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Created October 21, 2011 21:20
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fixed ants.clj for AI challenge
(ns ants
(:require [clojure.string :as string]))
;; Constants and lookups
(declare ^{:dynamic true} *game-info*)
(declare ^{:dynamic true} *game-state*)
(def init-state {:turn 0
:water #{}
:dead #{}
:enemies #{}
:ants #{}
:food #{}
:hills #{}
:enemy-hills #{}})
(def dir-sym {:north "N"
:south "S"
:east "E"
:west "W"})
(def dir-offset {:north [-1 0]
:west [0 -1]
:south [1 0]
:east [0 1]})
(def offset-dir {[-1 0] :north
[0 -1] :west
[1 0] :south
[0 1] :east})
(def messages {:ready #"ready"
:turn #"turn [0-9]+"
:end #"end"
:go #"go"
:tile #"\w \d+ \d+"})
(def map-tiles {"f" :food
"w" :water
"a" :ant
"d" :dead-ant
"h" :hill})
;; Implementation functions
(defn- parse-tile [msg]
(let [[tile row col player :as parts] (string/split (string/lower-case msg) #" ")
player (when player
(Integer. player))]
{:tile (map-tiles tile)
:row (Integer. row)
:col (Integer. col)
:player player}))
(defn- message? [msg-type msg]
(re-seq (messages msg-type) (string/lower-case msg)))
(defn- build-game-info []
(loop [cur (read-line)
info {}]
(if (message? :ready cur)
(let [[k v] (string/split cur #" ")
neue (assoc info (keyword k) (BigInteger. v))]
(recur (read-line) neue)))))
(defn- get-turn [msg]
(Integer. (or (second (string/split msg #" ")) 0)))
(defn- update-tile [state {:keys [tile row col player]}]
(let [loc [row col]
ant (conj loc player)]
(condp = tile
:water (update-in state [:water] conj loc)
:dead-ant (update-in state [:dead] conj ant)
:ant (if (zero? player)
(update-in state [:ants] conj loc)
(update-in state [:enemies] conj ant))
:food (update-in state [:food] conj loc)
:hill (if (zero? player)
(update-in state [:hills] conj loc)
(update-in state [:enemy-hills] conj loc)))))
(defn- update-state [state msg]
(message? :turn msg) (merge init-state {:turn (get-turn msg)
:water (or (:water state) #{})})
(message? :tile msg) (update-tile state (parse-tile msg))
:else state))
(defn- contains-ant? [ants cur]
(some #(let [[r c p] %]
(= [r c] cur))
(defn- move-ant
"Return the location defined by moving the given ant in the given
[ant dir]
(let [dir-vector (dir-offset dir)
rows (*game-info* :rows)
cols (*game-info* :cols)
[r c] (map + ant dir-vector)]
(< r 0) (+ rows r)
(>= r rows) (- r rows)
:else r)
(< c 0) (+ cols c)
(>= c cols) (- c cols)
:else c)]))
;; Public functions
;; TODO: if you want to collect the information and do something
;; with it at the end, do so here. Look at build-game-info as an
;; example
(defn- collect-stats []
(defn game-info
"Get some value from the setup information of the game"
(*game-info* k))
(defn move
"Issue a move command for the given ant, where the ant is [row col] and dir
is [:north :south :east :west]"
[[row col :as ant] dir]
(println "o" row col (dir-sym dir)))
(defn turn-num
"Get the turn number"
(:turn *game-state*))
(defn my-ants
"Get a set of all ants belonging to you"
(:ants *game-state*))
(defn enemy-ants
"Get a set of all enemy ants where an enemy ant is [row col player-num]"
(:enemies *game-state*))
(defn food
"Get a set of food locations"
(:food *game-state*))
(defn hills
"Get a set of all hills belonging to you"
(:hills *game-state*))
(defn enemy-hills
"Get a set of all hills belonging to the enemy"
(:enemy-hills *game-state*))
(defn unit-distance
"Get the vector distance between two points on a torus. Negative deltas are
[loc loc2]
(let [[dx dy] (map - loc2 loc)
[adx ady] (map #(Math/abs %) [dx dy])
[adx2 ady2] (map #(- (game-info %) %2) [:rows :cols] [adx ady])
fx (if (<= adx adx2)
(* adx2 (/ (- dx) adx)))
fy (if (<= ady ady2)
(* ady2 (/ (- dy) ady)))]
[fx fy]))
(defn distance
"Get the euclidean distance between two locations on a torus"
[loc loc2]
(let [[dx dy] (unit-distance loc loc2)]
(Math/sqrt (+ (Math/pow dx 2) (Math/pow dy 2)))))
(defn unoccupied?
"If the given location does not contain an ant or food, return loc"
(when (and (not (contains-ant? (food) loc))
(not (contains-ant? (my-ants) loc))
(not (contains-ant? (enemy-ants) loc)))
(defn passable?
"Deteremine if the given location can be moved to. If so, loc is returned."
(when (and (not (contains? (*game-state* :water) loc))
(unoccupied? loc))
(defn valid-move?
"Check if moving an ant in the given direction is passable. If so,
return the location that the ant would then be in."
[ant dir]
(passable? (move-ant ant dir)))
(defn direction [loc loc2]
"Determine the directions needed to move to reach a specific location.
This does not attempt to avoid water. The result will be a collection
containing up to two directions."
(let [[dr dc] (unit-distance loc loc2)
row (if-not (zero? dr)
(/ dr (Math/abs dr))
col (if-not (zero? dc)
(/ dc (Math/abs dc))
(filter #(not (nil? %))
[(offset-dir [row 0])
(offset-dir [0 col])])))
(defn start-game
"Play the game with the given bot."
(when (message? :turn (read-line))
(binding [*game-info* (build-game-info)]
(println "go") ;; we're "setup" so let's start
(loop [cur (read-line)
state {}]
(if (message? :end cur)
(when (message? :go cur)
(binding [*game-state* state]
(bot) (println "go")))
(recur (read-line) (update-state state cur))))))))
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