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Created November 13, 2021 11:24
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QGIS (3D) Vector geometry tessellate Tessellate Mosaicatura
GDAL Raster analysis aspect Aspect Esposizione
GDAL Raster projections assignprojection Assign projection Assegna proiezione
GDAL Vector geoprocessing buffervectors Buffer vectors Crea buffer
GDAL Raster miscellaneous buildvirtualraster Build virtual raster Crea raster virtuale
GDAL Vector miscellaneous buildvirtualvector Build virtual vector Crea vettore virtuale
GDAL Raster extraction cliprasterbyextent Clip raster by extent Ritaglia raster da estensione
GDAL Raster extraction cliprasterbymasklayer Clip raster by mask layer Ritaglia il raster con maschera
GDAL Vector geoprocessing clipvectorbyextent Clip vector by extent Ritaglia vettore dall'estensione
GDAL Vector geoprocessing clipvectorbypolygon Clip vector by mask layer Ritaglia vettore con maschera
GDAL Raster analysis colorrelief Color relief Rilievi colorati
GDAL Raster extraction contour Contour Curve di livello
GDAL Raster extraction contour_polygon Contour Polygons Poligoni Curve di Livello
GDAL Vector conversion convertformat Convert format Converti formato
GDAL Vector geoprocessing dissolve Dissolve Dissolvi
GDAL Vector miscellaneous executesql Execute SQL Esegui SQL
GDAL Raster projections extractprojection Extract projection Estrai proiezione
GDAL Raster analysis fillnodata Fill nodata Riempimento nullo
GDAL Raster miscellaneous gdal2tiles gdal2tiles gdal2tiles
GDAL Raster conversion gdal2xyz gdal2xyz gdal2xyz
GDAL Raster miscellaneous gdalinfo Raster information Informazioni del raster
GDAL Raster analysis gridaverage Grid (Moving average) Interpolazione (media mobile)
GDAL Raster analysis griddatametrics Grid (Data metrics) Interpolazione (misure dei dati)
GDAL Raster analysis gridinversedistance Grid (Inverse distance to a power) Interpolazione (distanza inversa ponderata)
GDAL Raster analysis gridinversedistancenearestneighbor Grid (IDW with nearest neighbor searching) Interpolazione (IDW con ricerca del vicino più prossimo)
GDAL Raster analysis gridlinear Grid (Linear) Interpolazione (Lineare)
GDAL Raster analysis gridnearestneighbor Grid (Nearest neighbor) Interpolazione (Vicino più prossimo)
GDAL Raster analysis hillshade Hillshade Ombreggiatura
GDAL Vector miscellaneous importvectorintopostgisdatabaseavailableconnections Export to PostgreSQL (available connections) Esporta in PostgreSQL (connessioni disponibili)
GDAL Vector miscellaneous importvectorintopostgisdatabasenewconnection Export to PostgreSQL (new connection) Esporta in PostgreSQL (nuova connessione)
GDAL Raster miscellaneous merge Merge Fondi (merge)
GDAL Raster analysis nearblack Near black Sposta al nero (o bianco)
GDAL Vector geoprocessing offsetcurve Offset curve Curva di offset
GDAL Vector miscellaneous ogrinfo Vector information Informazioni vettore
GDAL Vector geoprocessing onesidebuffer One side buffer Buffer su singolo lato
GDAL Raster miscellaneous overviews Build overviews (pyramids) Crea panoramiche (piramidi)
GDAL Raster miscellaneous pansharp Pansharpening Pansharpening
GDAL Raster conversion pcttorgb PCT to RGB Da PCT a RGB
GDAL Vector geoprocessing pointsalonglines Points along lines Punti lungo linee
GDAL Raster conversion polygonize Polygonize (raster to vector) Poligonizzazione (da raster a vettore)
GDAL Raster analysis proximity Proximity (raster distance) Prossimità (distanza raster)
GDAL Raster miscellaneous rastercalculator Raster calculator Calcolatore raster
GDAL Vector conversion rasterize Rasterize (vector to raster) Rasterizza (da vettore a raster)
GDAL Vector conversion rasterize_over Rasterize (overwrite with attribute) Rasterizza (sovrascrivi con un attributo)
GDAL Vector conversion rasterize_over_fixed_value Rasterize (overwrite with fixed value) Rasterizza (sovrascrivi con un valore fissato)
GDAL Raster conversion rearrange_bands Rearrange bands Riorganizza le bande
GDAL Raster miscellaneous retile Retile Ri-tassella
GDAL Raster conversion rgbtopct RGB to PCT Da RGB a PCT
