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Andrew Gaerig agaerig

  • Pitchfork
  • Chicago, IL
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("NICE Ltd" OR "NICE Ltd." OR "NICE Ltd's" OR "NICE Ltd’s" OR "NICE Ltd.'s" OR "NICE Ltd.’s" OR "NICE Systems" OR "NICE System Ltd." OR "NICE System Ltd" OR "NICE Actimize" OR "inContact" OR "NICE inContact*" OR "inContact's" OR "inContact’s"OR "NICE Enterprise Product" OR "NICE Systems" OR "Mindtouch" OR "Contact Engine" OR "Guardian Analytics")
(matchcase:NICE OR matchcase:Nice OR "NICE's" OR "NICE’s")
("Barry Cooper" OR "Craig Costigan" OR "John O'Hara" OR "Chris Wooten" OR "Barak Eilam" OR "Barak Eilam's" OR "Barak Eilam’s" OR "Einat Weiss" OR "Paul Jarman" OR "Paul Jarman's" OR "Paul Jarman’s")
((matchcase:NICE OR matchcase:Nice)
agaerig / nice-boolean.txt
Created May 8, 2023 17:41
NICE Boolean Query
("NICE Ltd" OR "NICE Ltd." OR "NICE Ltd's" OR "NICE Ltd’s" OR "NICE Ltd.'s" OR "NICE Ltd.’s" OR "NICE Systems" OR "NICE System Ltd." OR "NICE System Ltd" OR "NICE Actimize" OR "inContact" OR "NICE inContact*" OR "inContact's" OR "inContact’s"OR "NICE Enterprise Product" OR "NICE Systems" OR "Mindtouch" OR "Contact Engine" OR "Guardian Analytics")
("NICE" OR "NICE's" OR "NICE’s")
("Barry Cooper" OR "Craig Costigan" OR "John O'Hara" OR "Chris Wooten" OR "Barak Eilam" OR "Barak Eilam's" OR "Barak Eilam’s" OR "Einat Weiss" OR "Paul Jarman" OR "Paul Jarman's" OR "Paul Jarman’s")
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newsletterList: [
name: 'Recipe of the Day',
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slug: 'daily',
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buttonLabel: 'Sign Up Now',
'Daily recipes, articles, tips, and so much more, right in your inbox.',
dangerousHed: 'Recipe of the Day',
newsletterList: [
name: 'GQ Daily',
newsletterId: 32,
slug: 'daily',
subscribe: {
buttonLabel: 'Sign Up Now',
'Up-to-the second style reporting and menswear guides; health, relationship, and kicking-ass-at-life advice; news-making celebrity profiles; and exclusive daily deals just for subscribers.',
dangerousHed: 'The very best of GQ, daily.',
agaerig / newsletterListEpi.js
Created September 10, 2019 15:40
Epicurious newsletterList
newsletterList: [
name: '#cook90',
newsletterId: 248789,
slug: 'cook90',
subscribe: {
buttonLabel: 'Sign Up Now',
'The #cook90 challenge is simple: cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner, every day, for an entire month. You can do it. No, really—you can. And we'll help by sending recipes, tips, and videos to your inbox.',
dangerousHed: '#cook90',
newsletterList: [
name: 'Hot Links from Pitchfork',
newsletterId: 248912,
slug: 'hot-links',
subscribe: {
buttonLabel: 'Sign Up',
'A weekly roundup of the most important stories in music, and a listening guide every Friday',
dangerousHed: 'Hot Links from Pitchfork'
name: 'Movie Club',
newsletterId: 248895,
slug: 'movie-club',
subscribe: {
buttonLabel: 'Sign up',
'Reviews of the current cinema, every Friday.',
dangerousHed: 'The New Yorker Movie Club'
newsletterList: [
name: 'HWD',
newsletterId: 248786,
slug: 'hwd',
subscribe: {
buttonLabel: 'Sign Up',
'Essential industry and award news.',
dangerousHed: 'HWD'