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Last active July 23, 2023 12:36
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LiveView - Async Assigns Helper
defmodule AsyncAssigns do
import Phoenix.LiveView, only: [connected?: 1, assign: 2, assign: 3]
@doc """
Provides ability to assign default values to the socket, and kick off a
process that will send a message to the LiveView. The message payload will
be assigned as specified.
## Usage
Add the following lines to a specific LiveView, or to the web module
function 'live_view/1` so they will be used in every LiveView.
## Examples
Assign :loading to the :todo_list assign for the current mount call. Spawn
a process that will run the `supplier` function. When the function
completes, a message will be sent back to the LiveView, which will assign the
list returned to the :todo_list assign.
If an error occurs, the :todo_list assign will be set to :error.
def mount(params, session, socket) do
socket = async_assign(
key: :news_list,
default: {:loading, loading_stub()},
on_error: {:error, error_stub()},
supplier: fn socket ->
{:ok, socket}
## Opts
* supplier (required, no default) - function that will be run in a spawned
process, and send results back to parent process. Function has one
argument, which is the socket. This can be used however the user would
like for reference, but the function should not modify, and return the socket.
* key - (default nil) - If defined, the `default` value will be assigned
immediately to the socket. The result of the `supplier` function will be
assigned to this value when it completes.
* default - (default nil) - If defined, this value will be assigned to the
`key` value of the socket within the current process.
* defaults - (default nil) - If defined, this keyword list will be assigned
to the socket within the current process.
* link - (default false) - If true, the spawned process will be linked to the
LiveView process. If an error is raised, the LiveView will crash as the
error will be re-raised. If on_error is specified, the error will not be
re-raised, and the on_error value will be assigned. Therefore it doesn't
make sense to use link if on_error is specified.
* on_error - (default nil) - If not provided, any error produced by
`supplier` will be reraised. If `on_error` is provided, it will be
assigned under the `key` value if specified. If `key` is not specified, a keyword list of
assigns is expected.
@spec async_assign(
socket :: Socket.t(),
opts :: [
supplier: (Socket.t() -> {:assigns, any()} | any()),
key: atom(),
default: any(),
defaults: Keyword.t(),
link: boolean(),
on: [atom()]
) :: Socket.t()
def async_assign(socket, opts \\ []) do
socket = async_assign_defaults(socket, opts)
if Phoenix.LiveView.connected?(socket) do
async_assign_spawn(socket, opts)
defp async_assign_defaults(socket, opts) do
socket =
case Keyword.get(opts, :default) do
nil -> socket
default -> assign(socket, Keyword.fetch!(opts, :key), default)
socket =
case Keyword.get(opts, :defaults) do
nil -> socket
defaults -> assign(socket, defaults)
defp async_assign_spawn(socket, opts) do
parent = self()
supplier = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :supplier)
invoke_and_send = fn ->
try do
result = supplier.(socket)
to_send = case Keyword.get(opts, :key) do
nil ->
{:async_assign, result}
key ->
{:async_assign, [{key, result}]}
send(parent, to_send)
e ->
case Keyword.get(opts, :on_error) do
nil ->
reraise(e, __STACKTRACE__)
on_error ->
assign_error =
case Keyword.get(opts, :key) do
nil ->
key ->
[{key, on_error}]
send(parent, {:async_assign, assign_error})
if Keyword.get(opts, :link) do
defmacro __using__(_opts) do
quote do
@impl true
def handle_info({:async_assign, assigns}, socket) do
{:noreply, assign(socket, assigns)}
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