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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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modtools patch
// ==UserScript==
// @name - Mod tools
// @namespace v5.2.1
// @include*
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
function modtools() {
var notEnabled = [''];
// Open reason dropdown when we remove something as ham.
$('body').on('click', '.big-mod-buttons>span>.pretty-button.neutral, .remove-button', openRemovalPopup);
function openRemovalPopup(event) {
// Close popup if we click outside of it
$('html').one('click', function () { $('.reason-popup').hide() });
// Get link/comment attributes
var button = $(this),
thing = button.thing(),
data = {
subreddit: thing.find('a.subreddit').text() || reddit.post_site || thing.find('.buttons .first a').attr('href').match(/\/r\/(\w+)\//)[1],
fullname: thing.thing_id(),
author: thing.find('').text(),
title: thing.find('a.title').length ? '"' + thing.find('a.title').text() + '"' : '',
kind: thing.hasClass('link') ? 'submission' : 'comment',
mod: reddit.logged,
url: thing.find('.buttons:first .first a').attr('href')
data.subreddit = data.subreddit.replace('/r/', '').replace('/', '').trim();
if (!data.subreddit || notEnabled.indexOf(data.subreddit) != -1) return;
// Set attributes and open reason box if one already exists for this subreddit
var popup = $('#reason-popup-' + data.subreddit)
if (popup.length) {
popup.css({ left: event.pageX - 50, top: event.pageY - 10, display: 'block' })
return false;
// If not, build a new one, getting the XML from the stylesheet
$.get('' + data.subreddit + '/about/stylesheet.json').success(function (response) {
console.log('building reasonleaver', response)
if (! return notEnabled.push(data.subreddit);
// See if this subreddit is configured for leaving reasons
var match =
.replace(/\n+|\s+/g, ' ')
.replace(/&lt;/g, '<')
.replace(/&gt;/g, '>')
if (!match) return notEnabled.push(data.subreddit);
// Create valid XML from parsed string
var XML = $(match[0].replace(/\{subreddit\}/gi, data.subreddit));
// Get PM subject line
data.subject = (XML.find('pmsubject').text() || 'Your {kind} was removed from {subreddit}');
// Make box & add reason radio buttons
var popup = $('\
<div class="reason-popup" id="reason-popup-'+ data.subreddit + '" >\
<attrs />\
<h2>Reason:</h2><span>( /r/'+ data.subreddit + '/ )\
<table><tbody /></table>\
<div class="buttons">\
<label for="type-PM-' + data.subreddit + '"><input class="reason-type" type="radio" id="type-PM-' + data.subreddit + '" value="PM" name="type-' + data.subreddit + '"' + (localStorage.getItem('reason-type') == 'PM' ? ' checked="1"' : '') + '>PM</label> / \
<label for="type-reply-'+ data.subreddit + '"><input class="reason-type" type="radio" id="type-reply-' + data.subreddit + '" value="reply" name="type-' + data.subreddit + '"' + (localStorage.getItem('reason-type') == 'reply' ? ' checked="1"' : '') + '>reply</label> / \
<label for="type-both-' + data.subreddit + '"><input class="reason-type" type="radio" id="type-both-' + data.subreddit + '" value="both" name="type-' + data.subreddit + '"' + (localStorage.getItem('reason-type') == 'both' ? ' checked="1"' : '') + '>both</label>\
<span class="right">\
<span class="status error">saving....</span>\
<button class="save">send</button>\
<button class="cancel">no reason</button>\
.css({ left: event.pageX - 50, top: event.pageY - 10, display: 'block' })
i = 0;
XML.find('reason').each(function () { popup.find('tbody').append('<tr><th><input type="radio" name="reason-' + data.subreddit + '" id="reason-' + data.subreddit + '-' + i + '"></th><td><label for="reason-' + data.subreddit + '-' + (i++) + '">' + this.innerHTML + '</label></td></tr>') });
// Pre fill reason input elements which have IDs.
