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Last active February 18, 2020 09:54
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Getting Started with Redux by Dan Abramov Notes

Redux Course


  1. Single source of truth
    • Describe the state of the entire app in the state
  2. State is read-only
    • The state tree is redundant. You cannot modify it. Everytime you want to change the state, you dispatch an action.
  3. Changes are made with pure functions

Flash cards

  • What is the redux store?

    The minimal representation of data in the app. A JavaScript object describing everything that can change in your app, including data, and UI changes.

  • What is an action?

    A JavaScript object describing a state change. A minimal representation of the state change.

  • What is a reducer?

    A pure function that takes the previous state, the action, and returns the next state.

  • What is an action creator?

    A function that returns an action

  • What is middleware?

    Code you can put between the framework receiving a request and the framework generating a response

  • What should the reducer do if it receives an action it doesn't understand?

    Return the state unchanged.

  • What should the reducer do if it receives a state of undefined?

    Return the initial state.

  • How do you bring in redux?

    import {createStore} from 'redux'

  • What are the arguments of createStore?

    reducer, [preloadedState], [enhancer]

  • What does createStore return?

    The store.

  • What are the 3 most important methods of the store?

    • getState
    • dispatch
    • subscribe
  • What does getState do?

    Returns the state.

  • What does dispatch do?

    Dispatches an action.

  • What does subscribe do?

    Takes a callback that gets called anytime an action is dispatched.

  • What is the difference between splice and slice?

    splice mutates the array.

  • What does combineReducers do?

    Creates a single reducer from multiple reducers. It takes an object that maps from the part of the state to the reducer for that part of the state.

  • What property does an action need?


  • How do you use Redux middleware?

    Pass applyMiddleware as the enhancer to createStore.

    import {createStore, applyMiddleware} from 'redux'
    createStore(reducer, applyMiddleware(middleware1 [,middleware2, etc...]))
  • How can you apply multiple store enhancers to the redux store?

    Use compose()

  • What does Redux middleware run?

  • What are the 3 main things you can import from redux?

    • createStore
    • combineReducers
    • applyMiddleware
  • How do you add the store to the context with react-redux?

    Wrap the entire app with the Provider component and pass it the store prop.

  • How do you access the store with react-redux?

    Export a presentational component wrapped in connect.

    Example: export default connect()(PresentationalComponent);

  • What does connect return?

    A function that accepts a presentational component and returns a container component.

  • What is a container component?

    A component that is subscribed to the store.

  • What are the arguments to connect?

    mapStateToProps, and mapDispatchToProps

  • What mapStateToProps?

    A function that returns an object.

    The keys are the props, and the values are the values.

  • What are the arguments passed to mapStateToProps?

    state, props

  • What is mapDispatchToProps?

    A function that returns an object.

    The keys are the props, and the values are the values.

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