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Last active November 27, 2024 21:32
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Godot fisheye / barrel distortion shader with minimal pixelation
* This shader creates fisheye or barrel distortion by sliding values in the
* desired direction. It aims to have a minimal amount of pixelation, and was
* originally conceived of to procedurally generate cartoon planets and bodies
* from easily generatable flat textures.
* Thanks to user Dan (6145) on Stack Overflow for providing the math. I also
* stole some code from here for the texture placement:
* This shader differs from the above gist in that it does not stretch the
* center towards the edges, but rather crushes the edges in towards the
* center, and thus eliminates pixelation entirely while achieving a near
* identical effect.
* See the final result in the edited part of my SO question:
* License: CC0
shader_type canvas_item;
// Inspector params:
uniform float effect = -1.1; // -1.0 is BARREL, 0.1 is PINCUSHION. For planets, ideally -1.1 to -4.
uniform float effect_scale = 1.1; // Play with this to slightly vary the results.
uniform bool dynamic_crop = false; // Guesses the crop amount with an admittedly badly inaccurate formula.
uniform bool manual_crop = false; // Cut out the junk outside the sphere.
uniform float manual_amount = 0.95; // Higher value = more crop.
vec2 distort(vec2 p) {
float d = length(p);
float z = sqrt(1.0 + d * d * effect);
float r = atan(d, z) / 3.14159;
r *= effect_scale;
float phi = atan(p.y, p.x);
return vec2(r*cos(phi)+.5,r*sin(phi)+.5);
void fragment(){
vec2 xy = (2.0 * UV);
xy.x = xy.x - 1.0;
xy.y = xy.y - 1.0;
// Dynamic crop adjustment. -0.5 is equavalent to 'none'.
float d_adjust = -0.5;
if (dynamic_crop) {
d_adjust = (effect/4.0) * -0.6;
// Perform distortion if needed.
vec4 tex;
float d = length(xy);
if (d < 1.0 - d_adjust) {
xy = distort(xy);
tex = texture(TEXTURE, xy);
COLOR = tex;
else {
COLOR.a = 0.0;
// Apply manual crop.
if (manual_crop && d > manual_amount) {
COLOR.a = 0.0;
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How to make the picture move while the effect is in use?

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How to make the picture move while the effect is in use?

Unfortunately I cannot remember how Godot works. I used it for only a short while and stopped using it around 5 years ago in favor of Three.js.

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How sad!

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