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Created November 30, 2012 17:58
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Hacking RStudio

Hacking Rstudio

Based on the following discussion: recommendation-for-a-development-cycle-of-rstudio

Setup a build environment

(The following assumes a unix-based machine)

  1. Read the INSTALL file for many more details.

  2. Fork the RStudio GitHub repository into your own (e.g. ).

  3. On your development machine, clone your repository:

    $ git clone

  4. Install dependencies:

    $ cd rstudio
    $ cd dependencies/linux
    ## on Debian/Ubunto
    $ sudo ./install-dependencies-debian
    ## on RedHat/CentOS
    $ sudo ./install-dependencies-debian
    ## If on other platforms, see other files in 'dependencies'
    $ cd ../..
  5. Verify your build environment - by building everything.

    $ cd rstudio
    # Create a clean out-of-tree build directory
    # (see )
    $ rm -rf build && mkdir build
    $ cd build
    # This will take some time...
    # if all goes well - compile everything
    $ make
    ## on a multi-core machine, parallelize the build to make it faster
    $ make -j 4

Setup a server-side build enviroment

To test the server (CPP) code, building a server-only environment makes development cycle faster.

  1. Create a new build directory, and compile the server

    $ cd rstudio
    $ mkdir build_server
    $ cd build_server
    # Unlink the previous 'cmake', 
    # this time only build the server/rsession components
    $ cmake ../src/cpp -DRSTUDIO_TARGET=All -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
    # make -j 4
  2. Run the development version of rserver:

    $ cd rstudio
    $ cd build_server
    $ ./rserver-dev
    ## nothing is printed, but the server is running

    Open your web browser, and visit http://localhost:8787 to connect to the server.

  3. Troubleshooting:

    If you see an Address already in use error message, it is likely the TCP port number (default: 8787) is in use (perhaps by another running rserver process?). To change Port number, Add the following line to ./rstudio/build_server/conf/rserver-dev.conf:

    1. The default TCP port is 8787
    2. Ports number smaller than 1024 require root permissions - you don't want to run development rserver as root.
    3. Any port number larger than 1024 will do.
  4. Configuration:

    Two relevant configuration files are created: ./rstudio/build_server/conf/rserver-dev.conf and ./rstudio/build_server/conf/rsesession-dev.conf .

    See Rstudio Configuration Options for configuration options.

Changing RStudio code

  1. Create your own git branch, to isolate any changes you from the main Rstudio development branch: (See more details about recommended GIT usage: ).

    $ cd rstudio
    $ git checkout -b feature/my_feature master
  2. Change any server/session related CPP file.

    $ touch ./rstudio/cpp/r/session/REmbeddedPosix.cpp

  3. Rebuild only the relevant parts:

    $ cd rstudio
    $ cd build_server
    # Build all server components
    $ make -j 4
    # Or, build only the server process
    $ make server
    # Or, build only the session process
    $ make rsession
  4. Restart the ./rserver-dev script, and the rserver/rsession processes.

    NOTE: The rserver application starts a new process on every connection, so simply stopping the rserver-dev script by hitting CTRL-C is not sufficient. The following command will kill any rserver/rsession related processed (BUT - if you have unrelated rserver processes running, this might kill them as well).

    $ pkill 'rserver|rsession'

  5. For some good ol' fashioned printf debugging, sprinkle some LOG_WARNING_MESSAGE("TEXT") into the code.

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