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Created October 5, 2017 04:52
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B-Spline Surface Interpolation - Python 3 -
Written by Alex Jaeger
Derived from
import random
import numpy as np
def outputOOGL(controlMatrix, outputMatrix):
# surface polygon
print("{ = CQUAD")
for i in range(outputMatrix.shape[0]-1):
for j in range(outputMatrix.shape[1]-1):
fmtString = "{} {} {} 1 1 1 1"
print(fmtString.format(*outputMatrix[i, j]))
print(fmtString.format(*outputMatrix[i, j+1]))
print(fmtString.format(*outputMatrix[i+1, j+1]))
print(fmtString.format(*outputMatrix[i+1, j]))
# control skeleton polygon
for i in range(controlMatrix.shape[0]-1):
for j in range(controlMatrix.shape[1]-1):
print("{ = SKEL 4 1 ")
fmtString = "{} {} {}"
print(fmtString.format(*controlMatrix[i, j]))
print(fmtString.format(*controlMatrix[i, j+1]))
print(fmtString.format(*controlMatrix[i+1, j+1]))
print(fmtString.format(*controlMatrix[i+1, j]))
print("5 0 1 2 3 0")
class BSplineSurface:
def __init__(self, controlMatrix): = controlMatrix
self.cmSize = controlMatrix.shape
self.nI = self.cmSize[0]-1
self.nJ = self.cmSize[1]-1
Returns a matrix of size outputMatrixSize where the values
are a surface that fits the B Spline Surface created
by the controlMatrix
def interpolate(self, omSize, orderI, orderJ):
i = 0
j = 0
om = np.zeros(shape=omSize, dtype=(float, 3))
incI = (self.nI - orderI + 2) / float(omSize[0] - 1)
incJ = (self.nJ - orderJ + 2) / float(omSize[1] - 1)
knotsI = self._calcSplineKnots(self.nI, orderI)
knotsJ = self._calcSplineKnots(self.nJ, orderJ)
intervalI = 0
for i in range(omSize[0]-1):
intervalJ = 0
for j in range(omSize[1]-1):
cP = [0, 0, 0]
for ki in range(self.cmSize[0]):
for kj in range(self.cmSize[1]):
bi = self._calcSplineBlend(ki, orderI, knotsI, intervalI)
bj = self._calcSplineBlend(kj, orderJ, knotsJ, intervalJ)
cP[0] += bi * bj * ([ki, kj][0])
cP[1] += bi * bj * ([ki, kj][1])
cP[2] += bi * bj * ([ki, kj][2])
om[i, j] = cP
intervalJ += incJ
intervalI += incI
intervalI = 0
for i in range(omSize[0]-1):
cP = [0, 0, 0]
for ki in range(self.cmSize[0]):
bi = self._calcSplineBlend(ki, orderI, knotsI, intervalI)
cP[0] +=[ki, self.nJ][0] * bi
cP[1] +=[ki, self.nJ][1] * bi
cP[2] +=[ki, self.nJ][2] * bi
om[i,omSize[1]-1] = cP
intervalI += incI
om[omSize[0]-1, omSize[1]-1] =[self.nI, self.nJ]
intervalJ = 0
for j in range(omSize[1]-1):
cP = [0, 0, 0]
for kj in range(self.cmSize[1]):
bj = self._calcSplineBlend(kj, orderJ, knotsJ, intervalJ)
cP[0] +=[self.nI, kj][0] * bj
cP[1] +=[self.nI, kj][1] * bj
cP[2] +=[self.nI, kj][2] * bj
om[omSize[0]-1, j] = cP
intervalJ += incJ
om[omSize[0]-1, omSize[1]-1] =[self.nI, self.nJ]
return om
def _calcSplineKnots(self, numControlPoints, order):
totalKnots = numControlPoints + order + 1
knots = [0 for i in range(totalKnots)]
for i in range(totalKnots):
if i < order:
knots[i] = 0
elif i <= numControlPoints:
knots[i] = i - order + 1
elif i > numControlPoints:
knots[i] = numControlPoints - order + 2
return knots
def _calcSplineBlend(self, k, t, u, v):
value = 0
if t == 1:
if (u[k] <= v) and (v < u[k+1]):
value = 1
value = 0
if (u[k+t-1] == u[k]) and (u[k+t] == u[k+1]):
value = 0
elif u[k+t-1] == u[k]:
value = (u[k+t]-v) / (u[k+t]-u[k+1]) * self._calcSplineBlend(k+1,t-1,u,v)
elif u[k+t] == u[k+1]:
value = (v-u[k]) / (u[k+t-1]-u[k]) * self._calcSplineBlend(k,t-1,u,v)
value = (v-u[k]) / (u[k+t-1]-u[k]) * self._calcSplineBlend(k,t-1,u,v) + \
(u[k+t]-v) / (u[k+t]-u[k+1]) * self._calcSplineBlend(k+1,t-1,u,v)
return value
outputMatrixSize = (100, 100)
inputGrid = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=(float, 3))
polyOrderX = 3
polyOrderY = 3
# Testing Data - I need to create a random surface
inputGrid[0,0] = [-10, -10, 10]
inputGrid[0,2] = [-10, 10, 10]
inputGrid[2,0] = [10, -10, 10]
inputGrid[2,2] = [10, 10, 10]
inputGrid[1,1] = [0, 0, -100]
inputGrid[1,2] = [0, 10, -50]
inputGrid[1,0] = [0, -10, -50]
inputGrid[0,1] = [-10, 0, -50]
inputGrid[2,1] = [10, 0, -50]
bss = BSplineSurface(inputGrid)
surface = bss.interpolate(outputMatrixSize, polyOrderX, polyOrderY)
outputOOGL(inputGrid, surface)
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