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Created March 28, 2021 09:55
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# packages
#> Linking to GEOS 3.9.0, GDAL 3.2.1, PROJ 7.2.1
#> Attaching package: 'tidygraph'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter
#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'spatstat.geom':
#>   method     from
#>   print.boxx cli
#> Data (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0.

# download data
my_osm_data <- opq(c(9.366765, 45.812190, 9.484896, 45.906143)) %>% 
  add_osm_feature(key = "highway") %>% 
  osmdata_sf(quiet = FALSE)
#> Issuing query to Overpass API ...
#> Rate limit: 0
#> Query complete!
#> converting OSM data to sf format
my_osm_data <- osm_poly2line(my_osm_data)

# Create sfnetwork object
my_roads <- my_osm_data$osm_lines
my_sfn <- as_sfnetwork(my_roads[, c("osm_id", "name", "highway")], directed = FALSE)

# Apply to_spatial_subdivision morpher and select only edges in the first
# component (simpler plot)
my_sfn <- my_sfn %>% 
  convert(to_spatial_subdivision, .clean = TRUE) %>% 
  convert(to_components, .select = 1, .clean = TRUE)
#> Warning: to_spatial_subdivision assumes attributes are constant over geometries

# Add weights
my_sfn <- my_sfn %E>% mutate(weight = as.numeric(edge_length()))

# Create and plot two points in the road network
my_from <- st_sfc(st_point(c(9.42029, 45.84701)), crs = 4326)
my_to <- st_sfc(st_point(c(9.412025, 45.900548)), crs = 4326)

tm_shape(my_sfn %>% st_as_sf("edges")) + 
  tm_lines(col = "darkgrey") + 
tm_shape(my_from) + 
  tm_dots(col = "red", size = 0.1) + 
tm_shape(my_to) + 
  tm_dots(col = "blue", size = 0.1)

# Estimate and plot the shortest path
idxs_shortest_path_v1 <- st_network_paths(my_sfn, my_from, my_to)
#> although coordinates are longitude/latitude, st_nearest_points assumes that they are planar
#> although coordinates are longitude/latitude, st_nearest_points assumes that they are planar
idx_edges_v1 <- idxs_shortest_path_v1 %>% pull(edge_paths) %>% unlist()
shortest_path_sf_v1 <- my_sfn %>% 
  slice(idx_edges_v1) %>% 

tm_shape(my_sfn %>% st_as_sf("edges")) + 
  tm_lines(col = "darkgrey") + 
tm_shape(shortest_path_sf_v1) + 
  tm_lines(col = "orange", lwd = 2) + 
tm_shape(my_from) + 
  tm_dots(col = "red", size = 0.1) + 
tm_shape(my_to) + 
  tm_dots(col = "blue", size = 0.1)

# Multiply the weights of all edges in the shortest path by 1000
old_weight <- my_sfn %E>% pull(weight) 
new_weight <- old_weight
new_weight[idx_edges_v1] <- new_weight[idx_edges_v1] * 1000
my_sfn <- my_sfn %E>% mutate(weight = new_weight)

# Re-estimate shortest path
idxs_shortest_path_v2 <- st_network_paths(my_sfn, my_from, my_to)
#> although coordinates are longitude/latitude, st_nearest_points assumes that they are planar
#> although coordinates are longitude/latitude, st_nearest_points assumes that they are planar
idx_edges_v2 <- idxs_shortest_path_v2 %>% pull(edge_paths) %>% unlist()
shortest_path_sf_v2 <- my_sfn %>% 
  slice(idx_edges_v2) %>% 

tm_shape(my_sfn %>% st_as_sf("edges")) + 
  tm_lines(col = "darkgrey") + 
tm_shape(shortest_path_sf_v1) + 
  tm_lines(col = "orange", lwd = 2) + 
tm_shape(shortest_path_sf_v2) + 
  tm_lines(col = "purple", lwd = 2) + 
tm_shape(my_from) + 
  tm_dots(col = "red", size = 0.1) + 
tm_shape(my_to) + 
  tm_dots(col = "blue", size = 0.1)

