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Created June 23, 2013 16:53
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Save agentlame/5845695 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
MMP 3.0 beta
// ==UserScript==
// @name Mod Mail Pro
// @namespace
// @author agentlame, creesch, DEADB33F, gavin19
// @description Filter subs from mod mail.
// @match *://**
// @match *://**/message/moderator/*
// @include *://**
// @include *://**/message/moderator/*
// @downloadURL
// no red mod mail fix
// fixed unread view
// performance imporvments.
// auto expand all is no longer slows exapnding
// fixed redundant view links
// rewrote highlight new messages - much better performance
// unread is now an inbox view
// now works on per-subreddit mod mail and multi-sub mod mail
// @version 2.9
// ==/UserScript==
function modmailpro() {
var ALL = 0, PRIORITY = 1, FILTERED = 2, REPLIED = 3, UNREAD = 4; //make a JSON object.
var INVITE = "moderator invited",
ADDED = "moderator added",
inbox = localStorage["Toolbox.ModMailPro.inboxstyle"] || PRIORITY,
now = new Date().getTime(),
lastVisited = JSON.parse(localStorage['Toolbox.ModMailPro.lastvisited'] || '{}'),
newCount = 0,
collapsed = JSON.parse(localStorage["Toolbox.ModMailPro.defaultcollapse"] || "false"), //wrapped?,
expandreplies = JSON.parse(localStorage["Toolbox.ModMailPro.expandreplies"] || "false"),
noredmodmail = JSON.parse(localStorage["Toolbox.ModMailPro.noredmodmail"] || "true"),
hideinvitespam = JSON.parse(localStorage["Toolbox.ModMailPro.hideinvitespam"] || "false"),
highlightnew = JSON.parse(localStorage["Toolbox.ModMailPro.highlightnew"] || "true");
var moreCommentThreads = [],
unreadThreads = [];
//Because flowwit is a doesn't respect your reddit prefs.
var newLoadedMessages = 0;
var divider = '<span style="color:gray"> | </span>',
spacer = '<span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>',
prioritylink = $('<a class="prioritylink" href="javascript:;" view="' + PRIORITY + '">priority</a>'),
alllink = $('<a class="alllink" href="javascript:;" view="' + ALL + '">all</a>'),
filteredlink = $('<a class="filteredlink" href="javascript:;" view="' + FILTERED + '">filtered</a>'),
repliedlink = $('<a class="repliedlink" href="javascript:;" view="' + REPLIED + '">replied</a>'),
unreadlink = $('<a class="unreadlink" href="javascript:;" view="' + UNREAD + '">unread</a>'),
collapselink = $('<a class="collapse-all-link" href="javascript:;">collapse all</a>'),
unreadcount = $('<span class="unread-count"><b>0</b> - new messages</span>');
var selectedCSS = {
"color": "orangered",
"font-weight": "bold"
var unselectedCSS = {
"color": "#369",
"font-weight": "normal"
// set last seen.. this is used by the desktop notifier.
//localStorage['Toolbox.ModMailPro.lastseen'] = new Date().getTime();
// Display numer of unread messages
$('.menuarea').find('a').each(function() {
$('.menuarea .separator').remove();
// I am 1000% sure there is a better way to do this.
// Prevent page lock while parsing things. (stolen from RES)
function forEachChunked(array, chunkSize, delay, call, complete) {
if (array == null) return;
if (chunkSize == null || chunkSize < 1) return;
if (delay == null || delay < 0) return;
if (call == null) return;
var counter = 0;
var length = array.length;
function doChunk() {
for (var end = Math.min(array.length, counter + chunkSize); counter < end; counter++) {
var ret = call(array[counter], counter, array);
if (ret === false) return;
if (counter < array.length) {
window.setTimeout(doChunk, delay);
} else {
if (complete) complete();
window.setTimeout(doChunk, delay);
$('body').delegate('.save', 'click', function (e) {
var parent = $('.message-parent');
var id = $(parent).attr('data-fullname');
var replied = getRepliedThreads();
// Add sub to filtered subs.
if ($.inArray(id, replied) === -1) {
localStorage['Toolbox.ModMailPro.replied'] = JSON.stringify(replied);
function setView() {
var a = []; //hacky-hack for 'all' view.