GDAL Raster analysis roughness Roughness Asperità
GDAL Raster analysis sieve Sieve Filtro
GDAL Raster analysis slope Slope Pendenza
GDAL Raster miscellaneous tileindex Tile index Indice dei tasselli
GDAL Raster analysis tpitopographicpositionindex Topographic Position Index (TPI) Indice di Posizione Topografica (TPI)
GDAL Raster conversion translate Translate (convert format) Translate (converti formato)
GDAL Raster analysis triterrainruggednessindex Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI) Indice di Asperità Terreno (TRI)
GDAL Raster miscellaneous viewshed Viewshed Viewshed
GDAL Raster projections warpreproject Warp (reproject) Riproiezione
QGIS (native c++) Vector table addautoincrementalfield Add autoincremental field Aggiungi campo autoincrementale
QGIS (native c++) Vector table addfieldtoattributestable Add field to attributes table Aggiungi campo alla tabella attributi
QGIS (native c++) Vector table adduniquevalueindexfield Add unique value index field Aggiungi campo con indici univoci
QGIS (native c++) Vector table addxyfields Add X/Y fields to layer Aggiungi i campi X/Y al vettore
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry affinetransform Affine transform Trasformazione affine
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry aggregate Aggregate Aggrega
QGIS (native c++) Cartography angletonearest Align points to features Allinea punti agli elementi
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry antimeridiansplit Geodesic line split at antimeridian Linea geodetica suddivisa in antimeridiano
QGIS (native c++) Vector creation arrayoffsetlines Array of offset (parallel) lines Array di linee di offset (parallele)
QGIS (native c++) Vector creation arraytranslatedfeatures Array of translated features Array di elementi traslati
QGIS (native c++) Raster terrain analysis aspect Aspect Esposizione
QGIS (native c++) Vector general assignprojection Assign projection Assegna proiezione
QGIS (native c++) Cartography atlaslayouttoimage Export atlas layout as image Esporta layout atlante come immagine
QGIS (native c++) Cartography atlaslayouttopdf Export atlas layout as PDF Esporta layout atlante come PDF
QGIS (native c++) Vector general bookmarkstolayer Convert spatial bookmarks to layer Converti segnalibri spaziali in vettore
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry boundary Boundary Confine
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry boundingboxes Bounding boxes Perimetri di delimitazione
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry buffer Buffer Buffer
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry bufferbym Variable width buffer (by M value) Buffer larghezza variabile (valore M)
QGIS (native c++) Vector analysis calculatevectoroverlaps Overlap analysis Analisi di sovrapposizione
QGIS (native c++) Cartography categorizeusingstyle Create categorized renderer from styles Crea un visualizzatore categorizzato dagli stili
QGIS (native c++) Raster analysis cellstatistics Cell statistics Statistiche cella
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry centroids Centroids Centroidi
QGIS (native c++) Vector overlay clip Clip Ritaglia
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry collect Collect geometries Raggruppa geometrie
QGIS (native c++) Cartography combinestyles Combine style databases Combina piu database di stile
QGIS (native c++) Modeler tools condition Conditional branch Branch condizionale
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry converttocurves Convert to curved geometries Converti in geometrie curvate
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry convexhull Convex hull Poligono convesso
QGIS (native c++) Vector analysis countpointsinpolygon Count points in polygon Conta i punti nel poligono
QGIS (native c++) Vector general createattributeindex Create attribute index Crea indice attributo
QGIS (native c++) Raster creation createconstantrasterlayer Create constant raster layer Crea raster costante
QGIS (native c++) File tools createdirectory Create directory Crea cartella
QGIS (native c++) Vector creation creategrid Create grid Crea reticolo