# On the other hand, if you want to modify the weights associated to all edges
# with the same osm_id as the edges in the shortest path, then you can proceed
# as follows:
(my_osm_id <- my_sfn %>% slice(idx_edges_v2) %>% pull(osm_id))
#>   [1] "28128336"  "51015527"  "51015527"  "51015527"  "51085277"  "51085277" 
#>   [7] "51236954"  "51236954"  "51236954"  "51236962"  "51236962"  "51236962" 
#>  [13] "51236962"  "51236962"  "51236967"  "51236969"  "51236969"  "51236969" 
#>  [19] "51236970"  "51240871"  "51240871"  "51240871"  "51240871"  "51240871" 
#>  [25] "92105418"  "92105418"  "92105418"  "122374667" "148969977" "161363117"
#>  [31] "161363117" "161363117" "161363117" "161363117" "161363117" "171722736"
#>  [37] "171722752" "171722753" "171722754" "171722754" "171722754" "171722758"
#>  [43] "171722758" "171722763" "171722769" "174586119" "174586119" "174586119"
#>  [49] "174586119" "174586119" "186618044" "224200694" "304375816" "304375818"
#>  [55] "304375818" "306599129" "307086999" "307220713" "307220713" "307220713"
#>  [61] "307220713" "307220713" "309139421" "309139421" "309139422" "309139422"
#>  [67] "309139424" "309139428" "310600655" "310600695" "310600703" "310729940"
#>  [73] "310729940" "310729944" "311344423" "312147419" "312147422" "312147424"
#>  [79] "312147426" "312147429" "312147433" "331370016" "331370017" "355176132"
#>  [85] "355176132" "355176132" "369940528" "411370718" "411370718" "443105418"
#>  [91] "532448264" "532448268" "559887883" "559887883" "571637583" "810839084"
#>  [97] "922312140" "922312141" "922312142" "922312143" "922312144" "922312145"
#> [103] "532448263" "532448263"
my_sfn <- my_sfn %E>% 
  mutate(weight = ifelse(osm_id %in% my_osm_id, weight * 1000, weight))

# Re-estimate shortest path
idxs_shortest_path_v3 <- st_network_paths(my_sfn, my_from, my_to)
#> although coordinates are longitude/latitude, st_nearest_points assumes that they are planar
#> although coordinates are longitude/latitude, st_nearest_points assumes that they are planar
idx_edges_v3 <- idxs_shortest_path_v3 %>% pull(edge_paths) %>% unlist()
shortest_path_sf_v3 <- my_sfn %>% 
  slice(idx_edges_v3) %>% 

tm_shape(my_sfn %>% st_as_sf("edges")) + 
  tm_lines(col = "darkgrey") + 
tm_shape(shortest_path_sf_v1) + 
  tm_lines(col = "orange", lwd = 2) + 
tm_shape(shortest_path_sf_v2) + 
  tm_lines(col = "purple", lwd = 2) + 
tm_shape(shortest_path_sf_v3) + 
  tm_lines(col = "darkgreen", lwd = 2) + 
tm_shape(my_from) + 
  tm_dots(col = "red", size = 0.1) + 
tm_shape(my_to) + 
  tm_dots(col = "blue", size = 0.1)

Created on 2021-03-28 by the reprex package (v1.0.0)

