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VHDL code:
library IEEE;
-- Uncomment the following lines to use the declarations that are
-- provided for instantiating Xilinx primitive components.
#define MAX 6
typedef struct stack
int data[MAX];
int top;
void init(stack *);
int empty(stack *);
/* Program details:
Various operations like read,insert,delete,print,sort,modify for student database
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct student
{ int rollno;
Port1 pins P1.24 to P1.31 and the these pins are configured as General Purpose output pins.
#include<lpc2148.H> //LPC2148 Header
void delay()
for(int i=0x00;i<=0xff;i++)
for(int j=0x00;j<=0xFf;j++) ; // Delay program
void main()
PINSEL2 = 0X00000000; // Set P1.24 TO P1.31 as GPIO
struct fh
unsigned int bftype;
unsigned long bfsize;
unsigned int bfreserved1;
void plot_axis(int type);
void plot_histo(void);
clc;clear all;close all;
img = imread('circles.png');
id = double(img);
[row col] = size(id);
SE = [1 1 1;1 1 1;1 1 1];
for i = 2:1:row-1
for j = 2:1:col-1
array = [SE(1)*id(i-1,j-1) , SE(2)*id(i-1,j) , SE(3)*id(i-1,j+1) , SE(4)*id(i,j-1) , SE(5)*id(i,j) , SE(6)*id(i,j+1) , SE(7)*id(i+1,j-1) , SE(8)*id(i+1,j) , SE(9)*id(i+1,j+1)];
dil(i,j) = max(array);
[m n]=size(I);
for i=1:m-2
for j=1:n-2
v(i,j) = [a(i,j) + a(i,j+1) + a(i,j+2) + a(i+1,j) + a(i+1,j+1) + a(i+1,j+2) + a(i+2,j) + a(i+2,j+1) + a(i+2,j+2)]./9; %smoothing filter
x(i,j) = [0*a(i,j) + 1*a(i,j+1) + 0*a(i,j+2) + 1*a(i+1,j) + -4*a(i+1,j+1) + 1*a(i+1,j+2) + 0*a(i+2,j) + 1*a(i+2,j+1) + 0*a(i+2,j+2)]; %high pass filter
struct MOTtable
char Mnemonic[6];
int Class;
char Opcode[3];
struct symboltable
struct MNT
char mname[20];
int mdtp;