QGIS (native c++) Vector creation createpointslayerfromtable Create points layer from table Crea un vettore di punti da una tabella
QGIS (native c++) Raster creation createrandombinomialrasterlayer Create random raster layer (binomial distribution) Crea raster casuale (distribuzione binomiale)
QGIS (native c++) Raster creation createrandomexponentialrasterlayer Create random raster layer (exponential distribution) Crea raster casuale (distribuzione esponenziale)
QGIS (native c++) Raster creation createrandomgammarasterlayer Create random raster layer (gamma distribution) Crea raster casuale (distribuzione gamma)
QGIS (native c++) Raster creation createrandomgeometricrasterlayer Create random raster layer (geometric distribution) Crea raster casuale (distribuzione geometrica)
QGIS (native c++) Raster creation createrandomnegativebinomialrasterlayer Create random raster layer (negative binomial distribution) Crea raster casuale (distribuzione binomiale negativa)
QGIS (native c++) Raster creation createrandomnormalrasterlayer Create random raster layer (normal distribution) Crea raster casuale (distribuzione normale)
QGIS (native c++) Raster creation createrandompoissonrasterlayer Create random raster layer (poisson distribution) Crea raster casuale (distribuzione di Poisson)
QGIS (native c++) Raster creation createrandomuniformrasterlayer Create random raster layer (uniform distribution) Crea raster casuale (distribuzione uniforme)
QGIS (native c++) Vector general createspatialindex Create spatial index Crea indice spaziale
QGIS (native c++) Vector analysis dbscanclustering DBSCAN clustering DBSCAN clustering
QGIS (native c++) Vector general deleteduplicategeometries Delete duplicate geometries Elimina geometrie duplicate
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry deleteholes Delete holes Elimina buchi
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry densifygeometries Densify by count Infittisci secondo un conteggio
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry densifygeometriesgivenaninterval Densify by interval Infittisci secondo un intervallo
QGIS (native c++) Vector general detectvectorchanges Detect dataset changes Rileva modifiche nel dataset
QGIS (native c++) Vector overlay difference Difference Differenza
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry dissolve Dissolve Dissolvi
QGIS (native c++) Vector general dropgeometries Drop geometries Elimina geometrie
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry dropmzvalues Drop M/Z values Elimina valori M/Z
QGIS (native c++) Raster analysis equaltofrequency Equal to frequency Uguale alla frequenza
QGIS (native c++) Vector table explodehstorefield Explode HStore Field Esplodi Campo HStore
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry explodelines Explode lines Esplodi linee
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry extendlines Extend lines Estendi linee
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry extenttolayer Create layer from extent Crea layer da estensione
QGIS (native c++) Vector table extractbinary Extract binary field Estrai campo binario
QGIS (native c++) Vector selection extractbyattribute Extract by attribute Estrai in base ad attributo
QGIS (native c++) Vector selection extractbyexpression Extract by expression Estrai tramite espressione
QGIS (native c++) Vector overlay extractbyextent Extract/clip by extent Estrai/ritaglia da estensione
QGIS (native c++) Vector selection extractbylocation Extract by location Estrai per posizione
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry extractmvalues Extract M values Estrai i valori M
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry extractspecificvertices Extract specific vertices Estrai vertici specifici
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry extractvertices Extract vertices Estrai vertici
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry extractzvalues Extract Z values Estrai i valori della Z
QGIS (native c++) Vector table fieldcalculator Field calculator Calcolatore di campi
QGIS (native c++) File tools filedownloader Download file Scarica file