popup.find('td input[id],td textarea[id]').each(function () { this.value = localStorage.getItem( = 'reason-input-' + data.subreddit + '-' + || this.value });
popup.find('td select[id]').each(function () { this.selectedIndex = localStorage.getItem( = 'reason-input-' + data.subreddit + '-' + || this.selectedIndex });
return false;
$('body').on('click', '.reason-popup', function (e) { e.stopPropagation() });
// Toggle PM/reply/both notification method
$('body').on('click', '.reason-type', function () { localStorage.setItem('reason-type', this.value) });
// 'cancel' button clicked
$('body').on('click', '.reason-popup .cancel', function () { $(this).parents('.reason-popup').hide() });
// 'save' button clicked
$('body').on('click', '.reason-popup .save', function () {
var button = $(this),
popup = button.parents('.reason-popup'),
notifyBy = popup.find('.reason-type:checked').val(),
checked = popup.find('th input[type=radio]:checked'),
status = popup.find('.status').show(),
attrs = popup.find('attrs'),
subject = attrs.attr('subject'),
reason = '',
data = { subreddit: '', fullname: '', author: '', title: '', kind: '', mod: '', url: '' };
// Check if reason checked
if (!checked.length) return status.text('error, no reason selected')
// Get reason text
checked.parent().next().children().contents().each(function () { reason += this.tagName == 'BR' ? '\n\n' : this.value || this.textContent });
for (i in data) {
var pattern = new RegExp('{' + i + '}', 'mig');
data[i] = attrs.attr(i);
reason = reason.replace(pattern, data[i]);
subject = subject.replace(pattern, data[i]);
// Reply to submission/comment...
if (notifyBy == 'reply' || notifyBy == 'both')
$.post('/api/comment', { parent: data.fullname, uh: reddit.modhash, text: reason, api_type: 'json' })
.success(function (d) {
$.post('/api/distinguish/yes', { id:[0], uh: reddit.modhash })
.success(function (d) { popup.hide() })
.error(function () { status.text('error distinguishing reply!') });
.error(function () { status.text('error posting reply!') });
// ...and/or PM the user
if (notifyBy == 'PM' || notifyBy == 'both')
$.post('/api/compose', { to:, uh: reddit.modhash, subject: subject, text: reason + '\n\n---\n[[Link to your ' + data.kind + '](' + data.url + ')]' })
.success(function () { popup.hide() })
.error(function () { status.text('error sending PM!') });
// Reason textarea/input/select changed
$('body').on('click', '.big-mod-buttons > span > .pretty-button.neutral, .remove-button', function () { localStorage.setItem(, this.selectedIndex || this.value) })
// Add modtools buttons to page...
function addModtools() {
var numberRX = /-?\d+/,
reportsThreshold = (localStorage.getItem('reports-threshold') || 1),
listingOrder = (localStorage.getItem('reports-order') || 'age'),
sortAscending = (localStorage.getItem('reports-ascending') == 'true'),
viewingspam = !!location.pathname.match(/\/about\/(spam|trials)/),
viewingreports = !!location.pathname.match(/\/about\/reports/),
allSelected = false;
if (viewingspam && listingOrder == 'reports') listingOrder = 'age';
// Get rid of promoted links & thing rankings
//remove stuff we cant moderate.
