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Forked from kecs/
Created March 12, 2014 17:14
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from fabric.api import env, local, run, require, cd, sudo
import os
from fabric.context_managers import cd
env.project_name = 'weight'
def prod():
"Use the actual webserver"
env.hosts = ['178.*.*.*']
env.user = '*'
env.path = '/opt/...'
def wrap():
wrapper = './'
with open(wrapper):
except IOError:
def _setup():
local("alias gti='git'")
def r():
Function: r
Run devserver
local('python runserver')
def graph(app='api'):
local('python graph_models -o /home/kecs/dev/%s/docs/%s_%s.png %s' % (env.project_name, env.project_name, app, app))
def rm_pyc():
with cd('/home/kecs/dev/%s' % env.project_name):
local('find ./ -name \*.pyc | xargs rm')
def psh():
branch = local('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD', capture=True)
local('git push upstream %s' % branch)
def pll():
require('hosts', provided_by=[prod])
branch = local('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD', capture=True)
with cd(env.path):
run('git checkout %s;git pull upstream %s' % (branch, branch), pty=True)
#~ def p():
#~ require('hosts', provided_by=[prod])
#~ _setup()
#~ wrap()
#~ rm_pyc()
#~ with cd('/home/kecs/dev/weight/weight'):
#~ local('scp ./weight/static/javascripts/app.js user@*.*.*.*:/opt/')
def rst():
require('hosts', provided_by=[prod])
with cd(env.path):
run('/etc/init.d/nginx stop', pty=True)
run('find ./ -type f -name \*.pyc -exec rm -f {} \;', pty=True)
run('touch /tmp/adamweb-uwsgi', pty=True)
#~ [*] NOTABENE: this re spawns 10 process, use this after cleanup:
#~ run('service uwsgi stop', pty=True)
#~ run('uwsgi --ini /opt/', pty=True)
run('/etc/init.d/nginx start', pty=True)
def t(app='api'):
Function: t
Run tests
print '[*] Run BDD tests'
local("python harvest -a %s" % app)
def go():
require('hosts', provided_by=[prod])
def trans(w='0'):
require('hosts', provided_by=[prod])
local('./ trans -%s' % int(w) and 'w' or 'r')
def sh(): local('./ shell_plus --ipython')
def mg1(app='api'):
local('./ schemamigration %s --auto' % app)
def mg2(app='api'):
local('./ migrate %s' % app)
def mg(): mg1(); mg2()
def mgrt(app='api'):
require('hosts', provided_by=[prod])
with cd(env.path):
run('./ migrate %s' % app, pty=True)
def kill_uwsgi():
uwsgi is not daemonized properly, it produces zombies upon restart,
so lets kill zombies.
with cd(env.path):
for i, pid in enumerate(run('pidof uwsgi').split()):
sudo('kill -9 %s' % pid, pty=True)
print '[*] Killed %d zombies.' % i
def x():
"""for the ultra lazy"""
require('hosts', provided_by=[prod])
branch = local('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD', capture=True)
local('git commit -a -m "%s"' % raw_input('[*] Commit msg: '))
local('git checkout develop')
local('git merge %s' % branch)
local('git push upstream develop')
with cd(env.path):
run('git pull upstream develop')
local('git checkout %s' % branch)
def trans():
"""Use on any branch, it adds, commits and pushes
only .po changes, pulls to server, restarts wsgi"""
require('hosts', provided_by=[prod])
branch = local('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD', capture=True)
local('git add *.po')
local('git commit -m "%s"' %
(raw_input('[*] Commit msg (default is "TRANSLATION"): ') or 'TRANSLATION'))
if branch != 'develop':
local('git checkout develop')
local('git merge %s' % branch)
local('git push upstream develop')
with cd(env.path):
run('git pull upstream develop')
sudo('./ compilemessages')
if branch != 'develop':
local('git checkout %s' % branch)
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