QGIS (native c++) Raster tools fillnodata Fill NoData cells Riempi celle NoData
QGIS (native c++) Vector table filter Feature filter Filtro elemento
QGIS (native c++) Vector selection filterbygeometry Filter by geometry type Filtra tipo di geometria
QGIS (native c++) Layer tools filterlayersbytype Filter layers by type Filtra layer per tipo
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry filterverticesbym Filter vertices by M value Filtra vertici per il valore di M
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry filterverticesbyz Filter vertices by Z value Filtra vertici per il valore di Z
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry fixgeometries Fix geometries Ripara geometrie
QGIS (native c++) Vector general flattenrelationships Flatten relationship Appiattisci relazione
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry forcerhr Force right-hand-rule Forza regola della mano destra
QGIS (native c++) Raster analysis fuzzifyrastergaussianmembership Fuzzify raster (gaussian membership) Rendi fuzzy un raster (appartenenza gaussiana)
QGIS (native c++) Raster analysis fuzzifyrasterlargemembership Fuzzify raster (large membership) Rendi fuzzy un raster (ampia appartenenza)
QGIS (native c++) Raster analysis fuzzifyrasterlinearmembership Fuzzify raster (linear membership) Rendi fuzzy un raster (appartenenza lineare)
QGIS (native c++) Raster analysis fuzzifyrasternearmembership Fuzzify raster (near membership) Rendi fuzzy un raster (appartenenza vicina)
QGIS (native c++) Raster analysis fuzzifyrasterpowermembership Fuzzify raster (power membership) Rendi fuzzy un raster (appartenenza di potenza)
QGIS (native c++) Raster analysis fuzzifyrastersmallmembership Fuzzify raster (small membership) Rendi fuzzy un raster (piccola appartenenza)
QGIS (native c++) Vector creation generatepointspixelcentroidsinsidepolygons Generate points (pixel centroids) inside polygons Genera punti (centroidi dei pixel) dentro poligoni
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry geometrybyexpression Geometry by expression Geometria tramite espressione
QGIS (native c++) Raster analysis greaterthanfrequency Greater than frequency Maggiore della frequenza
QGIS (native c++) Raster analysis highestpositioninrasterstack Highest position in raster stack Posizione più alta nella pila raster
QGIS (native c++) Raster terrain analysis hillshade Hillshade Ombreggiatura
QGIS (native c++) Vector analysis hublines Join by lines (hub lines) Unisci con linee (hub)
QGIS (native c++) Vector creation importphotos Import geotagged photos Importa foto con geotag
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry interpolatepoint Interpolate point on line Interpola punto sulla linea
QGIS (native c++) Vector overlay intersection Intersection Intersezione
QGIS (native c++) Vector general joinattributesbylocation Join attributes by location Unisci attributi per posizione
QGIS (native c++) Vector general joinattributestable Join attributes by field value Unisci attributi secondo il valore del campo
QGIS (native c++) Vector general joinbynearest Join attributes by nearest Unisci attributi dal vettore più vicino
QGIS (native c++) Vector analysis kmeansclustering K-means clustering K-means clustering
QGIS (native c++) Vector general layertobookmarks Convert layer to spatial bookmarks Converti vettore in segnalibri spaziali
QGIS (native c++) Raster analysis lessthanfrequency Less than frequency Minore della frequenza
QGIS (native c++) Interpolation linedensity Line density Densità linea
QGIS (native c++) Vector overlay lineintersections Line intersections Intersezioni linee
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry linesubstring Line substring Sottostringa di Linea
QGIS (native c++) Modeler tools loadlayer Load layer into project Carica il layer nel progetto
QGIS (native c++) Raster analysis lowestpositioninrasterstack Lowest position in raster stack Posizione più bassa nella pila raster
QGIS (native c++) Vector analysis meancoordinates Mean coordinate(s) Media coordinate