$('.thing .report-button').parents('.thing').remove();
// Make visible any collapsed things (stuff below /prefs/ threshold)
$('.entry .collapsed:visible a.expand:contains("[+]")').click();
// Add checkboxes, tabs, menu, etc
<div class="menuarea modtools" style="padding: 5px 0;margin: 5px 0;"> \
<input style="margin:5px;float:left" title="Select all/none" type="checkbox" id="select-all" title="select all/none"/> \
<a href="javascript:;" class="pretty-button invert inoffensive" accesskey="I" title="invert selection">&lt;/&gt;</a> \
<a href="javascript:;" class="pretty-button open-expandos inoffensive" title="toggle all expando boxes">[+]</a> \
<div onmouseover="hover_open_menu(this)" onclick="open_menu(this)" class="dropdown lightdrop "> \
<a href="javascript:;" class="pretty-button inoffensive select"> [select...]</a> \
<div class="drop-choices lightdrop select-options"> \
'+ (viewingreports ? '' : '<a class="choice inoffensive" href="javascript:;" type="banned">shadow-banned</a>\
<a class="choice inoffensive" href="javascript:;" type="filtered">spam-filtered</a>\
'+ (viewingspam ? '' : '<a class="choice inoffensive" href="javascript:;" type="reported">has-reports</a>')) + '\
<a class="choice dashed" href="javascript:;" type="spammed">[ spammed ]</a> \
<a class="choice" href="javascript:;" type="removed">[ removed ]</a> \
<a class="choice" href="javascript:;" type="approved">[ approved ]</a>\
'+ (reddit.post_site && false ? '<a class="choice" href="javascript:;" type="flaired">[ flaired ]</a>' : '') + '\
<a class="choice" href="javascript:;" type="actioned">[ actioned ]</a>\
<a class="choice dashed" href="javascript:;" type="domain">domain...</a> \
<a class="choice" href="javascript:;" type="user">user...</a> \
<a class="choice" href="javascript:;" type="title">title...</a> \
<a class="choice dashed" href="javascript:;" type="comments">all comments</a> \
<a class="choice" href="javascript:;" type="links">all submissions</a> \
<a class="choice dashed" href="javascript:;" type="self">self posts</a> \
<a class="choice" href="javascript:;" type="flair">posts with flair</a> \
&nbsp; \
<a href="javascript:;" class="pretty-button inoffensive unhide-selected" accesskey="U">unhide&nbsp;all</a> \
<a href="javascript:;" class="pretty-button inoffensive hide-selected" accesskey="H">hide&nbsp;selected</a> \
<a href="javascript:;" class="pretty-button action negative" accesskey="S" type="negative" tabindex="3">spam&nbsp;selected</a> \
<a href="javascript:;" class="pretty-button action neutral" accesskey="R" type="neutral" tabindex="4">remove&nbsp;selected</a> \
<a href="javascript:;" class="pretty-button action positive" accesskey="A" type="positive" tabindex="5">approve&nbsp;selected</a> \
'+ (reddit.post_site && false ? '<a href="javascript:;" class="pretty-button flair-selected inoffensive" accesskey="F" tabindex="6">flair&nbsp;selected</a>' : '') + ' \
</span> \
<span class="dropdown-title lightdrop" style="float:right"> sort: \
<div onmouseover="hover_open_menu(this)" onclick="open_menu(this)" class="dropdown lightdrop "> \
<span class="selected sortorder">'+ listingOrder + '</span> \
</div> \
<div class="drop-choices lightdrop sortorder-options"> \
<a class="choice" href="javascript:;">age</a> \
'+ (viewingspam ? '' : '<a class="choice" href="javascript:;">reports</a>') + ' \
<a class="choice" href="javascript:;">score</a> \
</div> \
</span> \
$('#header-bottom-left').append('<ul class="tabmenu ">' + (viewingspam ? '' : '<li><a><label for="modtab-threshold">threshold: </label><input id="modtab-threshold" value="' + reportsThreshold + '" style="width:10px;height:14px;border:none;background-color:#EFF7FF"/></a></li>') + '</ul>');
$(', .thing.comment').prepend('<input type="checkbox" tabindex="1" style="margin:5px;float:left;" />');
$('.buttons .pretty-button').attr('tabindex', '2');
// Add context & history stuff
$('body').append('<div class="pretty-button inline-content" style="z-index:9999;display:none;position:absolute;line-height:12px;min-width:100px"/>');
$('#siteTable .comment .flat-list.buttons:has( a:contains("parent"))').each(function () { $(this).prepend('<li><a class="context" href="' + $(this).find('.first .bylink').attr('href') + '?context=2">context</a></li>') });
// Button actions
// Select thing when clicked
var noAction = ['A', 'INPUT', 'TEXTAREA', 'BUTTON']
$('body').on('click', '.thing .entry', function () {
if (noAction.indexOf( + 1) return;
// Change sort order
$('.sortorder-options a').click(function () {
var order = $(this).text(),
toggleAsc = (order == $('.sortorder').text());
if (toggleAsc) sortAscending = !sortAscending;
localStorage.setItem('reports-ascending', sortAscending);
localStorage.setItem('reports-order', order);
sortThings(order, sortAscending);
// Invert all the things.