// Neither a switch nor === will work correctly.
if (inbox == ALL) {
hideThreads(a); // basically hideThreads(none);
} else if (inbox == PRIORITY) {
} else if (inbox == FILTERED) {
} else if (inbox == REPLIED) {
showThreads(getRepliedThreads(), true);
} else if (inbox == UNREAD) {
showThreads(unreadThreads, true);
// Hide invite spam.
if (hideinvitespam) {
$('.invitespam').each(function () {
$('body').delegate('.prioritylink, .alllink, .filteredlink, .repliedlink, .unreadlink', 'click', function (e) {
// Just unselect all, then select the caller.
inbox = $('view');
$('body').delegate('.collapse-all-link', 'click', function () {
if (collapsed) {
} else {
$('body').delegate('.collapse-link', 'click', function () {
var parent = $(this).closest('.message-parent');
if ($(this).text() === '[-]') {
} else {
//Show all comments
if (expandreplies) {
// underline on hover. Should be done via CSS, I think.
$(".prioritylink, .alllink, .filteredlink, .repliedlink, .collapse-all-link, .filter-sub-link").hover(function () {
$(this).css('text-decoration', 'underline');
}, function () {
$(this).css('text-decoration', 'none');
// RES NER support.
$('div.content').on('DOMNodeInserted', function (e) {
var sender =;
var name = sender.className;
if (name !== 'NERPageMarker' && !$(sender).hasClass('message-parent') && !$(sender).hasClass('realtime-new')) {
return; //not RES, not flowwit, not load more comments, not realtime.
if ($(sender).hasClass('realtime-new')) { //new thread
var attrib = $(sender).attr('data-fullname');
if (attrib) {
setTimeout(function () {
console.log('realtime go');
processThread($('[data-fullname="' + attrib + '"]'));
}, 500);
} else if ($.inArray($(sender).attr('data-fullname'), moreCommentThreads) !== -1) { //check for 'load mor comments'
setTimeout(function () {
console.log('LMC go');
}, 500);
} else if ($(sender).hasClass('message-parent')) { //likely flowitt
// flowwit is hard-coded to load 25 entries at a time, so we need to count them.
if (newLoadedMessages === 25) {
newLoadedMessages = 0;
setTimeout(function () {
console.log('flowitt go');
}, 500);
} else if (name === 'NERPageMarker') { //is res.
setTimeout(function () {
console.log('RES NER go');
}, 500);
function initialize() {
console.log('MMP init');
var threads = $('.message-parent');
// Add filter link to each title, if it doesn't already have one.
forEachChunked(threads, 35, 250, function (thread) {
}, function complete() {
// Update time stamps.
localStorage['Toolbox.ModMailPro.lastvisited'] = JSON.stringify(lastVisited);
// If set collapse all threads on load.
if (collapsed) {
// Set views.
function processThread(thread) {
if ($(thread).hasClass('mmp-processed')) {
// Set-up MMP info area.
var threadID = $(thread).attr('data-fullname'),
entries = $(thread).find('.entry'),
count = (entries.length -1),
subreddit = getSubname(thread),
newThread = $(thread).hasClass('realtime-new');
$('<span class="info-area correspondent"></span>').insertAfter($(thread).find('.correspondent:first'));
// Only one feature needs thread, so disable it because it's costly.
if (hideinvitespam) {
$(thread).find('.subject:first').contents().filter(function () {
return this.nodeType === 3;
}).wrap('<span class="message-title">');
var infoArea = $(thread).find('.info-area');
var spacer = '<span> </span>';
$('</span><a style="color:orangered" href="javascript:;" class="filter-sub-link" title="Filter/unfilter thread subreddit."></a> <span>').appendTo(infoArea);
if (count > 0) {
if ($(thread).hasClass('moremessages')) {
count = count + '+';
$('<span class="message-count">' + count + ' </span>' + spacer).appendTo(infoArea);
// Only hide invite spam with no replies.
} else if (hideinvitespam) {
var title = $(thread).find('.message-title').text().trim();
if (title === INVITE || title === ADDED) {
$('<span class="replied-tag"></span>' + spacer).appendTo(infoArea);
$(thread).find('.correspondent.reddit.rounded a').parent().prepend(
'<a href="javascript:;" class="collapse-link">[-]</a> ');
if (noredmodmail) {
if ($(thread).hasClass('spam')) {
$(thread).css('background-color', 'transparent');
$(thread).find('.subject').css('color', 'red');
// Don't parse all entries if we don't need to.
