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Created September 8, 2013 19:49
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DoD Global thoughts

DevOpsDays Global disccusion August '13

@geekle & @anthonygoddard (Melbourne represent yo.)


We talked about the need to decentralize DoD as much as possible, with the aim of reducing dependence on Patrick for the small stuff, letting him concentrate on the Big Stuff™

But we need to stay true to what makes DoD awesome

herinlies the challenge. One idea we discussed was to follow the "TEDx" model, where independent organizers are given a time-limited 'license' to run a single event. The license is applied for online, approved by core-organizers who can run through a simple checklist (is the event name too ambiguous (devopsdays USA, devopsdays california, is the event scheduled too close to another geographically close event etc) and in applying for the license, the licensee has to agree to some simple terms (tickets must be available to the general public, videos must be recorded of the talks, tickets mustn't cost more than $x, no vendor talks etc). Licenses would be simple to renew, but can be revoked in cases where the proposed event clearly won't be a devopsdays event and will give people the wrong impression about the quality of a devopsdays event.

Tools vs. culture

We discussed the feeling from some folk that people seem to arrive at a DoD expecting either culture or tools, and that we should ensure that folks know the OpenSpace agenda will be driven by the attendees but that the event might have a theme, or a flavor of talks which will likely direct the type of attendees. Without a theme, it could be worthwhile encouraging organizers to keep a minimum % of cultural or tools talks in the event, or even encourage an openspace that shows the top 10 culture talks or the top 10 tools talks from other events?


There are so many great talks that are given and recorded at events, but it's not easy to track down individual talks to share online. We should put some effort into getting the talks uploaded to youtube as individual talks, and this could possibly be part of the agreement which the licensees agree to (for TEDx, videos are uploaded by each event and then checked by the core TEDx/TED team, who also offer post production advice if required)

Additional sponsorship opportunities

If we can get the video thing happening, a potential new sponsorship opportunity could open up by events selling t he right to advertise pre-roll and post-roll on videos - "This video brought to you by BMC and Dell" After or before the DevOpsDays logo.

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geekle commented Sep 11, 2013

@agoddard, @wickett

It curious to see the organisers (past and current) and see how many haven't attended a DoD previously.
We want to ensure we don't scare anyone off because they haven't attended before.

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wickett commented Sep 12, 2013

Yeah, a venue shortlist would be good enough.

Seeing how DevOps Days is becoming more accessible with more and more locations, I dont think it is unreasonable to say that you need to have someone on your team who has experience attending a DOD event. We want people to have experienced the culture so they can move it forward. We can make exceptions to this as needed, but it doesnt seem too unreasonable to me.

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