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Created November 12, 2021 16:20
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# get data
#> Data (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0.
#> Check the package website,, for more details.
munich_multilines <- oe_get(
  place = "Muenches", 
  layer = "multilinestrings", 
  provider = "bbbike", 
  extra_tags = "route"
#> The input place was matched with: Muenchen
#> The chosen file was already detected in the download directory. Skip downloading.
#> The corresponding gpkg file was already detected. Skip vectortranslate operations.
#> Reading layer `multilinestrings' from data source 
#>   `C:\Users\andrea.gilardi\Documents\osm-data\bbbike_Muenchen.gpkg' 
#>   using driver `GPKG'
#> Simple feature collection with 3467 features and 5 fields
#> Geometry type: MULTILINESTRING
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 11.06001 ymin: 47.8 xmax: 11.99999 ymax: 48.42
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84

# plot
#> Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'stars':
#>   method             from
#>   st_bbox.SpatRaster sf  
#>   st_crs.SpatRaster  sf
tm_shape(munich_multilines) + 
  tm_lines(col = "route", palette = "Set2") + 
  tm_layout(legend.outside = TRUE)

Created on 2021-11-12 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

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