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Created February 24, 2020 17:47
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# packages
#> Loading required package: Matrix
#> Loading required package: sp
#> Loading required package: parallel
#> This is INLA_19.09.03 built 2020-02-20 16:12:21 UTC.
#> See for how to get help.
#> To enable PARDISO sparse library; see inla.pardiso()

  formula = gear ~ 1, 
  data = mtcars, 
  silent = FALSE, 
  debug = TRUE
#> [1] "MPredictor 0"
#> [1] "NPredictor 32"
#> [1] "NData 32"
#> [1] "y...fake has length 32"
#> 1 
#>  [1] "Entries with same length:" "mpg"                      
#>  [3] "cyl"                       "disp"                     
#>  [5] "hp"                        "drat"                     
#>  [7] "wt"                        "qsec"                     
#>  [9] "vs"                        "am"                       
#> [11] "carb"                      "y...fake"                 
#> [1] "prepare problem section"
#> Prepare inla =  32 
#> [1] "\nOpen file to write /tmp/RtmpnlZZof/file3faf10e90051/data.files/file3faf7a3da034"
#> [1]  0 96 32  3  0  1  0  1
#> [1] "\nOpen file to write /tmp/RtmpnlZZof/file3faf10e90051/data.files/file3faf1746c15b"
#> [1] 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1
#> [1] "prepare data section"
#> [1] "prepare predictor section"
#> [1] "\nOpen file to write /tmp/RtmpnlZZof/file3faf10e90051/data.files/file3faf38c366b7"
#> [1]  0 64 32  2  0  1  0  1
#> write label[ (Intercept) ]
#> [1] "\nOpen file to write /tmp/RtmpnlZZof/file3faf10e90051/data.files/file3faf7c6673e7"
#> [1]  0 64 32  2  0  1  0  1
#> file fixed $inladatadir/file3faf7c6673e7 
#> ...done
#> Run inla.....done
#> Error in inla.inlaprogram.has.crashed(): The inla-program exited with an error. Unless you interupted it yourself, please rerun with verbose=TRUE and check the output carefully.
#>   If this does not help, please contact the developers at <>.

Created on 2020-02-24 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

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