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry mergelines Merge lines Fondi linee (merge)
QGIS (native c++) Vector general mergevectorlayers Merge vector layers Fondi vettori (merge)
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry minimumenclosingcircle Minimum enclosing circles Circonferenza circoscritta minima
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry multiparttosingleparts Multipart to singleparts Da parti multiple a parti singole
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry multiringconstantbuffer Multi-ring buffer (constant distance) Buffer multi-anello (distanza costante)
QGIS (native c++) Vector analysis nearestneighbouranalysis Nearest neighbour analysis Analisi vicino più prossimo
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry offsetline Offset lines Linee di offset
QGIS (native c++) Vector general orderbyexpression Order by expression Ordina tramite espressione
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry orientedminimumboundingbox Oriented minimum bounding box Perimetro di delimitazione minimo orientato
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry orthogonalize Orthogonalize Ortogonalizza
QGIS (native c++) Database package Package layers Impacchetta layer
QGIS (native c++) Vector creation pixelstopoints Raster pixels to points Da pixel raster a punti
QGIS (native c++) Vector creation pixelstopolygons Raster pixels to polygons Da pixel raster a poligoni
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry pointonsurface Point on surface Punto sulla superficie
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry pointsalonglines Points along geometry Punti lungo la geometria
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry pointtolayer Create layer from point Crea layer da punti
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry poleofinaccessibility Pole of inaccessibility Polo di inaccessibilità
QGIS (native c++) Layer tools polygonfromlayerextent Extract layer extent Estrai estensione del layer
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry polygonize Polygonize Poligonizza
QGIS (native c++) Vector creation polygonstolines Polygons to lines Da poligoni a linee
QGIS (native c++) Database postgisexecutesql PostgreSQL execute SQL Esegui SQL PostgreSQL
QGIS (native c++) Cartography printlayoutmapextenttolayer Print layout map extent to layer Estensione del layout di stampa al layer
QGIS (native c++) Cartography printlayouttoimage Export print layout as image Esporta layout di stampa come immagine
QGIS (native c++) Cartography printlayouttopdf Export print layout as PDF Esporta layout di stampa come PDF
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry projectpointcartesian Project points (Cartesian) Proietta punti (Cartesiano)
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry promotetomulti Promote to multipart Trasforma in parti multiple
QGIS (native c++) Modeler tools raiseexception Raise exception Sollevamento eccezione
QGIS (native c++) Modeler tools raisewarning Raise warning Sollevamento avvertimento
QGIS (native c++) Vector selection randomextract Random extract Estrazione casuale
QGIS (native c++) Vector creation randompointsinextent Random points in extent Punti casuali nell'estensione
QGIS (native c++) Vector creation randompointsinpolygons Random points in polygons Punti casuali nei poligoni
QGIS (native c++) Vector creation randompointsonlines Random points on lines Punti casuali sulle linee
QGIS (native c++) Raster analysis rasterbooleanand Raster boolean AND Raster AND booleano
QGIS (native c++) Raster tools rasterize Convert map to raster Converti la mappa in raster
QGIS (native c++) Raster analysis rasterlayerstatistics Raster layer statistics Statistiche raster
QGIS (native c++) Raster analysis rasterlayeruniquevaluesreport Raster layer unique values report Rapporto sui valori univoci di un raster
QGIS (native c++) Raster analysis rasterlayerzonalstats Raster layer zonal statistics Statistiche zonali raster
QGIS (native c++) Raster analysis rasterlogicalor Raster boolean OR Raster OR booleano
QGIS (native c++) Raster analysis rastersampling Sample raster values Campiona valori raster
