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Created November 14, 2014 09:25
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Save agateau/b28c0daa0abe5a615790 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Modified version of ctags.vim, which shows class names in addition to the function names
" ctags.vim: Display function name in the title bar and/or status line.
" Author: Alexey Marinichev <>
" Maintainer: Gary Johnson <>
" Contributor: Keith Reynolds
" Last Change: 2003-11-26 00:23:22
" Version: 2.1
" URL(1.0):
" URL(>=2.0):
" This script uses exuberant ctags to build the list of tags for the current
" file. CursorHold event is then used to update titlestring and/or statusline.
" Upon sourcing an autocommand is created with event type CursorHold. It
" updates the title string or a buffer-local variable using the function
" GetTagName. Another autocommand of type BufEnter is created to generate
" tags for *.c, *.cpp, *.h, *.py and *.vim files.
" Function GenerateTags builds an array of tag names.
" Function GetTagName takes line number argument and returns the tag name.
" Function SetTagDisplay sets the values of 'statusline' and
" 'titlestring'.
" Function TagName returns the cached tag name.
" This script requires exuberant ctags to be installed on your system. If
" it is not already installed, you can obtain the source from
" Before sourcing the script do:
" let g:ctags_path='/path/to/ctags'
" let g:ctags_args='-I __declspec+'
" (or whatever other additional arguments you want to pass to ctags)
" let g:ctags_title=1 " To show tag name in title bar.
" let g:ctags_statusline=1 " To show tag name in status line.
" let generate_tags=1 " To start automatically when a supported
" " file is opened.
" The configuration variables (g:ctags_*) may also be changed after the
" plugin is loaded. Setting g:ctags_title or g:ctags_statusline to 0
" after the plugin is loaded will stop the updating of 'titlestring' or
" 'statusline' but will not clear those options as doing so could
" interfere with a user's setting of those options, for example in a
" filetype plugin. To restore the default appearance of either of those
" options, simply execute ":set titlestring=" or ":set statusline=" as
" desired.
" :CTAGS command starts the script.
" Exit quickly when already loaded.
if exists("loaded_ctags")
let loaded_ctags = 1
" Allow the use of line-continuation, even if user has 'compatible' set.
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" s:ruler contains a copy of the 'ruler' setting so that 'statusline' can
" be updated when the user changes 'ruler'. It is set to an invalid value
" initially so that 'statusline' will be set the first time 'ruler' is
" checked.
let s:ruler = ''
" The last tag name displayed in the 'titlestring'.
let s:title_tag_name = ''
" Set default values for all configuration variables not already
" specified by the user.
if !exists("ctags_path")
" Version 1.0 and 2.0 default:
"let g:ctags_path=$VIM.'/ctags/ctags'
" Version 2.1 default:
let g:ctags_path='ctags' " Use first 'ctags' in PATH.
if !exists("ctags_args")
" Version 1.0 and 2.0 default:
"let g:ctags_args='-I __declspec+'
" Version 2.1 default:
let g:ctags_args='--c-types=cfgsu --vim-types=f --if0=yes'
if !exists("generate_tags")
let generate_tags = 0
" By default, the ctags list is regenerated whenever the buffer is
" written. Allow the user to disable this behavior by setting
" g:ctags_regenerate = 0 if, for example, this becomes a performance
" problem.
if !exists("g:ctags_regenerate")
let g:ctags_regenerate = 1
" If the user doesn't specify either g:ctags_title or g:ctags_statusline,
" revert to the original behavior, which was equivalent to g:ctags_title =
" 1, g:ctags_statusline = 0.
if !exists("g:ctags_title") && !exists("g:ctags_statusline")
let g:ctags_title = 1
let g:ctags_statusline = 0
if !exists("g:ctags_title")
let g:ctags_title = 0
if !exists("g:ctags_statusline")
let g:ctags_statusline = 0
command! CTAGS let generate_tags=1|call GenerateTags()
autocmd BufEnter *.c,*.cpp,*.h,*.py,*.vim
\ if g:ctags_statusline != 0
\ | let s:save_laststatus = &laststatus
\ | set laststatus=2
\ | endif
\ | if generate_tags != 0
\ && !exists('b:lines')
\ && filereadable(expand("<afile>"))
\ | call GenerateTags()
\ | endif
autocmd BufLeave *.c,*.cpp,*.h,*.py,*.vim
\ if exists("s:save_laststatus")
\ | let &laststatus = s:save_laststatus
\ | unlet s:save_laststatus
\ | endif
" Update the tags list whenever the buffer is written.
autocmd BufWritePost *.c,*.cpp,*.h,*.py,*.vim
\ if (generate_tags != 0) && (g:ctags_regenerate != 0)
\ | call GenerateTags()
\ | endif
set updatetime=500
autocmd CursorHold *
\ if generate_tags != 0
\ | call s:SetTagDisplay()
\ | endif
"set titlestring=%t%(\ %M%)%(\ (%{expand(\"%:~:.:h\")})%)%(\ %a%)%=%(tag:\ %-{GetTagName(line("."))}%)
" No changes should be required below (unless there are bugs).
if version < 600
function! Stridx(haysack, needle)
return match(a:haysack, a:needle)
function! Stridx(haysack, needle)
return stridx(a:haysack, a:needle)
let g:ctags_obligatory_args = '-n --sort=no -o -'
let g:ctags_pattern="^\\(.\\{-}\\)\t.\\{-}\t\\(\\d*\\).*"
" This function builds an array of tag indices. b:tags contains all
" the tag names in the file, separated by newlines. b:lines contains
" the source file line numbers of lines that contain a tag, followed
" by the index into b:tags of the name of the tag. The b:lines array
" is sorted, so a binary search can be used to find the appropriate
" tagged line for a given source file line number. b:length contains
" the length of a number (line number or index) in b:lines.
