcrh [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
17:45 < adaam> 經典名言:剛剛還是好得
17:45 < BardicheZ_> 開場前正常
17:45 < Howie> 求轉播
17:45 < YChao_> ubuntu 12.04
17:45 < DHXD> 完了完了 還沒演說就拔插頭了
17:45 < darkx> 雲端拔插頭
17:45 < cibs> 至理名言啊:「剛測還是好的」
17:45 < barneybook> 人品問題!!!!
17:45 < KiraYao> 剛剛還是好的XD
17:45 < SammyLin> 地點去找要帶的工作人帶囉....
17:45 < Sorry> 第一次 lightening talk 就悲劇
17:45 < salagadoola> [r0] 怎麼會這樣 剛剛明明還很好的xd
17:46 < darkgerm> rbi
17:46 < lafi> ww
17:46 < darkgerm> 耶
17:46 < DHXD> wwww
17:46 < lunastorm> gg
17:46 < freetsubasa> www
17:46 < freetsubasa> GG
17:46 < king1223> 去年不穩到怎樣的境界??
17:46 < KiraYao> 這個當Lighting Talk也太硬
17:46 < YChao_> ubuntu現場支援
17:46 -!- l123868 [7579f16c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:46 < salagadoola> [r0] 我們有請專業的ubuntu developer
17:46 < KiraYao> Yes, 直接掛掉
17:46 < narahuang2> FourDollars: 拯救中
17:46 -!- yanyiyi [~yan@2001:c08:1:164:4cc:ed84:580f:d5fe] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:46 < GDH> WOW
17:46 < adaam> 請專業的Kernel developer 幫忙DEBUG
17:46 < YChao_> ldm restart
17:46 < SammyLin> live debug~~~~
17:46 < darkx> sudo service lightdm restart
17:46 < salagadoola> 一出場就是sudo!
17:46 < ygtw> live debug
17:46 < littleq> lightdm 掛掉?
17:46 -!- Zhusee [] has joined #coscup
17:46 < lafi> Live-debug~~~
17:46 -!- infax [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
17:46 < medicalwei> 密碼 5 個字 (X)
17:46 < king1223> XDD
17:46 < ReticenceSu> 這是lighting talk嗎???
17:46 -!- watsontsai [] has joined #coscup
17:46 < ygtw> 重開治百病
17:46 < Francine> COSCUP也要上班~~XD
17:46 < YChao_> 重開至百病
17:47 < JalenLin> Lighting Debug!
17:47 < Zhusee> Live debug
17:47 < rail02000> XDDDDDDDD
17:47 < carlcarl> wow
17:47 < adaam> 還剩四分鐘嗎xdd
17:47 < GDH> 是強哥!!!是強哥!!!!
17:47 < SammyLin> 自年的最大梗出現了~
17:47 -!- Yan_yiyi [~nobody@] has joined #coscup
17:47 < Moonslight> Start !
17:47 -!- LHD [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
17:47 < kiang> 強哥開始緊張了 XD
17:47 < SammyLin> 今年
17:47 < Swl> 非常之緊張XD
17:47 < Takeshi> 銀月城的@@?
17:47 < watsontsai> 多
17:47 < KiraYao> Clock Up.
17:47 -!- kito [~kito@2001:c08:1:164:c14e:3a8e:4e7e:9230] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:47 < Jedi_> 所以是閃電秀講者被閃電擊中?
17:47 < sntc06> 購買基金有賺有賠
17:47 < king1223> 好多字XDDD
17:47 < adaam> blah blah blah~~
17:47 < darkx> XD
17:47 < tom1223> XD
17:47 -!- dar [] has joined #coscup
17:47 -!- fcrh [] has joined #coscup
17:47 < ReticenceSu> bla bla bla
17:47 < either> 不爽不要用
17:47 < either> XD
17:47 -!- Jimmytp [2a4b2330@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:47 < geekchia> blah blah blah
17:47 < darkgerm> blablabla
17:47 < ReticenceSu> 不爽不要用
17:47 < littleq> 真是好理解
17:48 < watsontsai> 長話短說
17:48 -!- darkland [~darkland@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:48 < darkx> blalalalaal
17:48 < medicalwei> 不爽不要用w
17:48 -!- Yan_yiyi is now known as yanyiyi
17:48 < YChao_> GPL... XD
17:48 < darkx> I agreee
17:48 -!- infax [~androirc@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:48 < ReticenceSu> agree
17:48 < medicalwei> DLink…
17:48 < SammyLin> 大家有在看
17:48 < YChao_> 下一步
17:48 < SammyLin> 嗎?
17:48 -!- LoyalDog [76a1a3de@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
17:48 -!- kito [~kito@] has joined #coscup
17:48 < Takeshi> 無限 "Next"!
17:48 -!- infax [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
17:48 < king1223> XDDDD
17:48 < GDH> XDDDDD
17:48 < YChao_> 你肯定學過速讀喔!
17:48 < lunastorm> 速讀lol
17:48 < TNTshop> fcrh: ntu csie >~<"
17:48 < freetsubasa> 無限下一步XDD
17:48 < ReticenceSu> 說謊說的最重的一件事
17:48 < Takeshi> 2.2 s
17:48 < GDH> 2.2s ˇˇ330字XDDD
17:48 < SammyLin> 爽~
17:48 -!- hrs_R0 [~hrs@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
17:48 < either> XDD
17:48 -!- Sars [2a48b710@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:48 < l123868> 速讀!
17:48 -!- LHD [] has joined #coscup
17:48 < Francine> 這個視窗好機車
17:48 -!- poao [~AndChat50@2001:c08:1:164:beb1:f3ff:fef2:b1e5] has joined #coscup
17:48 < tom1223> 拔拔拔
17:49 -!- lichain [] has joined #coscup
17:49 < Zhusee> Speed Reader XD
17:49 -!- aknow [~aknow@] has quit [Quit: Bye]
17:49 < YChao_> 科科
17:49 < either> 科科XD
17:49 < ReticenceSu> 顆顆
17:49 < kiang> 有這樣的開頭,後面都會緊張吧 XD
17:49 < barneybook> 顆顆
17:49 < geekchia> 科科
17:49 < freetsubasa> 顆顆
17:49 < syJheng> kerker
17:49 < Zhusee> 科科
17:49 < SammyLin> 科科
17:49 < infax> 科
17:49 < YChao_> 這三小?