$('.invert').click(function () { $('.thing:visible input[type=checkbox]').click() })
// Select / unselect all the things
$('#select-all').click(function () { $('.thing:visible input[type=checkbox]').attr('checked', allSelected = this.checked) });
$('body').on('click', '.thing input[type=checkbox]', function () { $('#select-all').attr('checked', allSelected = !$('.thing:visible input[type=checkbox]').not(':checked').length) });
// Select/unselect certain things
$('.select-options a').click(function () {
var things = $('.thing:visible'),
switch (this.type) {
case 'banned': selector = '.banned-user'; break
case 'filtered': selector = '.spam:not(.banned-user)'; break
case 'reported': selector = ':has(.reported-stamp)'; break
case 'spammed': selector = '.spammed,:has(.pretty-button.negative.pressed),:has(.remove-button:contains(spammed))'; break
case 'removed': selector = '.removed,:has(.pretty-button.neutral.pressed),:has(.remove-button:contains(removed))'; break
case 'approved': selector = '.approved,:has(.approval-checkmark,.pretty-button.positive.pressed),:has(.approve-button:contains(approved))'; break
case 'flaired': selector = '.flaired'; break
case 'actioned': selector = '.flaired,.approved,.removed,.spammed,:has(.approval-checkmark,.pretty-button.pressed),\
:has(.remove-button:contains(spammed)),:has(.remove-button:contains(removed)),:has(.approve-button:contains(approved))'; break
case 'domain': selector = ':has(.domain:contains(' + prompt('domain contains:', '').toLowerCase() + '))'; break
case 'user': selector = ':has(.author:contains(' + prompt('username contains:\n(case sensitive)', '') + '))'; break
case 'title': selector = ':has(a.title:contains(' + prompt('title contains:\n(case sensitive)', '') + '))'; break
case 'comments': selector = '.comment'; break
case 'links': selector = '.link'; break
case 'self': selector = '.self'; break
case 'flair': selector = ':has(.linkflair)'; break
things.filter(selector).find('input[type=checkbox]').attr('checked', true)
$('.hide-selected').click(function () { $('.thing:visible:has(input:checked)').hide() });
$('.unhide-selected').click(function () { $('.thing').show() });
// Mass spam/remove/approve
$('.pretty-button.action').click(function () {
var spam = (this.type == 'negative'),
type = (this.type == 'positive' ? 'approve' : 'remove');
// Apply action
.each(function () { $.post('/api/' + type, { uh: reddit.modhash, spam: spam, id: $(this).thing_id() }) })
.css('opacity', '1')
.removeClass('flaired spammed removed approved')
.addClass((spam ? 'spamme' : type) + 'd')
// menuarea pretty-button feedback.
