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Created January 30, 2017 07:13
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Transieent: a web with a map-reduce widget and a distributed chat
#!/usr/bin/env ./
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, NoMonomorphismRestriction, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Main where
import Prelude hiding (div,id)
import Transient.Internals
import GHCJS.HPlay.Cell
import GHCJS.HPlay.View hiding (map, input,option,parent)
import Transient.Move
import Transient.EVars
import Transient.Indeterminism
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Transient.MapReduce
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Text as T
#ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS
import qualified Data.JSString as JS hiding (span,empty,strip,words)
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS
import Transient.Logged
import Transient.Internals
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Concurrent.STM
data Options= MapReduce | Chat | MonitorNodes | AllThree deriving (Typeable, Read, Show)
main = keep $ initNode $ inputNodes <|> menuApp <|> thelink
thelink= do
local . render $ rawHtml $ do
a ! href (fs "") $ "source code"
menuApp= do
local . render . rawHtml $ do
h1 "Transient Demo"
br; br
op <- local . render $
tlink MapReduce (b "map-reduce") <++ fs " " <|>
tlink Chat (b "chat") <++ fs " " <|>
tlink MonitorNodes (b "monitor nodes") <++ fs " " <|>
tlink AllThree (b "all widgets")
case op of
AllThree -> allw
MapReduce -> mapReduce -- !> " option mapReduce"
Chat -> chat
MonitorNodes -> monitorNodes
allw= mapReduce <|> chat <|> monitorNodes
-- A Web node launch a map-reduce computation in all the server nodes, getting data from a
-- textbox and render the results returned
mapReduce= onBrowser $ do
content <- local . render $
h1 "Map-Reduce widget" ++>
p "Return the frequencies of words from a text using all the server nodes connected" ++>
textArea (fs "") ! atr "placeholder" (fs "enter the content")
! atr "rows" (fs "4")
! atr "cols" (fs "80")
<++ br
<** inputSubmit "send" `fire` OnClick
<++ br
-- return () !> ("content",content)
guard (content /= "")
msg <- local genNewId
let entry= boxCell msg ! size (fs "60")
r <- atRemote $ do
lliftIO $ print content
r<- reduce (+) . mapKeyB (\w -> (w, 1 :: Int)) $ distribute $ V.fromList $ words content
lliftIO $ putStr "result:" >> print r
return (r :: M.Map String Int)
local . render $ rawHtml $ do
h1 "Results"
mconcat[i "word " >> b w >> i " appears " >> b n >> i " times" >> br
| (w,n) <- M.assocs r]
fs= fromString
size= atr (fs "size")
-- a chat widget that run in the browser and in a cloud of servers
chat = onBrowser $ do
let chatbox= fs "chatbox" -- <- local genNewId
local . render . rawHtml $ do -- Perch monads
h1 "Federated chat server"
div ! id chatbox
! style (fs $"overflow: auto;height: 200px;"
++ "background-color: #FFCC99; max-height: 200px;")
$ noHtml -- create the chat box
sendMessages <|> waitMessages chatbox
sendMessages = do
let msg = fs "messages" -- <- local genNewId
let entry= boxCell msg ! size (fs "60")
(nick,text) <- local . render $ (,) <$> getString (Just "anonymous") ! size (fs "10")
<*> mk entry Nothing `fire` OnChange
<** inputSubmit "send"
<++ br
local $ entry .= ""
guard (not $ null text)
atRemote $ do
node <- local getMyNode
clustered $ local $ putMailbox (showPrompt nick node ++ text ) >> empty :: Cloud ()
fs= fromString
showPrompt u (Node h p _ _)= u ++ "@" ++ h ++ ":" ++ show p ++ "> "
waitMessages chatbox = do
resp <- atRemote . local $ do
labelState $ "getMailbox"
r <- single getMailbox
return r
-- wait in the server for messages
local . render . at (fs "#" <> chatbox) Append $ rawHtml $ do
p (resp :: String) -- display the response
#ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS
liftIO $ scrollBottom $ fs "chatbox"
foreign import javascript unsafe
"var el= document.getElementById($1);el.scrollTop= el.scrollHeight"
scrollBottom :: JS.JSString -> IO()
monitorNodes= onBrowser $ do
local . render $ rawHtml $ do
h1 "Nodes connected"
div ! atr (fs "id") (fs "nodes") $ noHtml
nodes <- atRemote . local . single $ sample getNodes 1000000
local . render . at (fs "#nodes") Insert . rawHtml $
table $ mconcat[tr $ td h >> td p >> td s | Node h p _ s <- nodes]
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