17:49 < darkx> 科科
17:49 < TNTshop> LHD: nctu cs > ~ < !!
17:49 < lafi> kerker
17:49 < watsontsai> 速讀~
17:49 < ying> @@
17:49 <@bobchao> 超好笑
17:49 < freetsubasa> 你會落選
17:49 < tom1223> 根本ㄏㄏ
17:49 < barneybook> 尛
17:49 < infax> 科
17:49 < darkgerm> 科科
17:49 < Swl> 科
17:49 -!- hrs_R0 [~hrs@] has joined #coscup
17:49 < rail02000> 科
17:49 -!- Aotoki [caa9ad42@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
17:49 < ReticenceSu> 科科
17:49 < darkx> QB
17:49 < king1223> 顆顆
17:49 < DHXD> QB
17:49 < geekchia> QB
17:49 < Zhusee> QB
17:49 < either> 來寫契約吧XD
17:49 -!- yanyiyi [~nobody@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:49 < darkgerm> QB
17:49 < barneybook> QB?
17:50 < either> DHXD出來面對(?
17:50 < ReticenceSu> 剩多久
17:50 < Zhusee> 跟我簽約 成為 GPL 少女吧
17:50 < barneybook> 簽約吧
17:50 < YChao_> 爽不爽?
17:50 < Negaihoshi> QB 時代
17:50 < DHXD> 我桌上有QB啊(?)
17:50 < in2> QB 這樣不算定型化契約吧 (?)
17:50 < samuelol1lol> how much time left o_O"
17:50 -!- infax [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
17:50 -!- XXX [8c71cb72@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
17:50 < tom1223> 洨圓
17:50 < darkx> in2++
17:50 < GDH> QB簽了就掰掰了
17:50 < geekchia> 給看不懂QB的: 出處"魔法少女小圓"
17:50 < barneybook> 勝一分
17:50 < in2> 可是 QB 這麼可愛 >\\\<
17:50 -!- infax [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
17:50 < GDH> 這已經不是契約了瘩
17:50 < TNTshop> GPL girl ~
17:50 * medicalwei 桌面是 QB
17:50 < lafi> 僕と契約して魔法少女になってよ!!
17:50 -!- mobomoga [] has joined #coscup
17:50 < KiraYao> /人◕‿‿◕人\僕と契約して、魔法少女になってよ!
17:50 < TNTshop> GNU ~
17:51 < KiraYao> /人◕‿‿◕人\ <成為魔法少女 就可以完成任何願望喔!
17:51 -!- yanyiyi [~yan@2001:c08:1:164:cc02:6686:a4ac:3156] has joined #coscup
17:51 -!- OAO [OAO@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:51 < Zhusee> 簽啦簽啦簽啦簽啦簽啦
17:51 < darkx> KiraYao++
17:51 < medicalwei> 跟我簽約成為自由軟體少女吧
17:51 < Francine> 閃光燈XD
17:51 -!- medicalwei is now known as kyubey
17:51 < RyanHo> piratepad!
17:51 -!- RJ_ [2a40417f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
17:51 < barneybook> 快了!!!
17:51 -!- OAO [OAO@] has joined #coscup
17:51 < darkgerm> /人◕‿‿◕人\
17:51 < KiraYao> /人◕‿‿◕人\ <簽吧簽吧簽吧簽吧
17:51 < kiang>
17:51 < jaceju> 會場越來越冷了,明天應該會感冒...
17:51 < darkx> 跟IE簽下契約成為 XSS 少女吧
17:51 < Francine> 30秒!!
17:51 < king1223> /人◕‿‿◕人\
17:51 < TNTshop> RJ_: Hi :D !
17:51 < kyubey> /人◕‿‿◕人\
17:51 < kiang> @jace, 上去講台就熱了 XD
17:51 < GDH> /人◕‿‿◕人\
17:51 < sntc06> 要被拔線了
17:51 < RJ_> Hi
17:51 < samuelol1lol> 15sec.!!!
17:51 < salagadoola> QB是標準的"不爽就不要用"啊
17:51 < ygtw> 13
17:51 < ygtw> 12
17:51 < ygtw> 10
17:51 < Francine> 10秒
17:51 < sntc06> 10
17:51 < tom1223> XD
17:51 < darkx> 10
17:51 < ygtw> 9
17:51 < bluesway> 9
17:51 < infax> 15sec
17:51 < ReticenceSu> 10 9
17:51 < syJheng> 拔拔~
17:52 < ReticenceSu> 5
17:52 < bluesway> 5
17:52 < ReticenceSu> 4
17:52 < KiraYao> /人◕‿‿◕人\:跟我簽約的話,可以多五分鐘歐
17:52 < ReticenceSu> 3
17:52 < ReticenceSu> 2
17:52 < float> 3
17:52 < infax> 5sec
17:52 < bluesway> 2
17:52 < ReticenceSu> 1
17:52 < bluesway> 1
17:52 < ReticenceSu> 0
17:52 < sntc06> 驚險過關
17:52 < bluesway> 厲害!
17:52 < geekchia> pass
17:52 < yanyiyi> 強
17:52 < lunastorm> 水
17:52 < SammyLin> 恭喜過關
17:52 < adaam> 超強
17:52 < darkx> 恭喜
17:52 < syJheng> 猛
17:52 < infax> 剛剛好!
17:52 < freetsubasa> paSS !
17:52 < kiang> 果真是強哥
17:52 < either> 真準XD
17:52 < eefffder> 準
17:52 < bluesway> 可以去參加政見辯論會了
17:52 < ericpi_> 專業!
17:52 < Francine> 強!!!
17:52 < billy3321> 強!!
17:52 < Takeshi> 他有換氣嘛?
17:52 < king1223> PASS
17:52 < l123868> oh
17:52 < ReticenceSu> 剛好
17:52 < GDH> 強哥!強哥!!強哥!!