if (noredmodmail || highlightnew) {
forEachChunked(entries, 25, 250, function(entry) {
if (noredmodmail) {
var message = $(entry).parent();
if (message.hasClass('spam')) {
$(message).css('background-color', 'transparent');
$(message).find('.entry:first .head').css('color', 'red');
if (highlightnew && !newThread) {
var timestamp = new Date($(entry).find('.head time').attr('datetime')).getTime();
if (timestamp > lastVisited[subreddit]) {
if ($.inArray(threadID, unreadThreads == -1)){
$(entry).find('.head').prepend('<span style="background-color:lightgreen; color:black">[NEW]</span><span>&nbsp;</span>');
// Expand thread / highlight new
$(thread).find('.correspondent:first').css('background-color', 'lightgreen');
$('.unread-count').html('<b>' + newCount + '</b> - new message' + (newCount == 1 ? '' : 's'));
lastVisited[subreddit] = now; //(now - 86400000);
// Deal with realtime threads.
if (newThread) {
$(thread).find('.correspondent:first').css('background-color', 'yellow');
if (collapsed) {
function setFilterLinks() {
// I think I could do this by just locating .filter-sub-link.
$('.message-parent').each(function () {
var subname = getSubname(this);
var linktext = 'F';
if ($.inArray(subname, getFilteredSubs()) !== -1) {
linktext = 'U';
function setReplied() {
$('.message-parent').each(function () {
var id = $(this).attr('data-fullname');
if ($.inArray(id, getRepliedThreads()) !== -1) {
$(this).removeClass('invitespam'); //it's not spam if we replied.
$('body').delegate('.filter-sub-link', 'click', function (e) {
var subname = getSubname($('.message-parent'));
var filtersubs = getFilteredSubs();
// Add sub to filtered subs.
if ($.inArray(subname, filtersubs) === -1) {
} else {
filtersubs.splice(filtersubs.indexOf(subname), 1);
// Save new filter list.
localStorage['Toolbox.ModMailPro.filteredsubs'] = JSON.stringify(filtersubs);
// Refilter if in filter mode.
// Relabel links
// Update filter count in settings.
$('.filter-count').attr('title', filtersubs.join(', '));
function getSubname(sub) {
return $(sub).find('.correspondent.reddit.rounded a').text().replace('/r/', '').replace('[-]', '')
.replace('[+]', '').trim().toLowerCase();
function getFilteredSubs() {
var retval = [];
if (localStorage['Toolbox.ModMailPro.filteredsubs']) {
retval = JSON.parse(localStorage['Toolbox.ModMailPro.filteredsubs']);
return retval;
function getRepliedThreads() {
var retval = [];
if (localStorage['Toolbox.ModMailPro.replied']) {
retval = JSON.parse(localStorage['Toolbox.ModMailPro.replied']);
return retval;
function showThreads(items, byID) {
$('.message-parent').each(function () {
if (!byID) {
var subname = getSubname(this);
if ($.inArray(subname, items) !== -1) {
} else {
var id = $(this).attr('data-fullname');
if ($.inArray(id, items) !== -1) {
function hideThreads(subs) {
$('.message-parent').each(function () {
var subname = getSubname(this);
if ($.inArray(subname, subs) !== -1) {
function collapseall() {
collapsed = true;
var link = ('.collapse-all-link');
// make look selected.
// Hide threads.
var threads = $('.message-parent');
forEachChunked(threads, 35, 250, function (thread) {
$(link).text('expand all');
function expandall() {
collapsed = false;
var link = ('.collapse-all-link');
// make look unselected.
// Show threads.
var threads = $('.message-parent');
forEachChunked(threads, 35, 250, function (thread) {
if (expandreplies) {
$(link).text('collapse all');
function realtimemail() {
// Don't run if the page we're viewing is paginated, or if we're viewing a 'rising' page.
if (|after/)) return;
var realtime = localStorage.getItem('realtime'),
delay = 60000, // Default 1 min delay between requests.
refreshLimit = 10, // Default ten items per request.
sitetable = $('#siteTable').css('top', 0),
sitePos = sitetable.css('position'),
refreshLink = $('<a class="refresh-link" href="javascript:;" title="NOTE: this will only show new threads, not replies.">refresh</a>'),
updateURL = '';
// Add refresh buttion.