QGIS (native c++) Raster analysis rastersurfacevolume Raster surface volume Volume della superficie di un raster
QGIS (native c++) Raster analysis reclassifybylayer Reclassify by layer Riclassifica per layer
QGIS (native c++) Raster analysis reclassifybytable Reclassify by table Riclassifica con tabella
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry rectanglesovalsdiamonds Rectangles, ovals, diamonds Rettangoli, ovali, diamanti
QGIS (native c++) Vector table refactorfields Refactor fields Riorganizzazione campi
QGIS (native c++) Vector general removeduplicatesbyattribute Delete duplicates by attribute Elimina duplicati per attributo
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry removeduplicatevertices Remove duplicate vertices Rimuovi vertici duplicati
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry removenullgeometries Remove null geometries Rimuovi geometrie nulle
QGIS (native c++) Modeler tools renamelayer Rename layer Rinomina layer
QGIS (native c++) Vector table renametablefield Rename field Rinomina campo
QGIS (native c++) Vector general repairshapefile Repair Shapefile Ripara Shapefile
QGIS (native c++) Vector general reprojectlayer Reproject layer Riproietta layer
QGIS (native c++) Raster analysis rescaleraster Rescale raster Riscala raster
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry reverselinedirection Reverse line direction Inverti verso linea
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry rotatefeatures Rotate Ruota
QGIS (native c++) Raster analysis roundrastervalues Round raster Arrotonda raster
QGIS (native c++) Raster terrain analysis ruggednessindex Ruggedness index Indice di asperità
QGIS (native c++) Vector general savefeatures Save vector features to file Salva elementi vettoriali su file
QGIS (native c++) Modeler tools savelog Save log to file Salva log su file
QGIS (native c++) Vector general saveselectedfeatures Extract selected features Estrai elementi selezionati
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry segmentizebymaxangle Segmentize by maximum angle Segmenta in base all'angolo massimo
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry segmentizebymaxdistance Segmentize by maximum distance Segmenta in base alla distanza massima
QGIS (native c++) Vector selection selectbylocation Select by location Seleziona per posizione
QGIS (native c++) Network analysis serviceareafromlayer Service area (from layer) Area di servizio (da vettore)
QGIS (native c++) Network analysis serviceareafrompoint Service area (from point) Area di servizio (da punto)
QGIS (native c++) Vector general setlayerencoding Set layer encoding Imposta codifica layer
QGIS (native c++) Cartography setlayerstyle Set layer style Imposta stile layer
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry setmfromraster Set M value from raster Imposta valore M dal raster
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry setmvalue Set M value Imposta il valore M
QGIS (native c++) Modeler tools setprojectvariable Set project variable Imposta variabile progetto
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry setzfromraster Drape (set Z value from raster) Drappeggia (imposta il valore Z da raster)
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry setzvalue Set Z value Imposta il valore Z
QGIS (native c++) Network analysis shortestpathlayertopoint Shortest path (layer to point) Percorso più breve (da vettore a punto)
QGIS (native c++) Network analysis shortestpathpointtolayer Shortest path (point to layer) Percorso più breve (da punto a vettore)
QGIS (native c++) Network analysis shortestpathpointtopoint Shortest path (point to point) Percorso più breve (da punto a punto)
QGIS (native c++) Vector general shpencodinginfo Extract Shapefile encoding Estrai codifica dello Shapefile
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry simplifygeometries Simplify Semplifica
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry singlesidedbuffer Single sided buffer Buffer lato singolo
QGIS (native c++) Raster terrain analysis slope Slope Pendenza
