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Leetcode 977. Squares of a Sorted Array

The Optimized implementation of Bubble Sort from GeeksforGeeks failed the below test case:


# @param {Integer[]} nums
# @return {Integer[]}
def sorted_squares(nums)
  nums = { |n| n*n } # square the numbers
  # now lets sort with bubble sort
  array_size = nums.size
  (array_size - 1).times { |i|
    swapped = false
    (array_size - i - 1).times { |j|
      if nums[j] > nums[j + 1]
        nums[j], nums[j + 1] = nums[j + 1], nums[j]
        swapped = true
    # we break out if there was no
    # swapping in the inner loop
    break if not swapped # or break unless swapped

Test Case:


A Better Approach is using the three pointers. It is similar to the Data Structure I #88. Merge Sorted Array. Here we don't even need to square the numbers first. Instead, we create a new array and while comparing the squares at start_idx and end_idx pointers we save them accordingly in the ans array.


# @param {Integer[]} nums
# @return {Integer[]}
def sorted_squares(nums)
  ans = [] # final sorted squares; ans means answer
  # using the three pointer approach
  # just like the problem in Data Structure I
  # 88. Merge Sorted Array
  start_idx = 0
  end_idx = nums.size - 1
  ans_idx = nums.size - 1 # similar to i in problem 88
  while start_idx <= end_idx
    if nums[start_idx]**2 > nums[end_idx]**2
      ans[ans_idx] = nums[start_idx]**2
      start_idx += 1
      ans[ans_idx] = nums[end_idx]**2
      end_idx -= 1
    ans_idx -= 1
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