$('.menuarea.modtools .pretty-button').click(function () {
$(this).clearQueue().addClass('pressed').delay(200).queue(function () { $(this).removeClass('pressed') });
// Set reports threshold (hide reports with less than X reports)
$('#modtab-threshold').keypress(function (e) {
var threshold = +String.fromCharCode(e.which);
if (isNaN(threshold)) return;
localStorage.setItem('reports-threshold', threshold);
function setThreshold(things) {
var threshold = localStorage.getItem('reports-threshold');'.reported-stamp').text(function (_, str) { if (str.match(/\d+/) < threshold) $(this).thing().hide() });
}; setThreshold($('.thing'));
// Function to sort items
function sortThings(order, asc) {
var things = $('#siteTable .thing').sort(function (a, b) {
(asc) ? (A = a, B = b) : (A = b, B = a);
switch (order) {
case 'age':
var timeA = new Date($(A).find('time:first').attr('datetime')).getTime(),
timeB = new Date($(B).find('time:first').attr('datetime')).getTime();
return timeA - timeB;
case 'score':
var scoreA = $(A).find('.score:visible').text().match(numberRX),
scoreB = $(B).find('.score:visible').text().match(numberRX);
return scoreA - scoreB;
case 'reports':
var reportsA = $(A).find('.reported-stamp').text().match(numberRX),
reportsB = $(B).find('.reported-stamp').text().match(numberRX);
return reportsA - reportsB;
sortThings(listingOrder, sortAscending);
// Toggle all expando boxes
var expandosOpen = false;
function () {
expandosOpen = true;
function () {
expandosOpen = false;
// Open inline context
$('.inline-content').click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation() });
$('body').on('click', 'a.context', function (e) {
$('html').one('click', function () { $('.inline-content').hide() });
$('.inline-content').show().offset($(this).offset()).text('loading...').load(this.href + '&limit=5 .sitetable.nestedlisting');
return false;
// Add 'history button to all users
function addUserHistoryLink() {
var userhistory = '<a href="javascript:;" class="user-history-button" title="view user history" target="_blank">H</a>'
if (this.firstChild) return $(this).find('a:last').append(',' + userhistory);
$(this).append('[' + userhistory + ']');
$('.thing .entry .userattrs').each(addUserHistoryLink)
// Add callbacks for flowwit script
window.flowwit = window.flowwit || [];
window.flowwit.push(function (things) {
things.prepend('<input type="checkbox" tabindex="2" style="margin:5px;float:left;"' + (allSelected ? ' checked' : '') + ' />')
.find('.collapsed:visible a.expand:contains("[+]")').click().end()
.filter('.comment').find('.flat-list.buttons:has( a:contains("parent"))').each(function () {
$(this).prepend('<li><a class="context" href="' + $(this).find('.first .bylink').attr('href') + '?context=2">context</a></li>')
if (expandosOpen) things.find('.expando-button.collapsed').click();
if (!viewingspam) setThreshold(things);
// Remove rate limit for expandos,removing,approving
var rate_limit = window.rate_limit; window.rate_limit = function (action) { if (action == 'expando' || action == 'remove' || action == 'approve') return !1; return rate_limit(action) };
//User history button pressed
var gettingUserdata = false;
$('body').on('click', '.user-history-button', function () {
$('html').one('click', function () { $('.inline-content').hide(); gettingUserdata = false });
gettingUserdata = true;
var author = $(this).parents('.tagline').find('.author').text(),
commentbody = '',
contentBox = $('.inline-content')
.html('<div class="user-history"><a href="/user/' + author + '" target="_blank">' + author + '</a> <span class="karma" /> <a class="rts-report" href="javascript:;" data-commentbody="">Submit to RTS</a><div><br /><b>Submission history:</b></div><div class="table domain-table"><table><thead><tr><th>domain submitted from</th><th>count</th><th>ups</th><th>downs</th><th>score</th><th>%</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td colspan="6" class="error">loading...</td></tr></tbody></table></div><div class="table subreddit-table"><table><thead><tr><th>subreddit submitted to</th><th>count</th><th>ups</th><th>downs</th><th>score</th><th>%</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td colspan="6" class="error">loading...</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div>'),
domains = {}, domainslist = [], domaintable = contentBox.find('.domain-table tbody'),