17:52 < Moonslight> 抓的剛剛好 屌
17:52 < geekchia> ギリギリsafe~~~
17:52 -!- OAO [OAO@] has quit [Client Quit]
17:52 < kyubey> osu (?)
17:52 < abev66> 好準
17:52 -!- cshliu [2a484556@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
17:52 < barneybook> OSU
17:52 < salagadoola> 3 2 1 結束 謝謝大家!
17:52 < Takeshi> 321超強
17:52 < darkgerm> 桌面是osu XDDD
17:52 -!- kyubey is now known as medicalwei
17:52 -!- infax [~androirc@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:52 < kiang> 這個講話速度應該不行 XD
17:52 -!- infax [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
17:53 < SammyLin> 當太空戰士變成太空戰士 還是太空戰士~~
17:53 -!- OAO [OAO@] has joined #coscup
17:53 < YChao_> 中文翻譯的怨念...
17:53 < Moonslight> GG
17:53 < lunastorm> 打預防針
17:53 -!- shadowcrow [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
17:53 < ReticenceSu> 講到哪裡
17:53 < sntc06> 講到哪裡就講到哪裡 QQ
17:53 < DHXD> 總是要有第一次拔插頭的痛(?
17:53 < carlcarl> 0.0a
17:53 < king1223> QQ
17:53 < SammyLin> 通通跳過好了XDD
17:53 < darkx> 科科
17:53 < adaam> 自我介紹就跳過了XDD
17:53 < rail02000> RPM?轉速啊(誤
17:53 < Sorry> 我是第一次來,所以八成會失敗,講到哪裡就哪裡
17:53 -!- geekchia is now known as incubator
17:53 < billy3321> 套件和軟體包的爭議
17:53 < YChao_> 套件 vs. 軟體包?
17:53 < TNTshop> V字龍噎 !!
17:53 < sntc06> 要講翻譯吧
17:53 -!- watsontsai [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
17:53 < narahuang2> 醬油
17:53 -!- yan [~nobody@] has joined #coscup
17:53 < KiraYao> Ran out of SSE, so I go to buy more....
17:53 < king1223> 阿 有蝴蝶
17:53 < DHXD> 梓喵買SSD
17:53 < salagadoola> "固態硬碟用完了 所以我跑去添購" xddd
17:53 < KiraYao> 這哪來的財閥
17:53 -!- OAO [OAO@] has left #coscup []
17:53 < adaam> 固態硬碟用完了!? 感覺好像是一串的
17:53 < KiraYao> 梓喵買SSD
17:53 < in2> 固態硬碟用完了 所以我跑去添購, 這很怪嗎 @@"
17:54 < pioneerlike> 科科
17:54 -!- incubator is now known as geekchia
17:54 < KiraYao> 很財閥XD
17:54 < syJheng> kerker
17:54 < rsghost> hummm
17:54 < Negaihoshi> 這是個梗
17:54 < medicalwei> in2: 對你來說不會 w
17:54 < king1223> 一串常常買硬碟(?
17:54 < DHXD> 有人好清純(掩面)
17:54 < kiang> 這是鋪梗(姑且相信...)
17:54 < tom1223> 蜻蜓
17:54 < Jedi_> in2: 對你來說不會 w
17:54 < freetsubasa> 梓喵買SSD
17:54 < yanyiyi> 剪刀
17:54 < Takeshi> wwwww
17:54 < Jedi_> 梓喵買SSD (Y)
17:54 < cibs> in2: 對你來說不會 w
17:54 < medicalwei> 他的硬碟兩次
17:54 < in2> 啊, 對, 今天要買兩顆 3T 的硬碟都忘了 Orz
17:54 < bluesway> 一般人不會在電腦上裝第二顆固態硬碟啊…
17:54 < king1223> 喔__
17:54 < infax> 叫一車的ssd來用
17:54 < medicalwei> 死兩次
17:54 < ReticenceSu> 一天後
17:54 < GDH> 因為醬油用完了,所以我跑去添購(ry
17:54 < either> 喔Fu__!
17:54 -!- OAO [OAO@] has joined #coscup
17:54 < SammyLin> 我會安裝固態硬碟呀 = =
17:54 -!- yan [~nobody@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:54 < ReticenceSu> oh Fu_
17:54 -!- chihchun_ [] has joined #coscup
17:55 < DHXD> 因為 SSD 塞滿了 O片 所以我跑去添購
17:55 < chihchun_> .....
17:55 < imacat> F*CK
17:55 < kiang> 應該是舉例說明,但是有點分不太出來 XD
17:55 < darkx> 重點是講者自己之前買的那科 SSD 一天就 GG 了
17:55 < billy3321> DHXD: ..
17:55 < rsghost> google 搜尋 買醬油(?)
17:55 < chusiang-> SSD 與外接硬碟的八卦!!?
17:55 < OAO> nchc
17:55 -!- infax [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
17:55 < chihchun_> What's the point?
17:55 < YChao_> 還沒到重點?
17:55 < FredC_> 他又想提起『軟體包裹』和軟體倉庫嗎...
17:55 < syJheng> darkx: XDD
17:55 < king1223> rsghost++
17:55 < kiang> 感覺重點還沒出現 XD
17:55 < ReticenceSu> oh friendly 友善地
17:55 < billy3321> DHXD: 這樣硬碟掛了就沒有謎片看了....風險好高(?)
17:55 < YChao_> FredC_ ++
17:55 < KiraYao> 硬兔請搜尋梓喵買醬油
17:55 -!- infax [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
17:55 < kiang> 剩下 2 分鐘
17:55 < medicalwei> FredC_: 其實是…
17:55 < imacat> FredC_: 應該是來婊人的
17:55 < legnaleurc> 生硬
17:55 < Moonslight> 因為我能實況 所以不用添購.......
17:55 < geekchia> 喔__!
17:55 < sakana> FredC_ ++
17:55 < YChao_> 來了~~
17:55 < imacat> FredC_: 你知道他想婊誰
17:55 -!- Guest95564 [~AndChat54@] has joined #coscup
17:55 < yanyiyi>
17:55 < KiraYao> .......................................
