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Created November 6, 2012 21:29
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BDD, como ajuda para métrica de progresso
package persistence
import org.specs2.mutable._
import play.api.test._
import play.api.test.Helpers._
import models.nereida.{Restaurant, City, RestaurantSystem}
import{AddNewRestaurant, FindAllRestaurants, UpdateRestaurant, DeleteRestaurant, FindRestaurantById}
class PrevaylerRestaurantSpec extends Specification with PrevalentSystemWithCities {
"The Prevayler Restaurants" should {
"add new restaurant in system" ! prevalentSystemForTest().addNewRestaurant
"contains one restaurant in system" ! prevalentSystemForTest().containsOneRestaurantInSystem
"find existent restaurant by id" ! prevalentSystemForTest().findExistentRestaurantById()
"update name of existent restaurant in system" ! prevalentSystemForTest().updateNameOfRestaurantOnSystem
"update city of existent restaurant in system" ! prevalentSystemForTest().updateCityOfRestaurantOnSystem
"update name and city of existent restaurant in system" ! prevalentSystemForTest().updateNameAndCityOfRestaurantOnSystem
"delete existent restaurant in system" ! prevalentSystemForTest().deleteRestaurantOnSystem
case class prevalentSystemForTest() {
def addNewRestaurant() = {
val restaurant = (prevayler.executeTransaction("California", firstCity)))
restaurant must not be equalTo(null)
def containsOneRestaurantInSystem() = (prevayler.executeQuery(FindAllRestaurants())) must have size(1)
def findExistentRestaurantById() = {
val restaurant = (prevayler.executeQuery(FindRestaurantById(
restaurant must not be equalTo(null)
def updateNameOfRestaurantOnSystem() = {
val parameters = ("Brasileirinho", null)
val restaurant = (prevayler.executeTransaction(, parameters))).get must be equalTo("Brasileirinho")
def updateCityOfRestaurantOnSystem() = {
val parameters = (null, secondCity)
val restaurant = (prevayler.executeTransaction(, parameters))).get must be equalTo(secondCity)
def updateNameAndCityOfRestaurantOnSystem() = {
val parameters = ("Verdinho", firstCity)
val restaurant = (prevayler.executeTransaction(, parameters))).get must be equalTo(firstCity) must be equalTo("Verdinho")
def deleteRestaurantOnSystem() = {
(prevayler.executeQuery(FindAllRestaurants())) must have size(0)
def oldRestaurant():Restaurant = prevayler.executeQuery(FindAllRestaurants()).head
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