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Last active August 15, 2019 11:51
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Singleton classes in dart from dartpad
class MySingleton {
int resource = 5;
// Singleton pattern
static final MySingleton _singleton = new MySingleton._internal();
factory MySingleton({int newResource}) {
// Called everytime an object is created.
// If an instance of the class already exists, then returns the existing reference,
// else creates a new reference and returns it.
print ("singlton factory constructor");
if (newResource != null) _singleton.resource = newResource;
return _singleton;
// Name doesn't have to be _internal, just a function private to the class
MySingleton._internal() {
// This is called only the first time
print ("private internal function");
// Getter
get getResource => resource;
// Setter
set setResource(int newResource) {
resource = newResource;
main() {
print ("First call");
MySingleton a = new MySingleton(newResource: 4);
print (a.getResource);
print ("");
print ("Second call");
// New just gets the earlier reference
MySingleton b = new MySingleton();
print (a.getResource);
print (b.getResource);
print ("Setting a new value using the setter");
b.setResource = 9;
print (a.getResource);
print (b.getResource);
print ("");
print ("Third call");
MySingleton c = new MySingleton();
print (a.getResource);
print (b.getResource);
print (c.getResource);
print ("");
print ("Fourth call, with constructor initialization");
MySingleton d = new MySingleton(newResource: 10);
print (a.getResource);
print (b.getResource);
print (c.getResource);
print (d.getResource);
/// Output:
First call
singlton factory constructor
private internal function
Second call
singlton factory constructor
Setting a new value using the setter
Third call
singlton factory constructor
Fourth call, with constructor initialization
singlton factory constructor
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