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry smoothgeometry Smooth Lisciatura
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry snapgeometries Snap geometries to layer Aggancia geometrie al vettore
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry snappointstogrid Snap points to grid Aggancia punti al reticolo
QGIS (native c++) Database spatialiteexecutesql SpatiaLite execute SQL Esegui SQL Spatialite
QGIS (native c++) Database spatialiteexecutesqlregistered SpatiaLite execute SQL (registered DB) Esegui SQL SpatiaLite (DB registrato)
QGIS (native c++) Vector general splitfeaturesbycharacter Split features by character Dividi elementi per carattere
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry splitlinesbylength Split lines by maximum length Dividi linee secondo lunghezza massima
QGIS (native c++) Vector general splitvectorlayer Split vector layer Dividi vettore
QGIS (native c++) Vector overlay splitwithlines Split with lines Dividi con linee
QGIS (native c++) Modeler tools stringconcatenation String concatenation Concatenazione stringhe
QGIS (native c++) Cartography stylefromproject Create style database from project Crea database di stile dal progetto
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry subdivide Subdivide Suddividi
QGIS (native c++) Vector analysis sumlinelengths Sum line lengths Somma lunghezze linea
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry swapxy Swap X and Y coordinates Scambia le coordinate X e Y
QGIS (native c++) Vector overlay symmetricaldifference Symmetrical difference Differenza simmetrica
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry taperedbuffer Tapered buffers Buffer conici
QGIS (native c++) Mesh tinmeshcreation TIN Mesh Creation Crea Mesh TIN
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry transect Transect Transetto
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry translategeometry Translate Trasla
QGIS (native c++) Vector general truncatetable Truncate table Tronca tabella
QGIS (native c++) Vector overlay union Union Unione
QGIS (native c++) Vector geometry wedgebuffers Create wedge buffers Crea buffer a spicchi
QGIS (native c++) Vector tiles writevectortiles_mbtiles Write Vector Tiles (MBTiles) Scrive Tasselli Vettoriali (MBTiles)
QGIS (native c++) Vector tiles writevectortiles_xyz Write Vector Tiles (XYZ) Scrive Tasselli Vettoriali (XYZ)
QGIS (native c++) Raster analysis zonalhistogram Zonal histogram Istogramma zonale
QGIS (native c++) Raster analysis zonalstatistics Zonal statistics (in place) Statistiche zonali (sul posto)
QGIS (native c++) Raster analysis zonalstatisticsfb Zonal statistics Statistiche zonali
QGIS Vector table advancedpythonfieldcalculator Advanced Python field calculator Calcolatore campi Python avanzato
QGIS Plots barplot Bar plot Grafico a barre
QGIS Vector analysis basicstatisticsforfields Basic statistics for fields Statistiche elementari per campi
QGIS Plots boxplot Box plot Diagramma a scatola
QGIS Vector geometry checkvalidity Check validity Controlla validità
QGIS Vector analysis climbalongline Climb along line Dislivello lungo linea
QGIS Vector geometry concavehull Concave hull (alpha shapes) Poligono concavo (forme alfa)
QGIS Vector geometry convertgeometrytype Convert geometry type Converti tipo di geometria
QGIS Vector general definecurrentprojection Define Shapefile projection Definisci la proiezione dello Shapefile
QGIS Vector geometry delaunaytriangulation Delaunay triangulation Triangolazione di Delaunay
QGIS Vector table deletecolumn Drop field(s) Elimina campo(i)
QGIS Vector analysis distancematrix Distance matrix Matrice di distanza
QGIS Vector analysis distancetonearesthublinetohub Distance to nearest hub (line to hub) Distanza dal nodo più vicino (genera linee)
QGIS Vector analysis distancetonearesthubpoints Distance to nearest hub (points) Distanza dal nodo più vicino (genera punti)
QGIS Vector geometry eliminateselectedpolygons Eliminate selected polygons Elimina i poligoni selezionati
QGIS Vector general executesql Execute SQL Esegui SQL
QGIS Vector geometry exportaddgeometrycolumns Add geometry attributes Aggiungi attributi della geometria