17:56 < yanyiyi> 套件....哪招
17:56 < imacat> 開始了
17:56 < chihchun_> 來婊人的
17:56 < billy3321> FredC_: YES
17:56 < ReticenceSu> friendly
17:56 < darkx> wwww
17:56 < Zhusee> 戰套件
17:56 < imacat> F*CK
17:56 < GDH> 套件?
17:56 < kiang> 婊誰?
17:56 -!- weijr [~AndChat56@] has joined #coscup
17:56 < FredC_> imacat, 婊誰...
17:56 < carlcarl> 要戰了嗎
17:56 < KiraYao> 套件比較專業XD
17:56 < Guest95564> 哈哈
17:56 < chusiang-> SSD 與外接硬碟盒的八卦!!?
17:56 < sntc06> 要戰了
17:56 < salagadoola> "套件"感覺比較專業
17:56 < DHXD> billy3321: 我們可以走雲ㄉㄨ(ry
17:56 < Moonslight> 拔拔拔拔拔 ~
17:56 < YChao_> 看來怨念超深
17:56 -!- hliu [~hliu@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
17:56 < infax> 這是:…
17:56 < kiang> -.-|| 應該不會是來婊翻譯的吧? XD
17:56 < yanyiyi> 雲端套件(疑
17:56 < billy3321> DHXD: 希望當初李宗瑞知道雲端(?)
17:56 < YChao_> 剩一分鐘
17:56 < DHXD> 喔_ 1分鐘
17:56 < either> 會議廳不能吃雞排zz
17:56 -!- watsontsai [~watsontsa@2001:c08:1:164:66a7:69ff:fe9a:40f1] has joined #coscup
17:56 < chihchun_> ....
17:56 < GDH> 怨念超深的感覺
17:56 < samuelol1lol> bu ~~~~
17:56 < DHXD> billy3321: wwwwww
17:56 < barneybook> 一分鐘
17:56 < GDH> 哪裡好看!!!! ˇˊ
17:56 < ReticenceSu> 倒數囉
17:56 < kiang> 天啊 XD
17:56 < FredC_> ="=
17:56 < DHXD> 喔_ 要講完了
17:56 < sntc06> 超戰的
17:57 < kiang> 這個人到底要講什麼 XD
17:57 < rsghost> HITCON梗
17:57 < KiraYao> 最真正的加?
17:57 < GDH> 有史以來XD
17:57 < OAO> 聚乳酸!!!
17:57 < SammyLin> 居然講完了???
17:57 < yanyiyi> @@
17:57 < adaam> 所以重點在??
17:57 < imacat> 婊了
17:57 < SammyLin> 重點在套件~
17:57 < bluesway> 突然就結束了…
17:57 < either> 聚乳酸!
17:57 < DHXD> 聚乳酸耶XDDD
17:57 < KiraYao> 聽完其實不知道在幹嘛
17:57 -!- hliu [] has joined #coscup
17:57 < lunastorm> 套件
17:57 < GDH> 結束了
17:57 < kiang> 天啊~~~
17:57 < barneybook> 重點是?????
17:57 < DHXD> 結果這重點是QQ?
17:57 < darkx> 婊了XD
17:57 < freetsubasa> 聚乳酸 !!!
17:57 < TNTshop> SSD is break.
17:57 < ReticenceSu> 怎麼就結束了
17:57 -!- dictcp [~yaaic@] has joined #coscup
17:57 < ReticenceSu> 呵呵呵
17:57 < GDH> 戰套件吧?
17:57 < l123868> 聚乳酸XD“~
17:57 < OAO> 巨乳酸>////////////////////////////<!!!
17:57 < chihchun_> 沒 background 跟本不懂
17:57 < imacat> 婊完了
17:57 < Guest95564> ㄜ
17:57 < Moonslight> 重點勒?? 希望金士頓能換一個好的給他??
17:57 < medicalwei> 其實跟「套件」有關系
17:57 < TNTshop> so... 上來 talk talk XD'
17:57 < DHXD> 於是結論:請買我的SSD添購本
17:57 < billy3321> 我不知道什麼是軟體包,不過這邊有懶人包
17:57 -!- Guest95564 [~AndChat54@] has quit [Client Quit]
17:57 < carlcarl> =.=
17:57 < YChao_> 戰套件失敗?
17:57 < rsghost> 史上最大的巨乳酸
17:57 < billy3321>
17:57 < in2> 重點是 固態硬碟用完了 所以跑去添購?
17:57 < KiraYao> 重點是:"梓喵買醬油"
17:57 < bluesway> 所以Final Fantacsy為什麼要變成太空戰士
17:57 < FredC_> 重點在他想要把 Debian 裡的『套件』兩個字改成包裹
17:57 < adaam> 阿!開始囉?
17:57 < medicalwei> 但是真的沒 background 真的聽不懂
17:57 < SammyLin> 復胖
17:57 < l123868> (看來聚乳酸親友團很大耶
17:57 < infax> 可能今天不會有人被拔嗎?
17:57 < sntc06> 重點是ssd壞了
17:58 < samuelol1lol> 可以給懶人包嗎??
17:58 < tC_> 講者手上拿wii 搖桿?
17:58 < GDH> 復胖 哭哭
17:58 < KiraYao> vu0 ru,6xjp4
17:58 < chihchun_> 來自爽公開打手槍的
17:58 < adaam> 我先講結論XDD
17:58 < greener> @@
17:58 < l123868> 結論先來XD”~
17:58 < samuelol1lol> 有「套件」懶人包嗎?
17:58 < KiraYao> 先結論,要推一個新的conference
17:58 < either> 怕拔線先講結論XD
17:58 < tnth> 偷宅色夫的梗
17:58 < YChao_> 怕被拔線,先講結論
17:58 < imacat> medicalwei: 我不知道他真的上來婊了,而且他可能以為當事人不知道他想幹嘛
17:58 < rail02000> 我怕待會被拔線,所以先講結論XDDD
17:58 < billy3321> samuelol1lol:
17:58 < medicalwei> phpConf!