Session info
#> - Session info ---------------------------------------------------------------
#>  setting  value                       
#>  version  R version 4.0.4 (2021-02-15)
#>  os       Windows 10 x64              
#>  system   x86_64, mingw32             
#>  ui       RTerm                       
#>  language (EN)                        
#>  collate  Italian_Italy.1252          
#>  ctype    Italian_Italy.1252          
#>  tz       Europe/Berlin               
#>  date     2021-03-28                  
#> - Packages -------------------------------------------------------------------
#>  package         * version    date       lib
#>  abind             1.4-5      2016-07-21 [1]
#>  assertthat        0.2.1      2019-03-21 [1]
#>  backports         1.2.1      2020-12-09 [1]
#>  base64enc         0.1-3      2015-07-28 [1]
#>  class             7.3-18     2021-01-24 [2]
#>  classInt          0.4-3      2020-04-07 [1]
#>  cli               2.3.1      2021-02-23 [1]
#>  codetools         0.2-18     2020-11-04 [2]
#>  colorspace        2.0-0      2020-11-11 [1]
#>  crayon            1.4.1      2021-02-08 [1]
#>  crosstalk         1.1.1      2021-01-12 [1]
#>  curl              4.3        2019-12-02 [1]
#>  DBI               1.1.1      2021-01-15 [1]
#>  deldir            0.2-10     2021-02-16 [1]
#>  dichromat         2.0-0      2013-01-24 [1]
#>  digest            0.6.27     2020-10-24 [1]
#>  dplyr             1.0.5      2021-03-05 [1]
#>  e1071             1.7-6      2021-03-18 [1]
#>  ellipsis          0.3.1      2020-05-15 [1]
#>  evaluate          0.14       2019-05-28 [1]
#>  fansi             0.4.2      2021-01-15 [1]
#>  fs                1.5.0      2020-07-31 [1]
#>  generics          0.1.0      2020-10-31 [1]
#>  ggplot2           3.3.3      2020-12-30 [1]
#>  glue              1.4.2      2020-08-27 [1]
#>  goftest           1.2-2      2019-12-02 [1]
#>  gtable            0.3.0      2019-03-25 [1]
#>  highr             0.8        2019-03-20 [1]
#>  htmltools    2021-01-22 [1]
#>  htmlwidgets       1.5.3      2020-12-10 [1]
#>  httr              1.4.2      2020-07-20 [1]
#>  igraph            1.2.6      2020-10-06 [1]
#>  jsonlite          1.7.2      2020-12-09 [1]
#>  KernSmooth        2.23-18    2020-10-29 [2]
#>  knitr             1.31       2021-01-27 [1]
#>  lattice           0.20-41    2020-04-02 [2]
#>  leafem            0.1.3      2020-07-26 [1]
#>  leaflet     2021-01-07 [1]
#>  leafsync          0.1.0      2019-03-05 [1]
#>  lifecycle         1.0.0      2021-02-15 [1]
#>  lubridate         1.7.10     2021-02-26 [1]
#>  lwgeom            0.2-5      2020-06-12 [1]
#>  magrittr          2.0.1      2020-11-17 [1]
#>  Matrix            1.3-2      2021-01-06 [2]
#>  mgcv              1.8-33     2020-08-27 [2]
#>  mime              0.10       2021-02-13 [1]
#>  munsell           0.5.0      2018-06-12 [1]
#>  nlme              3.1-152    2021-02-04 [2]
#>  osmdata         *  2021-03-08 [1]
#>  pillar            1.5.1      2021-03-05 [1]
#>  pkgconfig         2.0.3      2019-09-22 [1]
#>  png               0.1-7      2013-12-03 [1]
#>  polyclip          1.10-0.001 2021-03-16 [1]
#>  proxy             0.4-25     2021-03-05 [1]
#>  purrr             0.3.4      2020-04-17 [1]
#>  R6                2.5.0      2020-10-28 [1]
#>  raster            3.4-5      2020-11-14 [1]
#>  RColorBrewer      1.1-2      2014-12-07 [1]
#>  Rcpp              1.0.6      2021-01-15 [1]
#>  reprex            1.0.0      2021-01-27 [1]
#>  rlang             0.4.10     2020-12-30 [1]
#>  rmarkdown         2.7        2021-02-19 [1]
#>  rpart             4.1-15     2019-04-12 [2]
#>  rvest             1.0.0      2021-03-09 [1]
#>  scales            1.1.1      2020-05-11 [1]
#>  sessioninfo       1.1.1      2018-11-05 [1]
#>  sf              * 0.9-8      2021-03-17 [1]
#>  sfheaders         0.4.0      2020-12-01 [1]
#>  sfnetworks      * 0.5.1      2021-03-26 [1]
#>  sp                1.4-5      2021-01-10 [1]
#>  spatstat          2.0-1      2021-03-13 [1]
#>  spatstat.core     2.0-0      2021-03-16 [1]
#>     2.1-0      2021-03-16 [1]
#>  spatstat.geom     2.0-0      2021-03-18 [1]
#>  spatstat.linnet   2.0-0      2021-03-18 [1]
#>  spatstat.sparse   2.0-0      2021-03-16 [1]
#>  spatstat.utils    2.1-0      2021-03-16 [1]
#>  stars             0.5-1      2021-01-25 [1]
#>  stringi           1.5.3      2020-09-09 [1]
#>  stringr           1.4.0      2019-02-10 [1]
#>  styler            1.3.2      2020-02-23 [1]
#>  tensor            1.5        2012-05-05 [1]
#>  tibble            3.1.0      2021-02-25 [1]
#>  tidygraph       * 1.2.0      2020-05-12 [1]
#>  tidyr             1.1.3      2021-03-03 [1]
#>  tidyselect        1.1.0      2020-05-11 [1]
#>  tmap            * 3.3-1      2021-03-09 [1]
#>  tmaptools         3.1-1      2021-01-19 [1]
#>  units             0.7-1      2021-03-16 [1]
#>  utf8              1.2.1      2021-03-12 [1]
#>  vctrs             0.3.6      2020-12-17 [1]
#>  viridisLite       0.3.0      2018-02-01 [1]
#>  withr             2.4.1      2021-01-26 [1]
#>  xfun              0.22       2021-03-11 [1]
#>  XML               3.99-0.5   2020-07-23 [1]
#>  xml2              1.3.2      2020-04-23 [1]
#>  yaml              2.2.1      2020-02-01 [1]
#>  source                                    
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.3)                            
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
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#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  Github (ropensci/osmdata@8b89f32)         
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.3)                            
#>  Github (baddstats/polyclip@55623e8)       
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
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#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  Github (luukvdmeer/sfnetworks@5752fd4)    
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  Github (spatstat/spatstat.core@22b0c87)   
#>  Github (spatstat/   
#>  Github (spatstat/spatstat.geom@ecdc5ca)   
#>  Github (baddstats/spatstat.linnet@4d457b9)
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  Github (spatstat/spatstat.utils@840166e)  
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.3)                            
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
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#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  Github (mtennekes/tmap@10aa8b0)           
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.3)                            
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.4)                            
#>  CRAN (R 4.0.3)                            
#> [1] C:/Users/Utente/Documents/R/win-library/4.0
#> [2] C:/Program Files/R/R-4.0.4/library
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