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Created February 9, 2015 14:45
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Drafts 4 hang


Some users have been reporting a "hang" when using Drafts on their devices. Symptoms seem to vary between users who are seeing this issue, but descriptions suggest it is a multi-second hang where the app become unresponsive to touch. Most report suggest the hang stops and the app resumes without crashing after some varying amount of time – usually several seconds.

Some users have reported this occurring on launch of the app, some at random times when using the app. I have not been able to reproduce this issue on any of my test devices, so it has been very difficult to determine a possible cause. If you are seeing this issue, I would like to ask your help in determining what is going on to resolve it.

How to help

If you have a repeatable hang in Drafts, I would like to ask you to capture "stackshots" from your device at the time the hang is happening. This will allow me to better see what is going on at the time of the hang, both in Drafts and elsewhere in your system.

Please do not use these instructions and send stackshots to me for issues other than the hang I just described!

To capture and send stackshots, please do the following:

  • When the hang occurs, press the Home and Volume Down button on the device simultaneously. This will generate a stackshot (and possibly make the photo/screenshot sound)...but otherwise it won't be obvious anything has happened.
  • Repeat this a couple of times while the hang is occurring, and immediately after.
  • Connect your device to a desktop and sync via iTunes.
  • Locate the stack logs related to this even, and email them to
    • On Mac: The logs will be in: ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice/[DEVICE_NAME]/
    • On Windows: C:\Users[Your_User_Name]\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\Logs\CrashReporter\MobileDevice[DEVICE_NAME]\
    • Files will be named with timestamp, like: stacks-yyyy-mm-dd-xxxxxx.log, only send the files related to the hang event.

For more information about stackshots, you can read Apple's docs (developer account required), or this blog post.

Thanks for your help determining the cause of the issue.

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