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Last active March 2, 2018 20:03
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Initialization of Survey Reward DApp
# Create DApp Directory
mkdir survey-reward-dapp
# Open DApp Directory
cd survey-reward-dapp
# Initialize the application using NPM (Follow through, or if you're happy with default just go with npm init -y
npm init
# Start by downloading Truffle (You can also install it globally by npm install -g truffle
npm install --save truffle
# Install Web3 as well
npm install --save web3
# Always a good practice to install zeppelin solidity contracts
npm install --save zeppelin-solidity
# Install .env for environment variable management
npm install --save dotenv
# Also our trustee ganache-cli (You can also install it globally as it can come handy)
npm install --save-dev ganache-cli
# Install a great linter and style enforcer for solidity (You can also use that globally)
npm install --save-dev solium
# Install the following for test coverage
npm install --save-dev solidity-coverage
# Initialize Truffle App (use truffle.cmd for window)
./node_modules/.bin/truffle init
# Initialize Solium
./node_modules/.bin/solium init
# We also need to create a sample .env file that inject environment variables would use (This file will be added to .gitignore and will remain local)
touch .env
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