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Last active March 2, 2020 11:29
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# packages
#> Loading required package: Matrix
#> Loading required package: sp
#> Loading required package: parallel
#> Loading required package: foreach
#> This is INLA_20.02.19 built 2020-02-19 06:22:22 UTC.
#> See for how to get help.
#> Attaching package: 'igraph'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     decompose, spectrum
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base':
#>     union

# simulate data
n <- 100
a <- 0.5
b <- 1.5
x1 <- rnorm(n, sd = 0.5)
eta.z <- -a - b*x1
z <- rbinom(n, 1,, inverse=TRUE))
n.y <- sum(z)
x2 <- rnorm(n.y, sd = 0.5)
eta.y <- a + b*x2
lambda <- exp(eta.y)
y <- rpois(n.y, lambda) <- (y == 0)
while(sum( > 0) {
  y[] = rpois(sum(, lambda[]) = (y == 0)

# Create the appropriate Y matrix
Y <- matrix(NA, n + n.y, 2)
Y[1:n, 1] <- z
Y[n + 1:n.y, 2] <- y

form = Y ~ 0 + mu.z + mu.y + cov.z + cov.y
ldat <- list(
  Y = Y,
  mu.z = rep(1:0, c(n, n.y)),
  mu.y = rep(0:1, c(n, n.y)),
  cov.z = c(x1, rep(NA, n.y)),
  cov.y = c(rep(NA, n), x2)

# Estimate the model
  data = ldat,
  family=c('binomial', 'zeroinflatedpoisson0'), = list(
      hyper = list(
        prob = list(
          initial = -20, 
          fixed = TRUE
#> Call:
#>    c("inla(formula = form, family = c(\"binomial\", 
#>    \"zeroinflatedpoisson0\"), ", " data = ldat, = 
#>    list(list(), list(hyper = list(prob = list(initial = -20, ", " fixed = 
#>    TRUE)))))") 
#> Time used:
#>     Pre = 1.31, Running = 0.232, Post = 0.0339, Total = 1.58 
#> Fixed effects:
#>         mean    sd 0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant   mode kld
#> mu.z  -0.134 0.214     -0.556   -0.133      0.286 -0.132   0
#> mu.y   0.586 0.135      0.309    0.591      0.837  0.600   0
#> cov.z -1.421 0.427     -2.304   -1.406     -0.629 -1.374   0
#> cov.y  1.219 0.208      0.810    1.219      1.628  1.219   0
#> Expected number of effective parameters(stdev): 4.00(0.00)
#> Number of equivalent replicates : 36.50 
#> Marginal log-Likelihood:  -147.31

# Define the spatial structure
random_graph <- sample_k_regular(n, 3)
par(mar = rep(0, 4))

spatial_structure <- as_adjacency_matrix(random_graph)

# Add the spatial structure to the model
ids_z <- seq(1, n)
ids_y <- ids_z[z != 0]

# Redefine formula and data
form = Y ~ 0 + mu.z + mu.y + cov.z + cov.y + 
  f(spatial_z, model = "bym", graph = spatial_structure) + 
  f(spatial_y, model = "bym", graph = spatial_structure)

ldat <- list(
  Y = Y,
  mu.z = rep(1:0, c(n, n.y)),
  mu.y = rep(0:1, c(n, n.y)),
  cov.z = c(x1, rep(NA, n.y)),
  cov.y = c(rep(NA, n), x2), 
  spatial_z = c(ids_z, rep(NA, n.y)), 
  spatial_y = c(rep(NA, n), ids_y)

  data = ldat,
  family=c('binomial', 'zeroinflatedpoisson0'), = list(
      hyper = list(
        prob = list(
          initial = -20, 
          fixed = TRUE
#> Call:
#>    c("inla(formula = form, family = c(\"binomial\", 
#>    \"zeroinflatedpoisson0\"), ", " data = ldat, = 
#>    list(list(), list(hyper = list(prob = list(initial = -20, ", " fixed = 
#>    TRUE)))))") 
#> Time used:
#>     Pre = 1.76, Running = 0.831, Post = 0.0699, Total = 2.66 
#> Fixed effects:
#>         mean    sd 0.025quant 0.5quant 0.975quant   mode kld
#> mu.z  -0.134 0.214     -0.556   -0.133      0.286 -0.132   0
#> mu.y   0.585 0.135      0.307    0.589      0.836  0.599   0
#> cov.z -1.422 0.427     -2.305   -1.406     -0.629 -1.375   0
#> cov.y  1.221 0.209      0.810    1.220      1.632  1.220   0
#> Random effects:
#>   Name     Model
#>     spatial_z BYM model
#>    spatial_y BYM model
#> Model hyperparameters:
#>                                                mean      sd 0.025quant 0.5quant
#> Precision for spatial_z (iid component)     2580.00 2788.60     244.56  1752.12
#> Precision for spatial_z (spatial component) 2674.66 2924.62     260.32  1804.84
#> Precision for spatial_y (iid component)     2229.05 2247.47     198.56  1570.86
#> Precision for spatial_y (spatial component) 2214.96 2254.06     188.98  1552.15
#>                                             0.975quant   mode
#> Precision for spatial_z (iid component)        9920.81 670.62
#> Precision for spatial_z (spatial component)   10332.83 714.34
#> Precision for spatial_y (iid component)        8178.17 555.86
#> Precision for spatial_y (spatial component)    8180.32 530.37
#> Expected number of effective parameters(stdev): 4.17(0.116)
#> Number of equivalent replicates : 35.03 
#> Marginal log-Likelihood:  -49.82

Created on 2020-03-02 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

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