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Created June 25, 2018 09:46
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from PIL import Image
im ="indata.png")
pix = im.load()
pixel_values = list(im.getdata())
counts = {}
(xmax,ymax) = im.size
for val in pixel_values:
if val not in counts.keys():
counts[val] = 1
counts[val] = counts[val] + 1
setvalues = set(pixel_values)
setvalues = sorted(setvalues)
for key in counts.keys():
if counts[key] > 100:
print(key, counts[key])
for key in counts.keys():
if counts[key] > 100:
im2 = im.copy()
pix = im2.load()
for x in range(0,xmax):
for y in range(0,ymax):
data = pix[x,y]
if data == key :
pix[x,y] = (0,0,0,255)
pix[x, y] = (255, 255, 255, 255)'out/test{}.png'.format(key))
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