$(refreshLink).click(function () { getNewThings(false); });
// Run RTMM.
if (JSON.parse(localStorage["Toolbox.ModMailPro.realtime"] || "false")) {
setInterval(function () { getNewThings(true); }, delay);
// Add new things
function getNewThings(auto) {
var url = updateURL,
html = [];
// If it's just an auto update, it's unlikely we'd get 100 new threads in three minutes.
if (auto) {
url = updateURL + '?limit=' + refreshLimit;
// Seems rather unlikely you'd get more than
$.get(url).success(function (response) {
console.log('checking for new mod mail: ' + url);
// Get list of thing ids of elements already on the page
var ids = [];
$('#siteTable div.thing').each(function () {
// Get any things whos ids aren't already listed and compress their HTML
for (i in {
try {
if (ids.indexOf([i] == -1) {
// We don't need this catch, we just don't want the script to bomb on null ids.
catch (err) {}
if (!html.length) return;
//Prepend to siteTable
// Insert new things into sitetable.
function insertHTML(html) {
var height = sitetable.css('top').slice(0, -2),
things = $(html.join(''))
.each(function () {
.each(function () {
height -= this.offsetHeight;
// Scroll new items into view.
sitetable.stop().css('top', height).animate({ top: 0 }, 5000);
things.css({ opacity: 0.2 }).animate({ opacity: 1 }, 2000, 'linear');
// Trim items
$('#siteTable>div.thing:gt(99),#siteTable>.clearleft:gt(99),#siteTable tr.modactions:gt(200)').remove();
// Run flowwit callbacks on new things.
if (window.flowwit) for (i in window.flowwit) window.flowwit[i](things.filter('.thing'));
// .json-html returns uncompressed html, so we have to compress it manually and replace HTML entities.
function compressHTML(src) {
return src.replace(/(\n+|\s+)?&lt;/g, '<').replace(/&gt;(\n+|\s+)?/g, '>').replace(/&amp;/g, '&').replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/child" > False/, 'child">');
function compose() {
var COMPOSE = "compose-message",
mySubs = [],
modMineURL = '',
lastget = JSON.parse(localStorage['Toolbox.cache.lastget'] || -1),
cachename = localStorage['Toolbox.cache.cachename'] || '',
composeSelect = $('<select class="compose-mail" style="background:transparent;"><option value=' + COMPOSE + '>compose mod mail</option></select>'),
composeURL = '';
// Because normal .sort() is case sensitive.
function saneSort(arr){
return arr.sort(function (a, b) {
if (a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase()) return -1;
if (a.toLowerCase() > b.toLowerCase()) return 1;
return 0;
if (localStorage['Toolbox.cache.moderatedsubs']) {
mySubs = JSON.parse(localStorage['Toolbox.cache.moderatedsubs']);
// If it has been more than ten minutes, refresh mod cache.
if (mySubs.length < 1 || (new Date().getTime() - lastget) / (1000 * 60) > 30 || cachename != reddit.logged) {
mySubs = []; //resent list.
} else {
mySubs = saneSort(mySubs);
// Go!
function getSubs(URL) {
$.getJSON(URL, function (json) {
// Callback because reddits/mod/mine is paginated.
function getSubsResult(subs, after) {
$(subs).each(function (sub) {
if (after) {
var URL = modMineURL + '&after=' + after;
} else {
// We have all our subs. Start adding ban links.
lastget = new Date().getTime();
cachename = reddit.logged;
mySubs = saneSort(mySubs);
// Update the cache.
localStorage['Toolbox.cache.moderatedsubs'] = JSON.stringify(mySubs);
localStorage['Toolbox.cache.lastget'] = JSON.stringify(lastget);
localStorage['Toolbox.cache.cachename'] = cachename;
// Go!