subreddits = {}, subredditlist = [], subreddittable = contentBox.find('.subreddit-table tbody');
// Show user's karma
$.get('/user/' + author + '/about.json').success(function (d) { contentBox.find('.karma').text('(' + + ' | ' + + ')') });
// Get user's domain & subreddit submission history
(function populateHistory(after) {
$.get('/user/' + author + '/submitted.json?limit=100&after=' + (after || ''))
.error(function () { contentBox.find('.error').html('unable to load userdata</br>shadowbanned?') })
.success(function (d) {
if (!gettingUserdata) return;
if (! return contentBox.find('.error').html('no submissions');
var after =,
commentbody = 'Recent Submission history for ' + author + ':\n\ndomain submitted from|count|ups|downs|score|%\n:-|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:';
for (i in {
var data =[i].data;
if (!domains[data.domain]) {
domains[data.domain] = { ups: 0, downs: 0, score: 0, count: 0 };
domains[data.domain].ups +=;
domains[data.domain].downs += data.downs;
domains[data.domain].score += data.score;
if (!subreddits[data.subreddit]) {
subreddits[data.subreddit] = { ups: 0, downs: 0, score: 0, count: 0 };
subreddits[data.subreddit].ups +=;
subreddits[data.subreddit].downs += data.downs;
subreddits[data.subreddit].score += data.score;
domainslist.sort(function (a, b) { return domains[b].count - domains[a].count });
for (i in domainslist) {
var dom = domainslist[i], n = domains[dom].count, u = domains[dom].ups, d = domains[dom].downs, s = domains[dom].score,
url = '/search?q=%28and+site%3A%27' + dom + '%27+author%3A%27' + author + '%27+is_self%3A0+%29&restrict_sr=off&sort=new',
match = dom.match(/^self.(\w+)$/);
if (match) url = '/r/' + match[1] + '/search?q=%28and+author%3A%27' + author + '%27+is_self%3A1+%29&restrict_sr=on&sort=new'
domaintable.append('<tr><td><a target="_blank" href="' + url + '" title="view links ' + author + ' recently submitted from \'' + dom + '\'">' + dom + '</a></td><td>' + n + '</td><td>' + u + '</td><td>' + d + '</td><td>' + s + '</td><td>' + Math.round(u / (u + d) * 100) + '%</td></tr>');
if (i < 20) commentbody += '\n[' + dom + '](' + url + ')|' + n + '|' + u + '|' + d + '|' + s + '|' + Math.round(u / (u + d) * 100) + '%';
if (i >= 20) commentbody += '\n\n_^...and ^' + (domainslist.length - 20) + ' ^more_';
commentbody += '\n\nsubreddit submitted to|count|ups|downs|score|%\n:-|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:';
subredditlist.sort(function (a, b) { return subreddits[b].count - subreddits[a].count });
for (i in subredditlist) {
var sr = subredditlist[i], n = subreddits[sr].count, u = subreddits[sr].ups, d = subreddits[sr].downs, s = subreddits[sr].score,
url = '/r/' + sr + '/search?q=author%3A%27' + author + '%27&restrict_sr=on&sort=new';
subreddittable.append('<tr><td><a target="_blank" href="' + url + '" title="view links ' + author + ' recently submitted to /r/' + sr + '/">' + sr + '</a></td><td>' + n + '</td><td>' + u + '</td><td>' + d + '</td><td>' + s + '</td><td>' + Math.round(u / (u + d) * 100) + '%</td></tr>');
if (i < 20) commentbody += '\n[' + sr + '](' + url + ')|' + n + '|' + u + '|' + d + '|' + s + '|' + Math.round(u / (u + d) * 100) + '%';
if (i >= 20) commentbody += '\n\n_^...and ^' + (subredditlist.length - 20) + ' ^more_';
.attr('data-commentbody', commentbody)
.attr('data-author', author);
if (after) populateHistory(after);
else gettingUserdata = false;
return false;
// RTS button pressed
$('.inline-content').on('click', '.rts-report', function () {
var rtsLink = this,
author = rtsLink.getAttribute('data-author'),
commentbody = rtsLink.getAttribute('data-commentbody');
rtsLink.textContent = 'submitting...';
rtsLink.className = '.rts-report-clicked';
//Submit to RTS
$.post('/api/submit', { uh: reddit.modhash, title: 'Overview for ' + author, kind: 'link', url: '' + author, sr: 'reportthespammers', api_type: 'json' })
.error(function () { rtsLink.innerHTML = '<span class="error" style="font-size:x-small">an error occured</error>' })
.success(function (submission) {
if (submission.json.errors.length) {
rtsLink.innerHTML = '<span class="error" style="font-size:x-small">' + submission.json.errors[0][1] + '</error>';
if (submission.json.errors[0][0] == 'ALREADY_SUB') rtsLink.href = '' + author + '&restrict_sr=on';
// Post stats as a comment.
