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Last active November 6, 2015 14:06
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A websockets program for ghcjs that fails with ghcjs 0.2.0 and ghcjs-base commit 23b1311
in chrome console:
JavaScript exception: ReferenceError: h$closeWebSocket is not defined
rts.js:9543 user error (If you can read this, shutdownHaskellAndExit did not exit.)
rts.js:9543 user error (If you can read this, shutdownHaskellAndExit did not exit.)
rts.js:9543 user error (If you can read this, shutdownHaskellAndExit did no
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, JavaScriptFFI, DeriveDataTypeable,
UnboxedTuples, GHCForeignImportPrim, UnliftedFFITypes,
MagicHash, OverloadedStrings
import JavaScript.Web.WebSocket
import JavaScript.Web.MessageEvent
--import JavaScript.Web.Blob.Internal (Blob, SomeBlob(..))
--import JavaScript.TypedArray.ArrayBuffer.Internal (ArrayBuffer, SomeArrayBuffer(..))
--import Data.JSString.Internal.Type (JSString(..))
--import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64.Lazy as B64
main :: IO ()
main = do
ws <- connect WebSocketRequest
{ url = "ws://localhost:2000"
, protocols = ["chat"]
, onClose = Just $ const $ return() -- Maybe (CloseEvent -> IO ()) -- ^ called when the connection closes (at most once)
, onMessage = Just recMessage -- Maybe (MessageEvent -> IO ()) -- ^ called for each message
send "HELLO" ws
recMessage e= -- print "SOMething HAS BEEN RECEIVED"
let d = getData e
case d of
StringData str -> putStrLn "RECEIVED " >> print str
BlobData blob -> error " blob"
ArrayBufferData arrBuffer -> error "arrBuffer"
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