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Created October 19, 2018 13:06
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VBA code to check if an IBAN bank account number is valid or not
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Const IbanCountryLengths As String = "AL28AD24AT20AZ28BH22BE16BA20BR29BG22CR21HR21CY28CZ24DK18DO28EE20FO18" & _
"FI18FR27GE22DE22GI23GR27GL18GT28HU28IS26IE22IL23IT27KZ20KW30LV21LB28" & _
"LI21LT20LU20MK19MT31MR27MU30MC27MD24ME22NL18NO15PK24PS29PL28PT25RO24" & _
Private Function ValidIbanCountryLength(CountryCode As String, IbanLength As Integer) As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To Len(IbanCountryLengths) / 4 - 1
If Mid(IbanCountryLengths, i * 4 + 1, 2) = CountryCode And _
CInt(Mid(IbanCountryLengths, i * 4 + 3, 2)) = IbanLength Then
ValidIbanCountryLength = True
Exit Function
End If
Next i
ValidIbanCountryLength = False
End Function
Private Function Mod97(Num As String) As Integer
Dim lngTemp As Long
Dim strTemp As String
Do While Val(Num) >= 97
If Len(Num) > 5 Then
strTemp = Left(Num, 5)
Num = Right(Num, Len(Num) - 5)
strTemp = Num
Num = ""
End If
lngTemp = CLng(strTemp)
lngTemp = lngTemp Mod 97
strTemp = CStr(lngTemp)
Num = strTemp & Num
Mod97 = CInt(Num)
End Function
Public Function ValidIban(IBAN As String) As Boolean
Dim strIban As String
Dim i As Integer
strIban = UCase(IBAN)
' Remove spaces
strIban = Replace(strIban, " ", "")
' Check if IBAN contains only uppercase characters and numbers
For i = 1 To Len(strIban)
If Not ((Asc(Mid(strIban, i, 1)) <= Asc("9") And Asc(Mid(strIban, i, 1)) >= Asc("0")) Or _
(Asc(Mid(strIban, i, 1)) <= Asc("Z") And Asc(Mid(strIban, i, 1)) >= Asc("A"))) Then
ValidIban = False
Exit Function
End If
Next i
' Check if length of IBAN equals expected length for country
If Not ValidIbanCountryLength(Left(strIban, 2), Len(strIban)) Then
ValidIban = False
Exit Function
End If
' Rearrange
strIban = Right(strIban, Len(strIban) - 4) & Left(strIban, 4)
' Replace characters
For i = 0 To 25
strIban = Replace(strIban, Chr(i + Asc("A")), i + 10)
Next i
' Check remainder
ValidIban = Mod97(strIban) = 1
End Function
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