if (!commentbody.length) return;
$.post('/api/comment', { uh: reddit.modhash, thing_id:, text: commentbody, api_type: 'json' })
.error(function (e) { rtsLink.innerHTML = '<span class="error" style="font-size:x-small">an error occured</error>' })
.success(function (comment) {
if (comment.json.errors.length) return rtsLink.innerHTML = '<span class="error" style="font-size:x-small">' + comment.json.errors[1] + '</error>';
rtsLink.textContent = 'reported';
rtsLink.href =;
rtsLink.className = '';
// Add mod tools or mod tools toggle button if applicable
if (location.pathname.match(/\/about\/(?:reports|modqueue|spam|unmoderated|trials)\/?/)) addModtools()
if (($('body').hasClass('listing-page') || $('body').hasClass('comments-page')) && (!reddit.post_site || $('body.moderator').length))
$('<li><a href="javascript:;" accesskey="M" class="modtools-on">modtools</a></li>').appendTo('.tabmenu').click(addModtools);
// Check if we're viewing a subreddit's reports/spam/modqueue page
if (location.pathname.match(/^\/r\/\w+\/about\/(?:reports|modqueue|spam|unmoderated)\/?$/)) {
// Reset the modqueue cache timer for this sr
var subdata = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('mq-' + reddit.logged + '-' + reddit.post_site)) || [0, 0];
localStorage.setItem('mq-' + reddit.logged + '-' + reddit.post_site, '[' + subdata[0] + ',' + 0 + ']');
// Check if we're viewing an /r/mod/ fakereddit page
if (location.pathname.match(/^\/r\/mod/)) {
var now = new Date().valueOf(),
subs = {},
delay = 0;
// Update modqueue items count
var modSubs = []
$('.subscription-box a.title').each(function () {
var elem = $(this),
sr = elem.text(),
data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('mq-' + reddit.logged + '-' + sr)) || [0, 0];
// Update count and re-cache data if more than an hour old.
elem.parent().append('<a href="/r/' + sr + '/about/modqueue" count="' + data[0] + '">' + data[0] + '</a>')
if (now > data[1] + 3600000) setTimeout(updateModqueueCount.bind(null, sr), delay += 500);
localStorage.setItem('mod-' + reddit.logged, JSON.stringify(modSubs))
function sortSubreddits() {
var subs = $('.subscription-box li').sort(function (a, b) { return b.lastChild.textContent - a.lastChild.textContent || (+(a.firstChild.nextSibling.textContent.toLowerCase() > b.firstChild.nextSibling.textContent.toLowerCase())) || -1 });
}; sortSubreddits();
function updateModqueueCount(sr) {
$.get('/r/' + sr + '/about/modqueue.json?limit=100').success(function (d) {
localStorage.setItem('mq-' + reddit.logged + '-' + sr, '[' + + ',' + new Date().valueOf() + ']');
$('.subscription-box a[href$="/r/' + sr + '/about/modqueue"]').text('count',
// Add script to the page
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