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Last active October 30, 2020 15:24
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Sample solution for plotting the earthquake data
"""A sample answer to"""
from datetime import date
import json
import statistics
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import requests
# Defining this function is not necessary, but it helps make the subsequent
# analysis shorter and more readable, because we give an indication of what
# this code does.
def process_earthquake(data):
"""Extract the year and magnitude from an earthquake record."""
timestamp = data['properties']['time']
year = date.fromtimestamp(timestamp/1000).year
return year, data['properties']['mag']
# Get the data we will work with
quakes = requests.get("",
'starttime': "2000-01-01",
"maxlatitude": "58.723",
"minlatitude": "50.008",
"maxlongitude": "1.67",
"minlongitude": "-9.756",
"minmagnitude": "1",
"endtime": "2018-10-11",
"orderby": "time-asc"}
requests_json = json.loads(quakes.text)
quakes = requests_json['features']
# Get the year and magnitude of each earthquake
years_magnitudes = [process_earthquake(feature) for feature in quakes]
# Compute the number of earthquakes per year and their magnitudes
# Option 1: loop through results and see how many times we encounter each year
# Note that this could also be done in two stages, one for the frequencies
# and one for the magnitudes.
magnitudes_per_year = {}
for year, mag in years_magnitudes:
if year not in magnitudes_per_year: # if we haven't seen this year before, add it
magnitudes_per_year[year] = [mag]
else: # otherwise record one more instance
# Convert to lists for plotting
# Note that we have to ensure the same ordering in both lists! This is one way:
years = sorted(magnitudes_per_year.keys())
numbers = [len(magnitudes_per_year[year]) for year in years]
magnitudes = [ # the statistics module has some basic statistical functions
for year in years
# Option 2: use numpy for the computations
years_only = [y for y, m in years_magnitudes]
years, numbers = np.unique(years_only, return_counts=True)
# Note that unique returns the years in ascending order already!
magnitudes = [
np.mean([m for y, m in years_magnitudes if y == year])
for year in years
# Plot the results - this is not perfect since the x axis is shown as real
# numbers rather than integers, which is what we would prefer!, numbers)
plt.title("Number of earthquakes per year")
plt.savefig("frequencies.png") # Save the figure to a file
plt.clf() # This clears the figure, so that we don't overlay the two plots
plt.plot(years, magnitudes)
plt.title("Average earthquake magnitude per year")
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