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Created March 5, 2009 23:03
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import scala.xml._
import{URLConnection, URL}
class RSSRead {
def getFeed(feedUrl: String) = {
val url = new URL(feedUrl)
val connect = url.openConnection
val feed = XML.load(connect.getInputStream)
feed \\ "channel" \\ "item"
def handleItem(item: List[scala.xml.Node], accum: Map[String, String]): Map[String, String] = item match {
case List() => accum
case hd::tail => hd match {
case <title>{title}</title> => handleItem(tail, accum.+(("title", title.toString)))
case <link>{link}</link> => handleItem(tail, accum.+(("link", link.toString)))
case <pubDate>{date}</pubDate> => handleItem(tail, accum.+(("date", date.toString)))
case <description>{desc}</description> => handleItem(tail, accum.+(("desc", desc.toString)))
case _ => handleItem(tail, accum)
def handleFeed = {
val curried = getFeed("").foldLeft(List[Map[String,String]]())_
curried((y: List[Map[String,String]], x:scala.xml.Node) =>
handleItem(x.child.toList, Map[String,String]())::y)
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