QGIS Vector general findprojection Find projection Cerca la proiezione
QGIS Vector creation generatepointspixelcentroidsalongline Generate points (pixel centroids) along line Crea punti (centroidi del pixel) lungo la linea
QGIS Interpolation heatmapkerneldensityestimation Heatmap (Kernel Density Estimation) Mappa di concentrazione (Stima densità kernel)
QGIS Raster terrain analysis hypsometriccurves Hypsometric curves Curve ipsometriche
QGIS Interpolation idwinterpolation IDW interpolation Interpolazione IDW
QGIS Database importintopostgis Export to PostgreSQL Esporta in PostgreSQL
QGIS Database importintospatialite Export to SpatiaLite Esporta in SpatiaLite
QGIS Vector general joinbylocationsummary Join attributes by location (summary) Unisci attributi per posizione (statistiche di sintesi)
QGIS Vector geometry keepnbiggestparts Keep N biggest parts Mantieni le N parti più grandi
QGIS Vector geometry knearestconcavehull Concave hull (k-nearest neighbor) Poligono concavo (vicino più prossimo-k)
QGIS Vector geometry linestopolygons Lines to polygons Da linee a poligoni
QGIS Vector analysis listuniquevalues List unique values Lista valori univoci
QGIS Plots meanandstandarddeviationplot Mean and standard deviation plot Grafico della media e deviazione standard
QGIS Vector geometry minimumboundinggeometry Minimum bounding geometry Geometria di delimitazione minima
QGIS Vector geometry pointsdisplacement Points displacement Spostamento punti
QGIS Vector creation pointstopath Points to path Da punti a linea
QGIS Plots polarplot Polar plot Diagramma polare
QGIS Database postgisexecuteandloadsql PostgreSQL execute and load SQL Esegui PostgreSQL e carica SQL
QGIS Vector selection randomextractwithinsubsets Random extract within subsets Estrazione casuale all'interno di sottoinsiemi
QGIS Vector creation randompointsalongline Random points along line Punti casuali lungo la linea
QGIS Vector creation randompointsinlayerbounds Random points in layer bounds Punti casuali nell'estensione del layer
QGIS Vector creation randompointsinsidepolygons Random points inside polygons Punti casuali dentro poligoni
QGIS Vector selection randomselection Random selection Selezione casuale
QGIS Vector selection randomselectionwithinsubsets Random selection within subsets Selezione casuale con un sottoinsieme
QGIS Raster analysis rastercalculator Raster calculator Raster calculator
QGIS Plots rasterlayerhistogram Raster layer histogram Istogramma del raster
QGIS Vector geometry rectanglesovalsdiamondsvariable Rectangles, ovals, diamonds (variable) Rettangoli, ovali, diamanti (variabile)
QGIS Vector creation regularpoints Regular points Punti regolari
QGIS Raster terrain analysis relief Relief Rilievo
QGIS Plots scatter3dplot Vector layer scatterplot 3D Grafico di dispersione 3D del vettore
QGIS Vector selection selectbyattribute Select by attribute Seleziona per attributo
QGIS Vector selection selectbyexpression Select by expression Seleziona per espressione
QGIS Raster tools setstyleforrasterlayer Set style for raster layer Imposta stile per il raster
QGIS Vector general setstyleforvectorlayer Set style for vector layer Imposta stile per il vettore
QGIS Vector analysis statisticsbycategories Statistics by categories Statistiche per categorie
QGIS Vector table texttofloat Text to float Da testo a numero reale
QGIS Raster tools tilesxyzdirectory Generate XYZ tiles (Directory) Genera tasselli XYZ (Cartella)
QGIS Raster tools tilesxyzmbtiles Generate XYZ tiles (MBTiles) Genera tasselli XYZ (MBTiles)
QGIS Interpolation tininterpolation TIN interpolation Interpolazione TIN
QGIS Cartography topologicalcoloring Topological coloring Colorazione topologica
QGIS Vector geometry variabledistancebuffer Variable distance buffer Buffer a distanza variabile
QGIS Plots vectorlayerhistogram Vector layer histogram Istogramma del vettore
QGIS Plots vectorlayerscatterplot Vector layer scatterplot Grafico di dispersione del vettore
QGIS Vector geometry voronoipolygons Voronoi polygons Poligoni di Voronoi
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