17:58 < KiraYao> 一位難求XD
17:58 < barneybook> PHPconf
17:58 < carlcarl> wow
17:58 < samuelol1lol> billy3321: ty
17:58 < kiang> no, it's not phpconf ;)
17:58 < GDH> 坐地板是基本盤!!
17:58 -!- Tjwei [~AndChat56@] has joined #coscup
17:58 < YChao_> imacat: 應該只有當事人知道他想幹吧?
17:58 < kiang> it's webconf
17:58 < OAO> web相關
17:58 < KiraYao> Web相關的conf...
17:58 < adaam> 他手上是拿Wii control 當簡報控制器嗎??
17:58 < JalenLin> 右邊第三排有位置
17:58 < lunastorm> 不純
17:58 < medicalwei> YChao_: 只有知道的人知道…
17:58 < legnaleurc> 不知道之前爭議的真的聽不懂在講啥
17:59 < KiraYao> I write Code
17:59 < samuelol1lol> 17:58 < YChao_> 怕被拔線,先講結論
17:59 < samuelol1lol> 17:58 < imacat> medicalwei: 我不知道他真的上來婊了,而且他可能以為當事人不知道他想幹嘛
17:59 < grassboy> (探頭) 要偷偷廣告JSDC2013了嗎XD
17:59 < watsontsai> 他應想改套件翻譯
17:59 < sntc06> 說到這個 中研院的網路連不到 plurk... 有人也是這樣嗎?
17:59 < darkx> XDDDDDDDDDD
17:59 < SammyLin> 我需要正妹~
17:59 -!- weijr [~AndChat56@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
17:59 < kiang> phpconf 趁機再宣傳一下
17:59 < adaam> 可以用
17:59 < Negaihoshi> 等等接駁車是到捷運站嗎?OAO
17:59 < either> I need a designer!
17:59 < medicalwei> 不知道之前在鬧什麼的真的不知道。
17:59 < DHXD> 所以只是要婊人的 Lightning Show?
17:59 < KiraYao> I'm a designer.
17:59 < grassboy> plurk我這邊正常
17:59 < adaam> 手上真的是Wii Controler耶!
17:59 < YChao_> samuelol1lol: 了
17:59 < KiraYao> 所以我們聽了五分鐘,就看他表人?
17:59 -!- Alisha [72262a7b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
17:59 < KiraYao> lol
17:59 -!- OAO [OAO@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:59 < DHXD> Wiiiiiiiiiiiii
17:59 -!- AndroUser2 [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
17:59 -!- OAO [OAO@] has joined #coscup
17:59 -!- BardicheZ__ [~Kevin@] has joined #coscup
17:59 < ygtw> 毫無衝突的角色圖
17:59 < infax> i need a boss!!!!
17:59 < KiraYao> LoL
18:00 -!- infax [~androirc@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
18:00 < jeffhung> Hulk 的角色是什麼?
18:00 < KiraYao> 我要打十個XD
18:00 < JalenLin> 功夫!
18:00 < freetsubasa> lol
18:00 < imacat> XD
18:00 -!- infax [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
18:00 < SammyLin> 那 丁丁是?
18:00 < ReticenceSu> XD
18:00 < sntc06> 復胖者聯盟
18:00 < OAO> 丁丁是個人才
18:00 < legnaleurc> 徵人啦~
18:00 < float> plurk 應該是 ip 都相同的問題用個跳板吧
18:00 < darkx> D3
18:00 < grassboy> 驚!過年前耶…
18:00 < YChao_> 怎麼畫面有抖動?
18:00 < DHXD> D3 XD
18:00 -!- dar [] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -]
18:00 -!- rocfatcat_NB [~lenny@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
18:00 < hlb> 人才
18:00 < legnaleurc> startup weekend?
18:00 < watsontsai> 人才?
18:00 < YChao_> 字超斗
18:00 -!- king1223_ [~aaa@] has joined #coscup
18:00 < legnaleurc> 好像 startup weekend 之類的東西
18:01 -!- king1223 [~aaa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
18:01 < sntc06> 台灣不缺人才 缺的是(insert brain here)
18:01 -!- AndChat|355284 [~Denir@] has joined #coscup
18:01 < kiang> 基本上還是技術,但是會拓展到美術設計的領域
18:01 < l123868> 後面還好
18:01 < geekchia> nyannyannyannyan
18:01 < grassboy> 這個好像滿酷的!
18:01 < darkx> nyan cat
18:01 < medicalwei> 喵(?)
18:01 < hlb> 說到人才,有f2e要換工作嗎
18:01 < kiang> 以 web 為主體的 conference
18:01 < salagadoola> 華山論劍 華山不賣劍
18:01 < grassboy> 真的開了我會去!!
18:01 < SammyLin> 所以沒有keynote??
18:01 < YChao_> nyan ^n
18:01 < grassboy> XD
18:01 < DHXD> Slaves XDDDD
18:01 < Francine> 只要有綁馬尾的妹,就是正妹
18:01 < JalenLin>
18:01 < kiang>
18:01 < carlcarl> 好像不錯
18:01 < FredC_> 好多 conf
18:01 -!- Jeely [] has quit [Quit: Jeely]
18:01 < KiraYao> PHPconf RubyConf
18:01 < billy3321> @_@
18:01 < kiang>
18:02 < medicalwei> 嚇死人
18:02 < jeffhung> 10/2 還有 Hadoop in Taiwan 喔。^o^y
18:02 < superbil> 原來有這麼多 conf
18:02 < billy3321> PyCOF出來面對
18:02 < king1223_> RubyConf!!
18:02 < Francine> PCT上去站台的?
18:02 < OAO> 吃飽了
18:02 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
18:02 -!- BardicheZ__ is now known as BardicheZ_
18:02 < Moonslight> 中肯
18:02 < DHXD> 我還很餓QQ
18:02 < KiraYao> 都不用買衣服也不用買便當
18:02 < darkx> cclien 中肯
18:02 < lunastorm> Hadoooooop in TW
18:02 < KiraYao> GaiaSup
18:02 < salagadoola> 整年參加conference就好了 不用買衣服 也不用買便當wwww
18:02 < either> 整年參加conf就飽了...
