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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Save agmarrugo/5dfb2fcea52f408429fe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generate acceptance letters for a list of papers downloaded from Easy Chair
# This Python file uses the following encoding: utf-8
import re, subprocess, os, shlex
from string import Template
class REMatcher(object):
def __init__(self, matchstring):
self.matchstring = matchstring
def match(self,regexp):
self.rematch = re.match(regexp, self.matchstring)
return bool(self.rematch)
def group(self,i):
def getFileList(path):
# Returns a list of filenames for all text files in directory
return [os.path.join(path,f) for f in os.listdir(path) if f.endswith('.txt')]
def superWrite(filename,content):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filename)):
with open(filename, "w") as f:
return True
print "Could not write file"
III Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Mecatrónica y Automatización \\
Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, octubre 22 al 24 de 2014.
Cartagena de Indias, \today \\
\textbf{Autores: $author} \\
%\textbf{Docente Universidad De La Salle, D.C., Bogotá}\\
%\textbf{Universidad de Pamplona, Pamplona, Norte de Santander}\\
% \vspace{0.5cm}
\textbf{ID: $id} \\
% \vspace{1.0cm}
\textbf{Título del trabajo: $title} \\
\noindent Estimado autor,\\
Nos complace comunicarle que su trabajo fue aceptado para su presentación como \emph{ponencia oral} en el III Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería Mecatrónica y Automatización - CIIMA 2014. Los detalles sobre la programación y la duración de la presentación serán enviados en la siguiente comunicación.
\noindent Le recordamos que usted deberá registrarse y presentar el trabajo para que salga publicado en las memorias del evento.
Un mismo autor podrá presentar un máximo de dos trabajos.
Cualquier inquietud no dude en contactarnos.
\noindent Cordialmente,
% \includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{firma-andre.png}\\
% Andrés G. Marrugo, Ph.D.\\
% Director comité científico CIIMA 2014
% \begin{overpic}[width=0.4\textwidth,grid,tics=10]%
\put(1,17){Andrés G. Marrugo, Ph.D.}
\put(1,8){Director comité científico CIIMA 2014}
# Get all txt files
revList = getFileList('/Users/Andre/Downloads/down_temp/reviews/individual_reviews/')
# Get list of accepted papers (in html)
with open('/Users/Andre/Downloads/down_temp/accepted.html','r') as AList:
accepted =
#print accepted
newPapers = [223]
for filePath in revList:
# print filePath
#with open('/Users/Andre/Downloads/down_temp/reviews/individual_reviews/submission_3.txt','r') as f:
with open(filePath,'r') as f:
# data =
# m = REMatcher(data)
for line in f:
m = REMatcher(line)
if m.match(r"^PAPER.*\s(\d+)"):
# print line
paperID =
# print paperID
if m.match(r"^TITLE.\s(.*\w)"):
paperTitle =
print accepted.find(paperTitle)>1
# print
if m.match(r"^AUTHORS.\s(.*\w)"):
paperAuthor =
print paperAuthor
paperAuthorY = paperAuthor.replace(" and ", " y ")
# print paperAuthor
# print
# skip = True
# else:
# skip=False
#if skip:
# if paper is in accepted list
# if accepted.find(paperTitle)>1 and (int(paperID) in paperLaSalle) :
# if paper is in accepted list
if accepted.find(paperTitle)>1 and (int(paperID) in newPapers) :
# Replace variables in latex_source
# latex_source %= (paperID,paperTitle,paperAuthor)
# latex_source = latex_source.format(paperID,paperTitle,paperAuthor)
# latex_source = latex_source.substitute(id=paperID,title=paperTitle,author=paperAuthor)
# print latex_source
# One tex file for every submission
# 274NK68052[*NUMBER*]58J49052/carta-aceptación-[*NUMBER*].pdf
path = ''.join(['20140913/274NK68052',paperID,'58J49052/'])
print path
letterName = ''.join([path,'carta-aceptacion-', paperID, '.tex'])
# letterName = + paperID + '.tex'
# print letterName
# with open(letterName,'w') as ftex:
# ftex.write(latex_source.substitute(id=paperID,title=paperTitle,author=paperAuthorY))
proc=subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(''.join(['pdflatex ',letterName])), stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb'))
# Remove aux files
# os.unlink(''.join(['20140913/274NK68052',paperID,'58J49052/','carta-aceptacion-', paperID, '.log']))
os.unlink(''.join(['carta-aceptacion-', paperID, '.log']))
os.unlink(''.join(['carta-aceptacion-', paperID, '.aux']))
# move pdfs
proc=subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(''.join(['mv ','carta-aceptacion-', paperID, '.pdf ', path])))
print "No reviews for this paper."
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