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Last active November 30, 2023 21:18
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Prune corrupted Docker layers in overlayfs2 storage
# (c) 2023 Stefan Agner
# This scripts attempts to clear corrupted Docker overlay2 storage metadata
# which can be left over after a power failure.
# See also:
# Typically the error message when attempting to pull the image for which
# corrupted layers are in the storage looks like:
# failed to register layer: error creating overlay mount to /mnt/data/docker/overlay2/6ee02298ee75a4f96e77f90551673cb700f29867f9ad1c4e20b8c816bfcf0735/merged: too many levels of symbolic links
# Docker storage directory, intended for Home Assistant OS
# Warning message
echo "WARNING: This script attempts to clear corrupted Docker overlay2 storage metadata."
echo "Use with caution, as it may result in data loss. Ensure you have backups before running this script."
# Initial sanity check for the overlay2 directory
if [ ! -d "$overlay2_dir" ]; then
echo "Error: Directory $overlay2_dir does not exist."
exit 1
# Find unique cache IDs
cache_ids=$(find "$overlay2_dir" -type f -size 0 \( -name lower -o -name link \) -exec sh -c 'basename $(dirname {})' \; | sort -u)
# Check if cache IDs are found
if [ -z "$cache_ids" ]; then
echo "No cache IDs with size 0 found. Exiting."
exit 0
# Count the number of cache IDs found
num_cache_ids=$(echo "$cache_ids" | wc -w)
# Prompt the user for confirmation
echo "Found $num_cache_ids cache IDs with size 0. Do you want to continue and delete them? (yes/no)"
read user_confirmation
# Check user's response
if [ "$user_confirmation" != "yes" ]; then
echo "Operation canceled. No directories were deleted."
exit 0
# Initialize counters for summary
# Iterate through cache IDs
for cache_id in $cache_ids; do
# Find corresponding directory in layerdb
layerdb_dir_path=$(dirname $(grep -r -e "$cache_id" "$layerdb_dir"/*/cache-id))
# Remove cache directory
if [ -d "$cache_dir" ]; then
rm -rf "$cache_dir"
deleted_cache_dirs=$((deleted_cache_dirs + 1))
# Remove LayerDB directory
if [ -d "$layerdb_dir_path" ]; then
rm -rf "$layerdb_dir_path"
deleted_layerdb_dirs=$((deleted_layerdb_dirs + 1))
# Print summary
echo "Summary: Deleted $deleted_cache_dirs cache directories and $deleted_layerdb_dirs LayerDB directories."
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