18:02 < syJheng> 都不用買衣服也不用買便當XDDDD
18:02 < SammyLin> 便當不是conf 會準嗎? 來這邊吃就好了
18:02 < kuyuhisepa126> BlueT!
18:02 < darkx> 黑T!!!!
18:02 < adaam> 整年參加confrernce就飽了XD
18:02 < ygtw> XDDD
18:02 < SammyLin> 會準備
18:02 < ericpi_> MOPCON @ Kaohsiung => 10/27~28
18:02 < in2> 所以... 是免費的嗎? *誤*
18:02 < darkgerm> 1/12 豈不是期末 QQ
18:02 < kiang> 應該不是免費的 XD
18:02 -!- AndChat|355284 [~Denir@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
18:02 < infax> 中肯
18:02 < either> 不要太操這邊網路XD
18:02 < adaam> 上次用google doc簡報發生慘劇XDD
18:02 < KiraYao> 再次挑戰 GoogleDoc
18:02 < TNTshop> BlueT :O~!
18:02 < legnaleurc> Google Doc XD
18:02 <@bobchao> 「驚死人,這麼多 conf。阿光參加這些 conf 就飽了啊,都不用買衣服也不用買便當」
18:03 < ReticenceSu> WTF
18:03 -!- infax [~androirc@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
18:03 < YChao_> 小三服務!
18:03 < medicalwei> 這應該是第三次 OwO
18:03 < DHXD> D3再現
18:03 -!- weijr [~AndChat56@] has joined #coscup
18:03 < legnaleurc> 這好像看過?
18:03 < king1223_> 小三XD
18:03 < carlcarl> legnaleurc: ++
18:03 < darkx> 的確是看過XD
18:03 < tnth> 疑似OSDC講過?
18:03 < darkx> Y
18:03 < salagadoola> 看到一個長鬍子怪怪的怪人
18:03 < BardicheZ_> OSDC JSDC都有?
18:04 < medicalwei> OSDC, JSConf
18:04 < kiang>
18:04 < GDH> 長鬍子叔叔?
18:04 < jeffhung> y 軸不見了
18:04 < DHXD> 糟糕我現在莫名神餓 lol
18:04 -!- brucehsu [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
18:04 < GDH> 所以這個閃電秀是小三服務嗎XDDD
18:04 < OAO> 自爆!!!
18:04 -!- LHD [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
18:04 < kuyuhisepa126> 自爆= =
18:04 -!- Tjwei [~AndChat56@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
18:04 -!- weijr [~AndChat56@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
18:04 -!- infax [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
18:04 < kuyuhisepa126> DMO!
18:04 < kuyuhisepa126> DEMO
18:04 < Takeshi> 有demo耶
18:04 < JalenLin> Live Demo
18:04 -!- AndChat|355284 [~Denir@] has joined #coscup
18:04 < DHXD> Live demo
18:05 < freetsubasa> demo1
18:05 < GDH> DEMO!!!
18:05 < darkx> Never live demo
18:05 < l123868> demo
18:05 < salagadoola> 大家都說不要live demo 可是我們現在還是要試試看
18:05 < watsontsai> Nice
18:05 < freetsubasa> 有勇氣!
18:05 < darkx> redT XDDDDDD
18:05 < kiang>
18:05 -!- RickZhang [~AndChat61@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
18:05 < YChao_> 炸了?
18:05 < DHXD> 究竟會不會拔到插頭呢
18:05 < either> 1min
18:05 < kinabcd> demo~
18:05 < DHXD> 1min
18:05 < salagadoola> 我也不知道這東西要講什麼
18:05 < JalenLin> 反正他可以動就對了
18:05 < Francine> ?
18:05 < darkgerm> It's works
18:05 < syJheng> @@?
18:05 < Moonslight> ??
18:05 < DHXD> OAO
18:05 < ReticenceSu> W
18:05 < kuyuhisepa126> ....?
18:05 < carlcarl> ?
18:05 < GDH> 沒了?!?!?!?!
18:05 < geekchia> ?\
18:05 < billy3321> @@
18:05 < pioneerlike> ????
18:05 < SammyLin> 啥
18:05 < KiraYao> Done.
18:06 < ReticenceSu> 結束了
18:06 < king1223_> ??
18:06 < adaam> 功能是啥@@
18:06 < poao> ?
18:06 < GDH> 蛤?
18:06 < sntc06> It works
18:06 < either> 一頭霧水@@
18:06 < watsontsai> so??
18:06 < Moonslight> 蛤??
18:06 < SammyLin> 重點是 小三
18:06 < eefffder> ??"
18:06 < jeffhung> lightning talk driven development
18:06 < YChao_> 安內?
18:06 < l123868> =口=?
18:06 < DHXD> What just happened?
18:06 < barneybook> 重點?
18:06 < shadowcrow> 橘子
18:06 -!- SammyLin [~sammylin@2001:c08:1:164:c75:2896:9d09:1705] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
18:06 < bluesway> cclien 是在罵髒話嗎
18:06 < TNTshop> !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
18:06 < rail02000> It works ww
18:06 < darkx> It works
18:06 -!- shiami [~androirc@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
18:06 -!- privism [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
18:06 < kuyuhisepa126> OTZ
18:06 < YChao_> 結束了!!
18:06 < either> 結束了QQ
18:06 -!- Doremi [6f51d89a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
18:06 < Francine> 真的會動就好了……
18:06 -!- GCC [~nightmare@] has quit []
18:06 < legnaleurc> 81 啦
18:06 < GDH> 還沒講完吧
18:06 < lafi> It works!!!
18:06 -!- AndroUser2 [~androirc@] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )]
18:06 < GDH> 是BOB!!是BOB!!
18:06 -!- kito [~kito@] has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!]
18:06 < TNTshop> 餓了
18:06 -!- coldsleep [~coldsleep@2001:c08:1:164:582e:30c0:e92e:23ff] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
18:06 < OAO> 黑色外套
18:06 < KiraYao> 來偷跑了....酸
18:06 -!- KiraYao [~elegant_p@] has left #coscup []
18:06 -!- Alen [~Alen@] has quit [Quit: Hard work pays off in the future, laziness pays off now]
18:06 < rail02000> 我也餓了QQ
18:06 < GDH> [BOB後援會] BOB!!BOB!!
