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Created December 28, 2017 23:30
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The first half of a dynamic filtering Shiny application.
# Module UI function
fieldSelectorInput <- function(id) {
# Create a namespace function using the provided id
ns <- NS(id)
tags$div(id = ns("id"),
column(12, selectInput(ns("select_input_one"), label = "Filter Variable", choices = c(1,2,3), width = '100%'))
column(6, actionButton(ns("reshuffle_button"),label = "reshuffle")),
column(6, actionButton(ns("remove_button"),label = "remove"))
# Module server function
# This is the server functionality for a single server function (corresponding to a single UI group of elements)
fieldSelector <- function(input, output, session, div_instance) {
to_return <- reactive({
if(input$remove_button > 0) {return(NULL)} else{
return(sample(1:32, 5, replace = FALSE))
} else{
observeEvent(input$remove_button, once = TRUE, {
to_remove <- glue::glue("#{div_instance}")
selector = to_remove
# -----
# Define UI
ui <- fluidPage(
# fieldSelectorInput("basic_field"),
# fieldSelectorInput("basic_field_two"),
tags$div(id = "content_filter"),
fluidRow(actionButton("create_new_filter", label = "Create New Filter")),
# Server logic
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# Initialize the "all_values" list, which is where you will put the filters you create
all_values <- reactiveValues()
observeEvent(input$create_new_filter, {
# Name the new filter
title <- glue::glue("field_selector_{input$create_new_filter}")
# Create and insert the UI for the new filter
insertUI(selector = '#content_filter', ui = fieldSelectorInput(title), where = "beforeEnd")
# Add the new filter's return value to the all_values list
# The callModule call also instantiates the server-side behavior of the new server.
# It does so inside its own scope, which helps to keep it sandboxed from other filters.
# You have to pass the information you want this server to use to it as reactiveValues, and you
# can only use values passed back as a reactive value from the server (if you want multiple things returned,
# you need to pass them in a list)
all_values[[title]] <- callModule(fieldSelector, id = title, div_instance = glue::glue("{title}-id"))
# You end up with a reactiveValues element called "all_values" that has for its entries
# functions. You need to execute these funcitons to access the values. You can do this for
# the whole set of functions using invoke_map (after converting the reactiveValues object to a list)
list_of_elements <- reactive({
list_version <- reactiveValuesToList(all_values)
# This just displays the values of the output. This is just to show what's there. You'll want to use this information differently.
output$values <- renderText({
# This just displays the names of the values of the output. Note that a "removed" filter is not removed from the "all_values" list; its value is
# just set to NULL. This isn't problematic, I don't think... you'll just want to ensure that you ignore NULL values (or you could set the value to
# something like "Deleted." Just something to separate it.)
output$names <- renderText({
list_version <- reactiveValuesToList(all_values)
# Complete app with UI and server components
shinyApp(ui, server)
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