" There are two versions of this function: if vim has been compiled
" with perl support, a fast perl version is used; otherwise a native
" version that is somewhat slower is used.
if has('perl')
function! GenerateTags()
perl << PERL_EOF
$max_num = "9999999";
$length = length($max_num);
$lines = "";
$tags = "";
$index = 0;
$command = VIM::Eval("g:ctags_path");
$command .= " " . VIM::Eval("g:ctags_args");
$command .= " " . VIM::Eval("g:ctags_obligatory_args");
$command .= " " . VIM::Eval("expand('%')");
open (CTAGS, $command . "|") or die $!;
while (<CTAGS>)
# If a class name is present, move it to the beginning of the line,
# before the function name
my ($tag_name, $tag_line_num) = split /\t/;
$tags .= $tag_name . "\n";
$lines .= sprintf("%-*d", $length, $tag_line_num);
$lines .= sprintf("%-*d", $length, $index);
$index += length($tag_name) + 1;
close (CTAGS);
$lines .= $max_num;
$lines .= $max_num;
VIM::DoCommand("let b:tags = '$tags'");
VIM::DoCommand("let b:length = $length");
VIM::DoCommand("let b:lines = '$lines'");
function! GenerateTags()
let ctags = system(g:ctags_path.' '.g:ctags_args.' '.g:ctags_obligatory_args.' "'.expand('%').'"')
let max_num = "9999999"
let b:length = strlen(max_num)
let b:lines = ''
let b:tags = ''
" strlen(spaces) must be at least b:length.
let spaces = ' '
let len = strlen(ctags)
let index = 0
let offset = 0
while offset < len
let one_tag = matchstr(ctags, "[^\n]*", offset)
let tag_name = substitute(one_tag, g:ctags_pattern, '\1', '')
let tag_line_num = substitute(one_tag, g:ctags_pattern, '\2', '')
let b:lines = b:lines . strpart(tag_line_num.spaces, 0, b:length)
let b:lines = b:lines . strpart(index.spaces, 0, b:length)
let b:tags = b:tags . tag_name . "\n"
let index = index + strlen(tag_name) + 1
let offset = offset + strlen(one_tag) + 1
let b:lines = b:lines . max_num
let b:lines = b:lines . max_num
" This function returns the tag name for given index.
function! GetLine(i)
return strpart(b:lines, a:i*b:length*2, b:length)+0
function! GetIndex(i)
return strpart(b:lines, a:i*(b:length*2)+b:length, b:length)+0
" This function does binary search in the array of tag names and returns
" corresponding tag.
function! GetTagName(curline)
if !exists("b:lines")
return ""
let left = 0
let right = strlen(b:lines)/(b:length*2)
if a:curline < GetLine(left)
return ""
while left<right
let middle = (right+left+1)/2
let middleline = GetLine(middle)
if middleline == a:curline
let left = middle
if middleline > a:curline
let right = middle-1
let left = middle
let index = GetIndex(left)
if index < strlen(b:tags)
let ret = matchstr(b:tags, "[^\n]*", index)
return ret
" This function sets the values of 'statusline' and 'titlestring'.
" Avoid setting 'statusline' (or any other option) unless the tag name has
" changed since doing so will force a screen redraw and will cause the
" desired cursor column to be reset. Losing the desired cursor column is
" really annoying when editing a file type for which ctags aren't even
" supported. (This may be done differently when we make the autocommands
" smarter about the current file type.)
function! s:SetTagDisplay()
let l:tag_name = GetTagName(line("."))
if !exists('w:tag_name')
let w:tag_name = ''
if (g:ctags_statusline != 0) && ((l:tag_name != w:tag_name) || (&ruler != s:ruler))
let w:tag_name = l:tag_name
let s:ruler = &ruler
if &ruler
let &statusline='%<%f %(%h%m%r %)%=%{TagName()} %-15.15(%l,%c%V%)%P'
" Equivalent to default status
" line with 'ruler' set:
" '%<%f %h%m%r%=%-15.15(%l,%c%V%)%P'
let &statusline='%<%f %(%h%m%r %)%=%{TagName()}'
" The %(%) pair around the "%h%m%r "
" is there to suppress the extra
" space between the file name and
" the function name when those
" elements are null.
if (g:ctags_title != 0) && (l:tag_name != s:title_tag_name)
let s:title_tag_name = l:tag_name
let &titlestring='%t%( %M%)%( (%{expand("%:~:.:h")})%)%( %a%)%='.s:title_tag_name
" This function returns the value of w:tag_name if it exists, otherwise
" ''.
function! TagName()
if exists('w:tag_name')
return w:tag_name
return ''
" Restore cpo.
let &cpo= s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo
" vim:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4:
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