18:06 < Francine> 餓~~~
18:06 -!- RuinlandMe [~RuinlandI@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
18:06 -!- Moonslight [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
18:06 -!- privism [~is87083@] has joined #coscup
18:06 < TNTshop> too many Quit message :O
18:06 < OAO> 是鐵路兩千!
18:06 < yanyiyi> bob!!!!
18:06 < king1223_> 好餓XD
18:07 -!- mobomoga [] has quit [Quit: Bye]
18:07 < darkgerm> 我文法打錯了 orz
18:07 -!- dictcp [~yaaic@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
18:07 < tom1223> Bob也要閃電秀
18:07 -!- BeataLin [~BeataLin@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
18:07 < TNTshop> 好餓
18:07 < in2> 午餐沒吃飽嗎 XD
18:07 -!- howardsun [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 13.0/20120601045813]]
18:07 -!- tom1223 [~tom1223@2001:c08:1:164:e138:63c3:d566:2580] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
18:07 < jack> 聲 音 太小
18:07 -!- fcrh [] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
18:07 < YChao_> bob無力感?
18:07 < jack> 聲音太小~~
18:07 -!- Jimmytp_ [2a4b2330@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
18:07 < ReticenceSu> 吃不飽!!!
18:07 < Francine> 結果我真的只用掉一張名片 >"<
18:07 -!- mobomoga [] has joined #coscup
18:07 < TNTshop> bob 餓了
18:07 < kiang> bob 也餓了
18:07 < either> 我一張都沒用QAQ
18:08 < salagadoola> 又再一次完成了千人研討會!
18:08 < OAO> 千人研討會!!!
18:08 < YChao_> 千人研討會
18:08 < DHXD> yoooooooooo
18:08 < carlcarl> XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
18:08 < adaam> 女生變多了!!
18:08 < littleq> 真的
18:08 < darkx> >//////////////<
18:08 -!- killtw [caa9ad53@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
18:08 -!- mobomoga [] has quit [Client Quit]
18:08 < YChao_> 今年的女生變多了
18:08 < TNTshop> Francine: for me once =]
18:08 < syJheng> 情侶檔Q_Q
18:08 < DHXD> 情侶檔QQ
18:08 < ReticenceSu> 女生變多了
18:08 < lunastorm> 下個目標:千妹研討會
18:08 < either> 女生變多是哪招XD
18:08 -!- mobomoga [] has joined #coscup
18:08 < l123868> XD“~
18:08 < YChao_> ... 雖然都是情侶檔
18:08 < Francine> ??
18:08 -!- Doremi [2a49a229@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #coscup
18:08 < GDH> 女生變多了!! 可惜死會的也很多
18:08 < jeffhung> 再過幾年媽就變多了?!
18:08 -!- mobomoga [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
18:08 < in2> 女生變多好呀 ^^Y
18:08 < watsontsai> 都死會......
18:08 < DHXD> 千妹研討會XDDD
18:08 < either> lunastorm ++
18:08 < tnth> 神螢幕上那個妹
18:08 < Sorry> WOSCUP
18:08 < Wildchild> 圖~
18:08 < Francine> 我一個人來的……Q_Q
18:08 -!- Jimmytp [2a4b2330@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
18:08 < darkx> 說好的 呢 QAQ
18:08 < Jedi_> 今年真的女生變多了
18:08 -!- mobomoga [] has joined #coscup
18:09 < cibs> cc 好帥
18:09 < Jedi_> 牽手或抱在一起的也變多了,是好事 :D
18:09 < chihchun_> 很空虛
18:09 < Francine> 空虛+1
18:09 -!- AndChat|355284 [~Denir@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
18:09 < DHXD> 空虛+1 雖然看得到人(?)
18:09 < Francine> 昨天我旁邊就是情侶= ="
18:09 < syJheng> >///<
18:09 -!- jaceju [~jaceju@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
18:09 < geekchia> 出雙入對的變多了, 接下來再過幾年... 親子研討會?
18:09 < OAO> 小綠綠(?)
18:09 < littleq> 神綠色衣服妹
18:09 < Francine> 而且左右各一對…(翻桌)
18:09 -!- df1 [~df1@2001:c08:1:164:f038:7ab5:8571:7fde] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
18:09 -!- kakashi [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
18:09 < Negaihoshi> 帶女朋友參加coscup!!!!>////<
18:09 -!- VoidChen [~VoidChen@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
18:09 < GDH> 正妹變多了 可惜都不是我的 QQ
18:10 -!- JoyCC [~AndChat62@2001:c08:1:164:f891:d4ea:6222:f376] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
18:10 -!- JoyCC2 [~AndChat62@2001:c08:1:164:f891:d4ea:6222:f376] has joined #coscup
18:10 -!- VoidChen [~VoidChen@] has joined #coscup
18:10 < barneybook> 退學好
18:10 < ReticenceSu> 退學宣言
18:10 -!- liic [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
18:10 -!- RyanHo [~ryan@] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
18:10 < FredC_> XD
18:10 < ReticenceSu> XD
18:10 -!- nli` [~Linear@] has quit [Quit: nli`]
18:10 < darkx> jserv XD
18:11 < king1223_> XD
18:11 < kiang> jserv ~ jserv ~ jserv ~ jserv ~ jserv ~ jserv ~ jserv ~ jserv ~ jserv ~ jserv ~ jserv ~ jserv ~
18:11 -!- yanyiyi [~yan@2001:c08:1:164:cc02:6686:a4ac:3156] has quit [Quit: yanyiyi]
18:11 < freetsubasa> XDD
18:11 < either> LINKER XD
18:11 < GDH> XDDDDD
18:11 * mrmoneyc 被拖上台的 哭哭
18:11 < gundam500> XD
18:11 < DHXD> Jserv~
18:11 < Takeshi> XD
18:11 -!- AndroUser2 [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
18:11 -!- shadowcrow [~androirc@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
18:11 -!- privism [~is87083@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
18:11 -!- liic [] has joined #coscup
18:11 -!- shadowcrow [~androirc@] has joined #coscup
18:11 < littleq> 我愛廣達,我喝了好多可樂~
18:11 < lunastorm> 可樂++
18:11 < barneybook> 我沒喝到可樂
18:11 < GDH> 廣達今年 讚(姆指
18:11 < carlcarl> 可樂++
18:11 < lunastorm> 雖然平常喝很多
18:11 < ReticenceSu> 我一罐都沒喝到
18:11 -!- LHD [~lhd@] has joined #coscup
18:11 < adaam> mrmoneyc: 後來到底要幹麼XD
18:12 -!- coscup [~lis186@2001:c08:1:164:f562:c56c:7878:7280] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
18:12 < littleq> 廣達明年再來吧
18:12 -!- infax [~androirc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
18:12 < Jedi_> 我只有喝整桶的那種
18:12 -!- either [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
18:12 < darkx> c-g c-g c-g
18:12 < geekchia> 可樂...嗝
18:12 -!- sonyu [~sonyu@2001:c08:1:164:c897:b871:bff7:d680] has quit [Quit: sonyu]
18:12 < l123868> XD”|||
18:12 -!- Zhusee [] has quit [Quit: Zhusee]
18:12 < DHXD> 塊陶~
18:12 < sntc06> 可樂好棒!
