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Created April 8, 2009 04:11
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Save agentcoops/91623 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(* Basic OCaml Tokyo Tyrant Client.
* Currently, only supports get and put, but may eventually add all
* the exciting other features.
* -Cooper Francis.
#use "topfind";;
#require "lwt";;
#require "unix";;
#require "bitstring.syntax";;
#require "bitstring";;
open Lwt;;
open Bitstring;;
(*Networking and Bitstring Helpers*)
let get_bitstring_length = function
(cont, offset, length) -> length
let connect_server ip port =
let makeConnection sockaddr =
let sock = Lwt_unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0
in try Lwt_unix.connect sock sockaddr;
with exn -> Lwt_unix.close sock; raise exn
let server_addr = Unix.inet_addr_of_string ip in
let sockaddr = Unix.ADDR_INET(server_addr, port) in
makeConnection sockaddr
let rec really_write out_ch buffer pos len =
Lwt_unix.write out_ch buffer pos len >>= (fun len' ->
if len = len' then return () else
really_write out_ch buffer (pos + len') (len - len'))
let shutdownConnection inchan =
Unix.shutdown (Unix.descr_of_in_channel inchan) Unix.SHUTDOWN_SEND
(*Get string representations of Tokyo Tyrant error codes.*)
let errorCode x =
if x=0 then "success"
else if x=1 then "invalid operation"
else if x=2 then "host not found"
else if x=3 then "connection refused"
else if x=4 then "send error"
else if x=5 then "recv error"
else if x=6 then "existing record"
else if x=7 then "no record found"
else if x=9999 then "miscellaneous error"
else "unknown error"
let magic = 0xC8;;
let makePut key value =
let putid = 0x10 in
let bitkey = bitstring_of_string key in
let keylength = Int32.of_int (get_bitstring_length bitkey) in
let bitvalue = bitstring_of_string value in
let valuelength = Int32.of_int (get_bitstring_length bitvalue) in
let meta =
magic : 8;
putid : 8;
keylength : 32;
valuelength : 32
concat [meta; bitkey; bitvalue]
let makeGet key =
let getid = 0x20 in
let bitkey = bitstring_of_string key in
let keylength = Int32.of_int (get_bitstring_length bitkey) in
let meta =
magic : 8;
getid : 8;
keylength : 32
concat [meta; bitkey]
let put sock key value =
let buf = String.create 8192 in
let bitstring = makePut key value in
let query = Bitstring.string_of_bitstring bitstring in
let len = String.length query in
really_write sock query 0 len >>= (fun () -> sock buf 0 8192 >>= (fun len' ->
if len' = 0 then return () else begin
print_endline (String.sub buf 0 len');
return ()
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