function populateCompose() {
$(mySubs).each(function () {
.append($('<option>', {
value: this
.text('/r/' + this));
$(composeSelect).change(function () {
var sub = $(this).val();
if (sub !== COMPOSE) { + $(this).val());
function settings() {
var ALL = 0, PRIORITY = 1, FILTERED = 2, REPLIED = 3, UNREAD = 4;
var VERSION = '2.7';
var filteredsubs = [];
var showing = false;
var inbox = localStorage["Toolbox.ModMailPro.inboxstyle"] || PRIORITY;
// Create setting elements
var settingsDiv = $('<div class="mmp-settings">');
var spacer = '<span style="color:gray"> | </span>';
var settingsToggle = $('<a style="color:gray" href="javascript:;" class="settings-link">▼</a><span> </span>');
var about = $('<span class="mmp-info" style="float:right; display:none"><b><a href="">Mod Mail Pro</a> v' + VERSION + '</b></span>');
var info = $('<span style="float:right;">all changes require reload</span>');
var autocollapse = $('<a class="autocollapse" href="javascript:;">auto collapse</a>');
var redmodmail = $('<a class="redmodmail" href="javascript:;">no red mod mail</a>');
var highlight = $('<a class="highlight" href="javascript:;">highlight new</a>');
var autoexpand = $('<a class="autoexpand" href="javascript:;">auto expand replies</a>');
var hideinvitespam = $('<a class="hideinvitespam" href="javascript:;" title="WARNING: slows loading">hide invite spam</a>');
var realtime = $('<a class="realtime" href="javascript:;" title="Loads new threads every two minutes. Not replies, only threads.">realtime mail</a>');
var resetfilter = $('<label class="filter-count" style="font-weight:bold"></label><span> - subreddits filtered\
(</span><a href="javascript:;" class="reset-filter-link" title="WARNING: will reload page.">reset</a><span>)</span>');
var inboxstyle = $('<label style="color:#369;">default inbox: </label><select class="inboxstyle" style="background:transparent;">\
<option value=' + PRIORITY + '>priority</option><option value=' + ALL + '>all</option>\
<option value=' + FILTERED + '>filtered</option><option value=' + REPLIED + '>replied</option>\
<option value=' + UNREAD + '>unread</option></select>');
var selectedCSS = {
"color": "orangered",
"font-weight": "bold"
var unselectedCSS = {
"color": "#369",
"font-weight": "normal"
'display': 'none',
'height': '20px',
'padding-bottom': '5px',
'padding-left': '25px',
'padding-right': '10px',
'padding-top': '0px',
'border-bottom': '1px dotted gray',
'margin': '5px',
'overflow': 'hidden',
'font-size': 'larger',
'width': 'auto'
// Get settings/Set UI.
if (JSON.parse(localStorage["Toolbox.ModMailPro.defaultcollapse"] || "false")) {
if (JSON.parse(localStorage["Toolbox.ModMailPro.noredmodmail"] || "true")) {
if (JSON.parse(localStorage["Toolbox.ModMailPro.highlightnew"] || "true")) {
if (JSON.parse(localStorage["Toolbox.ModMailPro.expandreplies"] || "false")) {
if (JSON.parse(localStorage["Toolbox.ModMailPro.hideinvitespam"] || "false")) {
if (JSON.parse(localStorage["Toolbox.ModMailPro.realtime"] || "false")) {
// add settings button
// Add settings items
// Get filtered subs.
if (localStorage['Toolbox.ModMailPro.filteredsubs']) {
filteredsubs = JSON.parse(localStorage['Toolbox.ModMailPro.filteredsubs']);
$('.filter-count').attr('title', filteredsubs.join(', '));
// Set filtered sub count.
$('body').delegate('.settings-link', 'click', function (e) {
if (!showing) {
showing = true;
'border-bottom': 'none',
'padding-bottom': '0px'
} else {
showing = false;
'border-bottom': '1px dotted gray',
'padding-bottom': '5px'
// Reset filter, reload page.
$('body').delegate('.reset-filter-link', 'click', function (e) {
// Save default inbox.
$(inboxstyle).change(function () {
localStorage['Toolbox.ModMailPro.inboxstyle'] = $(this).val();
// Settings have been changed.
$('body').delegate('.autocollapse, .redmodmail, .highlight, .autoexpand, .hideinvitespam, .realtime', 'click', function (e) {
var sender =;
// Change link style.
if (!$(sender).hasClass('true')) {
} else {
// Save settings.
localStorage['Toolbox.ModMailPro.defaultcollapse'] = JSON.stringify($(autocollapse).hasClass('true'));
localStorage['Toolbox.ModMailPro.noredmodmail'] = JSON.stringify($(redmodmail).hasClass('true'));
localStorage['Toolbox.ModMailPro.highlightnew'] = JSON.stringify($(highlight).hasClass('true'));
localStorage['Toolbox.ModMailPro.expandreplies'] = JSON.stringify($(autoexpand).hasClass('true'));
localStorage['Toolbox.ModMailPro.hideinvitespam'] = JSON.stringify($(hideinvitespam).hasClass('true'));
localStorage['Toolbox.ModMailPro.realtime'] = JSON.stringify($(realtime).hasClass('true'));
// Add scripts to page
(function () {
// Add mmp.
addScriptToPage(modmailpro, 'modmailpro');
// Add realtime mod mail.
addScriptToPage(realtimemail, 'realtimemail');
// Add realtime mod mail.
addScriptToPage(compose, 'compose');
// Add settings area
addScriptToPage(settings, 'settings');
function addScriptToPage(script, name) {
if (location.pathname.match(/\/message\/(?:moderator)\/?/) && reddit.logged) {
s = document.createElement('script');
s.textContent = "(" + script.toString() + ')();';
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