18:12 -!- rail02000 [~quassel@] has left #coscup [" - Chat comfortably. Anywhere."]
18:12 -!- yade [~yade@2001:c08:1:164:762f:68ff:fee4:3596] has left #coscup []
18:12 -!- swaywang [~mac@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
18:12 < shtzeng> 塊陶阿~
18:12 -!- Wildchild [8c6d7ff1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
18:12 -!- ccc-larc [] has quit [Quit: ccc-larc]
18:12 < l123868> 錄影QQ
18:12 < salagadoola> 錄影檔!!
18:12 < mrmoneyc> adaam: 其實是用 GaiaSup 來做座位表,但不限於會場內的座位定位
18:12 < barneybook> slide哩?
18:12 -!- jack [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
18:12 < l123868> 對對對!
18:12 < TNTshop> 什麼的 tag ?
18:12 < darkx> pcman VS jserv
18:12 < Francine> 真的!!!
18:12 < GDH> 太好了!!!
18:12 -!- BardicheZ_ [~Kevin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
18:12 < GDH> 有錄影檔!!!!
18:12 -!- shume [caa9ac7a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
18:12 -!- privism [] has joined #coscup
18:12 < Francine> 特權!!!
18:13 < in2> 太糟了 = =!
18:13 -!- Takeshi [~Takeshi@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
18:13 < Jedi_> 我要看 jserv 的錄影檔~
18:13 < darkx> 女生的比例wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
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18:13 < ReticenceSu> XDDDD
18:13 < ygtw> 太糟糕了XDDDD
18:13 < RJ_> 都是妹...= =
18:13 < kiang> Bob 實在太可惡了
18:13 < Francine> 總召這樣不行!!!
18:13 -!- peterlee [2a49ee6a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed]
18:13 < GDH> BOB的特權嗎XD
18:13 * in2 沒認識新的人 QQ
18:13 < ReticenceSu> XD
18:13 < TNTshop> 總召 !!!!!
18:13 -!- u10313335 [~u10313335@] has joined #coscup
18:13 < barneybook> 今年超低調!!沒認識+
18:13 < Francine> 工作人員記得幫忙處罰總召!!
18:13 -!- carlcarl [~carlcarl@] has quit [Quit: leaving]
18:14 < sntc06> 總招自肥
18:14 < Francine> 我也沒認識新的
18:14 < Sorry> COS48 + CUP48(誤)
18:14 -!- RIH [~ruby_hung@] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
18:14 -!- RIH_ [~Adium@2001:c08:1:164:d5b9:749a:9433:e968] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
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18:14 < OAO> 萬紅叢中一點綠(?)
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18:14 < kuyuhisepa126> 我要拍MOSKY(喂!
18:14 < tnth> 前面的米黃制服妹是?
18:14 < OAO> 阿下去!!!
18:14 < Francine> 穿短裙的站前面
18:14 < darkx> 建中
18:14 < kiang> 那個建中的超爽感覺
18:14 < Francine> 穿短裙的要站前面啊~~~~~
18:14 < lunastorm> 爽
18:14 < king1223_> XD
18:14 < darkx> 建中同學:潮爽ㄉ~
18:14 -!- linroex [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
18:14 < syJheng> 米黃是景美吧(?
18:15 < in2> 太色了 XD # 18:14 < Francine> 穿短裙的要站前面啊~~~~~
18:15 -!- VoidChen [~VoidChen@] has joined #coscup
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18:15 < bluesway> 建中北一的比例是依照現場男女比例嗎
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18:15 < GDH> 是景美
18:15 < ReticenceSu> 景美是全黃的
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18:15 < barneybook> 有看IRC掌聲吧
18:15 < DHXD> 建電只有一個QQ
18:15 < barneybook> 有看IRC掌聲吧
18:15 < barneybook> 有看IRC掌聲吧
18:15 < barneybook> 有看IRC掌聲吧
18:15 -!- Vdragon [Vdragon@] has quit []
18:15 < barneybook> 有看IRC掌聲吧
18:15 < GDH> YA
18:15 -!- Francine [] has quit []
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18:15 < sntc06> 攝影組QQ
18:15 < GDH> 黃色是景美!!!
18:15 < ReticenceSu> 該離開了
18:15 -!- narahuang2 [~nara@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
18:16 < stevennick> Bye~
18:16 < DHXD> See you next year!
18:16 -!- ReticenceSu [~Reticence@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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18:16 < bluesway> 快陶啊 門口要塞住了
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18:16 < barneybook> 大家掰!!!!
18:16 < lunastorm> bye
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18:16 < GDH> 快逃啊!!!!!!
18:16 -!- lunastorm [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
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18:16 < shtzeng> 塊陶阿~~~
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18:16 < salagadoola> "在我把server關掉之前 你只剩下5分鐘可以上網"
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18:17 < dar> 拍拍
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19:44 < littlebtc> (棍我忘記 irssi 怎麼用了)
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